#bose and mika fanfic
dollmelaniee · 9 months
just a friendly reminder. dear eleana exist. if u havent read it, go read it. ITS SOOO LIFE CHANGING.
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bomikalover · 1 year
Scrapped Fanfic me and my friend Lee made called "Puree Passion." Wrote 3 chapters and decided to post one of them lol. LMK if you want the other two and I'll gladly post them! K Bye!
Chapter 1: Le début
It was a bright and breezy day on a regular Sunday afternoon at the beginning of summer. Bose walks into Man’s Nest with a grin on his face and a pep in his step. He was so joyful today, and no one knew why, which is one of the many mysteries of Bose O’Brien. The others sat on the Man Couch, curious as to why the young boy was so happy today.
“Someone’s feeling cheery!” Mika teased.
“It's disgusting.” Chapa sneered.
“Let the boy be happy!” Miles defended.
“So are you guys gonna ask me or what?” Bose questioned.
Bose joins the others on the couch.
“Do we have to-”
“What got your spirits so high?” Miles asked while cutting off Chapa.
“Ok, since you guys are dying to know…I got a summer job!” Bose exclaimed.
Chapa gave him a semi-smirk of pride, Miles applauded while cheering him on, and Mika flung out of her seat, jumping for joy, almost sonic screaming out of excitement. The others looked at Mika with confusion. You would have thought she was getting the job.
“Sorrieee, I’m just excited.” Mika says sheepishly while sitting back down.
Chapa leans over to Miles, whispering. “Some of us more than others.”
Miles cackles like a witch as Mika continues the conversation.
“Anyways, where are you working?”
“That's the best part! It's Hip Hop Paris!”
Mika’s smile faded. She must have been hearing things.
“Do you mean Hip Hop Puree?” Mika questioned.
“No. I mean Hip Hop Paris; Becky recommended it to me.” Bose answered.
“Becky? You mean Becky Butler? The Becky Butt!” Mika stressed.
“I thought she moved away?” Miles questioned.
“She did…to Paris!” Bose replied.
Mika sighs while rolling her eyes. It was already bad enough that he was going away to Paris for the summer, but he would be working with Becky. They all knew Becky was bad news…at least Mika did. She couldn't comprehend why Bose would ever listen to Becky…like it’s Becky.
“Not that I care, but why can't you work here in Swellview? You know at Hip Hop Puree?” Chapa asked.
“Well, Hip Hop Paris pays way more than Hip Hop Puree, and now that I'm getting older, I decided that I wanted to be more independent. All I know is Swellview, and this might be my one opportunity to get out of here.” Bose explained.
The others knew what Bose meant. Out of all of them, Bose will be the one stuck behind fighting crime with Ray. Not that being stuck with Ray is the worst thing in the world, but there are always better opportunities out there. Miles could sense the heavy vibe surrounding this conversation.
“Well, I'm happy for you. Hopefully, this is a small stop on your path to greatness.” Miles said.
“Yea dude, that's sick.” Chapa praises.
Bose smiles at his friend's support, but he looks over at Mika as her opinion means the most.
“So Mika, what do you think?”
Mika looks up at Bose, breaking out of her gaze. She plasters on a fake smile.
“Yeah, it's great.” Mika lied while nervously giggling.
Bose sensed something was off with her but brushed it off as he didn't want to upset her. Mika wasn’t just upset. She was confused, sad, and most anxious. Bose was going to work with her academic rival for an entire summer in the city of love. Yeah, no biggie.
“I’m so happy you guys are so cool with this, especially since I leave tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow!” The group screams.
Bose jumps back in his seat, not expecting such a big reaction.
“Well yeah. We’ve already gone through the first day of summer, so if I want to have a good head start, I need to leave for Paris tomorrow. I’m sorry, I didn’t know I would leave so soon either.” Bose explained.
The silence drew over the group. How could you be happy for your best friend but sad for yourself? Since they were 12 years old, this quartet is all they've known, and they wanted to keep it that way. But the other three knew that this would be good for Bose, even if it sucked for them. Chapa wasn't one to openly feel for people, but Bose was like a little brother to her. He drives her insane sometimes, but she would kill for him. She knew Bose could protect himself, but he was too nice to even hurt the meanest of people, besides villains, of course. So she always did it for him, not realizing how self-dependent Bose became because of it. Miles didn't like the thought of losing their best friend for a summer, but they knew they couldn't interfere with their friend’s path. If his path went to Paris, unfortunately, they couldn't stop him. Mika felt defeated. She’s losing her honey for an entire summer; even worse, he’ll be closer to Becky Butler. What if that vicious snake of a girl poisons her sweet Bosey with her malicious ways? Mika couldn't allow that to happen.
“Well, I'll gladly teleport you there.” Miles voiced.
“And we'll be there to send you off.” Chapa added.
“Yeah, we wouldn't let you go without saying goodbye.” Mika says while placing a hand on his arm.
Bose smiled as his friends were being really cool about this. It almost made him think that they were happy to see him go…but they still wanted him around, right? Bose was just overthinking; his friends were not his parents. They actually like having him around, unlike his parents, who don't even care if he moves to Paris for the rest of his life.
“Thanks, guys, you're the best. I'm going to go since I have to start packing, but I’ll see you guys tomorrow!” Bose said while leaving down the tube.
Once Bose was out of sight, Mika slouched into the Man Couch.
“What’s up with you?” Miles asked.
“Isn't it obvious? Mika’s loverboy is leaving her for some chick in Paris!” Chapa pointed out.
“Chapa, how many times do I have to tell you that I am not in love with Bose!”
“Yeah, okay.” Chapa said while getting up from the couch to grab a snack.
“Chapa!” Miles warned.
Chapa raised her hands in defense while leaving the room.
“I'm just looking out for Bose; I know Becky, and she's bad news!” Mika warns.
“You know 14-year-old Becky, the one that moved away and you haven't seen since freshman year. We're going to be juniors now; maybe she’s different.” Miles argued.
“Once a snake, always a snake.” Chapa says, walking in while munching on Choco Crocos.
“Whose side are you on?” Miles asked.
“Nobodies, that's the fun of it.” Chapa joked.
The twins roll their eyes at Chapa’s teasing manner. Chapa was the best at stirring the pot; she couldn't care enough to actually pick sides. Plus, someone always ends up hurt when you choose a side, so she never did. Plus, she thrives on making things harder for people.
Bose packs in his room, and hears a knock on his door. It opens to Celia coming into his room.
“Oh hey, mom.”
“Bosey, what are you doing?”
“Packing?” The boy questioned as if it wasn't obvious.
“Yes, I see that. But why?” Celia questioned.
“I'm going to Paris, remember? I told you two weeks ago!”
“You did?”
“Mama, I literally told you about how Becky was helping me find a job, and of course, you weren't listening.” The boy complained.
“I was listening!” Celia argued.
“Oh really, where am I working?”
The mother was stumped. She was listening, but Genuine Moments was on, so she might have blocked Bose out just a little bit.
“Umm, a surgeon?”
“Really? A surgeon? At 16? I'm pretty sure that's illegal, mama.” The son stated.
“You got a driving license at 12, so anything is possible!” The mother debated.
Bose rolled his eyes in annoyance, an emotion he’s portrayed more as he got older and more aware of how irritating some people could be…including his mother. He loves her, but she could be a little dim sometimes, and that’s coming from Bose, of all people.
“Look Mom, I’m going to Paris to work at Hip Hop Paris with Becky for the summer, and I leave tomorrow. Whether you care or not.”
“I care, Bosey, I do.”
The boy scoffed as he went to his dresser to get more clothes. The mother knew she wasn’t the best parental figure, but she did love and care for her son. She just needed to show him that.
“Bose, sweetheart, I’m sorry for not listening to you, but trust me, I’m trying my hardest to be better. Because I love and care for you, you deserve to go to Paris and begin your journey of becoming an independent young adult.”
Bose smiled at his mother’s efforts. He knew she was trying her best, and he wasn’t always the perfect son either. The boy walks up to Celia, engulfing her in a hug. The mother hugged back. Her baby boy was growing up on her.
“You’re gonna do great, Bobo; I just know it. I’m gonna miss you, but I know you can handle yourself. Try not to get into too much trouble; I know your job is to save lives but think of this summer job as a vacation, ok?”
“I will, thanks Mom.”
And there’s her sweet Bosey. The duo breaks apart from their hug.
“You’re welcome. I have got to go with Vicey on some business trips, so I won’t be here to send you off. But I love you so much, Bobo, and be safe.”
“Of course, love you too.”
The mother places an arm on his head, caressing it before smiling and making her exit. Bose keeps packing his bags with a happy heart, knowing his friends and family are supporting him.
The next day came rather quickly as the kids already stood outside Swellview Airport to send Bose off. It was bittersweet, they didn’t want to see him go, but it was time for the baby bird to leave the nest.
“Thanks for coming guys.” Bose thanked.
“Of course.” Chapa said.
“We wouldn’t miss it.” Miles voiced.
Mika was relatively quiet for obvious reasons. She still wasn’t grasping the fact that Bose was actually leaving for Paris. She was more focused on figuring out a loophole that could keep him here, but she kept drawing blanks. She watched as he briefly talked with Chapa and Miles, hugging them separately before moving on to her. He stood before her, smiling gently, but his eyes spoke volumes. He was going to miss Mika the most, to no one’s surprise. Everyone knew how bad the duo suffered when being separated. During the Thousand Pranks War, Bose couldn’t help himself and snuck out to Mika even though their cities warred against each other. Mika being from the rival town and pranking Bose herself, should have been enough to push Bose away, but it didn’t. He stayed by her side. It was even worse when their moms kicked them out of Danger Force. He only saw Mika in school, which wasn’t much since their schedules differ and they both have extracurriculars. But even then, he sat with her every lunch, walked with Mika to her locker or class if he could, and even got to school extra early to spend time with her. He always made time for Mika. And Mika never shoos him away. So being countries apart might be challenging, but I doubt Bose O’Brien would let that get in his way of making time for Mika Macklin and staying by her side…whatever way he can.
“Hey.” Bose said.
“Hi.” Mika voiced.
They both had so much to say, too much, actually. Mika teared up, with Bose looking back with teary eyes as well. Mika wraps her arms around Bose’s torso, her head against his chest, and Bose’s arms around her shoulders. They would have had more time to depart if Miles could teleport them there, but of course, Becky got Bose a first-class flight there and will be waiting for him at the airport. Bose swayed them slowly, neither having the courage to let go. Their friends watching them felt for them, knowing how important they were to each other. Chapa looks at her still outdated phone, checking the time.
“Bose, you have to go now if you still want to catch your flight.” Chapa announced.
Bose went to let go, but Mika squeezed harder.
“Don’t let go, not yet.” Mika whispered.
“I wish I could hug you forever, but Chapa’s right. I got to go.”
The duo gradually loosened their embrace, Bose taking hold of Mika’s hand with his own.
“I’ll call you as soon as I get situated in Paris.”
Mika smiled, squeezing Bose’s hand right before he let go.
“Alright, I’ll see you guys.”
Bose grabbed his suitcases, giving one last look to his friends, Mika’s lasting the longest. Then he turns around, strolling towards the airport and farther away from his home. Chapa walked over to Mika, putting an arm over her shoulder. She knew her friend needed some comfort right now.
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spicywriter202 · 2 years
You won't remember
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Volt goes after (Y/n), Ray's daughter and her (ex?) girlfriend, not knowing the real reason why she ran away.
(Y/n) ran up the upstairs from her apartment. Not ready to face the one person she couldn't face. Her 'friends'? Not a problem. Her bastard of a dad? Would love to beat him black and blue. But her? Never.
"(Y/n)! You can't run anymore!" She yelled. Her red suit tightly hanging onto her figure.
"Just leave me alone, Volt."
"No can do. Your dad aka my boss says your to come home to Swellview."
"He isn't my dad!" You yelled, your powers getting out of hand. You didn't even notice until Volt got into a stance, with her electricity getting ready to attack.
You flinched at the sight of your own powers. They honestly terrified you. And you never told your dad about them due to your childhood with him. You only told your uncle showoz and you begged him to make some power suppressants.
You put your hands down and started to speed walk towards your bathroom. Volt following you. "We need to talk about this!" you quickly opened the door and slammed it shut.
"there is nothing to talk about!"
"you have powers! Why didn't you tell me?!". Volt said, starting to bang on the bathroom door. "At least tell me why you left me!"
"I didn't leave you!" You yelled, putting on the bracelets that showoz made you. Keeping your powers in. However your eyes were telling a different story then your tone. They were full of tears ready to spill.
Volt on the other hand already had years flowing down her face. "You said you wouldn't leave me, but you did! Why would you come back?!"
"Because of him!"
"Captain Man! My dad! You have no idea what it's like growing up with the man! He ruined me, lula."
You heard some chewing and a pop go off. You assumed she transformed back into her normal attire. "please, come out. I swear, I don't have anything on me. I want to talk, not to some girl I'm trying to bring home as Volt. I wanna talk with my girlfriend as her hot-head."
You stood up. Your girlfriend was so sappy when it came to times like this. It made you even more saddened because of what you have to do.
You opened the door but only opened it so you could slip your hands through. Your and Chapa's hand holding each other.
"Why won't you come home?"
You didn't answer. Breathing in and out. You gave in, you know what you would have to do. You opened the door so she could see you. You didn't do anything but what would break your heart.
You pulled chapa into a kiss.
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'I have to do this, for my freedom."
You undid the bracelet and slowly brought your hands close enough to her temple.
Your hands glowed a dark purple. Grabbing her head, she pulled by and groaning in pain.
You had tears streaming down your face. "I'm sorry."
"(Y/n) please."
"You won't remember our times. I was nothing but a friend to you. All our dates and romantic wasn't there. You won't remember (Y/n) Manchester as your lover."
Chapa passed out when you let her head go. You moved and laid her down in your bedroom.
You grabbed your bags and left the apartment knowing that the rest of Danger Force will be here soon.
You gave Chapa one last glance before leaving on the next bus out of Swellview.
Disappearing from Danger Force's radar until you set foot in Swellview again.
However you would never know what your powers didn't work.
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boseobrien · 2 years
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Thinking about them.
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tactlesstuesdays · 1 year
sad bomika hours </3
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mirrorballmika · 2 years
freefall (ao3)
prompt: I’ve got you, I’ve got you. hurt/comfort.
“Have I mentioned that I hate this plan?” Bose asks. “Because I do. I really hate this plan.”
“Trust me, none of us want this,” Ray sighs. “But it’s not like we have another option.”
Bose isn’t sure how much he believes that. They’ve only been in this predicament for a day, maybe a little more. There must be other options, yet here they are. At least a dozen silver wires run from Mika’s head and neck like strands of a spiderweb, hooking her up to what looks like a modified game system from the 90s. With the thick box screen and black joystick, he’s not sure how else to describe it.
It doesn’t matter. What does matter is Mika and her deathlike grip on his hand. It’s the only thing that betrays the cool bravery on her face and in her body. She sits on what Schwoz called a bed, but it doesn’t look nearly comfortable enough to be called that, and she’s either pretending to be listening or actually listening as Schwoz outlines the fine details.
“Now, when you’re asleep, this machine will allow us to navigate through your brain and into your subconscious,” he explains.
“And if there’s still a part of Rick Twitler’s memories in there, it might help us work out what his next move is,” Ray adds.
“And you’re sure this will work?” Mika asks.
“And you’re sure it’s safe?” Bose adds, just loud enough for them to hear him. Ray freezes, and his gaze shifts from Mika to Bose. He tries to hide it, but Bose has seen that look before. It’s almost permanently etched on his stepdad’s face; the one where he’s desperately trying to hold back an eye-roll.
He drops his eyes to the floor and decides to save his pity for later.
“Yes, it’s safe,” he says. “As safe as it can be anyway. As for whether it’ll work… only one way to find out.”
A myriad of responses rush to the front of his mind but he dismisses all of them in one swoop. They’ve all learned what fighting with Ray can cause and they don’t need it now. Instead, he turns to Mika and tilts her face to his, using his hand to block out the other two.
“You don’t need to do this,” he says in a low voice. “We can find out Twitler’s plan without this.”
“Yeah, a way that takes twice as long,” she tells him. Her hand leaves his and travels up his arm, a gesture that in most cases would be soothing. The corners of her mouth and he almost smiles back. “I’ll be fine, trust me.”
He’s not sure he believes that. But he also knows he can’t talk her out of this. Sometimes he doesn’t know who’s the more stubborn one; her or Ray. So instead of pressing he settles for kissing her forehead and pushing his hands on the bed so she can’t feel his shaking.
They stay like that for a second or so, foreheads pressed together like they can stop time if they hold each other long enough.
Unfortunately, the Omega Weapon didn’t grant them that power. So Mika nuzzles him and then turns away, sliding her hand into his as their only contact. Bose watches as with a determined nod, Bose watches as Mika lies back on the bed. Her dark eyes stare up at the ceiling, white light reflecting in their pupils. She exhales, long and steady, and squeezes Bose’s hand.
“Let’s do this,” she says. Ray steps back as Schwoz comes over, a needle glinting in his hand. Mika’s eyes don’t move as he wipes down her arm, but her hand grips Bose’s so tightly it might burst. Bose doesn’t complain. He wouldn’t even if she ripped his arm off.
“Just take a deep breath,” Schwoz tells her. He moves the needle into position on her arm. Mika’s jaw is so tight that he worries it might snap.
“Do it.”
Bose doesn't watch him insert the needle. Instead, he watches Mika’s face. She gasps a little when the needle pierces her skin, then her eyes flutter shut and her features start to relax. In seconds, her desperately tight hold on his hand weakens until it’s just him holding onto limp fingers.
He whispers her name softly but firmly, and his hand brushes her warm cheek. Nothing.
“Okay,” Ray says flatly. “She’s out for the count. Let’s do this.” Bose’s eyes don’t leave his mentor’s as Schwoz begins. Ray’s expression is unreadable, his face half hidden by a closed fist. His usual larger-than-life demeanour is shrunk down to size and something is unsettling about it.
Ray glances across at him and for a second, Bose finds a vulnerability that’s so unlike Ray that he’s convinced he imagined it.
“I’m in Mika’s memories,” Schwoz announces. “In her short-term memory now…”
“So like… the things she did today?”
“Yes.” Schwoz’s tongue pokes out the corner of his mouth as he concentrates. He moves the joystick with incredible carefulness Bose forgets for a second how chaotic he usually is. “Okay, shifting into her long-term-”
“I still think this is too risky,” Bose hears himself say. He looks over at Schwoz again and tries not to think about what could happen if that careful, dedicated focus breaks.
“I know,” Ray replies. He opens his mouth like he’s about to say more, but nothing comes and he just keeps hanging halfway between Mika and Schwoz, his gaze shifting between them. “I know.”
His voice comes out shaky, unsteady, and it’s then that Bose’s anger gives way to something else. He wonders, in that brief moment, if Ray is thinking about Henry at this moment. He also wonders how he should feel about that.
A sharp groan from Mika draws their attention back to her. Her forehead creases slightly, tension locking her jaw.
“What’s happening?”
“Shifting into some unpleasant memories,” Schwoz says. “Mika is reliving things she’d rather forget.”
“Well get out of there!”
“I can’t. Not right away.” Schwoz’s eyes stay on the monitor, but his mouth presses into a thin line. “This is a delicate business.
Bose sighs and looks back at Mika. On the surface, he doesn’t doubt what Schwoz said. If he trusts anyone to get Mika out of this safely, it’s him. That doesn’t make him want to rip those wires out of her and smash that computer to pieces. It just means that he won’t. Because he’s smarter than he pretends he is and he’s gotten good at ignoring and repressing his anger over the years. Now is just the best time to practice it.
“Bose.” He looks up to find Ray standing over him, his hands wringing in front of his chest. “You don’t have to be here. I’m sure AWOL and Volt wouldn’t say no to some help. Bose bites his tongue. He knows full well the reason Miles was sent on patrol with Chapa was because he wouldn’t be able to handle seeing Mika like this. Hell, it was Mika’s idea that he go. He also knows that he promised Miles that he wouldn’t leave Mika’s side until it was over.
Not that he was ever planning to. But he made that promise to himself and both Macklin twins, which is why he runs his thumb over Mika’s knuckles and replies “yeah, I do”.
He doesn’t see Ray’s reaction.
Mika only gets worse the further Schwoz goes. Her steady breathing turns into short, quick gasps, broken by pained moans. The monitor across from them grows louder as her heart grows more frantic. Bose can only sit helplessly at her side, try not to drown in his uselessness and attempt to make it bearable. He runs his finger lightly across her cheek and brushes her hair away from her face.
“It’s okay,” he tells her quietly. “It’s okay, I’m right here. I’ve got you, it’s okay.” Her fingers tighten around his and he squeezes back. “It’s okay.”
If his words have any effect, it’s drowned out by whatever is going on in Mika’s brain. At some point, Schwoz declares he’s entering her subconscious, and the whimper Mika gives feels more like a plea for help. Bose raises his efforts to ease her pain, but they feel even more futile than they did before.
He guesses there’s only so much one guy can do.
“Schwoz, is this nearly over?” he asks. Mika is almost entirely on her side, curled up with her back to Schwoz’s machine. Her face is screwed with fear and pressed into her knees like she’s hiding. Bose pushes her hair away only to find his hand trembling. “Schwoz?”
“Almost there,” Schwoz says in a voice he guesses is meant to be reassuring. “I’ve located all of her memories from when she was possessed by Rick Twitler. All I have to do is enter.”
Silence falls over the three of them. Even Mika’s whimpering grows quiet. Because this is it. Mika told him about how it all felt on her side. He listened as she told him how she was held hostage in her own body, how loudly she had screamed when it started. How she was in the same room as all of them but felt a kind of loneliness she didn’t know existed. He watched as she fought to feel at home in her skin again. He was there for the shaking and the crying and the sweating and once or twice for the throwing up.
He can’t make her go through that again.
Bose looks up at Ray and finds a surprising amount of apprehension. Maybe Mika told him. Maybe she didn’t and he still knows. For a second, the look on Ray’s face makes him think it’s over.
Then he’s reminded who he’s with. Ray turns to Schwoz and says “let’s get this over with”.
Bose considers himself a forgiving person, but right now his limits are being tested.
It’s only seconds of Schwoz moving the joystick before Mika mumbles “no”. It starts quietly, her voice breaking on that one syllable, before it comes again, louder.
Her body curls in on itself even more, and her hand clings to Bose’s like he’s a liferaft. The monitor’s beeping becomes stronger until it’s punching Bose’s skull. Mika’s free hand grips the mattress, her nails digging into the fabric.
She calls out “no, please, no”. A tear bursts from her eyelid and runs down her cheek, followed by another, then another, and Bose can’t take it anymore.
“Stop it,” he says. Still holding Mika’s hand, he looks over at Schwoz and Ray, his anger riling behind his gritted teeth. “Stop it. Get her out.”
“Bose, we can’t-”
“I don’t care!” The words echo across the room. He looks down at Mika through his falling hair and feels his cheeks burn. Mika shakes her head roughly, half-breathing and half-sobbing. “I don’t care whether or not it worked, just get her out of there!”
There’s a moment when no one says anything. Bose hears his words repeated back to him and his voice has never sounded so unfamiliar. Mika whimpers again, louder than before. Bose looks down and almost stops breathing. Even in their line of work, he didn’t think it was possible for someone to look so scared.
He swallows the lump in his throat and whispers “please”.
Ray’s face is almost completely hidden from view, but he nods and Bose almost lets himself be relieved. Almost.
“Get her out Schwoz.”
Schwoz doesn’t push back. Instead, he runs to the monitor and does whatever he needs to do with a steely determination. Bose waits, Mika’s heartbeat punctuating the seconds, and braces himself for whatever is about to happen.
Mika’s eyes fly open, her hands grasping desperately at him. Her nails scratch against his skin, but he doesn’t care. Her terrified cries fill the Man’s Nest, her words overlapping and bleeding into a horrified jumble.
Bose moves with her as she sits up, one hand on her back as he tries to cut through the images she’s still seeing in her mind.
“It’s okay, I’m here,” he tells her. “I’ve got you. I’ve got you, it’s okay. I’m here, it’s okay.”
He repeats it for what could be minutes or hours until her screaming dies down. He repeats it even then, whispering in her ear with her head on his chest. Even when he’s just competing with her heavy gasps, he doesn’t stop. Her hands are balled up in his shirt, her body shaking against his chest. He keeps telling her that he's got her and she's okay and he's right there.
He presses a kiss to her head just as she speaks up.
“I’ve got you,” he says softly. He holds her closer and links his fingers through hers. “I’ve got you.”
Out of the corner of his eye, he sees Ray and Schwoz in the corner.
“It’s okay,” he breathes.
Seconds pass in silence. Bose blinks and finds his eyes damp and his cheeks sticky. When did he start crying?
Mika shifts so that her face is pressed into the crook of his neck. No doubt whatever he’s feeling, she’s feeling ten times over, plus some things he’ll never get.
“Did we do it?” she asks.
In the corner, Ray shakes his head.
On the one hand, Bose couldn’t care less if it worked or not.
On the other… it means Mika went through all that for nothing and Twitler’s still one step ahead of them. And she’ll blame herself, regardless of what he says otherwise.
So he doesn’t say anything. Instead, he kisses her head again and reminds her that he’s got her.
If he can’t promise anything else, he can promise that.
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onlybomika · 2 years
i would kill for a villian! bose and mika au pls why hasn't anyone done that??
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illcitaffrs · 2 years
i randomly want to write florist Mika and coffee shop owner Bose
for some reason, it just makes sense??
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rayylock · 2 years
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Danger Force (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Chapa (Danger Force TV), Miles (Danger Force TV), Mika (Danger Force TV), Bose (Danger Force TV), Ray Manchester, Schwoz Schwartz Additional Tags: POV Third Person Omniscient, i think i'm a little funny, just a little, ongoing
The hero groans in annoyance and gestures at the villain, seemingly signifying “just a minute.”
“WHAT?” She shouts, hand on an earpiece and the other on her hip.
“Volt! We… Arson Boy has… get over here!”
“ALRIGHT, jeez! Tell AWOL to give me a minute, I’m busy,” she states, rolling her eyes. They glance at the guy on the floor who’s hand is now clutching his chest, relief washed over him. “Co-workers, am I right?”
They laugh a little to themself, so the guy on the floor joins in, thinking it might help him escape. It won’t. The laughter dies down with a mutual sigh.
“Ok, we’re done here,” ZZAP! ____________
Or, days in the life of Danger Force. How fun!
(Title: Waves - Chloe Moriondo)
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dollmelaniee · 7 months
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i might be working on something…..
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bomikalover · 2 years
I was randomly thinking about how Bose and Chapa are like Ray’s long-lost kids then I thought what if that was the spin-off? Ray discovers he has 2 kids who are the same kids who helped him save Swellview and the ones he accidentally gave powers to! Ray has to juggle being Ray Manchester, Captain Man, and a Dad/Boss of 2, mixed with Bose and Chapa’s amateur power-using and their big personalities plus the Macklin twins as a side or main characters! It's giving Andi Mack meets Danger Force and I am living for it! I would pay money to watch this but I kinda already am 😂
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boseobrien · 2 years
WE'VE BEEN BLESSED WITH A BOMIKA ONE!! This one made me so tingly >#^#^❤️‍🔥
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tactlesstuesdays · 2 years
i have indeed changed my mind again on what i shall post for christmas day, it will still be chiles (i love and miss them too much not to) and not at all christmassy, well i haven't really decided that yet.
but anyway as you wait for the day of the fic and jesus' birth, and the s3 promo STILL
have this scrapped edit i made, idk how long ago
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mirrorballmika · 2 years
we’ll make it beautiful (ao3)
(or, a fic from the hero!mika x civilian!bose dystopia verse that lives solely in my brain)
There’s a certain order for nights like these. A set of steps. Step one, Bose hears Mika’s key turn in the lock and immediately turns off the TV. He gets up from the spot on the couch and stretches himself out, pretending like he’s spent the past three hours doing something other than anxiously watching the news.
Step two, he makes his way to the door as Mika unlocks the second lock. He quickly looks down at the third floorboard from the door and thinks about the gun that’s safely stashed beneath it. It’s been 189 days since he last took it out. He’s hoping they at least make it to two hundred.
Step three, he opens the door and smiles at Mika so that he doesn’t scream. That’s one of the most important things he’s learned so far. Whatever you do, however bad it is, you don’t let them see you panic.
If he’s doing a bad job at it, she doesn’t tell him.
“Evening,” she greets hoarsely, her hand pressed against her side. The mask is gone but the lines will remain until morning, cutting in around her cheekbones and into her forehead. Strands of hair stick to her face, slipping out of the tight braid she had when she left, and a heavy flannel jacket conceals most of her clothes. It doesn’t, however, conceal the white in her knuckles as she grips the doorframe, her body slumped to the left. Her smile melts off her face in seconds and her hand moves out from her chest to reach for him.
He takes it, and she all but falls against him. He catches her just in time and sucks in his breath as her body trembles against his. His arm around her waist and her head on his shoulder, he carries her inside and nudges the door closed. He does a quick survey of the area beforehand, not wanting an intruder to add to Mika’s injuries tonight.
They’re silent as they make the quick walk down the hall to their small kitchen, the lights dim and flickering overhead. He needs to get those looked at. Mika slides into a chair at the table, her sigh heavy as she gets off her feet. Bose drops a kiss on her head before heading to the cabinet. He has to wiggle it around before it opens on one hinge. He needs to get that looked at too.
He takes a quick look over his shoulder while he reaches for the first aid kit. He’s fetched it so many times he doesn’t need to actually look for it, especially not when the light barely touches it. The good news is that Mika has definitely looked worse. She’s conscious and breathing and knew who he is. All things that used to be standard but now he’s actively grateful for. The bad news is that her breathing is shallow and careful and her mouth is tight like she’s holding back a scream. The bad news is that she might be conscious but she has to make an effort to keep her head up and as he gets closer, he sees her hand shaking on the tabletop.
Tomorrow, they’ll eat breakfast at this table as if nothing happened. Striped cereal bowls and slightly-stale Count Chocoula.
“Okay,” he sighs as he pulls out the seat beside her. A bottle of water is tucked into his elbow and he wants it over to her. He puts on a smile, the one that’s designed to put people at ease. “What’s your damage, Heather?”
“Not much,” she says quietly. She gasps the moment she says it though, the sound quick and high-pitched, and her hand curls into a fist. She squeezes her eyes shut for a second, her breath leaving her mouth in a slow, steady stream before she whispers “ribs”.
“Had a feeling that was the case,” he says. “Off with the shirt. Let me have a look.”
“My my, Bose O’Brien,” she teases through a mouthful of fabric. “Bet you say that to all the girls.”
He laughs, but it dies on his lips when he sees her chest. Shades of purple and black spread across her chest, weaving in and around her ribs like ivy. He waits for her nod before gently touching her skin. Heat tickles his fingertips, a worrying contrast to the iciness of her palms when she held him. Her chest moves carefully beneath his hand, like her lungs house precious china and she’s afraid to break it.
“Okay.” He breaks a cool pack from the kit over his knee and holds it against the worst area. He watches Mika’s face as it slowly begins to soften and takes it as a sign. One hand holding the pack in place, he pulls the medical tape over it twice and secures it against her. He sits back a little and breathes for half a second. Enough to stop his heart from racing, not enough to make him actually think. “Okay, what else?”
“I think that’s it,” she says. He doesn’t need to verbally respond, just raises an eyebrow and she caves. He doesn’t have time to spiral about why she keeps trying to lie to him, he’ll do that in a few hours while she’s asleep. For now, he lets her sheepishly show him her hand and forces the freak down his throat.
He has no idea how he didn’t notice when he let her in. Dimly, he realises it’s the hand she kept against her ribs and slid beneath her coat, but that only does so much. What he does know is that Mika’s middle finger sits crookedly at an unnatural angle, and as he slowly turns her hand he finds the skin shiny and bronze in colour. He, of course, hears her hissed breath and lessens his grip just enough. He looks up at her, a silent ‘what the fuck’ burning in his gaze, and her guilt is visible even in the half-light.
“It wasn’t a person,” she tells him. “I had to punch a door down.”
Somehow that doesn’t reassure him. Especially not when an old, old memory pops up and phantom pain flashes across his knuckles. He grits his teeth and gets the bandages out of the first aid kit, wrapping them around her first two fingers.
“I could have screamed it down,” she says quietly. “But…” She shrugs. She doesn’t need to finish. The scratched and cracked sound to her voice, sounding like it’s just now crawling back to her, speaks for itself.
Tomorrow night, he'll scream at himself again about how they're nineteen and they're too young for this and when did this become their life and why and when did they agree to this. But for now, there's work to be done, and he can only hold so much at one time.
They sit in silence as he wraps the bandage around her finger and carefully applies the splint to it. The only sounds in the apartment are the rain outside and Mika’s shallow breathing. She lets out a whimper as he comes close to finishing, her hand jumping onto his leg and squeezing tight. He whispers words of reassurance to her, telling her that it’s okay and she’s fine and he’s here. He doesn’t know what good it would do, to know that she has a bumbling ex-superhero who’s just barely doing his best in her corner. But it does something for her, so he’ll keep doing it.
He gives her a quick kiss before going and grabbing two mugs from the cupboard, dropping a green teabag in one and two spoonfuls of coffee in the other.
One day, he’ll investigate the relationship between his relocation to Dystopia and his late-night caffeine cravings.
A chair scrapes behind him as he watches the kettle boil, and soon two arms snake around his waist. The smile is tender as it spreads across his face, the tension in his shoulders dropping in the time it takes him to breathe. His hand comes up and rests on hers, his warm fingers sliding between her cold ones. Her smallest finger reaches down to the hem of his shirt and brushes against his bare skin. He chuckles at the sensation.
He didn’t realise you could be grateful for a sound until now.
“Aren’t you meant to be resting?” he murmurs, swaying softly. He worried, once, when it started to get bad, that he’d forget how to be playful like that. Of course, he didn’t, and while Mika won’t admit it, she’s part of the reason why.
Mika murmurs into his shirt and presses a kiss to his shoulder. He doesn’t need to turn around to see the slight grin on her face that she reserves for him and only him. He feels it in her touch, her kiss, the nuzzle of her forehead against his neck.
“I am,” she whispers. “You’re my pillow.”
He laughs again, louder this time, as the kettle switches off. He fills their respective cups, and Mika only leaves him for a second to grab the sugar and the oat milk. She presses against him as he hands her the tea, a kiss on the cheek acting as thanks. Their mugs warming one hand and his free one holding hers, they walk to the couch together. They fall onto their mountain of dollar-store pillows, careful with their drinks and Mika’s ribs. His arm brushes against the cold pack and it’s almost enough to make him jump. Almost. Their legs tangle beneath the blanket, and Mika positions herself with her back against Bose’s chest. She pulls his arm around her waist and he happily obliges, kissing her head as she flips through TV channels. A movie tonight, they agree. Something cute. Something fun.
“Something happy,” Mika mutters. He wonders if she meant to say it, or if he was meant to hear it.
Here, they aren’t heroes or vigilantes or kids wondering if their best will ever be enough. Here, despite the broken bones and tired eyes, they’re still two barely adults who worry their parents with how stupidly in love they are. Outside it might be pouring rain and rolling thunder and danger lurking in shadowy corners, but inside they have blankets and hot drinks and each other, and for tonight it’s enough to put everything else to rest.
Tomorrow will be whatever, but now the fight is over, and all that stops Mika from shaking is Bose holding her tighter.
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onlybomika · 2 years
my top 5 notsogoodofawriter fics rn:
1. Trapped and Caged
2. Her Protecter
3. Happenstance
4. The lodge
5. I'm here, I'm listening
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fangforthememories · 2 years
Yall ever begin writing a fanfic then have writers block for so long you eventually thought "screw it" and deleted the fic?
Cause i did that with a DF fic
It was going to be about an au where Mika Chapa Miles and Bose are in acting class (the story begins on their first day) being taught by Ray who is this disgraced actor who has to teach the classes due to him needing to do community service
So anyway Mika and Bose both claim to be the best out of the entire group at acting and eventually Ray hosts a competion to see who can hit 10k first on their public twitter (i was thinking of upping it to 100k if i wanted it to be long) and whoever gets it first gets some prize
So the series would be about them auditioning
And getting getting roles and eventually being celebs
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