#boy i sure got my tickets to the freak show
isaidquirky · 1 year
Listen, I've only watched two episodes of Yellowjackets so far, because the week's been Not Good and also this is just not the kind of show I can binge without damage, but when will YOUR fave quote Plato to her bullies and get turned on by discovering an armed woman in her house??? And look at that take-charge attitude and calm demeanor! And hasn't everyone been at a sleepover that they wished would last one more day?
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auspicioustidings · 9 months
Any version of Soap in any position of power would be soooo disgusting, calling IT Security reader at all times of the day and telling her that the speaker on his computer doesn’t work, while he’s clearly streaming some porno in the background 😭😭😭
You get it Lumi, he's a sick freak :) You also sent this while I happen to be working through 1k requests so bonus short for you <3
Back Chat
Words: 1k
CWs: non-con groping, just all around gross awful Soap
Sergeant John MacTavish was the reason you had poured over your contract for any get out clause that didn't cost you a fortune. You came up with nothing. The military had paid for a high end training course for you on the provision that if you left the role within 2 years then you had to pay every penny back.
Plus this job paid well and the benefits were great. You didn't even mind having gruff military personnel seeing fit to give you a bollocking over the phone because you would be following procedure whether they liked it or not and they could file a damn ticket if they wanted their issue looked at. Generally they were an OK bunch at heart, but rough around the edges and used to recruits eager to please them. When they realised your lack of any rank also excused you from being ordered around by anyone but your actual boss they usually mellowed out.
Of course you had made the mistake of chewing out one such gruff man after he called in a temper demanding that his laptop be fixed as a priority. Not even his work laptop, no he wanted his personal laptop fixed.
“Look MacTavish was it?”
“Sergeant MacTavish tae you.”
“No it isn't. I am not one of your soldiers. I work in IT for the military, your laptop is not military property so I'm not touching it. Use your big boy Sergeant wage and buy a new one.”
“Listen here ye wee bitch-”
You hung up on him and got on with your day right up until he physically showed up at your office on base. You handled IT for multiple bases, you had not considered that the person you had chewed out would actually work on this one. Oops.
He was a big motherfucker as well. Handsome. Crazy scary dog energy. Definitely not your usual soldier with his lack of uniform (unless jeans and a t-shirt that was so tight he was liable to tear out of it was uniform these days) and out of regulation haircut. You scrambled to try and stand but he was already looming over you in your chair, leaving you no space to do so as he settled his hands on the armrests and leaned over you to get into your face.
“I'll need tae settle for you then hen. Better make it good.”
“Excuse me?”
“The lassie on my laptop begs tae get it up the arse. Is a good girl for a thick cock pounding her tight cunt. Even when she's fucked oot her nut and ruined she still gags around a man down her throat and swallows like a proper bitch.”
You were flooded with fear and arousal. Nobody had ever spoken to you like that and you weren't entirely sure he was joking. He wouldn't actually do anything to you right? He was just being a dick because he wanted his laptop fixed. Just trying to intimidate you.
“And I bet she gets paid a lot more than me MacTavish, back off.”
Oh no. There was a feral gleam in his eye and a rabid grin that showed those sharp incisors. He clearly relished your response.
“Then I'll need to buy ye with, what was it? Right. My big boy Sergeant wage.”
He leaned in close and took a deep breath. Christ he was sniffing your currently greasy and messy hair. You hadn't showered in like 2 days, you were fucking IT, it wasn't like people usually came to physically see you in your little den.
“...I'll fix your fucking laptop oh my God just bring it by.”
“Atta girl” he all but panted into your ear before tugging at the lobe with his teeth and then fully tounging at your ear hole.
The sensation was truly the most awful thing you had ever felt. Your skin crawled and your body shivered uncomfortably as you tried to push him away from you. He chuckled and you choked on your own saliva as he firmly smacked your pussy before pulling away.
“I'll bring it right doon.”
You were left completely gobsmacked in your little office, your body hopped up on adrenaline and your cunt throbbing from the spank it had gotten and from the sick part of your mind that found the whole thing depraved and disgusting but sort of titillating.
When he brought the laptop back he hovered behind you while you worked on it, making you sweat. It was an easy enough fix and you sighed in relief and carefully avoided eye contact when you told him it was fixed.
“Ye’ll check it over, cannae be sending me away with a half done job.”
“You can see that it's working.”
He leant over, arms surrounding you so he could scroll over to open a video file. It was of a woman being railed hard from behind, drooling into the pillow and babbling for more. The wet squelch was disgusting, the man spitting down on her and smacking her already red ass.
“Speakers are fucked.”
You squirmed in your seat.
“I can hear it just fine.”
“Aye? What are ye hearing then?”
You remained silent, eyes fixed on the wall instead of on the screen. At least you were silent until he drew a yelp from you by groping one of your tits.
“Told ye, if ye cannae prove that it's fixed I'll need to settle for you. Bit shorter, softer and dirtier than my lassie mind, so got tae give it yer full effort.”
“I-It's working!”
“Prove it, what ye hearing?”
He made you replicate the whole script from each broken moan to the begging to the degrading. He was only satisfied when the whole video had run its course, by which time he had a hand on either tit, rough with how he groped and tugged.
“See now? Wisnae so hard to follow a Sergeant's orders was it?”
“No” you mumbled, crying out when he gripped your nipples through your shirt and twisted. “No Sergeant!”
He let go then, closing the lid of the laptop and standing with it to leave.
“Got an LT having trouble with his phone, he's naw as friendly as me though so best limit the back chat soldier.”
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pyramid-of-starrs · 9 months
congrats on 300+ followers🫶🏽
request: what about seongwha who's super soft spoken & the sweetest guy in front of everybody but when we're alone he's soooooo nasty and dominant it's something people never expect. "shy freak" persona
All Tied Up
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Boyfriend Seonghwa x Afab reader
Summary: The universe blessed you with the best boyfriend to exist and everything is perfect but you can't help but to want more from your sweet boy
Genre: Fluff and Smut
Warnings: Dense acting Seonghwa (kinda lol), Technically trickery but you'll get it, nicknames
Smut warnings: Bondage, choking, drool, squirting, Oral sex (F receiving), mentions of losing virginity
A/N: Sorry I'm taking forever to finish this life kinda sucks :( but I only have 1 more to go for this event!
Minors dni
The amazing smell of chocolate and marshmallows along with the pleasant steam coming from the cup of hot coco in your hand started to hit your face. Both your gloved hands gripped the sides of the cups sleeve while you stood to the side for your boyfriend to finish paying for your drinks and snacks, he walked over with a bag of pastries and his own hot drink to convene with you again so you two could find an open table to sit down at in the crowded pop up cafe. You had been begging Seonghwa to take you to the temporary winter wonderland themed cafe for a few days since you thought it was cute that they had a mini ice skating area attached. He of course bought the tickets the day you asked and wanted to surprise you with a fun date over the weekend.
Once you two finally found a table that was a bit isolated in the corner you both sat down side by side and Seonghwa passed out the pastries he had bought, you couldn't make up your mind about what you wanted so he got 1 of each of the specialty baked goods, you felt bad he was always so willing to come out of pocket and buy you everything you wanted without hesitation but he always said he just enjoyed seeing you get what you deserved.
"Thank you Seonghwa! This is all too much though, you didn't have to do all this, or at least let me pay you back." you said as you sipped your hot chocolate trying not to burn your tongue.
"You know I would never ask you to pay me back my flower, just make sure you let me show you extra love later." He replied, you were offering to pay him back even though you only had lip gloss and a phone charger in your purse, but at least you offered, you knew no matter what he was going to take care of you. "Now let's enjoy the treats that we got, okay?" You nodded in agreement.
While you two were enjoying the pastries an older woman walked passed, and stopped. "What a beautiful young couple you two are." she said warmly as she smiled at you both.
Before you could thank her Seonghwa started to reply.
"Thank you but the beauty comes from her, I'm just the guy obsessed with her." Seonghwa said as he returned a smile to the woman, your face got hot from the compliment.
"Oh, a gentleman too, you two are lucky to have each other." She chuckled before continuing to walk away.
Seonghwa and you waved her goodbye and you continued to eat the last of the chocolate croissant you had, you could see Seonghwa watching you eat and then he giggled, you looked over at him. "What?"
"It's nothing you're just so cute when you eat, you even got some chocolate on your cheek." He took a napkin and gently rubbed the leftover chocolate off your face, then gave your cheek a quick peck. "You're so cold my flower, why didn't you say anything? Here take my scarf." He removed his scarf from his neck and started to wrap it around yours.
"I didn't say anything because I knew you were going to do that, now what if you get cold?" You pouted as he finished tucking the scarf securely around your neck.
"I'll have my love to keep me warm, or something lame like that." He smiled at you warmly.
"You're right that was lame." You chuckled a bit, your eyes met for a moment before you two kissed. You and Seonghwa had been dating for a few months and the relationship couldn't have been better, he was kind to you and others, your parent's loved him, your friend's loved him, he was just the best spouse. The only issue was that you two were going on 7 months of being together and he still hadn't made a move toward sex. Though not having sex with you right away fit perfectly with his gentleman persona, but you had needs, it was nice that he wasn't rushing you into anything but you started to feel like a sex crazed animal at times because every small thing he did started to turn you on, his small acts of kindness, the way he talked, how he cuddles you on the couch while you watched movies, you two hadn't even French kissed yet and every time he licked his lips you just wondered how his long tongue would feel exploring your body. Seonghwa has never even spent the night at your house, you haven't even gotten to see him shirtless yet but you had a plan, if he was too much of a gentleman to make a move then you had no other choice but to take matters into your own hands.
"Y/N? You okay? You kind of zoned out there." Seonghwa asked.
"Huh? Oh, yeah! Uh, so since it's getting late I was thinking we could watch movies at your place or mine, maybe a christmas movie marathon ?" You presented the idea to him, this was going to be phase 1 of your plan to get into Seonghwa's pants.
Seonghwa finished his hot chocolate and smiled at you. "Sure that sounds fun, it got pretty dark anyways, we can head to my apartment." He started to gather all the trash to clean the table and you two headed out.
You two were on your second movie, it was getting pretty late at this point which was perfect, you could now move into phase two.
You fake yawned and stretched while Seonghwa held you in his arms. "Boy it got so late so fast, I sure am tired from all the fun today." You said in a fake sleepy voice.
"Yeah I guess you're right it is late, You want to grab your stuff so I can take you home?" He asked
"It's so late I'm sure you're tired, I can sta-"
"Oh, it's no problem you only live about 20 minutes away and I'm not tired at all." He smiled at you.
"O-okay well um sure... I guess you can take me." Damn Seonghwa and his care for you, just as you were gathering your things you both got an alert on your phones.
"Oh universe you beautiful being, thank you for wanting me to get laid just as bad as me." you thought to yourself. "Look Seonghwa, looks like we have to stay here." You said to him, he walked over to his window and raised his blinds to reveal a whited out snow storm swallowing the streets.
"Hm, guess your right, are you comfortable with staying he-"
"Yes!" Seonghwa looked at you a bit taken aback from your speedy reply. "I mean... yeah I would hate to put you in harm's way to take me home." You smiled trying not to be suspicious.
Seonghwa raised an eyebrow a bit as he noticed your strange behavior but he just brushed it off. "Right well I can grab you some extra clothes and a towel to shower."
"No need, I actually have some clothes in my bag." You said as you dug in your tote and pulled out some sleep clothing.
Seonghwa was wondering why you were carrying your tote instead of your normal purse and why it was so full. "You just so happened to have clothes in your bag today?" he questioned.
"Yeah, ya know, just in case I spilled something or tore my pants ice skating?" You said trying to get him not to suspect anything.
"But those are paja-"
"Anyways I'm gonna go get in the shower." You hurried to the bathroom to start the water, once inside you carefully took off your clothes and got into the shower. A few minutes passed and you heard a knock on the door. "Come in." you yelled out.
"Y/N I brought you a towel to dry off with and some lotion and an extra toothbrush, if you need anything else let me know okay?"
"Well actually I would love for you to wash my back, I can't reach it." For a moment there was silence. "D-did you hear me?" Silence again. "Seonghwa?" You asked, once you didn't get an answer you pulled the shower curtain back and saw that you were once again alone in the bathroom, the rushing water drowned out the sound of the door closing again, you heavily sighed in defeat and and finished your shower, you dried off, brushed your teeth and lathered up with your own lotion, it was vanilla cupcake scented like Seonghwa likes, he mentioned loving when you smelled like a bakery. You dropped your towel finally and pulled out your clothes from your bag, this definitely was going to seduce Seonghwa, a pair of short shorts with a white trim and a t-shirt of his he let you borrow and you never gave back and to tie it all together a blue and black lacey panty and bralette set you bought a while ago. You sprayed on your matching vanilla perfume and walked out the bathroom, you looked around and saw that Seonghwa wasn't in the living room anymore so you walked to his bedroom door and stood there. You had never even seen Seonghwa's room before now that you thought about it, you knocked and a few moments later the door opened revealing Seonghwa in his Animal crossing tee shirt and shorts.
"Y/N, you're finally done, sorry I was showering and getting something so I can sleep in the guest room, come in." You looked at him confused as you stepped in the room.
"Wait, you have a spare bathroom in here?" he chuckled at you.
"Yeah, I was going to let you use it, but you rushed to the guest one." He walked back over to grab a few things.
You watched him collect his items for a moment. "I like your pjs, they are adorable."
"Thanks, I got it as a gift from my friends." He glanced over at you. "I see we are both wearing my clothes." He giggled.
"Yeah sorry I meant to give it back but it's so cozy, If you want I could take it off." You said trying to throw a hint at him once again.
"It's fine, looks cuter on you anyways." He said as he pecked your cheek and headed for the bedroom door. "If you need anything just let me know okay? Goodnight Y/N."
"Wait! You know you don't have to sleep in the other room you could always... sleep with me, I would hate to put you out."
"It's no big deal, if it wasn't for this storm you'd be home in your bed alone, so it's the least I can do, night." and just like that he was gone, damn his gentleman ways.
You laid in his bed, alone, wishing he was next to you, holding the blanket, imagining being wrapped up in his arms while he kissed you softly, you wanted to feel him being so needy for you he is rutting his hard cock on your ass. The smell of his cologne on the sheets made the pit in your stomach hot, you slowly slid your hands between your thighs, you brushed past your heat, you needed his touch, you yearned for it. You wanted to know how he breathed while he made love to you, you imagined he was a gentle lover, slow and easy sex came to mind when you thought of Seonghwa, he was probably very closed off and vanilla and you would be lying if you said you didn't want to corrupt your sweet boyfriend. Then the thought that maybe he was inexperienced or scared, was he a virgin? You needed to know, you needed to find out and you were tired of being coy about it. You sprung out of Seonghwa's bed and headed to the guest room, you didn't even knock, you just entered, Seonghwa was in bed scrolling on his phone before he looked up to see you standing in the doorway.
"Y/n? Everything okay? Did you need something?" He asked as he put his phone down and sat up.
You didn't say a word, you got up and walked up to the edge of the bed, your thoughts were running rampant and you needed him more than ever.
"Y/N? Do you want something?" Seonghwa asked with a touch of concern in his voice.
"I want you Hwa..." You said as you got on to the bed, you crawled up the length of his blanketed body, he scooted back until his back was against the headboard, you stopped to sit on his legs. "If you're scared or never experienced this before it's okay, I can help you, I can teach you everything you need to know."
"Y-you will?" He said nervously, you nodded your head. "Is that why you've been acting weird, you wanted to... do that with me?"
You nodded again. "Only if you're ready."
"I am!" He nodded frantically. "Can we go back to my room?" you sat on the side to let him get up and he led you back to his room, it was cute honestly, he pulled you down onto the bed and got on top of you. Your eyes met before he placed his lips onto yours, kissing Seonghwa always gave you butterflies but this felt hot and passionate.
"I can touch and do whatever I want right?" He asked sweetly.
"Of course you can." You cupped his cheek. "Touch me as much as you want, you have my full permission, and we can go as slow as you need and I'll even help you." You wanted to be as helpful as possible, you didn't want him to feel like he was going in blindly.
"Really?" you nodded. "Okay well close your eyes and lift your arms" you raised your eyebrows in confusion but maybe he had something he had seen somewhere that he wanted to try, you obliged and lifted your arms and closed your eyes.
You couldn't see it but a devious smile was plastered on Seonghwa's face. "You know Y/N you really shocked me being so forward tonight." you could hear his night stand opening but chose to ignore it, that is until you feel a soft cotton tightening around both of your wrists. You got confused and tried to put your arms down but realized you couldn't, you tried again and your eyes shot open with Seonghwa laughing. You looked up to see black cotton cuffs bonding you to the bed, you looked back at Seonghwa confused.
"Aw look at the cute poor little confused look on your face, I almost feel bad for playing with you my flower." Seonghwa said as he sat on his knees in front of you.
"What do you mean playing with me? What are these cuffs?" You questioned.
He chuckled at your confusion again. "Sweetheart you didn't really believe I was some scared little virgin did you?"
"Well... yeah."
"How sweet, but sorry to break it to you, I'm not, but damn was it sexy to see you so willing to teach me how to fuck you properly, kinda wish I would have went along with it, but I could never lie to you."
"Wait then why have you never made a move on me? Even tonight when I was dropping hints you wouldn't budge."
Seonghwa sighed a bit. "Well, I try to stay true to being the proper gentleman I am, however the way I have sex... the things I like are everything but gentle. I know it can scare some women away and I really like you Y/N, so I figured I'd suppress my urges and very slowly reel you in after sometime but my naughty little flower just couldn't wait." He said as he pinched your nose playfully. "But with your full permission of course I'd love to show you somethings I like."
You could feel your core jumping with excitement at his question. "Yes, please show me Seonghwa." you said in a very needy voice.
He smiled at you. "Already so needy for me, let's get started.
2 thin pieces of rope were behind each of your knees to bind you to the bed along with your hands, your legs were nice and spread open while your bare pussy was on display for Seonghwa. He stood on his knees between your legs on the bed, all his clothes removed except his boxer briefs that left very little to the imagination, you averted your eyes to avoid his lustful eye contact. You jolted at the feeling of his fingers rubbing your wet core, whimpering softly every time he would lightly brush your needy nub.
"You're already so wet, you really were excited to teach me how to fuck you huh baby?" You said in a teasing tone, his two fingers started to slowly rub "O's" on your clit and you bit your lip to avoid moaning, he grabbed your chin to make you face him. "Y/N it's not nice to hold back, let me see and hear you while I make a mess of your pretty pussy." He let go of your chin then removed his fingers from your clit, he slid them into your while his thumb on his other hand rubbed your clit, you moaned while watching his slowly glide his digits in and out on you, the slow motion driving you crazy because you wanted more, he saw the lust in your greedy eyes and smiled. "My precious little flower, you look like you want to say something, what's wrong?" Again he was taunting you, he knew what you wanted, but he wanted to hear you beg more than anything.
"Please... faster." you couldn't handle getting your sentence out and before you could ask you started to rock your hips, grinding down on his fingers, not being able to do much with your legs being restrained. The burning urge to cum got worse as he started to move his fingers in and out while curling them up to stimulate your spot, louder moans fell from your lips.
"My little flower, please don't be rude, answer me with complete sentences only." His thumb started to flick your clit faster, your head dropped back at the teasing stimulation, you wouldn't be able to cum with him going so slow but it felt amazing, you just needed more.
"Please~ fuck me with ngh~ your fingers faster." you managed to say, Seonghwa didn't hesitate to drive his digits into you at a faster rate, he made sure to keep curling his fingers upward to keep tapping your gummy spot, your moans got louder the faster he went, you wanted to close your legs around his arm but again you couldn't, you just had to take it. The loud and obscene squelching noises and moans mixed with his groans could kill a nun, you felt your climax coming as the feeling in your stomach started to come. He never stopped flicking your clit and with his fingers so deep and beating your spot you had no choice but to have an intense orgasm all over him and his bed, perhaps too intense as you felt warm liquid on your legs, you looked down to see yourself erupting like a volcano. Embarrassment quickly filled your body as you never experienced squirting before.
"I-I'm sorry." You said, Seonghwa giggled at your embarrassment, he leaned forward to kiss you, the kiss was like a normal kiss he would usually give you, passionate and full of love, but during you noticed that his fingers started to move inside of you again, your moans being swallowed by him, you wanted to plead for him to stop but the feeling of being so sensitive due to over stimulation felt amazing, your hips once again started to buck up. He pulled back from the kiss and you immediately started to whimper.
"My sweet flower are you already coming undone for me? I still haven't even gotten to taste you yet." Your brain froze hearing the word taste as you knew exactly what was coming next, Seonghwa laid down in sniper position, his face inches away from your cunt. He kept his fingers inside while he attached his lips to your bulb, you yelled a string of curse words, your fingers and toes wiggled as your eyes rolled back, you wanted to push his head away, grip something, wrap your legs around his head, anything but again you just had to endure the overwhelming feeling.
"You're just as sweet as I imagined my love, I could spend the rest of my life drinking from you." He continued to finger you while his long tongue that you would day dream about for what seemed like hours lapped circles around your clit and occasionally licked stripes along your pussy. You were gasping as your second orgasm started to build up, Seonghwa's fingers never stopped, he started to leave kisses on your clit. "Can you cum for me one more time? I need to taste how sweet you are when you cum." Your legs started to quiver as he sped up the pace of his fingers, you started to see stars as you squirted again, you felt panic rush through you as you didn't want to squirt on his face but when you looked down you saw and felt Seonghwa drinking from you like you were a water fountain. Once you finally started to come down Seonghwa pulled his face out of your already fucked out pussy, your slick dripping from his chin as it covered his face from his nose down. Seonghwa wiped his face then freed you from your binds. As soon as you were free you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him deeply, a thank you for two of the best orgasms of your life.
His hands traveled up your body to finally remove the remainder of your clothing. "On all fours for me beautiful." Without question you turned around with your ass in the air, once again putting yourself on full display for him. "Can you put your arms back here for me?" He asked, you were curious about his next move but still obeyed. You laid your face on the pillow and put your arms behind you Seonghwa grabbed on and placed the cuff back on your wrist, this time he cuffed each of your hands to your ankles. He reached for the night stand again to get a condom and slide it down his shaft, you could feel his large hands grip your hips and put you in place, your back naturally arched as you prepared yourself for him. "Are you ready my love?" He asked.
"Yes, I need you so bad Seonghwa." You were eager to finally know how it felt to be one with him, he pumped himself a few times then placed his tip at your entrance, he slowly started to enter you, pulling back out then back in to feed you his length. It didn't take much for you to start to moan out for him to give you more of him, instead he went slow, he wanted you to feel every inch of him, enjoy every second of him fucking you until your mind broke. After a few moments he finally bottomed out inside of you, you had always seen prints of Seonghwa's dick through his sweatpants but you never truly knew he was this long, he reached the very back of your pussy with ease as your pussy started to squeeze him rapidly.
"You're squeezing me so tight baby fuck, I love how this pussy feels." He started to roll his hips while he was stationed deep inside of you, you could feel his dick in the pit of your stomach and with the position you were stuck in it felt like he was digging even deeper inside of you. Seonghwa finally pulled half way out then back in as he started to fuck his long dick into your pussy, the long awaited need to feel him inside you was over and it felt amazing. This wasn't what you expected but Seonghwa far exceeded expectations, he knew exactly how to fuck you like he had experience with your pussy exactly, he made sure not to pound into you but kept a fast and consistent speed, you couldn't think straight as you became cock drunk off of him. You had your cheek on the pillow as your eyes rolled back and you moaned loudly for him.
"Please don't stop, you feel so good Seonghwa." You gasped out, he was fucking you so good you could feel the drool leave your mouth and couldn't do anything about it. Seonghwa kept up his pace then the sound of Velcro ripping filled the room as he undid one of your cuffs then the other, you thought he was going to change positions but instead he grabbed you by your throat and lifted you off the bed, he kept his pace as his dick went even deeper inside of you, he attached his lips to your ear. "You're taking me so well baby." He said as he sped up, you whined in return. "My cute little flower all fucked out the first time taking my dick, poor thing." Him teasing you only added to your orgasm you could feel the pit in your stomach returning, he turned your head to the side as his hand squeezed your throat tighter, he placed his lips on yours, his tongue started to explore your mouth, the kiss was hot and wet, you couldn't hold yourself together anymore and covered his dick in your cum, only a few more pumps and Seonghwa released into the condom. Your body went limp in his hands as he laid you down on the bed gently.
You were shaking, your mouth covered with spit while your pussy was still pulsing, all you could do was breathe heavily, you didn't even notice Seonghwa left the room until he came back with something in his hand. He sat back on the bed and adjusted your legs for you to help clean you up, he then wiped the spit from your mouth and opened a bottle of water and put it to your lips. "Here drink." he slowly poured the cold water into your mouth as you sipped slowly like a baby kitten.
"Thank you." You said then sat up, just now realizing the bed was soaked. "I'm sorry about your bed..." You said still feeling a bit embarrassed. "I've never did... that before."
"You're being so shy for a girl that was offering to pop my cherry a while ago." He laughed while he finished the bottle of water he had and you nudged his shoulder.
"That's because I thought you were a scary little virgin or something, I didn't think you'd be some kind of sex wizard."
He nearly choked on his water laughing. "Not sure what a sex wizard is but I appreciate any compliment coming from you." He said as he leaned in to kiss your lips. "How about we freshen up and go to sleep in the guest room tonight?" You nodded your head, You and Seonghwa got cleaned up and then went to the other room, it felt nice to be cuddled up with him like this.
"So... did you like it?" he asked.
"I loved it." you quickly answered.
"Most of the women I've slept with don't contact me again after we have sex."
"Well 1 I'm your girlfriend 2 you'll probably have to get me to stop asking you for sex now."
He chuckled at you, then kissed your forehead. "Goodnight Y/N, I love you."
"Goodnight Seonghwa, I love you too!"
A peaceful silence filled the room.
"Can we fuck again in the morning?"
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dropthedemiurge · 5 months
Boys Be Brave [EP.4] // Translation notes
Not so many this time so let me know if you're curious about anything else, I'll point out what I thought was interesting^^
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"If you like someone, you start to feel ashamed/embarrassed. I'd rather die than to show him how embarrassing I am."
This interestingly ties to my previous post! Where I mentioned that Balgeum said the same word in another phrase: "Don't follow me around like a clueless fool. It's fucking embarrassing".
He didn't use any other specific words so I noted how vague it was, and I wonder if he was trying to tell Inho he was shameful for clinging to him but that's actually a word he found to describe his own feelings towards Inho. It doesn't matter whether Balgeum spends his entire life in poverty, debts and hustling as he said he's used to it, but he's ashamed of being with someone, even loving someone while he's so pitiful in his own eyes. A hole in his sock, family in financial ruins, he just doesn't dare to see a carefree happiness for himself, and he punishes and curses himself out for even having hope.
What is also interesting – I'm not sure whether other character names really have meanings or wordplays, but 밝음 means "brightness". Which also feel like a bit of a cruel joke to be named like that and live such tiring and grey life.
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I was so confused with the subs here. I can guess what they tried to go for, but Kiseob literally says '아쉬었어', "I feel a bit bad about yesterday =)" It's a word that can be translated to "It's such a shame that... (something happened)", "It's too bad that... (I didn't achieve something)", like you can say it when you tried to buy a ticket but they were all sold out instantly. Or you missed some opportunity and regret it now.
We know Kiseob was talking about something else (I think he wanted to say it's too bad that he and Jinwoo couldn't enjoy making out for longer or something) but it's no wonder Jinwoo got so offended by this, because he thought Kiseob meant he regretted that he even kissed Jinwoo yesterday because the kiss was too bad. Does this sentence even make sense?xD
And that's why he started riling himself up and freaking out that it was all because of his kissing skills.
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That's Kiseob's confusion right there after seeing that Jinwoo fled the scene after his comment. He didn't actually call himself a pervert of anything but he wondered what was wrong with his words, were they too much for Jinwoo to run away. I do believe he meant that it was too bad that nothing much happened after that kiss yesterday instead xD
So he apologized via message that it might've been too much and he will be careful from now on. Jinwoo, of course, read that completely differently again. And then Jinwoo angrily tells him not to be so arrogant after just that first kiss (he's not good but he'll be with practice, and Kiseob should not be the judge!). Meanwhile (I think) Kiseob is confused and focuses on the word 'the first kiss', so to him, that might sound like a promise of more to come, therefore he just sends 'okay'? But he also says they didn't really get to talk about their kiss later. I might be confused with the last msg too x)
Miscommunication, BL's beloved.
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(if you're curious about the heart and emoji message, it was from the last time, Kiseob sent "I want to give you something as a last gift... can you come out?". And idk why, the message before that says 'Refridgerator', probably also something from 1-2 episodes xD)
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"Who are you to evaluate me?" The boy really thinks Kiseob is the alpha expert on love, daring and romance, and he misjudges him himself huh xD
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"By the way, you become weak-hearted if someone is hurt". My interpretation of this line – Kiseob talks about how Jinwoo cares about him and his wound anyway, despite all his defenses and rejections. Jinwoo, of course, denies and says it's because Kiseob will be a nuisance when he' gets's hurt.
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Just a little nuance – Kiseob asks Jinwoo about everything, he doesn't say it in a mocking factual way at all. "Your schedule is disrupted because you like me, right? And you did that (kissed me) yesterday because you like me, right? Why do you like me?"
He is constantly asking because he doesn't know the difference. He is trying to understand himself through Jinwoo's feelings, so he asks. Asks why people like, how do they like, how does that feeling manifest in real life – because he doesn't know anything, even if he likes Jinwoo, he doesn't know why, he doesn't really realize it himself. He doesn't know why he kissed. He dated but he never experienced the feeling of love. He can't give Jinwoo any honest answers yet. Well, he's honest that he's not sure about anything, but it's not the answer planning-and-unambiguous Jinwoo wants to hear.
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Can I just step out of BL show for a lil bit and say that I really liked them?! I think they were adorable together. Too bad polar opposites attracts and Jinwoo needs Kiseob and not the certain copy of himself (who also isn't the prim and perfect as she shows herself).
Anyway! There is one point in Jinwoo's perfect-ideal-type checklist which says 'To have J in the name like in 'JIN-woo''. 진 (jin) can also come from 'truth' so he invented that symbolic connection/condition for a partner. Which is also why Kiseob in the previous episode wanted to change his name to the one that includes J as well, but he choose the name 'Jongji' which had a ridiculous meaning of 'stop'. Again, technically correct but absolutely far from what Jinwoo actually wanted.
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Isn't it interesting that, even though he went on a day with his Ideal Type, Jinwoo still enjoyed not the library date or the meaningful messages, but the game arcade time? The one that's supposed to be meaningless and not productive and with the purpose of just having fun? And he kept being distracted by the illusions/thoughts of Kiseob?:D Yeeeah... Maybe your perfect type checklist needs some revisions, Jinwoo.
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About the side couple – I was right! They will go to three dates because Balgeum gave in. He even will sacrifice his never-ending-worktime for that. Hehe. He also says 'I have to become rich' with determination which in my mind, connecting to his 'I'd rather die than look so embarrassing to Inho' means that he now has a new goal. To... I guess, work even HARDER to be able to have a chance dating Inho. Will they even work out right now? No one knows, but it's obvious they both are willing to give it a second chance.
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And the last bit – it's pretty obvious, but Hyejin actually shouts 'You fucking bastard!!!', which is so hilarious.
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sunflowergirl522 · 2 years
#1 Fan
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Famous!Reader
Summary: Corroded Coffin opens for you on tour and you get to see your best friend for the first time in forever.
Word count: 5906
Eddie Masterlist
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“I’m sorry you want Corroded Coffin to play where?” Disbelief is thick in Eddie’s voice as he stares wide eyed at the phone's receiver. 
“Mr. Munson, we'd like for your band Corroded Coffin to open for our main act here at the Clyde Theatre June seventeenth.” The amusement is evident in the man on the other end of the call as he repeats what he had already shared but Eddie doesn’t care he’s too much in shock to even notice.
“Am I being punked right now?”
“No sir, Ms. Y/l/n was adamant that if she was going to perform here your band had to be the one to open.” Your last name causes him to still before a wide smile splits across his face.
“Alright we’ll do it but we need some tickets for family you know how it is, first big gig and all.” He tries to act nonchalant instead of freaking out the way he wants to.
“Of course just give us the address to send them to with an idea of how many you need.”
When Eddie hangs up the phone he fist bumps in the air whooping in celebration. This was it, Corroded Coffin's time to shine. And it was apparently all because of you and he couldn’t be more grateful for it. He doesn’t stop to think about it much before he’s calling Gareth to get the other guys around for an emergency band meeting so he can tell them the good news.
Eddie bursts into Steve’s house jittery and late for weekly movie night with everyone. He’s almost an hour late and even though the sound of Robin going ‘finally’ from the other room would normally make him cringe he can’t get himself to feel any sort of shame for being late. He’s in too good of a mood, he’s spent the last few hours celebrating with the guys and trying to start figuring out what songs they’d want to perform. 
“Look who finally decided to show up!”
“Shut up and sit down, Harrington. I’ve got the best news.” 
“Hey!” Eddie trips over Dustin's outstretched legs on his rush to stand in front of the TV. He just offers his friend a sorry smile or at least tries to but he’s so euphoric that it definitely doesn’t come off as apologetic.
“I’m not sure if I like how smug you look right now.” Robin sits up straight from where she was lounging on the couch moving to the edge of her seat, almost kicking Mike in the head while she does so. The boy in question dodged just in time getting El to duck with him so she wouldn’t get hit either. 
“Corroded Coffins gonna be the opener at the Clyde Theatre in five months!” He spreads his arms out as he blurts it as if the excited energy in his body needs another way other than the bouncing on his heels to come out.
“What?!” All of his friends freeze, some mouths gaping, some starting to grin as much as he is. 
“Really?” Eddie nods excitedly looking towards Dustin who fist pumps at the affirmation.
“So I’ve been with the band to tell them and start picking songs to do and we got a little carried away with our celebrating hence me being late.”
“Who are you opening for?” 
“Y/n Y/l/n.” Gasps echo throughout the room and El and Max look at each other in excitement while Robin smacks Steve multiple times in the chest, shocked laughs falling from her mouth.
“You’re punking us right?” Steve asks while grabbing his best friend's hand to stop her excited attack on him. 
“Nope, why would I do that?”
“You’re actually opening for the sensation that is Y/n Y/l/n?”
“Yeah, I’m actually opening for Y/n. Didn’t realize you were that into her stuff Harrington.” If Steve was the same man he was years ago he would’ve cleared his throat and schooled his face to make it seem like he didn’t care.
“How can someone not be into her stuff? It's great! Did you at least score us tickets?”
“Figured you guys would want to come support the band so when I told the guy how many tickets we’d need I included you all in my count but I don’t know if we’ll actually get as many as I asked for. So no guarantees that you’d all be able to go because the guys get some of the tickets too and Wayne and Dustin are definitely getting tickets.”
“Why does Dustin definitely get a ticket?” Mike asks wanting to go see his older friend perform on a big stage more than anything.
“Because I’m his favorite.”
“Actually if I were to pick favorites it’d be Red but I don’t play that way. He gets a ticket because of other reasons.” Other reasons being he picked up the phone in the trailer once when you were calling and Eddie made him a deal that if he didn’t tell anyone he’d get a ticket to the first real concert the band ever did and Dustin took it being Eddie’s biggest fan and all. 
“Max is your favorite?” She sticks her tongue out at Dustin as Eddie just shrugs.
“I see her all the time, she’s the annoying little sister I never had.”
“Okay, fine.” Dustin gets up from his spot on the floor and moves to stand next to him. “Y/n calls Eddie sometimes, they talk.” He emphasizes the word talk and everyone looks at Eddie in shock.
“You know her?” Robin's eyes would be bugging out of her head if this were a cartoon.
“We grew up together and stayed close until she graduated and made it big. So I knew her but now we only talk every once in a blue moon so I don’t really know her anymore.” Eddie explains while shoving Dustin for telling everyone his secret. The boy scoffs before continuing on.
“Once in a blue moon being on birthdays and holidays and then you talk on the phone forever.”
“Eddie I’ve literally played her music around you, you know how much El and I love her, why wouldn’t you tell me you know her?” 
“It’s not really something I want to commercialize. I don’t want people to decide they like me just because I’m friends with someone famous or that they like Corroded Coffin for that same reason. Besides Steve knows her and she knew him, granted that was back when he was still a dick.” Steve cringes at that, he only vaguely remembers you from school but since you were friends with who was considered freaks he never actually interacted with you. “Can we watch the movie now?”
A little after Eddie gets home late that night the phone rings and as he picks it up he gets nervous that it’s the guy from before calling him to say they’ve changed their mind.
“Is this Mr. Edward Munson? We’re calling about all those tickets you wanted.” Your deepened voice comes through the phone causing a small laugh to fall from his mouth.
“So you heard about the tickets then?”
“Oh yeah, the theatre called and said they wouldn’t be able to give that many tickets away even if it meant you guys wouldn’t open for me.” Eddie cringes a bit at hearing that, looks like he’ll have to be prepared for everyone to start trying to butter him up for a chance to go. “I of course told them to give them to you anyways and I’ll just pay for the portion that they can’t freely give you.”
“You didn’t have to do that just for us Y/n.”
“Eh, I would’ve done it for anyone. Besides I had to make sure the guys would be able to have their families around for this pivotal moment for the band.” On your end of the line you sit on the hotel bed and glance at your nails as you speak. “Oh! I upgraded them to meet and greet tickets too so you better come through and open for me because I miss Wayne. And I wanna meet that kid Dustin so you better bring him along too.”
“We were gonna open for you even if we didn’t get the tickets. This is huge for us and the guys are excited to see you after not hearing from you for so long.”
“Do you not tell them when I tell you to say hi to them for me? I’ve been meaning to send them letters but I haven’t had the time.” 
“Um so I don’t actually tell anyone that we talk.” Eddie scratches the back of his neck sheepishly at the confession.
“What?!” You screech before lowering your voice so as not to wake up your assistant in the room next to yours. “Why not? No wait, that's sort of a stupid question huh? But why wouldn’t you tell the guys? You know I was sending them stuff earlier on and trying to keep in touch with them too.”
“Yeah but then you stopped even calling for a little while and we all thought you got too busy to keep in contact. I didn’t want any of them to feel like I was getting special treatment because of you just calling me.”
“Obviously they’d expect you to get special treatment Eddie, you ar- were my best friend.” You’re quick to correct yourself before you can call him your best friend still. You’re not too sure if he still thinks you are and you definitely don’t talk enough for it to be plainly obvious that the two of you are. It certainly doesn’t help that you still have a stupid giant crush on him even though you haven’t even seen him in years.
“You know I wouldn’t be able to deal with their teasing, I’m sensitive.” Eddie pouts even though you can’t see him but you laugh anyway.
“Yeah right, I’ll believe that when I see it. Alright, I gotta go Eds. I have to go on a morning show tomorrow to talk about the tour. I actually have a lot of press and what not to do and then the tour starts so the next time we talk will probably be the concert itself.”
“Alright, I’ll see you then.”
“See you then. Good night Eddie.”
“Night Y/n.” You both hang up the phone wishing you would’ve heard the nicknames you called each other back before you left town fall from the others lips.
“So Y/n you start your tour soon are you excited?” The last talk show host you have to answer questions from asks from the seat across from you.
“I’m so excited! We hit the road tomorrow for the first show.”
“And this time around you have a show close to your hometown of Hawkins right? I’m sure it’ll be nice to be close to home.” You perk up even more.
“That’s actually the show that I’m the most excited for. Don’t get me wrong, I’m psyched for the whole tour but the band that’s opening for me, Corroded Coffin, holds a special place in my heart.” You talk with your hands the whole time and they eventually land resting on your chest. 
“And why’s that?” 
“Oh, right I always seem to forget that people don’t know this about me but I was really close with them while I was still in school. The lead singer was my best friend, we grew up together, and I grew close to the guys in it now my senior year of high school when they joined it. I was even a part of it a few times.” There’s a goofy grin as you talk about them from thinking about good times with the band and Eddie.
“You were a part of the band?”
“Not all the time but sometimes Eddie would write something that he said would only be good with my voice and I would sing while the rest played. Or I’d stand in for someone if they couldn’t play one night at a gig or something.”
“Have you had much contact with them since you left Indiana?”
“Not as much as I wish I did if I’m being honest. But I get to see all of them at the show in June and when the tour is done I think I’m gonna take a little break from it all and maybe see if they wanna spend some time together and catch up.” Really you want to visit Hawkins in general to see your family and get out of the limelight for a little bit. Because this was honestly exhausting, rewarding and everything you’ve ever wanted in life but exhausting. You’re so glad this is the last interview you have for a while. And even with the really nice apartment you have in New York you just want to go home to good food and warm hugs from your two favorite men in their shabby trailer.
“So all of your openers for each show are different, most not even heard of before, why is that?” The interviewer changes topics to get back on track 
“Well I know that my whole becoming famous this was a fluke and how hard it is for bands and solo musicians to get discovered when they start in someone's basement or garage. So I wanted to bring some of the ones I’ve discovered in my own travels into the spotlight a little bit, maybe give them a nudge in the right direction of getting noticed. So each one of the openers are undiscovered artists from the general area of where we’re performing.” You speak with your hands again, unable to contain your excited energy. This was your favorite thing about this tour. “It’s actually one of the reasons it took me so long to announce it, I was going to places I hadn’t really been before to find underground artists. There’s a little bit of everything genre wise throughout all of it.”
“She literally seems so nice.” Max says with El agreeing with her as they watch the interview on the floor of Eddie’s trailer. Max tends to hang around his trailer most of the time now that he’s taken on the role of the older brother Billy should’ve been. She doesn’t even knock anymore and invites El over as if it’s her own. Eddie doesn’t have an issue with it though, he’d rather she hang around and feel at home in his trailer than sit in an empty trailer and get stuck in her head and besides he likes the super powered girl she calls her best friend. The last thing he wanted was for her to go through another PTSD episode alone.
The man laying on the couch behind the two girls looks at them from behind his book. They’re both looking at him expecting some sort of response. Eddie shrugs, sitting up and placing his book on his knee stretching his arms behind his back.
“This whole tour idea thing isn’t something I knew about but it’s definitely a Y/n move. She’s always been someone who cared about others and their dreams. She’s one of the kindest people you’ll ever meet, that’s probably why she made it big so fast after graduating. Good Karma and all that.” 
“I can’t believe you might not take us to the concert.”
“Oh, did I not tell anyone yet? We’re getting the amount of tickets I asked for and they’re all meet and greets now because Y/n upgraded them.” Both girls' eyes go wide and their mouths open and close like they’re fish out of water.
“So we’re, we’re meeting her?” El’s the first one to speak during their stunned silence.
“Ya.” Eddie barely has time to move his book from his knee and onto the couch next to him before he’s getting tackled in hugs. 
“Oh my god you’re the best! We have to tell Steve and Robin, can you drive us to Family Video?”
“Fine but only if you let me tell them.” 
It’s busy inside of Family Video when they get there. Everyone must be there for the new movie that just came out to VHS that Eddie can’t remember the name of. The girls hop out of the van before he can even finish parking it and he has to speed walk to catch up with them at the doors. Inside they find Steve stocking a shelf  and Robin stuck behind the counter with a line of customers to deal with.
“Oh, hey girls, what are you doing here?”
“Eddie has something to tell you.” Max shoves Eddie towards Steve and he smiles and shakes his head knowing the minute he starts talking she’s just going to interrupt him.
“I got-”
“He got all the tickets he asked for and we’re all going to see him open for Y/n.”
“And we get to meet her.” El adds on and Steve’s eyes widen.
“What?!��� He drops the movies he was juggling in his arms causing people from the aisle to look at him. “Shit. Eddie tell me they aren’t lying.”
“Nothing but the truth.” A choked sound comes out of his mouth as Steve picks up the movies he dropped and puts them on the shelves quickly and haphazardly. He rushes over to Robin getting behind the counter and spinning her to face him instead of the customer she’s ringing out.
“Steve what is it? I’m a little busy here after losing that rock paper scissors match. Sorry about this.” She turns back towards the customer as she addresses him.
“Robin, Robin listen to me. Look at me. We’re going to meet Y/n Y/l/n when we go to the concert.”
After months of perfecting their songs and getting ready for the concert it was finally time to hit the road for Fort Wayne. The band is packing up the van with their stuff in front of Gareth's house when the gang pulls up in front of it piled in Steve’s mini van, which he decided to get when he realized he’d be driving more than just Robin around all the time after Nancy left for college.
“Don’t you have a hotel to check into Harrington?” He calls out as Robin's window rolls down and Steve leans over to say something.
“Mike and Dustin wanna go with you, something about not wanting to listen to all of us sing on the way up. Is there room in the van for them?” 
“Jeff’s driving the guys up because we’ve got the amps and stuff in the van so I have the passenger seat free.”
“Dibs!” Dustin yells practically pouring out of the full minivan in his rush to get it first.
“Eddie, what if I sit in the space between the seats?” Mike begs as he stands half in and out of the car. 
“It’ll be a little cramped but sure you-” He stops speaking as Mike slams the door shut and rushes to Eddie’s van to be able to get in. “Lucas, you wanna try to jam yourself in there too?”
“I’ll stick to having my own space instead of being stuck so close to you three but thanks.”
“Suit yourself.” Eddie shrugs before placing the last amp into the back and shutting the doors.
“Does this mean we’re meeting you at the hotel first or is it still the venue?”
“Still the venue, I wanna get this shit out of the van as soon as possible and make sure I won’t forget chords or anything. These twerps will just have to suffer with not picking which of the rooms that Steve got they sleep in.”
“Sure it’s about the chords.” Gareth laughs as he gets in the passenger seat of Jeff’s car.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Eddie’s face scrunches up in confusion and Steve picks that moment to peel down the street wanting to miss the fight he thought might break out.
“Probably that you’re just hoping to see Y/n sooner and using everything else as an excuse.” Adam teases getting in the back seat and Eddie freezes like a deer in headlights.
“No that, that’s not what this is.”
“Whatever it is Eddie, let her know we’re excited to see her.” Jeff winks before pulling out of the driveway.
“What was that about?” 
“Shut up and get in the car Wheeler.” Dustin laughs at how grumpy his friend seems at how his band saw right through him deciding to keep any thoughts he might have to himself. He’ll let Mike realize everything himself if they do actually meet Y/n.
Between Mike and Dustin deciding they needed to go to the bathroom at different times of the drive and insisting they stop in a drive thru to eat since they’re missing dinner with Steve and everyone else going with Eddie the drive up, which was only supposed to be about an hour, ends up being close to two hours. Eddie never thought he could hate his friends this much as they pull into the backlot for the venue to see Jeff’s car already there parked next to the tour bus that has to be yours. Okay hate is a strong word, he’s just so annoyed with them at the moment that he wants to yell. As they get out of the van Eddie makes his way around it to open the back doors.
“Where do you two think you’re going?” He stops them in their tracks in their attempt to escape their annoyed friend. They turn to look at him, Mike cringing at the look on Eddie’s face. “Get over here and help unload.” Eddie hands each boy a guitar case and a part of Gareth's drum set. “When you get in there tell the guys to get their asses out here.”
“On it.” Dustin salutes him before leading Mike into the building.
“He’s really in a mood huh?”
“He’s just pissed because we prevented him from possibly seeing Y/n early. He’ll get over it.” Dustin shrugs as he talks to Mike knowing that he’s right but hoping it’s sooner rather than later.
“Did you guys see her already?” Eddie asks the guys after a while of silently unloading the van with them.
“Yeah, we got here early enough to talk to her, she just went to start her sound check though.” Gareth laughs at the groan Eddie lets out as he realizes if he were here even ten minutes earlier he would’ve seen her.
“How is she?”
“She’s good, she looks and sounds great too.”
“Shut up.” Eddie slams the back door shut instead of shoving Jeff like he wants to for teasing him like this.
“She also made sure to let us know all about how the two of you talk and you purposely don’t tell us when she asks about us.”
“She’s such a fucking tattler. Now move it gentlemen I’ve got kids to strangle before we do our own sound check.” He knows that even though there will be an hour between when their sound check ends and the show starts he won’t see you then. If he still knows you the way he used to you’ll be napping because you didn’t really sleep the night before. So he won’t see you until after the show, he’s hoping he’ll get lucky and see you in between their set and your own but he knows that’s a long shot too.
Eddie’s still buzzing from the applause and cheers they got by the time you get on stage to perform. It was unlike anything he’s ever experienced. All of their instruments and equipment have been piled up and placed in the area to the exit but the moment Eddie heard the cheers for you to get on stage it was like he was under a spell. Next thing he knew he was as close as he could get to it from backstage and watching you look like you’re having the time of your life. He’s absolutely enchanted with watching you move around the stage.
“Hey Eddie, let’s get everything in the van.” Jeff suggests once he realizes that the concert’s almost over. Like him the rest of the band also just stopped to watch you perform. The thought of all of their stuff still sitting out had completely blanked their minds since they were all just happy to see you again after so long.
“Yeah the shows almost over now, we should probably get everything packed up before everyone starts leaving.” Gareth laughs at how absorbed Eddie is with you as he agrees with his bandmate.
“It’s almost over?”
“Yeah man come on. You don’t want to be stuck packing it up when we’re supposed to be seeing her when she’s done right?” Adam’s words break him out of his trance and Eddie’s whirling around to make his way out.
“Come on numbskulls what are you doing standing around we have a van to pack up.”
To you the concert goes by so fast and before you know it you’re being ushered into the meet and greet area in the back waiting for some of your favorite people to show up. You greet a few fans that paid for their meet and greet tickets and sign a few things, take a few photos. But there aren’t many that weren’t part of Eddie’s group of tickets because they took up most of that type of ticket. Sure you basically sold out your own meet and greets for this show which was already limited due to the venue's rules and the headlines would probably have a field day if they knew that but you’re allowed to be happy and have things without having people who don’t even know you call you selfish.
“Wayne!” You almost squeal when you spot the man who was like a second father to you entering the room. A smile overtakes your face as you finish signing a poster for the last fan before turning and meeting him halfway wrapping your arms around him.
“Hey there kid!” He wraps you up into one of your favorite bear hugs and it feels so much like home that you want to cry. “How have you been?”
“Good, what about you? Eddie’s not driving you too crazy is he?” He chuckles as you pull away.
“Nah, not too crazy. I think you’ve got people who want to meet you though.” He steps aside and your attention goes to the group behind him, some of whom seem starstruck.
“Hi, are you guys a part of Eddie’s group?” You wave to them all with a smile on your face.
“So he does actually know her.”
“Shut up Steve.” The older two of the group seem to try to whisper while the girl digs her elbow into Steve’s side. One of the younger ones rolls his eyes and is the first to approach you.
“Hi I’m Dustin.”
“Dustin! Hi, it’s nice to put a face to the voice.”
“Same here. I guess I’ll introduce these guys since most of them are idiots.” He turns back towards the group and starts with the two younger girls in the front of the group who are bouncing with excitement.
“El and Max.” Your mouth moves as if you’re saying ‘oh’ but nothing comes out and your eyes widen slightly. 
“You’re Max? I’ve heard a lot about you, Eddie talks about you all the time.”
“Oh my god you know who I am?” The boys in the group's eyes widen due to how high pitched and excited her voice sounds. It’s so out of character for her to them.
“Course I do, if I didn’t grow up with Eddie I’d probably think the two of you were brother and sister with how often he brings you up when we talk.”
“Can I hug you?”
“Of course!” You open her arms for her and only start to part when she initiates the break the way you normally do with fans. “I know a little bit about you too El, but not as much sorry.”
“Do not be sorry. It’s crazy that you know anything.” You hold your arms out for her with an encouraging smile and embrace her when she makes her way for a hug.
“It’s nice to meet you both.”
“Mike and Lucas.” Dustin points to two of the younger boys.
“Ah, the other Hellfire members right?” They both nod and go to shake your hand. When Dustin goes to introduce the others you stop him. “Wait, I think I can figure out the rest of them. You’re Will Byers right? You went missing my senior year and I had photography with your brother.”
“Yeah, Jonathan always said you were really nice and about how worried you were when I was missing.”
“I went to your funeral too. I wanted to help support Johnny the best I could. How is he doing?”
“He’s good.” Will smiles at how you ask about his brother, glad to know he had a friend there for him then he knows how few Jonathan actually has. “It’s an honor to meet you seriously, you’re one of my favorite musicians.” A lot of people tell you that you’re their favorite but it warms your heart to hear it each and every time.
“And then you’re Robin?” 
“Yes! It is so so so cool to be able to meet you! I listen to your music like all the time!” Her excitement causes you to beam at her.
“I’m sorry if we did and I forgot but did we meet in school at all? Your face just seems so familiar.”
“No, we’ve never met. I would've definitely remembered that. But I was in Jonathan’s grade and in band so you might’ve seen me at pep rallies and stuff.” You snap your fingers and point excitedly.
“That’s where I recognize you from! Not the pep rallies, god Eddie and I hated those things. I joined band for like barely even a couple months before quitting my junior year which would’ve been your freshman year.”
“So you were in band with me?”
“It wouldn’t have been for long and I didn’t really interact with anyone when I would go but yeah.”
“That’s so cool!” She lunges at you for a hug before quickly pulling back. “Sorry! Sorry, I didn’t mean to do that.”
“It’s fine, you can hug me.” You barely get the last word out before she’s jumping on you for another hug and causing you to laugh.
“And you’re Steve the hair Harrington. I definitely remember you, never would’ve thought you’d be at one of my shows.” Your eyes narrow and you cross your arms over your chest. Steve rubs the back of his neck sheepishly.
“Yeah, look-” He gets interrupted by the door to the room swinging open.
“You guys took way too long, it’s like you’re trying to kill me or something.” As soon as he’s in the room yours and Eddie’s eyes meet and the biggest smiles overtake your faces.
“Eddie Bear!” You rush past Steve and Robin bumping his shoulder as you run to jump into Eddie’s arms.
“Sweetheart! You have no idea how much I’ve missed you.”
“Bet I missed you more. You’re the one with the giant friend group now, I bet you forget all about little ol’ me all the time.”
“I could never.” He whispers it into your hair holding you closer than either of you thought possible and yet not close enough. The two of you stay like that for a while before Dustin clears his throat causing the two of you to separate. “Did you meet everyone yet?” He grasps onto your hand like a lifeline as he leads the way over to his friends.
“Yeah, I was just getting reintroduced to Steve before you came in.”
“You would not believe how different he is now than back in high school. He’s like a brand new man.”
“Would I really be friends with him if he wasn’t?”
“You have a point there.”
“You guys know I’m still here right?” Steve joins in, astonished at how in your own world the two of you are. He’s never seen Eddie like this with anyone or anything other than his music and when he’s DMing.
“Well it’s nice to meet the new you Steve.” You hold your hand out for him to shake, hiding a yawn with your other.
“You’re tired.”
��I’m fine.” You roll your eyes at Eddie’s observation knowing he’s about to get all protective.
“No you’re not, you need to sleep. Are you staying at a hotel tonight or on your bus?”
“Overprotective Munson is back!” Gareth jeers as he swings an arm around your shoulder causing the rest of the band and yourself to laugh.
“I’m staying on the bus. But I really wanted to meet all your friends.”
“Well you’ve met them, you’ve greeted them. Now it’s time for you to rest for your next show.” He tries to steer you towards the exit but you stand your ground.
“An introduction isn’t a proper meeting, I want to get to know them.”
“And you can when you come home after your tour. You have what, two other shows left? You can talk to them more in three days when you end up staying at the trailer.”
“Fine.” You sigh out and take your hand out of his so you can go hug Wayne again. “I’ll see you soon Wayne.”
“See ya kid. We’ll keep the trailer warm for ya.” You smile and wave to the rest of them before following Eddie out to the back parking lot, your hand back in his own.
“I really have missed you a lot, you know.” Eddie’s thumb rubs circles around the back of your hand as he walks you to the bus.
“I have too. I haven’t really felt at home since leaving Hawkins till I got a hug from Wayne and you.”
“Really? But Hawkins is awful.”
“Yeah, but home is where the heart is y'know?”
“Sweetheart, are you saying I’ve got your heart?” Eddie stops only a few steps from the bus entrance.
“Now hold on that’s not what-”
“Oh not what you meant huh? So if I were to ask you on a date for when you come home you’d say no?” He’s teasing you know it but you can tell he’s serious about the date by the look in his eyes.
“I’d be crazy to say no to a date with the lead singer of my favorite band. I am your number one fan after all.” He pulls you closer to rest his forehead on your own.
“And I’m yours, always have been, always will be.” You smile at each other and when you go to kiss him he places a finger on your lips. “Nuh uh, you need to rest. We’ll save the smooching for our date. I’ll see you then.” He pulls back and starts walking away.
“I hate you Edward Munson!” He turns, smiling at you and continuing to walk backward.
“You love me!”
 “Yeah, I do.” You say it just for yourself but he hears it and can’t stop the beaming smile on his face the whole rest of the night.
Eddie Taglist (Closed): @sadbitchfangirl @notbeforelong @munsonswhore86 @navs-bhat @emotionaldreamer @magicalchocolatecheesecake @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce @fangirling-4-ever  @gaysludge @audhd-dragonaut @eddiethesexy  @mazerunnerrose @tvserie-s-world @midnightsgetawaycar  @goldylions​ @spacedoutdaydreamer  @livslifeonline @mushroomelephant @hb8301 @ginnupp @saramelaniemoon @kaylshunter @nojamsonmytoast @vintagehellfire @esoltis280 @spikedhe4rt @let-love-bleeds-red @siriuslysmoking @toobsessedsstuff @alana4610 @gretavanfleas @sparkletash @aactuaaltraash @gloryekaterina @quixscentsposts @wormm-mom @eddiemuns0nl0ver @spookyemorockbabe​
Everything Taglist: @bejeweledmastermind @matchamunson @bubsonnobx @practicalghost @katsukis1wife @crustyowos @yourfavdummy @protecteddiemunson4vr
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sadgirlbaby · 2 years
Can you please do our dear Jimmy Darling being insecure and so the reader gets freaky maybe sucks his fingers and tells him how much she loves him his hands and what they can do that leads into some smut? i rlly love ur style and would love to see how you play this out. ofc again its okay if not and its fine if you wanna change some things idm
thank u so much! <3
MAGIC HANDS - jimmy darling x fem!reader (smut)
CW: sex scene, explicit sexual speaking, fingering, dick riding, dirty talk, p in v penetration, cumming
STORY/PROLOGUE: you worked and lived at the freak show, in the circus. you weren’t a freak actually, you were a very great singer and used to sing with elsa at shows. when you walked into the circus for the very first time, it was love at first sight for you and jimmy. you started dating but jimmy was still very insecure about his hands.
SUMMARY: jimmy confessed you about his weaknesses and told you how much he hated having those hands. but you loved him so much and made him understand that in one of your usual ways.
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“hey” you greeted your boyfriend as soon as you walked into your trailer (you and jimmy shared it).
the show was just awesome, they sold out all the tickets and you were very happy of that but your smile disappeared as soon as you noticed that jimmy was not on earth.
“hello? jimmy?? earth to jimmy!”
“oh sorry babe, when did ya come in?” he said.
“just a few seconds ago, are you doing good?” you asked while getting changed into more comfy clothes.
“yeah” he replied but you were sure that he wasn’t actually there - he was too lost in thought.
“mmh, are you tired? go to bed, come with me. it’s almost midnight” you suggested but jimmy kept being quiet which made you a bit worried.
“jimmy, what’s going on?” you sat next to him caressing his shoulder.
“it’s… nothing, love” he weakly smiled. jimmy has always been a lively guy, full of joy and good energy. he went through a lot but he never appeared vulnerable in front of you, jimmy never gave up in front of you.
“I know you well, tell me what’s going on please” you said getting your face closer to his.
“it’s just… ugh! everybody’s afraid of me! all the people make fun of me and my fucking hands! they call me the lobster boy… I’m sick of this” jimmy shouted angry, you got scared for a second but you knew that he wasn’t angry at you, he was angry at himself.
“I’m not enough… I hate my hands! I hate me!” he screamed again.
you took jimmy’s cheeks making him turning towards you, then you spoke - “you know, some people don’t appreciate the real art of the world. you are not a scary or disgusting freak! you are the best freak! the strongest, the bravest, the coolest!” you noticed jimmy raising his head and forcing himself to smile at you.
“…and the sexiest” you whispered into his ear and jimmy immediately got goosebumps. this time he smirked for real and lowered is head in embarrassment.
you softly kissed his lips, then you did it rougher, hungrier. jimmy twisted his arms around your waist and pushed you backwards making you lay on the couch. he put himself above you and continued to kiss you.
“people don’t know what your hands can do” you said sexily and grabbed his lobster hands.
"baby, what are ya doing?" he smiled.
“touch me” you said and sucked his fingers. jimmy was completely turning on. he pulled up your dress and inserted a pair of fingers inside you. you gasped and started to move your pelvis in sync with his thrusts.
“god I love you” you moaned. “and your magic hands” you continued.
jimmy pushed hard into you, until he suddenly took his fingers off and put the whole hand inside.
“oh my god!” you cried out. it was hurting a little bit but the pleasure was much more than the pain.
"jimmy! don't stop... please..." you whimpered. he kept pumping his big hand inside your vagina.
the whole trailer was full of your moans, jimmy was smirking proud of what he was making you feel.
"fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!" you orgasmed and cummed onto jimmy's hands. "look how special you are" you said still catching your breath and pointing at his fingers. jimmy looked at them and put them into his mouth, sucking off all of your juices.
"I want you inside me, jimmy" you said while sitting on his lap. "baby, I just put my whole hand inside of ya" he smiled and you smiled back. "I mean, I want your dick inside me" you explained while cupping his cheeks with your soft hands.
jimmy smirked and quickly unzipped his pants, then he took his boxer off freeing his erection and you saw how fingering you made him get horny. you sat on him again and quickly inserted his hard cock into your entrace.
"babydoll you feel so good" jimmy mumbled as you started to jump violently on his dick. "fuck baby, fuck..." jimmy grabbed your hips and guided you in riding it.
"I love you much jimmy" you moaned. "you're making mommy feeling so good..." you whispered into his ear as sexiest as possible. this action made him just cum within a few seconds, filling the whole caravan with both of your moans.
"oh god baby, you're the best girlfriend in the world..." he confessed staring at the ceiling, exhausted.
you kissed him and his hands sweetly.
“I love ya” he said and kissed you again.
reminder: requests are always open and you can request about whoever you want. currently taking requests for ahs only!
taglist: @demxnicprxncess
-> click on the ask/request bottom or just comment if you want to be added in my taglist!
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hils79 · 3 months
Hils Watches Lovely Runner - Ep 1
Time to start a new drama and this is another one I found via gifs on @sarah-yyy's blog, which is usually a good sign of quality :D
I love starting a new drama. Is this going to ruin my life (positive) or ruin my life (negative). Only time will tell.
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Wow this is the most awkward radio call ever. I have no idea how radio shows in Korea work but surely they'd do some sort of screening before having an idol call a random woman who can't walk and offering her running shoes as a prize. I don't blame her at all for being pissed off.
Also, this wasn't what I was expecting from the synopsis. I thought she was the sunshine one and he was the angsty one. Well, we'll see what happens I guess.
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Oh no he's a sweetheart and I'm crying already. This does not bode well for the rest of the drama
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Looks like my bedroom 😅
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I realise that as someone who is also fannish I probably have a skewed view of things but I was freaking out on her behalf when I found it this belonged to her idol and people kept playing with it.
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Holy shit that's nearly £2k no wonder she was freaking out
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Oh, now he's the tired and angsty one. So I'm guessing since he saved her when she was ready to end it all now she's going to save him. I really feel like I've seen him in something before but there's nothing I've seen on his MDL page. Maybe it's just because he actually looks like an idol.
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Oh no she's me
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I love her
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So the boy she had a crush on when she was in school got kicked out for fighting after her accident. I smell a love triangle...
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Unrealistic because she was running late and the merch hasn't already sold out
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Ah, so when she said she was late she meant fannish late not actual late. But come on, if that company doesn't respect your free time before you've even started working for them they def won't if you get an internship with them
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So they don't value her time and they don't work in an accessible building. Fuck them, honestly.
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Admittedly I've never been to a kpop concert but that can't be a thing, surely. We got stuck in the snow on the way to a hockey game once and no one cared that we showed up halfway through the game
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Oh no and she lost her ticket. I mean that's on her I would be checking for it every 30 seconds, but then I have anxiety 😅 I really need to stop expecting realisim from a time travel romance drama.
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Aww look she's having a good time even though she couldn't get in to see him. He made her into the sunshine one and now she's doing to do the same for him.
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I wasn't expecting them to meet until after the time travel thing. But here he is to save her again. He's a good boy.
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Is it going to turn out he saved her back then too. Ooh, or was it the other guy that she had a crush on. I'm sure this will turn out to be significant
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Me when Seonghwa wears literally anything
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I have definitely never done this *cough*
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Do people just not help each other in this drama? The person who knocked her phone out of her hand and smashed it didn't even stop, and the person who crashed into her and made her lose her watch apparently is cool with letting a paralysed woman crawl around on the ground trying to get it back.
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Well, shit. A significant time of death though. Right at the start of a new year. I'm sure this is magical somehow.
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Wibbly wobbly timey wimey
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Wait, why has she suddenly got joggers on under her skirt? Those weren't there when she ran out of the classroom to find him
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Okay, the irony is not lost on me that in 2008 he was training to be on the olympic swim team and in 2022 he drowned in a pool. But also this poor kid getting glomped by a random girl he doesn't know in front of everyone
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Gotta love a romance that starts with a confession the first time they meet. I mean I know it's not their first meeting for her but it is for him
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Haha! She mean let's both not cross the bridge into the underworld and stay alive. He thinks this random girl wants to move in with him.
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Ooh so she was talking about his depression in the future and he thought she was talking about his shoulder injury that he's hiding from everyone. This has layers! I like it!
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You can tell it's the past because there's a DVD rental store
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I love dramas with emotionally significant umbrellas (see also Tale of the Nine-Tailed
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novanescence · 2 months
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Rin and Yui rediscover themselves after a fatal injury forcing him to let go of his dreams and go back to Japan: a journey full of grief and sympathy towards others and themselves.
Itoshi Rin x Hoshi Yui (Fem OC)
cw. descriptions of overstimulating environment, mentions of fights, language
// masterlist
I tugged on Tenko’s little hand as I showed the revisor our tickets to get to our seats.
“Someday they will be all cheering for Hoshi Tenko, the upcoming young star of Japan!!”
He had been saying stuff like that for the past two years when, one fateful day he happened to fall sick, mom took him with her to fetch me from school and saw that annoying classmate of mine practicing soccer with his stupid brother. Said they were ‘so cool!’.
I’ve despised soccer since I met him, but Tenko’s puppy eyes begging me to play with him had been almost therapeutic. Honestly, I’ve grown to like it, at least enough to tolerate taking him with me to his very first live Official Match.
I still don’t get why Mom and Dad made that face when I told them about this new soccer project called Blue Lock and my plan of gifting Tenko a ticket for his 8th Birthday. It’s now, when we already got to the bleachers, that I think I get it: they probably thought it would be overstimulating.
Well, it is, but I happen to be a really thick-headed girl and he seems to be overjoyed, so… I’ll make it. If not for my shitty pride then for Tenko’s sake. He said it was the best thing I’ve ever done for him… Liar.  
For how long am I supposed to stay here, I don’t know. But if I know something for sure it’s that, given the look of his eyes, I better be getting used to it. He’s a fucking freak just like Rin was when we were kids. Ugh, just thinking about him makes me wince… Stupid fucking asshole… The only thing left for me to do is just pray Tenko doesn’t turn out as fucking sick as he did… At least he’s not gonna be a sheltered little brother. It’s been months already… why can’t I seem to get him out of my head? That cold bastard.
Taking a deep breath and resting my head on Tenko’s little shoulder sounds like my only option right now.
“You okay? Want a hug?” What was I even thinking? This sweet kid could never be as much of a freak as that Itoshi bastard.
“Yeah…” I can never hold back the soft smile that grows on my face when he says that… Offering him a hug when he was a crybaby little kid stuck to him badly. “Just mildly suffocated, it’s fine, I can manage for now.”
“Mhm…  If you say so, sis…”
“Just let me stay here for a bit, yeah?” Nuzzling onto his shoulder with my eyes closed I try to ignore how badly I want to leave and go home to hide under my blankets and blast music into my brain. Suddenly everything feels heavier than before. The cheers of the crowd, the phones ringing, the camera clicks, the blindest white lights you could imagine, the whistles, the fucking asshole on my side acting like he owns my seat, the suffocating air full of other people’s breath, the awful stink of humanity… Take a deep breath, Yui, you're the responsible adult today.
"Look, look! They are about to start!"
It was a hard task already, to just sit there for about two whole hours, but watching him there warming up, pulling his hair away to freshen up with a wet towel, closing his eyes in the softest way possible as he drinks from his water bottle with an owl sticker on it made it worse. It had to be him, there was no fucking doubt: it was him.
The conscious thought of being aware that Itoshi Rin, the boy who stopped attending school abruptly from one day to another, was down there being captain of the new soccer project ‘Blue Lock’, was too much for me to handle. I don’t know how long it has been since I noticed him, and I can’t tell if my blood is boiling or all frozen up. I just know that suddenly the lights, the sounds, and the awful smell stopped mattering when I saw him. I wasn’t sure if I should’ve felt thankful that I just noticed him, a part of me shaking in fear in case he happened to see me from the start, the other one crossing my face for being so delusional as if he’d pay attention to some ‘random lukewarm’ on the bleachers.
With a trembling hand, I didn’t know if it was because of nerves or because of the pure rage I felt just from seeing him, I tried reaching Tenko, who was too caught up gaping at the new soccer promises to notice me suddenly going still and looking for his hand. Just a kid, Yui, he’s just a kid, let him have this.
“Yui! I’m so excited!! Thanks for coming here with me. I promise I’ll make it up to you.” Turning around to look at me with one of his cheeky smiles brimming with joy, I can’t help but attempt to smile back, squeezing his hand in mine. “Uh-huh...”
The first half was tough, but I could make up my mind after the break. We went to the restroom before, and there, I remembered that we came here with masks and caps, in case we needed them. I felt so much safer and comfortable going back to the bleachers with my face a bit more hidden, and I had time to make up my mind about what was happening to me and how that made me feel. The second half of the match started already, and seeing him play down there didn't hurt that much now.
I've always been aware that he was a great player, and that he could and would achieve big things. He had always been aloof and kinda spacey, but he also was a dedicated and perseverant kid. Always aiming for perfection not only in him but in others too, maybe that's why he didn't have many friends, because he thought they were not perfect enough to bother. I can't say I don't understand him now, because I do, deep down I've always been like that too. The difference is I didn’t enjoy being alone, thus making me learn to either lower my standards or just lie to myself hanging around others. Maybe he hated me because of that, for acting all pushy and demanding while trying to shield myself, for hating him for doing what I never was able to, for accusing him of lacking an actual personality when I didn’t either. But I get that now. I still hate him, tho. Disrespectful bastard…
I had been too caught up in memories and rumination I didn’t even know what was going on with the match, I came back to earth when Tenko shook my arm harshly and pointed towards the field with the same shine on his eyes he got when he saw the Itoshi brothers training at my school that day. And just when I thought I was finally able to feel an ounce of inner peace, I saw it. 
And I could never forget that look: the wide eyes, his slightly opened mouth, the intense air that flowed around him, the drool slipping away from his lips…
He has always been like that, like a fucking prodigy you couldn’t look in the eyes afraid he would make you feel tiny with how majestic he was. Some would say they could hear his engines turning. If you were to question me about my first impression, tho, I’d say he had a problem, like, an engine problem. And honestly, if you were to inquire about our high school days, my response would likely remain unchanged, except it wouldn’t be entirely honest, that I can say... I already knew he was a genius around that time, and I was convinced that’s what made me loathe him so much.
If you asked me right now, I wouldn’t be able to give a proper answer. I would probably freeze all over, unable to. I’ve always thought I was a self-assured person, really mature and level-headed. Until he made me realize I was just as scared and lonely as a kid when he looked at me like that for the first time. When I pushed his buttons unaware of what I was getting myself roped into.
I could never forget that chaotic look of pure hatred and need to destroy, like a wild animal that’s been watching over their prey for a couple of sleepless nights that finally found the perfect moment to pounce. And I’d like to blame it on him and say he made me feel tiny and scared, but the truth is he didn’t intimidate me. I’m self-aware enough now to admit I wasn’t scared of him but the version I was of myself. Of how that made me feel, and how that obvious power showcase made me realize I had been lying to myself for years.
Maybe he wasn’t so bad if he was able to notice everything that was wrong with me by then and still never weaponized any of it. Until that afternoon, yes, but I take the blame for that.  After all, it was a dumb decision to bring him out that day.
“Yui! The captain is going nuts!” I couldn’t hold back the snort that came out of me when I heard Tenko blurting that. That little guy has a way with words…
“He’s disgusting.” With a roll of his eyes, he takes out his tongue cheekily and says it’s not like that.
Yeah, whatever.
Don’t engage in arguing with a little soccer-obsessed kid: you’ll lose.
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marchsfreakshow · 9 months
Stranger, Lover. (Dandy Mott Imagine)
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Imagine being a person on the streets, and finding yourself watching a Freakshow through the peek's of the tent.....
I was tired from walkin'. There were lights ahead of me, so I kept going, kept pushing despite my legs wanting to give out right now. I ran. I ran and ran.
Elsa's Cabinet Of Curiosities, the sign said. I knew I couldn't pay for a ticket, so I sneaked. I snuck around until I peeked my head through a hole, and watched. A two headed lady. The Tattler Twins the police searched for, a few weeks back. Dwarves, Lobster Boy, Amazon Eve. I was happy to be sitting, and watching in the corner.
A tap on my shoulder made me stand up immediately. "What are you doing?"
"oh, uh. Nothing sir. I'm sorry sir...you see."
"calm down." His voice was sharp and quick. I could only guess where he was. "...come with me."
"I can't see you.." I replied sheepishly, but he grabbed my hand and took me around the back, where we found a working carousel. No one was on it. In the light I saw his face. A handsome man. "A carousel? Why here?"
"I think, you need some fun. None of the freaks are interesting. They cast me out."
"Cast you out? Why?" I asked, as he helped me onto a horse. The strange man just joined me on the back of the horse, holding onto me. I guess because there was no where else to hold.
"Because they don't think I'm one of them." Music sung in the air quietly. It was an amazing feeling, riding a carousel.
"Oh, why I'm sure you are though." I giggled. While i think he smiled, the carousel came to a stop almost immediately. The man got off and helped me off after. Lobster boy was infront of me. Two handsome men, I felt fuzzy. Embarrassment came over me, I wanted to run. Running away from my problems was my solution for everything. Flight over fight everytime.
"Lady! Don't go anywhere. Why are you here? With Dandy of all people." His accent was smooth. It stopped me from running, and I turned back around on my heel.
"I...uh, couldn't afford a ticket. Ticket lady wasn't there, so, I snuck in and..watched."
So, the man who rode the carousel with me was called Dandy. I didn't want to look away from his face, he didn't look away from mine. We exchanged smiles, before dandy carried on answering. "I personally, was walking around and happened to see this young woman here. I find you freaks boring. I wanted to show her a better time."
"Scram!! Right fucking now! Dandy you dont belong here, you know that." Lobster Boy continued.
"I hate you!!" Dandy screamed. He took my hand and we ran. Again. Back to running. The pain in my legs became obvious again. Darkness over took me, leaves crunched underneath us. The Freakshow disappeared behind us.
"please! Stop! I feel weak..." I wheezed, sinking to a stop and onto my knees. Everything hurt. I needed water, but I doubted I was gonna find any in the woods this dark.
"Are you okay? Are you hurt pretty lady?" Dandy asked. Pretty lady? That's a compliment.
"No...just..tired. My legs feel like jelly. I'm shaking. I've done nothing but walk and run for the past 3 to 4 hours. I think."
"Oh. Well, build us a tree fort. We can sleep in there."
I raised an eyebrow he couldn't see at him. "It's fine. Do it."
So I built in the dark, leaves, twigs, branches, anything and everything was used. As soon as I was done, I grabbed Dandy's hand and pulled him into the cozy shelter. He was practically ontop of me. "Are you okay to sleep like this?" I asked. He made a face in response.
"No, but It'll have to do."
We slept. He slept ontop of me, almost making me lose my ability to breath. But it was nice. Human comfort and company. Especially with a handsome man like the one on top of me.
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Haii, I literally just had a dream about this, so I wrote it cause it was gold lol. It's not proof read, and it's a quick write. I hope you enjoyed!!
@babygorewhore @slvt4jamesmarch @taintandviolent @tatelangdonsweater hi tag list! Enjoy this imagine 💜
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lucycore · 10 months
Hello again haha
As you can tell by now I LOVE your work. And I saw you wanted some ideas.
I've got a Peter Criss fan fic (🌶🔥 of course) idea for ya!
I've heard from Paul and Gene that Peter threw his drumsticks on them (live on stage) when he got upset.
So... What if that drumstic hits you (reader). After the show and he walks towards "you" after the show to ask if you're alright, and yeah... You'll do the rest😏
Heyy I really enjoy that idea. Hope u like it and thx a lot ♡
Peter criss imagine
Pov: Peter accidentally hurts u with his drumstick.
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It's 1979 and u finally could go on a Kiss concert. U were very excited to see the boys but deep down in ur heart u were more excited about seeing ur favorite catman with his cute cat make up. Peter criss.
U decided to be the most beautiful girl on the concert and even made sure to get in the very first row, right next to the stage. Ur heart was beating like crazy knowing u will see soon ur favorite boys..Or should I say boy? ;) (sorry).
After waiting for way too long finally, the lights changed and u heard loud screams and cheering all around u..The boys finally came on stage. Ur eyes immediately turned themselves to see Peter with his cute face paint, smiling at the fans that were freaking out. U couldn't stop smiling seeing him all happy and cute..He made u blush like crazy.
They started playing and u couldn't help but just cry out. U waited for way too long and now finally u could see them life..It felt like a dream.
As u were singing along all dreamed up and not aware of anything as if u left earth, u got woken up by a bang to ur head and slight pain that followed right after.
"What the heck? What was that?" It shocked u. "Felt like I got hit by something."
U looked around if someone hit u by accident but that wasn't the case. Everyone was concentrated on the guys playing. U looked down on the floor and saw a drumstick.
"Wait?..Is that...Is that Peters drumstick?" U had a lot of feelings go through u at that moment when u realized that u got hit by his drumstick.
In fact, peter was known to throw his sticks around and people did see it but when they couldn't catch it they just kinda left it there thinking someone else did catch it also Peter was known for getting upset and not throwing it directly at the fans but rather at Paul and Gene. Well this time it hit u.
U couldn't really process what was happening. Is it real life or am I actually dreaming? I got to see peter live and now even found his drumstick? Wtf is going on?
U could stop smiling, everything was perfect. The last great thing that could happen would be him calling u backstage but that's impossible so u quickly got it out of ur mind.
After the show was done all the fans started going out or backstage when they had a vip ticket. U sadly didn't so with the pain in ur heart and Peters drumstick close to ur heart u started making ur way out. Surprisingly u heard a voice behind u saying "hey" so u turned around curious who would it be. "Now I'm really getting nuts." U thought.
U couldn't believe ur eyes. It was peter..Fucking Peter criss standing in front of u with a soft almost nervous smile. U started shaking, ur heart beating higher and ur face getting pale.
"Im sorry for hurting u with my drumstick..I should be more careful and maybe not throw too hard objects..."
U just stared at him with a shocked face not quite ready to process what was going on.
"Hope ur ok?..." He added.
"Y-Yeah sure..Don't worry about it..Didn't even hurt that bad.." U smiled nervously.
He smiled back and nodded softly.
"So...Can I do something for u?.." He asked.
"F-For me? U stuttered. "N-No..I mean I'm okay and it's already a blessing getting hit by ur drumstick and then having u talk to me..What more could I wish for?" U said happily what made him laugh a little shyly as he looked down.
"Well are u sure? How about I take u backstage..We could talk more and better..It's quite chaotic here."
U thought u will pass out..Usually these things only happen in ur imagination but this time it's fucking real. U of course nodded and went with him. U guys went into his room and u just had to look around..It was stunning to see his room that he had while being on tour.
*Time skip*
After talking for some time u got more comfortable with him and he with u. U saw noticed his looks on ur body, literally striping u down with his eyes. U did look sexy that evening and got some guys to look at u but tonight it seems like ur only his..And by his I mean Peter.
"Yk it was nice meeting a chill girl like u..and again sorry for hurting u..I didn't mean to throw it that far."
U again told him that it was alright. He suddenly moved closer to u and ur heart again started beating faster.
"I know how I can make this up.." He whispered softly what made u blush like crazy.
"R-Really? How?" Ur face got read and the look in ur face was just shocked and nervous.
Peter smirked and as u were trying to realize what was happening, u were laying there, legs spread wide apart and Peters head between them.
Ur hand were grabbing onto the bed sheets as Peters tongue entered ur opening. U had ur head thrown back feeling his tongue penetrating u.
U let out not too loud but high moans while feeling all dizzy from the pleasure. U never had ur pussy licked before and for the very first time of yours it felt like heaven.
U didn't know what to do with ur head and the bed sheets weren't enough to grab so u just went for his hair and pulled him even closer, making his face almost disappear in ur private parts. His hands were stroking ur thighs and grabbing onto them. Ur eyes rolled back as u felt close to cumming.
U started cursing and his fingers thrusted in u as he felt u getting closer. His tongue was eating ur clit, hitting ur g spot.
Ur moans got louder and ur legs started closing but he forcefully kept them open. Ur back arched and ur body lifted itself while u were cumming all over his face and fingers. U literally squirted his fingers out of ur opening. That's how well he made u cum. He had a lot of experience and good for u..Ur first time having Oral was like an complete dream..People wouldn't believe if u would tell them.
He left u hardly breathing on the bed. U closed ur eyes cuz u needed a second while he was watching u and smirking. U told him that it was ur first time and he got excited about it and also got a little ego booster hearing how good he was.
Now u didn't have any condoms like him but u still wanted to repay him so without saying anything u sat up and made him lay down. U never sucked dick before but u didn't care about that, u just wanted to satisfy ur king so u just started stroking it and slowly licking and kissing his tip. Peter let out a little groan and closed his eyes, having one arm behind his head.
When u noticed that u were doing the right thing u decided to take him deeper inside but got stopped by ur gag reflex. U sucked on it for a bit to get ur throat used to that feeling so it allowed u to take him deeper and let him feel the heaven u felt a few mins ago. His groans got louder and ur sucking deeper and faster.
With ur free hand u squeezed his big balls for extra pleasure and with the other one u were stroking his cock while sucking.
He groaned and was keep telling u how good ur doing and how much he enjoys it.
This made u even weaker for him and letting him fuck ur throat was like a reward.
While he was closer to his climax, he grabbed the back of your head and pushed u deeper in. Ur gag reflex returned but u didn't care less. Ur only goal was to satisfy him and nothing more. He was thrusting faster and faster making ur eyes clench till he finally released in ur mouth.
His warm load was dripping down ur throat and his cock twitching on ur tongue. After he took it out of ur mouth u swallowed what was left of his load in ur mouth mixed with ur saliva.
He fell back on the bed all exhausted and heavily breathing while u laid ur head on his chest.
"That was amazing y/n" He mumbled.
"It was" U had ur eyes closed and breathed out deeply.
"I won't let u go..U will have to stay here till morning..U were so amazing and so beautiful..I need u right now to calm down and spend time with someone who's not like those groupie whores."
His words made u feel so special and u just still kinda couldn't believe that it's true..Usually at that point u would wake up and hate that u did but this time it was completely real. U were laying in ur favorite Rockstars arms and u were more than happy, hoping this never ends...
Excuse any typos. It's currently 1am I'm tired goodnight.
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fearlessword · 4 months
I’ll meet you in my dreams - Chapter 3
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Summary: You dreamed of the boy who played piano before you knew who he was. Humming the melodies you heard in your sleep brought BTS into your life and you thought it was just meant to be.When you finally have the chance to see him perform live, you realize that the dreams you have are more than a coincidence. You hope he dreams of you too.
Slow burn/ Slow build/ canon divergence/ d-day tour / soulmate- ish
Pairing: Idol! Min Yoongi x Reader
Author’s note: You are the kindest readers! Really! My phone kept lighting up with notifications of your likes and even some comments! Thank you so much! I am currently writing chapter 6, I wanted it to be ready before the 13th, but it may take longer than that. Chapters 1-5 are already posted on AO3. Thank you for the love and I hope you like this one! See you soon!
“You’ll never see, you sing me to sleep every night from the radio”
March 1st, 2023
Your hands were tied now. You got waitlisted, Cami got waitlisted, the other coworkers without a membership didn’t stand a chance. You are sure a code isn’t a guarantee that the tickets would be yours. The only hope was a friend of one of the teachers at the school, that was the only person you knew that had the code, and well, maybe you have a new ARMY friend now.
Just the fact that someone got the code was a relief. The downside was that there’s nothing you can do, and, considering you were a control freak, having no other option but wait was enough to make you freak out.
To be honest, everybody was freaking out, from your roommate to your co-workers and even the principal, everyone knew how important this was to you because you were acting crazy and anxious, everyone signed for the pre-sale (even if you knew that people without memberships wouldn’t stand a chance). Today, of all days, you felt cared for by everyone around, who made a point to check if you were okay.
So, when the afternoon came, and the bell rang announcing the end of the school day, you bid your students farewell and immediately opened twitter on your laptop, just to check how things were going. There was nothing you could do on the Ticketmaster website, your account wasn’t linked to a code anyways.
“You know, refreshing twitter 1000 times per minute won’t make it any easier. I’d say it will make it worse.” Camila’s voice echoed behind you.
“I know, I know. I just need to know. It’s my first time doing this, and I’m not actually doing this and it’s driving me insane!” You retorted standing up and pacing.
“Woah, have you thought about calling her? I’m sure she’s nervous too”
“Don’t you think that’s too controlling of me to do that? We kind of talked about the seats we want and the other options in case they sell out. I’m so obsessed with this man it’s probably not healthy.”
“ I mean, you are a fan and it means something to you and it’s obvious you have a connection of some kind with him because you keep dreaming about him which is weird and interesting at the same time” she rambled “But, you are also paying and you are a fan, so, I know this is important to you, and not too much at all, just facetime her!”
You stared at your friend and smiled. Then, grabbed you phone in your bag and called Natalie, your newest ARMY friend.
“Hi, ________! I was about to call you”
“No way!”
Cami looks at you with arched eyebrows, amused.
“ Yes! You know, we both want the Saturday show, but I was thinking that maybe I should try the queue for Wednesday or Thursday too. Just in case. Many people will want to go on Saturday cause it’s the weekend, I want to make sure I can get us tickets”
“Uh, sure, I mean, Saturday is ideal, but I also don’t want to risk it” You answer.
“Alright, any minute now. Floor as close as possible or any of the side lower bowls right? I don’t know why I am asking, we talked about it. I’m so nervous” she lets out a nervous laugh and you laugh as well. At least you’re not the only one.
“ It’s gonna be okay, I’m sure we’ll get great seats” You don’t know if you’re telling this to her or to yourself, still, you try to believe it.
“We will. It 's time! Wish me luck”
“Good luck, Natalie!”
“_________, the page is refreshing! Oh God! I hope the school’s wifi is good enough” At exactly 3 p.m Natalie's nervous face gives space to focused features. You held your phone tighter and sat on your desk, shaking your legs while silently watching the woman’s face through the screen.
“ More than 2000 people in front of me, what the fuck” Your heart stops at the same minute, even if you could get to the map page, the chances of getting a great seat seemed far away now.
“More than 2000 for the one on Thursday too… Come on!” She paused and then screamed “Oh my God, 200 people before us for Wednesday”
“God, Natalie! I was about to cry here”
“Don’t fail on me, Ticketmaster.”
Your free hand runs through your hair, making a mess of the long curls. You wonder how many of your students are probably going through this same process right now, and you want to laugh and cry at the same time.
“It’s my turn… let me see. We want the floor… _________, floor is general admission, are you okay with that? It’s the soundcheck too.”
“Yes. I’m good with that, yes”
“Okay, selecting… Your credit card number is on my account, right, let’s get it, please ticketmaster work for once in your life, let me get it”
At this point, you didn’t even want to look at the screen, you knew how this website was tricky on pre-sale days, especially after the whole fiasco with the Taylor Swift Tour. You hoped the website wouldn't break down on Natalie’s turn. It felt like time was passing slower than it should, your legs hanging from the desk couldn’t move more, and you were scared of having the chance just so to have it taken away from you.
“Yougottheticketslettheanticipationbegin, __________!!!!! We are seeing him”
“Did it work?” You look at the screen and she’s showing you the confirmation page.
“It worked! Oh my God! I can’t believe it actually worked. Oh fuck it’s on a Wednesday, my poor students. Oh God, we are seeing him”
“Are we truly seeing him?!” Excitement was an understatement, you squeaked and jumped from the desk and smiled so big your cheeks hurt.
“____________, I’ll talk to you later, maybe I can still talk to the HR and tell them I’ll need the day off, make sure to do that too, okay?”
“Natalie, I can’t thank you enough. Thank you so, so, so much!”
“No worries, I can’t wait to scream with you during the show”
You put your phone away and look at Camila, who was watching the whole scene silently with a smirk on her face.
“Tell me this isn’t a dream”
“It’s not a dream, amiga. You’re seeing the guy from your dreams so soon now”
“This does not feel real. It was so fast.”
“It was meant to be. I feel it.” You cover you tearing eyes with both hands and and giggle as you hear your best friend saying that.
“I'm seeing Yoongi”
“About that, now that you got a ticket for the concert here, I should give you this” She took a folded sheet of paper out of the back pocket of her jeans and handed it to you.
“And that is?”
“Just unfold it and see”
And so you did, and looking at the paper, you couldn’t help but shed some tears.
“Is this what I think it is?
“If you think it is a confirmation email for a ticket of one of the shows in Korea, then yes, yes it is”
“Cami, how did you do this?”
“You forget that you made me get a fan club membership, so I wanted to make sure you saw him.”
“In Korea?” You say in a high-pitched voice.
“It’s not that difficult to stay up and buy tickets in the middle of the night, when you have a real purpose. I mean, I got a nosebleed, I hope you don’t mind, I guess the time difference and lack of practice count when doing this, but I got it and it’s during Summer and you don’t have school as an excuse for not going, so you better get your savings for your Korea trip and actually buy flight tickets to go to Korea and see your dream man there.”
“You are the craziest person I’ve ever met” You hug your friend tight, not knowing what to do with the tsunami of information that came in your direction in the last 15 minutes.
“Besides, I think that your dreaming about this guy is weird but I also feel there’s something there and I know you won’t do anything about it if there’s no push. So here’s your push, consider this an early birthday gift.”
“I don’t know what kind of ideas you have about this, but they are just dreams.Thank you. Hell, I’ll see him twice”
“Yes, _________, yes, you will”
April 21st, 2023
The first thing you did when your alarm went off was to grab your phone and open the Youtube app. Thankfully, the miniature for the music video was already on your home page, so you lost no time and just played the video.
To say you were mesmerized and entranced by the music video and the song playing was an understatement, you were so impressed by the lyrics and the two versions of Yoongi you were seeing, everything looked so perfect, and that was enough to make you excited to listen to the entire album. But it was when Yoongi pulled a cigarette out of the box with his teeth that you let out a loud squeal, that made your roommate come check on you.
“Are you thirsting for the BTS guy at this time in the morning?”
“He just smoked a cigarette in the MV”
“You hate those things!"
“He made it look really hot”
Cami rolled her eyes and dragged herself to your bed.
“Come on, I wanna see it”
You both get comfortable on your bed and you restart the video. Your roommate watches attentively, and teases you, elbowing you slightly everytime a cigarette appears. You end up watching the rest of the video together and you barely have words when it comes to an end.
“He is really an artist” that’s all you can say.
“I saw what you meant with the smoking thing, nice song, he’s just not really my type”
“And what’s your type?”
“A tall brunette with a buzzcut and very, very handsome, but also nice and kind and good with his words. He could also be a doctor, maybe, I don’t know”
“That’s oddly specific”
“Well, maybe you get to meet him soon”
“I get to WHAT?”
“We need to get ready, we are teachers and we can’t really be late, come on”
“Camila, get your ass right here” you scream as she runs through the door. “This is not over!”
You laugh as you get ready to work. You decide to listen to the album after you get home, to actually pay attention to the lyrics. As you walk to the subway station, you make sure to run your lesson plans for the day through your mind, taking the time to also plan the Friday night ahead of you.
Your work day goes by slowly, like every other Friday. At this point of the school year, with Summer Vacation approaching, your students don’t want to have classes anymore and, if you’re being honest, as much as you love your job, you weren’t fond of teaching at this time of the year either. So you did your best to make your lessons light and fun, for them and for you, eventually taking some time to talk about topics that were interesting for all of them.
When the bell rings, you wish a great weekend for everyone and pack your things as quickly as you can to walk to the subway station. As usual, you stop at Times Square, but instead of changing trains, you decide to walk around the small Bryant Park. You buy yourself the sweetest and creamiest cold brew. The cold coffee was not the best idea, considering the city was still chilly, but it was your favorite, and it was your way of treating yourself after a long hard week of work. You people watch for a while, taking in the groups of tourists walking on 42nd street, from where you assume was Grand Central, in the direction of the outdoors on Times Square. You see people talking, sitting around the tiny green tables, you observe the empty carousel, and the outfits of the women walking around (those were always nice to watch). You observe the mix of trees and the buildings all together and the food trucks around and although this area of the city was incredibly chaotic and not your favorite to walk around, you were glad you could sit and appreciate the beauty in this chaos.
After taking the Q train and arriving in your apartment, you take a long relaxing shower and wear your most comfortable set of PJs. You feel inspired to cook a nice dinner to watch the documentary with. As you get the ingredients to make your favorite pasta dish, you hear the door open.
“I beat you home today” you sing from the kitchen.
“I had some papers to grade and decided to follow your steps and not bring work home. I hated it. My bed is a much more comfortable grading spot” your roommate answers.
“Are you having dinner here?”
“Yes, give me a minute to shower and I’ll help you out”
But dinner was so easy to make that, by the time Camila was back, you’re already done. You put the creamy pasta on plates and take them to the living room, opening the Disney + app to find Yoongi’s documentary.
“I’ll only watch it with you because I’m a great friend” you hear your best friend say and you look at her with an amused smile, knowing well she wouldn’t watch anything she was not interested in.
And so you watch the documentary and see how this album started. You are washed with a sense of deja vu when you see a scene of 2020. Differently from the In The Soop cuts, this time, what you see is exactly like your first dream and you pay attention to all of the details to make sure you’re actually watching it. How could you forget your first dream with him? This time, thanks to the subtitles, you could actually understand what they were talking about and your heart skips a beat when Yoongi tells Jimin about the amygdala, explaining how this is a part of the brain that processes trauma, and telling his friend about the song. You vaguely remember thinking about how you wanted your brain to process your trauma better and wishing for it to just work right before dreaming of Yoongi for the first time. And as the performance of the song goes, you take in the lyrics.
It's no news that you identify yourself with BTS songs. But this one felt different. As he raps and unfolds each of his traumas you can't help but think about your own traumas and how you did that too three years ago.
You can feel Camila’s eyes on you. And you know she knows what you are feeling and she knows that you dreamed about this. You feel like you should comment on it, but saying it out loud sounds like madness, because this time, you actually know that it happened in real life too.
The movie continues with his trips and his writing process and you try to let your deep thoughts go to watch it properly. It is your first time listening to the songs of the new album, and you can see that all of the effort shown in the documentary was worth it, the songs and the performances were more than anything you were expecting and you couldn't wait for the tour.
"You and this guy are so similar." Camila says when the documentary is over.
"I guess I can relate to him a little bit" you say. "Now, I need to start practicing these songs for Wednesday"
"You cooked, I do the dishes" your roommate announces when you both stand up.
"I won't argue you with that"
You say goodnight before walking to your room, where you get your airpods and get ready to listen to the D-DAY album, in sequence, of course. With the lights out and cell phone in hand, you search for the translation of each song as you listen to them. You observe every figure of speech, every rhyme, all the story telling, and you repeat, inside your head, the scene from your dream, the one you just watched on the TV. How could someone on the other side of the planet think in the same frequency as you and describe your feelings so well? You didn’t want to get obsessed with the idea of it, because it gets crazier with time, but you can’t help but feel like, somehow, the universe brought you Min Yoongi because it knew you needed someone to relate to.
You listen to AMYGDALA once again, and another time, wishing you could take the pain away from someone that didn’t even know you, and with Yoongi’s voice singing in your ears, you fall into deep sleep.
When you gain consciousness again, it’s dark and pouring. You find yourself in front of a beautiful house that looks like it just came out of a movie set. Its light colored bricks (you couldn't possibly identify the color in the dark) were covered in vines, the only illumination surrounding you is the warm yellow light that comes through the windows.
You run to the porch to avoid getting even more wet. The hiss of the wind is loud and the cold early spring air embraces you as tiny droplets of water touch your skin, making you shiver uncomfortably.
You look at the imponent maroon door and entering the welcoming house sounds like the perfect plan right now. It’s obvious you are dreaming, there are no houses like this in New York City, so worst case scenario, it’s a nightmare and you’ll wake up regretting your decisions. This, or you’ll freeze to death and then wake up. Either way, you’ll end up in your tiny apartment anyway, might as well enjoy it while it lasts.
The door opens at the same time you raise your hand to give it a knock. You take a step back and take in the scene. Nobody is on the other side. Weird.
A mass of warm air touches your face gently when you step into the living room. The smell of coffee, cinnamon and vanilla flies around and makes you look straight to the kitchen and dining room to your left, but they are empty, so you walk to the fireplace in front of you, taking a moment to appreciate its coziness while getting warm.
You decide to walk around and explore the other levels of the building, which, from what you saw until now, has no furniture except for the old blue Victorian couch.
Holding the rail, you go up the stairs, and see that the walls are filled with beautiful, but empty frames. At this point, you don’t even bother finding it weird anymore, after all, it’s a dream, but you wonder why there are no pictures and why your mind decided that the only pieces of decoration you see in this house of stone are simply not serving their purpose.
As you walk down the aisle of the first floor, you see 4 doors. Slowly, you try to open the first one to your left, just to find out it is locked. You try the one to your right and the two other doors after that. All locked. You huff.
“Why is this too boring?” you say out loud, as you turn around and direct yourself to the stairs to go to the second floor, only to hear a muffled female voice upstairs. Curious as you are, you run up in the direction of the voice, just to find the same set up of the floor below you, with the exception of a pulled down ladder at the end of the corridor, that led to what you can only assume is an attic, where the sound and the voices come from.
You walk with caution to the ladder and the sound is louder, but not clearer. It takes climbing the steps to realize that the female voice that is now screaming, is actually your own. You stop midway, your upper body just past the attic door,and search for the source of your own voice, just to realize a video is being projected on one of the ceiling walls. You recognize the scene of that dreadful day so many years ago when you got home after an early dismissal day, just to find your ex boyfriend with your best friend. This time though, you could see it through a different point of view, the exact moment when you started packing your bags to leave your old apartment.
“Where do you think you are going? Hey! Stop! We can talk through this” your ex said, while dressing himself up. You hear your old self let out an ironic laugh after that. You look at her, the shorter curly hair was a mess, the red eyes burning with anger and disappointment.
“Talk through this?” Past you screams, opening another drawer and just throwing clothes in a suitcase. “You must think I’m really that stupid to give you the time of the day after this. I don’t want to hear from you, I don’t want to see you. I wanna pack my things and go to the farthest place from you”.
“_________, this is your home. Calm down.”
“My home? My home? You should’ve thought about that before cheating on me at my fucking home on my fucking bed. I’ll come back to get the rest of my things when you’re not here.” You close your suitcase, and direct yourself to the front door. You turned, just in time to catch a sight of him and your so-called best friend getting dressed as well. "Please, don’t even bother, just keep doing whatever you were doing before. I’ll make sure I won’t interrupt you ever again.” And you walked out.
The video stopped after that and you were stunned. Talk about a dramatic event. You don’t understand why your subconscious wants you to remember that, especially now that you are actually healing. Maybe this is in fact a nightmare, and you were supposed to keep rewatching that infernal scene until you wake up.
You decide to go up the rest of the steps either way, whatever comes next, can’t be more painful than what you just watched. As you step into the room at the same time someone stands up and comes in your direction.
“What the hell?!” You exclaim.
“Hm, this never happened before” The one and only Min Yoongi mumbles, staring at you.
Right, you have never had a conscious dream about him where you could actually talk to him. But, considering that his documentary was the last thing you saw, it seems like his presence in your dream this time is not that weird. You stare back at him, his dark messy hair, puffy cat eyes and black hoodie. Your heart jumps through your shirt and that unexplainable feeling comes again.
“Did you watch all of it?” You ask.
“I did. I’m sorry. I should’ve stopped when I saw what it was”
“I mean, it’s not actually your fault. It’s my subconscious.”
“It 's fine.” You look around, finding the film projector and another film reel on the side. “Interesting. What’s in the other film?”
“I don’t know. I only set the one we just watched.”
“We should watch the other one”
“I don’t know, I’ve already seen too much”
“It’s not like you are real”
“Not real?”
“Besides, I don’t think there was any other moment of my life more traumatic than that one. I’ll be fine” You say while taking the other film reel out of the projector and putting the new one. Yoongi doesn’t look too sure, but he directs himself to the pile of pillows on the floor and waits for the projection. As it starts, you sit by his side and focus on the wall in front of you.
It is a cloudy day and the dirty atmosphere of the city makes the scene look even grayer. You try to recognize the place, but it takes seeing a tall black haired boy to see that this wasn’t about you.
“I shouldn’t be seeing this” You say and make the mention of standing up before dream Yoongi holds your wrist gently and pulls you back.
“It’s only fair.” he says.
So you sit down and watch it with him.
A younger version of Min Yoongi leaves the door of a restaurant with bags of food on his hands, then proceeds to put the bags inside of a delivery box on a motorcycle. He wears his helmet, jumps on his bike and rides it around the city. He stops once. He stops another time. And you know what is coming, because you remember when Yoongi had the surgery, you remember seeing videos of him dancing in pain and you remember the lyrics of Amygdala, even if you only listened to that song a couple of times since the documentary release. You know the feeling of wanting your brain to erase the memories you so want to forget in order to move on. And even if it’s all in your head, it hurts to think of what happened to a human you love so much.
You stare at the dream version of Yoongi sitting by your side who has his glistening eyes fixed on the scene projected on the wall. With his lips closed in a line, he swallows thickly and you turn your attention to the movie again. And that’s when the scene unravels: The rain starts to pour and, as he is turning, a car hits young Min Yoongi, who falls on the road. You can’t help but feel your heart breaking into pieces as you watch the rain touching his face, it feels even worse when the scene is cut just to be substituted by flashes of Yoongi crying, in pain, and taking what seemed like an unhealthy amount of pills. If only you could change the past to comfort him. You’d do anything so he wouldn’t have to go through this kind of pain again.
“Was that what really happened?” You question, almost whispering.
“Exactly like that” the man by your side responds, then proceeds “What I saw... Did it really happen to you too?”
“Yes, but, for what is worth, you really helped me through it, it doesn’t hurt anymore” you look at the version of Min Yoongi in front of you, and think of everything you’ve learned about him through his songs and through the documentary of the day before. You are conscious this is not real, even if it feels like it, but you also know you will never have a chance to say to the real Yoongi what you wish to say, so you take a chance in this parallel dream reality, or whatever this is.
“ I know this is all in my head, and there are so many things I’d like to say, but, I just want you to know that if I could go back in time and help you through all of the pain you felt, I would. I know it doesn’t change it, but I really wish you’d know that. I wish I could’ve saved you, too, Yoongi” you stop and see the corner of his lips curve slightly. “I guess this was a weird thing to say out loud” cover your face with your two hands and a muffled groan leaves your lips.
“No, no, no… it’s not weird” He turns his body completely to you. “I don’t know if you’d believe me, or if anyone would believe me, but you did.”
“I did?!”
“You saved me in so many ways”
Your head turns in the direction of his voice immediately. And all you can see is a kind smile and bright eyes. You can’t help but feel that old familiar warmth all over your body, and as much as you wouldn’t like to indulge in delusion, at that moment, you pretended it was all real.
And just like it started, you’re pulled from deep inside your subconscious to you tiny apartment in New York City, where the ringing of your alarm clock announced the start of a new spring day.
To be continued…
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turningvioletviolet · 2 years
Okay so I just finished the Nerdy Prudes Must Die digital ticket, and I have to say, the most interesting part of watching it is that this crowd...didn't really seem to have watched Nightmare Time?
There were a lot of NMT callbacks and references in the show, and when I saw it live (closing weekend, not opening like the digital ticket), people cheers so fucking loudly at all of them that it actually started to annoy me because at times you couldn't hear what the actors were saying/singing over the cheers.
Some of the most notable examples of this include (massive spoilers ahead, obviously):
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"You kind of look like that homeless guy from downtown".
The digital ticket crowd laughed at the joke, sure, but the closing weekend audience fucking lost it.
That's because it's a three layered joke: first there's Richie's simple dig at Pete looking homeless, second there's the inside joke that Joey actually plays both Pete and the homeless guy, but third there's the fact that the homeless guy is canonically Pete's older brother time traveled to the past...they just don't know it.
The digital ticket audience laughed an appropriate level for a group that recognized the first, maybe the second layer of the joke. But it was the closing weekend crowd that absolutely lost it.
(And it wasn't just a matter of the cheers not being audible - later on, when the "I have been waiting for my hot chocolate for what feels like five fucking years" joke came on, the digital audience screamed exactly as loud as they did when I saw the show live closing weekend. So the issue isn't how much audience noise the mics picked up, it's how many audience members understood the reference)
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The Lords in Black
First of all, even before the Lords in Black appeared onstage, when the teens were starting the ritual, the audience in closing weekend was already losing it, whereas the digital ticket audience was dead silent. When the Lords in Black actually appeared, both audiences screamed and cheered, but I swear the closing weekend audience cheered for FAR longer, well into the actual singing. There's a much more telling fact, though.
When I saw the show live, people would cheer like crazy for just about every bit of spoken dialogue, be it Nibbly's "I wanna lick it" or Blinky's "We've been watching you Gracey".
I think the line that got the loudest applause was Tinky's "Oh boy, a Spankoffski! I'm gonna have the whole set in my toy box!" Like, people were freaking the fuck. out. at that line.
But in the digital ticket...that didn't really seem to happen. They reacted like it was just generally creepy dialogue, not like any of it actually meant anything to them.
Until Wiggly spoke, of course, and spoke of "friendy wends" and his "Christmas list". Then the audience lost it. Which suggests to me that they had seen Black Friday, but not Nightmare Time, and certainly not Time Bastard.
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Hatchetfield Action News with Dan and Donna
On the first announcement, I swear to god people were cheering so loudly that you'd have though it was Joey and Lauren actually onstage and not a voiceover. I actually had no idea what the first half of that announcement actually said until I watched the digital ticket because the cheers were THAT. LOUD.
The second announcement was almost as bad, but not quite. But then Dan and Donna actually came onstage in the middle of a song, and there went my ability to discern a single lyric for a hot minute, lmao.
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The Black Book
As soon as the teens picked up an object wrapped in cloth, I heard gasps and turned around and you could tell that people already knew what it was going to be. And as the object got unwrapped, those gasps erupted into ecstatic cheers.
Watching the digital ticket, having seen that, felt almost uncomfortable because of how dead silent the audience was. They weren't seeing the Black Book oh my GOD, they were waiting to find out what the mayor just had them dig up. Hell, when Pete asked, "a book?", there were a few chuckles from the crowd. Nobody was fucking chuckling on closing weekend, let me tell you.
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And more
Mostly just little things, honestly. When Soloman Lauter first mentioned The Church of the Starry Children, and the crowd burst into cheers. When Grace was telling the story of what happened to the Waylans, and the audience made a possible connection to the whole "Axe Men" thing.
So yeah.
I wanna reiterate that, despite being one of the people freaking out, it honestly was kinda annoying, especially once the Black Book came out and things got lore-heavy.
Like, I kinda wanted everyone in the audience to shut up for two seconds so I could just watch the plot, lol. But at the same time, it was very energizing and validating, hearing so many people externally losing their minds the same way I was losing mind internally.
I'll also say that for the more dramatic scenes, like when they were digging up the black book or reciting the incantation, it does come off as more tense when the audience is dead silent, compared to an audience losing their marbles.
Anyway, to say the least, it'll be interesting to see what type of audience the YT release has (they did have cameras on either end of the aisle through the show I attending, so I'm guessing that they'll use some of that footage, but I wouldn't be surprised if they compile multiple shows' worth of footage to make the cleanest possible YT release).
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shirtlessradfahrer · 3 months
warning cringe venting/rambling about stress and trip planning and hair under the cut
I had a total breakdown after work yesterday
like...dry heaving sobbing into my knees on the floor kind of breakdown
not about the hair…ok yes it was about the hair but not entirely, I've been stressed about a lot of things and the hair change was just what finally set the emotional bomb off
I've had a crapload of anxiety about my trip for weeks (which looking back now I've definitely been suppressing too much, and that was a mistake) bc it's my first time flying/traveling alone, and overseas to boot
Thinking about stuff like, will I forget some crucial papers/tickets/passwords etc and be unable to do fun stuff, will I have a panic attack on the flights despite my meds, will I have some freak accident and end up in hospital over there, will my cat still like me when I get back, will I fit in with enough of his other fans. Will i come back the same person or changed for the better, or for the worse...they all scare me equally.
And I worked my fucking ass off in order to be able to afford everything I'm going to do without going into a ton of debt. Which really did a fucking number on me mentally.....but for almost a year I've told myself it would all be worth it, bc I'd be overwhelmed with joy when I *finally* see that beautiful bowlcut boy in front of me, just as I was filled with joy when I first saw him peeking out of that box
I planned my trip under the loose assumption that the album would be out (or almost out) by this point and I'd be able to celebrate that with people. I got even more excited for this after Böle bc I figured that was the template for everything going forward, and I loved everything I saw-I loved the staging, I loved the new songs, I loved his outfit, I loved the almost bird-esque styling he was doing with the front of the bowlcut
But now....I don't know what the actual fuck he's doing.
I'll be on the (first) plane in a little less than 48 hours and I just feel like the universe is playing some sick joke on me - in less than a week he's gone from someone I would abandon feminism for (I joke) to Some Guy I would be actively avoiding at public events (based on a few unfortunate past experiences with individuals who resembled this, not entirely a joke). Not his fault, I know, and nothing to do with his actual personality of course, which I’m *well aware* is lovely. But that's my reality 🤷🏻‍♀️ and it’s incredibly jarring and not in a good way, and sure as hell not at a good time
And as I said it’s not just about the hair, I feel sick thinking about how much time and money and effort I've put into planning things - esp. gig outfits which I was basing off of the purple/green suit.....and I don't even know if there was any point to that now, bc is he even going to wear it? Again, not specifically *his* fault. But I’m miffed, to say the least.
It feels so incredibly rare these days that I can share a deeply passionate long-term interest with others. I feel like this whole...thing has been a perfect example of how much I struggle with FOMO....with feeling like I'm always left behind. And even when I try my hardest to catch up I can never quite make it before people have moved on to something different.
I know my reaction seems way over-dramatic to some but I just gently ask that you imagine how I feel watching countless people essentially drop by Finland on their free weekends or time off to see him once, or twice, or three times, or five times, or twenty freaking times over the past year, while I’ve had to move heaven and earth for the chance to see him even once (and I'm not trying to generalize, I know for various reasons a lot of you have also been unable to see him still, and I really hope that changes soon <3 especially if you *do* like this look)
The point is that I just wanted to experience the “classic” Kä ONCE! I didn't even plan on going to multiple shows until it became a thing for Summer Camp!! Just ONCE! He could copy the Daltons and go bald after that for all I care!!
He's 100% allowed to style himself however he wants - if I weren't in the *very particular situation* I'm in I'm sure I would be more open to the change although I still hate this particular shade of blonde and think there are much better options but whatever.But I’m allowed to be disappointed when I’ve spent literal thousands of dollars-and will be spending more-to make seeing him a reality. I've had so much bad luck and bad timing already this year and this just took the freaking cake. And again that's not *his* fault, I know. But fuck, am I sad. I just wanted something, anything to go according to plan for me this year.
I know I'll still have a great time - I'm excited to meet and hang out with everyone, and I'm excited to do touristy things and I’m still excited for all the great music I’m going to hear. I'm just venting now bc I don't want to be such a downer when I meet everyone in person.
....now watch me completely clown myself if this really is just for Traffic and he goes back to black in a couple weeks - and I will so very happily wear that clown suit lmao, you can all buy me one if you find one
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powderblueblood · 10 months
🎵+ Eddie pls
send me 🎵+ character name and i’ll write a lil blurb inspired by a song from their playlist (you can also request songs and i will do my level best. god is a dj and i'm god)
six cylinders under the hood crashing and kicking, aha! listen to the engine whine or eddie takes the van out alone for the first time and feels free
an: some younger!eddie angst for your nerves!!! i love writing about the Munson Men so i hope u enjoy this anon word count: 1k
Keys land with a coolness in Eddie's outstretched palm, sweaty and warm, blood pumping under the skin like a crimson whirlpool.
"I'm not about to argue with you any more, son," Wayne mumbles, shoulders slouched in surrender, "You wanna cruise around in that deathtrap, that's on you."
Eddie's mouth opens to bark out yet another instance of but it's not gonna be a deathtrap when I'm done with it! and recount all his promises of becoming a bonafide grease monkey, taking all the necessary measures to make the van good as new.
The van. His van.
He drops the argument, since Wayne's suit is always a good one to follow, and closes his fist around the keys. He's won this round. A ball of fire begins to ignite in his chest and if he's not totally hallucinating, Wayne, grumpy old Wayne, is fighting back a smile.
"I'll stay the speed limit, I swear."
The fuck he will.
"The fuck you will."
Eddie's guffaw echoes in the empty doorway as he trips over himself, running outside the trailer to embrace his new four-wheeled glory. Well, not new-- far from new, of course. She's a girl with a lotta miles on her, showing up and out in the paintwork he's going to make sure he manicures. She's no Impala but she is a Chevy, a beautiful broad-assed 1971 Chevy.
She's got the same birthday as Killer by Alice Cooper and Eddie is head over heels in love with her.
Eddie is also an incredibly reckless driver, so something this hardy is necessary. Evel Knievel over here would turn a Beemer into a pretzel soon as look at it, as evidenced by the Beemer he almost rams into while he's gunning it into Hawkins.
"Fucking watch it, freak!"
Eddie flings his head out the window as Alice keens from the stereo (that big, bumping, beautiful stereo) and wags his tongue in the direction of an irate Steve 'The Hair' Harrington, who'd just got that new set of wheels for his birthday. Eddie knew that--everyone knew that--because he wouldn't stop peacocking it around the parking lot at school.
Well, compared to Eddie's ol' beauty, that fucking thing was puny.
"Eat my dust, pretty boy!"
He cruises down the main drag of Hawkins, marveling at his view from the driver's side. His elevated seat. His hands clutching the wheel. He even tosses a gentlemanly salute to a young mom and infant daughter that crane their necks to stare at him rolling on by.
See this, this is what it's all about. He's finally got the war machine he deserves. His ticket to the open road, his getaway car out of dodge, his method for hauling assloads of equipment around (once Ronnie gets that drum head fixed). Even his--dare he even think it--chick magnet.
Chicks love dudes with cars. Chicks like dudes with vans even better, because there's room in the back. Privacy. Shit like that is hard to come by when you spend most nights sharing a trailer with your aging uncle whose night shifts keep getting cut.
Not-- not that Eddie is exactly drowning in missed opportunities, but should the opportunity ever present itself, he'll be ready.
He's sourcing a shag carpet.
Eddie makes a couple more turns around town, even cruises by the school for good measure-- you never know which cheerleaders are hanging around after hours.
The most important thing is he feels completely unshackled in the confines of this van. Totally impenetrable. This is a space that he doesn't feel guilty taking, a space he doesn't feel odd or inferior in. Motherfucker, this is his all his.
He slows down his speeding on purpose when returning to Forest Hills, as if Wayne doesn't already know he's assaulting those gas pedals.
He slows down as he approaches the Munson trailer. He slows, and slows, and slows, and whines to a halt where Al Munson slaps both hands on the front of the van.
"Hey, kiddo."
Al Munson, his father, has been locked up in Blackburn Correctional in Lexington, Kentucky for the past eight months. Eddie's forgotten what for, or he didn't care to listen in the first place. Al Munson was not supposed to be out for a long, long time.
Al Munson always manages to find a loophole.
He reaches through that loophole, and he takes and takes and takes.
Eddie holds his breath.
"What, your old man doesn't get a big hello? Maybe a congrats on flyin' the coop, jailbird?" Al laughs and it's warm like the whiskey he sometimes lets Eddie drink with him. Al laughs and the fucking nightingales sing, the world shakes, everything becomes technicolor except the cloud hanging over Eddie's head.
Because, as Eddie so observantly notices, Al didn't come here with a car. He probably walked his ass all the way to Forest Hills, or hitched with some poor sucker he buttered up with stories and cigarettes and charm.
Wayne lingers in the doorway of the trailer. He can't meet Eddie's eyes.
He knew this was the one thing I had going for me. He knew this was the one thing I had left. The only thing that's mine.
Except the papers for the van don't say that. The papers say Al Munson.
He was supposed to be gone for so much longer that Eddie had hoped he'd forget about the van. About Hawkins. Maybe even about him, once and for all, and Eddie could inherit the only truly good thing his shitheel father ever had going.
Al, while remarkably charming, is not a man with a lot of patience. He slaps the side of the van-- not hard, but smart. "Out of the chariot, Ed," he commands. "Let's go, boy. I gotta jet someplace."
It occurs to Eddie that he has an opportunity on his hands right here. A massive fuck-you type opportunity. He could just peel out. Throw the finger to Al, and to Wayne for betraying him and not warning him about this in due time. Speed off. Take off for Indy and figure it out from there. He's got a full-ish tank of gas.
The one thing he's missing is his father's charm. He won't get far without it. It's the kind of thing you can't say no to.
No one says no to Al Munson.
Eddie, Eddie with his hair growing long around his ears and his seized shoulders and his cloud hanging heavy with rain over his head, is not about to start now.
"Just warming her up for ya, pops."
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faithfulcat111 · 1 year
Stonathan Sundays
Hello guys! Don't think I didn't forget about our favourite tradition. Got to keep the Stonathan tag going even a little bit every week XD.
Anyway, this also fills a square on my Slumber Party Bingo card, which I am very excited to be working on. Enjoy!
@slumberpartybingo - Never have I ever... Grabbed the wrong person's hand in public
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"You owe me a dinner. A very nice dinner."
Jonathan looked down at the hand that had suddenly become intertwined with his own, following the arm attached to it up to a far too attractive man squinting at the list of movie showings beside them. "Um," he tried to start, getting the man to turn towards him.
"Oh fuck!" The man dropped Jonathan's hand suddenly, taking a huge step back. It was disappointing but not unexpected. "I'm so sorry! I thought you were my friend! I just had to get rid of this complete douchebag who wouldn't stop hitting on her and my glasses are in her bag and I thought you were..." The man cut himself off with a sudden gasp, exhaling it out slowly. "She's rubbing off on me," he muttered before straightening and saying, "I'm sorry."
Jonathan blinked at the man, his brain just trying to process the far-too-fast words. It finally clicked on one detail, "Her?"
The man winced, "Yeah, my vision is really not great and you really kind of look like her from the back." He ran a hand through his ridiculously long hair, "I'm really not the type to go up and grab random strangers' hands and freak them out."
"Whose hands are you grabbing?" A voice came from behind the man just before a girl appeared holding two ridiculously large movie theatre cups. Jonathan assumed this was the girl that the man thought he was, but couldn't understand why. She locked eyes with him as she started loudly slurping through her straw. "Steve, what did we say about flirting with random people in public? Pretty sure I still have the 'You Suck' board somewhere that shows how much you shouldn't do it."
The man, Steve apparently, groaned, "No, do not bring up the board! We came out to have a good time and you are just attacking me for no reason!"
"Not no reason if you can't even recognize your best friend," the girl sniffed just before throwing a conspiring wink towards Jonathan. He raised one hand as subtly as he could to his cheek and, yup, he had been red for a while, hadn't he?
"I'm sorry about Robin. I think she was dropped on her head as a child," Steve turned his big eyes back towards Jonathan who quickly jerked his arm back down, trying to look normal.
"I'm sorry about Steve. I know he was dropped on his head as a child," the girl countered, all grins as Steve turned a glare on her.
"I just wanted to see a funny movie that I picked for once. Is this payback?"
"Maybe you should invite your new friend along. Seeing as you like him better than me apparently. Try to hold hands again in the dark theatre," Robin said right before turning and marching over to the ticket counter.
Both boys blinked after her before Steve said, "Don't listen to her. Really, she is a menace. We are just seeing that ridiculous rabbit movie cause I thought it looked like it would be fun. But if that isn't what you are seeing, or even if it is, you..."
"It is," Jonathan didn't know what caused him to blurt it out. As far as he knew, the new Friday the 13th movie was not remotely funny or had any ridiculous rabbits in it. He knew there was no way they had arrived to watch the same film. But it wasn't often that he saw someone who was interesting and didn't freak out at the implications of flirting with another guy. So if there was any chance...
It was worth the impulse to see the grin appear on Steve's face, crinkling his nose slightly as it did, "Okay, hand-holding stranger. Come join us then."
Jonathan could feel the corners of his mouth twitch up as he started to follow him, "Jonathan. My name is Jonathan."
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17Darkwing episode concept script/original song - "I Love The Danger"
After reading both the Ducktales17 Art Book and Episode Guide, it kind of got me in a mood, so I experimented and tried to write the beginnings of a 17Based Darkwing Duck episode, as Morgana’s debut episode, with the Morgana being the absolute perfect one designed by @queenie-draws-stuff . Hope you enjoy.
[ Scene opens with pigeons cooing peacefully a branch, a few notes of calm music playing. Suddenly a hard rock chord blares out, startling them, shaking the screen - the birds fly away, cut to Drake, Launchpad, and Gosalyn walking alongside several goth-fashioned teens.]
Drake: Uh, I know I said I wanted to get to know you better, Gosalyn, but when you said you wanted to go to a concert, I kinda expected...
Gosalyn: Some bubblegum pop princess or a boyband where every guy looks the same?
Drake: Kiiiinda? N-Not that I have a problem with... who are they again?
[ The trio are inside the concert hall. The hard rock music is dimming, but still in the background. Noticeably, more than half of the seats remain empty.]
Gosalyn: Morgana and the Ghoulies! They're only the coolest goth rock band ever!
Launchpad: They're the best rock goth band I know! And the only one. Never heard of them until right this second.
Gosalyn: No one has. That's why it's important to be a fan now, so when they do get popular, I can be one of those annoying hipster people saying "I knew them before they were cool!"
[ The trio make their way to their seats. Drake still looks a little concerned about this. Launchpad is blissfully cheerful as always. Gosalyn is practically vibrating with excitement.]
Drake: Well, it does explain why the tickets were so cheap. And why they're playing in the middle of the day. [Again, a cut to just how empty the theater is. Emphasis on how small the audience is. Back to Drake.] I just want to make sure you don't wind up with the wrong kind of role model.
Gosalyn: Would you prefer my role model be a crazy actor from a failed show in the 90s? I could do a lot worse.
[ Drake gives her an annoyed look, and opens his mouth to make a retort, but the lights suddenly go out. There's the sound of a woman laughing evilly, as the camera pans across the concert hall.]
???: Well well well, boys and ghouls! What do we have here in this little ditty of a city called Saint Canard? I hear there's a bunch of weirdos here. A bunch of outsiders. I even hear there's some freak in a cape who fights crime!
[ Camera cut back to the family. Drake is offended.]
Drake: Hey!
Gosalyn: No, it's good! "Freak" is cool now!
Launchpad: Cool is freak?
Gosalyn: No, freak is cool!
Drake: Does that mean lame is good and awesome is bad?
Gosalyn: What - no!
Launchpad: So when the people on the bus saw me eating a three-week old sandwich, they were giving me compliments?
[ Gosalyn looks absolutely exasperated. The voice laughs again, and then the camera cuts to the stage. The other musicians have been there all this time, cloaked in shadow. A spotlight suddenly shines on each of them, one at a time, before shining on lone standing microphone, the laughter continuing all the while. A swarm of bats floods the stage - the camera spins around a figure in the bats, and then they suddenly fly off, there stands Morgana McCawber with her guitar. She flips her hair and then approaches the mike, grabbing it and speaking into it. ]
Morgana: Then it sounds like this is my kinda town!
[ Cut to the family. Background characters are cheering enthusiastically, some throwing up horn-fingers. In this moment, we understand what the initial 'relationship' of Morgana will be with these three : Gosalyn is so excited she is literally leaping up and down in her seat. Launchpad winces, looking rather afraid of everything and everyone. Drake's eyes are wide, and he's slowly smiling in wonder, as cupid's arrow took a pretty good shot.]
Gosalyn: That's her! That's Morgana McCawber!
[ cut back to Morgana. She's surveying the crowd, smirking, possibly in contempt. The first notes of the Darkwing Duck theme song plays before cutting to the opening theme song. Back in the episode proper, it focuses on Morgana's fingers rapidly strumming her guitar. Quick cut to each band-mate and what they play, ending with Morgana taking up the screen as the lyrics start.
Throughout the song, it cuts to Morgana singing and dancing this same song through the backdrops/scenes of classic Disney villains, such as Scar's rocky valley in Be Prepared, the Underworld from Hercules, Gaston’s tavern, etc. ]
Morgana: I'm not your damsel in distress,
I'm here to make a mess,
Gimmie chaos, gimmie rock,
Cause I ain't ever gunna stop!
I don't need your safety, and I don't need your rules,
I look at all these heroes but all I see are fools!
Be prepared for when I play, because you'll be singing all day!
Danger's where I need to be, danger's all of me,
Snuff out the light, don't try to make it right,
Danger is the only place where I can finally be free!
Gimmie the danger, I want the danger, I need the danger,
I love the danger!
[As the next batch of lyrics start, a burly dog-type shoves himself in front of Gosalyn. It keeps cutting back to the song and the family, with Morgana's eyes narrowing as she seems to see what's happening.]
Morgana: If you want to join me then clap your hands high,
Once you listen to my song, there's nothing I can't try -
Gosalyn: Hey!
Dog-Face: Can it, brat! I'm a real fan!
Drake: That's not fair, we paid for these seats!
Gosalyn: Move over, you big jerk!
Morgana: Gimmie everything shiny, hand it over quick,
Before the show is over, you'll never see the trick  -
Dog-Face: Why don't you make me, kid?
Gosalyn: Don't think I won't!
[Gosalyn takes a swing but misses by a mile. Dog-Face grabs Gosalyn by the scurff of her shirt, clearly ready to hurt her. Drake calls out her name, he and Launchpad are immediately out of their seat to try and save her. One more cut to Morgana playing.]
Morgana: If there is someone out there who sees me,
Then you have to believe me,
And only then will I finally be free!
[ Cut to Morgana's fingers on the guitar. She starts playing so rapidly that electric sparks appear, running up and down her arm. The camera follows the lightning as it meets Morgana's eyes, then it shoots out and suddenly flies to the Dog-Face bully, Gosalyn is dropped - The Dog Face is slammed into the back wall, charred black and he slides down with eyes big and white. The electric current suddenly runs a circle around the confused, frightened family, taking out all of the seats. Then it stops, there stands Morgana, who looms down at Gosalyn. Close up of a panicked Gosalyn, who is worried she's somehow ruined the concert.
Cut to Morgana, who smiles after a beat. She then leans in to Gosalyn, singing again.]
Morgana: Danger's where I need to be, danger's all of me!
[ Cut to Gosalyn's face, her eyes literally sparkly. She suddenly runs to be alongside Morgana, the two of them dancing and singing together. The audience circles around them, cheering them on.]
Morgana/Gosalyn: Snuff out the light, don't try to make it right,
Danger is the only place where I can finally be free!
[ Cut to standing Drake and Launchpad. Launchpad still seems a bit nervous, but he relaxes and smiles. Drake's smile is a little goofier than normal, a hand to his heart. Seeing this woman defend and then play with Gosalyn is just shooting more Cupid's arrows. A quick cut to the band - Ghoulia, the cyclops, grumbles in annoyance. The others look equally displeased. Back to the singing and dancing. ]
Morgana/Gosalyn: Danger's where I need to be, danger's all of me,
Snuff out the light, don't try to make it right,
Danger is the only place where I can finally be free!
[ For the final lyrics, Morgana pulls away from Gosalyn. Seeing Launchpad, she pulls off a monster face, with claws, fangs, and forked tongue. He quietly yelps, and then Morgana is normal again, playfully shoving his shoulder. As she passes Drake, she stops to give him a once over, smirks, and drags a finger under his beak as she walks away. He leans in to the touch and falls over when it's over, with Launchpad quickly catching him and springing Drake back to his feet.
Morgana grabs the shoulders of two of the audience members. They give her a boost as she stands on their shoulders, belting out the song.]
Morgana: Gimmie the danger, I want the danger, I need the danger,
I love the danger!
I love the danger!
[ She laughs manically, and then falls backwards - dissolving into a flurry of bats. One of the bats flies into the screen, and when it flies away we're outside of the concert hall. The doors burst open, and the audience is exiting. Audience members are chatting to one another, Gosalyn is laughing and jumping a bit. Launchpad is normal. Drake is walking in a daze, smiling like an idiot and staring at nothing with half-lidded eyes.]
Gosalyn: KEEN GEAR! That was SO COOL! Didn't I tell you? I can't believe those special effects!
Launchpad: Yeah, a lot of that looked so real. Wasn't that something, Drake?
Drake: [only half-listening, voice a bit dream-like.]  That was... something... all right...
Gosalyn: I've GOT to get Morgana's autograph! Dad, can I borrow your electric razor so I can get my hair just like hers?
Drake: Yeah. Sure. Why not.
[ Drake is clearly in La-La-Land. Launchpad gives him a worried look. The conversation is interrupted by beeping from Gosalyn's watch. She looks down, and gasps.]
Gosalyn: Oh, shoot! I totally forgot about hockey practice! If we don't hoof it now, I'll be late, and Coach will never let me hear the end of it!
[ Gosalyn looks back and forth between one of the concert doors and her watch, clearly pained at having to choose between Morgana's autograph and hockey practice. This seems to snap Drake out of his stupor. He glances over at the door, then smiles at Gosalyn.]
Drake: Well, hey! I've still got time before I have to do my [ arm over his beak, a brief Darkwing pose.] nightly adventuring, [back to normal] so why doesn't Launchpad take you to practice while I get you an autograph?
Gosalyn: [eyes widen, surprised by the offer.]  Really? You mean it?
Drake: Sure I do! We in the entertainment industry know how to talk to each other. It'd be no problem.
Gosalyn: Oh my gosh! [She leaps up into Drake's arms, hugging him around the neck. He makes a little yelp, catching her, having not expected that.] Thanks a million!
[ A pause, as Gosalyn suddenly realizes what she's doing. They both blush and smile - the whole parent/daughter dynamic is still new to them, so this affection is surprising. She has a shy but sincere laugh, and Launchpad picks her up and puts her on his shoulder.]
Launchpad: We'll see you later, Drake! Oh, and we should probably call an ambulance for that guy in the wall. Bye!
[ He and Gosalyn wave off as they exit the scene, Drake waves back. Drake walks up to the door, pauses, then smooths down his shirt, then his head feathers, and then breathes in and out, trying to psyche himself up.]
Drake: I've got this. [a pause, then with more vigor.] I've got this!
[ He puffs out his chest, then opens the door, walking in. The camera doesn't follow him at first, but there's immediately the sound of him crashing into many musical instruments as he yelps. He doesn't got this.]
-end for now
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