A Night's End: The Bridge (pt. 5)
Nightfly Origin
The stream was more of a thin trickle of water no thicker than a squirrel, flowing between two slanted tan-Thunderpaths in a ditch running alongside the much larger, grey Thunderpath that rumbled every now and again with a passing monster. 
Nightdrift shuttered every time. He could never get used to their presence.
The unexpected but very welcome news that someone had seen their missing Clanmates, alive, was enough to chase all the exhaustion from their bodies as if the long, tense pulls at their weakening muscles were nothing more than troublesome flies, able to be batted away with a swipe. 
That wasn’t quite true. The dull ache in Nightdrift’s legs told the tom that his body still very much felt the journey he had yet to take a break from. But the fresh spark in his chest sent swirls of energizing flames through his limbs, telling him to ignore the ache, ignore the pain, just focus on what he KNEW. 
They were going to find Meadowtree. And Feathergaze. Heck, they might find Branchfoot, the missing SkyClan warrior, as well.
Moons of not finding a single sign of the missing cats, of losing hope for their safe return and watching as their kin clung desperately to the possibility that they would be found–would even still be alive, it drained more faith from Nightdrift than if StarClan had told him directly that they didn’t care about their prayers. 
Now, that faith was back, hitting him full-force and so strongly that it nearly knocked him off his paws as true as a real blow to the chest would. 
Nightdrift thought of the grief in Pepperfoot’s eyes, of the way Kestralspot fought vehemently against accepting her daughter’s fate. He spared a glance at his companions, kin and close friend of Feathergaze, and thought of their anguished hope as well. 
The urge, no, the NEED to find Meadowtree, Feathergaze, and even Branchfoot became stronger. The hollowed eyes and whimpers of grief heard in the warriors’ den at night morphed into wide-smile delight, to bouncing paws and cries of pure joy as he imagined walking into camp with Meadowtree, safe and sound and back in the embrace of her worried parents.
He wanted to not only ease their grief, but take it away entirely. The fact that he–and Bramblefin and Twistedshine–would probably be celebrated for finding the missing cats was just a bonus.
“There!” Bramblefin’s mew cut into his thoughts.
He looked up, following the dark tabby’s gaze. In the near-distance stood what Nightdrift guessed was a bridge. It had a heavy arch to it, like a cat curling it’s back as it stared down a predator it was trying to intimidate….staring…the gap in the centre of the structure was round, almost perfectly circular if it weren’t for the rugged, rectangular stones that jutted out unevenly. It made him think of an eye, and his heart quickened nervously. He told himself that this bridge wasn’t watching him.
What the bridge was was old. Even in the darkness and with the space between the cats and the bridge, they could see that time had crumbled. Nightdrift couldn’t stop himself from staring, expecting it to collapse at any second.
The stream/trickle that the cats had followed hadn’t stretched out, but the slanted paths that held it eased, perhaps also broken, fading against the weight of time and falling back to the ground. The strong slants back by the busy Thunderpaths were now resting, almost flat, against the ground. Nightdrift could see cracks lining the slants-not-slants. Long, dried tufts of grass poked out from the thin crevices. 
But the water was thin enough to not overflow over the lowered lips, and there was still enough for travel without all being lost within the cracks. It went on languidly until it disappeared beneath the darkness of the bridge. Nonchalant. Uncaring. Like naive prey unaware of the beast’s jaws it was walking right into.
Nightdrift paused. First eyes, now a predator’s mouth. Why was this bridge freaking him out so much? He wasn’t exactly the bravest warrior in the Clans, or in WindClan, or in the warriors’ den in WindClan or any patrol he attended. But he wasn’t a frightened kit, so why was he acting like one?
Nightdrift narrowed his eyes, as if to prove to himself, to the bridge, that he wasn’t afraid. Eyeing it, focusing almost challengingly, he saw a flash of light and gasped.
Before his mind could register what the flicker of movement was, a cat stepped out of the shadows.
--we get a detailed look at some of Ash's territory!
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Nine Lives (Rainstar's Burden)
Everything was silent. Every hair still, every mouth gaping open in awe as the three cats stared at the glowing Moonstone. Its light illuminated the cavern in a silver-blue glow.
It occurred to Rainbur that since Cedarsky had only recently chosen to become Shadowclan’s medicine cat, all three cats were seeing this wonder for the first time. 
The stone before them was glowing with the light of Starclan, even if the source was of the moon. Rainbur couldn’t help but wonder, as he stared at the brightness, if his ancestors were staring right back from within.
At last, he realized that he should touch his nose to it before the moon shifted and the light was gone. He padded forward until he was a whisker away, then crouched low. Breath quickening, he pressed his muzzle against the Moonstone before he could hesitate any further, holding back a flinch as the freezing surface numbed his snout.
At first, nothing seemed amiss. Then Rainbur noticed that the black spots behind his eyelids were spreading like thin tendrils, bending and twisting together until his vision was plunged into utter blackness.
Were they rejecting him?
Had it not been a vision Houndpaw had had after all?
Was he not good enough to lead Shadowclan?
A drop, like a white spider web dangling in the center of his eyes. Rainbur blinked. When had he opened his eyes? The string grew, trodding gracefully, and others began to sink through the air and to the ground as well, where they too grew in a gentle dance.
As the outlines neared, their details became more obvious. They were cats! Rainbur could hardly resist a gasp. Their ears, whiskers, tails, they were all too clear to be mistaken for anything else, and Rainbur felt foolish for thinking them as simple strings.
His heart pounded. So many eyes were suddenly on him as they circled, blocking him in. Would he have felt such judgment if he were becoming leader under different circumstances? If the leader before him had not promised to Starclan to lead well only to turn around and murder his own Clanmates? They still gave him nine lives in spite of the horrors he had inflicted. Would they now decide to spurn Rainbur of any? Would they see Shadowclan as too unfit for anyone to lead?
“Breathe,” a voice whispered softly. Rainbur would have thought that it was a trick of the mind as a breeze passed his ear, but the air was still. He looked around the starry pelts, mind dizzy with the amount of cats that were watching him, until someone stepped forward.
Outside of the ranks of what must be at least several dozen silver pelts, the cat’s colour became clearer. “Mom!” Rainbur gasped. His throat tightened all too quickly, blocking all he wanted to say to his lost kin.
But his mother smiled warmly at him, as if she heard it all anyway. “My darling kit,” she said quietly, “you have been through so much grief, yet you’ve done more for the Clan that even you realize.” She leaned forward, touching her nose to Rainbur’s head. “With this life, I give you bravery. May you carry it in your heart as you do I, always.”
Rainbur’s eyes stung, but not because his head felt like it was going to split open. Oatflight still smelt as she did when he would nurse at her belly. He wished so much that he could retreat back to those peaceful days, where all he would worry about was if he won the next came of mouse-catch. But he wasn’t a kit anymore. He was a warrior, he was going to be Shadowclan’s leader. He would not hurt them as Alderstar or Myrtlewing did. He would stand between his Clanmates and anyone or anything that dared think it could hurt them, even at the cost of all nine of his lives.
All too soon, Oatflight stepped away and disappeared in the crowd. Rainbur’s heart sank, but it lifted again when the next cat stepped forward. “Never thought I would see the day,” Owlfang sniffed good-heartedly. 
Rainbur swallowed past a massive lump. “You…You look happy.” His last memory of his brother had been of a dug-up rotting corpse with worms for eyes. It was hard to believe that he was looking at that same brother now, not alive but clearly healthy and at peace. 
Owlfang nodded. “I am now. You will be, too. I promise you that.” He touched his muzzle to Rainbur’s head. “With this life, I give you endurance. Know that Shadowclan will be at peace one day, and have the strength to lead them to that certainty. I am proud of you, brother.”
“I..I..” Rainbur wanted to speak, to say how he wished he had protected Owlfang, how he missed him so much, but his chest was on fire and for a few moments that felt like an eternity, he could focus on nothing but the flames within his ribcage. The sparks spread throughout his entire body, fueling his muscles until he felt as though he could climb any mountain, fight any beast, so long as Shadowclan could reach that era of peace.
A third cat was already in front of him when the power of that life faded. Rainbur’s heart sank at the little one before him. He had to bend down to level with her.
“Hi, Rainbur!” Fernpaw purred. “It’s an honour to be giving you a life today.”
But you shouldn’t be giving me a life. You should be in camp right now, sorting through herbs and rhyming the plants until you made a song. Rainbur wondered if she still sang little tunes in Starclan, or if Myrtlewing took that joy from her too. “It’s an honour to be receiving a life from you,” Rainbur replied out loud.
“Then let’s get to it then.” Fernpaw pressed her nose against his cheek. “With this life, I give you loyalty. May it motivate you to protect those you love and those who love you, and may it never lead you astray for the sake of anyone but your Clan.” There was a shadow over Fernpaw’s eyes. She was thinking of her mentor, the one she had cared for so deeply. The one who had murdered her for the sake of someone else. 
The shadow loomed over Rainbur, tightening around his entire body until he couldn’t move his lungs. He gasped for air, desperate for it, and right when he was sure he was about to pass out, the weight lifted and he drank in every breath with relief.
“Steady,” a she-cat advised. Rainbur whirled around. He planted his paws firmly in the ground, using every muscle in his legs to resist racing toward the cat.
Dawnmoth, his adoptive daughter, looked at him with a twinkle in her eye. “Hi dad.”
“H-hi.” Was all he could say back.
Chuckling, Dawnmoth padded forward until her whiskers flattened against the side of his muzzle. “With this life, I give you hope. Give it to your Clanmates as you gave it to me when my father died, and use it for yourself to lead them through any hardship.”
The stinging pain seared through Rainbur’s skin like an icicle. But it didn’t feel like an invasion, instead it was a shield that surrounded his heart, protecting it from anything that could weigh it down. It wasn’t lost on him that every life that he had so far received had mentioned something about putting his Clanmates above everything else. He wondered if every ceremony included such words, or if it was only his because of Alderstar.
Dawnmoth pulled back. Rainbur forced the pain down enough to be able to lift his head and meet her eyes. “I miss you,” she told him. “Tell Silverwhisker to name one of her kits after me, alright?”
“I don’t think I have to tell her.” Rainbur smiled.
Dawnmoth turned and padded back into the crowd. The cat beside her took her place, walking forward and pressing his chin to Rainbur’s head before any words could be exchanged between them. That was always Branchfoot’s way. 
“With this life,” he father spoke, “I give you conscientiousness. Trust yourself to know in your heart what needs to be done, and use your power as leader to accomplish it.”
“I will,” Rainbur promised. There was no pain this time, only a warm presence like a nuzzle on every part of his body. He waited patiently for the next cat, and it wasn’t long before he was facing her.
His brilliant apprentice, Pineshade. “You have come so far,” she murmured. “I’m proud to have been your apprentice.”
“And I your mentor.”
Pineshade purred. Leaning, she rubbed her cheek along his. “With this life, I give you courage. Use it as you fight every battle, from war to a thorn in your pad, and use it especially whenever you doubt yourself.”
Rainbur felt his muscles rippling beneath his pelt. He wanted to face every shadow, every fang, every claw and dare it to hurt anyone he loved.
“Trust yourself. You will be a wonderful leader,” Pineshade assured him.
“He will,” someone agreed. 
Rainbur’s heart warmed with love and ached with loss. “My love,” he whispered sadly.
“Oh, don’t give me your tears,” Blossomtuft rolled her eyes playfully. “You’re supposed to be a big strong leader now, remember.” She pressed her nose against his with such strength that Rainbur knew she, too, was resisting curling her whole body around him and never letting go. “With this life, I give you humour. Use it when everything seems bleak as the light through the darkness, because sometimes it is all we have and all we need.”
She kept her muzzle against his throughout the power of her life. It was Rainbur that had to, after a while, pull back. “I will see you again, dear,” Blossomtuft promised him. 
Rainbur watched her leave, eyes stinging once more, before turning his attention to the next cat.
Amberthistle was smiling at him as lovingly as Blossomtuft. Blossomtuft had died of sickness around the same time Amberthistle and her mate had separated. In their heartbreak, Amberthistle and Rainbur got together, raising their daughters as sisters. 
“Dear..” Rainbur murmured.
“Hello, love,” Amberthistle replied softly. “Don’t worry, I know I won’t be your mate when you join us. It’s okay, I’ll love you still.” She pressed her chin to his snout. “With this life, I give you love. Let it power your every muscle and motivate your every action. And in the rainiest of days, let it allow you to see the sun.”
By the time the life faded, Rainbur was struggling to stand. He tried to count in his head how many lives were left, but it felt cracked and broken around his skull.
“Rainbur” an unfamiliar she-cat’s voice spoke, as clear as a thought within his own head. He turned to the side to see a tall, unfamiliar black she-cat with bright green eyes. “I am Shadowstar,” she greeted. “The first leader of Shadowclan.” 
Rainbur gaped, hardly able to process who was looking at him, talking to him.
“You have such a burden on your shoulders, but I trust you are the leader that Shadowclan needs.” With that, she touched her chin to his ear. “With this life, I give you forgiveness. Forgive your Clanmates for the mistakes they make. Forgive yourself for things you cannot take back. Forgive the past when it haunts your mind, and forgive the future when all it seems to hold is darkness.”
A warm, honey-like liquid feeling dripped along Rainbur’s spine, loosening every knot and dispersing every ache, until his entire body felt entirely unburdened and clear.
Shadowstar dripped her head low, then through it to the air as she yowled to the sky. “Rainstar! Rainstar! Rainstar!”
The clearing echoed with thousands of voices, all chanting his name.
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ambitiousauthor · 1 year
Were you planning on having Branchfoot survive because he was so nice?
Or will it perhaps go like that one scene in Hannibal (Red Dragon, I believe) where Bella-May says "I do admire your kindness. I think I'll eat your heart."
And Gorsedaisy hears it and realizes just what the strange food they have been eating was.
:) I was not planning on anyone but Gorsedaisy surviving
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Cherry is a brown-silver-and-white she-cat.
Allegiance: MeadowClan, previously a rogue or loner. Warrior Name: N/A Apprentice Name: N/A Kit Name: N/A AGAB: Female Gender: Female Pronouns: She/Her Orientation: Undetermined Mother:  Unknown Father:  Unknown Siblings: Unknown Mate: Kits: Traits: Moons when they joined a Clan: N/A History: Cherry is the daughter of Branchfoot (a cat suggested by Sav Grace via Thrushfang) and her mother is unknown and nothing more than a spirit, though they are not a part of StarClan. Submitted by: 
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clambucket · 2 years
Cringe is dead make warrior cats oc named Petalnose with a fringe and pale yellow coat with white splotches down her chin and paws and the tip of her tail but she has little dark brown speckles along the top of her head and spine and there’s one on her forehead that looks like a heart and she has light gold eyes but she’s super tiny and really strong but she had a kit with a tom from shadow clan named Featherfern and he’s a fluffy dark grey ish brown over most of his body and he lost half his tail from an encounter with young two legs but despite being from Shadowclan he has a heart of gold reflected in his kind blue eyes and their kit is named Mintpaw but his name will be Mintstep when he’s older but right now he’s a medicine cat apprentice and oh yeah did I mention Petalnose is a wind clan cat and Mintpaw lives with her and she claims to not know who his father is but he has Featherferns grey brown coat but his moms eyes and white paws and the vision the current wind clan medicine cat saw that made him choose Mintpaw was catmint plant sprout from the moonpool and climb high into starclan during his last visit so he just knew who to make his apprentice but what no one knows is that Mintpaw never wanted to be a medicine cat because he had promised another apprentice Gingerpaw that he would never leave his side when they became warriors but it’s fine because Gingerpaw will become Gingerclaw then Gingerstar so still get to spend time together all the time and the other cats always thought it was weird Gingerstar never had his own kits but he did end up taking in a newborn kit found on the outside edge of wind clan territory as his own and all the cats thought it was so brave to raise a kit as an unmated male but no one knew Mintstep was helping raise the kit and the kit was named Petalstep later on as a warrior and no one really thought much about the name but after Gingerstar died his ninth time his Deputy Branchfoot became Branchstar and named Petalstep his deputy but she died tragically over a petty dispute with shadowclan that quickly escalated and the one to land the final blow was Wingtail a young tom with fluffy grey brown fur and cold blue eyes
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mx-bright-sky · 6 years
ok this may be out of nowhere but i need an answer for Reasons^tm but what do you think hitoshi and izuku would name their warrior cats OCs that role played with as kids (and other characters if u think of them, toshi and zuku i Need but id b interested in hearing abt them)
slight disclaimer: I haven’t touched a warrior cats book in years.
that being said,
Izuku: Fernleaf
Hitoshi: Shadowbrook
Ochako: Mapletail
Tsuyu: Lilyleap
Iida: Swiftfoot
Tokoyami: Ravenshade
Satou: Berryclaw
Kouda: Birdsong
Sero: Spidercloud
Bakugou: Wolffang
Kirishima: Lionstone
Aoyama: Sunflight
Mina: Rosewhisker
Jirou: Moonheart
Momo: Foxoak
Shoji: Branchfoot
Ojiro: Bushtail
Toru: Sunstream
Todoroki: Coalcrystal
Kaminari: Mountaindew
No, I do not take constructive criticism bc this list is right, thank you, have a nice night.
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auraclan info
my first out of three fan clans !!!!! i made an info post awhile back but ive changed some stuff
leader: dreamstar - pale gray-lilac she-cat with green eyes
deputy: addervine - sleek black she-cat with long legs
medicine cat: petalsong (apprentice, blossompaw) - calico she-cat with green eyes
warriors: ravenflight - black-and-white tom with amber eyes appleleg (apprentice, aspenpaw) - fluffy cream tom with green eyes snaketail (apprentice, elmpaw) - dark gray tom with green eyes and a skinny snake-like tail cherryfang (apprentice, peachpaw) - dark red tom with bright golden eyes and an upper-row tooth that pokes out pinedust (apprentice, fernpaw) - dusky brown she-cat with lighter flecks brooktalon (apprentice, willowpaw) - silver-and-white tabby she-cat with blue eyes rapidhawk - dark blue-gray tabby tom with lighter underbelly and chest specklefur - tortoiseshell she-cat with unusually speckled fur mapleflower - dark ginger she-cat with amber eyes spiderstem - black she-cat
apprentices: blossompaw - pale gray she-cat aspenpaw - dappled golden she-cat with amber eyes elmpaw - dark brown she-cat with green eyes peachpaw - pale she-cat with almost-pink/cream fur fernpaw - gray-and-white tabby tom willowpaw - pure white she-cat (full names: blossomleaf, aspenstem, elmwish, peachshine, fernwing, willowheart)
queens: cloudstream - white-and-gray she-cat with blue eyes; mother of aspenpaw and elmpaw vineheart (kits: flowerkit and amberkit) - brown she-cat with green eyes and small cut-off vines that cling to her pelt quailbreeze (kits: puddlekit, duckkit and stemkit) fluffy gray she-cat sires: owlfrost (kits: flowerkit and amberkit) - dark gray tom with lighter flecks sandshade - pale ginger tom branchfoot - brown tabby tom
elders: waspeye - black she-cat with amber eyes copperspot - brown tom with lighter spots along his back birdglow - pale golden she-cat
additional info:
cats are allowed to mate with outsiders and cats from the other clans to avoid possible inbreeding
outsiders such as rogues/kittypets/loners are allowed to be taken in, and are to be treated like clanborn cats
the three clans: auraclan, groveclan and sageclan are separated from the four canonical clans. they believe in moonclan instead of starclan
every first full moon a gathering is held to discuss news and such, but every second full moon a ~special gathering~ is held to participate in fun events
cats give their mates gifts every so often to show that they love them
when a cat dies, they are buried and overtop their burial spot a water-soaked ball of moss is placed. the moon’s energy, coming from moonclan, blesses the water and allows it to trickle down through the ground and onto the cat’s buried body, showing that they allow the cat to be welcomed into moonclan
sires are toms who stay in the nursery and teach the kits about the warrior code, and take care of the kits in ways the queens cant. they arent necessarily always the queens’ mate
and thats all!!!!!!!! :D
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(Whistler calls out to Bella-may)
Hey ma!
Go and get the chainsaw!
(Cut to Lamb covered in blood with unsheathed claws)
Feel the blades
While it takes both legs off!
Take a face off
Add a little steak sauce
(Cut to all three triplets covered in blood and grinning)
Insane and we never take a day off!
(Scene panning up to parents sitting together)
(Houndtooth nods) That's right boy killing is a day job
(Bella May presses into Houndtooth, looking slightly deranged) And I got to say I love a little chaos
Gotta scout another group that we can prey on
Bring em to the dinner table in a seance
(Bella May leans forward towards the viewer and grins)
Officer Hoyt, reporting for duty
Supporting a beast
(She gestures to the triplets)
Now ain't he a beauty?
Contorting your body a brute and he's loony
Recluse and I'm setting him loose
On your group he's
Pursuing you now (show cats running for their lives)
And death it is certain (show Jackdawecho in field)
He'll rip off your scalp and turn em to curtains (show Meadowtree on tree branch above pig pen)
He's really impressive and sort of a surgeon (show Feathergaze on the grain silo railing)
He's turning your skin into clothing it's perfect! (Bella-May looks thrilled)
(Cut to Feathergaze and Meadowtree hiding and looking terrified*
Do you hear that?
We should rear back
Gonna' kill us of he finds us
We’re trapped (Meadowtree smacks Feathergaze lightly)
Don't breathe man
Maybe we can steer that
Menace of a man to another spot (they look up, terrified)
(Pans up to Lamb looking for them with blood everywhere)
Whose that?
I can hear you
(He takes a step towards the bush)
Now it's too late
(He takes another step)
Came to my place
(He shakes his head)
Boy what a mistake
Don't worry
(He appears beside Meadowtree and Feathergaze)
You won't go to waste
Saw your heart race
Swollen taking your face
(Whistler sitting on Grain silo)
Ooohh bring em here
I love new visitors
(He grins and rolls onto his back)
Because visitors turn into prisoners
Blunt force now is it a
Crime that I like chainsaws in particular?
(Cut to Houndtooth walking forward on one of the barn tafters
Im a big boy
I need big toys
Enjoy hearing screams under its noise
And this
(Shows whole family)
A family business
Cover our bases leaving no witness
(Stubs runs in a zig-zag after a fleeing cat)
I am the massacre
Manic and ravager
Panic my killing is at a new calibre
Lumbering slashers
Walking that's amateurs
(He tackles the fleeing cat)
Sprint at you ramming a saw till it's jamming up
Wearing your face like a ski mask
(He leans down and grins)
Take off the skin from your legs and use them as kneepads
Stay off my property
Visiting reckless
Menace in Texas serving a death wish
[Hook: victim]
Do you hear that? (Gorsedaisy looks up, looking determined)
We should rear back
Gonna' kill us of he finds us
(Show brief reasonably nongraphic image of Jackdawecho in the field)
We’re trapped
(Show brief Meadowtree on branch)
Don't breathe man
(Show Feathergaze falling)
Maybe we can steer that
Menace of a man to another spot (show Gorsedaisy seeing Meadowtree’s death
[Hook: Leatherface]
(Slow pan over barn)
Whose that? (Stubs tries to keep Gorsedaisy quiet)
I can hear you (Stubs turns away
Now it's too late ( Gorsedaisy lunges)
Came to my place
Boy what a mistake (Gorsedaisy leaves the barn and looks back)
Don't worry
You won't go to waste
Saw your heart race
Swollen taking your face (she runs towards the fence)
[Hook: victim]
Do you hear that? (Show Feathergaze’s ghost guiding Gorsedaisy to the silo)
We should rear back
Gonna' kill us of he finds us
Were trapped (Meadowtree’s ghost looks down from the tree, looking solemn
Don't breathe man
Maybe we can steer that
Menace of a man to another spot (Branchfoot’s ghost stands at the entrance to the barn
[Hook: Leatherface]
Whose that? (Bella May looks up)
I can hear you (Whistler stands up, looking worried)
Now it's too late (cut to brief closeup of Stubs’ face)
Came to my place (Lamb fights Gorsedaisy)
Boy what a mistake (brief image of old Jackie sighing
Don't worry (Houndtooth discovers Stubs)
You won't go to waste (Gorsedaisy rises up behind him)
Saw your heart race (cut to Bella May’s body)
Swollen taking your face (claw slashing
(Show Gorsedaisy leaving the barn)
The AMV idea! :D
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Updated Branchfoot design! Bonus Meadowtree
hell yeah!!! Spots!!
ref by turukhan
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Alderstar's Nine Lives:
Independence. Given by unknown she-cat.
2. Wisdom. Given by unknown tom. Suspected to be parent of someone Alderstar had killed.
3. Regret. Given by Fallendust, Alderstar's first victim.
4. Empathy. Given by Shimmerstone, Alderstar's half-sister's mother.
The rest are TBA. Sweettree is likely the fifth cat.
Rainstar's nine lives:
Bravery. Given by Oatflight, his mother.
2. Endurance. Given by Owlfang, his brother.
3. Loyalty. Given by Fernpaw, a medicine cat apprentice.
4. Hope. Given by Dawnmoth, his adoptive daughter.
5. Conscientiousness. Given by Branchfoot, his father.
6. Courage. Given by Pineshade, his apprentice.
7. Humour. Given by Blossomtuft, his first mate.
8. Love. Given by Amberthistle, his second mate.
9. Forgiveness. Given by Shadowstar, the first leader of ShadowClan.
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Fun fact: Rain would remind Gorsedaisy of Branchfoot
hm.. how would she act, then?
(and also if they ran into an apprentice from another Clan?)
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Dark Forest Residences: Houndtooth, Bella-May, Stubs, Lamb, & Whistler
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Aliases / Nicknames: Papa, Sweetie, Pops, Dad, Rudy (by Twoleg kits)
Gender: male
Sexuality: bisexual, polyamorous
Family: Bella-May (mate), Lamb, Stubs, Redjay, Whistler (sons), Blacksong, Grebewing (granddaughters), Greydusk, Lightstream, Brokenwhistle, Swanmist (grandsons), Myrtlewing (great-grandson), Tadpolekit, Songkit (great-granddaughters)
Other Relations: unnamed mentor
Clan: Thunderclan (formerly), none
Rank: loner
Characteristics: kills cats to feed his family, mostly blind, very serious, short tempered
Number of Victims: 50
Number of Murders: 12
Murder Method: slitting throat
Known victims: Gorsedaisy, Branchfoot, Meadowtree, Jackdawecho, Feathergaze, several unnamed Clan cats
Victim Profile: Clan cats
Cause of Death: impaled
Cautionary Tale: ??
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Aliases / Nicknames: Ma, Mama, Mama May, Miss May, Love, Darling
Gender: female
Sexuality: bisexual, polyamorous
Family: Houndtooth, (mate) Bruin, Hannah (former mates) Lamb, Stubs, Redjay, Whistler (sons), Blacksong, Grebewing (granddaughters), Greydusk, Lightstream, Brokenwhistle, Swanmist (grandsons), Myrtlewing (great-grandson), Tadpolekit, Songkit (great-granddaughters)
Other Relations: N/A
Clan: N/A
Rank: kittypet, barn cat
Characteristics: sweet, wants the best for her family, lured in exhausted Clan cats to the barn for her family to kill
Number of Victims: 50
Number of Murders: 2
Murder Method: luring cats to her sons and mate, breaking neck
Known Victims: Bruin, Hannah, Gorsedaisy, Branchfoot, Meadowtree, several unnamed Clan cats
Victim profile: Clan cats
Cause of Death: burned to death after being tricked into a live trap
Cautionary Tale: ??
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Aliases / Nicknames: Stubby, Stubnuts (by brothers), Feral#87613, Mr. Vittles (by Twoleg kits)
Gender: male
Sexuality: bisexual
Family: Bella-May (mother), Houndtooth (father), Lamb, Redjay, Whistler (brothers), Blacksong, Grebewing (neices), Greydusk, Lightstream, Brokenwhistle, Swanmist (nephews), Myrtlewing (grandnephew), Tadpolekit, Songkit (grandneices)
Other Relations: N/A
Clan: N/A
Rank: none
Characteristics: enjoys chasing his victims to exhaustion, loves sitting in the laps of Twoleg kits, collects ears as trophies
Number of Victims: 50
Number of Murders: 11
Murder Method: chasing to exhaustion, then breaking neck
Known Victims: Gorsedaisy, Branchfoot, Meadowtree, Jackdawecho, Feathergaze, several unnamed Clan cats
Victim Profile: Clan cats
Cause of Death: Burned alive
Cautionary Tale: ??
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Aliases / Nicknames: Crazy Bastard, Lamb Chop (by Twoleg kits), Pretty Little Mollie, Crazy Bitch, Feral#87614
Gender: trans tom
Sexuality: homosexual
Family:  Bella-May (mother), Houndtooth (father), Stubs, Redjay, Whistler (brothers), Blacksong, Grebewing (neices), Greydusk, Lightstream, Brokenwhistle, Swanmist (nephews), Myrtlewing (grandnephew), Tadpolekit, Songkit (grandneices)
Other Relations: none
Clan: N/A
Rank: loner
Characteristics: angry, hates being mistaken for a she-cat,
Number of Victims: 50
Number of Murders: 14
Murder Method: crushing skull, disemboweling, tearing out throat
Known Victims: Gorsedaisy, Branchfoot, Meadowtree, Feathergaze, Jackdawecho
Victim Profile: Clan cats
Cause of Death: burned alive
Cautionary Tale: ??
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Aliases / Nicknames: Asterwhistle, Daisywhistle, Jaywhistle, Dawnwhistle, Squeaker (by Twoleg kits), Feral#87615
Gender: tom
Sexuality: bisexual, polyamorous
Family: Bella-May (mother), Houndtooth (father), Lamb, Redjay, Whistler (brothers), Blacksong, Grebewing (neices), Greydusk, Lightstream, Brokenwhistle, Swanmist (nephews), Myrtlewing (grandnephew), Tadpolekit, Songkit (grandneices)
Other Relations: none
Clan: none
Rank: loner, barn cat
Characteristics: manipulative, good at mimicking sounds
Number of Victims: 11+
Number of Murders: 11
Murder Method: grain entrapment
Known Victims: Gorsedaisy, Branchfoot, Meadowtree, Feathergaze, Jackdawecho, several unnamed cats
Victim Profile: cats looking to escape his family
Cause of Death: smoke inhalation
Cautionary Tale: ??
Additional Information:
--Submission by @ambitiousauthor​
--Love the detail of Houndtooth originally being from Thunderclan, after all that’s where Myrtle’s even greater ancestor is from.
--Please tell me they were very proud of their crazed murderer descendant
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about the possible Branchfoot-Rainbur thing
does Gorsedaisy know? (or at least strongly suspect it)?
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@ambitiousauthor what if there’s a reason Rainbur reminds her of Branchfoot? 
and maybe Rain’s half-Clan?
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MeadowClan Allegiance (UPDATED 11/18/22)
LEADER    Blizzardstar ~ A predominantly white tom with ginger and black fur that has a blue and a green eye. DEPUTY    Thrushfang - A chocolate tortoiseshell tom with amber eyes. MEDICINE CAT    Roseberry - A predominantly white tom with rosy brown flecks and extremities with deep blue eyes. WARRIORS    Leopardstrike - A spotted ginger tabby cat with a dark muzzle and amber eyes.    Robinleap - A tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat with subtle green eyes.                              (Apprentice: Spiderpaw)    Flower - A chocolate and white tom with heterchromia; one blue and one golden eye.    Whitebeam - A white she-cat with silver speckles on their rump and clear amber eyes.    Cherry - A brown-and-white she-cat with heterchromia; one eye turquoise the other amber. APPRENTICES    Spiderpaw - fluffy black she-cat with one dark green and one dark amber-brown eye. QUEENS (cats that have had or are expecting kits and are the primary caretaker thereof)    Freckleshade - A spotted gray and black tom with blue eyes.                                (Kits: Crowkit: Tortoisehsell-and-white tom with amber eyes & Tumblekit: Tortoiseshell-and-white tom with amber eyes) ELDERS    Branchfoot - A brown and white tabby tom with amber eyes.    Mudleaf - A dark brown tom with brown eyes.
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Branchfoot is a brown and white tom. Allegiance: MeadowClan Previous Allegiances: Loner, Rogue Elder Name: Branchfoot Apprentice Name: N/A? Kit Name: Unknown Loner Name: Branchfoot AGAB: Male Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him Orientation: Heterosexual Mother:  Unknown Father:  Unknown Siblings: Unknown Mate: Freckleshade Kits: Cherry, Tumblekit & Crowkit Traits:  Moons when they joined MeadowClan:  History prior to MeadowClan:   Submitted by: 
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