#branding Carma
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gaussmultimedia · 13 days ago
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Måster Diseño Gråfico 2022-23. Identidad visual para Carma (Centro de Artistas Residentes - Målaga). Proyecto de Lucía Bravo Velåzquez.
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carmapapercup · 8 months ago
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alfieshawfmp · 1 year ago
Can Burberry's bold rebrand end the trend of minimalist logos?
Yuen, V. (2023). Can Burberry’s bold rebrand end the trend of minimalist logos? [online]. Available from: https://www.marketing-interactive.com/can-burberry-bold-rebrand-end-the-trend-of-minimalist-logos.
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According to data from media intelligence company CARMA, mentions were largely neutral, with 23.3% of positive mentions. CARMA’s GM Charles Cheung, majority of commentators from all over the world said that they preferred this new classic logo to the previous monogram, with some describing the new logo to be representative of Burberry going backward to move forward.
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Much of the comments online came from the GenZ segment of 18 to 24 year olds, followed by the 25 to 34 age group. Among them, 51.5% were male and 48.5% were female.
Jacopo Pesavento, founder and CEO of Branding Records, said that the previous look Burberry donned was also seen by brands such as Balenciaga, Saint Laurent and Balmain which followed suit with an oversimplification of their iconic logos.  He added that the new brand identity is a great excuse to relaunch the entire brand that lost appeal among the younger generation. 
“I think it's signalling the end of minimalism identity and more storytelling identities that will work well for the next luxury consumer generations,” Pesavento said.
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The lettering is still set in plain black, but it looks more feminine, livelier and nostalgic.
Crispim said that the Burberry rebranding would inspire other fashion brands to move away from the over-simplification trend that hit the market in recent years and helps them embrace the uniqueness and heritage that made their brands stand out in the first place. 
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baliportalnews · 1 year ago
Suzuki Gelar Lomba Keterampilan Siswa SMK, Berhadiah Mobil Ertiga
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, DENPASAR – Dalam rangka mewujudkan program Suzuki Peduli Pendidikan khususnya SMK kelompok Teknologi dan Industri, PT Sejahtera Indobali Trada mengadakan Lomba Keterampilan Siswa SMK Jurusan Otomotif Teknik Kendaraan Ringan yang diikuti 11 SMK di Bali pada 23-24 Oktober 2023 di Suzuki Sejahtera Indobali Trada Teuku Umar. Selaku Ketua Panitia, I Gede Juni Astawa, ST., menjelaskan, jika tahun-tahun sebelumnya Suzuki menyalurkan langsung donasi kepada SMK-SMK jurusan Otomotif Teknik Kendaraan Ringan, untuk tahun ini konsep donasi dirubah menjadi lomba untuk melihat sejauh mana potensi siswa SMK jurusan Otomotif Teknik Kendaraan Ringan di Bali. “Untuk perserta masing-masing sekolah diwakili 1 siswa dan 1 guru, dari SMK PGRI 1 Denpasar; SMK PGRI 6 Denpasar; SMK Saraswati 2 Denpasar; SMK Rekayasa Denpasar; SMK Negeri 3 Tabanan; SMK Negeri 1 Tegallalang; SMK Negeri 3 Singaraja; SMK Negeri 1 Kuta Selatan; SMK Negeri Bali Mandara; SMK Negeri 1 Abang; dan SMK Negeri 1 Denpasar,” jelas Juni Astawa yang juga menjabat sebagai Service Representative Manager Suzuki wilayah Bali. Lebih lanjut kata Juni, dari total 11 SMK tersebut, akan dijaring lima besar masuk ke babak final untuk menentukan urutan juara. Untuk di Bali sendiri LKS SMK ini dilaksanakan oleh Suzuki Local Training Centre Sejahtera Indobali Trada Denpasar. “Juara I akan mendapatkan 1 Unit Mobil Ertiga, Juara II mendapatkan 1 Unit Engine Shot Training, Juara III mendapatkan 1 Unit Transmisi AT Training; Juara IV mendapatkan 1 Unit Differential Training, dan Juara V mendapatkan 1 Set Headlamp Training,” ungkap Juni Astawa. Selaku Kepala Wilayah Suzuki Bali, Mas Hendrawan menambahkan, yang melatarbelakangi sampai terlaksananya acara seperti ini adalah untuk memberikan donasi ke Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) jurusan Otomotif Teknik Kendaraan Ringan serta memperkenalkan lebih luas nama brand Suzuki khususnya di wilayah Bali. “Pelaksanaan kegiatan ini untuk memajukan pendidikan dalam bidang otomotif sekaligus untuk melakukan seleksi agar bisa mengetahui sejauh mana potensi siswa SMK jurusan Otomotif Teknik Kendaraan Ringan, yang mana kedepannya untuk memudahkan mencari ataupun perekrutan teknisi. Semoga kegiatan semacam ini bisa dilaksanakan secara continue atau berkesinambungan,” tutur Mas Hendrawan. Setelah melalui tahap final, urutan juara sebagai berikut : - Juara I: SMK N Bali Mandara, Siswa: I Wayan Murdana, Guru Pembimbing: Si Komang Ngurah Widana Putra, ST. - Juara II: SMK Rekayasa Denpasar, Siswa: Pande Made Sudana, Guru Pembimbing: I Wayan Suana. - Juara II: SMKN 1 Abang, Siswa: I Ketut Adi Prenata, Guru Pembimbing: Nengah Edy Himawan. - Juara IV: SMKN 1 Denpasar, Siswa: Emanuel I Putu Fabian Kusuma Winata, Guru Pembimbing: A.A Ngr. Bagus Carma. - Juara V: SMKN 1 Kuta Selatan, Siswa: I Made Wirasana Merta, Guru Pembimbing, I Nyoman Gede Pranata. Sebelum dilaksanakan di Bali, konsep donasi seperti ini sudah pernah dilaksanakan di Semarang, Sulawesi, dan Bandung. (tis/bpn) Read the full article
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blogadrianaleite-blog · 1 year ago
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Esta Ă© uma seção que eu tinha no meu Facebook, como eu perdi a paciĂȘncia com a censura da rede e o baixĂ­ssimo alcance das postagens, sempre que eu  lembrar-me de um pecado, escreverei aqui.
Para quem sabe, eu possa remir meus carmas e abrir um caminho mais suave no pĂłs morte.
Não quero e nem devo ter mais 20 anos de vida, e acreditem meus jovens, décadas são como brisas aceleradas que passam råpido, mas que cortam, machucam e maltratam o seu corpo e o espírito.
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Vou escrever essa pequena histĂłria da minha vida, para que vocĂȘ, carĂ­ssimo leitor, tenha uma ideia do que sou.
Sem frescuras, mimimi ou extravagĂąncias.
Talvez, na régua da medição de muitos, uma porca.
Em meio a um monte de papelão que havia comprado, enquanto eu os tirava da balança, encontrei uma caixa de biscoito,
Era uma caixa de papelĂŁo que se desfazia, importado, acho que holandĂȘs, nunca vi na minha vida a marca e nunca vi igual atĂ© hoje.
Diferente das caixas de biscoitos nacionais, que são de ferro, o diferencial deles é que cada biscoito era embalado um a um em plåstico, na validade e com algo inédito até então: a caixa de biscoitos continha uma geleia de pimenta dentro.
NĂŁo sabia que isso existia.
Geleia de pimenta!
Como podem fazer doce de algo que arde na boca?
Catei, levei pra casa e saboreie tudo! E ainda guardei o pequeno vidrinho de lembrança, (vazio), pois amei a geleia.
NĂŁo passei mal, nĂŁo fiquei doente e estou aqui, viva, escrevendo essa confissĂŁo.
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Padre, perdoa-me porque pequei:
Mais uma vez, ao comprar uma carga de papelĂŁo, que se via claramente que era papelĂŁo de uma lixeira ou de um lugar muito sujo, encontrei um engradado de latas de cerveja.
Era uma cerveja de uma marca bem vagabunda, que nĂŁo existe mais.
Tipo Belco, Sul americana. Schincariol

Marcas que somente um muito fudido compra pra beber e ainda leva pra casa, pois beber no bar uma coisa dessas, era passar vergonha.
SĂł lembro que a marca, como acontece com as marcas populares de bebida, a lata imitava as latas das cervejas famosas na Ă©poca, como a Brahma. Branco, dourado e vermelho, eram essas as cores das latas.
Eu e o Russo nos olhamos.
Até hoje não bebo cerveja, e o Russo falou que não beberia aquilo

Lavamos, as latas estavam com mau cheiro e colocamos na geladeira que ficava no ferro-velho, pro povo beber ĂĄgua.
EntĂŁo, quando um freguĂȘs abria e perguntava pela cerveja, a gente dizia que podia beber. Deixo claro que foram bem higienizadas.
Por incrível que pareça, poucos catadores beberam as cervejas.
A maioria dos clientes que abriram o olhão nas latinhas eram os carroceiros. Clientes com condiçÔes bem melhores que as dos catadores.
Eu e o Russo querendo rir, a gente segurando a risada, perguntava se estava gostoso, se a cerveja era boa, eles diziam que sim.
Gente, eu estou rindo agora, mas ninguém passou mal.
Sem diarréias, azia, febre ou internaçÔes
Para alguns, dias depois, a gente atĂ© zoou ao falar da origem do “brinde” do ferro-velho.
Bons tempos.
Minha felicidade foi curta, e a medida do possĂ­vel, plena.

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This is a section that I had on my Facebook, as I lost patience with the network's censorship and the very low reach of the posts, whenever I remember a sin, I will write it here.
For those who know, I can redeem my karma and open a smoother path in the afterlife.
I don't want and shouldn't have another 20 years of life, and believe me, young people, decades are like accelerated breezes that pass quickly, but that cut, hurt and mistreat your body and spirit.
I'm going to write this little story of my life, so that you, dear reader, have an idea of who I am.
No frills, mimimi or extravagance.
Perhaps, in the measuring stick of many, a nut.
In the middle of a bunch of cardboard I had bought, as I was taking them off the scale, I found a box of cookies,
It was a cardboard box that fell apart, imported, I think Dutch, I've never seen the brand in my life and I've never seen the same to this day.
Unlike national cookie boxes, which are made of iron, their difference is that each cookie was packaged one by one in plastic, within its expiration date and with something new until then: the box of cookies contained pepper jelly inside.
I didn't know that existed.
Pepper jelly!
How can you make something that burns in your mouth sweet?
I picked it up, took it home and enjoyed it all! And I still kept the small souvenir bottle, (empty), because I loved the jelly.
I didn't feel sick, I didn't get sick and I'm here, alive, writing this confession.
Father, forgive me because I have sinned:
Once again, when buying a load of cardboard, which was clearly cardboard from a dumpster or a very dirty place, I found a crate of beer cans.
It was a beer from a very cheap brand that no longer exists.
Belco type, South American. Schincariol

Brands that only a really fucked-up person would buy to drink and even take home, because drinking something like that in a bar would be embarrassing.
I just remember that the brand, as with popular drink brands, the can imitated the cans of famous beers at the time, such as Brahma. White, gold and red, these were the colors of the cans.
Russo and I looked at each other.
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To this day I don't drink beer, and Russo said he wouldn't drink that...
We washed them, the cans had a bad smell and we put them in the refrigerator that was in the junkyard, so that people could drink water.
So, when a customer opened it and asked about beer, we said he could drink it. I make it clear that they were well cleaned.
As incredible as it may seem, few collectors drank the beers.
The majority of customers who opened their eyes to the cans were cart drivers. Customers with much better conditions than those of the collectors.
Russo and I wanted to laugh, we held back our laughter, we asked if it was delicious, if the beer was good, they said yes.
Guys, I'm laughing now, but no one got sick.
No diarrhea, heartburn, fever or hospitalizations
For some, days later, we even laughed when talking about the origin of the “toast” from the junkyard.
Good times.
My happiness was short, and as far as possible, full.
It cost

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louisjonathan812 · 2 years ago
Carma Connected Elevates Brands In Las Vegas From Startups To Powerhouses Carma Connected - Your Gateway to Success in Las Vegas. From startups to powerhouses, we specialize in elevating brands to new heights. With our strategic PR and marketing solutions, watch your business thrive in the dynamic and competitive Las Vegas landscape.
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divisiblebyzeroaus · 2 years ago
From wholesale baby toys and games to art & craft, puzzles and wooden toys our extensive range of products caters for all ages. Our expertise lies in thoughtfully selecting toys and games that entertain and educate children in various stages of their development. Since 1998, we are dedicated to providing resellers of wholesale toys for kids and tots. You will find our quality products online and instore at independent retailers nationwide. We distribute a range of brands that includes Carma Games, Moluk, Fascinations Metal Earth, Honeycombs, PlayMe, Mobi and more. We are committed to work with wholesalers that focus on sustainability. We provide strong customer support to ensure complete satisfaction. DBZ is a member of ATA & AGHA.
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halfmoondaze · 2 years ago
She Said I Do! (Finale)
Series Masterlist
Its official! Jack Harlow is officially off the market. The lucky lady? No other than Y/N Y/L/N. 
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In a secret wedding ceremony, the pair exchanged their vows in front of 130 guests, in the rapper’s hometown in Kentucky in a quaint, picturesque, secluded property. 
The couple’s guests flew into Kentucky for a full weekend of celebrations, starting with an intimate dinner on Friday night.
According to a close source, Y/N was met by cheers as she walked down the aisle on the arm of her father. The bride wore a custom made Oscar de la Renta wedding gown, with a lace trimmed tulle veil. Jack appeared to seemingly blink back the tears at the sight of her. 
After the ceremony, the guests headed to the outdoor area for the afterparty. The wedding tent was decorated with garden roses layered with peonies, petite white ranunculus, spray roses and hydrangea. 
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The night was filled with heartfelt speeches, including those from the bride’s parents, the brooms parents, Clay Harlow, Urban Wyatt, and her best friend Camille Walsh. Followed by the first dance of the newlyweds. 
We wish the couple a happy marriage and we can tell the future looks bright for the brand new Mr. and Mrs. Harlow. 
Jack was captivated by Y/N who was on the dance floor with one of the little cousins, as he watched her from a far as he sat with a table; surrounded by his friends of Private Garden, excluding his family members who long time ago left the table to dance the night along.
Jack snapped out to reality when he realized Y/N was walking towards him. Jack snapped out to reality when he realized Y/N was walking towards him. 
Jack snapped out to reality when he realized Y/N was walking towards him. 
“May I have this dance?” 
“You know Im the one who should be asking that” 
“Yeah, but someone left me alone on the dancefloor” 
“I’m sorry Mrs. Harlow, I was just lost in thought thinking how happy I am right now”
“Ohh is there a reason to that?” 
“Fair” You laughed. 
He gestured for you take his arm and you took it as he guided you to the dance floor. It was the most magical night ever.
@alreadyjackbestfriend ï»ż
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goamazons · 3 years ago
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Saturday, 4 September
How to be a model? How people become models? Do they need to be simply pretty and wait till someone notices it? I flipped through the pile of Mommy’s magazines that she leaves at her clinic for the ladies in waiting to tune my fashion vibe. I took notes too (like a good girl). First of all, I must be myself. Secondly, I must gain the mainstream style, i. e. NOT be myself. I must look really catchy and flirty (and naked) but super confident about my slim, tall and entirely WRONG kind of body. Is it even possible? I asked Amazons, and they started talking complete business instead of anything useful. ‘It doesn’t matter how you look as long as you’ve got a solid strategy,’ Hecta said. ‘Your photos should be everywhere. Like a toothpaste commercial. The more people know about you, the higher your chances to grab an agent are.’ I said I’m not the grabbing sort of girl. If I am pretty (and I am pretty), agents will come running to fight for me like street dogs for just one pic on Instagram. Hecta gave me her annoying humph noise and went back to killing zombies on her phone. ‘Let’s make a plan!’ Carmina beamed, took her kiddish pen with a rainbow pompon on top and made a list of all things that will turn the pretty duckling me into a millionaire model swan.
A good camera. Since we’ve only got seventy pence left from my magic pot campaign, it has to be Carma’s phone just yet.
Lots of brand clothes or something really fabulous. And since only Heck among us knows the right way to apply rouge, she has to be my stylist.
All princess’s composure I could master to charm all possible agents and it means, we’re going to HUNT in every shopping mall in town.
Inconceivable LUCK and true warrior mood. It’s a do-or-die matter now. Yay!
1/3 Next>> ❀Previous Story❀
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aeronauticortega · 4 years ago
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“I am not sad, he would repeat to himself over and over, I am not sad. As if he might one day convince himself. Or fool himself. Or convince others – The only thing worse than being sad is for others to know that you are sad.”
— Jonathan Safran Foer, Everything Is Illuminated
Name: Ricardo Guillermo Ortega Ramirez Age: 46 Date of Birth: December 15th, 1999 Birthplace: Mazatån, Chiapas, Mexico Nationality: Mexican-American Gender Orientation: Cisgender male Sexual and Romantic Orientation(s): Demiromantic demisexual Occupation: Senior CARMA field agent and trainer, more the latter these days Dominant Hand: Right handed Astrological Sign: Sagittarius Blood Type: O+
Wardrobe: He dresses like a dad. At work it’s all pressed shirts and either trousers or dark jeans. Casually he wears a lot of plain t-shirts and henleys, but this is a man who owns no sweatpants and will only be seen in his workout clothes under duress. Has shoes and jackets he bought in high school. Piercings: None Hygiene: Impeccable, but it would make an esthetician weep. Big believer in 5 in 1 shower gel/face wash/shampoo/conditioner/etc. products. Makeup: Never used any aside from the play makeup he let Hope put on him when she was a little girl. Perfume / Cologne: None Tattoos: One on his shoulder, another on his hip he got on a dare.
Diet: Deeply enjoys cooking, but works so much he ends up with a lot of the healthier brand of takeout that he can get delivered to his apartment. Fitness: Supposedly working out is his coping mechanism for stress. The bane of the punching bags in the CARMA employee gym. Posture: Ramrod straight, even when someone isn’t watching. Chronic Illnesses: Nerve damage from dual leg amputation Mental Illnesses: Mild PTSD
Accent / Dialect: Flat, non descript. Vaguely Midwestern. Voice: Raspy baritone, careful about enunciation. Laughter: Wheezy, when you can get him to laugh. Impediments: Had a stutter as a child. Languages: English, Spanish, Nahuatl, Arabic
Mother: Xiomara Guerra Ramirez Father: Santiago Ibarra Ortega (deceased) Siblings: None Spouse: None, ex is Rebecca Ramirez Children: Hope Ramirez
Level of Education: B.S in engineering, working on an online masters degree in Criminal Justice off and on Current Home: Apartment in CARMA’s employee housing complex Pets: None Roommates: None
Hobbies: Playing guitar, cooking, judo, kickboxing Guilty Pleasures: cooking shows, naps Most Prized Possession: A photo album with all his family photos stashed in Pet Peeves: malfunctioning prosthetic legs, bigots Phobias: loss of physical autonomy, death or harm of his daughter
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evilwvergil · 6 years ago
Hello! Stumbled upon your blog recently and I'm absolutely in love with your drawings and style❀ Came for Vergil and stayed for everything, lol. Your Levi drawings make me wanna watch Attack on Titan :) It really pains me to read about your art being stolen and you being sick these days :( bet these thiefs are nowhere as talented as you. Please, don't get upset too much because of it and take care of your health❀ Sending my good carma points to you💙 Wish you great luck and happiness🌾✹
 Thank you for loving my drawings, it means so much to me~ I should say thanks to Vergil too~ *laugh** Omg, I can’t believe my Levi drawings have such a power to make you do this, yessss Attack on Titan is a very popular and great manga, highly recommended, although the recent story make me sad and painful
đŸ„ș Levi and Vergil are both my ❀ So that I really love the brand “LV” *laugh** Kidding~ Their characters are quite similar, strongest, very cool, elegant 

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( ͥ° ͜ʖ ͥ°) Look at their “same eyes” xDThey both not always smile but if they smile, that’s the most beautiful picture in the world. I’m sorry I say too much I should stop 🙊
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This is a letter I’ve received from one of the nice artists. The reason I want to let you see is, I think this is horrible that “you think you stole other people work is right but other people stole your work is wrong”. I dunno what I should feel, and I never thought people have interest in my art to steal as I’m đŸ’©Â People used my art this is no problem if they give me credit. I think this is a basic respect for people.😅 I always skip to eat or even through if I feel hungry I don’t eat anything but keep to work. So my stomach hate me I got health problem I deserve it 🌚

You’re so nice, thank you! I’ve taken the medicine I’ll be fine. 🙈 Oh why I feel warm to receive this from you, just like Vergil talks to me, because of your icon I guess 🙈â˜șâ˜șïžđŸ™ˆâ˜șâ˜șïžđŸ™ˆâ˜șâ˜șïžđŸ™ˆđŸ’™ I’m melting~Have a wonderful day! đŸŒč💋
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gaussmultimedia · 1 month ago
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Måster Diseño Gråfico 2022-23. Identidad visual para Carma (Centro de Artistas Residentes - Målaga). Proyecto de Lucía Moreno Herranz.
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batsbirdsandspeedstersohmy · 2 years ago
From what I hear not just a coworker but am employee someone who calls him boss. The power dynamic.
At PetSmart you can't work in the same department as someone your dating and one or more are in any mangerment roll. Don't have to fire but have to be in different departments where one isnt above the other or see over the same people. Or have to transfer to a different store so that there no questions on the power dynamic.
And that's a big company.
This is a band and they sell their dynamic and they imagine is part of the band and how they make money. They can't work together if they all upset at him and people are hurt with him messing everything up. And that's part of his band was loving his wife and all.
He is going to make them lose a lot of followers and money and some stability.
I don't follow or watch but look at what happening and his band. This isn't big company with millions here he works 9 to 5 going into his personal life. They are the brand and their image is how they make money. Like how you going to work together and be good on carma and also be like. You really hurt your family and I lost respect for you but we got to stay with you cause???? It's a personal thing. but it hurting everyone here. And we all dealing with backlash not just you.
I definitely think him creating is more then enough to push him out cause they are selling themselves as the brand this isn't he getting payed to make wallets and shouldn't care about his home life. His face is part of the brand and his friend are standing by his wife I won't want to be working next to him and be questioning if he trying to talk with another employee below him. And worrying okay should be be aloud with this smaller part timer cause he may try and throw his power around he also is posting his wife and everything he might not care even more.
ppl saying “oh try guys threw him out, there must be more than just cheating” are so fucking annoying. we all know that there is. but even if there wasn’t, why is a man cheating on his wife not good enough reason to throw him out of the club. people are so senseless and braindead and this is why society is crumbling.
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twistedbritresale · 3 years ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Cole Haan Air Carma Black Leather Pump Shoes Sz 6.
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hellosocialchameleons · 7 years ago
How To Reap The Benefits Of A Content Marketing Strategy
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Content Marketing can have some incredible benefits for your business
But a lot of people still underestimate the value of Content Marketing, or indeed don’t fully understand what it is or why they should invest in bespoke content.
So let’s start by working out exactly what it is!
CONTENT MARKETING – a type of marketing that involves the creation and sharing of online material (such as videos, blogs, and social media posts) that does not explicitly promote a brand but is intended to stimulate interest in its products or services.
But I prefer Content Marketing Institute’s definition:
Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.
Especially the line following that definition which says “Instead of pitching your products or services, you are providing truly relevant and useful content to your prospects and customers to help them solve their issues.”
So Content Marketing is a way to talk about your products or services in a way that’s audience first and user driven. It’s less about you, and more about them – a good place to start.
What can be content?
Anything your audience can consume can be content.
Blog posts
Video & Slideshows
Graphics & Animations
Ebooks & Whitepapers
Resources & Workbooks
Q&A or AMAs
Facebook/Instagram Live
Branded Filters & Camera Frames
And the list goes on!
The type of content you create for your Content Marketing efforts will depend completely on your audience and objectives.
Great Content Marketing can have a multitude of benefits to your business, let’s look at some of them.
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Traffic & Search Results
Everyone wants more traffic to their website, or at least more qualified traffic. When you publish or host quality content on your site, people hit your site to consume it. And you know they’re more than likely interested in your product or services because that’s what your content (even if loosely) relates to.
When you offer something of value to your audience, they’ll come to you. This is the complete opposite of traditional marketing where you go to where they are and interrupt them. If you content is strong enough and valuable enough you might not even have to pay to promote it. You can publish it, and let people come to you in their own way and their own time.
Here’s a great example – Jon Loomer’s Facebook Image Dimension Guide. In case you don’t know who Jon Loomer is he’s a Facebook Ads heavy hitter who runs online training and a couple of membership clubs for exclusive content. In fact, everything Jon does is an example of excellent Content Marketing.
I read in one of his emails a while back that this page on his site is the most visited. It comes up if you Google “Facebook Image Specs” and in creating it, he knew that anyone who visited that page was looking for information on how to optimise their creative to best display on Facebook.
Whether they were marketers, or business owners, or entrepreneurs – they all had that in common. And they were coming to him. For free!
Imagine you’re in a competitive niche; all clamoring to get to the top position in a Google search, but your content – perhaps a simple “how to” video is what people are visiting? That’s YOUR brand getting ahead. Standing out without pushing people away with a hard sell.
We’ll talk more about what you can do with this traffic in a sec.
Brand Awareness & Recall
Word of mouth is still an incredibly powerful way to get your business noticed, and you’ve probably heard the phrase “word of mouse” said too. It’s so important to be known and remembered.
How can people use your services if they don’t know who you are?
How can they recommend you to their friends if they can’t remember your business name?
Create content that resonates with your audience and they’re more likely to remember you. And if they hadn’t heard of you before it’s an even better way to make them aware of your brand!
The idea is that it’s not only valuable enough for them, but sharable as well. Any time you can get people to share your content as a brand you’ve allowed them to represent you and vice versa. They’ve thought whatever you created was good enough for them to put their name to and pass along to their friends and colleagues.
And with Content Marketing you can do this without the rude interruption of more traditional types of advertising.
Brand Affinity & Loyalty
Something else you can achieve with Content Marketing is affinity from your audience, and loyalty from your current customers.
This isn’t just touchy-feely (not that there’s anything wrong with that) but in a crowded market you want people can choose your brand, over others and their affinity for what your brand stands for could be the deciding factor. But they can’t do this unless they know what your brand MEANS.
You content can explain your brand positioning, and win your audience over into fans and purchasers.
Tell your brand’s story and let your audience fall in love with you.
Then once you’ve earned their support you want to retain them!
Great content can remind people why they choose you and not your competitors. It can help deepen the relationship they have with your brand and make them less likely to stray.
Audience Segmentation
Content Marketing can help you segment your audience and only show them what they want to see more of.
You can track and tag pages of your website and/or individual pieces of content, to build audience pools from your different content themes into remarketing segments.
That way when you pay to promote a new piece of content you can target the people who’ve consumed similar content. Facebook targeting allows us to differentiate traffic that’s visited certain pages of our website and not others, and also people who’ve spend a certain amount of time on a particular page so we can serve ads to people who interacted with particular content this way.
It’s the same concept ecommerce stores use when they offer you similar items to the ones in your cart. They know you like xyz product with certain attributes, it follows you’ll like other products with similar attributes.
This segmentation keeps your audience seeing the content that resonates with them, and prevents them seeing content themes that may not.
Funnel Content
If you have a sales funnel you need to fill that funnel with content.
This content needs to be relevant to the audience AND their buyer journey.
Content Marketing can attract people to your brand and fill the top of the funnel.
And it’s especially important during the consideration phase (middle of the funnel) to make sure people choose your brand over your competition.
Thought Leadership
Content Marketing can position you (as a personal brand) or your company as the thought leader in your niche.
Great content will ensure your fans know you’re the “go to” source for information on your product or industry and give you an edge over your competitors, just like in the Jon Loomer example.
Business Opportunities
Checking the data from your Content Marketing efforts can point you in the direction of new business opportunities.
If you’re looking at expanding or even narrowing your offerings, the data on which content your audience consumed can help you refine your business to offer what has most resonated with your target market.
Content Marketing & Social Media – BFFs
Why am I telling you about Content Marketing?
Because Content Marketing and Social Media are BFFs. Your content can be distributed on Social Media, and content themes can be established based on your social posting.
Think about your most popular Social Media posts – what were they about? What can you learn from this to inform your content offering?
Social Media gives us the power of community for our brands, and it also allows us to target with a high level of accuracy people we want to reach beyond that community where we know our content will resonate.
So put some thought into your Content Marketing efforts and invest in some quality creators if it’s not your thing. The work of an excellent copywriter, graphic designer or videographer will elevate your content and you’ll reap the benefits.
But make sure to leave some money in the budget to ensure this content sees the light of day with the people you made it for.
Do you invest in Content Marketing?
What questions do you have about content?
The post How To Reap The Benefits Of A Content Marketing Strategy appeared first on Carma The Social Chameleon.
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