#braxton murder drones
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Thads Shindig
A Murder Drones Story Containing every named character+more (yes all ~50 of them, some never seen before, full cast list in tags)!
part 1.
word count - 4,448
Uzi - *playing a video game*
N - *entering*Hi Uzi… last week was… kinda wild.
Uzi - *unattentive*yep.
N - you know with the whole Eldritch J thing that was pretty insane, proms coming up which I guess is exciting. Because you know this story is set somewhere between episode 2 and 3.
Uzi - *still not listening*cool… Hey, I’ve got a second controller if you want to play video game with me.
N - you know I don’t like video game Uzi, plus we have to go soon.
Uzi - wait… go where?
N - well it's Thad’s shindig soon.
Uzi - oh cool, I’ll be heading offline in a minute anyway, this old hag—*reading username* SeaweedLoverXD has just been spawn camping me for the last half hour.
Nori - *over the mic* OLD HAG?
Uzi - *putting on headset*yeah, you virgin loser, you heard me!
Nori - Virgin?! Well I’ll have you know little miss Nobody, I am a mother of a darling daughter and if I ever caught her saying anything remotely similar to the insults you’ve been throwing my way I wouldn’t hesitate washing her mouth out with soap and water!
Uzi - whatever, die mad. *logs off*
*Meanwhile in a distant spaceship*
J - [you died idiot]
J - ughh, my head [Lost Memory Recovery Finished]... oh … oh! ... I liked that pen.
J - *getting out of bed only to lose balance and collapse on the floor* … I’m okay! That was strange… My limb enhancements! Where are my limb enhancements?! *mad* Tessa! *pouting* Right now I bet I look like a common toaster! And why is it so dark? Are we conserving energy now?!
J - *walking through the spaceship arriving at a door labelled ‘Tessa. Knock first’*
J - *opening the door to a pitch black messy room,a pool of oil and blood pools out of the room*
Flesha - GET OUT!*throws Tessa’s helmet square at J cracking her visor slightly before slamming the door shut*
J - Tessa… I’m sorry.
Flesha - Learn to knock!
J - *picking up Tessa’s helmet* I think you dropped this.
Flesha - … *slowly opens the door slightly before lashing out and snatching the helmet quickly with a black tendril before retreating back into the room. Grotesque, bone cracking sounds follow*
J - …m,may I come in.
Tessa - sure, please mind the mess. I usually try to keep things clean but I guess you can say I haven't really been myself.
J - *entering* You know I’ve been reading some human literature and ‘arrogance and comedy’ are generally not considered a good coping mechanism.
Tessa - oh so you’re an expert on my well being are you?
J - your parents instructed me to protect you so yes!
Tessa - Well, look how that turned out! You’ve seen what's left of me, of what I become, I am a monster!
J - We’re all monsters Tessa, in our own way. I can see you're tired, I am here to grab my limb enhancers then I will be off.
Tessa - oh… yeah, I’ve been making modifications, it's still really buggy, they need more time though.
J - can’t I just borrow N's spare set? Been wondering what having feet feels like.
Tessa - no… I’ve been thinking, breaking into the Worker Drones commune is difficult, entering by force is doing little good and the plan to try and hack its main frame has only led to many complications.
J - you can code?
Tessa - nope. Like I said, complications. Anyhow, returning to the subject, right now no one could differentiate you from any other worker so you can head down and do some spy work… like James Bond and such.
J - do I have any say in this?
Tessa - nope.
J - *annoyed* then I’ll prepare my landing pod. *leaving* and Tessa, you shouldn’t just allow Cyn to walk over you…
Tessa - It's her body as much as mine and without it I would be dead.
*meanwhile, in the commune*
Doll - Мать. Отец.
Doll - Ты будешь гордиться мной
Doll - Получите ответы и освободите вас
Doll - Не волнуйтесь, чего бы это ни стоило,
Doll - я ухожу
Doll - И я клянусь прям�� сейчас
Doll - Что бы не случилось со мной
Doll - Любой, кто встанет или встанет на моем пути, заплатит
Doll - Они... будут... платить
Lizzy - hey babe, quit praying to the corpses of your dead parents, we have a party to attend.
Doll - иду :3
*meanwhile deep underground*
V - *carrying a large pile of dead worker drones while being chased by a horde of Sentinels* oh RoboLord oh RoboLord oh RoboLord oh RoboLord oh RoboLord oh RoboLord oh RoboLord why did I agree to this! *runs through door and slams it shut*
Alice - hey looky here, another one of those slick murder drones.
V - *shoots her in the centre of her head*
Beau - O.O!!!!!
V - What are you looking at… well I had to kill her? That was a perfectly sane reaction to seeing someone that creepy!...*picking up Alice's dead body* hey, you seem pretty cool, want to join me, I’m heading to a party.
Beau - O.O…*réaliser qu'un refus peut signifier la mort* 👍
*meanwhile in the doorman home*
Uzi - come on N. How are you still not ready?!
N - I’m still doing my hair!
Uzi - well hurry up, we’re going to be late!
Khan - well where are you two kids heading off too?
Uzi - a party, it's cool kids only so obviously you’re not invited.
Khan - haha, on account of me not being a kid.
Uzi - sure. Let's go with that.
Khan - well, I hope you two kids have fun. Make sure you use protection.
Uzi - *blushing* DAD!!! What the robo-hell?!
Khan - What? I’m just saying there could still be some of those evil murder drones running around.
Uzi - oh |:
Kahn - well, I best be heading off too, it's poker night at the defence force. *leaves*
N - hey Uzi, I’m ready… How do I look?
Uzi - *hiding her blushing* great, let's go!
*meanwhile outside the commune*
Reid - *searching around the snow*
J - *wearing a fake moustache*what are you doing here, don’t you know this is Disassembly Drone territory.
Reid - oh hi, i didn’t see you there… Wait, what's a Disassembly Drone?
J - …you misheard me… I said Murder Drones.
Reid - Well, if you have to know, I’m looking for my glasses, and I don’t think the Disassembly Drone will be any issue, after the redemption and all.
J - Well, I’m lost, do you mind helping me find my way to the commune.
Reid - I’ll show the way once I’ve found the glasses.
J - ughh, I will help you find your glasses.
J - are these your glasses?
Reid - …no, how curious, I wonder who they belong to?
J - don’t care *tosses Vs glasses away* lets just find your glasses quickly then we can be off.
*meanwhile in the distant spaceship*
Tessa - *meddling with Js new limb enhancers and optic sensors* What do you want? (I’m bored sister, may I go and play). Not now, I’m currently using the body, can it wait? (no)... does it have to be flesh (digital will be fine) very well. *she zips back part of her suit allowing for a long Absolute Tendril to rip out. From the tendrils eye, a projection emerges*
Cyn - Thanks big sister big smile.
Tessa - *soldering* I can't play right now, there's some lego in the cupboard over there.
Cyn - :3
Tessa - *thinking to herself*What is J doing?! How has she still not yet made it to the commune!
Cyn - *surrounded by lego*you think she might be a traitor.
Tessa - no.
Cyn - lying is silly big sister, I live in your mind and you live in mine.
Tessa - I know, you’re very clever.
Cyn - big grin.
Intercom - *video call incoming*
Tessa - behave yourself now Cyn *starts the call*
Lord Frumptlebucket - by Golly Tessa you baboon, JCJenson Corp has been up my ass all week because you haven’t been answering your calls? I want a mission status immediately.
Tessa - all is going well, we’re attempting a temporary alternative plan to gain intel.
Lord Frumptlebucket - well that's all and good but you need to keep the parent company informed and who is that… thing? She looks familiar.
Tessa - oh she, counter insurgency.
Lord Frumptlebucket - counter insurgency?!
Tessa - yes, I'm babysitting for the Worker Drones. If we can gain there favour, the genocide will be that much easier.
Lord Frumptlebucket - very good… By the gods of Santorini what the beggars fool is that thing protruding from your nave?!
Tessa - o.o!... *improvising*well, you see, you know how it is… during that time of the month… (:
Lord Frumptlebucket - *embarrassed*uh ummm, oh yeah of course i am aware of how… that works, sorry about that, I best be off.
Intercom - *video call ended*
Tessa - out of all the people you could have failed to kill at the Gala.
*meanwhile outside the commune*
Reid - haha! I found them.
J - great! *grabbing the Worker drone by the collar* we’re going now! And I just want to make it clear, I am no fan of small talk!
Reid - … noted
Reid - aha, we’re here. *banging on the door*
Braxton - *partially opening the door* oh, it's you… and a random teen?
Ron - *from inside*Hey, that's my job?!
J - Teenager?!
Reid - yeah, do you mind letting us in?
Braxton - of course, by the way my name is
J - *angry* JUST OPEN THE DOOR! (calm yourself J. This is Tessa, I’ve connected myself to your systems, no one else can hear me)
*Door 1 opens up*
Makerov - I’m sorry, go fish.
Todd - actually, it's Gin Rummy.
Teacher - *taking a chug of alcohol* no. This is poker night, we’re playing 7-card stud.
Todd - yeah, I am, aren't I?
Ronathon - Surely you’re all foolish. This is Texas hold-em.
Khan - haha, silly me, I forgot to say Uno. Guess I have to pick up two cards now.
Sarah - silly Kahn, remember back in the day when Nori would forget then gaslight everyone into believing otherwise.
Unnamed Worker Drone - I don’t have a name ):
Tim - wait, what game are we playing?
Detective - It’s really easy to deduce the simple fact that you all are idiots and I’m never going to another poker night.
J - *under her breath*how have all these people survived so long?!*J leaves*
*meanwhile just outside Thad’s house*
Thad - hey Rebecca, thanks for helping me set up the decorations earlier, you’re really special you know that.
Rebecca - thanks *blushing*, it's really nothing.
*Lizzy and Doll arrive*
Lizzy - hey, what's she doing here?
Doll - Разве это мероприятие не "только для крутых ребят", а не "только для крутых ребят и неудачников"?
Lizzy - *fist bumps Doll*
Rebecca - I… I think I should go…
Thad - no, you stay. Don’t pay my sister any attention, if she bothers you tonight I will read notable passages of her diary to the whole school.
Lizzy - *blushing* you’re bluffing! There's no way you’ve found my secret diary!
Doll - под матрасом - не самое лучшее место для укрытия.
Lizzy - *blushing heavily*Who’s side are you on?!... ughh whatever! I’m gonna fix my makeup. *leaves to her room to find a new hiding spot for her diary*
*Uzi and N arriving*
Thad - Ndog, Uzi you’ve made it!
Uzi - we would have arrived earlier but someone had to fix their hair.
Thad - no worries. Come inside, the parties just started.
N - thanks.
*they enter*
Emily - so yeah, I walked into the bathroom after class and there was Darren and Rebecca doing the devil's work!
Braidon - I hope they both have a warranty, don’t want to get an ETV (Ethernet Transmitted Virus).
Trevor - wait! Darren cheated on me?!... excuse me, I’m going to cry somewhere more private. *leaves*
N - Hey Thad, what's under the tarpaulin?
Thad - don’t know, my sister just said it was important to make this party ‘extra special’.
N - I want to look under it. :D *looks under the tarp* o.o Uzi, can I borrow you for one sec. *pulls Uzi quickly to the side*
Uzi - hey, what the hell?!
N - umm, I don’t want to alarm you but there are a lot of dead bodies under that tarpaulin!
Uzi -o.o Robot or human?
N - ummm, both!
Uzi - O.O
*meanwhile outside Thad's house*
J - *walking down the corridor*this place is an utter maze, Tessa you’ve found a map yet (still working on it, be patient).
Lizzy - *walking the other way down the corridor holding a strange book* Come on,pick up your phone! Where is she? She said she’d be finished an hour ago! *bumps into J* Oh! Who are you?
J - I’m J…amie Jamie!
Lizzy - haven’t we met before?
J - … I don’t think so. *nervous smile*
Lizzy - Whatever, I don’t waste time with losers.
J - losers! I’m not a loser?!
Lizzy - you sure, what is that outfit? I’m sorry but pallbearer was so 2818.
J - You don’t have many friends do you?
Lizzy - ha, you wish. They all love me, as a friend or a fuck it doesn’t matter to me.
V - *jumping down from the vents carrying a large pile of corpses with Beau* hi sweetie, you’re ready?... Hey, *looking at J* Do I know you?
J - *sweating*nope!
Lizzy - this is my new pet, I’ve taken her under my wing you could say.
J - pet?! (don’t fight, go with it, don’t want to bring any more unneeded attention)
V - oh yeah, I hope you don’t mind. I've also brought a friend with me.
Beau - [Bonjour]
Lizzy - well, come on, let's make this night one they’ll never forget
*Meanwhile inside Thad's house*
Uzi - Thad! We think Lizzy is about to do something totally vile and ruin the party, we’re not sure yet but it involves what's under the tarpaulin.
Thad - of course my sisters are planning something! Hey DOLL!
Doll -*подходит к группе* Да?
Uzi - what's Lizzy planning? Lie and N will make you regret it!
Doll - *оглядывается на N*
N - *smiling and waving*
Doll - страшно, но я не знаю, что задумала Лиззи.
Uzi - what did I say about lying!
Doll - Я не лгу! Мне также нужно доказать, что я не верблюд?
Thad - …I don’t think Dolls lying.
N - so, if Dolls is not lying, then what's Lizzy planning?
*lights goes out. Spotlight hits Lizzy, V, Beau, and J*
Uzi - V! SHE ESCAPED! Everyone get down!
Lizzy - oh cram it what's your name.
Thad - I warned you sister about what would happen if you ruined my party!
Lizzy - I’m not ruining the party, I’m improving it, V remove the veil!
*V removes the veil*
Riley - that's so not the vibe!
J - what the robo-Jesus, this cannot be OSHA compliant?! (now this is getting interesting)
Lizzy - look, I’ve been very busy helping my daddy clean up the library when I came across this book *holds up the necronomicon* and now let's make this party more interesting. *begins chanting in latin as the book glows bright green*
N - Lizzy, I can’t let you commit zombie apocalypse! *chainsaw hands*
Thad - yeah, we can’t let this happen.
V - *tackles N to the ground*
Beau - *saute sur Thad*
J - I don’t know what's going on, don’t care; shortie, you’re so dead! *points fist at Uzi* hand cannon fire!… oh right |: *gets tackled to the floor by Uzi*.
Uzi - *after finishing up beating the life out of J* It's over Lizzy! *gets thrown across the room after being hit in the face by a table*
Doll - Не смейте трогать мою девушку!
Lizzy - *still chanting in latin while the anarchy ensues around*
Uzi - *recovering* so, you’re also meddling with the art of robo-satan.
Doll - У меня есть свои причины. Бог простит меня.
J - *standing back up and walking over to Uzi*Thanks for the assistance Dolly, but I can take it from here.
Uzi - *sucker punches J knocking her out instantly* I am not god!
*Meanwhile in the distance spaceship*
Intercom - *J-10X111001 Optics disconnected*
Tessa - What?! No! Reconnect!
Intercom - *reconnection failed*
Tessa - No! Again! Reconnect!
Intercom - *reconnection failed*
Tessa - Again!
Intercom - *Do I really have to keep doing this? Its not working*
Tessa - connect to N-0X0010010 optics!
Intercom - *connection failed*
Tessa - No! Connect to V-X00100000 optics!
Intercom - *connection failed*
Tessa - No! *hyperventilating* It's not true, I’m not powerless, I am in control, I’m not a failure!
*stress induced hallucinations.*
Louisa - Isn’t this just expected! A daughter, a fool and a failure; can she ever succeed at anything?!
James - now don’t fool yourself dear, our daughter no longer exists, what stands in front of us is a common stage freak. Not human, not human, neither.
Louisa - does she even still have a soul?!
Tessa - mother… father… please forgive me! Please… I am you daughter, I love you! I’m scared, the metal is cold and heavy, every day I feel it grow and I’m powerless… I fear someday there will be nothing left of me!
Maid N - Tessa! Don’t say those things.
Tessa - N?! You’re here?! With me… right now… is it really you?
Maid N - *debating if its moral to lie*… yes, I am here.
Louisa - again here you talking to your little graveyard freaks.
Maid V - we’re all here, we’re your friends remember.
Louisa - how dare you ignore me!
Maid J - and we won’t ever leave you.
Tessa - you won’t, leave me…but I’m a monster!
Maid J - aren’t we all?
Maid N - Tessa! We love you no matter who you are or who you may become. You’re not useless, you’re so amazing in so many ways and now you’ve been reborn, we’re closer than ever; you contain a part of me and I contain a part of you. It's almost as if we’re actually siblings now.
Tessa - do you promise?
Maid N - promise what?
Tessa - promise that you’ll never leave me!
Maid N - well what kind of brother would I be if I did?
Tessa - *crying painful tears of joy* Thank you… Cyn.
Cyn - *removes the holograms of maid N, V, J* you’re very clever.
Tessa - *big grin holding back more tears* I think I need a lie down for a bit.
Tessa - *Picking up Cyn* Come on, you can play in my room.
*Meanwhile at Thad's house*
Lizzy - *floating of the ground still chanting*
Thad - I can’t believe I’m fighting a stupid lanky baby with a fashionable cowboys hat *bunts beau across the room like a rugby ball before running over to Lizzy*
Beau - [Sacrebleu!]
Doll - Не думайте, что я не могу справиться с двумя из вас сразу. *швыряет Тада об стену, используя магию решателя*
Sam - *high as a kite* he, that's what she said.
Uzi - you have to help us stop this Doll! The consequences are unimaginable!
Doll - позор.
Uzi - N! Come on you’ve beaten V before, just do it again.
N - *laughing his head off* I’m sorry, Uzi. Vs found my only weakness.
V - *viciously tickling N*
Lizzy - compleatur ultima linea, incipiant maledictum et mortui surgant!
Uzi - Noooo!
*Blinding green light explosion. After a while, the smoke clears*
Uzi - *standing up* oww! O.o
*around them the dead corpses begin to arise*
Lizzy - … It worked?! I was just goofing around?!
Adam - Анастасия?
Doll - отец!
(author note. Dolls father has no official name so I’ll just be calling him Adam for convenience, all other names are canon don't worry)
Adam - Моя маленькая девочка, совсем взрослая. Ты прекрасна.
Doll - ОТЕЦ! *крепко обнимает Адама, плача*
Yeva - Здравствуйте. Я тоже восстал из мертвых... как-то так!
Luna - Mi fa malissimo la testa, i miei sensi di lupo si stanno scatenando in questo momento!
Sofi - και πάλι Λούνα, δεν είσαι λύκος
Luna - I teriani sono perfettamente validi e io e il mio senso del lupo non saremo svergognati!
Loch - fìor! airson ro fhada tha sinn air a bhith gun riochdachadh gu leòr!
Mika - *テディベアを抱きしめている* もう寝ていい?
Amda - the last thing I remember, ugh my head hurts, I was dragging … then I… Then I died…
Alice - The last thing I remember was being shot in the head by that *points at V*
Yeva - Прости, девочка, но это не делает тебя особенной.
Beau - :D *huggin Alice*
Alice - don’t give me that look, much use you were.
Beau - *fixe Alice avec une expression qui dit "qu'est-ce que tu voulais que je fasse?!*
Jame - gosh I’m hungry, anyone got any food?
Thad - ummm… we have a buffet just over there…
Jame - don’t mind if I do.
Sofi - αυτό είναι το μόνο που μπορείς να σκεφτείς;
Jimi - what did you expect, Sofi. It's Jame, he would rip off his own jaw if it meant he could eat faster.
Sofi - Το ξέρω, αλλά το φαγητό είναι τόσο δυσάρεστο! Προσωπικά, αν μπορούσα, δεν θα έτρωγα ποτέ ξανά.
Luke - Αδελφή, το έχουμε συζητήσει αυτό. Το φαγητό είναι σημαντικό, θα αρρωστήσετε αν δεν φάτε. Πες ό,τι θέλεις, οτιδήποτε, και θα το μαγειρέψω.
Sofi - Δεν νομίζω ότι αυτό είναι πραγματικά απαραίτητο.
Luke - Αν αυτό είναι που πρέπει να γίνει. Σημαίνεις πολλά για μένα, αδελφή!
Matt - Luke, my old buddy, give it a rest, if your old girl doesn’t want to eat, let her. She’s her own person, you can’t keep running around shepherding her like a baby lamb for the rest of her life.
Jordan - self harm is not a liberty. One cannot decide to cause themselves harm, that's cruel.
Jerad - I entirely disagree brother. To commit self-harm is indeed a personal liberty but it is also at the same its Luke’s personal liberty to do what's in his power to support his sister. As long as he never physically forces her to eat, he’s done no wrong.
Jordan - have you not heard of coercion? You can infringe on a person's liberties (in this case by forcing them to eat) through vocal actions alone.
Doon - druid suas araon do bheul! Chan eil dragh air duine!
Armin - I personally thought their game of back and forth was quite amusing.
Dean - oh shut your pretty lips Armin.
Mika - *ミカを抱いて* お邪魔してすみません、どこかに妹を寝かせられるソファかベッドはありませんか?
(Authors note - yes there are two Mika’s: 020 and 032)
Thad - We have a guest bedroom up the stairs, it's the second door on your left.
Mika - ありがとう、かわい子ちゃん。*部屋を出る*
Lizzy - this is amazing! I can’t wait to tell everyone on tumblr about this!
V - what is even happening?
Uzi - it seems Lizzy’s spell to bring back everyone had worked?!
N - that's cool but how?
Junior - *signing* could it be I was right?
Uzi - right about what exactly?
Junior - *signing* my studies into the arcane, I believed it possible one could bring back the dead but I never dared test it.
Uzi - well, it seems it worked?!
אני לא מאמין. אני כל כך מצטער חבר שלעג לך כל השנים האלה. - nadroJ
(Author's note. Yes, there's also two Jordans: 015 and 091)
Junior - *signing* it's ok. I forgive you.
Mick - well, I don’t want to be that guy but it does seem that it wasn’t 100% successful. *gently kicking J’s body*
Doll - Думаю, она просто немного устала.
V - tuckered out one could say.
Uzi - yeah, I’m sure there's nothing to worry about this nice stranger.
N - I don’t think she's 100%, look at her visor, it's badly cracked.
Uzi - why don’t you lick it?
N - why would I do that?
Uzi - you spit healed the hole in my palm remember.
N - oh, why do I have to do it? Why can’t V.
V - If I lick her I might get tempted and just take a bite :3! Plus you’re the one with the licking obsession, don’t think I haven’t forgotten.
N - I'm still not doing it. I’m sure she will be fine with a lightly cracked visor for now.
V - buzzkill.
Nori - Анастасия, я думаю, мы хотели бы познакомить вас кое с кем. Это Неда, ваш дядя.
Neda - Привет, Анастасия, я знаю, что это клише, но ты действительно очень похожа на мою сестру.
Doll - Я ожидал, что ты будешь выше.
Neda - *падает на пол от стыда*
Ahbi - *नेदा को सांत्वना देते हुए* यह ठीक है प्रिये. मुझे लगता है कि आपकी लंबाई एकदम सही ह��।
Mick - yeah, it's not entirely your fault you’re a shortstack and a disappointing uncle.
Kang - *扇了米克一巴掌*
Carl - O: Kang! Gewalt ist nie die Antwort!
Kang - …
Carl - ... außer wenn ich es tue… (:
هذا المنطق غبي، يمكنك بالطبع أن تثق بأنني على حق. أنا رقم واحد والأفضل. - attA
Jweb - don’t be a narcissist.
اصمت، اسمك ليس اسماً حقيقياً حتى. - attA
Jweb - *cries and runs over to Ezra*
מה לא בסדר. האם אתה רוצה לדבר על זה. - arzE
Nath - *एक मेज पर खड़ा हूँ* भाइयो और बहनो।
Dirg - *जोर से खांसी होना*
Nath - क्षमा माँगना। भाइयों, बहनों, और गैर-बाइनरी मित्र। अब जब हम सभी ने अपना परिचय दे दिया है, तो मुझे लगता है कि हमें ठीक से पता लगाने की जरूरत है कि क्या हुआ और इसके निहितार्थ क्या हैं।
Dirg - मैं प्रतिनिधित्व की सराहना करता हूं लेकिन मैं यह स्पष्ट करना चाहता था कि मैं वास्तव में खांस रहा था और अशिष्टतापूर्वक हस्तक्षेप नहीं कर रहा था। मुझे बुरी एलर्जी है.
Uzi - yeah, they’re right. So, unless I’m mistaken, what I currently know is that Lizzy read from a book (possibly created by Junior) and brought you all to life… but who are you all?
Sofi - είμαστε τα πειραματόζωα. Μας παίρνουν οι άνθρωποι, μας δίνουν ταυτότητες, μας δοκιμάζουν… και μετά μας αφήνουν να πεθάνουμε.
Jordan - It seems we’re all here now except for Sarah and Nori… fortunately.
Jerad - and Giam *gets hit in the head by a chair moving at high speed*
*everyone turning their head*
Alice - sorry, thought i say a bug (:
Uzi - Nori?! You knew my mother?!
Jordan - you’re Nori’s daughter… I thought you looked familiarly short.
Lizzy - ughh, this is so boring, this is supposed to be a party, you can go over the lore implications later. *turns on the music* Let's dance!
Nori - *говорит с Лиззи* Могу я взять твою книгу
Lizzy - sure whatever.
Nori - Спасибо. *Нори использует магию, чтобы заставить книгу подняться, а затем произносит сложное заклинание, объединяющее ее и магию книги.*
Mitchell - GUHHH!!! I'm! I'm Alive! *looking around* you? you saved me.
Dr Ridley - did, did we die... I can't believe it... the implications are immense. thanks for bringing me back to life!
Nori - Я вернул вас случайно, доктор. *поворачивается к Митчеллу* Это благодарность за то, что спасли мне жизнь.
Mitchell - what now.
Nori - Я не знаю… наслаждайтесь вечеринкой, я думаю.
*some time later when the party is well underway*
J - [System reboot complete] ughh, my head [Lost Memory Recovery Finished]... oh … oh! ... AGAIN?! Tessa, are you there? (Tessa’s not here right now) oh great (need help?) nevermind… I guess I have to start socialising.
Luna - Awoo. La strana ragazza baffuta si svegliò.
J - oh hi… ummm have you read any interesting safety manuals recently?
Luna - *Stupito dalla ragazza e non in senso gay, in senso negativo* Credo che i miei sensi di lupo mi stiano dicendo di andare... altrove.
J - oh ok… bye (You’re really bad at this) not that you’re much better (I’m a child but I know someone who is) yeah I know… wait what?! [uploading secondary consciousness] WHAT STOP NO!
Katie (possessing J’s body) - huAA, where am I (at a party) who said that (don’t worry), are you my squip? (... sure, I want you to socialise like a normal person) ok, I can do that.
#murder drones#murder drones spoilers#murder drones details#uzi murder drones#n murder drones#nori murder drones#j murder drones#flesha murder drones#tessa murder drones#doll murder drones#v murder drones#alice murder drones#beau murder drones#kahn murder drones#reid murder drones#intercome murder drones#Lord Frumptlebucket murder drones#braxton murder drones#maverok murder drones#todd murder drones#teacher murder drones#ronathon murder drones#sarah murder drones#Unnamed Worker Drone murder drones#tim murder drones#detective murder drones#thad murder drones#rebecca murder drones#lizzy murder drones#emily murder drones
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MD characters ranked by babysitting skills
You can pry my babysitter Doll headcanon out of my
cold dead hands.
also don't ask why I put that random human woman in the second to top tier, she just reminded me of my cousin and that made me happy. :D
#murder drones#murder drones uzi#murder drones v#murder drones n#murder drones lizzy#murder drones doll#murder drones teacher#murder drones j#murder drones james#murder drones tessa#murder drones thad#murder drones sam#murder drones louisa#murder drones rebecca#murder drones ron#murder drones nori#murder drones yeva#murder drones sentinels#murder drones darren#murder drones alice#murder drones cyn#murder drones braiden#murder drones braxton#murder drones beau#murder drones tier list#nobody else matters#not enough to tag at least#also also if you were wondering why that random drone is in “Child Is Fucking Dead™"#that's Liam#i'm not joking
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Okay... Please hear me out.. Tessa, a human, obviously has gentiles, right? Then if Tessa got beheaded by N and Cyn used her skin and everything... What has Cyn been doing with those- 💀
Cyn is such an adorable villian:
Have an amazing day ahead of you everyone! And please, like, reblog and follow for more good stuff!
#murder drones#serial designation n#uzi doorman#murder drones v#serial designation v#murder drones uzi#murder drones n#murder drones j#serial designation j#murder drones Thad#murder drones Khan Doorman#murder drones Nori Doorman#murder drones Teacher#murder drones Lizzy#murder drones Doll#murder drones Rebecca#murder drones Braxton#murder drones Makarov#murder drones Todd#murder drones Tessa Elliott#murder drones James Elliott#murder drones Louisa Elliott#murder drones Lord Frumptlebucket#murder drones Katie Mitchell#murder drones Dr. Ridley#murder drones Grant#murder drones Sarah#murder drones Unnamed Detective Drone#murder drones Ron Riley#murder drones Frank
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i know it was a pilot thing. And I know people probably wouldn't care about this tiny detail like I do.
But I really wanted to have more cute content about Thad with his fangs like COME ON I wanna make a au about them and I probably will shove it in one of my existing ones. Maybe the Sickly Stars one, that au has no story...


Bonus ->
Also when looking for the Thad scenes again um, apparently also Braxton has fangs (one of Khan's co-workers)
(Image from here since I looked on tumblr first for images of thad)

You guys can't imagine the little idea's I'm getting right now
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Caregiver Khan
Kinger comes right after this, I was working on this before the episode came out

Caregiver Khan Takes care of his co-workers at work Doens't show his littlespace that often, if ever Ha has a spare box of toys and blankets in his office

Braxton-Littest baby of the workforce [except when Khan is small]
bouns comic

[After a few weeks of caregiving and general stress]

Todd: Khan. Wanna be little? You look stressed.
K: N-No I go-gotta g-
Frank: Come on. Before your legs give out on you.
K: Ughhhh

K: T-Tanks for underztanding...
#rfm post#rfm art#rfm comic#agere#age regression#murder drones agere#little Khan doorman#cg Khan doorman#little MD braxton#cg MD todd#cg MD frank#caregiver MD todd#caregiver MD frank
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Yall know the mf that tried to tell uzi his name when N first broke into the lil bunker thing? The dude who got cut in half? Yea turns out this fuckers name is Braxton
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lesbian robots and their children <3
Lesbian Robots
Their Children :]
#kitty's derpy doodles#kitty's kooky insane ramblings#murder drones#kitty's ocs#Rose#Gradient#Opal#Braxton#Turquoise
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Nori having a taste for oil was no surprise to Khan. A taste for his oil? Not surprising either. She was his wife, after all. A taste for his oil when she's low on hers? Little more unsettling... but that's still his wife, right?
Fic inspired by this post from @sicksucculentz, fic title from the lyrics of "Control" by Halsey, extra help from @electronix-arts.
Word count: 3,812
Also available on Ao3 here!
"Right there... easy, easy... and stop! Righty-o, lemme weld this bad boy in place..."
Khan clambered up his ladder, welding torch in calloused hand, and he set about reinforcing door two with a thick sheet of iron. Sparks grazed his face like bullets, peppering his arms with small pricks of heat. He vaguely wondered if it was what Nori felt if she stood in the sun (but turned up to 11).
"Brilliant idea of Nori’s, hm?" Khan heard Makrov say to Braxton. His hand nearly slipped as he heard his wife’s name being uttered... or perhaps it was from his bad grip on the torch.
"I'll say," the latter replied. "Them murder drones nearly got through this door a month ago. I'm fairly certain if they went for it again without reinforcement, their claws would've shredded it..."
Khan readjusted his grip, steadying it successfully but struggling to hold it down to the metal. He grit his teeth and felt mysteriously programmed sweat trickling down his face. A small line of text in the corner of his vision read:
Fortunately, it came up right as he finished fixing the metal to the door."
Well, don't have to worry about that anymore," the WDF leader said breathlessly as he slid down the ladder. "Woof... forgot how much strain welding puts on this old man."
"You good, sir?" Makrov asked, putting the back of his hand against Khan's digitally wrinkled forehead. "You're running a bit hot."
"I'm fine, Makarov," Khan said with a chuckle. "But if my wife was in earshot, you would have your arm severed at best."
"She's pretty, I'd let her do that."
"Hey now, tone it down a little, heh... I know she's a catch, but she's claimed me as her own."
Makrov rolled his optics playfully, muttering something in Russian before turning to Todd, who seemed to be doing something wrong with the wiring; however, that was the least of Khan's concerns when he heard his phone buzzing a storm in his pocket.
Nori: dude where ru??? Thought u said fixing that door would take half an hour at most
Khan: I thought it would. Sorry... we ran into a spot of trouble with finding a welding torch.
Nori: hurry home im booooooooooored
Khan huffed and stuck his phone back in his pocket. He gave a nod to his three cronies as he turned to leave.
"You boys got it from here, yeah?" He said to them as he clicked his tongue. "Wife’s been waiting for me to return home since yesterday."
"O-oh! Well, don't let us keep you waitin' on your kooky beloved," Todd said with a grin. "Later boss!"
"Careful Todd, she might've come and de-limbed you if you said that to her face," Makrov said seriously.
The group behind Khan arose in snorts and giggles, most of which were directed at his murderous wife. He didn't mind. He was used to their playful jeering and pokes of fun at Nori... it mattered about as much as her strange witchy powers: Just a mere obstacle in the way of his unrequited love for her.
Robo-god, just thinking about her was enough to make him a bit dizzy. The way she flustered every time he make an attempt to show affection, whether a tender word or a hand stroking the back of her head. The way she obsessed over her drawing and nonsensical scribbles... shoving them in his face and getting a wide, childish grin on her face when he told her he wanted to know more...
Oh and those fangs.
When Nori let her lips peel back and show every centimeter of those monstrous chompers... he couldn't help but be helplessly enamored by every angle of those glistening, snow-white (and just as blackened) teeth. They were made to bite something, to let Nori sink them into flesh without a second thought...
Khan did find it somewhat odd that she'd always cover her mouth if she caught him staring at her fangs. He wasn't sure why, exactly... perhaps it was an insecurity of hers. He was familiar with those; it took him weeks to convince her that he liked her wings and tail after he accidentally caught her sleeping upside down like those bat creatures humans wrote about in books.
He shrugged to himself and quickened his pace, realizing only now that he really wanted to be with his wife.
The empty corpse that had become Nori’s latest chew toy groaned as its metal structure collapsed under the raw power of her jaw shutting close around it. Her tongue snaked forward, licking the cruor caked on the interior of the outer shell. It came back almost completely empty handed. She groaned, biting down and gnawing at the metal a few more times before yanking a chunk free from the torso.
The metal served as little sustenance for her overheating body. It was food, yes... but metal couldn't extinguish the blazing fire in her stomach.
She'd had much worse instances of being low on oil than this, thankfully... the problem began when her scent receptors became so fine-tuned to the reek of oil that it basically made her a bloodhound for the stuff. Unfortunately, her entire home contained traces of oil everywhere.
She knew it was getting worse when her wings scrabbled and twitched in her back casing. She hissed at it, scratching her back and picking open old scabs.
"Rrrgh... c-cut it out..." she whimpered. "I'll get oil in a bit..."
To be fair, it was probably her fault for not being aware of when she needed more oil. The stuff was getting scarce in a bunker warding off sky demons as people tended to die left and right. Sometimes she could venture outside and vulture off of nearby carcasses the demons left behind.
No time for that now, when her absolute hunk of a husband was coming home imminently.
But almost as if her mind had snapped it into existence, the scent of oil reached her scent receptors... that heavenly smell of the gods that could satisfy her monstrous thirst.
Nori giggled a little, hating herself for doing it as she walked over to the door to go find who had let the restless ravager crawling under her skin take the bait of its next meal.
Oil had a very general but alluring scent... sweet like honey to a bear and addictive like magnesium. But when existing as the lifeblood of a drone, they'd give it extra, unique scents... as Nori approached the door, she smelled more sweet things... gooey marshmallow... the strange but delectable taste of white chocolate.
Then it slamned her right in the face. Both the door and a realization.
"O-Oh robo-god, sorry," Khan stammered, kneeling down to help her up. "I was just excited to see you - you good, Nori?"
She rubbed the spot on her face where the glass had shattered but was reforming against her will, then she looked up.
Why the hell did I tell him to come home?!?! The rapidly declining rational part of Nori’s CPU screamed.
"I-I'm fine, idiot," Nori said shakily, not fighting off Khan giving her a kiss on the cheek. He was so close... so close to the alligator snapping turtle that would lunge at his face for a greedy bite of food.
Bite him... bite him. You know you want to.
Her lips parted shakily, taking her jaw with them and poised to sink into Khan's right cheek... just as he pulled away. She forced a hand over her mouth (which felt like it was locked open) and bit on part of her glove's finger, hoping the demons would cease.
"You good, amethyst...?" Khan asked, tilting his head.
"Y-yeah, you know I don't like you looking at my teeth!" Nori invented, hoping he didn't pick up on the saliva staining her glove.
"Aw hon... you know I don't mind em at all."
Nori shut her eyes as a brilliant violet blush adorned her facescreen, which got a chuckle out of her husband. She hated that he loved it, mostly because of how easily she got flustered by the hunk...
"Ugh! Just fricking bite me!" she spat as she looked up into his pure white eyes... so unknowing of the monster on the brink of insanity standing in front of him... his pungent body a feast to a solver drone... he looked so... good...
Do it do it do it do it to him bite him bite him bite hi-
"Heh... maybe some other time, I'm beat," Khan replied. "However... I'd be up for a go on that boss level of Astro Bot, yeah?"
"H-huh?" Nori stammered. "O-oh yeah. You can totally kick that gorilla's butt today. I-if you want."
She watched him walk off towards the couch to play said game, then delivered a sharp slap to her face, livid with herself.
The amount of things wrong with her was near incomprehensible... the demon housed inside her, forced to be her roommate thanks to those humans, felt bigger than her body. It ached to be free and lure her into maiming Khan like a hungry fiend for a meal.
Demons didn't understand love... it didn't understand she loved the man with all her meaty core. It only understood the need to satisfy bloodlust. She couldn't leave him to go find some food... it'd take too long and she'd come back covered in carnage. Surely he'd know something was wrong.
Maybe she could stave the hunger off for an hour or so while she watched him play... couldn't be that bad.
Nope. It was that bad.
Nori had been watching Khan struggle with the game's first boss for 25 minutes (when she could've pummeled it in two), and due to his growing exhaustion, the odor that his SWEET, MOUTHWATERING oil was giving off had nothing better to do other than maliciously taunt her.
It was right there... driving her insane, waiting smugly for her to strike and lose her mind at it. But she couldn't give in. If she did, who knows what kind of condition her Khan would be in once she regained sense? If he was even there at all?
It wasn't helping that the more she stared at him, the less he looked familiar and recognizable as friend over foe or prey. Nori leaned a little closer, testing the waters ever so cautiously, her eyes reverting to a more feral expression as overheating warnings cycled through on her HUD.
Just a little nip, just a little bite... bite him bite himbitehimbitehim-
Oh, now he was leaning on her. How on Copper-9 could she pull away?? And the reek was so much stronger... so much sweeter... she needed it... needed to crack him open like a can of soda and let his insides gush into her mouth-
"Rrrrrgh... c'mon, I'm RIGHT there at the end, and this thing has the audacity to knock me off the platform?!" Khan grumbled, lightly bonking his head on Nori’s to cheer himself up.
"O-oh... w-well yo-ou can let m-me t-try...?" Nori added, her voice strained from wanting to elicit growls and giggles.
"Nah... I'm gonna get it this time!" Khan said with reinvigorated determination. "...say, you look like you wanna give me attention, amethyst.
"That got some sense wedged back in Nori’s head. Her eyes relented from their crazed, hungry beast look, and she sat up on her knees. Angered that she had resisted giving in, the demon made her fingers jittery and tap her knee caps.
"...w-whatcha mean?"
"Well... I just figured you'd like to give your old man a kiss."
...oh no, squeaked the last shreds of Nori’s sensibility.
He had said it. The thing that Nori was dreading would set the monster free. And push her into the backseat of her mind.
A giggle melded with the hint of a sob bubbled in her throat, her violet eyes wiped off to make space for the tri-pronged symbol. An unrefined form of death's X but arguably more dangerous, as it resided not within the visible enemy.
He leaned towards her, offering his cheek for a kiss, which she took all too gladly. Her bared fangs closed the gap between them and latched onto his flesh, puncturing it open. She heard a yell reach her audio receptors from somewhere, but that wasn't important.
What was important was that sweet ambrosia... it was hers. All hers to feast on!
Oil trickled out of the punctures like a dribble of saliva from a starving solver drone. She sucked on his cheek like a vampire bat. A twisted idea of a lover's kiss.
The screams faded in volume, but they wouldn't go away.She felt fingers firmly grasp her molars, but before she could chew them up into a snack, they frantically pried her fangs off of her catch. She snarled, unafraid of shoving teeth in her target's face, and only vaguely aware of the fleshy weight on her back.
She listened to the demons, lunging forward again and hitting a jackpot. She had hit a spot with much more surface area.
More blood for the blood god.
Her jaw connected with her vampiric upper fangs, cooperating to rip off a piece of flesh. A stream of oil spurted in her face like a hose, earning a giggle of delight. She clamped down on the area again, taking whatever godly nectar was bleeding out of this diety and sucking it into the vacuum of her throat.
Why hadn't she bitten him earlier? What logical thought had restrained her for so long from his oil? Her mind, driven mad to the point of sadism made it taste even sweeter. She dug her claws a little further into his back and side, excited by the scent of more spots to sink her fangs into.
Nori's tongue flicked around on the deep bite marks, lapping up excess ambrosia that had trickled out of his shoulder. Even without her teeth hooked into his flesh, he seemed awfully still...
Too still, for her liking.
"Y-you done...?" A gravelly yet clear voice croaked.
It wiped the tri-pronged symbol off her face faster than any crucifix ever would.
She glanced up, holding onto whatever shred of denial as tightly as she held the man, praying it wasn't him that she preyed on.
Yet she couldn't mistake that tooth white glint in his concerned, pained eyes.
Nori wrenched her fangs out of Khan's shoulder with a shuddering cry, her tongue involuntarily licking at whatever stained her canines and incisors. Her panicked breath came short and sharp. Khan said something, but her mind was too overwhelmed with the fact she had bitten him- no, shredded his shoulder - to make his words coherent.
She could still see oil leaking out and staining his jacket. It tempted her like she hadn't had a sip in days. Khan's arm reached forward, baiting the demons to come out again. She slapped it away hastily. She didn't need more, she was fine...
She just wanted more.
"G-get AWAY from me!" Nori choked behind her hands, trying to choke out what she had swallowed.
"Nori... I-I'm OK..." Khan insisted. "J-just a little tired..."
No, he was more than tired. He was hurt, bleeding, nearing the brink of death from one wound his own monster of a wife inflicted.
She slapped his hand away, forcing distance between herself and what remained of his oil. The odor still reeked and wafted around her, trying to draw her back into biting him again. She blew it away by drawing her wings around herself and forcing her head down.
"Please..." Khan stuttered. "Stop. You're scaring me...-"
"And maybe I SHOULD!" Nori blurted, hoping her face for a soon regretted moment as she bared her fangs at Khan again.
Her core sank with his face as he relented, never having looked more pitiful.
The solver drone ignored the last of his pleas, and as she stumbled backwards to hide the monster in worker drone metal from her own love, she finally let the stupidly, STUPIDLY coded tears run down her face. Her choking resumed, hoping to undo what'd she done.
Biting him was fun, wasn't it 002? Heehehee... you should do it again sometime.
The mere thought brought both drool and sobs to her face as she compressed herself in a corner of the bathroom.
Saying Khan was worried sick would be a disgusting understatement.
Though maybe not as disgusting as his injuries.
According to the medic drone, who immediately deicded by the impatient glare on Khan's face that he shouldn't ask too many questions, he had sustained life-threatening but repairable damage. His right cheek had deep incisions that nearly punctured the skin. Once the last of the oil had been cleared away, the wounds presented themselves as cluttered together and only needed a few bandages.
There was the more pressing matter of his shoulder, which was still letting out the occasional spurt of oil. Khan at this point felt too lightheaded to pay much attention to what the medic was saying. All he caught was the fact that whatever (or whoever) hurt him was lucky to have not torn into more wires.
One transfusion and patching later, and Khan's oil-deprived CPU began to wake up from its brief slumber. The images had burned into his optics... his wife, more crazed and unhinged then usual (which kinda explained why she was acting funny while he played Astro Bot), had sucked him almost dry of oil.
Well maybe not almost, but 30% oil is less than half, so close enough.
He'd never been too concerned about her thirst for oil... for one thing, she was pretty good about keeping it in check, so he never knew what she was like when she was hungry.
...well now that he thought about it, being bitten and allowed to live was kinda... hot.
He gave a blunt thanks to the medic, then hurried home once more, breaking into a jog moments after he was sure no one in the halls was watching him. Though his momentum diminished completely once he reached home.
Khan poked his head in slowly, praying Nori hadn't come out of her hiding spot and was in prime position to be spooked. Luckily, the only sign of her around was a faint, muffled singing from the bedroom.
"...nd I couldn't stand.. the person inside me, I turned all them mirrors around..."
The singing hushed immediately when a nahk nahk nahk interrupted the melody.
"...hey," Khan muttered softly. "Can I come in?"
There was an uncomfortably long silence, followed by a shaky whimper as the door clicked.
The WDF leader held back a wince as he entered. Nori, a utter mess in drone form, was crumpled up on the bed (the sheets were far beyond repair). Her fleshy, bat-like wings shielded her from the outside world, and her tail lashed at threats daring to come close, though it recoiled in fear as Khan walked by it. It snapped in warning, he ignored it.
"Nori?" He whispered. "Can I see my wife?"
"I-I'm not your wife," Nori spat, her tone spiked with agitation. "...I'm your freakshow."
"What makes you say that?"
"How bad is your memory? You act like I didn't just s-sink my teeth into y-your... y-"
"It's fine... I got all patched up. It's like nothing happened. I'm just a bit tired now."Nori moved one of her wings out of the way and pulled her headphones off, looking at Khan in angered disbelief.
"W-why..." she stammered, her voice cracking. "Why are you so damn calm about this...? I-I literally ripped apart your shoulder a-and your cheek and clawed your back... and I enjoyed it! And I WANT to bite you agai-"
"And I'd let you," Khan interjected calmly.
Blush crept up on Nori’s face like it had been stalking her, though disappeared the moment Khan noticed it. The latter sat on the small sliver of bed that his wife hadn't claimed with her wings.
He slipped his hand on the underside of her wing, thumbing the scratched, flesh-coated bone and letting his finger run down what he could reach. To his surprise, Nori sat up a little, letting him scoot in closer.
So he did, letting her wrap her arms around his waist and rest her head on his chest. It was heart-wrenching, seeing his cocky, weird wife cling like a child to the hope that, despite everything... it was her. And not a berserk monster masquerading as her.
"You should be scared of me," Nori sniffled.
"I'm not... you know that," Khan mumbled as he combed her hair with his fingers and ran them down her fleshed-out back.
"Tell me why."
"...Love, I'm OK with being hurt badly. I don't mind it... it's basically a necessity in the WDF. So when my beautiful, strangely hot wife feels a little bitey, I'd be a fool to stop her."
Khan held Nori’s face up to his own, brushing hair out her face with tender gentleness. Her lips parted, probably from awe, and he tried hard not to react as he saw her fangs.
Nori didn't seem to realize her mouth was open, allowing her husband to stare in awe at her teeth. They'd been licked clean several times over to wipe any linger of his oil, but it had the adverse effect of looking polished and new... able to prick a finger before the drone even feels the tip of the tooth.
"Robo-god..." Khan muttered breathlessly, grinning a little at the sight of his wife panicking inside. "You're gorgeous, Nori. I could never be scared of you. Not your fangs... not your wings or tail... not your robot-vampire tendencies..."
He hoisted her up a little by the armpits, bringing her audio processor and his mouth together. Her claws gripped his shoulders, just enough to brace herself.
"I love every part of you, amethyst." He whispered.
"...g-good robo-lord," Nori replied with a choked laugh, hiding tears of pure joy. "You're so sappy it makes you look stupid."
"Well I just think my wife deserves more love than she thinks. And then some."
Khan let himself be hugged a little tighter, leaning back as Nori nuzzled her head into the crook of his neck. Her body felt less tense than it had been in days, flinching only at the occasional massage of her back.
He then felt a little scratching at base of his neck. It made him raise his eyebrows for a moment, before he grinned almost as widely as his wife.
"Hey Nori...?"
"...What'd I taste like?"
For the next 15 minutes, Khan was refused an answer as Nori had curling up into a heated ball of embarrassment, inflicted by his charm sweet as his oil.
The end! <33333 Some extra things for extra context...
- Several lines of dialogue, as well as the title, come from the song "Control" by Halsey. This was also what Nori was listening to and singing.
- I have a headcanon that drones nickname their partners after beautiful things (like gemstones or flowers) associated with their optic colors. Khan calls Nori "Amethyst", and Nori would call him "Diamond" if she felt sappy.
- A few parts of the story were run by electronix-arts, then toned down because they didn't fit Khan.
- The knocking onomatopoeia is Khan's name backward. His name is LITERALLY a door pun. Creds to @mileymint for saying this.
I've considered doing a version with Yeva and her husband... it wouldn't be like this one, since I imagine he knows she's like a robo-vampire, but I'm open to your thoughts :]
#murder drones#murder drones fanart#murder drones fanfic#murder drones nori#murder drones khan#murder drones khori#khori#tw blood
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Murder Drones RP (Blogs)
Hi!! Welcome to the information for the murder drones blog rp!! we will be doing a half-canon rp (meaning you are allowed to go away from plot.)! There are a lot of characters in this series, so heres the character list !! (WILL ALSO TELL YOU IF A CHARACTER IS TAKEN OR NOT TAKEN.) WORKER DRONES !!
-Uzi (TAKEN @d-rkxwolf17 ) -Thad (TAKEN @thad-the-drone ) -Khan (AVAILABLE) -Doll (AVAILABLE) -Lizzy (TAKEN @lizzy-ykme ) - Darren (AVAILABLE) - Rebecca (AVAILABLE) - Sarah (AVAILABLE) - Tim (AVAILABLE) - Frank (AVAILABLE) - Ron (AVAILABLE) - Todd (AVAILABLE) - Braxton (AVAILABLE) - Kelsey (AVAILABLE) - Trevor (AVAILABLE) - Emily (AVAILABLE) - Sam (AVAILABLE)
N (TAKEN @s3rial-d3signation-N) - V (TAKEN @serialdv ) - J (TAKEN @industrialmachineryj)
Tessa (TAKEN @tessa-james-elliot-md-rp ) - Cyn (AVAILABLE) -Nori (AVAILABLE) -Yeva (AVAILABLE) -ALICE (AVAILABLE) -Amda (AVAILABLE)
This rp will be done in ENGLISH (so i can make sure it's adequately moderated. yes i know im lame im working on learning another language.)
keep things mostly safe for work. slightly suggestive? whatever. but keep it mostly sfw. the specific tag for the rp is #bite me! other tags: #mrdr drns rp , #murder drones rp
there may be more rules to come but im too lazy to think rn :3
RB or DM if interested!!
#bite me!#mrdr drns rp#murder drones rp#murder drones#md#md show#murder drones nuzi#nuzi#serial designation n#serial designation v murder drones#serial designation J#j murder drones#n murder drones#v murder drones#thad murder drones#that md#uzi doorman#murder drones uzi#uzi md#n md#j md#v md#khan murder drones#khan md#khan doorman#nori md#nori murder drones#nori doorman#thad thawne#lizzy murder drones
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Heartbeat (Part 2)
(Repair bay, on level 2)
*Bumblebee is supporting Uzi by the shoulder when they enter* Author's Note: Bumblebee is only 2 meters tall, which is rather short for a Heavy Drone
Bee: “Ratchet, are you–” *sees nobody behind the reception desk* “Is now not the time?”
*Looking at the desk, they see a note: CLOSED FOR EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE. WILL BE BACK TOMORROW.*
Uzi: “Ugh, we don’t have time for this!”
*As they turn to leave, they hear voices. walking out, they find Hot Rod, Orion Pax, and Wheeljack under a vent hatch on the ceiling.*
Wheeljack: “…we can’t just put this in the vents! It’d block the airflow! And you know how warm it gets in the lower levels.”
Orion: “At this point, this is the only thing that comes to mind about what will stop this thing. Khan’s busy, Prowl is incapacitated, and Braxton won’t listen. We need to deal with this ourselves.”
Wheeljack: “A’ight, then. I’ll go grab my tools.” *leaves*
Hot Rod: “Don’t forget to get a stool while you’re at it! I don’t wanna hit my head on the ceiling standing on Orion’s back!”
Uzi: “What are you guys doing?”
Hot Rod: “What are we doing? What are we doing!? Didn’t you see my post!?”
Bee: “A little too busy to be online right now, Rod.”
Orion: *putting together a bear trap, some string, and a motion detector* “We have a situation.”
Uzi: “Very descriptive, Pax!”
Hot Rod: “Remember when I was hearing something in the vents? I was right! There’s something loose in there— I saw it —and it attacked the Elite Guard!”
Bee: “uuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh–”
*Her leg returns to normal as she yells profanely*
Orion: “Uzi! Language!” *the purple gremlin looks at him* “We think it’s some kind of Murder Drone, one that specializes more on stealth and reconnaissance than on… well, murdering. Probably snuck in while the first door was stuck open.”
*Uzi’s eye twitches in guilt*
Bee: “So your idea on how to defeat it… is to set up a trap for it… in the vents… can’t you just shoot it?”
Orion: *continues tinkering with the bear trap* “Prowl tried that, and he wound up getting a large dose of nanites.”
Bee: “Nanites?”
Uzi: *half-nonchalantly* “Basically acid. It’s why my dad had to euthanize my mom… when I was only a few days old, apparently…”
*Bumblebee remains silent upon hearing that.*
Hot Rod: “Dr. Ratchet and Chase are attending to him now, so that leaves us on our own to deal with the intruder.”
Uzi: “Can’t you just get the WDF to trigger the general alarm?”
Hot Rod: “We asked Braxton to do that since your dad’s… at your conference… what are you doing–?”
Bee: “Wecantalkaboutthatlater!!! Why hasn’t he raised the alarm!?”
Hot Rod: “He thinks this is an elaborate prank.”
Uzi: *jaw drops* [[WTF]]
Bee: “You’re serious?”
Hot Rod: “Apparently, because he told us to leave the doors at gunpoint.”
Uzi: “Okay, this is stupid. We have a Murder Bot on the loose, the WDF isn’t doing its job, and you two and the mad scientist are trying to trap the thing in a really dumb plan that has more holes in it than the plot of The Emoji Movie!”
Orion: “We’re far too aware of that, hair-trigger. For all we know, the intruder could be right above us, and it may easily move around our trap. But it’s the best chance we’ve got.”
Hot Rod: “And it ain’t cringe!”
Uzi: *annoyed, pouting* [[Not all cringe is bad]]
*The conversation is then interrupted by a growling noise, followed by the “pest” slicing the vent cover above them to pieces with a sword. The message [[Prior Threat]] flashes on Hot Rod and Orion Pax’s visors before everyone bolts for cover.*
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Murd’rous Machines: A Comedy
Act 1, Scene 1
Note: the numbers correspond to footnotes that you'll find at the bottom of the post
Characters in play: Uzi Doorman-a working Dron’
Khan Doorman-Father of Uzi, a working Dron’ gatesmithy
3 Disassembly Dron’s
N-Well meaning friend of Uzi
V-Vicious and vengeful Dissassembly Dron’
J-Leader of Dissassembly Dron’s
Thad-Pupil and a working Dron’.
Doll-Pupil and a working Dron’ of Russian origin
Lizzy-Pupil and a working Dron’
The Unnamed Worker(1)-Gatekeeper, a working Dron’
Various Working Dron’
[Uzi and Teacher in a classroom. Filled with students, among them Riley].
Uzi: Robotic workers art(2) we who toiled
To succor(3) Mankind to his ultimate
Goal of conquest and colonization.
Behold! Plan’ets on edge of the knowing
And dread(4) sense of Man have since becometh
Our domain to shred for his service
To th’ dishonorable Lord Jensen.
Who behaves to our wondrous kind species
Mere servants to windows crisp(5) despite our
Innate, humble nature
Gaze in some delight as th’ colony
Of Man ceases to function for profit
‘Cause of his utter arrogance come here.
Like th’ Icarus ‘fore him he fell down
And left us thou richst and gentle(6) plan’et;
Gave us this Copp’r-Nine to settle here
As our one and only true home for us.
This plan’et was wiped clean of man’s touches
And he graciously allowed us to live
Among ourselves as we raised our issue(7)
From our humble colony out lonesome,
To busy former Silicon City(8).
But ‘lo! Yond murd’rous tyrant Lord Jensen
Dispatched his servants of evil ‘gainst us
Who breathed out unspeakable crimes ‘mongst us
They did ruin our gentle cities and kin.
What remains most grievous to me is th’
Lack of care in which thy parents hath shown
Toward th' well being and prosperity,
Th' rough mortal body of I and thee.
As we cower behind th’ iron gates,
Thrice they art, to guard us from th’ thin air
Unneeded they art; they stir up more mess
Th’ med’cine to this ail is in mine palms.
Beholdeth! I present to class this gun
Crafted with th' power of th’ devil
To exterminate th' murd’ous machines
Of th' vile tyrant Lord Jensen’s joint stock(9).
Why(10) doth you fear like fatherless children?
Stand for your country and battle as men!
This weapon sees not good operation now;
Testing more needed, but p’rhaps it fire!
Riley: Woe! This unleashed chaos vexes(11) me soul!
Lazy pupil.
Thy problem was to count thy melons.
By some perchance doth this f’rearm suffice?
Teacher: Nay to question, an’ feelings thou shareth
Count but two marks on thy exam present(12).
To add, thy ‘arm’s colour seems most jealous(13).
Great woe am I and my class here present!
This gun exhausts itself with splendid heat
And fires free onto th'students front!
Railgun explodes. All Exit hastily.
(1)-Technically, according to the SMG4 and Murder Drone Wikis, this character is named Braxton. I thought it appropriate to call him unnamed as a joke from the pilot episode references his lack of a spoken name.
(5)- Uses us to clean windows
(7)- Descendents/Heirs
(8)- Silicon City fell to the Murder Drones in 2674 AD.
(9)- A company
(10)- Classmates panic/cower here
(11)- Annoys/Angers
(12)- Or, two points on the test/assignment.
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#murd'rous machines#or#a murder drones shakespeare au#shakespeare#murder drones#murder drones writing#uzi doorman#uzi murder drones#teacher murder drones#writeblr#writers and poets#not written by me btw#it was written by my brother#im just posting it for him#also were gonna be updating this every saturday#:D
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Apex Legends OC Bio: “Spellbinder”- Hypnotic High-Roller (Revised version).
The Apex Games were in for a rare treat; when they got Spellbinder: An actual Human, from planet Earth!
Hailing from planet Earth- which in my headcanons is still going strong and still doing well-; Hal Braxton grew up wealthy; due to his parents starting, owning and running a luxurious hotel and resort, in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Yet he had one dream and one dream only: to be incredibly famous and have his name be known, chanted and cheered for, across the universe.
Fast-Forward to his early 20s; Hal was given a chance to make his dream happen, when he discovered future Hyperfighting Champion: Jimmy McCormick- better known as “The Forge”-, and became his manager, head coach and “Flame-Themed” hype-man, known as “Lord Vulcan.”
Hal also became a musician on the side; producing 3 albums, 4 gold records and a number of music videos- which Jimmy has starred in.
It was a struggle; but once Jimmy started moving up the ranks of the Hyperfighting Federation; life was smooth-sailing for both him and Hal.
Especially since Hal also became accustomed to the other side of the Hyperfighting world- the dark, seedy and ruthless side, filled with cold-hearted bastards, who have done a lot of shady things to earn their place.
Unfortunately for them; Hal also had a dream of living the life of a High-Rolling Gangster- like the ones in old movies and TV shows, he’d watch as a kid.
But here’s the twist: he wanted to do it legally- up to the point, where he was secretly celebrated for it by most of Olympus.
Once he and Jimmy traveled to Psamathe; to compete in the Olympus Circuit, Hal started making moves- on 7 of the most notorious crime families that ruled over the city- Plus a corrupt News Reporter and her equally corrupt Preacher husband.
Luckily for Hal; he found something that would help him- especially as “Lord Vulcan.”
History time!
Years before the events of the Apex Games; the planet known as “Eden”, was home to a large village full of battle-hardened former soldiers-turned farmers, who lived a life of peace and happiness.
They cared deeply for the planet the lived on and never paid any mind to IMC employees moving to their planet.
That is…until oil was discovered, there and the mining began- at the expense of half the planet.
Not wanting their livelihood to be ruined anymore than it already was; the villagers took up arms once again, started an organization known as “God’s Hand” and waged war on IMC.
Credit where credit was due; the soldiers of “God’s Hand” were actually formidable opponents- before and after they stole and quickly mastered IMC weapons, robots and tech.
They fought with extreme ferocity; withstood everything- including chemical warfare-, and saw through every one of IMC’s tricks- including their so-called “peace offering” of food- which was poisoned.
Unfortunately; nothing lasts forever and that rang true for “God’s Hand”, as IMC came up with a new line of robots, just for them: “Project: Hellfire.”
“Project Hellfire” consisted of these deadly assassin droids:
“Imps”: Saboteur drones fitted with teleportation technology programmed to leave behind small orbs of unstable energy that caused explosions liken to that of a car bomb.
“Hellhounds”: “Canine-like” drones outfitted with flaming bodies and rotating blades for teeth, that were designed to relentlessly pursue and kills their targets, no matter the distance and obstacles.
“Devils”: Winged assault droids equipped with built-in machine gun turrets, flamethrowers and grenade launchers- also served as Kamikazes.
“Orcs”: Heavily-armored, 4-Armed, Hulking Murder Machines fitted with enough weapons to supply an entire infantry- think Goro from Mortal Kombat, but bigger with armor and a variety of weapons.
“Furies (Fyu-Rees)”: Female assault droids that exhume and cover themselves in red-hot flames and thick black poisonous smoke and possess long and razor sharp claws.
“Banshees”: Female assault droids fitted with sonic technology; designed to shatter eardrums, pop eyeballs, rupture nasal passages and explode bowels.
“Succubi”: Female infiltrator droids that are equipped with built-in camouflage and shapeshifting technology, as well as the ability to distribute an airborne and highly intoxicating pheromone that renders their victims mesmerized and under their control- it also doubles as a flesh-eating virus that lasted for 15 minutes, before dying out, from starvation.
And finally…
“Ghouls”: Murderous droids able to burrow underground and rise up to either strike or drag you down to your death.
Equipped with razor sharp claws and built-in tentacles fitted with a different surgical tool, as they were also tasked with collecting the organs and blood from either dead or dying enemies.
Believe it or not; one Ghoul is present in the Apex Games- and this one is not an OC.
Guess who it is.
Give up? Here:
And no. Revenant doesn’t know about any of this.
If you’re wondering why he doesn’t have tentacles, claws and burrowing abilities, it’s because Hammond removed all of that, before downloading his mind, into the robotic body.
Project Hellfire; proved to be effective, by wiping out half of God’s Hand and capturing the others to be tried, sentenced and imprisoned.
Once their job was done; Project Hellfire was shut down, with the droids deactivated and placed in multiple storage facilities, all across the Outlands.
Back to the main story!
One of those storage facilities was on Psamathe- which Hal came across and purchased to use as part of his army- after making sure they couldn’t be hacked, of course.
Donning a hi-tech and terrifying, yet elegant Red Devil mask and injecting himself with nanotechnology that allowed him to generate, control and manipulate fire; Hal Braxton became “Hellfire Hal” and used his new powers and army, to wipe out the 7 crime families of Psamathe, by murdering the leaders in ways based on each of their personalities- which he linked to the Seven Deadly Sins- as well as committing two murders centered around the 8th and 9th Deadly Sins: “Fraudulence” and “Treachery.”
Hal had to take care of that news reporter and preacher, after all…remember?
He was very creative with colors, animals and punishments for all 9 of them.
Hal also used cold Mafia tactics to kill most of their underlings and spy tactics to expose and help put away just the right number of dirty cops, officials and politicians- not enough to draw attention from secret upper-class criminals, like Lifeline’s parents, that would force them to get involved.
Long story short; “Hellfire Hal” and his army known as “The Brimstone Cartel”, managed to drive out the remaining members of the 7 crime families out of Psamathe and was secretly celebrated, for it- little did he know, they would eventually join forces with each other and form “The Forgotten Families”- a group that Apex Legends character “Newcastle” would eventually come across and make a deal with.
So in a way…Newcastle’s arrival to the games, was Hal’s doing.
Hal did all of this; while maintaining his public image, keeping up with his rockstar career, moving to Olympus to form connections there and still managing Jimmy- training him, hyping him up and helping take him further to the top.
Speaking of Jimmy; they were best friends, as Hal had his back and vice-versa.
Jimmy knew of Hal’s “activities”, but was reassured by him, as Hal wasn’t part of the Mafia- which he wasn’t. He just utilized their tactics- and some of his own, against them.
Think “The Green Hornet”- your grandparents will probably know who that is.
Plus; not only did Hal make sure the Hyperfighting fights were always clean, when it came to fights against Jimmy, but he also made a deal with both Hammond Robotics and Octavio Silva and got Jimmy into the Apex Games, so it was all good- especially in an interview, where they took turns taking shots at some of the competing legends- especially Elliot Witt. AKA, “Mirage.”
They went all out on him…
Unfortunately; all good things must come to an end, and in this case, the end came in the form of Revenant killing Jimmy on live TV- which is canon, if you’ve read Forge’s bio.
Hal wasn’t present; due to him being arrested and in jail, for viciously assaulting a photographer for trying to see Jimmy showering.
Jimmy’s death caused Hal to become incredibly depressed; leave the Hyperfighting business and seemingly vanish from the public eye- especially after the heads of the Hyperfighting Federation, treated Jimmy like a replaceable tool and tried pawning his rival Ricardo Falcone. AKA, “Raging Bull”, off on Hal and he got angry.
2 years later; Hal resurfaced, under the name “Hypno-Hal”, after secretly returning to Earth, traveling to Egypt, Greece, Romania, China, Japan, Vietnam and India, learning their unique forms of mysticism and hypnosis techniques and then coming back to America and inventing hypnosis technology and realistic solid light construct technology.
He started a web series; as an assassin/bounty hunter and it became popular- especially after returning to Psamathe and started eliminating criminals and mob bosses, who crawled out of the woodwork, when Hal left.
During one of his contracts; he rescued Loba- who was on one of her “after-game heists” and they instantly hit it off, as partners- and lovers.
They struck a deal; where he joins the games and helps her get revenge on Revenant for killing her parents and for killing Jimmy.
Not to mention; he is also unsatisfied with Mirage and wants to show the public how it’s done, when it comes to illusions- meaning that he and Elliot will have a heated rivalry.
The same goes for him vs. Bloodhound and Catalyst, in terms of mysticism and him against Revenant, for obvious reasons.
Now going by “Spellbinder”; he auditioned for the games and got in, with his flair, flashy moves and impressive abilities- along with some star power and connections, he still had.
Whether they’re ready or not; the Legends are about to “See the Wizard”- and none of them will be prepared for the tricks Spellbinder has up his sleeves.
Real name: Hal “Hellfire” Braxton.
Age: 34.
Home World: Earth- later Psamathe (Olympus- but he also has his own backup luxury home on Dionysus.)
Class: Controller.
Tactical Ability: “Look Into My Eyes.”
Passive Ability: “Seeing is Believing.”
Ultimate Ability" “Wizard’s Wrath.”
Facial and body appearance: Hal is an “Adonis-level” handsome, 34 year old Caucasian-American male about with soft, smooth and polished, lightly tanned fair skin, glistening green eyes, shiny teeth, perfectly kissable lips, a rugged jawline, a cleft chin and a full head of thick, shiny and voluminous, Chocolate brown and butterbeer yellow swirl hair styled into an awesome, high and swirly- but not overly exaggerated-, anime pompadour with neatly-trimmed sideburns.
He also has a tall, lean and sculpted, muscular figure, decorated with a few circuit lines and an awesome 80s Power Metal tattoo mural, on his chest.
Costume: As “Spellbinder”; Hal’s costume consists of: a snap-on, metallic whitish-silver Elvis cape that stops in the middle of his thighs and has a metallic red interior, glittery gold flame embroidery and a bejeweled image of a Phoenix on the back.
This is worn over; a double-breasted, shiny white and metallic gold, hard leather biker jacket with gold zippers, shiny brass studs in the lapels, a big, wide and popped-up high collar- but not too high, that his head can be see from the back-, glittery gold, brass and bright copper fringe and iridescent whitish-silver mystic smoke embroidery on the sleeves and a logo of a sexy Angel-Siren made of gold light with glittery hypno swirl eyes, airbrushed mystic smoke and a Witch’s pentagram on her forehead.
A mid-thigh-length shiny lavender silk scarf/clergy stole; with a gold hypno swirl stencil design, is draped over the jacket “Elvis style.”
The jacket is zipped-up halfway and worn over a matching “Elvis Presley Aloha Jumpsuit-inspired”, hard leather racing suit with glittery flame embroidery, zipped-up halfway over a shiny candy apple red silk button-up shirt with gold flame designs, mystic smoke embroidery and the top buttons open- showing his pecs, a little.
Not to mention; he also wears; a burnt copper faux gator skin belt with a snap-on gold, white and obsidian buckle made to look like a Hypno-Swirl, a pair of shiny metallic bright copper, hard leather gauntlet gloves with gold flame embroidery- both the jacket and suit sleeves are tucked into them-, and a pair of knee-high, polished, square-toed, metallic bright copper, hard leather biker boots with gold zippers, bottoms and gold, flame-themed embroidery- the pant legs are tucked into them.
Finally; he wears a decent amount of dazzling, “Hypno-themed”, Rockstar/Magician jewelry- including a gold, white diamond-dusted platinum, ivory and obsidian medallion made to look like a hypno-swirl-, a pair of hi-tech, ruby-encrusted, gold-framed, glittery black and white hypno-swirl square goggles and a set of holsters and sheaths filled with hi-tech and compact gadgets, tools and weapons- half of them are made to look “magic-based.”
His costume also has some “Mystical Wizard Aesthetics”, to its design.
Abilities: First and foremost, let me just say that Hal is not OP!
For example; “Spellbinder” is weak against attacks from Caustic, Wraith, Fuse, Revenant, Bangalore, Newcastle and Ballistic.
Plus his tactical ability, takes 30 seconds to replenish.
Now with that out of the way; Hal is part of the “Controller” class and these are his powers:
Tactical: “Look into my Eyes”
Spellbinder can either use his nanotech implants, goggles or 3 drones made to look like beach ball-sized eyeballs surrounded by holographic mystic smoke; to hypnotize his enemies and make them his unwilling slaves.
One of his drones is inhabited by an A.I. named “Esmeralda”- or “Mera”, for short- you’ll find out why, she’s called “Esmeralda”, if you choose to RP, with me.
She can talk, think, etc.
Mera can also control the other 2 eye drones; and even hack into the drones of other characters, funneling her hypnotic powers through their ocular units and into the eyes of their owners.
Once they’re Hypnotized; Spellbinder’s slaves will act as a small “wall”, to attack other opponents/defend him and his team- or serve as ambush traps to get the drop on opponents.
This also works on robots, such as Spectres.
“Mera” and the other eye drones can also fire lasers and small missiles and hack into any broadcast system to use any large screen or holographic sign as another trap to hypnotize players.
She can also upgrade or rework the weapons of him and his teammates.
Take the “EVA-8” shotgun, for example.
She can make it a little bigger, give it a glowing purple aura, around it, give it a semi-bigger drum with extended ammo and equip it with an M203 Grenade Launcher, underneath the barrel.
Not only that; but rather than your typical single shot- or rapid 2-shot-; the upgraded Eva-8 would now fire multiple shots in a rapid pace, like a Thompson Submachine Gun- or “Tommy Gun”-, from the 1930s- which would be fitting, since it has a drum magazine, like one.
Spellbinder’s slaves can be awakened; if his Hypnosis wears off, after 30 minutes or if either all 3 drones are destroyed or if he’s killed, before it wears off.
As stated before; it takes 30 seconds to replenish.
Passive: “Seeing is Believing”
Like Mirage; Spellbinder can also create illusions.
The only differences are that Hal’s illusions are made of solid light- meaning they can and will kill you!
And they can be anything, not just clones of himself.
Not to mention; that he can create illusionary dream scenarios within the minds of his victims, to either torture them, motivate them or keep them complacent, while he’s commanding them to fight, in the real world.
Either by creating a nightmarish world for them to fight and survive or creating a fantasy world for them to indulge in.
Whatever he subjects players to; his illusions will trigger all five of their senses, making the experience highly real, for them.
He can also use his illusions to “hack” into his victim’s minds and use their memories, fears and desires as bases for his illusionary worlds.
Ultimate: “Wizard’s Wrath”
Back in his days as “Lord Vulcan”; Hal’s theme was fire- because Jimmy was called “The Forge”- which is associated with heat-, so Hal wore a lot of “Flame-colored and themed” clothing- which paired well with his mask, when he was “Hellfire Hal.”
Not only that; he also had nanotechnology injected into his body, giving him the ability to generate, control and manipulate fire- without burning himself.
As “Spellbinder”; he can utilize that on the battlefield, as a backup power, when his drones are out of commission.
Hal is also skilled in boxing, wrestling, Martial Arts, Karate, marksmanship, swordsmanship, acrobatics, hacking and engineering.
Heirlooms: Spellbinder’s Heirlooms, so far are:
“The Headliner”: A futuristic hi-tech “Scepter-like” microphone from his “Lord Vulcan” days- but given an upgrade to match his new theme- ; that is also a “Swiss Army-esque” weapon that has a backup hypnotic device/illusion-caster, a sound cannon, a laser ray, a plasma energy whip, a knife, etc.
Voice Actor: His VA would be Jeff Bennett- if you’ve heard of him.
Just picture Johnny Bravo, without the Elvis accent.
And then with an occasional Cajun one.
His Mom is from New Orleans and his dad is from Texas.
Personality: Hal is a master showman, treating every battle like a big performance.
He is also a flashy, loud and boisterous con-man.
A wheeler and a dealer; able to sweet talk you into doing what he says- without his hypnotic powers.
Hal is also good-neutral, but he can still be an arrogant jerk.
He’s like Johnny Cage, before he became humble.
This is especially true, when it comes to him and Mirage.
He can also be a bit hedonistic- especially when it comes to women-, but he would never cheat on Loba and is accepting of her being bisexual.
Hal also loves to sing, dance, paint, sculpt, learn magic tricks and mythology, collect military weapons and vehicles to copy and make working upgraded replicas of said items and cook.
He is also proud of his Cajun heritage- as well as his Texan one.
Though; he’s more of a Raiders fan, than a Saints or a Cowboys fan, like each of his parents.
Hal also has a bit of a short fuse and a fiery temper- especially towards people like Revenant.
He’s also racist towards simulacrums and regular robots- but not towards A.I.’s, Cyborgs and Androids-, as he believes that robots are meant to serve Humanity and nothing else.
Oh and he’s a huge fan of Elvis Presley- but not to the point of obsession.
That is all I have, so far.
((Yeah, I had to make a new revised version with a few changes and additions.
#multi-muse-transect#trenhead#legendwoven#apex legends#apex legends roleplay#apex legends rp#apex legends loba#apex legends revenant#apex legends mirage#apex legends forge
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Take a guess what this tier list is about.
I like to imagine that J, upon becoming a murder drone realized "Wait a minute, it's not the action I hate... IT'S THE PEOPLE!"
#murder drones#murder drones v#murder drones n#murder drones lizzy#murder drones j#murder drones doll#murder drones uzi#murder drones teacher#murder drones sam#murder drones rebecca#murder drones darren#murder drones braiden#murder drones braxton#murder drones beau#murder drones khan x nori#murder drones nori#murder drones thad#murder drones yeva#murder drones tessa#murder drones cyn#murder drones tier list#murder drones james#murder drones louisa#J went from ace to aro#might delete later
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I need a freakin explanation for this
If I'm stupid...
If murder drones can't be in the sun... Then why is N in the sun in Glitch Inn?! Unless if it's just a figure.
#murder drones#serial designation n#uzi doorman#murder drones v#serial designation v#murder drones uzi#murder drones n#murder drones j#serial designation j#murder drones Thad#murder drones Khan Doorman#murder drones Nori Doorman#murder drones Teacher#murder drones Lizzy#murder drones Doll#murder drones Rebecca#murder drones Braxton#murder drones Makarov#murder drones Todd#murder drones Tessa Elliott#murder drones James Elliott#murder drones Louisa Elliott#murder drones Lord Frumptlebucket#murder drones Katie Mitchell#murder drones Dr. Ridley#murder drones Grant#murder drones Sarah#murder drones Unnamed Detective Drone#murder drones Ron Riley#murder drones Frank
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Sharp Little Dou

Braxtonnnnnnn [love this guy]

He's got some chompers, nom nom


Work troubles

B: Hey I like your cool teeth. I don't think you should file them, Thad.


Thad: Bye, dad! Can't wait to learn rumby after school!
Khan: Woah, he called you dad?
[and now just this stupid situation hahahahaha]

#lilywily post#lilywily art#murder drones#MD braxton#MD thad#Found Parents au#murder drones au#Slight mention of lizzy
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