#bowser au q&a
sketchedboba · 1 year
Hi! I saw your bowuigi au of the koopalings and I’m a lil curious- do you have any updates on their bios?
I'm assuming you mean personal bios (height, eye colors, scars, scale texture, etc.)
They're being worked on SLOWLY
Like as SLOW as you can imagine (I have a jo-)
Anyways, if you mean their upbringings, like egg location, type of Koopa, and/or confirmed parents, those are going to be in mini comics/ main comics. I don't want to give too much away.
Plus I gotta live, so it's been hard to set aside time to draw before I'm thrown into something else.
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I'm trying hard to rush my art process, but life is hectic rn.
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coffeecat1983 · 4 months
Wreck-It Ralph/Mario Bros AU: Hammers and Plungers preview.
What if after Wreck It Ralph, Felix didn't get together with Calhoun? What if our Fix-It fella had eyes for someone else? Someone who has eyes for him as well…
Fix-It Felix Jr let out a low sigh, sitting back on the bench and pulling his cap off. Game Central Station was surprisingly quiet. The arcade was closed for two weeks as Litwak left to visit family across the country. Most of the arcade's denizens were now relaxing back in their own games as it was getting close to four in the morning. Since the Arcade had announced it would be closed, they had been busier than usual as people came in to wish Litwak a safe trip and play games while they had the chance, and today was extra packed with one game after another. By the time it was done, Felix was more than ready for a break. He closed his eyes, relishing the quiet.
He didn't open his eyes when soft footsteps shuffled over but they shot open as a voice was heard. "Hey Felix." Felix jerked in surprise, dropping his hat. "M-Mario! H-Hey," he ran his gloved fingers through his hair, trying to sit up straight as he cleared his throat. "How um, w-what's got you out at this hour?" The red-clad plumber picked up the dropped hat, handing it back to him with a faint smile. "Wanted to relax, the Arcade's been so crazy lately. Can I…?" he glanced at the bench. Felix scooted over in a hurry. "S-Sure! Have a seat." he felt a familiar heat rising to his cheeks. Swallowing hard he forced the blush away and put his hat back on as the other man sat beside him. "So, your game's been busy too, huh?" Felix winced slightly, hissing to himself it was a stupid question. A low laugh broke him out of self-scolding. Mario's bright sapphire eyes shone in the lights of the station. "Yeah, I donno who had more players, my game or Sugar Rush!" he laughed again. "I gotta ask Vanellope if she kept track of how many players came by."
He glanced at Felix. "How about you? You an' Ralph hangin' in there?" "It's been busy but Ralph, oh man, he's a trooper! And Q-Bert and the others have been really helping out." "I think it's really great you helped take them all in like that." Mario said. "I know we're called 'heroes' in our games but what you did? That's a real hero to me." Felix didn't catch it but Mario couldn't look him in the eyes while he spoke, he was hiding a blush of his own.
A little ways away, a large figure bit into a cherry and chewed slowly. "You think those two will ever figure it out?" Ralph asked around his mouthful. Vanellope scoffed from beside him. "Oh please, they're both thicker than the bricks Felix uses in your game!" she laughed. A snort that brought with it hot air was followed by thudding footsteps. Bowser joined them, folding his scaly arms. "Gloves over boots for each other and neither one can see it. Lovesick idiots." he rumbled. "Just 'cause Mario's supposed to be Peach's hero and Fix-It Felix is the noble young man, they can't see past that."
Ralph and Vanellope considered the Koopa King's words.
(That's in for now! I wholly blame this post by @skronklpus for this. And I'm definitely looking forward to expanding this story!)
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greyennui · 1 year
Q&A for Anger is but Passion Borne of Love
@waterho-writes and I can still hardly believe how much love and support we've gotten on this Bowuigi fic, so we want to thank y'all for sticking around on this journey! We're only about halfway through the story, and we can't wait for y'all to read the rest.
Below the cut is the Q&A with all your questions. Enjoy!
Q: Did Mario and Luigi come from Earth like in canon or have they always been in the fantasy world?
It’s a passing mention in Chapter 1, but Mario and Luigi grew up in an orphanage that still sends them a monthly stipend (allowance). They’ve always been a part of this Regency-era Mushroom Kingdom, but are still outcasts in a way.
Q: Is Luigi allergic to flowers?
Not all flowers, just the really pollen-y and smelly ones (like lilies).
Q: How tall are Luigi and Bowser?
Luigi is 5’8” (~172cm) and Bowser is 6’4” (~193cm) For a visual reference:
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Q: What happened at the trial?
Keep reading to find out!
Q: Are we gonna get Bowuigi smut??
Waterho: There will absolutely be smut. GreyEnnuigi can only stop me for so long. 😈 GreyEnnuigi: Don’t worry; the Explicit Sexual Content and Dom/sub tags are not just for show (and note that we did not add the Rape/Non-con archive warning). Consensual spicy times will come! And so will Bowser and Luigi!
Q: Could you give a summary of the smut in the chapter notes if it’s plot-relevant?
The smut will be plot-relevant at some points, so we can definitely do this.
Q: Will Luigi get his own emotional support animal for his anxiety (like Polterpup)?
Waterho: Does Bowser count as an emotional support animal? GreyEnnuigi: We haven’t planned for a Polterpup in this story, as there’s already a fair bit going on plotwise. Putting a dog into the mix might well and truly throw us off the rails. ;)
Q: Will Luigi be able to overcome his anxiety? I want to see Luigi put someone in their place after they insulted him.
Luigi actually does this during the announcement dinner in Chapter 8 in this exchange with Lord Booking: Lord Booking paled a bit, his mouth turning into a slight frown. “Indeed. Such a delicate flower must be hidden away, for exposure to that world would surely wither it.” […] [Luigi] straightened himself up, still holding Lord Koopa’s hand open in both of his own, then addressed Lord Booking directly: “Some flowers may thrive in the shade and wilt in the sun, but it does not make them any less a part of this world, Lord Booking.” Lord Booking is implying that Bowser is hiding Luigi away because he’s a commoner in a noble’s world and can’t handle the change. Luigi’s response is essentially, “Yeah, I’m a commoner and I’ve lived my life differently, but that doesn’t mean I don’t belong here.” Don’t worry, we like character growth in this house. ;) GreyEnnuigi: On the same sort of subject, if you ever have questions about the fancy Regency language, don’t be afraid to ask! It’s very flowery and can be complicated, especially if English isn’t your first language. I’d be happy to “translate” any passages for you into modern English.
Q: Is there going to be a good or bad ending?
There is going to be a happy ending! This is a fairytale retelling, after all. ;)
Q: You started this fic as a joke, but now it’s not a joke anymore. How did that conversation happen?
A few things to note before we answer this: 1. GreyEnnuigi has wanted to write a Regency AU for a while. 2. We saw the Mario movie together and started reading Bowuigi fics because we couldn’t get enough. 3. We noticed that a lot of Bowuigi fics had a Beauty and the Beast theme. With that out of the way, here’s the transcript of how that conversation played out over text messages: 22:48 Waterho Ok hear me out 22:49 Waterho Bowuigi Beauty and the beast set in a regency setting 22:49 GreyEnnuigi omg wait haha 22:49 GreyEnnuigi but like 22:49 GreyEnnuigi is Bowser still koopa 22:50 GreyEnnuigi or is he big beefcake human 22:50 Waterho Big beefcake human obviously 22:50 GreyEnnuigi excellent 22:51 Waterho The more I fall down the bowuigi hole, the more I feel like I gotta try my hand at it lmao 22:51 Waterho That movie changed me [sparkles emoji] 22:51 GreyEnnuigi bro the URGE i have had this week 22:51 GreyEnnuigi it's undeniable 22:51 Waterho Why are we like this 22:52 GreyEnnuigi i prefer not to ask questions like that 22:52 GreyEnnuigi BUT LISTEN 22:52 Waterho This was a children’s movie why did they have to make The Scene so spicy 22:52 GreyEnnuigi if you can give me plot and conflict and incidents 22:52 Waterho Listening 22:52 GreyEnnuigi i will write that shit 22:53 GreyEnnuigi i have too many plots I'm thinking about rn but if you can give me an outline I'll do the rest [relieved face emoji] 23:04 Waterho [drops a 5-paragraph summary of the first chapter and main plot points] 23:04 GreyEnnuigi omg that was quick 23:04 GreyEnnuigi okay I'm reading 23:06 GreyEnnuigi eheheh yes I like this 23:06 Waterho Excellent After that conversation we kept feeding each other ideas and plot points and then GreyEnnuigi was writing it and Waterho kept coming up with more scenes and now here we are.
Q: What is it like making a chapter for this fic?
Waterho: basically, I supply the maladaptive daydreaming, and GreyEnnuigi supplies the prose and structure. Then we add it up and try to create a somewhat cohesive narrative. Many of our conversations these days start with “ok listen….” GreyEnnuigi: We have the overall plot planned out and most of it outlined, so we already know what main plot events we want to happen in each chapter. After that it’s a matter of filling the rest of the chapter by fleshing out the characters, doing a bit of worldbuilding, and making sure we’re progressing all the relationships properly. This usually happens with Waterho proposing a specific scenario, then we ask ourselves how this and that character would react and does that fit with the plot, and then we agree on how the situation unfolds. Then I write it all out, Waterho tries to convince me to add fluff and smut too early, I rein it back in and write something more subtle, and then we review, edit, and post. Here’s an example of this sort of back-and-forth from our chat transcript: 23:00 GreyEnnuigi thinking I'm gonna start chapter 3 with Kamek confronting Bowser about Luigi, but what else should happen in ch 3 after that 23:00 Waterho Let’s see the part where bowser [redacted for spoiler reasons] 23:01 GreyEnnuigi ooh so soon?? 23:02 Waterho If we want to draw it out more we could push that part off 23:02 GreyEnnuigi i just don't want Bowser to be too soft at the beginning 23:02 GreyEnnuigi Luigi needs to wear him down first lol 23:02 Waterho Fair enough
Q: Is this fic definitely going to have 20 chapters?
With what we currently have planned and outlined, 20 chapters is our best estimate for how long the story will be. It’s very possible this will change, and if it does, it’s more likely that we’ll end up with more than 20 chapters as opposed to less.
Q: Is there a schedule for uploading chapters?
We don’t currently have a schedule and we’re just posting the chapters as we finish them. That being said, we’ve been on a pace of about 1 chapter every other day. That could definitely change, though, so don’t expect us to stick to that.
Q: In this world hetero is not seen as the default. Did you write it this way because you didn’t want to focus on the homosexuality topic but more on the Bowser/Luigi ship itself?
Short answer: Yes. Long answer: The concept of homosexuality being accepted in this AU came about as we were discussing the reason Bowser would accept Luigi in exchange for Peach as a spouse. If we were to follow realistic Regency-era ideologies, then it would be extremely unlikely for Bowser to take Luigi as a spouse as he is (i.e. a cis man). We wanted to follow the Beauty and the Beast storyline, which at its core is our protagonist falling in love with someone who is widely regarded as unlovable. It wouldn’t have made sense to include homophobia in the plot, and that wasn’t the story we wanted to tell. Also, the beauty of fiction is that we can make our own rules and do whatever the hell we want with it, so we did!
Q: Who’s who??
Luis Walbright: Waluigi Thomas Kamek: Kamek Kammy Magis: Kammy George Morton: Morton (Koopaling) Lemarcus Swift: Lemmy (Koopaling) Laurence Ripley: Larry (Koopaling) Lord William Booking: King Boo Ellord Elvin Booking: Professor E. Gadd Lady Daisy Sarasa: Daisy Ellady Rosalina Sarasa: Rosalina Lord Henry Toadsworth: Toadsworth Ellady Etta Toadsworth: Toadette Lady Birdie Pirah: Birdo Ellord Peter Pirah: Petey Piranha John Tannock (tailor): Tanuki (maker of Tanuki suits) Lord Robert Ombler: King Bob-Omb Ellady Sylvia Ombler: Sylvia (Paper Mario: TTYD) Lord Lionel & Ellady Catherine Graham: GreyEnnuigi made these up, but their names are basically animal crackers (Lion & Kitty + Graham) for no reason other than it amused them Ignatius Hopper: Iggy (Koopaling) Wendy Carter: Wendy (Koopaling) Gustav Ember: Goomba (general, no specific character) (note: Waterho still maintains that the Goomba should have been named Barry Ragoon) (note: GreyEnnuigi still maintains that it's best if GreyEnnuigi remains in charge of naming the characters in this fic)
Q: If we were to make fanart for this fic, where should we tag y’all to let you know?
We would be honored if you wanted to make fan art for our fic! If you do, tag @greyennui and @waterho-writes on Tumblr, and you can also use the fic’s tag #Anger is but Passion Borne of Love
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gorlygorlx3 · 5 months
Skullgirls Color Palettes
What I mean by this:
In Skullgirls…well Skullgirls Mobile but Skullgirls the Video Game as well , each character has a specific color palette that references a character from another franchise, which can be really cool if you figure it out!
Moonstruck <= Sailor Moon
Ogre Achiever <= Shrek
Harlequin <= Harley Quinn
Megalomaniac  <= Sans
Indomitable <= Makima
And that’s just a couple. There’s hundreds of more and all of them are great. So here’s all of mine.
(Reminder: This’ll go under the Guilty Gear/Soul Calibur Video Game AU, meaning that Sun & Moon are together as one.)
Loving Light (Original Colors)
Glamorous Benediction (Glamrock Freddy Colors)
Hell's Bells (Sammy Lawrence from Bendy and the Ink Machine)
Dubious Duplicate (Double from Skullgirls)
​​​​​Unstoppable Apostle (Pit from Kid Icarus)
Judge & Jury (Judge Frollo from Hunchback of Notre Dame)
Bishop, Skip, and Jump (The Bishop from Cuphead)
Ursa Minor (Gregory from Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach)
Martyr Matters (Marth from Fire Emblem)
Chosen Sheperd (The Lamb from Cult of The Lamb)
Bluebells (Bonnie from Five Nights at Freddy's)
 Rockette (Original Colors)
Holy Matrimony (Elphelt Valentine from Guilty Gear)
Maze Runner (Glamrock Chica Colors)
Pixie Cut (Filia from Skullgirls)
​​​​​Guns 'n Daisies (Daisy from Super Mario)
Throwback Thursday (Toy Chica from Five Nights at Freddy's 2)
Hidden Gems (Jem from Jem and the Holograms)
Iridescent Princess (Pearl from Splatoon 2)
Heartbreaker (Amy Rose from Sonic the Hedgehog)
Key Change (Sakura from Street Fighter)
Vandalized (Kimberly from Street Fighter)
Rolled Sleeves (Asuka from Tekken)
Starlet (Karen Aijo from Revue Starlight)
Bayou Blues (Original Colors)
Caught Dead (Arthur Morgan from Red Dead Redemption)
Whistleblower (Louis from Princess and the Frog)
Sin-phony (Big Band from Skullgirls)
Leatherback (Montgomery Gator Colors)
Six Shells (Cassidy from Overwatch)
Nocture Crusader (Darkwing Duck from Darkwing Duck)
Bonechillin' Villain (Happy Chaos from Guilty Gear)
Jackpot (Dante from Devil May Cry)
Fiddle Di Die (Esther Winchester from Cuphead)
Rabbit's Foot (Glamrock Bonnie from Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach Ruin)
Blaze of Glory (Bowser from Super Mario)
Masked Motives (Zorro from Zorro)
Dimmed Lights (Original Colors)
Winning Smile (Roxanne Wolf Colors)
Platinum Grace (Lili from Tekken)
Toxicity (Poison from Street Fighter)
Number One (Cassie from Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach Ruin)
Eyes Up (Alice Angel from Bendy and the Ink Machine)
Vicious Vixen (Foxy from Five Nights at Freddy's)
Plucked Heartstrings (I-NO from Guilty Gear)
Black Thorns (Black Dahlia from Skullgirls)
Thick Water (Eliza from Skullgirls)
Hedonia (Anna Williams from Tekken)
Femme Fatality (Mehira from AFK Arena)
Poised Poison (Evil Queen from Snow White)
Gentlemen Preffered (Marilyn Monroe from Gentlemen Prefer Blonds)
Bat Burglar (Rouge the Bat from Sonic the Hedgehog)
Sun & Moon
Opposite Attracted (Original Colors)
Goose Chase (Banjo & Kazooie from Banjo-Kazooie)
Q&A (Answer from Guilty Gear)
Tethered Forever (A.B.A from Guilty Gear)
Lucky Shriek (Blanc & Noir from GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE)
Kill the Lights (Sunnydrop & Moondrop Colors)
Viral Infection (Eddie Brock & Venom from Venom)
Otherside (Dr Facilier from Princess and the Frog)
Friendly Neighbor (Satsuki Kusakabe & Totoro from My Neighbor Totoro)
High Spirits (Chihiro & No Face from Spirited Away)
Equinox (Zato-1 from Guilty Gear)
Snake Eyes (King Dice & The Devil from Cuphead)
Radio Silent (Alastor from Hazbin Hotel)
Restless Nights (Bedman & Delilah from Guilty Gear)
Cartoon Violence (Henry Stein & the Ink Demon from Bendy and the Ink Machine)
Boom Boxer (Original Colors)
Nothing But Neon (Banjo & Kazooie from Banjo-Kazooie)
Java Blast (Azucena from Tekken)
Mic Drop (Volume from GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE)
Bad & Boozy (Spider Mobster from Cuphead)
Classically Trained (Music Man from Five Nights at Freddy's: Pizza Simulator)
Feline Groovy (Ms. Fortune from Skullgirls)
Lucky Feet (Lucky Chloe from Tekken)
Dance Battler (Dee Jay from Street Fighter)
 Off The Rails (Choo Choo Charles from Choo Choo Charles)
Spilled Tea (Muffet from Undertale)
Sonic Synergy: (Lucio from Overwatch)
Tidal Wave (Big Man from Splatoon)
Crimson Cunning (Original Colors)
Checkered Flag (Roxanne Wolf from Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach)
Rushin' Roulette (Johnny from Guilty Gear)
Hell & Highwater (Captain Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean)
Twin-Tailed Terror (Miles "Tails" Prower from Sonic the Hedgehog)
Tempest (Mast from GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE) 
 Swimming with Fishes (Rottytops from Shantae)
Pillage Plundered (Captain Hook from Peter Pan)
Stormy Weather (Umbrella from Skullgirls)
 Anchor Clanker (Popeye the Sailorman from Popeye the Sailorman)
Barnacle Boomer (Cap'n' Cuttlefish from Splatoon)
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gaminggadgets · 6 years
Super Mario Bros.
Wenn Ratten Super Mario Bros. spielen...sieht das genau so aus!
Was hat Ex-Klempner Mario mit Ratten am Hut? Eigentlich nicht allzu viel. Aber in diesem selbstgebauten Labyrinth muss Bowser nicht Angst vor dem Nintendo-Helden, sondern vor dem Krabbeltierchen haben.
Der Youtuber The Q ist kein gemeiner Mensch, der Ratten in Käfige sperrt. Nein, ganz im Gegenteil. Er baute sehr aufwändig ein amüsantes Labyrinth zum Erkunden und Herumlaufen für sein Haustier.…
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sketchedboba · 1 year
I get some people raise an eyebrow on how you write Bowser in this au but can I just say hes gotta be one of my favorite Bowsers out there!! ❤
Like no shade to other Bowsers but he's such an interesting and complex character to me I want to learn more about him in this au!
Like it's strange & interesting to me how he can neglect to raise his own imperfect creations yet be willing to take in other imperfect & abandoned koopalings, It makes me wonder about whether it was him being naive to parenthood in his younger years as well as seeing his own imperfections in them.
I actually like him doing poorly at being a parent the first time around but doing great with most of the next set of kids since these things do happen in life and it makes me want to know more about his relationships with not only his kids but their relationships with each other and how it effects everyone, like I'm curious about Bowser's mindset and what he regrets in his life and if he ever considers trying to mend broken family relationships with his older kids, I'm also very curious about how Luigi handles this info and if he calls him out on some things later on when he kinda has the right to do so as a queen and step parent
Im a huge fan but also super shy so sorry for this being anon but your story leaves me with questions and cravings for more it's so good and not just black & white keep up the great work!❤
After reading all of this, thank you 💚
I don't dislike other Bowser interpretations (heck I envy how simple or even more complex others make his character). However thank you!
I've also shared a few times that just because I've written a morally grey or black character, doesn't mean they're terrible overall or stay that way. It gets frustrating having to explain this over and over again especially when the version in my au gets compared to someone's personal version of him or another au. I have nothing against either.
Anygays, what a rant- moving on 😭
I'll reveal more on the Koopa Kids in the next post and I'm excited to share more of their personalities. 🎉 Surprise 🎉 they were the ones the new animatic is going to be about. It'll flesh out their lives a bit more.
As for Luigi's response, there's a comic planned for the confrontation so I won't spoil much outside of that. Just know it gets pretty messy.
Also for anyone doing the math, yes, Bowser wanted an heir at the age of 16, he was royalty AND the only other large koopa species. Kamek is a nice father figure, but he wanted company he could tend to. He was also naive in thinking about how fatherhood worked and Kamek spoiled him, so no wasn't really an answer he would take.
I genuinely found canon Bowser's treatment of different types of the younger koopalings over the years interesting. He praises Junior a lot and most of the others are an after thought (just like how Nintendo treats them...)
I know 10 is a lot of children for him (I've been told this before), but he's 34 almost 35 in my au. He has most definitely will and has fucked up whether it be with his children or his relationships with others.
It's good to know that there are people invested in the au though and don't worry about being anon 😌 I appreciate the support n luv ♥️
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Here are these two goofs eating spaghetti. 🧡
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sketchedboba · 1 year
Will Luigi snap at Bowser on accident and realize bowsers a delusional masochist?
HA! Mere mortals..(/J) I've planted this as far back as Chapter 2-
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Kamek interpreted his tail swishing as anger and Bowser was only mad about Luigi still not really respecting him after HE injured Luigi. (Invoking fear)
His masochism comes out a bit and to silence it he wants Luigi to fear him, not the other way around. Either way, Luigi was too upset here then was put to sleep so he didn't notice or care about Bowser's reaction.
He'd definitely snap, but probably wouldn't notice, since Bowser isn't too keen on showing that side of himself yet.
Despite it being glaringly obvious when Princess Peach rejects or insults him.
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sketchedboba · 1 year
So it's mostly on Tumblr (and sitting in my laptop)
The tag #a green queen bowuigi fanfic is mainly where the chapters are as well as a few short side stories. All the other tags are standard.
#a green queen q&a are for stuff like anonymous questions (like this one) or requests.
The other tags related to this are standard and the general one is simple #a green queen au It holds all art, concepts, updates, and announcements.
Posters, spreadsheets for characters, and backgrounds are being made for major events or simple stuff that have happened in the chapters.
I'm glad more people are coming across it 🤭 and I'm glad you think it looks cool!
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sketchedboba · 1 year
I'm sorry but is that a hole in Luigi's arm!!!???
Yup, sorta! It's an indented scar on his right arm. He didn't dislocate anything but who knows if his bones have a scar or not.
These drawings are simple clothing sheets for my fanfic, so it's easier for me to draw him into backgrounds when I'm doing digital paintings.
(lil spoilers)
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He got it from Bowser and lost a lot of blood, but he's doing ok!
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He's got quite the array of scars...maybe more will be added 🤭 we'll see.
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sketchedboba · 1 year
Do you plan on posting A Green Queen on Ao3 in the future too? While it's not hard to read it on Tumblr it'd be nice to bookmark or more easily reread chapters instead of scrolling through the tags to find certain ones
I've considered it before, since I do use a browser to read some bowuigi fanfics on AO3.
I might post it there when this fanfic reaches its halfway mark, it's not guaranteed tho. I've also considered Wattpad, but I don't wanna reopen my account there 🥲. I've just been hesitant about Ao3, despite not hearing anything terrible about it outside of it crashing like a week ago? (Idk the full story)
What I also wanted to do was eventually turn this into a comic, but I won't post it here since it's hard to read comics here if you're just starting.
I tried to create a unique tag for the au, but I definitely get what you're saying about having to look for certain chapters.
For now, nope, but I'll announce in the future when/if I do move everything to Ao3
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