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le-monde-comme-j-aime · 6 months ago
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phildekem · 22 days ago
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antoniocamposfernandezworld · 4 months ago
Me acabo de jubilar
Por Juan Manuel Jiménez Muñoz Queridos amigos:  Tras casi 39 años de vida laboral en el Servicio Andaluz de Salud, he colgado la bata y el fonendo y he pasado a una existencia más gozosa, más íntima, más personal, más “jubilosa”. Lo llaman jubilación, pero uno nunca se jubila de ser médico: uno es médico para siempre; aunque, bien es verdad, inevitablemente, los conocimientos y las habilidades…
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koddelfrance · 1 year ago
Braséros et Foyers Extérieurs pour des Soirées Chaleureuses en Automne : Choix, Styles et Fabricants Européens
L’automne est une saison exceptionnelle pour profiter de votre espace extérieur. Les températures douces, les couleurs chaudes et les soirées fraîches créent une atmosphère parfaite pour se détendre et se divertir en plein air. Pour rendre votre jardin ou terrasse encore plus accueillant et confortable, voici quelques idées de décoration et d’accessoires pour transformer votre espace extérieur en…
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amadera-blog · 1 year ago
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Profitez de votre brasero barbecue mexicain et cheminée de jardin - Amadera
Ajoutez une touche de convivialité à votre jardin avec le brasero barbecue mexicain. 
Le brasero mexicain est un chauffage extérieur polyvalent pour animer vos soirées. La terre cuite épaisse diffuse une douce chaleur lorsque les soirées sont fraiches, c’est un excellent barbecue pour vos grillades en plein air et il cuit aussi vos pizzas. Le brasero mexicain esthétique et pratique devient l’outil indispensable de vos soirées entre amis et en famille.
Amadera travaille directement avec les familles d’artisans mexicains dans le cadre d’une démarche équitable. Les cheminées mexicaines sont fabriquées dans le respect de la tradition et du savoir-faire local. 
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viejospellejos · 1 year ago
Alguien va a ir al paro mañana:
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waru-chan8 · 2 years ago
It’s mostly safe. Between 1:09 and 1:33 there’s a slow-Mo of Jorge moving and setting the torches on fire with his own body.
Roberto:Let’s take a bit of air as the team also does the cleaning/removing of all the torches and we lower the heart beat (he uses turn them back on place)
Mariló: Jorge guy (in surprise/disbelieve)
Roberto: a big (gigantic) applause for Jorge Lorenzo
Jorge and Pedro talk but is not cached by the microphone.
Rosa: you can see the back he has burned it. Damn it!.
Roberto: let’s turn him around as it was suggested by his coach Pedro, so we ha can see how Jorge Lorenzo’s back looks like. Jorge. We where saying 30 seconds
Juan: To 0
Roberto:...and 0
Juan: to 0
Roberto: you’ve gone to the limit
Jorge: (Jorge is barely making sense in Spanish, probably still shaky from the experience) No.. one can get used to.. they are always... when you have the fire... in the back, in the back... You want to go as fast as you can, but I had to be precises, and wait 2-3 seconds. It was difficult, but... everything went well
Boris: very well, extraordinarily well
Jorge: I was feeling very hot, but I don’t think I got burned, but we will check later but
Other contestant: you are incredible.
Boris: you are the king
Roberto: let’s see you never better said. Look at yourself in the slow-Mo cam. The very slow one.
Jorge: I never watched myself Damn it! (I’m not sure, but I think Jorge says ‘Que putada’ which could be interpreted and how insane, but music is too low for me to understand it properly
Roberto: well *without words* all yours
Juan: For moments like, I believe that this programme is the best in the TV (someone said arghsi in complain) because in here, there’s an emotion and tension eh enormous.
Jorge: I did well in taking this off (? what is he talking about? The balaclava?)
Juan: and we feel it like this from here. Congratulations Jorge for the temperance of stopping to set all the torches on fire. For me it’s a challenge, with this I always have an small argument with Santiago, it’s a challenge that enraptures me and I think it holds lots of credits just for trying to do it. (Pilar(?) says yes). Congratulation.
Jorge: thanks!
Pilar: I’m going to congratulate Jorge and I’m going to give a small scold/reprimand to the program in general. Let’s see, on each side, we had 15 torches. 15 torches  and we said he needed about.. that he could only stay 30 seconds with the suit (Waru’s note, Jorge said 2-3 seconds per torch and it was 15 torches per side, so he actually needed 30-45. Conclusion: it was a miracle he managed to complete the challenge). He only has 2 seconds per torch (Waru’s note (again) this considering that each torch at each side is lit at the same time and easily). You gone a little on the limit (Waru’s note (again) this is like going to Austria with normal brake disc and expect that nothing happen (reference to Race 2 in Austria in 2020 and Maverick Viñales). Poor Jorge ,Poor Jorge
Jorge: Knowing... I don’t know my time.
Someone: guy  it was 30 seconds
Pilar: this was was very extreme
Santiago: Pilar
Pilar: no, no, no
Santiago: to defend the programme, I’ll tell you that the torches where covered with a flammable liquid and I don’t think that the precision was so good
Pilar: would you be able to do this?
Santiago: for me it was more difficult, what Rosa López did
Rosa: no way
Santiago eating the plastic with the teeth upside down (she and Ana Guerra had to scape from the plastic covering the torso while being upside down at 6m of high and then jump) than what Jorge (driving a 3000kg truck over a 8m long line of glasses) and Jorge (this challenge)
rosa *laughs* no
Roberto: if anybody understands about fires in this table, it’s Roberto Brasero
Brasero (invited judge. He had his own challenge that does is not in contest. He usually is the weatherman for Antena3, the channel where El Desafío is broadcast). No, you went for a walk of 400ºC, as you told us. In here, you can also smell it because people from home can’t smell it. The smell of burning of petrol/gasoline, that you felt so many times. I think that apart from the physical abilities, it had a mental component your ... moment as a rider,
Jorge: yeah, totally
Brasero: I suppose it was one of your nightmares, seeing yourself engulfed in flames and it this case, you have surpassed it. And I’ll only say something to you, the hood goes directly to the trash. Do not try to
Jorge, that’s for sure
Rosa: look, it’s cool
Roberto: Well, Jorge Lorenzo, challenge completed, we will see ho the jury will asses it later. You can go calmly there, (signals one side), they are saying there (shows the other way) But before, go there and change (and that we see is... announcing the next challenge and contestant)
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femftbllvr · 2 years ago
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le-monde-comme-j-aime · 1 month ago
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sgiandubh · 6 months ago
News from Birmingham, 2: 'we're out of battery soon'
ACHTUNG, BABY: these pics do NOT belong to me. Please do NOT steal them, Mordorians, as you usually do. I don't want to see them chez Marple, BIF or Purv, I do not want them on X and I certainly do NOT want them on Brazilian Instagram accounts who also charge people, or ANY OTHER Instagram account, for that matter. I will come for you with feather and brimstone if you do. Fuck ye and yer clan if you show no respect - this is a legit casus belli situation.
Heroically reporting from the Q&A panel, our girls are running out of battery juice in their phones, because -as loyal C mainly - they took a bajillion pics. I am selecting them as I write.
First thing, C specifically asked the minder (whom many people I have talked to, today, described as a 'nasty pox of a man'/'un asco de hombre') to let the fans sit next to her and ask their questions as they feel, no tedious standing in line needed. C, always the politician of Those Two, LOL:
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Before anything else, I was entrusted with a FULL audio recording of the Birmingham panel. As per copyright regulations and attendance contract I am NOT allowed to post it and I do not want to harm my two wonderful friends in ANY way, shape or form. That being said, I will take my time, tonight (and lots of Nescafe Brasero Strong) to listen to it and give you all the juicy parts, in transcription. Short transcribed bits, we can do. Thank you for your understanding,
And boy, do we have juicy parts, babes. For now, I will just share the best pics and the on the spot reactions.
First question was 'how do you feel as a real mom?' Her solution was to simply say ' Sophie, where are you?' I will check with the audio and repost, but it simply goes to say: a) she won't address anything Blonde Bambino related and b) she/they are still very close to Skeleton, whom they seem to have adopted. Sort of. Sophie knows many secrets. Trust.
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✔️Will she stay/remain in Scotland after OL is over? 'Well, my husband is Scottish and so are his parents'. Lip service to the narrative all the way.
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✔️A fan asked something she did not understand/catch well, while Steve the 'Asco de Hombre' minder was fumbling around with the mic, so she informally went 'whaat?' So Steve dutifully barked, in a LOUD voice 'IT'S ABOUT TONY, YOUR REAL HUSBAND' (🙄 - I would fire that dick on the spot, he simply makes her look controlled and a fool). I was also told to listen carefully to the audio, for context and I shall give you my honest sentiment, as always. Note to self: to be found around the 25' mark.
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✔️Turns out the fan asked if she and Tracula share the same musical tastes. She answers du tac au tac/on the spot, 'who, me and Sam?' (CAITRIONA!). And this is when Steve 'Nasty Pox of a Man' interjected, 'NO, TONY, YOUR REAL HUSBAND'. Like father, like daughter: remember that Tydavnet interview for the public Irish radio, when she was promoting Belfast? Well, there we go ('And Tony!/ 'And Tony' - zero enthusiasm, Mr. Balfe, bless your big 💖in Heaven).
I will come back with more. Our friends' batteries died, but they still managed to share with me the entire audio panel.
And I swear to God - if I ever see one of your sock accounts (@homechef, anyone?) come to steal from here and then tell the world it was the Team or who the hell else who found it while you were having your tonsils polished/an umpteeenth root canal mended/dinner with Brad Pitt's Sunset Boulevard lookalike/whatever, you shall be reported.
And yes, I have more pics. In fact, I have about 35 of them, in all and for all.
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pokemonshelterstories · 1 year ago
>wake up this morning
>let the pidove out to stretch their wings
>go to the kitchen to make my Drank for the morning (strawberry kiwi smoothie)
>go to living room to enjoy my Drank
>presto! (female pidove) is sitting on top of the brasero looking very broody
>the boys have brought her four sticks to nest on
>did she lay an egg on the table?? reach my hand under her to check while she pecks the shit out of me
>It Was A Marble
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johannesviii · 8 months ago
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Living brasero (with auto-ignition if you give it matches)
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jartita-me-teneis · 17 days ago
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El brasero de picón era un elemento característico de las casas hasta hace unos años.
Estos braseros, hechos de hierro, cobre o latón y cubiertos de picón, eran utilizados como fuente de calor en épocas pasadas.
Sobre el brasero se colocaba una una alambrera metálica para no quemarse. Para evitar el contacto con el suelo, los modelos caros incluían un pie o soporte. El combustible por excelencia era el cisco o picón, un tipo de carbón vegetal muy menudo y de larga combustión que se obtenía de la quema del ramón de la encina, olivo, etc.
El brasero se colocaba en el centro de las habitaciones o debajo de unas mesas especiales, llamadas mesas camillas, sobre una tarima de madera perforada en el centro para encajarlo, que también sirve de reposapiés. Para reavivar el fuego se utiliza un instrumento metálico llamado badila, que consiste en un mango y una paleta redonda, doblemente perforada en su borde superior; cuando la combustión languidece y baja el calor, se echa una firmita, es decir se remueve con la badila con sumo cuidado. A las personas que pasaban mucho tiempo sentadas en la mesa camilla, le salían en las piernas una especie de manchas muy incómodas, las llamadas cabrillas.
A veces entre pata y pata de la mesa, se ponía un cordel para que sirviera de tendedero de ropa a secar que fuese urgente.
Para perfumar la habitación se le echaba de vez en cuando sobre la lumbre un poco de alhucema seca, una especie de lavanda muy aromática.
Considerado un ingenio peligroso dentro de la vivienda por el hecho de generar brasa sin estar perfectamente protegido y de producir "tufo", fue causa de incendios frecuentes, principalmente al entrar en contacto con las faldas de la mesa camilla y diversas prendas de las personas. Sin embargo, el peligro más grave era la posibilidad de envenenamiento por emisión de monóxido de carbono (el mencionado "tufo"), que se producía especialmente en habitaciones poco ventiladas, por combustión incompleta por falta de oxígeno.
El brasero se encendía en el patio, poniendo el “cisco” o picón, después unas tablillas de algún envase que se había desguazado, y un trapo mojado en aceite para que su llama fuese lenta y diese tiempo a que se encendiera el brasero que al fin ponía incandescente el picón. Para protegerlo y que durase más, se le ponía encima una capa de cenizas, de los días anteriores
Los piconeros se encargaban de recolectar las ramas, carbonizarlas y luego vender el producto final. De: Extremadura Asina
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nemosisworld · 6 months ago
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Ton aisselle luit pareille au nacre du coquillage qui s'ouvre tes cheveux ont le feu des chevaux qui brûlent la transe de celui qui nage vers sa méduse
Ta cuisse a le parfum de l'herbe et de l'ail et du citron confit ton œil est l'alun qui flambe au fond du brasero
Le secret de ta beauté est le secret
Rim Battal
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eddy25960 · 11 months ago
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"Otoño. Que sea otoño. Que sea otoño y que llueva. Mucho. Que haya leños ardiendo en un brasero. Y un gato. Que haya un gato y que sea negro y que mire de amarillo y que se enrosque y que nos enseñe un poco a vivir.
Pero por sobre todas las cosas que sea otoño. Que le falte un vidrio a la ventana. Que entren por ese hueco la lluvia y el frío. Que tengas ganas de besarme. Muchas ganas. Que un hombre te espere en otra parte. Que sea otra vez otoño. Otoño y Que llueva. Y que no vayas. Que te quedes conmigo. Que sea otoño otra vez y que te quedes".
--- José Sbarra, fue un escritor, autor teatral, poeta y guionista argentino.
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hydrangeapartridge · 2 months ago
Need help for a chest puzzle in Rivain (spoilers I suppose?):
For the chest behind bone bars in a cave near the Shark mouth beach, there are I think braseros to light with Taash's ability to unlock the gate. I found 3 (one on the shark squelette with Harding ability, one under sand with Assan's ability and the one near the gate/chest) but there must be one more becauseat least bc I can't figure it out.
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