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strangererotica · 9 months ago
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Boyfriend!Steve Harrington x Reader
Prompt: Last night, there was a huge party at Steve’s place. In the morning, after everyone else has gone home, Steve wakes you up with his mouth 🫦
Open your eyes. The house is empty; it’s just you and Steve, now. Red plastic cups are scattered around the living room; the ashtray in the corner is full. Pizza boxes lay open and mostly empty, with a few cold, neglected slices left behind…
Open your legs; Steve’s mouth is moving between them. The warm pressure of his tongue spreads your moist lips apart. Still foggy with sleep, Steve glazes his tongue over your cunt in sloppy, messy laps. You whimper and squeak, your back curving into an arch on instinct. He suckles your clit, tugging it between his lips in rhythm with your pulse. You reach for Steve’s hair to secure yourself, feeling as if you might lift off the ground and float, if he keeps nursing your clit this way.
Fingers clasp the chair behind you, your nails scratching loudly into the coarse fabric. Steve’s hands slide up your torso and close over the soft mounds of your breasts. He gropes you with a curious reverence, like he’s cupping your tits for the very first time. Steve growls wet and filthy into your cunt when he feels your nipples harden against his palms.
Your toes curl, thighs trembling over Steve’s shoulders. A gush of liquid expels onto his face, followed by another. He’s drunk on you, on the slick honey pouring from between your thighs, and the helpless cries your lips spill along with his name. Heels kick into his back, control lost, your puffy cunt burning up inside Steve’s mouth. He holds you between his lips steadfast, refusing to let go, like a dog clutching their favorite toy.
Slick sounds emanate from where your cunt and Steve’s mouth are attached. You rub yourself against his face, crying out in pleasure when your clit catches the tip of his nose. Steve lets you hump his face like a bitch in heat; it’s what he exists for, in this moment. All he can think about is how fucking lucky he is, to have your cunt in his mouth, that it’s his face you’re using to get yourself off on.
He sinks his tongue inside you as you rut over his lips. Steve’s mouthing something into your cunt, thick, syrupy words that neither of you care to understand. He’s babbling, flushed with sweat as your cum trickles down his neckline and into his shirt collar. You grind your sopping bush into Steve’s nose; he inhales as deeply as he can, pulling your scent into his lungs, never wanting the sweet musk of you to leave him.
You’re screaming, sobbing, as a second climax rockets through you. Spraying Steve again, he nuzzles hard into your cunt, sucking up every drop of cum he can find. Your slick coats his hair, his clothing; his entire face is covered in the evidence of your pleasure. You writhe under Steve’s mouth like something possessed, a body afflicted by powers beyond your control. A puddle of cum sloshes under your ass; it’s running down your thighs and saturating the cushion you’re seated on. Steve devours your release, gulping your slippery warmth as your clit throbs against his nose. He’s tongue-fucking your cunt, lazily scooping your juices into his mouth, and your whole body responds in a head-to-toe orgasm…
…Something stirs in the far corner, lurching you into post-nut clarity immediately. “Steve…Steve!” you whisper urgently, smacking his shoulder to get his attention. He looks first at your face, his own a glistening, sparkling image of beauty, followed by the corner you’re pointing at. When Steve sees what you’re seeing, a weird little knot forms in his stomach, and he doesn’t know if he feels more pissed off or embarrassed?
Because slithering out from under a pile of blankets in the corner of the room, Eddie Munson appears. His face is ruddy and apologetic, looking every bit the guilty little perv he is. You and Steve watch as Eddie slides the blankets off himself and stands, his mind obviously running circles trying to think of something to say. “I…uh…so this looks bad, I get it,” he stammers. “But the two of you were having-uh-a moment-.”
Eddie smiles weakly, trying to play off his nerves as Steve stares daggers through him. “-And n-not many people know this about me, but I’m actually a huge romantic-.” Eddie struggles to zip his pants, but his erection is in the way, rendering his efforts useless. “-and I couldn’t bring myself to ruin something so beautiful, you know? So I just kind of-um-.”
Eddie’s eyes fall to his crotch, his stiff, twitching cock dangling out of his pants. “Watched?” Steve finishes Eddie’s sentence for him. “You sat over there and watched like a fucking creep, is that it?”
Eddie points his thumb in the direction of the front door. “I’ll just-I’ll go now, okay?”
Steve nods, a tight-lipped frown on his face. “Yeah,” he says. “Do that. Before I beat the shit out of you, freak.”
Eddie’s eyes meet yours for the first time, and you feel your cheeks go red. He stumbles quickly out of the room; you and Steve hear the front door close behind Eddie.
With a sigh of relief, Steve pulls you into his arms and lays your body under his on the floor.
Eddie did leave the house, but he isn’t gone. He’s made himself comfortable outside the living room window, where he’s able to finish in his hand while watching Steve finish inside you…
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phantomdreamgirl · 2 months ago
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so boyfriend shaped 💕
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fairyysoup · 1 year ago
you call your boyfriend steve and tell him you have a toothache and have to go to the dentist tomorrow bc it hurts so bad you can't even eat and he comes over with a tooth shaped plush that he just won from a claw machine at work and holds it up like "is this guy bothering you?" and proceeds to start beating the shit out of it. bonus points if it's a squeaky toy so it's just making these pathetic squeak noises as he does
then he proceeds to cradle you like a baby and hold an ice pack to your face 💔 while you hold the stupid squeak plushie bc he spent a whole roll of quarters trying to win it for you lmaooo
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mimimunson · 1 year ago
boyfriend!steve x reader / headcanon
cw- menstruation, theft?
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Steve wouldn’t really know how to help a you on your period, he’s not the “what size pussy do you wear” type of guy when buying sanitary products for you, but he’s just as clueless. He’d fill the cart with one of every product they have, just in case he got it wrong. He’d try and ask Robin how to help and she’d say something casual like “just be patient with them through their cramps.” But Steve being Steve would go above and beyond, wouldn’t just buy you average painkillers, he’d fall for the pink tax. “See babe these ones are designed to help menstrual pain!” Absolutely no amount of explaining that all the ingredients in those pills are the exact same as the average painkillers would convince him either. But you’d definitely shut your mouth when he’d hand pick you flowers, failing to mention that he’d accidentally destroyed a private garden to get them though.
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hotwritergf · 1 year ago
Steve Harrington in a soccer football shirt<3
You watch the game with him on television, stealing one of his spare football shirts to impress him. He calls you their good luck charm, their cheerleader.
He sits you on his lap and strokes your hair but he just can’t contain his spirit when the team are 1-0 down, yelling at the screen.
“Shit sorry babe, that was in your ear huh? My bad”
When his team scores he smothers your face in kisses, he does a little celebration dance and sings their chants. You giggle and he points his finger at you.
“Don’t know why you’re laughing baby, this is history being made!”
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writers-hes · 2 years ago
sweater (s. harrington x reader)
Steve Harrington finds a sweater in your wardrobe that he doesn’t recognize. (boyfriend!steve) helpful links: navigation | master lists | rules and guidelines | tag list | fic recs (A/N: Just tooth rotting fluff. Also, established relationship!) “It's cold today,” Steve reckons, a chill running through his spine. He laid there in your bed, beside you, a soft smile gracing his lips.
“It is,” you agreed, sitting up. Your duvet covered your body and he chuckled. “Do you want to go get breakfast?”
“Yeah,” you nodded. “There’s a cafe near the old mall that I’ve been dying to go to,” Steve nods because how can he say no to the most beautiful girl he’s ever laid eyes on? How can he deny you anything? He watches as you raise from the bed into your wardrobe with nothing on. He acknowledges the soft curves that outline your body; how your hair falls perfectly.
“Do you have a sweater I can borrow?” he asked, sitting up and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. You hummed as you dressed yourself. An oversized sweater that probably belonged to him and a pair of sweatpants. You toss him a sweater that lands on his lap.
“Ew!” he shrieks, and you look at him in alarm.
“What’s wrong?”
“Whose is this?” he asks, raising the sweater with two fingers. He scrunched his nose in disgust. You looked over, your face paling. It was a simple white sweater with a university emblem that you forgot about.
“Oh, God,” you groaned. “Sorry, let me fix that—“
“Are you…giving me a sweater your ex-boyfriend gave you? Why aren’t you throwing it out? I’m your boyfriend, you know. You should only wear my clothes,” he rants, a cute frown on his forehead. He throws the sweater somewhere in your room with his thumb and his forefinger and pouts.
“You’re so cute, you know that?” you asked, kissing his cheek.
“Doesn’t matter,” he grumbles. You sit beside him. Steve has always been a little bit selfish. Who could blame him? He was an only son of a rich family and his mother doted on him as a child. He didn’t like sharing and had only got around to it after spending some time with the kids. It was a difficult obstacle that he’s still trying to overcome. So, the thought of his clothes sharing a space with your ex’s clothes was beyond him. It was something small but to Steve, it meant a lot, especially because your ex was a university graduate, something that he is still trying to work on.
“I’m sorry, Stevie,” you coo, rubbing his scalp softly. “I returned everything and I must have forgotten that it was still there,”
“Really?” he asks softly.
“Yeah. Really,” you answered honestly. “If you want, we can throw it out or like, give it to someone,”
“Let me go through your closet first. Don’t want any germs contaminating our clothes, you know?” he asked, standing up. “For now, can you please keep that sweater away? It’s so gross, it’s giving me the heebie-jeebies,” he shuddered. 
“Okay, okay,” you laughed. He was so cute sometimes. All the time. Always. “Hey, I love you, you know that, right?”
“Yeah and I love you too. Now, go on, scurry! Get me a bag so I can put unwanted things away,” he barks and you oblige.
“Honey?” he calls and you hum. “I love you,” he repeats because he’s so thankful and glad that finally, someone loves him for who he is—no need to hide under the guise of King Steve or anyone else. Just Steve.  steve harrington taglist: @thatfantagirl @cherris-n-peaches @Miyababbby @munsonsuccubus @moistmocca @munsonology @aol19 @undeadgirlsworld @eddiethesexy @weaslyslut01 @captainweirdo42 
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arelliann · 9 months ago
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Once a Bad Bitch always a Bad Bitch
pose reference from @ Kaosdisabledsupport on tiktok
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zvdvdlvr · 1 month ago
thinkin about emotionally strong reader falling apart into bf’s arms… :,)
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     He knows it’s bad when you can’t bring yourself to say anything: no witty remarks to play it off, no humble shrug to show that it didn’t phase you- not even a weak joke that you’d heard from passerby during the previous week. He would have known anyway but he knows how bad it is when you can’t hide the wobble in your chin when you meet him at the door and melt into his arms.
     The sound of your stifled cries weaken his heart because he just knows how long you’ve been trying to hold it all together. You don’t know that he sheds his own tears at your sorrow. You don’t know that he feels his own pained heart grow just a touch because you trust him enough to be able to comfort you- to run to him when there is something you really can’t make better.
     When you finally stop trying to smother out the sound of your cries, it breaks his own heart into pieces because your grief is his. He doesn’t know what to do in this pile on the floor- your arms wrapped tightly around him in fear of him leaving with one hand resting at the top of your head and the other one of his hands supporting your neck as you weep into his shoulder- so he just holds you.
     And later, when your cries turn hoarse and the tears run dry, you let him pull you to your feet. He carries you to the dark bedroom because he knows you get headaches after crying. When you still don’t say a word he goes to the kitchen and scavenges some Tylenol and a cup of water.
     He knows you don’t like to feel helpless- to feel like you need to rely on someone. But if he’s being honest, he likes being able to care for you. He likes how you curl up with your head on his chest and your hands wrapped around him. He likes how you let him draw shapes on your back because you secretly love the physical touch. He likes how you let out soft sighs throughout the course of the movie because he knows you’re still awake.
     But most of all, he likes the intamacy of being the one you run to when it’s all too much because damn it all to hell if he made you feel like you weren’t free to be vulnerable with him.
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steddieme · 3 months ago
eddie: stevie, would you still love me if i was a worm?
steve, without looking up from his magazine: i hate worms
eddie: but would you love ME if i was a worm?
steve: i'd keep you in a little jar, put you on my nightstand and cry myself to sleep because you'd be right there but i'd never get to hear your voice or hold you again. and i could do nothing about it.
eddie, tearing up: joke cancelled, i want cuddles
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veltana · 10 months ago
So many times I've gone to my partner's closet to steal something that looks great on him and then it looks like absolute garbage on me 😫 Steve is so cute! Making his friends get reader her favorite snacks because he knew what she needed! 😍
Sick of It
Pairing: Boyfriend! Steve Rogers x Girlfriend! Reader one-shot
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Summary: Steve looks good in everything and you’re sick of it. That, among other things.
Word count: 1,784
Content/warnings: Crying, comfort, angry feelings, kissing, mentions of body image issues, swears, snacks, non-sexual semi-nudity
A/N: I wrote this a couple weeks ago while I was feeling like absolute crap. I was so stressed and just wanted someone to hold. I know too many people relate. I think Steve would’ve been such a sweetie for this kind of moment.
Comments, likes, reblogs, and asks are so appreciated. Thank you for reading!!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Main Masterlist
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“I’m so fucking done.”
You slammed the door to the pantry as Steve looked over his shoulder at you from his spot on the couch.
“Honey, what’s wrong?” His words trailed down to you as stomped down the hall and slammed the door to his room.
Steve sighed and tossed the blanket off his lap, softly padding after you down the corridor. He leaned against the doorframe before lightly knocking with the knuckle of his pointer finger.
“Hey, you alright?” He faintly heard the sliding of his dresser drawers, frantically paired with the sound of clanging hangers in his closet.
Steve opened the door slowly to be met with the sight of you half naked, hoodie stretched over your one arm and head, only accompanied on your body by your socks and underwear.
You grumbled and sighed before pulling the hoodie fully down over your body, looking in the mirror before ripping it off and throwing it at him. Steve didn’t flinch, catching the beige hoodie he had been given in a stylist’s attempt to take him on as a client.
Steve had many pieces of clothing like that: obscure fashion pieces gifted to him because of his celebrity status. To a normal person, they were impractical and weird. Odd shapes for an odd body. They’d only look good on someone as hot as him, broad shoulders, skinny waist, and all. Any time you’d try to put on a piece of the clothing, you felt like it hugged your curves in all the wrong ways.
You sighed, but it was deep and guttural, bordering on a scream. The way every piece of clothing, which looks so trendy and stylish on Steve, draped over your hips in a weird way, drove you nuts. The colors didn’t look as good, the shape was meant for someone else.
You flopped down on the bed, still only in your underwear, as Steve grabbed a hanger, placing the hoodie on it and hanging it back in the closet.
He walked over to you, slotting his legs in between yours which swung off the bed. He leaned forward over you until his arms framed your head, one hand on each side, careful to miss your hair that was sprawled out over the comforter.
When you opened your eyes, you were greeted by a sea of blue. You wanted to melt instantly at the care and concern that Steve’s eyes held, before you remembered why you were so upset.
You rolled on your side with a groan, hiding your face in the plush covers before Steve did his best to brush the hair out of your way.
He continued to softly rub his thumb against your temple. “Jellybean, you wanna tell me what’s going on? What’s got you so upset?”
You sighed before speaking into the blanket covering your mouth. Even Steve’s super soldier hearing couldn’t decipher the muffled sounds.
“Can you try again for me? I didn’t quite catch that.”
You turned slightly and threw your hands over your face in exasperation before peeking through your fingers at the face full of love and kindness that was always waiting on the other side.
“I’m sick of it.” It came out still muffled by your palm, but understandable this time. Steve nodded in an attempt to understand.
“Sick of what, honey? Anything I can fix? Or at least help with?” He helped you up, sitting next to you on the mattress. He attempted to pull you into his lap before your stopped him, pushing his arms off of you.
“No! Stop it, you’re the problem.”
Steve was taken aback. He would never do anything to hurt you, not even accidentally, so he had no idea where this was coming from. He cautiously continued.
“I’m really sorry, bean. What did I do?”
You shook your head before it fell into your hands, tears threatening to dampen the heels of your palms while you sniffled,sucking your emotions back in. You took a deep breath before looking up at him with red eyes.
“You know what? Actually, nothing. I’m overreacting. Forget about it. Maybe I should just go.”
You stood up and began to gather your clothes from the floor when Steve stood to stop you, holding your hands against his chest.
“Wait, Jellybean, come on. If-“
You threw down your hands, releasing them from his grip as you continued to look down at your feet.
“Quit calling me that!! That’s the problem!! I’m not a jellybean!”
His head cocked to the side in confusion. “Honey, what do you mean? I thought you liked that nickname…”
You shook your head as Steve crouched down in an attempt to meet your gaze. “No, because a jellybean would fit in your clothes and look good. And I don’t at all right now.”
Steve cautiously moved a hand to your cheek, finally able to look into your eyes. “Hey, what happened? Did someone say something to you? Did I? If I did anything to make you feel like that, I’m so sorry. You’re so perfect in every single way, what’s making you feel differently?”
His other hand went to your other cheek and you grabbed his wrists, looking down again, kicking your feet. Your next words came out as a whisper. “Everything sucks. I’m exhausted, and my eyes keep twitching because of it. I couldn’t focus to save my life today. I thought coming over here would make me feel better, and I looked in your pantry to see if you had any of the good snacks and of course you don’t because you’re Mr. Healthy! None of your clothes fit or look good on me! I mean, why do your even own half this stuff!? So many pairs of fake glasses, your eyesight’s perfect-no. Better than perfect! You make stuff that’s not even fashionable or practical look good and I’m sick of it!” You were practically yelling now, your words growing in volume the more you kept going.
Steve simply nodded, letting you vent as much as you needed to and taking it all in. He knew he didn’t have good snacks, he had asked if you wanted him to pick up your favorites when grocery shopping last week and you said ‘no, that’s not necessary. I probably shouldn’t tempt myself anyways. I’m trying to be healthier.’ He should’ve gone with his gut. He wouldn’t blame that on you, though.
He knew his clothes were ridiculous, too, but he kept them around because he thought you liked them. And he loved the way they looked on you.
He also knew the game you liked to play of ‘is it a fit or are they just hot,’ looking at the ridiculous clothes designer brands would release and judging whether or not they were high fashion, or just on a person with a nice body. He had just never thought he would be the subject of it, or that it would bring you down this much.
Steve knew you hadn’t been sleeping well for the past month, too, but hadn’t said anything. He could feel the way you tossed and turned at 3am, before you finally fell asleep again an hour later, only to be woken up shortly after by the alarm clock.
You looked up again after Steve had been quiet for too long. You let out a deep sigh. “I’m sorry, Stevie. I think I’m just taking this all out on you because you’re here. Everything but you is wrong today, and I’m taking it out on the one thing that’s here.”
You shook your head, profusely apologizing before Steve pulled you in close against his chest. He kissed the top of your head as he rubbed your back.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay. Thank you for talking to me. I’m not the enemy here. I’m your teammate. Thank you for letting me in.”
“It just isn’t fair.” You spoke into his chest before looking up into his eyes again.
“Even when you’re concerned you’re still hot, too.” You rolled your eyes before throwing your forehead back in between his firm pecs.
“Steven. Fix it.” Came out mumbled in his shirt.
Steve laughed and nodded before kissing the top of your head again. “I think I have just the thing. Hold on.”
He meant that literally. Steve stood up fully and you wrapped your legs around him, clinging like a koala, as he walked back over to the closet. The fact that he did it so effortlessly made you feel a little better about yourself, but a super soldier could probably do that with anyone.
He browsed the rack and shelves before he found what he was looking for. “Ah, here it is. They let me keep these after I had to pose as part of a construction crew for a mission. Regular people clothes. None of that high fashion bullshit.”
You laughed against his neck before he set you down on the bed. He kissed the tip of your nose before sliding a dark gray sweatshirt over your head and sinking down to his knees to pull the light gray sweatpants up your legs. They fit just how your wanted and you beamed at him.
“Better?” You nodded.
“Perfect. Thank you, Stevie.”
He gave you a wink. “Of course, jellybean. I think these fit you just right, but maybe your outfit’s missing something. I might still have the reflective vest around here somewhere, or maybe you need a good pair of fake glasses to top it off?”
You giggled and pushed his shoulder. “Absolutely not. I think the only thing that could make this better is if you had real snacks in the pantry.”
Just then, the both of you heard a knock on the door. You perked up and looked over Steve’s shoulder before raising an eyebrow at him. Steve looked back at you sheepishly.
“I think your prayers have been answered. I texted Buck and asked him to pick up your favorites the second I heard you huffing while searching through the cabinets.”
You smiled before wrapping your arms around his neck and giving him a kiss on the cheek.
“Thank you. You’re perfect, even if it’s a little infuriating how much so.”
Steve laughed and wrapped his arms around you again, carrying you towards the front door to retrieve the package. “Perfection means nothing if I can’t use it to make your life better. I love you, Jellybean.”
You smiled as he set you down on the couch and handed you a bag of snacks before cuddling close and pulling the soft throw blanket back over the two of you. You placed your hand gently on his cheek. “I love you more, Stevie.”
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Bonus A/N: What’s your favorite snack/candy? I’m currently rocking with those nerds gummy clusters. So good.
General Taglist: @hawkeyes-queen
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strangererotica · 11 months ago
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Steve Harrington x reader | sex in the shower with boyfriend!steve 🧡
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You woke to the sound of running water close by. As your eyes blinked open and drifted to the bathroom door, you noticed it had been left slightly ajar. Moist air drifted from inside, along with the woodsy, peppery scent of your boyfriend’s shampoo…
You grinned contentedly, remembering all the ways Steve had made love to you the night before. Stretching your arms and legs under the sheets, you felt a large, damp patch in the middle of the bed, and your smile grew wider. The image of Steve’s face between your thighs lingered in your mind…how handsome he’d looked, covered in your slick from his hairline to his chin. You’d squirted several times in a row as he ate you out, soaking not only Steve but apparently, saturating the sheets beneath you as well.
Memories of last night traveled straight from your mind to between your legs. Your cunt was still puffy and moist from Steve’s efforts the night before. He’d come inside you when he finished, and the combination of Steve’s release and yours was a sticky reminder between your thighs of the cum-soaked state he’d left you in…
You returned your focus to the sound of the shower running in the bathroom, listening to the stream of water shift as Steve’s body moved under it. You decided that waiting any longer for him to fuck you again was not an option. Pulling back the sheets from your body, you tiptoed naked to the bathroom, and gently crept inside. The small room was warm and inviting, the air thick with moisture. You reached for the shower door, carefully sliding it so you wouldn’t startle Steve.
…When his hand wrapped around your wrist and tugged you inside with him, a surprised little gasp escaped your lips, quickly followed by giggles as Steve pulled you close. His arms surrounded you in warmth, wrapping around your waist and pressing your chest to his. Steve’s back faced the shower head, droplets of water splashing from his broad shoulders and onto your breasts as he squeezed you closer.
The coarse hair on Steve’s chest looked even darker than usual, matted down with water and just beginning to curl. The friction it caused against your breasts felt incredible. Your nipples perked instantly, rising to meet the soaked nest of hair they were immersed in. Steve didn’t miss the way your eyes fluttered in a soft expression of bliss when he pressed his knee between your thighs, nudging your clit. Steve kept his knee locked there, his muscular thigh wedged flush against your cunt. He could feel your need, the way your pouty pussy throbbed against his skin in time with your heartbeat.
Steve’s lips met yours in a kiss that tasted of rain in the middle of Summer, fresh and warm as it melted between your lips. His tongue played tenderly with yours, gently stroking and caressing into your kiss. Your cunt wept greedily against Steve’s thigh, the evidence of your arousal dripping down his leg, mixing with the water and circling the drain.
Steve’s hands wandered up your back, his fingertips tickling your spine. The gesture made you shiver against him, your nipples perking even firmer, goosebumps dotting your skin. Steve’s lips ventured to your shoulders, kissing the goosebumps away, his fingers lacing delicately through your hair. He rocked his thigh against your cunt, pulling a desperate whimper from your throat.
“Steve,” you breathed, and he nodded in response, water dripping from the ends of his hair. “I know, baby,” he said, sliding one hand beneath your thigh. “You don’t have to say it; I already know…”
Steve lifted one of your legs and wrapped it around his waist, hoisting you up so your knee was bent over his elbow. With his free hand, he reached between your bodies and took hold of his cock. Rubbing his tip between your slick folds, Steve collected a generous amount of your cum on the head of his cock before pressing inside you, filling you whole.
The position gave Steve even deeper access to your cunt than usual; with his body bent slightly at the waist and your leg elevated to the level of his hip, Steve could fuck places inside you that more standard positions didn’t allow.
Your forehead was pressed to Steve’s chest, tears of relief burning behind your eyes as you squeezed them closed. Every upward punch of Steve’s hips hit a place so deep inside you, it felt like you were being stretched open for the first time, like losing a second virginity in part of you that hadn’t previously existed.
Steve’s eyes were glossy, his gaze fixed between your bodies, watching his cock disappear inside you. Your needy cunt swallowed Steve eagerly, sucking him like a vice. His thrusts began to grow desperate in pursuit of his climax, the heady burn of pleasure within Steve at its absolute peak.
With a groan of release, Steve erupted deep inside you, emptying against your cervix and painting your vagina in cum. Immediately after his orgasm, Steve went to his knees in front of you. He shoved his face between your thighs, hungrily probing your pussy. With his tongue buried in your cunt, Steve let you ride him to your own climax. You clutched Steve’s shoulders for support as you humped his face and bounced on his tongue till your orgasm was spilling through you in waves. Steve licked your vagina clean, sucking his cum from between your lips, peppering delicate kisses along your puffy cunt before rising to his feet, and taking you again into his arms.
A warm stream of water and cum dripped between your bodies as you held each other inside the shower. Tilting Steve’s face to yours, you teased his lips apart with your tongue. The sweet, salty flavor of your cum and Steve’s blended together as you explored each other in a deep, passionate kiss. Steve tugged your bottom lip between his, sucking lightly. When he released it, he was smiling, his pretty hazel eyes adoring you. “Let’s dry off and get back in bed,” Steve grinned mischievously. “So I can get you wet all over again…”
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paperbackribs · 2 months ago
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paradimeshifts7 · 7 months ago
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Hard launching the boyfriend post
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hotwritergf · 1 year ago
Party Tattoos / Steve Harrington x female reader / one shot<3
CW- Mention of rough sex, non verbal reader, mentions of consensual impact play, mentions of bruising, BDSM, dom Steve Harrington x submissive female reader, mentions of consensual punishment and sexual aftercare
AN- Party Tattoos is a reference to Party Tattoos by Dodie
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“Sweet girl, you did so well” Steve cooed into your ear, his gasp like breaths making the hairs on the back of your neck stand to attention. He proceeded to move down the bed, spreading your legs once more to clean the mess you both had made between your thighs. Taking extra special precautions to avoid grazing across your deeply overstimulated clit. “Almost done Princess, how ya’ feeling now?” All you could do was nod; he’d fucked your vocabulary out of you leaving you completely and utterly nonverbal. This wasn’t a new thing, every time you and Steve fucked, you’d be left a puddle of nerves. Running his fingers across your ass cheeks that were now painted a light pink colour, that was certainly going to turn into pretty bruises. “Took your punishment so well angel, so proud of you.”  
He beamed; you always did love seeing the aftermath of your shared playtime. “Gonna have some more party tattoos on this lil’ ass baby” You grinned at his expression he regularly used for bruises; it should be illegal to be this cute you thought. Rubbing cooling lotion into your marked up skin he sniggered. “I can run you a bath or do ya’ wanna get in the shower with me darlin’?” He smiled softly at you, admiration in his eyes and you could see the smirk he was so desperately trying to hide, he was always so cocky after he made you cum, especially when it was as hard as you did just now.  
Offering your hand to Steve, he helped you up onto your feet, “Let's go get you all cleaned up baby.” You smiled weakly, still coming down off your sex high. Mumbling sweet nothings to your dom as you walked to the shower, lifting your arms up so he could undress you once more. Steve kissed down your wrists to your biceps and neck and in each kiss, you could feel the words “I love you.” He hurt you so passionately, but the aftercare was always matched in energy. 
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2jihiir0 · 2 months ago
To The Ground
A steddie murder comic 🖤 by @2jihiir0
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The steddie comic I’ve been working on is finally complete and I can finally post it here! 🖤✨🖤 I told myself I’d only post it on tumblr once it was finished, as an incentive to keep going. And it worked!!! It’s finished, and I’m so happy with it !!! 🥰
Making this comic was a journey. This was the first time I’ve worked on something this big and I learned a lot. I’m no comic expert by any means. The page flow is messy, there’s almost zero paneling, and no consistency on the speech bubbles. But you know what - I had fun ✨✨✨✨
I hope you like it 🖤 enjoy these dark and twisted murder boyfriends! 🔪🔥
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oatmilk-vampire · 9 months ago
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So I've noticed something and I don't know what to do with it.
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