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devulove-blog · 3 months ago
2086 ಮಂದಿ ಸರ್ಕಾರಿ ನೌಕರರ ಬಳಿಯು ಇವೆ ಬಿಪಿಎಲ್ ಕಾರ್ಡ್‌ಗಳು !
ಬೆಂಗಳೂರು: ರಾಜ್ಯದ ವಿವಿಧ ಜಿಲ್ಲೆಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಸರ್ಕಾರಿ ಕೆಲಸದಲ್ಲಿರುವ 2086 ಮಂದಿ ನೌಕರರು ಕಳ್ಳ ಮಾರ್ಗದಲ್ಲಿ ಬಿಪಿಎಲ್‌ ಕಾರ್ಡ್‌ ಹೊಂದಿರುವುದು ಗೊತ್ತಾಗಿದೆ. ಇಂಥ ಭ್ರಷ್ಟರಿಂದ ನ್ಯಾಯಯುತವಾಗಿ ಸಿಗಬೇಕಿರುವ ಬಿಪಿಎಲ್‌ ಕಾರ್ಡ್‌ಗಳು ಸಿಗದೆ ಸಾವಿರಾರು ಮಂದಿ ಬಡ ಕುಟುಂಬಗಳು ಸರ್ಕಾರಿ ಕಚೇರಿಗಳಿಗೆ ಅಲೆಯುತ್ತಿವೆ. ಆದರೂ ಲಂಚ ಕೊಡದ ಹೊರತು ಈ ಬಡ ಕುಟುಂಬಗಳಿಗೆ ಬಿಪಿಎಲ್‌ ಕಾರ್ಡ್‌ಗಳು ಸಿಗುವುದಿಲ್ಲ.ಆದರೆ ಭ್ರಷ್ಟ ಸರ್ಕಾರಿ ನೌಕರರಿಗೆ ಯಾವುದೋ ಒಂದು ದಾಖಲೆಯ ಆಧಾರದ ಮೇಲೆ ಬಿಪಿಎಲ್‌ ಕಾರ್ಡ್‌…
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kingsbridgelibraryteens · 6 months ago
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It's true that at branches of the New York Public Library, we get visitors from many far and exotic locations. And some of those locations have their own library cards!
Here's a library card that a recent visitor showed me. This card is from the Queens Public Library system, and it features Mr. Met and Mrs. Met, who are the mascots of the New York Mets baseball team. [Sometimes they look a little more terrifying, but even I must admit that they're pretty cute on this library card!]
Fun Fact: New York City has three different library systems:
New York Public Library (Bronx / Manhattan / Staten Island)
Queens Public Library
Brooklyn Public Library
You can return the items you checked out from one library to any other library, as long as it's in the same system.
Each library system has its own criteria for membership. Even if you don't live in that borough, you may be eligible for a digital card that could be used for ebooks and other digital resources. Visit those websites to learn more about each system!
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upcomingyojana · 29 days ago
BPL Ration Card List 2025: 25 जिलों में 10 लाख नए नाम शामिल, यहां से तुरंत चेक करें अपना डिटेल
BPL Ration Card List 2025: भारत सरकार द्वारा संचालित बीपीएल (गरीबी रेखा से नीचे) राशन कार्ड योजना का उद्देश्य गरीब और जरूरतमंद परिवारों को सस्ते दर पर खाद्यान्न और अन्य आवश्यक सामान उपलब्ध कराना है। हाल ही में, बीपीएल राशन कार्ड की नई लिस्ट 2025 जारी की गई है, जिसमें उन सभी परिवारों के नाम शामिल हैं जो इस योजना के तहत लाभ प्राप्त करने के योग्य हैं। यह योजना गरीब परिवारों को हर महीने प्रति व्यक्ति…
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xtrablak674 · 1 month ago
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Letter to the Brooklyn Public Library
XXX Washington Avenue Apartment #X
Brooklyn, New York 11438
Brooklyn Public Library
Central Library
Grand Army Plaza
Brooklyn, NY 11238
1 January 2002
Dear Mrs. Brown Larson
I would like to congratulate you on having such a lovely library. Being away from the public library for nearly over a decade it was so wonderful to be re-introduced in such a nice way by visiting your main branch. I am very blessed to live so close to it and partake of the hidden jewels of knowledge, that it holds. I was very impressed with the Children's wing, filled with gum drop colored iMacs, classic books and toys, its absolutely breath taking. I was also amazed by your selection of audio-books, VHS, CD ROM's and DVD's, this library is such a hidden treasure.
I was so happy with my recent experiences at your library, I had decided to share its wonders with a good friend. He also hadn't been to the library in years and needed to start by getting a library card. We first consulted your very well organized website to make sure we had the correct information and then we headed off for the branch.
For a Monday you had a nice crowd in the library's main lobby. We quickly got on the check out line, since we didn't see anyone working exclusively at the library card desk. While we were waiting on the short line, and I noticed a clipboard with the application for a library card sitting very accessible on the desk. I was fairly confident my friend had all the proper ID, so I picked up the clipboard and told him to start filling it out, so we could save time.
We then decided to fill out the form at the desk itself, when an older woman of African descent with short cropped hair, an orange blouse, about late 30's or early 40's, mid sized build, stepped up and snatched the clipboard from my friend telling him, that he was NOT supposed to be filling out the form without, having shown the proper ID.
Feeling bad that I had misdirected him, I quickly stepped up and said that I had given him the clipboard, since it was just sitting there. The woman rolled her eyes, and said it was rude of us to just pick up the form and start filling it out. Her tone was very sarcastic and nasty, and I told her there was no need for her to be so nasty, it was an honest mistake. She rolled her eyes again and asked for the ID.
At this point I was so embarrassed to have bought him to the library to get such poor treatment, and I was truly hoping he wouldn't be discouraged to come back, even though he didn’t live close by. I told the woman I felt her attitude and actions were inappropriate and unprofessional and that I would like to speak to the manager, at which time she told me that she was the manager. I could not hide the shock on my face by that statement, and I told her that if she was the manager, I felt very bad for the rest of the staff at the Check Out desk. I let her know her actions would not go with out consequence, and that I would find out who she reported to and promptly report the situation to them.
I asked for her name, she refused to give it to me, and I felt I could make no more headway with her so I marched over to the information desk and calmly asked how I could go about making a complaint. The very nice man of Asian descent behind the desk handed me a form, and I spent the next 20 minutes righting down a complaint, I was quite upset by my rough treatment and it showed in my hand writing.
On the complaint I noted the time and date of the altercation, which was approximately between 5:30pm and 6:00pm, closer to 5:30pm, at the Check Out counter on Monday, January 28, 2002. I completed the form, and I returned it to the Information desk as I was told. I found the woman in question at the desk, obviously relaying her version of the story to her coworker, I once again asked her, her name and she refused to give it to me and walked away.
The man at the information desk was a bit more informed about the situation now, and between his answering other customers questions, my friend and I related our side of the story to him. I then asked him who would be the woman's, supervisor and he identified Rhea Brown Larson, as the woman's supervisor. My friend and I thanked the man, and we went in search of some more book.
After the treatment we received at the Check Out desk we decided we would not be taking out any books that day. I am also a bit anxious myself about my next visit to the Check Out desk and if I will be seeing this woman again, I do not look forward to that experience, it was very obvious that she did not take the "high road" in this situation at all.
I feel so passionate about the new relationship I am having with the library that I felt it very important to share with you a very saddening situation, at what was my favorite branch. I do not wish any harsh actions to be taken against the woman in question, but she should be reprimanded about appropriate and inappropriate behavior when dealing with the public. I could have been anyone, a son or husband of someone on the board of trustee's or the relative a former donator to the library, or I could just be a patron of local library who should be treated with respect and consideration.
I was considering volunteering at the library, but after my experience with that woman, I can see that I will have to find somewhere else to contribute my time and experience. I thank you for making the library a wonderful place for Brooklyn and the community, and I hope my note can help other people to continue to have positive experiences at your fine library.
Trevor Brown
CC: Darin Thomas Arthur Ross
Martín Gómez
Albert Wiltshire
Evan Kingsley
[Afterwords: My first thoughts were, what an amazing letter, clear concise, relaying the facts without over embellishing or exaggerating. Punctuating with emotion to emphasize the mistreatment but not judging, simply parsing a bad situation. I would love to take credit for this, but I am thinking Susan Galanter had a hand in this final draft.
I remember clearly in the early aughts I wasn't as confident about my writing, so I would always find someone to edit my first drafts for me. I can't say whether Ms. Galanter edited this conclusively, but this feels like her hand. The balance between compliments and the positioning of who we are and could be in relation to the library is masterful.
She manages to evoke a sense of urgency in this matter being resolved and mailing it for the first of the year was also a stroke of genius. Let's clean up that bad rubbage right in the beginning of the year, just like a New Years resolution.
Obviously the details related are my own, but I also love the journey, how a nice innocuous trip to the local library turned into a horror show. How post traumatic stress was already lacing my feelings to the once favored branch. I giggle at how impactful this letter must have been when it was finally read by its intended reader.
Seriously I learned from the best. Susan had a way with words that she would literally always get her way with whomever she was writing to. She had an excellent ability to understand the context and most effective psychological triggers for her subject and made sure she would tastefully target all of them with precision and grace.
It reminds me of one of my recent successes with a pension agency that was giving me trouble when I was requesting my grandmother's death benefits. I wrote a letter that was so effective that I had those elusive benefits within five days of them receiving my missive.
Susan wasn't alone in being one of my teachers, local poet Patricia Spears Jones also helped me on a few writing projects, Tom Giebel was also a good editor as was Tony, my ex and now friend. Curiously the ladies could be like surgeons in their letters, but no one as ruthless as Aunt Susan. As a Jewish woman of means she was used to getting her way, and taught me how to use the pen to level the playing field and make sure things always turned out in my favor.
[Photo by Brown Estate]
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paisainvets · 2 months ago
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businessskibat · 2 months ago
Ration card Yojana :अब आपका जहां मन करे वहां से राशन ले सकते है इस तरीके का इस्तेमाल करके 
Ration card Yojana:राशन की व्यवस्था समाज के सबसे महत्वपूर्ण पहलुओं में से एक है। यह न केवल लोगों के जीवन यापन के लिए आवश्यक है, बल्कि यह एक सामाजिक सुरक्षा तंत्र भी प्रदान करता है, जो गरीब और जरूरतमंद परिवारों को राहत प्रदान करता है। भारत में राशन का वितरण सरकारी राशन दुकानों (पीडीएस) के माध्यम से किया जाता है, जिससे गरीब तबके के लोगों को सस्ता अनाज और अन्य आवश्यक वस्तुएं मिलती हैं। हालांकि, आज…
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umangharyana · 2 months ago
1 जनवरी 2025 से बदलेंगे राशन के नियम: जानिए नई व्यवस्था और ई-केवाईसी की प्रक्रिया
भारत सरकार द्वारा गरीब और ज़रूरतमंद लोगों के लिए चलाई जा रही राशन योजनाएँ उनकी जिंदगी को संजीवनी देने का काम करती हैं। राष्ट्रीय खाद्य सुरक्षा अधिनियम (NFSA) के तहत मिलने वाले राशन में बदलाव किया गया है। यह बदलाव 1 जनवरी 2025 से लागू होगा। अगर आप BPL राशन कार्ड धारक हैं, तो यह खबर आपके ��िए बेहद अहम है। राशन की मात्रा में बदलाव सरकार ने राशन कार्ड धारकों के लिए खाद्यान्न की मात्रा में बदलाव किया…
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rightnewshindi · 3 months ago
हरियाणा के 1.98 करोड़ लोगों के पास है बीपीएल कार्ड, अब नायब सैनी सरकार कराएगी जांच
Haryana BLP Card Scam: हरियाणा में 1.98 करोड़ लोग बीपीएल श्रेणी में हैं। यह संख्या राज्य की आबादी का 70 फीसदी के करीब है। एक तरफ हरियाणा की प्रति व्यक्ति आय दूसरे नंबर पर है, लेकिन इतनी बड़ी संख्या में लोग बीपीएल कार्ड धारक कैसे बन गए? यह एक अहम सवाल है। अब हरियाणा सरकार ने कहा है कि वह इस मामले की जांच कराएगी। राज्य सरकार का कहना है कि हम इसकी जांच किसी स्वतंत्र एजेंसी से कराएंगे। अभी तक…
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jaagrukbharat · 3 months ago
BPL Ration Cards: An Asset For Marginalised Communities In India
India has been fighting a range of issues and one of those pressing issues is poverty from which millions of homes are suffering and battling. Despite the number of growth and development that are measured every year, a large part of the population still struggles for necessities like food, clean water, a roof, and electricity. India cannot celebrate or reach the tag of ‘developed’ unless poverty is eradicated from everyone’s households.
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iofrngfme · 5 months ago
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vocaltv · 2 years ago
घर बैठे बनवाएं राशन कार्ड, कॉल करें इस नंबर पर
�� रायपुर। अब घर बैठे आप राशन कार्ड बनवा सकेंगे। इसके लिए 📞14545 नंबर पर कॉल करना अनिवार्य है. यह जानकारी सीएम भूपेश बघेल ने ट्वीट कर दी और लिखा – जुड़ा एक और नया अध्याय…आप सबको बताते हुए ख़ुशी हो रही है कि अब हमने राशन कार्ड को भी मितान योजना में शामिल करने का निर्णय लिया है। अब राशन कार्ड बनवाने के लिए घर बैठे कॉल करें 📞14545 पर और घर बुलाएँ मितान. घर बैठे ही बन जाएगा आपका राशन कार्ड. राशन कार्ड…
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sapootindia · 2 years ago
BPL Ration Card February List Check: BPL card list released on this day of the month, see your name FREE 2023
BPL Ration Card February List Check: New list of BPL Ration Card (Ration Card) issued for the purpose of providing ration to the poor and middle income group of Uttar Pradesh, check free wheat, rice, pulses, oil that your name is in the list Or no no! New
BPL Ration Card February List Check: New list of BPL Ration Card (Ration Card) issued for the purpose of providing ration to the poor and middle income group of Uttar Pradesh, check free wheat, rice, pulses, oil that your name is in the list Or no no! New BPL Ration Card (BPL Ration Card List) is being given to the families at a low price! Through this, citizens get basic food and drink at cheap…
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mildmayfoxe · 3 months ago
good christ i just realized i was searching one of the smallest libraries i have a card for. what on earth was i doing. crisis averted i have more options
when i checked last week before taking out the last werewolf novel i did (the one that was the worst of the bunch) on hoopla the next two were available on libby but when i went to go take out the next one and then even the one after that (figured it wouldn’t do me harm to skip around) they BOTH are out and have waitlists! im the first person on the waitlist for both but what the hell! i’m out of hoopla reservations until friday (💀💀💀💀) & i even checked the other books by the author (might as well) and those are both out too! and then i went and looked through the list of available audiobooks in my specs and NOTHING is available!! im gonna die! how am i supposed to live this way! do i have to start a free audible trial so i can have a book to listen to (the next werewolf novel)!
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paisainvets · 5 months ago
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beggars-opera · 10 months ago
Losing my goddamn mind that basic databases are hoarding untold information and only doling it out to institutions that are willing to pay their exorbitant prices
I used to be able to access every single freaking newspaper published in America while I was in college. Then I had to get it through the BPL. Then they made it so that you could only access it in-library. Then they unsubscribed. Then my local library took it on. Then THEY unsubscribed. The only library that might have access to this database will not let me in because I am not a resident of the town, even though they allowed me a library card. So now the only way I have access to this database is literally to find a town whose library is dumb enough to pay for it and move there. Otherwise sorry, only people in this zip code have access to this information. Tough titties.
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queerliblib · 11 months ago
Hello. I just learned about this thing a bit ago, and got my library card today, and I was wondering if you knew of any other similar libraries that operate primarily through Libby? Now that I have had my eyes open to the possibility of multiple library cards my brain just wants to collect all that I can get.
hi! hmm which are primarily digital libraries through Libby… honestly, no. That’s one of the reasons we decided we’d be able to move forward with QLL after we had the idea, as it was filling a gap that no one else was.
Of course there are some public libraries (brooklyn among others) that have opened up *part* of their Libby catalogues nationally for certain age ranges (13-26), and then there are other digital branches of physical libraries like the Library of Congress’ open access digital collections. The closest I can think of for a fully digital library would be the Digital Public Library of America or DPLA, but they don’t use Libby. BPL, LoC, DPLA and others also don’t have the same focus on queer books that we do at QLL.
There are other excellent queer libraries out there too, but most are primarily physical collections (one exception being Quatrefoil Library who also launched a digital branch on Libby, but they also have a much more geographically narrow focus - Minneapolis - than we do)
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