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nickdewolfarchive · 4 months ago
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boston, massachusetts april 1970
anti-war rally, boston common
photograph by nick dewolf https://www.flickr.com/photos/dboo/52083188164
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knowledgemixx · 3 months ago
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davidsaulacosta · 2 years ago
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Boston Common on Memorial Day Weekend
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thisliterarylife · 2 years ago
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city details #boston #bostonliving #exploreboston #mybostonuncovered #bostoncommon #bostonphotographer #canonrebel #travelgram #travelblogger #travelgram #lightacademia #lightacademiaaesthetic #urbanpark #sunsshine #cityliving #citylife #citygram #citygrammers #newengland #newenglandliving #restaurant #bostonrestaurants #mariel #artdeco #signs #neonsign https://www.instagram.com/p/CpssLlOP_2g/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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conexaoamerica · 1 year ago
Boston 🇺🇲
➢ Credit 👉🏆🎥 @jackdarylphotography
➢ Follow 👉 🇺🇸@conexao.america for more photos and movies about United States 🇺🇸
➢ Alliance @america_states @enjoy_la_ @latinbrazil
➢ ✈ Tag your best US photo with the tag #conexaoamerica or @conexao.america for a chance to be featured.
#boston #bostoncommon #bostonsunset #igersboston #igboston #bostondotcom #bostonusa #igersmass #igersnewengland ⁣ #massachusetts #newengland
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ai-satires · 2 years ago
2022 inside First class Acela Amtrak Boston to NYC train. Both stations criminal low lives outside. Acela Amtrak train first class Boston south station to New York Penn station. *** These folks were nice, mom was sleeping and her kid is knocked out...teenagers! Anyways we splurged for first class and it was worth it! If you can, do it. And take Acela, saves about an hour. ***
#acela  @amtrak  #amtrak #pennstation #southstationboston #northstation #nypd #nypdfinest #nyccrime #migrants #nycmigrants #migrantcrisis #bordercrossing #bordercrisis #pretamanger #newyork  #newyorkcity #newyorker #newyork_instagram #newyorknewyork #supremenewyork #ilovenewyork #newyork_ig #newyorkfashionweek #newyorklife #newyorkfashion #topnewyorkphoto #timeoutnewyork #newyorkart #newyorkphotographer #newyorkyankees #upstatenewyork #newyorkstateofmind #newyorkstyle #newyorkhairstylist #newyorkhair #newyorktimes #thisisnewyorkcity #newyorkers #newyorkcitylife #eatingnewyork #newyorklike #newyorkgiants #wildnewyork #dogsofnewyork #unlimitednewyork #newyorkknicks #newyorkstate #sareesnewyork #newyorkartist #newyorkmodels #picturesofnewyork #newyorkphoto #newyorkcomiccon #igersnewyork #thebigapple #bushwick #what_i_saw_in_nyc #ilovenyc #nycity #newyork #manhattan #brooklyn #newyorkcity #ny #seeyourcity #instagramnyc #newyork_instagram #icapture_nyc #ig_nycity #nycprimeshot #loves_nyc #instagram #travellingthroughtheworld #newyorkarea #travelnyc #timeoutnewyork #beautifuldestinations #nyloveyou #likenewyorkcity #newyorker #nycityworld #ny1pic #thisisnewyorkcity #what_i_saw_in_nyc #online_newyork #dream_new_york #beautiful_manhattan #nypostnyc #tlpicks #canonusa #humnewyork #newyorkcitykopp #nyc #newyorkarchitectural #newyorkcrime #nyccrime #nyctours #thingstodonyc #mayoradams #nycmayor #dumbo #brookyln #spymuseum #lyft #uber #lyftnyc #ubernyc #americanmuseumofnaturalhistory #centralparkConservatory #Conservatorywaterpond  #Conservatorywater #centralpark #centralparkboatpond #centralparkpond #waterConservatory  #mayorbloomberg #bloomberg  @mayorbloomberg   #bostoncommons .#boston #bostonterrier  #bostontours #travelboston #thingstodoboston #bostonterriersofinstagram #bostonterrierlove #igersboston #bostonterriers #bostonstrong #bostonterriercult #igboston #bostonterriersforever #bostonterrierlife #bostonblogger #bostonmarathon #bostonceltics #bostonterrierpuppy #bostonfoodies #bostondotcom #bostonterriergram #bostonma #bostonredsox #bostonphotographer #bostonterriersofig #bostonterriernation #bostonterrierofinstagram #bostonterrier_feature #bostonusa #bostoneats #bostonsofinstagram #bostonbruins #followingboston #prayforboston #iheartboston #dogsofboston #bostonterrieroverload #bostonterriersrule #bostonlove #bostonfood #bostonterrierpics #bostons #bostonhair #boston #massachusetts #newengland #usa #love  #igboston  #bostonma  #celtics #redsox  #igersboston  #bostonceltics #travel #art #bostondotcom
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colonialcapitaltours · 2 years ago
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Boston's history comes alive on the historic 2.5 mile long trail that passes through 16 historic locations. Extending from Boston Common through Boston's North End, The Freedom Trail, marked by its iconic red bricks, is a unique collection of museums, churches, meeting houses, burying grounds, parks, a ship, and historic markers that tell the story of the American Revolution and beyond. 🗺Colonial Capital Tours ☎️ 800.334.3754 💻 www.ColonialCapitalTours.com 📧 [email protected] #studenttours #schooltrips #grouptours #educationaltours #fieldtrips #daytrips #classtrips #onedaytrips #studentgroups #schoolgroups #schoolgroupoutings #educationalstudenttours #nycdoevendor #seniortrips #multidaytrips #studenttrips #schoolprincipal #highschoolprincipal #hsprincipal #middleschoolprincipal #principal #nycprincipal #doevendor #freedomtrail #boston #thefreedomtrail #americanrevolution #americanhistory #ushistory #colonialcapitaltours #history #Bostoncommon
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clopez120683 · 2 years ago
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2 more miles down for my #Rucksackchallenge #48miles Checked out #mlkmemorial #mission22 @bostoncommon (at Boston, Massachusetts) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpbocieO-yQUUxjKP9G-1OdjAdGn8xp5svACuk0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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caitsith810 · 2 years ago
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Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority 2017 New Flyer XDE40 "Xcelsior" Hybrid 1886 on the 9. #boston #massachusetts #bostonma #bostonmassachusetts #downtown #downtownboston #copleysquare #copleysquareboston #mbta #mbtabus #massachusettsbaytransportationauthority #newflyer #newflyerindustries #bus #hybridbus #transit #transportation #ig_boston #bostonusa #bostoncommon #boston_igers #ig_massachusetts #massachusetts_igers #massachusettsphotography #bostonphotography #busesofinstagram #buses #metro (at Copley Square) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cmn_bqYOQYY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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daartistznt · 2 years ago
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Thanks for the shout out! @yellowandpartners I am still elated about being a part of this project and the amazing work that is happening @king_boston_19651 ・・・ A Beautiful Day …
 at The Magic Fence.at The Magic Fence.#imaginingthepossible

 @embracebos The Embrace Memorial Fence Wrap Art Commission is up! - come visit this public art on @The Boston Common by:
 @rixyfz @daartistznt @tranvuarts 

 Celebrating these local artists from neighborhoods across Boston.
 💛💛💛💛💛💛 #yellowandpartners #inresidency #creativeconsultancy #socialimpact #multidisciplinary #brandevolution #design #imaginingthepossible #embraceboston #embracememorialfencewrap #localbostonartists #bostonartists #bostoncommon
#yellowandpartners #inresidency #creativeconsultancy #socialimpact #multidisciplinary #brandevolution #design #imaginingthepossible https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj_WYMtvHZl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Pregnancy IS a life-threatening condition for many, many people - and with such a racial disparity in care and access, this is far more prevalent for Black pregnant people. In the two videos after the picture, please listen to the amazing @phdiva0618 as she discusses the incredible work @mother_lab is doing to improve reproductive care and maternal outcomes for Black pregnancies. #bansoffourbodies #reproductiverights #reproductivehealth #abortionrights #abortion #freedomofchoice #bodilyautonomy #blackmotherhood #blackmaternalhealth #prochoice #reproductivejustice #abortionishealthcare #healthcareisahumanright #mybodymychoice #bostoncommon #bodilyautonomy #abortionban https://www.instagram.com/p/CdtHe85u3qh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fabceleby · 3 years ago
Tasha Smith Net Worth 2022: Kids and Career
Tasha Smith is an actress, director, and producer of American nationality. Tasha is considered one of the most successful actresses of all time. She has achieved her wealth by being a successful producer as well.
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Tasha Smith is an actress, director, and producer of American nationality. Tasha is considered one of the most successful actresses of all time. She has achieved her wealth by being a successful producer as well.
Source: fabceleby.com
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doug-peabody · 3 years ago
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Oh! Christmas tree... One of the many yearly gifts to the people of Boston, Massachusetts from the people of Nova Scotia, Canada (for more Info on this tradition see @treeforboston . . . #christmastree #christmastrees #christmastreesofinstagram #christmastree🎄 #christmastreedecorating #christmastreedecorations #christmastreefarm #treeforboston #novascotia #canada #bostoncommon #boston #bostonmassachusetts #massachusetts #ma #newengland #processed #tiltshift (at Boston Common) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXHumR6spGg/?utm_medium=tumblr
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thisliterarylife · 2 years ago
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love a good snowfall #boston #bostonig #bostonliving #snowfall #december #winter #winterweather #wintermusic #goldenhour #cityliving #cityscape #travelgram #travelblog #bostoncommon #urbanpark #bostonarchitecture #newenglandliving #newenglandwinter #vintage #vintagevibes #lightacademia #lightacademiaaesthetic https://www.instagram.com/p/CmXhbIKPFnD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ai-satires · 2 years ago
*** The ONLY time to go to Boston common is VERY early morning where the good folks are walking their dogs, jogging or just enjoying what they pay taxes for. And the lazy criminals are still sleeping. *** First time here was 2010 and it was magical. Since 2017 it started declining. Especially across the street from the park in front of the McDonalds. Moving to 2019, more derelicts loud, scary, smoking pot, crack loud and hanging out everywhere from McDonalds, to the movie theater and in and around this historic beautiful park! *** What a Shame*** The Boston Common is a public park in downtown Boston, Massachusetts. It is the oldest city park in the United States. Boston Common consists of 50 acres of land bounded by Tremont Street, Park Street, Beacon Street, Charles Street, and Boylston Street. God Bless the USA and Bless us ALL. #bostoncrime #bostoncommons #boston #bostoncommon #bostonterrier  #bostontours #travelboston #thingstodoboston #bostonterriersofinstagram #bostonterrierlove #igersboston #bostonterriers #bostonstrong #bostonterriercult #igboston #bostonterriersforever #bostonterrierlife #bostonblogger #bostonmarathon #bostonceltics #bostonterrierpuppy #bostonfoodies #bostondotcom #bostonterriergram #bostonma #bostonredsox #bostonphotographer #bostonterriersofig #bostonterriernation #bostonterrierofinstagram #bostonterrier_feature #bostonusa #bostoneats #bostonsofinstagram #bostonbruins #followingboston #prayforboston #iheartboston #dogsofboston #bostonterrieroverload #bostonterriersrule #bostonlove #bostonfood #bostonterrierpics #bostons #bostonhair #boston #massachusetts #newengland #usa #love  #igboston  #bostonma  #celtics #redsox  #igersboston  #bostonceltics #travel #art #bostondotcom  @thenewboston  @boston
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mrapplegate777 · 4 years ago
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Today’s #dailydoodle a recreation of a doodle I made 3 years ago after an amazing first date in Boston with an amazing cute guy. Who would have known 3 years later I would be living with said amazing cute guy in Boston. ❤️ so I thought this would be appropriate since I made the original the night after our first date . . . . #watercolor #watercolordoodle #winsorandnewton #moleskine #moleskinewatercolornotebook #bostonpublicgarden #boston #bostoncommon #lagoonbridge https://www.instagram.com/p/CPHmZH7DAIZ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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