#boy i wonder how miu and kokichi are doing huh
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drawbauchery · 2 years ago
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charlie-pippin-faraday · 5 months ago
my danganronpa v3 chapter 4 pre-investigation running commentary:
once again, i knew we weren't done with rantaro!
who did rantaro leave this message to? himself?
are we like, stuck in a time loop?
i am now suspicious that the tiny bugs gonta has been seeing are something else. surveillance cameras?
i'm so confused about the robot lab. keebo clearly hates it, and there was nothing i could even interact with in there. and why was it attached to miu's lab?
"do you want to live in a fictional world?" something about this line piqued my interest and made me suspicious
bro did tsumugi get me mocktail drunk?
that classroom set in tsumugi's lab looks suspiciously like the classrooms in the first game
oh it's my lab!!!!!!!! we finally got to my lab!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
why is the music here called "living in a lazy parallel world"? that feels incredibly suspicious
"this doesn't feel like an ultimate detective's lab. more like a criminal lab." is this implying that i am a criminal?
lmao didn't this game come out before covid? they're certainly predicting it in this flashback light bit
"the computer is surrounded by capsules big enough to fit a person inside." huh??? they didn't tell me that part before. what is this??? the plot of DR2 all over again??
bro WHERE is the caged dog village document??? i went back to kiyo's lab looking for money and it's not there anymore that is highly worrying
hm hang on. if we're following the structure from the previous games, chapter 4 murder is gonna feel sacrificial, isn't it? and then chapter 5 murder is gonna feel convoluted and heavily overarching plot-related?
shuichi was really judgemental that kaito's reasoning for becoming an astronaut was "because it's cool" but like i'm pretty sure that's the reason most people become astronauts
hmm so maki asked shuichi if he like-liked kaede, wondering if it's possible to like someone you didn't know after such a short period of time.......hmmm methinks someone is trying to sort out her OWN feelings
"then why did you bring it up?" because she's got it bad for kaito and she doesn't know how to deal with it
he did it, gang. after a couple failed tries, kaito FINALLY punched kokichi in the face
what did miu find in the computer?
the "training" scene with himiko and gonta and shuichi talking to tenko in his mind was really sweet. "you've reached her, tenko."
"that person has to be special. it has to be someone like kaito" "only someone like kaito could help me" shuichi plz
"i shouldn't be talking about another boy like that" hahahaha i knew he dug him. shuichi it's okay you can be bi
kokichi meeting privately with monokuma can only lead to good things
why was there a curtain that said "the end" after the morning announcement???
the reveal that himiko is a soap opera fan and actually was invested in the monokub drama/nonsense was the biggest twist of the game tbh
"we were completely unaware that an unspeakable malice was brewing" what an ominous start to free time!
i gave keebo a laser gun and he said "you understand me...i feel...happy" keebo i love you so fucking much
this free time event is wild. me and keebo are role playing as a caregiver out in the middle of the dorm hallway. and keebo threw out his back. keebo, i threw out MY back a few months ago, i understand you!
i love that in the final climactic free time event with kaito, shuichi tells him the story he already told kaede wayyyy back in chapter 1 lol
"he does so much for me...i could never turn my back on that. i will never break my bond with kaito!" bro shuichi just Kiss him you clearly want to
"kaito's smile was bright as starlight. i couldn't help but smile back" shuichi good lord keep it together
bro the way shuichi talks about kaito is so funny he is literally a teenage girl on his bed kicking his feet and giggling
this computer isn't the neo world program from 2, is it?
this virtual world is actually super cute ngl
of course the first thing kokichi does in the virtual world is punch keebo. when will keebo stand up for himself and beat the fuck out of kokichi? i've been waiting for it so patiently
okay that definitely said neo world program. and mirai falls? this is getting real fishy. and then all the references to murders/trials from the previous games, the gyoza in the shape of someone's face [i spend WAY too much time thinking about this particular object]. there gets to be a point when it stops being references to previous games and starts becoming incredibly suspicious
keebo is implying that we are ALREADY in a virtual world. i did have this thought previously
ah so kokichi DOES have a crush on me
i said i wasn't gonna handle it well when one of my faves died, and i was right. i'm not handling it well
also, after much running around looking for coins and grinding in salmon fishing, i did end up buying the key of love, but i think i bought it literally one free time slot too late. i was under the impression that when you go to bed that night after buying it it'll trigger the event. i knew i was on the last free time availabilities of the chapter, but if i remember correctly in the previous chapters we went to bed and then the murder stuff happened the next day. but this time these assholes NEVER actually WENT to bed. they just collected me to go to the computer room right after free time and we pulled an all-nighter in the virtual world like a bunch of freaks smh. and i don't have a convenient save file in this chapter i can go back to unless i wanted to restart the chapter, so i guess i'll wait and see if the key activates in chapter 5? or i'll have to wait and play this game again. damn, that sucks. ah well.
well, on to the investigation!
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review-anon · 23 days ago
Well... that was that, at least Mikado is gone; now let's see... what are we gonna do with Kokichi and Void...
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Well...that was a bit more graphic then I would like, but at least that means Sannoji is forever gone now.
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Well there are other Mikados sadly, but at least that one is gone now.
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Right now we have punished Sannoji its now time to decide how we are punishing Ouma and the Voids.
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They all apologised and felt bad for their actions so we aren't killing them.
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Right, but we still need to-
*As Yuri is putting away his equipment, suddenly it starts malfunctioning and static appears*
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Oh nonononono, don't tell me I didn't do a good enough job!
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Did he seriously actually convert his consciousness into his penis?
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No...guys this is happening because HE'S here!
*Shuichi raises his hand to point at a figure who has just appeared*
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Slenderman? What's he doing here? Who summoned him?
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Hey don't look at me, I was busy with everything else to fuck myself for the ritual!
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I-is it for us?
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But...I thought only two people can go into the forest!
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Get anywhere near me freak and I will fight back!
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P-please don't go near us...
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I know what those tentacles can do and I don't want to experience them again!
*Tentacles from Slenderman then streach out and grab Kokichi. He screams but then a tentacle muffles him as Slenderman proceeds to drag him to the portal*
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(NOOOOOOO!!!! I just got away from there!)
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Miu are you SURE you didn't do the ritual?
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I-I'm just as shocked as you guys are! I haven't had any time to do the ritual. Maybe Maki did it?
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At what time would I had the opportunity to do the ritual? I was busy and accounted for ever since Review Anon got out of the office!
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But in that case...who did the ritual?
*Kokichi can be seeing making muffled screams as Slenderman drags his latest victim into the forest...as the unknown person from earlier can be seen watching with glee*
???: Wonderful...it worked...that little brat is gonna get what he deserves!
*Meanwhile in Slenderman's Forest, Kokichi is dumped in the woods by him as he vanishes*
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Urgghh...cannot believe I'm here again...I swear its almost like I live here.
??? Oh hello boy, you back for some more?
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T-That voice...
*Kokichi turns around to see the Tentacle Monster looking at him with a toothy grin on his face*
Tentacle Monster: You really are such a naughty boy...I guess you need some more education from me about being respectful to others!
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No...no please...NOOOOO!!!!
*Kokichi bolts in the forest but he is unable to evade the tentacles who grab him...drag him back to his captor's nephew and soon all communication with the forest is cut off*
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Huh, I guess that was for Ouma then.
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Yayyy we aren't being sent to the forest!
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But that worries me...if we aren't going to the forest...what IS gonna happen to us.
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Good question, I guess we are gonna find out soon!
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vespertin-y · 2 years ago
liveblog time - here’s the first part of the third trial! OH BOY
-monokuma spends a long time insisting that he does NOT lie about motives and that the dead can be revived, but *only in the ultimate academy*. this...still doesn’t tell us how exactly they’re being revived (character backstory put into a new body VS the og person being put back into the simulation), but it’s at least interesting!
-”i dunno about tenko, but i’m pretty fuckin’ sure kiyo murdered angie!” miu calling the murderer themselves but then proceeding to be completely wrong about *how* the murder happened happens in nearly every trial and it’s always hilarious. love u queen.
-”you mean one of those *two* people! cuz a robot ain’t people, jack!” MIU! after all that maintenence together!?
-again with the ‘no-one could have opened that door but kokichi’! i get why it was written like this, but it’s still such a stupid assumption for the characters to make. they don’t even ASK if the others can lockpick, let alone consider that’s something easily lied about.
-”yeah, i did it. i killed angie.” [...hm.] HPDSHDDGHSGD SHUICHI YOU COULD AT LEAST *PRETEND* TO CONSIDER IT YOU’RE GONNA HURT HIS FEELINGS!! he even pulls out his blank, serious face for this one!!
-can irouma be normal. for FIVE MINUTES-
-”silence, outsider! only the Suspect Rangers are allowed to speak!” HPRGGDGDGDGFHFH. go go suspect rangers cartoon when...
-”it’s not meaningless!” [himiko?] “tenko’s death was meaningless? how dare you! poor tenko...how could you do this to her!?” “h-himiko...” “himiko, stop it with your crappy lies.” “lies...?” “everything you said is total bs. you didn’t give two shits about tenko when she was alive...but now you’re like, “oh no! poor tenko!” after she’s dead. c’mon, really?” “kokichi! enough!” ok first of all the voice acting here is so fucking good. himiko’s first shout before she dissolves into tears made me flinch in my seat, and kokichi is so low and cold and vicious. it’s also personally satisfying to me that’s it’s *gonta* who tells kokichi to stfu here, and that kokichi *listens* - he won’t bring this up again until after the trial, when he’s significantly gentler about it.
-”alright! i’ll put a silencing curse on whoever calls tenko’s death meaningless! the name of the curse is...Death Curse!” “i, um...suppose being dead would silence someone pretty good.” himiko and tsumugi r such a funny duo, they should’ve been besties
-”no, even if it was a different culprit, we need to know how tenko died. if we don’t find out who killed her, we won’t be able to work together. not now, not ever.” kaito is correct here however pls consider: me and tsumugi would really enjoy the paranoia and angst of knowing one of the group is a blackened!!
-”finally, you noticed! geez, you’re so slow...” “huh? did kokichi want us to notice-” FUCK now i really wish i transcribed it, but there was a bit early on in the trial where shuichi proves miu wrong and she claims she was just doing a bit to lead them to the right answer, and gonta says that’s really smart of her - he’s clearly applying the same concept here, and it makes me wonder how often he does so. tracking the thought processes of v3 characters is always so fascinating...
-”let us talk about tenko’s case, then. perhaps that will provide us a clue.” “y-yeah, maybe...” [i don’t mind going over tenko’s case, but...that was an abrupt change of topic. was that...intentional...?] HOLY SHIT WE ARE HALF AN HOUR INTO A FOUR HOUR TRIAL AND SHUICHI’S ALREADY CAUGHT ON. the serial killer backstory is definitely bullshit, kiyo literally cannot hide a murder to save his life.
-”well, that’s probably just a coinky-dink. the most suspicious out of us four is really...kiyo!” i’m starting to feel bad for the guy this is so embarrassing 😭
-”kehehe...it’s appearing before me...ooooh! i can see it clearly! the true identity of tenko’s killer!” bro you are laying it on WAY TOO THICK
-”maybe the floor and the hole have nothing to do with this case.” ”then why was floorboard under tenko lined up funny? gonta think that was so culprit could stab tenko from under floor...” “ooohh! nice observation, gonta! are you finally getting used to the class trials?” “uh-huh. thank you.” no offense but v3′s resident clown act obliterated me and then had a picnic on my grave i would simply quit murder.
-the entire rebuttal showdown is just miu correctly singling out kiyo - again - but being completely wrong about the method, so you have to disprove her. i’m in TEARS.
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multiplefandomsblog · 4 years ago
Nagito, Kokichi and Gundham with a s/o who wears a mask
Desc; S/o is insecure of a large scar on her eye, so they cover it with a prosthetic mask. But someone snatches it off their face. >:(
Btw!!! If you have insecurities about past scars, remember that Nagito, Gundham and Kokichi will always love you no matter what! As well as the other characters from danganronpa >:3 remember to love yourself and all your scars, because you are truly beautiful! And you can’t say otherwise! ùwú
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Warnings; tw; insults based off looks/scars, cussing, threatening, very very few sexual comments(there’s like 1)
You were walking around the beach with Nagito, hand in hand. You two conversed about random topics, though Nagito mostly talked about hope obviously. As you two talked, you didn’t notice a certain pig-tailed girl make her way towards you. The both of you being too entranced by the other.
As you turned your head to see Hiyoko charging towards you, you were too slow to avoid her gremlin-like hands, Hiyoko was able to snatch your mask off. Your eyes widened in shock at the feeling of your mask being removed, but before you could even feel the air hit your face, Nagito acted quickly. 
He hastily brought you into a hug, gently pressing your face against his shoulder, shielding your scar from view. Personally, Nagito adored your scar, for he loved every part of you.
Despite all his countless compliments and sentiments, he knew how insecure you still were. So he did what he needed to do, for your sake. Feeling a warmth engulf your heart, you teared up at Nagito’s actions. You truly appreciated him.
You stood there in Nagito’s embrace, the embarrassment finally hitting you like a brick shortly after. Oh how you were glad Nagito was there. Nagito curled his arm protectively around your body, “Not cool, Hiyoko-san. What a terrible act of despair.” He shook his head and sighed from disappointment,
“Well it’s okay, your talent isn’t completely wasted. Because you can become a wonderful sacrifice for the other ultimates! Don’t you think?” Nagito spoke with sickly sweet tone, his words becoming louder and more crazed with time. He looked directly into Hiyoko’s panic-stricken irises with his swirled ones as he grinned.
“W-what are you saying? If you’re threatening m-me, I’ll tell the others!” Nagito nodded his head with an inappropriately cheerful smile, “Go ahead! Tell them what you did!” Nagito giggled maniacally, successfully scaring her away. She made a sound of frustration before skittering away like a cockroach. 
Hearing Hiyoko’s footsteps fade away, you slowly relaxed into Nagito’s protective embrace. Nagito slowly calmed down from his previous state as well, relieved that the rat was gone.
He didn’t let go of you until he realized what he was doing, “M-my hope! I’m so sorry, I know you probably didn’t want to hug trash like me-” He tried pulling away but you shoved his body back towards you. “... Thank you.” He let out a small squeak before hesitantly hugging you back. 
He brought his hands up to cup your face, seeing your face properly without your mask. Your eyes widened as you struggled to hide your face from his gaze. But before you could move away he kissed your scar multiple times, leaving you in a daze.
Your face got redder with every kiss he gave you, eventually he stopped right before your lips. “I love every single part of you, especially your scars, so don’t hide them from me.” And he leaned in.
You and Kokichi were playing hide & seek in the school—of course—after an abundant amount of pleading on Kokichi’s side. As soon as you heard Kokichi holler out a, “Ten!”
You started sprinting to the other side of the school; You see, you take hide & seek games very seriously. Well, you decided you’d take hide & seek games seriously ever since Kokichi said that, and I quote, “If you lose, you have to show me your face!”
Why did you take the bet, you ask? Because Kokichi also said, “But if I lose, I’ll wear a maid dress for a week!” And you needed to see him in that dress. So you ran like hell, on your way to the lockers in one of the classrooms. As you ran down the hall, you accidentally bumped into Miu. 
“Hey! Watch it, you piss stained deformed pig!” She yelled out, taking a step back, you looked at her with confusion and anger. “Bitch, excuse-” You cut yourself off as you felt her snatch your mask off your face. “W-what the hell!?”
You yelped as you stumbled back and covered your face with your hand, “Why w-would you do that?” You stuttered out, the vulnerability of your mask off hitting you like a truck. You looked to the ground, not being able to make eye contact with your assaulter, suddenly feeling anxious.
“Why wouldn’t I? I’m sure everyone has wanted to see that gross face beneath your mask! I’d be doing them a favour!” She threw her head back, hysterically laughing at you.
You wanted so bad to knock her off her high horse, but she was still holding on to your mask. Since you’ve become overly comfortable with your mask, you weren’t able to function properly without it.
So all you could utter out was a meek, “J-just give it back.” Because of your focus on your mask, you completely forgot about the hide & seek game. Thus, forgetting that Kokichi was probably trying to find you right now.
“Whaaaaaat~? Iruma-san got to see your face before me? S/o-chaaaaaan, that’s not fair.” You shot your head up, making eye contact with a pair of familiar purple eyes. Before quickly looking back down, too ashamed to reveal your face.
Miu’s eyes darted around the room to find the source of the noise, but she couldn't find where it came from. Then, Miu suddenly tensed up, feeling Kokichi’s tight grip on her shoulder.
“Hey, hey, why don’t I rip out your eyeballs so we can say you never saw anything?” Kokichi dug his fingers into her shoulder, eerily grinning up at her. Miu winced and tried to get away from him. Seeing this, Kokichi giggled, “Nishishi!” before leaning beside her ear, “...You have 5 seconds, whore.”
Kokichi’s grin grew impossibly larger, looking as if the edges of his mouth had been split. A lewd cry came out from Miu’s mouth before she freed herself from the boy’s grip. You both watched as she ran down the hall, clutching her groin. Did... did she get aroused from that?
You looked back down and watched Kokichi’s shoes as they slowly approached you. “Hmmm, my turn! My turn!” Kokichi gripped both your wrists, pulling them away from your face. Flinching away from his gaze, you expected him to make a disgusted face or push you away but instead he said,
“Oh c’mon, you don't even look that bad! Maaaaan, I thought you’d look scary. But instead you just look perfectly fuckable! Bummer.” Kokichi huffed out defeatedly, pretending not to notice your face that was becoming redder and redder with every second. “You can’t say things l-like that so e-easily!”
Kokichi smirked at your flustered state, before putting on an innocent facade, “Hey, why are you so nervous, huh? Is it because you like me?” You perked your head up slightly from his guess in panic, oh shit he knows. “Well? Answer the question, dummy!” He playfully leaned in closer to get a reaction out of you.
He tilted his head underneath yours, trying to get you to make eye contact with him. Not being able to avoid his gaze, you shyly looked at him. He grinned when he saw your eyes lock with his, content that you finally looked at him. You flushed underneath his stare, “Ohhh I see.” He exaggerated,
“So you are in love with me.” Before you could refute, Kokichi pecked you quickly on your lips, disallowing you from saying anything else. “W-wha?” Kokichi cackled to himself before running away, “Nishishi! Start counting, S/o-Chan~!” 
 You were in the rocket punch market with Gundham, searching the aisles for freeze dried strawberries. You and Gundham wanted to get his hamsters a treat so they can, ‘rise and become the rulers of the island!‘ as the great prince of darkness said.
You looked through the candy aisle, searching for the dried fruit. While skimming your hand through the various plastic packages, you accidentally brushed your hand against Gundham’s. You both pulled away and flushed from the contact. 
You hid your blushing face in your mask, whilst he hid his in his scarf. You both apologized profusely to each other, “S-sorry! I wasn’t watching my hand and-” “S/o, you must’t apologize! It was me who was at fault.” You two kept bickering back and forth, before ultimately reaching a common ground. ‘It was the package’s fault.’ Hiyoko rolled her eyes at your disgustingly adorable ‘argument’.
You two went back to searching for the treat, stealing small glances from each other. God, you guys acted like an oblivious awkward teen couple. Hiyoko watched your dumbasses act like idiots and got sick of it, she just wanted her goddamn gummy bears.
She groaned before barging into your aisle, “You guys are so annoying! Ugh, can’t you and freak-face just go already?” You winced at the insult, feeling that deep pit of insecurity all over again. 
Hiyoko went up to you and smacked your mask off, “For fuck’s sake, why do you even like this nerd? They’re so ugly!” You scrambled to your knees to pick your mask back up. But before you could, she stepped on it.
You whimpered at the broken material, letting your hair cover your face like a curtain. You slowly stood up with one hand on your face, about to leave as Hiyoko said but Gundham quickly grabbed your wrist. 
He faced Hiyoko with a threatening aura surrounding him, “Puto vos esse molestissimos, vacca stulta.” Hiyoko looked at Gundham with scared confusion, “The fuck? A-are you cursing me?” Gundham looked at Hiyoko dead in the eyes before taking another breath, 
“Faciem durum cacantis habes, futue te ipsum!” Hiyoko slowly backed away, feeling chills run up her spine. “I just wanted some damn gummy bears!” Hiyoko wailed before turning on her heels and out the doors. 
Gundham turned to you, checking if you were okay. But instead, you stepped away from him. You didn’t want him to see your scar, you didn’t want him to think you were ugly. “Wait- I- My mask-” You choked up, feeling a panic attack bubble up from your chest.
Gundham looked at you with concern, it pained him to see you in such distress. Grabbing your shoulders, he spoke to you with a strong, confident voice, “S/o. You are the darkest light in my life, I adore every part of you. Your battle scars, your charisma, you. I love you.”
He moved your hair away from your face, and lightly kissed your scar. “Your scar proves how incredible you are, it proves you’ve fought the demons in hell! And that just makes you even more perfect.”
You smiled when you heard him call you perfect, unsure of when someone last called you that. You continued to cry harder, but instead of in pain, you cried from the overwhelming love you had for this man. 
sorry for taking long! and thank you for requesting :)
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shslrose · 4 years ago
DRV3 Boys React To You Being Falsely Accused Of Murder
Kokichi Oma
“Who is the killer, you might wonder,” Korekiyo theorized. “I shall make it clear. Certainly Y/N is the culprit. I saw her walking around the courtyard at nighttime.”
“T-that’s not true! I’m not the killer!” You pleaded.
Kokichi knows Korekiyo is lying.
It’s sooooo obvious!
But, he supposes he can have some fun with this lie
“Kiyo is totally right! Neeheehee~ Y/N was out of her dorm last night, but it’s not because she’s the culprit.”
“Huh?” Keebo asked. “If she didn’t kill Ryoma, then what was she doing out?”
“Isn’t it obvious? She was leaving my dorm~ neeheehee~”
“T-that’s not true either!” You protested.
“Really, Y/N?!” Miu interjected. “Tell me, how’d you like the Supreme Leader’s supreme member-”
After Kaito’s outburst, Shuichi quickly presented the murder weapon, a golden katana, which proved that Kiyo was actually the culprit, since his hands had been stained gold.
After watching Kiyo get executed, Kokichi walked up to you, noting the pout on your face.
“Aw, geez, are you mad at me?”
“Kiyo said I was the culprit, and you just started making a stupid sex joke! You didn’t defend me or anything!”
Kokichi gave you one of his sly smiles, “C’mon, you don’t really think I’d let anything bad happen to you, do you?”
You folded your arms, but he noted that your pout was more playful now. “Whatever you say, Kokichi. Still, that was a stupid joke, cause I’d never sleep with you.”
“Ah, you wound me deeply, Mademoiselle!”
You would never sleep with him?
He hoped you were lying just then.  
Shuichi Saihara
“As a maid, it is my job to serve everyone here, which is why I must declare that Y/N is the most likely culprit for the murder of Miu Iruma!”
When he hears Kirumi accuse you, his mind goes blank.
No. It can’t be you. It just can’t be.
Not after Kaede.
Shuichi reminds himself that he has to stay calm and find the truth, no matter what.
“As a detective, it is my job to find the truth, so I won’t let you pin this on Y/N, Kirumi!”
“Pin it?” Kirumi asks; each word that leaves her lips is cold and calculated. “Are you suggesting that I am the killer?”
“It can only be you! You were the only one who had access to Miu’s lab, since you were serving her that day! You poisoned Miu with the food you prepared for her, isn’t that right, Kirumi?!”
Shuichi then went on to explain everything - how Kirumi prepared the poison in the food, and then tried to pin her crime on you. After the voting and execution, you run up to Shuichi and hug him.
“Thank you Shuichi! You saved me!”
“Ah, really? I-I was just...trying to find the truth..” blushes
Rantaro Amami
“Well, isn’t it obvious? Y/N is *clearly* the killer!” Kokichi shouted cheerfully, a sly grin on his lips. 
“What?” You gasp, shocked at the accusation. “I..I’m not the killer, I swear!”
Although Rantaro wants to jump to your defense immediately, he knows it would be bad if he lost his cool.
“Atua says that since Y/N has no alibi for morning time, she is surely the killer!”
He finds his opportunity there, in Angie’s testimony. 
“Ah, but how do we know if the killing happened in the morning?”
“Well, Atua says so! And Atua is never wrong!”
Her defense is weak, and Rantaro knows it. Using the Monokuma file, he proves that Himiko’s death could have happened the night before her body was discovered.
“No, that’s wrong! Just because Y/N doesn’t have an alibi doesn’t mean she’s the killer!” Rantaro exclaims.
“So if Y/N isn’t the killer, then who is?” Kokichi asked, grinning still. “Nee-heehee~”
Shuichi interjects with the final reveal, “the true killer is you, Angie Yonaga!”
After Shuichi explains how Angie killed Himiko and hid the body overnight, she is unanimously voted as the killer and executed.
 Rantaro was able to clear your name by keeping his cool, although he’s definitely got some choice words for Kokichi, who falsely accused you.
Kaito Momota   Luminary of the Stars
Kaito and Kokichi have been fighting nonstop all week
The investigation of Kirumi’s death had only made things worse
“The most suspicious person is totally Y/N! Nee~heehee!”
You felt tears well up in your eyes. “I..I didn’t do it…”
“Shut up, Kokichi! There’s no way Y/N’s the killer!”
“Hm? And why’s that?”
“Because...I believe in her. And I believe she wouldn’t do it.”
“Is that seriously your argument? Wow, you’re such an idiot!”
“I’m not an idiot!”
The argument continued on like this for some time, until Maki revealed new evidence that was able to prove your innocence
Shuichi recapped the case and proved that it was actually Ryoma who had killed Kirumi
After his execution, where he was beat to death with 1,000 tennis balls, you still had tears in your eyes.
Kaito walked up to you after the trial, and you hugged him immediately
“Thank you, for believing in me…”
“What, that? You don’t have to thank me for something like that-”
You kissed his cheek, making him blush
The Luminary of the Stars knew then that he was completely in love with you
“At first I thought the Gonta’s killer was another degenerate male,” Tenko began, hesitantly. “I think it’s actually… Y/N.”
The killer is...Y/N?
Is that right? Can someone like you really be the killer?
Keebo didn’t want to believe it.
“Please, you guys have to believe me!” You cried. “I’m not the killer, I swear it!”
“I… don’t think it’s Y/N.” Keebo spoke up, his voice uncertain.
Kokichi chimed in, “Oh, really? And where’s your evidence?”
“I...I don’t have any evidence...it’s just a feeling I have…”
He knew it was illogical and irrational, but he couldn’t help how he felt about you
“A feeling? Don’t be silly! Robots can’t have feelings! Nee~heehee!”
Shuichi interjected, “I agree with Keebo, I don’t think Y/N is the killer.”
“Aww, don’t disappoint me, Mr. Ultimate Detective,” Kokichi pouted. “You don’t believe it’s her because of a feeling?”
“No, that’s not it!” Shuichi then presented the Monokuma File. “The cause of death indicates the killer was relatively strong.”
Suddenly, the logic fell into place for Keebo. He knew how he could defend you.
“Y/N wouldn’t be strong enough to attack Gonta!” Keebo exclaimed. “The only person without an alibi with the physical abilities required...it has to be you, the Ultimate Aikido Master, Tenko!”
a/n - my first multi-character post! pls let me know if you liked it, and if you want more posts in this style! thank you for reading my imagine <3
requests are open, and i write for all 3 games, so send in a request if there’s something you want to see :D
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ladylolalilly · 2 years ago
Ask and you shall receive!
I saw the reblog on thelemoncoffee's post about the wheel of fate and I thought I'd pitch in to soothe your curiosity. You're welcome.
I don't know if you want the wheel of fates for THH and SDR2, so for now, voila! DRV3.
Chapter 1 Victim: Ryoma Hoshi, Ultimate Tennis Pro Chapter 1 Blackened: Kirumi Tojo, Ultimate Maid
Very in-character... because this already happened in canon. With the First Blood Perk too, that's a bonus. Makes me wonder if Kirumi's gonna be a more important character now that "she made it back to the outside world." (spoilers: she died). Maybe this case'll pop up again in Trial 6 or something to clue em in?
Chapter 2 Victim: Korekiyo Shinguji, Ultimate Anthropologist Chapter 2 Blackened: Gonta Gokuhara, Ultimate Entomologist
Now this... I'm assuming Gonta got his hands on Shinguji's motive video. What could possibly be part of his video, I have no clue. But I'm assuming it reveals the fact that he's a serial killer of women. Gonta goes Chapter 4 upon learning that. We all know how that ends.
Chapter 3 First Victim: Miu Iruma, Ultimate Inventor Chapter 3 Second Victim: Kaede Akamatsu, Ultimate Pianist Chapter 3 Blackened: Maki Harukawa, Ultimate "Child Caregiver" (Assassin)
OhoHO. With the motive being the Necronomicon, this is actually pretty fitting, given Maki was trained to be an assassin as a part of a cult that hid behind religion. This'll require some twisting of character, but perhaps Maki, instead of ignoring it, came to listen to the cult. She genuinely believes in the god the cult came up with, and thus things like the Necronomicon, making her a bit. Crazier than canon. Don't know who she wanted to raise from the dead and why or why she chose a double murder or why it was these two specifically though.
Chapter 4 Victim: Tenko Chabashira, Ultimate Aikido Master Chapter 4 Blackened: Kaito Momota, Ultimate Astronaut
Nekomaru vs Gundham vibes tbh. Since Angie's still alive, I can see her and Ouma being at odds with each other a lot. I say this because it's definitely connected, this is literally two of their biggest haters.
Chapter 5 Victim: Angie Yonaga, Ultimate Artist Chapter 5 Blackened: Himiko Yumeno, Ultimate Magician
Also because of this. The traffic lights trio get a hell of a lot more screen time here huh. I see people be disappointed that Angie never got character development, but it seems here she just went on a downward spiral. Himiko might've been dragged down with her unfortunately, acting as obsessive towards Angie the same way Tenko acts towards her, if not more, depending on how messed up you wanna take this. As a Yonameno shipper, ouch. But also Himiko as the Chapter 5 blackened imo is just chefs kiss and wow Angie really did take over Ouma's role as antag huh. Or maybe they're both main antags and we just have two.
Chapter 6 Mastermind: Shuichi Saihara, Ultimate Detective Chapter 6 Sacrifice: Tsumugi Shirogane, Ultimate Cosplayer
Ah yes. The classic mastermind that 95% of the DRV3 fandom wished for and never got. This is where shit gets real funky considering the amount of sheer AUs out there, but for the sake of simplicity let's just stick to the idea that this is a TV show and they all signed up for it among other stuff. Tsumugi as the sacrifice... well, if she and Rantaro had a good relationship throughout and she acted as his support, oh boy that's kinda depressing. But if she was like. The third rival (jfc so many ANTAGS in this game) cuz this is Tsumugi we're talking about, she definitely played traitor and just wants to get to the 54th killing game already.
Survivors: •K1-B0, Ultimate Robot •Kokichi Ouma, Ultimate Supreme Leader •Rantaro Amami, Ultimate ??? (Adventurer/Survivor)
This trio... ok so Ouma actually gets to face what he's done instead of dying. That's pretty nice. Kiibo survives like he was supposed to in canon goddammit. Amami'll finally reach his full potential, bless. As the Ultimate Survivor, I really do wonder whether he'll ever remember his past games or not... Who knows, maybe he was a graduate blackened in a past game and antag Tsumugi/Saihara spilled those beans to stir shit ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
And that's a wrap! I know I came out of nowhere, but I was ready to rant about this as much as you were begging to know more. I gladly took the chance. Try for the opportunity.
Oh wow, this is neat! For Maki’s chapter, maybe she targeted Miu due to personal dislike, but Kaede walked in on her with the body, so she had to kill her to keep her quiet?
(And I would actually like the THH and SDR2 wheels of fate, I was curious about those too.)
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not-bcring · 3 years ago
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"I got a question, dick for brains. If you're gay..."
Miu fidgets in place, looking away from Kokichi. It's not that she's scared of him. She's Miu Iruma. She's not scared of anything. Sometimes it's just easier to say things when it doesn't feel like she's saying them to anyone.
"Why do you keep me around? If you don't want my body, and you don't actually like me as a person... Is it just to keep Kiibo happy, or what?"
-  ✩   「   @honeydewmuses​ ​ ​ 」   ✩
「 ☆ 」   Kokichi spares a curious glance at Miu when she looks away, but it only lasts a moment. As if prompted, gaze raises upward instead, arms resting behind his head as he leisurely rocks back and forth on his heels. Unconcerned about where the other is facing, the perfect picture of ‘couldnt care less about what you are doing or saying’. So... no need to be nervous. There’s no high stakes here. Nothing hangs in the balance, no vulnerabilities to catch or revelations to be given. Just a random conversation to pass the time. Less important than the bangs Kokichi playfully blows out of his face, wide eyes and blank expression reminiscent of a child batting around an inane toy... Miu can say whatever it is she needs to. 
It’s not like there’s anything here to be scared of.
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❝  Wow... I didn’t expect a genius to ask such a dumb question.  ❞  Kokichi bluntly replies, tone holding a bit of ‘wonderment’ to it, like he really was taken aback by the other’s confusion. Truthfully, it doesn’t come as much of a shock at all. For all her flashiness and fornication, her mask is far from flawless. Frankly, Kokichi would barely give it a five out of ten. Far too easily shattered and far too one-note for his tastes... but that’s neither here nor there. Blowing at his hair with a soft ‘huh’, big eyes transform into that narrowed, catlike gaze, a slanted smirk slipping on with ease,  ❝  It’s cute you think I need you around to keep Kii-boi happy. We could be at each other’s throats and I could STILL make them forgive me in the bat of an eye and the suck of a robotic dick...  ❞  
Shrugging with a snicker, tone lilts with haughtiness mirrored in the arch of his spine, rocking coming to a halt so he can puff out his chest,  ❝  Trust me, I’m more than capable of satisfying our little Sparkplug’s emotional needs without any outside help.  ❞  ... A beat and a pop of his lips later, Kokichi adds with sharp articulation, wanting to make sure Miu is paying attention,  ❝  Nope. I keep you around for purely selfish reasons.  ❞  
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❝  Things are more interesting with you around.  ❞ 
It might not seem like much of a statement to make, but all Kokichi can do is hope that Miu has spent enough time around him to be able to decipher it. She’s pretty smart... For someone with tits for brains. With that in mind, Kokichi keeps facing away from her, being as genuine as he can without his own fears breaking him open from the inside. But hey, if Miu can face away from him even if she’s not scared of his response... then he can be a little cryptic when giving it. That’s how this game of theirs works, after all.  ❝  I can’t STAND boring people... so I don’t bother wasting my time with someone if they can’t spice things up for me.  ❞  
 ❝  You should feel HONORED, honestly... I think you’re entertaining enough that I’m willing to look past your putrid personality and that eye-sore of pink.  ❞  Is he trying to spark up a reaction? Of course, he is. This... insecurity doesn’t suit Miu. Facing away from him, doubting that she isn’t putting up with HIM rather than the other way around. That just won’t do. Can’t have one of his favorite bitches muzzling herself. Still, he supposes it’s a good thing that she asked. Gives him a chance to at least TRY and be a decent person....
❝  I’d ask why you keep me around, but we both know it’s because I’m so cute~  ❞     「 ☆ 」  
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drsweetzscenarios · 4 years ago
Hi! I'm the same anon who made the butterfly request. Can I have it again with Mondo, Taka, Byakuya and Gundham? I love your writing so much kjshbgkjfesbnjfsbs
Aww, You are so sweet anon! Thank you for liking my writing!
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Mondo, Taka, Byakuya and Gundham react to hearing “WHEEEEEE!!!!” and they look up to see a swarm of butterflies carrying their S/O somewhere
Part 1
Like in the gif provided, him and Kaito were practice fighting for whatever reason.
And being the good ol’ sports that they are, when one of them lost they had a lil handshake
When Kaito stopped shaking his hand and his mouth hanging open, Mondo was curious
“Uh, You ok man?”
Before Kaito could respond he was interrupted
You were being carried by a swarm of butterflies while you were being chased by Chihiro and Taka.
It’s ride or die with these boys alright? If you are dating Mondo,Taka,and/or Chihiro, you need to be friends with the rest of them.
Kaito seemed to snap out of whatever daze he was in “I’LL GO GET MY SIDEKICK TO HELP!” and ran into the school like the wind.
Cue Mondo dying of laughter.
After you reluctantly got down and Mondo stopped laughing his butt off, he patted your head,
“Ah.. you’re so cute”
Taka just exited the bathroom after scolding Miu for her inappropriate language
Doesn’t matter who he’s talking to
He will always get flustered when innuendos are in play.
So after interacting with that he always has to wash his bright red face
When he came out of the bathroom,he saw Makoto and Kyoko. One looking in wonder and the other having their usual stoic expression
“Is that..?”-Makoto
“And they are..?”
Taka looked over and saw it.
“Wow...This was a lot more fun than I expected it to be...^^”
You, Mondo, and Chihiro were being carried by a swarm of butterflies.
You look like your having the time of your life.
Chihiro looks like he’s enjoying himself.
And Mondo?
He looks traumatized.
Taka spent the rest of the day trying to get you three down.
Byakuya was just reading in the library
And then he looked out the window.
The outside was sound-proof from the library so he only saw.
You being carried by a swarm of butterflies.
Byakuya however...isn’t going after you...
He is instead back to reading his book but...
The book is covering his nose.
He’s hiding his blush.
Because of the tsundere this man has in his blood.
And you look so...
This was supposed to be Kokichi’s revenge plan for calling him a peasant.
It didn’t work.
Kokichi is now angry
Man was just trying to have some alone time with his bestie, ok?
He just wanted to hang out with the underclassman, learn about dark arts and hang out with Sonia.
It’s a once a week thing.
But Kaziuchi’s there...
So it wasn’t going to be as planned from the start.
When he needed to go help Korekiyo to getting Korekiyo’s S/O down.
Lets clarify, Korekiyo is only doing this so Gonta can stop yelling.
So he grabs some materials he needs for this mission.
He comes back.
And sees not only the swarm of butterflies that carries Korekiyo’s S/O.
But his as well.
Kaziuchi is laughing his ass off.
Sonia and Korekiyo are talking about how humanity is beatiful
And Gundham is crying tears of joy.
He’s so proud of you!
You conquered the butterflies to your command!
This will surely help with his take over of the world!
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 4 years ago
Hi! Could you do the v3 cast with an S/O that gets lost super easily? Like,, one second they’re there, and the next nobody knows where they are?- Thank ya if ya do!
This feels like a callout bc I kept getting hella lost in the academy (especially chapter 6 when you couldn’t teleport around the map hjdjgj)
One moment you’re investigating the crime scene together.
And the next you’re gone when he turns around to ask you a question.
Poor boy gets scared and confused.
But he understands how easy it is to get lost.
He’ll just be sure to check his map and find you quickly.
P a n i c
He’s close to breaking down doors and flipping over tables to find you.
But fortunately you manage to find your way back to him.
And he’ll crush you with a hug.
“Gonta was so worried for you! Please..don’t scared Gonta like that again..”
Her habits of staring off into space make her easily lose sight of you.
Once she does snap back to reality, she’ll search everywhere for you.
She worries you keep leaving bc she’s plain and boring, but you reassure her she isn’t.
“Awh s/o’s playing hide n’ seek again?”
He just grins and runs off to find you.
And he does so rather quickly, knowing where you hang out most.
"Were you hiding from me on purpose? That's so mEAN WAAAAAA-"
"Nyeh? They got lost again?? What a pain.."
But she searches for you nevertheless, using her "magic" to locate you.
When you eventually turn up, she huffs and scolds you for making her drained of MP.
She isn't too worried.
She knows is that Atua is leading you around and soon He'll bring you back to her.
Though she does secretly miss you and wished you didn't always disappear on her.
"What did you think of that song......huh?!!"
Poor girl is scared you got lost again
She'll be running to your lab and dorm, wondering where the heck you went this time.
When she finds you, she's relieved as she embraces you tightly.
With her always doing tasks, it's hard for her to keep her eyes on you.
So when you vanish without warning, she tries to finish quickly before searching for you (unless someone stops her with an urgent request).
"It's okay if you need to attend to other matters, but please let me know ahead of time, alright?" She talks like a stern mother.
Tries not to worry, but for you to suddenly disappear when you were beside him only a moment ago...
His heart can't help but start racing as he searches high and low for you.
Fortunately you didn't wander far and you're surprised when he hugs you.
"Jeez, don't scare me like that."
Tends to freak out and assume you got abducted.
Will probably interrogate all the male students before you find your way back to her.
"Tenko! I'm okay please put Kokichi down he did nothing wrong this time-"
Is utterly confused at where you could've gone when he asked if you could retrieve something from his dorm.
But he understands his lab is on an..obscure floor.
And he'll search for you, amused all the while.
She'll never understand how the heck you always get lost.
But that doesn't stop her from pausing her projects to look for you.
When you manage to find her first, she laughs like "Awh you were hiding but you were so desperate to see this sexy ass you just had to-!"
"Actually Miu, I heard you calling my name...so who's really the "desperate" one here?"
Miu: *screams internally*
He's bewildered you get lost so easily..even though you have the map on you at all times.
While he's certain you'll find your way around, he decides to look for you, knowing that his human companion should not be alone for too long.
Expect quite a scolding from him, though you can tell he was only scared for you.
He understands it's easy to get lost, so he tries not to worry about you.
But if it's anytime after the motive comes out or there's an investigation going on, he becomes worried.
So he'll search for you, trying to keep calm.
And he can't help but sigh in relief when he finds you.
Don't expect to get very far.
As she'll find you rather quickly and be a bit annoyed you got "lost" again.
"Do you wanna die?"
"I promise I'm not getting lost on purpose, Maki Roll!"
".......fine you can call me that, too."
He should've been watching you! And knowing that the body discovery announcement could play anytime, he's especially scared for your safety.
So he'll search high and low for you...
Only for you to somehow find his lab??
Just expect lots of his tight hugs and watchful gazes for the next few days.
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celiaxan · 4 years ago
Looks of Love (Saiouma Fic)
He wondered why no one else could see it.
See the way their gazes follow each other sometimes subconsciously. See one's glance linger far too long to be considered platonic. See how one of them looked when the other laughed. See the soft looks they would give each other when the other wasn’t looking.
Or: a really self-indulgent fic based on my obsession of how lovers look at each other bc it's so soft istg
(whole fic under read-more and ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30140310)
A/N: listen to reflections by the neighborhood for mood music!
Kokichi Ouma loved the way two people looked at each other when they were in love.
(Not that he would admit that to anyone, but still…)
No one else seemed to get it.
But the small lingerings of stares after the other has already looked away. The faintest traces of red still on their face, quickly fading to pink. The mouth formed the smallest of smiles, because how could you frown while around them?
It was sickening at first.
Then it became addicting.
No one (from his group of Rantaro, Miu, and Tsumugi) believed him when he called out Kaede and Maki.
He wondered why no one else could see it.
See the way their gazes follow each other sometimes subconsciously. See one's glance linger far too long to be considered platonic. See how one of them looked when the other laughed. See the soft looks they would give each other when the other wasn’t looking.  
Plus, the way Maki glared at him when he talked to Kaede said a lot.
He wasn’t even surprised when they announced their relationship to the class.
(And he won’t deny collecting some pocket cash from the group in the process, but it’s their fault for not believing him and betting in the first place!)
Kokichi doesn’t know when it started.
If he had to guess, he’d say it happened in two parts.
The first being his first real crush. He had just turned 13, not yet even knowing the urge of strong feelings, hormones controlling his every action.
Still being young, unknowing, and everything, he got over his other ‘crushes’ and ‘relationships’ as quickly as he got into them. He still hadn’t known what was wrong with scanning classmates in the room, picking the girl he thought was prettiest, or the girl that had helped him pick up his pencil, or the girl that he had thought reminded him of himself, a sort of kinship, and told his other friends that he liked them.
Oh, how he regretted leading on whatever poor girl he ‘liked’, just to run away from any sort of sign of confession. It was a cycle of sorts. Pick a girl, say that he liked her, run away or watch her confess to another guy, pick another girl.
Tiring. It was tiring.
He didn’t even remember half of their names.
He did remember someone though.
A boy in the corner that read books during recess.
Kokichi didn’t know his name.
All he knew was that the boy was interesting in his own little way.
It was the first time Kokichi actually looked forward to speaking to someone. It was the first time Kokichi had wanted to know more about the boy. It was the first time Kokichi actually waved someone down in the hallways when their paths met just to say hello. It was the first time Kokichi cared about another person’s opinion.
It was… the first time he felt his face heat up to something as weird as the boy finally saying Kokichi’s name instead of calling him ‘You’.
He still didn’t know his name.
Only the gleam in his eyes when he looked up at Kokichi.
But that only made him more interesting.
They talked quite a bit.
When Kokichi was kicked out from playing soccer with the other boys for cheating and bribing other players. When Kokichi purposely faked an injured knee to talk to him. When Kokichi brought him to his house to study (and oh, the little brat told his step-brother, Rantaro, his name, but not Kokichi).
He loved it.
The boy brought a puzzle one time for Kokichi, who mentioned that he liked them. He started bringing two grape juice boxes instead of one. They would read together. They would bring out harder puzzles. The boy somehow understood Kokichi, knew which part of the homework he would struggle with, even if he lied and said he knew it all.
The boy moved away.
Kokichi didn’t cry.
He wasn’t even sad.
But even he knew that was a lie.
Glancing at him, the boy told Kokichi he was moving. Kokichi had been so used to tossing away random friends, random girls, he thought that’d be the same, he was okay with it.
He wasn’t.
A year later, after a big realization (and six ‘Am I Gay’ quizzes), he told Rantaro.
Rantaro choked on his tea. “Oh, cool. That means I’m not the only gay in the family. But uh...”
“What, spit it out, dear sibling. I have to rob a bank in Russia later!”
“I already knew,” Rantaro continued, ignoring Kokichi’s arson plans. “It was kind of obvious after I met your little friend,” Rantaro suddenly raised an eyebrow, smiling into his tea. “Or boyfriend?”
Kokichi’s world shattered with another revelation. “He wasn’t my boyfriend! Also, I didn’t like him.”
Or did I?
“No, you totally did.”
“Did not.”
“Whatever,” Rantaro muttered as an end to that conversation.
Kokichi sat there in silence, contemplating. Finally, he started again. “How did you know?”
Rantaro hummed for a bit before deciding on an answer. “If I had to pick a deciding factor, it’d have to be the way you looked at him. Especially when you thought no one was looking.”
“Really?” Kokichi asked, suddenly interested. “What did I look like?”
Rantaro smiled one of his ‘I Know More Than You’ smiles. “Figure it out yourself.”
That was the first part.
Kokichi had forgotten about it for a bit after screaming curses of ‘ fucking asshole! ’ and ‘ your days are numbered, dusty bitch ’. He had never truly forgotten, of course, but instead, it was just pushed to the back of his mind.
But like most things, his problems were solved due to social media.
And TikTok.
Scrolling through gay TikTok, he saw a ‘gay couples through history’ one. Suddenly gaining his interest, he actually tried to watch this one.
Pictures of gay and lesbian couples flashing through the screen, both of the people looking extremely intimate.
But- their looks- the way they looked at each other. It was mesmerizing. Kokichi couldn’t get more of it.
It was a look of fondness, so soft, that he could feel the attraction through the screen. The photos themself were black and white, but their impact was still strong.
Kokichi looked at them and knew - swore on his life- that he wanted something like that. Small glances full of affection. It held so little but meant so much.
He had always thought that people looked the brightest when they looked at the one they love.
And the eyes.
The eyes were soft, dreamy looking, dare he even say- beautiful.
He wanted that.
He already gave that.
That was the second part.
“So, get it, Shumai? That’s how I called all the class couples before they got together! It’s because I’m super observational and very good at connecting these pieces.”
“...It actually sounds like you’re a sap.”
“What?! Shuichi, you’re so mean to me!”
Now, Kokichi was sitting in a classroom with his current crush, Shuichi Saihara, on the roof. Their hands almost connected on a desk.
And as Kokichi looked closer, Shuichi began looking increasingly nervous, like he was going to break something if he wasn’t careful enough.
“So, do you know where your friend, uh- ‘Boy’, you called him, do you know where he is now?” Shuichi asked suddenly.
“Huh? Nope, I don’t!” Kokichi responded. They were both drinking grape juice boxes. “Why, jealous? Have you finally fallen for me after all?”
Shuichi stiffened, moving the topic along more. “Then...what would you say to him if he was here right now?”
Sighing, Kokichi sank down in his seat, thinking intensely. “I don’t know. I would tell him I want to be friends again. Maybe if I was bold enough, I would tell him that he was my first gay crush.”
A small chuckle before Kokichi continued. “That’s got to be an honor! First crush from Kokichi Ouma himself!”
Shuichi laughed awkwardly. “Who knows. Maybe they’re closer than you think.”
“What’s got you so optimistic?”
At that, Shuichi stood up, and picked up some of his books with one hand, turning around to reach out a hand for Kokichi. “Take a guess?”
Kokichi only looked Shuichi in the eye as the sun shined behind him. A familiar pair of amber eyes with some sort of gleam shined down on him.
And wow. How stupid was he to fall for the same person twice?
Not grabbing Shuichi’s hand, Kokichi stood up on his own on an impulse. “You-!”
The boy- Shuichi’s eyes sparkled with a familiar look. It was the look that Kokichi had seen variations of over and over again. It was a face Shuichi looked at him with the most. He felt foolish for not recognizing it earlier.
Shuichi interrupted him- because he’s the only one that can without being told off by Kokichi- with a soft smile and everything. “I also loved the way you looked at me, because... I looked at you like that too.”
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princesskokichi · 5 years ago
kokichi, makoto, izuru, and byakuya getting mistaken for dating their crush
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ah, relationships are a funny thing !! no, no one can tell me otherwise that byakuya would sue the shit out of someone who harassed his crush.
also, as i have proven to be the twin of dumb, i did not know who you were talking about. - mod kokichi
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[ K O K I C H I ]
- yeah, he holds your hand
- clings to your side like a koala
- calls you affectionate nicknames in a ~ joking ~ manner
- but there's literally no way someone can be sooo blind to think that you two are dating, right ?
- uhm,, boy do i have news for kokichi,,,, he had the whole school fooled
- he was leading you around the school while everyone else was on lunch
- somehow, he knew how to avoid all of the teacher's walking around
- so it was just you two walking around the different classrooms
- kokichi : " s / o, hey, wannnnnaaaa,,, accompany me to our homeroom class ? "
- s / o : " i've been walking with you everywhere else, why would you ask my permission here ? "
- kokichi : " nishishi, you're so right, s / o ! i knew you were smart. i don't need your permission. come on, let's go. "
- you followed him to the homeroom, sneaking through the hallways and trying not to giggle as you hid from the teachers patrolling the hallways
- he opened the door, letting you in first
- but there was someone already in there studying
- s / o : " uh, koki- "
- kokichi : " hey ! i have to tell you something, so listen to meeee !! "
- you glanced at rantaro, your cheeks flushed red with embarrassment
- rantaro : " what are you two doing here ? the teacher's are always trying to separate you two partners. "
- kokichi : " huh ? partners ? "
- rantaro : " romantic partners ? you're dating, right ? "
- kokichi : " we- we are not partners ! how dare you say that ! dating ? never ! "
- oh gosh oh no he's overreacting
- why is he like this
- maybe next time he'll be able to tell you,,
[ M A K O T O ]
- he, unlike the other three on this list
- showed no very obvious signs that he liked you
- other than wanting to be by your side twenty four seven and sometimes bringing you random gifts that he found that made him think of you
- other than that, there weren't really any signs
- he was just as friendly with you as he was with everyone else
- which is really, really friendly
- just because he's that kind of person, you know ?
- but sayaka
- sayaka knew
- he didn't know how she knew, but she just knew
- so it's not like he was mistaken for being your boyfriend
- that's the way sayaka teased him
- it's because she's a lovable satan, honestly ( i adore sayaka )
- he would just be hanging out with you and sayaka when she would lean in
- sayaka : " okay, i don't want to sound like the annoying one here, but i have such a question ! please don't get mad at me. "
- makoto knew what was going to happen, sayaka always teasing him in private about his huge crush on you
- before makoto could speak up and stop her, though, you spoke up
- s / o : " i could never be mad at you, sayaka ! don't say something like that, you're very precious to me ! what's on your mind ? "
- sayaka : " well, i've been thinking this for a while now, but i didn't know how to ask,, are you dating makoto, s / o ? "
- you flushed up immediately.
- s / o : " h-huh ? am i,, what ? no, no i'm not !! "
- you leaned in and whispered something very quietly to sayaka, enough that he couldn't hear
- the look on sayaka's face was priceless
- the rest of the day, he wondered what you said to her.
[ I Z U R U ]
- bro he,,, he did not care
- literally there was no emotion whatsoever
- how did someone even come to the conclusion that he was dating you when he literally acted the same around everyone ?
- sure you were together all the time
- and he asks only you if you want some food during lunch
- and yeah, he takes particular attention to your reactions to what he says
- okay, now that he's reflecting, he kind of sees it
- but ! miu shouldn't have spoke to him and you like,, that
- she's an underclassman, for goodness sake ! it's not her place to wonder about his relationship status with you, or lack thereof
- you were just doing his hair, although you weren't doing a very good day that day
- so you decided to take a nap during the rest of lunch
- he saw no problem with you leaning your head on his shoulder.
- you could do whatever you wanted, it's your life
- so you were napping on his shoulder, his school blazer used as a mini blanket while you snuggled up to his backpack
- chiaki and nagito were completely used to this by now
- they were waiting for the engagement annoucement honestly
- but apparently others weren't
- miu, despite not being part of the group, walked up to him, unphased by the fact that she wasn't very welcomed
- miu : " kamukura-senpai, a friend wanted to know if l / n-senpai is your partner ? "
- izuru : " they're not. "
- miu : " h-huh ? that's it ? "
- izuru : " they're not my partner. go away. "
[ B Y A K U Y A ]
- you were very much his little sidekick
- or at least, that's what it looked like to you
- you thought he treated you kindly because you were useful to him
- were you wrong ?? only god and byakuya knows at this point
- you were used to people calling you nicknames for being associated with them
- some of them,, were not very polite
- most of them originated from people who were jealous of your friendship, for whatever reason
- and you really ignored them
- but for some reason, everything got silent when byakuya was silent
- no one talked about you when you were beside him, so you figured you could use that fear of him to your advantage
- after all, being talked about all of the fucking time at school because of petty drama starters was getting kind of old
- so you just stuck beside byakuya whenever you could help it
- and it worked !! for a good minute
- and then the people around you got a little bolder with their tactics
- multiple people a day would come up to you two
- and ask him if you were byakuya's partner, or if byakuya was your boyfriend
- each time, both of you would decline with a very powerful " no. " and hope that sufficed
- but they never ended
- apparently it was some kind of stupid joke in their friend groups to make fun of you two
- and byakuya wasn't having it
- so the last time he was asked, he put his arm around you, very stiffly might i add
- byakuya : " yes, they're my partner. and if you talk about them i will sue you for every single cent you're worth, no matter how little that may be. "
- people didn't ask after that individual kid did indeed get sued
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wickedsick · 5 years ago
The trio walked inside, with Keebo marveling at everything they had there and Miu wondering how to improve on that hunk-of-junk projector.
"Is that the MONA LISA?"
"We're not sure yet, I'm waiting for Kiyo to appraise some of this stuff."
"Is that a- wait, I have no idea what that is."
"Neither do I. That's why we're calling Kiyo."
"So, who are these people?"
"Glad you asked, Miu. Meet-"
As the largest member waved down at them,
The busty girl fiddling with some wires looked up to flash a peace sign,
The fat one put something in an oven and said hi, with a surprisingly high voice.
The small girl turned around for a moment before going back to her game.
The pigtails girl looked up momentarily from some roller-blades.
The green-haired boy came over, waving hi,
The one with hair over his mask,
The smiliest mask,
"And lastly Shigekiyo."
The one with the pointy nose.
"Nice to meet you two."
They choruses, except for Shirley, who was still playing their game.
"Well, it's lovely to meet you all as well!"
Miu walked over to Nia, sizing her up.
"Are you the girl genius Miu Iruma?"
All of Miu's jealousy instantly evaporated, replaced with pride and ego.
"They're gonna be talking for a while. Nia was ecstatic once they heard about Miu."
"Want some cookies, boss?"
Sanny pulled that tray out of the oven, revealing some chocolate-chip cookies with much more chocolate-chip than cookie.
"Can you eat, mister... miss... Can you eat, Robot?"
"My name's Keebo. I prefer mister when it comes to pronouns."
"Huh. Can you eat, mister Keebo?"
"Unfortunately, no. I like watching people eat, though."
Seemingly disheartened, he looks at the twenty-four cookies he made before shrugging and eating four at once.
"Sanny combines our best chef with our biggest eater, and there's easily enough room for both of them in there." Gogo said, walking up and leaning on Kokichi.
"Did you get SHORTER over at school, boss?"
"I grew!"
"Maybe sideways, what with those Ultimate Chefs in the kitchen over there."
"Sanny makes better ramen."
Rokuro and Nanako exchanged 20 dollars.
In fact, now that Keebo was paying attention, they had been exchanging plenty of money since they walked in.
Nanako had an easily bigger stack.
"So, how is it to be back, Boss?"
"Pretty nice. How's that appraiser I set you up with been?"
Shirley spoke up for the first time, but if you weren't paying attention (as Miu obviously wasn't, she was still talking with Nia) you wouldnt be able to hear.
"He's wierd. Kept talking about "friends" and his "beloved". He's really nice, though. Mister Avocado was there with him, too."
At this moment, an alarm sounded off.
"Future foundation must be checking the sewers. As long as we keep up the projector qnd stay quiet, it'll be-"
"Great work, Shiggy," Ichigo said as the projector shut off.
"Gimme a minute. I got this."
Miu stopped talking and looked over the projector.
"Outta juice. We'll need to rewire basically the whole thing, and find a power source as well."
"Can I help?"
"Thanks, Nia. I need 7 screws, a wrench, and Shirley's video game."
"I'll give it back later."
Nia wrestled the game away from Shirley, passing it to Miu, who had already started to work.
In 30 seconds, the projector was back up, just before the agents passed by.
"They're not here!"
"Ears must've been wrong."
The footsteps and voices faded away and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.
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ultimate-yakuza-editing · 4 years ago
hello! may i request Kiyo, Ryoma, and Kokichi reacting to their s/o coming out as asexual? thank you! sorry if thats out of ur comfort zone-
No it’s ok! I apologize if they’re out of character because I haven’t played v3 😖 im sorry that my first writing req is gonna suckkkkk
When you told him, you two were eating lunch.
It was a weekend, so you asked him to accompany you on a trip to a local restaurant.
You two went in, sat down and waited for the waiter to come. When they came, you ordered drinks and chatted for a bit.
Right after the waiter came with your drinks, you decided to tell him. You’d been worrying about it the whole time. “Kiyo, uhm I have to tell you something.”
He was worried it was something bad. Was his s/o alright? Did he do something wrong? “What is it, my darling?” He seemed calm but in reality he was kind of freakin out.
“Uhm... I’m ace. Asexual, I mean. I hope you aren’t mad...”
*CUE SIGH OF RELIEF* “of course I’m not mad, why would I be? I love you s/o, you’re perfect”
He hugged you and you said, “I love you too”
You ordered food, finished your meal, and walked back home where you watched movies until dinner!
You had just met up with him after school. You two were walking through a park.
You two had been chit chatting about your days, the weather, etc. until you decided to tell him about what you had been thinking about the whole time.
In reality, you had asked him to walk with you so you could finally come out as ace.
You led him over to a bench and sat down (“let’s sit here!”). You turned to face him and just said it.
Maybe a little faster than intended, but he got the message.
“That’s wonderful s/o.”
Your brain kinda went *screenshot noise* for a second. You regained your senses and thanked him for being accepting of your sexuality.
“Of course I accept you s/o. I love you.”
It all happened at school. Despite your best attempts to convince her, Kaede was still adamant that you tell him. (Yes I’m dragging her into this I love her best girl uwu 10/10 wingwoman)
“Listen y/n, I won’t out you but I don’t think it would be best if...”
“If WhAt s/O?” Cue clown
Kaede jokingly punched you and walked over to where shuichi, rantaro, and Miu were standing.
Your eyes shot daggers at her. How dare SHE get to hang out with her friends while you were stuck here coming out to kokichi.
“S/o?” He seemed genuinely insecure. Lord knows the boy is insecure.
He must have realized what he was doing because he quickly resumed his lighthearted facade, “OoOh~ does s/o have a secret?! Wonder what it is...”
“What is it s/o? Huh? What is it!” He circled you, pestering you with questions the whole time. “Tell me!!”
“I’m ace.”
He stopped for a second. He didn’t exactly expect you to answer him. You knew this, but we’re still nervous.
You started to walk away until he hugged you from behind, “I love you s/o!”
He ran off, blowing a kiss to you as you rejoined kaede and the gang.
“See! I told you it would go well!”
Ugh, shut up kaede.
Very high chance that I’m grossly misinterpreting the character but oh well I’m gonna post it anyways. Note: I never proofread anything ever so this most definitely has errors
I don’t believe I’ve ever fully proofread even a school paper except for one essay that was worth 25% of my grade
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-Mod Fuyuhiko
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viscariaa · 5 years ago
Day 7 - Saiouma Week - AU - Prom Night!
Ship: Oumasai/Saiouma
Words: 1352
Type: Fluff/Prom AU
Trigger Warning: None
Posted: 08.08.20
Description: Kokichi Ouma is walking to Hope’s Peak Academy Prom until he stumbles across a sad Shuichi Saihara.  
“Stupid, stupid, stupid...” Kokichi kicks a small pebble as he walks along the cement sidewalk.
It was 11 pm. He should be planning more pranks, or hell even study for his insanely hard criminal justice class. Instead he is walking, alone, in an uncomfortable white suit with his signature scarf instead of a tie, towards Hope’s Peak Academy.
“That damn avocado and robot!” Kokichi bites his nails, “I shouldn’t have agreed to this!”
Don’t get him wrong, he loves a good party. But he doesn’t want to see him. Kokichi cringes at the memory. “That kind, needy detective just had to get asked out by that girl, huh?”
“I mean who wouldn’t ask him out…” Kokichi sighs.
He remembers Shuichi’s midnight hair, milky white skin, and on the rare occasion he takes off his emo hat, his striking golden eyes. Shuichi’s gentle voice whenever he speaks or his outbursts of confidence when he is locked in a debate. Despite Kokichi’s terrible reputation, Shuichi is still caring, thoughtful, and listens to what Kokichi says.
Kokichi’s heart pounds at the thought of Shuichi, heat rising to his pale cheeks. “Awww, come on! You came to prom so you can forget about him, idiot!”  
Kokichi shoves one hand into his suit’s chest pocket, taking out the crumbled love letter. He doesn't know why he brought it with him...maybe hoping Shuichi will accept his confession?
Embarrassed, he inserts it back with a huff before placing his hands behind his head. Kokichi begins to admire the scenery around him, the night sky with twinkling stars, and the slightest breeze. The houses around him looked identical and in the distance, he could make out the city still alive, buzzing with activity.
Sniff, Sniff. 
Kokichi pauses. His head snaps to the house on his left and is shocked by what he sees.
There sits Shuichi, hugging his knees while on the house's stone stairs. He wasn’t wearing his hat, causing his ahoge to face Kokichi. A withered rose bouquet and his phone lay next to him, notifications buzz through, but Shuichi doesn’t seem to notice.
Shuichi jumps upon hearing the all familiar nickname, “K-Kokichi?!”
Both boys stare at the other, not knowing what to say until Kokichi breaks the silence. “Shuichi, why are you upset?”
This sent chills down Shuichi’s spine. Kokichi’s voice was icy, layered with seriousness, which Shuichi never thought he would hear. “No wonder DICE listens to him when upset…”
“Shuichi. I asked a question. Why are you upset?”
“I-I-I’m not upset!” Shuichi tilts his head down, avoiding Kokichi’s gaze, but forgets he doesn’t have his hat on.
He could hear Kokichi’s steps on the stone pathway before stopping directly in front of him. Kokichi grabs Shuichi’s chin, forcing him to look into Kokichi’s amethyst eyes. Kokichi’s face was scarily calm but his eyes were focused on Shuichi like a predator hunting a prey.
“You’re a terrible liar. Explain your mascara dripping down, or the bouquet, or your totally wrinkled suit!”
Shuichi slumps his shoulders, making Kokichi let him go. “All right, I’ll tell you. But can you run to my room, and get the stuff to fix my mascara? The door is unlocked. Thank you...”
“Deal,” Kokichi said before rushing inside.
Shuichi touches his face before getting the black liquid all over his fingers, “have I really been crying this much?”
He pulls out his handkerchief from his chest pocket, wiping his fingers. He glances down at his black tux, smoothing out the wrinkles and adjusting his neon blue tie. Shuichi picks up his phone, ignoring the texts from Maki, Kaito, and Kaede, and re-reads the texts from his ex-date.
Kitani Katsu: “I’m excited for tonight.”
10:46 PM Kitani Katsu: “are u ready?” Me: “yes! I’m really excited to see you!”  
10:50 PM Kitani Katsu: “hahaha. I can’t believe u would think I would ever go on a date with a loser like you!” Me: “you are joking right?”   Kitani Katsu: “suck to suck!”   Kitani Katsu: “see you never!”
Shuichi lets out a heavy sigh as Kokichi comes back with makeup wipes, mascara, and a small hand-held mirror. He goes to get them before Kokichi holds out a finger at him, “nope! I’ll fix it!”
“You know how to put on mascara?”
“I’m friends with Rantaro.”
Shuichi sighs and closes his eyes, waiting patiently for Kokichi. But, Kokichi is trying to calm his beating heart and blushing face. “Calm down, calm down! Oh Atua, my heart is going to burst! Ahhhh!”
He opens up the mascara, pulling out the wand before going closer to Shuichi, their noses accidentally touched and Kokichi bites his lips to hold back a yelp. Kokichi glances down, noticing Shuichi’s pink lips.
“No, Kokichi! Calm yourself down! Don’t do anything weird!”
` Kokichi moves a bit back and musters up the courage to apply the mascara.
“I can’t believe I am doing this. If Miu or Rantaro see me, I’ll never hear the end of it…”
“S-so! What or who made my favorite cry?” 
“You know Kaitani Katsu, the popular girl from the classroom next to ours?” Shuichi begins, “well, she asked me out to prom, but it was all a ruse. I guess she wanted to show off to her friends how many dates she could get…” 
Kokichi could feel fury well up inside of him, “how dare she! She made my favorite cry! Looks like I know who my next victim of pranking is going to be!”
“K-Kokichi? Are you all right? You’re acting strange...”
“If he says what I think he is going to say-” 
“You are being...really serious, right now…”
“Oh, thank Atua!” 
“Well, someone hurt my beloved! Of course, this is serious! This is an emergency!” Kokichi exclaims, finally finishing the first eye. 
“I appreciate it, Kokichi. I’ll have to find a way to make it up to you!”
Kokichi immediately knows what he wants, but he bites his tongue instead. “No way, Kokichi. He probably doesn’t even like you. So don’t ask him to go to prom with-” 
“You can go to prom with me.” 
“I want to bury in a hole and die. Good job, Kokichi. You just lost your one chance-” 
Kokichi stumbles back, his eyes widening at Shuichi’s answer. “W-w-wait! You-! Yes?! W-wha-!?” 
“Is there something wrong, Kokichi? Is the other eye done?” Shuichi cocks his head. 
“Y-yes, it’s done…”
Shuichi opens his eyes before fanning them with his hands. Both stay there in silence, Kokichi trying to calm himself down while Shuichi is drying off his mascara. “May I get the mirror?” 
Kokichi’s hand wobbles as he gives the mirror to Shuichi. “So, how is my amazing work? I have no ideas how you can do this everyday! Seriously!” 
“It’s actually not bad…” Shuichi admires his eyeliner, “you get used to doing it.”     
Soon, Shuichi puts the mirror behind him and locks his house. Then, he holds out his hand to Kokichi, “let’s go!” 
“Hold up!” Kokichi whips around, pulling out the love letter, “let me ask you properly!” 
Kokichi turns back around, placing the letter in his beloved’s outstretched hand, “Shuichi Saihara, would you accept the honor of accompanying the ultimate supreme leader to a gala of fun?” 
Shuichi giggles, “yes, yes, I will!” He kisses the back of Kokichi’s hand, smiling at the flustered leader. 
Kokichi laughs before grabbing his hand and together walking down the road to the Hope’s Peak Academy Prom. 
Shuichi is humming with a goofy grin on his lips before Kokichi interrupts him. “Someone seems weirdly happy about this!”  
“I really wanted to ask you, but I was scared of letting Kaitani Katsu down…” Shuichi sheepishly said. 
“Why were you sad about her standing you up, then?” 
“It still hurts to get played like that…”
“Awww!” Kokichi pats his head, “don’t go all emo like that on our date!”
“Of course, it doesn’t have to be one…” Kokichi tries to let go of Shuichi’s hand but Shuichi holds onto it firmer.
“I’d love for it to be our date!” Shuichi laughs and soon Kokichi does as well.
Yipee! All seven prompts are finished! The first time I ever finished a saiouma week so I’m proud of myself! Prompt #7 - AU by @saiouma-events, all the prompts you provided were amazing ^-^ I might take a bit off to try and avoid a writing burn out, but more will be coming! Sending virtual hugs! - December             
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V3 Boys with a crush that uses cheesy pick-up lines
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My first imagine! I’m probably going to get too invested in this.
Have a great day!
-Mod Maki
V3 Boys with a crush that uses cheesy pick-up lines
No matter how hard Shuichi tried, he couldn’t hide his crush on you
Just you being next to him was enough to make him as red as Himiko’s hair
So when you did, eventually, find out, you made sure to fluster him at every possibility
“Oh, h-hi, S/O. I didn’t see you there.”
“For some reason, I was feeling a little off today. But when you came along, you definitely turned me on.”
“W-what?! S-S/O, w-what are you-”
“Is there an airport nearby or is it my heart taking off?”
Shuichi.exe has stopped working
Satisfied with your work, you leave Shuichi with a kiss on the cheek and a light blush on yours
S/O uses FLIRT
Rantaro would always unintentionally flirt with you. It would annoy you as he didn’t know he was doing it and was completely oblivious as to how flustered you were
So it was inevitable that you would get him back one day
That day being today
Rantaro was hanging out in the library, reading a book about avocados.
He was getting to the big plot twist where the avocado gets turned in to guacamole-
Sorry, I just spoiled the book for you
You just so happened to spot the matcha haired boy reading said book peacefully, it would be a shame if someone were to-
Rantaro was a bit surprised to see you standing in the doorway of the library, interrupting his reading time
He was happy to see you nonetheless
“Hey, S/O.”
You decided that this would be the perfect time to use the pick-up lines that you spent your free time googling
“What’s up, S/O?”
“Aside from being sexy, what do you do for a living?”
Rantaro is confusion
“There must be something wrong with my eyes, I can’t take them off you.”
You feel a sense of satisfaction once you see his cheeks turn red
The feeling doesn’t last long, however, as he starts firing pick-up lines back
“I don’t have a library card, but do you mind if I check you out?”
Did... Did hE JUST...?
Every day at 4:20pm sharp Kokichi would try to get a date with you by using the cheesiest pick-up lines and hoping that they would win your heart
Of course he would always play it off as a joke after he gained a reaction from you
He never asked you out directly, just endless pick-up lines
You weren’t oblivious, you knew that he liked you but you were waiting to get him back
You had spent the entire night googling pick-up lines that was sure to make him flustered
If they don’t work then he’ll never let you hear the end of it
That afternoon, Kokichi makes his way over to you, as usual, and you were trying your best to act normal
He probably saw that you were up to something and was cautious when speaking
“Hey, S/O, watcha up to?”
“ Y-you must have the power to change gravity because you knocked me o-off my feet.”
Kokichi stares at you for a few moments with an unreadable expression
You worry you’ve made him uncomfortable until he breaks out in laughter
You look down, ashamed and embarrassed
When Kokichi sees your expression, he calms down from his fit off laughter but is still smiling brightly with blush on his cheeks
“S/O, I didn’t know that you thought so highly of me!”
The blush covering your cheeks intensify as Kokichi’s smile widens
“Y’know, if you liked me so much you could have just said something!”
He kisses you on the cheek before walking off in a fit of giggles and his face flushed red
S/O.exe has stopped working
The poor robot decided to ask you what pick-up lines were
“Hey, S/O, what is a ‘pick-up line’?”
You have been waiting for this moment your entire life
You ask if he would prefer it if you showed him
Now he’s scared
You have to assure him that it isn’t anything bad and then the chaos begins
He doesn’t understand at all
“Are you a keyboard? Because you’re-”
“Is that a robophobic comment?! S/O, you know I’m not a keyboard!”
Kiibo nO
You try again
“Your hand looks heavy can i hold it for you?”
You decide to stop before Kiibo is fully dismembered but Kiibo is disappointed that he still couldn’t understand pick-up lines even after this *ahem* ‘enlightening conversation’
You tell him that you’ll try again tomorrow
He thinks that he is amazing at using pick-up lines but he always gets them wrong
“Was your father a thief? ‘Cause someone stole the sky from the stars and... WAIT-”
This goes on for a while because he has forgotten all the pick-up lines he had googled the night before
One day you see him coming up to you with the smug face he does when he has a new pick-up line to show you
So you say one first
“Hey, S/O, do you-”
“If I had a star for every time you brightened my day, I’d have a galaxy in my hand.”
Kaito is shook
“Wow, S/O, if you do that more often you’ll be nearly as good as me!”
You think that you have distracted him from his own line, until...
“Oh, yeah! As I was saying, S/O, do you-”
Well, that didn’t work
But you do get to catch him off guard every once in a while with a pick-up line or two
You just wont ever get him to stop
Korekiyo was being his usual weird self and having a looong conversation with you about random anthropology stories
Normally they are quite interesting and keep you entertained when you have nothing better to do but this one was quite long and boring and seemed to go on forever
You didn’t want to stop him though, as he seemed to be enjoying himself
Then, you had an idea
“Can I follow you home? Cause my parents always told me to follow my dreams.”
Korekiyo stopped and stared at the ground while you were still awaiting a repsonse
You start to worry for a moment when you hear Kiyo mumble something under his breath
“Humanity is so beautiful...”
You think it was a compliment...?
But you’re not really sure
Miu had dared you to use a pick-up line on Gonta
Considering this is Miu, this is very mild for her and you are lucky she didn’t go further
Deciding to go before she changed her mind, you ran off to find him
He was with Kokichi having no idea he was helping the short gremlin boy pull off a prank
Of course he was...
You can’t do it with Kokichi there, he will make fun of the poor boy
...and you
So you tried to wait until Kokichi left
Key word: tried
At some point, Kokichi had caught you waiting and had called you over
Kokichi why?
That was when Gonta had saw you
“Oh, hi, S/O!”
Miu was getting tired of waiting and you were getting annoyed with the smug look on Kokichi’s face
So you made your way over to Gonta with little confidence showing
“ A-are you Netflix? Because I-I could watch y-you for hours.”
“No, Gonta is Gonta.”
Miu was laughing her ass off and Kokichi was stifling his laughter
With any confidence you had shattered, you walked back dejectedly
Kokichi whispered something to Gonta
You turned to see Kokichi nearly exploding from holding in laughter and Gonta with a serious look on his face
“Did it hurt when S/O fell from the vending machine? Because S/O looks like a snack.”
Kokichi, whAT DID YOU DO?
Ryoma never really showed much emotion towards anything so today you have a bunch of pick-up lines prepared to try and get him to smile
You found Ryoma by himself in the gym and decided that it was the perfect time to try out those pick-up lines
“Hey, S/O.”
You frowned at his tired tone and sighed
Suddenly, you perked up and remembered one of the pick-up lines you found particularly cute
“Hey, you’re pretty and I’m cute. Together we’d be Pretty Cute.”
Ryoma’s eyes widened for a moment before he grinned slightly
You noticed this and tried another one
“I was wondering if you had an extra heart. Mine was just stolen.”
At this point, he was fully smiling, a rare sight to see on Ryoma
You felt proud that you were able to grace him with that smile and smiled back
“Thanks, S/O, I needed that.”
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