Munday writing stuff: 9, 10, 13
9. Something you don’t like reading in writing (i.e. vulgar language, long winded descriptions, etc.)
Cheating. Like I get it happens, I’m not a child, but any media, doesn’t have to just be books, it just makes me wrinkle my nose and stomach turn. And I get it’s going to be in media, but I just don’t like how a lot of media romanticizes it. That part really bothers me. If it were portrayed a major betrayal of trust and shit? Less bothering. When it’s supposed to somehow endear me to these characters or their relationship? Ew. No.
10. Something that bothers you to read in RP specifically?
Explicit non-con. If people want to write this, that is their prerogative, I don’t fucking care, it’s fiction. But reading it being written opposite me, nope, can’t do that. Smacks too much of shit I’ve been through and I don’t like the effort I have to put in for separation.
13.  Some subjects that are often written with inaccuracies that bother you  (how to perform CPR, how to shoot a bow, survival strategies, etc)?
LMAO- all of them. If I have a basic understanding of something that’s not difficult to research, and then I see it written horribly wrong (I’m not talking like a slight oops, I’m talking about you just told on yourself that you have no idea wtf you’re talking about), it rubs me wrong and just pulls me out of it. My suspension of disbelief is very functional, but I need even sci-fi and fantasy to fake logic their science to me, people. But some of the ones that are the most...heinous of inaccuracies imo to cross my dash-
animal behavior (dogs and wolves in particular are just...oof)
child development and behavior
bleeding out
effects different drugs have on the system
pregnancy/birth physiology and everything else surrounding it (ie the doctor jekyll mister hyde thing, or the myth that if you’re not waited on hand and foot you’re being abused, or the I have a free pass to be a raging cunt because I’m pregnant mentality)
sex...holy shit, just why (no you cannot run in dry, no your tongue isn’t that long, no you can’t reach there, no lube is not food, no there’s this thing called a refractory period, no no no no no no no)
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🍋 - Does your muse complain about things to you? If so, what?
munday meme | no longer accepting
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::ooc:: He rarely does! He mostly asks me if the things I’m writing ( specially when answering Sinday asks ) are ooc or not and why, most of the time, his dissuasion works lol
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normallyxstrange · 4 years
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@bourbonstreetdevil​ sent:  ⏳ (For Andy bc I'm not too familiar with your characters but "Badass witch" seems cool)
For every “⏳” I receive, my muse will openly talk about a bit of their backstory
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     “We moved around a lot when I was a kid. We had to. After Dad died” --was murdered, she thought bitterly-- “the Hallowed Circle Coven had it out for us. Or me, actually. They wanted me to join their ranks, and they weren’t above murder and kidnapping to get me there.” Though, Victor Foster had betrayed them and for that he was murdered, but they tried to take Andy in that same confused, chaotic night. She would forever associate the two things with one another. 
      “So, Mom and Mason and Celeste--the High Priestess of our coven then--put together every ward, spell, protection, and kept us hidden from them. We couldn’t stay in one place for too long. It was too risky. So we’d move, put up all new wards, stay there a few months, then move again. I’ve lived in places all over the world.”
     Andy sighed heavily and the smile she wore was tinged with sadness. “I don’t remember much about the places, just the whole ‘living-in-fear’ thing and trying to shake off the trauma of watching my father die.” Therapy was almost a constant thing in her life then, and so many of her memories from that time were of Celeste and all those sessions. “Made sense that’d be when my seer powers would manifest too. I swear, so many of those years just blurred together. Rough as hell. All downs and no ups.” 
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leaguexofxherxown · 5 years
Remy & Rogue thread with @bourbonstreetdevil​, continued from here.
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“Well...hello yourself, handsome.” Her southern accent chimed as she tilted his head up and away from his book. “Whacha reading?” Rogue slid into his lap with ease, placing a brief, chaste kiss to his forehead as she did so.
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Put “🤞” in my askbox, and I will tell you how my muse feels about your museSpecify character if multimuse | accepting
“I must admit I kept my distance for a while. I didn’t know what to think about you at first however you’re the friend I’ve never thought I could have. Despite being so different we get along wonderfully and I admire how much you love and respect my sister Rogue, You’re a dear friend to me and I’m glad I have met you.” 
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symbioteburnout · 4 years
-||[ MEME ]||-
8. Talk to a teddy bear about all of your problems.
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“...Is this a joke?” Andi looked at the plush in Gambit’s hands, the way he was just holding the toy out to her like that with a straight look on his face.
She’d been hanging around the X-men school for a while, spending most of her time with Jubilee and Laura and Gabby, along with the occasional visit to Ororo’s greenhouse. They’d begun including her on a number of things, classes, school activities, but, apparently she needed counseling too.
Really, if she went to any actual Shrink with her problems, they’d probably press charges over the baggage Andi was carrying.
She didn’t think Gambit was the school’s psychiatrist, really, she thought that role was more for Xavier or one of the other telepaths, hell, even Beast seemed more qualified. But here she was, sat down in the recroom, across from Gambit, with a teddy bear being placed on her lap.
“So I just talk to this thing, right?”
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gods-own-xman · 5 years
Past Visiting Hours| Closed
(cont. from x) @bourbonstreetdevil
Ororo places a soft, but firm hand again Remy’s chest, prompting him to stay lying down. 
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“Making sure you don’t die, Gambit,” she answered, attempting to keep the curtness and disappointment in her voice to a minimum. 
How many times had she offered her help? How many times? How many times must he not ask for help and nearly get himself killed? How many times was she there to pick up the pieces? Yet, she attempted to keep her anger and frustration from festering.
“How are you feeling?”
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the-mjolnir-owner · 5 years
Cerulean: What’s your biggest turn-off?
50 shades of blue! Send a colour to ask something sexual@bourbonstreetdevil
Cerulean: What’s your biggest turn-off? “Uncertainty. I want people to want me and vice versa.” 
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badmusesarch · 5 years
@bourbonstreetdevil sent:  (For the nsfw hour meme for Belladonna because I guess it be like that) "Soooo Belle... We never exactly did much, so I'm curious. We both kinky little shits? Or is it just me?" (Que the mun facepalming at this moron) meme
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🗡 -- “What exactly prompted this?” She eyed her ex-husband, not sure where he came from or where he was going with it. “My sex life has nothin’ to do with ya anymore, cher.” 
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brooklynislandgirl · 5 years
Fig: Something my muse sees as forbidden but still desires
Fruit Basket || Accepting
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“Remy Lebeau,” she drawls...her own dialect suspiciously similar to his, and she flashes him a particular kind of look. “I am one of da las’ true innocentes in dis world. An’ I have no idea wha’ ya could possibly mean. But if ya wan be one bon homme, you might point me in da direction of dese....forbidden t’ings.”
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@bourbonstreetdevil​ sent:  💕 for Rogue. I'm thinking younger back when he was still kinda new to the X-Men and falling head over heels for this woman.
Valentine’s Day RP Meme
send  💕   to ask my muse out on a date
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     The idea was appealing, she couldn’t deny that it did hold appeal for her. It was something she had thought about, with him in particular even, it was just the idea of doing anything that might prove to be a compromising situation...
     “Ah dunno. Ya ain’t gonna get much outta it,” she said with a wry smile, rolling her fingers on the cover of her book, leather clad finger tips barely making muffled taps against the hard cardboard. Finally Rogue looked up from having been worrying her lip between her teeth as she tried to figure out how awful of her it would be to say yes.
     “Where at? Ah wouldn’t wanna be doin’ nothin’ crowded, for obvious reasons. But...Ah guess it could be fun if’n ya just want me t’be there lookin’ pretty,” she halfway agreed with a shrug.
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What's your favorite thing to write about when it comes to Kurt? (I see no point in being on anon bc I'm gonna reblog it anyway lmao)
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::ooc:: he makes me feel better! Also, I get to be in his head for a bit. I guess this is a better explanation than just say “everything” but, I don’t really have an expecific hehe
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daedaluscried · 5 years
☂ for a confused, delusional text message (For Cy!)
[text to: ???]: What the fuck?! What the fuck is this? Who the fuck are you?!
[text to: ???]: FUCK
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dailybugle · 5 years
I've met some folks who don't need a mask to go unrecognized. What's your opinion on them?
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“It depends on how they handle the responsibility for their actions. Do they hide like Spider-Man or are they open on it?”
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leaguexofxherxown · 5 years
Gambit and Rogue thread with @bourbonstreetdevil, as discussed.
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Crisp Autumn mornings were her favourite, made all the better by the balcony on their bedroom. Of course the pair had been lucky enough to score one of the best rooms at the mansion. Standing out in the cool air, Rogue sighed. Wrapping her arms around herself, the oversized t-shirt she had grabbed from the floor hiked up her legs. This was a life she could get used to.
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bourbonstreetdevil replied to your post ““So, Remy is afraid of puppets. Iiiiiinteressant.” ”
"What are you plannin, vous merde litle"
“What makes you think I´m planning something?”
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