#both me and my dad keep shaking and being like shit man its cold eh?
the-acid-pear · 1 year
let me be honest for a second here my grandma died so if yall see me get increasingly insaner and hit post limit at like 4 pm this is why im trying to fucking cope. and somehwat succeeding. but tumblr is the only place where im honest so let me say i want to throw up lol
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danses-with-dogmeat · 3 years
a romanced hancock reacting to sole wanting him to be a father figure in synth shaun's life?
Thank you so much for the ask anon!
So, I couldn't decide if I wanted to do more of a drabble or headcanons, so I just did both! I thought this prompt was really sweet, I hope you enjoy!
You stood in your shared room at the top of the Old State House, before the man in the red coat, the man you loved, awaiting his answer to your proposal. Having just asked him the question that had been patiently waiting at the back of your mind since the day that Shaun had come back into your life.
"Oh sunshine..." Hancock's gravelly voice broke the silence that had followed your question, "I'm beyond flattered that'd you'd ask that. I mean, I love that kid to pieces, but... you really think a ghoulified, blood-soaked, mega-junkie like me is the best fit for the kid to look up to?" The ghoul gave a soft chuckle, but Sole could see his brow furrowed slightly with uncertainty. A rare sight, given his usual gusto.
"Hancock," you said, in an attempt to reassure him, "you're a hell of a lot more than that. And Shaun is crazy about you, the reason I brought this up now was because he asked me when he could start calling you 'dad'." Hancock's dark eyes widened at your words and it took him a moment to answer.
"He- he did? Man... It's not too often I find myself at a loss for words but, I mean, me, a dad? I never thought that would've been possible, given my eh... present condition," He brought his hands up to gesture at his whole body. Your eyes never left his, the only change in your expression being a small smile, encouraging him to respond to your earlier question. Hancock sighed, taking a few steps towards you.
"So I suppose the thing I'm trying to say here is, I'm not sure I'm qualified for the position you're offering me." Your shoulders slumped at his words, you couldn't help but think he'd have been more receptive to the idea of being Shaun's new father. He may not be perfect, but he's one hell of an upgrade from the synth child's last "father."
"Look sunshine," Hancock decided to break the silence again, noticing your disappointed expression, "you sure you want this? I don't really tend to think of myself as 'daddy material'." You cocked an eyebrow at him, despite the weight of the conversation, you found yourself unable to keep a suggestive smile from spreading across your lips at his choice of words.
"Hey now, aren't you supposed to be the responsible one in this outfit?" Hancock quipped, his crooked smile imitating your own as he took another step closer. Before he could reach for you, you brought your hands up and grabbed ahold of his shoulders, trying to regain control of the conversation.
"Look, John, I know you don't always see it this way," you looked him in the eye, willing your next words to sink in, "but you really are an outstanding role model. I mean, look at all you've done for the people of Goodneighbor, and the Commonwealth. You're out there actively trying to make this wasteland a better place, lending a hand to the little guy and doing all you can to take down the tyrants. You're a skilled leader who genuinely cares about the people you're responsible for, you're fiercely protective of the ones you love, and of the ideals that you support. You're a good man, John. And I couldn't think of anyone better for Shaun to call 'dad'."
"Shit sweetheart, you really know how to make a ghoul blush. Tell me, how did I ever get so lucky to have you in my life?" He whispered softly, shaking his head slightly as he looked deep into your eyes. You couldn't help but blush at his comment and at his unrelenting smoky gaze, you looked down to break the tension for a moment.
"We're talking about you here, John, remember? So..." you trailed off, hoping to finally get a straight answer from him.
"So?" He asked.
"So, what do you say? You gonna make me ask you again, or what?"
"Look," he reached a ruined hand out to lightly take your own, his thumb rubbing soothingly over your knuckles, "you and that kid are the most important thing I've got going on in my life, and if you really want me around, then I'm not goin' anywhere. And for the first time in my life, I fucking mean it." He grasped your hand tightly, before you gently removed it from his own, instead bringing your arms up to pull him into a tight embrace, which Hancock happily leaned into, nuzzling his head into the crook of your neck.
"Just one thing..." you said, finally pulling away, "we might have to work on that foul mouth of yours."
"Don't worry sweetheart, if we're doing this thing, we're gonna do it right. I'll teach the kid all he needs to know. The real creative foul language, how to cure a hangover, where to get the best chems. All that important shit." You rolled your eyes playfully, mirth shining behind your dilated pupils as you stared into the eyes of your son's new father.
"Now, about that foul mouth of mine..." his hand slunk around your waist and pulled you into him as a mischievous grin spread across his lips a moment before they met yours.
And now, a few headcanons, for your consideration:
- After agreeing to act as Shaun's father, Hancock would seriously clean up his act. He may occasionally still take chems and drink (cuz, let's face it, he's still Hancock, and quitting cold turkey is hardly an option) but much less than he used to, and never around Shaun. This is only partly because he doesn't want to bring Shaun into that part of his life, but also it has a lot to do with his decreasing dependency on self-medicating. Being genuinely happy with his family, he doesn't feel as though he needs to escape.
- He would continue to be mayor of Goodneighbor, but would leave many of the day-to-day decisions to a committee (composed of Daisy, Fahrenheit, Dr. Amari, and an elected security guard). While Hancock, Sole and Shaun would live at another (more kid-friendly) settlement of Sole's choice.
- Hancock would actually excel at teaching Shaun. Whether it would be a shooting lesson, showing Shaun how to cook, teaching him to fish, or telling him about pre-war history (usually with a good amount of focus on the American revolution given his own fascination with it), even if Hancock wasn't extraordinarily knowledgeable, he would do his absolute best at helping Shaun get some form of an education.
- Once Sole was able to convince Hancock that Shaun liked his voice, rough as it may be, he would love to do bedtime stories. Even though Shaun is probably just getting old enough to outgrow them, he has a particularly hard time getting to sleep, and he soon finds that the ghoul's low, calm voice is a surefire way to drift off when the sun goes down.
- Hancock would be one of those parents that always looks like they know what they're doing, he would be patient during Shaun's tantrums, would be very focused on communication, and would have a nice blend of being protective of Shaun, but not to the point that it would be stifling. That being said, he would remain awfully uncertain and need constant reassurance from Sole, seeking their advice on almost everything to do with Shaun. Inside, he would have trouble realizing he's as good of a father figure to Shaun as everyone says he is. However, outwardly, he would be as confident as ever. Even fooling Nick into believing that he was completely at ease in the role of being Shaun's dad.
- He'd be killer at all of the popular kid games, playing hide and seek with Shaun when they visited the Old State House, or playing tag back in sanctuary, or even imagination games where he had to be the deathclaw and Shaun got to be Grognak the barbarian (do deathclaws exist in the Grognak universe? It doesn't matter, they do to Shaun). Hancock normally wouldn't let anyone win, he believes in playing fair, but occasionally for Shaun, he'd hide in the obvious places, or trip when running away in tag, or let it slide that Shaun says Grognak is strong enough to punch a deathclaw's head clean off in one hit. (Man, if only he could do that.)
- If other kids were bullying Shaun, Hancock would be the type of parent to bring the bully aside and have a frighteningly quiet conversation. And by conversation, I mean an in-depth description of what Hancock will do to the kid if he's mean to Shaun again. (Think of that scene at the beginning of the first Jurassic Park movie where the main character is describing to a kid how a velociraptor guts its prey and eats it alive. That's Hancock. Both the man, and probably the velociraptor too if the bully doesn't heed his warning.) Hancock wouldn't necessarily kill the kid for being mean to Shaun, but it's because he wouldn't have to, after his 'discussion' with the kid, he'll never even look at Shaun the wrong way again. Thankfully, the 'discussion' is all Hancock's ever had to do when kiddos are involved.
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imnotwolverine · 4 years
The marriage pact - A Bird’s Life
Henry Cavill x OC Alice - multi-chapter
< Part 18 | Part 19 A Bird’s Life | Part 20 >
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Disclaimer: Some strong language
Author’s note: I hope you can survive my attempt at writing poetry.🤓
Word count: 1.475
(Link to my Masterlist)
Dear readers,
When I was young my school reports always had one and the same comment; “Alice should try to get a bit more out of her shell”. I was simply said the shy kid, the nerdy girl, the one who always got the good grades and didn’t want to upset anyone. For the longest time I always put everyone before me. I was the giver, not the receiver, of attention and whenever someone wished to give me that attention, be it as a friend or lover, I pushed them away. I just didn’t know how to cope.
And even now after all these years it still, at times, makes me feel a little weirded out. I do not like to be the centre of attention. Not even when it’s the attention of just one person. Why I exactly feel like that, I don’t know. Is it a form of self protection? Building up walls? Perhaps. In any way, I will have to deal with it. Because me and chocolate cake are getting pretty serious about a lot of things. Adult things.
It happens to just be so that part of these adult things is caring for each other in equal measure. Being there for one another. Letting lust and demand grow into love and care. Or, as U.A. Fanthorpe lovingly described it in her poem Atlas; “There is a kind of love, called maintenance.”
And I, dear readers, want that maintenance kind of love, I do.
‘I didn’t know you read poetry.’ Henry said, your bodies huddled close together in the mid December wind. It was a small but unfortunate side effect of living near the sea; it seemed to always be windy. And in winter, that gave you a whole new sense of “fuck it’s cold”. I shivered into his chest, watching Kal zoom through the bushes like it was just another fine summers day.
‘Every now and then. It’s a bit of a left over habit from college.’
’Twas a nice poem. The whole collection of poems on that website actually.’ He smiled. ‘You read them all?’ I raised an eyebrow and looked up at his now outgrowing beard. Henry was growing a beard and I did not mind it one bit - it made me feel all kinds of literal and figurative tingles. He snickered. ‘Perhaps.’
‘Henry the poetry man! Makes me wonder actually. You are good with words, but do you ever write yourself?’ I looked back at the stone cobbled path ahead of us, our booted feet tapping in joined rhythm on the cold rock. I really, really enjoyed our walks together and from the fact Henry always near forced me to join him for his walks no matter how bad the weather, I derived he did so too.
‘Perhaps.’ He finally said, earning a inquisitive eyebrow raise from me. ‘Perhaps? Mr. Cavill, please do not dare and keep secrets from me!’ I prodded him in his side and he chuckled, shaking his head. ‘I wouldn’t dare. I just hadn’t ..come around to sharing it with you yet.’
‘Sounds like a secret to me.’ I laughed, seeing Kal had found himself a nice stick. ‘Oh Kal bear! At least you keep no secrets huh?’ I ruffled my fingers through his fur when he came to present his new found treasure to us, Henry’s hand near automatically taking it from the friendly Akita to throw it a bit further down the road, for the dog to fetch.
‘Okay. Something I wrote a while ago..don’t judge me though. It’s..-‘ ‘A secret.’ I squeezed my lips tight as if promising to keep my lips shut from here on. He sniffled. ‘Something like that.’
Clearing his throat and gazing out over the wintery landscape, he started:
‘A bird’s life
Before their singing rings I wake, an early riser Come morning do I take On the day, again a little whiter
Striding feet I follow Black and white, his beard too grey I hear my mothers voice speak again Do your duty come what may
But as I follow my winged friends Around the world I sink Dragging feet that stall and linger Not always can this be so, I think
My nests though many Are fewer my home My coffins are filled With gold silver and woe
As days then end I reach Yet another homeless nest Its branches prickle and when I look Hours more not to rest
Sun rises burning and Sore feet hit cold levels Long distances I go more Until sweet dreams too unravel
This journey’s not mine Too lonesome to stay I flicker my wings And yet again for love, do I pray.’
Silence fell as the last of his words filtered through the morning air, my ears still peeked as I now listened to his slow, calm breath, my hand wrapped around his arm. He had spoken as if his poem was directed at the birds in the trees themselves, his eyes reaching up to the empty branches in the near distance, no birds to be seen. It was just us two. Or three actually, as Kal, though blissfully aware of this magical moment, was there too, roaming around freely in the thicket.
‘When did you write that?’ I finally asked, looking up at him, his face calm. ‘The day after you left London. I actually hadn’t slept a wink that night before you had to fly back. I…gosh I’m such a foo-‘ - ‘Stop that.’ I halted my feet and gave him a fiery gaze. ‘Don’t apologise for your feelings.’ I admonished, then gently rubbed his arm. ‘And that was a terribly beautiful poem Hen.’
‘Hmm.’ He smiled, slightly unsure. ‘Thank you Ali.’
‘No thank you. And to answer your bird’s heart.’ I cupped his cheek in both hands. ‘I love you and I want to make that journey with you, I do.’
‘Even after all the surrogate mother shit and..’ - ‘Henry William Dalgliesh Cavill. Did you just haphazardly skip the first half of my blog this morning?’ I raised a teasing, yet authoritative eyebrow at him. He bit his lip to hide a chuckle. ‘I’m doing it too, huh?’
‘Yep. Take my love you fool! Take it! TAKE IT!’ I used both my hands to shake him like a salt shaker - though little did I actually get him to move as this man was about as built as the empire state building. His smile grew and grew and before long he was laughing aloud, his head nodding in amusement. ‘Okay Ali. Ali. You can stop now. I surrender.’
‘Then kiss me like you mea-‘ I wasn’t even allowed to finish that sentence, his lips crashing down onto mine. Soft and plushy, the after taste of his morning coffee still lingering, he was not going to let the moment go to waste.
We probably stood there for a few minutes. Just kissing, our cheeks burning like hot coals despite the icy wind around us, his hands carefully wrapped around my head, keeping me where he wanted me to be. His fellow bird, ready to fly out together.
Or well, almost; first I had to take my employer up on that hiatus proposal.  
‘I got the okay! She’s going to check for a temp writer and once that person’s all settled in, I could..go with you.’ I cheered, flying around Henry’s neck, not minding the fact that his parents were also near - his mom just peeking her head around the corner of the kitchen and his dad probably reading his newspaper in the living room.
‘What?! Really?!’ Henry’s smile grew from ear to ear as he wrapped me, winter coat and all, in his arms. ‘Baby that’s..’ He leaned back again. ‘Wow.’ He near giggled.
‘Are you staying for dinner, Ali?’ His mom inquired, infiltrating on our little moment. We quickly awoke from our little bubble and Henry muttered some quiet apology, pushing the still opened front door closed behind us.
‘Eh…’ I blinked at Henry. He smiled and nodded, bidding me to accept her offer. ‘Yes please. Thank you Marianne.’ I looked over at her and she gave me a most adoring wink. ‘You are practically family Ali.’ She mused, disappearing back into the kitchen where dinner was already well on the way.
I watched her waddle off, feeling Henry’s strong arms pull me in for a full-circled swoop through the air, making me fly like the birds in his poem. ‘I love you so much!’ He exclaimed, making me laugh with pure giddiness. ‘Hen! Carefu— OHH — HEN- put me down, put me down hahahah. Oh gosh.’ I squirmed until finally he put me back on my feet, his wide teethed grin causing sweet dimples to crease his cheeks.
‘I love you too, silly.’
‘Then I better start calling my agent, hmm?’
‘Mhm. You better.’
General tagsquad: @harrysthiccthighss​ @tumblnewby @magdelen69​ @thereisa8ella​ @mary-ann84​ @darkbooksarwin​ @summersong69​ @madbaddic7ed​
Fluff lovers squad: @star017​ @perhaps2remember​ @pterodactylterrace​ @witchersqueen​ @desperate-and-broken​​ @toomanyfandomsshreya​​ @deliciouslysassyarcade​​ @pamacs-macs​​ @cavilladdict​​ @scorpionchild81​​ @lebguardians​​ @sofiebstar​​ @amberbabem​​ @mis-lil-red @aestheticqueenb​​ @misslalaland-blog-blog​ @ilieherecharmed-fics2readnrec​ @michelehansel​ @henryfanfics101​
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xbluexflowerx · 6 years
For the soumako mpreg, could you do one where Koji is born and all of the friends and family come to visit to meet him? :3 I would love to know what Haru/Rin's (and of course Kimi's) reactions were!
Mpreg verse
Some of these meetings have happenedin other stories in the verse so I’ve linked them below
Parents meeting Koji
Twins meeting Koji
Makoto smiled sleepily as Sousukewalked into the ward, barely able to keep his head up off the pillow. Koji wassleeping peacefully beside him in his cot, the opposite of the screaming,starving baby he’d dealt with all night.
“How did you sleep?” Sousuke asked,kissing his forehead.
“Sleep? What’s that?” He joked.
“Now he looks like butter wouldn’tmelt.” He smiled, sitting in a chair and leaning forward to gaze into the cotat his sleeping son.
“I’m worried he kept everyone up.”Makoto confessed, nervously looking around the ward.
“I don’t think he would have been theonly one.” He laughed.
Makoto laughed softly and let his eyesclose, not that he would admit it to Sousuke but last night had been hard. Heknew Sousuke couldn’t stay all night, even fathers had to stick to visitinghours but as soon as he walked out the door he felt overwhelmed. Suddenly, hewas alone and had a baby to look after. All the responsibility and fear hithim, there had been so much stress and panic giving birth that he’d barelyconsidered the idea of being a father.
But when it was just the two of them,curtained off from the rest of the ward it suddenly felt real.
“Hey you.” Sousuke greeted as Kojiblearily opened his eyes. “I hear you’ve been giving your Daddy a hard time.”
Koji scrunched his nose up and begancrying, still quiet as if he had yet to discover the full capacity of his lungsyet.
“Oh dear.” Sousuke cooed, picking Kojiand instantly calming him.
“He was like that all night.” Makotoyawned. “Just wanted to be held.”
“Well, who can blame him? He’s used tobeing all cosy in your stomach.” He smiled, kissing Koji’s nose. “He’s probablycold.”
“I suppose.” He agreed, glancingacross the ward to a baby that hadn’t made a peep since being born.
“Come on, you’d be worried if hewasn’t as cuddly as you.” He teased.
“Yeah, I would.” He smiled, lettinghis eyes flutter shut.
“You can sleep you know.” Sousukesaid, softly rocking Koji. “I won’t be offended.”
“Okay, but only for a moment.” Hemumbled, finally feeling like he could sleep because knew Koji was safe andlooked after.
“Mako-chan!” Nagisa shouted, wanderingup and down the corridors. “Where are you?”
“Nagisa, please.” Rei sighed. “This isa hospital.”
“Well they are not being veryhelpful.” He pouted.
“They gave you directions, you justweren’t paying attention.” He rolled his eyes.
“I was.” He denied with a furiousshake of his head. “We need to go to the end of this corridor.”
“No we don’t, we need to go upstairsto the neonatal unit.” He smiled, pointing over his shoulder to the stairs theyhad passed.
“Then why have you been letting mewander around like an idiot if you knew where we should have gone this wholetime?” Nagisa huffed, letting his hands drop to his sides defeatedly.
“To prove you weren’t listening.” Heshrugged.
“Sometimes I wonder how I put up withyou.” He narrowed his eyes. Rei laughed slightly at the look and led Nagisa bythe hand towards the stairs. He gave his husbands hand a quick squeeze whichwas eagerly returned so he knew Nagisa wasn’t really upset.
As soon as Nagisa noticed the sign forthe ward he was running down the corridor towards the desk, dragging poor Rei behindhim as he threw himself against the wood.
“Hello! I’m here to see baby Koji Tachibana-Yamazaki.”Nagisa panted after that brief run, he really needed to get back into shapeafter having the twins.
“Parent’s name?” The nurse replied.
“Can’t you work that it from thebaby’s name?” Rei frowned.
“Parent’s name?” She repeated.
“Makoto Tachibana” Nagisa answered.
“He’s in ward 4, bed nearest thewindow.” She sighed.
“Thanks.” He grinned, once againdragging Rei away.
“There is a two guest minimum.” Shesaid to their retreating forms.
“Good job we’re just a pair then.”Nagisa shouted back.
The nurse opened and closed her mouthbehind their backs, deciding it wasn’t more breaking the peace by shoutingafter them. The midwife would escort them out if they were too noisy.
As soon as Nagisa noticed Sousukestood by a window he broke into a run, knowing wherever Sousuke was, Makotowouldn’t be far.
“Sou-chan!” He cried, jumping ontoSousuke – who luckily wasn’t holding Koji as he’d just finished his feed.
“Nagisa, for the last time. This is ahospital.” Rei groaned, prying Nagisa off Sousuke.
“Hi Rei, hi Nagisa.” Makoto greetedsoftly from the bed.
“Oh my god!” Nagisa gasped. “He’sabsolutely gorgeous!”
“Thank you.” He smiled, gently holdingKoji out for Nagisa to take.
“Hello little guy. It’s your UncleNagisa.” He whispered. “Oh Rei, look at him!”
“He truly is beautiful.” Rei gushed.
“Oh, I want a baby.” Nagisa whined,kissing Koji’s head.
“Nagisa, the twins are barely one!”Rei shook his head.
“I know, but babies.” He pouted,looking between Koji and Rei with wide eyes.
“I think you’ve forgotten thesleepless nights, the constant crying, the non-stop feeding and all the nappychanges.” Rei listed, suddenly aware of Sousuke and Makoto’s wide eyes on him.“But it’s all worth it.”
“People said that about giving birthbut it seems I’ve just gone through all that pain for a screaming, hungry,insomniac shitting machine.” Makoto joked.
“Trust me, when he smiles for thefirst time, when he laughs, when he says his first word it will all be worthit.” Nagisa assured, rocking Koji slightly.
“It’s worth it now just to have him.”Sousuke smiled at his baby in Nagisa’s arms.
“Says the man who didn’t have to doany pushing.” Makoto rolled his eyes.
“Do you want…” Nagisa started only tobut cut off by a booming voice making its way down the ward.
“A limit of visitors? I mean it’s justridiculous!”
“Momo, please.” Ai sighed.
“This is a joyous occasion, of coursepeople are going to want to visit! Why do they try to control us?!” Momoshouted.
“Stop it.” Ai hissed. “I’m not gettingkicked out the hospital because you can’t control your volume.”
“When has Momo ever been able tocontrol his volume?” Sousuke rolled his eyes as the couple arrived.
“Sorry.” Ai apologised, knowing hispouting husband never would. “How are you?”
“I’m fine.” Makoto smiled as Ai sat onhis bed and squeezed his hand. “Still feels strange to think I’m a Dad.”
“Wait until you get home, then itbecomes even more real.” Ai teased.
“Sometimes I still can’t believe I’m aparent.” Momo commented, despite Tatsuo nearingon eleven months.
“Neither can anybody else.” Sousuketeased.
“Where is Tatsuo?” Rei asked, havingdumped Emi and Hana on Nagisa’s parents that morning.
“Uncle Sei has him.” Momo grinned. “Heand Gou have been feeling broody recently but after an hour with Tatsuo they’llchange their minds.”
“Please stop using our child to putcouples off having children.” Ai sighed, knowing Tatsuo was a very fussy childfor anyone who weren’t his parents.
“Eh, it’s all good practise.” Hedismissed. “Now let Koji meet his Uncle Momo.”
Reluctantly Nagisa handed Koji over toMomo, with one last squeeze before laying him in the other man’s awaiting arms.
“Jesus! He’s huge!” Momo shouted.
“Momo.” Ai warned.
“Sorry, but he is. He’s about the samesize as Tatsuo when he was a few months.” He admitted sheepishly.
“Now that you mention it he’s farbigger than the twins were when they were born.” Rei commented, quicklybackpedalling when he saw Makoto’s panicked eyes. “But twins are always bornsmall.”
“Is he really that big?” Makotonibbled his lip. “Should I be worried?”
“Of course he’s going to be big, he’sgot big parents.” Ai reassured. “Both me and Nagisa are considerably smallerthan you.”
“I suppose.” He nodded, looking downat his stomach. He was surprised by how small it was already but if he’d justgiven birth to a huge baby it would be expected.
“Don’t worry.” Sousuke smiled, alreadyknowing his boyfriend would be. “As long as he’s healthy who cares about hissize.”
“Yeah, you’re right.” He nodded.
“Imagine giving birth to him though.”Momo said, holding him out to show Ai. “This guy would have ripped you inhalf.”
“Momo!” Ai shouted.
Makoto woke up with a smile when hecould hear Sousuke gently singing to Koji, his friends had long gone as themorning visiting hours drew to a close. Makoto could tell the nurse had takengreat delight in escorting the rowdy bunch off the ward. He’d been a littledisappointed Haru and Rin hadn’t come by but there was always the afternoonsession.
“Sorry.” Makoto mumbled.
“For what?” Sousuke frowned.“Sleeping?”
“Yeah, it must be boring.” He rubbedhis cheek sheepishly, spending hours staring at the white ward walls was hardlyentertaining. Makoto should know.
“I had some entertainment.” Heshrugged, looking back at Koji. Even if he was just a baby who has yet to fullyopen his eyes but Sousuke could happily spend hours watching him.
“I suppose, but I still feel bad.”Makoto blushed.
“It’s fine, I’ll do the day shift ifyou do the night.” He winked.
Makoto laughed and felt his eyesdrooping again, how much could he really sleep? He felt like he’d been spendingthe entire day drifting in and out of dreams. He knew his body and mind hadbeen through a lot these past few days but he felt like he would have some sortof adrenaline rush once the baby arrived, keeping him awake but that had beenwrong.
“Oh.” Makoto heard a voice say as hestarted to doze again. “We can come back later.”
“It’s fine.” Makoto replied, openinghis eyes to smile at Rin and Haru who had just arrived along with a bulky carseat.
“I didn’t expect you all to come.”Sousuke said, gesturing to Kimi currently sleeping.
“Sorry.” Rin apologised, placingKimi’s car seat on the floor. “Gou was supposed to babysit but she’d apparentlyhad a tough morning so didn’t want to.”
“How you doing?” Haru asked, walkingpast Sousuke to sit by Makoto’s bedside.
“So tired.” Makoto admitted.
“It doesn’t get much better.” Ringrinned.
“I’ll be happy to get out of thisbed.”
“Do you want to hold him?” Sousukeasked, Rin eagerly nodding and holding his arms out.
“Wow, would you look at that.” Rinsmiled, brushing Koji’s wispy baby hair away from his face. “That’s onegorgeous bastard.”
“Let me see.” Haru said, clearlyhaving no intention of leaving Makoto’s side. Rin obliged and perched on thearm rest of the chair.
“Come on, open those eyes and flash usthose baby blues.” Rin coaxed but Koji was not playing.
“He really is beautiful, a perfecthusband for Kimi.” Haru teased.
“Not this again.” Sousuke rolled hiseyes.
“You don’t want to be in-laws?” Rinpretended to cry.
“I’ve only just become a parent, it’sgonna be a long time before I marry him off.” He defended.
“You don’t think he’s too big, doyou?” Makoto nibbled his lip.
“Course not.” Rin shook his head.“Should have seen Gou when she was born if you want to see a big baby.”
“Really?” Sousuke snorted, hardlybelieving the girl was ever anything but petite.
“Yeah, she was 10 lbs something whenshe was born.” He laughed. “Damn thing put mum off every trying for baby number3.”
“10 lbs?” Makoto echoed with a wince,even Koji hadn’t made it up to double digits but he’d tried his best.
The conversation was soon put on holdwhen Kimi starting whining, obviously woken up from her nap and was grouchythat her parent’s attention wasn’t immediately on her.
“Come here grizzle pants.” Haruteased, picking her out of her car seat and silencing her whinges.
“Kimi, haven’t you grown.” Makotogushed as Kimi took in her new surroundings, eyes wide and hands gripping Haru’scheek painfully. Although she was only four months older the developmentaldifference between her and Koji was huge.
“She’s trying really hard to sit up.”Rin said, Kimi proving the point as she leant forward on Haru’s lap only totumble back into his chest seconds later.
“She hasn’t quite got the hang of it yet.”Haru grinned, resting his head on top of Kimi’s. “Still a little too difficultfor you isn’t it?”
“Want to meet your friend Koji?” Rinasked, Kimi eagerly turning towards the voce of her father.
Rin tilted Koji up slightly so he wasat a better angle to be seen but clearly Kimi didn’t deem it a good enough viewbecause she leant forward. Haru’s hands were hovering around her waist in caseshe went too far and ended up face down – which had happened before. InsteadKimi managed to hold herself forward, perfectly sitting up as she stared downin amazement at the baby.
“Well done darling, look at you. You sayinghello?” Rin asked, eyes sparkling in pride as she effortlessly sat up.
But Kimi didn’t react to the voice,she was mesmerised by Koji and offered him a wide, gummy grin. She reached her fistout to grab him but Rin moved Koji out the line of fire, he didn’t think oneday old was strong enough to deal with the death grip Kimi seemed to have.
But it didn’t deter Kimi, she continuedto smile and reach until it became too much and she fell back into Haru’sawaiting arms.
“Clever girl.” Haru gushed, kissingher chubby cheeks. “Sitting up all by yourself!”
“She obviously just needed the rightmotivation.” Makoto teased.
“And meeting the future husband wasclearly enough.” Rin laughed.
Sousuke rolled his eyes but didn’tcomment, as much as he didn’t want to marry his son off seemed like Kimi was alreadyquite taken with him. She was still smiling in the aftermath of having seen hisface. And Sousuke could hardly blame her, Koji was absolutely perfect afterall.
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tom--york · 5 years
What Happened Last Weekend...
Tom almost missed London whenever he came back. It was only natural. Homesickness. But it never lasted too long. Especially with JR around.
JR reminded him of all the different reasons why Tom had to get out in the first place.
Besides, he loved New York. He loved his life in America and what he had built for himself there. It was incredible to him that it had been nearly a decade since he’d moved. Then again, Leah was almost that old, so the reality was walking around him daily.
Well, running at the moment.
“Lee, please. If your Gran sees you fly past her figurines again, she’ll have my arse,” he pleaded, stroking his beard.
Leah stopped in her tracks to grin at her dad. “Oooo, you cursed.”
Tom’s eyes went wide. “Sh. No. Don’t tell your mum. That’s between you and me, love, eh?”
The girl giggled and took off up the stairs. He heard her feet stamping around the halls and he sighed.
Home. Was London home still? Once upon a time, maybe. But now... Now it was just a nice visit back to Mum, have a few drinks with old school pals, and then getting out before the dreariness set in on him.
That was the main reason why he left. It was such a fucking sad city. Gray and rain and angry. Sure, the tourists loved it, but when you grew up in it... Woof.
The big man winced and looked around for the nearest hiding place.
“Tom! I need you!”
“Yes, Mum?”
A tiny, wide, bushy haired woman trotted out the kitchen, her blue eyes set with determination. Tom was always jealous that JR had inherited her eyes instead of him. Instead, Tom was the spitting image of their good-for-nothing dad.
Maureen stood at a proud five feet and two inches, reaching just beneath Tom’s chest. Yet and still, when she stalked up to him, he cowered a little. His mom was something fierce. “There you are. I just got off my mobile with Lily Pratchett. Apparently Yancey’s back from Berlin. You need to keep your brother here. He’ll surely go looking for trouble with that mongrel around.”
“Yes, Mu--Wait, no, why can’t you play warden? I was taking Lee to The Eye today.”
“Oh, I can do that. I’d love to show her around.” Maureen lit up.
Her face darkened again. “You’re telling me I can’t spend quality time with my granddaughter after you’ve kept her from home for the last five years?”
Suddenly, there were feet tramping down the stairs and Leah’s curls bouncing. “I want to go with Gran!”
Tom sputtered. “I don’t even know where he is.”
“Well, you best find out, shouldn’t you? Lee, my dear, get your trainers on. We’ll take a taxi.” Maureen lifted her sweater from its dedicated spot on the hook by the front door.
As she shrugged it on, JR burst into the house, nearly knocking the door off its hinges.
“Jesus, Mary, and Joseph! Jayson Reginald York, be careful with my home!”
JR flashed her a charming grin. “What, all four of us? Only Mum would give the sweet baby Jesus orders.”
Maureen pursed her lips at him and swatted his arms. “Oh tush. I’m taking Lee out to see the sights. Can you and your brother fix the leak in the tub for me?”
“Oh, I’m busy, but I’m sure Tom can.” JR dropped on to the couch and threw his feet on top of the coffee table.
“Jayson get your feet off of my table this instant!”
His feet dropped to the floor and he looked sheepishly into his lap.
“Now listen here, the both of you. I want my house in one piece when I get back. In fact, I want it in even better condition than how I’m leaving it. There are several projects that need attending to. Pick one.”
Tom and JR gave each other a weary look.
“Am I understood?!”
Both of the York boys gave a start and replied in unison, “Yes, Mum.”
In less than a second, Maureen and Leah were out the door with Leah’s giggles echoing back to them. The two sat in silence, gauging one another’s moods. Tom decided to just get the trouble out the way. “So where were you?”
“Swimming the Seine.”
“Jay, be serious.”
JR gave a hard, forced laugh. “That’s rich, coming from you, mate.”
“Love, I just don’t want you to get into--”
“Oh shut it, Tom. I kind of get what Naomi meant about you being overly needy.”
Tom’s blood ran cold and his gaze locked onto his brother. “She’s never said that.”
“Secrets, secrets.”
“Jay, she’s never said that.”
JR rolled his head to sneer at Tom.
Tom stared at him, calculating. “Yancey’s back and he’s probably looking to start fucking Rita again.”
Three... Two... One.
JR jumped from his seat and bolted for the door, but Tom was ready for him. He tackled his brother into the wall just before JR could get out, rattling every one of the thirty hanging frames. Tom quickly spun him into a headlock, knowing that he only had seconds before JR became incontrollable. “Thought that’d get ya.”
“Let me go!” JR struggled hard against him. “I’ll kill him.”
“You most certainly will not.”
“I’m going to rip his dick off with my bare hands and then feed it to his fucking, whore mother.”
“He thinks he can come back to my territory--”
“But it’s not anymore, is it?” Tom knocked JR’s knee out and got him to the ground. “London isn’t yours anymore, you made bloody sure of that. And now I’m stuck babysitting you for the rest of your life.”
JR threw a hard punch into Tom’s side, but Tom took it. Honestly, Tom knew that if he loosened his grip even a little, JR would break free and wreck havoc in the house, on Tom, and then take it to the streets.
JR got his temper from their mother, but all the rage from their father. He could dismantle a building in minutes if you got him riled up enough. When it first manifested in Grade 7, it terrified Tom. A classmate had stolen JR’s stash of chocolate, so JR taught him a lesson by beating his face so bad that the poor boy needed to get his jaw wired and JR fractured three knuckles.
The York family had been notoriously labeled as unstable ever since. Tom had never resented his brother for the reputation, but he didn’t like being labelled as violent either. And it only got worse as they got older. JR would get into scraps and Tom would be called to come reign the beast in. More than once, he’d wound up injured while trying to save someone else.
A few years back, JR had picked too big of a fight with a local gang. He’d jumped Yancey after he found out that the gang leader was sleeping with his girlfriend. JR always ranted that he should have killed him, and a part of Tom agreed. If Yancey had died, he wouldn’t have put a hit on JR.
That was when Tom and Maureen decided to fly him out to New York to live with Tom. It was getting too out of hand and Maureen couldn’t take the stress of being afraid every time JR walked out the door.
Eventually, JR settled underneath Tom’s body. Tom knew better though. He’d have to sit on top of him for another five minutes before his younger brother had actually cooled off.
As JR relaxed, he turned his head to avoid speaking into the carpet. “I never said I needed you to take care of me.”
“Yeah, well, I’m your brother, love. I’m not going to let you get yourself killed,” Tom said.
“I can’t be killed, Tom.”
“If you’re seen around town, Yancey will try to test your theory.” He felt JR stiffen beneath him at the name. “Jay, you’ve got to get yourself under control. We’re getting too old for this shit. Mum can’t take it.”
“Mum handled Da alright.”
“Yeah, but Lee’s little heart would break if something happened to you.”
JR had nothing to say to that. Leah had become his soft spot. Tom had never imagined using his daughter to blackmail his brother, but... desperate times. After another beat, he rolled off and sat himself in front of the door, using his broad shoulders to block it.
JR sat up and glared at him. “So I’m on lock down until we fly back then, is that it?”
“Your other two options are to be gutted in the street or arrested after you’ve done something stupid. And trust me, neither Mum or me will bail you out.”
JR sniffed and nodded. He got to his feet and stretched.
“What’re you doing?” Tom narrowed his eyes.
“You can sit on the floor all day if you want. I’m going to fix Mum’s tub for her.” JR turned to make his way upstairs, but paused. With a smirk, he punched the wall, causing one of the frames to shake loose and drop to the ground.
As the glass shattered, he took off up to the bathroom, leaving Tom dismayed at the idea of their mother finding the crime.
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