#brady that was so unhinged
wexhappyxfew · 5 months
The love!! The tenderness! The cuddles!! The hands up her shirt on her back and stomach!!
And the fact that he more or less said he wants to have sex with her while she wears his jacket? Kill me now (complimentary) 🥵
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THANK YOU FOR THE LOVEEEEEE !!!!!!!!!! can confirm writing this piece i was *losing it* but that’s on the daily for me when i write for these two :’) there was just so many soft, sweet moments between the two and it’s just 😭
AND YES…..let’s just say that line about the A-2 jacket struck me at breakfast a few days ago and i ATE it up and was like, yeah we’re putting this in and brady’s saying it and BAM. i’m so glad people seem to be enjoying that bit!! 🤭🫶✨
i was like brady sir u are being UNHINGED but that is OKAYYYYY because annie doesn’t MINDDDDD 🤌🤌🤌
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tampatom12 · 7 months
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Tom Brady out golfing while promoting his new Brady Brand x No Bull crossover clothing line // via Instagram Stories // Sunday, February 18th, 2024
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vivaciousoceans · 3 months
Casey Novak was unhinged, like insane and I didnt remember her being that insane. She makes Barba look like a prosecutorial saint, she threw so many cases, took so many risks, that her Brady violation was imminent
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leothil · 9 months
Tumblr Fandom: A Year in Review 2023
@mistmarauder thank you so much for creating this and tagging me! 💛💛
Top Five Blorbos: 1. Eddie Diaz - 9-1-1 2. Leon Draisaitl - Hockey rpf 3. Embry Carter - Rebel Kings MC 4. Matthew Tkachuk - Hockey rpf 5. Eddie Fulton - Summer Sons
Top Five Fandoms: 1. 9-1-1 2. Hockey rpf 3. Rebel Kings MC 4. Percy Jackson 5. Summer Sons
Top Five OTPs: 1. Buddie - 9-1-1 2. Mattdrai - Hockey rpf 3. Embry and Mateo - Rebel Kings MC 4. Andrew and Eddie - Summer Sons 5. Quinn Hughes and Brady Tkachuk - Hockey rpf (listen. I can feel the brainrot brewing for these two. It's gonna get worse.)
Shoutout to Some New Friends: I feel like this year is the first time I really properly interacted with @shitouttabuck, @messyhairdiaz, @eddiebabygirldiaz and @toboldlynerd and it's been a truly wonderful time! Shoutout to @nunc-spes-spei and @zahlibeth who are always willing to yes-and spec/ideas and indulge weird theories, you're the best!
Shoutout to Some Old Friends: @rewritetheending, talking to you more this year has brought me indescribable amounts of joy, comfort, relief, every positive feeling out there! I can't emphasize enough how important you are to me! @onward--upward you are a true champ for putting up with my weird hrpf rants and excessive post sharing, I love sharing the brainrot with you! My Buck and Eddie girls @burnthatbridge, @girldadbuddie, and @thatsveryood, I treasure you SO much and hope we can share an unhinged video chat again soon (NZ meetup??)! And my absolute ride or dies, my teeny tiny friends, @buckactuallys, @capseycartwright, @clusterbuck, @hattalove, @oatflatwhite, and @thatbuddie, you're the best thing I have gained from this webbed site, I can't believe I get to talk to you every day! All hail the superior search engine etc, I love you so much!
Favorite Creation You Posted This Year: I've loved doing my fic recs from the archive-project and I've been so happy to see other people discover new old fics through it! (It's not finished, I just wanted a break over the holidays!)
Favorite Creation Posted by Someone Else This Year: I've got to shout out @butchdiaz's Eddie Diaz is the archer because I sat eating breakfast at our summer cottage one morning back in July, watching this video on repeat and struggling to keep my feelings somewhat contained because I couldn't spoil my sister by showing it to her.
People Who Brightened Your Year: Everyone I've already mentioned, naturally, but also @tripleaxeldiaz, @henswilsons, @kitkatpancakestack, @eddiediaaz, @try-set-me-on-fire, @transboybuckley, @trippedandfell for being those extra bright spots on my dash and sometimes in my DMs!
Anyone Else You’d Like to Mention: Big shoutout to all of my mutuals and followers, you are all fantastic and I'm really happy to be here hanging out with you! Extra thanks to @evcndiaz @nymika-arts @glorious-spoon @ellelans @spruceoutoffive @captain-hen @fcntasmas @andrewblur @spaceprincessem @mellaithwen and @mistmarauder for being absolutely wonderful presences on my dash, mwah!
Five of Your Favorite Authors This Year: In the interest of not trying to double-tag people (and get to shout out even more peeps):
@bropunzeling I've reread all of your mattdrai fics more than is probably healthy, and you are this 🤏 close to making me acquire new blorbos by reading the rest of your bibliography.
@msmargaretmurry I'll have you know I reread Head Above Water three times this year and it made me more unhinged every time. That's not counting the times I went back to it just to reread a favourite scene or two.
@hopetorun your mattdrai winner's room fic rearranged something in my brain and I'll never be the same again.
@letmetellyouaboutmyfeels I don't know how you do what you do but I'm in awe, every single time!
@littlespoonevan I've gone back to reread several of your fics this year, and there's something so uniquely sweet and comforting about them!
Five of Your Favorite Artists/Gifmakers/Podficcers/Etc. This Year: 1. @bilosan your gifs are so gorgeous and I always love seeing what kind of sets you put together! 2. @like-the-rest-of-la if I could eat your art, I would!! It's so stupidly beautiful! 3. @skyhighrollins911 your edits are beyond gorgeous, and the cast sharing them as well is so deserved! 4. @barbiediaz your gifsets bring me endless joy and make me stop to look even when it's a fandom I'm not personally in! 5. @baneme-art I am so in love with the way you draw Buck and Eddie, I could look at them for hours!
Three Things You’re Looking Forward to in 2024: 1. S7 of 9-1-1. Of course. 2. Continuing to learn more and get better at west coast swing! (Please let me get into the spring course I will be crushed if I can't have it regularly for half a year 😢) 3. Book seven of Rebel Kings MC (Garrett Leigh you KNOW what you did!)
Tagging: Anyone and everyone tagged in this post already!
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darkfictionjude · 1 month
I'm so curious bc they're all so unhinged but how would the ec ros react to luce waking from a nightmare, when in a relationship/in love?
Dante: he’d probably think there are ghosts in the room and then put something funny like the Brady bunch until Luce goes to sleep he’ll laugh extra hard at the jokes
Carmen: tell Luce about something dumb she saw the day and keep telling them other stories until they fall asleep
Lazlo: asks what the nightmare was about but offer no words of comfort and run his hands through their hair until they sleep
Charley: listen and hold them until they’ve calmed down, leave the light on and secretly hopes this isn’t a nightly thing
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ravensandthekeys · 2 months
Theories/rambling about tgg and questions I have for the next book. Enjoy the insanity ahead :D (spoilers)
I did not check the grammar on this, so apologies in advance
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So we have kind of a repeat situation with the whole idea of "legacies that shouldn't be pass down/have to bear".
With the old man we get the responde in tfg :
"left me his fortune so that if and when his enemies descended after his death, they would descend on me."
So we could say in theory that Odette also has enemies that could potentially come after her family should she have won the game. She said she made the decision after the lights went out.
Who are those enemies? I suppose it is Alice Hawthorne with the whole Omega thing (which I suspect could be some kind of organization/group like the Devils Mercy). It could also be Eve but she is a bit more of a wild card in my opinion, she could be working for someone else but also just for herself. Maybe she's now part of the Omega.
On a side note, I wonder why Jameson and Avery haven't told Grayson about Alice. It's been a year.
I think is pretty obvious Lyra was brought by the Omega. And if Eve is part of them, the person that put the notes would be Slate.
The lily is must definitely a symbol of significance for the Omega. AND CALLA, I feel she's Emily but worse, because she's probably a part of the Omega.
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And we get repeated all the time that Lyra was holding a Lilly and a candy necklace. Odette draw specifically a Calla Lily
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AND THIS, three will mean something, but I have no idea what. Maybe is part of a saying/rule in Omega.
I also wonder what the old man did to Odette. What was so important for Alice to literally come back from the dead to ask him a favor? Like, that's quite the unhinged behavior, girl. Could it be that Odette left the Omega and whatever Alice asked for was a repercussion for that?
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Why was he disowned? Why did Calla tracked him down? By the way, fuck you Brady like he just told Knox their mentor was dead and lied about his mother having cancer. What the Thorps relationship with the Omega (guessing by Calla's name)? Why did Knox accept working for them? He said it was for the money but what did he need the money for?
Because he insisted that he shouldn't be trusted but the way I see it, he ended up being way nicer than Brady, so idk if he would have a shallow reason. I mean he's clearly a loyal person but something happened with Calla (which by the way, we're assuming he actually talked with her but maybe he just got shot and have no idea why) and with Brady that he betrayed him. So clearly he was desperate.
Random panic: WHY DID SLATE KIDNAPPED GIGI? OMG I ship them so hard tho
And last but not least, who the fuck is The Watcher?
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stitching-in-time · 2 months
Voyager rewatch s3 ep25: Worst Case Scenario
This episode is so insane, but so much fun. It actually provides a new twist on the usual holodeck malfunction episode formula, which is quite a feat at this point.
It starts off with a disorienting scene of Chakotay recruiting B'Elanna for a mutiny- we know something is up the minute Chakotay says anything against Captain Janeway, but we continue on to the bridge, where Janeway sports her season one bun again, and we know this isn't a current timeline. Once B'Elanna stuns Harry with a phaser, we know it can't be the real world, but we only find out it's the holodeck after Tom walks in to complain to B'Elanna about being late for their date. B'Elanna lost track of time having so much fun overthrowinng the ship, and Tom wants to try it too- pretty soon, half the ship is obsessed with pretending to shoot their coworkers on the holodeck, and trying to figure out who wrote such a scandalous holonovel, because the author's identity is encrypted. Even Captain Janeway thinks it's harmless fun, and she encourages her's crew's delight at waging holographic war on each other, proving that they are all a) very, very bored on that ship and b) totally unhinged chaos gremlins. The exception to the craziness is Tuvok, who surprises everyone by revealing that he wrote the program, but as a tactical simulation, which he abandoned once the Starfleet and Maquis crews became The Brady Bunch.
The bored children crew pester Tuvok to finish it, but he, being the only sensible adult on that ship, refuses. Tom decides to try and finish it himself, but Tuvok takes umbridge to Tom's artistic license (Tom thinks holographic Janeway should get to execute the mutineers, as a treat), and they reluctantly end up collaborating.
When they get to the holodeck and try to write new chapters for the program, they find that Seska booby trapped it to get back at them for assuming she'd betray Voyager. (Which she totally did, so why is she even mad?? idk!) Her program disengages holodeck safeties (why is that even a thing?! Why would anyone invent a holodeck where you can turn safety off?! Why would anyone need a holodeck where you can get shot and die?!) and locks out voice commands, as well as the ship's transporters, trapping Tuvok and Tom on the holodeck with hologram Seska, who's bent on killing them. The rest of the crew on the bridge eventually figure out what's going on and find ways to help them as they run through Seska's crazy booby trapped hologram version of Voyager, until Tuvok manages to outsmart her and end the program.
The episode ends with yet another adorable scene of the crew hanging out together, this time having dinner together in the mess hall, and laughing about the silly time they just had playing at killing each other on the holodeck, which almost led to them all being killed in real life. Fun times! (Actually, they're all nuts, but at least they're crazy together. You gotta love a crack episode!)
Tl;dr; An absurd but original twist on the usual holodeck malfunction story, with the whole cast playing it like it's a sitcom- totally unhinged, but lots of fun.
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ladylooch · 1 year
Hi love! So I'm back on my Brady Skjei train again and I wanted to ask, could you write a Brady Skjei smut where the reader is feeling like a tease and decides to tie him up and not let him touch her, wich drives him crazy.
I'm deeply sorry for this filthy thought but I just can't help myself😭
A/N: 😳 Welp. We got a little unhinged again.. Enjoy! Hahaha! Thank you for being so patient! I know this took a little longer than usual 😘
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: SMUT 18+ Content, light bondage, swearing.
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Everything is soft.
The tie in your hands. Brady’s skin against your fingers. The way your lips move against the skin of his shoulder.
“You trust me?” You ask against his ear, looping the tie through one final time. His wrists are crossed behind the wood, dining room chair you and your friend had found at an estate sale down in Holly Springs right after you moved with Brady to North Carolina. You never imagined it being used like this.
“Always.” He answers, voice low, coating your skin with each touch of his tongue to the roof of his mouth.
You reach out, running your fingers along his large arms, biceps and triceps taunt with the position he is in. You let the last tie of Brady’s come up to hide his brown eyes from the world. You tie it snug enough that it won’t come off, but tight enough that it will slide down with only a pull from one finger. Brady sighs when he hears you move from behind him. You run your fingers along the definition of his shoulder, dipping to glide along his collar bone. Goosebumps protrude from his skin. You follow them down his chest to his abdomen, soaking them in there before disappearing beneath the tent in his pants.
The heels of your red pumps tap the wood floor as you straddle him. They’re high, needing the extra inches to help propel you over Brady’s large legs when things really get started. Your thighs settle on his. He tilts his head back, inhaling a deep breath to catch the flowery scent of your perfume.
“I love that scent on you.” He says. You know this because you save it for special occasions like this. Like when your fiancé makes it to the Eastern Conference Finals for the first time in his career. He should be celebrated. And worshiped.
“Do you?” You ask him against his lips, enjoying how he nibbles back at you immediately. You slide your tongue into his mouth, swirling it about to taste every last bit of him. Your hips press further into his erection, causing him to hum into your mouth. 
“Yeah. Smells better mixed with your cum.” A coy grin stretches your mouth wider, and you nip at his lip, pulling it away just to watch it snap back into place against his bottom teeth. “Filthy.”
“Haven’t even started.” You tell him, moving one leg between his so you can roll your folds against his thigh. You get slick from the effort, giving in to the desire to ride him a few more times before pushing off him completely.
“Come back. Wanna see where that leads to.” He whines, struggling a bit against the ties at his back. His nostrils are flaring and a wet spot is appearing on his boxer briefs. 
You don’t respond. Just slowly lower yourself to the floor. You push his knees further apart to accept your full body between them. Then, you ghost your fingers along his hard erection. He startles a bit, then grunts in frustration when you purposefully stroke his abdomen next.
“Don’t forget, it’s your turn to be tied up next time.” It’s a warning. A reminder of what will happen to you if you prolong him much longer.
“I haven’t.”
“Pay back is a bitch, baby.”
You laugh as you pull the band of his underwear away. His cock springs free. You sigh heavenly at the visual, wrapping the warm, hard skin in your hand and giving him a pump. He pulses as you coast the wet tip along the seam of your lips. You inhale the smell of him, savoring the familiar scent of his clean skin. Your mouth opens, sliding down him leisurely as he squirms beneath you. He tries to pump his hips up and you press down on his large thighs, removing your mouth again.
“B, you know the rules.” You scold lightly, a sick smirk on your face at how needy he is becoming in your control.
“I hate how much you’re talking. Your mouth should be full.”
You laugh, appreciating the banter as you position him by your mouth again. You press kisses all along his shaft, feeling the way he hardens further at each one of your presses. It seems almost painful for him when you put him back in your mouth.
“Yes, baby. Fuck.” He moans deep in his throat. “Uh.” He sputters shakily as you take him all the way back, touching places he never has before. You moan around him, using the vibrations to tease him as he diligently presses his thighs deeper into the wood chair beneath him. You brace yourself on his thighs, standing tall on your knees as you begin to suck him harder. Your hand comes up, working in perfect sync with your mouth as you pull beads of pre-cum out with each stroke. His head is knocked back towards the ceiling, mouth wide open as his noisy pleasure fills the room. “Too close. Too close.” Brady sputters suddenly. You slowly pull yourself off of him, getting a gurgling grunt from the blindfolded man beneath you.
You’re fine with that being over. At this point, you’re so wet and desperate for Brady to be stuffed inside, you don’t care much about teasing him anymore. You work your way back to straddling his hips, brushing him through your folds before gently sinking him into your entrance. You close your eyes, wanting only to feel it, just like Brady. He stretches you, but it’s welcomed. You control the depth, allowing him in a few inches before easing back off. You do this twice more, before you take him fully. Your bare thighs slap harshly together with your next bounce on him.
“Fuck… yes….” Brady pants, chest heaving and brushing against your perky nipples as you begin to ride him steadily. He struggles against the ties as he always does when it’s his turn. He wants to hold you, guide your hips with every thrust, indulge in the way your hips rolls perfectly while you fuck him.
You place your hands on his shoulders for leverage. The sound of the chair scraping against the floor as you ride him fills the room along with both your moans.
“God, I bet you look so good right now. Wet lips, tits bouncing, open mouth while you make me fuck you deep.”
“You wanna see?” You ask him. You’re feeling generous after all.
You move the blindfold off and your gazes meet as you feel your orgasm coiling tighter.
“Oh, you’re already so close.” His eyes drink your face in, lip smashed between his teeth. He looks so hot. So sexy and passionate as you moans with every thrust. “Good job, baby. Fuck me just like that.” He begs. 
Usually at this time, you untie him so he can pound forcefully into you, but tonight, you want to prolog this another few moments. You want to see what happens when you keep him tied up, riding him the whole time. So you do.
He’s so polite he still helps.
“Stand slightly.” His thighs thrust up into you as much as they can. It’s just enough to have you shuttering above him, legs shaking while trying to maintain the position. “Cum for me, baby. Just like you want to.” He coos, eyes on your face. You stare back at him, loving the eye contact with the absence of his hands on you. Your hands slap his shoulders, fingernails gripping tightly to hold you steady as your orgasm explodes from far down in your core. You sit down on him, forcing your hips to roll and rut with him deep inside of you to finish. 
Brady cums too, tip seeping with each forceful pulse from within your wet, contracting walls.
You rest your forehead sluggishly on his shoulder, both of you panting heavily. A thin sheen of sweat clings to you, making your thigh stick to Brady’s. He turns his face into your cheek, puckering his lips against your red flesh.
“Untie me so I can hold you.” Without getting up, you reach down to his wrists, pulling the ties until they give. His hands are on your back instantly, one low to hold your hips flush against his, the other at your neck, massaging your muscles as your head stays against him.
His lips continue to press soft kisses against your face. Finally, you turn, capturing the last one in a tender, almost painful, smooch. Your hand comes to his face, the stubble there scratching at your smooth palm. His fingers move into your hair, holding your head as his tongue glides against yours.
“One more time? So I can touch you everywhere?” He whispers against your lips. 
You smile beneath his kiss, letting him pick you up.
He kicks off his pants and underwear, leaving them and the ties behind as tomorrow mornings problem.
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selkiefinalist · 6 months
4, 10, and 20 for the fic rec ask game?
4. favorite rarepair fic? i’m trying to rec fics i haven’t before so please allow me recommend off-season acquisition by @moregraceful a sharks goalie4goalie that is soooo tender (and tender-horny) that also hints at a morning kitchen scene at the end and honestly there’s nothing like extreme tenderness followed by a good morning kitchen scene to make me want to scream and cry and shake my fists at the heavens, which this did
10. a fic that made you laugh? go for lost in foreign lands (nate/ej) a fic which i am sure i have talked about before but hoping it was on the old deleted url, which has the most unhinged, well-executed, delightful premise
20. last fic you read? here are two, very different: who can grow me by @crosbyism (matthew & brady tkachuk and mind the ‘&’ if you’re hoping for sibcest), read it recently and have yet to properly recommend it so now i’m rectifying that injustice!! be prepared for feelings
and it would be a sin not to sin (dunn/larssen) by @tapedsleeves which was a delicious slice of established relationship D/s (light) which honestly i don’t see in combination that often
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wexhappyxfew · 1 month
the waiting game
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(a/n): HELLO FRIENDS!!!!! how is everyone?!?!?! it has been a minute since i've been able to put writing out but! i finished my summer internship and took a vacay too and i'm back to do some more writing! :) i have one more prompt to put out that is taking me some time to rewrite/edit, but i wanted to start with putting out a piece for annie x brady for AGES AGO!!!! i wrote it maybe back in march/april and it never got posted so, i cleaned it up and wanted to put it out!! PLUS it features annie x brady being adorable beans and some cameos from other Silver Bullets members just being their normal, chaotic selves haha. so please enjoy that!!!! :D
Algeria was hot as fuck.
The belly of Silver Bullets could only provide so much shade as they waited for the 12th to show up.
Too hot inside the fort, too hot outside the fort, the strip of shade providing what it could, especially with the sun moving from east to west and the atmosphere simply being one thing - hot.
Annie lounged beneath the shaded nose of the plane, leg bent up with her other leg crossed over top, aviators over her eyes as she stared at the smoke from her cigarette, curling upwards towards the bright blue sky, half covered by the nose of the B-17. Her shorts were filled with sand, her tank top a size too big and equally covered in sand and parts of her skin were either dried out or burnt and peeling. A lot of the others were in a much similar or slightly worse state - sun burnt, sweating and coarse sand all over; anywhere you could think and it was there. Something kicked at her foot.
"Hey, you alive?" Annie looked up and found Francis there, aviators and that stupid hat Major Egan was also walking around wearing on his head.
"I am in fact living and breathing," Annie said, and then placed the cigarette on her lip, "you look ridiculous." Francis smirked and then came and settled down on the ground beside Annie and sighed.
"This was all his idea, if I must say," Francis said as Annie passed her the cigarette and she took a puff, "you know as they say, if you wanna look stupid, look stupid together." Annie snorted and glanced over towards Francis.
"So, any update?"
"None. Absolutely nothing. Oh, someone from Brady's crew is trying to train a goat to stand on its hind-legs. Otherwise, no, no news."
"Great." Annie said and glanced back towards the nose of Silver Bullets, her mind drifting briefly to that glance her and Brady had shared a few nights ago after landing, his eyes soft, his face worn with exhaustion, the slight smile on the corners of his cheeks, "Who the hell is training the goat?" Francis let out a snort and sighed, picking up a handful of sand and dropping it to the ground again.
"I don't know, I think one of their waist gunners," Francis said nonchalantly, "Brady's encouraging him. Either way, it was funny as hell trying to see those two trying to tame a goat. It was a treat, that's all I gotta say." Annie chuckled and took back the cigarette and blew out a puff. Her mind wandered - everyone was hot, a little moody, waiting for some fresh water, or a meal that wasn't hot as anything. The waiting game was only fun so many times before you were waiting to lead a horse to water where it wouldn't drink.
"We get water?"
"Yeah, some," Francis said, "I think Mari and Judy are helping Benny to pass some out. Want me to grab you some?"
"Nah, I can get it." Annie said and then slowly sat up, her head swimming a bit from the mixture of sweat and equally, heat exhaustion.
"No you're not," Francis said, "honey, you're burnt up like a fried pepper. Stay here." Annie pulled a face.
"It's just a little bit of sun-burn, I've had worse." Annie said and Francis shot her a look, even from behind the aviators, that told her to stay still.
"Don't start moving around, alright, I'll be back." Annie watched Francis leave, before lying back down on her back and staring up again at the nose of good ole Silver Bullets, before shutting her eyes. A few minutes of shut-eye might be worthwhile.
"Annie." Her eyes shot open and she found Brady standing there above her. Eyes widening rather dramatically, she flushed a bit and shifted.
"John, hey." she said, suddenly realizing her fetal-position-like posture there on the ground and blinked a few times before, slowly sitting up, head swimming and then getting to her feet, to which Brady placed a hand on her shoulder to steady her, which made her hiss, the sun-burn burning a bit from his warm hand.
"Oh, shit," Brady said, immediately removing his hand, "I just wanted to steady you-"
"No, no, thank you, it's okay. You're okay, thank you." Annie said as she glanced towards her shoulder, at the skin beginning to peel up, grimacing a bit as she looked towards him, "Sunburn that's all." Brady looked at her through his own aviators and she suddenly took him in there in front of her - shirtless - not exactly something she was complaining about or should even be thinking too deeply into.
It was hot. The sun was brutal, you basically wanted as little layers on as possible, and they all smelled generally, not too great. But Brady being shirtless was yeah….definitely a sight worth glancing at considering the circumstances where everything was simply draining.
She flushed deeper, and hoped it would pass off as heat exhaustion if anything as she watched Brady cross his arms, the evidently toned muscles of his arms extending far greater into her line of sight than she would've thought.
"You need me to get a bandage for it or something?" Brady asked her, "Some water to pour on it?" Annie stared at him and then wised-up and shook her head.
"It's alright, really, no worries," she said, and then cleared her throat, "how's it going? What's up?" Brady smiled and then shook his head.
"That's what I came to ask you, but now you have me considering scrounging bandages." he said, placing his hands on his hips, "Don't mind stepping up to the plate."
"Don't be telling that to Kennedy, she'll start a ball game in this heat and next thing you know we'll all be burnt." Annie said with a smirk and Brady chuckled at her words. She tilted her head to the side and considered his help - he was already standing in her presence, he didn't need to do much else.
"I'm fine really though, save the bandages. For a serious issue." she told him with a small smile and he shook his head.
"It could get worse." he told her, face falling to a pinch of worry that you had to see if you squinted, crossing his arms again - really nice arms, "C'mon, let me find something. Hey…..Stagliano!"
Paulina Stagliano, ever-the-presently-always-pissed person she was, sat under one of the wings of Silver Bullets sat up and lifted her aviators, her curly hair that was out of its usual braids, looking like it'd been just dumped in a bucket of water, sticking to her cheeks, glanced at him.
"What the hell do you possibly want me from me, sir!" she hollered, voice bouncing off the nearby metal of the plane.
"Bandages!" Brady called back, "For your pilot!"
"That was a little unneeded, John," Annie said, giving his shoulder a shove and he turned to her with that wide grin and shook his head, "really, the girls know I'm fine, that's what matters."
"You're their pilot. And also one of the 100ths, I'll look out for ya, alright?" Well, there was no use arguing anymore at this point. Paulina came hauling over with a few packs of bandages she kept at the radio station in the fort and smacked it into Brady's hands with a grumble.
"Why you always gotta say it like that? Because you know I'll come running, sir?" Paulina murmured crossing her arms.
"Because I know you like to carry extra things with ya - bobby pins, bottle caps, postcards and figured you also had bandages."
"Right." Paulina said and then deadpanned, "Sir, why the hell you need bandages."
"Not me," Brady said, "Bradshaw." Paulina looked to Annie and then smirked.
"Right, Mr. Chivalrous." Paulina said, "Lieutenant Brady, when did you become such a softy-schmuck." Brady gave her a look.
"Ask me again during business hours."
"News-flash, Lieutenant, we are on business hours." Brady glanced her way and Paulina raised a brow, "Just make sure you wrap the bandages real nicely, okay? No need getting infections in this hell hole. This is my pilot we're talking about." Paulina sighed and shook her head, squinting into the sun, "For Christ-sake." And with that, Paulina was wading back over to her spot on the ground. Brady turned to look back at Annie and found her looking after Paulina.
"You okay?"
"Yeah," Annie said quickly, "just….worried about some of the women. Like usual." Brady chuckled and then flicked through some of the bandages in his grasp.
"Well, you don't have to worry anymore at the minute. Let someone else worry about you for now." he said and she glanced at him, "You need help putting these on?" Annie stared, and then shook her head.
"Nah, I got it." she said and took the bandages, "Really, you didn't have to get these, I'll be fine-"
"Annie, if you say you'll be fine, one more damn time, I'm actually going to lose it." Francis said coming over with two canteens filled with water, "Lieutenant Brady, pleasure to see you here." Francis said glancing at him before looking back at Annie, "You gotta take care of yourself better. I can't be playing co-pilot and single-mother out here."
"I'm fine, Francis, really, I'll throw some bandages and water on to cool the burns down and we'll move on from this. It'll heal." Annie admonished and watched as Francis side-eyed, glancing at Brady before looking back at Annie.
"I will hand-apply those bandages on Annie I swear to-"
"I'll take care of it." Brady said calmly, cutting in and taking the bandages out of Annie's hands and one of the tins of water from Francis' grasp, "Go sit down for a bit, I'll help her out." Francis looked from Annie to Brady and then nodded.
"Alright, then." Francis said and then glanced at Brady and pointed a finger at him, "Wrap it tight, Brady, I don't wanna see exposed bits of sun-burn, okay?"
"Yes, ma'am." Brady said, snickering as Francis wandered away and lied down beside Bessie on the ground.
Brady turned to Annie and then poured water on his hands before opening up the bandages. Annie suddenly took in the fact it was the two of them; it always ended up being the two of them somehow - like back at base, when the night got long, and it was the last of the group at the bar; it was the two of them. The one night the group had gone out to look at the stars, sharing cigarettes, stories and drinks, the last of the group had simply been the two of them, a few glances that had Annie second-guessing a bit too much for her liking. It was always the two of them.
Annie caught a glance at his bare chest in the golden, honey sun again and looked away, her cheeks, if they weren't already burning from heat exhaustion or sunburn, flaming red.
"So, liking Algeria?" Annie asked him as he began to work. Brady chuckled and glanced up at her, overtop the Aviators and smirked.
"It's hot as anything, so….not my favorite, but…I'm not dying so, can't complain." Annie laughed.
"Got that right." Annie said quietly and she watched him smile as he gently placed the bandages on the sunburn and then continued to do the same until the majority of the sunburn was mostly covered, and then pressed down the edges before looking at her. He was standing so close to her, and she was sure she must've smelled like sweat, metal and blood and almost wished she was still lying on the ground, in fetal-position with Francis bugging her about the water.
"Handy-work, huh?" he said softly, "You need some water?"
"Thanks." she said as she took the canteen from him and took down some water, before pulling down the canteen and then looking at Brady, who was staring her down from her angle.
"I appreciate the concern over my sunburn," she said with a small smile as she screwed the canteen lid on, and Brady offered a quick smile, "but, your boys okay?"
"Yeah," Brady said, "Jacobs was trying to train a goat." Annie laughed.
"I heard."
"Yeah." Annie said with a laugh, "So, how's that going?"
"Eh, could be going better," Brady said with a laugh, "funny though to watch a grown man chase around a goat with a piece of bread, trying to get the goat to stand on its hind legs." Annie laughed, before looking at him with a smile. That look, it made it her stomach twist.
"You managed to get any rest?" she asked him quietly; no one could really sleep it seemed just because of the circumstances, so when someone did, it was a small victory for the 100th it seemed altogether.
"A bit." Brady said, "Keep ending up with sand all up my nose when I get up though, you?"
"Here and there," Annie said, "it's why I was so surprised to see you, to be honest. I was half-asleep."
"Sorry 'bout that." Brady said quickly, with a grin and Annie laughed.
"It's fine, really, it's….it's nice to see you." she said and they fell quiet for a brief moment, Brady smiling at her with one of those closed-lipped grins he usually wore. Something seemed to shift between them. Brady took a small step closer and dropped his voice to the point only she could hear.
"Saw your plane take some hits flying out here….everyone okay?" Are you okay? His eyes begged the question.
"For the most part." Annie said managed quietly back, "I just think we're all glad to have made it. Thought at first we'd be going down somewhere over Italy - one of the engines….it's that stubborn third engine is always crapping out but…." Brady watched her, as the two fell quiet, the tension in the air between them overwhelming and suffocating. She couldn't help but take in a few shaky breaths, watching as he stared at her, their aviators suddenly the only thing between them it felt.
"Listen, Annie, I've been meaning to ask you-"
"Hey! Guys, it's the 12th!" Annie and Brady looked around the front of Silver Bullets, and there they were - the 12th. Coming in, like rolling thunder, dust kicking up all over the place in the far distance.
"Well, looks like we'll be heading home." Annie said, glancing over towards Brady with a small smile. The look on his face was hidden with something else she couldn't quite decipher, but instead he smiled and crossed his arms.
"Heading home." he echoed.
Heading home - wherever that seemed to be these days.
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jovenshires · 9 months
wait smosh taskmaster would be SUCH a massive slay wow. immediately my mind went to shayne as alex horne ! but greg i could see as diff options bc i don’t think any cast members embody that archetype personality wise as is but i could def see them put their own spins on em as a character if that makes sense ? would love to see what damien or chanse could come up with (bonus pts for being tall). but i also just realized arasha would be good too lmaoo. OH and that tommy as greg and spencer as alex would be SO good. and then for contestants would love to have angela, two that don’t end up in the above roles, keith, and than a rando crew member that we don’t see that often to shake it up - maybe vida bc they killed it in tntl and they do improv? wait also loved patrick making a reappearance so him as well. obvi would love to see most of the cast /crew participate as contestants if it’s like a recurring series ! ok clearly this show is perf for smosh considering i included a bajillion people in this ask pls kiana i’m begging 🙏 - spencersagnew
@spencersagnew YOU. YOU GET ME. i love your takes,,,, shayne as alex and arasha as greg specifically is everything to me. i'll put my cast out there but your takes are incredible and you've never been wrong.
tommy as the taskmaster. i think he just has that dry humor and can lean into the antagonistic nature really well while still being a fair judge and interacting well with the contestants. he's also just one of my favorite hosts of anything ever so ill let him do whatever he wants
garrett as the taskmaster's assistant. LISTEN. LISTEN. we need someone pathetic. someone who can be a punching bag. someone who's a little unhinged. someone who will get bullied by the cast and just take it, but also someone who has the Audacity. and That's Garrett. he fits the bill. i'll say honorable mention to shayne bc i think he would do this really well too but there's something about garrett that i think people would just take to using him as a puppet, a prop, whatever they needed for their tasks. and then get shit from him as soon as they're in the studio.
ian as contestant number one (The Grumpy Old Man). look, i have the taskmaster casting system boiled down to a science. i truly believe almost every cast can fit into these categories (almost! almost all!) and so i'm going by the same metric for smoshmaster. and we're starting off strong with the grumpy old man archetype. i think he'll be generally annoyed by everything. tommy, garrett, the other contestants, the tasks, whatever. he has a really dry sense of humor that'll balance everybody else out, and an above-it-all attitude that you can't help but respect. examples of this include julian clary, frankie boyle, and dara o briain.
angela as contestant number two (The World's Strangest Woman). every season needs one woman who just goes about the tasks in The Most Insane Way, and that's angela. point blank period. is she gonna win? probably not! but who knows! she's a wild card! she's the one who says her legs are basically just arms without fingers, you know. i think she'd just panic and do. whatever. no planning, go with her gut instinct. she'd also be super competitive and her reactions when she realized just how bad she fucked up.... incredible. examples include lucy beaumont, jenny eclair, and fern brady.
spencer as contestant number three (The Loveable Goofball). look. LOOK. you know him. you love him. he probably won't win. but god is it fun to watch. he's generally kind of pathetic, and while he fails miserably, you can't help but root for him, feel bad for him, and point and laugh at him all at once. he's going about the tasks either half-heartedly or putting his whole soul into it with absolutely no in-between. he might win an episode, but it's because the edit is throwing him a bone. spencer's really good at putting on that character of. miserable dude. the heel of it all. but also balancing that out with his quick wit and intelligence. he's perfect for this. some examples are susan wokoma, ivo graham, and john kearns
chanse as contestant number four (The Fan Favorite). he's hot. he's smart. he's funny. everybody likes him. he is the People's Champion. everyone wants him to win - even the taskmaster is a Little biased. he has electric chemistry with everyone, somehow, you can't really figure out how. he absolutely kills ALL the tasks but especially the prize tasks. i also think chanse would just have the funniest reactions to what everyone Else is doing. like i think he'd stand by what he did until the bitter end (even if he did something fucking insane) but everyone else he would relentlessly make fun of. god i want him on this show so bad. anyway, my examples for this are sam campbell, kiell smith-bynoe, and munya chawawa.
courtney as contestant number five (The Only Competent One on the Board). everyone else is fucking insane, but courtney is holding down the fort. she's always handling the tasks in a smart, efficient way that seems like the most logical way to go about it. they frequently outsmart the prompts and the competition. whether or not they win it all, they just seem like they deserve it most. her humor also brings a really nice balance of riding that line of silly goofy and smart and quick. i think courtney rounds out this cast really well (and is my personal pick to win <3). examples of this are sue perkins, mae martin, and sarah milican.
im flexible on the teams, although i think my personal pick is spencer / courtney / angela and ian / chanse bc. comedy to me. also i will say i think i could go on for like. at least two more seasons building different casts truly this is not the Only combo. anyway kiana call me i've got big plans
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hughmunculus · 7 months
Ranking Columbo's Top 5 Babygirls
By popular demand (context: nobody asked, I saw it in a dream) I've made a list of the men in Columbo you should absolutely draw in this pose. Please let it be known the presence of the babygirl does not necessarily mean the episode itself is good. Sometimes God gives its strongest babygirls its weirdest episodes.
Criteria for this was pretty obvious:
Are they absolutely sopping wet
Is there some odd sexual tension there
Would I let them hit it
5. Alex Brady (S8 Ep2: Murder, Smoke, and Shadows)
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Photo credit: columboscreens.com
So 5 was a tough spot because I knew what my top 4 were going to be pretty handily, but this was going to be one that was lacking in one or the other criteria set out above. In the end, it was between the soaking wet Emmett Clayton (S2 Ep7, The Most Dangerous Match) and the unhinged Alex Brady. In the end, I judged it on the most sacred criteria: what that dick do. And there is no way Clayton's dick game is anything but awful, if its anything like his chess game.
Fisher Steven's character though is an insane, controlling chaos goblin that's fun to watch when he's winning and even more fun to watch while he's losing. Fortunately he loses, a Lot. Later seasons of Columbo can often feel less about the titular detective and much more about the murderers, but I'd argue in this case its for the best as we watch him completely unravel (and in one famous instance, hallunicate Columbo in a Ringmaster's outfit).
4. Joe Devlin (S7 Ep5: The Conspirators)
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Photo credit: columboscreens.com
Who is this man smiling at? His wife, a lover perhaps? What about the detective that's going to bust his ass for murder and illegal firearms trading? Were it not for Clive Revill and Peter Falk's chemistry, this episode about a man funneling weapons to the IRA would be... Challenging. Instead he's just kind of a chill dude in over his head who, to quote Columbo Screens, "wants to fuck Columbo so bad it makes them look stupid".
That being said, he most certainly corners the market on being a sad little man when trying to get ahold of those guns. His initial encounter with the RV Salesman easily tops my "most pathetic Columbo villain moments" as he struggles to find innuendo for guns while the RV Salesman politely tries to turn him down like a thirsty dude at a bar.
3. Dale Kingston (S1 Ep4: Suitable for Framing)
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Photo credit: Columbophile.com
What he lacks in obvious chemistry with Columbo he makes up in wearing a frilly, crushed velvet suit and being just so extremely gay. Ross Martin's performance as the murderer and art critic is a powerhouse in a likewise tightly written episode. When he's not begging Columbo to leave him alone in the most sopping-wet manner possible he's making snide, catty comments about the art world. I wouldn't be surprised if Joel Cairo was a touchstone for his performance.
I would also be negligent to not say that when he's finally caught his lower lip literally fucking trembles. That final scene is so goddamn good though I won't link it, so go watch the whole episode for yourself.
2. Roger Stanford (S1 Ep6: Short Fuse)
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Photo credit: columboscreens.com
Let it be known I had to fight the temptation hard to not just use the Roddy MacDowell cock photo. It would've been so fucking easy man. But I think this photo better captures the impish, effervescent performance he gives as the chemical company heir. He spends so much of this episode capering about, pulling pranks, wearing pants so tight you can see the outline of his co-
ANYWAY he isn't super soaking wet in the beginning, but through the episode you watch him slowly becoming more and more frazzled, more exasperated, more testy until it finally culminates in an explosive (pun intentional) final gotcha by Columbo. Watching Roddy MacDowell completely break down into a fit of laughter, putting his scholarship chain around Columbo's neck and affectionately patting his cheeks, you can't help but be awestruck by its weirdness, its patheticness, and how it's kinda... y'know...
1. Ward Fowler (S6 Ep1: Fade Into Murder)
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Image credit: columbophile.com
Maybe this is a controversial top pick, but hear me out: never has a Columbo villain been so pathetic, so attractive, and so obviously into Columbo before. William Shatner plays a man playing a TV detective against a man playing a real detective, and the way he decides to do that is by having Ward be absolutely captivated by Columbo.
Ward is so desperate to get Columbo's approval, often trying to relate his real life experiences to the tropes he's played on TV as Detective Lucerne. Getting away with the murder of his blackmailing wife feels like a distant second of just getting Columbo to like him.
It all culminates with Ward filming Columbo with one of their TV camera, the latter unable to even get a single line out without dissolving into giggles. Afterwards they review the footage filmed while - dare I say it - CUDDLING on the couch???? Apparently Shatner and Falk actually hit it off immediately on set, which must speak to Falk's magnetic personality more than anything else.
This is the only performance I can describe on Columbo as "cute". Shatner schoolboy cruch on Columbo is so cute (and simultaneously so sad considering you know, the murder) that it feels unfair to not give him the top spot.
Anyway, all the credit to the Columbophile Blog for inspiring me to write this post, and to Columbo Screens for the gorgeous screenshots and being the de facto Columbo authority on Tumblr.
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whowouldwininafite · 5 months
Tournament Tuesday, Week 3 Wrapped
The top right corner saw some close calls and heavy thrashings, and even an upset, where Pipimi conceded ground to Weird Al. Maybe she just has a soft spot for the unhinged, who knows? Either way she wasn’t upset.
Riza Hawkeye’s best efforts weren’t enough, and she got Burninated by Trogdor, meanwhile Senshi just assumed Aquaman was some other fishman, cooking him up with salt and chips.
Jibanyan made easy work of The Master, while Kevin was no match for Tohru, understandably. She is an all powerful dragon after all.
The Very Hungry Caterpillar wasn’t in the mood for pies, so he ate his way through the pie maker instead, while Wayne Brady’s improvising skills saw him push past Billy, and a single vote spared Celeste from defeat, just edging her way past Rogue by royal decree.
Week 4 is active right now for those who haven’t voted. If you’ve got a moment, please feel free to land a hand. Thanks for reading, and Fite the good Fite o/
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starry-hughes · 5 months
she gets so frustrated that she doesn’t even have the privacy she normally has at night
brady and matthew just be walking into her room and she’s fumbling to hang up the phone with mackie and act normal
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lovetorn · 10 months
brady tkachuk is so comically unhinged….. tryna fight a goalie brother please
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karlie-what-you-want · 7 months
I think her family / friends are more in tune with her mental state vs people seeing rando pics on social media or tv. The Chiefs coach and now Tom Brady have shrugged off Travis’ tantrum , so that’s not a big deal apparently , make sure you go listen to the new footage the NFL posted of Taylor and Travis on field - Travis was mic’d up 😂
The coach and the NFL have every incentive to brush it off. The Super Bowl was on the line.
Did you see how his teammate had to tear him off Reid and drag him away? The man was unhinged. They can lie all they want, but it’s still transparent. We know what we saw.
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