wheelytrans · 9 months
Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays!!!
And you, Mousey!
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(I didn't expect 'transformers christmas' to come up with anything but this had me cracking up)
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inopinatus-ea · 3 months
Welcome to the Kingdom of Annisgwyl ruled by King Branoc, father of Crowne Prince Emery
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and Prince Raiden
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The kingdom in embattled in an internal civil war and an additional war from a neighboring kingdom that wants to steal part of their land. To try and shore up their forces, King Branoc makes a deal with the Lord of another neighboring kingdom, Uchelgais, King Mavros. If Mavros will marry his only daughter, Princess Adelia
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to Crowne Prince Emery and provide soldiers, then Branoc will promise mineral and ore rights to Mavros. However, things go bad from the time that Adelia and her guard, Drach
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are introduced to the princes. Things only go downhill from there, leading to the possibility of Emery being replaced as heir. Will the contract and treaty fall through? Has Raiden got ulterior motives? What exactly does Drach know, and who about? And is anyone safe in the house of Branoc when the lights go out?
Coming soon to a blog near you.....
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cljordan-imperium · 15 days
Proud Tag
I'm using an Open Tag by @talesofsorrowandofruin
I haven't written a lot while being away, but I did this and I'm pretty proud of it. This is from @inopinatus-ea
Rules: Post a snippet you’ve written that you’re pleased by/proud of and tag some friends.
Branoc saw Adelia’s movements, but didn’t realize her intention until the crack of her hand impacting Emery’s cheek sounded like a gunshot in the room that had now fallen deathly quiet.  The look of righteous indignation upon her face caused Raiden to take a step back, and Emery, who was already battling confusion on why his father had just humiliated him, stood stunned into absolute silence.
“How dare you!  First a humiliation is unfurled at my feet upon arrival that my intended has impregnated another woman, but now you refuse me?  Look me in the face and explain yourself, Prince Emery.  Do not have your father do your bidding, you spineless coward!  If a way out of the betrothal is what you desire, then I demand an explanation for the humiliation and dishonor you have brought upon me with your rejection.” Fury was rife across her face as her dove grey eyes bored holes into him.
“I did no such thing!” Emery protested, still in shock from his father's announcement and now Adelia’s actions.  The flicker of movement out of the corner of his eye was just enough to be able to grab her wrist to keep her from striking him again. “This was not my choice, Princess.  It is not I who have rejected you.  That decision was my father’s.” He heard his father say something off to the side, but he did not break his gaze from Adelia’s.  Within her eyes he could see anger flaring, but there was something more as well that he could not yet define.
“Why should I believe you?  Your father is the one who desired me to come to be your betrothed as no other Princess Royal would have you.  Now you assert that he is the one who wishes me to be married to his second son, not his heir.  Why would I agree to such a degradation of my status?” She took a step closer to him, not giving an inch in her rebuttal of his words. Her arm.jerked against his hold, her face set in righteous indignation. Just like he could read her eyes, she could read his.  He wasn’t lying, which only confused her more, but now Drach’s instruction to confront him about the refusal of betrothal was making sense.  There was more going on around them, and she was but a pawn in the chess game Branoc seemed to be playing with his sons.
With one hard jerk, Emery had Adelia flush against him, looking down into her face that seemed to him like that of a dream, even in her anger.  “I would never ask you to degrade yourself, or reduce your status, Adelia.  Nor would I reject you for no reason, and I did not.” His voice lost the edge of aggression it had held before, and Emery prayed that she would believe him.  “I was delayed in returning from the errand my father sent me on because…” Here went nothing, or maybe it was everything.
“Because?” She asked, Adelia’s tone also softening, along with her expression. She detected that he indeed had a reason that he was unsure of sharing, which made her eyes narrow slightly. 
“My father had given me a ring to propose with that included a large diamond, gaudy and befitting a Queen in all ways.  However, it did not suit me.  I had returned to my chambers to retrieve the ring I wished to give you, in hopes that you would begin to understand me, and accept it, and me.” Emery’s free hand reached inside his suit coat to pull out the worn leather ring box from his inner jacket pocket.  Releasing her wrist, his fingers shook slightly as he opened it.  He knew it would enrage his father, and possibly insult Adelia, but he was following his heart in this. 
Nestled in the ivory velvet of the box was a ring that at first had Adelia’s brows coming together. It did not look like an engagement ring in the slightest. There were diamonds, but the main focus of the ring were three heart shaped pearls that were inlaid, with the diamonds then placed around them.  It was beautiful, unique, and unlike anything she had expected.  Certainly she had never heard of a Prince proposing a betrothal with such a ring, certainly not one that was the heir to the throne of the kingdom.
“My mother was not royalty,” Emery saw the shock on Adelia’s face that the Queen was not his mother, “but she was nobility.  Upon her sixteenth birthday this ring was a gift from my grandfather to her. It is now all that I have left of her after her death.”  Branoc’s voice seemed far away booming his name, which he ignored. “There is nothing I treasure more in this world than this ring.  Which is why I wished for the woman that I will also treasure unlike any other in this world to wear it as my vow of commitment to her.  Adelia, there is no chance that child is mine, I swear upon all I hold dear.  I vow that you shall be my beginning and my end of love.” Removing the ring from the box, he held it out hoping she would accept, but preparing himself for rejection. Emery had never been this raw with anyone, and now it may be his undoing.
“HOW DARE YOU!”  Branoc’s voice boomed louder, closer, and even more enraged than he had been in front of the Palace. There was no doubt in Emery’s mind that pain was soon to follow.  Then two things happened he did not anticipate, but was thankful for.
Tagging to share - @pheita @watermeezer @writingmaidenwarrior @zablife @cillmequick
My normal tag list if not above -
@saltysupercomputer @dreaminggoblin @abalonetea @toribookworm22
@crowandmoonwriting @mama-ivy @jadeglas @ashirisu
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pastelchosen · 1 year
Break my muse in 15 words or less.
"I died, how could you do this again? We trusted you." -Branoc
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Well.. that certainly made him freeze up.
“…B-Bran.. Branoc.. please-“ He trails off, eyes wide, distant. He remembers that clearly.
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uderzamobeton · 1 year
🍂🍁Piątek, 06.10.2023r. 🍁🍂
Zjedzone: 1499 kcal
Limit: 1500 kcal
Spalone: 464 kcal
Bilans: 1035 kcal
Podsumowanie dnia:
🍂🍁 Piątek 🍁🍂 przywitałam dość dobrze. Pobudka o 4. Cukier 79, sys 111, dia 71, puls 72. Nie miałam lekcji, bo pojechaliśmy na wycieczkę (zbiórka 6.40, najpierw do Sącza na laserowy paintball, a potem do Krynicy Zdrój). Nie mogę pozbyć się tej ciężkości i dobija mnie ona psychicznie. Chciałam tylko spać, jednak cieszę się, bo poznałam dziś kilka fajnych osób i spędziłam częściowo miło czas. Ogólnie to nareszcie mam też swoją koszarówkę z straży I już jutro będzie okazja by ją włożyć na zbiórkę. Jestem strasznie zmęczona, bo dużo chodziliśmy i idę zaraz spać. Branoc miśki.
Love, Ikar
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anas-son · 1 year
Co tam u Was??
Ja mam lekki stresik przed szkołą i kolejnym spotkaniem jutro ale hu
Moja mama jutro zaczyna pracę więc będę miał czas dla sb przez te parę godzin póki co^^
Będzie dobrze ig
Mam już chb osobę z którą będę siedzieć w ławce i się cieszę wsm
A jak tam Wasz nastrój przed szkołą???
Branoc °˖✧
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heksery · 2 years
"Sure, Patrick," Branoc said, munching on some trail mix. "What's on your mind?" @discordantweave
Like a panther, Patrick slipped into the room and closed the door behind him softly. “I think I have an idea that may benefit us both,” he started. “You’ve mentioned you want to become better at magic and spells, and I could use... company. Security. Support.” He sighed deeply to calm himself. Somehow, this brought great anxiety upon the usually confident witch. “Would you consider becoming my familiar? As I could become your mentor of sorts?”
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aubainmary · 2 years
repost don’t reblog, post what you associate with your muse(s); and then tag others!  
tagged by @videonastycore (thank you!)
tagging: @dvarapala @pastelchosen @sugaraddictedarchangel @himbosquad (eros&ziggy) @discordantweave (edda&branoc) @gabrielthegoober (if y’all want to)
ANIMAL: Ferret
COLOR(S): Baby Blue
SONG: Watermelon Sugar by Harry Styles
PLANT: Lavender
SMELL: Caramel
GEMSTONE: Turquoise
SEASON: Summer
PLACE: any patisserie/bakery
DRINK: Boba tea
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send me 🕯️to hear my character's inner thoughts about your character.
Skallagrim thinks Branoc is a good guy who just needs some help. He really wants to help him make friends and gain confidence.
Ash thinks Branoc is the absolute coolest and she really hopes he's going to stick around. She also low key ships him with her gramps.
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impossibl3e · 1 year
Dobranoc 💫✨
0 notes
inopinatus-ea · 2 months
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The Princes get their first glimpse of Adelia
“Emery, Raiden, the King of Uchelgais and his entourage will be here soon. Ensure you are appropriately prepared for their arrival and your introduction to the Princess Royal.”  King Branoc looked at his two sons.  He knew Emery was not happy about this, to say the least, but he cared not.  If the man wouldn’t get engaged on his own, then he’d take matters into his own hands.  There was already trouble in the kingdom and he had to ensure that his heirs were secure should the worst happen.  His son had dallied enough with the plebbian woman he'd been infatuated with, now Branoc had taken matters into his own hands.
“Father, we’ve been prepared for hours.  I’m sure that when King Mavros shows up with darling and precious daughter, he will be impressed with his awaiting son-in-law.” Emery replied sarcastically.  Why couldn’t Raiden be the one to marry the insipid daughter of the neighboring King?  He neither desired to be married, nor wanted a Princess that he was sure would be as interesting as the others that had come forward before her.  That his father had arranged the marriage without even consulting him still burned in his breast like a hot coal from the fire.  
Raiden prudently remained silent.  The volley of fire had not stopped between the King and Crowne Prince since the negotiated betrothal had been announced.  Now that the Princess was arriving imminently, they weren’t slowing down either.  He could hardly wait to see what fate had befallen his older brother.  If she was anything like the previous options their father had presented to Emery, Raiden was quite sure that he would be glad that he was the younger of the two of them.  Although, once Emery was wed, he was sure that their father’s eyes would turn to him.
“He had better.  This marriage is going to help us in the ongoing war and form an allieship that we desperately need. Do not fuck this up, Emery.  I’m tired of your failures!” The king turned on his heel and left the room, clearly done talking to his eldest, again. Not that this conversation had been long.  Few had been lately.  
Since the moment he was born, Emery had been a constant source of disappointment to him.  Dark hair, eyes that matched, he had the brooding scowl of his mother, not the fairer and more refined features of royalty like his brother Raiden.  His face was more round, his eyebrows lower, and he was shorter with more narrow shoulders. There was no one that would say that Emery was not handsome, but he did not resemble his father in the slightest, and to Branoc, there was no greater insult that could be given.  For that, he almost loathed the Prince.  Had the kingdom not been aware of his dalliance with Emery’s mother, the child would not have survived infancy.
“Hoping to give him a stroke before the short engagement period is over so that you can get out of the wedding?” Raiden couldn’t help but tease his brother. He couldn’t wait to see what kind of woman his father had decided upon.  There had been a couple of options he could have chosen from.  Secretly he hoped she was hideous, mewling, and so utterly worthless as a partner that it would drive Emery insane.  Someone just like his mother - a living mannequin to dress up and put a tiara on, produce heirs, and parade around at events.   Nothing would be a worse curse for his brother.
“You’re next in line for this fun, you know?  If you think he’s being an asshole to me, do you think he’ll be any different to you?” In truth Emery couldn’t wait until it was Raiden’s turn at this shit. Then he would get to see how insufferable the Princesses were that came to court to be considered.  Adding to his frustration was that his father picked one that he had never met. Six short weeks to get to know her then they’d be married. Lovely.
“I’m not the heir to the throne.  Something tells me father won’t be nearly as hard on me as he has been on you. I also don’t purposefully get under his skin for fun. I’ve learned how to manipulate him to get what I want.” Raiden’s smug smile irritated his brother, he could tell from the twitch in his brother’s eye.  They both knew he was right.  It wasn’t because he was younger, they had two younger brothers and a sister.  It was because he had learned long ago just how to talk to his father in order to hit the notes that his father wanted to hear.
“I’d offer to let you have the Princess if father wouldn’t literally have a stroke.  Heir has to marry first and all of that.  I’m sure whatever contract and treaty he has struck with her father wouldn’t work for second in line to the throne.”  Emery’s eyes rolled and he groaned. He had been in a relationship with Siara for years, but she was not high enough nobility for the next King. When it grew time for marriage, she and her family had disappeared one day and ended up on the other side of the kingdom.  His father had ways of making a statement.
“Oh no, I’m sure the one he’s chosen for you is your perfect match.  I wouldn’t want to steal her from you, dear brother.” Sarcasm dripped so heavily from Raiden’s voice it was pooling on the ground around his feet as he smirked at his brother and chuckled.  There was no way for Emery to get out of this one, no matter how much the elder brother wished he could.  No amount of charisma or negotiations could change what was going to happen; and he was going to get to sit back and watch it all happen with glee.
The sound of bells tolling told the brothers that the guests from the neighboring kingdom had entered the palace grounds.  Soon their entourage would be pulling up to the doors below them.  The men walked over to the windows, standing slightly off to the sides and pulling back the shears to look down unobtrusively for when the vehicles carrying all the guests pulled into view.  It only took a minute for the black vehicles to do so.  When the pulled to a stop, the footmen moved from the palace doors to open those of the vehicles.
From the lead vehicle exited a man who was obviously the King.  A stately and statuesque woman followed behind him, the obvious Queen.  If the Princess possessed her mother’s beauty, Emery had to admit this might not be too untenable. Then the rear door of the second vehicle was opened.  First to exit was a male with sharp eyes, a jawline and nose to match.  Emery’s first thought was of a bird, but at the way the man held himself shortly afterward it was reinforced and specified: an eagle.  He extended his hand toward the still open door, leading both Princes to lean forward in anticipation of who would exit next.
A delicate and elegant hand took that of the male’s.  Alabaster skin contrasted with that of the more tan man, his fingers gently taking hold and assisting the female exiting the vehicle, and as she did both brothers swore under their breath and glanced at one another.  Long, dark hair curled down her back, framing a sweetheart face that was beauty personified. Her moves were graceful and fluid, as if she were dancing.  It was clear that the Princess had arrived, and as dark emerald her gown flowed around her like a gossamer mist, she resembled a fairy tale come to life.  Both Princes were falling in love, but only one would admit it.
“You sure you don’t want to actually offer to let me take her off your hands, Emery?”
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reblog - @cafekitsune
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postverechiel · 2 years
Branoc 7
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cljordan-imperium · 3 days
Out of Context Tag
I was tagged by one of my awesome German besties @pheita
Branoc saw Adelia’s movements, but didn’t realize her intention until the crack of her hand impacting Emery’s cheek sounded like a gunshot in the room that had now fallen deathly quiet. The look of righteous indignation upon her face caused Raiden to take a step back, and Emery, who was already battling confusion on why his father had just humiliated him, stood stunned into absolute silence.
Tagging @saltysupercomputer @sleepyowlwrites @sarah-sandwich-writes @watermeezerswildwandering
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pastelchosen · 1 year
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niewidzialna-lala · 4 years
Przespałem ten rok w chuj
Jan rapowanie - Branoc
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mojediably · 4 years
Jakby nie patrzeć, tutaj dzieje się naprawdę wiele. Kościoły, burdele i zjazdy w niedziele.
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