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Another year older... 🎂 . . #birthday #birthdaygirl #bosh #boshbirthdaycake #boshtv #birthdaycake #veganfoodporn #plantbased #vegan #boshcake #growingoldgracefully https://www.instagram.com/p/CHdrIoCjyzh/?igshid=s3ecudsxzqk3
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adnkarmique · 5 years ago
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Une autre façon de manger du ToFu pour petits et grands. Les nuggets de ToFu et sa sauce au beurre d’arachides pour 4 personnes Préchauffer le four à 400°F Dans une poêle, faite chauffer de l’huile d’olives (ou celle de votre choix, j’ai utilisé de l’huile d’olives piquante) 3 cs, rissoler dans l’huile chaude des oignons verts ou rouge ou échalotes selon votre goût, 2 gousses d’ail émincées, ajouter de la sauce Chili, 2 cs, du tamari 2 cs, 150 gr de beurre d’arachides ou autres beurres de noix 2 cs de sirop d’érable, 1 boite de lait de coco 1 jus de lime Réserver une portion de sauce dans un bol ou une assiette creuse Éponger le bloc de ToFu ferme le couper en 2 par son milieu puis en 8 rectangles égaux, tremper chaque rectangle dans le bol de sauce au beurre d’arachides puis dans l’assiette de chapelure (ici pain mixé) Disposer sur une plaque de cuisson recouverte d’une feuille de silicone ou de papier parchemin, vaporiser de l’huile sur les 8 rectangles (j’ai tenté la cuisson dans une feuille d’aluminium c’est ok si vous aimez la cuisson style vapeur, je l’ai ouverte très vite afin de griller la chapelure et de rendre le nugget plus croustillant). Cuire au four pendant 35 à 40 mn. Surveiller. Servir accompagné de quinoa (riz, légumes ou pâtes feront aussi bien l’accompagnement) recouvrir de sauce au beurre d’arachides. Régalez-vous. Bon appétit. Prêt.e à relever le défi ? Habituellement, mangez-vous des nuggets? #recette #vegan #biologique #bio #vegetarienne # faitmaison #pinterest #healthy #boshtv #tofu #sansgluten #facile #santé #plantfood #homemade #sansproduitlaitier #graines #organic #organicfood #GF #glutenfree https://www.instagram.com/p/CAEg9a2B64h/?igshid=5ho55dl3ge19
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queerveganme · 8 years ago
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Dinner at my mum's. Lots of roasted veg, cous cous and a shepherd's pie jacket potato. #vegan #veganpowerlifter #boshtv #bosh #roastedveg #couscous #shepherdspie (at Attwell Headquatres)
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cherylmmbookblog · 7 years ago
BOSH: Simple Recipes. Amazing Food. All Plants!
BOSH: Simple Recipes. Amazing Food. All Plants!
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A little over a month ago I had the opportunity to meet the men behind the world of BOSH, Henry Firth and Ian Theasby. You may have already heard of their YouTube channel BOSH.TV, where they introduce their audience to the culinary delights of plant-based food and cooking.
Ian and Henry are both articulate, approachable and intelligent young men, they engage their audience with sincerity and a…
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taka-yaka-itv-blog · 6 years ago
#boshprofessional GKM 18 V 4 A de mon pote pas mal du tout 👍 tu connais ? #outils #outillage #matos #matosdepro #boshpro #boshoutillage #boshfamily #boshpProCore #boshtv #boshtools #boshtoolsfr #toolpig #tools #tool #oztooltalk #drywalltools #plaquiste #drywall #materielprofessionnel #outilprofessionnel #artisanprofessionnel #outilplaquiste (à Lille, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp4jHzXgcxh/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=2jiqv4enk0zv
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darkumvi · 7 years ago
Regrann from @bosh.tv - POTATO NACHOS 👁💚👁 If these bad boys are a bit of you, you need to get your hands on our cookbook! 👁💚👁 #vegan #bosh #boshtv - #regrann
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attraper-un-poisson-chat · 5 years ago
@notbatmanyet: RT @katercarroll: We’ve never eaten such tasty food since our decision to follow a vegan #PlantBased diet a few months ago. Enjoying @BOSHTV paella tonight! #Veganuary #LifeChoice 🌱 https://t.co/3iFfSqynKY
from http://twitter.com/notbatmanyet via IFTTT
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hanafoodperverthughes · 7 years ago
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These guys are some of my favourite people & the @bethechangefoods journey we are on right now is amazing! We met the super cool @bosh.tv guys today, @iantheasby @henrydavidfirth are super inspirational & I can’t wait to share more of their recipes with friends, family, all of you guys! Such a fun day & just what was needed 💕💕💕💕 . . . #veganfoodpervert #vegan #veganfood #veganfoodporn #veganfitness #vegansofig #dairyfree #vegangirl #food #foodporn #fitgirl #whatveganseat #instafood #plantbased #crueltyfree #govegan #cleaneating #protein #veganprotein #healthyfood #iifym #strongnotskinny #instafit #eatplants #nutritious #plantpower #bethechange #bosh #veganchef #boshtv (at Waterstones Birmingham)
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tomjacksonfoto · 7 years ago
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#tomjackson #portrait of #boshtv boys for #thetimesmagazine
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veganla · 7 years ago
A beautiful vegetable tart from @bosh.tv - SPIRAL TART 🌀These guys a brilliant. Be sure to follow them. This dish will test your arrangement skills (plus your patience!), but it’s worth it for the photo-worthy result. 📸 This healthy tart is full of freshly roasted veggies with an ever-so-slightly spicy tomato base. 🤤🌱 Get the full recipe in the BOSH! Cookbook! Link in our bio 💚 #boshtv
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darkumvi · 7 years ago
@Regranned from @bosh.tv - HUMMUS PASTA 👁💚👁 They didn’t, did they? Yup, we did. Hummus pasta is now officially A THING and it’s PERFECT for #veganuary 👁💚👁 #bosh #boshtv #veganDarkRumIV - #regrann
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spanky606 · 7 years ago
Regrann from @bosh.tv - WICKED PULLED ‘PORK’ SANDWICH w/ @wickedhealthy 👁💚👁 Follow Wicked Healthy for amazing, AMAZING recipe inspiration! 👁💚👁 #vegan #bosh #boshtv #wickedhealthy - #regrann
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attraper-un-poisson-chat · 6 years ago
@notbatmanyet: RT @BOSHTV: BISCOFFEE CAKE 🍰 We've used the magical biscoff spread to create this delicious cake. This one is an absolute doddle to make – the ideal recipe for a spot of baking this weekend! Check out the full recipe here: https://t.co/9vLRVQBlCb #Vegan #VeganMainstream https://t.co/bo0V1LvDBs
from http://twitter.com/notbatmanyet via IFTTT
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