#botanical vocabulary
mybeingthere · 1 year
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Rithika Merchant is a visual artist from Mumbai, India (b 1986). Her work explores the common thread that runs through different cultures and religions. Similar myths, stories and ideas are shared by cultures all around the world, her paintings explore this concept while also featuring creatures and symbolism that are part of her personal visual vocabulary.
Nature plays a pivotal role in her work and is emphasised by the use of organic shapes and non saturated colours. Her paintings and collages are made using a combination of watercolour and cut paper elements, drawing on 17th century botanical prints and folk art, to create a body of work that is visually linked to our collective pasts.
“I would like the viewer to place themselves in my work, regardless of where they are from,” says Merchant. “The figures in my works are also deliberately free of any race, gender, or ethnicity. I tend to be drawn to symbols that are universally recognizable and not culturally specific—like the eye, the sun, the moon, and botanical imagery in general.”
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kings-roar · 5 months
credit card: prologue
summary: Yuu gets invited on their first journey to one of their schoolmates’ hometowns! But with the meager allowance given by that stingy headmage, they don’t think they have enough to cover the travel. Luckily for them, they’re dating a super rich (and surprisingly generous) boyfriend. notes: this is part one of my series: credit card! details/warnings: gender-neutral pronouns, yuu instead of y/n, adult!yuu, established relationship, leoyuu, follows EN server
ao3 link: xxx
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It was on a lazy Friday evening in the botanical gardens when Yuu was approached by an energetic ball of energy, otherwise known as Kalim Al-Asim, and his childhood companion Jamil. Yuu looks up just as Kalim barrels into them with a hug. They laugh as Jamil begins to scold Kalim, reminding the latter to be aware of boundaries, something that is hardly in the young heir’s vocabulary.
“How can I help you, Kalim?” The prefect moves their homework to the side as they reciprocate the second year’s hug.
“We’re going on a trip!” he exclaims excitedly. Yuu tilts their head to the side.
“Oh? Well, congrats! I hope you have fun.”
“What are you talking about? You’re coming with us!”
‘… Huh?’
“Kalim,” Jamil’s voice sounds tired as he places a hand on his classmate’s shoulder. “You can’t just tell someone they’re going somewhere. You have to ask them first.”
“Oh, right! Well, Yuu, do you wanna come home with us?”
Jamil smacks a hand to his forehead as Yuu continues to become more and more confused. What does he mean, “come home with us”? Is Crowley kicking them out of the campus? Did Grim do something whilst with the Heartslabyul duo? Yuu thought they could trust those two, but maybe they were wrong.”
“It’s nothing like that,” Jamil explains with a tired sigh. “Kalim and I are heading back home, to the Scalding Sands, for the Yasamina River Fireworks Fest.”
“And since you’re from another world, I’d love to show you my hometown, Yuu!” Kalim adds with a beaming smile. “We got six VIP seats, so you and Grim can both tag along! Oh, maybe I should hit up the guys from my Pop Music club too!”
“Wait a minute, you are one of the organizers of the event, Kalim, and as your attendant, I will also be at your side. Inviting Grim and Yuu last minute is one thing, but adding even MORE people whilst we’re busy is too much.”
“It’ll be fine, Jamil! The more the merrier, as they say. Besides, They can take care of their own, right?” Kalim looks towards Yuu with shining, puppy-dog eyes.
“Um, sure.” they nod hesitantly. “But what about the cost? As you can probably guess, Crowley isn’t really on the generous side…”
“Well, the seats for the festival are covered by your tickets. The street food is pretty cheap though! Maybe you could ask the headmage to lend you some more money?”
“Eh, I doubt he’d agree. Grim is also a really big eater.”
Suddenly, a figure jumps down from the tree Yuu was leaning against. The Scarabia duo jumps in surprise, whilst the prefect merely smiled. The figure, ignoring his two underclassmen, ruffles Yuu’s head lightly before sitting down beside them. His long tail curls around Yuu’s wrist as he yawns.
“Hey, Leona-senpai!” Kalim’s the first to recover from the unexpected guest. “Can’t believe I didn’t notice you up in that tree.”
“‘Course you didn’t,” the beastman smirks. “An herbivore like you would never be able to detect a beastman like me.” The comment doesn’t hold much malice in it, if any, and Kalim continues as if nothing happened.
“Well, anyway, were you able to hear everything? Do you wanna come with us?”
“What? Leona-senpai is a classmate of ours! Besides, it would be rude not to invite him after hearing us invite Yuu and Grim.”
Leona yawns again as he nestles himself closer to his favourite human, who also happens to be his partner. His eyes are only half open, a sign that he’s just about ready to fall asleep once again.
“A trip to the Scalding Sands? I’ll pass; not a huge fan of large crowds. But if you wanna go, Yuu…” He stares into his lover’s eyes, waiting for a response. The prefect gives it a thought before answering.
“Hm, well I would like to go, since the festival is a once-a-year event. After all, who knows if I’ll be here to experience it again.”
Leona ignores the twinge in his heart at the thought of his favourite herbivore leaving his side, opting instead to reach into his pocket. He takes out a leather wallet, opening it with one hand and expertly fishing out a thin object. The prince places it gently into Yuu’s hand and quickly tucks away his wallet.
“There, now you can enjoy yourself without worrying. Just don’t let that little weasel see it. He might think this means he can spend on whatever without thinking.”
Yuu’s eyes widen as they unfurl their hand, their gaze falling on a shiny black credit card embellished with gold printed words. LEONA KINGSCHOLAR bedazzles the front, and a shiny crown emblem is stamped at the end of his name. The name of some unknown bank, as well as other details, dot the rest of the card. They flip it over and over, studying it carefully to make sure it’s real. Kalim and Jamil’s faces are also aghast as they recognize the card.
“WOAH!” Kalim gasps. “Is that a black card?! I have one too!”
From the sounds of Kalim’s voice, a black card seems exceptionally rare. Perhaps only the rich and royalty could own one. Either way, Yuu remained quite shocked at the mere fact that Leona trusted them enough to loan them his card. After all, he’s a prince! If Yuu ended up misplacing the card, and it got into the wrong hands, then who knows what could happen to THE prince of Sunset Savanna if his royal funds were taken.
“See? You’re all set now. Now hurry up and leave. You’re digging into my date time.”
“All you’re doing is sleeping…” Jamil mumbles, though it still reaches the beastman’s ears. “Whatever. Let’s go, Kalim. Because of you, I have to rearrange a bunch of things.”
“I’ll pass the news onto Grim for ya, Yuu! Be sure to be at the Mirror in the morning!” Kalim waves to the prefect and beastman as he’s dragged off by Jamil.
Once they’re gone, Leona gently brings Yuu closer to him, nuzzling his face into the crook of their neck. The prefect smiles and softly begins to brush their fingers through the prince’s brown locks, eliciting a pleased noise from the back of his throat.
“Thanks for trusting me with your card, Leona. I’ll be sure to keep it safe and use it wisely.”
“‘s all good,” Leona’s words come out slurred, the familiar and comforting scent of the gardens and his love lulling him back into dreamland. “Just want you to enjoy yourself.”
Leona finally falls asleep, and Yuu joins him once they’ve packed all their things. Trying to do homework now would be futile, it seems. The two peacefully slumber in each other’s embrace for the next hour or so, until Grim and Ruggie came to bring them back to their dorms for curfew.
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bibliocharlie · 2 years
Weekend activities that cultivate your mind:
go to a local museum or gallery. observe everything — other patrons, the art, the information, whatever you can learn
find a coffee shop along a busy street and order something special. sit at a table near a window or on the patio and people watch
pick up a book from your local bookstore and read it in its entirety. notice how you feel before, during, and after.
clean your space. (happy space, happy mind)
go for a mini-trip. find a new city a few hours away and travel there. while you’re there, do at least one thing you’d not normally do in your own city
eat a meal at a fancy restaurant by yourself.
grab your journal and write down in detail everything about your “ideal self”. act like that person from here on out
have a movie-marathon with a docu-series! really pay attention to what is happening
grab a copy of the local newspaper and read it. staying on top of local news is so important
volunteer for a local food bank or clothing drive
go to the botanical gardens. bring a plant ID book with you and your journal and look up and document the plants you don’t know
spend time with your friends.
call your mom (or anyone you need to catch up with) and ask how they’re doing. really listen to what’s going on in their life. pay attention
go through your closet and donate what you no longer wear. remember, if it doesn’t align with your dream self, it’s not serving you anymore
write a letter or a poem or a short story. really pay attention to grammar and vocabulary. see what you need to brush up on
feel free to reblog and add some of your own!
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elbiotipo · 6 months
We should make the world language a conlang that isn't eurocentric. I think combining the vocabulary of Mandarin, Arabic, Hindustani, Malay, Latin/English, Swahili, Nahuatl and Quechua would be the best way to go about it.
Yeah, Esperanto and Interlingua are basically "all (Western) European languages together", why not add some variety? Come on.
I've tried to learn Mandarin and I'm surprised at how economic it is with its words and sounds, the verbs just make sense, it flows very well. The tones are very hard to learn to someone who isn't used to it and it's very fast paced, but I find it interesting to learn because it's very distant from Indoeuropean languages (learning English as a Spanish speaker was "easier" because of that, especially because English is perhaps the most 'latinized' Germanic language because of the Normans)
I don't really thing a conlang will ever be able to impose itself as a world language, but I'm of the theory that "World English" will eventually be shaped by second-language speakers rather than those of the "Anglosphere", eventually diverging from UK or US speaking to become a whole new language. That is, of course, if it continues to be the world language, and given that the US might eventually fall from its spot as world hegemon (IMPERIO EN DECADENCIA) other language might take its place.
Of course, I'm still saying it should be Latin. It's a shame that scientific papers aren't published in Latin anymore. Even by the mid XXth century some plants were STILL being described in Botanical Latin, and I don't mean "scientific names" I mean that the description itself, all the organs and habits of the plant, were published in Latin. They don't do that anymore, but it was so cool.
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cognitohazardous · 1 year
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the website we use in my botany class to write papers is so underqualified and it doesn't recognize basically any botanical vocabulary AND the stupid "AI" grading system takes off points whenever it thinks i get a word wrong and i used so many botanical words it fucked my grade so hard.. and it gets mad at me for using "too much formatting" when I type the scientific name of a genus or species in italics too often (which i have to do a lot because thats the whole point of the paper!!!!) and it gives me a lot of vague criticisms that it doesn;'t elaborate on like how my sentence flow could use improvement (even though right below it it said my sentence flow was perfect??) and how i need more paragraph breaks (even though if i added any more it wouldnt have made sense)
im gonna fucking!!!!!!!!!!!!
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mia-studyhaus · 2 years
5 Minutes, 5 Words - #71
Predilection /ˌpriːdɪˈlɛkʃᵊn/ (n.) - a preference or special liking for something; a bias in favour of something.
The boutique owner had a predilection for placing fresh daisies at the shop entrance every morning.
Venerable /ˈvɛnərəbᵊl/ (adj.) - accorded a great deal of respect, especially because of age, wisdom, or character.
Mr. John was chosen to be the company's advisor, because of his venerable profile attributed to many years of industry experience.
Voracious /vəˈreɪʃəs/ (adj.) - wanting or devouring great quantities of food.
After a 6 hour hike in the morning, me and my friends were voracious
Anachronism /əˈnækrənɪzm/ (n.) - a thing belonging or appropriate to a period other than that in which it exists, especially a thing that is conspicuously old-fashioned.
Jenny's Victorian-inspired fashion in the ultra modern town she lives in is an anachronism.
Herbaceous /ˈhɛrətɪk/ (adj.) - denoting or relating to herbs (in the botanical sense).
The herbaceous plants made a unique addition to Sita's home garden.
Definitions from: Oxford Languages.
IPA Phonetic Transcription (UK English) from: tophonetics.com
Sentences are fictitious, though they may be based on real issues.
Follow @studyhaus for more vocabulary content!
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do-easy-art · 9 months
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San Francisco's Legion of Honneur museum offers a dazzling selection of Guo Pei’s magnificent haute couture gowns created from 2006 to the present. Considered to be the first Chinese haute couturier, Guo Pei grew up during the Chinese Cultural Revolution, a tumultuous period where anything belonging to China’s Imperial past - traditions, script, literature, arts and antiquities, family histories and property - were all forbidden or destroyed. With an inexhaustible vocabulary of traditional motifs (lotus, Buddha, dragon, lilies, peacocks) woven onto sumptuous gold thread, “Guo Pei creates a fantasy that fuses the influences of China’s imperial past, decorative arts, European architecture, and the botanical world.” As imposing as the garments are, they also seem to poke fun at the spiritual and cultural weight of couture and Chinese traditional values. In several of her architecture series pieces, she uses bamboo strips, a material usually used as throwaway building scaffolding, in constructing Edwardian-style hoop skirts with boned corsets. In another couple of pieces from the same collection, she references Gothic cathedrals in monochrome embroidery on silk gauze: One can see pointed arches, flying buttresses, and stained glass sections placed where the wearer’s chest would be. Formerly reserved by law for the royal court, yellow silk dragons make their appearance time and again over gowns, deconstructed epaulets, even chaps held up by gold ribbons.
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whatpennymade · 6 months
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Back in time for the gardening season!
Broaden your botanical vocabulary with The Garden Alphabet. A coloring book with bouquets for every letter. 💐
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wolfbrawn · 4 months
❛  fervent .   to  have  sex  with  my  muse  after  a  fight .
Farkas despised battles of words. He was too slow in speech, too lacking in vocabulary to express the feelings that clawed their way out of his chest. What he could not voice was instead written into the features of his weathered, war painted face. Anger sprouted from hurt – that ugly, barbed seed – and left him seething.
Fortune had been on his side. A job had taken him deep into the pine-soaked, misty vales of Falkreath. As he made his return, nursing bloodied and bruises knuckles, he had caught their scent. Carried on a wind wet with the threat of rain – pipe smoke and leather, liquor and botanicals he could not name. In the moment it tickled his nose, he imagined he could still taste his own blood, that which had been spilled during their final, flint-edged kiss.
His hunt ended in confrontation, in a reunion that burned white-hot, bringing them to a violent boil beneath boughs of dew-painted trees.
“You left.” Farkas snarled, pricked by the abandonment, by the rejection. The cut on his neck had healed in a thin red line – a parting gift from Dionisia’s blade – but it was the unseen and bloodless wounds that stung most sharply. “You left me.”
Fury simmered in his blood, a fire that spilled too easily into passion. He could not say exactly how he ended up kissing them, ferociously, skinning them like a rabbit. The tug and peel of leather saw their breeches bunched at their calves, their mound left bare. Farkas dropped to his aching knees, sinking into that thick carpet of pine needles, burying his face at the apex of their thighs, their cunt beneath the blade of his tongue.
Wicked, clever fingers dragged through the wild tangle of his hair, nails scraping against his scalp, scratching him like spurs. Farkas growled, turned his mouth to their thighs, feasting on blue-violet flesh. Teeth left them bruised and love-bitten, the coarse drag of his short beard giving rise to a dusky, moon-shadow flush.
Still unsatisfied, he soon dragged them down onto the damp earth and turned them about, using his strength to shamelessly position their limbs, their body, until they were on hands and knees. Thick, eager fingers then fumbled beneath his leather tassets, plucking at the strangling ties of his breeches until they loosened, until he was able to pull them down. Farkas was on them in an instant, mounting them in the manner of a stray mutt-dog. Rudely, he stuffed his aching cock inside them, his bear-paw hands seizing their hips, heaving them back onto every desperate thrust. It made for a furious rut, among the leaf litter and fungus, among all things green and mossy.
Breath escaped from between Farkas’ clenched teeth in ragged exhalations, steam leaking from the chinks in his steel armour as the fever of his blood burned bright and hot. He drove himself into them as though this physical joining would be enough to keep them united, as though the warm wet of their arousal would be enough to glue them together.
A broad hand curled around the back of their neck before thinking better of it, instead snaking around to hold their throat. There he squeezed, he lifted, bending them back until their back arched like a drawn bow. He wanted them looking at him. He wanted the intimacy of being face-to-face. Reflexively, his unoccupied palm rubbed over their thrust-out chest, seeking the apples of their breasts, only to be denied by the leather cuirass they still wore.
“Didn’t you miss this? Didn’t you miss us – ?”
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jonquilyst · 6 months
OC question of the day!
If you could make a character real, which of your OCs would be:
your bestie
your spouse/partner
your secret lover!
your friendly rival
your enemy!
BONUS: do this for other people’s OCs too!
Pass the game along (anonymously or not)
Aaa ty for the ask!! 💖 I read your response to this ask and when I saw you sent me this ask too I was so excited!!
My characters (The Runaway):
Bestie: Definitely and without a doubt Eva. Her character/personality is actually inspired off of my childhood best friend so it makes sense. I feel like our personalities would mesh really well together
Spouse/partner: I'll answer this as a "who I'd marry," and while I should pick another character, I think this character would also be Eva. I think we'd have good chemistry and she would do a great job in making sure I'm happy and healthy (a dynamic similar to Jayden and Megyn!) but alas... she is a fictional character and she is my creation. Maybe one day I'll meet someone like her though 💖
Secret lover: Assuming this one means a character who'd have a crush on me. If he weren't already with Megyn, I think Jayden would have a crush on me. However, I probably wouldn't reciprocate feelings. I think he's more compatible with Megyn anyways!
Friendly rival: I think Wyatt would be my friendly rival because both of us are pretty nerdy and I could see us going back and forth about science-related trivia. While they would win in the botanical/plants part of the spectrum (Wyatt is massively into plants and botany) I think I could probably win with other science trivia!
Enemy: Since my only character that's actually unlikable is Nick, it's a no-brainer, but besides him (since he is Megyn's abuser and is meant to be hated on) I think Robin and I wouldn't really get along the best (at least at first)
Your Characters (The Harpers)
Ok, I'm gonna do your characters next!!
Bestie: My ultimate bestie from your legacy is Le Chat. Hands down without a doubt. He may be a cat but I absolutely adore him. He's my favorite Harper. He's got style, class, and most importantly: moi thinks he haz dee greatest vocabulary!
Spouse/Partner: Heathcliff is my man. That man is so smoking... I love him. I'm a music lover too... 👉👈
Secret Lover: Hmm... It's a bit hard to say since there's so many characters, but I think Paris would be most likely to have a crush on me!
Friendly Rival: Logan bc even though I adore him, I can't forget that I put him through a bunch of crazy challenges in a reality show called Total Drama Sims! But maybe he'd like me if I didn't do that to him...
Enemy: As much as I love Xavier (and how hot he is too) I can't deny he's an asshole and we'd likely hate each other...
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mybeingthere · 2 months
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Rithika Merchant is a visual artist from Bombay (Mumbai), India. Her work explores both comparative mythology as well as science and speculative fiction, featuring creatures and symbolism that are part of her personal visual vocabulary. She creates bodies of work that visually link to our collective past as well as imagine possible new worlds which we may come to inhabit.
Nature plays a pivotal role in her work and is emphasised by the use of organic shapes and non saturated colours. Her paintings and collages are made using a combination of watercolour and cut paper elements, drawing on 17th century botanical prints and folk art.
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benkyoutobentou · 6 months
31 Days of Productivity Reading: Day twenty six
Before: I’m going to the bookstore today! The next volume of Guardian by Priest comes out in English today so I’ll be picking that up and using the opportunity to study some more. I should probably study Japanese today, though…
I don’t really have any other goals for today. Based on the amount of pages I have left in ベルばら, even if I only read for my minimum hour I should still have time to read some 憎らしい彼.
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After: Second chamomile harvest of the season! My first harvest is still drying so I haven't had any tea from my garden yet, but I'm very excited for that day to come!
I also finally started a new anime today after feeling like there just wasn't anything I wanted to watch for quite some time. I'm watching 美少年探偵団 now! I read the book a few years back and it was honeslty a supremely bizarre experience. It was the first book I ever read in Japanese, it was extremely difficult to get through (and would probably still be hard for me, based on what others in the book club had said), and I think the majority of us in the book club, myself included, didn't realize going into it that it was a parody novel. I suddenly remembered that it had an anime adaptation, and absolutely had to watch it. Knowing the original, watching it is so much fun. It's supremely ridiculous in every single way and, personally, I find that to be a bonus, especially going in expecting it. And afterwards, I had a dog and a cat laying in my lap, so I couldn't just get up. Luckily I had planned to be trapped in my seat and wasn't caught without my book, so I also got some reading in.
I also had a bit too much success at the book store. In addition to my usual book store study time, I went for Guardian and ended up picking up A Botanical Daughter by Noah Medlock as well. I knew that there was a book I had looked up recently that was in stock at my store, but couldn't remember what it was. As soon as I saw this, though, I knew that that was the one for me. And while I'm thinking of it, I'm going to put some of my books on my tbr into the little free library near my house. There are a couple that I just don't see myself reading anymore, and I would rather free up that space to house books I actually want to read.
I finished ベルサイユのばら volume two today! I read 69 pages over an hour and one minute for an average reading pace of 1.1 pages per minute. So, I guess I was wrong about being able to finish the volume in under an hour, but I still have time in the day to get to more reading tonight. I think it's fair to say now that my average reading pace with this series is a page per minute, which is actually really nice in giving myself a close estimate as to how long a single volume is going to take me. Also, even with just two volumes under my belt, I'm noticing that I'm getting used to the style and vocabulary of the series. I'm looking up less words as I see the same ones appear and reappear.
I'm already thinking about what manga I want to read tomorrow, and I think I might jump ship to another series... This is why I read so many one shots and 2-3 volume series; I just can't stick to one thing long term unless I'm a little bit too obsessed. I'm a one volume at a time type of person.
Even though I didn't get a whole lot of time to read 憎らしい彼 today, I did read some! I read eight pages today over thirty eight minutes, for an average reading pace of 4.75 minutes per page. That's certainly not my best reading pace, but it id getting pretty late, so that might be slowing down my pace. My total reading time for the day was an hour and thirty nine minutes.
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stardust-swan · 2 years
My New Year's Resolutions for 2023
Read a book every fortnight
Visit art galleries and museums regularly
Walk at least 10k steps each day
Go to the gym regularly
Make one new dish each week
Play the violin for at least 30 minutes each day
Take a new evening class
Dedicate at least an hour per week for learning Arabic, French, and Irish
Take a day out each week for pampering. Face masks, exfoliating, microneedling, epilating, mani-pedi, etc. Complete with a lit Yankee Candle and my Aphrodite playlist on.
Give back to the community. Join the neighbourhood litter collection group and volunteer at the Town soup kitchen, if possible
Improve my art skills; paint more, learn new crochet stitches (try to do at least one small project per month), start embroidery, learn to use my Polaroid camera and take it out to pretty places, like the Botanical Gardens
Dress chicly every day, even when staying indoors. Pyjamas and hoodies no more; wear jeans, jumpers, blouses, dresses, and skirts, and at least eyebrow pencil and lip gloss.
Watch one girly movie and one documentary each week
Journal at least once a week
Get the "likes," "ums," and slang words out of my vocabulary for good!
Buy a notebook and write poetry at least once a month
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vex-bittys · 2 years
Bittybones Chapter 8: Organics and Botanicals (part 1)
The phrase "the more, the merrier" clearly does not extend to bittybone adoption, a fact which I learned on the drive home from the bitty convention. First I had to politely ask Phantom not to smoke in enclosed spaces when he took out a pack of bitty sized cigarettes. Who even makes teeny, tiny cigarettes anyway? Next, I chastised my jealous little Edgy and Brassberry bittys because their combined glower power was well over 9000 and aimed directly at Phantom.
(he deserved it)
That's when the swearing started. The source of the swearing? One adorable, innocent-looking Yanberry with an impressive vocabulary of wildly inappropriate language.
(enough to make an edgy proud)
Little Buttons the Blank bitty stared, sockets wide with admiration as the freckle-faced gremlin described everything as an [adjective] ass [noun], used f-bombs in a grammatically correct format for almost every single word in a sentence, and loudly suggested that an aggressive driver should do things that were both physically impossible and legally frowned upon with graphic detail. Now, I myself am known to use an occasional ass expletive to tell some fucker what they can do with their own genitalia and mother (go momma!), but I knew I would have to have a conversation with Yanberry about reining it in… a lot. 
The last thing I want is for sweet, innocent Buttons to start talking like a sailor at a swearing competition. 
Gigi covered her mouth with her hand, trying to muffle her laughter as I explained that Yanberry would have to censor his language. The deceptively cute little bastard then proceeded to go through his entire repertoire of vulgarity, asking me one at a time and alphabetically if each individual word or phrase was acceptable. It took every scrap of patience that I had, plus a 30 year, high interest patience loan to deal with the utter and unrivaled sass. Maybe I should have adopted several more Edgy bittys instead.
(she looked like she might explode. it was great.)
Red and Brassberry cackled like hyenas at Yanberry's antics until Phantom decided to give me a comforting kiss on the back of my hand. Suddenly my two jelly skellies decided that a round of no-holds barred, every bitty for himself wrestling death match would be a fun travel activity (it was!). I quickly put a stop to it (boo) just as we pulled up in front of the house.
Yanberry, Buttons, Jealous 1 (me!), Jealous 2 (Why can't I be Jealous 1?), and Phantom all opted to ride in my infinity scarf for the best vantage point going into the house. After getting them somewhat situated, I gathered my shopping bags and peeked into the basket carrier to check on my last two bittys.
Corvus the Kara bitty gave a sleepy "koo~" before snuggling back down into the nest he'd made from the soft blankets inside. I spotted two itsy, bitsy slipper-clad feet sticking out from under the nest.
Apparently Corvus thought little Softbones was some sort of egg in need of incubation. Cute! I lifted the basket into my arms and headed into the house. We were fine. Everything was just fine. Nothing to see here, especially if I deliberately choose not to see it.
I pretended that Red hadn't just shoved his little hands in Brassy's face. 
I pretended that Brassy didn’t bite one of the offending hands.
I pretended not to hear an already-long-suffering sigh from Phantom.
I pretended that Yanberry didn't let out a string of creative curses about his "awesome ass new home."
I pretended that Buttons didn't quietly repeat one of the words in a tone of wonderment.
We were all going to be one big happy family.
What have I gotten myself into?
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alphaman99 · 10 months
Georgie and Mikey
Weekend activities that cultivate your mind:
go to a local museum or gallery. observe everything — other patrons, the art, the information, whatever you can learn
find a coffee shop along a busy street and order something special. sit at a table near a window or on the patio and people watch
pick up a book from your local bookstore and read it in its entirety. notice how you feel before, during, and after.
clean your space. (happy space, happy mind)
go for a mini-trip. find a new city a few hours away and travel there. while you’re there, do at least one thing you’d not normally do in your own city
eat a meal at a fancy restaurant by yourself.
grab your journal and write down in detail everything about your “ideal self”. act like that person from here on out
have a movie-marathon with a docu-series! really pay attention to what is happening
grab a copy of the local newspaper and read it. staying on top of local news is so important
volunteer for a local food bank or clothing drive
go to the botanical gardens. bring a plant ID book with you and your journal and look up and document the plants you don’t know
spend time with your friends.
call your mom (or anyone you need to catch up with) and ask how they’re doing. really listen to what’s going on in their life. pay attention
go through your closet and donate what you no longer wear. remember, if it doesn’t align with your dream self, it’s not serving you anymore
write a letter or a poem or a short story. really pay attention to grammar and vocabulary. see what you need to brush up on
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study-with-aura · 1 year
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Thursday, August 31, 2023
Today was mostly all reviewing, reading, and working on projects with my school work. My grandparents helped me review my lit vocab and Spanish vocab. I'm so happy they are here. I have not seen them in a very long time it feels like.
Tasks Completed:
Geometry - Review
Lit and Comp II - Reviewed vocabulary + started my analyzing poetry project + read Chapter 10 of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Spanish 2 - Read a selection in Spanish + answered questions
Bible I - Read Genesis 26
World History - Read Greek and Roman key terms + read about the Minoans and the Bronze Age + read about the Trojan War + answered questions
Biology with Lab - Answered questions on the scientific method
Foundations - Read quotes on boldness + took a quiz on Read Theory + read through the first section of a paper on student strategies
Practice - Practiced assigned pieces for 30 minutes and worked on memorization
Khan Academy - Completed Unit 3: Lesson 2 of 9th-grade reading and vocabulary
Duolingo - Completed one lesson each in Spanish, French, and Chinese
Activities of the Day:
Botanical Gardens again
What I’m Grateful for Today:
I'm grateful that I have grandparents that I love spending time with.
Quote of the Day:
How many things would you attempt if you knew you could not fail?
-Robert H. Schuller
🎧Canon in D Major - Johann Pachelbel
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