plunes-healthcare · 11 months
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Know more about Brain Haemorrhage and how Plunes Healthcare, India's largest surgical healthcare provider, simplifies treatments. Get free online consultations, find top doctors, and book treatments at up to 50% off.
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samuelshoesmith · 4 years
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5k run. 34 mins, 40 secs. First time running at length without my right leg feeling it is falling off and me tripping since my brain haemorrhage and stroke last July. Thanks for the tag to do the run @tiffshoesmith #run #5k #5krun #jogging #sweaty #brain #brainhaemorrhage #stroke (at Wellingborough, Northamptonshire) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_ZU3z3Jdbz/?igshid=1pyiqzf3qzrbc
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leilaland · 7 years
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Aw thank you to everyone for your lovely messages about Charlotte returning to school. For those who don’t know, Charlotte had a brain haemorrhage 5 and a half years ago when she was 7 which led on to her having multiple & very nearly fatal strokes. Overnight she went from being perfectly healthy to being partially sighted with physical disabilities & lots of learning difficulties and after trying to return to school but being beaten by fatigue and other issues as well as trying to learn to read, write, walk & talk again, we made the decision to homeschool so that she could get to grips with how to live in her new body and learn at her own pace. I’ve loved homeschooling and would happily do it again as I’m more and more disenchanted with our education system each year. Charlotte loves school though, so as she now feels stronger & more confident we went on the hunt and found her a school which she started this morning!! As much as I’ll miss having my shadow with me all day, it’s been brilliant to see her get her uniform on and be excited to meet her new teacher, teaching assistants & classmates. She has a shiny brand new wheelchair which she can self propel so she trundled in and out all by herself, the school is a purpose built special needs school and is 100% accessible with a staff who are fully trained in and understands visual impairments, brain injuries, learning difficulties & aneurysms and what they mean medically as well as practically, each class has at least 1 teaching assistant per 2 children plus a class teacher and is led by each child’s individual needs which is perfect for our Lottie Loo. After last time, it’s going to take me a while to trust them completely but so far so good 😊 My baby is happy and so Mama Bear is happy 💜 #childhoodstroke #strokesurvivor #stroke #brain #braininjury #acquiredbraininjury #brainhaemorrhage #abi #myhero #inspiration #inspiring #neverquit #nevergiveup #mamabear #family (at Leila Land)
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newsfromtherooftop · 3 years
Miracle haemorrhage survivor runs 8 marathons in 8 days
Miracle haemorrhage survivor runs 8 marathons in 8 days | Father of two aims to raise £4k for neurological charity #Yorkshire #BrainHaemorrhage #Fundraising
A man who survived a brain haemorrhage has raised money for a national neurological charity by running eight marathons in eight days. Neil Rhodes, a father of two originally from East Riding and now living in Yeovil, has been running daily marathons across East and North Yorkshire over the past week. Neil has always led an active lifestyle, and was on a rowing machine practicing for the…
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jffc-in-blog · 6 years
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Man United's Former Manager Alex Ferguson in Intensive Care After Brain Haemorrhage, Recovering Well After Surgery
http://bit.ly/2IkxnvJ #AlexFerguson, #BrainHaemorrhage, #Manager, #ManchesterUnited, #Surgery
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There have been many times in my life where I have thought that I was far behind everyone else my age. What I forgot to remind myself is that it doesn’t matter and everyone is on a different path and a different journey. Over time I’m learning to be nicer to myself and remind myself that it was only 6 years ago I had my stroke where I was told I may not walk again and I was lucky to even survive it. Not many people can say that they have overcome that in the same way I have. This is my life. This is my journey. #life #stroke #journey #positivity #positive #strokesurvivor #braininjury #tbi #brainclot #brainhaemorrhage #rehab #recovery #stillme #strokerecovery #positive #onelife
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Bright Lights.
I was just getting into bed when it happened.
I’ve never been hit across the back of the head with a baseball bat, but I imagine I know what it feels like now. 
I remember a bang, a blinding white light, high-pitched ringing in my ears, and then the pain. I can’t describe it. A sharp, stabbing pain that quickly spread from behind my eyes, across the back of my head, down into my neck and shoulders, and everything went cold. And then I couldn’t see anything properly, and then I couldn’t stand, and then everything just sort of faded to black.
That was Friday night. It wasn’t until Sunday afternoon that I finally admitted something was seriously wrong and I should probably go to the hospital. I won’t bore you with details of waiting rooms, doctors and nurses, or lying on an unused bed in the middle of a dark corridor because by this point I couldn't even hold my own head up and any sort of light was too bright. To cut a long and somewhat blurry story short, the next day they sent me for a CT scan. Later on, the first of many doctors appeared at my bed, and started using scary words like “aneurysm” and “bleeding” and other words that are only ever said to other people.
I remember lying on my back on a trolley, being wheeled through the hospital corridors and into an ambulance. The corridor lights were too bright and everything was moving past too quickly, so I closed my eyes and hummed the theme tune from “Casualty”.
I just read this back, and it seems pretty superficial. I don’t want anyone to think I wasn’t scared, or that I didn’t think about what was happening to me. I was terrified. I thought I was going to die. But I can’t explain it; no-one has ever asked me what it was like, or what was going through my mind. Maybe one day I’ll sit down and think about it, and find the words to explain properly. But I’d be lying if I said I remembered it all clearly; sometimes I wonder if I remember anything at all, or if I just imagine how I would have felt, and use those assumptions to fill in the gaps. Like when someone shows you an old photograph, and you say “Oh, I remember that!” But you don’t, not really.
It’s getting late now, and I get tired easily. So that’s all for tonight.
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katiealessandra-blog · 12 years
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Can't beat a night out at a cocktail/shooters bar.
Screaming orgasm anyone?
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themunchies-blog · 13 years
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Attempt at makin a #brainhaemorrhage . #funatwork #shooters (Taken with instagram)
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samuelshoesmith · 5 years
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I felt euphoric. On 5th August, it was my first trying to cycle since the brain haemorrhage back on July 20th. It felt so wonderful to be back cycling. Right side issues. Balance hard. Small steps #cycling #bicycle #brainhaemorrhage #stroke (at Wellingborough, Northamptonshire) https://www.instagram.com/p/B06Ddm3Jqld/?igshid=1g2mblib1je1x
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samuelshoesmith · 5 years
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Yesterday for the first time since the 20th July I rode my bicycle. It was such a strange feeling. You don't think about balance until it is messed up. I am so happy. Right side coordination is poor but it must recover! 📸 Thank you so much to @vishalbhudia94 for coming down and helping me get back cycling and also for taking some beautiful photos and a video. #bicycle #cycling #backinthebicycle #brainhaemorrhage #stroke (at Wellingborough, Northamptonshire) https://www.instagram.com/p/B00Phrlpnst/?igshid=1sbmm8cl6hepn
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samuelshoesmith · 5 years
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Yesterday for the first time since the 20th July, I rode my bicycle. It was such a strange feeling. You don't think about balance until it is messed up. Right side coordination is poor. Something that was so normal was quite a challenge. Watch the video until the end. Lol. 📸 Thank you so much to @vishalbhudia94 for coming round to help and for taking these beautiful photos and video. #bicycle #bike #brainhaemorrhage #stroke #gettingbackonthesaddle (at Wellingborough, Northamptonshire) https://www.instagram.com/p/B00NVT5J3lf/?igshid=1mz6kojgxtdw6
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samuelshoesmith · 7 years
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Today is the 10th anniversary of my brain haemorrhage.  Around this time, one decade ago, at the age of 15, I had a bleed on the brain. #brainhaemorrhage #avm #arteriovenousmalformation
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In the Beginning...
They say you shouldn’t tell a story until it’s over, and I’m not sure this one is. I’m not even sure when it began, unless it was the day I was born with a weakness in my brain; a weakness that would later allow an aneurysm to develop and burst. I suppose none of us are born perfect.
But I suppose the real story begins on a day 27 years later; Friday 10th October, 2014 - the day I suffered from a horrible brain haemorrhage, and everything changed.
I’ll be using this blog to share my story. I want to write it all down ‘cos maybe one day I forget, and the memory of it will exist only in a dark place that I don’t want to visit. Or maybe my family and friends want answers to the questions they’re too scared to ask, or complete strangers want answers to ones they don’t know how to. Or maybe someone else who is going through their own recovery will read my story, and realise that they aren’t alone; I get it. I know what it’s like when the night seems to last forever. I understand.
“Even the darkness nights will end and the sun will rise.”
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