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Hey guys! Blessed Be, Good evening once again, and Welcome to another post! Samhain is such a big time of year for witches, and even non-pagans alike in it's family-friendly Halloween Iteration. I don't need to go into the historical significance of the day, since I talked about that a little in the intro post. #Boxreview #tea #WitchesBroomCloset https://caffeineconjurings.com/witches-broom-closet-samhain-box/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CGleAqDnGRZ/?igshid=1latd2gjd2xq6
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Welcome to my @faecrate unboxing!!! After getting a few hangover kits, I wanted to get their anniversary box! Those are always exciting and are usually fantastic quality!!! 💜💜 Rating of this box: 🌟🌟🌟 I was a bit underwhelmed by the box. What I liked: 💜The tshirt was my favorite even though I havent finished Stalking Jack yet! It's really comfy! 💜 The pocket watch is beautiful!!! I'll probably share some photos of the book with it later as well! 💜The book is STUNNING!!! I love @elise.kova and I've been excited for this book! What I didnt like: 💜Literally everything else. Idk I wasnt thrilled about the snow globe. It was just there. I might consider another box in the future, but we shall see. 💜💜 #faecrate #faecrateunboxing #bookstagram #elisekova #amreading #bibliophile #booklover #bookaddict #bookporn #booksbooksbooks #goawayimreading #boxreview #fantasy #yabooks #yafantasy https://www.instagram.com/p/BwKRDdwntXA/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=j3rojh3jfud1
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SenseiBox February 2019 Box Review http://marijuanas.org/reviews/senseibox-february-2019-box-review/ #box #boxreview #monthlybox #i71 #rickskunk #local #monthlysubsription https://www.instagram.com/p/Buj3Xl1HC2G/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1r40yygre8ky6
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#DrapeFitInfluencer (influencerid) shares her Holiday Special Fit Box e...
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#presssample My review of the My Fashion Crate Premium/Plus Size box is live. This was the most disappointing box of the entire year for me. In my review I compare it to the not plus size box and how that box was curated whereas this box was just thrown together. @myfashioncrate #myfashioncrate #subscription #fashionsubscription #subscriptionbox #subscriptionreview #boxreview #subbox #flatlay #review #ramblingsofasubaddict #ontheblog https://www.instagram.com/p/BsCF7OYA6WE/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=6cyh6z9bpk8s
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Hello, hello! I’m back with a new blog post and it is my first ever unboxing post! A few days ago an owl carrying something huge arrived with the mail. I don’t really receive boxed packages, and when I do, it’s usually addressed to my parents from our relatives or something. But this mail was addressed to me and yes, it’s a box, which means I’ve officially received my first ever bookish box, and it is…
I won this box from a giveaway hosted by @babybibliophile on Instagram. I’m so thankful to the author and the publishing company, Stories Untold Press, as well. I remember entering several of D.E. Night’s Croswald giveaways so many months ago and it’s fun to think how lucky I am now!
Now. Back to the box. Well, all I can say about this box is that it’s magical. Literally magical. The contents are so awesome that without further ado, I’ll share them with you!
Box Design
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Processed with VSCO with hb2 preset
Wow. This box isn’t like your regular Owlcrate or Fairyloot box. But then again, it’s also not a subscription box. While your average book subscription boxes scream “PRETTY STUFF”, this box screams “MAGIC INSIDE, ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK.” Like seriously guys, the design makes it look like it’s made of wood! So pretty. Wanna know the contents? Well they are…
Crowns of Croswald print
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Processed with VSCO with hb2 preset
It’s purple AND pretty! It’s a field full of whimsical glowing flowery plants. And the girl, Ivy Lovely, is holding a cage. OMG IS THAT A DOMESTIC DRAGON?!?! I WANT ONE FOR CHRISTMAS!!! And at the back side is a cute little note.
Croswald Newspaper
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Processed with VSCO with hb2 preset
Newspapers have never been more magical. Who would have known that bookish newspapers would make lovely treasures? The news featured were so realistic that it seems like another world exists! A wonderful world, if I might add. The headlines and stories are so creative. Is there any way I could subscribe to the Scriven This newspaper? I don’t want to lose touch with the Croswald world just yet! I wonder what would happen if I swap this special newspaper to my Dad’s local one?
Glanagerie Bottle & Card
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Processed with VSCO with preset
First of all, you might wonder what a glanagerie is. Well it look like that sparkly potion thingy in the pictures. And guess what?! It freaking glows! It releases the prettiest bluish light and if you’re in a really dark place, it glows AND sparkles! How cool is that! I read the card and it actually serves a huge role in the book. Do you know how important the glanagerie is in the Croswald world? Well, I’m not gonna tell you, go read the book and find out for yourself!
Fun fact: The glanagerie is my favorite item from this box, aside from the book of course. Now I can do potion photoshoots.
And last but definitely not the least…
The Crowns of Croswald by D.E. Night
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Processed with VSCO with hb2 preset
Yay! This is a SIGNED COPY with an AUTHOR’S LETTER. Isn’t that awesome?! This book has one of the best covers ever. I cannot wait to read this book, sometime after I’ve partially conquered the Great Wall of TBRs. I say partially because I know I’m never going to be able to defeat it. Unless if I become the reader version of Flash.
Anyway, back to the book. Crowns of Croswald is the new fantasy sensation, and was published in 2017. It’s also D.E. Night’s first book. Here’s the synopsis:
Summary of items
Crowns of Croswald print
Croswald Newspaper
Glanagerie Bottle & Card
The Crowns of Croswald by D.E. Night
Over all, this was an amazing box! I had so much fun unboxing this and so much excitement waiting for it to arrive. The items inside are unique and never seen before. Well, except for the feeds of past receivers. And possibly Kreacher’s secret stash of pretty unboxing pictures. This is a great first for me. If I could rate this box, I’d give it a full five stars! Bonus points also go to the amazing team behind the Croswald world, the team that makes sure everyone gets a healthy dose of magic.
Before I sign off, let me share with you guys my Instagram. It’s filled to the brim with bookish photos that you’ll surely love. And also some dark magic hidden somewhere. If you’re interested, click the icon below and give me a follow!
Unboxing: The Crowns of Croswald Magical Box Hello, hello! I'm back with a new blog post and it is my first ever unboxing post!
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It's the best day ever! Your #Pretty-betes box is on the way!#shippingday !!! Ladies, watch your mailboxes and doorways in the next 2-3 days 💥😀💥 * * Please visit our tagged vendors of the #Decemberbox #diabeticgift #diabetes #diabadass #t1dlookslikeme #type2diabetes #t2d #t1d #selfcare #diabeticlife #beyondtype1 #subscriptionbox #subscriptionaddiction #hellosubscription #boxreview #type1diabetes
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@trademarktrader: BOXREVIEW is in the process of being trademarked by Pitney Bowes Inc. #BOXREVIEW $PBI $PBI-PB $BLK
BOXREVIEW is in the process of being trademarked by Pitney Bowes Inc. https://t.co/kD6iCjgJFu #BOXREVIEW $PBI $PBI-PB $BLK pic.twitter.com/DNVDMAJdLt
— trademark trader (@trademarktrader) February 4, 2022
from https://twitter.com/trademarktrader/status/1489665348743794688
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Great product, plant base and very tasty! You can add fruits and/or vegetables! You got to give it a try!!! I received this @BurtsBeesus product complimentary from @Influenster to test and review .. . . . #burstbee #DrinkItAllIn #contest #ad #resolutionvoxbox #influenstervoxbox #freeproducts #influencer #influenster #boxreviewer #productreviewer
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Love it! DuelLinksEnter3 We are now Live 🔴 with the Yu-Gi-Oh!Duel Links “Judgement Force” Box Review!!!! Join us at https://t.co/vMkJpiiASo and Be Entertained!!! #konami #duelinks #yugioh #yugiohduellinks #twitch #stream #streamer #meta #boxreview — *The Real* Duel Links …
Love it! DuelLinksEnter3 We are now Live 🔴 with the Yu-Gi-Oh!Duel Links “Judgement Force” Box Review!!!! Join us at https://t.co/vMkJpiiASo and Be Entertained!!! #konami #duelinks #yugioh #yugiohduellinks #twitch #stream #streamer #meta #boxreview — *The Real* Duel Links …
— ikikawi (@ikikawink) February 29, 2020
from Twitter https://twitter.com/ikikawink February 29, 2020 at 03:44AM via IFTTT
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New poky challenge! I tryed 😆 Win FREE JAPAN CANDY BOX! Watch my video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jS1-uwTEIX8&lc=Ugzb4r8-FXkkMymu2Hd4AaABAg #japansnacks #japancandybox #boxreview #japanesesnack #umaibo #poky #pokychallenge #unboxing #kawaiibox
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Did you know I found a new(ish)...well new to me Indie soap subscription? This is Skyline Soapworks Soap of the Month for June 2017! @skylinesoapworks #skylinesoapworks #soapofthemonth #subscription #soapsubscription #subscriptionbox #subscriptionreview #boxreview #subbox #flatlay #review #ramblingsofasubaddict #ontheblog #indiesdoitbetter #indiesubscription
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Unboxing: Fairyloot September 2016
It is time—fairyloot time!
This is my second book box from Fairyloot and I am super excited about it.
September’s theme was Magic and Mayhem! 😃
So… the items?
It was revealed beforehand that the box would contain an exclusive candle from Castle of Fables. There were three different candles, each representing one of the Grisha Orders.
And I got “Materialki”. 😃
– I have to admit: this…
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While running some errands snacking on this delicious protein bar by @DrinkOrgain I received this product complimentary on my#resolutionvoxbox from @Influenster .. . . . #OrgainProteinBars #orgainprotein #contest #ad #resolutionvoxbox #influenstervoxbox #influenster #boxreviewer #productreviewer #lovemakeup #bighairdontcare #curlyafro #kinkycurly #lovemyhair #afroboricua #afrolatinasrock #blacklatina #latinasbelike #latinanegra (at Winterpark, Orlando Fl)
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#referral I loved the April 2017 Fortune Cookie Soap of the Month Box! The theme was Shower! @fortunefreak #fortunecookiesoap #fcs #fcsofthemonth #fcsofthemonthclub1fcs #subscription #makeupsubscription #subscriptionbox #subscriptionreview #boxreview #subbox #flatlay #review #ramblingsofasubaddict #ontheblog
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#referral Check out the Spring Soap Box from Fortune Cookie Soap! They’ve since stopped putting these out, sad. —— @fortunefreak #fortunecookiesoap #fcs #fcssoapbox #bbloggers #bblogger #lbloggers #lblogger #subscription #makeupsubscription #subscriptionbox #subscriptionreview #boxreview #subbox #flatlay #review #ramblingsofasubaddict #ontheblog
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