#botw musical
botwmusical · 10 months
Highlights of Songs From The Wild is officially RELEASED!
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If you tuned into our AMAZING premiere livestream (shh, there were no regional phenomena nor connection issues), you'll have heard all twelve of our wonderful songs. If not, GO WATCH THE STREAM HERE! It was SO much fun.
Alternatively... click here to download the album for completely free! Put it on your phone, put it on your MP3 player from 2008, burn it on a CD and play it in your car (and risk crashing from crying so hard).
Thank you to everyone for showing so much support. Songs From The Wild will be taking a break, but the story isn't over just yet. Keep those eyes open, Zelda...
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athena-theunicorn · 10 months
I don't know if y'all are planning this or not, but I certainly hope the botw musical team is going to put this on Spotify, because I will not be able to live in peace otherwise.
Anyone, everyone did a wonderful job with this musical. I'm in awe of everyones hard work and talent so little people like me can enjoy it. I missed the stream, but watching it back I cannot wait for further developments <3
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magdaamm · 4 months
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does the swallow dream of flying
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nell0-0 · 7 months
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Based on a fic called A Wild Time at Calamity Ganon
This was a gift fic from @musical-chan about Mask ending up at the end of another hero's journey (Wild). Yeah, I'm still thinking about this fic aksgfshdn
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retrogamingblog2 · 4 months
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 9 months
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A new challenger approaches (slowly)
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I would not change it each time
francesca - hozier
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everydaylouie · 2 years
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GORON CITY SALSA (been listening to Fania Records stuff!)
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one has to laugh
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elliott-forgott · 9 months
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*choking back tears* I love the dragonhead island theme, you guys should listen to the dragonhead island theme on loop for 10 hours.
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botwmusical · 10 months
"Highlights of Songs From The Wild" - Premiere Announcement
It's been a hundred years in the making, but Highlights of Songs From The Wild is coming this Saturday at 5PM UTC. Tune into our premiere livestream, hosted by @ashnwolves and @dianapocalypse, to listen to twelve original songs written for this musical adaptation. You'll also hear messages from the voice cast, as they drop by to share their favorite memories from the series, as well as a Q&A with the creatives.
The album will be available as a free download following the livestream, so keep an eye out. (And remember to send in your questions for the Q&A by December 8th!)
Open your eyes, Zelda. It's almost time.
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athena-theunicorn · 1 year
Okay. Can I gush about @wanderingnightingale for a second here? Yes, because she deserves it.
How can one person be so incredibly talented. It baffles me. She's a phenomenal writer (go read Dropping the Sword rn) AND she can sing?? Those HIGH NOTES? Like??? When I heard If You Weren't A Hero I was IN SHOCK AND AWE. IT WAS BEAUTIFUL. Certainly a voice to match the wonderful writing. I've had the song on loop all day go listen to it while reading all her fics istg you won't regret it.
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ganondoodle · 6 days
okay i typed this in a reply but i need to say this more detailed here too, the way totk dealt with horses (and stables) is bad and worse than botw imo (yes i can rant about that too, these weird choices are in every little spot in totk, its almost impressive)
in a game that lets you build cars and stupid flying maschines, towers that shoot you into the stratosphere AND teleporting points all over the place, the chance is already low that you use a horse- though i would be one of them bc i love horses and hate building and didnt find it fun at all-
(also i almost never used any parts i had with me bc you cant put them back and your dumb vehicles despawn as soon as you dont look at them- also a negative thing about that system that reinforces the feeling of actually using it being more punishing than rewarding with the added bonus of the good ol saving your health potions forever problem)
-and something i DID like was that you can have more horses and the ... one.. new color (the lil spots but only AFTER you do that one quest in the spy post)
the stable points seemed like a neat idea, but like so many things, are utterly cheatable, imo the system should have only given you a point when you visit a new stable, so you actually have to go around and visit them all
(also .. add new stables, like mini ones or sth that dont offer beds- you dont need that anyway- so you have more places in which you can get them ... why did they remove some of them anyway, shouldn there be MORE now that the land is supposedly healing/being repaired? especially the one next to the big canyon, its so empty there it would have the perfect place for sth like a new settlement or a big boss arena but no its more empty than it was before, why?? and then putting yet another repeating annoying quest there in that weirld empty place?? i just dont get it)
letting you farm points by sleeping at a stable or bringing in a horse gives you LESS incentive to actually go around the world bc you can just farm it there
(and if that was done so youd 'discover' the malanya talks to you in your sleep 'secret' ... that is literally told to you, and if its bc you dont want to force players to go around and find every stable to get all those rewards ... why do you have 140 or whatver caves then with the majority of them being the literal same thing over and over ... to make people actually use the sleeping thing there? .. why, who uses that anyway, and farming points by sleeping there .. what the hell does that add? AND THEN the stupid sleep over tickets, probably the most nothign reward ever, dont count?? i dont think i ever used one- it just all doesnt make any sense, everything plays against each other)
the upgrading system for your horse is .. once again, a neat idea horribly executed, you have to go find malanya to upgrade them, and similarly stupidly like the fairies, they only tell you what food you need for what upgrade when you are there .. or when you are sleeping in the special tm bed at a stable, randomly, one food, bc the quantity changes too
which is just so ??????????? let me go and do a quest that rewards you with a lil booklet in which you can look up what an upgrade costs, or let the stables have that, either as a list or in the menu when selecting a horse or something?? (also why the hell is malanya in a different spot anyway, like, it feels like a modder just plopped them over there, their og spot is just empty now - except for yet again a stupid filler quest for .. another big horse and a yaaaaaaaaays crystal shrine quest- ... the spot is even still called spring of the horse god .... its so stupid, just like the fairy shuffling around, like you really couldnt think of a better way to reuse that concept other than to ... move it to a different spot in the same map and map level???? and not change anything in their og spot except idk, put a hole in the map ... for one of them like .. its like they moved them around last minute just to have the semblance of things being 'changed' with no regard what makes a change actually feel like one and what just feels like, pick up thing, click on random spot on map, drop thing- its like that for the fairies and shrines too, its so dumb and .. feels disrepectful to botw and how much thought seemed to have went into these spots that were clearly built about those things)
and like it couldnt get WORSE, they cut off the paths that horses follow automatically with one of those miasma buttholes (sorry its just a hole cut into the map, it doesnt even look like miasma burst through, it just .. cut out) a monster camp (that RESPAWNS, i thought those camps you clear with a quest would stay clear, but that would make sense, so of course it respawns and you can do the frame rate killer quest over and over yippieee) or otherwise like, with a big rock or a broken bridge-
and there is NO WAY to create a new path or fix or move anything in a game ABOUT BUILDING supposedly, like you needed more reasons to never use a horse????? i liked jsut hopping on and letting them follow a path and chill looking at the landscape, you cant do this here, and you cant even excuse it with 'its bc of the theme' as in, stuff is destroyed bc calamity 1.5 or whatever bc nothing in the game makes it feel like theres anything actually at stake, but the real crime is to make it not be fixable. WHY??? link moves entire buildings with ease but cant move one freaking rock that fell into a river?????? you swing around logs like a club but cant fix a bridge so your horse can get over it??????????????????????????????
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raviolism9 · 9 months
i'm sorry but the moment i realized that these 2 had the same tempo I actually started cackling
This was way too good of an opportunity to pass down :skull:
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pie-bean · 9 months
Animal Crossing is such a relaxing game
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webhead3345 · 6 months
Me and my sister were talking about Kass in BotW and realized that we both would sneak up on him (close enough to hear him play but far enough that he wouldn’t notice Link and stop) just to listen to his music for a while.
Made me think of what that would look like to Kass if he ever actually noticed it was happening. 😂
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