#brain empty only trigun
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beesinspades · 2 years ago
the most tragic thing about writing is the moment you realize that you're likely never gonna finish those wips you were so passionate about because your hyperfixation has faded too much and you just can't focus on them anymore
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pinepinefir · 3 months ago
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roadstead (2296 words) by pinepinefir Rating: General Audiences Relationships: Meryl Stryfe/Vash the Stampede Additional Tags: POV Vash the Stampede (Trigun), Post-Canon, ambiguous canon, early established relationship, Fluff, Light Jealousy, Vash is struggling, Prompt Fill In one forgotten corner of the world, Vash technically owned a house. He’d tried to sell the place, even give it away for free. He’d once left the door unlocked and disappeared for a decade, but no dice. It was still his. But maybe all that had just been the hand of fate all along, guiding him down to this one moment, so he would have a place to keep Meryl safe as a winter storm raged outside. Too cheesy even for him to actually tell her as much, though.
Read on AO3
For @vashmerylweek day 4 - staying warm
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typingdyslexiaisathing · 1 month ago
Pain Worth Feeling (Trigun) fanfiction
content: Someone steps in to protect Vash from a drunk guy who decides to use his fists instead of insults. Resulting in broken ouch and dozens of tears cried. With the clincher being a love confession. Established relationships. Violence of a fistfight. Broken elbow. Mention of serious danger. Mention of blood and violence and death. Romance / family feelings of fluff at the end.
"Walk it off." That was the only warning I gave as I got in between this drunk man and the red coated angel. Said angel looking a mixture of surprised and terrified as the drunkard blinked a few times to then grimace at me. His words hard and angry. "Don't tell me what to do you little bitch! Or you'll get his beating on top of your own!" My feet stayed planted as I braced my spine. My own words laced with seething determination. "I would expect nothing less from an empty man with nothing going for him. Other than pissing beer every morning after he tries drinking himself to Hell."
The silent seconds soon were followed by a bellow and fists coming at me. So I inched back to make sure the red coated angel got scooted back and away from me. My own arms coming up as those fists connected to send molten pain through my bones. More roars of pure hate and anger followed by shouts of fear from behind me. Yet I stayed firmly on my feet and in front of that angel as more blows connected with my arms. The white hot pain dwarfing most of my senses as I focused on staying standing with both arms up to shield my head and chest. While shouts from the bartender got drowned out by the spectators sprinting for the doors.
I knew this was going to end badly. But I refuse to let anything touch that angel I was continuously falling more and more in love with. So I stayed in between that angel and this violence. A snap sounding out when the drunkard took a swing that connected with my left elbow. So I hissed to let that arm fall to my side. But by then, the bartender made his own intentions clear. The sound of his shotgun racking mingling with the angel's gun coming free of the holster. So the drunk had two barrels pointed directly at his head. That angel looking absolutely furious as his other arm came around my frame to move me and hug me tight. While the bartender growled with barely held ire to state, "Terrance... I think we've let you cause trouble for far too long in these parts. So give me the reason I need to splatter what's left of those grey piss brain cells against that wall."
The pain shredded into my everything to almost block out the rest. I could faintly notice how that angel shifted to clock the drunkard in the face with the butt of his gun. Meaning that particular ass was down and out. Then I shuddered from head to toe to let myself go limp into that lithe frame. Thousands of piercing molten needles driving into every cell of my left hand and lower arm to double in volume at my left elbow. Having me nearly pass out to just choose to feign doing so. Those thin arms cradling me against that frame to shift and pick me up like I was glass. Voices drifting against the fog of agony for me to choose to just breathe.
The length of time between being in those arms and being laid down into a bed were hazy and short. Hot salt water dripping onto my face as more voices washed over me. So I said what I felt I needed to, "Knew what was coming and made my own damn choice. No apologies for standing up for an angel against a braying ass." A pause was followed by a gruff chuckle. Then a pinch in my right arm led to blissful unconsciousness. Which lasted for barely a blink before I drifted back into the waking world. Wolfwood was grumping as Vash held my good hand to comment back. So I sighed to then squeeze the hand in mine. "That nap was more of a blink. Shit. Nick? Did Vash tell you not to kill the drunk?"
Wolfwood gave a huff of noise as Vash squeezed my hand back. The broader man answering right away. "Yes. Still wouldn't mind breaking his joints in for touching you. Let alone snapping your elbow. So I might just pay a visit to a certain ass to make a point." My grumble came out as I took note of all the needles in my right arm and the cast on my left arm. Which had me grimace when I flexed those fingers on a test run. making my eyes water from the agony doing such caused. But those fingers did move just fine. So I huffed in air as Vash got his anger back to hiss at me. "You could have been killed! That drunk had a knife on him as well as a gun! Yet you put yourself in harms way regardless! I could have handled it! So why?!"
I let the seconds tick by to then make my point. Finally opening my eyes to stare directly at an angel with tear stains on his face. "Because I am done with letting you end up with scars or bruises or possibly breaking your everything without getting in the way! You have zero rights to tell me off for such! This pain is far better to me than letting one of the two people I love with all I am end up broken or bleeding in front of me!" Both men went still to look absolutely shocked as I let go of that hand in my own. Taking that hand to rub at my eyes as I gave a sob of anguish. "I love both of you! The only reason I care about my day to day and about the future is because I insist that both of you are in it! Nick, you drive me absolutely crazy while I want to hug you tight and never let go! Vash, every moment together has me falling more and more in love! Yet watching either of you fight and have chunks taken off of your hides or blood stain my vision is torture! I accepted that it's inevitable for us to get our asses mauled or singed or dead! I made a choice to stand in front of you and or next to you in life! So don't try to tell me I need to stay behind either of you or let you both leave me behind! We stay together! For as long as we can dig our nails in and grip tight!"
The moment of pause was filled with my sniffles and sobs of pure emotion and pain. My vision to blurry from tears to really see Wolfwood or Vash as I hiccupped a few times. But then Wolfwood moved to sit himself on my left side and lace his arm around my shoulders. A sigh of acceptance washing against my hearing before Vash sat on my other side to dab at my face with tissues. Wolfwood kept me sitting up as Vash gave a sigh of his own to finally speak. "Now I owe Meryll fifty double dollars. I bet that you were falling in love with Nick. Not with me. Guess I really am shit at reading romance queues like she said." Wolfwood gave a rich laugh to then ruffle my hair with his free hand. "Hence why I didn't place any bets. But I did say this stubborn firecracker of a woman would make her damn point eventually. So I'm glad she made the point so clear."
Vash soon tilted my face for our eyes to meet. His own blue hues so full of affection and sadness to then have him try and smile at me. "Silly of me to think that you wouldn't give your all to keep me from getting hurt at some point. Guess I should be thankful it was a stupid drunk ass and not a dozen bounty hunters. I understand. I really do. It's dumb and selfish of me to tell you to not do what I always do. It isn't fair to do that or get angry at you for defending who you love. So I won't say such again. You have every right to risk what we risk. The choices we make are our own. But I will insist that Nick and I teach you how to defend yourself. With fists, knives, a gun and whatever else we think you need to stay alive. But for now. Just try to put up with Nick's sarcasm and my dumb ass." I gave a hard hiccup to then nod my head. Which was the queue for both men to shift so I got group squeezed for them to lay in the bed with me. Vash noting after a long length of time, "So... We going to find odd jobs so I can get more than that fifty double dollars to plan out a date?"
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volaenii · 2 years ago
| Trigun Stampede Episode 6 Ramble
Before writing this whole thing I’m about to go on, I just want to say that i will be talking about major trimax spoilers, specifically for volume 10 as well as spoilers for tristamp (obviously)! so if you haven’t read trimax, maybe skip this post! Anyways, onto the ramble!
I’ve had this thought for a while now — since I’ve first watch stampede — but I’m dumb and don’t know how to out my thoughts into words. Along with this, I’m sure there are others who have made posts talking about this exact thing but I don’t care, I just want to brainrot and cry over this.
So, episode 6 of tristamp — “Once Upon a Time in Hopeland” — is the episode in which we as the audience are finally given a glimpse into Wolfwood and Livio’s childhood at the orphanage. And immediately, something stands out about this entire scene — the artstyle changes.
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Instead of the typical CG/3D models that we the audience are used to, we are given this sketchy, simplistic, 2D animation style instead — almost similar to that of which you’d find in a children’s book. This of course, is completely different in comparison to what Tristamp had shown us previously. All the other flashbacks we had been shown thus far had still been rendered in CG. But this. This scene in particular is the only one with this art style. With that being said, it’s safe to assume that Studio Orange did this with the specific purpose of making this scene feel special and distinct. To make it stand out and to signal it’s importance.
Now, with that being said, why would studio orange go out of there way to make a distinct artistic style just for this moment? Not to mention, why make it only geared towards Wolfwood and Livio? Well… I think studio orange is going to use it in relation to Wolfwoods death.
Like, okay hear me out, I’ve seen some people say that there worried wolfwood won’t die next season (for whatever reason) but like THE DEATH FLAGS ARE ALREADY THERE!
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But anyways, back on topic. I think they’ll use this 2D artstyle in a way to make wolfwoods death hit like a fucking train. Like… after rewatching tristamp for the second time, I couldn’t help but feeling like this whole artstyle choice is going to bite us in the ass later.
Like…y’all… I can see the fucking confetti falling in this artstyle…
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Now, this last segment of this ramble is just gonna be me speaking in “what if’s” and just spewing out made up scenes based on this idea since obviously we have no clue what studio orange plans on doing. But anyways, here it goes.
So like…imagine studio orange finally adapting the couch scene, with Vash and Wolfwood having their last drink. Now obviously, the scene would prolly go similarly to the manga, with Wolfwood saying that he’s sorry for saying his smiles were empty and vash telling him to not say stupid things. Cue in the confetti beginning to fall, and in Wolfwoods perspective it shifts art style. And to make it even more fucked up, they could do the thing were it flashes between this and then back to the normal CG models; between Wolfwoods contentment of his death and being at peace with it — depicted like a children book — versus the CG — the true reality of it… the one vash is experiencing as he begs god for just one thing.
On a side note, I’m so so so fucking scared and excited for what Orange has in store, considering the fact that they’ve already paralleled the one fucking confetti frame from the manga (which I will not show cuz I cant look at those panels but if you know, you know) and like, I don’t know, I think I’m just gonna be a mess when that arc gets adapted.
Take these screenshots as a gift! 💕
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Thanks for reading my dumb thoughts!
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nijishinki · 2 years ago
So, I have a thought on Vash’s healing/gate/destruction abilities
I watched Trigun Stampede and I loved it. And of corse this spawned multiple thoughts that I need to share with people or I go crazy
They say he’s the only one who can take and give to the other plane, which is shown in the way he can heal and that literal black hole he opened on his arm. I also think that be can heal by either pulling from the plane and giving to the plants by just energizing them or maybe reforming a connection with the plane.
But he also eats more compared to Nai. I think him eating is another way of storing energy to either convert into healing energy or into destructive energy. Like he can go some time without eating and drinking, and while I don’t know if he can go so long like Nai or other plants, he can still do it. Thus, the energy from the food may be able to be given back to the plants.
This may also be why he can get tired after healing because he didn’t pull from the gate he pulled from himself. Or he gets tired because he’s literally got a doorway in him and I’m sure that’s a lot of power to have to manipulate.
For the black hole, I think that opened because he was distressed and was literally in a room where some uncountable number of plants just died. It may have opened as the result of trying to balance out such a pull or loss from the other plane. Or it was a protective instinct maybe in reaction to the number of plant deaths and his own distress.
And since he can pull energy from the other side, it may explain where that destructive energy for his angel arm comes from, along with his own energy that he has and gains from eating and drinking.
But yeah if his gate is like the doorway (does that make Nai the key or the gate or both?) then it makes sense he can pull and give back (heal and freaking black hole stuff). But I think the fact that he eats more like a human is where he gets some of that energy from.
Or maybe he’s more human because he is the doorway. Gotta balance between the worlds.
Anyway those are just random thoughts I need to share or I go crazy. Gotta empty out the brain to make room for more stuff.
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anonymousbongos63 · 3 months ago
This post is likely super rambly, but this is mostly documenting my current ideas and such. And, hey, it might catch someone's attention and seem interesting to them. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Undertale has me in a slight chokehold again after YEARS of not looking at a lot of fan content.
after looking at a few deep dives into some AUs, I remembered this one AU I made but never fully explored last year in March.
I think the initial idea for it was some time travel shenanigan shit? But that led me straight to a writer's block, so I scrapped it..... mainly cause I couldn't for the life of me remember what the initial idea was when I went back to look at it.
silly me, I didn't write anything down in a txt file like I usually do nowadays.
but that doesn't matter, because I have a different idea that sparks joy (ideas)
The working title for this AU is currently No Man's Tale or something to that effect? to my knowledge, no Undertale AU is named that. the undertale multiverse is extremely vast though, and I'm only really aware of the popular ones.
The setting is essentially a cold but livable wasteland, the sky is always clouded likely due to pollution, civilisation is few and far between with wide empty deserts and the occasional establishment between each village, town, and city.
this is absolutely heavily inspired by Trigun, specifically Trigun Stampede.
As I delve more into the story, I intend to add my own spin on things, but there's only so much you can make original with a wasteland setting.
The story, as little as I have of it up in the ol' noggin, is mainly centred around this AUs Sans and "Frisk".
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In this AU - as pictured in the image above - Sans is called MG and Marigold, and Frisk is replaced by Nat.
While both are pretty interesting in my opinion, I think Nat is more interesting in their character arc.
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Nat tends toward violence in contrast to Frisk, who most fans depict as a pacifist.
Nat is neutral in most cases, but in times where it seems violence is needed, they are more likely to reach for the nearest improvised weapon.
The reason for this disposition, as explained above, is because they were a street rat prior to their meeting MG. AFTER they meet MG, suddenly everything they'd learnt about the world is pretty much chucked out the window. What do you mean someone can just- HELP you out of the blue? What do you mean they're not expecting anything in return?? WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T HAVE TO STAB EVERYTHING THAT LOOKS AT YOU FUNNY???
Because of this and the character arc it causes in Nat, this AU has suddenly taken over my brain.
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Next is Mari! I may or may not redesign him again at some point, mainly cause I'm not the happiest with his design at the moment. But that's a future Bongos problem.
MG is much more optimistic in this AU, along with obviously being called Marigold instead of Sans. He's less kind out of the necessity of keeping a promise, and more so kind out of the necessity of keeping himself sane in a cold wasteland where almost everybody is ready to shank you at any given moment.
So, of course he's gonna care for the kid that just got their ass handed to them in a bar fight! ..........And why do they look like their having an existential crisis after he got Grillby to patch them up.
MG is also a mechanic and he has a car that he found in a junkyard one day, he fixed it up (which took him a while since he was a bit rusty at the craft by that point) and now it drives perfect.
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And as we transition into what I'm cooking up in terms of story and how it would be formatted, here's MG's and Nat's original designs and old information.
In terms of story, I don't have much yet. But what I do have goes as such; MG and Nat meet at Grillby's Bar/Diner/Whatever I end up making it, and Nat gets into a bar fight after stealing a few fries off someone's plate. Nat gets their ass handed to them, and MG notices this. He trots on over and helps the kid up. Nat, at this point, is mildly confused.
Mari waves Grillby over and calls in a favour to get Nat patched up. Nat is a bit more confused by this stage.
Then, after already helping Nat enough by this AU's standard, Mari buys Nat some food. (He puts it on his tab.) Nat. Is confused.
Then, after all of that, MG offers to get the kid somewhere safe.
Nat is exceedingly confused. That's about it for the start of the whole story at the moment. As for how the story would be told, I think it would work best as a comic. Which I'm not extremely good at since I haven't made many comics, I haven't even made one that tells a full length story.
However, since I have an original story underway that I want to make into a comic, this story'll be my comic guinea pig.
The story would mainly be narration-less, with the exception of when it's needed to have a bit of character building.
This would mainly be in the form of Nat writing in a notebook MG gifted to them. At some point in the beginning of the story, MG gifts Nat an old notebook he dug out of the boot of his car. Some of the pages are ripped out, and it's clear something was written on them before they were ripped out. But the writings are illegible since the rest of the pages were missing.
I think this story would likely focus mainly on familial and platonic bonds, as well as the existentialism that comes with living in a wasteland and trying to be kind in a world that isn't.
It'll be good practice for me because a lot of my stories end up falling into the pair your spares trope.
That's all I have for this AU at the moment, I'll probably get around to designing the other characters at a later date, but it'll most likely be as I'm writing out the story and molding the world.
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gonestarroaming · 4 months ago
This song and trigun. It's been chewing on my brain. You can not go with imagery of blades and revolvers in a battle you don't want to be in and not invoke these brothers.
Lyrics under readmore
Your blades are sharpened with precision
Flashing your favorite point of view
I know you're waiting in the distance
Just like you always do
Just like you always do
Already pulling me in
Already under my skin
And I know exactly how this ends, I
Let you cut me open
Just to watch me bleed
Gave up who I am for who you wanted me to be
Don't know why I'm hoping
For what I won't receive
Falling for the promise of the emptiness machine
The emptiness machine
Going around like a revolver
It's been decided how we lose
'Cause there's a fire under the altar
I keep on lying to
I keep on lying to
Already pulling me in
Already under my skin
And I know exactly how this ends, I
Let you cut me open
Just to watch me bleed
Gave up who I am for who you wanted me to be
Don't know why I'm hoping
For what I won't receive
Falling for the promise of the emptiness machine
I only wanted to be part of something
I only wanted to be part of, part of
I only wanted to be part of something
I only wanted to be part of, part of
I only wanted to be part of something
I only wanted to be part
I let you cut me open
Just to watch me bleed
Gave up who I am for who you wanted me to be
Don't know why I'm hoping
So fucking naive
Falling for the promise of the emptiness machine
The emptiness machine
(I only wanted to be part of something)
The emptiness machine
(I only wanted to be part of)
The emptiness machine
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andrewansahartwork · 7 years ago
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     This is my three by six foot final project for my drawing class. Yes, I book ended my assignments for this class by making (what I think at least) is a bigger, better version of the first drawing I did for the class. The reasons I did this are numerous, but here we go.
    The first assignment I had to do for this class was a free drawing with the subject of said drawing relating to what I want to do or focus on in the coming years in art school. Since I want to go into animation, I came up with these seven characters that look like they belong in an animated series off of the top of my head. These seven characters didn't have anything to them when I first drew them. But I've come up with stories for them all semester, and at this point, they have descriptions that go with them. First, there's the (gray) man with a mask who works as a museum curator. However, he's long stopped caring about a lot of things in life, and is a generally unhappy person to be around due to his lack of sympathy towards most anyone or anything. One day, because of this lack of caring, or maybe for the hell of it, he tries on an ancient mask that had just been delivered to the museum he works at to be put on display, and when he does, he becomes the boss of six super humans that happened to live in the same city he has all this time. The (blue) kid obsessed with candy, is also the proud owner of candy swords and spears he creates himself. The (red) old man who's a head in a jar, loves retro video games and has a body made out of giant toy magnets. The (purple) ghost woman who may or may not actually be a demon, was once the owner the biggest convenience store chain in America, but became a ghost under mysterious circumstances. The (yellow) man with a giant stern looking chin, has an effinity for tea but also had his brain replaced with a copy of a book detailing tragedies from the year 1912. The (bronze) six eyed beast creature he rides, has another gelatinous four eyed beast living inside of him that makes up two giant arms that carry him from place to place (this guy was once human, but underwent cruel experiments from an underground research society). Finally, there's the (green) college student who studies for class so much she sleeps during her work hours at the local library. But she also harbors the older brother of the four eyed creature that lives inside the beast creature, inside of her. So, she lets this creature cover for her at the library, due to him being the smartest one of the group. But no one in this group of misfits listens to what he has to say. Basically, now the museum curator, who feels like he's lost his drive to do anything in life, has six bizarre super humans at his disposal to order around.
    The reason I'd decided to draw this for my final, is because I've been wanting to do something with these characters I've basically been obsessing over for several months now. I am also currently working on a small minute and a half animation (in the style of an anime opening sequence because I happened to come across a song that would fit this premise almost perfectly), but because the time I've had to work on it has been so infrequent, I decided to book end my assignments for my drawing class, with the more realized versions of the characters that appeared in my first assignment. There are several reasons each character is only one color. These are the colors each character were assigned for the more stylistic sequences in the animation that currently isn't finished. Not just because it cuts down on animation time, but because the more vibrant and interesting colors belong to the super humans, and the color that feels the most bleak compared to the rest, belongs to the depressed man in his mid twenties. There's also meaning I've attempted to assign to the shattered glass aesthetic I attempted to create with paint and tape. I wanted to have the glass shattered around the curator because I wanted to create a picture where the lull in his life is broken by the super humans he's now the boss of, and to have the contrast between the colored shards of glass (that are the colors of most of the characters) clash with the mood the color of the curator gives off, in order to emphasize the fact that he feels broken inside. Also, take note of how the shards trickle down the pages, filling an emptiness that also belonged to the depressed curator.
     This idea was inspired by the works of one of my favorite manga artists Yasuhiro Nightow. He's the creator of series like Trigun, and and Blood Blockade Battlefront. The later of the two being one of my favorite things ever made, and a big influence on this project (the way the Nightow draws his characters was something I wanted to partly emulate in order to sneak in a shoutout of sorts). As I continue to develop this idea and these characters, I do want to have the Yasuhiro Nightow and Blood Blockade Battlefront influences strike a balance with my own ideas and narratives I create for these characters. With the setup alone, I feel that if I keep this idea in my back pocket for a while, I could truly develop it into a fully realized television series of twenty four (or so) episodes somewhere in the distant future. But until then, please enjoy this concept art!
Up close versions of the bottom page (it’s the biggest, so it’s hard to see):
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I’ll update later with a batter picture of what the entire thing looks like without it being broken up to fit in my dorm for picture taking purposes.
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typingdyslexiaisathing · 4 months ago
Saving Someone Worth Dying For (Trigun 98) fic
content: Basically, Wolfwood gets saved. By Obsidian (OC) just jumping in the way and taking the hit for him. All for Vash to show up with the lost technology pod that manages and repairs the current experimental weapon that loves both these dumb dudes. Violence and blood and emergency first aide apparent. Mention of death. Mention of killing. Mention of experimentation. OC is a character that has been experimented on to now be part Plant, part other, part nanomachine cyborg. With added lost technology that is a medical pod that doubles as a travel vehicle. (since Trigun 98 has the extra weird lost tech shit and random cyborgs and stuff everywhere so why the heck not I say)
// Y'know that thing where you miss spell entire sentences cuz your fingers can't keep up with your brain so it comes out like alphabet soup? Yeah hence the name of my writing side blog ppl //
The shot rang out in the empty streets for blood to answer. Wolfwood going wide eyed as Chapel collapsed for my knees to hit the unforgiving ground. A rasp escaping my lips as the blood spattered over the dirt. Yet Wolfwood was soon leaning me back with a look of pure shock. His hand clapping over the bullet hole in my chest to then start fuming at the top of his lungs. "You stupid idiot! What the Hell were you thinking?!" Wolfwood snarled to put his forehead to mine as the tears fell from both our eyes. Yet I simply panted for air as the wind brushed past us to trace through my whitening hair.
Wolfwood soon had his coat off to bunch up the material and press it as hard as possible into the hole in my chest. Looking both furious and heartbroken as he spoke with all that pent up fear and adrenaline. "Even cybernetic nanomachines can't patch a bullet to the heart in time to keep you alive, Marsaili! Do you want to die or something?!" I got a half smile to rasp out, "Or something..." But that just got Wolfwood even more worked up to grit his teeth and hiss at me. "Damn you for always being a smartass! Damn it all to Hell! How is saving me from my own past going to work out when Vash kills me for getting you six feet under?! You even think before you jumped in the way to keep my insides from getting blown out of me?! Stupid, stupid, stupid!"
I shivered as things got colder for Wolfwood to give a rending sob. His eyes streaming hot tears as he watched me bleeding out in front of him. "You shouldn't have saved me! I should be the one laying in my own blood! But you just had to- You just had to protect me! You just had to forgive me for not telling anyone about- You never should have forgiven me for- Dammit, Marsaili! I'm not worth you dying for! Not when I made the mistakes and should pay the price!" My sigh is one of loving patience as Wolfwood gives a hard sob that sounds like it hurt his throat. But he soon kneels down to shift me so I'm laying against him for both his hands to cover that bullet hole that's weeping as much as his eyes are by now. "Damn you, Marsaili. I'm so sorry. I should have asked for help instead of leaving all of you in the dark. But I believed it wasn't a real option. And now you're... You're paying for my sins... God, I never wanted this..."
Somehow, I had known all along we'd end up like this at some point. From the moment I'd woken up in that long forgotten science lab on an abandoned SEEDS ship taken over by some nasty plotting villains to have been changed by lost technology and scheming evils. The nanomachine enhancements combined with infusions of Plant cells and hardwired metals along my spine and only God knew whatever else was done. With several people from a different SEEDS ship getting me awake and out of the portable medical pod on wheels. Vash had been there to be the first one I saw upon waking. His smile full of relief and sadness to have him tell me he was there to protect me. A vow he kept for this entire time I'd been on this dustbin of a planet. yet I had known in the back of my mind that something like this was inevitable. I had been remade into a weapon slash survivor. The scriptures I still held faith in say 'those who live by the sword shall die by the sword' for a very good reason. You don't fight and protect and kill and exist in a war zone to expect to die peacefully of old age. Yet I had never wanted to have such hurt one of the few people I love. Something that I knew Wolfwood felt that same way over. But it wasn't something we could avoid easily or find a loophole to. Hence why I had accepted my death long ago.
Thankfully, my plan had not been to charge in alone. I had told Vash to be ready for the worst and to get my medical pod that doubled as a traveling vehicle geared up for the fight that was approaching. So it didn't take long for Vash to come skidding up from the main road in that very vehicle to park it right behind Wolfwood and open the medical pod carrying surgical supplies. Yet Vash did look terrified the moment he saw Wolfwood and myself to immediately get out the transfusion blood and secure the IV line into connector at the back of my neck for such emergency transfusions. Vash looking a mixture of petrified and furious as he kneeled down in front of us to shine a pen light into my eyes. "I hate it when your right, Marsaili. Just had to sprint off for me to try tracking down with the barest hint of where the fighting was. Both of you are going to scare me to death one of these days. Also. You are a fucking idiot, Nick."
Wolfwood gave a hard huff that might have been a laugh to look to Vash with a gaze that screamed his heartbreak and regret. His words also full of rending sorrow as Vash ripped open the packaging for the medical bandages. "I know that now... In all the ways you'd point out over beating me to a pulp. Just keep her alive, Vash. I don't care if you have to use me as an organ donor. Just save our Obsidian Angel..." Vash took a second to whap Wolfwood over the head before he continued with the emergency first aide. "Shut up. You're not doing that now or ever. For one thing, you are a different blood type than her. Secondly. I'm not about to kill the guy she gave everything to save. So cork it and help me-"
It was then that both of them realized someone was standing behind us. The click of a safety sounding out as Chapel stood there trembling from head to toe. Making Wolfwood gasp to draw his pistol and point it at Chapel as Vash switched out the coat for actual sealing bandages to the hole in my chest. Wolfwood snarling in pure hate, "Don't even think it, you bastard..." But Chapel all but convulsed on his feet to gasp and growl out, "I'm not! Legato! It's Legato making me move! Nicholas! Take the shot!" Wolfwood didn't need to be told twice for him to empty his gun. But he shot Chapel's hands, elbows and knees. Having the former teacher slash threat fall to the ground without any real ways of moving. Much less any ways of shooting anyone else. So Wolfwood set his gun back down as Vash got the oxygen tube down my throat and deep into my airway to have me shiver at how much that hurts. With Wolfwood shifting me so Vash could work easier as I fought to cling to the waking world and life. The oxygen tank set by us as Vash finally took a good look at me. His grimace deepening as he grit his teeth. "God... Marsaili... You still with us?"
I gave a huff to blink my eyes open and look to Vash through a haze of pain and numbness that meant I was still alive enough to be rightly not happy. With the nanomachine AI program built into my brain giving me a read out of just how bad my insides were. But since the oxygen tube was currently in my throat and all the way down to my lungs, I wasn't speaking anytime soon. So Vash took the hint to shift so he grabbed my legs. "Nick. Lift her up and help me get her into that lost tech pod. It's got scanners and an AI program that will be able to converse with us over how bad Marsaili is." Wolfwood nodded to then heft me up so they could move me. The vehicle shifting and all but unfolding in various sections for the medical pod to open up like a table. The wires and mechanical claws soon doing their thing to connect to plugs and skin as I got laid down. The computer monitor flicking to life for several displays to glow and start processing. While Vash soon brought the hand tablet out to read over as Wolfwood all but laid himself next to me to watch as the pod unpieced my top to get better readings while I relaxed into the table.
Vash watched with unblinking eyes to then shudder and huff out a held breath. A few more bags of transfusion blood soon added to my veins via the pod's whirring machinery for Wolfwood to finally speak up. "Just missed everything vital by a hair. Is that what you look so relieved over?" Vash gave a few panted breaths before answering. " I was so sure that bullet ripped open the bottom of her right ventricle. Or worse and ripped through her septum that separates the right ventricle from the left. God does work miracles..." Wolfwood shuddered to then ask, "How bad though?" Vash shifted to all but collapse into the driver's seat of the vehicle to rub at his eyes. "Nicked the epicardium close to the apex of her heart. But it's more a bare scratch instead of a hole or worse. We are never getting that lucky again." Wolfwood let that hit him to have him all but go limp into my side. His arms coming around after the table adjusted to automatically take his weight to hug me and have him start crying without a sound. The AI program that had some sentience to it crackling over the computer speaker system with that same stoic yet sarcastic voice. "Lucky in the sense that this AI running the nanomachines had enough microseconds to shift her heart that much and away from a fatal hit. Both of you need to stop with this teenage drama bullshit and get on the same page. Unless you enjoy having the few actual resources this medical pod has built in get used so frequently."
Vash didn't have the energy to argue as my own thoughts got translated to come over the speakers. But my own words were a bit more forgiving. "They got that already and will do so from now on. So instead of the lecture, let's plan for the next steps. Legato is aware of what's happened. Probably pissed off that his plan just went to shit. So I vote Nick and I go off radar and we act like I'm basically dead for the pod to get two of us gone to the closest SEEDS ship." Vash felt that hit like a punch to the gut to then sigh as Wolfwood gave a growl of noise. But Vash nodded to then swipe a waiting bottle of potent rejuvenating mineral water to chug it down and then stuff a huge chunk of dried meat jerky into his mouth to chew. Wolfwood soon sitting up to turn his gaze to where Chapel was still on the ground and shivering for Wolfwood to then nod. "It's a plan we can do. I stay with Marsaili to make sure she gets to the help she'll need long term. You take my Punisher and supplies to kick Legato's balls in and then beat your brother. We meet back up once the fighting is over."
The moment lengthen for Vash to soon be up on his feet and on my other side. His arms soon going around Wolfwood and myself as the vehicle doors closed to start driving us towards a drop off point. Having already used those several dozen wires to drag the Punisher to the vehicle and secure it on the roof. So Vash held us tight as the AI program got us going. Wolfwood gripping Vash's coat as he choked on a cough. "Vash... I will make this up to both of you. No dying or risking us anymore. Just... God... Come back in one piece. Don't let Legato or Knives or any other fucked up bastard hurt you or anyone else." Vash nodded to then get that serious air that spoke of his conviction as much as it did his righteous fury. "I promise you both. Nicholas. Marsaili. No more hesitating. The next time I see Legato... He will die... Even if I have to rip his damn head off to then crush his skull under my foot... No more watching as this evil ruins my family or my friends... No more hoping that this evil will let the ones I love stay breathing to then have that evil sunder all I love... I'm done betting on your lives and on hope that is too risky... This ends... For good..."
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