#bottle cages for small frames
neo404 · 5 months
Can you write about either nick with his bfs younger sibling or the other way around and it’s super fluffy, and they just look at each other like aghhh! Idk if that makes sense
Sisters’ best friend.
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Summary: in which Nick has a little crush on you and you have a little crush on him but both of you are unaware of it.
Note: Nick is mentioned to be taller.
“Why did you buy all of this?” I ask my sister while looking at the chocolates, drinks and chips on the kitchen counter. “Are you having friends over?”
“Yeah, I’m having a sleepover with some friend. I told mom to tell you.” She talks while texting someone on her phone.
“Oh, cool. She didn’t told me anything, who’s coming anyway?” I look at her, I don’t raise my head, just my eyes. She looks up from her phone.
“The people that always comes, you can have all the snacks you want, just don’t bother us a lot.” I pout and nod.
“Understood.” I grab a small pack of gummies and go to my room. It has been a while, it’s night already, I hear people talking and laughing on the living room, my sister has a lot of ‘girlfriends’, of course she also has a lot of guy friends but they don’t come to the sleepovers… except for one, Nick. Nicolas is fun, I like him, he is very kind to me and I really like his style. I hear his laugh, it’s loud and it makes my cheeks grow red, I’m so dumb but I can’t help it, he’s just so handsome and has pretty eyes, he also brings snacks for me sometimes so I kinda like him. The fact that I know he is gay doesn’t help, because I think I might have a tiny chance with him.
I sit on my bed scrolling on my phone and panic texting my friends that Nick is here and that I might die if I see him. So, I wait for the noise to come down, I hear them go into my sisters’ room at around 12:40, I go out to see if they left any snacks and to grab some water. As I walk past my sisters’ room, I can hear the muffled music and their gossiping, I roll my eyes and keep walking to the kitchen, it was dark and a bit cold. I turn on the lights and go to the fridge, I smile when I see my favorite chocolate right in front of me, I take it out and turn around smiling at myself.
“I see you found my gift.” Nick is standing in the door frame, his arms crossed over his chest, his hair a bit messy and with his pajamas on. I gulp and my cheeks blush a bit.
“I didn’t knew you bought it, thank you.”
“It’s nothing.” He says and walks over to me. “So, how have you been?” he leans on the counter and watches as I fill my bottle with water.
“I’m fine, hm, how about you?”
“I have been good, thanks for asking. Why weren’t you with us while watching the movie?” I turn around and put my filled bottle water on the counter right besides the chocolate.
“Well, I, I don’t know. I didn’t feel like it.” He hums, and I look away from him. Suddenly I feel small, his taller body making me feel tiny, his crossed arms showing off his big arms and broad shoulders. I try not to stare too much, key word = TRY.
“Interesting, you used to love watching movies with us. You love horror movies, don’t you?” I nod. “Well, at least you love curling up to me.” he grins and my eyes widen a bit.
“No, I-“ he talks over me.
“It’s okay, I like it.”
“Oh… cool. I don’t know what to say.” Nick unfolds his arms and walks slowly to me; I start taking tiny steps backwards until my lower back hits the counter. “Nick.”
“What are you doing?” he leans down a bit, one of his hands besides my body to cage me in, his other hand on my cheek.
“Nothing, just looking at you.” The tip of his nose lightly touches mine. “I really like your shirt, is it the one I gave you and your birthday?” he laughs a bit and I feel my cheeks burn.
“Nick, what if someone comes looking for you?” my chest feels heavy, my heart is beating fast.
“Let them.” he leans in, his soft lips touch mine for a few seconds. “I’m sorry, was that all right?”
My brain exploded, I can’t imagine how red I am right now, I nod quickly and put both of my hands on his chest. “Yes. I- Can you… please, kiss me again.’’ I see him grin, he kisses me again, this time it was longer, I wrap my arms around his shoulders and play with his hair, the hand that was previously on the counter goes to my waist. His lips move slowly and gracefully, it would be a lie if I said I know how to kiss, I am trying my best. I lean back a bit, looking up at his eyes.
“I wanted to tell you something.” He whispers. “I-“
“NICK!! COME HERE, CARLIE IS GOING TO CALL JAMES!!” Nick rolls his eyes when we hear the loud voice of my sister come down the hall.
“I’m sorry, I have to go. But, how about we go out tomorrow? Just the two of us.’’
“Like, a date?” it’s the first time I see him blush. He looks so handsome with his cheeks turning pink.
“Yeah, like a date. Sorry I have to go, I’ll text you” He gives me a quick kiss and fast walks to my sisters room, when I hear the door close, I let out a high-pitched scream and cover my face. God, what the fuck just happened? I think I’m dreaming.
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Taglist: @freshloveforthefit @shywolfapricotfan @sturnphilia @matty-bear @thenickgirl @stvrniolvsp @paige05 @soursturniolo @miloisdone1 @teenagetrash00 @lovely-calypso @h3arts4harry @malirosee
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lou-struck · 26 days
Room For Two?
Eijirou Kirishima x reader
~Love is all about sacrifice, you learn this on a hot summer's day when your alone time is lovingly interrupted.
Prompt: Hammock
~This is one of the requested prompts for my Summertime Fun Event. Feel free to check it out. 
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It is a picture-perfect afternoon in the height of summer. Although the sun is beating down, you are nestled comfortably in your beloved hammock in the shade, taking advantage of a glorious day off from work.
Your water bottle is nice and cold, and you have several good books tucked away in your tote bag. Needless to say, you are all ready to hunker down for the rest of the day. 
A slight summer breeze rustles the leaves of the two great trees you are tied to, sending the last of the season's blossoms fluttering harmlessly to the ground around you.
In complete bliss, you take a long sip of your water and turn the page.
'This is the life,' you think to yourself.
If only you had more days like this. Maybe you could actually complete your Goodreads challenge this year. Briefly, you wonder why you haven't been able to complete it these last two years when your work hours have been basically the same.
The thought harmlessly flutters away like a passing butterfly as you get engrossed in the novel you are reading, tearing through it with a hungry speed. 
"Hey there, beautiful. Whatcha doing?" a familiar deep voice calls, yanking your attention away from the scene and back to reality.
Oh, right, that's why…
Eijirou Kirishima, your sweet, chivalrous distraction and loving boyfriend stands above you. A big, loving smile on his face that you can't help but reciprocate. 
"Hi, Eiji," you grin, taking in his appearance; he has changed out of his hero costume and into some gray sweat shorts and a black Dynamite t-shirt. But you notice that his handsome face seems to have gotten quite an interesting tan line. "Looks like you got some sun today."
His bright red hair frames his now pink cheeks as he flashes you a shark-toothed grin. "No kidding, that face mask of mine is no joke," he brushes his crimson locks back to show you just how bad it is. You can see the pale outline of his chin where his black face guard sits, contrasting against his sun-slapped skin. 
Your eyes bug out of your head as your jaw drops with stunned amusement. Although you should at least pretend to be concerned, your urge to giggle overpowers your common sense. "Oh my god. Eiji. That's so bad."
"Could be worse," he shrugs, throwing his hands up and walking closer to your hammocked paradise. He runs his fingers along the taught strings that tether you to the trees and presses down on it lightly like he is testing its security. "You've got a nice little setup here Babe. Got room for one more?"
You blink… "On the Hammock?"
"Yeah, it looks cozy," he says, already kicking off his slides and trying to climb onto your little multicolored hammock. Although his quirk is not activated, his ridiculously hard muscles squeeze against you as he lowers his full weight on top of the hammock. 
On top of you…
The hammock rocks back and forth as you giggle and squirm under him. "Eiji, this hammock is small. There is no way we are both gonna fit."
"No way babe, you are not Titanicing me right now," he laughs, blowing you a raspberry. "There is more than enough room for us to have a serious cuddle session."
You are stunned into silence as you try to process him turning Titanic into a verb and pray that if the hammock snaps, you won't be flattened between the ground and Mt. Kirishima.
"This is nice, he hums, lying completely on top of you, although it is not at all cuddling weather.
"Is it?" you wheeze, feeling the spin of your hardcover book pressing into your gut. "I feel like I'm dying?"
He leans off of you slightly and looks at you caged under him. The flustered look on your cheeks brings a smirk to his lips as he presses an apologetic kiss to your sweaty temple. "Oh, Sorry. I guess I should be the one on the bottom." He flexes his bicep for show, "These muscles of mine make a better pillow than a weighted blanket.
"Please…" you rasp, your book still making it difficult for you to breathe.
"There we go," he murmurs, wedging himself between you and the bottom of the woven pattern beneath you until he ends up lying completely under you. Your limbs are pretzeled together cutely, and your book has fallen safely onto the dry grass with a thud. "All better?"
You look at his innocent expression and cannot bring yourself to roll off the hammock and create a new space bubble for yourself.  You relent and lay your head down on his chest and breathe in the subtle smell of his cologne. His arms wrap around you, and the whole odd situation feels awfully comforting. 
You close your eyes and think to yourself that although it's hot outside, maybe sharing a hammock with your favorite person isn't the worst thing in the world. 
"Much better."
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suzyandthefox · 3 months
Yet another vore Drabble
But this one is very personal, as it's from my (Suzy's creator) perspective if I was a pred.
Soft safe g/t F/F vore (What a shock I know)
Generally angsty, mild violence warning, mild mentions of throwing up (for those who have emetophobia) , but happy ending I swear
(SFW interaction only, I'm going to turn you into red toothpaste if you try and sexualise this)
Taglist: @pineappleparfaitie @opikarts @dav8530 @flights-of-fangcy (ask to be added or removed)
Word count: 1360
I don't remember what started it.
I don't remember what is it that made us yell into each other, what is it made me shout, growl, and pull at Suzy's thin pink tail.
But I knew that I wanted to be heard, I wanted her to listen.
In the hell that I was raised in, I was never allowed to speak, never to even breathe against the will of others, never to emit a noise beyond submissive, faint agreements, only a shallow doll.
And I never shut up, I bottled all my words,all my anger, and every time I spoke, it would all come spilling.
"Listen to me!" I shouted at Suzy "What's the point of having such large ears if you wouldn't use them for what god intended you to use them for!"
She protested at me, tried to retort,but it only made my blood boil, my fangs grinded at each other, my claws dug into the wood of the table.
Listen to me, Listen to me, Listen to me!!
"I'm not going to continue talking if you are going to keep talking like this!" The mouse girl protested and gave me her back, about to walk away.
I pulled her from her tail, and in a cruel fist I almost crushed her soft little frame, it was identical to a stress ball, I hate that I made this comparison.
"Did I say you can leave?!" My voice came seething, a sharp hiss that scared me more than it scared her.
I stare into her, she was small, round, with soft blonde fur on her large mouse ears, two large braided pig tails , a chubby body completely covered in freckles, and the dainty little green dress.
Seizing her did not calm my anger one bit, it had enraged me more, I was afraid she would run away...
Run away and leave me forever.
I will lose her.
I couldn't handle even the idea of it, and combined with her squirms and fights against me, and my frustrations, a primal desire I didn't know I possessed awoke in me.
I drew sharp breaths as I stared intently again, and something about my gaze must've changed, because Suzy cowered into herself when she looked at me.
Her wide, frightful green eyes made me grin, I felt dominant,I felt that I was in control, It was intoxicating.
Knowing me, I should've stopped there, but I was... Hungry.
Hunger was clawing at my innards like a rampant caged beast.
I am human, at least I think I am, but it was moments such as these that made me question what I was.
It happened in the blink of an eye,in a quick, swift motion, I shoved Suzy into my mouth.
Fabric, hair, fur brushed against my tongue and palate, I coughed and my throat spasmed, it didn't help that she was fighting for her life in there.
But still I closed my jaws around her, by a miracle I dodged her miniscule little limbs and didn't bite them off.
I savoured her for a moment, my tongue probed around the shivering little form in my mouth.
Candied strawberries, I forgot -or rather gave up thinking- about the fact that Suzy was a person of her own, a sentient being.
My mind blanked, there was a sweet little strawberry in my mouth, one that I'm going to swallow whole.
I gently slurped her tail in like a noodle.
It didn't help that her protests and fights died down into weak inaudible sobs, I was in delight at her taste.
I swallowed, and she was akin to cold water going down my throat.
My throat is sensitive, I thought I will just spit her out, I never thought I would actually succeed at swallowing a tiny, I never thought I would actually be a real... Predator.
But the horrifying realisation dawned on me when I felt her weight slowly going my throat, my hands instinctively lifted to my chest as she slowly descended behind my heart and kept going.
Fuck no, no no no no! Suzy!
I devoured my best friend ... whole and alive!
The weight dropped in my stomach just as my heart dropped, I felt her squirms inside me.
They were horrible.
I had fantasized about what it would feel like to have a tiny in my stomach, squirming and flailing and such, other preds keep saying it feels great to have them struggling in there.
It wasn't, its awful, I know damn well the being inside isn't supposed to be inside!
My stomach churned and ached, it was already a fragile organ that was agitated by the tiniest bit of stress, now it was full on assaulting both me and my little prisoner, who wouldn't just take it.
I was reminded, in the worst way possible, that Suzy has claws, because she used them to shred me from the inside.
Yes, her bites and claws will do minimal damage to me, but my god did they hurt, they hurt so much that I curled into myself in my chair, my face buried in my hands and my knees pressing to my elbows.
A fetal position, I was just as mortified as she was.
"Suzy..." I begged her as my tears fell, I shivered as she did, my voice died down and it was only pathetic whines and sobs.
We both curled into ourselves and cried for a while, sharing a tearful moment as we both tried to understand what happened.
I felt Suzy against the walls of my stomach, hugging folds of flesh in her miniscule paws, and she continued crying, but only this she wasn't trying to stay away, quite the opposite.
"I'm sorry, I'm very very sorry" We both said it, the tension eased.
I relaxed myself and sighed heavily, I never thought I would actually get to this point, but I had already known about my powers that would keep Suzy safe.
Due to my... nature, I was mostly inorganic, my material would change depending on the day, at that exact moment I was paper and so I could only consume things similar to me, things made of paper as well.
So having an organic being inside me wouldn't hurt them,as I was, in some way, just one big elaborate piece of origami.
"You know that you are... safe, right? You know I would never hurt you..."
My voice came as a quiet slurry of tearful words.
"Yes... But I was still scared, I panicked... Are you okay?"
"Yep! Completely fine!" I lied through my teeth. "Are you okay?"
"Not my first time being eaten!" Correct, it wasn't.
But it definitely was the most chaotic for her.
"I'm sorry I yelled at you" I told her weakly "And for eating you, and for pulling your tail... Dear god, what kind of awful being am I?"
"You aren't awful! You were just... confused! It happens!" She gently reassured me through sweet touches to my innards, still it didn't undo her scratches at me.
"Let me just look up a way to make myself throw up, I need to let you out" I told her as I grabbed my phone.
"You actually don't know how?!"
"Relax, mousey, not like I'm going to digest you or anything." I poked my stomach with my free hand. "You deserve to be imprisoned for your crimes against me anyway."
"It's just... You keep saying you want to be like those other ... predators, but now that you actually ate a tiny, you can't actually let them out?" She kicked me.
"As plankton said, Never thought I would get this far. By the way, I'm going to put you in the pickle jar again as soon as I spit you out."
"Because you shredded my stomach like it was cheese, you little prick!"
I gave a slap to my stomach, and I heard the audible "oof", we shared a laugh at the absurd situation.
Holding my best friend, safe and warm inside me, I can absolutely understand the appeal of it...
But I'm absolutely not going to do it again.
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gyllenhaalstories · 1 year
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summary: the title translates to a bet in paris. because jake’s doing a bet and you’re in paris... i’m so smart, oui oui.
warnings: established sugar daddy/sugar baby relationship, curse words, smut (daddy kink, mild degradation, pussy spanking, finger sucking, public sex, penetration, creampie). 18+ NO MINORS.
word count: 3600
photos credits: me @/gyllenhaalstories / divider credits: @/firefly-graphics
notes: i’m coming out of my cage and i’ve (not) been doing just fine (and neither does this fic because it’s a mess)... but come on barbie!jake, let’s go party! 💗 thank you for reading & REMEMBER TO REBLOG!
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Jake grabbed the small water bottle from your hand and drank a sip. “I just got an idea.”
You slowly turned your head to the right and studied his face. Not even the wind caused by the fan you waved before your face could hide the mischief that was written all over his features. “Oh no.”
“Oh oui.” He smiled from ear to ear, wrinkles spreading at the corner of his eyes that were partially shielded by the thick frames of his sunglasses. He placed the bottle on the chair, in the spot between his open legs. “We’ll make a bet.”
You slid your sunglasses down on your nose, looking over them. He did the same, causing you to smile. “Go on.”
“Remember how you didn’t want to be here today?”
“I wanted to be here,” you corrected him, hoping he knew that you enjoyed the opportunity to attend such a big sports event, “I didn’t want to sit in the sun for hours.”
“That’s exactly what I said: you didn’t want to be here.” You rolled your eyes. “So, I thought we could bet on how we’ll spend the rest of the evening once the game is over.”
You quickly glanced behind Jake’s shoulders, his friends were chatting in French. Something about the colour rose, you assumed they were discussing how Jake’s Barbie pink shirt clashed with pretty much everything in the court.
“If Djokovic wins,” Jake spoke, catching all of your attention again. “We go straight back to the hotel...” You mirrored Jake’s smirk as he paused, both of you knew what he intended with that silence. “But if the Norwegian player wins, we’re going out for dinner” he mouthed the words ‘with them’, his thumb in front of him and pointing back at the couple without raising suspicions.
“That doesn’t make sense.” You frowned. “That’s not even a bet.”
Visibly disappointed, Jake asked you why.
“We both know Novak’s gonna win. Everybody knows that.”
“I didn’t know you were a tennis connoisseur. That’s hot.” He leaned forward to capture you lips in a kiss.
You kissed him back. Then, you pondered at his bet for a minute, honouring the reflection time it took him to come up with such a plan. “My bet is on Djokovic.” You answered with a firm nod, stretching your hand out to shake his.
Jake enthusiastically shook your hand. “Mine too.”
You rolled your eyes again. You set down the fan to cross your fingers, some extra superstition was more than welcome if it could avoid an extra late dinner in a crowded restaurant where people would argue about the winner of the French Open.
Jake nudged your sides with his elbow, glowing in all the pinkness of his shirt. “We look good together.” He leaned his arm on your thighs, resting a possessive hand on your knee which brought you to scoot closer towards him.
Your heart skipped a beat at his words. You sure did look good together. You reached to his neck and fixed the pendent of his silver chains, placing it in the middle where all of your hickeys and love marks had sadly faded away.
“That  guy better fucking wins or else.” He flexed his neck, making it crack a little bit to release some of the growing tension. Needless to say, he would have a hard time turning his head left and right to follow that stupid neon green ball around. He would rather have his eyes glued on you the entire time and get out of the court before the second set.
The tension. It was unbearable.
Each ace, each quick sneaky hit, each grunt from the tennis players made you squirm on your uncomfortable chair and it made you wish this would all come to an end quicker. Just give the man his obnoxiously giant trophy so Jake and you could get ahead of the crowd. However, you still tried to enjoy the game, not that you paid much attention to it.
Jake and you  were playing your own game of back and forth, of testing the limits of  what would tip you over the edge. You stroked his arm, brushing your finger tips over his skin until you left a trail of goosebumps despite the heat outside. Jake’s hand would rub up and down your thigh, always reaching dangerously high. You had to remind yourself to adjust your skirt constantly. He would squeeze your knee, your leg, your thigh — basically whatever he could touch and not be called out for public  indecency. He let you press yourself against him, or wrap an arm around him so that you were impossibly closer and just toying with his chains to stop yourself from kissing his neck.
You were quite proud when he popped open a button from his shirt. Whether it was from the heat of the weather or the heat from his body and his desire to take you right here and there barely mattered. You were gladly surprised how he lost composure before you, so much so that he had to pull out his phone multiple times to send a short warning through text messages or to remind you that he wanted you just as bad as you wanted him.
He hid it by pretending to take a photo, but there was nothing in his camera roll that would support his alibi. Unless pictures from the previous night where he fucked you with a view of the Eiffel tower counted. You were not so sure how a blurry photo of his cum over your breasts with the twinkling monument in the background would convince anyone that you were two civilized tennis enthusiasts.
“Let’s get out of here.” You insisted as soon as the game was over and people cheered for the winner.
Jake repeated it, following you out of the section of seats. His hands were on your hips and his body pressed against yours. It looked as though he was scared to lose you amongst the sea of people — even though your VIP tickets offered you a sneaky way out. It also looked as though he was using the little friction caused by your bodies being squeezed together when someone would cut you off in the line to get some relief.
You said it again, you needed to get out of here and quick. You were not having any of the small talk from Jake’s restaurateur friends or from anyone, for that matter, who just bonded after witnessing tennis  history. You wanted out. Fast.
By some strand of luck, you avoided traffic and took a car back to your hotel. You thanked the  chauffeur, rushing out of the car where you had been kissing and rubbing  obscenely on each other. Jake paid him generously, causing the driver to shout “Monsieur, monsieur!” as he tried to give some of the money back to your man. Only, you were already on your way towards the entrance of the hotel lobby.
You were greeted by the one of the hotel managers who spoke with a thick French accent. He talked and talked and talked, something about how the building seemed empty with most of the residents having attended the French Open. You answered with nods and smiles until you excused yourself and took the lead, dragging Jake by the arm where his silver watch and bracelet made clicking noises  from all the movements.
“You’re so fucking needy for me.” Jake told you, not caring enough to lower his voice.
For a seemingly empty hotel, the elevators in front of you were occupied and smashing the buttons did not make them climb up and down faster. You noticed how Jake was fidgeting, eyes darting everywhere, as you sighed with frustration.
“Got an idea.” Jake spoke, his face buried in the crook of your neck where he busied himself by leaving as many kisses as he could in such a small amount of time — which was both a blessing and a curse. It was a blessing to feel your skin on his lips, something he wanted to do since you arrived to the world renown court.But it was a curse because it felt like he was stealing time away from what the two of you desperately wanted.
“Is it better than your bet?”
He laughed against your skin, tasting the sweat on his lips as his tongue caressed the spots he kissed hungrily. “Not at all.”
“I already love it.”
“You’re fucking perfect.” Jake smiled widely. He spotted the door that led to the stairwell and pushed you in that direction.
There were giggles that echoed in the empty room as the two of you tried to  walk up a few levels of stairs. You stopped to catch your breath and,  immediately, you had hands exploring your body.
Jake was pulling and gripping on the fabric of your clothes until he had your body pressed against his and your mouths connected by a deep kiss. One second, he had your face in his hands as his tongue danced around yours. The next second, his hands were groping your ass. He pinched your cheeks harshly, giving each one a loud slap that, too, echoed in the stairwell.
“We gotta wait until we’re in the suite, come on.” You lolled your head back and let him nibble on the skin of your neck  and cover it with open mouthed kisses. He grunted in response. “Jake —”
“Daddy.” He corrected, earning you an even harder spank on your ass to remind you what head space to be in.
“But Daddy!” You tried to stop him, nudging at him so he would recognize the risks of you getting caught.
“I  thought,” he spun you on your feet so that you were looking out the stairwell window, the busy City of Lights now before your eyes. “You said that you loved my idea, hmm?” His left hand crept up your body and lingered around your neck before he moved it up, his thumb dragged your bottom lip down. “Did you change your mind?”
“No, I —” You were interrupted again by two fingers entering your mouth.
“You what?” His right hand pressed on your tummy so that your ass would push against the bulge of his navy blue pants. “Go on.”
“I...” You struggled to speak with his fingers filling your mouth, so you mumbled  your way into trying to say that you “don’t wanna get caught.”
He laughed at how pathetic you sounded and did not let you say another word. Instead he pumped his index and middle fingers in and out, fucking your mouth with a smirk on his lips. “Shh, it’s not good to lie.”
You felt him rub against your body, his bulge pressing between your ass cheeks and making the fabric of your skirt ride up.
“I  know you love being watched.” Jake’s hand lowered and reached under your skirt. He leaned his chin on your shoulder and whispered to your ear. “I bet that if someone walked in, you would beg me to keep going.”
You nodded, spit drooling down his fingers and your chin as he kept fucking your mouth.
“That’s right. Such a good slut, you wanna give everyone a good show.” You opened your legs and leaned forward, giving Jake access to your core that he roughly rubbed over your soaked panties. With a quick motion, he pushed your panties to the side and pressed his hand against your slick covered pussy.
You exhaled audibly when his warm hand touched your even warmer core, suddenly all of the hours that flew by as you waited for this moment became worth it. Your hips instinctively  humped his hand, soaking him up.
“Fuck yeah, suck my fingers like they’re my cock.” He grunted when you lost yourself in the moment, your eyes shut and your cheeks hollowed around his digits.
You sucked on his fingers, your head bopped back and forth to meet his thrusts and your tongue twirled around his digits. You wished it was his cock, you wished you could taste his precum on your tongue.
He slapped your pussy, you flinched and gagged around his fingers. The sound bounced back against the walls of the stairwell. “That’s my good girl.” He spanked it again. The slaps were quick, he was not even trying to make them hurt. He was just riling you up for his own viewing pleasure of watching you fall apart under his hands.
Tears leaked from your closed eyes when Jake finally pulled his fingers out of your mouth. He smeared some more of your spit over your chin as you smiled.
He moaned as you enjoyed it. He, too, enjoyed making you look so messy and pretty for him. All the expensive clothes and jewellery he gifted you could never make you look as beautiful as you did just now, and just like the countless other times he had you crying of pleasure and begging for more.
You were begging now too: for more friction on your clit, for his fingers to stretch open your dripping pussy and, even better, for his cock to fill you up.
After a bunch of other pussy slaps that made your skin tingle, Jake pulled down his pants and underwear to the middle of his thighs. He smeared the drops of precum across his tip and used his hand that was wet from your pussy to lube himself up. “I’ve been thinking of this pussy all day long.” He groaned as he spoke, brushing his tip through your wet folds.
Your legs parted even more open as you leaned on the windowsill. The two of you moaned at the same time when he pushed himself in your entrance. Your breath got stuck in your throat and the burning sensation quickly ignited your body all the way to your core.
He kept pushing, and not slowly.The desire to feel you wrapped around him paired with the urgency of being done before getting caught had Jake going faster than usual. Soon enough, your walls gripped on all of his length and he let out another loud grunt. He leaned down, the fabric of his pink shirt tickled the exposed skin of your ass. He asked you how you managed to not make a puddle at the game from how wet you were for him.
Your response only came in a long, loud moan that was interrupted by the noise of a door opening a few levels above your head.
Jake brought both of his hands to your mouth, covering it to muffle all of your noises and only let you breathe through your nose. If you both prayed hard enough, maybe the intruder would leave without catching a glimpse of the two of you.
Your bottom halves were exposed, Jake’s pelvis rested against your ass and his cock was filling you up to the brim. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you felt small strokes that increased in speed as the noise from upstairs faded.
“Jesus fucking Christ.” Jake chuckled as he started to properly fuck you, his skin slapping on yours from his steady thrusts. “That was a close call.”
You hummed against his hands, still unable to respond.
“I felt you clenching on my cock.” He remained pressed against you and made your legs shake from both the weight of him and the weight of the pleasure that was spreading through your body. “I know you liked that.” His left hand stayed on your mouth but his left one slid down your body to meet with your slick pussy. “You like putting on a show, don’t you?”
You tried to speak the words ‘yes Daddy’ but only incoherent noises left your mouth.
His lips curled into a big smile. “That’s my good girl.”
The windowsill created indents on the skin of your arms from how much you relied on it to hold you up. You even struggled to keep your head up to look at the blurry views of the Eiffel tower and historical buildings. With Jake’s sharp and fast thrusts that kept pushing you forward and making your head bop like a silly toy and with his hand that roughly rubbed your clit from left to right, you were getting dizzy.
It took no time for Jake to get close, and for you to notice it too. His grunts were low and he breathed heavily behind you. He, too, was mumbling nonsense to rile the two of you up and take you over the edge. Praises about how you were “so fucking wet” and how “your pussy was made for this cock” resonated in the room until he stopped his thrusts for good. He focused on you.
He rubbed your clit in tight circles at the perfect speed. He let you clench on his cock and moan at the feeling of him inside you. The noises coming out of your mouth let him know he was doing everything right. He pushed the index and middle fingers of the hand that was trying — and failing — to keep you quiet in your mouth to prevent you from alerting the whole building.
“That’s it baby, give it to me.” With a few more seconds of your slick walls clenching around him, he shot his load inside of you. At that very moment, Jake was the one who needed to be gagged so he was not so loud. Ropes of cum filled you up and the grip of your pussy on him only made his cock throb more.
But you loved his noises, and you loved the way he made those waves of pleasure wash over your body as you came not long after him. Your orgasm made you dizzier than what it took to get you there. One by one, your thoughts started to come back to you and you put the puzzle pieces together. You almost got caught. There was no way you could hang out in the stairwell and take it for a second round without getting caught. Your ears started to buzz at the idea and when you tried to tell Jake that it was time to hurry up, he pulled out.
“Shit,” He ignored your whining about the sudden emptiness and adjusted your panties quickly. “Act normal.” Jake told you, the stern tone of his voice did not pair well with the sight you caught of his face that looked as fucked out as yours.
You flattened your skirt in confusion as Jake fixed the rest of his clothes. You finally realized what had caused such havoc: other people had entered the stairwell and were walking downstairs, in your direction. There was no way you would pass off as someone who acted normal in the slightest. You had spit, sweat and tears on your face and your weak knees made it incredibly hard to stand still. Even while holding on Jake’s arm and leaning on him, you were shaking like the branches of the trees outside. That breeze would have been more than welcome while you sat outside during the tennis game.
Jake laughed quietly at your pathetic attempts and, when the people finally walked besides you to go to the lower staircases, he helped you out by planting a kiss on your lips. He avoided the possibility of small talk and he also turned your brains into complete mush. That was the smartest idea he had all day.
It did not last for long. At the second the strangers were out of sight, Jake’s hand slid between your closed legs to cup your pussy over your panties. Sure enough, they were soaked and so were your inner thighs. Your felt him smile against your lips before he broke the kiss.
“Those panties are completely useless.” He stated the obvious with a light shrug. He reached both of his hands between your legs and pulled hard enough on the wet fabric to tear it apart so he could take it off for you. “You look so pretty for me, dripping with my cum like that.”
You watched him with your jaw dropped and glossy eyes while he put the ruined lingerie in the pocket of his pink shirt. The wetness would soak through it too, but you doubted that he cared much about that detail.
He grabbed your hand, his fingers still sticky from touching your panties. “Come on, baby. We’ll order some room service.” He pulled you along until you found the closest exit out of the stairwell. Neither of you were capable of using the stairs, at least not for their intended purpose. “Wanna bet on something else?” He ignored the way you shook your head in disapproval of whatever idea had popped above his head like a cartoon light bulb. “I bet that my cum will still be dripping out of you by the time we make it up to our room.”
You awkwardly walked with your legs closed and avoided looking at anything except Jake and the elevator you were headed towards. “And I bet it will have dripped down my legs.” You whispered when you got in the elevator. Much to your dismay, you were not alone.
Jake seemed content with your reply and, before pressing a kiss on your temple, he added a counteroffer to his bet. “In that case, I’ll have to add more where it came from. I need a new lock screen anyway so I’ll take a few photos of how beautiful my baby looks.”
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anodeorain · 1 year
Lady Dimitrescu x Y/N
Tags: cigarettes, alcohol
Notes: this one is a nameless drabble. I’ve been feeling kinda down for few days now and this came out. hope, you enjoy.
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Another sleepless night. Another careless walk around the giant castle. Your steps echoes through the hall as you sneak around the dim lit rooms. The silence sends shivers down your spine, you even can hear your own heartbeat.
You hold the candle that barely illuminates the hall. Gliding your fingers against the cold sharp wall you continue your small journey to the library. The windows are covered with thick materials. You never knew why but other maids gossiped about it, saying there are formidable things outside you never wish to see. You shiver just from the thought of it but keep walking. Finally, you reach the stairs. You’ve been working here for the past few years, you obviously know every inch of stair’s floorboards and which of them creak and crunch under your feet.
You quietly walk upstairs, as slow as you can, making sure you make no sounds. As you get on the third floor you look around, ensuring you’re all alone. You see familiar door. The one that leads to the huge library with impressive amount of books. But still there’s another door, you can’t say anything about it. It’s been locked since your arrival.
You can notice a thin stream of light on the floor from behind the secret chamber’s door. It’s slightly ajar, you can say. It’s the first time you catch such thing. You spin your head around, making sure for one last time there’s no other soul on the floor, before quietly sneaking toward the massive ornamental wooden door.
You pull the doorknob just a little more, tiptoeing inside. The room is large, walls painted mostly in green. The huge lacquered piano stays in the middle of the room. The room also has a small loggia and few coffee tables with couches around them. Seems like someone gave performances here long time ago. The layer of dust covers everything in this room, including dried flowers in luxury decorated vases.
Two candles on top of piano’s music shelf lit up the room. Candles stay on both sides of handwritten sheet music. You take a look at it but you can’t distinguish anything. You slowly reach your hand to the keys, touching them with the tips of your fingers. They feel sleek and chill under your fingers.
Heavy clicking sounds echoes through the third floor and you gasp, turning your head toward the door. You immediately head off to the darkest corner of the room, covering your mouth with your hands as you sit on the floor, too terrified to breathe.
You and Lady Dimitrescu have been in a weird sort of relationship for about a year now. She let you sleep with her in her bed sometimes. She treats you with delicious food twice a week. She gives you an opportunity to take a bath in her own bathtub. You are have sex but still, Alcina is a dark horse. She delicately avoids most of topics you want to discuss with her. You’re lucky enough if The Lady is in a good mood which means you will not be punished for bringing some topics up. You barely know her, you can’t read her emotions and you never know what’s on her mind.
The door opens slowly and a tall figure ducks through the door. It’s the countess. She wears a long dark crimson nightgown and black heels. Her hat is placed on top of her head. Sometimes you think she never takes it off. The dim light from candles frames her curvy silhouette. The Lady looks around, placing the large bottle and her favorite crimson goblet of one of her wines on the tiny table nearby the piano. She frowns for a second before taking a seat at the piano.
Her long pale fingers touch the piano keys. The sound of the first note echoes loudly in the room and your heart starts thumping against your rib cage even harder. Lady Dimitrescu presses another key and another and another until the beautiful, sad music comes together. You see Alcina tapping the foot as she plays, her nimble fingers going over the keys over and over, sticking every note. It does sound magnificent. You even could compare that to some famous compositors. You never knew your Lady is the one herself.
The countess stops playing. She opens the bottle of wine, pouring some into the goblet. She swirls the wine in it before gulping the wine and pouring some more. She takes a pack of cigarettes, lights one up. The harsh smell of tobacco comes across the room and reaches your sensitive nostrils. You squeeze your nostrils with your fingers, breathing through your mouth now as you are about to sneeze. The Lady puts one hand on the keys, tapping them slowly as she keeps smoking and sipping the wine.
“Did you enjoy my performance?”
She asks, her voice is cold yet you can tell she’s smirking. Alcina doesn’t turn to you, she takes her goblet and gulps the wine.
“How do you know I’m here?”
“Oh, Draga Mea, I can smell your blood rushing through your veins from miles away. Such a divine scent of fear.”
Lady’s voice becomes lower and she slowly turns around on her chair, facing you now.
“Such an rebellious pet. I bet, you earned a punishment today.”
A devilish grin comes upon her crimson lips, sending chills down your spine. Alcina beckons you with her finger and you slowly walk toward her, tugging on your dress as your anxiety level increases. Lady Dimitrescu seems tranquil and you can notice sadness in her eyes.
“What’s the matter, Alcina?”
You ask in a soft tone. She doesn’t respond. The countess wraps her muscular arm around your waist and pulls you close, letting you sit on her lap. You look up at her, catching sorrowful smile. She hands you her crimson goblet.
“Be a dear, hold it for a minute, pet.”
You carefully hold the goblet as Alcina pours herself more wine. It’s sticky and smells like blood, you scrunch your nose and she lets out a chuckle. She puts the bottle away and gently wraps her large palm around your wrist, pulling your arm up. Her dark cherry lips wrap around the rim of the goblet as she sips the wine. The bloody liquid runs down her chin. You stare at her open mouthed as she continues sipping the wine. The view puts you in a trance. You reach your hand to her face, gently wiping the wine off her face with your thumb. She lets out another low chuckle and rolls her eyes.
Finally, Alcina takes the empty goblet away from your small hand and smiles, placing it on the table. You keep your gaze at her and she raises an eyebrow at you.
“What is it, Y/N?”
She asks and you shake your head lightly, blushing. You feel embarrassed and want the ground to swallow you up. Lady Dimitrescu laughs, running her hand through your hair, bowing down to kiss the top of your head.
You both sit like this for few minutes. Alcina passes her hand through your hair and you lean against her chest, enjoying the physical contact. The countess stares at nowhere, deep in her thoughts and you can not let yourself to disturb her. She speaks first.
“I feel so betrayed. I am doing my best to be greatest in her eyes. I deserve it… To be worthy of her attention and love. I demonstrate her my honor and loyalty and it is still not enough.”
The countess sighs as she finishes her small monologue and lights a cigarette, her lips tremble as she takes a drag. She pulls you closer to her body, you feel the coldness of her pale grayish skin. Alcina’s shoulders shake slightly and she presses her fist against her mouth. She takes a deep breath before looking down at you.
“They are better. Heisenberg hates her, Moreau is a hideous whiner and Donna is a creepy lunatic. And yet, I am not the one to merit her consideration. Dear, dear… How very unfortunate.”
Lady Dimitrescu lets out a muffled snigger and looks down at you again. She puts her forefinger under your chin, tilting it up, making you look at her. Surprisingly, you don’t see a single tear in her dead, ashy eyes, that used to glow with vivid gold.
Alcina stays quiet, staring into your eyes, looking for support and care. Her eyes stray around your face, almost crying out for help. You cup her face, caress her cheeks with your thumbs, feeling her leaning into the touch. Your eyes locked to one another’s. She is the first to make a move. The countess lean closer, pressing her bitten lips against yours, leaving a red mark on them. The kiss is soft yet sorrowful. She pulls away, looking away from you.
“You may go, Y/N. It is getting late, you should get a proper amount of sleep.”
Lady’s voice is cold again, there is no space for emotions anymore.
You disobey, making Alcina feel annoyance.
“Listen. I don’t need any pity and sympathy. These feelings are miserable.”
She spits out the last word, seizing a bottle by the neck, raising it toward her lips.
“I want to stay to make sure you’re okay. I wish I could show you the sympathy but I’m aware, you don’t appreciate that kind of emotions. ”
Lady Dimitrescu stays silenced, not being able to respond to your words. Thousand of thoughts run through her head and she sighs.
“Play your song again for me, Alcina. Please.”
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Bloody, Dead, and Sexy (DabiHawks/reader)
Explicit sexual content, MDNI
CW: threesome, knifeplay, choking, biting, spit, double penetration, rough sex, overstimulation, murder (not reader), blood
WC: 2.8k
Gender neutral AFAB reader
Title is the name of a band btw
The door squeaked as I pulled it open, rusty springs being nudged to life and quickly shooting back to a resting position. A rush of warmth from the space heaters wafted over my frigid skin. My eyes scanned the room before settling on a partially covered head of blonde hair.
“You got a light?” I asked, stepping toward the disheveled couch. The man reached for a pink lighter that sat on the fold-out table. He handed the lighter over to me. I grasped it in my frigid hand as my other fumbled through my pockets. I pulled out a single cigarette, perched it between my lips, and sparked the light. I held the flame up to the end of my cigarette and watched as small plumes of smoke began to rise. Pulling the light away, I held it out for the blonde and sat beside him. 
“Kinda dead tonight, huh?” I mumbled as I took a drag. 
“Maybe twenty, twenty-five. I forget how many I invited.” He spoke with a self-assured tone and a crooked smile. 
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry, I guess I didn’t realize you were the host,” I mumbled, looking across the room for an ashtray. “Let me put this out-”
“You’re fine, man, It’s all good.” He chuckled, putting his arm over the back of the couch. “It was mainly my…friend's idea to have this whole thing. I just wanted to get high and kick back.” He flashed a toothy grin and ran his fingers through his messy blonde locks. I quickly looked away as my cheeks began to heat up.
“I think I was gonna head out, but that sounds like a nice evening,” I smiled as smoke poured from my nostrils. 
“Come on, you’re here now. Why don’t you join me,” he leaned in, eyes flicking across my face. “Take some pills and play games with me.” He plucked the cigarette from between my lips and took a drag. His golden eyes were locked onto mine. His painted fingers tapped against the cigarette as he awaited my answer. 
“Okay,” I said with a small smile. He inhaled, hands reaching into his hoodie pocket. He pulled out a clattering bottle of pills and twisted the lid open. 
“Open your mouth,” He mumbled as he took a pill between his fingers. My eyes darted across the room as an intense heat sparked in my face. I opened my mouth and watched as he placed the pill onto my tongue. I closed my lips around his fingers and swallowed. His fingers nudged my mouth open, aureate eyes looked at my tongue. His lips curled up into a smile. He removed his saliva-soaked fingers from my mouth, only to grab another pill, this time one for himself. After swallowing he took a drag from the cigarette. The embers had consumed most of it. He snuffed the ashes out in an ashtray. He quickly leaned forward, hands coming to push at my puffer jacket. 
“It’s a bit too warm for this,” he spoke, eyes scanning up and down my body. “The pills make you feel warm too,” he pulled the jacket away from my arms and let it drop to the floor. I impulsively reached out and tugged at his hoodie. He chuckled as I pulled the fabric from his body. I couldn’t help but stare at his muscular frame. 
“I thought you’d have something on under that…” I mumbled as I handed the hoodie back to him. 
“It’s laundry day,” He shrugged, leaning in. He gripped onto the arm of the couch, caging me against the plush fabric. “You feelin’ anything?” He asked, chapped lips just barely brushing against my neck. A rush of euphoria flooded my senses, whether it was his touch or the pill, I didn’t know. I nodded. He pressed his lips against my neck. His hand moved from the couch to my thigh, tugging my body further down the couch. 
“What was that?” I asked, hooking my legs around his hips.
“Oxy.” He smirked as he rolled his hips against mine. I could feel his stiffening cock through the layers of denim that separated us. I whimpered and gripped his arm. Just over the sound of our voices and the faint pounding music ringing from the house arose a scream. My body stiffened, eyes jutting toward the door. 
“Baby, I’ve got you. Probably just pushed someone into the pool,” he slid his hand up my shirt. His frigid hands made goosebumps rise on my skin.
“It’s cold out though,” I mumbled. His other hand quickly yanked my jeans down my legs. I unhooked my legs from around his waist. “What if someone comes in?” I asked, gripping his wrist tight.
“It’s my fuckin house, I’ll do whatever I want,” he pushed my shoes off of my feet and continued tugging my jeans down my legs. Once they were off, he sat back on his shins, looking over my partially unclothed body. 
“What’s your name?” I asked, grabbing his hand and guiding his fingers to the waistband of my underwear.
“Keigo,” he smirked as he began tugging my underwear down. The seams creaked as he roughly pulled the fabric from my body. 
The door suddenly pushed open, I quickly grabbed my jeans and pulled the denim over my bare legs. My gaze darted to the door. A man with jet-black hair stood in the door frame. I quickly sat up off of the couch and pushed my body toward Keigo as my eyes met the splatters of blood that decorated his white shirt. The man dropped the stained knife in his hand. The metal clattered as it hit the concrete floor. 
“Bitch wouldn’t stop running,” the man groaned as he stepped toward us. He leaned in, pressing a kiss to Keigo's lips as if he’d done it a million times before. Then his cerulean eyes dropped to me. My body was still pressed against Keigo. “Well you’re cute, ain’t ya?” He grinned, reaching out to grab my chin. “Forgive me for barging in so suddenly, but I think you were about to fuck my boyfriend,” his tongue darted out and licked across his lips. Despite my previous shock, I melted into his touch. My shoulders dropped, fingers losing their grip as I let my body loosen up. He leaned in, pressing his lips to mine. I gripped his shirt with one of my hands and tugged the bloodstained cotton over his head. He broke from my lips just to pull the tainted shirt off. Keigo pushed me back onto the couch. I waited as the two men sat on either side of me. 
“Dabi, go get the lube,” Keigo pointed to a table in the corner of the room. The brunette got up off of the couch, cushions dipping as he moved. Keigo's hands pulled at my top. I let him slip the shirt over my head, leaving me completely bare. 
“This doesn’t seem fair,” I mumbled as I undid the button on his jeans. He bit down on his bottom lip and watched as I pulled his cock out. Spitting into the palm of my hand, I guided my slick fingers over his length and began stroking him. 
“Fuck-“ he groaned, hips bucking into my hand. He grabbed my face, pulling me close and smashing his lips against mine. The couch dipped as dabi sat next to me. His warm lips trailed across my shoulder. His fingers kneaded the flesh of my thigh. He tugged my leg so it sat on top of his lap, leaving me spread open. He spit onto his fingers and brought the soaked digits to my cunt. The tips of his fingers started moving in slow circles around my clit. My lips broke from Keigo. 
“Dabi,'' I whimpered as I palmed his hard cock through his blood-stained jeans. 
“You like that?” He chuckled as he slid his fingers down to my entrance. He slowly slipped inside of me and started a rough, slow pace. I nodded and leaned in to press a sloppy, open-mouthed kiss to his lips. He pulled back. A glimpse of silver caught my eye. He flicked open a switchblade and pointed the tip at me. 
“Use your words.” He grunted. 
“I like it,” my words came out as a jumbled mess. “Mm, faster please,” I whimpered. He smirked and brushed the edge of the blade across my shoulder. He put pressure on the steel with his hands. A sharp sting pricked my skin. My breath hitched as his fingers sped up with every centimeter of skin he sliced. A flood of endorphins made my body quake. I clenched around his fingers as I came, gripping his wrist tight. My other hand stalled its movements as a haze washed over my brain. 
“Keigo, I think we got a real whore on our hands,” Dabi chuckled, bringing his soaked fingers to his lips. He moaned and stuck out his fingers for the blonde. Keigo opened his mouth and brought the fingers over his tongue, closing his lips and sucking roughly. Keigo moaned and pulled off of the fingers with a pop. He stood up off of the couch and moved between my legs. I watched as he tugged me toward the edge of the couch. His hot breath tickled my skin. His tongue darted out and quickly flicked over my clit. My hips jerked forward, my fingers locking onto his hair. A burning sharp sensation on my stomach jerked my attention away from the blonde. 
“Stay still,” a set of half-lidded cerulean eyes stared me down. He pulled the blade away and gripped the handle between his teeth. He began to ease his jeans over his hips. His flushed cock sprang free and hit his abdomen. I glanced down, noticing the array of silver that adorned his length. He gripped my chin tightly. The cool metal of his rings pricked my skin.
“Look at me, baby,” he smirked as he began stroking himself. I quickly glanced down at his cock. Another prick of sharp pain sprung up from my thigh. “Up here,” he spoke sternly. 
“Mm fuck- sorry,” my voice was broken, my words came out as high-pitched sighs between breathy moans. 
“You better be,” He said, pressing his lips to mine. Keigo slipped two fingers into my cunt. My thighs began to quake, muscles aching as I forced myself to stay still. Keigo moaned against my core, sending vibrations straight to my overstimulated nerves. Dabi pulled back, blue eyes scanning over my face. 
“He’s good with his tongue, ain’t he?” He said with a sigh as he stroked his cock faster. I could merely muster up an “mhm” as my body lit up. “You gonna cum, baby?” He said, pinching one of my nipples. Again, I could only speak in broken, incoherent mumbles. My hips jolted, toes curling as I came. A desperate cry slipped from my tongue. I leaned against Dabi, my body falling onto the cushions as he stood up.
“You okay, baby?” Hawks asked, peppering gentle kisses over my cheeks. He slipped his hands underneath my hips and turned me so my body was parallel to the couch. He quickly stepped out of his pants and moved to kneel between my legs. I hooked my legs around his hips, pulling him closer to my aching core. Dabi handed him the bottle of lube and a condom before removing his pants. Keigo popped the cap open and drizzled some over the length of his now-wrapped cock. I reached forwards, wrapping my hand around his cock and smearing the cool liquid over his heated skin. 
“You want me to fuck You?” He asked as he brushed the tip of his cock against my cunt. I nodded, teeth sinking into my bottom lip. His hand wrapped around my throat, fingers squeezing my carotids. I gasped, tongue lolling out of my mouth. “Want me to fill this pretty cunt?” He grunted as he slowly pushed the head of his cock into my entrance. “Fuck,” Keigo grunted. My blurred vision focused on the man behind him. His painted nails sunk into Keigos as he slowly sunk inside the blonde. Keigo pushed further in. His golden eyes rolled to the back of his skull as he started rough thrusts. His hands moved onto the armrest as he used the leverage to fuck me hard. My body bounced with the force of the two men.
“You’re sucking me in, baby” Keigos voice came out as a high-pitched whine of sorts. 
“I’m fucking that cunt next,” dabi mumbled as he kissed Keigos neck. 
“Mmf fuck-sogood,” Keigo moaned. Sweat began to drip down his forehead, rolling off his chin and down his toned chest. He brought one of his hands to my clit, index, and middle finger circling the overstimulated skin. My back arched off the bed. A suffocating heat wrapped itself around my body as I drew close to another orgasm. 
“Harder,” I squeaked. The couch cushions began to creak as I dug my nails into the fabric. My head began to smack against the armrest with the force of his hips. My breath left my chest, mouth agape as I panted. 
“I’m close, gonna cum in you,” he groaned, circling his fingers faster.
“Fuck!” The word fell off of my tongue, “cum for me, cum!” I panted. I gripped his biceps. Red streaks sprang up from his flushed skin as I scratched at his arms. His eyes squeezed shut, nose scrunching as he came. Static washed over me as my body was flung into another orgasm. My sore muscles and aching nerves cried for relief. The couch quickly shifted. 
“Hey,” dabi tapped my face. The white taking over my vision began to dim, revealing the flushed face of the brunette. He was smirking, canines showing as his eyes flicked over my fucked out form. “You on the pill?” He asked as he pulled the condom from his cock. I nodded and leaned forward to kiss him. He bit down on my bottom lip before pulling back to look at me again. “Good ‘cause I haven’t cum yet and I wanna fuck you raw,” he said, lining himself up with my cunt, “you want that?” He asked as he toyed with my chest. 
“Fuck me,” I mumbled. He stuck two fingers in my mouth, pulling my jaw down. He spat into my mouth, laughing as I quickly swallowed.
“Fuckin’ slut.” He groaned as he slipped inside me. He grabbed my calves and swiftly brought my knees to my chest, folding my body in half. He started a relentless pace, earning squeaks and creaks from the couch below us. “Oh fuck yeah, you like that?” He grunted as he leaned down to kiss me. His lips trailed down my jaw to my neck. I moaned as his teeth sunk into my skin. Something close to a growl emitted from his throat as he clamped down on my skin. He pulled back, just to mash his crimson-stained lips against mine. 
“Babe, you want in on this? ‘Cause I’m about to cum soon,” Dabi spoke between grunts. Blonde locks soon appeared by my side. The two men flipped me onto my front, laying on top of dabi. The brunette pressed a kiss against my cheek as he slid inside me once more. Cold, wet fingers prodded at my ass. Keigo pressed kisses along my bloodied shoulder. He slid his fingers inside, whispering praises with every inch. I moaned and leaned forward to press my chest against dabi. 
“They’re clenching hard,” Dabi said with a laugh as he wrapped his arms around me. “Put it in,”
I was met with a burning, stretching feeling. My eyes watered, clit throbbing as the pain blended with the pleasure of feeling utterly filled to the brim. The two started a slow pace as I adjusted to Keigo's cock. My voice was splintered, instead of moaning, I let out strained pants and clawed at Dabi’s shoulders. The slapping of flesh against flesh filled the room along with groans and grunts coming from the two. Their pace accelerated, and the movement of both of their cocks inside me was enough to flood my brain and scramble my thoughts. Drool spilled from my swollen lips as I approached another burning climax. 
“Mmmf want me to flood your cunt?” Dabi babbled as his thrusts became erratic. Keigo's grip on my hips tightened as he began to lose his tempo. My body began to quake in one final release. A scream crawled its way out of my chest, accompanying the flood of sensation that swept across my spent body. Trickling warmth spread through my insides as the two stalled their motions. 
“Shit…” Keigo muttered as He pulled out. A thud sounded throughout the room as he flung himself onto the other couch. Dabi held me tight, pressing kisses to my temples.
“Hey babe? Can we keep them?” He asked
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starsurface · 7 months
Ik you just did this but can you do more regressor tomas with CG Johnny and Kenshi plss🙏🙏
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CG Johnny & Kenshi w/ Regressor Tomas
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
💨 Tomas can be a bit shy while regressing, really shy honestly
⭐️ ^ But over time he's become a lot more comfy being small around them
❤️ The only ‘problem’ be still has is that he still gets really shy baby regressing (restating but he regresses from about 1-4, and puppyspace)
💨 Mostly since he becomes very vulnerable and dependent in his babyspace, but he's slowly getting there
⭐️ Johnny and Kenshi ADORE Tomas when he small
❤️ Babyspace? Oh my goodness, he's so adorable, Kenshi!! Toddler? Johnny, Tomas drew me a picture and now we need to frame it. Puppyspace? My my, what a fierce little guy we have!!
💨 Tomas a small problem of pushing off his regression to the point that he involuntarily regresses, most times to babyspace, and desperately needs someone at his side
⭐️ Unfortunately most times Johnny and Kenshi are really busy, but they'll have Kuai Liang or Harumi or whoever with Tomas call them
❤️ Tomas is usually good with technology, but has a bad habit of gasping when he sees them and hitting the phone by trying to grab it, and ending the call by accident
💨 Que to him cryingly giving whoever watching him the phone so he can call them back, he's very upset that Daddy or Dada disappeared on him like that and will make sure to inform them >:(
⭐️ If he's a big bigger and regresses at the Shirai Ryu or Lin Kuei, they'll still do mostly facetime or Skype
❤️ If he regresses with them, most times at Cage's mansion, he get babied to the MAX
💨 Whether hes actually baby or not, he gets so, so spoiled
⭐️ Tomas eyed a new sippy cup? Oh, well it looks like Johnny got it already, and a bottle to go with it
❤️ Kenshi knows Tomas can easily walk or waddle, but its just easier to pick him up and carry him, isn't it?
💨 Johnny favorite activity is pinching Tomas's cheeks like a grandma and it makes Tomas so fussy and whiney
⭐️ Kenshi's favorite activity is when Tomas hides his face in his chest because he Johnny pinched his cheeks and now he has to hide his face from him >:(
❤️ Sometimes Tomas will babble and then hide in one of their shoulders, and he becomes really blushy and giggly afterwards because he's embarressed
💨 Johnny mainl nicknames for Tomas are Kiddo, Baby Boy, Smokey, Smokey Bear, Puppy, Sweetie, Tommy, and so, so many more
⭐️ Kenshi's main nicknames for Tomas are ‘Hun and Precious, sometimes he'll steal some from Johnny
❤️ Tomas calls Johnny ‘Daddy’ and Kenshi ‘Dada’
💨 Tomas really likes Kenshi's sword when he's small but will try to chew on it and pouts when it gets snatched from him
⭐️ Luckily though, Johnny can easily place his sunglasses on Tomas's face and Tomas has a new favorite item (will also try to put it in his mouth, but mainly likes judt wearing them)
❤️ Tomas really likes playing dress up with Johnny and Johnny adores jt!!!
💨 He can put Tomas into the cutest outfits if hes smaller, but if his about 4, he'll dress up in some of Johnny's old movie outfits
⭐️ And they'll have a mini photo shoot too!!! Johnny sometimes can convince Tomas to let him take really nice pictures of him doing certain poses from old movies (and they're like, nice professional photos with good lighting too, Johnny has a section dedicated for when he takes his own photos)
❤️ Luckily though, Johnny isn't as fussy about them being as perfect like he would be if Tomas wasn't regressed, he gets that they're just having fun
💨 Sometimes Tomas will dress as Johnny or Kenshi and try to act like them and gets very giggly if they cross their arms and give him the look
⭐️ Kenshi's really likes watching a movie and cuddling when Tomas is little, mostly because he can hold his baby for hours with little to no fuss
❤️ Personally, Tomas's favorite movies are almost every and all of Johnny's flicks, but Kenshi decided that he was too young for most of them >:( (too much gore or fighting that makes Tomas get really upset and start blubbering, asking if Daddy was going to be okay because he got beat up on screen 🥺)
💨 Tomas will insist that Kenshi picks most times, bjt Kenshi almost always persuades Tomas to tell him what he really wants to watch and then recomend that
⭐️ He doesnt actually care about the movie part himself, more that Tomas gets super clingy and will share his yummy snacks
❤️ Tomas knows he can get a reaction out of Johnny, and he'll use it to his advantage
💨 He’ll have Johnny open some oreos, then steal the whole container, and then offer Kenshi one and giggle as Johnny pouts about not getting any
⭐️ Johnny knows Tomas likes his facial reactions, and will over do them sometimes just for him
❤️ If Tomas does do something naughty and he's a bit bigger, Kenshi's usually the one to set his foot down
💨 Mostly because Johnny will let a lot of matters drop
⭐️ One look of ‘🥺’ and Johnny will fix up Tomas's mess and tell him why he can't do it again
❤️ Meanwhile Kenshi will help Tomas fix his mess and explain why he can't do such and such
💨 I'm totally not prompting my ao3 again, (id never do that you have no proof >:3), but there was a time period where Tomas refused to regress with anyone because they were all busy and he firmly believed that that meant he was wasting their time by regressing
⭐️ When the Kenshi and Johnny finally found out about they, they were actually so sad that they didn't realize beforehand
❤️ They just thought Tomas had a hard time regressing and got him some regressing items and it made Tomas break down
💨 It also kinda made Johnny break down because it reminded him of his time with Cris and how alone he felt while small
⭐️ Don't worry, everything's better now, and Tomas is getting better on communication <3
❤️ They think Tomas is the funniest thing when he's puppy regressed
💨 Mostly because he'll go from chewing on his stuffie, to trying to pounce the pillow because it looked at him funny, to falling off the couch because his hand slipped
⭐️ (^ He was okay, he just pouted as both Johnny and Kenshi laughed, the meanies)
❤️ One time Tomas was nawing on Kenshi's arm and Kenshi was totally fine with it until Tomas bite slightly too hard and Kenshi had a bite mark for a good few hours
💨 It also made Tomas absolutely blubber and apologize a million times because he didn't mean to!! He was just trying to mess around, he didn't wanna hurt Dada on purpose 🥺
⭐️ Luckily no true hard was done but Tomas was no longer allowed to naw on Kenshi's arm (he pouted but understood that he could hurt Dada again and didn't protest much)
❤️ Luckily though, Johnny got Tomas his first baby chewing toy and Tomas absolutely loved it
💨 Hates to admit it, but gets to distract when things jingle above him
⭐️ He could be pouting about being unable to have a sweet or because he did something naughty and got in a bit of trouble, and Kenshi will jingle his keys and suddenly Tomas thinks has a new toy to play with
❤️ Anything they jingle will become his until he finds something new that's his (found that out the hard way when they tried to take back Kenshi's keys)
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Y'all I got so many more just of them, it's crazy. I like Smokencage so much 🥺
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His Temptress
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part two of @celestialpoetry ‘s femme fatale request!
Henry’s point of view:
I kept her waiting for a week, to keep her on tip-toes as she kept me on mine for months. It was visible to me that she was waiting for me to make a move. I wanted to grip her hair and tell her: “Don’t be impatient, sweetheart.” But, I couldn’t, not yet anyway.
Then one day, I started sending her gifts. Small gifts, such as chocolates, flowers and little notes. At first I sent them to her school letterbox, which was usually always full due to some desperate notes from desperate first- or second-years. Everyone wanted her in Hampden. It gave me a big amount of satisfaction that only my gifts were the ones that made her smile.
“Oh, sweetheart, if only you knew I was just warming up… -Winter” I sent her this letter one day, which she replied to with a note to my own letterbox.
“Game on, Winter, I am longing to see the fire within you… -Y/L/N”
If she wanted a well-played game, then a well-played game she must get.
I sent her naughty notes such as:
“Beautiful dress, I bet that you would look better without them.”
“What pretty hair you have, sweetheart, if only it was wrapped around my fists.”
“Don’t you worry, I see how you’re trying to tempt me with that dangerously low-buttoned shirt. Shame that all of those fuckers get to drool on what’s mine.” I saw her opening this very note, and I saw the blush that crept up her cheeks and the shiver that ran down her spine.
So, of course, she got another one.
“What a pretty blushing little thing you are, I’m sure you blush as much when you have those hands between your graspable thighs, touching yourself to my notes… You like getting compliments, sweetheart?
But only mine wakes up the beast inside. -Winter.”
This time, I sent it to her apartment for dramatic effect. Luckily for me, Francis lived nearby, so I was able to get her address.
I sent some exotic chocolates that were labelled as an Aphrodisiac. I wanted her to be starving for me, just like I was starving for her. Her body, her skin, her touch, I wanted everything from her.
But the icebreaker was this…
A box full of tiny silky and lacy lingerie, paired with a little velvet box containing a pure gold necklace and a bottle of expensive perfume. And of course, a note.
“I want you to try these on, get your sweet scent on them and wear them when I take you out.
I will pick you up, Friday night, 6pm.
She has been playing with me for weeks, it was time for me to claim my prize.
Third person’s point of view:
Y/N enjoyed this little game between them. At first, as much as she would never confess it, but she was eager for him to make a move. Then the little gifts with notes came, she certainly enjoyed the attention she was getting from him. The girls at school actually found him hot, but he was hers. Actually, she had noticed him the very first day she arrived at Hampden, and after it, she couldn’t stop thinking about him. His broad and tall frame caging her underneath him, his big hands wrapped up in her hair and around her throat, she even imagined them gripping her breasts and hips. She lusted after him.
Then, the notes came naughtier and they started arriving at her own door. It brought her satisfaction that he cared enough to find out her address, even if it was obvious to her that he got it from Abernathy. They were neighbours, he lived right across from her. He had a nice style and he always greeted her in the morning. There was a time where his car broke down, so she gave him her car whenever he needed to go into the centre of the city.
But, what made her the most hot was that he was actually right. She saved his notes, put his gifts all around her apartment as little trinkets and she touched herself while looking at them. Imagining him taking her in every position and on every surface he could.
When she received his gift with the date, she felt like dancing and cheering. She also appreciated that a man bothered to take her out on a proper date, rather than just inviting her up to their apartments so they could shag.
She loved that men were at her feet, but only gentlemen could kiss her ankles, and Henry Winter was a real gentleman. She enjoyed his gifts, and she was looking forward to getting spoiled by him.
When she tried on the dark red lingerie, she felt more sexy than ever, especially when she put on the necklace and the perfume. She looked like sex on legs, an alluring goddess. Of course, she immediately fell down on her sheets and opened up her legs so she could trace her fingers down to her wet heat. The expensive fabric created a nice friction against her clit. Y/n was satisfied, and not many men could have achieved that. He worked hard enough, he deserved a gift from her too.
She had taken up her entire friday afternoon to get ready for their date. She blew out her hair into Hollywood-curls, she did her makeup perfectly and precisely (she didn’t even minded that it was going to be messed as long as he fucked her) and put the perfume on along with the lace and necklace, just like he asked. She followed orders when she was asked nicely, really nicely.
She wore an amazing dress, a black one with golden details. And as a bonus, it hugged her curves perfectly and it showed a fair amount of clevage.
At precisely 6pm, a car stopped in front of her house.
Henry’s point of view:
I wore an all black suit and I stopped in front of her house, I got out of my car and walked up to her door with a red rose. I was raised to be gentle, women deserved to be spoiled, so of course I wasn’t going to just honk for her. I knocked, and before I knew it, the prettiest sight I ever saw was standing right in front of me. The dress, the perfume and the necklace made her look absolutely ravishing, or maybe it was just her. She was smirking at me with full lips that were painted in dark red, her eyes looked like one a siren would have. She must have been a siren in a past life of hers.
“Good evening, Y/N, you look very beautiful.” She greeted me back, I stepped forward, took her soft hand and gave her a kiss on her hand, which I felt that it made her breath hitch. “Here.” I gave her the roses “They are almost as beautiful and delicate as you, almost.”
“Thank you, for the roses and the compliment, you look… really handsome, Winter.” She caressed the petals of thee roses with her gentle fingers. “Let me just put them in water and get my coat.”
I waited for her and when she was ready, I guided her to the passengers seat and opened the door for her. “Ladies first.”
The ride was quiet, except from the radio, but there was a comfortable silence, just like in the library.
When we arrived at the restaurant, I felt pride rise within me at her surprise when we got escorted to our reservation in the very expensive restaurant.
I pulled her seat out for her and let my fingers graze her neck when she sat down. The waiter took our orders, I had whiskey on the rocks and she ordered a dirty vodka martini.
Our conversation was flowing easily, it was easy to talk to her, I just wanted more and more information about her. She seemed a bit sheepish when the waiter gave us the menu cards.
“Order whatever you’d like, the bill is taken care of.” I reached across the table and put my hand on top of her’s, she whispered thank you and smiled at me.
We talked and drank and smoked cigarettes. I loved making her laugh and I loved that she made me laugh. The orangish light made her more angelic than ever.
When we were having desert, I felt her high heels grazing and my ankles, teasingly stroking up and down.
“You really look gorgeous, Y/N, you really do.” She just giggled and I leaned closer to her. “I do hope that you will let me ruin you tonight, I cannot wait to fuck you until your legs are weak.” I whispered to her.
“Well, you were really spoiling me lately, and now of course, I never had anything more delicious… Or maybe I will in a bit.” She bit her lip and winked at me. God, she was telling me straightforwardly that she wanted to suck me off, that lit flames in me. I needed her, and I needed her now
“Are you finished with your dessert?” There was only a bit of cream on her plate, which of course she took advantage of, she wiped her finger on the plate and licked the white cream off erotically, with that devilish smirk of hers, obviously.
“Why? Impatient are we, Winter?”
“You bet, I am craving you, Miss Y/L/N.” We held eye contact and a few seconds later, she grabbed her purse in her lap and she spoke.
“Let’s go.”
I paid for their dinner and even gave a generous tip to the waiter. In the car, I put my hands on her naked thigh and squeezed her flesh.
“Thank you for dinner, I really did have a good time.” She put her hands on mine.
“Anything for you, darling, but I still have a little treat for you.” I parked the car in front of my house and guided her inside.
Her eyes were wide at the size of my place and at the scattered expensive antiques everywhere, but she didn’t have enough time to do so before I pushed her against the nearest wall and finally kissed her lips. They were so soft and plushy, I never wanted to stop, she heightened my senses to a level where I always wanted her.
She returned my kiss just as eagerly, I tapped her thighs and she jumped into my lap. I gripped her ass as if my life was at stake. I somehow found my way into my bedroom and put her gently down on the bed. I stood back to remove my shirt and pants. She tried to do the same with her dress, but I stopped her.
“Don’t.” I said when she reached behind herself to take off her dress. “I want to take it off you.”
She just chuckled softly. “Whatever you say, sir.” She said it in a tone that made me throb in my underwear, she may have even seen it.
I crawled on her and kissed her roughly again, my kisses migrated down to her jaw and neck, where I inhaled scent. I was face to face with her again and I gripped her blushing cheeks. “Listen, if we are doing this, I don’t want you to do it because you believe I deserve it… I want you to do it because you purely want to. If you don’t, I’ll understand and it will be perfectly fine.” I gave her kisses on her face while whispering.
She pulled me in for a kiss again, I knew that she was craving me as much as I craved her. “I want to, I really want to.” She guided my hands to the straps of her dress and motioned me to pull it down. “I want you to fuck me senseless.”
I grinned, like a cat who got the cream. “Fuck you? What a dirty mouth you have, darling.”
I pulled her dress down and took her heels off her feet. I nearly orgasmed when I saw her under me, in the lacy and barely covering lingerie that I gifted her. Her hair was sprawled across my pillow. I kissed her until I couldn’t breath and I took the precious time to kiss her anywhere.
“My god, you are truly divine.” I left marks on her neck and collarbones. “How gorgeous, this swan-like neck…” I helped her out of her bra, her perky and full breasts right in front of my eyes. I kissed all across her chest and her breasts, I sucked and bit her nipples. “These beautiful breasts…” I kissed her lower, her waist and hips. “Your flesh that I want to hold all the time…” I went all the way down to her ankles and thighs. “Such soft and silky skin…” I pulled the lace off her legs, I kissed the insides of her thighs, and I inhaled her scent so deeply. “And this pretty cunt that is my personal heaven from now on…” I licked a long stripe from her opening to her clit, she whimpered at my every move, but now she let out a full throaty moan. “All mine. No one else gets to smell, taste and take this pussy, right darling?” I stuck my tongue into her.
She gripped my hair. “Yes, YES! All yours! Every part of me!” She was deep in pleasure. So, I ate her out as if my life depended on it. I sucked on her clit, I fucked her with my tongue. I felt her wetness covering half of my face, but I could tell by her noises that she enjoyed it as much as I did.
I took two fingers and I circled her entrance, and slowly pushed them in. “How warm and tight, darling, I cannot wait to feel you completely.” I dived my head back between her thighs. My fingers and mouth were working in perfect unison, and looking up at her, I needed to pathetically grind down on the mattress from the sight.
“All the stupid little boys would cum in the pants from this sight… But, you need a proper man to fuck you, don’t you darling? Someone who cares more about your pleasure, your pleasure is mine.” My fingers started plunging into her more fast and deep, her moans increasing with my every move. I kissed and suckled her clit, which was red and puffy. Her scent lingered all around the room, and I was sipping it up right from the source. “So sweet, I could have you like this everyday, I bet you would love that… I could put you to sleep with my head between these thighs, and wake you up with my tongue. You deserve to be spoiled, with gifts and orgasms.“
“Uh-huh! I want that! I want to taste you too, your pleasure is mine, too. Ah~ Don’t stop!” She gripped my hair for dear life, I could feel her walls closing up on my fingers, her little nub throbbing and suddenly… A big gush of clear liquid was running down my throat, I drank it up as if it was my ambrosia, it for sure was.
“Did you just squirt?”
“Do you do that everytime?”
“No, this was my first time that it happened with someone else, I can barely do that on my own.” She heaved, still in the haze of her orgasm.
Everytime I kissed her entrance or clit, she gushed a bit more. I did that until she pushed my head away.
I crawled up to her face and kissed her deeply, she hummed at the taste of herself, but she still clung to my hair for more.
I laid down on my side and caressed her hair, her eyes were hooded and relaxed, and still so full of lust.
“Wow… That was the best thing I ever felt.”
“I’m glad I could make you feel this good, I did mean it. I want to spoil you, to worship you.” I let my fingers stroke her side and occasionally her breast. “Are you tired?”
She suddenly straddled meg and her hair was shielding the room from my face. “Not at all, Winter, I don’t tire out so easily.” She laughed and she leant down to kiss me deeply, she liked kissing and getting kissed, it seemed.
She did the same thing I did to her, she kissed all around my face, jaw and she suckled at my neck. She left marks all around my chest and she caught my skin between her teeth many times, she was revelling in the shivers that were running up and down my spine. She left kisses all around my pelvis and kissed down at my V line. “Mhm, so toned and sharp.” she dragged a red nailed finger down my muscles and her eyes darkened when they contracted under it.
She rubbed me though my underwear, her eyes were shining with lust and the need to please. My cock was nearly tearing at my boxers, I am naturally a tall and big man, so it shouldn’t be surprising that my dick was long and thick, but she nearly lost her mind, when finally, after long minutes of teasing, she took me out.
“Oh-Wow.” She started pumping me and just feeling me up.
“Yeah.” She didn’t even hear me, probably. She was probably lost in imaging me inside of her, fucking her dumb.
She muttered under her breath, with naughty eyes. “So big and warm, and oh-” she kissed my tip, which was dripping with precum, just eager to get finally lost in her precious cunt. “So sweet.”
She wanted to suck me dry, but I was waiting for this, for such a long time. I needed to feel her. I harshly fisted her hair and she moaned, the lusty minx. I pulled her up and flipped us, so I was on top of her.
“Another time, darling.” I reached forward to open my drawer and took out a condom, which I rolled on quickly on myself. I leaned back and marvelled at the sight, her chest heaving, her tits heavy and perky, my knees pulling her legs apart, which made her pussy spread out right in front of my cock, just dripping and clenching around nothing. “Beg me.”
“Please, Henry, fuck me.” I shuffled my hips closer, so my tip was touching her entrance. My thumb wandered to her clit and I started rubbing in little circles, which made her squirm under me.
“You’re going to have to try harder than that.” My thumb fastened up.
“Please, please, please! Fuck me stupid, use me on every surface. I want it so bad.” I got her exactly where I had wanted her to be, desperate and begging for me. “You were right! I was touching myself to the thought of you, so much. Please…”
“What a good girl you are, you deserve to be fucked nicely. Let me show you what no one else can.” With that, I lined myself up and slowly pushed into her. I went slow, so I wouldn’t cause her any pain, but she was taking it like a champion. Her walls were welcoming me in, but her face scrunched up, while I was nearly all the way in. I twisted her silky hair between my pointer finger. “Shh, it’s okay. I am nearly fully in, you’re doing so good.”
When a bottomed out in her, we both released a sigh of relief. She was tight and I could feel myself pressing into the heavenly spongy spot inside of her. Her eyes were hooded and her mouth a tad open.
“You feel so good, Henry.” She reached up and pulled my face closer to hers. “You can move, please do.” She whispered with a voice dripping with seduction, so I did. I slowly started moving in and out of her.
Her sweet vanilla scent enveloped me completely. We were both lost in each other. Her slender legs were wrapping themselves around my waist, making me slide into her deeper. I was hitting deliciously against her cervix, and she pulled me into her embrace.
That was everything, her embrace. Feeling her breast push flat against my chest, her soft hair tickling my skin and her walls gripping me, pulling me closer to my release.
I reached between us, somehow managing through the tight space between our bodies, and I rubbed her clit. Her voice got whiny and louder, it was music to my ears and it indicated that she was getting close.
“Henry! I’m-OH GOD!” She pulled her nails down my back and I groaned , she was marking me and leaving scratches down my back, I loved it.
“I know, darling, I know.” I sped up and with a loud moan she came undone under me. I felt myself release into the condom. “Oh, what a good girl.”
I hauled her panting body in my arm and caressed her sweaty skin. “You did so so good, my dear.”
“Mmm…” Her eyes were cloudy, she was still in subspace, an adorable little thing. I let her rest in my arms for a bit and I pulled out of her.
“Give me a second.” I made my way to the bathroom connected to my bedroom and I made a bubble bath for her, vanilla scented of course. I went back to gather her up in bridal style. “Come on, let’s get you cleaned up.” She nuzzled closer into my chest.
I helped do what she needed and I guided her into the bath, and I went in behind her.
I held her and caressed her skin. “My dear, it was amazing.”
“Yes, it was more than that, I would love it if we could do this frequently.” She turned around in the water and rested her pretty face on my chest, she looked up with her beautiful eyes, I could have watched them all night. “I would like to be yours, and I want you to be mine.”
“Yes, I would love that, my dear.”
So we laid there, bathed each other and just held each other.
“My temptress, I will give you everything that you ever want.”
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rurousha · 2 years
Glass into Sand - a 1989 Dreamling plot bunny
Hob is sitting at the White Horse bar in 1989. Break up music is, as we know, playing on the juke box. Hob laments being stood up. The sympathetic bartender pours him another drink. The camera zooms in on the glass in Hob's hand.
But instead of showing Dream in his cage, the glass shatters. All the glass in the entire tavern shatters. Windows, framed pictures, bottles in people's hands, glasses on people's lips, cabinets, the juke box, they all shatter in a single second.
Then there is noise - screams of shock and pain. The shards of glass are small - tiny slivers - and the burst was short lived. Most people were protected by their clothing. But there is blood on people's hands, arms, and faces. One man is shaking because there is glass in his eyes. The bartender doesn't know where to step in his search for a phone.
Hob barely feels shards in his palm. Because his stranger is there. He's collapsed, naked, on the floor in front of Hob. He's curled up in the fetal position, facing away from Hob, but it is definitely him.
Hob nearly lunges for him. "My friend. Are you alright?" Hob touches his shoulder. He's so thin. Was he always this thin?
His stranger, eyes screwed shut, only groans quietly, like he can't quite figure out how to open his mouth.
Hob quickly pulls his jacket off and tries to tie it sideways around his stranger's bony hips to afford him some sense of modesty. The ground is completely covered in glass, and Hob scrapes his knuckles up. He's worried about damage to his friend's exposed skin, but all the glass that touches him seems to just dissolve into the lightest of sand. Hob will have to wonder about that later.
People don't seem to hardly notice them except to move around them in their hurry to get out of the destroyed tavern.
"My friend," Hob asks, "are you awake? Can you stand?"
"Hob?" rasps the quietest of voices. Hob has never been so relieved to hear it. "Did I make it?"
"Oh god. Yes love, yes, you're here. Come on, let's get you up."
Hob helps him to stand and half supports, half carries him out the back door. Glass crunches underneath Hob's shoes the whole way but turns into a trail of near-white sand beneath his friend's bare feet.
Hob spends the next days or maybe weeks helping Dream recover. He brings him tea, clothes, food. He's desperately curious, but Dream barely says more than a few words the entire time. But any glass he touches turns to sand and disappears. Eventually Dream regains enough strength to return to the Dreaming.
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lukerycyja · 2 years
Lone Feather in the Sea of Petals
@zhongrin i have finally did the promised alhaitham fic.
This might be a part one to something i guess?
Paring: Eventual Alhaitham x God!Reader
Tried to do it inclusive to all races, female reader Words:2.9k Warnings: sexual slavery and sexual abuse are discussed, human trafficing, mentions of blood, lmk if there is anymore else I hope i got Alhaitham’s character right
Flowers finally started blooming. Their small, colorful petals started showing their delicate tips, yellow anthers still too deeply hidden to become visible. Green leaves sprinkled across the branches of various trees, still shining with their youth. Soft breeze carried gentle, rich smell, mixed with aroma of the great blue. Storms stopped being so frequent three weeks ago, now only occasionally running through the islands, mostly just bringing rain and stronger wind rather than full on storm. The life finally started. White and golden birds, that resembled cranes, and yet were too different to be one, with various colored tails, flowing gently on the wind, sung their song, sounds pleasurable to the ear and artistic, like a bard singing and playing some not yet invented instrument. Their wings flapping with no sound, swift flight looking weightless and fluid. From time to time some of the feathers in their tails fell, dancing their way to the ground, while pinkish hue slowly replaced gold. There was rush in the streets, everyone running around in frenzy doing their task, yet way too busy for it to be just some morning rush. Various smells filled the air, from sweet pastries to wood wax and burned paper. There was noise, street buzzing with life, from time to time an excited shriek of a child or falling wooden frames cut through it, echoing across the land. Streets were being decorated, performers trained in struggle to achieve perfection. Bakeries and restaurants worked overtime to deliver all of the promised delicacies, while in Cherry Harbor ships docked and departed whole day and night. The trees blooming was enough of a reason on restarting businesses or start going on, but while busy all year long, islands were never this busy. Only time when this happened, was in the spring when storms ceased and the aroma of freshness dominated the air around The Pleasure Archipelago. Blooming Love Festival was almost in full swing.
He knew exactly why he was sent there. He made a mistake. But what was this mistake was a mystery. The problem was, that sages in the Akademiya were very hormonal, and what was once an asset, it could turn quickly into unwanted, digging mole, that had to be exterminated. He was unfortunately a mole now, thrown into small cage, bound and gagged, awaiting extermination. He wouldn’t get killed or deemed insane and thrown into merciless desert thankfully, but he didn’t know if the fate awaiting him wasn’t even worse. He could escape from the desert, but islands were way harder. Also, very limited knowledge was available for planning anything. As far as he knew, living “gifts” could be made into sex slaves, prostitutes, priests or even be sacrificed for the god of love and fertility. There was a lot of possibilities and almost none were certain. And that didn’t help at all. Door to his cell slowly opened, and Yen walked in, carrying a straw and a bottle. She was a young girl found in the desert that somehow ended up being one of the maintenance workers for the Akademiya. It was a miracle she even got this far – desert folk had no place anywhere near Sumeru city according to many of its citizens. “Are you holding up today?” she asked, waiting for his nod. Due to the gag he couldn’t respond of course, he only had his gag taken for meals, when Yen would take it out before leaving. She was understanding, simply because she disliked Akademiya. But what is one desert girl against powerful and controlling form of government. “Ah, that’s good, that’s good. I heard from one sage that was here earlier today that you will be escorted out of the city in the night. They said something about Port Ormos  and shipment across the sea, but I don’t know the details, sorry.” her soft tone was all that he needed to know. His fate was sealed then. “Well, they also mentioned, that you had to be “groomed properly” before departure, but I have no idea what that means. But guessing from the tone, they will make you suffer” she winced. Yen put a straw between his gag and mouth, allowing some water to get into his mouth. He drank as much as he could. He knew that if this was any other person, they would laugh and humiliate him first. She did things fast and gave him very much needed information. He started to like her. Too bad it won’t get anywhere. “They wont miss you” that was the last thing the girl said before leaving. And he was alone again. What was surprising to him, was that there was no physical abuse, they didn’t even spit on him once. Now, getting information that he was supposed to be “groomed”, it confirmed that he had to be in impeccable state. So probably a sacrifice or sex slave. After all, what else? It was a festival of love, not only sweet, but physical one as well. And while sages didn’t respect Lesser Lord Kusanali, and her probable will to attend didn’t matter to them, all of Teyvat knew that the god of love was one of the most feared ones, and no matter Archon or not, every ten years representatives or gods themselves attended the festival to ask for good luck in love or to not have a famine caused by infertile animals and soil. It was said that during the Archon War said god desolated the land and destroyed gods by making them fight for unachievable love. No one dared to fight her later on, instead pleading for her mercy, offering her the position across the Seven. And yet, she refused, preferring to pull on heartstrings of others and bending unbendable to her will. Legends said that Celestia acknowledged her power and gave her a throne in secret. But these were just some tales. What was true was that this god wasn’t known to be merciful and lived with her people in one of the biggest brothels known to man. Next few days were painful and humiliating to a degree. Turns out, “grooming” was exactly it. He was waxed, washed and scrubbed so hard that he felt like he had his skin rubbed off of him, oiled and massaged, which was very painful, and had to do a lot of stretching and dancing. Thankfully, it wasn’t sexual at all, mostly uncomfortable. Stretching was the worst, because despite being athletic and rather agile in his opinion due to sword fight training, he never knew his limbs and spine could bend that much. After a week, his body was sore and his skin had so much oil rubbed in it, that he constantly looked shiny. The smell of it was nice at the beginning, but right now he wanted to swim in mud and roll around in very dirty stables, just to get this intense smell off of him. He felt like his muscles were drenched in it, flowery stench seeping into his bones and making him human air refresher. However today, he was fed breakfast and thrown into a room, bound and gagged. This time however, his hands and legs were bound with silk ribbons and his gag was made out of a bamboo segment, with ribbon tied around his head. He heard sailors talk about arriving tomorrow, if weather will allow them and he knew that next meal will be at the destination. His only hope was to not suddenly develop sea sickness. As he prepared for amazingly passionate wall watching session, someone entered his room. It was a female dressed in Akademiya clothes with Akasha terminal glowing in the barely lit room. She looked at him in disgust, and yet she restrained her face expressions, leaving only eyes betrying her real feelings about being in the same room as him. “You committed crimes against Akademiya and whole nation of Sumeru. However, you did a lot for us. That’s why your punishment isn’t being sent to the desert. We both know that you would escape anyways. I’m giving you a warning. You are a gift, so act like one. Be pretty and obey to whatever commands will be ordered. Otherwise, many will suffer.” She spoke quietly and then left, leaving him in silence again. Well, it’s not like he had a choice to be a brat anyways. His journey was interrupted soon, or at least what felt like soon. It was hard to tell, and his window was out of the reach of his eyes. Its not like he could get up and not lose his teeth after all. Three women and two men entered his tiny room, filling it with various fabrics and cosmetic products. Great. More smelly perfume. They started brushing his hair, while two of them was throwing fabrics in his face and almost instantly taking it back. He didn’t know if he preferred being tortured right now, because they didn’t care if pulling his hair caused him pain or if he wanted to have some privacy, as they took off his clothes and complained about his muscles being an inch too wide to fit in their chosen dress. They treated him like a piece of meat, meant to be sold. Finally they decided on skin tight sleeveless shirt with delicate dendro pattern on it, with knee length simple skirt and decorative obi style belt, along with long, flowy fabric attached to his neck in arms. His forelocks stayed the same, but the rest of his hair was tied, at least as much as it could, with decorative piece behind his ear. He also had heavy earrings, that painfully dragged his irritated ears, after not very pleasant puncture that was done to him without a warning. He was also forced into high tights with holes for his fingers. He thanked whatever was watching him for that knee long skirt. His makeup was also applied in unpleasant way, since one of the men grabbed his face and held it in place, as a lot of dust tickled his nose. He didn’t know why they used colored dust instead of using more wet methods. Did they wanted to torture him as well? Whole experience was very dehumanizing. He didn’t even had his muzzle taken off, for whatever reason. He looked like a doll and his face was tingling with pain. He was sure that he got bruises from the strong grip that man had on his face, but they probably did cover it up in makeup. He lost the track of time during this whole ordeal, and apparently, they were close now.
All of his old life would soon be definitely finished and it was a question if he will die or live without freedom, as a property. He didn’t know what was worse at this point. Finally, the moment has arrived. He was dragged out by two guards outside. Sudden light of sunset blinded him for a second, but his sense of smelling was finally freed from heavy, nauseating perfumes. The air smelled of crisp sea, mouthwatering food and fresh, exotic flowers. It was truly refreshing. The moment his vision returned, he could only wonder at what he was seeing. Harbor was filled to a brim, every inch taken by ships and sailors. Workers dragged various chests out of the ships, each one carefully taken, as if whatever was in there, could shatter easily. But the best sight was the gate. Big statues of man and woman held stone ribbon with flowers coming out of it with doves on it. Stone birds were probably the size of small boat. Real birds meanwhile looked like tiny specks of dust. It was also either a miracle or hard work, that the statues were spotless and decorated with various flowers, while petals floated with the wind. He couldn’t look too long, before he got put in a cage covered in silk and his view was covered. His cage moved and it felt like someone started dragging his caricature of a carriage. Whole experience was still surreal to him, but what could he do. Nothing. His short ride stopped and he was left waiting again. His earrings really started getting on his nerves now, ears hurt under the weight of crystals. He was bound with ribbons now, stuck kneeling, and his knees were now hurting as well. At least on the ship he could sit. This eternal waiting finally ended when he heard bells and then silence. He heard people talking before, and someone giving a speech, but he couldn’t hear exactly what was said. Then, he was dragged out of the cage and forced to stand, finally taking in his surroundings. He was standing in the middle of a small, round plaza, in front of a stage. Around him were various riches, from minerals and fruits, to flowers and books. Behind him, were the Archons, kneeling, along with the highest representatives from each country. He was dragged out by some guard, that the clothes were of unknown origin to him. And someone was sitting on a throne in front of him. Her golden and light pink robes were covering most of the throne. She wore a dress with no sleeves that was showing her bare shoulders. Her (s/c) skin gleamed under the sunset light, with golden shine around it. Her (h/c) hair was carefully tied up and partially covered with cloth tied in it by detailed and delicate hairpins. Cloth also covered most of her face, except for lips covered in glittering, pink dye and impeccable, clean skin. She also had an abundance of golden jewelry covering what clothes could not. The throne was made out of pink crystal, glimmering in the sun. It was trapped in vines, that blood red roses came out of, with glittering water covering freshly opened buds. It’s thorns deep pink color, frighteningly sharp would scare any brave hand from picking flowers. If it wasn’t intimidating enough, weird, black colored birds sat around the stage and a few of them on top of the throne. Birds reminded him of cranes, but with shorter necks and a lot of missing feathers. Their beaks were shorter and curled, similar to an eagle. But their eyes… God, their eyes. Red orbs, filled with hatred and thirst for blood, all looking straight at him, piercing his mortal body and clawing at his soul. Their intense stare was already parting his limbs and sinking into his organs with greedy claws and beaks fighting for scraps of muscle saturated with blood. His blood. He was almost sure, that the only thing keeping them from tearing his flesh between themselves was the goddess on the throne. He noticed that there was another person standing right next to the throne, almost unnoticeable among the birds. His slender and malnourished form with grey skin and dark hair caused him to disappear among the birds, his scarlet eyes filled with the same emotion as them. That… man looked him up and down and snarled with disgust. “And what is this supposed to be” It was more of a statement than a question. Which was honestly surprising, because he didn’t sound disgusted with him but rather aimed at whoever was representing Sumeru, standing in the audience. “It is an offering, your highness. A healthy man that just entered his prime. I’m sure that you will find him useful” one of the sages said. Man sneered and turned his ugly head to the figure on the throne. “Are you accepting this “offering”, my liege?” by the way he spoke the word offering, he wanted to throw Sumeru representatives to the mercy of those awful birds, which meant no mercy at all. Woman seemed to be pondering for some time, and then moved her hand slightly, indicating for them all to move on. Man just mumbled something under his nose and nodded at the guard still holding him. “Take that… thing to the palace and make sure it’s prepared for further use” And with that, guard had unceremoniously thrown him over the shoulder and started walking behind the scene, bowing his head at the god sitting at the throne. Behind it were maids, or what he assumed were maids, all wearing gold and pink silk sarees, their faces covered with a cloth hanging from a silver headband. All were standing behind the throne and he didn’t know if all or any of them were women. But who he was to judge, as he himself was wrapped and covered in so much fabric and makeup, that he didn’t know what he looked like, only that it was supposed to make him look submissive and breedable, like some livestock. Behind the tent that made the back of the stage, was an entrance to a palace. It didn’t have high towers, but it was rather flat, similar to some desert buildings. There was no desert, but there were storms and open sea, so that’s probably why it wasn’t tall. It’s thick, decorative columns alone seemed like guards, watchfully observing all that was before them. The door opened a little, tall and thick, darkness form the inside keeping the contents of the palace safely behind a veil. As the door closed and the last of sunlight was blocked off, the guard dropped him on the ground and then clapped his hands twice. Immediately two servants with covered faces appeared, both dressed in very expensive clothing and jewelry, yet kept modest. The cloth that was covering had a weird symbol on it. It looked like a heart that was melting, with thorns around it. “Prepare him. He is of use.” And with that, the guard was gone.
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dracoqueen22 · 5 months
hmmm, for a prompt:
Piers Nivans going to the gym with Chris and trying to be subtle about his admiration as Chris works out.
(yes I'm still thinking about it)
Piers is in the zone, mind thankfully blank, and breathing perfectly in control when he hears the door thud open behind him. It’s just after midnight in the BSAA gym, and usually, Piers has the place to himself. Everyone else would rather be out and about on a Friday night, then cooped up in headquarters in the gym. 
It’s probably Marco. He’s the only one who has even less of a life than Piers. 
There’s movement in his peripheral vision – the visitor taking the treadmill next to Piers – and he glances over for a quick confirmation. His rhythm stumbles. 
It’s not Marco. 
“Oh, uh, hey, Captain,” Piers says, trying to sound cool and collected and not at all inwardly freaking out. Chris’ wearing shorts that barely brush mid-thigh and a tank top that’s two sizes too small. “Didn’t think you’d be here so late.” 
Chris gives him one of those gorgeous half-smiles that lights up his eyes. “Am I out past my bedtime?” he asks. 
Piers laughs, and hopes it doesn’t sound as awkward as it feels. “Of course not. Just surprised is all. Usually, I’m the only one here.” He slows to a stop, scrubbing a hand through his hair. 
“Do you prefer to be alone?” Chris asks. He hasn’t climbed up on the treadmill yet, like he’s genuinely going to turn around and leave if Piers asks him, too. Because that’s the kind of guy Chris Redfield is. 
Good to the last drop. 
Also, it’s a tough question. Piers absolutely doesn’t want Chris to go anywhere, but he also doesn’t know how well he’s going to focus if his captain is right beside him, sweating and grunting and looking too fuckable. 
“Nah,” Piers says, the demon whispering just how much he doesn’t want to miss out on the sight of Chris Redfield, covered in sweat, wearing those too-short shorts. “Don’t mind the company if it’s yours, sir.” 
Chris huffs a laugh. “We’re off duty,” he says as he climbs onto the treadmill, tucking water bottle and phone into the holders. “You can call me Chris.” 
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” Piers offers an unsteady smile. 
Chris shrugs and powers on the treadmill, plugging in all the settings he prefers. “Suit yourself.” 
Piers does the same, getting back to work, trying to focus on his breathing, his pace. If he runs and doesn’t have to think, if he lets the rhythm pound through his feet, it’s like meditation. His mind drifts to nowhere and nothing. 
Not tonight though. 
Not with Chris Redfield a pace beside him, muscles flexing, body moving, a thin sheen of sweat building after ten minutes. He’s focused, sometimes typing on the phone with one hand, oblivious to Piers tracking a bead of sweat down the curve of his neck until it vanishes into the drooping dip of the tank. 
Christ, why does Chris always have to buy clothes two sizes too small? 
Piers swallows and stares at the readout on his own treadmill. He’s been at pace for fifteen minutes, more than warmed up, so he steps away, wipes his face. Normally he’d go into some light sparring with the dummy, but the LAT machine is right there, and he’d have a great view of Chris’ ass. 
He shouldn’t. 
But he does. He sits his ass at the LAT machine and starts to work, heart in his throat and mouth dry as Chris runs. His ass is perfectly framed by the taut stretch of his gym shorts, the way they ride up the back of his thighs. 
They’ve sparred a few times, Piers and Chris. Friendly wrestling matches out on the mats or testing spars between a captain and his subordinate to keep their skills fresh. Piers has been beneath Chris and on top of Chris and caught by Chris, so he knows how all those muscles feel. How strong Chris’ legs are, and how it’s like being in a cage when those thick arms wrap around you. 
Oh, fuck. 
Piers lets the LAT machine rest and leans forward, elbows on his knees, trying to catch a breath. He’s dizzy. This is such a bad idea. He should have said no. 
The rhythm of the treadmill slows and stops. Chris hops down, wipes sweat from his face, sucks down half the water bottle. Some of it escapes, trickles out the corner of his mouth, and Piers’ gaze is glued on that spill. It soaks the top of Chris’ white tank, and Piers swears he can see Chris’ nipples through the thin fabric. 
“You already done?” Chris asks as he moves to the bench and starts loading an ungodly amount of weight on the bar. 
“Yeah,” Piers says, though he’s nowhere near done. He didn’t even finish a set. 
“Spot me?” Chris asks as he lays on the bench, feet to either side of it, thighs spread. Piers’ can’t even form the spit to swallow. “I’ll return the favor.” 
“Sure,” Piers says, and embarrassingly, his voice cracks. He clears his throat and stands, moving to the head of the bench like a good spotter would. 
From here, he can look down the whole length of Chris’ body, and it’s a dizzying view. The tank has slipped a little, revealing one peach-colored nipple. A dusting of dark hair decorates Chris’ chest and disappears behind the white cotton. The gym shorts lay flat against his groin, but don’t do anything to hide his package. 
Christ. Piers isn’t going to survive this. 
“Thanks,” Chris says with a friendly wink. He looks up as he wraps his fingers around the bar. “Hope it’s not too much for you.” 
It’s an ungodly amount honestly, but there’s no way Piers is going to say that. “It’s fine,” he says, and Chris’ eyes sparkle. 
He starts to press the weights, and Piers kicks into automatic mode. He spots Chris without thinking, keep the captain safe chanting at the back of his mind, like it always does when he’s covering Chris’ back. 
But his eyes wander. Up and down, from bare ankles to bare legs to bare knees, to partially bare thighs, all dusted with hair. To the space between thighs where Piers could easily fit himself and rub his cheek on the soft dick beneath. To where Piers could sit, on those wide hips, his own legs splayed wide as he ground down and Chris fucked up into him. How wide those big hands might feel on his waist. 
That’s dangerous so Piers drags his gaze up higher, and that’s no safer. That taut tank hides nothing, not the planes of Chris’ belly, soft and muscled, or the swell of his pecs, strong but pillow soft. Piers’ mouth wets itself at the thought of tasting Chris’ nipples, making him moan or pant. Of bending over to kiss Chris, and taste the heat of his mouth. 
He wants to sit on the space at the end of the bench, put his mouth on Chris right now, so that when he leaves tonight, it’s with the taste of Chris lingering on his tongue. 
Piers blinks and is suddenly aware of the heat on his face, the red flush down his neck and chest. Chris looks up at him, at Piers’ iron grip on the bar Chris is trying to lift, and embarrassment makes his ears go hot. 
“S-sorry, Captain,” Piers stutters, begging to God that his shorts hide his boner. “Guess I’m more tired than I thought. Raincheck on that favor?” 
Chris pushes the bar back onto the rest, and Piers hastily steps away, turning his hips out of view. “You work too hard.” He sits up, twisting to keep Piers in his peripheral vision. “Go get some rest, kid.” 
Kid!? Oh, the indignity. 
“Funny. We all say the same thing about you, sir,” Piers says. He backs away, step by step, veins running hot and cock filling at the weight of Chris’ scrutiny. 
Chris laughs. “Fair enough.” He grabs his water bottle and takes a swig, toasting Piers with it. “I’ll take that raincheck then. Get some sleep.” 
Sleep is the last thing on Piers’ mind. 
“Yes, sir.” He shoots off a playful salute and makes a hasty escape, his heart hammering, his cock throbbing, and the star of every wet dream sitting there, glistening with sweat. 
Fuck his life. 
Piers skips the shower. No way he can lather up knowing Chris is a wall and an unlocked door away. Not knowing that Chris will be using this shower minutes after he does. 
Piers is going straight to his bunk. 
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Imagine showering with Luke Cage.
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“All I’m asking is that you don’t block the shampoo, one of us actually needs it,” You said, trying to reach around your boyfriend’s large frame to grab the bottle from the shelf.
You loved taking showers with Luke - though the logistics of the small shower and his very built body didn’t always work to your benefit.
“What - you want this bottle?” Luke asked, putting an arm behind him and took hold of the shampoo bottle. He made it look so tiny as he held it up, to tease you into reaching for it.. In your defense - he made everything look tiny compared to him.
“Luke,” You pouted, reaching up for it, barely being able to touch the smooth bottom of the plastic container. “You can’t hog the hot water AND my shampoo. I’m dirty and freezing down here.”
“I don’t know if I want to help with the first thing,” He smirked down at you.
But what he did do was maneuver around you so he was in the cold spot, and you were getting the nice warm water against your body.
With a grin, he pumped some of the shampoo onto his hand and started to massage it in for you, really working it into the scalp. He was taking care of you, making a comforting moan slip out from your lips as it felt like a massage against your head. You lost all complaints that you once had now, just getting lost in this world of warmth, your hand on his strong chest to keep yourself steady.
It was evident that he liked taking care of you, especially in ways like this, with a little bit of teasing first because it was so cute to watch you pout. It was a really fun dynamic that kept the both of you on your toes - never actual fighting or hurt feelings, especially never somewhere as intimate a place as your apartment, which you both treated as sacred ground. He even helped you to wash it out, holding you under the water, making sure that all of the product was out so that you could continue on with your hair routine. “Mmm - forgive me for my snarky comment?” You asked.
“About how one of us actually needs shampoo?” He asked, a bushy eyebrow raised. “Already forgiven.”
Requested by: @roguerambles​
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aaronfj77 · 2 months
The Monster Slayer
I remember the day the mighty Monster Slayer arrived at my village.
They had told stories of the fearsome warriors, clad in shimmering Armor. Carrying weapons fit to carve a monster from claw to fang. When the cart began bumbling up the cobblestones of the village, tossing grass and pebbles to the wayside, I had imagined a massive cage to cart the beast away in. Yet it was a simple covered cart that tinkled and clinked as it was pushed forward.
That’s right.
Pushed! It wasn't being pulled by any calamity or foul beast made to bend to the whim of the slayer, but was instead being pushed happily along by an older gentleman. Who when wiping his brow from the steady heat, made a sort of whistling sound. His hair and beard were both white. He wore green suspenders over a simple cotton shirt that had longer sleeves he had rolled up and buttons down the middle. He had shiny metalic frames that enclosed his eyes in an orange shimmered glass.
Far from our towns savior.
The town dragon in the north western caves had become quite rowdy. She had started hissing out steam at all who would pass. She even almost ate one of Mr. Leary’s sheep on one hearding afternoon! Something had to be done about the beast before it devoured the entire town! The village had called on the local lord to send us someone willing to do what needed to be done! Not this, simple old whistling fool. Yet, this “slayer” that had been sent surely wasn’t up to this task.
How wrong I was!
The small white bearded man just kept pushing his cart towards the mouth of the cave and inevitability towards the mouth of the Dragon. His whistling alerted the Dragon immediately. The growls and rumblings could be heard for miles. The very fields quaked as she sensed an approach. The man simply continued to push his cart merrily closer. About thirty paces from the entrance, he began to shout into the cave! I couldn’t hear what he was yelling but he seemed to be arguing with the dragon!
She would grumble and shake houses near by, he would in turn yell right back in a tone that could only be described as petty annoyance. The Dragon ended their verbal fight with a roar that caused boulders and rocks to slide down the mountain side. Once the slide was over, the man huffed and walked over to his cart.
When he removed the cover on the cart, I became briefly blinded. Bits of metal and steel shimmered like beacons under the high sun. Finally! Here was our mighty slayer! The cart had to be filled with sharpened Elorian Steel and thick armor made to withstand a Dragon’s tail spikes! Or at least strong enough that your bones don’t all crack at once when the tail hit you.
When the shimmering died down and I could see the cart again, I quickly became annoyed once more. Yes, there was some metalic objects but much of it was bottles and small steel tubes. The clinking hadn’t been weapons or armors but vials and steel tools that I didn’t quite recognize. I had once met a traveling alchemist that had similar such items but nothing to this caliber.
He pulled from his cart, a single item, so small I couldn’t even see it in his hands. I moved closer to observe and saw as the elderly man planted the item in the ground at his feet like a seed. Much like a seed in fact as seconds later a sprout popped from the ground with such velocity it shot dirt in a few different directions. Then the old man mumbled something about time.
He reached for one of the vials on the cart, pulled a dropper and added a single drop Into the vial. He held it up to the sun and began to swirl the liquid around. Smoke itself began to rise from the vial and once it was billowing quite a bit, he poured its contents onto the sprout.
In the time it had taken him to turn and put the vial back on the cart, a fully grown nymph had grown from the sprout. She was a creature I had only seen rough sketches of. A woman made of tree or a tree made to look like a woman. I could never tell which they were supposed to be.
She immediately smacked him on the back of the head with a whispy one of her branches. He grunted at the injury and began arguing with the nymph! I couldn’t make out many words from the man but it seemed they got into a heated discussion about timing and something called “sedation”. I didn’t fully know the term but I could tell it was quite important.
As the man started working away on his cart, the nymph began to grow things off of her branches. She grew leaves that looked like snowfall mixing with fresh blood, a fruit that curved at its base and cycled between seeming blue or green depending on how the light hit it, and finally she grew from a spot just above her right shoulder, a massive seed.
A hard-shelled seed with long hairs sticking out of it. As she handed them to the man, he would add them slowly to what he was making. For the leaves, he ground them into a pale pink paste which he smeared inside of a jar. He took the fruit, peeled off the exterior using the first weapon I had seen him bring out, a paring knife like the one my mother used on Potatoes. Once it was peeled, he sliced the fruit into thin pieces and dropped them into the jar with the paste.
When she handed him the seed, he took extra care to hold it away from his body. He placed it into a clamp on the cart. As he pulled a lever, the clamp tightened around the seed and a thin stream of liquid started to seep from the bottom. The man, using tongs, picked up the jar and held it under the stream until it was about half full. He released the lever and the clamp stopped juicing the seed.
He placed the seed, now drained, into a tight woven bag that he put back on his cart.
He placed a sealed lid on the glass jar and began to shake it! He shook it up and down and back and forth. When he was done with his spasms, he paused then shook it again. Once he finished that time, the nymph smacked him again and gestured for him to shake it one more time. He shook it a final time, then abruptly stopped.
He walked to the mouth of the cave, and again, he yelled as fiercely as the beast had before. The nymph shook her head and walked away from the cave just as the old man placed the jar down on the ground and walked away to join her. No fighting? No battle? I had thought surely, he was making some kind of strange explosive but no such force came! Instead, the creature itself came forth.
Deli’strua, the golden dragon beneath the Thunderpeak mountains, strolled forth from the maw of the cave.
I… I didn’t think I would get to see her alive.
I don’t know anyone alive in my family who has ever met the great dragon. I figured I would see her being carted away after the fight. That she would be limp and gone. All fire from her eyes and lungs gone.
Instead, for the first time in seven generations of my family, I saw the dragon.
She made the opening the cave, that for my entire life had loomed above everything but the peaks and the sky themselves, seem like such a small space. Like a dog barely fitting through a small opening in a door. She fully stepped out of the entrance and as she did the sun blazed off her golden scales. Over lapping like thicker larger scales of a fish, they shined almost as brilliantly as the sun itself.
Her shimmering form leaned down towards the jar the man had placed. Her mouth opened, and instead of flames hotter than any hearth could ever be shooting out and eviscerating the jar, the dragon’s tongue scooped it into her mouth.
I thought for a moment if the glass would hurt the dragon. If the jar broke inside, would the shards still cut her? Surely not. The heat inside her chest would probably melt the glass back to nothing more than a thought.
So that was how this dragon slayer worked. He was a poisoner who worked his sword from a distance. Concocting strange potions like a coward. Nothing about this man was like the legends had said. Surely enough, the dragon laid down on the ground mere moments later. She curled her massive body around herself like a cat by a fire, shimmering like a pile of breathing gold. She laid there and did not move again.
The man and nymph walked back to their cart and began to argue again. I assumed it was about how to move the carcass away from the village now that the beast was slain. Once the man pulled a large silver tool from his cart, I understood for certain what was happening. This man was going to stab the dragon after he had already killed the beast. The nymph must have been trying to stop this wicked man from disrespecting such a magnificent creature. She couldn’t and he continued to approach the beast.
As I watched, I noticed something else. The Dragon was still breathing! Its body had a steady rise and fall that I had only noticed after watching it for some time. He continued to approach the Dragon, walking directly towards its head! A cruel malevolent man to put a beast to sleep then kill it while it could not defend itself! Much worse than stabbing the body after your kill! Such as the way of this strange man.
Fool’s die heroes in their minds, while only the wicked survive.
When he got to the creature’s head, he began to climb up. Did he intend to stab the beast in the eye? He lifted the creature’s mouth open.
Let me not try to confuse you.
This strange old man, seemed to, with direct intention put himself into the great dragon’s mouth!
He extended a tool from the bottom of the lip to the top holding it in place above his head.
Up until this point, I had been looking from a nearby hill, but I found myself slowly creeping forward to see as much of this strange interaction as I could. I stumbled down the hill and nearly fell completely on my face as I made my way down the slope.
The nymph noticed me now and walked over to help me up. I took her branches in hand and looked upon her in wonder. She seemed to be speaking to me but the only sound I heard was that of winds blowing through an empty wood. I told her as such and she nodded and smiled almost sadly.
We both turned back to the man and the dragon. He at this point was applying some kind of paste onto one of the dragon’s teeth! The fang itself was twice the length as he was but he applied the paste to everywhere he could reach. When he was done, he wiped his hand on a towel and put the paste away again. He grabbed the beam holding open the mouth, removed it, and slowly climbed back down. He then simply walked away from the beast! He didn’t strike it, or stab it! He left the beautiful dragon simply sleeping as if she had just fallen asleep there.
When he saw me, he jumped slightly. It had been a larger reaction from the old man than from when he yelled at the dragon!
He walked right past me to get to his cart without saying a word. He put everything away at double pace. I wished to ask a question of the old man even if it came at risk of argument as it seemed all things did with him. I asked simply what he had done to our dragon. Had he actually poisoned her or had he done something much more benign? He just shook his head and mumbled something without looking at me. I asked him to repeat himself and he said in a much clearer tone than before,
“Just a toothache.”
I asked him further, what exactly he had done to help?
“I gave her some juice from a juliepit seed, it put her to sleep long enough for me to apply some numbing antibacterial paste. It will help with the pain. Will you leave me alone now?”
I asked one final question of him. If the seed and paste on the tooth was the only things necessary to help, then what was everything else he put into that jar? He shrugged and looked at me with annoyance.
As quickly as he arrived, he pushed his cart away whistling quietly to himself. The nymph gave me one final wave then ran after the man and walked alongside him and his cart. I watched them leave, utterly perplexed by what had happened. When they were out of sight, I watched the dragon. She slept until just before sunset. When she began to stir, I ran quickly up the hill again and hid behind a tree until she fully woke up. She yawned her massive maw and smacked her lips. I watched as she ran her tongue around the tooth the man had worked on. She sighed in what I know from personal experience regarding toothaches, was relief. I figured she would go back into her cave as she always had, but when she took flight, I was struck by her awesome form. The now distant sun shimmering barely of her scales was fought by the now bright moon turning them into a pale blue as she flew into distant skies.
I don’t think I could ever forget the day the monster Slayer came to our village.
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Chapter 14
Blood rushed in my ears as I comprehended what he had told me.
Did Miguel really just stop me from orgasming because I fucked Reiner?
Oh, and that familiar rage settled in my stomach again. My body was burning from the aftermath of what Miguel just did to me, but with my limp legs, I managed to find my way back to headquarters.
Miguel wasn't in his room. The red office was barren, sheets of his bed messy, orange screens of technology left open. I slammed the door, careless of the fact I could've messed something up.
How could he do that to me? I finally thought we were on similar terms- that I had as much power as him. And not just in sex- me and Miguel's sparring had become even in the past couple of days.
And that bastard didn't let me finish.
I gritted my teeth, and swung my body to my hallway.
After shutting the door of my room, I huffed, staring with frustration at the girl in the mirror.
My hair was a ball of frizz on my head, no doubt due to the way Miguel had been pulling it a couple minutes ago.
Butterflies nestled in the pit of my stomach again, and I shoved them down from a place of anger.
My eyes were wild, and I bit down on my swollen lower lip, a deeper shade of pink than usual.
But besides the obvious flaws to my current appearance, I came to realization.
I'm really fucking hot.
How could he act like I wasn't tempting him? Like his attraction to me wasn't the reason he had fucked me just now?
So fuck Miguel. Fuck him for trying to control me all the time, fuck him for not letting me fuck who I want, fuck him for not letting me come.
I lifted my chin up, revenge sticking to the clicking gears of my brain.
My oversized shirt was damp with sweat and... some other fluids after the arena. I took it off, repositioning my lace bra, and slipped on a purple silk cami. After searching through the large arrangement of clothing until I finally got what I wanted, I fit my thighs through a black mini skirt. One that hardly covered my ass.
If Miguel thinks I'm so undeserving of a good fuck, I'll treat him the same way.
I'll be candy he can't eat.
I'm done with him not taking me seriously. As if I was some prize he could hold, show off, but never respect.
I slid dark lipstick over my lips, and slipped on comfortable heels the shade of ivory.
After fighting a battle with my hair using water and a spray bottle, the curls came back to full volume, and I felt good with my appearance.
As I looked at the mirror, my eyes wandering over my frame, a golden glint of light hit me from the desk of my room. I followed the light, moving my body until I could see it clearly.
The golden necklace Gwen had given me.
Miguel's symbol.
When I asked Gwen why the hell I had it, she explained that it was the symbol for the S.S- a symbol of hope.
But right now, it looked like a symbol of rebellion to me.
I slid the metal over my neck.
Gwen was right. I do look like a maneater.
I had never been underground the S.S before. Miguel's arena is one staircase down, but the prison is a whole elevator ride down. I tapped my fingers nervously on the metal pole, and finally, the heavy doors of the confined elevator slid open.
Dark lighting, pipes, and metal cubes surrounding the area. My heels clacked loudly on the blue floor, and I noted the small fluorescent bulbs hanging from the ceiling.
A growl snaked from the other side of the room. My senses heightened at the amount of monsters around me.
As I continued walking, I gazed at the glass prisons confining villains. Many were otherworldly- with spikes, horns, or neon colors of skin- each with scowling, defeated expressions.
But other villains looked too human. Kind eyes, smiles, gestures of friendliness. I abruptly shifted my gaze, trying to ignore the fact that those humans had higher security on their cages.
In the very back of the room, I spotted white, messy hair covering the eyes of a curled-up man. I took a shaky breath, and began to walk towards Reiner.
At the sound of my heels, Reiner lifted his head, eyes of wild blue meeting mine. Under his eyelashes, red and black dark circles traced his beautiful face, and he flickered his mouth in a small grin.
"Well, well, well. My red flame." He licked his dry lips, and repositioned his body to cross his legs.
Mike was wearing green sweatpants, and a green long sleeve was thrown to the side of the room, the clothing Miguel gave all prisoners. He was wearing nothing on his upper body, pale defined muscles contrasting in the white light.
I swallowed, trying to figure out the right words to speak. I mimicked his body language, settling down in a criss-cross on the floor, inches away from the thick glass separating us.
He tilted his head, amusement flickering his exhausted eyes. "Scarlett."
I chewed on my bottom lip; sitting up straighter. "I'm... I'm sorry that it ended this way."
He let out a dry laugh. "Are you, now?"
I nodded, wincing at the pain coating his voice.
Reiner tapped his fingers on the cushioned floor under him. "I know you're here for a reason, Scarlett. Get on with it."
I inhaled, a deep breath curing me from my nervous heart. "Miguel didn't send me," I answered, too quickly to sound casual. "I'm here on my own. I'm actually kind of pissed at him."
Reiner nodded, squinting his eyes. "You seem to be pissed at him a lot, if I'm correct." His voice was heavy, warming my body from the inside out. Fuck, I forgot how hot he sounded.
I hoped the dark of the room hid the blush on my face. "Maybe. But he's not what I want to talk about. He's not why I'm here."
Reiner leaned in, interest contorting his face.
"And why are you here, my darling?"
I mentally braced myself for my next words.
"I need you to tell me about Casanova. The real Casanova, I mean. The rebellion."
Reiner smiled widely, satisfaction blending with his features. "What makes you think I'll tell you?"
Grimness washed over my face. "Because I'm not sure which side I'm on anymore."
Reiner's smile vanished so quickly it made my heart skip. "Well. Where do I begin, then?"
I rolled my shoulders, and leaned in to the glass even more. If the clear wall hadn't existed, me and Reiner could've felt each others heat.
"From the beginning. Tell me why you broke the canon."
Chapter 15
Reiner sighed audibly, and rested his body on his elbows.
"I was 19 when it began. When I became Spider-Man."
I nodded empathically, carefully moving my body, cautious of any noise that would scare him from the confession.
He looked down at his chest. "I was young, sort of dumb. My father had built Casanova as a simple science facility- only interested in the quantum mechanics of everyday life." He wavered. "Of course I had to ruin that."
I pursed my lips, letting my quiet be an invitation for him to continue talking.
"With my new powers, I experimented on everything, everyone. I found ways to freeze men in a couple seconds. Shoot ice daggers with my fingertips." He rolled the last word, his Norwegian accent heavy. "It wasn't until I first killed a politician on earth 1032 that Miguel had came to me."
I knit my eyebrows together. "You and Miguel were friends?"
Reiner smiled wickedly. "Oh, my red flame. Has he told you nothing?"
I swallowed a lump in my throat, and smoothed out the small skirt draping over my thighs. "He might hold things back from me, but that doesn't excuse killing good people. And all for money." My voice was venom, a spit in his face.
Reiner flinched weakly, then bit his lip, letting the skin slide off his straight teeth.
"I didn't kill anyone good. I just ended the lives of people who were going to be bad. Why do you act like any of them have a place in this word? As if the rich and the powerful wouldn't get drunk off the feeling of superiority. You know I'm right." Reiners voice had turned clipped.
Anger rose to color my cheeks red. "Someone who kills for personal benefit is not right."
Reiner paused, and snaked his tongue on his upper lip. A smirk flickered on his pretty mouth.
"What?" The confusion pitched my voice.
"David Hume. A philosopher known for his rejection of the rational notion of virtue. He's right, you know. The idea of what's good and bad stems from human emotions." He clicked his tongue. "Nothing but petty feelings and emotions. That's what dictates the right from wrong."
The frustration of his words were bursting through my skull. "You're wrong!" My voice rang through the echoing space, and it took me a second of silence to realize I had proven his point.
Reiner nodded, satisfaction dancing on his lips. "To understand my reason for the corruption of the rich, is to try to understand that I'm doing the world a favor. It might sound tainted now," Reiner clenched his teeth. "But soon, you'll be begging for me to take you with me."
I stood up quickly, the length of my miniskirt riding up too much more than ideal. Reiners eyes slid to the bare skin of my thighs, and he inhaled shortly, closing his eyes.
Closing his eyes as if he wanted to remember my body like this.
"You look so fucking beautiful, my red flame."
The words travelled throughout the empty area, and the drop of my stomach yearned for the sensation again.
Miguel had never said a thing like that to me.
His only compliments were taunts for power, but Reiner seemed to respect me the way a man should.
In some ways, Reiner was truly better than Miguel.
I rubbed my tongue on the backs of my teeth, not trusting myself to speak right now. I looked at his eyes, savoring my body, and I turned around.
Because I knew that if I stayed, I would do something very, very stupid.
"Don't you want to know what me and Miguel had done?" Reiner's smooth voice bounced off the metal walls.
I halted, still not turning my body to face him.
I could practically hear his smile in his voice. "He told me we could've achieved better things than I thought I was capable of. Greater things. Before the S.S, Miguel's mind was blinded by revenge. He wanted to kill everyone who ruined the multiverse. Every last one."
I shook the idea of blood on Miguel's hands off of my mind. "Why did you guys become enemies? Couldn't you argue you both had the same motives?"
Distaste crept into Reiner's voice. "Oh yes. You could argue that. Except the oh-so good leader turned against me. He plotted a raid on the Casanova behind my back, and when I couldn't stop him, he stripped my father's legacy bare of information and equipment."
I whirled around to meet his eyes, now full of a raw, new pain. He dragged his teeth on a fist in front of his mouth, clenching his fingers.
"Everything I worked for in the last 4 years, he stole. He took it all away from me. Everything. So I began the rebellion. I would reduce the canon to rubble if it meant I could have revenge."
I stared at him, mouth agape. He had done all of this because of Miguel?
Reiner pushed his body up with his muscular arms, and stood to full height. I cautiously took a step closer to the prison door.
"The canon...without it, everything we know could disappear in seconds." My voice was unsteady.
Reiner placed his hands in the glass, pink palms smeared on the wall in front of me.
"Everything I've ever known has already disappeared. Because of him." He hardened his voice, that elegant softness of his expression leaving his face. "I have nothing to lose anymore. So don't think your charm and words will stop me from getting out of here." He drew his gaze up, the pale strands of his hair falling elegantly over his blue eyes. "Because when I do, I vow I'm going to end the S.S. Even if that means I'm ending you, too."
Heat rushed from the blood in my ears. I swallowed the fear in my throat, and balled my fists in an effort to remain strong. "Reiner, you aren't leaving this place. Ever."
Reiner stepped back. "Really? Don't you remember that me and Miguel were partners?" He smiled, evil covering his face. "I know how this prison works. I know how to escape. Jesus, I practically created amno-chains for that bastard." He leaned into the glass, lowering his liquid voice. "The only reason I haven't escaped yet, was because I was waiting for you to come to me. I knew you would."
My heart pounded. All of this was too much information, too many feelings in my chest.
"I'm not coming with you. Never. I'm staying with Miguel."
He made a long click of his tongue. "He really has you wrapped around his fucking finger, doesn't he?"
I stormed to the glass, and slammed my fist near the area of his face. "You have no idea what you're talking about. I hope you rot in this cage. You belong here, you goddamn monster." I backed away, walking backwards to the elevator.
Reiner furrowed his brows, genuine sadness washing over his eyes. "I really thought you would listen to me, my red flame. I thought you had some sense in that pretty brain of yours."
I shook my head, the rage coating my eyelids with crimson. "I can't believe you."
Reiner took one final step back, and stretched out his hands, then curled them into fists.
"Maybe not. Not yet. But you will, eventually.
I know you will."
I couldn't process his words because his body began to hum with a tingling sensation, a white steam of snow coating the prison he was in. Reiner's eyes turned white, and the snow around him heightened, filling the room so much I could hardly see him.
And in the whirlwind of snow and ice, I could make out the small smile and move of his lips on his powerful face.
"Goodbye, Scarlett."
The walls exploded, shards of glass shooting so far they could've hit me. My legs buckled, eyes squinted closed.
The world was quiet.
And when I heard the thump of my heart, I had realized what just happened.
A monster bellowed from a cage on the other side of the room, but the ringing from my ears didn't stop until I ran to the prison door.
Reiner escaped.
And what's worse, he had escaped on my watch.
I frantically searched the cage through the remanentes of snow and fog, but Reiner had vanished.
The only thing left of the villain was his long green t-shirt, hanging from the side of the bed.
Chapter 16
I bolted out of the room. "Gwen!" My screams were raw, and undirected, but I had no idea how to possibly make coherent sentences at the moment. My head was still swirling black with the shock of the explosion, and due to my lack of vision, I slammed full force into a tall man.
That tall man.
Miguel grabbed me by my shoulders, a predatory hiss already forming in his mouth. But as he gazed in the fear of my eyes, Miguel's scowl softened.
"What's wrong?"
I reached in my brain for words to say, but came up empty.
"Re-Reiner."  I pointed at the underground prison, and Miguel lunged to the doors.
I could only hear the bone-chilling roar of Miguel's fury when he saw the empty prison cell.
"I didn't do anything! It wasn't my fault he escaped!" I protested again, creaking my body impatiently on his bed.
Miguel paused his frantic pacing, and jerked his body to mine, leaning on the knob of metal on a side of his bed frame.
"Oh, really?" Rage-filled amusement blazed in his eyes.
I nodded, ignoring the flush of my face when he looked at me like that. "He said he knew how to get out, without my help- mind you."
Miguel raised his eyebrows, clenching the metal pole.
"Oh, yeah?"
"Ah, okay. Okay. That's fucking-" Miguel yelled, frustration seared on the edge of his voice. He ripped the metal off the frame, and hurled the knob to a wall behind us.
My mouth dropped, and I covered it with my hand.
Miguel just tore metal apart like it was butter in his fist.
I involuntarily scooted my body to the pillows, a new fear spiking in my eardrums.
I have no true idea how strong he really is.
Miguel's eyes were blood red, and his fangs were shining in the dark LEDs of his room. "You," he hissed, pointing a finger at me. "Are not leaving." His words were ice, freezing my nerves. "I don't give a fuck how he escaped, he escaped and you didn't stop him. You fucking-"
Miguel groaned, and kicked a dumbbell on the side of his foot. How he didn't bruise his toes, I have no idea.
"It wasn't my fault! If anything, it was yours!" My voice pitched an octave higher. "You never told me you were partners with him."
Miguel covered his face with his hands. "I don't think I'm strong enough to talk to you about this right now. Without forcing pain on someone around me."
I flinched, and at that, my mouth snapped shut. What did he mean by forcing pain?
Miguel took an unsteady breath, and turned his back to me, the muscles defined in the fire-like light.
"You're staying in my room. I can't trust you after this, Scarlett. You're sleeping here, training, doing...fucking- I don't even care. But I'm not letting you out of my sight."
Confusion bled in my features. "What, I'm on house arrest? In your room?"
Miguel's voice was hard, cold steel. "I'm not joking, Scar. I'm not fucking joking right now."
The melody of his voice reminded me of the arena. I can hardly look at him without picturing his body, the way he had touched me. God, he had touched me.
And he's acting like nothing had happened.
He walked to the door, a sort of power in his rough movements that I had never seen in anyone else.
And before he locked me in, Miguel peered over his shoulder, the familiar darkness of his beautiful eyes returning.
"And I'm taking the bed."
I ground my teeth.
There was basically nothing to do in Miguel's room.
He has a small bookshelf, of quantum reality theories, and long science words I can't pronounce on large hard covers. There was a small stack of weights, dumbbells, and a pull-up bar on another side of the room. And then, of course, the weird contraption of computer screens on his platform.
I furrowed my brows, swinging my light body to the metal platform. The orange technology was calling to me. What else could I do in his room? Sleep?
Multiple small screens popped out of a giant neon one, each with small letters and pictures. When I tried to zoom in and read the words, a box saying "ENTER PASSWORD," popped in my frame of vision. I groaned, and slumped in his chair, clasping the armrests.
Think, Scarlett. What could Miguel's password be?
I bit my lip, and typed in the very possible answer.
"I'm a giant asshole." I clicked an enter button on the screen.
I breathed in to conceal my urge to break the technology. If this weird modern stuff could be broken.
Sadness spiked in my chest, a heavy feeling surrounding me. My mother had always been clumsy around laptops or phones. It was like she was repelled from the technology.
I missed her more and more each day. I can't even imagine what the city is like now, only the police handling things. Gwen assured me that if their were any major events, she would let me know.
But honestly, could I trust Gwen anymore? I wouldn't be surprised if she knew about Reiner's history at the Society.
A slow creeping thought bled through my head.
What if Reiner's right?
Maybe the canon isn't supposed to be saved, but be destroyed.
I stretched my thumbs, and pressed my fingers on the keypad. A password...
Like a fool, I typed my own name.
I cursed. Of course. Why would I think that Miguel actually cared that much? He made it clear that I was only a quick fuck to him. Not even worthy of orgasming.
I sighed, ready to admit defeat. But a small file on the bottom of one yellow screen caught my eye.
A foggy picture of a small girl.
The file was named Gabriella.
A weird emotion flipped in my stomach. Why does Miguel have a picture of a kid on his screen?
Who is she to him?
I chewed on my upper lip. One more attempt.
Using my index finger, I tapped the letters,
"G a b r i e l l a," on the keyboard.
Lyla'a high voice changed pitch. "ACCESS GRANTED."
The fact that this girl was Miguel's password as well creeped me out even more. And not in a romantic sense, but with the idea of something worse- a family.
If Miguel had a family, I didn't want to ask why they weren't here anymore.
Because I knew how horrible it was to lose the ones I love.
Miguel's computer suddenly felt too private to skim as a joke. I exited out of the screen.
My eyes begun to feel heavy, and I swung my body upside down, slowly unraveling the web until I was on Miguel's bed.
It's so comfortable.
What laundry detergent does he use?
I breathed in the warm, clean scent of his sheets, and my eyelids draped closed.
I'm not going to sleep, or anything. I'm just going to... relax, for a little.
The buzz of the cold room kept me up. I slid my feet under the blanket, thinking of the day. Even though Miguel edged me, that was the most passionate sex I had ever had. If he could do that with his fingers...
My thighs warmed at the thought of him, all of him, in me. I hated how it turned me on. Because he wouldn't feel the same. God, I bet if we did reach that level, he wouldn't even touch my lips out of fear of it turning into something.
I scratched my neck, feeling a thin chain over my collarbones. I fiddled with Miguel's symbol, deep thought swirling my conscious brain.
What were me and Miguel? On the surface, enemies crossing the line of teasing friends. But sometimes he looked at me like I was something not of this world, and it made my heart burst in my chest every time he did.
My eyes fluttered, and I settled my body on the big pillows of Miguel's bed. I could see the faint color of his red room as I drifted to sleep, dreams already taking shape in my mind.
That’s it for right now:) Let me know if you want me to make these posts shorter- only one paragraph or something like that. And if you have a request, let me know❤️
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acatalystrising · 2 years
I, unsurprisingly, am having more Boba thoughts and after pondering his losses and just wanting to SHOWER this traumatized tin can man with love, had to write a new oneshot.
@rexxdjarin and I both agree that Boba deserves love, not simply to give it, but to receive it as well. This was also inspired by the song ‘The Way that You Were’ by Sleep Token. So I hope you enjoy this little drabble and all the feels that come along with it.
This is for mature audiences only! Light NSFW below the cut. Minors DNI, thank you!
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Oneshot: Love Like Yours
“Come on, tear off the bandage
The way that you were
With pain as your language
The way that you were
Will you show me the damage?
The way that you were”
The twin suns had long set, fading over the shimmering dunes like dying stars. You peered out of the window into the moonless night, the monochromatic cloud cover blotting out the night sky. For whatever reason, it sent slivers of anxiety twisting like knives in your chest.
It had been three days. Three days since you’d last seen Boba.
You knew you shouldn’t worry. He was a busy man, and despite turning away from the perilous life of bounty hunting, he hadn’t traded it for anything less life threatening as the Daimyo. Logically, you knew Fennec would have commed you if something had gone wrong. Unless something had happened to her, too…
Kriff, you needed to unwind. They both were capable warriors. You weren’t a pushover yourself - there was a reason you’d been left in charge of the palace in their absence. You matched Boba and Fennec’s lethal prowess in your own ways, and it was one of the reasons you and Boba made such a formidable pair. But right now, you didn’t feel confident. You hated that you worried because it wouldn’t do a damn thing.
But you still paced the bedroom you shared with your love, fingernail clenched between your teeth, mind spinning as your footsteps echoed on the lonely walls. You hated it, feeling like a caged nexu, unable to help him. But…
You sighed, running a hand through your hair and crossing the room, eyeing the bottle of wine sitting on the end table near your bed. Perhaps that would help take the edge off.
As your fingertips brushed against the polished glass, heavy footsteps broke the stagnant silence. You turned, careful to stand next to one of your hidden blasters just in case it wasn’t who you were expecting as the door slid open with a soft hiss. Boba walked in - movements more a shuffle than a stride, stern features set like stone. Judging by the limp in his step and the twitching of his brow, the mission hadn’t gone well.
You didn’t move - gauging his body language and knowing he was in pain. Boba Fett had softened in some ways for you, and you alone - but lonely years spent shouldering his own burdens weren’t easily unlearned. You of all people understood that.
He stopped by his armor stand as if frozen, brow tense, eyes dark, lips twisted in a small scowl, gloved hands clenched. It was only then that you noticed the blood staining his side. You nearly missed it, his black robes hid blood so well, but it was matted and darker then usual. He slowly began to remove his armor, an audible groan slipping past his lips, and you finally shifted into action.
“You’ll bleed out that way,” you raised a brow, keeping to the point. You’d learned directness was the best approach in these situations. “Can I help you?”
He huffed a response, shoulders taut, broad frame barely diminished by his pain - but you saw through the armor that wasn’t beskar. The armor that went much deeper then any weapon could reach.
“I’m fine,” he finally spoke, voice a low and rasping as he reached for a pauldron with a wince.
You didn’t move, merely raising your brow, standing your ground against the one man who arguably could best you in combat. Silence fell, and for a moment, you wondered if he’d actually reject your assistance. But the Daimyo simply sighed, shoulders sagging, finally looking at you through that pained mask. His gaze softened ever so slightly, a subtle chip in his walls crumbling, lip twitching in a near smile.
“Stubborn thing,” he finally unclasped the piece of armor with a grumble, that low tone frightening enough to send a lesser soul running. “Won’t take no for an answer.”
“One of my endearing traits,” you dared to take a step further. “I’d rather not have you die in my arms.”
He raised a dark brow at that, his healed scars catching in the dim light. Even now, in the pain he was experiencing, Boba Fett was the most breathtaking man you’d ever seen. And maker above, you wanted to keep him that way if he’d let you.
His head finally bowed, a subtle shift in his rigid posture showing you he was at least open to reason. Pain tended to do that, in your experience.
“Some young hunter thought he could bring me down,” he grimaced, reaching for the second pauldron. “Didn’t realize the Pykes already lost.”
“His funeral.” You took another careful step forward, gaze flicking over his body for further injuries. “I’m assuming he’s dead?”
“Sent his head back to the guild.” Boba grimaced. “Should get the message across.”
You nodded, still waiting, watching him carefully as he stood there, clearly lost in his thoughts.
“All right, mesh’la,” he finally spoke with a heavy sigh, suddenly sounding years older. “You can help if you wish.”
You didn’t smirk or gloat in your victory. You simply gave his shoulder a gentle squeeze and helped him remove the armor that had struck fear across the galaxy. The beskar that had saved his life countless times, even from the Great Pit of Carkoon. Once it was all removed and his vest was set aside, you gestured at the wound with a frown. He sighed, brows lowering, lips twisting in pain as he proceeded to slip out of his flight suit, rolling it down to his hips, baring his bronzed skin to you. Gods, you’d never stop melting at the mere reminder of how gorgeous he was…yet another truth he doubted.
The wound was bloody, cutting into his side, clearly a glancing blow from a vibroblade. You glanced at him, and he nodded his consent, slowly moving over to the bed so he could sit down.
“Got between my armor,” he grunted, shifting so you could get a better look at the injury. “Not as…young as I used to be.”
“Oh Boba, you’re not old,” you walked over to the medical kit and grabbed a bacta patch and supplies. “This kind of life…wears on a person.”
“Didn’t affect you,” he finally managed a small smile despite his furrowed brow, the first sign that he was emerging from the dark corners of his mind.
“Hey, you know that’s not true,” you couldn’t help but shoot him a smirk as you cleaned his wound, placing the bacta patch on last, trying your best to be gentle. “We’ve both done things we regret.”
He simply nodded, a comfortable silence falling between you both. Once the patch was secure you sat on the bed beside him, keeping a respectful distance until you knew he was comfortable with physical contact.
Few people knew how damaged and isolated the best bounty hunter in the galaxy was. Even fewer would care. Boba’s story was not a kind one - and he’d spent more years alone then the few healing ones that were most recent. It took time to heal old wounds - wounds a bacta tank couldn’t mend. But you knew he was deserving of love - because if he was able to look at you in all your flaws and see someone worth investing in, you knew without a doubt there was a good heart buried under all that beskar and muscle. And you were determined to nurture it and coax it into the light.
“We have.” He shifted until he was facing you, earnestly meeting your gaze. “But you’re not one of them.”
Heat blossomed in your cheeks, but you didn’t bother trying to hide your blush. You’d been long past pretense with him, and he’d earned your trust just as much as you’d earned his.
“Same for you,” you smiled at him, openly this time. “You’re stuck with me now, Boba Fett. So don’t go dying on me, okay?”
He hummed, reaching out and cupping your chin with his hand, the hard planes of his face melting into a smile so soft, you nearly wanted to weep.
“That’s the plan, princess,” he caressed your cheek, so gentle despite your mind reminding you he was strong.
Strong, in that those hands who’d killed hundreds were soft with you. Strong, that his muscles and barrel chest spoke of a life lived in constant turmoil. Strong, in those dark eyes that had seen unspeakable violence and insurmountable loss.
You leaned into his touch, daring to press a soft kiss to his wrist, letting your lips linger on his skin. He grunted, brows flying up in surprise.
“You’re beautiful,” you met his gaze, voice soft, sincere. “You know that, right?”
“So you say,” he slowly shifted until he was laying on his back on the bed, legs draped over the edge. He sighed, closing his eyes, lips still curved in a slight frown. “Wouldn’t dare disagree with you.”
“Smart.” You lay down beside him, curling in your side so you could face him. “Old dogs can learn new tricks.”
“Easy now,” his tone was low and full of warning, but you saw the sly smirk curving those beautiful lips.
You merely chuckled, shifting to lay on your back beside him. These moments were your favorite, when it was just the two of you - allowed blissful moments of silence. No nagging responsibilities, battles to fight, scores to settle. Just two people enjoying one another’s company.
Boba looked at you with a small smirk, gaze roving over you with an expression of unbridled admiration. “C’mere, little one.”
You snuggled against him, careful to avoid his wound, purposefully pressing your head over his chest to help him feel grounded. He wrapped his arms around you, but before he had the chance to hold you against him, you shifted to his back and held him close - arms comfortably tucked around his waist.
“Scheming minx,” his tone was gruff, and though you couldn’t fully see his face, you heard the smile in his voice even as he pressed his hands over yours.
Oh, he could be grumpy. But he hadn’t pushed you away, either.
“Bounty hunters need love, too,” you pressed a kiss to the shell of his ear, relishing when he shivered under your touch. “And you don’t have to be alone, anymore.”
He fell silent, mulling over your words, and you kissed his neck, then his back, tracing his many scars with your lips. You treated him like something to be worshipped, someone worthy of all the adoration the world could offer. And damn it all, you believed he did.
“Keep kissing like that and I’m not gonna be able to keep my hands off you,” he spoke again, voice impossibly rough.
You laughed, nibbling his earlobe with your teeth, dropping your hands ever so slightly lower until they were settled comfortably on his abdomen.
“That’s the idea, my love,” you smirked against him, smile widening when he let out a huffed groan that rumbled through his chest, into yours. “Let me care for you for once, okay?”
“Hmm…” he seemed to ponder, though you already knew he’d made his decision. “On one condition.”
You waited, hands hovering, touch centimeters away from where you wanted to be. Where you wanted to bring pleasure to someone who’d endured so much pain.
“I take you next.” He shifted just enough so he could meet your gaze, his eyes burning with passion, searing you to your core.
“What a request,” you grinned, leaning in and kissing him, twining your legs with his as your fingers crept dangerously lower. “That’s an offer I can’t refuse, my Daimyo.”
Boba rolled his eyes as if in dismissal, but you merely smirked, dropping your hand to his crotch and stroking his rock hard length through his flight suit, before slipping your fingers beneath the hem of his pants. He was already hot, heavy, and ready for you, and your grin widened. He groaned - a nearly desperate sound no one else would ever hear - and you kissed him harder, hoping that if he didn’t believe you, you could show him. Show him that he was worth loving. That he wasn’t too broken.
That he would never, ever, have to be alone again.
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starsurface · 6 months
Super fun idea (imo) - soft play! 🎠🪁Could you do MK1 Johnny Cage with a baby regressor (and toddler if that's fine) at one? Ty!
Hi!! Yes, I'm so sorry for how late this is!!! :(
This is a Johnny Cage w/ Babyspace Regressor pt 2, but the first for Toddlerspace Regressor!!
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CG Johnny Cage MK1 w/ Baby(pt 2)-Toddlerspace Regressor Hcs
⭐ He loves any and all regressors, but toddlers are his best fit!!! He’s really good with baby regressors too!!
⭐ We’ll focus on toddler regressor for a second:
⭐ Energetic toddlers that like to run around his house? My, my your energetic!! Thank goodness your Dada can keep up because he’s just that awesome! 😎
⭐ A crafty toddler? Amazing!! He loves crafty regressors, toddler or baby!!
⭐ Your making a mac and cheese picture? Wait a minute, is that his mac and cheese? Did you ask to use that? . . . Maybe he can let it go this one, his baby’s work looks so gorgeous!!
⭐ A sneaky toddler or baby? Now, now Mister/Missy, just don’t do anything too bad now!!
⭐ He finds it really funny when you try to sneakily grab an extra piece of candy, but your giggling a bit too loudly and he can obviously tell what your doing . . . But he won’t stop you . . Atleast this time
⭐ He’ll let you wear his sunglasses!! You can look just as awesome as your Dada!! 💪
⭐ Karaoke? Or regressors that like singing? Disney song night!!! He’ll even help you with the big kid words!
⭐ Now, some baby regressor focus!!
⭐ For crafty littler regressors, he’ll help guide your hand, or will happily accept a pretty scribbled picture!! He’ll even frame it after it’s happy time on the fridge!! :D
⭐ He’ll get you separate sunglasses, but the exact same as his
⭐ Not that he doesn’t trust you!! . . . But some babies chew . . And he likes his sunglasses, darling
⭐ Any kind of padding you need, he will never, ever, be mean to you about!!
⭐ In fact, I once said in my CG Johnny Cage w/ Padding Regressor Hcs that if you ever felt embarrassed about padding, he’d wear one with you just to show you that they’re not bad
⭐ ^ I stand by this Hc, he’s got the (loving) ego for it
⭐ Plus he’s your Dada!! He can’t have his baby feeling icky or embarrassed about something they shouldn’t be!! And he’ll do whatever he can to make sure your okay!!
⭐ Ugh, bottle-feeding 🥺
⭐ He loves bottle-feeding you, you on his lap, or your head on his lap, near naptime or just while watching a movie, his baby in his arms <3
⭐ Some general Baby/Toddler Hcs now:
⭐ He finds it really funny if you try to copy him
⭐ You flex in the mirror after he flexes? Now you two are giggling and flexing your muscles!! 💪
⭐ The only thing he doesn’t like is his own potty mouth, it’s not a bad habit, but sometimes some no-no words slip . . . Let’s not repeat Dada’s big kid no-no words, alright, Sweetheart?
⭐ He’ll buy you custom items!!
⭐ A plushie from a show you really like? He can get one exactly like it, he likes seeing you happy!
⭐ Custom-designed pacis or sippies/bottles too!! Whatever design or aesthetic - Whatever you want really! How can he say no to his baby’s happiness? He has the money 🥺
⭐ One of you two’s a cuddle bug, and it’s not always you
⭐ Johnny’s a MASSIVE cuddlebug, especially when you're small!! (although all the time really)
⭐ Sometimes Johnny fears that the Pappirazzi will find out about your regression, and he’s already made an entire plan in his head (especially one where they look bad)
⭐ ^ It would never come to this, he makes sure of it
⭐ Which is why he’ll take you out sometimes when your small!! Maybe a bit more for older kiddos or age dreamers, but a trip to McDonalds won’t hurt anyone
⭐ Restablishing, but his favorite activity with all regressors is
⭐ Have you seen his wardrobe? He’s got fashion (and costumes!!)
⭐ With baby regressors he’ll get soft onesies, or character onesies, and help you have a fashion show by carrying you on your make shift run way
⭐ Toddler regressors he’ll get some cute outfits, or costumes like his Indiana Jones one, and cheer as you put on a show for him and his stuffies (they all loved your rpeformance by the way!!)
⭐ Baby or toddler, he’ll try to always carry
⭐ Your his baby, he’s Johnny Cage, why would you need to walk or crawl when your Dada’s a big, strong, action movie star? 🥺
⭐ One of his little nicknames for you would be Superstar!! <3
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Sorry for the long no posting guys, I had a hard time writing for some reason these past few days. But don't worry!! I'll post more soon!! Finals schedule is coming up so I should be able to write some things during that time, hopefully. <3
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