#boule blacks
jccheapalier · 13 days
Black Men Have Had Enough! Man Goes Scorched Earth On The Democratic Party!
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blueiight · 3 months
id ask ppl to enquire why the arun/maître wordplay of e11 and 12 is conspicuously absent here beyond daniel lampshading it when armand refuses to turn madeleine
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msclaritea · 6 months
you are a truly disgusting individual. your anti queer rhetoric is sending the world so far backward, you are pushing hate towards a community who already experiences so much shit from others like you. drag is not dangerous, it is art. being trans is not a cult. queer people are not inherently evil as you so clearly think. you are a sick fuck and I hope you have a terrible day <3
Scotland's Hate Crime Act comes into effect today. Women gain no additional protections, of course, but well-known trans activist Beth Douglas, darling of prominent Scottish politicians, falls within a protected category. Phew! 1/11
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Lovely Scottish lass and convicted double rapist Isla Bryson found her true authentic female self shortly before she was due to be sentenced. Misgendering is hate, so respect Isla’s pronouns, please. Love the leggings! 2/11
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Fragile flower Katie Dolatowski, 6'5", was rightly sent to a women's prison in Scotland after conviction. This ensured she was protected from violent, predatory men (unlike the 10-year-old girl Katie sexually assaulted in a women's public bathroom.) 3/11
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Samantha Norris was cleared of exposing her penis to two 11-year-old girls. Hooray! Unfortunately she was then convicted for possession of 16,000 images of children being raped and sexually assaulted. Be that as it may, Sam’s still a lady to me! 4/11
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Scottish woman and butcher Amy George abducted an 11-year-old girl while dressed in female clothing. No idea why this was mentioned in court – of course she was wearing women’s clothing, she's a woman! Amy took the girl home and sexually abused her over a 27-hour period. 5/11
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But most women aren’t axe-toters or sex offenders, so let’s talk role models! Guilia Valentino (in red) wanted to play on the women's team 'because of sisterhood, validation and political visibility'. Naturally, she was given some boring cis girl’s place. Yay for inclusion! 6/11
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Mridul Wadhwa, head of a Scottish rape crisis centre, says, ‘sexual violence happens to bigoted people as well.’ She has no gender recognition certificate, but was still appointed to a job advertised for women only. Time to be ‘challenged on your prejudices’, rape victims! 7/11
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Munroe Bergdorf isn’t just a pretty face! Public campaigner for a children’s charity until safeguarding concerns were raised, she was appointed UN Women’s first ever UK champion. ‘What makes a woman “a woman” has no definitive answer,’ says Munroe. Great choice, UN Women! 8/11
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Katie Neeves has been appointed as the UN Women UK delegate. She switched from straight man to lesbian at the age of 48 and, in a leaked 2022 webinar, described how she used to enjoy stealing and wearing her sister’s underwear. A truly relatable representative! 9/11
Last, but least, TV’s India Willoughby proves we women can call a black broadcaster a ‘nasty bitch’ who ‘wouldn’t be anywhere without woke’, dub lesbians men, insult the looks of a female Olympic swimmer, ‘joke’ about kidnapping feminists, and STILL get airtime! What a gal! 10/11
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🎉🌼🌸April Fools! 🌸🌼🎉
Only kidding. Obviously, the people mentioned in the above tweets aren't women at all, but men, every last one of them.
In passing the Scottish Hate Crime Act, Scottish lawmakers seem to have placed higher value on the feelings of men performing their idea of femaleness, however misogynistically or opportunistically, than on the rights and freedoms of actual women and girls. The new legislation is wide open to abuse by activists who wish to silence those of us speaking out about the dangers of eliminating women's and girls’ single-sex spaces, the nonsense made of crime data if violent and sexual assaults committed by men are recorded as female crimes, the grotesque unfairness of allowing males to compete in female sports, the injustice of women’s jobs, honours and opportunities being taken by trans-identified men, and the reality and immutability of biological sex.
For several years now, Scottish women have been pressured by their government and members of the police force to deny the evidence of their eyes and ears, repudiate biological facts and embrace a neo-religious concept of gender that is unprovable and untestable. The re-definition of 'woman' to include every man who declares himself one has already had serious consequences for women's and girls’ rights and safety in Scotland, with the strongest impact felt, as ever, by the most vulnerable, including female prisoners and rape survivors.
It is impossible to accurately describe or tackle the reality of violence and sexual violence committed against women and girls, or address the current assault on women’s and girls’ rights, unless we are allowed to call a man a man. Freedom of speech and belief are at an end in Scotland if the accurate description of biological sex is deemed criminal.
I'm currently out of the country, but if what I've written here qualifies as an offence under the terms of the new act, I look forward to being arrested when I return to
the birthplace of the Scottish Enlightenment.
"It was only in Scotland that the Templars endured no persecution.." Albert G. Mackey
Knights Templars gave birth to the Freemasons.
The Templars practiced Dark Arts and Paganism.
The Templars infiltrated churches including the Church of England.
Reverend is a Masonic title.
Worship of the Pagan Adam Kadmon is worship of Divine Androgyne and Intersex.
The current Transgender Rights For Men and Drag, like the Gender Ideology in Weimer during WWII comes from Pagan worship, very sick elite fetish and Pedophiles. It steps on actual people suffering Body Dysphoria and physical disabilities, involving their organs.
Bottom line: Your 'Art' is FOUL and Fraudulent, meant only to please wealthy perverts and mock real women. Oh! And to allow access to children, for the perverts, you know damn well exist in your community.
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smvillainsweek · 1 year
Favorite subgroup of villains
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bizarreauhavre · 2 years
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tredawakandan · 2 years
In today's episode I'm so sick of you n1ggas 😭.. Y'all still be believing in these celebrities
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jefkphotography · 8 months
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A stainless steel, jeu de boule.
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tainted-liquor · 1 year
'High Score!'✰⋆⁺
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Earth42!Miles Morales x BlackFem!Reader TWs: N word usage, making out, cussing, and I think thats it! Ingredients: Sugar, Kisses, smiles, and lemon zest! (Fluff + suggestive) W/C: 1.2k A/N: You, Miles, and your friends all decide to play laser tag at the mall! Unfortunately for you, your trigger-happy boyfriend doesn't really care for laser tag.
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The loud electro-dance music burst through the surround-sound speakers, the floor vibrating as you bit back hushed giggles. You, Miles, and all of your friends decided to get together a week before to play some laser tag. So here you were now, pressed up against the wall as you guarded your chest in an attempt to conceal your hitbox as you peeked your head around the corner. Your friend Daniella had been giggling and yelling, having been 'shot' by your friend Pierston. One down, and six more to go.
Even though you all agreed that it was all just for fun, everyone had gotten extremely competitive the moment those faux vault doors opened, everyone running in different directions for cover. You knew you had this shit in the bag, but there was just one person you knew for a FACT you didn't wanna get into a showdown with. Your boyfriend, Miles. From the moment everyone was released, he was absolutely nowhere to be found. While everyone was panting, rolling on the floor, dodging and weaving between walls, there was no trace of him anywhere.
You gently shook the lingering anxiety away as you slowly made your way to a different hiding spot after noticing Daniella's wide-eyed stare and the subtle point she gave you as she took her walk of shame back to the waiting room. Snitch. You got down on the ground, shimmying over to a small hedge, and leaned back, slowly extending your head around the corner to see if you had been followed. You covered your mouth as you heard Ganke yell out the highest, shrillest, girly scream you think you've ever heard. As you hear a couple of rogue giggles, you quickly apply more pressure to not give away your location, frantic thumps, and heavy footsteps begin to echo throughout the room, indicating everyone's desperate attempts to conceal themselves from whatever predator was following them.
"BRING THAT ASS HERE, BOUL!" You hear Kalias shout through maniacal laughter.
"NO PLEASE! C'MON MAN, I JUST GOT HERE YOU'RE GONNA MAKE ME CREASE MY SHOES." Ganke yells as the footsteps get louder before a low buzz and a loud yelp of disappointment was heard from poor Ganke.
The room erupts with laughter as everyone jumps out, the desperation to catch each other finally attaching itself to most of the group. You take a deep breath, preparing to leave your hiding spot and join the adrenaline-fed gunfight, laughing loudly before being sharply cut off by the feeling of a strong hand pulling you backward. You yelp loudly as you look up, seeing Miles point his laser gun directly at your hitbox with an absolutely evil grin.
"What's good, Mami?" he mumbles as he literally presses you with a toy gun, wrapping his free arm around your lower waist. His smug grin turned into a full-fledged beam full of nothing but pure mischief. The small enclosure was loud, filled with upbeat techno, ray-gun pews, hysterical giggles, and the occasional shout or two. He lowered his laser gun, gently tucking it onto the orange and black belt buckle that came with the vest, pressing his finger to his lips as he watches your eyes widen. "Shhh, cuz I'll blast you back to that damn waiting room right now."
You roll your eyes as you smirk, pretending to be annoyed by his actions as he attempts to pull you impossibly closer. "Where have you been this entire time? I haven't seen or heard you even once." You whisper as you turn your head to the side in confusion. He chuckled lowly as he peeked around the corner, watching the chaos unfold as everyone chases each other around the arena. He shrugged before hoisting you up by the back of your thighs, gasping quietly as he supported all of your body weight with both of his hands. He places a series of careful kisses on your face before capturing your lips in a deep passionate kiss.
"'m waitin' for these niggas to start fearing for they lives..." He mumbled as he broke the kiss briefly. "Then when they start runnin' like rats, i'ma blast they asses back to the lobby" he pants as he continues to kiss you, slowly turning into a make-out session behind the faux wall. Your brows furrowed as he recited his plan, a playful smirk forming on your lips at the thought of how competitive he was being from afar. You laced both arms around his neck, playing with one of the braids that lay on the back of his head. You took this as an opportunity to link your ankles around his hips for extra support.
Any thought of being tagged by your friends dissipated as you melted into your boyfriend's secure hold. He gave you one final peck on the cheek before gently placing you back on your feet, shooting you a wink before grabbing his ray gun and almost immediately disappearing into the arena.
"OH SHIT RUN IT'S MILES!" you hear Jasmine screech before a string of buzzers rings throughout the arena. You silently admired how he seemingly glided through the room, landing perfect shots on your friends' hitboxes in what felt like 5 minutes. He had unexplainably great agility and near-damn perfect aim. Yeah, he was in basketball for a little bit back at school, but his remarkable reaction time and inhumane ability to dodge remained unaccounted for. Regardless of what you thought, you watched him work his magic, successfully sending our remaining six friends back to the lobby with an absolutely maddened expression.
He stuffed his gun back in his belt buckle before turning in your direction, that same devilish grin formulating itself on his lips as he raises his arms up. "Mami! 1v1 me!" He shouts. Your heart dropped into your stomach at the words, going back to the very first thought you had when the doors first permitted you into the arena. But regardless, you shrugged and walked out with both hands on your heavy metal ray gun, slowly approaching him as you pointed it at his vest. He gave you a nod, keeping his hands up as the final buzzer sounded, LED lights turning red all throughout the arena as he gave you a small smirk.
"Oh no! She got me!" He shouted. You suddenly realized he never intended on actually fighting you, and that he only wanted to rack up a high score and then go home to have something to brag about. All that yelling about a 1v1 and the 'showdown' you two had was just bluff so the rest of the group didn't think you were cheating. You burst out into laughter, pulling him into a tight hug as the vault doors opened up again, allowing a new wave of people to pass through as Miles wrapped his arm around your shoulder.
"She won." He shrugged, the ghost of a devilish grin still present on his face as your friends let out noises of shock.
"Ain't no way you lost to your girl, Miles." Daniella laughed as Miles shot her a rather rude glare.
"Girl shut the fuck up, you was the first to leave the premises." He spat.
You all spent the rest of the afternoon at the mall, clowning Miles on how he "lost to his girlfriend." Amidst all the talking and jokes, however, he shot you another wink you would have missed if you blinked.
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moralesmilesanhour · 1 year
"I was briefly a runway model."
Summary: uhhh you go to a small concert and bump into the artist after you know how it goes 🔥🔥
genre: first meeting. again. [CROWD BOOS]
wc: ~600-700
A/N: I wanted this to be longer but eh maybe next time. You get another drabble instead 👍🏾enjoy!
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The odor of sweat and cigarette smoke choked the air as your friend gripped your hand amongst the swaying cluster of bodies.
You didn’t recognize the band she had taken you to see, a rare instance now that you visited the small venue every Friday night. There’s a young white girl with half-shaved blonde hair and peachy ends playing her heart out on the drums, a big pink sweater tied around her waist.
The main guitarist and frontman managed to be an even more colorful sight; he wore plaid slacks with patches woven into them, held up by a shiny spike-studded black belt. His bright red knee-high boots should’ve clashed with his attire, but the way he propped it up on a stage speaker to play a nasty riff made them go together. He was tall and lean, but there was a bounce in his walk that told you that he was likely closer to your age.
These guys must be new, you think to yourself.
He said something crude on his electric guitar, the sound coming out jagged and crunchy. Large wicks radiated from his head, blocking out the overhead stage lights as he made his way to your section. You could hardly make out his face as he stood directly above you with the light shining in between the gaps in his wicks, resembling something like an angel.
After the concert, your friend would swear up and down that he was staring directly at you as you left the venue.
The dim lights of the pub reflected off of the wooden interior. It gave everything a golden glow, including the mahogany skin of the young man sitting next to you. 
The wicks and pants instantly gave him away as the night's frontman. The improved lighting situation allowed you to stare in awe at his sharp cheekbones and deep-set, somber eyes. You also recognized him from somewhere. Before you could gather up the courage to ask first, he addresses you with a sidelong glance.
"I got something on my face?"
You jump, and this makes him burst into breathy laughter.
"Sorry," you smile timidly, "I just thought I'd seen you somewhere before." The man’s pierced brow quirks up. 
"Lots of places where you could've seen me. You're gonna have to narrow it down."
"It was a magazine. Editorial, or something. Have you ever modeled?"
"I have, believe it or not. For a time."
"You've certainly got the face for it," you said quietly. The man heard it anyway, judging by the smirk spreading across his lips, so you quickly change the subject.
"Where you from?"
"Wouldn't you like to know, hm?"
You shrugged. "I just figured, lotta models are African."
"I think we're all African," he stuck a finger up in the air comically like a professor, making you snort.
"But...Haitian, if you've got to be specific about it."
Your eyes lit up.
“Oh shit, sak pase!”
Hobie chuckled. It was deep, and warm-sounding. Like an old friend.
“Nap boule. Can't speak much more than that, though.”
You leaned forward over the counter and started twirling the ends of your braids around your finger absentmindedly. 
“So, how’d you end up here? Having a pretty face must pay well.”
The man’s expression darkened for a moment. His tongue darted out to mess with the ring on his lip before his smile returned with less force than before. 
“Wasn’t for me,” he shrugged. “Didn’t pay too well, either. Had me scurryin’ around trying to catch a cab on an empty stomach at seventeen.”
You winced. “Yikes, sorry I asked.”
"It's all good," Hobie said. He watched you toy with your hair with a grin. 
"My face still comes in handy, though, for playing gigs."
"How so?"
"I get to meet pretty people like you."
Second hobie fic let's give it up for my second hobie fic whoooo
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mariacallous · 1 month
On the same day that former president Donald Trump said vice president Kamala Harris “happened to turn Black,” Harris was at a Black sorority conference in Texas.
“As a proud member of the Divine 9, when I look out at everyone here, I see family,” said Harris, speaking on July 31 at Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority’s 60th Biennial Boule in Houston, Texas. Sound bites from Harris’ speech and high-pitched “EE-yips,” the call associated with Sigma Gamma Rho, echoed through countless videos that circulated on Instagram.
The Divine 9, or D9, refers to the nine historically African American sororities and fraternities that make up the National Pan-Hellenic Council. Harris is a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority—the first African American sorority. Alpha Kappa Alpha was founded at Harris’ alma mater, Howard University, in 1908.
"Generation after generation, the members of this sorority have shown that greater service brings greater progress,” Harris continued. “And in 2020, you continued your leadership when, during the height of a pandemic, you helped elect Joe Biden president of the United States and me as the first woman vice president of the United States.”
This appearance wasn’t a coincidence. Across the United States, members of Divine 9 organizations are uniting around a singular mission: increasing voter turnout in the US election this year. From sharing videos like the Harris event to posting voter registration links on their large Instagram accounts and developing voter turnout initiatives in secret group chats, members are using their Black Greek networks and social networks to bring more people to the polls.
While Divine 9 organizations do not officially endorse candidates, historically, Divine 9 organizations have made voter turnout and registration a pillar in their service initiatives, like with Alpha Phi Alpha’s “A Voteless People Is a Hopeless People” national program, Zeta Phi Beta’s “Get Engaged” initiative, and Alpha Kappa Alpha’s Social Justice initiative. Already, outreach on social media is working. One post of the Harris event from Watch the Yard, a leading social media platform for Black college culture and Greek life, racked up more than 122,000 plays.
Watch the Yard features original news stories on Black Greek life and HBCU college students across the country. The page shares Black Greek memes, like encouraging their Black Greek followers to tag their favorite non-members, but also call-to-action posts like reminding followers to get their vaccinations. And now, during the election season, the platform is turning its attention to voter turnout.
"We’re using the Divine 9 as the glue that connects Black students at HBCUs and [predominately white institutions], and using their network to disseminate information,” says Watch the Yard founder Jonathan Rabb, who added that because National Pan-Hellenic Council organizations are service-based, members and prospective members are already active within their own community. “There are very few networks in the United States like that for the African American community. Right under the Black church would probably be the D9.”
The Watch the Yard platform has 2 million followers, and Rabb says its content reaches around 13 million people per month. Because Divine 9 sorority and fraternity membership is encouraged to continue after college ends, Rabb also notes that their audience is intergenerational, with Gen-Zers and boomers actively engaging with each other in the comment sections. “We can reach students in swing states. We can reach a student in the Pacific Northwest. Because there’s D9 there. If I can reach that AKA in Oregon, I can reach her peers.”
On July 30, Watch the Yard announced its official partnership with Michelle Obama’s When We All Vote. Launched in 2018, the nonpartisan nonprofit seeks to help increase participation in every election. On Watch the Yard’s Instagram, followers can simply click the link in their bio to quickly see their registration status.
“As Black people fought for our rights to vote, the Divine 9 has been constantly connected to democracy and pushing people to vote,” says Rabb. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, the second oldest African American sorority, was at the helm of the suffrage movement as the group’s first public act of service in 1913, he notes. “When it comes to the election, this is just a continuation of the work [the Divine 9] has already been doing.”
Black Greek organizations are not only organizing online publicly but privately as well. WIRED confirmed that over 8,000 members of Alpha Kappa Alpha have created an unofficial secret GroupMe with the purpose of increasing voter turnout throughout their communities. The privacy of the group allows members to share information on key campaign platforms for both candidates, create strategic planning for voter registration in underserved communities, and share opinions on candidates without the pressure of maintaining official protocols.
While the Divine 9 as organizations are not authorized to support specific candidates, alumni from HBCUs like Howard University are campaigning. The Howard University Bison PAC, a project within the Collective PAC, a political action committee working to elect more Black officials for political equity, has brought together alumni to raise money for the Harris-Walz ticket.
Even though the PAC isn't associated with any D9 organization, many of the PAC members are also members of the D9. According to an internal email viewed by WIRED, the first “HU Bison For Kamala” Zoom call on July 25 hosted over 4,000 attendees and raised more than $151,000 for the Harris campaign. “Within the next two weeks,” the email reads, “we’ll start our Bison PAC phone/text messaging ‘zoom parties’ to encourage Black voters in swing states to support Kamala Harris for President.”
The email to PAC members also linked to a social media best practices guide crafted by Cameron Trimble, a Howard University alum and founder of the Hip-Politics platform. The guide is titled “Ways to Be Helpful in the Digital and Social Media Landscape” and includes tips such as sharing and engaging with only positive Kamala content, not engaging in negative comments and content to avoid spiking it in the algorithm, and creating your own WhatsApp or internal group chats to share verified information for quick responses.
“We want to raise as much money as we can for Kamala. We want to make sure all Bisons [Howard students and alumni] are registered to vote, and we want to equip people with factual information to disseminate in their communities,” says Stefanie Brown James, the cofounder and senior adviser of the Collective PAC. “Long term, we want to make Bison PAC a stand-alone organization to support other Howard alumni who are running for office across the country … We want to be involved in our political process, and want to make sure we have a role in choosing who our leaders are.”
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pomefioredove · 1 month
could you make a list of ur ocs and their descriptions from ur noble bell college fic at some point i am itching to draw them already
JUMPING UP AND DOWN!!! I actually wrote something like this for the first two characters who have appeared so far but I didn't post it cause I was like "eh, not that important"
SO I'm just going to copy and paste it here
the other original characters (I have... three? rn) I'm still working on
Pierrot Gregoire
I'm sure a lot of people kind of went "who the hell is this supposed to be" since Pierre himself was not in the Disney adaptation
...which is kind of the reason I wanted to include him, since he's my favorite character from the novel and is almost never adapted accurately (stop making him cool and romantic and interesting!!)
the naming choice was rather easy. obviously, it sounds like his name. "Pierrot" is also a pantomime character, and I thought the connection to the theater was fitting. he is literally like a sad clown
tall, taller than rollo (around 183 cm/6 feet)
thinner face/long nose
round, green eyes
hair is more of a muted blond, cut just below his chin, obviously a little unkempt (curls and sticks out in odd places). he has bangs too
I don't know if I could describe his stupid little hat. but he has a stupid little black hat. it looks like the tall cousin of a beret
he looks kinda sad and tired all the time and his uniform is always a little worn down
nonetheless he is very smiley. to me. he loooves to chit chat. he talks to himself in the third person
sort of resembles rook (which could mean nothing at all!!!)
this artwork and this artwork of Pierre himself are close to what I envision
Gregoire more or less plays a role similar to ADeuce at NRC. I'm still trying to figure out how I want to write him, but he will be novel-like more than anything. so he's like... clumsy and socially unaware and loves to talk. his fatal flaw is cowardice, but otherwise he's... niceish. compared to everyone else, at least. I already know I'm going to write him nicely
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Bou de Neige
a very long time ago I saw an oc of the h.rose. the horse. disney frollo's fuckass evil horse. and I cannot remember anything about the oc, but the very concept left such an impression on me that I could not help but make my own
for those of you who are blissfully unaware, Frollo's horse is named Snowball. Bou de Neige is a play on boule de neige, which is the direct translation of snowball. according to the internet, "Bou" also means ox in Catalan. close enough! and it sounds like "boo", referencing the scary nature of the horse. I'm not going to add a picture but those animators really knew how to make a scary horse
the design I have in my head is loosely based off this npc model:
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except his hair is the same style but darker, he has sharper features (CRAZY winged eyeliner) and maroonish eyes? he's not even a horse beastman he's just some freak
at the time the fic takes place he's kind of an asshole, so he always looks a little pissed. he gets better before glomas dw :)
this freak is the vice president of the student council
picture also reminded me to say that these outfits are most certainly not every day wear. to me, they're equivalent to the ceremonial robes at nrc. the actual uniforms are less... intense. I can draw clothes so I'll deal with that later, these are good references for now
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chic-a-gigot · 2 months
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La Mode nationale, no. 272, 11 juillet 1891, Paris. No. 1. — Costumes de bains de mer. Bibliothèque nationale de France
(1) Costume de bain, en anacoste bleu-marine. Corsage froncé, décolleté en carré sous un galon blanc fantaisie. Jupe courte, garnie de deux galons et d'une ceinture semblable. Pantalons au-dessous du genou. Grand chapeau de paille. Grand manteau de bain en tissu éponge.
(1) Swimming suit, in navy blue anacoste. Gathered bodice, square neckline under fancy white braid. Short skirt, trimmed with two braids and a similar belt. Trousers below the knee. Large straw hat. Large terry cloth bath coat.
(2) Costume de bain forme marine, en lainage crème. Corsage ouvert sur une chemisette crème et bleue, encadré dans un revers de lainage bleu, se terminant au bas du corsage, boutonné. Pantalons courts, garnis par une bande bleue. Manches semblables à la chemisette. Souliers de bain, attachés en cothurnes. Chapeau de paille blanche et bleue, posé sur un bonnet de toile cirée.
(2) Navy swimsuit, in cream wool. Open bodice over a cream and blue shirt, framed in a blue woolen cuff, ending at the bottom of the bodice, buttoned. Short pants, trimmed with a blue band. Sleeves similar to the shirt. Bathing shoes, tied into buskins. White and blue straw hat, placed on an oilcloth cap.
(3) Costume marin pour jeune fille. Blouse en lainage bleu foncé, à larges revers crème, brodés d'ancres bleues, entourant un plastron héraldiquement brodé. Jupe plissée tout autour, brodée d'ancres dans le bas, retenue à la taille sous une ceinture crème. Chapeau de paille, très enlevé, doublé par du tulle à pois plissé, avec ancre brodée. Nœud comète en dessus.
(3) Sailor suit for young girl. Dark blue woolen blouse, with wide cream lapels, embroidered with blue anchor, surrounding a heraldically embroidered bib. Skirt pleated all around, embroidered with anchors at the bottom, held at the waist under a cream belt. Straw hat, very stylish, lined with pleated polka dot tulle, with embroidered anchor. Comet knot above.
(4) Costume italien pour enfant, fille ou garçon, de 4 à 5 ans. Blouse drapée en lainage rayé blanc et rouge, retenue à la taille par une écharpe nouée sur le devant. Grand col blanc retombant dans le dos, et en pointe devant. Chapeau de paille blanche, pointée de rouge, avec fond arlequin en lainage blanc et rouge.
(4) Italian suit for children, girls or boys, 4 to 5 years old. Draped blouse in white and red striped wool, held at the waist by a scarf tied at the front. Large white collar falling in the back, and pointed in front. White straw hat, tipped with red, with harlequin background in white and red wool.
(5) Costume de lainage ivoire uni. Corsage à petites basques, sans petits côtés, entouré par une petite frange boule. Manches bouffantes du haut, serrées dans le bas. Jupe drapée devant et plissée à larges plis derrière. Chapeau de paille blanche, entouré par un froufrou de mousseline de soie ivoire, avec nœud de ruban rouge en crest derrière.
(5) Plain ivory wool suit. Bodice with small basques, without small sides, surrounded by a small ball fringe. Puff sleeves at the top, tight at the bottom. Skirt draped at the front and pleated with wide pleats at the back. White straw hat, surrounded by a frill of ivory silk chiffon, with a red ribbon bow in the crest behind.
Métrage: 9 mètres lainage, grande largeur.
(6) Toilette de lainage rouge. Corsage-jaquette fermé et boutonné, à grandes basques, le tout garni de petit velours noir et de boutons blancs. Col rabattu, poches de velours sur les côtés. Jupe plate devant, plissée derrière, brodée en soie noire dans le bas devant, au-dessus de l'ourlet. Chapeau de paille, à bords enlevés, orné sur le côté par un fouillis de gaze de soie rouge.
(6) Red woolen ensemble. Closed and buttoned bodice-jacket, with large basques, all trimmed with small black velvet and white buttons. Turn-down collar, velvet pockets on the sides. Flat skirt at the front, pleated at the back, embroidered in black silk at the bottom of the front, above the hem. Straw hat, with removed brims, decorated on the side with a mess of red silk gauze.
Métrage: 8 mètres lainage rouge, grande largeur.
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msclaritea · 5 months
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You know this song has been running through my head, since all of this crap came up? I loved this song. How big a fan? I stood in line, to go meet Jasmine Guy, when I was young. That's how much I loved her, and did still, today.
But again, I will not hang on to anything false or someone I know is being used to lure young black people down the wrong path. Reminding people that Jasmine Guy knows Jada Pinkett Smith doesn't help, either. There's only so much nostalgia, you can hang onto. A Different World Tour IS being used to encourage kids to pledge, not simply attend the HBCU schools. Those Greek Houses are dangerous, secretive and Pagan.
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olympic-paris · 18 days
saga: Soumission & Domination 258
Kamal et Eric, le diner chez Emma et courses.
Kamal se stabilise. Son programme chargé ne lui laisse plus le temps de se poser des questions.
Alexandre a retrouvé son p'tit " rat " des débuts, Maxou me rapporte qu'il bosse bien et que de lui-même, il a réquisitionné Victor pour le soutient en langues. Souvent avec Louis qui l'aide aussi, Ils se font Kamal. Il me dit que ce doit être aussi de faire toujours le passif qui doit le souler avec Alexandre. Avec eux, Kamal est recto verso, même si sa bite ne fait que 16, ses 6 cm de large sont efficaces.
Kamal lui-même est venu me parler d'Eric. Je ne lui avais rien dit le concernant.
Dès le premier contact, il a du sucer la grosse queue black d'Eric. Il me dit qu'il avait hésité mais qu'Eric lui avait dit que cela faisait parti du contrat. Comme c'était un ami à moi, il avait accepté ses avances. Il me dit qu'il n'avait jamais vu de bite aussi grosse, ni d'aussi noire. Cela me fait rire (j'avais eu la même réaction à ma première rencontre d'Eric).
Je lui ai demandé ce qu'il avait fait. Il m'a dit n'avoir réussi qu'à sucer son gros gland et à peu près la moitié de sa bite. Moi : ça t'a plut ? Lui : oui mais j'ai mal à la mâchoire Moi : va falloir t'y faire, t'es pas rendu au permis Lui : tu crois qu'il va me l'enfiler dans le cul Moi : c'est sûr ! Mais t'inquiète il sait y faire avec des p'tits culs comme le tien.
Il se colle à moi et me roule un patin tout en vérifiant de la main s'il me fait de l'effet. C'est évidement le cas ! Prenez un beau petit beur, ça fait monter la sève de n'importe quel homme normal ! Lorsque ses mains ont dégagées ma queue et mes boules de mon jeans, il glisse vers le bas et engouffre ma bite jusqu'aux couilles. Deux, trois fois je le laisse pomper puis l'écarte de moi. Il me dit qu'il faut bien qu'il s'entraine pour faire la place à Eric.
PH est entré alors qu'il replongeait sur mon gland. Je lui ai fait signe de me rejoindre et alors qu'on se roulait un patin, je dégageais son sexe pour qu'il profite aussi de la douceur de la bouche de Kamal. A nos pieds, il a vite compris et s'est mis à alterner sans qu'on lui demande.
Bien chauds, avec PH nous l'avons mis nu avant de, nous même, nous mettre dans le plus simple appareil. Sur le canapé du salon, nous l'avons embroché par les deux bouts façon agneau de méchoui. Je crois bien qu'il a kiffé de se faire baiser par nous deux. Mes coups de rein dans son cul enfonçait le gland de PH tout au fond de sa gorge. Après avoir échangé plusieurs fois nos places, je me réinstallais dans sa rondelle pour le final. Mes mains bien accrochées à ses hanches, je l'ai bourriné jusqu'à remplir ma kpote. Alors que je le plantais profond, PH s'est retiré de sa bouche pour lui recouvrir le visage de sperme. Dans ma main s'écoulait son propre sperme.
Comme il avait pris du retard, je téléphonais à Alexandre que nous lui renvoyions son petit minet. J'ajoutais que nous l'avions bien chauffé et qu'il était tout prêt à servir.  Il me demande comment je l'ai trouvé. Je lui dis que de voir plus de bite c'avait l'air de lui faire du bien ! De plus le coaching de Maxou faisait son effet. Là, il admet que j'ai eu raison. Les résultats de Kamal se sont améliorés et pas seulement dans les matières scientifiques. Je lui explique ce qu'avait mis en place Maxou avec l'aide d'un autre de mes petits gars. Il éclate de rire et me dit que c'est plus seulement une agence d'Escort-boys mais Acadomia ! Je lui renvoi qu'en attendant, je l'ai stabilisé son petit Kamal, même s'il le partage un peu maintenant ! Il l'admet et me dit qu'il le préfère maintenant.
J'ai eu Eric deux semaines plus tard. Il venait d'enculer notre Kamal et tenait à me faire savoir que c'était un réel bon coup. Il me remerciait de le lui avoir envoyé avant mes autres clients. Du coup sa rondelle était encore étroite pour son gros diamètre. Je lui demandais s'il avait quand même fait attention. Il m'a alors rappelé que j'y étais passé moi aussi et qu'il ne m'avait pas ruiné mon petit trou pour autant.  Il m'a dit que non seulement le petit avait aimé ça mais il s'était donné à fond et n'avait pas hésité à le chevaucher comme un malade. Je lui ai quand même demandé comment il se débrouillait sur une moto. De ce coté là aussi il progressait bien. S'il a son bac je me laisserais peut être aller à lui offrir sa première moto !
OK, OK ! Je sais que je suis protecteur. Un psy de bas étage dirait que ma condition de fils unique a provoqué des manques que je m'évertue maintenant à combler.
En attendant la vie continue en parallèle. Emma nous a tous invités pour ce premier diner réalisé par Pablo. Quand je dis tous, j'entends par la ses trois amants (PH, Ernesto et moi) plus leurs deux mecs, Marc et Hervé. Quand nous passons à table je remarque 7 couverts. Comme Pablo apporte l'entrée, elle lui demande de rester avec nous. Il refuse mais elle le convainc en lui disant que ce serait la seule et unique fois.
Pablo surveille donc de la salle à manger l'exécution de la suite de son diner par la vieille cuisinière, fière de montrer qu'elle peut suivre ses instructions sans faillir. Il nous régale et tous nous le félicitons pour l'association des saveurs et la finesse des plats. Au dessert, Emma nous dit qu'avec Pablo elle dispose maintenant du meilleur cuisinier privé qu'elle connaisse.
Pablo en rougit de plaisir sous sa carapace de macho ! Avant de repartir nous lui offrons les 3 tableaux, empreintes de nos corps nus. Emma trouve ça original. Elle reconnait qui est qui mais laisse Pablo essayer de nous trouver. Il devine surtout son frère et nous remercie. Nous les déposons dans son appart en partant.  Emma que nous n'avions " vus " depuis pas mal de temps demande si nous (les trois jeunes) pouvons rester jusqu'au lendemain. Marc et Hervé se regardent et acceptent. Après tout ils nous ont plus souvent qu'elle. Dès que nous nous retrouvons tous les 4, les vêtements volent et c'est à poil que nous traversons la maison pour un petit bain avant l'amour. En arrivant près du bassin, nous attrapons Emma et la faisons voler dans les airs avant qu'elle n'atterrisse dans l'eau. Nous plongeons vite pour la retrouver. Les jeux ne restent pas innocents très longtemps ! Emma se retrouve rapidement envahie par tous les orifices possibles. Je lui roule une pelle alors que les doigts de PH et Ernesto s'agitent à l'autre extrémité de son corps.
Nous la sortons de l'eau et la portons jusqu'à sa chambre. Puis commence la partie de plaisirs. Dans un premier temps nous nous concentrons sur Emma. D'abord nos langues entrent en action. Nous tournons sur ses trois orifices, bataille de langue, excitation de son clito et préparation de sa rondelle à la défonce, nous y passons tous les trois. Quand nous l'avons senti bien chaude, un orgasme clitoridien plus tard, nous avons commencé à user de nos bites. Comme pour nos langues, nous alternons les pénétrations. Bouche, chatte et cul en prennent pour leurs comptes. Ma position préférée et je pense celle d'Emma aussi c'est : PH dans sa bouche, Ernesto dans sa chatte et moi dans son cul.  Nous avons réussi à la mettre sur les genoux avant que nous même nous jouissions à notre tour. Les trois orgasmes que nous lui avons procurés pendant nos rotations y ont été sûrement pour quelque chose.  Alors qu'elle revenait du dernier, elle a pu nous admirer nous aimer entre nous. Elle est même venue nous rouler des pelles alors que je défonçais PH tout en me faisant mettre par Ernesto. C'est aussi une position que j'affectionne particulièrement. Se faire labourer le cul alors que sa propre bite est compressée par une rondelle bien serrée, c'est très bon. Et d'autant plus quand la queue qui te défonce fait 24 x 6 (même sous emballage)!
Alors que nous nous écroulons en tas après avoir enfin éjaculés, Emma nous cajole tout en nous laissant reprendre souffle.
Nous finissons la nuit tous les 4 serrés dans son grand lit.
Le matin, Pablo nous avait préparé un petit déjeuner à l'anglaise, ayant supposé à juste titre que nous aurions besoin de reconstituer nos forces. Comme il apportait le thé, je demandais à Emma si elle lui avait octroyé un créneau pour nager dans la piscine. Elle n'y avait pas pensé. Retenant Pablo, elle lui a demandé si l'accès à la piscine l'intéressait. A sa réponse positive, elle lui a permis d'y aller quand elle même ne l'utiliserait pas et dans ses plages de temps libre. Pablo lui a dit qu'il irait, dans la mesure du possible, tous les jours en début d'après midi.
Retour au Blockhaus. Marc et Hervé nous attendaient. Comme leurs voyages à l'étranger ne favorisent pas l'exercice, hors les quelques hôtels équipés de salle de sport et la baise, nous les attirons  au second pour deux bonnes heures de suée. Puis barbotage dans l'eau chaude de la piscine pour détendre nos muscles.
L'après midi, Hervé et Marc nous ont trainé dans les boutiques pour refaire nos vestiaires. Après avoir acheté de quoi remplir les tiroirs à chemises et pour eux deux un costume, ils se sont aperçu que nos gabarits particuliers : épaules larges, bustes bien développés et bassin étroit avec cuisses plutôt musclées, ne rentraient pas dans le standard du prêt à porter classique. Du coup nous avons fini dans la boutique Levi's où nous avons foutu un bazard pas possible. Je pense qu'à nous 5, nous avons accaparé plus de la moitié des vendeurs et essayé toutes les formes en stock. Avec PH et Ernesto, j'ai rendu fous nos jeunes vendeurs attitrés avec nos demandes de Jeans slims dans lesquels nos cuisses avaient du mal à rentrer. J'ai poussé le vice à demander à deux vendeurs de m'aider à enfiler le plus étroit. Chacun d'un coté de moi, tirant vers le haut le jeans par la ceinture alors que je détendais mes muscles pour facilité leur compression. Comme nous faisions beaucoup de bruit, PH et Ernesto sont venu à la rescousse et passant leurs bras autour des vendeurs sont venus les aider à " m'enfiler ". Cela n'a pas rendu l'essayage plus discret. Ils en pont profiter pour les coincer contre moi et pour frotter leurs braguettes gonflées contre leurs petits culs. Je ne sais pas s'ils étaient homos mais j'ai bien senti leurs bites gonfler contre mes cuisses. J'ai commencé à bander et là, c'est devenu carrément impossible de refermer les boutons !
Leur patron est arrivé pour gueuler que nous faisions trop de bruit, le plus jeune des vendeurs, joues rouge et braguette déformée, lui a montré la pile de jeans déjà mis de coté. Grands sourires et excuses pour nous avoir déranger, nous souhaitant bonne continuation.
Du coup, c'a cassé l'ambiance et nous avons fini nos sélections rapidement. Avant d'arriver en caisse, je donnais à mes deux petits vendeurs ma carte tout en les invitant à venir nous retrouver dès la fermeture de leur boutique. Comme le plus jeune allait s'excuser de ne pouvoir venir, son collègue l'a pris par le bras et nous a dit que sans problèmes ils nous rejoindraient tous les deux vers les 20h, la boutique ne fermant qu'à 19h30. Passage en caisse, remerciement du patron devant la 20aine de pantalons que nous lui prenions. Nous finissons les courses dans un magasin de vêtements de sport. Ils ne disposent que de Jocks Adidas et tous avec coquilles pour les sports de combat. Nous passons dans les rayons " sport indoor ". Rien de neuf en appareil de muscu. Je prends quand même une douzaine de paires de gants de différentes tailles pour notre salle privée. Coté vêtements, rien de plus intéressant que ce qu'on peut trouver par internet.
Retour à la maison. Je préviens Marc et Hervé que j'avais invité pour le soir même nos deux vendeurs. Hervé est surpris, pas encore complètement à l'aise avec mes façons de faire. Marc lui me souri, amusé comme d'habitude. Il sait que mes choix seront à même de satisfaire ses envies.
Quand ils arrivent, Marc me félicite. Mes deux jeunes vendeurs sont mignons comme tout. Ils sont un peu intimidés mais ça ne dure pas. Le plus âgé, 20ans maxi, porte son jeans comme une deuxième peau. Mais il se laisse rapidement dépouiller de son polo. Pas un poil sur le torse aux pecs bien dessinés avec des tétons plus gros que la normale. Quand j'en pince un, il réagit au 1/4 de tour. C'est du téton travaillé ça ! L'apprenti vendeur, plus jeune se laisse approcher par Ernesto et PH. Il se laisse embrasser et bientôt se retrouve nu comme un ver. Imberbe lui aussi, il se débride complètement et s'attaque aux boutons de leurs braguettes. Le plus âgé me dit alors qu'il ne faut pas que je m'inquiète, sous des dehors de garçon bien élevé son collègue est une véritable petite salope. Toujours une kpote en poche pour se faire baiser par un beau client. Quand il tombe sur les 24cm d'Ernesto son exclamation est sans équivoque, tout comme sa plongée pour se l'enfiler dans la gorge ! De mon coté, avec l'aide de Marc, j'ai fini d'éplucher mon vendeur.  Plein de bonne volonté, il se penche de lui-même sur nos bites et nous suce en alternance. J'aime bien sa bouche et sa mâchoire large qui nous laisse entrer dans sa gorge sans que nous ne sentions ses dents. Il joue de sa langue sur nos glands avec dextérité et la pointe même pour titiller nos méats. Marc aime bien et il bande encore plus dur. A nos coté, le jeune vendeur s'est attaqué à la queue d'Hervé. Ernesto, la main sur sa tête, dirige la pipe. PH nous rejoint. Il s'installe sous le vendeur pou r emboucher sa bite (correcte dans les 18 x 4/5). De mon coté j'écarte ses fesses et à la vue d'une belle rondelle serrée, je me penche pour la bouffer. Bien que bâillonné par les 22cm de Marc, il émet des borborygmes que nous traduisons comme des signes de bien être. Sous ma langue son anneau se desserre rapidement. Mes doigts plein de gel remplacent ma langue et j'en entre facilement deux. Ça l'air de lui plaire vu comme il tortille du cul. Au troisième doigt, je préviens Marc qu'il est prêt à être sailli. Dégagement de sa gorge, enkpotage et pénétration dans la foulée. Le vendeur apprécie la défonce. Il attend que Marc soit au fond de son cul pour agripper mes hanches et enfourner ma bite dans sa bouche. Il m'aspire et m'avale. Sa gorge serre bien mon gland et je dois faire un effort pour me retirer et le laisser respirer ! Bien chaud, je demande à PH de se tourner en 69 avec notre centre d'intérêt et quand il est en position, je m'assois sur sa queue. Ce n'est pas mauvais de se faire pomper le dard tout en se faisant ramoner le cul, tout ça sous les yeux de son mec en train d'enculer le suceur !
A nos cotés, Ernesto et PH font la fête au petit cul de l'apprenti vendeur. Après l'avoir baisé chacun à son tour, ils en sont à l'enculer ensemble. Vu les grimaces qui déforment son visage, l'apprenti prend grave ! Je décris à son collègue ce qu'il subit. Il est surpris au point de délaisser ma bite et de tourner la tête pour mater. Il nous dit qu'il le savait très salope mais pas à ce point là. Je reprends sa tête et plante ma bite dans sa bouche ! Faudrait pas qu'il m'oublie. Il s'étrangle plusieurs fois. Quand Marc pousse son sexe au plus profond de son cul ça le propulse sur mon sexe et mon gland pénètre au plus profond de sa gorge.
Quand je vois l'apprenti se juter dessus avec une force telle qu'il s'en fout dans les cheveux, j'explose à mon tour et mon sperme sert de gel au vendeur. Je sens au fond de moi, PH juter comme Marc se fixe au plus profond de notre invité pour remplir sa kpote.
Avachis dans les canapés, nous récupérons quand Samir et Ammed arrivent avec des serviettes tièdes et de quoi restaurer nos forces. Les deux nouveaux ouvrent de grands yeux devant leurs tenues minimales (rappel : shorty en cuir moulant).
C'est quand ils veulent partir que nous nous apercevons qu'ils ont bu un peu trop ! alors qu'ils veulent absolument rentrer chez eux, PH leur fait comprendre qu'ils sont trop " chargés " pour prendre le volant. Ils acceptent de se faire raccompagner. Ammed suivra Samir et les deux vendeurs pour le ramener au blockhaus.
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smvillainsweek · 3 months
Favorite Black Moon Clan member
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jefkphotography · 8 months
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A stainless steel, jeu de boule.
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