#brandon being supportive too I LIVE T-T
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#brandon being supportive too I LIVE T-T#wish we could have behind the scenes with all the korean team together#because Alicia has done more for the marketing department than the marketing directors themselves 😅🙄#cobra kai#cobra kai season 6#cobra kai part 2#kwon jae sung#tory nichols#cobra kai kwon#cobra kai series#kwon cobra kai#yoon do jin#kim da eun#korean cobra kai#the k cobra trio#peyton list#brandon h lee#alicia hannah kim#daniel j kim
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Books I read in quarantine: Part 1
So on Friday, March 13, 2020 something not that chill happened. We all know what that was. Anyway for me the silver lining was that I got a lot of my TBR knocked out by not being at work. I read over 150 books from mid-march to mid-october.
1. We Should All Be Feminists by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: yes, it had been on my list for a while, yes it was awesome, yes, its still worth the read
2. Dragonquest by Anne McCaffrey: eh. listen. she’s one of the most prominent women in fantasy/sci-fi writing and that’s great. and maybe some the later books aren’t quite such a product of their time. but there are some aspects to the dragon “bonding” that feel especially uncomfortable and there’s a lot of violence toward women. so.
3. Briar’s Book by Tamora Pierce: I was in the midst of a Circle of Magic reread. Unfortunately for me, this one is about a plague. It’s still one of the best CoM books and I enjoy it immensely. Its definitely going to be harder to read from now on
4. The Tiger’s Daughter by K. Arsenault Rivera: loved this. empress and ruler of the steppes as lesbians that also battle demons? i needed a family tree, but that’s normal for me. still need to get to the next one in this series.
5. Fablehaven by Brandon Mull: middle grade fantasy novel. i hesitate to say lighthearted because there are definitely some heavy themes, but all the fantasy creatures you encounter are cool AF and this one at least doesn’t end on a cliffhanger.
6. Magic Steps by Tamora Pierce: less strong than some of the others in the Emelan series, but has some cool worldbuilding that got better fleshed out in the Beka Cooper Tortall books. featuring UNMAGIC. v dark. also dance magic. and romance between two older characters
7. The Bookshop on the Corner by Jenny Colgan: delightful romance, not super explicit, very wish fulfillment if your wish is to run away from your life in london and live off the proceeds of a mobile bookstore in a tiny town. which. is not unappealing.
8. Street Magic by Tamora Pierce: features 9 cats, street urchins, and a VERY TERRIFYING wealthy widow straight up murdering kids for fun and games, stone magic
9. Scythe by Neal Shusterman: okay so take our world and then solve all physical ailments and have everything run by the cloud. except that death is still a thing but only if you are picked by a Scythe. first book in a trilogy. fast paced, amazing, violent (someone gets their head cut off), standard dystopia stuff. you’ll want to have the next two books ON YOUR SHELF
10. Wink Poppy Midnight by April Genevieve Tucholke: there is definitely someone out there who will like this more than me. one of them is my roommate. it was just too dark of a friendship/enemyship for me. lots of unreliable narrators. and like, they were just kind of horrible to each other? the actual plot was kinda cool and i definitely would have liked it more if it ended lighter
11. The Word for World is Forest by Ursula K. LeGuin: a giant of fantasy and science fiction. this was my first of her sci-fi stuff and the first of the hainish cycle that i’ve read. quick read. definitely makes you think.
12. The Haunting of Tram Car 015 by P. Djèlí Clark: number two in a series, but i didn’t know that going in. absolutely going to read the others. a cairo where all sorts of spirits and demons exist and actively interact with the “normal” world.
13. The Girl Who Reads on the Métro by Christine Féret-Fleury: i’ve never been to france but this feels VERY french. magical realism about bringing the right book to the perfect reader. super cute.
14. Fire Starter by P. Anastasia: first of a series. i wanted to like this better based on the magic system. romance felt forced. also it turned out to be aliens. which like, not a problem, but don’t spend 100 pages telling me its magic and then boom alien virus. maybe the others are better, but i’m not going to find out.
15. The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros: i had to read this in middle school and definitely didn’t appreciate it enough. highly recommended.
16. A Witch’s Guide to Escape: A Practical Compendium of Portal Fantasies by Alix E. Harrow: a fantastic short story about reading, libraries, magic and supporting teenagers who need it. you can read it online or as part of Apex Magazine Issue 105 from Feb 2018.
17. On a Sunbeam by Tillie Walden: really long graphic novel about a found family in space trying to do a good job repairing various buildings and stuff. enough queer content for anybody really. gorgeous art.
18. Doughnut by Tom Holt: book 1 in the YouSpace series. very discworld-esq except that its our own world plus a pocket dimension that’s only accessible with a lot of math and a prayer. hilarious at times, but a decidedly darker tone than discworld so just be aware if that’s not what youre looking for
19. The Girl Who Could Move Sh*t with Her Mind by Jackson Ford: teenage girl in california has powers that let her move things with her mind. works as part of a government program with a whole band of misfits. she thought she was the only one and then someone else starts doing crime (TM) and murder with telekinesis and she has to stop them. found family toward the end. graphic violence toward the end. wildfires.
20. Ballad of the Whiskey Robber: A True Story of Bank Heists, Ice Hockey, Transylvanian Pelt Smuggling, Moonlighting Detectives, and Broken Hearts by Julian Rubinstein: what it says on the tin, basically. NONFICTION. this dude in europe had way too many day jobs that were actually crime and his story is WILD. last update i saw was that he was still alive, paroled from jail, and making pottery??
21. The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon: 800+ pages of epic eastern fantasy. some dragons. a witchy big bad. betrayal. queer romance as a main plotline. magic. seriously good.
22. Transcription by Kate Atkinson: flashback within a flashback within a flashback and reversing that path as you move through the book. woman just wants a secretary job during the war. somehow ends up as a spy??? i liked it, i keep meaning to get more of her books
23. Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire: first in the wayward children series. under 200 pages if you’re looking for a quick read. what happens to kids that have gone through a door, had an adventure, and then forced back into our world? they don’t quite fit. and when that happens they go to Eleanor West’s School. fantastic series that is still being added to (number 7 comes out next year). can be very dark/sinister at times. but theres a lot of queer representation and found family stuff to balance out.
24. Down Among the Sticks and Bones by Seanan McGuire: book 2 in the wayward children series. focuses on Jack and Jill’s backstory of their time before book 1. they are from The Moors where a Vampire Lord and a Mad Scientist are battling against each other to keep the balance of the world with a village of innocents between them
25. Go Fish by Ian Rogers: short story published on Tor.com about a group of paranormal investigators. there’s a fish factory that no one will go in because it’s haunted and/or cursed and people have been dying from going in there
#we should all be feminists#dragonquest#briar's book#the tiger's daughter#fablehaven#magic steps#the bookshop on the corner#street magic#scythe#wink poppy midnight#the word for world is forest#the haunting of tram car 015#the girl who reads on the metro#fire starter#the house on mango street#a witch's guide to escape: a practical compendium of portal fantasies#alix e harrow#apex magazine#on a sunbeam#doughnut#tom holt#youspace#the girl who could move shit with her mind#ballad of the whiskey robber#the priory of the orange tree#transcription#kate atkinson#every heart a doorway#down among the sticks and bones#wayward children
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Thoughts on Rhythm of War:
(Will contain spoilers as these are my thoughts that I wish I could share with people as I'm reading)
Part 1
Navani's POV reminds me of my mom and I love her
Gavilar is a dick holy shit man
Imma need someone to draw that scene from the end of chapter one of it hasn't already been done. You know the one, where Lirin first sees Kaladin in Hearthstone. Yeaaahh
The DID thing with Shallan is gonna be really interesting to read but I'm liking it so far
Chapter 7 header: you can riot and soothe spren inside a gemstone with zinc and brass. Interesting....
Ialai's notebook has names of other planets in the Cosmere. I wonder where that is gonna go 🤔🤔
Pewter and Tin affect spren too, but tin "diminishes nearby attributes", which is interesting 🧐 Pewter increases abilities in allomancy, ergo tin SHOULD increase the senses, so its interesting that it makes them lesser for spren. Hmm...UNLESS it's pulling the feruchemical ability and is storing the attributes? So it has to drain them for a time? Maybe that has something to do with the fabrial that took away Kaladin's powers in chapter 7?? What the fuck is going on Brandon
Hesina and Syl's banter is super cute
Part 2:
I have a working theory that Adolin will become a Stoneward (because I don't remember there being any stonewards mentioned yet) but we shall see
Someone draw Pattern hugging Adolin and Shallan. That was cute lol
Therapist Kaladin is not something I expected to see, but its nice
"Ha ha. Yes, [humans] bite. And break your oaths and murder your spren. Ha ha." Pattern is hilarious
These chapter headings are mentioning the different shards (? I'm assuming) and they mentioned Threnody and Scadrial. Hmm... The mystery deepens 🧐🤔
I have a feeling that the second half of this series is going to be some type of massive crossover, which would be awesome
Also, sinking feeling that the Fused and the singers are going to attack Urithiru while Kaladin & Teft are pretty much the only ones there to protect it. Which is bad because that one Fused is set on fighting and killing only Kaladin 😬
Well, they mentioned a stoneward finally, so maybe that's not Adolin's calling. I still feel like he might become some type of radiant tho, but it would be cool if he just stayed himself
Yo, ashspren look cool as fuck
I really, really, really want Adolin to help Maya return fully
No, you know what? I am CONVINCED that Adolin will become a stoneward (that badass fight scene? Amazing. And stonewards are the most dependable of the orders...hello?!!! Adolin to a T)
AND the only reason he's not yet is because he has bonded with Maya, but she's a deadeye and can't help him advance yet! (I'M CALLING IT NOW! MAKE MY BOY A STONEWARD I'M FUCKIN HYPED)
And Mraize? Capturing Lift?!!! Wtf!!
Part 3:
Finally, a Jasnah POV 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Wit saying that Sadeas is related to a cow lmaoooo 😂🤣 (I'm trying really hard to not laugh out loud at work)
Wit roasting that asshole highprince and then Jasnah stabbing the highprince in the neck?! Amazing, it will live in my brain rent free with her roasting of Amaram
Kal trapping the Pursuer in that room? Very smart, so proud of my boy
Mraize trying to make a deal with Raboniel...das not good
And giving her Lift, that's super not good
But Venli finally deciding to make progress! That's really good!
Tell me why I'm nervous for the Sibling and the tower when I still have 500 pages left haha
Jasnah changing the air to oil and then lighting it on fire?!!! OooHhOoOOO!! Very cool
The Ghostbloods are not a Rosharan organization?? What the hell is that supposed to mean Wit?!
Oohh Venli making progress with her powers! That was really cool I'm excited for her
OK SO...Kaladin almost died. Brandon. That's my emotional support Windrunner, you cannot kill him 😢😭
But Dalinar knows know that the tower is under seige! So that's good. That's good, right? Oh god I'm so nervous
Oh no Raboniel knew about the Sibling the whole time :(
Part 4
OooOOOHH! WHAT!!! THE RHYTHM OF WAR!!! Mixing the different Lights?! That's so cool This is fun! Let's go, you funky little scientists!!!
I literally have to stop reading to fully process that holy shit man I'm fuckin floored
A Herald as the high judge, how nice
Wit and his Cryptic 😂
Yay, Venli finally helped rescue Lift! Things are finally looking up (maybe?)
Can I just say that I love Dabbid with all my heart? ❤❤❤❤
And woohoo! Teft is awake! Hooray for Lift and Dabbid! They did a heroism 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
Voice of Lights, Navani Kholin!! 🙌🏼
I KNEW they were going to pull Maya as the final witness but OH MY GOD!!!! Adolin×Maya4ever
Oh no oh no oh no Raboniel is planning to use the Radiants as TESTING SUBJECTS???? This is so so so so bad
Part 5
Oh god I feel like Kaladin is going to die :(
Oooooohhhh nooooooo Teft's spren is going to die 😭
Oohh Teft 💔😭
Oh shit oh shit oh shit Kaladin is going to lose himself and become Odium's champion and Syl is going to die I don't like this story I'm scared
Except he CAN'T because Brandon said people wouldn't regret naming their kids after him so he has to swear the fourth ideal and kill Moash right? RIGHT? OH GOD SOMEONE TELL ME IM RIGHT
Also imma be fucking PISSED if Navani dies why are you putting me through this agony Brandon
NAVANI!!!!!!!!!! A BONDSMITH!!!!!!! IM LIVING Y'ALL!!!!!!!!!!
Thats a, uh, pretty heavy duel you've locked yourself into there Mr. Blackthorn
Truthwatcher Rlain! 😀😀😀
Fucking great, Cultivation PLANNED this??
Of course Wit has a seon 🙄 but how the hell did Mraize get one?
Is Thaidakar Lord of Scars....is that Kelsier???? Maybe...??
Do the Listeners?? Have a pet chasmfiend????
And Venli got her mom back!! Hooray!!!
And Eshonai got her freedom and explored the whole world 😭❤❤
Ah Shit, Wit. That did NOT go as you planned. That threw a wrench into everything that I expected to happen and I don't even know what Wit was doing 😬
#rhythm of war#rhythm of war spoilers#row#row spoilers#stormlight archive#stormlight archive spoilers#ive never done a read more break so i hope this works haha
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0:00 “Hello! Welcome to Minjoon’s Kitchen.” “Who’s fucking kitchen?” Brandon’s voice off camera startled a laugh out of Minjoon, loud and squeaky; and that was it for the theme of the live. “Welcome to uh... Welcome to Minjoon in a kitchen.” “Welcome to not Minjoon’s Kitchen.” Brandon added, finally coming into view. “Welcome not Minjoon to Minjoon’s Kitchen, not in Minjoon’s kitchen.” “Featuring Minjoon.” “Welcome to Brandon’s kitchen!” “Welcome to Brandon is trying to get his car home because she’s parked in fucking central LA after we went for brunch and had so many mimosas that I legally wasn’t allowed to drive us home.” “Hi MTV. Welcome to Brandon’s crib.” “Look mom! I‘m on MTV and I didn’t have to be 16 and pregnant to do it!” The pair started cackling again, uncontrollably hysterical in their inebriated states. 8:14
“You should make that a thing.” ”What?” ”Not Minjoon’s Kitchen. Once a month you just show up at a random fans house, streaming and giving them no time to prepare for you to cook whatever they have in their house.” ”Absolutely not. You know I like to be organised when cooking.” ”You’re literally squinting at lettuce in the fridge, I think you’re past that.” ”That’s lettuce?” “Oh my god, Minjoon. You can’t cook like this.” “I can’t see properly. I don’t know where my glasses are.” “This is going to be the most disappointing episode of your show ever and it’s live. We can’t cook, it’s gonna be dangerous and messy.” “In the words of the awesome Jake Peralta. Title of your sex tape.” “Oh my god. No, mine would be called uhh.. Put that thing back where it came from or so help me.” “Nope. I already claimed that for mine.” “Joonie! I hate the accuracy.” The laughing continued, even as the pair complained that they couldn’t breathe.
After they’d finally calmed down they took the camera with them to the couch, after the executive decision that the pair were definitely in no state to try to actually cook anything and a too large order of pizza. “We have like half an hour to kill. What are we going to do now?” “Remember when I asked for a Q&A way back in the past when I thought I’d be sober at four in the afternoon? We’ll do that and then I guess I’m writing a formal apology on my notes app to anyone who was hungry and eager to learn. Just like a real celebrity.” Minjoon fished around in his pockets for his phone, handing it to Brandon once it was unlocked so he could read it aloud. “I just figured out the greeting. Welcome to the last ever episode of Minjoon’s Kitchen.” “My biggest mistake this time was too much Minjoon and not enough kitchen. Some people come just to see my organised spice rack.” “You’ve both upgraded and downgraded to Brandon’s Couch.” “Love it. I’ve re-branded. Put it on a T-shirt. Every episode I’m just going to show you how to order different pizzas. We’re a podcast now.” “You’re a dumbass. Alright! Let’s see what we got. Minjoon.. What is your favorite thing to cook?” “Everyone I see with how hot I am.” The laughter started up once more, even despite their previous attempts to calm down. “I fucking told you! I knew you’d get that one.” “You owe me $50 for saying it!” “I’ll buy all the pizza you just ordered, how about that?” “Catch me outside?” “Stop! How have you made it this far in life as a meme?” “I wasn’t always like this, it’s part of my rebrand. Brandon’s Couch: Meme edition.” “I can’t believe we failed cooking and now we’re already failing the Q&A.” “No! No, I got this. My favourite thing at the moment.. I love making risotto. Mostly because I get to eat it afterwards and I love eating risotto but yeah! That’s my favourite right now.” “I don’t think that’s really answering.” “It’s my answer. This is still not Minjoon’s Kitchen featuring Minjoon for this last episode. Shh. Next question!” “This one asks if there is anything in particular that gets me inspired for designs? Yes! I love art so as soon as my bank account hits below a mil, I’m like.. Shit! Gotta doodle. No, I find inspiration everywhere. Sometimes it’s just a particular mood I’m in, sometimes I’ll see a net curtain blowing a particular way in a breeze and design an entire dress from how it falls. Sometimes I’ll see a colour that I’ll want to make an entire wardrobe out of. I’ve been painting a lot recently, not designs just.. things I like and I’ve been able to work from those. Gross, I know but yeah. Inspiration is everywhere. Disgusting. Unacceptable. I refuse to be inspired again that was too mushy.”
The boys were a giggly mess. Almost everything bringing them to hysterics even if it was just something said with the smallest hint of sarcasm, they were grabbing onto the couch and each other’s arms for support as they hiccuped their way through another bout of laughter. “Anyway! Next question is top 5 celebrity chefs. Mine of course is Joonbug and that’s it. Wait, no that dude from that thing we saw in England. Gordon’s friend.” “Oh! With the road trip?” “Yeah, the really funny one.” “I loved that. Mine is obviously Chef Ramsay, Remy.. Gotta give my boy a shout out. Chef Baek Jong-won. Oh! The um.. I discovered that dude during fashion week in London that time. The sciencey one. Hus.. Hes..? I don’t remember his actual name but he made some amazing things. I was in awe. I’m also throwing in whoever invented bulgogi. That’s my top five. I actually met Chef Ramsay recently!” “You did! You called me after. How was it meeting your hero?” “Oh, I cried. Like a big baby. Ugly sobbing and lots of I love yous in the middle of a cupcake shop.” “Classic Minjoon behaviour.” “He signed my T-shirt and I cried some more. I would have proposed through my tears but I was crying too much. Like the shaky inhale, full on breakdown kind of crying? I can’t even be embarrassed because he still talked to me.” “You’re a baby!” “I am a baby! 달콤한 아기. That’s what my eomma and momma call me and then they pinch my cheekies.” “Cute! Ooh! How does it feel.. no, fuck. That’s not.. shut your face. I can read. How does performing feel on stage versus cooking on camera? How did it feel being on stage?” “I refuse to acknowledge what that means. Stage? What stage?” “They’re talking about your big, gay musical re-enactment of your love for me.” “I wish I could use memes like in real life? Just the I do not see meme but my face. Honestly though? It’s different because I can cook. This mess obviously doesn’t count but I can edit everything I post and I know what I’m doing? I’m confident when I’m cooking. I know what I can and can’t do. Being on stage was just.. I was terrified. It was terrifying. I had fun though and I did work hard. Like.. I decided last minute and I had to learn choreo and remember lyrics to things I wrote years ago. I was scared I’d trip up and face plant the whole time. Like the entire time. I wanted to be included though and I couldn’t go to the festival because it was terrifying being around so many people. I just kind of listened from the side lines but it sounded good and you said you had lots of fun being up there.” “I did. You know me though. I’m that one line from that Mike Posner song about needing everyone’s eyes just to feel seen.” “Woah. Hashtag deep.” “Oh my god. You’re ridiculous.” “I did need the entire weekend to recover though. It’s.. it’s a lot to open yourself up like that.” “You mean serenading the town with love songs about me?” “You suck so bad.” “Is that how you talk to the former love of your life?” Minjoon snorted, slapping at Brandon’s arm. “You were so in love with me. It’s my greatest achievement, you know? I put it on my resume under my skills. Has given Minjoon boners.” The reaction was instant, Brandon’s loud laugh failing to cover Joonie’s shriek that soon turned into a laugh but even his amusement couldn’t mask how red he’d gotten. “No! I hate it here! You suck so bad! So bad! I can never show my face in public or make eye contact with another human being ever again!” “It’s a good job I put the age restriction thingy on this stream. I knew I’d be a fucking menace after the second drink.” “You’re not a menace! You’re a gremlin! God, end the stream before you really do end my YouTube career. Goodbye everyone! I’m gonna go eat my body weight in pizza and become a cave hermit.” “Bye little Joonie fans! Sorry about the.. Fuck it, I’m not sorry about anything. Peace out, bitches!”
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A photo of Brandon Mitchell, one of the jurors in the Derek Chauvin trial, shows him wearing a Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. t-shirt emblazoned with the words, “Get your knee off our necks” for the March on Washington commemorative demonstration last year. Mitchell says he answered “no” on his juror questionnaire form when asked whether he attended “protests about police use of force or police brutality” and seemingly does not consider the 2020 March on Washington to be such a rally.
The controversy over Mitchell’s actions comes as Derek Chauvin’s attorney Eric Nelson attempts to gain a new trial after the former Minneapolis police officer was found guilty of third degree murder, second degree unintentional murder and second degree manslaughter in the death of George Floyd. Nelson cites allegations including mistakes by the judge, and misconduct by jurors and prosecution.
The photo has sparked predictable consternation with some describing Mitchell, a 31-year-old Minneapolis-based high school basketball coach, as a BLM activist. Others have suggested the photo lays the groundwork for an appeal or new trial if the judge can be convinced that Mitchell lied on his juror disclosure form.
Give me a break.
A Black man wearing an MLK shirt should not be regarded as some kind of professional revolutionary. Yet somehow the photo of Mitchell is now being used as proof that he lacked the objectivity and impartiality required of the judicial system. Such a perspective holds a longstanding place in American history. One of the hallmarks of our nation’s Jim Crow system of racial segregation and white supremacy has been the historic exclusion of Blacks from serving on integrated juries. The legacy of this history of racially biased jury selection continues in our own time.
The racially integrated Chauvin trial stands out, in contrast to the jury acquittals of police officers accused of beating Rodney King in 1991 and the 1980 acquittal of white officers accused of killing Black motorist Arthur McDuffie, both for its makeup as well as the guilty verdict.
Suggestions that a Black person attending a civil rights demonstration lacks objectivity to serve on a jury trying white police accused of murdering an African American is offensive at best. In our racially divided and hyper-partisan society, seemingly every racial justice gathering is defined as a BLM rally. That movement, which began in 2013, inspired tsunami levels of activism, outrage, and policy advocacy in the aftermath of George Floyd’s death last year. BLM’s call to reimagine public safety has, in certain quarters, been reinterpreted as a full-scale attack on law enforcement. From this perspective Mitchell’s attendance at a March on Washington rally in the nation’s capital becomes recast as the excuse needed to let Derek Chauvin go free.
The scrutiny of Mitchell coincides with voter suppression and anti-protest legislation being debated nationally in statehouses across America. The GOP is the true avatar of so-called “cancel culture,” even as it claims to be its victim.
America now valorizes the original Aug. 28, 1963, March on Washington as one of the nation’s civil rights landmarks. Around a quarter of a million Americans attended that demonstration and heard Dr. King’s famous “I Have a Dream” speech. Those who attended the 2020 commemoration in the nation’s capital were imbued with the same spirit of civic activism in service of equal justice that animated King’s era.
The focus on Mitchell’s apparent support of racial justice as impacting his ability to serve as a juror continues a racially discriminatory double-standard that plagues the criminal justice system. In a truly extraordinary sleight of hand with deep roots in our nation’s tragic racial history, Whites are somehow considered more “objective” on race matters than Blacks. This despite the fact that the framers of the Constitution and America’s founders placed racial slavery and white privilege at the center of our national political, economic, and democratic cultures. The fear that having Black faces in higher places would sully an otherwise ethical system of government, law and order, and commerce run by Whites refuses to go away. Black firsts, from President Barack Obama to CEOs, politicians to sports coaches, art museum directors to university presidents, must always navigate a racial tightrope to not appear too empathetic to the cause of racial justice.
If a white juror attended the same rally that Mitchell did wearing similar clothing, would there even be an uproar? More likely that juror would be seen as an American capable of civic action and impartiality in a manner that, in our popular imagination, Black people are incapable of. The inability for Black people to be seen as human beings is part of a broad continuum that brings us to this present era of racial reckoning and shows why three simple words, Black Lives Matter, remain so powerfully resonant.
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Born To Run: Chapter 1

Mary-Alice Brandon has just returned to her hometown after an incident causing her to relocate just a year ago. Meanwhile, Jasper has become increasingly frustrated with his home life and decides to uncover just what exactly his brother had been hiding. In 1957 two people, with two drastically different personalities meet for the first time. Will their worlds clash or will they realize the only ones they can truly trust with their secrets are each other.
Read On Ao3
Read On FFN
Her eyes fluttered open at the prompting chime of her alarm clock currently ringing on the bedside table to her right. Mustering up as much energy as possible when one was just pulled promptly frum slumber, Alice rolled from the comfortable position on her side to lie flat on her back. Despite the powder blue clock still ringing throughout her bedroom, Alice couldn't help but to reflect on the wonderful dream she'd been having.
In the night vision, she'd been back in Paris shopping with her step-sister Kate. Being in France the past year had been like a dream come true, a much-needed break from the reality she'd been forced to return to. Kate was newly engaged and thus had decided to return home to Nevada with Alice and her fiance, Garrett, in tow.
Alice's stomach grumbled loudly and painfully, pulling her from the reminiscing session. She snapped her eyes shut tightly, attempting to ignore the alarm's offending bell and the painful ache in her stomach. Of course, it was no use; her vacation was over. It was time to come down from the clouds and return to reality. Needing to focus on one issue at a time and the alarm still prompting to her side currently being the most prominent, Alice took a deep breath accepting her fate. Summing the energy to flick the little tab on top of the clock to the off position effectively silenced the alarm blanketing the room in silence.
Willing herself to sit up fully, Alice removed the pale pink sleeping mask covering her eyes, finally greeting the day. She pulled the plush comforter away from her small body and swung her left over the mattress, placing her feet in the house slippers kept neatly next to the bed. She pulled the think pink satin robe that hung from her bedpost over her thin shoulders as she crossed the room to the window overlooking the back garden. Pulling open the lace curtains, Alice gazed down at the flowers.
It was just before dawn, her favorite time of the day. Alice reveled in the way the dim twilight touched down on the beautiful flowers and the small white iron bench she had coerced her father into placing in the middle of the lovely space. The scene was peaceful; day had started, although night hadn't quite ended. Nature reflecting how nothing was black and white; there were gray areas in everything, in everyone. Nothing like the reality she would be walking into in only a few hours.
Turning her attention back to the clock, the small teen accepted that she had been staring out the window, lost in thought for far too long. Something her step-father, whom she was meant to meet for breakfast shortly, was regularly scolding her for.
She didn't remember her biological father, and her mother rarely spoke of the man. The facts she had were that her parents had been wed young in an arranged marriage in 1938, Edgar Brandon had been drafted to join the war just two years after Alice was born. The man had gone missing in action, presumed dead.
Shortly after Alice's fourth birthday, Lilian had met a charming man by the name of Eleazar Burke. Before the year was out, the happy couple were married. Eleazar was the only father Alice had ever known. The now seventeen-year-old adored her unusual family; Kate was more than she could have ever asked for in an older sibling they, of course, fought at times but very close. While they may not be biologically related, Alice couldn't imagine a kinder, more understanding father in Eleazar. He loved all three of his daughters, including Alice, equally never playing favorites. He didn't play favorites, distributing the wealth and opportunity attached to his name evenly between the three girls.
Once she'd gotten moving, preparing for the day came like second nature. She now stood in front of the mirror with her hair and makeup done. She was fully dressed in her favorite skirt and sweater set, complete with the new petticoat she had picked up shopping with Kate over the summer. She'd been saving it specifically for her first day at school back in her hometown since the incident. The way it flared out the red skirt was both fashionable and made her hips look just a bit thicker. The matching cardigan hung somewhat loose, also in line with the current trends while slightly masking the frailness of her frame. She smoothed down the skirt and straightened out her pan collar perfectly before pinning both sides down with the lucky pearl collar pins inherited from her maternal grandmother. Alice took one final look in the mirror with a deep breath and silent prayer. She plastered a smile on her face, ready to face the day.
Meanwhile, across town, Jasper Whitlock was in for a quite literal rude awakening. "Wake up, sleepyhead. We're gonna' be late for school." With a groan of annoyance, Jasper opened his eyes to the familiar face of his cousin Rosalie. The sassy blonde was simultaneously one of his favorite people yet also the curse of his existence. Jasper frequently shifted between feelings of gratefulness for having such a fun-loving relative living next door and wishing her family had never moved across the country to help out after his mother's passing.
With her presently standing next to his bed, hands on her hips, very likely fully prepared to throw something at him if he didn't get moving. He was currently feeling the latter. "Since when do you care about school?" He groaned, sitting up on the thin mattress lying on the floor. "More importantly, why are you here, and how did you get in my room?"
"The door, your dads passed out again and it was unlocked." Rosalie shrugged, crossing the room to take a seat at the only chair not covered in clothing, sheet music, or records as she examined her nails. "Anyway, I don't care about school, but I don't want to miss the fireworks, so we're at least going to morning classes. Now, get up and get dressed."
"What are you yammering on about?" Jasper responded as he threw the worn, tattered blankets to the side and grabbed a white t-shirt from its place, lazily shoved into an already open dresser drawer directly to the side of his mattress.
"Mary-Alice Brandon is coming back today."
"Yeah," The other teen rolled his eyes. "Well fuck Mary-Alice Brandon."
"Oh, come on, tell me you don't care about the inherent entertainment of watching everyone flock back to following her lead and leaving poor Charlotte in the dust."
"You're demented."
"You know how petty high school politics amuse me so." The tall blonde woman shrugged before she stood straightening out her leather jacket as she crossed the room. "At least come to support your best friend? Charlotte is either going to be elated or upset. If it's the latter, it's going to make Pete upset. Relationships are kind of like dominos that way. Now hurry up, Riley's waiting outside, and we need a ride, oh favorite cousin of mine."
With that, Rosalie confidently strutted out of her cousin's room, down that hallway. In the Whitlock's living room, her mother and uncle were engaged in the same decade-old argument they'd been having from the moment Ruth and Joseph Hale had packed up their family moving from New York to Nevada. Rosalie had only been one at the time, having no memory of what actually happened. The backlash, however, had caused a ripple effect through the lives of everyone in the family. Because of this, it was no secret that Irene Whitlock had passed away shortly after Jasper's birth. That uncle Thomas had fallen into deep despair losing his job and drinking the days away.
It was concern for the boys, James and Jasper, that had prompted the move. Her mother so worried for her nephew's well being that they'd relocated their entire lives to be there and help take care of them. It was meant to be temporary until Thomas got back on his feet. Seventeen years later, the siblings were still arguing over it. Her mother pleading for the man to think of his children.
Unwilling to witness the same fight yet again, Rosalie left the house and headed to the street where her twin brother stood leaning against Jasper's car. "Is he coming?" Riley asked, disinterestedly kicking absently at the pavement, scuffing up his shoes in the process.
"Yeah, I had to guilt-trip him, but he's coming."
Just as the words had left Rosalie's mouth, the seventeen-year-old in question came shuffling out of the house. Once the door was carefully and quietly shut behind him, Jasper's demeanor shifted, and he confidently stalked down the sidewalk, climbing into his car without uttering a single word. No sooner had the twins piled into the vehicle behind him than Jasper had peeled out of the driveway headed in the direction of the local high school, barely giving Riley enough time to pull the door shut.
Outside the school, Peter, Jasper's best friend, a tall boy with dark hair, was standing in the parking lot talking to Charlotte. The pair had begun dating over the summer, much to Jasper's annoyance. Their relationship had started in the fall when the girl had entered the antique shop owned by Jasper's uncle that Peter worked in part-time. The two had hit it off as instant friends. Despite a plethora of drama involving Charlotte's now ex-boyfriend Demetri and her friend Jane, the pair had entered into a romantic relationship.
While Jasper didn't particularly care for the girl or her crowd, Peter was gone for her. So the teen put up with Charlotte, and more often than he'd like the teenage queens who followed her around like puppies. Over time, though he would die before admitting it to anyone, he'd even begun to almost like her.
So, when he exited his car, Jasper nodded in greeting to the new couple from across the parking lot before turning to his own social circle in the parking space next to his own. The teens were gathered around admiring Benjamin's new car that he'd won in a race just a few weeks prior. Maria, one of his oldest friends having grown up in the same neighborhood, was already stretched out across the hood leaning back against the windshield. A cigarette burned from its place tucked loosely between her fingers as she chatted with Lucy and Nettie about their plans for the afternoon once they'd ditched.
Jasper was well aware that most if any of the assembled teenagers would be ducking out before the end of the school day. Personally, he intended to be long gone as soon as Rosalie's attention was elsewhere. Which, judging by how engaged she seemed to be in her conversation with Benjamin and Randall on the mechanical details of the new car, wouldn't be long. However, he was already here, and it wouldn't hurt to at least stay for first period. So he elected to join in on Riley, Makenna, and Charles's conversation about the new Buddy Holly single.
Jasper had just made plans with the latter two to head to the local diner later and play the song on the jukebox when Peter, followed closely by Charlotte, headed over to collect his best friend for homeroom. Bidding his friends goodbye, Jasper followed the other boy, his girlfriends, and the group of students she associated with into the building where their lockers were located. As always, because lockers were assigned alphabetically by surname, Peter and Jasper's lockers were right next to each other.
Not planning on being an active student, let alone showing up at school more often than necessary, Jasper hadn't brought alone anything to warrant keeping in a locker. So, he took a seat on a bench located under a window next to the set of lockers letting the other teens chat as they placed their belonging in the metal storage structures.
"Is that Mary-Alice?" Eric Yorke, a rather talkative and, in Jasper's opinion, annoying boy gasped out capturing his and Charlotte's attention. The latter turned away from her conversation with Bella and Jane to look at the boy in confusion.
Charlotte had known her best friend was back in town, but when they'd spoken earlier Alice, as she'd decided to begin going by dropping the first half of her name, had stated her parents would allow the tiny teen to skip the first week of classes. Being an exceptional student well on the way to becoming valedictorian, and taking the incident into consideration, the school had happily accommodated.
"I thought you said she wasn't coming back until next week Char?" Bella spoke quietly, her eyes now following the same trajectory of Eric's
"Looks like the reign of Charlotte is over." Mike snickered, also staring at the top of the stairwell. Following her friends' gaze, Charlotte's expression quickly morphed from one of confusion to that of utter delight.
Jasper didn't care much for the particulars of high school politics. Prior to Peter's entanglement with Charlotte, the name Mary-Alice had been nothing more than a blip on his radar. The two ran in vastly different circles, he being a proud greaser surrounding himself with like-minded truants who cared more about races and the newest records than anything else. She, a spoiled overachiever. The goody-two-shoes type who headed every committee whose word the majority of student's hung on. Still, even he'd noticed when the girl had disappeared a year ago. So, he turned his attention to the sight that had captured everyone's attention, curious as to what the commotion was about.
He was met with the sight of a girl who's smile was so pure she almost seemed to glow. Short despite her blatant attempt to make up the difference with the kitten heels she wore. Her slightly curly hair was a chocolate-colored brown rested just short of her chin. Based on the perfect angles of her collar and the way she kept nervously smoothing out her skirt, it was apparent that she'd taken great care to ensure every aspect of her appearance was perfect. His dislike for the teen was instant; he hardly tried to hide the scowl from his face as he watched her scan the hallway. Once her blue eyes landed upon the small group, she burst into a bright smile and a somehow graceful run down the stairwell.
"Charlotte!" Alice exclaimed in a melodic chirp as she reached the gathering.
"Alice!" The taller girl responded with equal enthusiasm throwing her arms around her friend. "What are you doing at school?" She questioned the smile never leaving her face as she released her friend.
"Papa thought it might be best to just jump right in if I was up for it since I'm home already." Her smile faltered at the statement but returned quickly. "Who are our new friends?" She asked catching sight of Jasper and Peter eyeing the two with curiosity. The former of whom rolled his eyes at the assumption, he was not nor would her ever be her friend.
Jasper opened his mouth to inform this 'Mary-Alice' of as much, but Charlotte responded before he could get the words out. "Alice," She stated grabbing Peter's hand. "This is Peter, my boyfriend. And that's his best friend Jasper."
"Wow," Alice's eyes widened. "I have missed a lot. It's lovely to meet you both." She smiled once again as she took a seat on the bench next to Jasper, expertly tucking her skirt underneath her slim legs as she descended. "The four of us should go bowling after school; I'd love to get to know the both of you better."
Jasper's annoyance grew at the suggestion, unable to put up with anymore he stood in a haste. "That's never going to happen." He shot the small girl a glare and stormed down the hall out of the building. Forget Rosalie, he thought approaching his vehicle in the parking lot. Forget school, and most of all forget Mary-Alice Brandon.
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Three Things

So...this happened. It may happen again. No idea exactly what is happening. But it happened. So I hope you enjoy it.
Timeline: Post-series, minor spoilers for season three.
Thanks to @scribbles97 and @i-am-chidorixblossom for reading and support.
Cool Things
“Hey, everyone! I’m Alan Tracy.” The blond young man in the middle of the screen waved. A green shirt with a faded guitar motif, a pair of cargo shorts that really needed a good yank in the northerly direction and a dash of freckles across a rather cute nose was enough to keep her interested. The name Tracy wasn’t a familiar one, but hey, she was bored.
“Aw, could you make it more boring?” Hmm, read a girl’s mind why don’t you, random voice.
Alan glared at someone beyond the field of the camera. “Hey, this is my vlog. I’m doing it my way. Just hold the camera still.”
“Pfft, world class aquanaut and rescue operative reduced to cameraman. If you renege on this, kid, you’re paying for this forever.”
“Shut up, you’ll get your flippers back.”
“Damn right I’ll get my flippers back.” The camera bounced up and down. “You had no right to borrow them in the first place!”
“Can you just hold the camera still?”
Apparently not, because the screen wriggled all over the place. Why the kid hadn’t bothered to buy a tripod, she had no idea.
“Can you just give me my flippers back?”
“No. You borrowed my tripod for underwater filming, so you can stand in for its rusted remains until I can get to the mainland to buy a new one.”
Well, that explained that.
“Why did you have to start the vlog today, then?”
“Because yesterday I was in space, tomorrow I’ve got college work. Today is free, so I’m taking it. Can you just be quiet, hold the camera still so we can do this?”
“Do what?” A deeper voice echoed off of the hardwood panel floor and a buff dude dressed in red flannel wandered into shot. Sharp eyebrows glared at the camera. “Alan, what are you doing?”
“Er…” Terror? Guilt? She wasn’t quite sure how to gauge blondie’s sudden drop in expression. “Uh, hey, Virg. Weren’t you supposed to be with Scott? You know, in Auckland?”
“Brains needed a hand last minute. Are you filming?”
The screen shuddered and went black.
But suddenly it lit up again. This time it was in a completely different location. Blondie was huddled in some greenery. “Sorry about that, guys. The first thing you have to learn about living here is that there are far too many brothers around and most of them aren’t cool.” He blinked. “Okay, Gordon can be great when he isn’t being an ass. And, yeah, John is my space bro. He is totally cool. Did you know he can eat a bagel while hula-hooping upside down? Sure, he does it in space, but the coordination required…totally fab. Gordon dared him once, and John really isn’t one to let Gordon win anything. Not that we fight, really, but Gordon can be irritating at times.” He paused for a moment. “And yeah, Scott and Virg are cool in their own way. Just a little smothery at times. Even worse now Dad’s home.”
He stood up. Over his green t-shirt and shorts, he had some kind of harness. “But that is not what we are here for.” He shoved a helmet on his head. It was bright red and sported a bold white number three on the front of it. “This video is the first in what I hope to be many. Each will contain three things I think are cool. The camera shifted and an ocean came into view. She realised he was standing on the side of a mountain on a coastline.
“First up is the view.” He held out the camera. He must have on some kind of gimbal because all the wobbly movement was gone and the panning was smooth. A huge ocean started at the bottom of the cliff and disappeared into the blue haze of distance. “Not as high as I’m used to, but still totally cool. This is a spot we call Rocket’s Roost because Dad once landed one of his model rockets up here by accident. Took us three days to find it because its transponder was fried. It has a great view, but the down side is that it is a pain to get to. Vertical hike and all. The upside it that although there is miles of ocean in that direction. In this direction…” The camera moved around and a mountain appeared. “Is thrilldom itself.”
He bent over and grabbed a line and clicked it to what appeared to be a bearing on a taut cable stretching off into the hazy distance. Was he going to?
Yes, he was.
“This is the Tracy Train central line. A one-way zip-line home after the struggle to get up here. I love it. And I’m going to take you along for the ride.”
This time the camera did wiggle somewhat as he fastened it to something. She could no longer see him, but she could see the drop and the angle of that cable.
“You ready? Here we go! 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…” He let off one hell of a yell and the view narrowed to one of speed and descent at an astonishing rate. She found her heart in her throat just staring at the screen. The cable led first to the opposing mountain side and then turned back on itself, giving her a great view of what was now clearly an Island for a few moments before it abruptly turned again. Alan let out a whoop at the turn and the camera rocked crazily. A glass roof came into view and the ground was coming up awfully fast.
“Yeeeeeah!” Something caught the literally falling man and the camera rocked like crazy. “Woo hoo!”
The image shuddered for a moment before steadying as shoes hit dirt and Blondie stood up. “Aww, man.”
Standing directly in front of the camera was that same red flannel dressed hunk from earlier. The frown on his face was set to split the planet in two and his beefy arms were folded across his considerable chest. “Alan?”
“It’s for fun, honest. I’m not exposing anything. I just wanna be cool.”
“You are cool, Alan. I thought we had covered that. I thought Brandon had covered that. You told me yourself.”
“Yeah, well, I want to be cooler.”
The frown relaxed and, to her surprise, Flannie rolled his eyes. “Alan, you do know you are pretty great, don’t you?”
“Pretty great?” So much scoff in those two words.
“I think so.”
“Thanks, Virg.” It dripped sarcasm. Yeah, thanks, Flannie, give the guy a break. He only wants to have some fun. “I just want to have some fun.” Yeah, you tell him.
Something shifted in flannel-draped man. His expression became more considered. “Can I see your footage?”
“I’m interested.”
“Do you want to do this or not?”
And the camera cut off again.
She blinked a moment. What exactly was this supposed to be?
Then Blondie was back. The background was obviously somewhere inside. A guitar hung on the wall in the background, an odd echo of that same green t-shirt he was still wearing.
“Hey, there, everyone. Sorry about that again. As I said, brothers are everywhere.” His head tilted to one side. “But that isn’t a bad thing. In fact, family can be cool. I know that can be considered to be the least cool thing to say, but yeah, they’re great. So, for my third cool thing today, I’m going to say family is cool. Don’t care if you rat me in the comments. Cool view, cool zip line, cool family. They are my three things today.” A grin. “A thank you to Virgil for lending me his tripod. And a big thank you to Gordon for choosing a career in aquanautics rather than film. I hope you enjoyed. Be fab. Three out.”
The video ended and the streamer cued up the next in line, a video from that Bear vlogger. She hit cancel and poking at the screen, pulled up the Tracy channel. It only contained one video. The one she had just watched. Blondie’s grinning face shone out at her from the mostly empty screen.
His profile said next to nothing and other than an odd gif of slowly spinning dots and circles appearing on the screen in one corner, there was no further information.
A shrug and she wandered off into the net looking for something else to watch.
#thunderbirds are go#thunderbirds#thunderbirds fanfiction#Alan Tracy#Virgil Tracy#Gordon Tracy#TB Three Things
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Why C+B=R doesn’t work...
*rubs hands*
This is going to be fun…
I’ll start with busting the evidences that the theorist gave to make their theory believable (I’m not trying to mock them here btw don’t get me wrong) and continue with other factors why they simply do not work.
1)Follies done for love.
So the first thing the theorist talks about is Catelyn’s Tully morals and stuff, then they give Catelyn’s thoughts when she learns of Robb and Jeyne’s marriage as one of the evidences.
Only then came her belated remembrance. Follies done for love? He has bagged me neat as a hare in a snare. I seem to have already forgiven him.
-A Storm of Swords, Catelyn II.
They claim that the “follies done for love” is actually about Robb’s parentage.
“Brandon knew how to take what he wanted. Seems like he begged some,
(We will wed on my return he vowed) and she agreed,
hence the follies done for love.”
This could have been a good comment of the paragraph if we didn’t have a much better and realistic cause for her thoughts which is Jaime. Catelyn freed Jaime to get back her daughters, the daughters she loved fiercely, and she believes they are under Cersei’s claws, who she also blames for her husband’s death, and I don’t think I have to talk about the love Catelyn bears to Ned, for I never shut up about it. (Mind that Catelyn was unaware that Arya had escaped from the capital when she freed Jaime.) So no, passing off Brandon’s bastard as Ned’s isn’t the follies done for love, but freeing Jaime Lannister.
2)I did so gladly.
Here, the other evidence is that she marries Ned gladly and in a haste, because she’ll pass the child as his own, and she shouldn’t be far along or showing by the time they marry.
“When Brandon died shortly before they were to wed, Catelyn now having realized she is pregnant does not want her baby to grow up a bastard, so when told she must marry Ned in a haste, she does so gladly, planning to tell him that the child is his own.”
The problem here is how they interpret the word “gladly”.
Highborns rarely have the chance to choose whom they marry, especially if they are a woman and it’s their lord father who had arranged the marriage for them. (The Queen of Thorns, we all know she’s just another level.) Keep in mind that Catelyn is the favored child of Tully, (I love the Tullys but sorry Hoster that’s bad parenting 101) she is probably even more loved than Edmure, the heir to the Riverlands, and being his precious child, he wants Catelyn to be happy, for she deserves the world (FACTS!). But the man is also ambitious as fuck, she wants both daughters to be the wifes of high lords, and mother high lordlings. This is a great chance at hand, probably that comes very rarely too, considering the heir to the North has always had a Northern marriage. But Catelyn, being the dutiful daughter she is (Family, Duty, Honor) answers the way it would please her lord father.
And when Lord Hoster promised her to Brandon Stark, she had thanked him for making her such a splendid match.
-A Clash of Kings, Catelyn IV.
And when Brandon was murdered and Father told me I must wed his brother, I did so gladly, though I never saw Ned’s face until our wedding day. I gave my maidenhood to this solemn stranger and sent him off to his war and his king and the woman who bore him his bastard, because I always did my duty.
-A Clash of Kings, Catelyn IV.
She marries off Ned “gladly” because she has always done her duty, not because she wants to pass Brandon’s bastard as Ned’s.
3)Jon Snow…
“Another issue is the way that Catelyn treats Jon. Jealousy is understandable, but it's very uncommon for a woman and a mother, with maternal instincts, to treat a small child so badly.”
The whole Jon Snow/Catelyn relationship is severely misunderstood, and I think that is why this is mentioned in the theory.
The thing is… Catelyn rarely even treats Jon. She simply ignores him to at least make his presence bearable. Jealousy comes a long while after Jon is born and brought to Winterfell, and that never makes a change to Catelyn’s behaviour.
She might have overlooked a dozen bastards for Ned’s sake, so long as they were out of sight. Jon was never out of sight, and as he grew, he looked more like Ned than any of the trueborn sons she bore him.
-A Game of Thrones, Catelyn II.
Her problem is not Ned banging another woman in wartime, it’s that this child is in her home, where her trueborn children lives. He lives pretty much in the same luxuries with her own children. This might be bold of me, but there is no other ACKNOWLEDGED (The Baratheon (!) children are out) bastard in the Seven Kingdoms who lives in much luxury under such conditions (like Ned lacking a true born heir, etc.). As their marriage and relationship progresses, my parents (Ned & Cat) fall in love and this is where you can assume the jealousy comes in. She loves Ned dearly, fiercely, and it not only breaks her heart but makes herself feel as if she’s not enough to see that Jon remains in Winterfell, no matter how many sons she had bore him. Aye, she is aware that Ned is bestotted with her, but just like everyone, she has her dark moments where she wonders if she could never fill the hole that the bastard’s mother had left behind (Let’s not forget to mention that she doesn’t even know if she had ever left his heart at all). Despite being a fictional character, Catelyn is still human, and no one can ever blame her for being a human. That is what makes her a greatly rounded and complex character in the first place.
It is also confirmed by George R. R. Martin that Catelyn has never abused or mistreated Jon in any way, other than the time she snapped at him when Jon came to bid Bran farewell.
“Mistreatment” is a loaded word. did Catelyn beat Jon bloody? No. Did she distance herself from him? Yes. Did she verbally abuse and attack him? No. (The instance in Bran’s bedroom was obviously a very special case.) But I am sure she was very protective of the rights of her own children, and in that sense always drew the line sharply between bastard and trueborn where issues like seating on the high table for the king’s visit were at issue. And Jon surely knew that she would have preferred to have him elsewhere.
-George R. R. Martin.
“Keep in mind that the only way a bastard can threaten a trueborn 1st son is if the trueborn son is actually a bastard.”
Umm, no? The kid is a danger to all, especially if something were to happen to Robb. After all, Catelyn’s other children are also a part of the line of succession after Robb.
“In the show Catelyn says:
“All this horror that's come to our family,
It's all because I couldn't love a motherless child”.”
I think I have talked enough about how this scene totally ruins Catelyn’s character, and my opinions on this matter can be understood pretty clearly from the explanation I made about Catelyn and Jon’s relationship. The show is full of bullshit, and this is just one of them. (see my twitter account for this)
4)EvEn CeRsEi?!
“When Catelyn discovers Cersei's children are bastards who are not Robert's, she thinks:
"Would even Cersei be so mad? Catelyn was speechless."
Why EVEN Cersei? Why not simply say Cersei?
She can't believe another woman did the same thing she did, which is to let her husband raise another man's child, as his own.”
LMAO, she is talking about the freaking Targaryens!!! Cersei is literally the queen of the man who dethroned the mad incest supporters and she finds out that his wife is doing the same exact thing! Don’t you guys think it’s ironic? Well, I wonder what makes Catelyn so shocked...
(Oh and by the way, Cersei, baby you were so right..)
5)16,20,50 & Some Height Issues
“This is what Catelyn thinks about Robb:
“Let him grow taller, she asked the gods. Let him know sixteen, and twenty, and fifty. Let him grow as tall as his father, and hold his own son in his arms. ”
So let’s ask ourselves Why these numbers?
Does Catelyn just pick them out at random or is there meaning behind them?
They certainly don’t seem to apply to Ned and yet they fit perfectly when applied to Brandon Stark
-Brandon was 16 when he met Catelyn and they fell in “love”
-And was 20 when he died.
-Although Rickard Starks exact age is unknown,
I believe this is who Catelyn is thinking of when she says 50, Robbs Grandfather who died with Brandon.
So here we have Catelyn's thinking of Robb's life:
may he live to meet a girl and fall in love,
may he not die at 20 like his father
or die at 50 like his grandfather.
may he hold his own son in his arms, something Brandon was never able to do.”
This is one of the most well-thought evidences, but it’s wrong nonetheless.
Brandon Stark was born in 262 AC, and Catelyn was born in either 264 or 265 AC, we do not know the exact year.
So yes, he died at 20, but Catelyn was 12 when her father promised him to Brandon. That makes Brandon 14 or 15 when they met and “fell in love”.
Oh and the mention of “tall”:
““ Catelyn watched a breeze stir his auburn hair, so like her own, and wondered when her son had grown so big.
Fifteen , and near as tall as she was. ... Let him grow as tall as his father"
Catelyn specifically noted how disappointed she was with Ned's height, compared to Brandon who was tall.
So how DID Robb get so tall if Ned is short?
And if Ned is so short, who does she mean when wanting Robb to grow, as tall as him?
Again this sounds like Brandon to us.”
Brandon being taller than Ned doesn’t mean Ned is short. Considering the average height for men is 5’9 today, someone who is 6’3 is tall. A man who is 6’1 is tall as well, but shorter than other. This is the same case. Ned is never mentioned to be short, he is just shorter than Brandon, who is mentioned to be tall.
5.1)Fall in love
Oh, and just fyi, Catelyn was never in love with Brandon. Yes she might have liked or even loved the idea of him and their live together, but never really loved him.
6)When possessive pronouns confuse the f out of you
“"She had brought him forth in blood and pain, not knowing whether Ned would ever see him. Her son.”
so Why say HER son?
This is how the sentence should have been like,
Given the premise that Ned is Robb's father:
"not knowing whether Ned would ever see him. His son.”
"not knowing whether Ned would ever see him. Their son.””
So ok, I’ll admit that this is the best one by far. There’s nothing I can say to deny them, though Catelyn does mention the children as “our” and as Ned’s son as well. And while might imply, it does not give the theory %100 accuracy.
7)Nine moons
Catelyn thinking about Robb:
““Brandon Stark had bid her wait as well.
“I shall not be long, my lady,” he had vowed.
“We will be wed on my return.”
"Yet when the day came at last, it was his brother Eddard who stood beside her in the sept. Ned had lingered scarcely a fortnight with his new bride before he too had ridden off to war with promises on his lips. At least he had left her with more than words; he had given her a son.
Nine moons had waxed and waned, and Robb had been born in Riverrun while his father still warred in the south.
Nine moons since when? This paragraph started with Brandon, not with Ned.”
Nine moons since ‘Ned had lingered scarcely a fortnight with his new bride before he too had ridden off to war with promises on his lips.’ I think this was pretty clear but okay. Considering the huge hate towards Catelyn, I’ve come to a conclusion that Martin’s works are very open for misinterpretation.
8)A son
““he had given her a son.” He did give her a son, instead of a bastard.
By marrying Catelyn,
Ned has effectively turned her Bastard into a son.”
I think this would have been again one of the best well thought, if Catelyn mentioned more than words to Brandon as well. She basically said that Brandon just left her with words while Ned gave her more. If Brandon gave her bastard, she wouldn’t have just said “words”. Yes, she might not have mentioned it as “a son” but there would be more than that.
9)Lord Dustin is Actually GRRM in a nutshell
““On Catelyn’s own wedding night ...
When Lord Dustin had beheld her naked, he’d told Ned that her breasts were enough to make him wish he’d never been weaned”
Breasts are the very first to expose a pregnancy, way before the belly shows.
Why would GRRM make the effort to give us this little tidbit of information about how her breasts reminded men of nursing?”
I think this is just a way of GRRM describing his type. Quoting grrmartin from Tumblr:
“Catelyn’s descriptions make her seem like the most attractive woman in Westeros. And people comment on her beauty frequently. Unlike Dany or Cersei, people do not fear or need to compliment Cat in the same way. GRRM, the author, married 2 redheads. He clearly has a type. And based on your logic on what makes somebody the most beautiful, LF started the War of the Five Kings because he loved the beautiful Catelyn Stark, even after over a decade of not seeing her.”
see the original post here
GRRM’s like of hot women is known, and “hot women” by classic standards are big breasts, a slim waist and wide hips. They are big guys. Ned Stark is a lucky man. Don’t overread. Not to mention that Catelyn tells herself that she’s given her maidenhood to Ned. Yes, maidenhood does mean an unwed woman, but it is also the synonym of “maidenhood”.
9)First time
This is, again, a controversial remark, I personally believe that it’s her instinct. She felt it. Though, the way it could work is very simple.
Her moon blood might have been early due to stress or coming after a few days they wed anyway. This was a time of war and they didn’t wait till women were most “available”.
Ok so I was going to continue with the other stuff that the theorist had mentioned but this is getting too long and I’m getting bored. So let’s bust this theory with the simplest thing: Timeline!!!
“Age: Brandon died in 282AL , Rob was born in 283AL. Time wise, it's plausible.”
“they had spent that year apart, Ned off at war in the south”
This way, because she gave birth at Riverrun without Ned, Ned would not know exactly how long after he left Robb was born.
Robert's Rebellion timeline is speculative, at best.
This is how I think it went, in chronological order:
1. Catelyn and Brandon Conceived Robb at Riverrun.
2.Brandon left for KL, and died.
3.Ned married Catelyn BEFORE calling his banners, to make sure he has the Riverland's support. Riding all the way North from the Vale, only to go all the way back in times of war seems unlikely. Ned probably sent someone in his name to call his banners, while he went to wed Catelyn. This would place their marriage likely far less than 3 months after Brandon left Riverrun, probably around 6-8 weeks after Robb's conecption.
4.Ned goes to war.
5.Jon is born.
6.Robb is born.
Brandon dies In the early-mid of 282 AC (With the words arriving, Rickard coming to Kl) since Lyanna’s abduction happens early in the year. Then Aerys demands Ned and Robert’s heads so Jon Arryn calls the banners and Ned returns to the North and Robert leaves for Stormlands to call the banners. Then, The Battles of Summerhall happens, followed by Robert’s defeat in the Battle of Ashford. Having retreated to the Riverlands, The Siege of Storm’s End starts and we know that the defenders were already in bad shape “by year’s end.” Ned and Catelyn marry after the Battle of the Bells, since it is a double wedding and we know that Jon Arryn loses gallant cousin and heir, Ser Denys Arryn, so he needs a young wife to produce an heir. This means that Catelyn and Ned married in the early 283 AC.
If Brandon had impregnated Catelyn, she would have been heavy with child by the time they married, and Robb would have been big enough to know he’s not Ned’s by the time he meets Robb. I think this is the biggest evidence that this theory simply does not work.
11)Significance of Parentage
Robb getting in the list of the secret parentage reduces the significance of parentage. There are way more believable parentage theories (and canon ones like the Baratheon (!) children) out there that concerns other families, and they have much more evidence other than the crumbs here. Everyone being a secret bastard takes the excitement of the better ones like R+L=J or A+J=CJ (love this one, don’t think it’s true but love it anyways).
In conclusion, even if I’m wrong, and Robb is actually Catelyn’s son (though I know Catelyn to be better than that, there’s a reason why I stan her) it makes literally no impact to the storyline. Robb is dead, Ned is dead, Brandon is long dead, Catelyn is dead, at least the part of her that made her Catelyn is. How other people will be aware of this is a dilemma as well. There has to be a good reason for Bran to look from the eyes of the Godswood of Riverrun. The only way this can have an importance is Jeyne being pregnant, (The chances are quite low on this one.) though not much would come of it anyway.
#catelyn stark#ned stark#ned x cat#catelyn tully#catelynstark#robb stark#brandon stark#brandon x catelyn#tbh c+b=r is pure bs but i tried my best to remain respectful#catelyn is baby and people think she's a heartless cold bitch#honour people...#cat has it you know
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Quick Guide | Carolina Hurricanes: Meet The Team - Opening Night 2019-20
New season means a new quick guide to the roster
2018-19 season
This took me a couple of days to put together so please appreciate it
Want to know how to pronounce a players name?
Click this link!
*All gifs made by me*
☞ Sebastian Aho™️ #20
Yes there is another “Sebastian Aho” from Sweden but he’s usually in the AHL (Bridgeport/Islanders)
Born: July 26, 1997 (22 years old/Leo) from Rauma, Finland
6′0, Centre, 35th overall CAR 2015
Nicknames: Fishy, Seabass, Sepe, Sebu
He’s the face of this franchise and the only player on this team that the Canadian media knows about
Is being held against his will in Raleigh because he wants to play for Montreal if you don’t know the actual story MTL sent him an offer sheet that he signed because he wanted the money and knew Carolina could pay it, but you know how Habs twitter can be.
Possibly the messiest Hurricane
Who’s my daddy?!
Spirit animal is a lion, hear him roar
Avid coffee drinker
Baby face
Painted a picture of his cat one time
☞ Ryan Dzingel #18
Born: March 9, 1992 (27 years old/Pisces) from Wheaton, Illinois
6′0, Centre, 204th overall OTT 2011
Nicknames: Zinger, Dizzy, Dzingel Bells, D-pingel
Played with the Ohio State Buckeyes for 3 seasons, recorded the first hat trick in Big Ten history against Xichigan
Traded to CBJ Feb ‘19, signed with CAR as a free agent summer ‘19
Might need glasses, he squints like that ^ a lot
Golfs... A L O T
Wants to produce for the team so he can stay here in Raleigh and make it his home ♥︎
Jeep guy
Looks uncomfortably similar to Tripp Tracy
UNC fan
☞ Warren Foegele #13
Born: April 1, 1996 (23 years old/Aries) from Markham, Ontario
6′2, Left Wing, 67th overall CAR 2014
Nicknames: Foegs, Foegdaddy
Best friends with Andrei Svechnikov and Dougie Hamilton
Duke fan
Accidentally broke Osh*e’s collarbone but TJ and C*p fans will claim he tried to murder him
Spirit animal is a tiger, also hear him roar
Very easily scared
Duke fan
☞ Erik Haula #56
Born: March 23, 1991(28 years old/Aries) from Pori, Finland
6′0, Left Wing, 181st overall 2009 MIN
Nicknames: Hauls, Haulsy
Moved to Minnesota in 2008 to play hockey in boarding school
Played for the University Of Minnesota Gophers for 3 seasons
Signed with MIN in 2013, was picked up by the VGK in 2017 as a free agent in the Expansion Draft, then traded to CAR summer of 2019 (for Nic Roy & draft pick)
Suffered a pretty bad knee injury in the 2018-19 season
Got married this past summer ♥︎
Currently living in Calvin de Haan’s old house
☞ Jordan Martinook (A) #48
Born: July 25, 1992 (27 years old/Leo) from Brandon, Manitoba
6′0, Left Wing, 58th overall 2012 PHX
Nicknames: Marty, Marty Man, Marty Party
Signed with PHX/ARI in 2012, traded to CAR in 2018 (for Krüger)
Raw chaotic dad energy
Doesn’t like corndogs and has a very high pitched scream
His wife gave birth to their first son last season before he got his downstairs fixed in the offseason
Spirit animal is a dolphin because he has a great impression
There is so much more I want to put on here but you should really just follow his Twitter
☞ Brock McGinn #23
Born: February 2, 1994 (25 years old/Aquarius) from Fergus, Ontario
6′0, Left Wing, 47th overall 2012 CAR
Nicknames: Ginner, Brock McWinn, McPing, the new Mr. Game Seven (that one is kind of a joke though), Big Cock Brock
Single handedly defeated evil not only once but twice on April 24th, 2019, earning him the nicknames “Brock McWinn” and the new “Mr. Game Seven”
Has two brothers who also play professionally; Jamie (NHL) and Tye (AHL) McGinn
Co Owner of the Roanoke Rail Road Dawgs with his brothers and father
His daddy is Bob
Has a high probability of burning his whole house down
Used to be a fighter, but he didn’t fight anyone last season
Was 3rd in the league with most MsS Post (10) in the 2017-18 season earning him the nickname Brock McPing
☞ Martin Nečas #88
Born: January 15, 1999 (20 years old/Capricorn) from Nove Mesto na Morave, Czech Rebublic
6′2, 12th overall 2017 CAR, “He plays, like, Centre”
Nicknames: Neči, Marty, Nacho, Marto
Your 2019-20 ****** ****** winner
He’s here to fix out PP units, quote me on that
Little hockey stick chain ^
Is known for falling while scoring
Is it avocado or avocaydo?
Hidden talent: Belly dancing
Almost killed the entire team with a golf club last season
Don’t mess with him
Just won the Calder Cup with the Checkers :)
☞ Nino Niederreiter #21
Born: September 8, 1992 (27 years old/Virgo) from Chur, Switzerland
6′0, Right Wing, 5th overall 2010 NYI
Nicknames: El Nino
Was the highest drafted Swizz born player until Hischer in 2017
Signed to the Islanders in 2010, traded to Minnesota in 2013, then traded to Carolina in January 2019 (for Rask)
Was about to take a nap when he was traded
Just when canes fans almost lost hope, Nino showed up and saved our season
When he came to Carolina, someone gave him sweet tea and he really liked it
Was voted best dressed by a couple teammates
Loves the surge
Supports women’s hockey
☞ Jordan Staal (C) #11
Born: September 10, 1988 (31 years ago/Virgo) from Thunder Bay, Ontario
6′4, Centre, 2nd overall 2006 PIT
Nicknames: Stallsy, Jordad, Gronk
Arrested at his brother’s bachelor party
Won the Stanley Cup with the Penguins in 2009
Jordan is the youngest out of the other brothers (Eric, Marc) in the league (NHL) 3rd brother is the youngest and is now a coach
Signed with PIT in 2006, traded to CAR in 2012 (for 8th overall pick, Brandon Sutter and Brian Dumoulin)
Named Captain in the 2017-18 season, became Alternative Captain in 2018-19, is now Captain again in 2019-20
Great at dad jokes
☞ Andrei Svechnikov #37
Born: March 26, 2000 (19 years old/Aries) from Barnaul, Russia
6′2, Right Wing, 2nd overall 2018 CAR
Nicknames: Svech, Mother Russia
Svech is ready
“Just win every game”
Wears #37 because that’s what his brother, Evgeny Svechnikov (DET), wears
Russia = Cold, Raleigh = Hot
Apparently his biggest talent outside of hockey is… magic?
Best friends with Warren Foegele and Dougie Hamilton
Likes to shovel the ice during practice
Terrible at golf..
.. I mean like really bad
☞ Teuvo Teräväinen #86
Born: September 11, 1994 (25 years old/Virgo) from Helsinki, Finland
5′11, Left Wing, 18th overall 2012 CHI
Nicknames: Turbo, Teukka
Shortest Hurricane
Began with CHI in 2014, traded to CAR in 2016 (along with Bickell for 2nd round pick)
Won the cup with CHI in 2015 (Along with van Riemsdyk)
Has the worst sense of smell ever
I mean come on.. pumpkin? toothpaste?
I could keep going with this I don't know what’s wrong with his nose
Most likely the messiest Hurricane
Would dump Sebastian on the side of the road after 100km
Gets scared REALLY easily
His sisters plays hockey over in Finland (and is pretty good at it too)
☞ Lucas Wallmark #71
Born: September 5, 1995 (24 years old/Virgo) from Umea, Sweden
6′0, Centre, 97th overall 2014 CAR
Nicknames: Wally
My daddy!?
His spirit animal is… a horse?
^ He enjoys watching horse racing
*Straight face* “Snacks!? Candy!?”
Deal with it
Showed up to a U12 and U18 team practice to work on skills with kids
Owns a pug named Lovis
☞ Joel Edmundson #6
Born: June 28, 1993 (26 years old/Cancer) Brandon, Manitoba
6′4, 46th overall 2011 STL
Nicknames: Crop Top King, Eddy
Won the cup in 2019 with STL and partied in a crop top
True Canadian, ate poutine out of the cup
Traded in September 2019 to CAR (along with Bokk for Faulk and draft pick)
Going to strengthen our PK I promise
Finally, an enforcer
Forgot to take his skate guards off during his CAR preseason debut in front of 18,000 people
Is a barbie girl, living in a barbie world
☞ Haydn Fleury #4
Born: July 8, 1996 (23 years old/Cancer) from Carlyle, Saskatchewan
6′3, 7th overall 2014 CAR
Nicknames: Fleurs
Beat his little brother Cale (MTL) during his NHL debut
Best friends with Trevor van Riemsdyk
Has the cutest dog named Kobe
Won the Calder Cup along with Nečas :)
If you want to giggle watch this
Has the worst witch cackle you will ever hear
Apparently the best golfer on the team
Big Duke fan
☞ Jake Gardiner #51
Born: July 4, 1990 (29 years old/Cancer) from Minnetonka, Minnesota
6′2, 17th overall 2008 ANA
Nicknames: Gards
Played for the University of Wisconsin for 3 seasons
Traded to TOR in 2011, signed as a free agent to CAR in summer 2019
Has the cutest baby
Denied several offers from other teams mtl to play with us instead
Hands down had the best Halloween costume two years ago
☞ Dougie Hamilton #19
Born: June 17, 1993 (26 years old/Gemini) from Toronto, Ontario
6′6, 9th overall 2011 BOS
Nicknames: D-Ham, Doug the Thug, well his real name is Douglas so I guess Dougie is technically a nickname
Tallest Hurricane
Both of his parents are Olympians, brother also plays professional hockey
Started with BOS in 2012, traded to CGY in 2015, then traded to CAR in 2018 (Last remaining player from the huge Hamilton, Ferland & Fox for Lindholm and Hanifin trade)
Best friends with Andrei Svechnikov and Warren Foegele
Porche guy
Grew out a mullet because his hair salon couldn’t take him as a walk in
Jack Edwards complained that he was wearing a number retired from the Whalers so he taped a 6 over the 1 in 19 to make 69
Goes to children's hospitals dressed as woman characters
Lowkey shootout king
Another Duke fan
Wears the same blazer to every road game
☞ Brett Pesce #22
Born: November 15, 1994 (24 years old/Scorpio) from Tarrytown, New York
6′3, 66th overall 2013 CAR
Nicknames: Pesh
“I play defense bro”
Played for the University of New Hampshire for 3 seasons (2 of those seasons with van Riemsdyk)
Pretty ^
Wears 22 for his dad
He’ll break your ankles
Fortnite squad
Brought his wonderful brother on the mentors trip
Allergic to cats
☞ Jaccob Slavin (A) #74
Born: May 1, 1994 (25 years old/Taurus) from Denver, Colorado
6′3, 120th overall 2012 CAR
Nicknames: Slav-o
The second ‘c’ stands for captain
Faith and family
Played for Colorado College for two seasons
Adopted a beautiful baby girl with his beautiful wife
Has an instagram for his two dogs
His daddy is “Robert”
Not afraid of snakes at all
☞ Trevor van Riemsdyk #57
Born: July 24, 1991 (28 years old/Leo) from Middletown, New Jersey
6′2, Undrafted
Nicknames: TVR, Riems
Agreed to terms with CHI in 2014
Won the cup with CHI in 2015 (along with Teräväinen)
Was picked up by the VGK in the 2017 expansion draft
The next day traded to CAR (for 2nd round pick)
James van Riemsdyk (PHI) is his older brother
Played with the University of New Hampshire for 3 seasons (2 of those seasons with Pesce)
He’s too tired to be scared
March Madness
Best friends with Haydn Fleury
Pride representative for the team
☞ Petr Mrázek #34
Born: February 14, 1992 (27 years old/Aquarius) from Ostrava, Czech Republic
6′1, 141st overall 2010 DET
Nicknames: Mrazzle Dazzle, St. Petr
Moved to Ottawa at age 17
Signed with DET in 2014
Was HUGE for them during the 2015 playoff run
Traded to PHI in Feb ‘18, signed as a free agent with CAR in July ‘18
He had custom hats made for every player on the team
Always has Peter Griffin in his helmet design
Signature move: Poke Check
☞ James Reimer #47
Born: March 15, 1988 (31 years old/Pisces) from Morweena, Manitoba
6′2, 99th overall 2006 TOR
Nicknames: Optimus Reim, The Statue, Reims
Debuted with TOR in 2010, traded to SJS Feb ‘16
Signed with FLA as a free agent summer ‘16, traded to CAR summer ‘19 (for Darling and a 2020 6th round pick)
Has two kids
Really good swimmer
You may recognize this famous goalie meme, that’s right, that's him
Optimus Reim helmet art
He looks so much like Weston from Love Island USA
Honorable Mention
☞ Julien Gauthier #44
I’m including him because everyone expected him to make the team as he did phenomenal in the preseason (playing all 6 games) but due to cap space (and our horrid pp units), he was sent back down.
Born: October 15, 1997 (turning 22/Libra) from Pointe-aux-Trembles, Quebec
6′4, Right Wing, 21st overall 2016 CAR
Nicknames: Goat, Gauths, Jules
Big boy
Bilingual (French/English)
Cute accent
His uncle played 554 games in the NHL (Denis Gauthier)
Both his father and grandfather were professional bodybuilders
That explains his muscles
The best thighs in the league (not up for debate)
Also won the Calder Cup this past season with Haydn Fleury and Martin Nečas
Head Coach
☞ Rod Brind’Amour #17
Roderick Jean Brind’Amour
Born: August 9, 1970 (age 49 years/Leo) from Ottawa, Canada
6′1, Centre, 9th overall 1988 STL
Nicknames: Rod the Bod, RBA
Played with Michigan State for one season
Started with STL in the playoffs of ‘88, traded to PHI in ‘91, traded to CAR in 2000
Captain of the 2006 CAR Stanley Cup winning team
Played 20 seasons, 1,484(GP) 452(G) 732(A) 1,184(P)
Became head coach for the 2018-19 season
First year as HC broke the team’s 9 year playoff drought and brought them all the way to the ECF
Is known for his extreme workouts
Still in better shape than 98% of the league
Could very well still lace up and play better than 80% of the league
Lives rent free in W*lson’s and Reirden’s heads
Gives the best post-game speeches
President & General Manager
☞ Don Waddell
I really just wanted an excuse to put this gif in here
Coached the 1998 DET Stanley Cup winning team
Named Pres. & GM of CAR in May ‘18
☞ Tom Dundon
Lives rent free is Habs fans minds
Estimated net worth is $1.1 billion?
Majority owner of TopGolf (55%)
Chairman of the Alliance of American Football
Purchased 52% of CAR in January 2018 for $420million
Likes to hang around team/fan events
Stays in the same hotel as me lol
#Sebastian Aho#Ryan Dzingel#Warren Foegele#Erik Haula#Jordan Martinook#Brock McGinn#Martin Necas#Martin Nečas#Nino Niederreiter#Jordan Staal#Andrei Svechnikov#Teuvo Teravainen#Teuvo Teräväinen#Lucas Wallmark#Joel Edmundson#Haydn Fleury#Jake Gardiner#Dougie Hamilton#Brett Pesce#Jaccob Slavin#Petr Mrazek#Petr Mrázek#James Reimer#Rod Brind'Amour#Don Waddell#Tom Dundon#Carolina Hurricanes#Meet The Team#Roster#aria gifs i guess
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Assembly of the Gods

Twon, If you're reading this it's too late my G.
I'm never sure where to begin with these stories. Y'all remember when Nas spit a whole story backwards? Nevermind forget it.
The year is 2013, I believe, and it's a rainy night in the fall. My boy Robbie Maxx drags my wife and I to a Meek Mill show in Teaneck NJ, just to peep the scene. The parking lot is a mad house of course. We had to wait in line and shit, which wasn't the vibe. We finally get in the spot, it's already packed and the opening acts are doing their thing. This one performer caught my attention. This short, energetic kid with his squad on stage with him screaming, "UPPERCLASS!". The young boy with the name "TWON" gleaming off his hat was spitting some fire with no fear or nervousness to a sold-out crowd in his hometown. Pretty dope performance overall. Soon after his exit from the stage Meek would come out and make is presence known. I knew that wasn't the last time I'd see or hear from that Twon guy.
Some months later Maxx would headline a show at this spot called Mexicali Live (Debonair Lounge) and guess who he throws on the bill? You guessed it, TWONDON. It had been a while since I last saw the kid and this go-around the music was a bit different. He performed and did his thing much like the first time I saw him. He was chopping it up with his fans/supporters after his performance, so I had to wait to talk to him. I hate that sh*t. I was able to properly introduce myself and extend the invitation to collab. I'll admit our first encounter wasn't the greatest. It's always weird when a ni**a that doesn't know you tries to strike a conversation. He'll tell you. Although he knew of me as being Maxx's producer/engineer up until this point we hadn't had any extensive interaction. We exchanged info and that was that. He wasn't trying to hear anything I had to say that night though.
Now it's 2014, I was floating around to different events in NYC. One in particular was a private album release party for Mobb Deep (RIP Prodigy). I want to say it was their last album, "The Infamous Mobb Deep." I'm coolin' in the spot for a little bit and guess who I bump in to? Of course, Twondon. The first thing he says to me is, "Damn B, you get around". At this point this ni**a finally realizes he can't escape the God. This time we got a chance to really chop it up. He mentioned to me he was looking for a new spot to record and a good engineer. I had to get my boy right. The first track we recorded together was, "Life's a Bitch" featuring AZ. I remember Twon asking me, "Yo B, can you somehow scratch in the Acapella of AZ from Nas' "Life's a Bitch"?” and explained how he wanted it to cut in and out of the hook. I remember thinking to myself, "This ni**a has no clue this my f**king BAG." To make a long story short my execution of what he requested was flawless. In past interviews Twon has mentioned that "Life's a Bitch" was when he found "His sound."
Soon after Twon would make 1985 Sound Studio in Belleville, NJ his new home for recording. By this time I had already mixed a few singles for him including "4th and Inches" and "Run It" featuring Bizzy Crook and slew of others. There's this on-going thing where he'll say some sh*t like "Yo B, make me sound icy" and somehow I know what he means everytime. He also connected me with a few artists he knew including a young lyricist by the name of Dolla $ign Dunn who I continue to help with developing his sound as well. In the early stages of creating with Twon he had already had a lot of his beats picked out so he didn't really need me for production. I was just helping to cultivate that Upperclass sound through my mixing and mastering techniques. It wasn't until mid 2015 that discussions of his debut EP "Stay Golden" began to take shape.

After a session one day Twon asked me about a beat I was creating on my ipad that I previewed on Instagram I think. No stories back then this was all timeline action. He said "That beat sound like me."
I didn't think anything of it, I looped up the beat, added a few more elements to it and gave it up. No charge. That was the birth of the first single "Too Committed". He sat on the beat for a short time and came back to the studio and laid the 1st verse and the hook. Later on he told me that Smoke DZA would be blessing the record and executive producing the album "Stay Golden."

"TWON!!? Antwon!! Wake your black ass up it's 1 in the afternoon..." -Gloria's Intro (Mama Twondon)
Twondon's “Stay Golden” album was released December 8, 2015, a day after my 30th Birthday. I was in Vegas my ni**a. The project was well received. The song "Million Dollar Babies" off that project racked up 600,000+ streams on Spotify alone. The whole roll-out for that project was dope. I go back and listen to that project sometimes and I love the way it sounds. It sounds just like the title, "Golden." So much work went into it and I enjoyed every minute of it. There are 10 mixes on "Too Committed" alone. Occasionally I will hear my wife bumping "All the Above." She's also partially responsible for placing "Too Committed" in the Indie film "King of Newark" (2016)
After the success of that project we continued to create and build. The last few years I've watched Twondon evolve from rapper/lyricist to clothing designer to all-around entrepreneur. Yeah man, my boy was making clothes. I had to support him because the Upperclass Intl. collections were dope, simple as that. Every collection is limited pieces, so if you miss it for the week it's available it's over. His system is untouchable to say the least. He'll give you some dope music and then turn around and give you some fresh clothes. Young Nipsey traits for sure. The one piece I missed out on was this navy blue Upperclass hoodie he dropped. Still salty about that. He know.
The inception of "God Complex"
Summer of 2016 I locked in with my brother Josh. He would come to the crib on random days and cook up. Lay hooks, make beats etc. One of the hooks he laid was on "F**k What They Tryna Say," we both knew it was special. He laid it down and we never revisted it. Typical Josh sh*t. He's just a legendary soul. He's different.
2017 I relocated to Atlanta. Twondon and I would maintain our working relationship and brother-hood from a far. We would send sessions back and forth, long ass facetime calls and sh*t. I would send beats sometimes and I stumbled across that joint "F**k What They Tryna Say" again, so I sent it to him. He didn't have anything in his catalog like it at the time. He wrote to it in about 45 minutes maybe less and sent me voice notes of the verses he had. Just undeniable flame. Since he didn't have a studio to record in at the time, I arranged to shoot back to Jersey to handle some business and record his verses. We linked up at a Sheraton I was staying at in Weehawken NJ overlooking New York City. I set up my laptop and microphone, we had some "God-Talk" and we got to work. Needless to say this record "Fuck What They Tryna Say" is about to be 4 years old by the time you guys hear it. Timeless vibes. Around the time we recorded that song I was still dealing with the indelible aftermath of my own personal police misconduct situation. It's documented that US Police had already shot and killed 72+ unarmed black males from 2015-2017. The numbers continue to rise. The message in that song is powerful, heavy and very clear, Fuck what they tryna say. We're not naive to what's happening in our communities, but as you can see we still thrive anyway. So we dont give a f**k what yall talking about. Plain and simple.
"The skeletons in the closet is rising, the truth is louder than ever they kill us and televise it..." "FWTTS" - Twondon (feat Josh.GLPA)
These last few years have made me realize how important the artist-engineer and artist-producer relationship really is. We've gotten so good at separating our business and personal lives that when this guy hits my line and simply says, "Mr. Ross," my response is normaly "Mr. Gibbs?”, I know something is coming. Would you believe we've spent the last 7 years developing his sound to what you hear today? I've mixed and mastered over 30 songs, 3 albums and 3 EPs for Twondon thus far. So many email threads, text messages, phone calls and overtime to bring to life that Upperclass sound you know him for. “God Complex” is just a cornerstone of what we've been able to build together on this journey of ours. Songs like “199$” and “Trips Up North,” are the creative by-product of our extensive conversations about life, man-hood, spirituality and how we are limitless in our thinking and resilient in what we pursue. We are Gods in our own right. Like Ye said, "I just told you who I thought I was, a God". Just respect it. Hope you enjoy this masterpiece. More music on the way. It's Upperclass ̡
Written by Brandon "Plan B '85" Ross 1985 Music
Stream/Buy God Complex NOW


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GoT S08E02 Thoughts
So due to packing and getting my life sorted, I haven’t had time to watch the latest episode until today. Anyway, here are my thoughts on the episode!
Disclaimer: This is a Jonsa/Pol!Jon-goggled review so please just ignore this if you don’t like that stuff. It’s truly easy to just scroll past.
Even though I expected it, I can’t help but feel so disappointed and annoyed by Dani. How can she lack such self-awareness? She’s sitting there condemning Jaime, a man she doesn’t even know, for the crime of killing her father when said father also murdered Rickard and Brandon Stark. She is acting as if she has undergone some tragic loss when she never met her father and Dani’s circumstances were entirely caused by her own family (although being hunted was Robert Baratheon’s). Jaime is not innocent by any means. There are plenty of crimes he committed he could be tried for; however, killing Aerys the Mad King was not one of them.
Dani also can’t just condemn a man for killing her father when her father was out there murdering innocent people, while a season ago asked Jon to not hold the crimes of her father against her. But then she also can’t say that and still go after the Iron Throne. Basically, her logic is all kinds of messed up. What it boils down to is what Dani wants she gets by fire and blood.
Brienne vouching for Jaime was also pretty unsurprising. I expected this too but damnit it still gave me all the Braime feels and I was loving it!
Two things struck me about this scene though and one was that Brienne doesn’t address Dani, their supposed queen, but Sansa. It makes sense because Brienne is loyal to only Sansa and it’s her authority/leadership she follows. And the second was as Brienne was vouching for Jaime, Sansa’s face changes from being angry to immediately compassion and understanding, even to the point where it looked like she was holding back tears. Sansa doesn’t trust easily, with good reason, but the people she does trust, she does so wholeheartedly and with unwavering faith. If Brienne says Jaime is to be trusted, that he is an honourable man who helped save Sansa because of his promise to Catelyn, then there is no reason for Sansa to doubt that. All is not forgiven, I imagine, but if he has protected Brienne and stayed honourable to her mother, that’s all Sansa needs.
I also like that Jon takes Sansa’s side. Although I think another factor of it was also simply what he said: they need all the men they could get. But Jon trusts Sansa’s judgment and if she is willing to pardon him then he will to, and that’s the nature of their partnership/relationship. This dynamic has come up so many times in the past 3 seasons. They fight and bicker but at the end of the day, no matter what, they’re a team.
I wonder if Dani notices this too. Their dynamic is very much Lord and Lady of Winterfell, not in just the way they compliment each other as leaders but also visually. Additionally, this dynamic is also emphasised by the way others address both of them. They look to Sansa first, Jon second and Dani as an afterthought. For instance, after Jaime is pardoned, Sansa ups and leaves right away without excusing herself to Dani. Immediately after she does, Jon leaves. It could be said Jon is avoiding Dani so he leaves right away to avoid her but why have Sansa leave first and him right after? It looks like he is following after her so they can speak in private. The timing of it feels very pointed. If they wanted to point out that Jon was avoiding Dani, there was no need to have Sansa leave first, before everyone else.
The scene with Tyrion and Dani feels very telling. I have always been of the opinion that sometime soon both Varys and Tyrion will become disillusioned by Dani and see her for who she is (Varys is already beginning to, probably). But what happens here is interesting: Dani basically asks Tyrion if he is a “traitor or fool?” He responds that he’s made mistakes, ie. suggesting he is the ‘fool’ and not a traitor. Throughout the rest of the episode, after Dani’s heart to heart with Jorah, she begins to ease off of Tyrion and tentatively trust him again to lead her to the Iron Throne. I feel like this emphasis and the initial question -- all of it is suggesting that Tyrion may, in fact, become a traitor to Dani.
What makes me believe this, even more, is Tyrion’s conversation with Jaime. Although Jaime doesn’t say anything particularly negative about Dani, it is what he’s not saying that’s telling about how he truly feels about her and who she would become as queen. This isn’t the first time speculations over how good of a queen she would be have been brought up around Tyrion. In general, the topic of Dani as queen is a contentious one in any case for many characters in GoT but the fact that it is consistently brought up to Tyrion and he has to consistently defend her feels like it’s leading to a point where Tyrion won’t be able to defend her actions. He has thus far been justifying her decisions, making excuses and trying to convince others (and himself) that she will be a good and just queen, but Dani is going to do something soon that he won’t be able to explain away and that will be when he will have to reevaluate exactly what kind of world he is helping her build.
But moving on... GENDRYA!! I did not expect this and I have doubts this will happen in the books, but shit, we still got Gendry and Arya getting down and dirty and I am here for it! Although with that said, this makes me worry about the fate of Gendry. I saw a post where someone mentioned this episode was the Starks saying goodbye to the people in their past (separate) lives. If such is the case, would Gendry live to see the end of this? I don’t know if Gendrya was ever a part of GRRM’s plans but I do feel that Gendry has a larger role to play. The fact that he is Robert Baratheon’s bastard hasn’t come up as a plot point at all since the Melissandre. He was supposed to keep his parentage a secret but he has willingly blabbed it to both Jon and Arya. There has to be something bigger that will involve Gendry so I don’t believe he’ll die in this battle. I do however think he might die for his parentage. A foil, perhaps, to Jon’s parentage reveal.
Slight brief moment to squee at Proud Mama Brienne watching her son Podrick teaching someone how to fight. The duo I never knew I needed!
I have to say that this episode has been Braime GOLD. Everything about their interactions have just hit my shippy heart in all the right way. Jaime telling Brienne that he came all the way here to “serve under her command” was basically a love confession. Am I wrong? I mean... please.
Maybe it’s my Jonsa goggles, but I can’t help feeling like Dani and Jorah’s scene serves as a direct contrast to Jon and Dani later. Even in Season 7, they highlighted how Jorah and Dani say goodbye versus the lacklustre dismissive way Jon said goodbye to Dani. Here, they show the way Jorah looks at Dani and attempts to get her to listen to him, but you don’t have that with Jon and Dani at all. Their interactions are physical. There is no scene where they sit and talk about their problems, try to help each other/give advice. There is no sense that they are a team, whereas Jorah and Dani are (granted he is her subordinate but so is Jon) and Jon and Sansa are (an equal partnership). It’s just different and it’s obvious it is.
Anyway, speaking of Sansa and Dani. There is a lot to unpack in their scene together. I feel like everything Sansa has had to learn about appeasing her captors has led her directly to Dani. Although Dani is not more intelligent than Cersei or Petyr or even Ramsay, she is volatile and unpredictable, which makes her more dangerous, especially considering the sheer power she wields. Sansa isn’t dumb enough to underestimate her.
When she tells Dani that Jon loves her and men do stupid things for love, it’s actually the opposite. If we’re going by what Sansa has experienced, it hasn’t really been under the vein of “men doing stupid, terrible things for love”, it has been “women doing stupid, terrible things for love”. Cersei, for instance, has done horrible things in the name of love (for her children) and Sansa has seen this firsthand and had to endure those horrible things from her and her children (or rather Joffrey). Then you have Aunt Lysa who has done and would’ve done terrible things to Sansa in the name of love (for Petyr). And who else has Sansa encountered? Myranda. Her love for Ramsay has made her do seriously evil things and Sansa has witnessed and experienced all of this. The only time she has witnessed a man in love is Petyr (and his ‘love’ is questionable at best) but he hasn’t done terrible, horrible things for love. He has done terrible things for himself under the guise of love. Sansa knows this too. So when she is saying this to Dani, I don’t believe that she is actually talking about Jon at all. She is talking about Dani and she is worried for Jon, worried he is being manipulated by Dani and will pay the consequences for her love. Among that worry is also what I believe is jealousy.
Look at the framing of the question. Dani is trying to make peace with Sansa; she is asking why exactly aren’t they seeing eye to eye as women (which is another thing that annoyed me because this idea that women must support all women is dumb and not feminist; women aren’t infallible to being evil or even just disagreeing on fundamental principles & future goals and that’s what you have here with Sansa and Dani). When Sansa doesn’t answer, there is a pause where the camera is focused on Sansa. She is clearly restraining herself. There is anguish there, so when Dani asks “your brother?”, it’s framed in a way that makes it sound like Dani is confronting Sansa about her feelings about her brother. While Sansa diverts the conversation, Dani does nail it on the head. There is tension between them because of Jon. Another point where they seem to be setting up a love triangle.
There are actually quite a few lines from this scene that feels like misdirection and/or hints towards something else. Sansa saying “families are complicated” feels pointed considering how utterly complicated it really is and how clueless they both are to the extent of their complicated families entangled with each other. Then Dani saying “tell me who manipulated whom?” to emphasise her love for Jon felt like one of those tv trope moments like you never say “it can’t possibly get any worse than this” and in the next moment, it clearly does for the main characters. That line felt like that. As does Dani’s whole spiel about trusting Jon wholeheartedly and him being the second man for whom she does trust that way. Saying “he’s true to his word”. It all feels like an ominous foreshadowing. So imo, Pol!Jon is still well and truly alive.
The ending between Sansa and Dani felt perfect to illustrate what I said above about women not needing to support each other to be considered ‘feminists’. Sansa and Dani are both truly strong and fearless leaders who have risen above the men who deemed them unfit for their gender. That is certainly something worth celebrating, but this is where the similarity ends. Fundamentally, Sansa and Dani have two completely, opposing goals and principles. Dani wants the Iron Throne, by all means, necessary and that includes total and complete control over the Seven Kingdoms. Sansa wants independence for her people and the North; for them to never have to bend the knee to a foreign ruler and go fight in someone else’s war. These two objectives conflict and Sansa is smart to remind Dani definitively that this is something she won’t budge on. Perhaps it will invite Dani’s ire in later episodes so maybe not too smart but as a leader, Sansa is making sure her people’s voices are heard.
Moving forward to the next scene, I first have to say that the Theon and Sansa reunion hug was everything I ever wanted from this!! Their friendship has been something I’ve loved in GoT and I’ve been waiting for this for so long. I could feel the emotion between them and I have to applaud both Sophie and Alfie for their performances.
But speaking of the scene itself, there is only one thing I’d like to point out, which is something I already touched upon. When it comes to authority in the North, Dani may have it in title but it’s Sansa who has the true power and authority. Theon greets Dani but he looks to only Sansa for permission to fight and defend Winterfell.
Okay, so the reveal... I saw a lot of people saying that Jenny’s Song being sung in this episode suggests that Jon will give up his throne for Dani. But... no?? That’s not it. There is a beautiful meta somewhere out here about Jenny of Oldstones and her relation to Sansa Stark, so I suggest finding it if you can (or linking it if you have it). But essentially, this is my opinion: Jenny of Oldstones was from the Riverlands and Duncan Targaryen renounced his throne for her. All of the Stark children have a connection to the Riverlands through their Tully blood on Catelyn’s side, but Sansa has always been the Stark child that had the most connection to her Tully side. Visually, she has the Tully look (as did Robb, Bran, and Rickon) but she is also most visually paralleled to Catelyn (as well as quite literally being said to look similar to Catelyn). House Tully’s words “Family, Duty, Honour” are also most embodied through Sansa’s narrative arc. Therefore, this song could suggest instead that Jon, a Targaryen like Duncan, will renounce his throne for a non-Targaryen girl from the Riverlands, Sansa.
I personally don’t think it means he’d renounced his throne for Dani. It doesn’t make sense for a Targaryen to renounce his throne for a Targaryen. Not to mention that Jenny’s Song and the history surrounding it is more than likely a song about the Prince That Was Promised, which we now know is Jon and not Dani. That difference will become a point of conflict between both Jon and Dani, as we are already given a glimpse of when Jon reveals his parentage to her. Dani’s whole identity has been founded on this idea that she was the last living Targaryen, the true heir to the Iron Throne, and when Melissandre came to see her, she also adopted the title of Prince(ss) That Was Promised in her mind. Dani’s foundation relies on being the ‘most special’ but here comes Jon, who is destroying every wall she had built around herself and not in the good way. It is telling after all that after the reveal the thing Dani focuses on isn’t that they are related but rather that Jon now has a claim to the Iron Throne. She is immediately suspicious and paranoid. Remember, Aerys the Mad King was not always mad. He was actually once generous and wise (had a ‘good heart’) but he began succumbing to his paranoia, believing those around him were out for his power and that led to his ultimate insanity. Dani instantly focusing on Jon’s claim to the throne rather than their relation or that she is no longer alone and has family is evidence of her growing paranoia. It had been building over the past seasons.
That is mainly all I have to say but I do want to just point out some stuff I loved:
- The Group Pow Wow!!! Yeah, that was adorable. I love every single character in that room and them all being there together was great.
- Brienne is finally knighted!! Tormund’s proud dumb face and Jaime knighting made my shippy heart cry happily!
- Lyanna Mormont, may I adopt you??
- The Bromance That Was Promised!! Looooove Ed, Jon and Sam so much!
- Overall, it was not bad. It’s just... we have 6 episodes and for 2 episodes, nothing really has happened except for the reveal. It’s a lot of moving parts which I know is needed but does that mean the next 4 will be super rushed??
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If You’re Gone (Girls Talk Boys part 32)
I think I've already lost you I think you're already gone I think I'm finally scared now You think I'm weak, I think you're wrong
If you're gone, maybe it's time to come home There's an awful lot of breathing room But I can hardly move If you're gone, baby you need to come home, come home There's a little bit of something me In everything in you
Ashton got to Cal's about 20 minutes after Cher texted him. He knocked but when he got no answer he opened the door and let himself in, the place was a wreck. Calum had flipped his coffee table over slinging things across the room and he'd kicked a hole in the drywall by his front door. Ashton carefully made his way around the mess hearing Calum upstairs. He saw the refrigerator door open and went to close it before heading up noticing the whiskey Calum had just bought was not there.
Ashton jogged up the stairs and peeked into Calum's bedroom. Seeing no sign of man or beast as he made his way down the hall. Calum had a 2 bedroom unit and had turned the second room into a gym/music room. He was sitting at his piano with his back to the door and Duke at his feet half slurring half singing “If You’re Gone” by Matchbox 20. Ashton shook his head, he knew this was gonna be a mess. He put a hand on Calum's shoulder causing him to look up with a tear streaked face and unfocused eyes.
“What happened?” Ashton hadn't ever seen Cal look this dejected.
“I fucked up,” Calum hung his head and sniffled fighting back tears again scooting over so Ashton could sit next to him.
“Did Camille break up with you? Cal I don't understand what's going on,” Ashton was puzzled.
“I acted like a complete asshole towards Camille, and she's probably never going to speak to me again. She's already blocked my number on her phone and all her social media,” Calum slumped against his shoulder and reached for the bottle before Ashton grabbed it.
“Getting sick everywhere won't make you feel better tomorrow” Ashton told him taking a swig himself draping his arm across his friend as Calum alternated between babbling and crying trying to explain the fight with Camille.
Cher pulled into the airport's unloading zone and took a deep breath. Both women had been crying as Camille told Cher everything that went down. Camille was devastated by the argument and pissed beyond words but Cher knew she had the ability to compartmentalize and decide she wasn't dealing with Calum right now. With him deleted and blocked she had to focus on work and put her personal life on hold until she got back. Cher had always admired Camille's ability to just that, but also knew it was her way of avoiding dealing with her problems. She helped Camille with her bags and gave her a hug.
“You're gonna be great Cam, don't let this shit get to you. Calum knows he fucked up,” Cher cupped Camille's face in her hands sharing the sadness in her friend's eyes.
With a flash the sorrow vanished and Camille was angry and again Cher knew she was more comfortable being mad, as Camille didn't do sadness well.
“Are you guys done? He thinks you broke up with him,” Cher asked her.
“No I mean, I don't think so. He really fucked up and pulling this right now made it so much worse. I'll deal with it when I get back. Thank you for texting Ashton to go check on him,” Camille shook the thoughts out of her head and put her game face on.
“I'll see you when you get back,” Cher gave her another quick hug before waving to Stephen who was already waiting for Camille in the terminal.
Before Camille made it to the escalator to head up to check in her phone dinged. Cher had sent her a $10 Starbucks gift card knowing Camille needed a pick me up.
Cher checked her messages seeing two missed calls from Calum and a text from Ashton.
Cal's drinking and in a bad way. I'm gonna stay over here at least until he passes out. He tried to call you, Camille has him blocked. Did they really break up?
Cher answered him
Camille won't talk to him until she gets back. He acted like a complete asshole and I don't want to talk to him either. Camille hasn't decided what to do yet I'll explain later.
Ashton set his phone down. “The girls don't want to talk to you right now.”
Calum nodded, he was now sitting on the floor with his knees pulled to his chest. Duke kept nudging at him and Calum would almost smile. Ashton had gotten some of the story out of him but Calum couldn't bring himself to repeat the worst he'd said. After a couple hours of drinking and listening to sad songs Ashton put him to bed and texted Cher.
I'm staying here tonight. I hope Camille is ok, Calum is too upset to talk about it but he knows he's wrong
Cher smiled and messaged back
Thank you for not defending him but still supporting him. I'll see you tomorrow daddy
Ashton chuckled and squeezed his dick through his pants glad this fight between their best friends wasn't coming between them.
Calum had spent two days holed up with his laptop and journal in his music room with Duke. Ashton checked up on him but they didn't talk much as Calum was watching the all the ProFantasySports live streams and scribbling down song ideas. Calum was laid out on the floor with his laptop watching Camille's interview on SportsTalk and Ashton was fiddling around on the piano when they both jumped at the sound of the front door slamming.
Footsteps came thundering up the stairs before Luke burst into the room.
“What the hell is wrong with you?!” Luke was angry and accusing.
Calum flinched at his words and Ashton stood up “Luke you don't know the whole story,” he said trying to calm him down.
“Actually I do, I was on the phone with her last night because she couldn't sleep,” Luke fumed. “He basically accused her of lying, wanting to cheat on him with her ex, and, this is the best part, accused her of using sex to get ahead in her career.”
Ashton was stunned and Calum couldn't meet their eyes, his face burning with shame.
“The worst part is the timing of it. Camille feels like you’re trying to sabotage her job. You need to figure out your insecurities and your jealousy because while she's going to forgive you this time, you will lose her if you keep it up,” Luke sat down and his expression softened. “I know you love her. I want to see you guys make it.”
“What did you come back from your vacation with Summer just to yell at him?” Ashton asked slightly annoyed.
“Did you and Summer have a good time?” Calum asked.
“Yes, thank you. We're really good right now” Luke replied. “I'm not here to fight. I'm here to help you get your girl back.”
“Wait did you say she forgave him?” Ashton asked.
“No she hasn't yet but she wants to. He needs to convince her, and we're going to help.”
The party was going strong but Camille wasn't really having fun. She'd escorted the contest winners around from breakfast, a day in the NFL Zone meeting players and testing their pass, punt, and catching skills before ending the day at a charity dinner. She'd promised Brandon Pearcy she'd drop by his party tonight and Stephen agreed to tag along. Being a sports agent Brandon had gone all out, he had clients on both the Rams and the Patriots so they'd split house down the middle, blue and gold on one side with silver, red and blue on the other. The food was themed accordingly, New England had lobster rolls, crab cakes, fried clams, Greek pizza, fluffer nutter sandwiches and whoopie pies. L.A. served up french dip sandwiches, Pink's chili cheese dogs, Pho, shrimp tacos, chicken and waffles and rice krispie treat chocolate chip cookies.
Brandon was always friendly and introduced her to several big name players. Rob Gronkowski, Tony Gonzalez, Calvin Johnson, Cam Newton and even Odell Beckham Jr who was extremely good looking and very flirty. People were snapping and posting pics and Camille couldn't shake the feeling she was doing something wrong.
“Camille,” a familiar voice was at her side and she looked up to see Quentin standing there.
She jerked back, panicking when he put his hand on her arm.
“Easy now, baby girl I didn't mean to scare you.” Camille relaxed seeing the concern on his face.
“Sorry I was lost in thought. You scared me.” Camille put her hand on her chest.
“You looked miserable,” he told her with a laugh before she noticed his eyes catch something across the room distracting him for a second.
Before she could turn around his attention was back on her “I know this is a work event for you but come hit this blunt,” he spoke quietly leading her out to a side patio where several people were smoking.
Camille took a puff and Quentin leaned down to talk to her.
“You need to leave this party. Brandon is going to make a move on you and he can be very aggressive and very nasty if he doesn't get his way.”
“Q, why are you telling me this? You think I can't handle myself?” Camille kept smiling and her voice low.
“Please trust me this one time, this will get ugly if you stay. His dealer just showed up and Brandon on cocaine It's something you don't want to see. It's only 9:30 my dude was just talking about getting out of here and hitting up this bar he knows that's got some decent food, you should go with the girls. I'll tell Brandon you're fighting with your boyfriend and left.” Quentin stopped when she looked surprised and hurt. “Damn I'm sorry, I was just making shit up. I'll go get your boy Stephen and we'll turn this night around.”
Quentin went back into the party and Camille found herself being surrounded and hustled out of the house by three women she'd just met.
They stopped once they got to the driveway and one of them began laughing “Well that was dramatic.” She stuck her hand out “Hi, I'm Brittany. This is Shay and that's Megan.”
“Nice to meet y'all. I'm still a bit confused as to what just happened,” Camille shook her hand.
Stephen, Quentin and three other guys were right behind them. Camille recognized two of them as NFL players Patrick and Von. The other one, Jalen, she knew personally from her guest appearances on his ESPN show “Two Minute Warning.”
They ended up at Vortex for burgers before finding a silly karaoke bar. For the first time since she'd arrived in Atlanta she was actually having fun. Camille wasn't even worried about posting pics to Instagram, let Calum be mad. She wasn't doing anything wrong and if he couldn't see that then he had to go. Of course the thought of actually breaking up with him made her feel like someone knocked the wind out of her. She blocked that thought almost as soon as it popped into her head.
Tonight was her night with her new friends. Quentin left before midnight to make the teams curfew the rest of the group stay till closing at 3am. Camille had to be up at 11 AM to appear on Two Minute Warning in a surprise guest appearance. Camille texted Cher the details before getting some much needed sleep.
Cher hadn't ever had a Super Bowl party without Camille which made it really weird. Camille usually went all out with a Tex Mex taco bar but Cher went instead with pizza and chicken wings. It was the first time Cher had seen Calum since he stormed out of her house the night of the fight. She was pleased to see he looked like hell. He deserved it for making her best friend cry. Aside from that everyone seemed to be in a decent mood. They all cheered through Camille's segment where she dissected, correctly as it turned out, just how and why the Patriots would win. Everybody was in a great mood, and then the game started.
“Be serious, that game was a fucking snooze” Camille joked with Stephen as they presented their boarding passes to go home.
“The halftime show was worse than I thought it would be,” Stephen responded. “Both Sicko Mode and Sweet Victory deserved better.”
Camille laughed but then the Dramamine kicked in and she knocked out for the flight. Cher picked her up at the terminal.
“I hope you know Calum went all out for your return,” Cher warned her as they drove home.
“Mmmm we'll see,” Camille tried not to smile.
“Are you still mad?” Cher asked her.
“Yes, but I really missed him,” Camille sighed.
Walking in she immediately saw the place was filed with pink roses. She headed upstairs to her room and saw tulips strewn out on her bed with an envelope in the center.
Opening it she recognized Calum's messy handwriting and sat down on her bed to read.
My Darling Camille,
There is no excuse for how I treated you and I can't tell you how deeply ashamed and sorry I am. You are the best thing that has happened to me and I'm so afraid of losing you. I've already put you through so much I feel like an asshole asking you to forgive me. I should've never acted like you had to choose between me or your job. Your career is your life the same way mine is and that was completely unfair. You love what you do, you're brilliant, funny and I am so proud of everything you've accomplished. I didn't mean to act like you ever have to choose and I'm truly sorry.
The rest of what I said is completely inexcusable. I lost my mind for a second and lashed out at you and while there's no taking back what I said please know that I didn't mean it. I never thought you would cheat on me. My jealousy is all on me and I'm an absolute twat for behaving like that.
I know words are empty unless they're followed by changed behavior. I want us to really talk this out and I want to be more open with you. I've never been good at expressing my feelings but I want this to work. I want us to work. I have more to say but I'd really like to do it in person. Please give me another chance.
Yours Always
Luke watched as Calum paced back and forth staring at his phone. It had been almost an hour since they'd seen Cher's car come back from the airport. Calum was sweating and looked nauseous. There was a knock at the door and Luke saw Calum slump in relief when he answered.
“I thought we should talk,” Camille said before she saw Luke “hey peanut, are you guys busy?”
“NO,” both men answered in unison.
“I talk to you guys later,” Luke gave Camille a quick kiss on the cheek and quickly left.
Camille found herself wrapped up tightly in Calum's arms the second the door closed.
“Camille I am so sorry. I'm an idiot and an asshole. Please don't leave me, I want to be better for you.” Calum was trying not to lose it, barely choking out the words.
They stood there like that, both of them crying together, his face buried in her hair and her face pressed to his chest. Until Camille finally had to pull free because she was all stuffy. Returning from the bathroom wiping her eyes she found Calum splashing his face with cold water at the sink. She came up behind him hugging his waist before he turned and picked her up setting her on the counter.
He looked her in her eyes, “so are we ok?”
Camille nodded, “yes but this can't happen again. Mistakes will be made and this won't be our last fight, but I don't want to keep having the same fight. Respect is the minimum I expect from you. My job is going to get hectic next fall and you're going back on the road. We're going to have enough problems without creating new ones for no reason. I need you to talk to me., I need you to trust me. You're so good at hiding your feelings babe, I never thought about you being insecure. I look at you and see Calum Hood: this gorgeous rock star who I'm lucky enough to be with. I can't imagine you'd ever think you weren't enough.” Camille brushed his curls off his face and stroked his jaw.
“I just think you're amazing and you could do better than me,” Calum couldn't meet her eyes now. “Honestly you could do better than most of the guys you're around. None of them are good enough for you either.”
“You saw the pictures?” Camille asked.
Calum nodded looking guilty. “I watched all your live streams and checked your Insta and Twitter constantly.”
“And?” Camille raised her eyebrows.
“And it was the first time I saw you smile since you got to Atlanta. I'm a complete dickhead for ruining your trip. I'm glad you got to have some fun,” Calum met her eyes again. “I have a surprise for you if you'll come upstairs.”
“Calum we are not jumping into bed. I couldn't anyways,” Camille laughed before giving him a light kiss on the lips.
“No come upstairs to the music room,” Calum put her back on the floor and pulled at her sleeve.
She followed him upstairs and he sat her in a chair before getting behind his piano. He cleared his throat and Camille could see he was nervous but once he started to play and sing Camille was left in awe of his talents.
I was just coastin' Never really goin anywhere Caught up in a web I was gettin kinda used to stayin' there And out of the blue I fell for you
Now you're lifting me up, instead of holding me down Stealing my heart instead of stealing my crown Untangled all the strings round my wings that were tied I didn't know her and I didn't know me Cloud nine was always out of reach Now I remember what it feels like to fly You give me butterflies
Kiss full of color makes me wonder where you've always been I was hiding in doubt till you brought me out of my chrysalis And I came out new All because of you
Now you're lifting me up instead of holding me down Stealing my heart instead of stealing my crown Untangled all the strings round my wings that were tied I didn't know her and I didn't know me Cloud nine was always out of reach Now I remember what it feels like to fly You give me butterflies, yeah You give me butterflies
Now you're lifting me up instead of holding me down You're taking my hand instead of taking my crown Untangled all the strings round my wings that were tied I didn't know you and I didn't know me Cloud nine was always out of reach Now I remember what it feels like to fly You give me butterflies You give me butterflies
“Calum, that was beautiful,” Camille was trying not to cry.
Calum motioned for her to come sit in his lap and when she did he kissed her and looked her in the eye. “I'm sorry for everything. I love you and don't want to lose you.”
“Calum do you know what you just said?” Camille was stunned.
“Yes,” he was smiling at her his eyes bright. “I love you my darling Camille, my everything, my queen.”
“I love you too Calum,” Camille had more to say but it was smothered by his kiss.

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This February, celebrate Black History Month with Black authors!
Culture is important, whether it’s your own to celebrate or someone else’s that you can learn about and appreciate. In the last few years, we’ve seen a steady increase in people of colour, LGBT communities, non-Christian religions, and non-European cultures represented in young adult and middle-grade fiction. While this is a great improvement and definitely a step in the right direction, people of colour are still underrepresented. We can do more to make sure that authors of colour are seen and heard. The following list, while by no means exhaustive, is a selection of excellent YA and MG novels written by Black authors*. This month, take some time to explore their stories.
*This list appears in no particular order and is not intended to be read as though any one book is superior to another.
1. The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas (Young Adult)
When sixteen-year-old Starr Carter witnesses the fatal shooting of her childhood best friend, she must decide whether to lie low or to join the protesters who seek justice for Khalil. A touching, timely, and often raw story about a girl who finds herself when she feels most lost, it’s no wonder this book has spent more than 100 weeks on the New York Times Best Sellers list.
2. Riding Chance by Christine Kendall (Young Adult)
Based on Philadelphia’s Work to Ride program, this novel follows a young man who gets into some trouble at school and winds up doing community service at the Chamounix Stables in Fairmount Park. There, he learns to play polo, an intense sport that teaches perseverance and focus. This book really hit home for me, having spent most of my childhood at polo matches with WTR. In real life, Work to Ride provides underprivileged children and teenagers in Philadelphia with constructive extracurricular activities, peer mentorship, and even college enrollment assistance. To learn more about Work to Ride, check our their website or Facebook page!
3. Let’s Talk About Love by Claire Kann (Young Adult/New Adult)
Let’s talk about the amazing QPoC rep in this book! Alice, who is asexual and biromantic, is determined to spend her post-breakup summer on a tv binge. She definitely does not intend to fall for her co-worker, Takumi. Whoops. This book is a mostly-fluffy slow-burn romance, full of nerdy pop-culture references. If you remember tumblr circa 2011, this book is for you.
4. Garvey’s Choice by Nikki Grimes (Middle Grade)
Garvey’s father has always wanted him to be an athlete, but Garvey is just not interested. When his only friend convinces him to join their school chorus, Garvey finds confidence and a new way to communicate to his distant dad. Told in verse, this is a heartfelt novel about one boy’s transformation through music.
5. American Street by Ibi Zoboi (Young Adult)
In her debut novel, Ibi Zoboi draws on her experience as a Haitian immigrant to tell the story of Fabiola, a young woman whose mother is detained by U.S. Immigration when they emigrate from Port-au-Prince to Detroit. This book explores the cost of the “American dream” with a mix of family drama, romance, and a hint of magical realism.
6. The Poet X by Elizabeth Acevedo (Young Adult)
Xiomara feels both invisible and too visible in a world that doesn’t want to hear her but is happy to objectify her. To express herself and to find some relief from her religious mother’s strict expectations, she turns to slam poetry. This novel-in-verse includes romance, wavering faith, and feminism.
7. Piecing Me Together by Renee Watson (Young Adult)
This powerful novel features a young woman who is determined to make it out of her impoverished neighbourhood. Jade’s mother taught her to take every opportunity she’s offered, so every day she takes the bus across town to a private school where there are plenty of opportunities, even if she doesn’t quite fit in. But some opportunities are less welcome than others, like the chance to join a mentorship program for “at-risk” girls. Sick of being singled out as someone who needs help, Jade hopes to find some autonomy and to stay true to herself.
8. Little & Lion by Brandy Colbert (Young Adult)
Suzette is home in Los Angeles for the summer and she isn’t sure she ever wants to go back to boarding school. Between supporting her bipolar brother, Lionel, and trying not to think about her clandestine relationship with her roommate, she’s got a pretty full plate. Unfortunately, she’s also falling for the same girl that Lionel likes. When Lionel’s mental illness sends him spiraling, Suzette must face her past to help him. This family features a blended family, Black Jewish characters, and a queer woman of colour.
9. Courage by Barbara Binns (Middle Grade)
T’Shawn has done his best to help out since his father’s death, but life gets complicated when his brother Lamont comes home from a stint in prison. T’Shawn finds peace on the diving board, and earns a scholarship to join a prestigious team at a local swim club. But when the neighbourhood crime rate starts to rise, T starts to think that he and Lamont may never put their pieces back together.
10. Monster by Walter Dean Myers (Young Adult)
A murdered drugstore clerk, a trial, and a young man in crisis. Monster is the story of Steve Harmon, amateur filmmaker and alleged murderer. To cope with the trial, Steve writes down the proceedings as if it were a film script, but as he tries to tell his own story, the truth starts to feel a little hazy. This one has also been adapted as a graphic novel.
11. All-American Boys by Jason Reynolds (Young Adult)
Rashad wasn’t stealing, but people sure seem to think he was. After he drops a bag of chips and a police officer beats him for it, Rashad is stuck in a hospital bed while the nation debates his character. Meanwhile, Quinn, a white boy who witnessed the beating, comes to learn that racism didn’t end with the Civil Rights Movement.
12. Akata Witch by Nnedi Okorafor (Young Adult)
Sunny is an albino girl living in Nigeria. Her skin tone often makes her an outsider, but she soon finds herself drawn into a community of magic users called Leopard People. Together with her new friends, Sunny is tasked with tracking down a killer known for maiming children.
13. The Red Pencil by Andrea Davis Pinkney (Middle Grade)
Amira is finally twelve and hopes to start school, but her life is turned upside down when the Janjaweed militia attacks her Sudanese village and her family must make the long and difficult journey to a refugee camp. Life at the camp is hard, but when an aid worker gives her a pencil and paper, Amira’s world begins to expand.
14. One Crazy Summer by Rita Williams-Garcia (Middle Grade)
Delphine Gaither and her two younger sisters travel from Brooklyn to Oakland to spend the summer with a mother they barely know. Imagine their surprise when she sends them to a Black Panther summer camp. Set in 1968, this historical fiction novel explores family dynamics and the importance of sisterhood.
15. Brown Girl Dreaming by Jacqueline Woodson (Middle Grade)
In powerfully emotional poetry, Woodson tells the story of her childhood and what it was like to grow up Black in the 1960s and 70s. This novel-in-verse won the National Book Award and the Coretta Scott King Award.
16. Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry by Mildred D. Taylor (Middle Grade)
Between the depression and threats from the night riders, the Logan family has had a tough year. Cassie doesn’t see why her family’s land is so important, but as she becomes more aware of the way their white neighbours treat them, she soon comes to understand that the family’s strength comes from having their own place in the world. This book tackles the ugly reality of racism in the deep south from the perspective of a precocious nine-year-old. It can be hard to stomach at times, but I think that just makes it more important.
17. Zora and Me by Victoria Bond & T.R. Simon (Middle Grade)
Part historical fiction and part small-town mystery, this fictional imagining of Zora Neale Hurston’s early days sees the author as a young girl, exercising her skills as a storyteller. When one of Zora’s tales seems to come true and a man winds up dead, she and her friend Carrie find that things in their little town are not as peaceful as they appear.
18. Blended by Sharon M. Draper (Middle Grade)
Every since her parents’ divorce, Isabella has felt torn in two. Two houses, two families, two races. Switching between her parents, also means switching between two different identities. How can she ever feel whole when she’s constantly split in half? This book examines the life of a biracial girl, and doesn’t shy away from addressing exoticism and the (PG) fetishisation of mixed-race people.
19. Black Enough: Stories of Being Young and Black in America edited by Ibi Zoboi (Young Adult)
This contemporary anthology delves into the many-faceted lives of Black teens in the United States. Popular authors from a wide variety of backgrounds have contributed their voices to show that being young and Black in America is not just one singular experience, but a constellation.
20. The Parker Inheritance by Varian Johnson (Middle Grade)
A hidden letter and a summer mystery are what await Candace when she pokes through an old box in the attic. With the help of her neighbour, Brandon, she deciphers the letter’s clues in the hopes of discovering a forgotten fortune. This book is perfect for readers who like a good puzzle.
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Good Trouble 1x10 “Re-Birthday” Review
In Episode 10 of Good Trouble, it’s Davia’s birthday and she’ll cry if she wants to — and make some poor decisions. After all, that’s what your twenties are for, right?
In true Davia fashion, she plans a huge bash revolved around trivia questions about herself. Each answer is a location on a bar crawl, in which the Coterie squad and their mandatory plus ones are split into two teams competing for a mystery prize. Points can be won by getting to the location(s) first and by taking part in various mischievous activities.
Callie and Jamie are bummed to find that they’re not on the same team, and Bryan is equally upset to find that Gael is on Callie’s team. Though Gael has “chosen” him, he still seems threatened by his boyfriend’s past fling and present roommate.
Mariana’s plus one is Raj, who she now seems to have a friend in, despite their awkward encounter a few episodes back that inspired Mariana to create a female support group at work. Alice invites Sumi whom she also has an awkward past with, being that they’re exes, and Sumi still seems to be stringing her along.
Malika brings her boyfriend Isaac, while Davia forbids Dennis from bringing a plus one and also goes by herself, since her married fling Jeff seems to be ignoring her. Little does she know, Dennis told him off when he showed up at the loft looking for Davia.
With the announcing of the first trivia question, the gang is off ordering their cars from “Coche”, an Uber-eque service. When Mariana and Callie get into their team’s car, they find that their driver is none other than Brandon, their older brother. (Side note, shouldn’t your app tell you who your driver is?)
We later find out that Brandon is driving because his successful wife Eliza, Jamie’s sister, wants to support him while he writes music, but Brandon wants to make his own way. Additionally, Eliza is on the road a lot, leaving Brandon lonely and in need of some human interaction.
He confides in Dennis, who’s in the same boat with his own ex-wife. Their divorce has left him high and dry, and though she’s offered to help him out, he’d refused when his pride got in the way. Talking with Dennis seems to help Brandon realize that he has every right to want to make his own money, and he shouldn’t have to hide that from his wife.
Meanwhile, there’s palpable tension between the love square that is Callie, Jamie, Gael and Bryan. At a gay bar, Davia announces that the players can earn points by kissing someone they’ve never kissed before. When Bryan kisses Callie, it visibly upsets both Jamie and Gael. Jamie confronts Callie asking what they are, and Callie doesn’t really have an answer for him. He tells her that if she wants to be friends with occasional benefits on her terms, he doesn’t want to play that game.
Bryan is upset because although Gael has “chosen him”, he knows that Callie broke up with Gael and is nervous that if she hadn’t, Gael wouldn’t be with him. In a sweet moment back at the loft, Gael promises his boyfriend that he’s with him for a reason and that he doesn’t regret anything that’s happened. Gael and Callie have also agreed to get to know each other as friends. (Yeah, right.)
Alice and her plus one also run into some drama when Sumi leads her on all night. Malika notices and immediately confronts Alice, reminding her that Joey, her blind date a few episodes back, is totally into her. Though Alice is afraid she may not be interested when she finds out Alice still isn’t out to her parents, she takes Malika’s advice and calls her, leaving her various voicemails explaining her situation. Unfortunately, Sumi overhears and seems hurt when Alice mentions she’s completely over her ex. Looks like there’s more drama on the horizon for these two.
When she’s not giving out relationship advice, Malika is forced to confront her own issues with intimacy. Though she’s in a new and drama-free relationship with Isaac, he wants to get to know her better and she’s a closed book. They turn Davia’s trivia themed party into their own game, and when Isaac wins, Malika has to answer a few personal questions. Though she hates talking about her family, letting Isaac in couldn’t have worked out better. It’s clear that this new relationship is built to last.
Mariana and Raj have a relatively fun night, even managing to steal the disco ball hanging from the ceiling at one of the clubs. Though they clearly make a great team, Mariana is leading Raj on big time, and her countless flirtations seem to leave Raj a little disappointed. Regardless, the two decide to give their coworkers something to talk about and post a picture on Instagram, using the ship name they’ve been given in the caption. It’s unclear if their relationship will go anywhere, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t ship them a little bit. For now though, they make great friends.
Davia’s party ends on a bit of a sour note when she texts Jeff and he immediately calls her, debunking her theory that he’s ignoring her and her birthday. She finds out that Dennis told him off, and when he admits that he punched Jeff and told him Davia deserves better, Davia retaliates by telling Dennis he needs to respect himself too.
The episode ends with everyone sending important texts and making important posts, with Callie asking Jamie for a second chance on his terms, and Dennis telling his wife he does want some money out of their divorce settlement. Meanwhile, Davia is hooking up with Jeff, and just as it strikes midnight and her birthday comes to a close, she realizes she can’t keep pursuing a relationship that’s going nowhere year after year. But in a turn of events, Jeff reveals that he’s leaving his wife. DUN-DUN-DUN.
This episode was like all the standout episodes of Good Trouble — packed full with drama. Even Brandon’s cameo was based on relationship troubles with his wife Eliza. It’s almost difficult to keep up with everyone and their plus ones and all the will they/won’t they relationships. Even those who aren’t dating their dates get into their own drama. And of course, alcohol doesn’t exactly help that situation.
So, we have a lot of relationships to dissect. Let’s start with the love square/rectangle/rhombus: Callie, Gael, Jamie and Bryan. For majority of the episode, it was difficult to tell if Gael and Bryan would be together by the end of the night. Going into their conversation back at the loft, I honestly assumed they’d break up and Gael would go straight to Callie and back to their old ways. But the writers know better than to give the audience what they expect. So even though Callie and Jamie hit a bump at the bar, it seems like they’re back on track.
Brandon was also thrown into the mix, and having had a relationship with Callie, I wasn’t sure what kind of role he’d play. But it seems like the Good Trouble creators aren’t ones for fan service, and Brandon and Callie might be a sunken ship at this point. Of course, there’s no telling what will happen in the future, and with his relationship with his wife seemingly on the rocks, anything could happen.
Now onto Mariana and Raj. I was so sure, probably along with every other viewer, that their possible relationship was over before it began when Raj got majorly rejected by her and understandably told off for attempting to kiss his coworker. But Mariana’s flirting is hard to ignore, and Raj’s pining is even harder. This could go one of two ways: either they’ll become an item and confirm their asshole coworkers’ speculations, or Raj will cross the line again and drama will ensue, especially given that he’s helping her out with an anonymous scheme at work. Let’s be real, it’ll probably be the latter. This is exactly why as much as I like Raj, I’m not committed to loving him yet. Like all the other men Mariana works with, he just can’t be trusted.
Meanwhile there’s Alice and Sumi, whose drama is getting old real quick. At this point, I get it. Alice is being strung along by her ex while helping to plan her wedding. It’s been 10 episodes of this though, and I’m ready to see Alice in a relationship, hopefully with Joey. It felt like they’d get together after Alice was a guest on her show, so this step backwards has me a bit confused and frustrated. Sumi hasn’t developed as a character at all, sans her negative reaction to Alice’s declaration that she’s over her to Joey’s voicemail box, and even Alice seems to be stuck in place. I’d love to see an episode more focused on her getting her sh*t together, and that includes finding some real comedy work and dropping Sumi altogether.
Speaking of dropping people, I can’t be the only one who hopes Davia kicks Jeff to the curb and gets with Dennis. It’s clear that these two care about each other. Their chemistry has been visible since their duet on the roof. So though I won’t be surprised if Davia entertains Jeff for a little bit longer, I really hope she drops the zero and gets with the hero.
The relationship drama in this episode was so entertaining to watch, just like always. It’s nice that Good Trouble provides a balance between the work drama and the relationship drama, never focusing too heavily on one or the other. These characters are juggling their love lives with their professional lives, and proving that both are equally as difficult and equally as important to maintain. I’m hoping that in the near future, we get back to Mariana’s anonymous list and its repercussions, and back to Callie’s trial troubles.
Although they are the true stars of the show, it’s refreshing to get to know the other Coterie members and their diverse stories. In the end, this is what keeps me coming back for more. Minor character development issues aside, everyone in the Coterie has something about them that has me wanting to see what good trouble they get into.
Good Trouble airs Tuesdays on Freeform at 8/7c.
Jessica’s episode rating: 🐝🐝🐝.5
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So for your ocs could you do numbers 1 through 15?
1. How many different places have they lived?
Emma: Has traveled the world and speaks at least five different languages fluently. Can communicate somewhat effectively in ten others.Eliza: Has lived in Dakota City her whole life until she moved to BYU Idaho for school, and then Barcelona, Spain for a mission.Astra: Lingkyra was and always will be her home. Her spirit lives with those of her people. Mount Justice is welcoming, but can never measure up to her Ancient Utopia.Samantha: Sand Diego girl through and through.Kiran: Travels a lot to explore with her parents, but she’s only ever lived in Washington DC and Delhi, India.Jaina: There’s Coruscaunt, and unnamed secret planet for the protection of her and her brothers, Yavin IV for training, Mount Justice, Ossus, and then Coast City. The universe is her home.Lorena: Also a San Diego girl. But Atlantis is amazing too.
2. What is their dream vacation?
Emma: Anything where she or her family don’t have to fight crime. Even a staycation would be fine if Bruce wasn’t so focused on catching Calendar Man of all people.Eliza: She likes cruises so long as her parents aren’t helicoptering over her and her health all the time.Astra: No vacation. The Universe must be defended.Samantha: Family reunions are the best! Even a house full of flies is great, so long as she’s got her cousins, silly aunts, musical uncles, and the rest of the family (based on a true story)Kiran: Visiting Archaeology sites isn’t exactly a vacation for the Singhs, but it’s got the sightseeing built in and Kiran gets to skip school so she counts it. She loves spending time with her parents.Jaina: Just let her have peace and quiet for a few seconds that’s all she’s asking.Lorena: Hawaii.
3. What is their favorite color?
Emma: RedEliza: BlueAstra: PurpleSamantha: RedKiran: Pink!Jaina: Purple and GreenLorena: Silver
4. What is their favorite book?
Emma: Elantris by Brandon Sanderson. She reads it with Kaldur.Eliza: Secrets of the King’s Daughter by Renae Weight MackleyAstra: She has only ever really read the history of Lingkyros, but the myths and legends are entertaining.Samantha: Dragon Slippers by Jessica Day GeorgeKiran: The RamayanaJaina: It’s childish, but her favorite will always be the Little Lost Bantha Cub. Her parents reading to her and her brothers will always be her favorite memory.Lorena: Goose Girl and the other Books of Bayern by Shannon Hale.
5. Have they ever cheated on anyone before?
6. Have they ever been cheated on?
No, though Kaldur betraying the team feels a lot like being cheated on to those who loved him.
7. How many partners have they had?
Emma: She’s only seriously been with Kaldur’ahm, but she has dated Donna Troy, Luke Fox (he’s so cute, okay!), Frankie Charles, Nadimah (from the BG of Burnside), and a couple of people who are dead now.Eliza: Eliza has been on many dates, but she has only seriously dated one or two of them (Kaldur, and a guy from BYUI when he went dark)Astra: TwoSamantha: *Sammy voice* “Ain’t nobody got time for datin’!”Kiran: She’s been so wrapped up with her studies and her parents that she never really thought that anyone would want to be with her until she met Kaldur.Jaina: Jagged Fel, Kaldur’ahm, Tenel Ka, and Zekk PeckhumLorena: She had a “boyfriend” in middle school but it was a kid relationship. She eventually thought it was dumb and broke up with him. And now she’s with Kaldur
8. Already answered
9. Already answered
10. Introvert or Extrovert?
Emma: She’s in the middle there.Eliza: Introvert, unless she’s onstage. She gets spiritual support on her mission.Astra: Extrovert.Samantha: More introverted. She likes to keep to herself but when she does talk to other people or strike up a conversation with a stranger she can make them feel very special by the questions she asks and the attentions he gives them.Kiran: ExtrovertJaina: IntrovertedLorena: extrovert
11. Have they ever been arrested and why?
Emma: A few times as a hero, mostly when she was first starting as Finch, but she always escapes. She got a DUI once, on a bad day. She has never drunken again since.Eliza: Never. She is scared to death of police cars.Astra: She was never arrested on her home planet,t he model princess, but she gets approached a few times when first acclimating to Earth, but they were never good enough to actually bring her in.Samantha: NopeKiran: How dare you accuse my perfect angel.Jaina: So many times for various offenses during her rebel teen phase, which is strange because she’s supposed to be a Jedi. She is single-handedly responsible for half of Leia’s gray hairs.Lorena: She’s too good to get caught.
12. Who would they sacrifice their life for?
Emma: Literally everyone except the Joker or Lex Luthor.Eliza: Her parents, Raquel, Kaldur, the team, baby Amistad, and it’s not a person, but she would sacrifice everything for her belief in the LDS church.Astra: All the people of LingkyraSamantha: Her family especially, but also her teammates and the people of San Diego.Kiran: Kaldur, her kids, her parents, Kamala, M’gann, Artemis, Zatanna, Raquel, Gar, and Cassie.Jaina: The entire Universe, which she just might have to do.Lorena: Her family and all of Atlantis.
13. What are their spending habits?
Emma: She likes to be wise with her money like her parents taught her, but Bruce is a billionare so either way he sends her 5mil at the beginning of every month like he does the rest of his children.Eliza: She works very hard to earn money herself for her mission and her car (her parents insisted on paying for college, and they agreed that a mission was something to personally save for). She will always splurge on clothing, accessories, and stuffies. She owns a zoo and an aquarium of plush animals.Astra: She is very conservative with her money, only authorizing insane amounts of money on necessities like food, shelter, water, education, and protection for the people of Lingkyra.Samantha: Her parents can also pay for her school, but she has to save up for a mission. She shares a car with Abby when she gets old enough, but she doesn’t really like to spend too much money, unless it’s on food or books.Kiran: Is drowning in unused notebooks and pens. She loves to spoil Kaldur, and they both love spoiling their kids.Jaina: lol what money?Lorena: Gets an allowance from Aquaman for superheroing and spends so much time trying to think of how to spend it in a way that shows him and her parents that she’s responsible so she usually ends up putting it in savings.
14. Do they like hot or cold temperatures better?
Emma: She likes it in the middle, like fall/spring weather.Eliza: She likes the hot weather. Better for swimming. And outdoor theater performances!Astra: Lingkyra has a temperate climate over the whole planet, so extreme temperatures bother her to the point of sickness. She is not allowed to fight and of the ice or fire villains. Junior always tries to flirt with her anyway (she has that effect on people)Samantha: She likes the cold because then she can wear her scarves, hats, and favorite boots.Kiran: She doesn’t like desert heat, or winter cold. So let’s say in the middle. Fall has such pretty colors, and she can wear her favorite shawls (it’s like carrying a blanket all the time)Jaina: She does not care. Either way, she’ll adjust. And she’s probably seen worse before.Lorena: She likes warm wetter, also better for swimming.
15. Are they religious?
Emma: Yes, Christian.Eliza: LDS Christian.Astra: There are many religious sects on Lingkyra, but she has never participated in one, even though her parents were devout worshippers of their own sect.Samantha: LDS Christian.Kiran: Hindu.Jaina: Does being a Jedi and believing in the force count?Lorena: No.
(I really like making my characters religious. It’s very rarely seen respectfully in media, and religion plays such a big part in my life, I want to see it in others too.)
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Q&A: Ice Nine Kills’ Spencer Charnas Talks Horror Movies, ‘The Silver Scream’ and Touring With Atreyu

This interview previously aired on idobi Radio and is for everyone who was too lazy to tune in. Enjoy!
Listen up, everybody. If you’ve yet to check out Ice Nine Kills’ gory, hard-hitting, horror-obsessed LP The Silver Scream then it’s clear you are not living the best Halloween life possible.
With 13 tracks all centered around some of the best horror films including Halloween, Friday The 13th, Saw, Jaws and many more, Ice Nine Kills’ latest release has quickly become an instant October staple around The Noise office.
And now, just one week away from the best holiday of the year (fight us if you don’t agree), we thought it’d be more than appropriate to give you all our interview with Ice Nine Kills mastermind Spencer Charnas as he discusses all things horror, The Silver Scream and their upcoming Noise Presents tour with Atreyu, Memphis May Fire and Sleep Signals.
To check out our chat with Charnas as he details where his horror-fandom came from, the movie he wishes he wrote about on The Silver Scream plus the influence Atreyu had on his band early on in their career, be sure to see below. Afterward, make sure to grab a copy of Ice Nine Kills’ new album and pick up tickets to see the band out on tour here.
With Atreyu being one of the first metalcore bands you started listening to, how does it feel to get to go out and do a full US tour with them?
Spencer Charnas: It’s an absolute honor. You know, being someone in a band that was totally influenced by Atreyu -- I remember when we started to be more metal, Atreyu was 100% an influence on myself, especially the album The Curse. So the fact that Atreyu even knows who we are, let alone wants us to open for them, is just a really big honor. It’s kind of surreal.
Have you gotten to know Atreyu at all over the years?
I met them on Warped Tour 2016 when they were on that tour. I remember Brandon [Saller drums/vocals] watched us some of the days when they were on the tour. You know, we just talked here and there backstage, they were super nice and actually invited me to come out and sing “Lip Gloss and Black” with them on one of the dates. So that was really cool. Other than that, just small talk through Instagram and just telling them I’m really excited about touring with them and they just seem like really nice, genuine guys.
Obviously you have a new record to promote on this tour. Are you guys going to be playing any new songs?
Definitely. We’re probably going to play about five or six new songs from the album.
Wow, that’s awesome! When it comes to your tours, you guys usually have a good amount of production. For this Atreyu tour, do you guys plan on doing something similar?
Well you know, when you’re a support act you really can’t go all out. There are restrictions on what you can do because you’re not the headliner. But we’re going to do as much as they let us. I think the real production for us and with this album will be saved and reserved for when we can headline.
So let’s talk The Silver Scream. You guys took somewhat of a risk putting so much into this album with the movie-like music videos and the somewhat style change on certain singles. To have all the success it’s had so far, where do you hope that leads to moving forward?
I just really hope that every horror fan that’s out there, or as many as possible who have never heard the band, really embrace this record. From what I’ve seen, from industry people I know or people that are in the horror movie world who aren’t really familiar with the Warped Tour scene or the metalcore scene or even the Octane scene, they’ve just been telling me that they love this album and they love the concept even though they aren’t really well-versed in the world of metal where we come from. And you know, [they’re saying] that [The Silver Scream] is getting them into this kind of music, so that’s really good to hear. At the end of the day, I think our number one goal is to please the people who have been with us for a long time, that have supported the band through thick and thin and we just want to give them something special. That’s the number one goal.
So with all of the songs on The Silver Scream having some sort of a horror movie tie-in, which song do you think was the hardest to fit with a movie?
I think they all presented their own challenge, I don’t think I can narrow it down to just one. But speaking generally, one of the biggest challenges was making a song, whether it’d be [based off the] Halloween or Friday the 13th franchise, and giving a voice to a character that never speaks. That was just challenging in itself. Some of the characters, be it Eric Draven from The Crow or Freddy Krueger from Nightmare on Elm Street, those are characters that speak and have a voice and it’s very clear what their personality would be if they were singing, in my opinion. But there’s also Michael Myers who never utters a word through all his films. So just kind of playing with that and trying to figure out how to throw my voice in a way that is different and distinct in trying to give each character on the album their own voice was challenging. I think probably the most difficult one if I had to pick was Pennywise from IT. You know, because that’s a character that goes from a jovial clown voice that has to entice a little kid into the sewer system in order to bite off his arm. And then, from being jovial and happy as a clown to switching to basically the devil who eats kids was a difficult challenge but it was fun to play with.
Do you think you guys would have still done “IT Is The End” had the new IT not come out? Do you think seeing the remake helped inspire you?
I’m not really sure. I’ve always been a fan of the original. I think Tim Curry in that original film was brilliant. I believe the guy that directed the original, Tommy Lee Wallace, was very involved in the Halloween franchise directing Halloween III. So I’m just really a fan of that and I really think the new one honestly lived up to the hype. I thought it was beautifully executed, you know with Tim Curry, those are some big clown shoes to fill and Bill Skarsgard is just great. And yeah, I think it brought it back on my radar, not that it ever really left, but it kind of just kicked it up a bit.
Speaking of remakes, are you excited for the new Halloween?
Oh man! To say I’m excited would be a large understatement. I absolutely can’t wait. Everything I’ve heard about it is so great.
You don’t think it will flop like some of the newer Halloweens?
You know, I’m sort of a big fan of the franchise as a whole -- there’s only a couple that I’m not really a fan of. But you know, just based on what I’m seeing as far as studio projections and just the all-around hype on the film and the fact that Jamie Lee Curtis is back and John Carpenter is involved and doing the score, I don’t know, I don’t think it can miss. And from what I’ve heard, the reviews have been overwhelming that this is a sequel that finally lives up to the original.
And speaking of the Halloween franchise, you recorded some vocals for The Silver Scream at the Michael Myers house, right?
Yeah, I took advantage of the fact that I live in West Hollywood now and I went and recorded some of the vocals, some of the small post-production stuff, on the properties of the Michael Myers house in Pasadena and 1428 Elm Street -- the house from Nightmare on Elm Street which is technically not really on Elm Street but it is the actual number 1428 just like the iconic number from the series.
That’s cool! How did you set that up? You just went and did it?
I just went and did it and hoped no one called the cops [laughs].
So back to The Silver Scream, were there any movies that you wanted to write a song about but it just wasn’t able to make the record?
Yeah, you know one of my favorite horror movies and favorite films of all time is Scream. I definitely wanted to get that one on the record but it just wasn’t coming out to my standards and the last thing I want would be a song based on my favorite movie to not be my favorite song ever written. So unfortunately we didn’t get that ready in time but we do pay tribute to the great, late Wes Craven with [”The American Nightmare”]. So I was happy that we could get a Wes Craven influence on the album because he’s so great and we love his work.
You guys have a lot of guest features on this new record. Was that a goal coming into the writing process or did that happen organically?
It kind of happened organically. You know, when I locked in one feature I was like “Man, this is so cool!” The first feature that I sort of had the idea was Randy [Strohmeyer] from Finch. Finch is one of my favorite bands [who is] very inspirational to my writing. And I recently became friends with him and getting him on the album was really cool. Then I met Fenix TX when we were on tour in London and I struck up a friendship with those guys and went out to write with the singer Will [Salazar] and then told him how the song came out so cool [so we] got him to sing on it. And then Tony [Lovato] from Mest, another one of my favorite pop-punk bands. And then, when we were working on the song about IT, it just had this like circus flare and we were like, “Man, wouldn’t it be so cool to get Less Than Jake on this?” and we were like “Yeah, but that would never happen.” And we kind of reached out to their people and they were totally into it, which was kind of surreal. They were like “Ah man, a heavy band like this has never asked us to do anything like this!” They were super cool. On other collaborations, we had Jeremy Schwartz who I started the band with in high school who hasn’t been in the band in almost ten years. He came back and we wrote a song together and we got him on the album. My friend, Chelsea Talmadge, who is just a great singer and is a part of that show Stranger Things. We got her to sing and she did a beautiful job. And yeah, it all just came out great.
Hearing some of the people you got as guest vocals, it almost sounds like this is your dream album come true. Not only are you getting to sing about some of your all-time favorite horror movies but you’re also getting to work with some of your all-time favorite bands.
It’s awesome man. Just getting praise from people that I know in horror and people who have produced horror documentaries that I grew up watching, like Anthony Masi who produced the His Name Was Jason documentary and the Halloween: 25 Years of Terror documentary. You know, them just saying this is one of their favorite albums they’ve ever heard, it’s just great. At the end of the day, I’m a fan myself, so to see other people who are so passionate about the genre embrace our album [is great].
Obviously this isn’t an easy question to answer but what do you think initially drew you to the horror genre?
You know, it’s odd. I’ve been into it since I was a little kid. Basically, my love for the genre was birthed at a local video store that was in a grocery store where I grew up. My mom would go shopping and bring me along and to kill time I would hang out in this video store. And you know, for whatever reason I was drawn to the aisle that said “Horror.” And I would look to see the artwork on the covers of these VHS tapes like Halloween and Friday The 13th and I wanted to see what this shit was about. My parents were cool enough to let me watch those films and I think they assumed I’d grow out of it. I guess, you know, 25 years later I’m talking on the phone about it and making an album, so I guess I didn’t grow out of it [laughs]. But yeah, I don’t know. I think maybe some of it was like, I always dressed up like Michael Myers on Halloween and [I would think how] if I was the monster, then the monster couldn’t get me.
Do you think if music never panned out, you would’ve tried to find a way to work in horror movies?
Absolutely! It’s kind of one of my other goals. We’re making this movie and I’m acting in it. I’ve never acted before and I’ve got a lot to learn. But helping come up with the videos, scripts and screenplays, it’s just something I’d like to get into. Someone like Rob Zombie is so cool because he does music and he directs films. You know, maybe someday down the line, I can accomplish that dream too.
How nerve-racking was it to do the acting and be so involved with this project?
It was definitely nerve-racking and watching the videos I could definitely tell I got better over time. There were some amateur moves I didn’t know I was doing, like little nervous ticks. But from what a lot of people are saying, the kind of people who wouldn’t bullshit me, actually said they think I could maybe do it someday with some practice. They think that I was pretty good but we’ll see [laughs].
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