#both fics are kinda heavy but the 2nd one might be too much
endlessfuckup · 8 months
unfortunately my laptop needs to be repaired so i cannot upload the fics ive been working on for a few weeks
(they weren't backed up anywhere else oops)
still cant decide which phanfic i want to start uploading first
first 2 chapters of fic #1 are written but need to be looked over again(whole story is completed just not in a readable format yet)
i am stuck on how to structure the 2nd fic as it (spoiler) involves a lot of flashbacks
i dont want the 2nd one to be too graphic but also dont want to sacrifice certain plot points
i also eventually want to do a few short stories that aren't d&p related
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quorras · 3 years
tron fic wip round up - december 2021
ok well, this is going to be a short round up post since I haven’t had much time to actually write recently, whoops! but might as well do it anyway—i do kinda like looking back at these posts to map out my creative timeline, so here’s round three! (and please dont reblog this post, thank you!)
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From last time:
Creation Myth (Chapter 2, part of Gaia) ~ completed, and posted! Currently wrapping up chapter 3 and 4 simultaneously. 
BLACKOUT (part of Gaia) ~ no progress, but will pick up when Creation Myth is wrapped up.
Requeim ~ no progress, hope to pick this up again though because I enjoy the idea it gets to explore.
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Creation Myth (Chapters 3, 4) ~ Quorra, part of the Gaia series
I’ve posted the two chapters of this already, and I’m currently working on the final two chapters side-by-side. Chapter 3 turned into an exploration of the Grid’s population density and program cultures, shown through Quorra! I think she’s an excellent lens of looking at the Grid’s history separated from ENCOM and Tron’s story. Chapter 4 is where we start getting into heavy AU timeline territory—this chapter is actually an insert from BLACKOUT with perspectives changed. Don’t want to spoil too much for that though as I’m still finalising that plot. Started ??? I’m not sure, sometime this February I think, work still in progress. Chapter 3 at 676 words, both chapters are going to be shorter than the previous two for sure.
Favorite excerpt so far: (Chapter 3)
The new Argon City quickly became Quorra’s favorite. It was built by the Sea, and became home to the best transport designers of the Grid. It was, admittedly, quite far away from Arjia, and Quorra was barely able to do much other running errands for Radia around the Grid to the other colonies. But when she did have time, she willed  herself to get lost amongst the innovative culture of cleverness and games.
It was Argonites who proposed the intercity light rail, for ease of transport. 
If she didn’t love them already, that would have done it.
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Be Wary and Stay So ~ Kevin, Alan, Lora and... the members of Outpost 31? (Tron x The Thing crossover fic)
Ohhhh I am so excited to share this one!! For some reason, I spent the semester binging K/urt Russell movies in my free time and upon realising that The Thing came out in 1982, I had to make a Tron crossover. I was initially hoping to post this on Halloween, but I didn’t want to rush the fic. It’s nearly done and I’m wildly proud of it. What initially started as a Kevin Flynn/RJ MacReady crack fic turned into the most horrifying thing I’ve written and I love it kfdjhgskffd. Extra shoutout to the server peeps for encouraging me during my polar expedition hyperfixation months. Started Oct 2nd, work still in progress. Currently at 3.6k words!
Favorite excerpt so far:
“I’d like to tell you you’re gonna get off this ice hellscape and break it to her in person, but there is no way either of us are getting out of here without making sure that fucking thing is dead.” MacReady says, “Break the game, Kevin Flynn. If we don’t win, neither does it.” Flynn stiffens his lip. It stung, but MacReady was right.
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biutyful. ~ Quorra
It’s kinda cheating to include this because it’s barely a fic but inspired by the latest C/oldplay album, I wanted to write about Quorra and the sunrise. I remember seeing a post years ago about how no matter what, sunsets would always be the most beautiful thing and seeing one was like seeing one for the first time because each one is unique, etc etc. It’s real short, I just missed writing fic :’) Started Nov 10th, work still in progress? Currently at 135 words.
Favorite excerpt so far:
Now, Quorra’s seen the sunrise more times than she can count on her fingers, more than she can keep track of, despite her internal promise to never forget the image of any of them. The sun remains in her world now, on the daily, as it does it’s job and she continues about hers. 
It’s at sunset one day when Quorra asks Sam again: What happens next? 
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The past few months have been so hectic, I can’t even believe there was a point in time I was publishing ~2 fics a month. I did actually publish two non-Tron fics, a Tango & Cash fic as well as a weird Escape from New York poetry dump (both inspired by the Russell film binge lol), both of which turned out much better than expected for random one-nighter fics! In terms of tronfic though, I’ve already got so many ideas, for Gaia or otherwise, that my focus once I have time is just to actually execute the ideas instead of coming up with more brand new stuff. I guess that’s it for now then! If you’re reading this, hope youre doing good :D
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ofmythsandmadness · 4 years
movie night (request).
REQUEST;  May I request a fic with Diego, mutual pining and yearning and all that good shit. Just kinda an all around fluffy fic, and it ends with them confessing to each other or something like that? Love you!💕 -- anon PAIRING; Diego Hargreeves x gender neutral reader. (2nd pov) WARNING; not much. a couple curse words, some bad writing (forgive me, it’s late).
NOTES - This is short (for me) but sweet & really all dialogue. But it’s okay!  I finally got a request done in only a few days, which is nice for once. I know I’ve got two other things to put out, they’ll come later (aka updates for inaf and that trilogy i had). but anyways, hope you like and thank you for requesting anon! Also, not edited and a bit bleh at the end (whoops). xx
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“This is MY apartment!”
“And this is MY body, so--!”
You roll your eyes and slump back down to the couch. Your eyes leave his indignant glare and fall back to the two movies on your lap. “For the last fuckin’ time, you can’t just declare that as your argument! It’s my TV, and I don’t wanna watch Zoolander!”
“Well, I don’t want to watch that!”
“That?” Your hands scrabble at the DVD case before lifting it to his face. “That is an American treasure, dumbass! This is like, the greatest comedy ever made!”
“I didn’t laugh once!”
“You haven’t seen it!”
Before you could retort or Klaus could cut you off (again), a third voice joined the fight. Diego.
Without even thinking about it, you smiled at him, forgetting for just one second about your fight.
Just for a second.
“Diego, thank goodness you’re back, I can’t handle this alone!”
“I could hear you two screaming from down the hall,” he huffed, heading in with a bowl and a frown. “Klaus, you’re gonna get Y/N another noise complaint.”
Klaus pouted. “She started it!”
“How the hell is asking what movie you wanna watch starting a fight?”
He just stuck his tongue out at you.
“You guys always fight over this,” Diego sighed. He sank into the couch and in response, you shuffled back, giving him just enough room to get comfortable before sinking back. “I’m starting to think movie night was a bad idea.”
“No-o,” you groaned. Without thinking, your forehead fell to his shoulder, emphasising a facepalm without having to lift your own hands (which were still clinging tightly to your DVD). “This is a good idea, your brother just can’t compromise.”
“Compromise? You just want to watch -- Diego, she’s impossible!”
The man just sighed, and you felt the vibrations of the heavy sound leave his shoulder to your forehead. “Shut it, both of you. I’m picking. We’re watching this one.”
You glanced up to see him gesturing at your choice. Immediately, your eyes lit up and you turned to his brother with a resounding ‘HA!’.
“That’s not fair!”
“How’s it not fair?” chorused both you and Diego at the same time. 
“You always go with her pick!”
Your smile died a little, replaced with new anger. “That’s not true, you’re just a sore loser! And your brother has taste!”
But Klaus didn’t even care for the half-baked insult; he was ploughing right along with his first point, almost excitedly too. “You always do! Every time we fight and you pretend to ‘break up the fight’, but you’re not sly, dear brother!”
Diego frowned beside you. “That’s not true. I picked yours last week.”
“No, no you did not! We watched Inception even though you said before that one chick freaks you out too much!”
“Well -” you pause, mulling over his words just the littlest bit; maybe he did have some fragments of a point. “Well, that’s not totally valid. I mean, Ariadne’s not in the movie that much, he doesn’t have to look at Vanya’s doppelganger the whole time.”
Diego nodded. “‘Sides, it was better than whatever the fuck you chose.”
“Excuses, excuses,” Klaus cooed, still on top of your coffee table and still way too energized to be standing on it. You really should stop letting him stand on such delicate things - but perhaps that argument could wait until after he was done making such weird points. “It’s always her - I mean, Diego, don’t you think you’re laying it on a bit thick?”
Klaus scoffed. “Come on - you two have been making goo-goo eyes and sweet little gestures for as long as I’ve known you two! Movie nights are just the next thing you’ve taken away from me, and manipulated to be about your sick mutual pining scheme!”
Your mouth dropped open in a move to immediately dispute, only to simply hang, unsure what there was to say to that. He was wrong, of course - for the sure fact that you knew Diego did not like you at all. Wouldn’t you know, already if he did? Sure, maybe you were a little obvious with your feelings sometimes, but only occasionally, and they were never received as much.
This was just a grand scheme to get his movie picked, and you told him that, proudly calling him out on what you thought was just a big game.
But Klaus did not react as you thought he would. Instead, he leapt down from his post and sank down to sit on the coffee table, teetering into a cross-legged position. His long fingers jabbed at the both of you. “You two are so in your heads, you’ve gone blind to the other person. I mean, Y/N, you’re literally curled around Diego right now, does that not register in your brain?”
Okay, so that was correct. You were close to him, maybe not as close as he said but your head did rest on his sleeve, and your hands --
-- awkwardly, you pulled away, crossing your arms across yourself. “Not a good point; I’m just comfortable with him. As I am with you.”
“Ah, but we don’t cuddle like two babes in a pea pod, do we?”
“Klaus, you’re being-”
“-foolish? Am I? Diego, brother of mine, you look at Y/N like she’s aligned the stars and moon and given them to you as a gift! And you look at me like I’m dirt on the side of -”
“-Klaus,” you hissed, with hot cheeks and a new feeling bubbling at your throat (embarrassment, maybe? fear?) that you did not want to spill. “If I pick your movie, will you stop this nonsense?”
The young man huffed, raising his knees up and flapping them down again. “Don’t be so scared of acceptance, dear Y/N! I mean, think of the potential, two people with questionable taste finally joining and becoming one?”
You rose from the couch suddenly, jerky motions and wide eyes in an attempt to hide your overwhelming emotional buildup. You didn’t look at Diego. “Sit, Klaus, please, and let me put on this damn movie so we can be free of this? Stop making our lives a rom-com!”
“Am I wrong?!”
“Yes!” You responded, indignant and loud. Still you refused to look Diego’s way. “Come on now. If Diego thought of me as attractive, I’m sure we would’a worked it out in the many years of our friendship. Right? Let’s just watch this film.”
Klaus mumbled something under his breath, but it was too quiet for you to catch. He slumped down in your place and grinned, “Diego, will you cuddle me like-”
“-I will gut you like a fish, asshole-”
“-movie time, quiet up!”
You sank down into your chair, cold and missing Diego’s presence, and avoided his searching eyes. Whatever was going on with him, it wasn’t something you were sure you could emotionally deal with; Klaus pretending like your feelings could be requited would be enough pain for the night. You’d gladly watch his pick if it meant quiet.
You didn’t look up from the dishes; you didn’t have to, to recognise the voice. “Hey. Klaus asleep still?”
“You, uh…” Diego’s voice followed behind you, until you were pretty certain he was leaning on the counter almost directly from you. “All the stuff he said…”
You forced a chuckle, even though your heart had almost immediately sunk. And here you thought you’d be free of more tragedy that night. “Ha, yeah. So weird.”
“Yeah,” you mumbled, losing momentum with every second. Did you have to do this? You were tired and lonely and sad, and you didn’t want to get second helpings of unrequited feelings that night. But still, you played along. “Such a joke. You n’me? I know you don’t feel that way, don’t worry.”
“What if--” he stopped, short.
You waited a moment to see if he’d continue, only to be met with silence. You turned to stare at him. He leant back on his arms with his head down, so you couldn’t see whatever look he wore on his face. 
“What if…?”
“What if…” he paused again, sighing and rubbing a hand down his face. “I...if...I dunno. It wasn’t all a joke.”
Okay, you were starting to freak out a little, If this was some sort of joke… “Diego, I really don’t ha-”
“-I like you, Y/N.”
And just like that, your heart had stopped.
Well, not really. Though it did feel like it did; one moment you thought he was there to confront you about your feelings, and the next you could only start at him like a deer caught in the headlights, unsure whether or not to run or to just stand and wait for the impact.
“I-idiot’s talking about me,” he groaned, and clearly he was forcing the words out, practically spitting them to avoid stuttering. “I-I just didn’t say it cause-”
“-don’t say that.”
Diego stopped. “What?”
“I mean,” you shrugged, taking a step away from the dishes. Your soapy hands moved out to just almost touch him. “He’s way too adamant on his choice in movies. And some might say he has no choice...but he’s definitely not an idiot.”
Slowly, Diego, rolled away from the counter and lifted his head to look at you. You could see the same look in his eyes you were sure reflected in yours; confusion, fear, a little bit of that bubbling excitement that came with passion--
“He figured out we were both into each other ‘fore either of us had a clue.” You stepped nearer; the two of you were nearly touching. You forced your head up, staring him down with a smile. “To be completely honest, this feels like a fever dream. Not sure this is even happening.”
“Oh,” he whispered, and it came out more like a sigh than a word. His hands met your waist, trembling but pressing. “Y-”
-you cut him off. Quickly, before you could lose your will (or grip on reality, whatever came first) you lifted up on your toes and to his lips, pressing a firm kiss to his own. It was brief but sure, only lasting a second before pulling away.
“I like you too, dummy.”
His eyes reopened and stared down at you, wide and happy. “Yeah?”
“I don’t know how you didn’t notice,” you laughed, itching to kiss him again. Why had you pulled away so quickly? His taste didn’t even remain on your own lips, no matter how you licked at them. “I feel like I was obvious as hell.”
Diego smiled a little, soft and pretty. “I g-guess I was just b-b-busy lookin’ at you like you hung the moon, or - or whatever Klaus said.”
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rose-blooms-red · 4 years
@universes-mystery you are a menace to society and I am in....so much pain
anyways, long story short, I have been convinced to make an updated fic post thingy after someone went through my blog and made me look at my old fics :’) 
So!! uhh yeah Ro Fic Hype Post take 2 lmao, i have too many fics at this point so im just gonna link some that made me happy or just that i remember having a grand time writing.
Star Wars
“Be the Rarepair content you want to see in the world”: Listing all the ones from this series would take too long. Just know that these were all a joy to write and that there is a Large Variety lol.
not something that you put to bed: my first foray into soft wars! lmao, i was super nervous with this one lol but I do still like it more than i usually like my fics! And i was happy with how this one came out. It’s Edee squad centric, specifically Neyo and Fox interaction and yeah, there’s a reason i joke that my brand is trauma recovery dkjfskjdf.
don’t break the bottle: my second go at soft wars and I do still like this one, it’s Cody and Neyo centric, around Cody getting Neyo’s pledge and dealing with leftover stuff from Priest’s training. There’s things i’d def try and do better but, its nice and not as bad as i feared nkjdfjnd.
sins of the father: this is a second person Boba Fett character study and I do actually still adore it. it kicked off it’s own series actually, that I cowrite with @graaaaceeliz and has expanded far past what i thought would be just a tiny little oneshot to put my boba and jango feelings. It was a fun adventure into writing in a writing perspective i dont use much and helped me get a bit of a grasp on both Boba and Jango
and the whisper in your head goes quiet: another 2nd person Boba fic, made people mad at me jdfnsjkf. Includes the hc that Boba had a chip and it malfunctioned and Jango had the Kaminoans remove it.
the hum in the air (and the gentle love): was really nice to write and i do still love how soft it is,though there are things i’d def change. It’s a soft little codywan oneshot with poetry.
gentling the edges: Neyo and babies, im just...so soft, there is so much soft
little darling: Fox and babies, because i am so soft still over babies and the older clones okay.
you will be alone, always: was a fun one, made some people cry lol. Obi-Wan centric, canon compliant, with hints of QP Codywan.
love or the lack of it: Bly and Neyo centric, lots of fun to write lol. Soft wars, and im still quite pleased with it. a bit heavy, heed the tags.
the art of the mind: Soft wars, Jet and Bacara Centric. i loved exploring them more honestly, i kinda wanna do something else with them.
Messing around in the soft wars sandbox: now that i think about it, just linking this series might be better XD a lot of the next few I was going to put are from here. It’s basically just all fics set within the Soft War’s AU by @thefoundationproject lol
(give me) something soft: one of my first fics in the Star wars fandom, It’s Kix/Agen and I’m still super soft over this pairing and writing this made me v soft.
the burning heat upon my back: another one of my first few fics in the star wars fandom, It’s an Anakin introspection type piece as I was trying to figure out how to write him and getting settled in the fandom.
like a lazy ocean (hugs the shore): Wingfic, Kit Fisto centric, hinted possible kit/monnk. This was just hilarious to write lmao.
calm your mind and quell your fears: Wingfic, Obi-Wan centric, soft, QP Codywan fluff.
name the child innocence: was fun, Wingfic, Jango Fett centric, it’s a lot heavier than the other wingfics tho, so heed the tags.
childhood (strong and full of foreboding): apparently i really like doing explorations on trauma and how the past can shape you and how you can shape yourself in spite of the past and things like that kjdsnkjsdf. It’s told in various Clone’s p.o.v and switches between Anakin and Obi-Wan’s Not Fun Childhoods.
hold your heart (be still): Ahsoka and Rex bonding! set in the same universe as childhood!
the art of siblings is that sometimes you just wanna fight them: A lot of fun lol, batfam centric, the kids being Themselves and Dick is Exasperated lol
we lay here (for years or for hours): which is an introspection and sort of character study on dick that throws out any semblance of timeline or canon. trigger warnings for depressive and suicidal thought and major character injury
setting fire to our insides for fun (to distract our hearts from ever missing them): in which dick is sad, bruce is gone, and dick really just wants his dad, his sleep-deprived mind decides to be kind, because the world is not, this one made me sad
i have tried to hoard your love (and found it slipping through my fingers): a look at Jason and books, and the complex thing that is a childs need to be loved
fault lines: A fic about recovery and the difficulties, or; Dick Grayson and trauma, recovery, and his siblings. Something’s wrong with all of them but they work through it, eventually.
this one is a rough ride, still a WIP and it deals with a lot of heavy topics, flashbacks, trauma and discussions of the trauma, deaths, injuries, rape, broken relationships and dysfunctional ones, borderline abusive behaviour, talks about all of the above, and the healing process. Tread lightly with this one as it deals with heavy topics in it’s quest to say fuck you to certain dc writers.
Shock: Kaminari feels, The dangers of electric quirks
Flicker: The Todoroki’s deserve better, Dabi is an angry child who misses his mama
All I’ve Ever Known: Genfic, Dabi is Touya, Fuck gender, Chronic pain, Touya/Dabi needs help
We go down swinging, My lovers and I: Shigadabihawks, Major Character Death, not a happy one folks.
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lumilasi · 3 years
Hey battle of bands au anon here! Thank you sooo much for the advice , I've decided to choose all might because I dont want my fic to be too angsty or plot heavy. I also realised afo can be a very complex character to write and I dont think I can pull that off in my first fic. Also I love the approach you're taking on AFO in stringmaster , it is currently one of my favs!
I haven't read all your fics (yet) but as far as I have read I dont think endeavor has had a major role in any of your fics but if you have any advice on his characterisation then I'd love that. I want this fic to be more fluffy with just a little angst so I dont want to make endeavor as horrible as canon. He's still obsessed with his children (shoto and dabi) being number 1 but I guess not as horrible to his family. Basically I'm stuck at a scene where endeavor has to react to dabi being ranked 2nd in a pleasantly surprising way but not completely out of character. Idk if that made any sense or not I feel like I'm having trouble putting things into words.
Anyways thanks for the advice and if you have any regarding this scene pls help a girl out lol
Ha ha, glad to hear it helped out! And yeah, he can be, hell I’d say Tomura can also be very tricky to write given his complexity. But def. AFO is up there as well.
Stringmaster AFO is fun (and challenging) to write, because it’s this...weird contradiction, where he does understand emotions and how humans work in theory, but lacks the ability to sort instinctively realize these things himself. Basically meaning he both gets and doesn’t get it.
Almost everything needs to be conscious choices to him for the most part, rather than just knowing how to react in situations where empathy is needed. 
But enough about that! 
Yeah, I don’t use Endeavor a whole lot in my fics other than being the bad father he is in canon, because...tbh I find his character pretty boring? Like his most interesting parts are basically plot device stuff to have an impact/act as motivation for more important/interesting characters. (I.E Dabi and Shoto) Without those he’s just...kinda generic prideful grumpy guy? He just doesn’t really stand out to me from any other hero outside the bad parenting. 
It probably bothers me more/is more noticeable than it would with other mangas I’ve read, because he gets contrasted against well-written and complex characters like many of the villains, or if I have to pick a hero example, Aizawa and Toshinori. 
 (To be fair, I have this issue with a lot of the hero side characters, they feel really underdeveloped/one-dimensional to me a lot of times. I get you can’t flesh out every single one of your hundreds of characters properly, but sometimes even more central focused hero characters feel underdeveloped to me, IDK) 
....I better cut this rant short and get back on topic about the actual question haha
I feel like I’d probably need more context of what is going on to give proper useful tips, but the first thing that comes to mind would probably be him doing kind of a backhanded compliment or so, where he expresses that Dabi did good job but also still make him feel like it’s not enough? IDK how to demonstrate that exactly tho. 
I think the best example I can offer is Stringmaster AFO, now that he was brought up? Like the birth of Mon-chan comic I made, (here in case you dunno what I’m talking about) where he compliments Tomura about his achievement, but then casually tells him he could scrap it and try again because it wasn’t perfect. In his mind he was stating a fact, but it comes off pretty cold, especially to a kid who’s looking for his approval. 
Something along those lines could work with Endeavor too, though obviously his delivery would have to be more exaggerated and aggressive, because he’s not suave/well-mannered (or lessay pretentious) like AFO lmao
Also I think to make it feel in character someone would probably have to point out to him that he needs to be more encouraging and supportive, because a prideful dude like him’s gonna struggle being able to figure it out himself. So it’d be like “good comment, bad comment, gets scolded and tags on another good comment clumsily” or something. 
IDK if any of that helps, but I tried at least. Either way I’m looking forward to reading your fic someday if you manage to write it. Who knows, maybe you’ll get some fanart for it too C; 
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KageHina Lemon Fics
(*) Indicates my most suggested reads.
then fall into me by censored (aroceu)
Rating: Explicit Archive Warning: Underage Relationship: Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio Characters: Hinata Shouyou, Kageyama Tobio Additional Tags: Felching, Blow Jobs, Crying, Semi-Public Sex, Sloppy Makeouts Summary: "You wanna have sex in the club room?"
Shoyo’s ears are burning. “Don’t say it so bluntly like that!”
Fanning Flames by CheyanneSaysHii
Rating: Explicit Relationship: Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio Characters: Hinata Shouyou, Kageyama Tobio Additional Tags: Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, First Time, Blow Jobs, Aged-Up Character(s), there's some fluff in there too Summary: After several months of dating in college, Hinata and Kageyama plan to spend the day together "playing video games" while Hinata's parents are away from home. Smut fic.
I Aim to Please by iisintrovert
Rating: Explicit Relationship: Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio Characters: Hinata Shouyou, Kageyama Tobio Additional Tags: IM NOT TAGGING AS UNDERAGE BC THE AGE OF CONSENT WHERE I LIVE IS 17 BUT THEY ARE BOTH 17 IN THIS FIC, Emotional Sex, KageHina - Freeform, Finger Fucking, Fingering, First Time, First Kiss, they're in their third year, Demisexuality, Demisexual Kageyama Tobio, Gay shenanigans, its really lovey and fluffy ok, Tumblr Prompt, Smut, Fluff and Smut Summary: For starters, Kageyama had really nice hands.
Hinata wasn't the most observant of people -- but he noticed this. He noticed the force with which he tossed a volleyball, noticed how his fingers curled around the net whenever it was spread between him and Hinata. He noticed how Kageyama ran his hands through his hair when he got to sweaty or when it fell in his eyes after he challenged him to a race.
That was part of the reason Hinata grabbed them, that day. There were other reasons, reasons far back in his head that he couldn't focus on at the moment, but when he leaned forward on his toes and wrapped both of Tobias hands in his slightly smaller ones, wound their fingers together and squeezed, he hadn't been thinking at all. Maybe, if he had, he wouldn't have done it (he definitely wouldn't be on a couch with his legs hooked over Tobio’s shoulders, six months later, either. Hinata definitely wasn't complaining about that).
There Are Mornings by Esselle*
Rating: Explicit Relationship: Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio Characters: Hinata Shouyou, Kageyama Tobio Additional Tags: Morning Sex, Sleepy Sex, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Aged-Up Character(s), Consensual Somnophilia, Canon Universe Summary: 'This slow, quiet rhythm, this bliss trapped halfway between waking and slumber, they can do this for hours.'
Sun-warmed sheets, curtains blowing in the breeze, the morning after a win.
didn't you know love could shine this bright? by kagome_angel
Rating: Explicit Archive Warning: Underage Relationship: Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio Characters: Kageyama Tobio, Hinata Shouyou Additional Tags: KageHina - Freeform, I Will Go Down With This Ship, It isn't stated but they're third years here (still underage oops), First Time, Rain, Sex during the rain, They've been dating for a few months, Hinata loves compliments, Kags loves compliments but gets embarrassed, Soft Kageyama Tobio, Hinata is very very much in love okay, Frottage, It's been a while, I've missed these boys, Yes this is porn but what were you expecting from me?, Porn with lots of FEELS, Hinata is such a sap, They're both such saps really, Volleyball Dorks in Love, stream of consciousness writing, I seriously just sat down and started writing and could not stop until it was DONE, Please be gentle with me okay?, Alliteration, Quick and Dirty, Messy Boys, The ability to hold themselves back is non-existent at this point, Very very mild restraining, Top!Hinata (kinda)????, Bottom!Kageyama (kinda)???????????, Kageyama makes Hinata bold, feely sex, Yes I am still stuck in volleyball hell thanks, They're meant for each other I don't care what anyone says, Bakageyama (because it's cute), Please forgive any mistakes as I didn't really proof-read this Summary: There’s the pitter-patter of rain on the roof, against the window. There’s Kageyama’s breathing and there’s Hinata’s own—both have quickened. There’s Kageyama’s pulse beneath his fingertips and there’s skin and there’s heat.
Sweaty Pecs and Hot Abs by KagehinaLollipop
Rating: Explicit Relationship: Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio Characters: Kageyama Tobio, Hinata Shouyou, Hinata's sister is briefly mentioned Additional Tags: Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Smut, Fluff and Smut, Moving In Together, heavy teasing, Teasing, Multiple Orgasms, Rough Sex, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Oral Sex, Come Eating, Body Worship, Slutty Hinata because I can't help myself, Begging, Dirty Talk, as always, Dom/subs, light dom Hinata but mostly, Sub Hinata, dom Kageyama, Top Kageyama Tobio, Bottom Hinata Shouyou, like no angst at all I promise Summary: His back flexed up, taunting Hinata. The ginger gulped harshly as he stared at Kageyama's back, feeling something close to the bottom of his shirt give a jerk as he studied him.
Kageyama turned his head to the side, eyeing Hinata.
"Is that my shirt?"
OR Hinata's boyfriend might have the hottest body on the planet, and he might be a little obsessed.
Pav-love by Clementizzle
Rating: Explicit Archive Warning: Underage Relationship: Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio Characters: Kageyama Tobio, Hinata Shouyou, Sawamura Daichi, Sugawara Koushi, Nishinoya Yuu, Tanaka Ryuunosuke, Azumane Asahi Additional Tags: Kags and Hinata are 2nd years, daichi suga and asahi are graduates, hinata has long hair, and also had a growth spurt, he is still the second shortest member of the team, Anal Fingering, Blow Jobs, Shower Sex, Cuddling, A Week of Kagehina Summary: Hinata realizes that the people closest to you can be conditioned to pick up on the most subtle of habits, and decides to explore this realization further.
Aka the one where Hinata discovers hemay have pulled a Pavlov with Kageyama without realizing it.
Halloween Sleepover by endlessnight
Rating: Explicit Archive Warning: Underage Relationship: Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio Characters: Hinata Shouyou, Kageyama Tobio Additional Tags: Halloween Challenge, Underage Kissing, Blow Jobs, Underage Sex, Halloween Smut, sleepover, Begging, horror movies, Explicit Sexual Content Summary: There was a noise. Not a moan from the guy on top of him, that wouldn't have been unpleasant. No, it was like someone had just smashed the door to Kageyama's house open. Hinata froze -well, he wasn't really able to move already-. They heard footsteps.
“God, stop! Have you not heard? There's someone in the house.”
Surviving His Debut by ThatGinjaNinja
Rating: Explicit Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationship: Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio Characters: Hinata Shouyou, Kageyama Tobio Additional Tags: Romance, Masturbation, Riding, Barebacking, Jealousy, Volleyball, Boys In Love, Improper Use of Volleyball Monthly, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Anal Sex, Sexual Content, really, corking, really, porning, Inspired by Fanart, KageHina - Freeform, Power Bottom Summary: Hinata's latest issue of Volleyball Monthly has arrived. The featured athlete looks flawlessly sexy in every image, and Hinata can't keep his hands from wandering. He also can't seem to control the urgent need to lay claim to his now nationally recognized boyfriend.
Kageyama can't understand what all the fuss is about, especially since the pictures seem to have basically nothing to do with volleyball.
Exploring by TheBookThief14
Rating: Explicit Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationship: Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio Characters: Hinata Shouyou, Kageyama Tobio Additional Tags: Hinata/Kageyama - Freeform, Semi-Public Sex, Grinding, Dry Humping, Hot, Top Kageyama Tobio, Bottom Hinata Shouyou, Gay, Cuties, Bold Hinata, chapters, short but sweet, Love these cuties, Kissing, Making Out, New Relationship, Gay Sex, First Time, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering Summary: A short story in which Hinata finally manages to hit one of Kageyama's sets after practice and gets a little too excited causing them to question just what kind of relationship they really have.
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notworkingsposts · 5 years
Love (Naomi x MC)
This is my first fanfic for the @choicesjulychallenge ​ hosted by the lovely @kinda-iconic ​. Oh, this is also my first Naomi fic so it might be…off?! lol
My prompt was love and this was requested by the wonderful @kennaxval ​ - hope you like it friend! Thanks @brightpinkpeppercorn for pre-reading and for your suggestions - you’re awesome ❤
Tagging: @queerchoicesblog ​ @kennaxval ​ @strangerofbraidwood ​ @crazypeanat ​ @tornbetween2loves ​ @politicallycorrectinnocentteen ​ @brightpinkpeppercorn ​
Let me know if you want to be added or removed
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Love is an adventure that can lead to many different destinations. It’s a divine energy which carries so many different emotions; hurt, loss, excitement, gratitude, joy, awe, interest, surprise, affection, admiration and much more. It’s addictive and all consuming, especially when the one that changes everything walks in to your life…
Naomi’s past relationships had made her jaded when it comes to “love” and it was an emotion she ran…no, sprinted away from. That all changed when Jesse came into her life, it felt like a deafening wave crashing against her now quiet heart; awakening feelings and emotions that were long forgotten. Making her believe that you can’t always run from something so inevitably beautiful – the biggest curve ball thrown her way in years…maybe ever. Was she really ready?  
A week had gone by since Jesse confessed her love, but the admission came down a one-way street. Naomi was relentlessly tormented by her own thoughts since that moment. Her fingernails were painfully chewed down and frustration was permanently etched across her face. “Thank you, I…love…spending time with you - what a fucking response?!” she mumbled to herself as she slammed her hands on her desk. She knows Jesse understands and is willing to wait for her, but she couldn’t stop the gnawing feeling that had taken over. The awkwardness over the last week was subdued by Jesse seducing Naomi as soon as they were together. However, the silence after they made love was intensifying as each day went by. The Chief of Police wanted to say those “dreaded” words, but they failed to leave her lips. This was undoubtedly the real deal; if her heart was ever shattered by her girlfriend, she wholeheartedly felt like she wouldn’t be able to put the pieces back together. Not again. Not when it comes to Jesse.
“Dammit Silverhawk!!! You can do this! Take your girl in your arms, look her in the eyes and SAY IT”. All eyes fell on Naomi as she realised her thoughts turned out to be a screech which echoed throughout the station. Her cheeks flushed and without another word she rushed out the door.
To Naomi’s frustration, the traffic was hell but as she glanced at her watch, relief washed over her- she was right on time for date night. Although their relationship is flourishing, the feeling of being a nuisance or intruding is something she couldn’t let go of.  On the other hand, Jesse adored it when Naomi is spontaneous, but the past had shaken some of that confidence out of her. Hopefully this was about to change…
Naomi didn’t have time to change, she quickly straightened out her clothing and hair, double checking her reflection through the window. “Damn, I should have planned this better” she thought to herself while approaching the door.  As she got closer she saw a note stuck to the door. Immediately smelling Jesse’s floral perfume that had soaked the piece of paper.
You are looking beautiful as always 😉 Do NOT roll your eyes at me!
Did you know, I really love the 2nd word of this question? Ok, I’m going to stop note-flirting. Now, get that cute butt in here and find me. I have a surprise for you.
P.S I missed you like crazy today x
Jesse always had a way of making Naomi feel like a teenager again; the smile, the butterflies and the giggles - something she couldn’t suppress. She gently shook her head in awe of her girlfriend, slowly opening the door to find an arrow pointing towards the kitchen. Another note was left, along side champagne and chocolate covered strawberries.
Baby, grab these and head to the living room
P.S If I could, I would spend forever in your arms x
Naomi didn’t want to hold back anymore, so she resisted the urge to wipe the smile off her face. She was glowing, as if it finally hit home that she’s been in love with Jesse since the first day they met.
The room was full of scented candles, soft music was playing but where was Jesse? She carefully placed the champagne and strawberries down on the coffee table where she found another note, this time with a gift.
I still can’t believe you are mine. Every moment, every hour and every day has been more than a dream come true.
You are my best friend, my lover and the song in my heart! I know you aren’t ready, but it doesn’t stop me from loving YOU!!!
Happy Anniversary Baby.
P.S You’re my favourite thing to do 😉 (I couldn’t help myself)
Tears began to roll down her cheek which was quickly wiped away by silk covering her eyes. “Je-“
“Shhh beautiful” Jesse purred as she quickly shifted to sit in front of her lover. She gently cupped Naomi’s face and kissed her hard. Once their fingers interlaced, Jesse guided Naomi’s hand over her curves, revealing she was wearing her favourite lingerie. Naomi broke the kiss with a gasp, “Jesse…please I need to talk to you first”. She didn’t take note of the tone in Naomi’s voice and began drawing a line of kisses up to her ear, gently nibbling and whispering “Are you sure you want to talk now baby? Your body is telling me something different”. She gently ran a finger down her arm raising a trail of goose bumps.
“Jesse, please…please just stop. I really need to tell you something important. Can we press pause and take this blindfold off? I need to see you when I tell you this”
Jesse instantly began to worry that she did something wrong and removed the blindfold, “I’m so sorr-“
“No, don’t say sorry. This is all amazing, you are amazing, and I don’t know how I ever got so lucky. You know I find it hard to be vulnerable, but you make me WANT to be. You were my light at the end of a very dark tunnel from day one. The reason why I smile every single day. YOU are the most important person in my life, now and always. I didn’t think I would find a love like this…I’m…I’m rambling now. I can’t seem to find the words to express how much you mean to me. Nothing seems to be enough. What I’m trying to say is that… I love you.” Jesse instantly captured her lips in a slow yet passionate kiss, pushing her body so close that close enough didn’t seem possible.
“It’s about damn time” as Jesse ended their kiss with a teasing bite. Before Naomi could respond she peppered her face with kisses, “I love you too. I…love…you…I…loveeeee… you. Best.Present.EVER.” They both held each other close, taking in the moment they had shared, their breathing still heavy from all the excitement.
After a short while, Naomi gently moved back, leaving her hand to glide down her lover’s spine, discreetly underdoing the clasp of her bra. As the distance grew, their gaze grew in intensity; Naomi’s hand now drawing small circles at the small of Jesse’s back, slowly moving to her hips, grazing a single finger under her waistband. She pulled and let it snap back as she whispered:
“Happy Anniversary MY love. Un-pause?“
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ansu-gurleht · 5 years
36 lessons of vivec, annotated: part 4
(part 3. unfortunately do not know how to edit the first 3 parts so can’t add links to them, but you can find the others by searching “36 lessons of vivec” on my blog.)
it’s been a while, but here we go. sermon 5 is another mostly “autobiographical” sermon (i use the term VERY loosely), so there isn’t terrible much to say. i highly recommend @bitchwhoreofastorm​‘s “egg of time” fic on her ao3, which approaches a lot of these events from a more “realistic” angle, which is REALLY good. but i’ll summarize:
vivec comes upon a merchant caravan. one of the guards in the caravan is none other than indoril nerevar. nerevar wants to take vivec to almalexia, because he (and another unnamed member of the caravan) senses something important about hir. but the captain wants to sell vivec to “the red wives of dagon,” which is probably some kind of slave-brothel devoted to mehrunes dagon. the dispute ends with nerevar killing the captain and taking vivec to mournhold anyway.
okay, now something a bit juicier: sermon 6. this is the first of a few sermons that take a similar format, being some cryptic shit vivec tells nerevar, presumably on the way to mournhold. from the beginning:
There is an eon within itself that when unraveled becomes the first sentence of the world.
ze’s talking about the dawn era. it’s an “eon within itself” b/c it’s mostly devoid of cause and effect; it’s a recursive period of time where, essentially, nothing matters - yet. but then it becomes unraveled, and “the first sentence of the world” is spoken.
we know the dawn era ended when auri-el (a.k.a. elven akatosh) established linear time at convention, which was an assembly of the gods atop the first Tower, adamantine tower. but i’ve got a bit of a theory about this “first sentence of the world.” 
we know it was atop adamantine tower that trinimac slew lorkhan and ripped out his heart, and when both trinimac and auri-el tried to destroy it, to no avail. in altmeri tradition, it is said that, in response to the attempt, the heart said: “This Heart is the heart of the world, for one was made to satisfy the other.”
i believe this was the “first sentence of the world.” it was immediately after this that auri-el shot lorkhan’s heart across tamriel, and then held convention. not only is this likely a very close contender for literally the first sentence spoken in linear time, it’s also the first sentence of the world, in the sense that lorkhan’s heart is the heart of the world.
Mephala and Azura are the twin gates of tradition and Boethiah is the secret flame.
The Sun shall be eaten by lions, which cannot be found yet in Veloth.
Six are the vests and garments worn by the suppositions of men.
i’ll admit, the meaning of these lines elude me. the relationship between the anticipations as “the twin gates of tradition” and “the secret flame” doesn’t strike me as obvious. i’m not sure what the sun and lions have to do with anything. i don’t even know where to begin with that third line. let’s just move on.
Proceed only with the simplest terms, for all others are enemies and will confuse you.
don’t bog yourself down with lengthy explanations and words. concentrate what you believe into “the simplest terms,” and you’ll always know where you stand.
Six are the formulas to heaven by violence, one that you have learned by studying these words.
ah, here’s an interesting line! i forget if we’ve heard mention of them before, but this is probably the first mention of the six “walking ways!” these ways to “reach heaven by violence” are essentially ways to achieve godhood, or at least some sort of divine importance! these are tricky to extrapolate from the sermons, to say the least. some of them are obvious, some of them.....much less so. we’ll dig into this as we continue on our journey. and after we’ve finished looking at this sermon, we’ll see if we can “study these words” and find the one vivec has hidden in this sermon.
The Father is a machine and the mouth of a machine. His only mystery is an invitation to elaborate further.
The Mother is active and clawed like a nix-hound, yet she is the holiest of those that reclaim their days.
The Son is myself, Vehk, and I am unto three, six, nine, and the rest that come after, glorious and sympathetic, without borders, utmost in the perfections of this world and the others, sword and symbol, pale like gold.
this is about the tribunal! thankfully, not terribly difficult to interpret. sotha sil is the father, “a machine” who constantly wants to understand the world more and more; almalexia is the mother, a holy matron but as fierce as her anticipation; and vivec is the son, and of course ze goes nuts describing hirself. (in case you haven’t noticed thus far, vivec is kinda just full of hirself.)
There is a fourth kind of philosophy that uses nothing but disbelief.
For by the sword I mean the sensible.
For by the word I mean the dead.
the “fourth kind of philosophy that uses nothing but disbelief” is that of the dwemer, who did not believe in the gods at all, or at the very least doubted their power.
“by the sword I mean the sensible” refers to vivec’s belief that to achieve your goals, you must use violence. “by the word I mean the dead” refers to hir belief, which we’ll hear more about later, that language is necessarily dead. once something is said or written, ze says, it no longer holds as much power as something done. you must act instead of talking about acting.
before i move on, i’ll clarify something about my terminology. vivec absolutely could simply be talking specifically about actual violence, about murder and war and assassination and all that. but there’s also a “lesser” violence, i think, which could refer to imposing your will on the world at all. any “action” is inherently “violent,” in the sense that it changes the world in some way - and change always necessitates a destruction before a creation.
I am Vehk, your protector and the protector of Red Mountain until the end of days, which are numbered 3333.
vivec certainly has protected morrowind quite a bit - from the empire, from baar dau, from the blight (via the ghostfence). but most interesting, i think, is this mention of “the end of days, which are numbered 3333.”
now, of course. three is vivec’s favorite number, so this could very well just be hir reminding us, for the millionth time, that it’s hir favorite number.
but i’ve got a bit of a crack theory. bear with me.
first: i’m assuming these are years, and not actually days. there’s a few things “the end of days” could be referring to. a true end of the world? unlikely. the oblivion crisis, or the pursuing red year? maybe. however, for the sake of this experiment, i’m going to assume it’s referring to the events of morrowind, which takes place in 3e 427. that certainly could have been the end of the world, had dagoth ur succeeded.
here’s what i’m thinking: what if we start from that date as our endpoint, and work our way backwards to discover when the lessons were written? (this conversation almost certainly did not actually take place, so vivec wouldn’t have mentioned this number at the time. so we’re assuming this number only makes sense given when it was written.)
well, if we add up the years of the 3rd and 2nd eras, then subtract that from 3333, we can figure out in what year in the 1st era the sermons would have been written. the number i came up with was 1e 2037 - smack dab in the middle dawn, the thousand-and-eight year long dragonbreak.
i know this is a shaky theory, and all i’ve got to back it up is an admittedly non-canon piece from kirkbride (yuck), wherein vivec seems to understand a lot about the dragonbreak, and what it signifies. i think it may be possible that a lot of what vivec talks about could only have been known to hir in such a chaotic period of time and untime. so hir having written it in the middle dawn not only fits with the number in this sermon, but might also just make sense.
anyways! take that with a heavy dose of salt. moving on.
Below me is the savage, which we needed to remove ourselves from the Altmer.
Above me is a challenge, which bathes itself in fire and the essence of a god.
“the savage” below vivec is the early days of the chimer, when they were all basically ashlanders, just trying to survive in the inhospitable lands of resdayn. ze claims that this period of “savagery” was necessary “to remove [themselves] from the Altmer” because one of the key issues the velothi dissidents had with altmeri culture was, well, the “stick-up-their-ass”-edness. they were very high-and-mighty and stuck up, and so caught up in their own bullshit they refused to really see and appreciate the world (given to them by lorkhan) for what it is. by living so roughly in the lands closest to lorkhan’s heart, the chimer distinguished themselves by becoming closer to God.
“the challenge” above is the pursuit of God, or godhood. it is a trial by fire one must go through in pursuit of divinity. within the timeline of the “plot” of the lessons, vivec technically hasn’t become a god yet. (the way vivec refers to hir godhood is weird, claiming to have always been a god, even though we know ze only did when the tribunal used the heart to get divine powers. but we won’t worry about this too much.) so as of the sixth sermon, the challenge of becoming divine still awaits hir.
Through me you are desired, unlike the prophets that have borne your name before.
vivec, again being very full of hirself, claims that it is through hir divinity (and hir divinity alone) that nerevar is loved by his people. ze really downplays nerevar’s agency all throughout the sermons, often depicting him as sort of a bumbling idiot, completely lost without hir counsel. in reality, nerevar was actually a really great, powerful, and wise hero and king, made greater and wiser by the counsel of vivec, sotha sil, and his wife, almalexia. (absolutely still a war criminal tho.)
truth be told, i’m not sure what the “prophets that have borne your name before” bit means. perhaps it’s referring to house indoril? i haven’t the faintest.
Six are the walking ways, from enigma to enemy to teacher.
it’s those pesky walking ways again! from the way this is worded, it seems like “enigma,” “enemy,” and “teacher” all refer to different walking ways. i think “enigma” refers to the psijic endeavor, “enemy” refers to the walking way the enemy of the chimer, the dwemer, attempted, and “teacher” refers to the one vivec hirself (as “teacher” of nerevar) attempted and supposedly succeeded at. 
“what the hell are those?!” you may ask. don’t worry about it right now! just about every one of the walking ways are covered in their own sermon. we’ll talk about “enigma,” “enemy,” and “teacher” later, with better context!
Boethiah and Azura are the principles of the universal plot, which is begetting, which is creation, and Mephala makes of it an art form.
unlike the other line about the anticipations’ relationships and purposes, i actually understand this one! (at least mostly, as with anything vivec says.)
boethiah is the prince of plots, so is obviously a “principle of the universal plot.” she’s all about the kind of action that vivec’s all about, secret murder and the sword and all that. azura is the prince of dawn and dusk, the in-between, the transition. boethiah initiates change, azura oversees change, and together they oversee “creation” of new social and religious paradigms. 
mephala the webspinner does the whole change thing too, but she “makes of it an art form” by just going overboard with it. she is less overt than boethiah and azura, just tending to her strings, one little thing here, another little thing there, all in the shadows. she can make big things happen by just changing little things, like a butterfly effect type situation. that sort of finesse makes it “an art form.”
For by the sword I mean the first night.
For by the word I mean the dead.
oh hey, it’s this sword/word thing again. the sword cuts things in twain, so the first night cut the first day into night and day. and guess who oversees the cutting of night and day? dawn and dusk.
and again, the word being dead. we’ll hear more of this in a later sermon, but vivec believes language is dead and of limited use.
There will be a splendor in your name when it is said to be true.
this is somewhat interesting, because it seems to somewhat contradict the whole “language is dead” thing, dunnit? if reverence comes from it being “said to be true,” doesn’t that mean the words held meaning? could the words hold meaning even if they had no action to back them up?
i’ll leave you to ponder that one. it’s a very interesting question for vivec’s character.
Six are the guardians of Veloth, three before and they are born again, and they will test you until you have the proper tendencies of a hero.
There is a world that is sleeping and you must guard against it.
the “guardians of Veloth, three before and they are born again” are the anticipations (azura, boethiah, and mephala) and the tribunal (almalexia, sotha sil, and vivec) respectively. 
it’s important to remember: this sermon is addressed to nerevar. and when vivec is speaking to nerevar throughout the lessons, it’s safe to assume ze is also speaking to the nerevarine. so the “guardians of Veloth” testing nerevar really means testing the nerevarine, so that the nerevarine can prove they truly are nerevarine, and a “hero” - the latter of which is a topic i should probably make a separate post about some time.
“the world that is sleeping” is none other than house dagoth, the house of dreamers, who will threaten morrowind in the time of the nerevarine’s coming. the nerevarine will be tested to prove they can protect morrowind from that threat.
For by the sword I mean the dual nature.
For by the word I mean animal life.
For by the sword I mean preceded by a sigh.
For by the word I mean preceded by a wolf.
here we have these sword/word couplets again. i’m actually going to keep these in my pocket, for now. when we get to sermon eleven, i’ll bring them back out, so we have the proper context.
so, vivec said this sermon contains one of the walking ways, and i said we’d try to figure it out. well...
i’m not sure what it is. 
there’s been a lot of attempts to list the six walking ways. some call the first “the prolix tower,” but...i’m not sure how much sense it makes. and yeah, you’re probably like, “the prolix tower? what in oblivion is that?” i don’t know where they got it from, either. and the explanations of the prolix tower never seem to really refer to this sermon. 
i promise, the other walking-way sermons will be a bit clearer, but as for this one....i have no idea, and i don’t think anyone else really does, either.
okay, so that’s one big long post. maybe the next one will come, like, not several months later. like this one. oh well! 
as always, the ending of the words is ALMSIVI
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akirakurusufoollink · 7 years
Pegoryu Prompt: Red String Pt 1
@twilightkargarok @celestialxskye
This is gonna be a two part fic. I’m almost done with it, but posting a long work on mobile is a beezy. Also sorry it took so long. Enjoy, babes! ———–
In Ryuji’s dreams, he sees a red thread connecting him into the void. The blond follows it further and further into the depths. This is so strange, but he doesn’t question it. He would take any company in these dark, lonely dreams. Deeper in he runs in this space where his leg no longer hurts him. Where he might find someone who will stand beside him. Who does fate have in store for this boy abandoned by everything he once held so tightly? The darkness melts away.
Suddenly he is walking the halls of Shujin Academy. A heavy sigh escapes from him. This person is someone he’ll meet at school? He tugs at the thread, winding it around his wrist. Everyone passes by him. He stops in front of one of the classrooms on the second floor where the thread slips beneath the door. This is it. He will finally see who will be the one he’s destined for. He gulps and tentatively reaches out to slide the door open.
The room pulsates. Hulking creatures in suits of armor surround an unseen person. They grab at them and throw punches. Groans of pain and wet splatting sounds pervade the air. Kamoshida stands there at the teacher’s desk, lording above all of them. His eyes are yellow and crazed. The vulgar boy’s heart sinks into his stomach.
Not him…This asshole isn’t taking something important away from him again. Anger wells up within Ryuji. Something unstoppable fuels his actions as he makes his way to the edge of the crowd. No one notices. He’s invisible to these monsters, but not for long. None of these weird freaks in armor are gonna stop him. He psyches himself to shove his way through.
“Eff off!” The blond explodes into action. He shoves his way to the center of the fray.
Kamoshida eyes up the blond and cuts him off, leaping into the center of the horde of armored soldiers. As Ryuji reaches the center, Kamoshida snatches up the object of the blond’s desires by the throat. The vulgar boy stops in his tracks. The figure’s hands hang limply, with the thread wafting from the left ring finger. A mop of dark hair covers their facial features.
“What? You thought you could escape me?” The older man sneers and gives a wicked cackle. “I broke you and destroyed your future. You think I can’t take him from you too?” He hoists the figure higher, revealing that it’s wearing a boy’s uniform for Shujin Academy.
“Him?” Ryuji is incredulous. The one at the other end of the red thread is a guy? He seems to be, handsome, at least what he can see of the boy. His sculpted features make Ryuji blush slightly.
“Yes, a guy that is just as worthless as you.” The man gives a possessive stroke to the dark haired boy’s head. “Oh yes, if only this were a girl. I could take so much more from you both.” His lips twist up in a disgusting, perverted smile. That trashy bastard even has the nerve to plant a kiss on the boy’s neck.
Kamoshida takes pleasure in watching Ryuji’s disgusted face before he dumps the figure onto the ground. Thinking that he can squeeze just a bit more emotion from the blond, he jerks the brunet up by his bangs. A white mask clatters to the ground. Finally the blond can see the object of his destiny. Ryuji’s face burns with a deep blush. This boy’s face is gorgeous. Glasses cover grey eyes that are half lidded under red blood. Red as the rage within Ryuji’s heart. Red like the thread that binds them. It drips from his forehead, along the sides of his nose, and down to the corners of his shapely mouth.
“Ryuji…” Quivers out of his lips that are being stained in red.
Red cascades over everything. It distorts Kamoshida’s maniacal features. It covers all of the knights. It even covers the dark haired boy and pulls him down into the darkness. He reaches out for Ryuji and the blond reaches back. This can’t be happening. That asshole of a teacher is denying him happiness even in his dreams. He fights against the dark currents whisking away this boy away. He struggles hard against the dark waves of the abyss until his fingers are just barely able to brush against those of the bespectacled brunet. They both struggle to grab onto one another, but the slick dark ooze makes them both slip off of one another.
“Stay with me!” Ryuji shouts down at the brunet.
The brunet smiles up at him, no longer able to keep his head from sinking. Ryuji begins to cry, this feeling of helplessness is too much for him. He can’t stop the boy from drowning in this hell. All that is left with Ryuji is the red stains from the brunet’s blood. The void disappears, leaving him behind and alone again. The glasses come floating back up to the surface. Ryuji picks them up with trembling hands and holds them close to his chest. He will remember this face. That pale skin and sleek features. That head of messy dark hair. Those eyes that he could lose himself in. Eyes that burn with disdain for this fate. He will save this person. Kamoshida will not take this away. He sinks down into the abyss. Black and red fill his vision, then nothing.
Ryuji bolts awake. Sweat trickles down his forehead. He stares out his window into the night, the glow of streetlights and electric signs filter into his room, with the low hum of the evening club crowd. He sighs and flops back down to his mattress. Shadows play on his ceiling in vague shapes. One almost looks like the guy from his dreams. He reaches up and gives the jaw line a mock caress. He wonders if he’ll see this mysterious boy soon. Part of him hopes that he doesn’t, just so Kamoshida doesn’t have something else to take away from him. Ryuji is disappointed in himself. The features of dream boy are starting to become hazy, but those eyes are still there in all of their intense glory. He grasps at the air, almost hoping to capture that image and store it away. His arm drops and drapes across his eyes. Why is he still crying?
A month passes in a flash. Another day of being late to classes, on day one no less. The rain is coming down in buckets. Along with the added bonus that he just so happens to not have an umbrella since genius him decided to stay up playing the new Neo Featherman game instead of going to bed on time. Even worse is that the trains are all messed up from that incident where the bullet train driver lost his mind. Every line is congested and the entrances are switched all over the pace. And then he sees it. The worst thing he could possibly see this crappy morning. That asshole, Kamoshida, ushering Ann into his car. The hell is up with her being involved with a guy like that any way? The rage bubbling in his head translates to his eyes and face. He almost doesn’t notice that he ran past a cute looking guy.
“Dammit…Screw that pervy teacher.” Ryuji hisses out.
“Pervy teacher?” The brunet inquires in a low melodic voice. Where has Ryuji heard it before. It sounds so familiar.
The phone in the bespectacled boy’s hand starts sounding off a weird alarm, or app response. Both the boy and his phone attract the blond’s attention. He turns around and eyes the guy up. They’re about the same height. This guy has a little bit better posture than himself. He is also kind of a good boy looking person, wearing his uniform all proper n’ shit. It kinda pisses him off that this goody two shoes almost sounds like he’s mocking him. This kid really wants an ass kicking. The blonde squares up and gets up in the brunet’s face.
“…What do you want?” It comes out more like a sneer than a legitimate question. He’s almost glad that it sounds that way, maybe this guy will startle a bit and not be such a smart ass. “You plannin’ on rattin’ me out to Kamoshida?”
“Kamoshida?” The brunet seems genuinely confused, but unfazed by how gruff Ryuji was being. It’s almost impressive, but to not know who coach asshole is…
“Huh? In that car just now. It was Kamoshida.” His brown eyes narrow and betray every feeling he has for that rat bastard. “He does whatever the hell he wants.” The words keep spilling out, he doesn’t even know this kid, yet he feels comfortable telling him this shit. “Who does he think he is-the king of a castle? Don’t you agree?”
“King of a castle?” The shaggy haired boy just seems more confused.
“No, I mean…” Now he’s the one confused. Does this boy really not know? “…Wait. You don’t know Kamoshida? Are you for real?” He folds his arms across his chest and assesses this goody two shoes, know nothing guy. “You’re from Shujin, right?”
“You go to Shujin too?” The brunet’s grey eyes light up. God…where has he seen those eyes? He looks him over again. The pin on his lapel indicates 2nd year.
“A second-year, huh… We’re in the same grade then.” He can’t help but stare now. He has to remember him, for some reason this guy feels important to him. It’s not coming to him. “Never seen you before though.” His brows furrow, the brunet seems to be feeling a little awkward as well. Then it dawns on him. “Oh, you a transfer student?”
“Yeah, I just moved here a few days ago.” This guy’s smile…Ryuji can’t help but smile back at him. His heart feels just a little bit lighter. His posture relaxes.
“Then no wonder you don’t know him.” The tone of his voice is a total 180, he could probably even pass for friendly now. This day has gotten slightly better. “This rain ain’t too bad. We better hurry up, or we’ll be late.”
A violent ringing noise sounds off in both Ryuji’s and the brunet’s ears. They clutch at their foreheads in agony. Ryuji feels like he could topple over from how excruciating this headache is. What the hell is up with this? Just as this day was looking just a little better.
“Uuugh, my head hurts…” He looks up at the sky and hefts out a sigh. “Dammit… I wanna go home…” At least there he may be able to remember what the person from his dream looked like. He’s been trying to remember for weeks. Shoulda written down a description or something.
The two start their trudge toward the school. They weave through back alleys, lined with cooling fans and water pipes. The ringing sound still persists. The air doesn’t feel right at all. At least this new guy is on his heels just in case anything out of the ordinary happens. Ryuji can hear every time the brunet pauses due to the lack of splashing through the deep puddles in the walkway. He wonders if this guy feels the same way about this place. He reaches where Shujin should be…the keyword “should”, but there in its place is a big, stinking, medieval castle.
“Wha…” Ryuji is dumbfounded. There is nothing that could ever prepare him for this shit so early in the school year. What in the ever loving fuck is this?
The brunet comes rushing up the alley. At least he’s still here. He’s not alone in this crazy experience. Or rather, hopefully he isn’t alone. He would rather not be hallucinating things. He looks around, back at the alley way.
“We didn’t…come the wrong way though…” He turns back to the castle. This is the school that he’s been coming to for the past year, but it’s not. “Yeah, this should be right…” Now he’s really not so sure of himself.
Nothing is right today. Not the rain. Not the train. Not the teacher. And definitely not the school. The place is bathing in a sickeningly reddish hue. The ringing sound is persisting like no other. Everything feels totally out of whack.
“What’s going on here?” Ryuji looks at the brunet, who looks equally as nervous. Poor guy. His first day here and the school is totally fucked up. Time to suck it up and try to sound confidant. He doesn’t want this poor, cute nerd to lose his shit right now. “I guess we’ll just have to go ask.”
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lightrises · 7 years
ao3 works tag meme
got tagged for this by @feralphoenix​! i have a grand total of.... 18 works on ao3, and a number of these are collabs. so i’m not sure how revealing this will be? 8′)a but we’ll give it a go
Go to your Works page, expand all the filters, and let us know the following:
1. What are your 1st and 2nd most common ratings? Any surprises?
general audiences (12), then teen and up audiences (6). and nope, that sounds about right for me!
2. What’s your most common warning? Least common? Do you consider yourself an adventurous writer?
no archive warnings apply (14) for most, graphic depictions of violence (1) for least
wrt that last question: ehhhhhh i mean. i guess by my own vague reckoning of “adventurous” i’m not? i tend to stick to my wheelhouse of low-stakes genfic and occasional excursions into romance when i’m just making my own stuff. ntm most of my homestuck stuff was either collabs or sprung from prompts (whereas my undertale works are running at an inverse to that, so: Progress??? shrugs)
i don’t think there’s a right answer here though. if, like, you shift the question from one of content type to “hey i made stuff At All” it’s a different story. writing’s been pretty hard for me over the past few years, so any time i’m able and willing to get stuff done and put it out there, that’s... well, its own version of “adventurous” perhaps! and that doesn’t touch on how personal some of that work has been, maybe not always in obvious ways (as loud as you can make it is one of the more Clearly personal ones imo, aha)
3. How many works have you done in each relationship category? Is this more accidental or do you have preferences?
gen (15), f/m (8), f/f (2), other (2)
“gen” is kinda funny here because i do in fact love genfic A Lot, but a good chunk of mine overlap with the other categories lol.... but that’s what i tend to like best anyway when it comes to shipfic, i.e. with a lot of genfic trappings woven in. if i were more prolific you’d probably see more other and f/f works from me these days, though i’m still very much down for The Good Het too
as for the other relationships category.... haha, man. okay i’ll just, c/p this instead of typing it out:
John Egbert/Rose Lalonde (6)
John Egbert & Rose Lalonde (5)
Chara & Frisk (Undertale) (4)
Chara & Asriel Dreemurr (3)
John Egbert & Jade Harley (2)
Jade Harley & Rose Lalonde (2)
Dad Egbert/Rose's Mom | Beta Roxy Lalonde (1)
Dad Egbert & John Egbert (1)
Poppop Crocker | Alpha John Egbert & Grandma English | Alpha Jade Harley (1)
Grandma English | Alpha Jade Harley/Roxy's Mom | Alpha Rose Lalonde (1)
the only comment i’ll add is that i wish there was more “john & jade” up there!!! but That’s How It Is alas
4. What are your top 4 fandoms by numbers? Are you still active in all of them or do you tend to migrate a lot?
homestuck (12), undertale (6)
undertale’s the only one i’m active in right now, and i’m very much a “choose one (1) fandom and fix most of your attention on it for a few years” type of fan. i do think if i wrote for homestuck again i’d want it to be jaderose. The Witch’s Gambit [image heavy] pops into mind first - it’s a setting i’m still drawn to, so who knows! i’d be nice to revisit it eventually
5. What are your top 4 character tags? Does this match how you feel about the characters or are you puzzled? 
john egbert (10), rose lalonde (9), chara (5), frisk (4)
this is largely VERY fair lmao, though on the homestuck end of things i wish i’d done more with jade (ao3 says it’s 4 works - 5 if you include her cameo in I Can Barely Sleep[...] - and that’s excluding two alpha!jade fics). another note is that for some reason ao3 doesn’t rank asriel, even though he’s in 3 works and it shows both alpha!jade and alpha!john (with 2 apiece)???? Excuse Me
the chara and frisk tags might Possibly meet(exceed??) the john and rose tags in the future, but that depends on how many works i end up making! we’ll have to see how that goes in the long run
6. What are your top 2 most used additional tags, and your bottom 2? What would happen if you combined all 4 into a fic?
autistic frisk (4), illustrated (4), implied/referenced character death (2), additional warnings in author’s note (2)
God...... i guess that would either be frisk on one of the neutral routes or a prequel/follow-up to and if you court this disaster, possibly in comic form?? though tbh any work that features frisk prominently and mentions what happened to chara and/or asriel pre-game would count too
7. How many WIPs do you currently have on ao3? Any you don’t plan on finishing?
3 are listed! one of them - Tripping Toward The Light - has been complete for awhile now, at its original tumblr home; the ao3 mirror is just something we haven’t gotten around to finishing yet. 8′) “and i can’t remember the man, the panhandler or his melody” is Super old at this point and likely won’t be picked up again (rip....). what the right hand does has seemed dormant for a while, but i’ve been hacking away at the next chapter on and off and a) i finally see the light at the end of the editing tunnel for chapter 2, and b) unless something drastic happens it’s gonna be 4 times as long as the first chapter, so!!! Def Not Dead, thankfully
8. Tag 5 people!
ummm ok let’s see.. @threeley, @tehstripe, @ruination-fangs, @longroadstonowhere aaaand.... whoever else is down for it??? if you wanna go for it feel free, basically
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azaraspirit · 6 years
Post Ragnarok
I totally forgot about this little reader X Thor fic till an anon reminded me about it SO HERE IT IS. basically the reader and thor hook up after he returns from ragnarok. mild nsfw? i really grown to liking writing 2nd pov haha its so much fun! if you have any HCS or fic ideas for marvel or fill free to send them in my ask box! im kinda back into writing fanfiction now lol.
The last time you saw Thor, he was like a lion with his long beautiful golden hair. But now he was someone else. A patch rested where his eye should have been and his hair was cut. You wanted to run to him so badly but at the same time you weren’t even sure if it was him. The avengers greeted him with cheers and hugs and hand shakes, same for Bruce and someone else she didn’t know-a girl wearing armour and a blue cape. You stould there frozen, eyes focused on this man you think is Thor. The greetings were finished then his eyes-or eye-focoused on her. “Y/N.”
Yes it was him. You knew that deep voice anywhere. The rest of the team froze, all eyes on you. Slowly, Thor approached you till he could reach up and touch you but he didn’t. “You’re a sight for sore eyes-or should I say eye?” he chuckled. He’s laughing? He’s laughing when he’s been gone for so long without a single word. Anger quickly boiled inside you. Before you could stop yourself, you slapped Thor across the face. The crowd behind them gasped, Thor stared at you, feeling the sore spot on his cheek. “Uh, maybe we should leave them alone,” Bruce murmured as he motioned the team to another part of the building. “W-what was that for?” Thor asked, stunned. This wasn’t the greeting he imagined. You glared at him. “You have the nerve to make jokes after being gone for months? Without a single word?” Thor sighed, realizing his mistake. “I know, and I’m sorry about that but I had no way of contacting you.” “Bullshit.” she cursed. “Y/N.” Instantly your heart melted. Damn him and his husky voice. “Don’t do that. I want to be angry with you.” Thor cautiously rose his hand up to your cheek, caressing your skin. “Do you?” You looked into his good eye. “What happened?” you asked softly, gently stroking his patch. Suddenly your anger didn’t matter anymore. “It’s a long story.” he replied. You smiled. “I have time.” He smiled back. Well, so much for being angry. And so he told you everything that happened. “Wow.” you said as you rested his lap, your fingers laced. “Your sister sounded like a bitch.” “Yeah she kinda was.” Thor agreed. “What about you? What happened here when I was gone?” “Not much. Just more training. I could probably take you down now.” “Oh, really? You sound pretty confident.” “Because I am.” “You think you could take down the Lord of Thunder?” “I thought it was God of Thunder?” Thor shrugged. “Either one works.” You laughed. “Okay tough guy,” You slide off of his lap and get in a fighting stance, fists raised. “Let’s see what you’ve got?” Thor chuckled but decided to play along. He took the first swing but you grab his wrist and swiftly pull his arm back. “Ow! That hurt!” he wined. “Don’t be a baby.” You let go and face him again, this time he is more aware that you have infact improved in your fighting abilities. “Let me guess-Black Widow trained you.” “You know it.” He smirked. Oh shit. Maybe you weren’t suppose to have answered that. Thor smirked before quickly running up to you. He grabbed you by your waist and pinned you against the wall behind you. “What move was that?” you questioned, truly confused. “Mine.” And with that, Thor pressed his lips against yours. Your entire body froze. Every molecule in your body was confused, they didn’t know how to react. You were unsure of your relationship with Thor. You felt closer to him than the others but in a different way. You two only have kissed a few times before he left. That was months ago. Finally, your molecules burst like a firework, millions of them. That moment, you melted into the kiss, kissing back. You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him closer. Thor moaned as he caressed your cheek. After along moment, Thor pulls away, breathing heavily, smiling. Your face was redder than it ever has been. “That was...” “Amazing.” Thor finished. “So are we like dating now?” Thor gave her a confused look. “I-I’m asking because we never really talked about it and then you left...” “Oh...um...yeah I suppose you’re right...” Thor stood there awkwardly. “Can a god even be a boyfriend?” you asked. Thor laughed. “I don’t see why not?” You laughed with him and pulled him in for another kiss. Two more figures walked into the open room. “Awwwe nice to see you two kids getting along!” “Shut up, Bucky!” you shouted. “Wait I thought she was mad at him?” a confused Bruce asked, as they watched them kiss from across  the room. “Well I guess they made up.” Bucky replied. “I don’t get it.” Bruce said. Bucky rested an arm around Bruce’s shoulders. “That’s the thing about love kiddo-you don’t always understand it.” “Did you just call me kiddo?” “Yes. Yes I did. “But I’m older than you.” “That’s not the point.” Bucky stepped back and left the new couple alone. “I’m so confused right now...” Bruce mumbled to himself as he followed Bucky. The couple continued to kiss. Things were starting to get hot and heavy between them. Thor so badly wanted to remove his armor but they weren’t exactly in a private place. He managed to break their kissing, panting heavily. “Maybe we should finish this in your room?” “Good idea.” The two of you held hands as you snuck you and your new boyfriend up to your room. Surely the rest of the team would figure out what they were doing and leave you two alone. The second you closed the door, the god of thunder literally ripped off your shirt, pieced falling to the ground. “Woops, sorry about that.” “That’s okay it was your shirt anyways.” The second Thor’s upper torso was bare, you jumped onto him, wrapping your legs around his waist. The god held you like you weighed nothing as you two kissed over and over. Thor then walked over to your bed and gently lied you down on it, himself on top of you. You breathed heavily, feeling the weight of him. Your hands danced all along his body. You felt so touch starved with him being gone for so long. “I can’t stop kissing you.” Thor breathed. “Then don’t.” you purred. You two kissed for what felt like hours, the point where your lips were nearly raw. Thor might have bit your lip a few times and vise versa. Thor moved from your lips to your neck as he began to suck. You gasped. * ten minutes later. “Where are Y/N and Thor?” Steve asked as they relaxed in the common room. “Last time we saw them they were sucking face.” Bucky answered. “Really, Bucky? Sucking face?” Steve questioned. “What? They were, ask Bruce. He saw them too.” Steve looked over at Bruce. “Well they were kissing. I wouldn’t have exactly used the term ‘sucking face’ though.” “You two are no fun.” Bucky pouted. “Maybe we should check on them.” Steve suggested. “I wouldn’t.” Bucky advised. “Why not?” Steve questioned. “By the looks of things, they were heating up. Thor is probably gonna get laid.” “Again really?” “You really need to work on your vocabulary.” Bruce commented. Bucky just rolled his eyes. * But Bucky was right. Thor and Y/N both lied nude in your bed, panting heavily. “Well at least no one interrupted us.” he panted. You smiled. “Good because I would have been pissed if they did.” “What should we tell them if they asked what we did?” “We fell asleep.” “I doubt they will believe us with the hickey’s.” “Hey that was your fault. You were the one who was constantly biting my neck.” “You didn’t stop me.” Damn he had point. “Fuck. Maybe we should tell them the truth: we had sex.” Thor shrugged. “Works for me.” You rolled your eyes.
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