#boulevard st. denis
kleinefreiheiten · 2 years
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1991 Paris
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geritsel · 10 months
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Tavík František Šimon - Paris, Boulevard St. Denis in the Evening, 1916.
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verdemoun · 2 months
The non-warpers.
Mary-Beth Gaskill is regarded as one of the greatest female writers to exist, up there with Shelley and Austen. In the foreword of her best novel, she writes: “to Kieran.”
Orville Swanson’s annotations and teachings of the Bible are so influential; his attitudes towards different ways of life cause drastic positive change to how Christians act towards those of different cultures.
On what is now the main street of a large town Rhodes, a supermarket stands, modern as any other. Behind the till, Johnathan Pearson smiles at a now faded photo of eight people around a wagon, his grandfather Simon in the front seat.
Tilly Pierre dies of natural causes in her sleep, next to her snoring husband in the largest house in Saint Denis.
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Mary-Beth absolutely is up there with Shelley and Austen, which means all the school aged babies come home complaining at least once about having to read her books. The whole gang scold them for whining only to pretty much do the homework for them because they all love her novels - many of which are basically her own take on fit-it aus.
The Lady of The Manor, for example, reads as a beautiful tale of love between Susan Grade and David Vincent fleeing police inspector Mellon to the islands with her niece and Mr Vincent's apprentice, only for Ms Grade to realize the curse David Vincent claimed to be under (that compelled him to commit increasingly heinous acts) was a complete fabrication. She banished him to isolation on his precious islands while raising her niece and the highwayman's apprentice as her own children in the new world.
Mary-Beth's dedications would never mention names for the sake of protecting her past as a VDL, but the gang suspected many were to them. One of the more obvious ones was a novel titled Strawberry Roan, which was dedicated 'to the one who helped me realise I could be happy without being in my head somewhere else'. Strawberry Roan reads much more like Mary-Beth writing a 'how to look after horses for dummies' as she learned to look after the horses the gang left behind, except for a slow burning love affair between protagonist Marie and a charming stable boy who is tragically forced to flee the estate to avoid being drafted and no doubt killed in a fictional war.
Orville Swanson was such a charitable and revered member of the community he not only accidentally founded a whole new branch of Catholicism based on his annotated bible, but remembered as a significant figure in recent American history. The gang still randomly find his likeness on commemorative coins in their loose change (and usually keep them).
While his church was accidentally destroyed in a fire several years after his death, a garden was planted on the site in his honor and memory. It's a major tourist attraction featuring Orville's Fountain, with wishing coins thrown in collected for donation to non-for-profits and community services that support at-risk teenagers.
His legacy shows everywhere in modern era America. Arthur one day got really lost in modern era Blackwater and needed to call the gang to come get him - only to find himself standing on the corner of Orville St and Swanson Boulevard.
Counter-claim Pearson lived long enough to see other grocery stores start to pop up in Rhodes as it became a bustling town and was afraid his little local store would be out-competed. Before he passed away he significantly expanded the local produce range of his store. By the time his grandson inherited it, it had become one of the best local delicatessen + sandwich shop in Rhodes and is often featured in top 50 places to eat at in America. Johnathan is also going to be featured later yoinking that character.
Not only is a photo of the gang, as passed down for generations, still proudly displayed (well, a slightly sharpened copy of the original photo, which is now kept in secure storage to protect it from UV), but his grandfather's treasured compass. It is a small shrine to his grandfather's legacy both before, during and after the VDLs: copies of his navy enlistment and honorable discharge forms, newspaper articles featuring photos of a post-canon older Pearson receiving awards for both his store, and having the best damn stew at the local fair.
Tilly Pierre lived a long and truly fulfilled life. She never knew discomfort. She found a man who loved her, and worshipped her for who she was and had always been. She saw her oldest daughter go off to marry a wonderful man who loved his mother-in-law as much as he feared her and would always treat her daughter right. She helped her youngest girl fight for the right for an education, and go on to a remarkable career. She raised sons that would never know the perils of turning to crime to survive, or fear where they would sleep that night. She died peacefully, in a bed more warm and comfortable than she could ever have dreamed of knowing in 1899, knowing every day of her life she was loved.
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empirearchives · 2 months
Washington Allston and Paris of 1803
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Washington Allston: Self Portrait, 1805
Allston was an American artist and poet who traveled to France in 1803 and lived in Europe until 1818.
The Paris to which Allston and Vanderlyn came in November of the year 1803 was not the Paris which the modern world knows. The beautiful city painted by the Impressionists so often that the whole world is familiar with its charm and cheerful elegance is the creation of Baron Haussmann and the second half of the nineteenth century. The Paris of 1803 was very different both in outward aspect and in its spirit. It had not yet become the great pleasure city of the modern world. Outwardly it was small and rather more medieval than modern in appearance. The traveler from Holland and the north, approaching by the road from St. Denis, passed over a flat stretch of open country whose only feature was a village on a small hill to the right of the road, called Montmartre. Then, passing through suburbs, he came to the St. Denis gate, inside which was a city of tall stone or plaster houses that seemed even taller because the streets were so narrow. From its streets rose the famous smell which travelers still commented on as they had in the time of Villon or Louis XI. A medieval king of France, looking out a window of the Louvre, once fainted at the stench of the street below. Not until the engineering feats of the great Baron Haussmann did the odor of those medieval streets vanish into tradition. There were no boulevards and no Eiffel Tower in the Paris of 1803, no Madeleine and no Arc de Triomphe. The larger portion of the Louvre had still to be built, and where now the pleasant gardens of the Louvre are was a warren of close-packed medieval houses. Beyond the gardens of the Tuileries lay the vacant space made sinister by the terrible memory of the guillotine. The shadow of that instrument still hovered over the city, although its labors had ceased ten years before. When Allston arrived, Napoleon had restored order with a strong hand and was seeking to re-create once more around himself the elegant society of the old regime. The twenty-six-hundred-odd persons who had died on the scaffold during the Reign of Terror, between September 5, 1793, and July 27, 1794, seem few enough compared with the endless butcheries of the modern world. But the world had then been taught by its literary men to believe that man was naturally rational and good. It had not been accustomed to mass massacres and to the sight of fanatics coldly murdering hundreds of thousands to prove a theory. The shock of that first outbreak of killing was so great that its memory is still green, while the vast systematized performances of our times are forgotten almost before they are over. As soon as Napoleon restored order in France, the eminently social nature of the French genius had begun to reassert itself.
Farington, the English painter, who visited Paris in 1802, reported: “A remarkable change has taken place in the appearance of the people from what they were a few years ago, gloomy,—savage,— without regard to dress or cleanliness. They are now coming fast round to chearfulness and civility.” But he also noted that the houses of Paris were out of repair because people still felt too insecure to lay out money upon the care of their property. And if Napoleon, a child of the eighteenth century, was a milder despot than one of the modern sort, his government was, after all, a military dictatorship with its secret police and censorship of opinion and all the other traits we have learned to know so well. Moreover, France was again at war.
This Paris was not a city in which an American of Allston’s day and temperament would linger for love of its atmosphere. Allston came there to study the Louvre.
— E. P. Richardson, Washington Allston: the Biography of a Pioneer of American Art and a Study of Romantic Art in America, (p. 62-63)
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Digne in the era of Les Misérables
An engraved print of a scenic view of the city of Digne-les-Bains from a traveller's guide published in 1838
A coloured military map of Digne with the buildings marked from between 1820 and 1866
The old episcopal palace of Digne, a postcard from 1898 to 1900
An old photo of the old Place de l'Évêché
An early 20th century map of Digne, showing a lot more detail but way too new for our purposes, dated 1921
An old photograph of Digne
An old photograph of a sloping street with archways through buildings
A screenshot from Les Misérables 1925 showing another narrow sloping street surrounded by small houses
A view of the Cathedral St. Jérôme with its strange wire dome, photograph from 2007 by Denis Champollion
Digne in the late 14th / early 15th century, an artist's impression by Jean-Claude Golvin
Digne-les-Bains (or Dinha dei Banhs in the local Occitan language) is a small city in Province, in southeastern France. Centered on top of a hill, it’s surrounded by mountains on all sides and the river Bléone (Blèuna) flows past it (or nowadays rather through it as the city has spread on the other side of the river).
The 1925 movie adaptation of Les Misérables actually filmed the Digne scenes on location in Digne which is a great opportunity to see some authentic views of the city! (The movie is available in the Internet Archive.)
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More under the cut:
Unfortunately I wasn’t able to find contemporary maps of Digne, except for this one from a Carte générale de la France (Cassini de Thury) that is luckily from exactly the right year (1815) but doesn’t really help much because it doesn’t really show much detail of the city and it’s also very difficult to read:
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The Carte de l’état-major 1820-1866 is much more vague in terms of date, but I find it more useful:
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I would be willing to guess that it’s probably still fairly close to Digne in 1815. Aside from the lack of walls, which I don’t think you can see on this map, but definitely would have been there in 1815. Hugo even mentions the walls:
He retraced his steps; the gates of Digne were closed. Digne, which had sustained sieges during the wars of religion, was still surrounded in 1815 by ancient walls flanked by square towers which have been demolished since.
I was also able to find a map from 1921, which is over a century later, but it’s the oldest proper map of the city I could track down: (Here zoomed in to focus on the old city)
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From something too recent to something much too old: an artist’s impression of medieval Digne, which actually shows the city walls:
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There would have been more roads and streets and buildings outside of the walls in 1815, including the Boulevard Gassendi, which Hugo also mentions, as well as a bridge over the Bléone, but honestly it seems like the city actually hadn’t grown that much over the centuries.
It would grow over the course of the 19th century, though.
I’ll talk a little bit more later about the cathedral, the episcopal palace, etc. This post is getting too long!
Image Sources:
Digne-les-Bains official website (Jean-Claude Golvin)
Wikipedia / Wikimedia Commons (photographs by Denis Champollion, Szeder László)
Carte générale de la France (Cassini de Thury) from BNF Gallica
Guide pittoresque du voyageur en France (Eusèbe Girault de Saint-Fargeau) from BNF Gallica
Carte de l’état-major 1820-1866 from Géoportail (Institut national de l’information géographique et forestière)
Carte de la Provence (1921) : Digne (Les Guides bleus, Hachette, édition 1922)
Présentation de Digne-les-Bains from France Geo
dignois . fr / Digne-vieux
Les Misérables (1925)
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rehsgalleries · 10 months
Edouard Léon Cortès
(1882 - 1969)
Boulevard St. Denis, Hiver
Oil on canvas
13 x 18 inches
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 5 months
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"EMPLOYERS APPEAR ON EVASION COUNT," Montreal Gazette. May 2, 1934. Page 4. --- Two Plead Guilty to Violation of Women's Minimum Wage Act ---- SENTENCE IS DEFERRED --- Five Others Deny Charges - Judge Warns of Intention to Help Wipe Out Sweatshop Conditions ---- Two pleas of guilty and five of not guilty were entered by the seven local employers arraigned yesterday for violation of the Women's Minimum Wage Act. The appearances followed the issue of summonses a week ago on the complaint of Gustave Franq, chairman of the Women's Minimum Wage Commission.
James Haward, of the Haward Dress Company, 5776 St. Lawrence boulevard, and Charles Bell of the Star Hand Laundry, 3929 St. Lawrence boulevard, pleaded guilty to charges of failing to keep registers and make reports to the commission with regard to the number of hours their employees worked and the respective wages paid. Judge Tetreau reserved sentence until May 8, with the comment that the penalties imposed would depend on the conduct of the accused in furnishing the desired reports during the intervening week. They are ordered to supply such reports to Lucien Rodier, K.C., counsel for the commission, by May 8.
The accused who pleaded not guilty were S. Rohrlick and Sons, 7460 St. Lawrence boulevard: Morris Coperburg, 3981 St. Lawrence boulevard: Peter Boojady, 361 Notre Dame street east; David Tallo, 463 St. Catherine street west; Francis Dress Company, 460 St. Catherine street west. Trial in each of these cases was set for May 9.
UNDERPAYING GIRLS. In the case of the accused who pleaded guilty to remissness in filing reports, Mr. Rodier told Judge Cetreau that he had examined the books of the two firms and that both were underpaying their girl employees. Counsel for the Haward Dress Company explained, how- ever, that the girls working at that firm were in the habit of buying unfinished goods at the factory and the purchase price in these cases was deducted from their wages.
The company books, he said, bore only the net salaries, which would explain the shortage.
Judge Tetreau remarked from the Bench that he was prepared to deal most severely with employers who might be proven guilty of underpaying employees. He was heartily in sympathy with the drive against sweatshop conditions in local industries, and prepared to punish offenders to the full extent of the law.
The new penalty for Infractions. of the wage act, recently decided, is a fine of from $50 to $200 for first offenders, $100 to $300 for second offenders, and jail without option of fine for all subsequent infractions.
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indodatacenter · 2 years
France Data Center List, Location, and Contact Number
The data center market in France is still growing, with a few locations already established as significant players. With the help of its European neighbors, they built The country's infrastructure, which has led to substantial investment in internet infrastructure over the last few years. Businesses looking to set up their own data center can choose from one of several options that provide excellent connectivity, reliability, and security compared to other countries around Europe.
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France Data Center List and Contact Number
France's data center list is one of the most popular in Europe. It has many advantages over other countries. The most important thing is that France has a robust economy and a stable government; stored data will be safe. France is also one of the most developed countries in Europe, so it's easy to get around there and find everything you need.
Byblos Data Center
Telecity 4 Data Center
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Interxion Paris Data Center
Interxion PAR1 Data Center
Interxion PAR2 Data Center
Interxion PAR3 Data Center
Telehouse Metro Paris North (St Denis) Data Center
Equinix – Internet Equinix Paris (PA) IBX Data Center
Address location: 17 rue des Suisses 93400 Saint Ouen France 
Contact telephone: +33 1 40 87 68 00
Contact website: www.equinix.fr/locations/paris-ibx-data-centers/equinix-Paris-pa/
10. Equinix – Equinix Paris PA2 Data Center
Address location: 17 rue des Suisses, 93400 Saint Ouen, Paris, France
Contact Telephone .: +33 1 40 87 68 00
11. Telehouse Cologix P7V 
Location: - 43 Boulevard Victor, Paris, France. Data Center
12. OVH
Address location: 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France
Contact telephone : 0 805 560 666
Contact Website: www.ovh.com
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huariqueje · 2 years
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Boulevard St. Denis in the evening  - Tavík František Šimon, 1916.
Czech, 1887-1942
Aquatint on paper , 30 × 25 cm, 
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kafkasapartment · 2 years
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Boulevard St.-Denis, Argenteuil, in Winter, 1875. Claude Monet. Oil on canvas
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cma-prints · 3 years
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Les Boulevards, près de la Porte St. Denis, Auguste Louis Lepère, Cleveland Museum of Art: Prints
Medium: wood engraving
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kleinefreiheiten · 7 years
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November 1993, Paris
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Left Coast LLC gets thumbs-up from city Planning Commission On second thought, the Oceanside Planning Commission decided this week that it’s OK for Left Coast LLC, a company that makes medical cannabis vaping products, to open in the city’s Gateway Business Park. The first time the commission considered the application, at a meeting Aug. 10, the vote was split 3-3. But instead of recommending the City Council deny the project, the commission agreed to reconsider and have the applicant return with more information. On Monday, it voted 5-1 to recommend approval. Left Coast began operations last year in an industrial building on Ord Way, just off Oceanside Boulevard near St. Margaret’s Catholic Church. However, state officials shut it down for failing to comply with the product tracking regulations known as “track and trace.” Also, the business needs a conditional use permit and a waiver to operate in its location near a church and some homes. “They are good actors,” said Gina Austin, a San Diego attorney representing Left Coast. “The problem is a disconnect between Oceanside and the state, not just Oceanside, but every city and the state.” Cannabis regulations are so new that the process of following them can be confusing, she said. The business obtained its state and city cannabis licenses, but the start-up process led to difficulties with the state “track-and-trace” system that follows cannabis products from their origin through their sales. (at Oceanside, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEZSr4MnR6t/?igshid=uc51k4xicgct
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sephora-card-blog · 4 years
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amore0429 · 5 years
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Joseph Zbukvic
(Zagabria, Croazia 1952 - )
Boulevard St. Denis
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 11 months
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"POLICE INFORMER STATUS CHECKED," Montreal Star. October 20, 1933. Page 11. ---- Recorder Studies Question of Corroboration in Drug Case ---- Whether or not a police informer is actually an accomplice whose evidence has to be corroborated to be acceptable by a court will be decided. next Tuesday when Recorder Semple renders judgment in the case of James Sinclair, alias St. Clair, alias Marc Quenneville, charged with the sale of a drug purporting to be heroin. Tried on charges of possession and sale of narcotic drugs yesterday afternoon, Sinclair was freed of the possession charge when the defence proved that drugs found by police in a St. Lawrence boulevard hotel room were not discovered on the premises occupied by the accused.
Special Constables J. Shanahan, E. Hogue and J. Campbell, of the municipal narcotic squad, told of having visited the premises of the St. Lawrence Hotel, 1422 St. Lawrence boulevard, on June 22 and having arrested Sinclair. In a room of the hotel they found narcotic drugs which they had reason to believe belonged to the accused. In addition marked money, given the accused by a police informer a few minutes before, was found on his person.
MARKED MONEY. The informer took the stand and testified that he was given marked money by the special constables and went to Sinclair who gave him a capsule of what he believed to be heroin in return for the money. The powder, however, was later discovered to be codeine, a drug not considered to be narcotic.
Sinclair, in defence, denied ever having sold the informer drugs. He acknowledged having the marked money on his person, however, explaining that the informer had given it to him in return for American money. He also denied that the heroin found in a nearby room was his.
Harry Cohen, at present serving sentence for selling drugs, told the courts that the room in which the drugs were found was his former room and that he had, at one time, kept drugs there.
COURT REFUSES. The attempt of Leonce Plante, K.C., to discover the means by which the informer got in touch with police was brought to an abrupt halt by Recorder Semple.
"But I want to establish this man's status," Mr. Plante said.
"Well, you can't do it in this Court," Mr. Semple replied stating that such matters were not of public interest.
Mr. Plante then made a motion that the case against Sinclair be quashed on grounds that a police informer is an accomplice whose evidence, to be accepted by law, has to be corroborated. Mr. Semple announced that he would give his decision on Tuesday. He did, however, uphold a motion of the defence that the case of possession against the accused be dropped on grounds that there was no proof that the heroin was found in Sinclair's room.
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