#bottom right is strider the rogue
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This has been unshaded for a year now and I doubt that'll change, so Greats be upon ye!
#vyncent sol#prime defenders#jrwi#top left is greyson the dragoon#bottom left is Vyncent's dad#top right is min the mage#bottom right is strider the rogue#i like how i detailed strider and mins eyes and then NO ONE ELSES#omgart
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ok ok ok now that u r an expert on Homestuck. classpect question :] u said the other day that u rlly rlly like the doom aspect, have u put any thought into a class for urself 👀👀 those r kinda tricky sometimes but it's smth kinda fun to think abt
HHH HII MAC SORRY this has been. marinating in my inbox. in the inbox juices. for so long. its like that one jar of kimchi now thats been sitting in the bottom shelf of my fucking fridge for gd knows how long with how long its been aging in here. fine vintage. ok i'm gonna stop that tangent here before i go off ive been practicing writing strider dialogue all evening if u couldnt tell LMAO. ANYWAYYYY. hhh i've beeen. rotating classes in my mind v much recently i'm still rlly not quite sure? they r. yes. youre right. v hard to pin down. Howeverrr my most recent thoughts have been. hm. either heir / seer. quite a captor kinnie moment on my part for someone who Isn't a captor kinnie tbh <3 i rlly like. the whole heir concept of "being consumed by or becoming [aspect]." that rlly goes brr for me. however the whole seer schtick is also p neat ngl... big fan of. knowing things. understanding things. that also kinda clicks. maybe rogue too rogue is neat i think rogue of doom would be sick as hell tbh. ANYWAY ya those r my thoughts!!!!!!!!! ^_^
#it is v v fun to rotate in my head u are so right. i lov making new and fun little boxes to put myself in. like a cat.#anyway hiiiii good evenin hru! ^_^ :]#mac tag!#hsposting
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“My Stuffed Animal Army That No One Should Dare Speak Of.” [7]
~Thunder Bluff, Mulgore~
“After the betrayal at Theramore, I am surprised to see you in my city.”
The braziers in the corners of the tent crackled, but the High Chieftain’s voice was strong enough to carry over the sputtering flames.
I stood in the center of the hut, the wooden floor creaking as Baine towered over me. Dezco had kept his promise and we had arrived shortly. The poor tauren waited outside, bent to my will by Wrathion’s hand.
I blew my bangs out of my face and replied, “With respect, I could say the same thing about you, High Chieftain.”
The Chieftain’s low hum was more of a growl as he sized me up. Every move he made was intimidating thanks to his race’s tall demeanour and ancestral armor. A headdress of feathers and two totems added to his already monstrous height. I found myself constantly leaning onto my tiptoes to try and look a little more daunting.
“Sunwalker Dezco said you come to me with dire news,” Baine said, avoiding the topic of Theramore.
I felt my lips thin into a grim line. “Garrosh is planning something. I don't know what, but he has an interesting collection of...not fun things stowed below Orgrimmar.”
“And you know this information how?” Baine’s hard gaze looked over my head at the entrance, where two guards stood at attention. They were out of earshot, although I didn't doubt they were staring cannon-sized holes into my head as I spoke.
“I’m not nosy,” I warned him. “I just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time…”
I repeated most of what I had told Anduin. Baine’s fur bristled as I described some things with great detail. The ring attached to Baine’s nose flickered as he took deep breaths.
When I was done, I stood in a frigid silence and willed my foot not to tap itself on the floor. I was sure there was a bounty on my head, and the longer I stayed in Thunder Bluff, the higher chances I had of being caught by Garrosh’s goons. A flashback of General Nazgrim made me shiver.
“You do sound nosy.” Baine finally decreed, a hand larger than my head poised beneath his chin.
“I am not–I’m just a...concerned individual.” I said. The flaps of the tent shuddered from the outside force of the wind, emitting a batting sound as the leather fought with nature. I felt so on edge the noise made me flinch.
Baine’s eyebrows were raised high, assessing my alarming information and twitchy behavior. I sighed and tried a different tactic, “I know how my reputation looks right now. I know...I don't seem like the most reliable source.”
I stepped to the side, closer to one of the brazers on the floor. The warmth embraced my bones with a brief surge of serenity as I met the Chieftain’s eyes.
“I left Outland two years ago. I left because...I lost my reasons to stay. I lost my family,” I said. “And then I joined the Horde. I felt like I had retrieved a part of something that I had taken from me. I may not agree on every battle with the Alliance, but last I checked...families don't agree on everything. I'm not going to let Garrosh destroy what I have here–not again.”
It was a terrifying speech to give out loud. Sure, Azeroth had racist dragons and angry monkeys and war-crazed morons. But Outland...Outland wasn't home anymore. It was a graveyard full of things that should remain buried. It was a ghostland that I did not have the strength to revisit.
“That was a hearty speech. One that the Horde would be proud of,” Baine stood on the other side of the brazer and reached over to clap a bulging hand on my shoulder. “You have my respect, Lady Strider.”
I nodded, allowing myself to smile briefly. Okay...I had to exchange my soul, but I think I got my point across. I won Baine to my side, this can all blow over–
“Do you have any evidence?”
My mind went blank. I exchanged my soul...and Satan left empty-handed.
“Uh,” I cleared my throat, “evidence? As in…?”
“Parts of the machinery, letters, images using goblin technology–although the latter is more of a death wish.” Baine named off the many good ideas I did not think of when I uncovered Garrosh’s plot. There was a certain amount of screaming in the back of my head, repeating one thing over and over…
I still don't know if I left the stove on in my house or not. My stuffed animal army that no one should dare speak of could be burning alive. What about my cookies? MY COOKIES!
“–Eona? I cannot make a proper investigation without evidence.” Baine’s voice brought me back to my cookieless reality.
“What are you saying?” I shook my head as the throbbing sixth sense in the back of my head made it's untimely appearance.
“I need a sturdy claim to confront Garrosh with,” Baine remarked gravely. “I need you to return to Orgrimmar and gather some remnant of truth to your words.”
Okay, I hid from Deathwing while crossing the Eastern Kingdoms and survived. I got this. It's like sneaking into the Darkmoon Faire after hours...it’s creepy and terrifying.
The shadows of the night kept me hidden from the guards that lined the wall. I crouched behind a patch of salmon-colored rock, right before the great gate of Orgrimmar. Mighty spikes protruded from the top like hungry fangs waiting to feast upon victims. The flapping banners of the Horde were like bloodstains dripping from the gaping mouth.
My fingers secured the hood around my head, keeping my hair and long ears out of sight. Garrosh’s elite squad–the Kor’kron–flooded the city like a virus. There was also the possibility that Garrosh put a bounty on my head–I could run into someone of my own profession while I was here. Orgrimmar posed a high threat, but not the greatest.
Despite the clear danger to this journey, there is an upside. Garrosh is not here–he is still continents away on Pandaria. And no matter how much of a strategist he is, he wouldn't even consider me returning here.
I strapped on a pair of goggles to keep my glowing eyes dim and silently nodded to myself. It's go time.
I leapt up from my post and snatched a rock in the process. I threw it down the end of the gate.
Two guards standing at the entrance flinched at the noise as the rock hit steel. Their heads turned, and with it, their attention. I snuck forward and stood up against the wall as one went off to investigate. The second remained.
My fingers silently unlatched one of my pouches and I grabbed a fist full of green powder. Covering my nose, I blew it towards the last guard’s direction.
I slipped through the doorway, into the open jaws of the beast as the guard’s pauldrons shook from a coughing fit. My steps quickened as I heard the sound of vomit after.
Poor guy, he's probably innocent in all of this. Maybe I’ll leave a cake mysteriously nearby for him when I leave–he was just doing his job.
What mattered was that I was in, and the threat only increased as I traveled deeper in. I couldn't go back underground–that would be suicide. But I could check Grommash Hold in the center of the Valley of Strength for letters proving it's existence.
I crept from palm trees to war wagons as I dodged guards and night owls. I ducked behind a warboard just as an undead woman tacked a paper on the bottom.
“Have you seen my son, Jimmy?” She asked a guard nearby, her voice laced with decay and concern.
I started to glance around and stopped myself. No. No cake. No kids. Not yet. Just get the evidence out of the way first.
The woman kept the guard distracted, so I slipped into Grommash Hold without an issue. I hugged the walls of the domed room, checking for any sentries.
The chamber was empty, void of race leaders and representatives. Leather-skin rugs softened the hard metal beneath my feet. I couldn't stop my gaze from traveling to the end of the room, where the heart of Orgrimmar stood–or, sat, morelike.
The throne.
I crossed the furry tanned carpets and let my goggles hang around my neck to peer closer, wondering if Garrosh had lounged comfortably in it in the past, knowing what was beneath his feet.
My hopes rose to high pillars as I caught sight of the pile of letters sitting in their master’s empty chair. I skipped to the top, flipping through the yellowing parchment as I searched for shipment orders, secret plans, and statements that agreed with my findings.
Wait, where’s the decree of Garrosh’s crimes? Proof that he's secretly leading the Horde to ruin? Instead of looking through war crimes, my gloved fingers traced letters from concerning magazine subscriptions and messages from Thrall (all of them started with, “You disappoint me, Garrosh,”).
My head snapped up. Wait a minute.
Undead can't reproduce.
I spun on my heel and caught the knife in a gloved fist before it could bury itself in the back of my skull. The undead woman looking for her son outside tossed her commoner’s cloak to the side, revealing a rogue uniform of black leather.
Garrosh did put a bounty on me. She’s clever, I’ll give her that. She had me convinced.
I spared a quick glance around the room.
“Jimmy’s not here.” I said.
She smirked, her dead blue lips moving up ever so slightly as she lunged with two sharp blades.
I sidestepped as she landed atop the orcish throne like a fearless feline. With a flick of my fingers, I flung the knife into the nearest wall where it dug itself deep. I unsheathed my swords just in time to clash with hers.
“What gave me away?” I asked as we moved in a slow circle, our silver swords of death locked together in the center.
“You’re a carrot top that's pink and glows in the dark. I'm shocked you’ve survived this long,” The She-Rogue spat, tossing her head so that her rotting purple ponytail moved behind her shoulders.
“Carrot top?” I blew a random strand of hair out of my face. “That's just rude.”
She pushed forward with her blades and unhooked them from mine. In a flash of silver, they met again and again in a clashing thunderstorm. Lightning seared my eyes as the blades met. Thunder rippled and tore at my eardrums as the metal vibrated from the harsh movements.
During the tornado of slashes, our duel had moved closer to the wall, with my back to it. She wants to trap me. Like a cat and a cornered mouse.
“You’re journey ends here,” She hissed as she swung her left sword at my head. I had to use both daggers to block it.
How is it that when any other class stumbles upon the user of the same profession, it's a bond, but with rogues it's a contract for conflict?
“Before I leave, I should return something to you,” I remarked through gritted teeth.
As she gave me a quizzical look, I thrusted upward with both my swords. Her blade cut up, striking the knife I had thrown earlier. As it fell, I struck it with one of my swords–
And the dull handle richoched against her head. I winced as she hit the ground, unconscious. Any other rogue would’ve killed her, but she is another Horde member...and I’ve been on good behavior around Anduin.
My ears pricked up as something echoed off the domed ceiling. Footsteps.
My eyes widened as I looked wildly around the room. I hadn't made much of a mess, save for the scarred wall and woman on the floor. I propped her up in one of the shadows against the wall, hoping her deep sleep would last long enough for me to escape. I stepped towards the entrance when a goblin’s voice traveled.
“Warchief Hellscream is on the line, sir.”
“Pull him through.” An orc answered.
I cursed silently as their silhouettes blocked the exit. I went against my instincts and dove deeper into the room, behind the throne. My goggles returned over my eyes, and I peeked behind the colossal chair at the two newcomers.
An orc bearing the deep burgundy tabard of the kor’kron stomped into the room followed by a goblin holding a communications device.
Wait...they’re contacting Garrosh. I searched the insides of my shorter coat for a crystal and dove behind the back of the throne. My fingers trailed up the sides, and I held the shard close as it recorded what transpired next.
“Warchief, your munitions are ready. They are stored beneath the caverns of Orgrimmar as you’ve ordered.” The Kor’kron said.
I muffled my gasp when I heard the next voice reply, “And the heart of Y’Shaarj?”
Garrosh. I shivered as memories drifted up to the surface of my consciousness, but I thrusted them back down. I wanted to hear the conversation first hand.
“Kept safe.” The Kor’kron officer assured him.
“Good.” I could imagine the brown orc nodding. “Soon, all of Azeroth will see the true Horde…”
“And be crushed by it.” The Kor’kron finished fondly.
“Kaboom!” I heard the goblin crackle.
I rested the back of my head against the throne as I shrunk down. I now see why all the letters start with, “You disappoint me, Garrosh.”
Continue the journey to the next chapter here!
Not sure where you are? Check the Caverns of Time for more chapters!
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Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better
1) Nickname: Lmao I don’t really have any?? My family calls me Talia sometimes so does that count?
2) Star sign: Leo!
3) Height: Around 5′6′’? It’s been a while since I last checked.
4) Time right now: 22:31
5) Favourite music artist: It’s a tie between Halsey, Duran Duran and Imagine Dragons.
6) Song stuck in my head: Pacify Her by Melanie Martinez!
7) Last movie watched: Star Wars Episode VI
8) Last tv show/anime watched: For TV show, it’s Project Runway. And for anime it’s Steins;Gate!
9) What are you wearing right now: A pink tank top and floral pajama bottoms.
10) When did you create your blog: Either late 2013 or early-mid 2014?
11) What kind of stuff do you post: I mostly reblog stuff I either find funny, things I’m interested in or stuff about the fandoms I’m in. I also sometimes post cosplay or art related things. Tbh I post more cosplay and art on my instagram rather than tumblr.
12) Do you have any other blogs: Yup! fanfictionandreaderinserts.tumblr.com
13) Do you get asks regularly: Nah. I get one ask like once a year, lmao.
14) Why did you choose your url: Because I’m a sucker for Shakespeare quotes, some of them are fucking hilarious.
15) Gender: Female!
16) Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw!!
17) Pokemon Team: Nah fam.
18) Favourite color: Either purple (literally any fucking shade) or royal blue. I also really like ruby red, or any shade of dark red tbh.
19) Average hours of sleep: Anywhere from 4-10 hours (For a school day around 5-8 hours).
20) Lucky Number: Idk to be honest. I don’t really have one?
21) Favourite characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padme Amidala, Literally the whole Rogue One Squad, Luna Lovegood, Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, Zuko, Sokka, Katara, Jean Kirstein, Jon Snow, Donna Noble, Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir, Mike Munroe, Chris Hartley and Sam Giddings. So too many, basically.
22) How many blankets do you sleep with: One!
23) Dream job: To be honest I really want to work designing costumes for shows/movies/plays, or work with creating or finding props for shows/movies/plays! I lowkey wanna be a youtuber on the side but probably as more of a hobby.
24) Following: I’m following 1102 users.
@torrytheone @nak0dile @allroseshave-their-thorns @dont-blink-it-was-the-nargles @animentality @ninjamelissajulien @pwhyrope @vantaliciouscosplay @artisanadoration @ask-the-strider-prince
I decided to just ask ten people instead of twenty haha.
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