unfortunate-arrow · 7 months
Bridgerton Next Gen OC Character Skecthes - Benophie Edition
warnings: discussions of death, famine, and period typical attitudes
𝙃𝙚𝙡𝙚𝙣𝙖 𝙅𝙖𝙣𝙚 𝙎𝙝𝙚𝙥𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙙
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Helena Jane “Nell” Shepherd, born January 19, 1821, was the only child born to Norman (1798-1826) and Abigail (1800-1826) Shepherd in Bottesford, England. A distant cousin to the Baron Bastable, Nell was placed in his custody at the age of 5. Her parents had succumbed to consumption. Cecil Bastable (1790-1844) and his wife, Henrietta (1796-1844) graciously welcomed Nell into their home and raised her as their own. Unfortunately, their son, Horace (born 1812) did not take to Nell with any kindness. In fact, upon the moment that the mourning of his parents ended in 1844, Horace proposed to Nell.
Fleeing Horace Bastable’s incessant and forceful proposals, Nell stumbled into the position of governess. She worked for a handful of rich families before agreeing to meet with Viscount Anthony Bridgerton to discuss a possible place of employment. Nell was officially hired by the Bridgerton family in April of 1846 as the governess to the five youngest children of Mr. Gregory and Lady Lucy Bridgerton’s nine children. Ant, Ben, Colin, Eloise, and Frannie Bridgerton were intense children, who had run off a series of previous governesses. However, they didn’t scare off Nell. In addition, Nell also befriended the eldest daughter, Katharine, who was 18 and nearing her first season.
June of 1846 saw Nell meeting the man who would capture her heart, Dr. Charles “Charlie” Bridgerton. They married in late 1846 and had five children together: Norman, Sophia, Meg, Franklin, and Linus. Their eldest son, Norman Benedict, was born in January of 1848. Their eldest daughter, Sophia Abigail, followed a few months later in June of 1849. Their youngest daughter, Margaret Helena “Meg,” was born in 1851 with their middle son, Franklin Charles, being born three years later in 1854. Their youngest son and child, Linus Edmund, was born in 1858, four years after Franklin and a little over ten years after Norman.
Nell is of average height, about 5’6”. She has an average, albeit slightly lean, build which is mostly due to her struggles with finding consistent employment. Her eyes are hazel, often becoming darker in low light and greener in bright light. In addition, Nell has curly black hair, inherited from her mother, which she keeps at an average length. She also has a small splotchy birthmark on her right shoulder, which is rarely visible to the public’s eye. She keeps a simple and functional yet elegant style, although it’s generally much simpler during her employment as a governess.
Nell is a reserved person. She’s very private, rarely sharing her thoughts with others. Despite this, Nell is very intuitive and thoughtful. She’s thoughtful and considerate and caring. In addition, Nell is compassionate and empathetic which comes to be very helpful in her chosen profession of governess. In addition, Nell is quite intelligent and well read. She’s charming, principled, idealistic, and sensitive. She thinks through quite a bit, sometimes even overthinking her every action. Nell is also a perfectionist and is very organized with hopes of everything going exactly to plan. She’s often found reading, working on embroidery, or playing the piano. 
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𝓔𝓶𝓶𝓪 𝓒𝓪𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓮 𝓡𝓾𝓽𝓵𝓮𝓭𝓰𝓮
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Emma Catherine Rutledge, born January 24, 1824, was the fifth born child to the duke and Duchess of Ashbourne, Lady Catherine (1792-1824) and Lord George (born 1787) Rutledge. She had four older siblings: Susannah (born 1814), Charles (born 1816), Laurence (born 1818), and Giles (born 1820). Her mother died of childbed fever, shortly after Emma was born and as such, Emma has no memories of her mother. Shortly afterwards, her grandmother, Lady Arabella Rutledge, the dowager duchess, moved in with the family to help supervise the children as Emma’s father refused to consider marrying again. He had loved his duchess, and couldn’t stomach marrying another. In 1836, Emma’s sister, Susannah, married Bernard Fitzhugh (born 1809). They had three children: Dudley (born 1837), Maria (born 1839), and George (born 1843).  Of her four siblings, Emma was closest to her eldest brother, Charles.
Emma had a pretty good childhood. Everything was fairly simple until she began preparing for her debut into the ton. Her grandmother had high expectations for Emma, which included the fact that Emma was not supposed to wear her spectacles. She felt like a fool without them, especially on the dance floor. In addition, her grandmother had strict ideas about who it was appropriate for Emma to interact with, given that she was the daughter of a duke. Luckily, Emma’s father held the power of final approval and he kept Emma’s opinions in mind.
In 1847, Emma was introduced to Alexander Bridgerton, an architect who had gone to school with her brother, Giles, by the dowager viscountess Bridgerton. Her grandmother fiercely disapproved, but Emma found herself falling for the young Mr. Bridgerton. He was handsome and kind and swoon worthy. After a lot of convincing and promising to her grandmother, Emma eventually married Alexander. They had two children, identical twins named Vincent Charles and Beckett Nicholas, in 1857.
Emma stands at 5’3” and has an average build. She has light auburn hair that’s kept to a fashionable length and often styled in the simplest fashionable style available. She has green eyes, which are often obscured by spectacles. Emma’s eyesight is quite poor, therefore she wears spectacles whenever possible. In addition, Emma’s style trends towards whatever’s most fashionable at the time but she has no qualms about picking simpler styles. She generally wears blues and greens, as she feels like those colors complement her appearance best.
Emma is a private and thoughtful person. She prefers to keep to herself, only suffering through balls and such to please her grandmother as Emma also has some people pleasing tendencies. She’s reluctant to open up to most people. Often, her only confidant was her eldest brother, Charles. In addition, Emma is creative and principled and kind. She’s also quite stubborn and sensitive. She can take criticism to heart. In addition, Emma feels like she’s under a lot of pressure to live up to her “perfect” sister, Susannah who married an earl and never needed spectacles. Emma is also very supportive and organized. She will often struggle with decisions, before ultimately giving into what her heart is telling her to go with. 
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𝗥𝗼𝗶𝘀𝗶𝗻 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝘆 𝗢’𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗻𝗼𝗹𝗹𝘆
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Róisín Mary O’Connolly, born May 2, 1824, was the only child born to John (1797-1830) and Mary (1800-1830) O’Connolly on their small farm in County Donegal, Ireland. From an Irish Gaelic speaking family, Róisín did not learn English until the age of three, when her parents were forced to relocate from their farm to the small village. At the age of 6, Róisín was orphaned after her parents fell ill and moved to Galway, where her father’s elder brother, Michael (1794-1847), and his wife, Ellen (1798-1846) lived. This arrangement lasted until the 1840s. In 1845, the potato crop failed and poor Irish farmers fell into a deep famine. Róisín’s Aunt Ellen fell ill first and with little money, there was nothing that either Róisín or Michael could do. Then, Michael fell ill and passed away as well, leaving Róisín to weather the year known as “Black ‘47” alone.
In late 1847, Róisín received correspondence from a distant cousin. Margaret Bolton, the countess of Fotherby, had written to Róisín with an offer to sponsor her for a season amongst the ton. Reluctantly, Róisín accepted and shortly after, traveled to London. Raised Catholic and devoted to her identity as an Irish Catholic, she refused to attend the same Anglican masses that Margaret and her husband, Peter, earl of Fotherby did. Instead, she found a Catholic church to attend and did so religiously. In addition, she continued to use her first language of Irish Gaelic. 
It was early in the season of 1848 when Róisín met the quiet William Bridgerton. With chestnut hair and green eyes, William immediately captivated Róisín. But after their first meeting, she had never believed that she’d actually see him again. She did, though, and as they came into a deep acquaintance, love blossomed. A much more forceful personality than William, Róisín also found herself struggling to stay silent when she heard the pompous and spoiled lords discussing the famine in Ireland. In fact, she was rarely able to stay silent. Her people were suffering and they deserved help. Róisín herself had donated the majority of her pocket money to those working to alleviate the effects of the famine. Altogether, it was an interesting season that had a stranger conclusion. Róisín married William that fall of 1848. Together they had four children: Maeve, Kathleen, Ivy, and Oscar. A daughter named Maeve Sophie was born in 1850 followed by another daughter, Kathleen Mary, in 1852. Two years later in 1854, their third and final daughter, Ivy Róisín, was born. Finally, their only son, Oscar William, was born in 1857. 
Róisín stands at 5’5” and holds a lean build, that during the famine years in Ireland was an unhealthy lean. She has black hair that’s as short as fashionably allowed for women. Her eyes are a dark green, a sharp contrast to the light green of William and his sister, Violet. In addition, Róisín has freckles all over her face. The sun brings them out more, but she’s always had a smattering of freckles dotting her face. Róisín prefers a simple style with a fondness for blues and greens, similar to her sister-in-law, Lady Emma.
At first glance, Róisín appears to be very outspoken, and in some ways, she is. However, she also has a more reserved nature. It’s only the things that she’s passionate about that can get her to be outspoken. She can also be argumentative, especially when it comes to her beliefs. She holds steadfast to her beliefs, and can be reluctant to change those. In addition, she is very stubborn and intelligent. Róisín has good practical skills and she’s quite hardworking. She also can be compassionate, although the extent of her compassion can depend on several different factors. She can take things personally and tends to keep her innermost thoughts private. 
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𝐉𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐅𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐨𝐧
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Jonathan Frederick “Jack” Fullerton, born April 6, 1821, was the fourth child born to Lady Josephine (1792-1835) and Tom (1791-1831) Fullerton in London England. He had three older siblings, Henry “Harry” (1812-1831), Anne (born 1815), and Isabel (born 1818). Jack was ten years old when his father and older brother passed away in a carriage accident, and four years later, his mother passed away from an illness. For the next few years, Jack was raised by his unmarried sisters and insisted on helping the family make money. Anne married an upcoming merchant by the name of James Clarke in 1838 and they had three daughters: Martha (born 1840), Frances (born 1842) and Thomasina (born 1845). His sister, Isabel, married a shopkeeper by the name of Benjamin Moller in 1842 and they had two children: Joseph (born 1845) and Elizabeth (born 1847).
Between the ages of 14 and 23, Jack held many different jobs. At the age of 23, he found a position as an apprentice in a printshop. He was content to work there until December of 1847 when Lady Christina Worthington, the dowager marchioness of Insley — and Jack’s aunt — appeared. She had spent the previous year searching for Lady Josephine and her children, as an old loophole stated that the Insley marquessate could pass down to the son of the most recent female relative as long as she held the blood of the marquessate in her. Her husband, Martin (1790-1844) was Lady Josephine’s elder brother and the second son. Their eldest brother, Frederick (1784-1838), had died unmarried with no heir. Thus, Lady Christina had deduced that Jack was the marquessate’s heir… much to his own confusion. But there was no turning down the dowager and Jack found himself entering a world that was completely foreign to him, a world that was scandalized by his existence. After all, his mother had been the daughter of a marquess and his father had been her brother’s valet… and to make matters even more surprising (and scandalizing), his mother had jilted an earl to marry his father, a lowly valet. 
As his first season begins in 1848, Jack feels more and more adrift. But a chance meeting with a Miss Violet Bridgerton changes everything. She’s made it her mission to help him acclimate to the ton. She’s kind and pretty and dear lord does Jack want to know her better. And while there’s a lot of unexpected things that occur during Jack’s first (and only) season, by the end of the season, he’s found his marchioness in Violet. Together, they have four children: Thomas, Levi, Josie, and Leo. Eldest son Thomas Benedict was born in November of 1850, with their second child, Levi Jonathan, being born about two years later in July 1852. Their only daughter, Josephine Sophia “Josie,” followed in January of 1855, with their youngest, Leopold Harry “Leo,” being born in September of 1856. 
Jack stands at 6’3” with a lean and athletic build. His hair is dark blonde, which is so dark that it’s almost brown. His eyes are a dull blue, almost unremarkable. Jack also has freckles across his nose and cheeks, which come out more in the sun. In addition, he has a small scar by the left corner of his lip. He tends to dress very understated and very simple. Jack is not a fan dressing ostentatiously or in bright colors. He prefers to stay under the radar, with navies, browns, blacks, and the occasional green. 
Jack is a reserved, generally level-headed man. He’s practical, responsible, dutiful, and an organized planner, all traits that one would think would help Jack in his transition from print shop apprentice to marquess. However, Jack’s also very awkward in situations where he’s uncomfortable and unfortunately, he’s very uncomfortable with the ton. He can be quite direct in these situations as well, which doesn’t help him with his fellow aristocrats. He’s also quite intelligent and logical. He prefers when things can be thought through and Jack’s not known for making impulsive decisions. In addition, he’s also fairly private and prefers to keep his cards close to his chest. To deal with his stress and anxiety about assuming the responsibility of the Insley title, Jack takes up running, boxing, and fencing. He also spends quite a bit of time with his nieces and nephew. 
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chrisryanspeaks · 5 months
Wyatt Flores Drops New EP 'Half Life' — A Milestone in Country Music's New Era
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Country music's rising star Wyatt Flores has released his new EP, "Half Life," today through Island Records. You can stream or purchase it here. Check out “Running Out Of Time” above. Wyatt Flores has been garnering critical acclaim recently. He was the subject of an in-depth profile by journalist Josh Crutchmer in The New York Times, which highlighted Flores' unique ability to evoke deep emotional responses with his music. The article titled, “Wyatt Flores…Has a Superpower: Tapping Emotions,” notes that the 22-year-old singer-songwriter’s music profoundly impacts its listeners. The EP "Half Life" consists of eight tracks, including the previously released "Milwaukee" and "Wish I Could Stay." The latter song was featured by Rolling Stone in their "Songs You Need To Know" list, and Billboard has praised Flores' blend of slide guitars and piano paired with his natural, conversational singing style that seamlessly transitions from rock-infused urgency to classic country twang. This release marks a monumental year for Flores, identified by Rolling Stone as one of their 25 "Future of Music" artists. His achievements this year have significantly boosted his career trajectory. Moreover, Flores has been named Amazon’s Breakthrough Artist of the Year, featured in Spotify’s Hot Country Class of 2024 and CMT’s Listen Up roster, and made his debut at the Grand Ole Opry. To celebrate his new music, Flores is set to lead his "Here There & Gone" tour this summer. He will perform at notable venues including The Intersection in Grand Rapids, The Windjammer on Isle of Palms, Denver's Ogden Theatre, The Knitting Factory in Boise, Ace of Spades in Sacramento for two nights, and the Fonda Theatre in Los Angeles. Additionally, Flores will appear at several major festivals this year such as Stagecoach, Hangout, CMA Fest, Windy City Smokeout, and others. See below for the complete list of tour dates. WYATT FLORES ANNOUNCED TOUR DATES April 21—Georgetown, TX—Two Step Inn 2024 April 26—Indio, CA—Stagecoach May 10—Morrison, CO—Red Rocks Amphitheatre May 15—The Colony, TX—Opry NextStage 2024 Live From Texas May 17—Gulf Shores, AL—Hangout Music Festival 2024 June 1—Bristol, TN—In The Pines 2024 June 6—Atlanta, GA—WhiskyX Atlanta 2024 June 7—Pineville, KY—Laurel Cove Music Festival 2024 June 9—Nashville, TN—CMA Fest June 13—Bloomington, IL—Tailgate N’ Tallboys Illinois June 20—Milwaukee, WI—Summerfest 2024 June 21—Columbus, OH—Buckeye Country Superfest Pre-Party June 22—Columbus, OH—Buckeye Country Superfest Pre-Party July 4—Isle of Palms, SC—The Windjammer* July 6—Madison, IN—Roostertail Music Festival July 10—Nashville, TN—Grand Ole Opry House July 12—Grand Rapids, MI—The Intersection‡ July 13—Chicago, IL—Windy City Smokeout 2024 July 18—Cullman, AL—Rock The South Festival 2024 July 24—Aspen, CO—Belly Up Aspen† July 25—Denver, CO—Ogden Theatre† July 27—Tooele, UT—Country Fan Fest 2024 July 30—Boise, ID—Knitting Factory† August 1—Billings, MT—The Pub Station† August 2—Billings, MT—The Pub Station† August 3—Big Sky, MT—Wildlands Festival 2024 August 8—Arnolds Park, IA—Captain’s Getaway August 9—Sedalia, MO—Missouri State Fair August 10—Council Grove, KS—Time Stands Still 2024 August 23—Bottesford, England—The Long Road Festival September 20—Louisville, KY—Bourbon & Beyond 2024 September 23—Berkeley, CA—The Greek Theatre Berkeley September 24—Berkeley, CA—The Greek Theatre Berkeley September 25—Stanford, CA—Frost Amphitheatre September 27—Sacramento, CA—Ace of Spades+ September 28—Sacramento, CA—Ace of Spades+ September 30—Los Angeles, CA—The Fonda Theatre+ November 13—Royal Oak, MI—Royal Oak Music Theatre November 17—Toronto, Canada—Danforth Music Hall *with special guest Thomas Rowland ‡with special guest Philip Bowen †with special guest Noeline Hofmann +with special guest Brendan Walter Read the full article
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audiofuzz · 5 months
Wyatt Flores Drops New EP 'Half Life' — A Milestone in Country Music's New Era
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Country music's rising star Wyatt Flores has released his new EP, "Half Life," today through Island Records. You can stream or purchase it here. Check out “Running Out Of Time” above. Wyatt Flores has been garnering critical acclaim recently. He was the subject of an in-depth profile by journalist Josh Crutchmer in The New York Times, which highlighted Flores' unique ability to evoke deep emotional responses with his music. The article titled, “Wyatt Flores…Has a Superpower: Tapping Emotions,” notes that the 22-year-old singer-songwriter’s music profoundly impacts its listeners. The EP "Half Life" consists of eight tracks, including the previously released "Milwaukee" and "Wish I Could Stay." The latter song was featured by Rolling Stone in their "Songs You Need To Know" list, and Billboard has praised Flores' blend of slide guitars and piano paired with his natural, conversational singing style that seamlessly transitions from rock-infused urgency to classic country twang. This release marks a monumental year for Flores, identified by Rolling Stone as one of their 25 "Future of Music" artists. His achievements this year have significantly boosted his career trajectory. Moreover, Flores has been named Amazon’s Breakthrough Artist of the Year, featured in Spotify’s Hot Country Class of 2024 and CMT’s Listen Up roster, and made his debut at the Grand Ole Opry. To celebrate his new music, Flores is set to lead his "Here There & Gone" tour this summer. He will perform at notable venues including The Intersection in Grand Rapids, The Windjammer on Isle of Palms, Denver's Ogden Theatre, The Knitting Factory in Boise, Ace of Spades in Sacramento for two nights, and the Fonda Theatre in Los Angeles. Additionally, Flores will appear at several major festivals this year such as Stagecoach, Hangout, CMA Fest, Windy City Smokeout, and others. See below for the complete list of tour dates. WYATT FLORES ANNOUNCED TOUR DATES April 21—Georgetown, TX—Two Step Inn 2024 April 26—Indio, CA—Stagecoach May 10—Morrison, CO—Red Rocks Amphitheatre May 15—The Colony, TX—Opry NextStage 2024 Live From Texas May 17—Gulf Shores, AL—Hangout Music Festival 2024 June 1—Bristol, TN—In The Pines 2024 June 6—Atlanta, GA—WhiskyX Atlanta 2024 June 7—Pineville, KY—Laurel Cove Music Festival 2024 June 9—Nashville, TN—CMA Fest June 13—Bloomington, IL—Tailgate N’ Tallboys Illinois June 20—Milwaukee, WI—Summerfest 2024 June 21—Columbus, OH—Buckeye Country Superfest Pre-Party June 22—Columbus, OH—Buckeye Country Superfest Pre-Party July 4—Isle of Palms, SC—The Windjammer* July 6—Madison, IN—Roostertail Music Festival July 10—Nashville, TN—Grand Ole Opry House July 12—Grand Rapids, MI—The Intersection‡ July 13—Chicago, IL—Windy City Smokeout 2024 July 18—Cullman, AL—Rock The South Festival 2024 July 24—Aspen, CO—Belly Up Aspen† July 25—Denver, CO—Ogden Theatre† July 27—Tooele, UT—Country Fan Fest 2024 July 30—Boise, ID—Knitting Factory† August 1—Billings, MT—The Pub Station† August 2—Billings, MT—The Pub Station† August 3—Big Sky, MT—Wildlands Festival 2024 August 8—Arnolds Park, IA—Captain’s Getaway August 9—Sedalia, MO—Missouri State Fair August 10—Council Grove, KS—Time Stands Still 2024 August 23—Bottesford, England—The Long Road Festival September 20—Louisville, KY—Bourbon & Beyond 2024 September 23—Berkeley, CA—The Greek Theatre Berkeley September 24—Berkeley, CA—The Greek Theatre Berkeley September 25—Stanford, CA—Frost Amphitheatre September 27—Sacramento, CA—Ace of Spades+ September 28—Sacramento, CA—Ace of Spades+ September 30—Los Angeles, CA—The Fonda Theatre+ November 13—Royal Oak, MI—Royal Oak Music Theatre November 17—Toronto, Canada—Danforth Music Hall *with special guest Thomas Rowland ‡with special guest Philip Bowen †with special guest Noeline Hofmann +with special guest Brendan Walter Read the full article
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sptxx4 · 7 months
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Gaah. A late meeting meant I missed the first two minutes and @HallamFC1860 going behind. And not too long after I was beginning to regret having cycled so hard back up the hill as Bottesford nabbed a second. All half Hallam's football existed in a strange quantum state, being at once noticably better than their opponents and also worse. Thye got chippy with each other was hard to argue with the halftime score even though Hallam should've been doing better.
A couple of half-time subs and things picked up to an extent, with both posts being hit, by Bradbury and Ward. Nevertheless Hallam couldn't quite sustain the pressure to the point where it got irresistable. A late sending off of Fearon for some sort of off-the-ball thing didn't dent things, and Hallam did grab a stoppage time consolation - De Falco hitting the post for the third time and the ball going in off the keeper. A nagging feeling that Hallam could've won persists, but they just didn't.
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crosbyward · 1 year
Just some of the police logs regarding the ongoing issues within the Crosby Ward, some going as far back as 2020.
But it’s ok, it’s only the Crosby Ward.
It’s not Ashby or Bottesford or Scawby or Brigg..
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photos-n-pics2 · 1 year
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Found at https://www.bottesfordhistory.org.uk/
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petnews2day · 2 years
Rare birds continue to flock to Belvoir Farm in Bottesford as part of conservation project
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/4Uwxo
Rare birds continue to flock to Belvoir Farm in Bottesford as part of conservation project
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A conservation project that a farm has been involved with continues to see rare birds flock to it. Belvoir Farm, based in Bottesford, got involved with The Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust’s Big Farmland Bird Count in 2022, a project which aims to drive awareness at farms across the UK and create healthier environment for […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/4Uwxo #BirdNews
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verysecuredoors · 2 years
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Rockdoor Jacobean in Anthracite Grey and Satin glass supplied and fitted near Bottesford @rockdoorltd https://www.verysecuredoors.co.uk/rockdoor-jacobean/ #rockdoors #rockdoor #homeimprovement #compositedoor #door #frontdoor #compositedoors #diy #diyproject #externaldoor #doubledoor #doubledoors #renovation #barhandle #frontdoors (at Bottesford, Leicestershire) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnE9JIiIPGo/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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1122deactivated2211 · 5 years
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The village of Bottesford in Leicestershire, England.
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rupertmatthews · 2 years
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Early morning stop at the #policeoffice in #Bottesford in the Vale of Belvoir. Chatting to locals there is some concern over anti social behaviour, but the excellent local beat officers seem to be on top of it. @LeicsPCC @leicspolice @MeltonPolice (at Bottesford, Leicestershire) https://www.instagram.com/p/CefvyjsAY7h/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rollerdoorsdirect · 4 years
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Some of Last weeks DomesticInstalls by #rollerdoorsdirectltd & #lincsgaragedoors in #scunthorpe #bottesford #hibaldstow #mansfield #marketrasen #grimsby #doncaster #suttoninashfield #nottingham #southcave #york www.garagedoorsscunthorpe.com Tel: 01724 844448 / 07549383032 We supply / install and repair all types of Garage Doors & Shutters nationwide to both Domestic & Trade Customers. 0% Guaranteed Finance Available #nationwideinstallation #lincolnshire #humberside #yorkshire #westyorkshire #eastyorkshire #westyorkshire #northyorkshire #leicestershire #cambridgeshire #nottinghamshire #derbyshire #worcestershire @ Roller Doors Direct Ltd (at Roller Doors Direct Ltd) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGvCmeBl-cB/?igshid=fiqrak42de7c
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onejohnslater · 4 years
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St Mary The Virgin, Bottesford
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AlloyGator, a patented alloy wheel protection system has won the prestigious and coveted Auto Express ‘Best Product of the year’ award, beating over 750 other products assessed and tested by Auto Express over the last 12 months. Extend the life of alloy wheels, saving time and money on expensive wheel refurbs. http://www.mobile-valeting-car-detailing.co.uk/grantham-alloygator-wheel-protection-ride-revive.html #AlloyGator #WheelProtection #Sleaford #Bingham #Nottinghamshire #Leicestershire #ValeofBelvoir #Oakham #Rutland #WestBridgeford #EastBridgeford #NewarkonTrent #RatcliffeonTrent #Bottesford #WalthamontheWolds #MeltonMobray #Grantham #Lincolnshire Phone Number 07745414833 Quote UKDNV
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The Grange Bed And Breakfast Bottesford accommodation delivering a unique, delightful experience to every traveller.
Each of our accommodation options has its own unique style and features. All rooms have its own private bathroom and have free WiFi. There is also plenty of off road parking.
Book your accommodation now and find great deals!
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sptxx4 · 2 years
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Another 500+ crowd, another @HallamFC1860 victory. Not the greatest of games really. Bottesford scrapped hard and nearly matched Hallam during a scrappy and disjointed first half. Hallam edged it, managing a moment of coherence from a free-kick on the left to work it to Bradbury free on the far side of the box to tuck one in.
Second half Hallam had a bit more of a grip on things and Fearon made it two with some good control and a great finish. Even a sin binning for Kerr for protesting a close offside couldn't derail them, though a lot of the 10 minutes was taken up by a competition for who could boot the ball furthest over the stand to reduce the time spent with a man fewer. A few substitutions livened things up further but couldn't bring another goal. Two was plenty.
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Still searching for the excellent Bed And Breakfast in the Vale of Belvoir? Well , in this case, The Grange Bed and Breakfast is the right option for you. he Grange was built in 1725 and still has many original features. Bedroom 3 which we call the The Hay Loft has a beautiful spiral staircase. We are pleased to offer long term stays to professional working ladies and gentlemen, with or without breakfast at a reduced rate. To take advantage, visit us.
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