#bpo interview questions and answers
9 ways to Improve quality scores
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digitalbig243 · 2 years
qa interview questions and answers in bpo
cvguys provide qa interview questions and answers in bpo, your resume plays a vital role in helping you land the right job. For more details visit site
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7consultancyblog · 19 days
Telecalling is a vibrant, dynamic and exciting business to be in
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Telecalling is the process by which businesses reach their customers using telephonic devices or telecalling software to promote products or services, generate leads, or facilitate sales. Businesses often need help establishing a dedicated team within their organization to deal with the complexities of managing business-related telecalling. However, this effort frequently proves to be both time-demanding and costly. Such initiatives divert valuable attention from core business functions, inhibiting the skills and focus needed for optimal performance. Solving this problem always requires a platform that seamlessly integrates both technology and trained agents. A telecaller is a company representative who calls potential leads to develop sales and marketing products on their behalf. Telecallers are important to companies in providing excellent customer service, building customer loyalty and enhancing brand image. There is a high demand for telecallers in the telecalling marketplace. The daily tasks of a telecaller include calling leads, following up on existing leads or customers, conducting inquiries and assisting customers with technical issues. They are usually employed by call centers and BPOs or in-house telecalling teams of companies.  Having adequate time management skills to handle a large number of calls is an essential skill that a telecaller should have.
Telemarketing can be from a call center, an office, or increasingly a home. Many times, telemarketing may follow up with a single call to assess interest or suitability and then follow up with a sale. Telemarketing is used by for-profit businesses, nonprofit charities, political groups and candidates, surveys, grant solicitations, marketing research, and other types of organizations. Tele callers’ jobs are categorized into two types one is for sales & marketing and the other is for customer services. Almost every service-oriented company has a customer service department and calls telecallers to attend or take calls to address customer concerns. A telecaller job plays a vital role in lead generation. Not only this, but it also helps in providing better customer service and retaining more customers. In telecaller jobs, your primary mission is to expand the customer base. Telecaller jobs require a deep understanding of customer needs. Telecaller Recruitment Agency in India that provide support in consultancy and placement sectors. Beyond just answering questions, it's about actively listening to their concerns, empathizing and providing solutions. In a telecaller job, you are the bridge between your company's offerings and potential customers. Your introduction involves clearly describing how your products or services can solve their problems or fulfill their needs.
Recruitment refers to the process of identifying, attracting, interviewing, hiring selecting, onboarding employee. In other words, it involves everything from the identification of a staffing need to filling it. Depending on the size of an organization, recruitment is the responsibility of a range of workers. Larger organizations may have entire teams of recruiters, while others only a single recruiter. In addition, many organizations outsource recruiting to outside firms. Companies almost always recruit candidates for new positions via advertisements, job boards, social media, and others. Many companies utilize recruiting software to more effectively and efficiently source top candidates. Regardless, recruitment typically works in conjunction with, or as a part of Human Resources. Best Telecaller Recruitment Agency in India helps in various aspects. To ensure an organization’s recruitment activities are well thought out, effective and efficient, an organization may develop a recruitment strategy. The recruitment may cover items such as the size of the organization, the overall economy, and the competition for similar candidates, the attractiveness of the organization, labor laws and other legal considerations. Effective recruitment means that the person employed for the job is the best possible candidate for it, with all the required skills, talents and qualifications of the job.
Telecalling is one of the best and cost-effective tools that can help you reach potential customers globally and decide whether a particular country will be apt for investment or not. Outsourcing to a service provider can provide a number of benefits to telecalling businesses, such as reduced operational costs, including payroll, benefits and infrastructure costs. This enables companies to provide 24/7 customer support, increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty by providing support anytime. Top Telecaller Recruitment Agency in India that provide service many ways.
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carrergrowth · 7 months
7 Call Center Interview Questions and Answers
Imagine a world where customer questions go unanswered, issues unresolved, and help seems out of reach. In the fast-paced Canadian business landscape, such a scenario is simply unthinkable. This is where call center jobs in Canada come into play, serving as the frontlines of customer service. These roles are fundamental to businesses all over the country, where a friendly voice on the other end of the phone can make all the difference. In bustling cities and even remote areas of Canada, call center professionals are the backbone of communication, making sure that customer needs are not only met but exceeded. In a country known for its welcoming attitude and dedication to customer happiness, these jobs are more than just roles—they are the guardians of excellent service that push Canadian businesses towards success.
For the call center interview preparation, it's essential to showcase your active listening skills, emphasize your problem-solving abilities, and demonstrate your empathy and patience, all of which are highly valued in this field. Be ready to share specific examples from your past experiences that highlight these qualities, and research the company thoroughly to show your genuine interest in their values and services. Dress professionally, arrive on time, and maintain a positive, friendly demeanor throughout the interview. These customer service interview tips will help you stand out and make a lasting impression on potential employers.
Call Center & BPO Interview Questions With Answers for Freshers
Whether you're seeking an entry-level position or aiming for a more advanced role, acing the call center interview is crucial. The competitive nature of these interviews demands that you be prepared for a wide range of questions. In this section, we will delve into seven common call center interview questions and provide expert answers to help you stand out in the crowd. So, let's get started!
Tell me about your customer service experience
Answer: To excel in a call center, a solid foundation in customer service is essential. I've honed my customer service skills through several years of experience in various roles. In my previous position at [Previous Company], I was responsible for handling customer inquiries via phone and email. This experience allowed me to develop exceptional communication skills, patience, and empathy. I learned the importance of actively listening to customers, understanding their needs, and providing timely solutions. My goal has always been to leave every customer with a positive impression of the company and a solution to their problem.
How do you handle difficult customers?
Sample call center interview answer: Dealing with difficult customers is an inevitable part of working in a call center. My approach in such situations is to remain calm and empathetic. I believe that listening is the key to diffusing tense situations. I allow the customer to express their concerns fully while actively listening to their frustrations. Once they have shared their perspective, I reassure them that I understand their frustration and that I'm here to help.
In my previous role, there was a particularly challenging customer who was dissatisfied with our product's performance. After listening to his concerns, I patiently explained our troubleshooting process step by step. By addressing his issues systematically and offering alternative solutions, I was able to resolve his problem. He left the conversation satisfied, and his feedback later highlighted my dedication to finding solutions, even in challenging situations.
Can you describe a situation where you went above and beyond to help a customer?
Answer: Absolutely. In a previous role at [Previous Company], I encountered a situation where a customer was facing a complex technical issue. Although it was outside the scope of our typical support, I recognized the urgency and importance of resolving it promptly. I conducted thorough research, consulted with colleagues, and escalated the issue to our technical team.
During this process, I maintained regular communication with the customer, keeping them updated on our progress. After several days of collaborative effort, we successfully resolved the issue to the customer's satisfaction. They were genuinely appreciative of our dedication and commitment to resolving their problem, which further solidified their trust in our company.
How do you prioritize and manage your workload in a fast-paced call center environment?
Answer: Prioritization and time management are crucial skills in a fast-paced call center. I employ a systematic approach to ensure efficiency and effectiveness. First, I categorize tasks based on their urgency and importance. High-priority tasks, such as resolving customer issues, are tackled immediately, while lower-priority tasks are scheduled for later.
Additionally, I make use of tools like task lists and calendars to stay organized. I also practice the "two-minute rule," which means if a task takes less than two minutes, I complete it right away instead of postponing it. This approach helps me stay on top of my workload and ensures that no customer concern is left unaddressed.
What do you know about our company and our products/services?
Answer: Researching the company and its offerings is a crucial step before any interview. I've taken the time to familiarize myself with your company, and I'm impressed by your commitment to delivering exceptional customer experiences. Your product line, especially the innovative solutions you provide in the [specific industry], aligns with my passion for helping customers find the best solutions to their needs.
I also noticed that your company has a strong presence in Canada, which is particularly exciting for me. I believe my background and experience align well with your company's values and goals, making me an excellent fit for this role.
How do you handle repetitive tasks and stay motivated in a call center role?
Answer: Repetitive tasks are part and parcel of a call center job, but I believe there's value in consistency. To stay motivated, I focus on the bigger picture – the satisfaction of helping customers and contributing to the company's success. I remind myself that each interaction is an opportunity to make a positive impact on someone's day.
Moreover, I set personal goals to break the monotony. Whether it's improving my average call resolution time or learning about new products and services, having these goals keeps me engaged and motivated. I also make use of short breaks between calls to recharge, stretch, or engage in quick mental exercises to stay sharp and energized.
How would you handle a technical issue or system outage during a call with a customer?
Answer: For this call center final interview question, you can respond like this - handling technical issues or system outages during a call with a customer requires a delicate touch. My approach is to be transparent and empathetic. I would first apologize for the inconvenience and explain the situation honestly. Customers appreciate honesty and understand that technical glitches can occur.
Next, I would reassure the customer that I'm committed to resolving the issue as quickly as possible. Depending on the problem, I may ask them to hold briefly while I consult with our technical team or provide alternative methods for them to reach a solution. Throughout the process, I would maintain open communication, keeping the customer informed of our progress and ETA for resolution.
It's important to note the growing significance of work from home (WFH) customer service representatives, particularly within digital CX companies. These professionals are reshaping the landscape of customer service by delivering top-notch support and assistance directly from their homes. The rise of call center jobs from home has expanded opportunities for job seekers and allowed digital CX companies to tap into a global talent pool. This shift not only reflects the adaptability of the industry but also underscores the increasing importance of seamless digital interactions in modern customer service roles.
In the competitive world of call center interviews, preparation is key. By providing customer-centric interview responses, you'll increase your chances of making a lasting impression on potential employers. Remember, success in a call center role is not just about technical skills but also about your ability to empathize, communicate effectively, and adapt to various situations. With the right mindset and approach, you can excel in this dynamic and rewarding field, providing exceptional customer service and contributing to your company's success. 
Good luck with your call center interview journey!
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We are working with prospectHiring is going OnStroll for the interview at #knackglobal Hi Everyone my name is Yuvraj Rana if you are searching for a task in United States Medical billing so here we do have an excellent Opportunity for you@knackglobal Mohali you can join us nd you can stroll for the interview if…
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apollosson · 11 months
05:37 | June 05, 2023 (Pasay, Philippines)
June started rough. Though I have sent almost half a hundred of resumes to every job applications sites possible, may it be Jobstreet or Indeed, I never received invites for the first few weeks. As an overthinker, it was mentally excruciating to juggle both possibility to either go back working at sea, which I never liked now, or swallow the pill of working back in a BPO company. In a nutshell, what I only had in mind was to either work in a casino or as a Cabin Crew - and if none of them worked out, then I guess I failed to do what I have planned all along since I was on board. However, that long wait seems to be a god-sent after all. It was just the time I needed to prepare myself.
Not long after my application with Newport World Resorts, I received an email from one of the three airlines I sent my application with. Qatar Airways and Cebu Pacific might have already filled their slots but I was luckily given a chance with Philippine Airlines. This must be the most important role I have applied for out of all my submitted job applications and only if I can overemphasize my willingness to the panel, I would send them videos of me spending hours researching about the position on every browsers possible.
When I arrived on my most awaited open-day with Philippine Airlines, I already expected the long line at 8am and just like my audition days with ABS-CBN's reality shows, it was a long-seating with new found friends. There were also about a thousand of hopefuls. The only difference is that, it is no longer a childish dream. It was serious to me, and it was evident that I did took it that way when the first stage commenced. They call it a Go-See. In a Go-See, we are given about 2-3 minutes to introduce ourselves while our teeth and skin are checked thoroughly. When it was my time, there were five of us. As the only male of the group, I took that advantage to outshine the girls I am with - and it showed when only two of us were asked to stay after the deliberation. Others were already asked to leave. I honestly thought that was it since it's already about 1pm, but we were formed into groups later on. Little by little some of the passers were asked to leave and wait for an update through email. Some assumed that they already had a second deliberation and probably declined a new set of applicants politely. And they were right! When my name was called, our group was asked to continue with the medical assessment. That's when I realized we are 75-80% less.
The third stage was just a quick medical assessment concerning BMI. This is where they compute both height and weight if normal or not. 60% of my preparation since seafarer days were focused on this very moment and I'm thankful that I did pass, but I am still half way through for today's application. Initial interview and Group dynamics are just some of the following stages that we still need to pass. I already felt exhausted, considering that it has been like a 12-hour application. The only might have kept me awake was my confidence. That was the only caffeine I had.
Since 2017, I am exposed with interviews. With that experience, most questions asked during my initial interview weren't really that new to me. Though some questions were situational, I'm glad I still had those in control. Eye-contact was probably the only negative note I got from my interviewee, which I am guilty of when thinking of an answer. Meanwhile, Group Dynamics is somehow alike to an initial interview but this requires the skill to control and humble yourself, letting others speak their thoughts about a topic. Both last two stages actually went well and after the last stage, everyone were asked to wait for an update via email. I was confident when I left the building. As manifested, I got my invitation for the final interview after 72 hours.
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Unpacking the Constitutional Amendment Debate: Implications for Philippine Development
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The 1987 Philippine Constitution, the current one that is in-effect, has endured for 31 years without amendment, making it one of the longest-lasting constitutions in the world (About Philippines, 2022). On one hand, the fact that it has remained unchanged for over three decades suggests that it has been successful in guiding the country's development and has the ability to respond to changing situations. This stability and predictability are among its key strengths. However, proposals to amend the Constitution have been made, with some arguing that it needs to adapt to the country's changing needs. Previous discussions have included the consideration of federalism as a possible solution.
Nevertheless, there has been reluctance to amend the Constitution due to concerns about the cost and the potential for abuse of power. The issue of constitutional amendment remains relevant in the Philippines as the country faces various challenges. It is a debate that will continue as the country seeks to balance stability with progress.
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Many argue that the Philippine Constitution needs to change to better suit the current system. Supporters of the amendment believe that it could improve governance, particularly by granting greater regional autonomy. There have been suggestions and proposals related to switching to a federal system of government, which provides more autonomy to different regions and allows foreign ownership of land and businesses. Rizal, for one, advocated for and believed that federalism would foster a sense of unity and diversity among Filipinos, allowing for more responsive and effective governance (Raposas, 2017). However, opponents raise concerns about potentially breaking apart the country further and the unequal distribution of resources and power. The suggestion to modify the constitution via a House bill, as explained in a Rappler article, has also sparked worries about how it could affect human rights and the equilibrium of power among the government branches (Rappler, 2023).
Additionally, as Maria Atienza notes, some in Congress and the public have been hesitant to make changes due to concerns about cost and abuse of power. As the country continues to face challenges, the conversation around constitutional amendment is likely to persist as officials search for ways to promote sustainable growth and development (Atienza, 2018). While stability and predictability are important strengths of the current Constitution, it is also crucial to consider the need for progress and improvement. Especially with how time is becoming more and more unpredictable, it is best to make changes now and have a head start in facing a range of economic, political, and social challenges.
For this blog, I conducted an interview survey with five (5) individuals to gather their opinions on amending the constitution through the use of Google Forms. The individuals who answered the survey came from diverse backgrounds in terms of profession and had varied opinions on the matter, providing me with a more nuanced view of the topic. Through their answers, I gained valuable insights that will inform the insights and learning sections of this blog entry.
The first question in the survey was how the current constitution affects the rights and interests of individuals in their respective industries or communities, and whether there are any provisions that should be revised or added to better protect and promote their welfare. The answers obtained from various respondents representing different industries are as follows:
Allan from the public sector identified tax and commodity, and transportation infrastructure as areas that need improvement.
Victor, an IT specialist, believes that there should be no bias in all areas.
As a teacher, Sha believes that the education sector needs a stronger system and better benefits for teachers.
Goldie, a BPO employee, and Juls, a Grab driver, both raised concerns about the government's benefit deductions and taxes, which are increasing periodically and affecting the take-home pay of private business employees, while the basic commodities continue to increase, forcing them to increase debts to make ends meet.
Following that question, I asked them what specific parts of the current constitution they think are preventing the development of the Philippines. The responses I received are as follows:
Allan believes that inflation, high cost of living, and corruption are preventing the development of the Philippines.
Victor raised concerns about RA9262, which he believes discriminates against men and is not promoting gender equality.
Sha believes that the lack of specific regulations, particularly in addressing political dynasties and conglomerates, is impeding the country's progress.
Goldie highlighted the rampant red tape in almost every aspect of any transaction as a significant hindrance to the country's development.
Juls expressed that more accountability and transparency are needed in government, and programs and initiatives that address the root causes of poverty, like lack of education and opportunities, should be implemented to promote development.
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The graph presented shows the outcome of the survey, in which all five of them answered ‘yes’, with regards to the question “Are you in favor of amending the constitution?”.
For my last question, "If you are in favor of amending the constitution, could you explain the reasons why you believe a change is needed and what specific changes you think should be made?", here are some answers I received from the individuals:
Allan stated that amending the constitution could lead to better ways of improving the old ways, studying and planning, and seeking other possible solutions.
Victor expressed his concern with RA9262, which he views as a law that discriminates against men and needs to be changed or revised.
Goldie believes that any amendment made to the constitution should focus on positive economic growth, exceptional education systems, and better living conditions for every constituent, not just the privileged few.
Sha believes that changes to the constitution should be made if there is no progress or improvement on the current one.
Juls sees the need to amend the constitution, especially when it comes to economic provisions, such as foreign ownership of businesses, employee benefits and protections, and support for small businesses owned by independent contractors.
From the answers obtained from the survey, it is clear that while the current constitution has provided stability to the Philippines, it is flawed and needs revision. The participants from various industries highlighted particular aspects that require enhancement, including inflation, the high cost of living, corruption, gender inequality, political dynasties, and red tape. These concerns can have a substantial effect on the general populace, notably those in the private sector who face difficulties with surging living expenses, taxes, and deductions. It is evident that these issues must be addressed urgently, as they have the potential to cause a significant deterioration in the quality of life for many citizens.
Although stability is important, it should not come at the expense of progress and development. Ignoring the flaws in the constitution may have long-term consequences that could hinder the country's growth and progress. Thus, it's imperative to critically examine the constitution and incorporate immediate changes to make sure that it reflects the needs and aspirations of the Filipino people.
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It's really impressive that our current constitution has been able to sustain the country's progress for such a long time. Nonetheless, we must be open to making necessary changes to better serve the needs and goals of Filipinos. After reviewing the survey responses, it became clear that crafting a constitutional amendment that is inclusive and avoids major conflicts is a daunting task. This is why many amendments have been disregarded or dismissed in the past. It's truly a challenge to draft a constitution that all sectors and communities can agree on.
However, be that as it may, times are changing and sooner or later, we will have to cross that bridge. Even without the pandemic in the equation, the Philippines has been facing challenges in different sectors and communities even before the outbreak. The Economist reported that the Philippine economy was unstable in 2018, citing factors such as high inflation, a widening trade deficit, and a weakening currency as reasons for the country's economic struggles. The marginalized sectors, such as farmers and low-income earners, have been disproportionately affected, leading to a wider income inequality gap (The Economist, 2018).
In the same year, the country's gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate slowed down to 6%, which was the lowest recorded growth rate in three years, according to a report by Rappler. The agricultural and fishing sectors were struggling, and inflation rates were at their highest in years, which affected the purchasing power of Filipinos. These issues underscored the need for continuous efforts to address the country's economic challenges, even beyond the current pandemic crisis (Rappler, 2018).
These challenges demonstrate the urgent need for change and improvement in various sectors and communities in the Philippines. Although constitutional amendments are not one of President Marcos Jr. 's priority (Rappler, 2023), perhaps the current government under his administration can provide a framework for addressing these issues and promoting progress. It is critical for the government and the Filipino people to really consider the implications of any proposed amendments and ensure that they serve the best interests of all sectors and communities in the country.
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The economy of the Philippines wobbles. (2018, November 17). The Economist. https://www.economist.com/finance-and-economics/2018/11/17/the-economy-of-the-philippines-wobbles
Ela, M., & Atienza, L. (2018, August 21). A Federal Constitution for the Philippines? A Reluctant Congress and an Unsupportive Public. ConstitutionNet. Retrieved March 25, 2023, from https://constitutionnet.org/news/federal-constitution-philippines-reluctant-congress-and-unsupportive-public
Jan. (2022, September 23). The Philippine Constitution: A History And Overview. About Philippines. Retrieved March 25, 2023, from https://aboutphilippines.org/the-philippine-constitution-a-history-and-overview/
Raposas, A. (2017, December 12). A Federal Agenda? Jose Rizal and the Advocacy for Federalism. Filipino Historian. Retrieved March 25, 2023, from https://history-ph.blogspot.com/2017/12/rizal-federal.html
Rivas, R. (2018, August 9). Philippine economy slows down to 6% in Q2 2018. Rappler. https://www.rappler.com/business/209165-gross-domestic-product-philippines-q2-2018/
Tomacruz, S. (2023, February 13). Marcos: Charter change 'not a priority'. Rappler. https://www.rappler.com/nation/ferdinand-marcos-jr-charter-change-not-priority/
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bookmytalent · 1 year
Will Outsourcing QA in Software Testing Help Your Company?
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The market is crowded with competitors, giving customers numerous options for purchasing their desired products. But one thing that makes you different from your rival is the quality of your product. And, in order to stay competitive, businesses are increasingly relying on outsourcing Quality Assurance. But the question here arises is, will outsourcing QA actually help your business? 
Chances are, the same product as yours has already been introduced elsewhere, if not in your own city or country. And if your products are not able to appeal to your target audience, then what are you even doing?
Here, to make sure the product quality is top-notch, like every other company you also need to outsource quality assurance. Now you must be wondering why to outsource when your in-house team can do the same.
This blog is going to address the same question, as well as several others that frequently baffle people. So, put everything else aside and focus your attention entirely on this. Because after reading this all your confusion and questions will fade away. You will have a clear understanding of whether your company should consider software testing outsourcing or not.
Let’s start by answering a very basic question.
What Is the Meaning of Outsourcing?
Outsourcing is a business practice in which a third party replaces an in-house team to perform a task. In other words, outsourcing is the hiring or subcontracting of one company or an individual by another company to perform specific tasks. This encompasses both IT outsourcing and business process outsourcing(BPO).
IT outsourcing handles the day-to-day management and operation of IT assets and processes. In contrast, BPO involves the ownership, administration, and management of specific business processes or support functions.
What Is Quality Assurance Outsourcing in Software Testing?
Quality assurance in software testing is the process by which a company has the quality of its software tested. It is critical in providing customers with high-quality, flawlessly functioning software and web applications.
Why Is Outsourcing Quality Assurance Beneficial for Your Company?
Quality assurance is all about making the top-quality product available for your customers. QA & testing teams are difficult to build from scratch even for companies that have internal IT departments.
Here is where outsourcing quality assurance comes to the rescue. And, of course, it has a slew of advantages that we are going to discuss below:
Outsourced quality assurance helps businesses save time and money:
Hiring someone new to join your company is time taking and costly task. Conducting interviews, selecting and hiring a candidate, and getting that QA tester acquainted with your office culture, workflow, etc costs a lot of time and money.
Instead, it is preferable for companies to outsource the experienced QA tester from a trusted third party and get their work done.
Citta solutions, for example, is an organization that helps businesses outsource quality assurance cost-effectively.
Outsourcing helps your company get access to the best QA engineers:
Due to a large number of experienced QA engineers across the globe, finding the best QA engineers for a project can be quite challenging. Here the companies can take the help of the QA outsourcing agencies to get the right candidate for the project whenever needed.
Quality assurance outsourcing helps you focus on your core business functions:
You keep your internal team free by outsourcing quality assurance. By doing this, you along with your in-house team can concentrate on key business operations, enhancing the caliber and effectiveness of your company.
Putting money into quality assurance gives your customers more confidence in you:
Your customers feel more confident using your product when you make the necessary investments to ensure the highest possible quality. They are aware of the value you place on them. And is particularly crucial if you want to foster long-lasting business partnerships and increase client loyalty.
You will have a team of highly qualified and talented testers:
Getting testers outsourced helps you build a team of global testers that are extremely talented and experienced in their field. They will be approachable at all times and adaptable enough to work in various time zones.
They will have access to extremely cutting-edge tools enabling them to thoroughly test your code and ultimately produce something of which you will always be proud.
When Should You Consider Outsourced QA Testing Services?
Here are some situations and particular factors that force businesses to outsource QA:
There is a lack of resources and skills in the internal team:
Even if you have a large staff of specialists working for you, they may not all be experts in all areas. It is especially beneficial for startups to utilize the abilities and assets of seasoned QA testing teams.
They are familiar with the methodologies, techniques, and best practices for testing required to get the most from the QA process. The outsourcing company provides you with experts who guarantee a successful launch of your software. 
You need to complete a project and the deadline is near:
Think about how diligently your DevOps team toiled for weeks on a new CRM application. The app must be made available as soon as possible because testing is about to begin. The team does not have the necessary skills, but you cannot delay the launch due to investor expectations.
You can obtain quick results with outsourced QA without sacrificing quality. So, in order to meet the deadline, you look for a QA testing team’s help. Due to their knowledge and effective workflow, they can provide quality testing in a short amount of time, allowing you to meet even the tightest deadlines.
Sometimes what your business needs is an outsider’s perspective:
Often, working on the same project for weeks and months fog up your brain thus not letting you spot even the smallest flaw. Having a fresh perspective now is very helpful, and outsourcing can help with that.
It is a result of the QA team’s absence from the development process. They are able to identify usability and functionality gaps as a result. To look for any bugs the application might have, they also take into account the unpredictable aspect of user behavior.
When a project is short-term, outsourcing QA can be advantageous:
The best software development tools and the necessary expertise can be acquired more affordably through QA outsourcing. This is even more beneficial for urgent tasks. You don’t have to build a team of QA testers from scratch that you won’t use in the long run if you outsource.
Employing Remote QA Testers Is a Cost-Effective Outsourcing Strategy
Given the numerous advantages that outsourcing QA services offer, it is understandable why more and more companies are choosing this option over establishing an internal quality assurance team.
You can cut costs and time while hiring the top talent on the market by outsourcing your testing work to remote QA testers.
With a remote team of skilled QA testers at their disposal, BMT, your top offshore QA outsourcing partner, is always prepared to help.
Our experts are skilled at testing products using cutting-edge equipment, and they make sure that each resource is assigned to send daily reports to the client.
We offer 24-hour customer support to ensure that the client and team can communicate clearly despite being in different time zones.
All you have to do is visit our official website, go on the find talent page, apply filters and search for your candidate.
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kjqbls · 2 years
Have You Been Called?
Growing up, have you ever thought of your purpose? Have you ever heard a call from anything deep inside that resonates and lingers for quite some time but you don’t know what that was? I was one of the many people who do not know what I want after high school. I was only copying decisions of the few successful people I know but I wanted an easier path. Although in my younger years I was too determined that I want to be a doctor or teacher because of the usual things I see in the television where every kid wants to be a teacher, doctor, priest, or soldier when they grow up. When I got old it was way different. I was lost for few years before I finally was able to redeem myself towards the career I want to take. Now I already know who I want to be, what I want to be, and where I want to be.
When I was younger, I didn’t know who I want to be. I couldn’t find my purpose in life. I do not have an answer to my whys. I didn’t even know who I want to be. Not that I don’t have the guidance from my parents, but even the suggestions they tell me are something I don’t like. I couldn’t even find that ground where to even start living. As a naïve, I was so lost. What I just wanted to do was get an “easy” program to finish for college and right after, move out and get a life of my own. I was so stubborn and careless. Little did I know that who I want to be already manifested when I was still a kid – be a corporate woman, working in the office looking professional. But since I was distracted, thinking of many programs I will take for college, I didn’t know that. I took a different path and enrolled Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management instead when I should’ve taken Financial Management or any other Business program but not - HRTM. It was 4 years after college when I landed a job in a bank and that’s when I knew who I want to be when I had a first-hand experience of what it feels like working in Financial/Banking industry.
Before I knew what I want to be, I underwent a lot of struggles spiritually, mentally and financially. After graduation, I took the liberty to move out and tried jobs from the Hospitality industry which I really didn’t like. I resigned and shifted to BPO because of higher salary and benefits that this industry offers. I was 22 years old during that time and I felt like I’m going nowhere. I didn’t like it too. I took the chance to apply for job/internship abroad. I was forcing myself to like the idea of working overseas even when I feel the opposite. I tried my very best to mature and love the idea of me working abroad and have a higher income. I stayed faithful looking for jobs overseas, and even went to different churches to pray that hopefully, a divine intervention would happen that will help me land a job in cruise or land base in Dubai, Singapore or an internship in the US. I had a lot of interviews that I thought went well, but nothing happened. I didn’t get a follow-up call or an update about my application. It wasn’t successful for me and I got tired of waiting. I went back to working in a BPO company because it’s the industry where you can find a job immediately since they have a one-day process recruitment. I was so frustrated and felt like entering the quarter life crisis since I’m going 25 with nothing on my resume and credentials but only short job experiences from companies I never liked. I started questioning everything in my life and that includes my Faith. I felt like the years are going too fast and I couldn’t redeem myself. My life was a mess and I do not have a path to follow until I experienced working in a bank and that’s when I knew that I want to continue to be a banker and get promoted on the same industry.
I was in the verge of giving up when I discovered where I want to be. I applied for a bank here in Quezon City where surprisingly, I was hired. It was not a 1-day process application as I needed to come back for a final interview. I was working graveyard shift during that time and my interviews were after my shift. I needed to stay afloat of the situation and look smart even after a very tiring graveyard shift because it’s a make-or-break chance for me of finally going out of the BPO industry. I was literally bombarded by questions by the panelist and I can say during that time that I flunked the final interview that went over an hour. I sat down in the waiting area of the recruitment where I applied in contemplation thinking where next can I apply that is not a BPO setup. After few minutes of waiting, I heard my name and I went directly to the HR to know the result. I was preparing for the bad news when I heard the opposite. I passed the final interview and the HR representative already confirmed that I was hired! When the HR was discussing the salary and benefits, I was really out of myself and have been thinking afar. I was in cloud 9. It was surreal because neither have I experienced working in a bank nor finished a banking/finance for my undergraduate studies. I cried during that moment and I promised myself that I will take care of that job and the company. During my 1st day at work, it was our induction where in the HR would discuss the company history, policy and rules. HSBC bank has a very good background and culture. It was a lot different from other companies I have been with, and that’s when I knew that this is where I want to have a career progression. This is the company where I want to be a leader and be part it for my whole life.
Until now, working with the same company for 4 years, I still have no reason to leave. The culture is one of the finest I heard coming from the experiences of my friends with other companies. I have never regretted choosing this industry. In fact, I got promoted to a supervisor level after 2.5 years of working here. My experience was a lesson for me. It indeed manifested the saying that, “The best is yet to come.” It made me realize that the Lord will not put you somewhere he knows that is not your desire. He will really make a way for you to hear his calling. Had I fought and forced myself too much to go overseas even if I really didn’t like it would’ve been a disaster for me. I know that this is my vocation, this is the same company/industry that redeemed me and I am taking my MBA to have a concrete education that I will soon use in my career progression.
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seobookmarkingblog · 5 years
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naukriskills · 4 years
BPO, KPO Customer Service and Job Interview for BPO Questions with Answers
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Every fresher in India should apply for jobs in fast growing industries. Applying to such positions will definitely be a powerful foundation for the fresher's career. One such big industry is the BPO sector. For the fresher, clearing the multiple levels of a  BPO, KPO Customer Service BPO interview question may seem daunting at first. But a correct preparation strategy can take a new place and help them clear all trips. Registration for BPOBPO, as we believe it goes far beyond the call center. Any activity undertaken to outsource the specific functions of a business to a third party or customer is a part of the business process outsourcing umbrella. Freshers these days consider BPO to be a good priority area to work in, as India has a major job provider. As a fresher, appearing for your BPO interview may seem daunting. To help you in your preparation, we have given the top 30 BPO interview questions and answers. read on BPO Interview Questions Sample
Q1. What about you?
A.      This is one of the most basic BPO interview questions that an interviewer will ask in a fresh way. The first sentence of your answer should be influential enough for the interviewer. Your answer should have all the qualities for a job or designation.
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Q2. Tell me something about BPO and how it works?
A.      BPO or business process outsourcing includes front-office customer services (eg tech support) and back-office business functions (eg billing). When a company plans to do non-core work effectively by an expert, they outsource it as a project to countries like India. This is called business process outsourcing.  Top Job on Naukriskils 
Q3.  Why do you want to join a BPO?
A.      Technology is evolving. As we are already seeing, the outsourcing market is evolving as well. Therefore, BPO companies are getting exposed to new work opportunities and projects. Now freshers joining the BPO / ITS industry can easily boost their skills and become doubly more productive in log runs. Furthermore, the scope of learning on the job is tremendous considering the fact that there is so much to talk about for seniors who have lived in this industry for so long. In addition, Best Job  BPO is today a rapidly growing segment for many large commercial brands. So now the freshers who join can take a good step to boost their career. This would lead to a paradigm shift to help freshers create a better future.
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Q4. Why should we hire you?
Sir, you have asked me a good question, if you will give me an opportunity to work in your company on this post, then I feel that, using my skills and knowledge, I will play an important role in the up fitment of your company and I will prove it Do it I am a quick learner and am very honest with my work. Certainly sir, one day you will feel proud to appoint me here.
 Q5.What is a horizontal BPO?
Horizontal BPO function is focused outsourcing. The outsourcing partner or vendor specializes in specific tasks in the industry domain. Examples include procurement, payroll processing, HR, facilities management, and ERP software maintenance.Every fresher in India should apply for jobs in fast growing industries. Applying to such positions will definitely be a powerful foundation for the fresher's career. One such big industry is the BPO sector. For the fresher, clearing the multiple levels of a BPO interview question may seem daunting at first. But a correct preparation strategy can take a new place and help them clear all trips.
 BPO, as we believe it goes far beyond the call center. Any activity undertaken to outsource the specific functions of a business to a third party or customer is a part of the business process outsourcing umbrella. Freshers these days consider BPO to be a good priority area to work in, as India has a major job provider. As a fresher, appearing for your BPO interview may seem daunting. To help you in your preparation, we have given the top 30 BPO interview questions and answers. read on
 Some Questions
 Every fresher in India should apply for jobs BPO
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gsignahode · 5 years
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keenlightnight · 5 years
It's 9 in the morning and I haven't sleep yet. Anyway, I just remember that last week, I applied for a job as a call center agent at VXI, a bpo company. I didn't get the chance to answer their first call because it was 11:40 in the morning and I just slept that time. I worried that they won't call again but after a day, they called and I was also sleeping but I got up even though my head was throbbing in pain. Man, I wasn't expecting that they'd interview me on the spot in that call. I wasn't prepared. The interviewer told me that I had to answer in english and won't accept the answer po or opo. Nakahiga pa ko non kala mo jowa ko lang kausap ko HAHAHAHAH. She asked me several questions in which I answered of course in english. May mga tanong sya na paulit ulit na para bang sinisigurado nya kung naninindigan ba ko sa sagot ko. Yes, I qualified as an agent. Tanggap ako. However, she made me chose between studying or having that job. Nahulowl aq cystmars HAHAHAHHAHA BAKIT KASI AKO PINAPILI AH? Bongga ko ron pumalag ako kasi ayoko iwan pag aaral e. Tinanong ko pa kung ilang buwan magt take yung training tapos sabi nya 3-4 months. Na-sad aq. Inulit nya yung tanong nya, kung handa daw ba kong iwan studies ko para ron, I thought for some seconds then fuck that, hindi ko alam kung saan nanggaling yung dere deretso kong english na sinagot ko sa kanya habang ipinaglalaban kung bakit di na ko magwo work HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH ANO YON SELF SAN MO INIMBAK YON CHAROT. Dami ko pang hanash sa kanya grabe para akong nag ibang tao nung moment na yon. Pero sabi nya, sakaling magbago raw isip ko, mag apply daw ulit ako after a month. Alam mo, after that call, na-proud ako sa sarili ko. Not only because I answered in full course english but the thing that I handled a job interview in a fucking phone call which I hate. HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. It's like an achievement unlocked though, that's why I bought a gift for myself. #SelfLove HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
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cosmicxmelodies · 2 years
Today’s topic is about work.
Last month, I marked my first work anniversary. It’s something I’m really proud of because my journey to regularization wasn’t a piece of cake.
When I applied for jobs, I didn’t care about the positions anymore. I just really wanted to find a stable work for myself. I tried applying in a BPO company. I was confident that I’ll pass, considering my background in communication (which is a plus if you’re applying in the customer service industry). However, I failed. It was probably due to my nervousness during the sample calls and how I answered during the interview.
I went home and accepted my fate. I wasn’t as disappointed as I thought I’d be but I was thinking that maybe this isn’t God’s plan for me. I failed for a reason—and that reason does not mean I’d stop looking for the right job.
I applied for so many jobs that I lost count. I even had a job interview when we lost electricity. During those interviews, I felt confident but I chose to manage my expectations. I don’t want to assume that I’ll pass right away because I no longer want to disappoint myself even more.
People rejecting you face to face instead of online was harder to accept. When that BPO company told me that I didn’t pass, I acted just fine, like it was nothing—which is just half true. Of course it was something. We’re talking about jobs here, we’re talking about money, income, and experience.
Until one day, I think I was doing my laundry that time, someone from my current company reached out to me. With all those applications that I sent to various employers, I didn’t even know that I would still get this job after so long.
I started applying around June 2020 but I only got that phone call in January 2021. Like the usual interviews that I did, I didn’t expect much at all. I attended the interviews, took the online exams (which I didn’t want to take back then due to laziness but I complied anyway because ~courtesy~), and hoped for the best.
The interviews continued on and on until I was given the job offer. Honestly, with all the disappointments that I’ve had in the past, I no longer felt the excitement. Don’t get me wrong. I am beyond grateful for the opportunity they’ve given me. But I think I got so numb from all the rejections.
I accepted the job offer, of course. It was a good deal because we were still in the middle of the pandemic and I wanted to help with our bills. Not to mention that the job is temporarily work from home and a laptop will also be provided.
Literally they’ve provided me with all the things I need in order to get me started at work. I am so grateful. Not all companies do that.
When I started my job, I attended a month-long training for newbies like me. I met my batchmates (which are now my friends) and I got to learn more about what copywriting is all about.
I’m definitely grateful because my work is aligned with my degree. I think they saw the potential in me because I was a previous writer for our university’s official student newspaper. Even though I wrote in Filipino, I could say that I’m okay in English because of roleplay.
However, it’s not always the happiest for me. I was told by the hiring manager that this job takes a lot of courage and acceptance. I was a writer for a newspaper and I had my editors as well. She told me that I’ll be facing criticisms with my work and asked if it’s okay with me. Of course I said yes. I told her that mistakes will make us stronger—that’s what those criticisms are for.
But I underestimated it. Knowing myself, I hate getting criticisms, whether it’s constructive or not. When we first started writing during training, I always get so anxious. The anxiety was so bad that I don’t even want to look at my phone. I cried and hated myself when I get something wrong. I questioned my abilities. I didn’t trust myself anymore.
It was so hard seeing your batchmates go up while you’re stuck in a deep slump. After the training period, I was one of the last people to go live on the production floor. My trainer had to give us second chances because my batchmate and I didn’t meet the required points. To be honest, at that point, I just wanted to pass that specific last exam. I forgot about my other problems and I only focused on this one.
It’s true that it’s hard to fear something you cannot see nor control. You don’t know when and where it’ll hit you. I feared failure. I’m scared of it like a kid getting terrified at Pennywise.
With God’s grace, I passed. I was able to do live orders. That was when I consider myself as a graduate. My tears and hardwork finally paid off. Little did I know, it’s only the beginning of my lifelong journey as an employed individual.
What I said about getting my mistakes corrected every single day is still continuing up to this day. I’m at my bed, writing this while getting a little bit anxious on the side. Honestly, the anxiety attack is not that severe anymore. Every day of my life, I learned to just hope for the best and wish that the editors won’t send my work back for modification.
I hated modifications. It’s so annoying. Like I already did my job, stop sending it back to me for another job because I have so much on my plate and I can no longer handle that.
Some editors are merciless, though, and please. I do understand that it’s their job to correct me but still, I hated that feeling. I still do.
One month away from my supposed regularization date, my grades fluctuated so much that I had to focus every single day. I monitored my grades and got so much anxiety for it.
It felt like high school again where grades matter the most. I didn’t know that having this kind of job means having to go through this shit all over again. With that being said, I became grade-conscious. I recorded all my grades for the week and hoped I’ll pass. Otherwise, I should be looking for new jobs instead.
Of course I didn’t want to lose my job but I got ready for the worst, just in case, because again—I hate being a disappointment.
I powered through my anxiety and made it. I’m finally a regular employee. I can now breathe easily knowing that I won’t be losing my job anytime soon.
Just to inform you, I’m not really clinically-diagnosed with anxiety but it’s what I felt during those tough times so I consider it as that. I’m scared of going to a psychiatrist because my mom will probably know about it and I hate it when they worry nor focus about me.
Going back to the work topic, I am now proud to say that I’ve always been a qualifier for P4P incentives due to my good performance at the team. Team Leaders tell me that I am one of the team’s best performers which is a big deal for me because I used to think that I’m stupid. All those hardships in the past paid off. I only prayed for me to pass the training period but God has given me so much.
I was also given an opportunity to apply for a new role (probably an easier one, but since I do have social anxiety at times, it could be hard) that involves being in the Learning and Training department. The deadline of application is getting near but I have not decided just yet. Hopefully, the Lord will give me a sign if I should push through it or not.
I will also be transferring to the night shift next week and I’ll be handling (perhaps) a workload that won’t be needing quality checks from nitpicky editors.
Looking back, I’ve gone through so much in just a span of a year. I may not say it nor look like it but I do have problems that I chose not to share to anyone. Mainly because I don’t want them to feel bad about me. Being looked down is the last thing I want to feel in life. You may think that I’m one of the best performers of our account but before I achieve that accomplishment, I’ll experience terrible anxiety first.
People have different problems and needs in life. I realized that being kind is one of the most important things to be during these tough times. We don’t know what others are going through so the least we could do is to be nice to them.
We all have hardships in life that we thought we couldn’t get pass off, but through faith, we’ll surpass everything.
I am grateful for the job that I have right now. I can buy things that I want, provide for my family, and save up for the future. I may breakdown at times, but I’ll continue to move forward despite everything.
I hope I could stay more at this job. I hope I can endure the stress more. God, my destiny is in your hands. Please put me in a job where I’ll be appreciated and managed well.
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julykings-blog · 3 years
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As you can see that's me wearing an id which i work in, so in this blog i'll share what happened on my life since i transfer my rabbit to my grandma so since i left to my previous house of my mom and my siblings, i decided to live on my own again this time, i think i need to do this for the sake of my future you know i should have done this many years ago, i regret the years that i spend for nothing it doesn't mean i didn't do anything at all in my life, but sometime you wouldn't know the best for you until you experience it and realize it yourself, after buying a lot of rabbits and staying to my grandma i decided to applied in many companies for me be able just to sustain my everyday needs and expenses specially my grandma's gettin older so i really need to find a suitable work for me i feel ashamed living with her without doing something to help her, On my way to recruitment building of my company now, way back the day i applied, i did walk thru to have an interview but this time i got lucky, from 10am till 12am i passed all the examination and interviews, it all worth the wait and i get hired in BPO industry again! Yoohoo!, I resigned back 2019 because the account was too hard for me, but now i think somehow since i have an experience before so somehow maybe this account will suits me, however this company are very strict when it comes to requirements, they bombared us about requirements on goverment id's and papers which we need to submit on the assigned date or else there's a posibility that we might get terminated or suspend at work, the crucial situation that we experience right now is while we working at night we need to complete our requirements at the same time, On our day off instead of resting we need to go to a long queue just to get the said requirements, in this matter we spend a lot of money which may be the result for us to lose our remaining coins in our pocket, sometime i'm thinking is this goverment really helping us by creating these said accounts or sites? which is goverment numbers you know what i mean right?, however we need to obey the rules because nowadays it's really hard to find a job so we need to be patience because we don't have a choice, at this moment 11/23/2021 i'm at my grandma's house doing this blog, i went here to get all my things that i need which i can use on my work because, i will be staying at my dorm for a long period of time, i decided to get a dormitory because based on my calculation i can save money and time by renting a dorm rather than going back and fort in my gransma's house, it also lessen my time and energy just by travelling everyday, My co-worker told me that he already renting a room 2weeks ago so i decided to be with them luckily they agreed, at the dorm i'm with of one of my co-worker and his friend they are nice though although they are not totally a male anyway there's nothing wrong about that you know what i mean right?, On the first day of my work we introduce ourselves and doing a lot of training like call flow, navigation on call tools, how to deal with customer and be familiarize with the account, most of my co-workers are tenured, we play games which we have discussed on training where if you lose you need to dance and guess what? as usual i'm always a looser so i dance with my team, that's very embarrasing,... the good thing about that games is somehow i remembered all the questions and answers on my account maybe that's the purpose of that dance, i already have a close friend however he always borrowing money from me and not paying it, some of my colleagues bullying me because they knew that i'm a newbie, but it's fine i get use to it it's usual as before, i'm not into on negative things right now nor into negative people around me anymore, i'm more focus on my goal, maybe they are just having fun,or maybe i can help them to forget thier anxiety somehow,or maybe i'm being matured, In life there's a lot of challenges you'll encounter that you need to deal with, when there's a dark there's always a stars and moon that can show you the way, so
hopefully my journey that i chose would be exciting and challenging, i will inform you on my next life story, i think this will be enough for today thank you for reading ! Again take care guys have a wonderful day ahead!😊
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