#brazen minotaurs
nightscalestudio · 7 months
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The second Deathwatch Veteran. You can find tutorials for painting the Deathwatch on our Patreon. patreon.com/Nightscalestudio
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xenospiza · 3 months
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brazen minotaur :3
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kiame-sama · 10 days
Humans Are Extinct (Yandere!TWST x Fem!Reader) Monster AU pt 2
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(Unicorn Centaur Riddle wearing his dorm clothes. His hooves are golden as well, but he often wears red covers over them to prevent dirt buildup since it is harder for him to clean out his hooves and he refuses to ask Trey for help most times)
Warnings; Several yanderes, platonic yanderes, romantic yanderes, yandere behavior, monster au, fem reader, very few know reader is fem so mostly they/them pronouns used, deranged behavior, centaurs, unicorns, Nemean lions, Vampire Bats, selkies, minotaurs, genies, nagas, magic, talk of eating humans, arguing, mention of virginity, slight Monster AU history mentioned,
The thorn prince arrived to a scene of chaos as he exited the portal from Diasomnia. Many new students were lost and confused as they had been told to stay put while most of the Housewardens searched the halls, some Vice-Housewardens were desperately trying to keep the peace or even join the search at the behest of the Headmage. He certainly wasn't concerned about what they may be searching for, instead he started heading towards his own Vice-Housewarden with a slight spring in his step, joyful at finding such an odd little creature in Diasomnia.
The casual summons had the bat Fae Vice-Housewarden turning to look at the newcomer who had not been expected to make an appearance after receiving no invitation. Naturally, Lilia was surprised that the dour Dragon chose to go against his own code of conduct and arrive at a ceremony he had no true part in. His stern expression did not seem so serious, making Lilia wonder just what had happened to bring Malleus of all students to his side.
"Malleus? I didn't expect to see you here without invitation."
"Yes, well," the prince pouted in response to the reminder, "I have plenty good reason to seek you out despite the lack of invitation."
"Oh? Do tell. You aren't often so brazen about casually entering the company of others."
"The Gargoyles have borne a child of flesh and not stone."
"... What?"
"I found the soft being sleeping beneath the Human-Gargoyle that was made 1010 years ago. They look much like the Gargoyle and don't seem to be of any other Twisted Wonderland species. As they seemed so fragile and their stone parents weren't keen to protect them, I took them to my nest. Of course, it is odd the Gargoyle child was clothed so shortly after being birthed, but removing their shoes to lay them to rest was of no trouble to me."
The conversation had drawn the attention of both the frazzled and the curious who were also equally shocked to see Malleus in the flesh. Of course, it didn't take long for the crow Headmage to intervene, figuring what had happened rather quickly. Before the Headmage could speak, however, Lilia beat him to the punch with a much more patient tone and approach.
"Malleus, after centuries of studying Gargoyles, what do you know is true about all Gargoyles?"
"They are stone of various kinds. They double as spouts to keep water from gathering on roofs. They are often depictions of animals, creatures, and other beings."
"How often have you encountered a Gargoyle that has produced an infant?"
"How often have you encountered a Gargoyle that has produced an infant of flesh and blood?"
Lilia would have laughed in a good humored way if he were not being watched by all of the new students and their seniors who had come to aid them in settling in. It was not Malleus' fault that he came to the conclusion that the Gargoyles had produced offspring, the truth was just as far fetched.
What was interesting Lilia more than the topic at hand was the fact Malleus had taken the wayward Human into his nest. Dragons were rarely keen to share things like their nests or their hoard with others, especially those they know little about. The simple fact that Malleus took the human into his nest was enough to show that the dragon had already taken a unique interest and intended to make the Human a member of his living hoard. Malleus may not often take new creatures or items for his hoard, but the few he claimed had little room to argue as the Dragon was fiercely protective of those he viewed as his.
"What you found, Malleus, is an actual Human. Ironic they took shelter beneath a Human Gargoyle, but they had fled from here perhaps an hour before you arrived. They must have decided to use one of the portals to flee and wound up in Diasomnia instead where you found them. Don't worry, I can get them from your nest so they don't-"
"You will not be taking the Human from my nest, Lilia."
"Oh? Keeheehee~ Have you taken a liking to them, Malleus? Humans are very fragile, you know."
"They may not be the child of a Gargoyle, like I thought them to be, but that does not change the fact that they are in my nest, and under my protection."
It was then a sneering scoff came from the crowd, the new students quickly parting to let the intimidating Nemean Lion strut forward with his tail flicking in annoyance. The man himself had beautiful sun-kissed bronze skin that held the faintest golden glimmer, his shining eyes of acidic green glinted with pride and frustration. Even with his rich dark mahogany colored hair, he gave off a beautiful shine that made him look like he was sculpted out of pure gold.
"And you think you're the best choice for a Human? Human's need light, food, and water, not to be locked up in a creepy ass dungeon that doubles as a nest for an overgrown lizard. That Human is better off in Savanaclaw, not Diasomnia."
Before Malleus could respond to the clear taunt from Leona, another voice with a haughty tone cut in.
"Not even if the Seven proclaimed it, would I believe you can be gentle or safe with a Human, Leona. Nemean Lions were the last holdout group that insisted on eating Humans before they were officially declared extinct."
Approaching with far more grace than he should have was the Housewarden of Pomefiore, the Peacock Harpy Vil. He was clearly posturing as his seven head feathers sat straight up in a clear showing of his crest. Even his tail feathers were slightly fanned out as they caught the light and gave an iridescent display of colors.
"Oh? And what the Hell would you do to protect them, Vil? Doll the Human up in fancy ass clothes and make them preen like a prissy little Harpy?"
"Do speak up, Leona. I could barely hear you over your prideful bitching. Or do you want another scar to even out that scowling expression of yours? Maybe I'll take your eye this time."
This made a snarl escape the golden Lion, his tail lashing violently back and forth in response to the clear threat from the Harpy. Luckily the Headmage had called the other Housewardens to return as well as requesting the teachers to assist in the unusual situation. All he had to do was step between the Lion and Harpy in an effort to keep them from attacking one another until the others showed up.
"I will decide where the Human shall stay and who is safe enough to leave around the Human. They are an extremely rare creature and cannot be treated so callously. You both are Housewardens, please act with the proper decorum."
It was then the clear clopping of hooves on the marble floor could be heard, the others quickly returning to the Hall of Mirrors thanks to Crowley's summons.
"I demand to know the location of the Human! The Queen's rules insist that humans must be protected and cared for properly, and I refuse to allow the mistreatment of one of the Queen's most protected species!"
Each syllable was accompanied by the distinct click of his golden hooves against the stone floors as Riddle came to a slow halt in front of the Headmage. Naturally, the Unicorn Centaur was the first to know any obscure information due to his inherent hunger for knowledge and desire to follow rules. If anyone knew of rules regarding Humans, especially any rules made in by the Queen of Hearts, Riddle would be the one to know them all.
"Riddle, I assure you that the human will be properly cared for-"
"Have you already provided them with adequate snacks that don't have pig-fat in them? The Queen's rule 898 states that all humans must be denied pig heavy meals as they are genetically close enough to pigs that it can cause stomach troubles but must be able to access food consistently due to their digestion processes. Queen's rule 899 states that Humans need to be kept in optimal temperatures that should not exceed the boiling point of water and should not be less than the freezing point of water. Not to mention rule 900 that talks about the proper protocol for finding mates for a human and their regional specific breeding patterns-"
The others couldn't help but stare at the Unicorn Housewarden who continued to prattle off the various rules regarding the treatment of Humans. He was far more sensitive to the wellbeing of the Human as Unicorns were historically rather fond of Humans- female maidens especially- and were the first to oppose the idea of Humans being cattle for other species. As a Unicorn Centaur, Riddle was far more attuned to emotions and natural law than a Harpy would be and far more aware of the fragility of mortality than a Dragon would be.
"The Human will be treated properly with adherence to the rules, Riddle. We should try and trust the Headmage to do that much."
The taller and more intimidating Centaur next to Riddle now spoke, resting a hand atop the shoulder of the temperamental Unicorn. Though he shared similar coloring on his equine half to Riddle, the second Centaur was clearly of a different breed as he was larger and more stocky than the Unicorn. His green hair was ruffled and he had clearly been out searching for the Human with Riddle before they were called back to the Headmage.
"No, Trey, he won't even follow the rules of an unbirthday party! How can I trust that he will do what is required to keep this Human safe and cared for? That virgin human must be protected at all costs!"
"How are you so sure they are a virgin?"
"I can sense their purity!"
Trey continued to try and talk down the upset Unicorn, trying to be a voice of calm and reason to his hot-headed equine companion. This left room for an interjection from yet another Housewarden returning from their search for the elusive Human of Night Raven College.
"Wow! You sure know a lot about Humans, Riddle! I wouldn't expect anything else from the Unicorn who is top in his classes!"
The newcomer's approach came with a golden light that shined from somewhere within his very being. His white hair was a stark contrast to his richly toned skin and crimson eyes, the ever present smile on his face just as dazzling as the gold and jewels that hung from his figure. To his side was his ever consistent Naga companion, the blacks and reds of his scales almost bleeding together in the golden light. The faint flick of golden scales caught in the light of the Genie added to the unusual mystique of the Sand Viper Naga that followed dutifully behind his Housewarden.
"You would know these things too if you payed any attention in class, Kalim!"
"Ouch, a bit harsh, Riddle? I can't help that Trein is so boring sometimes that I fall right asleep! If I knew we were getting a Human classmate, I would have paid more attention."
It was then the Naga spoke up, his voice smooth like honey and just as rich despite the gentle way he spoke. His dark hair was neatly pulled back in intricate braids that ended with a golden trinket and kept most of the dark locks from obstructing his gaze.
"Kalim, even if we didn't get a Human classmate, you should still pay attention in class."
"I guess you're right, Jamil. But still, isn't a human being here exciting?"
"Yes, well, it is certainly unusual..."
"I could keep them safe in my lamp and that way no one has to worry if they are in trouble or not because no one can enter my lamp without my permission anyway!"
"I don't think you could be trusted with a Human like that..."
"What was that?"
"Nothing. In any case, the Human's wellbeing should be top priority given how rare they are. Most Housewardens should be able to protect the Human as needed, but that isn't even mentioning the danger a Housewarden could represent to the Human."
As the conversation carried on and the other Housewardens and Vice-Housewardens returned from their search, the older crow Fae couldn't be more pleased. Taking on a Human would be quite a bit of work for anyone, but it seemed rather clear that the Housewardens were keen to do what was needed for the Human to stay. Not to mention the fact that the heir-apparent of Briar Valley- The Prince of Thorns, Malleus Draconia- had already claimed the Human as one of his protected treasures. There wasn't much protection better than that.
Still, perhaps it would be best to not leave a fragile Human in the nest of an overly protective Dragon.
You woke slowly to the sounds of voices around you, feeling a soft surface beneath your head and a warm blanket wrapped around your figure. It certainly wasn't where you had fallen asleep- as you had been huddled beneath a hideous Gargoyle when sleep finally claimed you- but you weren't really complaining about the plush surface either. If anything, the voices around you that were clearly arguing were causing you more stress than the new location you found yourself in.
"The Child of Man is mine to protect! I will not allow any of you to take them from my nest."
"Malleus, please, we all know the human needs somewhere other than your nest to live. They need their own space and their own home to feel comfortable and not die from stress."
"They are protected here and have their own space here in Diasomnia."
Your increased movements made the arguing quiet down as you sat up, letting out a squeaking sound when you stretched. It was likely the ever present haze of sleep over your mind that kept you so calm despite the unfamiliar surroundings. That calm feeling didn't last long as you received a harsh reminder that you were the only human present. Standing in front of you was a fair-skinned man with dark black hair and monstrous features. His black wings folded slightly as he turned to look at you, bright green eyes examining you quickly for any sign of distress. Atop his head sat two twisting black horns that formed a kind of crown for the regal scaled man standing in front of you.
Past the intimidating man's shoulder you saw the familiar Crow-like man flanked on either side by equally monstrous appearing men.
One of the men had clear black and white hair that copied or complimented the black and white coat hanging from his shoulders. His steel gray eyes seeming so cold until they softened slightly, gazing at you the way one would gaze at a prized pet. This man seemed more human than any of the others you met prior, giving you a small bit of hope that you weren't alone in your plight. Still, there was the high chance that this man was some kind of monster too and just didn't look it at first glance like the others.
On the other side of the Crow stood a man that reminded you of a Bull with long horns that would have knocked into the head of the Crow-man if the Bull were any shorter. The man had deep brown hair and bright blue eyes, his muscular build clear even beneath the red sweat-suit he wore. Despite his Human-like face, he was obviously not human thanks to the clear horns and Bull tail waving lazily behind him.
It appeared- from first glance- that the reptilian man was guarding you from the others rather aggressively and was not keen to let you go with the Crow and his companions. Part of you was glad to feel such comfort, but you also had to wonder just what it was the reptilian man ultimately wanted from you. While you mused this, another voice from behind you startled you into almost jumping from the bed, looking back in surprise at the source of the voice.
You saw what looked like a young man with black and pink hair sitting on the bed near where you had been laying. He had apparent fangs that peaked past his upper lip and two leathery batwings that had clearly endured some damage throughout the years. This man had been present when you fell from the coffin not too long ago, so it confused you that he chose to speak to you now.
"It seems you're finally awake, little Human. Maybe you can help us with our current predicament? You are a rare species that has been believed to be extinct for more than a few centuries now. As one of the top Magic schools in all of Twisted Wonderland, it is the school's job to protect you and keep you safe from those who would wish to see humans extinct once more. Malleus here found you sleeping under the Gargoyles and has decided to claim you- for better or worse- as one of the creatures he needs to protect. That brings us here, to Malleus' nest. They," he gestured to the Crow and his companions, "believe you would be better off with one of the professors guarding and protecting you from the common rabble. Malleus," he gestured now to the reptile man, "is of the mind that you are most protected here in his nest."
You were surprised and confused by the Bat-man telling you all of this as the Crow had given you the impression that your opinion and wants did not matter in the situation you found yourself in. As far as you were aware, the Crow intended to keep you as a pet, but this Malleus person had the same idea and didn't want to share you with the Crow.
"... Why are you in his nest too?"
"Oh, becuase Malleus likes to protect those he cares about. He is a Dragon, after all, and those he cares about are counted among his horde. I have been his teacher for many centuries now, so naturally I am one of his hoard members. Only those who are part of his hoard or Malleus himself is allowed to enter his nest without being burned alive. That means you too now, congratulations."
You now glanced back at the reptilian man, seeing the way he stood with his back to you and wings spread in a shielding action. It made sense that this man was a Dragon given his features and attributes. Despite now knowing a Dragon was guarding you, you still had no idea why these people were so desperate to get their hands on you. Even if they were right and Humans were extinct, that didn't mean it made much sense to you for them to try and keep you as a pet like this.
"So, sweet little Human, what would you like?"
"I would like people to say my name and not call me Human."
"My apologies, it has been a hectic day thus far. What is your name?"
"It's (Y/n). (Y/n) (L/n)."
"(Y/n) (L/n)... The last Human in Twisted Wonderland."
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authordanielleforrest · 3 months
Chased by the Minotaur
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He’s acting like a frickin’ virgin.
She froze at the thought.  
Maybe he was? He was lonely, alone, never seeing anyone but his nephew and criminals. What opportunities would he have for sex in that situation? She couldn’t imagine any.  
She looked over at him, still looking away shyly, and saw him in an entirely new light. He looked big, but there was an awkwardness to him as well, like he didn’t know what to do in this new situation. It reminded her of a teenager, but somehow she doubted he was that young.
They could sit down somewhere, talk, get to know each other, but after the fantasies she’d had back on her ship and some of her thoughts down in this maze, that wasn’t really her first inclination. Instead, she wanted to explore his body, get to know him in the most Biblical sense possible. He was stacked, with big muscles everywhere, and she was desperate to know what his fur felt like. It was thinner and finer across his abs where she’d initially touched him, but it was thicker elsewhere, and the not knowing was killing her.
But she wouldn’t cross a boundary without his permission. Touching him briefly like that had probably already been a bit much, but she hadn’t been thinking of it in a sexual way at the time. Now, she was.
“What’s you name?” she blurted out, because if she was contemplating sex with him, she absolutely wanted to know what name she should be screaming.
“You’ve… gotta be kidding me.”
“What?” Again, his brows furrowed, and she suspected he was confused.
She shook her head. “Nothing.”  She took in a breath and sighed. “Okay, here goes. I would like to have sex.” She almost cringed when she said it. It was the most brazen, direct thing she’d ever said in her life, but she wasn’t sure how else to broach the subject without potentially crossing some unseen cultural boundaries.
“What’s that?”
He… didn’t know what sex what?!
“Sex? It’s…” How the fuck do I describe sex? She had never really thought about having kids, so the birds and bees conversation wasn’t really one she was prepared to have now. “Um, it’s, I guess, the act of giving or receiving pleasure. I don’t know. I’ve never had to describe it before.”
“Can you… show me?”
Her eyes bulged. “Yes?” she squeaked out, embarrassing herself. She cleared her throat. “Can you drop your pants?”
His brows furrowed again, but his hands reached for the front of his pants, and a moment later, they were sagging around his knees.  
He was… breathtaking. He had a thick pelt on his legs that she desperately wanted to run her fingers through, which led up to his groin where the fur thinned and eventually disappeared. His penis dangled long and thick between those powerful legs, looking remarkably normal in spite of its size.
Sadie stepped forward, indulging herself by digging her fingers into the fur on his legs, massaging the muscles there and slowly but surely working her way north. It was too much of a pain to look him in the eye from this position, so she instead paid attention to his body language. Every time he leaned into a touch. Every time he clenched his muscles or pulled back.
When her hands finally reached the promised land, her fingers not quite touching that intimate flesh, she made the effort to lean back so she could see his face and make eye contact. “Is this okay? Do you want me to continue?”
He nodded, his eyes wide and practically glowing.
She smiled, then leaned forward again, this time curling her fingers around his base. He was so tall, it was surprisingly comfortable to do this while standing. She worked her hand up his length, twisting as she went, exploring his every contour to see what he seemed to like. He was alien, after all. She couldn’t rely on what humans enjoyed.  
By the time she made it to his head, he was already hard and leaking pre-cum, and… bigger, thicker, heavier. She had to use both hands just to hold him because, especially with the copious creamy liquid leaking out of him, she just couldn’t get a good grip otherwise.  
Continue reading on Ream: https://reamstories.com/page/lgcjnfvhyn/story/ltlv35v84u/chapter/ccac19a6-6a08-4211-9f69-13c8f2ba4fa9
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eric-coldfire · 1 month
Playable Chapters in Space Marine 2's PvE coop mode (as of preview build).
All 9 Loyalist Legion chapters, Dark Angels, White Scars, Space Wolves, Imperial Fists, Blood Angels, Iron Hands, Ultramarines, Salamanders, and Ravenguard, plus the Black Templars.
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Unknown Founding successor chapters.
Blood Ravens, Carcharodons, Exorcists, Minotaurs, Omega Marines, Red Scorpions, Storm Giants, and Taurans.
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12 Ultramarine successor chapters are listed as DLC.
Brazen Consuls, Castellans of the Rift, Doom Eagles, Genesis Chapter, Hawk Lords, Iron Hounds, Libators, Nova Marines, Praetors of Orpheus, Scythes of the Emperor, Tome Keepers, and Void Tridents.
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While you won't be able to play with the Chaos Marine models outside of PvP, you will be able to have the colors of the Black Legion, World Eaters, Night Lords, Death Guard, Iron Warriors, and Alpha Legion in PvE.
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lazodiac · 5 months
Once more we return to Outlaws of Thunder Junction. We've got some more critters to identify so lets get to doin' that! Last time we dealt with Black, with the other parts being here and here. For now though, it is time to tackle...
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As with the Black cards, Hellspurs like this have mutated themselves beyond all belief so they're now functionally native to Thunder Junction. Love those magmatic skeleton horses though.
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Speaking of magmatic skeleton horses; look at this baby! Calamity is an incredible creature and is a (supremely fucked up) legendary of the plane.
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Get caught up in it! This is once more the Hellspurs running rampant with their chaos mutations. Look at'em go!
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I saw a weird amount of hate for this card, but I have no understanding as to why. Anyway, this little doggy is endemic to Thunder Junction.
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I have no real justification for this but the vibe this lady gives me is Tarkir. Maybe it is the weaving through the lightning bolts?
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Rakdos having a hell of a time here on the party plane. This is from Ravnica, and a good reminder of why one of the laws on that plane is "The Rakdos Cult can do what they want to keep their boss from getting uppity".
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One of the funnest cards in terms of like, flavorfully showcasing the way Thunder Junction works as a plane. I kinda wish we had more of these to be honest.
I'm marking this one down as Amonkhet because that's the first thing she brought up, and it makes the most sense to me that a native of the plane would be best suited to selling that stuff. I likely shouldn't go shopping in a bazaar.
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While this isn't a direct story spotlight (the bomb Breeches made explicitly DID NOT touch the train, as was the intent) I think it is safe to say this is still another one of his more deadly explosive endeavors, so this is from Ixalan.
Who trusts a monkey with explosives anyway?
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I forget where I heard this, but this is the thunder of the plane mutating the creatures to become even stronger- this used to be a gopher! Now it's a getter instead. Endemic to Thunder Junction.
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A courser is the term used for stronger, swifter horses typically used as war-horses. Sturdy bastards. This is a lizard that is a 4/2 so it really shouldn't be a courser I think? Either way, native to Thunder Junction.
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Train heists can happen on like two other planes from Thunder Junction, but this particular style of train heist belongs to it and it alone. Also I love the tomahawk thunder-pistol in this art, that's some good shit right there.
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Another Hellspur, another card that sources itself from Thunder Junction itself. I fucking love this art though, look at it!
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The greatest tragedy of Thunder Junction being the plane it is is that we didn't get to se Angrath and his daughters. While you could prooobably place this minotaur to Dominaria, it's a Hellspur so it's a Hellspur. You know the drill.
Do you think it hurts replacing your eyes with a heated vent-grill?
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I don't think I saw this card in my initial run-through of the set. I love that he has a gold fang tooth replacement, that's fun. One of the least mutated Hellspurs so probably from New Capenna, but my rules are my rules. Thunder Junction!
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Technically not highway robbery as there is no highways on this plane. Native to Thunder Junction.
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TWAS I WHAT SET THE BLAZE! Endemic life of Thunder Junction, and quite a lovely little critter at that.
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This one took a bit of thinkinng, but after looking at the giants of various planes, I think this is from Dominaria. He's just got the vibe.
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This his friend above, this minotaur is a trickier one to place... but I think he's from Ravnica. Ex Boros turned gunslinger, you know how it is.
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Magda! This lovely lady is from Kaldheim! Ironically her previous card was "Brazen Outlaw" but in neither instance is she ACTUALLY an outlaw mechanically. Her tokens are the non-endemic Scorpion Dragons of Gastal, but I won't be counting tokens till the end so leave me be.
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This toasty little critter is endemic to the plane- and probably used to have a diet of thunder before any wizards came about with some much easier prey to snatch up.
I like to believe the little jet of flame is its tongue.
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This pair of soon to be very dead friends are Hellspurs- and I just wanna say, they look like they're having the times of their lives. Here for a good one, not a long one and all that.
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More Hellspurs doing Hellspur stuff. God these mutations are freaky- I'm shocked none of the people who are horny for being a Phyrexian jumped at these.
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Our first actual carded appearance of the Cacti Folk of the plane! A white card had one being picked up by a faerie but this is their first actual like, real card! They're endemic to Thunder Junction, and by rights are the actual honest to god native population of the plane.
The corn-cob guns are an inspired choice, tbh.
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I personally call bullshit that the Thunder was created by the Omenpaths. Even if it was, none of the people coming here would fucking know that.
Really love the "animation" in this card. I'm gonna say she's from Innistrad because this weapon looks like it'd fit there.
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This massive porcupine is, as you'd expect, native to Thunder Junction. So many of those in Red...
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This master of Santoryu is categorically just explicitly a monkey-goblin from Ixalan. What a perfect little creature, look at him go.
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The second half of that kaiyote up above. Put'em together and you get a fun little image. This is of course native to Thunder Junction.
Have enough people chased roadrunners for this saying to catch on in the yearish they've had to live here? That's one hell of a meme infection...
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This art was a little hard to parse, but it's something huckin' a molten knife through some kind of storm of Thunder. I like it, but it's impossible to tell where it is from.
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It's not got as much bondage as you'd expect for them, but I think these two are from the Rakdos Cult and are doing their best to branch out. Ravnica, then!
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The dinosaur tokens and the dinosaurs in his art are all Ixalani, so this wonderful old man is from there as well. Like I said we'll counter the tokens later.
And that's it for now, tune in soon for Part 2 of the Red cards of OTJ!
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cappycapital · 7 months
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Imagine combining Three different greek myths / things into one DND oc (Brazen Bull, Minotaur, Apollo red cow) and then kerblam you get this thang
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explodingcarr0t · 8 months
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RWBY X Warhammer 40k - Sister Nikos
Bladeguard Veteran Nikos of the Brazen Minotaurs
A new take on Pyrrha as a Space Marine
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danco110 · 1 year
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“Burn their fleet to the waterline, and sink whatever’s left.”
Angrath turned away from both his captives and his own crew, shocking both groups with his orders. The bound vampires kneeling on the deck trembled in fear, and one particularly brazen deckhand even stepped forward in their defense.
“Er, don’t that seem a bit much, Cap’n?”
The minotaur turned back to face the others, his arms folded across his chest and his face twisted into an angry snarl.
“I can only use my chains to control so many prisoners at a time. And any one of em I don’t lasso could stick me in my sleep. It’s the safest way.”
“But, Cap’n,” pleaded the goblin, her confidence waning, “we can watch the dogs for ya. I’ll do it myself if ya’d just-”
Angrath clenched his fists, causing the already glowing chains wrapped around his chest to glow white with heat.
“You, I trust. The rest of you…”
Angrath glared out at the rest of his crew, causing them to shudder just as much as the vampires.
“…I could throw further. I’ve got half a mind to use the chains on y’all, as well. Just to make sure.”
The goblin took a daring step forward. “Cap’n…we’re loyal. All of us.”
“Are you, now?”
The rest of the crew nodded frantically as the deckhand continued speaking. “Yessir. These mosquitos…I’ll admit, I dunno…”
Before the captive vampires could profess their loyalties, truthful or otherwise, Angrath waved a giant hand in their direction.
“Tie em up in a dinghy, and send em back to what’s left of their ships.”
“Yer makin the right decision, Cap’n.”
Angrath let out a sad laugh. “I know for sure that I am not. They’ll be back, on some other ship, some other crew.”
As the rest of the crew carried the prisoners to a nearby skiff, the deckhand closed the rest of the distance between her and Angrath, solemnly patting the minotaur on his pants leg. “Don’t worry, Cap’n. We’ll get you home.”
“No you won’t,” Angrath snapped instinctively, before immediately softening. “But…thanks.”
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[Headcanon: Angrath’s spark ignited from being backstabbed, sold out by a friend in classic spaghetti western fashion.]
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sadruru · 7 months
"Captivity begins with one's own mind."
A story about Melissa with an old illustration (old, yep, from last year!). As it turns out, Baphomet has played a cruel trick on her. This is a very important part in her story. Later I will illustrate this moment in the comic strip. Doesn't everyone in Baphomet's lineage like to play with nerves???? HAHAHAHAHA ;D I love how it turned out anyway! Why not post it here? I just wanted to reveal a bit of her character back when I wasn't drawing comics yet. I'm a not good writer. I tried very carefully to translate (maybe). That's a lot of reading to do, hehehe. Enjoy the despair ~ ...
The heart of demon lord Baphomet's domain - the Inevitability Prison. Another room. Another torture chamber. This place is part of an eternal labyrinth, littered with suffering souls and their torturers.
The labyrinth was the property of Baphomet, and once again the commander felt the call of the Abyss. The call of destruction and murder confused the thoughts in her head. The commander could hardly contain herself, venting her anger at the servants of the Father of the Minotaurs. A weary glance fell on the cracked mirror in the corner. The commander saw her reflection and - vaguely and briefly - the master of this prison glimpsed in it
No one noticed how Melissa had fallen behind the squad. Does no one see it but her? Does no one hear it?
- How long you gonna hide from us, goat?! I've had enough of these stupid riddles! Give me back the Hand of the Inheritor, or I'll gladly find you again and gut you! - a cheeky grin touched her face. Her eyes lit up with scarlet fire.
Baphomet let such a brazen insult pass his ears. He grinned, glaring intently at his enemy.
His eyes reflected… victory?
- An empty boast, mortal. But I see our last conversation has borne results,- he pointed a finger at his forehead with a bloody, burning star, repeating what he had once said: - "Captivity begins with your own mind". There was that phrase again. From the first few seconds it had been lingering in the commander's mind. Melissa didn't understand why those words were so irritating to her.
- Are you showing off again? Threats don't scare me.
- I'm not threatening you. Rather, I'm reminding you that I've studied you, your thoughts and feelings. There's no need to get rid of you myself. I wonder what will happen first - will your mind destroy itself now or afterward, if you close the Abyss? I've met your kind before. It doesn't always take physical strength to defeat you. - every word was infused with arrogance and poison.
- What the hell are you...
- A world-abused, terrified, unhappy tiefling-child. You know what I mean? You're in my domain. Your mind is like an open book. Still remembering all your hurts? - in the shards of the mirror there are pictures of the past and faces of familiar people, - Do you remember the face of your dear mother that day? No... But that look! So cold, unfamiliar, empty... You admired her so much.
The smug grin quickly disappeared from Melissa's face.
Everything came into view as if it had happened yesterday, when her happy childhood had begun to crack.
- And your beloved father? What did he do to you? Do you remember the mad fear for your life, the pleas for mercy? Which gods did you turn to then? A poor kitten, tied up, thrown into the raging river in a dirty, cramped sack, without the slightest hope of rescue...
- Stop it!
The wounds never healed, even after many years. The pain always returned, coming in waves, and each time it was worse. It became hard to breathe. Blood boiled with rage. A drop of cold sweat rolled down her cheek.
Trying to break free of the illusion was futile.
The commander realized that this was nothing more than another trick… But her soul was still torn apart.
The demon lord's words hurt like knives.
- What about old friends? A friend who deemed you useless and betrayed you for the sake of her freedom and safety. The laughter in her eyes. The cracked skull of a dear comrade who died because of you. And you only escaped and survived because of him!
- I said enough! Stay out of my head! - Melissa's voice trembled, her legs shaking under the weight of her past. Her chest was squeezing painfully.
- Have you ever thought about what will happen when the crusade is over? Will your "faithful" companions, all those people, still need you? What about that boy, who fell in love with someone like you? Have you wondered: are they not using you because you are useful?
The demon lord's voice changed. It became almost affectionate:
- They will quickly forget your existence and get rid of you. They will look at you the same way, like the dirt beneath their feet, tiefling. That's the way it was, is, and always will be. No one will be there for you like the day you died. It was scary to die helplessly, slowly, alone, with your neck cut, wasn't it? Once again, the world condemned you to die.
- Shut your fucking mouth, asshole!!!!
A cry of pure anger echoed through the dark corridors. Her fist struck the fragile mirror with all its force, ending its existence.
And only in her ears could she still hear the laughter of the Lord of the Labyrinth.
A hellish pain brought her back to her senses: the shards were embedded in her arm. The companions found Melissa quickly enough. The leopard led them to his mistress. She was sitting on her knees. As soon as she raised her head, she could read the shock and worry on her companions' faces.
It seemed like an eternity had passed, not a couple minutes.
Something was wrong.
Something had changed in the commander - everyone understood it from the first second. Melissa looked at her companions. In the red eyes read a lot of things… Doubt? Distrust? Despair? Like a wild animal trapped in a cage, surrounded by enemies.
From that moment on, nightmares and insomnia began to plague her more and more often, almost every night. In Drezen, many people noticed the change in Melissa. The fun, cheerful girl was turning into a walking corpse, repelling any attempt to speak or care for her. Periodically she repeated the same thing quietly, barely noticeable, like a curse:
- Captivity begins with one's own mind… She's broken like the shards of a mirror.
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nightscalestudio · 2 months
To be considered a Veteran of the Deathwatch, a battle-brother must accomplish great and glorious things, and mark himself out as a true instrument of war, above and beyond even the transhuman capability of the Adeptus Astartes.
painting tutorials: https://www.patreon.com/Nightscalestudio
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katchcern · 1 year
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Trying out a design
[ID: Digital drawing of a bronze, quadrupedal minotaur, based off a brazen bull, standing in profile, swinging a cat o' nine tails whip. It glows red glowing with an internal flame. It billows smoke from its mouth. End ID]
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kharrneth · 3 months
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A lesser known aspect of Khorne is that of Khorgar the Virile, also called Khorgar the Bullish, the Vital, and the Eight-Horned. While other aspects are decidedly canid in their appearance, Khorgar is bovine; a bullish god with eight gnarled horns. It is a name many beastmen know Khorne by, namely the minotaurs, who are the most likely to fall into his sole worship.
Opposite Slaanesh, who is praised as a fertility god and sometimes associated with cows, Khorgar represents virility and is associated with bulls. He represents health, strength of body, vigor, and the fathering of children. In the latter sense, Khorgar differs from Slaanesh in that children conceived by Mighty warriors under his creed are specifically created with the purpose that they will grow and take up the sword to shed blood -- either their own or the foes -- in order to satisfy the thirsting Blood God. Slaaneshi fertility revolves more around the act of coupling itself; children are simply the product of such experiences, but not the purpose.
Though the name originates from Beast-Tongue, it has found a home among the languages of men and marries well with the Norscan propensity to venerate all things masculine. When Norscan men desire strong sons to carry on their name, they call upon Khorgar. When women desire the strength to push a child into the world and survive the experience, they too may call upon Khorgar, asking for a healthy child (again, sons are preferred) in return for the bloody process of birth and the promise that the child will ensure that there is endless war, as Khorne desires.
Despite being imagined as a bull, the animals are not necessarily sacred to Khornates, even those who worship his aspect as Khorgar. Bulls, namely young, untamed and virile ones, are butchered in a variety of rites. Those who claim communion with the divine may use the entrails of the animal to tell futures and see omens-- and they are accurate enough to be readily believed by the rest of a given tribe.
Khorgar is commonly invoked by mortals, but not so much by daemons. By the time a man has become a Chaos Warrior of Khorne or a Beastmen chosen of the Blood God, any notions such as breeding warriors into the world to kill for Khorne are usually drowned out by the desire to spill blood directly. Khornates are not much for planning, especially not so far ahead, however some Daemon Princes, such as Urlf Daemonkin, recover or retain their personhood and sanity and cultivate their bloodlines and mortal descendants after they obtain Daemonhood.
Khorgar is likely the origin of such sayings as "brass balls" in reference to Khorne, who is otherwise explicitly divorced from, and denigrating of, any kind of sexuality. Alternatively a man of noted courage may be said to have brass balls, an indication of brazenness.
There are some who take umbrage with this aspect of Khorne, claiming it is a facade of Hashut, the bullish Forge-God or worse: Slaanesh himself. They claim it is an attempt by that god and his followers to edge in on the rightful claim of Kharneth.
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cursed-40k-thoughts · 2 years
The Minotaurs used to be the Brazen Partisans but the bovine imagery was added when Riskavler realized how much she liked huge men wearing cowbells and cow-prinr jockstraps
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spewagepipe · 1 year
Dungeon23/08/02: Minotaur Arena
A classic labyrinth isn't complete without an awful monster at its centre. A minotaur, of course – but since Determined doesn't offer much in the way of meaningful differences between a minotaur and a simple ogre, I've decided to take some artistic license with it. The Minotaur, as it appears here, will hopefully be one of the most dangerous monsters on any floor – and, if the players want to eliminate it for good, then they'll have to face it in this chamber at the centre of the maze.
I came back to the concept of a labyrinth repeatedly while brainstorming floor theme ideas – as an excuse to include more abstract puzzles, as a context for including more chamber ideas inspired by Greek myths, and now, ultimately, because I've found enough different kinds of mazes that it's feasible to make an entire floor out of them.
On a floor that is mostly about the inherent navigational challenge, I was hesitant to include monsters at all – wouldn't it be nifty to have this totally depopulated section where you simply have to grapple with the terrain and the puzzles, but nothing actively threatens your life? That idea may still make an appearance later on, but as it stands there were a few too many iconic "maze" monsters that I felt needed to make an appearance. Still, the demographics of this floor will be a little unusual: fewer monsters in total, with random encounters less likely to occur overall – and yet I've opted to crank up the relative odds of an encounter with each of the major inhabitants of the labyrinth.
For the minotaur itself, I have drawn inspiration from the concept of the "brazen bull" as well as D&D's own "gorgon" (which, despite its name, more closely resembles an armoured catoblepas than Medusa). It'll be an immortal iron construct not unlike the golem from the tutorial floor (albeit far harder to injure) with a flame in its heart, such that its metal skin is red-hot. Being near the minotaur at all will cause burns, and actually touching it results in instant incineration. But, if the players should happen to kill it out in the halls, they'll also find that it tends to reassemble itself (a la the Golden Army from Hellboy) in the central chamber – so their victory is pyrrhic unless they can prevent the regeneration process.
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pax-imperium · 3 years
Another support squad, this time with stalker bolters. So far only the chapter symbols are done, company colours are still undecided, I might get some 9th company in there as these are supposed to be support specialists
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