#bomika fanfiction
bomikalover · 9 months
Writing has been my way of distracting myself until we get a promo 😭 so here’s a bomika one shot!!
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boseobrien · 2 years
||Chapter One||
Mika was sitting in hip-pop puree, catching up on some homework while drinking blended strawberry cake. Mika took a sip of her drink and reached across the table to turn a page in her algebra II textbook. The table she sat at was scattered with all her books, highlighters, pens, and a cute pink calculator. She was in full academic mode. There was nothing that could pull her out until she noticed Bose walk in. Okay, nothing but Bose. 
Bose smiled at her from the doorway, and Mika returned one as she closed the highlighter cap. Bose walked in, looking excited when he sat down next to Mika. "Hey, what's up," Mika smiled, giving him her full attention. "Hey, I was actually looking for you just now," Bose said, pulling his chair closer to her, and Mika grinned to herself. "Oh yeah? What do you need?" Mika picked up her blended cake and stirred it with her straw. 
Mika noticed Bose fidgeting with his fingers and shaking his leg a little. He must have been nervous about something. "I wanted to know if i could get your advice on something," Bose put his hands on the table.  Mika rolled her head back and groaned, she already knew what he was going to ask. "No, you can not adopt every homeless animal in Swellview,". Bose chuckled, he was almost successful with it last year, but that's not what he was going to say. 
"First of all, i will not stop until every cute little puppy who doesn't have a home is living with me," Bose stated, and Mika put her drink down. 
"And seconded of all, this is about a girl," Bose claimed.
 Mika was surprised. Why would Bose out of all people need advice about a girl? Now Mika was interested, "Okay, elaborate,". "Well, there's this girl that i know, and i think it's time I asked her out," He eagerly scrunched his shoulder up and down. 
"Oh," so Bose wanted Mika's advice about a girl he had a crush on.  Mika was taken aback, Bose would comment on and compliment people from time to time on their looks or personality, but it was nothing more than just him being nice. Bose never had crushes. To her, she didn't think he even liked Gerlp romantically. He was just infatuated with her being an alien. She knew Bose pretty well, and she was sure she could tell if he liked someone as more than just a friend, which is why she never bothers to think about her growing feelings for him. 
Mika felt a hurt where her heart should be. She took another sip of her drink to cool down the burning. Even though Bose would never see them as anything more than friends, they were still friends, and if he needed her help on something, then she would pull through. A friend would want a friend to be happy. 
"Okay, so tell me about her," Mika forced a smile and crossed her legs. Bose leaned further into the table thinking about what he wanted to say, "Well, I've known her for a while, she has a great sense of humor, is brilliant, is creative, she's very pretty and i really like her,". Mika saw the glee in his eyes and wished she could look away, "Well do i know her?". "I would hope so, in fact, i think you know her very well," Bose said skittishly. 
Mika was now even more intrigued. She didn't know a lot of people at school, so she couldn't think of who he was talking about. "Describe her for me," Mika asked curiously. "She's not that tall," Bose started off, well everyone was short to Bose, "She has pretty black curly hair,". Mika subtly felt her hair. Black curly hair? Like her? "Doll brown eyes, full lips that i can't help but think about kissing, and oh, she wears lots of jewelry," Bose went on, "I want to ask her on a date, but i don't know how to ask her or how to even plan it,".  Mika looked down at her hands. She was wearing multiple rings on her fingers, and Schwoz once told her she had 'Doll eyes'. 
Wait? Was Bose possibly talking about her? That would be insane to think, right? She fit the description perfectly. It had to be her. She and Bose knew all of the same people, and she was the only one she could have at the moment. But why would Bose be asking her for advice on how to get with this girl if it was her? Maybe Bose wants a first-hand opinion and is too afraid to ask her what kind of date he should take her on. 
Mika became filled with adrenaline. This sure took a turn. Bose wanted to ask her out. Mika uncrossed her legs and tucked her hair behind her ear, "She sounds great,". "She is," Bose agreed, and Mika blushed. Mika began to think of what she should tell him. She's never planned a date before, but if she were to go on one, she had thought of a few things she would like. "Well, um, if i was this girl..." Mika trailed off still blushing, and Bose smiled even harder. Oh, it was definitely her.
"I think a small picnic would be nice, somewhere with flowers, maybe," Mika batted her eyelashes at him, and he listened carefully. 
"You know what, there's a screening in the park under the cherry blossoms tomorrow night for a new classical film. You could take her to that!" Mika squealed. 
Bose was glad to see how excited she was about this, "Really? That's Awesome, do you have any idea what i should bring?". 
"Oh, do i! You know what? I'll send you a list later," Mika squealed again.
 Bose got up from his chair, and so did Mika, "Thank you, Mika, you're the best," Bose went in to hug her, and Mika was sure sparks flew this time. He let go, and Mika became flustered, "Anytime Bose, i just know this girl is going to feel very special, our- your date is going to be perfect," Mika corrected herself. 
"It will be," Bose smiled and gave her hand a squeeze before dashing for the door. Mika did a small victory dance around her table, she couldn't believe what just happened. asked her on a date, sort of. Well, he was going to ask her soon either later today or tomorrow morning. 
Mika sat back in her chair, she was too thrilled to get back to studying. 
||Chapter Two||
The next morning, Mika was ecstatic. Her nerves were all over the place. She waited for Bose nearly all last night to ask her out. She thought maybe he'll do it over text or call because he would be too nervous about doing it in person. But he didn't. So the following morning, she waited again and nothing.  It was getting dark. Maybe Bose hasn't taken her advice about the park screening and was planning something else for another day, and she'd have to wait just a little longer. Mika told herself this, and it made sense. The whole thing was kind of last minute anyway.  When Mika didn't hear from Bose, she decided to pop up at the man's nest to distract herself. She was disappointed but indeed he must have a good reason. 
Mika came up from the tub and saw Chapa and Miles looking at Volt's Twitflash page on the monitor, "Hey guys,"  "Shhhh," Miles silenced her immediately Mika looked around confused, "Why did you shush me?," She said quietly in case there actually was a valid reason. "I just don't wanna hear your voice," Miles loudly whispered, stills focused on the screen. Mika crossed her arms and rolled her eyes.  "I'm so close," Chapa anxiously looked at the timer next to the monitor. 10 seconds. 
"What are you guys even staring at -" Mika was asking when suddenly a celebration alarm rang throughout the man's nest and confetti boomed from the sides. This frightened her. She looked at the monitor, and Volt's profile picture had a party hat. Congratulations on 500k followers were written in big bold words.
Chapa started jumping excitedly when Miles got up from his chair and kicked it angrily. "In your face!" Chapa approached Miles and started doing a click-clock dance in front of him, Miles looked unamused and stuck his hand out in her direction. 
The two had engaged in a little bet about Volt's twitflash followers. Around yesterday morning, Volt's page reached 450k, and Miles had no idea why she was growing so rapidly that he was sure it was some system glitch. When he told Chapa this, she got offended. Chapa said to him that she was gaining popularity because the public cared about what she had to say and was the most liked member of the Danger Force. Miles disagreed and assured her that she'd stop growing after this. Miles gave her 12 hours to make it to half a million to prove that she was indeed just that liked. 
Whoever lost the bet had to wear a t-shirt winner's face on it for a week, fill in for the winner's patrol for two weeks, and go on their Twitflash to congratulate the winner while starting all the reasons as to why the winner is better than them.  "This was so worth not getting a day's sleep," Chapa laughed, watching Miles put on a bright orange shirt with Volt's face on it that read Volt's Biggest Fan. 
"A day's sleep?!" Mika said, startled. Then she looked at them suspiciously, "Have you guys been betting again?!". Chapa and Miles looked at each other to see who would speak first and then pretended like they were distracted by things in the distance.  
"I thought we all agreed you two would stop that. It's what started your gambling problem, remember? It cost Ray 30 grand to make that whole casino disaster go away!" Mika reminded, snapping her fingers at them, and they started scratching the back of their necks.
 "Nah," Miles lied.  
Mika rolled her eyes again and threw her hands in the air. She doesn't even know why she bothers anymore. Mika decides to ignore it and turn her attention back to why she came here in the first place. "You know what? Forget it! Chapa, can i talk to you," Mika nudged her head to the side.
  Chapa started walking towards her, and so did Miles, "Alone," Mika added, "It's kind of a girl talk,". 
"I can do girl talk," Miles scoffed.
Mika and Chapa gave each other a look then Mika said spoke, " I was actually just going to ask Chapa was tampon brand she recommends for heavy flo-" 
"No! Stop! I will walk away!," Miles shuddered and went back to the monitor.
 Chapa chuckled as Mika took her arm to bring her further back, "I have some exciting news!". " I was with Bose at hip pop puree yesterday, and he asked me out!" Mika cheered. Chapa looked confused, but Mika didn't pick up on it, "Bose asked you out?". "But here's the problem, he still hasn't asked me out, as in he hasn't told me what the date is?" Mika went on. Mika started ranting, and Chapa was still trying to process what Mika meant by that, "Mika, slow down,".
"Bose asked me on a date. He was subtle, but i don't think he knows where to take me,". Mika summarized.  Chapa crossed her arms and squinted her eyes. "Weird..." She trailed off. "Weird how? Weird Bose or Weird as in Weird?" Mika questioned. 
"No, weird as in Bose already left for a date not too long ago?' Chapa revealed. Now Mika was disorientated, "What? No, that makes no sense?". "He was all excited about this girl he was taking out to see a classical screening at the park this evening, he had a picnic basket and everything," Chapa recalled. "But I'm still here...," Mika trailed off. "Did he mention who this girl was?" Mika tried to apprehend. "Yeah i think her name was Hazel or Hannah, or maybe it was Hayley," Chapa shrugged. "It was Harper," Miles smirked with his back towards them while he scrolled through Twitflash. 
Mika thought of her and Bose's conversation from yesterday so she could put the pieces together, and then she slapped her hand over her mouth when she comprehended what had really happened. Bose wasn't talking about her, it was a completely different girl he had a crush on. But Bose's description of Harper was basically a perfect match to hers. When Bose said that Mika knew her very well, he must have thought so because Harper and Mika were on the same debate team.
"So i wasn't the girl he had a crush on," Mika felt embarrassed as she slumped her shoulders and crossed her arms even tighter. 
Mika walked over to the couch and sat down, resting her chin on her hand. Mika had always been sure that Bose only saw her as a friend, but she let a few moments she had with him conjure up an insane reality where Bose wanted to be more. Maybe her feelings for him were stronger than she thought. 
||Chapter Three||
Chapa was not one to comfort people, so she rested her hand on Mika's shoulder and gave her a few pats, "I'm really sorry Meeks". Mika took a deep breath and put her hands on her cheeks to cool them. There was no point in moping about something so inconvenient. She made a mistake that almost never happened to her, and she would endure that it would never come to that again.
So Bose liked Harper. Harper was a nice girl. She was intelligent, witty, classy, and quite beautiful. Everything Bose doesn't see in me, apparently, Mika huffed. It would be selfish of her not to be happy for him. Mika deemed it unfair to him if she got upset over this, so she would just have to hide her feelings for him until she didn't need to, which could be forever at this point.
"You don't have to be sorry, it's fine. This is no one's fault but mine, I'm the one who went and got their head in the clouds over an impossible crush," Mika shrugged, getting up. She was hurt, and Chapa could tell. "I hope Bose and Harper have a great time together, i told him all the ways to plan and have a perfect date, with his perfect girl, There is no way this could go wrong" Mika affiliativly smiled and Chapa nodded in support.
"Then i hope you told him to pack lots of non-wheat foods," Miles shook his head, still facing the monitor.
Mika and Chapa turned to him. "Well, he bought some granola bars made with regular oats, but i advise he bring mostly sandwiches since it's a picnic, on whole wheat bread of course, why?" Mika questioned. So what, there was lots of wheat in his basket?
"Harper is allergic to wheat," Miles informed me with a bright smile, then went back to scrolling on the monitor. Mika's eyes went wide, "What?! How would you know?".
"I'm stalking her Twittflash right now," Miles pointed to the monitor, "It's amazing how much you can find out about people these days through social media,".
Chapa grabbed the remote from him, and Mika was quickly by their side. "Check out what her pinned Twit is, " Cherry blossoms, sting my eyes, " Chapa read.
"I prefer Thrillers films over classical," Mika continued
"I'm an indoor person,"
"I love fruits,"
"First dates make everlasting impressions on me, so get it right," Mika read the last part in defeat. It turned out she and Harper weren't that alike at all.
"Oh my god," Mika repeated as she started to pace, "This is terrible, i just sabotaged Bose's date,". Chapa checked the time, "Relax, the movie starts in like eight minutes, which means Bose probably took Harper out to do something else before they go, just call Bose and explain what happened,".
"Chapa, that is a horrible idea!", Mika shook her head.
"What? Why?" She questioned.
"Because then i would have to admit to Bose that i thought he was taking me out on a date, which means i would have to tell him that i like him, and i swear i might succumb to humiliation if that happens," Mika dramatically paused and Chapa lifted an eyebrow in concern she's never heard Mika sound of out of it. "I'll just call him and try to convince him to take Harper somewhere else, like the movies, laser tag, or whatever," Mika reached for her phone from her back pocket and started dialing the number.
Mika took a deep breath as she waited. A ringtone went off a few feet from them, and they turned to see Miles sitting on his chair again. Miles pulled the phone from his pocket and then answered it, "Hello,". Chapa rolled her eyes, and Mika hung up, "Why do you have Bose's phone?!". "He left it with me because he didn't want any distractions on his date," Miles shrugged. "Ugh! I told him to do that," Mika balled her fist.
"Constant L's for you today," Chapa awkwardly laughed, and Mika was stumped. How was she going to stop Bose's date from becoming a disaster? It was going to break his heart if this didn't work out. Or even worse, he would blame her for setting him up. Honestly, it wasn't like Bose to blame her for something like that, but the thought that he would secretly resent her for it was not something she was willing to risk.
Mika ascertained a plan quickly. She didn't have much time before the movie started. Mika rushed to the small next to the window wall, opened the drawers, and pulled out a piece of paper. Chapa and Miles strolled over to her as she started jotting stuff down. "What are you doing," Miles asked. "Bose's date will not be complete chaos," Mika affirmed, "Not if i can help it".
Mika finished writing and handed Miles the paper, "I need you to teleport to the store and get everything on this list, and hurry, we don't have much time,". "But," Miles was saying but Mika yelled, "Go!".
Miles teleported away, and Mika grabbed a small tablet. "Okay, so what are you doing now?" Chapa stood beside her. "I'm pulling up the live view of the park where the screening is going to be," Mika explained. She tapped the screen a few times, and the live feed was displayed on the monitor. Mika zoomed in while anxiously tapping her foot, "I specifically told Bose to be seated right under the tree with the most cherry blossoms because it would set the mood for a more romantic vibe,". Mika bit the side of her lip. She was thinking about what it would have been like if she and Bose were doing that.
Mika shook her head and shoved the image to the back of her mind. "Harper's Twitflash mentioned that cherry blossoms made her eyes sting, so all we have to is get to the park before they do and make sure they are seated as far away from the cherry blossoms as possible". Mika pinpointed an excellent spot, then dotted it, "There!". There wasn't much Mika could do about the movie being classical, so she would just have to accept that, but everything else was fixable.
"I sent Miles to the store because I'm going to make a whole new picnic basket with stuff that Harper will enjoy, then I'll find out a way we can switch it out with the original basket without Bose or Harper finding out," Mika was saying when Miles teleported back. 
"Sorry y'all i would have been here sooner but this chick saw my Volt shirt and tried to argue with me that she was Volt's biggest fan," Miles put the bags down tiredly along with a picnic, "It was a whole thing,". Chapa smirked, she wished she was there to witness that altercation.
And that's where i felt off...I'm not a fanfiction writer so go easy on me, i tried🫠
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mirrorballmika · 1 year
midnight rain (3/5) ao3
rated teen for violence. 
She’s got them.
Rain falls in steady sheets in front of her, splattering the top of the wall and running off the back of her cloak. It gives her excellent cover, as does the dark blanket of the sky around them. The street lights glow a few feet below her, casting weak yellowish shadows onto the alleyway below. She can see almost everything, but she's practically invisible up here, tiptoed atop the high wall. No one could spot her, not from the ground.
Even so, she sucks in her breath when she hears the voices. She presses her back against the iron fence behind her, her free hand curling around the chainlinks. All the intel she’d gathered directed her here, and it still felt like she was working off a wing and a prayer. She’d waited here until her legs shook from the effort of keeping herself upright and listened out for the news reports. Doubt had crept in, as it so often does, and if she were wrong, she’d have at most two hours to hit up three other hiding spots across the city. 
But now, as three vaguely familiar figures lead a group of stumbling, blindfolded people into the alley, that part of the battle is over.
The civilians are pushed against the wall, and as she peers closer she sees the shackles linking them together. A shudder threatens to run through her body, but she forces herself to be still. The last group she found didn’t have shackles. There had been rumours about the Gulls tightening up their security after she’d freed that last group, and if they’re as smart as their reputation claims, they won’t be ordinary shackles. Reinforced steel, most likely, which means her usual cutting tools won’t hack it, and her lockpicks failed her last time-
Stop a voice inside her commands. Focus. She nods, not sure who to, and redirects her attention. One of the Gulls is bent down and pulling something out of his pocket, while two others survey the area and the last two inspect the prisoners one more time. If she’d followed her train of thought any longer, she could be too late already.
“Game on,” she whispers. It’s freezing out here, the coldest winter night she’s felt thus far. But her breath doesn’t form in front of her. 
Her back straightens, her shoulders roll back. It’s a dance she performs alone, one that puts her in a prime position. She spent months, years even, perfecting this technique, and now it comes naturally as breathing. A slight bend in the knee, pushing (not throwing) her weight forward. And then, she’s falling through the air, curled into a crouch to keep her centre low.
And then she’s landing on the ground, soundless as a single raindrop on the sidewalk.
Her aim could’ve been better. The circle of light made by the streetlight stops just a breath from her hand. Her movements are slow as she straightens up, controlled. Guard number one stands on the other side of the light, his back thankfully turned to her. 
A disc slides from her sleeve to between her fingers. Another appears in her other hand. She gives them both a quick, soundless kiss and with a single jerk of her arms, lets them fly. The figure before her falls as one sinks into his calf. Before he can shout, another buries itself in his back, and he crumples. This time he does shout out, and his friend turns just in time to get one in the chest. 
Dark blood spurts from his mouth then. It oozes down his chin, and it almost makes Mika feel bad about sending a second disc to his stomach.
(Almost, because she looked at the row of prisoners to her right).
“Donnie?” a voice calls from the shadows. Mika stands to attention, prepared to lose the element of surprise. Someone, the other Gull, comes out of the shadows. His hair gleams dark blue under the street light. Mika steps back and skirts the side of the light as he comes closer. His friend coughs and the pavement is speckled with crimson.
Just come a little closer, she thinks, as if she’s willing him to. He obeys her, whether he knows it or not, and a tight-lipped smile spreads across her face. He takes another step into the light as she secures her position; opposite him, just to the left. One more, she urges, one more.
One single scream sends him crashing down the alleyway. Surprise isn’t on her side any more, but she doesn’t need it. She throws herself into a roll and runs towards the first guard. From there, she steps on his stomach and launches herself up. For a few seconds, she sails upward, but then she throws herself down and comes down on the Gull on the other side. A sickening pop fills the air as her boot collides with her shoulder, and she lands with her knees on either side of them and their braid in her hand. The prisoners against the wall have different reactions; some stiffen, some turn their heads helplessly, and some shriek, convinced she’ll be coming for them next.
She shakes her head, and then, pulls hard on the girl’s braid. To her right, she hears the sound of a pistol cocking, and then the last gang member steps into the light. He’s tall and pale, with a sheaf of dark red hair and the Gulls’ tattoo on his neck. He sneers down at her, and then there’s a gleam of recognition in his blue eyes.
“You’re her,” he says. “The Screaming Shadow.”
“What gave it away?” she replies. “Was it the fact that I just knocked your buddy out with nothing but my vocal cords?”
He brandishes the pistol, and she presses down on his friend’s broken shoulder. A strangled cry shakes through the alleyway, and she flashes him a grin. The Gull doesn’t lower his weapon, but he doesn’t fire either.
Mika lets go of the braid and flashes one of her knives at him instead.
“Now that you know who I am,” she says steadily. “Let’s attempt some civility.”
“You ruined our job at Bane Harbour.”
“You mean the job where you tried to take fifteen people out of the city?” she asks. She raises her eyebrow and presses the blade to the Gull’s throat. Her second one sits comfortably in her sleeve. “Taking them out to Conway?”
The girl beneath her stiffens, and Mika grins.
“That’s right. We know about the operation you’re running out of Conway. Smuggling people down there, testing your little science fair projects on them.” She forces herself to stay still, to not baulk at the stories she’s heard from those who escaped. “Tell me, how many lives have you ruined to get your stupid results.”
“So that’s your play?” the boy asks. There’s a condescending edge to his voice that makes Mika almost forget herself and rise to punch him. “Appeal to my better nature?”
Patience the voice tells her again. You can punch him all you like later.
“I’m not dumb enough to assume you have one,” she replies. “Otherwise we wouldn’t be here, would we?”
“No, but you’re dumb enough to think we’re working out of Conway,” he says. She frowns.
“I know a bluff when I hear one,” she tells him coldly. “Conway’s the only place with enough empty warehouse space to do what you need to do.”
The body beneath her laughs, the sound vibrating against Mika’s leg. She grabs the braid again, the threat evident in her touch. The Gulls are a fearless lot, so she slides her knife beneath the girl’s throat. 
“We can build our own freaking workshops, little songstress,” they tease. “And besides… space isn’t the issue. Power is, and Conway isn’t nearly capable of providing it.”
“Power,” she echoes. She looks up at the other Gull. The gun is still pointed at her, but he won’t shoot as long as she’s got a knife pressed to his friend’s neck. The Gulls are a loyal group too.
Fortunately for her, they’re also prideful, like all gangs in this city. And that makes them really, really stupid.
She flashes a smile, and her fingers work their way into the girl’s hair.
“Thank you,” she says sweetly. “That’s very useful information.”
Then, everything happens at once. The boy’s eyes widen. Then, she takes the thick pin from the girl’s hair and flings it directly into his gun, jamming the barrel. She buries her knife deep in the girl’s right leg and her other knife into her side. 
She rolls off the girl and springs to her feet. Her knives are still in the girl, but she doesn’t need them. The boy is pulling at the pin in his gun, his efforts punctuated by pained grunts. He looks up at her, eyes blazing behind his hair. His hand moves, but before he can anything, she lets out another scream. It’s a little softer than the last one, but still enough to send him down. She stalks over to him, briefly sidestepping his friend, and crouches down. Up close, she can see he’s a little older than her. She can also see the snarl on his face and her fist clenches.
“Gonna hand us over to the cops then?” he asks. She shakes her head, and it’s only then she realises her hood has fallen.
“Not after what happened last time,” she says. She slips out another knife and traces his spine with it. Just the right level of pressure against his skin. “But I’m guessing when you run out of money to bribe them, they’ll be a little less forgiving.” She casts her eye up to the row of quaking prisoners against the wall, and her jaw sets. Twelve people, she counts. They must have been promised a nice sum for all of them. 
“What are you going to do then?” he asks. Slowly, he tries pulling himself to his knees. All he gets is her cold gaze and the knife pressing into his skin, and he sinks back down. “You can’t sit out here all night.”
“No I can’t,” she says. “Fortunately, I don’t have to. We’re in Black Hornet territory. I’ll let them deal with you.” 
He stiffens, and that’s when he lets the mask slip. He shoots to his knees, not caring about the slash her knife makes in his back. Or the pain no doubt shooting through his head. 
“You little-”
“Listen, you’re the idiots who tried to use the enemy territory to smuggle your kidnappees to your base,” she tells him. “If you ask me, you were asking for this.”
“Was I asking you though?” he asks. His lips curl up, and a surge of fury runs through her body. He goes to say something else, but her fist connects with his cheek and he drops. 
She shakes out her hand. These gloves do a lot for her, but the lack of shock absorption is a kink she’s yet to work out.
That can be another day’s problem.
She twirls the ring of keys around her finger. She slipped them from his belt while her knife was pressed to his back. It’s an old but vital rule; keep their attention away from the mark. She marches up to the wall, where the prisoners still stand. They’re all shaking now, and their rain-soaked clothes stick to their skin. She approaches the one at the front of the line, a girl with a dirty blond ponytail, and lowers her voice.
“It’s okay,” she tells her. “You’re safe now. Just give me a minute to figure out which key it is…” She jabs at least six keys into the lock before finding the one that fits. Heat tickles her cheeks, and she’s just glad for the low lights and blindfolds. No one needs to see their hero blush. Certainly not over something as stupid as getting the right key.
The handcuff clicks open, and the girl tugs her blindfold off her face. She can’t be much older than Mika is, blue eyes wide and terrified. Her skin is pale, and either raindrops or tears run down her cheeks. 
“Here.” Mika hands her the key. She blinks, unsure, but then takes it in her trembling hand. “One turn counterclockwise unlocks both wrists. Once you’ve unlocked them, tell them to go down the alley, take a left and keep going until you reach midtown. From there, you should be able to get a bus or a train to get anywhere in the city. Do you understand?”
The girl stiffens. She gapes wordlessly at Mika. Her eyes flit up and down her body as if to make sure she was real.
Mika on the other hand, fights the urge to roll her eyes. She waits until her head is bent over the shackle of the person beside her. Then she repeats the same thing to them, and it seems to stick that time around.
Despite that though, she repeats herself at least three more times, shouting the getaway instructions down the line as she examines the corner where the brick sidewall meets the stone wall at the back. This is where that lead Gull kid had been standing, and from what she saw, he was looking for something here. And if she’s going to keep up her lead against the Gulls, she needs to know what.
It’s easier said than done when she’s glancing up every few minutes to get on the prisoners and repeating the same instructions. She also keeps glancing at the five bodies on the ground, counting every time to make sure. In the first week in Dystopia, two got away. She doesn’t know what they did in the three weeks before she saw them again. All she knows is the way they laughed at her the second time, and how she kicked them with a little more force than necessary.
She’s not making the same mistakes twice. That’s what she’s getting at. 
Fortunately, the most movement these guys make is a slight shift before hitting the ground again. Another one of her discs appears in her hand, just in case, but she never has to throw it. A quick surge of pride runs through her, and she twirls the disc between her fingers. She watches as the line gets smaller, groups of two or three running down the alley and skidding left. There’s less of a need for her to tell them again, they start whispering it among themselves. As they run, they avoid the bodies on the floor at all costs. Some press into the wall to get away from them, and some just run as fast as they possibly can. 
It’s moments like this where she considers breaking her own rules and calling the police. Then she remembers what happened the last time, and why she’s not calling the Dystopian cops again until she knows none of them are being paid off.
(Knowing this city, it’ll be a while)
As the civilians flee the scene, and none of the incapacitated gang members are moving, she turns her attention back to the wall. She grabs the flashlight from her belt and switches it on. The light is intense, and she blinks and squints until she adjusts. 
It seems like there’s nothing; just an ordinary meeting of two ordinary walls. Logic would tell her to leave it at that and go the hell home, but she can’t. There’s an itch in her brain that she can’t ignore. The Gulls wouldn’t lead their victims into a dead-end alley. And the red-headed one had been standing around here just before she ambushed them. There’s something about here, and if she cracks it then at least she can make life a little harder for them.
She looks upward as if the answer could be there. Unlikely, given the height of the wall and the number of prisoners they had. No, scaling a wall with them would be next to impossible. She moves closer and crouches down, shining the light against the wall. The image in her head is fuzzy, obscured by darkness. If only she’d been able to see better. Maybe she should’ve set up on this side, she thinks bitterly. Less coverage, but a better vantage point. Or maybe she should’ve waited-
The gravel crunches beneath her as her knees hit the floor. She peers closer to rule out it being a trick of the light. It’s not, and her heart thuds. Slowly, she rises and then creeps toward the wall. There, where the back wall meets the side wall, is a black crack, running from top to bottom. It could be anything, a crack in the plaster, a gap created by an underpaid city builder. But, she thinks as she presses her hand to it, it’s not.
No, it’s definitely not. Warm air tickles her gloved palm, and she breaks into a grin.
She’d first heard about it from Henry; how Dystopia is basically a bunch of concealed tunnels and secret entryways with a city built over them. How she’d bristled with excitement, back when she first heard it. Then she came here and saw it all for herself. Something lurks beneath every street corner and every alleyway. It’s what let all these gangs spring up and all these little wars start. It’s how people disappear, whether they want to or not. 
The wall door groans as she pulls it. She digs her boots into the ground, her teeth clenched to keep the grunt firmly inside of her. Pain spreads across her shoulders like ripples on the water, one pulsing after the next. The length of the past couple of hours comes back to her at once, and her arms begin to shake. She grits her teeth and keeps going. It doesn’t have to be all the way, she tells herself, just another few inches.
A heavy groan rips from her body when she lets go. The spent effort pulses in her arms, and she flexes her fingers in her black gloves. She thinks vaguely that she’ll need a hot shower tonight, then pushes that aside. She can’t think about that now, not when she’s finally gotten the step ahead she needed.
And honestly, it does help her forget about how crap she feels. Stretching out before her is a dank, grey-stone tunnel, lit by dull, flickering blue lights attached to the sides. For months, the two biggest blocks were how the Gulls were getting people out of the city and where they were taking them. Mika had staked out the harbours and the train stations and asked every contact she had. She’d chased her tail for weeks, all while more missing person posters appeared on lamposts.
Well, now she knows. And she’s kicking herself for not knowing. These tunnels, the ones that are still open, can take you right out of the city. Where no Dystopian cop could be bothered to chase you. That’s how the Gulls got away with this for so long.
Until now.
She takes a deep breath in; the air tastes like cold water, tinged with smoke. She might not be able to destroy the Gulls’ entire operation in one go, but breaking this tunnel could put a real dent in their work. If nothing else, it’s one less route they have.
Her scream is short but powerful. She feels it building inside her chest, like a car engine revving, before she sends it down the tunnel. It reverberates off the stone walls, shaking the foundations tunnel’s structure. She still feels it linger, and then she watches with relief and pride as the walls crumble and stone fills the gap. Another scream sends the ceiling tumbling on top of it, and then there’s a pile of rock and brick blocking her path. Even if they manage to clear it, it’ll likely be a while given her intel on the Gulls’ resources. And in that time, their diversions could make them sloppy, as these things often do, and she only needs one of them to slip up for her to catch them.
“Nice work.”
Her smile drops. She whips around, and her knife slides between her fingers. All at once, the warmth drains from her body. She’s as cold as the rain around them, and she feels the body behind her rather than seeing it. 
Ask questions in a minute, she tells herself, over the dozens of scenarios rushing through her brain. Make sure you don’t die first.
Her arm collides with something else. Her knee hits nothing when she brings it up. Her first options are gone, she shifts her weight back, ready to lunge and go for his ankles. But then one of the streetlights flicks back on, and what she sees makes her drop her knife.
Soft brown hair, now slick with rain. A head and a half taller than her. Clear skin, a button nose, and freaking dimples in his cheeks. A hand wraps around her wrist, and it’s the softest thing she’s felt in… well, probably over a year.
“Bose?” she asks.
He laughs, a little awkward, and his smile flashes in the dark.
For a second, she can’t feel anything, but static in her brain. Then it’s like she tunes into reality and it bursts through; Bose freaking O’Brien is in Dystopia, smiling at her, and every nerve in her body stands on edge.
“Hi, Mika,” he says. “You look good.”
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onlybomika · 2 years
“Sometimes I… I look at pictures of myself from before the Force,” he tells her. “And I look at them, and I’m like, ‘who the hell is that?’. Like I know it’s me, because it looks like me, but it doesn’t feel like me. I don’t remember being that kid and it freaks me out.”
BOSE LITERALLY HAD NO CHILDHOOD IM GOING TO CRY. his father left him when he was young, his mother went off and dated multiple guys, he was bullied for being different and his whole life changed in a day. This is why he always acts like a kid, he never got to be one.
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notsogoodofawriter · 7 months
Posted this mini one-shot as I'm working on my multi-chapter fic. I hope you guys enjoy!
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Henry Danger Reader Insert | Captain Man x Reader: SEASON 1
Episode 26: Jasper's Real Girlfriend
~Swellview Junior High~
It was another typical day at Henry's school. Sydney Birnbaum, Oliver Pook, Jasper and two other of the school's...more unusual boys were complaining about their girlfriends. Sydney was moaning and groaning about his was always annoyed at how he responded to texts late, which seemed petty, but everything was petty in high school. The other boys agreed, thinking that their girlfriends did nothing but give them a hard time, apart from Jasper who for once, was in a relationship. Not that anyone believed him.
"Well, my girlfriend is awesome." He told his friends, who just stared at him, believing that he was just trying to make himself look cool. 
"What?" he asked after they fell silent.
"You ain't got no woman," Oliver said, making the other boys laugh at Jasper. Henry and Jasper watched the sad scene, feeling sorry for their friend. It wasn't his fault that he so rarely had a girlfriend that when he did have someone special, it seemed hilariously untrue. 
"I do too, she just lives outta town." He told them, but they just scoffed.
"Psh. Yeah, right." Sydney laughed, and the other boys followed suit. 
"Oh, sure, just exit laughing!" He called after them, as they moved on to their next class. Jerks. 
"How you doing, Jasp?" Henry and Charlotte walked up to the downcast boy, hoping they could raise his spirits.
"I'm doing mad. Can you believe those guys think I'm lying about having a girlfriend?" He asked his friends, but honestly, they thought he was fibbing too.
"Yeahhhh." They answered together, trying not to upset him further.
"Wh--You guys don't believe me either?" He asked them with a betrayed look on his face.
"Well, we believe..." Henry started, not knowing how to phrase it.
"...That you're lying." Charlotte finished for him, preferring to just say what they meant without pussyfooting around.
"Yeah." Henry agreed, much to Jasper's annoyance.
"But I've been telling you guys about Courtney ever since I got back from summer camp." He told them and they sighed at how worked up he was getting.
"Jasper, you don't have to make things up to impress us." Charlotte comforted him, but Jasper felt like he didn't need to be comforted. He was telling the complete and honest truth!
"I'd never make up a lie just to impress you guys." He said, hating how they saw him as a pathetic, lying loser.
"Really? Third grade. You. pulled a bag of dirt out of your pocket and told me it came from Jupiter." Henry recalled his younger self who thought that the dirt was some mystical space dust.
"I thought it did. Back then I didn't know you can't trust guys in vans who sell space dirt." Jasper stressed. He was too little at the time to realise that dirt can't come from a planet that's made from gas and nothing else.
"Dude, you'll get a girlfriend someday," Henry told his best friend, whose head rolled in frustration.
"But if not, you can get a pet." Charlotte smiled, trying to encourage Jasper that in theory, he'd never be lonely, just a bit weird.
"You can get a rabbit for, like, 20 bucks," Henry informed them, to which Charlotte nodded enthusiastically. 
"I don't need a rabbit! I got a girl and her name is Courtney, whether you believe it or not." Jasper emphasised his words, but his message still didn't get through.
"And what's Courtney's last name?" Henry asked, thinking that Jasper would look all shifty and nervous as he came up with an answer.
"Sham." The curly-haired boy replied, making his friends giggle. It was an unfortunate coincidence for him that his girlfriend's last name suggested that she was fake.
"And what city is she from?" Charlotte asked too.
"Fibberton." He answered, making Henry and Charlotte sigh and roll their eyes. With a name like that and being from a place called 'Fibberton', it's no wonder they wouldn't believe him.
"All right, why don't you invite Courtney Sham from Fibberton here to Swellview so we can all meet her," Henry suggested, thinking that you can't meet someone if they don't exist.
"Yeah. Tell her she can stay at my house." Charlotte told him, not realising that she'd be rueing her words in a couple of days.
"Maybe I will." Jasper snapped, wanting to prove them wrong.
"Bye!" He said to them, leaving them to think about how angry he was. Could he be telling the truth?
~The Man Cave, later that day~
It had been slightly tense in the Man Cave for the past couple of weeks. The whole Ray lying about Henry turning evil hadn't gone down well with (y/n) and she had felt a little awkward around him since it seemed like he didn't trust her. Still, they were working through their grievances and like always, any tear in their complex relationship had slowly healed up.
Everything was back to normal, well, whatever normal was in the Man Cave. Currently, Henry and Ray were trying to outmatch each other in a ping-pong tournament. (y/n) watched from the steps behind them, intrigued at how Ray's shirt allowed her to see every movement of muscles beneath the material, but she couldn't give a fig about the dumb competition.
"Here it comes!" Henry told his boss as they beat the small, white ball back and forth across the table.
"Bring it, son. Ha, you got nothing." Ray taunted him, trying to show off in front of his best friend so he could hear her adoring praises. After feeling like he was treading on eggshells around her for the past two weeks, he was eager to be in her good books again.
"What do you call this?" Henry asked as he swung his paddle with all his strength.
"Lame!" Ray jumped up to return the ball with equal force, not hearing the small gasp fall from (y/n)'s lips as she saw a small portion of his back be exposed as he lept in the air.
"Hey, guys, Harrison Ford just crash-landed his aeroplane in the Jandy River!" Schwoz yelled as he held his hand over the phone's speaker. 
"Again?" Henry frowned, too invested in his ping gong game to care if the celeb had ditched his place in the river.
"Isn't this, like, his third plane crash?" Ray added, focusing on the game too. All (y/n) could focus on was the way his biceps looked like tree trunks from how he'd been working out recently.
Ray saw an opening and exploited it, beating Henry as the ball went out of bounds. The boy groaned, frustrated that he had been beaten after putting so much effort in.
"21 to 19! I win again!" Ray smiled and threw down his paddle in celebration as (y/n) squealed and ran over to him, planting a kiss on his cheek to congratulate him.
"Dang it, dang it! Frigid diphthong kumquat dang, dang it!" Henry yelled as Ray embrace his best friend, ignoring how his ears were burning from her lips on his skin.
"Good game." The boy calmly shook hands with his opponent after the man had released (y/n) from his arms.
"Thanks." Ray accepted the praise, feeling pretty special at how everyone was complimenting him.
"Now...let's blow a bubble and get Harrison Ford out of trouble." He instructed the boy, not wanting to leave the man in the freezing waters. Schwoz looked at them as he stayed on the phone, waiting to see if there'd be any updates.
"Can't we just send Chewbacca to fish him out?" (y/n) joked, not wanting him to go even though she'd never keep him from his job. 
"No, silly girl!" Ray laughed, giving her one last hug before he went. For once, he didn't want to go either, but he had no choice, Swellview needed him and he had to go. He'd returned to her, always.
"Let's go." He said to Henry, having missed the knowing look the kid had shared with Schwoz.
They ran over to the tubes and slapped their belts so they would come down. Only, as Henry's came down in was covered in some kind of gross, gooey gunge stuff.
"What the..." (y/n) breathed out as she gagged at how filthy the tube was. She had several questions, namely who had done and why hadn't they cleaned it up.
"What is all over your tube?" Ray looked at the filth, feeling a bit squeamish at the sight of it. They raised their tubes as (y/n) walked over to them, demanding an answer. She was scary when it came to someone leaving a big mess in the Man Cave, particularly when they didn't clean up after themselves.
"Okay." Henry sighed when she looked at the boy with raised eyebrows. She couldn't think of when Ray could have done it since they had been together since the last time that tube had been used, leaving only Henry and Schwoz as possible suspects. The little man was on the phone looked extremely panicked as Henry started his confession, hinting that he'd had something to do with it.
"Yesterday, Schwoz told me to go up the tube with a hot nacho platter and the suckage made the cheese and refried beans go everywhere," Henry explained guilty, his strong moral conscience not allowing him to lie to his friends. 
"Schwoz?" Ray scolded his employee when (y/n) looked at him to tell the little man off since he was his boss.
"My sister is in town and she wanted a taste of Mexico." He whined, but (y/n) wasn't happy, not in the slightest.
"Well, both of you are gonna clean that damn tube." She told the with a stern voice. She wanted to get it done herself, but she wasn't going to fall into the habit of cleaning up all the messes they couldn't be bothered to do themselves.
"Oh, come on." Schwoz frowned like a child.
"The tube is, like 100 feet tall," Henry added, looking to Ray for help but he wouldn't find any. The man didn't want her cleaning the nacho goop either, she was his helper, she helped him, not them.
"Well, you should've thought of that before you tried to fly up it with a hot sloppy snack," Ray told them firmly, but Schwoz received more info from the person on the phone, so his attention was quickly taken away.
"Wait, wait, what? Okay, Harrison Ford's aeroplane just sank." He told the superheroes who sighed. More work.
"You guys should go save him." (y/n) told them, but they looked a bit hesitant.
"We will...after one more quick game?" Henry looked at his boss as the young woman blanched at his words.
"We can't ju--my serve." Ray threw his sense of duty out of the window as he and Henry ran to pick up their paddles again. The same tapping of the ball against the table filled the room again as they resumed play, Schwoz and (y/n) gobsmacked at them.
"Oi, assholes. Harrison Ford, danger, go!" (y/n) pointed to the tubes. They could take one tube or if necessary, they could use the elevator and sneak out of the store. Either way, they had to go help the city.
"Yeah, yeah, in a bit, sweetheart," Ray mumbled back, his mind too focused on the game to realise what he had called her so casually or how she stopped breathing as she practically had an out-of-body experience. Sweetheart? Yes, please. 
~Swellview Junior High, the next day~
Henry stood by his locker as Charlotte wandered through the halls, looking for her friend.
"Hey. How can come Jasper wasn't in class last period?" She asked the blond boy, curious as to why her other friend had been absent.
"I don't know. He asked Miss Shapen if he could skip class, and she said, "Yeah, sure, just leave me like every man does."" Henry quoted, but his attention was redirected as Jasper and a very pretty girl with a suitcase came through the school's entrance.
"Wow. Cool school." The girl said as Jasper showed her around.
"Thanks. Oh, Charlotte, Henry. I didn't expect to see you two here." The curly-haired boy gloated at his friends, ready to rub the fact he wasn't lying in their faces.
"Why? We go to school here every day." Charlotte frowned at him.
"And this is where our lockers are," Henry added, but Jasper swiftly moved on.
"Ha, ha, too true. Too true." Jasper stretched his arm around the girl next to him, making his friends frown at the gesture.
"So, I'd like you to meet my girl, Courtney." He introduced his girlfriend, who smiled brightly.
"Hi. It's so great to meet you guys. Jasper's told me so much about you." She greeted them politely, giggling at how their mouths dropped.
"Oka, did he find you at a bus stop?" Charlotte asked, feeling flabbergasted.
"And did he pay you 50 cents to come here and pretend to be his girlfriend?" Henry added, offending his best friend with the low price.
"50 cents? Look at her." Jasper gestured to Courtney, who just grinned and blushed.
"He's your boyfriend?" Charlotte asked her, still in disbelief.
"Well, I sure hope so. I just rode a bus 300 miles from Fibberton to see him." The pretty girl sighed dreamily, as Jasper smirked with pride.
"I paid 20% of her bus ticket." He bragged.
"How come this is the first time she's been to Swellview?" Henry asked the boy.
"'Cause, I don't have a guest room in my house. So when Charlotte said she could stay at her place, I invited her to come here." Jasper revealed as Charlotte's eyes bugged out at his words. Yep, she regretted saying that.
"But, I didn't know she was real." She stammered.
"Well, she is. Wanna feel her face?" The boy asked, putting his hands on his girlfriend's elbows and pushing her towards Charlotte a bit, but neither girl wanted to do the suggestion.
"I guess I'll call my mom and let her know you're coming over." Charlotte smiled at the other girl, who was about to be her roommate for the night couple of nights.
"Super." The couple giggled together as Charlotte went to call her mom.
"Hey, wait here. I'mma go get the guys and bring them here to show them that you really exist!" Jasper squealed excitedly, running off early so he could prove Oliver and Sydney wrong.
"Wow, you seem awesome. Jasper's a lucky guy." Henry smiled at Courtney, trying to break the ice.
"Thanks. He says really nice things about you and Charlotte." The girl smiled back.
"Well, Jasper's been my best friend for a long time and he loves Charlotte." He told her, but his words seemed to upset Courtney.
"Yeah, what do you mean?" She asked with a scowl now etched onto her pretty features.
"Huh?" Henry couldn't think of what he had said wrong.
"You said Jasper loves Charlotte." She reiterated, a sting of raging jealously going through her heart.
"Yeah, you know, they like...oh, no, no, no, wait, wait. I didn't mean like he loves her." Henry panicked as Courtney went into a meltdown.
"Are there any other girls around here that Jasper is in love with?" she screeched, freaking out at the thought of Jasper with another girl.
"No, no, no. Just Charlotte." Henry tried to correct himself, but it just made things worse.
"Oh great, so he is in love with her." Courtney growled, a deep hatred for Charlotte taking root in her mind.
" No, they just, they're just really close and it's like--" The boy stuttered, but the teen girl was too lost in her jealousy.
" Oh my god! " She shouted as Charlotte returned, not knowing about the shit show she just walked 
"Hi. So, I talked to my mom and she said it's no problem." She smiled, but it quickly fell when all Courtney did was scowl at her. The dark-haired girl looked at Henry for help, but he just held his hands to his face, thinking about how he'd really screwed everything. Well, tonight was going to be a blast.
~The next day, at Junk-N-Stuff~
Ray and Henry were continuing their ping pong tournament and it was just as heated as it had been before.
"You're going down! " Henry growled as an enthralled (y/n) watched their every movement. Ray was wearing another tight T-shirt and she couldn't take her eyes off of him.
"I'm coming up."Ray quipped, as he tried to keep his focus on the game and not on his beautiful cheerleader.
"Here it comes !" Henry yelled as he basked the ball with his ping pong paddle.
"It's coming back! " Ray was desperate to win, after all, he had someone to impress.
"I'm the king of Ping. "Henry commented, as their banter went back and forth with the ball.
"I'm the master of pong! " Ray replied as the elevator doors opened and Schwoz came out with a trumpet. He blew it loudly, resulting in Henry and (y/n) jumping out of their skins. Ray, on the other hand, had planned the attack so he could scare Henry into losing. He laughed and smirked in victory when the ball hit the floor as his friends, clutched their hearts in fear.
"And I win again!" He bragged to her, who frowned at how his boss had cheated.
"No!" Henry cried, annoyed at how he'd lost to that sucker again.
"Yes!" Ray smiled, but it fell when (y|n) punched him on the arm.
"Asshole! You scared me half to death!" She glared at both him and Schwoz. He gave her an apologetic look, not wanting to ruin his victory by losing his girl's support.
"And that means I win the ping pong championship belt." Ray gloated and held up what looked like a WWE belt, only it had a load of ping pong balls stuck to it. Henry whimpered as (y/n) begrudgingly helped him put in on.
"Hoo, hoo, hoo! " Ray chanted as he paraded around the Man cave, but Henry wasn't going to let the hollow victory slide. 
"Schwoz distracted me... And scared (y/n)!" The boy pointed out, making Ray turn around and look at the kid and his best friend.
"Hey. (Y/n)'s fine. And ping pong's about three things, paddles, staying focused, and small plastic balls." Ray told his sidekick.
"Oh yeah, mid-afternoon cardio is my favourite thing." The young woman looked at her best friend sarcastically, so he put an arm around her shoulder and showed her his new belt.
"Why'd you walk in here and blow that thing?" Henry asked Schwoz, who tried to look innocent.
"I found it in a dumpster." He told the kid, causing his friends to grimace as a tube came down, and much to (y/n) 's annoyance, it was still covered in nacho cheese.
"Why haven't you two cleaned that damn tube yet?!" She yelled, looking at the pipe in disgust. Poor Charlotte had to travel through the gunk which had now started to crust over and smelt really, really bad.
"Hello." "Hey, Char." Henry and Schwoz greeted the miserable girl. She'd had a terrible night with Courtney and she was certain that the girl was trying to kill her. The others looked at her in confusion as she moodily plodded past them.
"Charlotte, sweetie, are you all right?" (y/n) asked the teen carefully when she noticed how out of it she was.
"No, thanks. I just ate a taco," she replied, not even listening to what she had been asked. She wandered over to the supercomputer and sat down, completely ignoring her friend's concern.
"What's up with her?" Henry said to the adults, but they couldn't give an answer. This was completely unlike the girl's normal behaviour.
"Worry about her later. Right now, you and Schwoz are gonna clean that tube." Ray scolded Henry and Schwoz, sharing his best friend's anger at how his equipment was still disgustingly dirty.
"Or...I challenge you."Henry suggested, making (y/n) groan in frustration. At this rate, she'd be the one cleaning it just so she didn't go insane.
"To what? "Ray asked, always up for some competition to prove he was the best.
"To another game of Ping pong." The boy answered, piquing Ray's interest. (Y/n) sorely didn't want them to battle it out just to decide who would clean the stupid tube.
"If l lose, me and Schwoz clean the tube. If you lose, you and (y/n) have to clean it." The boy set down the rules. 
"While wearing ducky pyjamas." Ray upped the ante, confident that he and the young woman next to him would be fine.
"Why am I getting dragged into this? This is your testosterone freak fest." she groaned, not wanting to bet on something so stupid.
'It's a bet." Henry shook Ray's hand in agreement, sealing the deal. Schwoz and (y/n) groaned as they were sworn in too, despite their protests.
Charlotte was too busy scrolling through Courtney's Twitflash to realise that any bet had been made. She wanted to find out more about this girl since she had done nothing but try to assassinate her during the night by using her ceiling fan as a weapon.
"Hey, Char." Henry approached her, wondering what she was doing that was so important it meant that she hadn't spoken one word to him since she'd arrived.
"Charlotte." He reiterated when she failed to answer. He tapped her on the shoulder gently, causing her to turn around angrily.
"WHAT?! What's what, what?!" She snapped, scaring Henry a little.
"Why are you looking at pics of Jasper's girlfriend?" He asked, recognising the girl on the monitor.
"Because she's trying to kill me." She revealed, sounding insane to Henry.
"Last night. I think she loosened some bolts in my ceiling fan. Because it fell and almost took my head off." She told her friend her theory, but Henry just looked at her like she'd gone crazy. 
"Why would Courtney want to hurt you?" The boy sighed.
"I don't know. But she's acting all jealous, why would she be jealous of me? " Charlotte mentioned, making everything fall into place for him. Oh, shit.
"Uh..." Henry struggled to say anything, which made the other teen highly suspicious.
"What do you mean...uh?" She asked.
"Y'see, at school, I might have kind of made Courtney think that Jasper kind of...loves you." He told her, freaking the girl out.
"Well, why would you say that?" Charlotte snapped at him, thinking about how he'd really screwed her over.
"Because he does love you. As a friend. But she didn't get that." He sighed. What a mess.
"Yeah, all she got was a reason to kill me." The girl stressed.
"Well, what do you want me to do?" Henry asked, ready to sort out the mess he had made.
"Help me tell Jasper that his girlfriend is a crazy, jealous lunatic." Charlotte proposed, but the boy wasn't sure.
"He'll never believe us." He replied so the two teens thought about their predicament for a moment.
"Okay, then we're gonna tell him, and we're gonna show him." She smirked, her devious plan forming in her head.
"You and Jasper are going to hide in my room tonight, and he'll see for himself now coo-coo his girlfriend is." The dark-haired girl explained.
"Ah, I don't know." Henry hesitated. Did he really want to take away the first girlfriend Jasper had had in ages?
"Please?" Charlotte begged him, knowing she'd need his help to pull this off.
"Do you still keep that dish of gummy bears by your closet door?" Henry wanted there to be something in it for him.
"Yeah," she groaned; she'd have to buy another packet after Henry had visited.
"Okay, I'll do it "Henry agreed, the temptation of gummy bears being too much for him to resist. Their plotting was halted as (y/n) came down the stairs from the sprocket. She had grown tired of watching Ray stroke and coo at his belt, so she had strolled from his bedroom to the living area.
"Hey, guys." She smiled at the kids, wondering what they were talking about in the middle of the room.
"Hey, Ray starting to annoy ya?" Henry asked, knowing now Ray was loving flaunting his ping pong belt.
"Oh my god, yes. He keeps kissing the damn thing." She groaned, making the kids laugh.
"What? You want him to kiss you instead?" Charlotte smirked and the woman blushed, frantically looking to see if Ray had followed and heard them. God, she'd be mortified.
"Hey! I don't want to kiss him!" (y/n) screeched quickly, but the kids knew her far too well to believe her.
"Yeah, sure!" Henry giggled at her red face, knowing that some of the things she had thought about Ray were downright sinful.
"What were you guys even talking about?" the young woman asked, trying to steer the conversation away from her yearning.
"Me and Henry are gonna show Jasper how much of a psycho his girlfriend is. Charlotte explained and the older girl raised an eyebrow at her words.
"The bucket kid has a girlfriend?" She asked in an amused voice.
"Yeah, and she's totally insane, she tried to kill me last night 'cause she thinks Jasper's in love with me," Charlotte told her, shocking (y/n) to her core. Kids weren't this crazy when she was younger.
"Jesus. She does sound crazy. Are you sure you'll be okay?" She looked at the teens. If anything happened to them because some silly teenage girl got too jealous for her own good, she'd be heartbroken.
"Actually, we could use an adult on our side to back us up," Henry mentioned, knowing he'd feel a lot safer if he had a calm, rational adult, like (y/n), with them.
"Yeah, could you come to my house tonight and hide with Jasper and Henry?" Charlotte asked her, but the woman wasn't sure. She didn't make a habit of staking out children's bedrooms.
"You won't have to listen to Ray and watch his belt-kissing." Henry pointed out.
"Done." She agreed. At least it would get her out of the Man Cave for the night, after all, adventure is good for the soul.
~ Later that night, Charlotte's house~
Charlotte and Courtney had gone to bed like everything was normal, only it wasn't since she was sleeping with a baseball bat and Henry and (y/n) were hiding in her closet. Pecking out from behind the door, the two could see Charlotte pretending to be asleep as Jasper opened the trunk at the bottom of her bed and looked around. They all gave each other a thumbs up signalling that they were all in position for whatever Courtney would do.
Henry went to flick the light on, but the psycho teen moved and mumbled in her sleep, causing him to back off. The girl got out of bed, which made Charlotte shoot up too.
"Hi, how are you? Why did you get out of bed?" She asked quickly, thinking that Courtney was about to murder her or something.
"Oh, I just need to use the bathroom." She said, getting up and walking over to the ensuite.
"Wait." Charlotte stopped her and got out of bed too.
"Yeah?" the other girl smiled.
"Listen. I know Henry told you that Jasper loves me." Charlotte started as (y/n) carefully opened the closet door so she and Henry could listen.
"Oh, well, yeah. He did." Courtney said carefully. Seeing his chance, Henry started shoving as many gummy bears in his mouth as possible.
"Right. But I want you to understand he meant just as friends." Charlotte told her, running over to her gummy bear bowl so Henry would stop eating them.
"I promise I'm not trying to take Jasper away from you or anything like that," she added, jumping on her trunk so Jasper would stop opening it.
"Oh. Well, thanks. I really appreciate you telling me." Courtney smiled, but it had a sinister element to it. The girl opened the bathroom door and walked inside, but the weird thing was that she took her suitcase with her.
Finally, alone, the guys in the trunk and closet came out of their hiding places.
"See? She's not insane. You both owe me an apology." Jasper told his friends sternly as Henry and (y/n) ate some gummy bears.
"No, she may be acting nice now, but I'm telling you she needs help. That's why (y/n) is here." Charlotte insisted. 
"I think she seems pretty nice," Henry said, his voice garbled from all the gummy bears he had eaten.
"Yeah, I've met a lot of bitches in my life and she's not one of them." (y/n) added, popping another piece of squishy candy into her mouth.
"Then explain the ceiling fan almost falling on here," Charlotte said, pointing to where the fan had previously hung.
"Aah!!!" No one had any time to respond as Courtney burst out of the bathroom, wearing a Vikings helmet and carrying a chainsaw crusher thing.
"STAY AWAY FROM MY MAN!!!" She screamed, firing up her weapon as (y/n) pushed Henry further into the closet. They all cried in pure terror as Courtney tried to attack them.
"Holy shit! She is crazy!" The woman screamed as Henry and she ran out of the closet. They didn't want to trap themselves in there if crazy Courtney forced her way in.
Tackling her to the ground, Henry gave (y/n) the chance to keep Charlotte and Jasper away from the psychopath. The dark-haired girl grabbed her baseball bat as Courtney got back of her feet and tried to turn him into mincemeat. They ran over Charlotte's bed and dodged her lethal machine. They threw pillows, lotions, deodorants, anything that would keep her back, but it seemed like her rage was endless.
"Get the silver pillow cushion seat thing!" (y/n) instructed Henry. This wasn't now she had expected the night to go. She could've been at home with pay right now, but, noo000. She had volunteered to go up against Fibberton's biggest nutter.
Following the woman's instructions, Henry picked up the shiny cushion and when Courtney charged at him, he used it to push her back, forcing her through the window.
"I'll get you for that! I'll get you!" She screamed from outside, demonstrating that she really was insane.
"Okay, maybe she needs help," Jasper admitted as the only adult in the room called the cops. Henry and Charlotte rolled their eyes and blew out their cheeks. That was a massive understatement; Courtney needed serious, psychiatric care, stat.
~The next day, in the Man Cave~
Another stupid ping pong competition. Henry needed a stress reliever after the whole Courtney-near-death experience. He really didn't want to clean that damn tube and finally beating Ray sounded pretty good in his mind. The smug man was even wearing the ping pong belt to assert his previous victory.
The males were pulling out every trick they had, from spins to under the leg shots, they were sparing no expense. (y/n) was watching like always, her support going to Ray since if he lost it meant she was cleaning the foul-smelling tube and she loved watching him move. She felt like a teenager again; obsessing over a football player on the field, silently giving him her love. 
Eventually, they hit it so hard that the ball became a white blur in the air, not even touching the table. They shouted from the effort it took it to keep the ball in the air, but Ray was ultimately victorious, using his superior strength to hit the ball into Henry's eye.
"Whoo!" Ray smirked, tossing his paddle in his hand as (y/n) ran over to him and jumped on him in elation. He laughed with her as they span around, ecstatic to have won the bet. He buried his nose into her hair as her smile warmed his heart. He had won for her.
"Ha, ha, yeah. That's 17 to 20. One more point and I win." Ray said, his hand resting on (y/n)'s hip, which at this point, was where it belonged.
"I know how ping pong scoring works." Henry hissed, not happy at how badly he was losing.
"Your serve," Ray told him, letting the kid go first.
"Wait, wait, wait." (y/n) interrupted an idea coming into her mind.
"What?" Henry and Ray asked, confused as to why she was stopping the play.
"Can I play this round? I mean, we are a team, right?" She asked Ray, who looked at her in disbelief. She wanted to play?
"What? But you never play ping pong, even with me." He said to her as Henry shrugged. He didn't care who he played, to be honest.
"Yeah, and now I want to play since I'm cleaning the tube too. So give me the paddle." She gave him a pointed look and he regretfully gave her the ping pong bat. Looks like he'd be the one watching from the sidelines. Slipping off her zip-up hoodie, (y/n) stretched her arms and hips a little bit, Ray blushing as her black tank top stretched over her...features. Now, he'd be in her position, dreaming sinfully about the way her flesh jiggled and bounced as she dived for the ball.
"Your serve, Henry." She reiterated what Ray had said to the boy, getting her gaming head on. All her skill from her years of playing ping pong in college was ready and waiting to be used. However, Henry just stood there and bounced the ball in a bored manner. What was his plan?
"Are you stalling?" Ray asked the boy who just looked around the Man Cave, ignoring how (y/n) was studied his every move. Her muscles were poised and tensed for action and she was expecting a surprise move any minute now.
"No. It's just Schwoz is supposed to be here and he's late, so..." Henry excused, trying to prolong the wait.
"Kid, it's game point. Just serve." (y/n) told him, eager to get cracking.
"Lose, and get to scrubbing the filthy tube," Ray added, also desperate for the match to start so he could see his girl kick his ass. But, they were interrupted by Schwoz as he came into the room with a large, weird-looking man.
"Hey guys, Ray, this is Larry." He introduced the guy, as Ray stood up angrily. 
"What are you crazy?" He looked at the genius with wide eyes.
"You can't just bring people down to the Man Cave." (y/n) said too, thinking that Schwoz should've known the rules by now since he had worked with Ray for longer than she had.
"Larry is family, you said I could bring anyone in my family down here except for my sister." Schwoz reminded him.
"Who looks like a horse," (y/n) giggled, making the little man roll his eyes. 
"Oh, all right. But (y/n)'s just about to beat Henry at ping pong so if you guys—" The superhero was cut off as Henry smiled at Larry.
"Just a sec. Larry, right there." Henry instructed the man, who walked over to the tube and took his shirt off, which he then threw to Schwoz.
"Uh, I'm flattered but he's not my type?" (y/n) joked, wondering what the hell they were doing. Larry definitely wasn't her type, namely because he wasn't a brown-haired, ripped superhero with a goofy personality.
"You said that ping pong is all about staying focused," Henry said to Ray, who recalled what he had said the day before.
"Yeah, but what's the—" Ray didn't have the chance to finished his sentence as Henry used his remote control to play some music. Larry started dancing and it was pretty funny, to say the least. 'So that's their play, huh.' (y/n) thought to herself, knowing that it would take more than a boogieing weirdo to break her focus.
"Just hit the damn ball." She said to Henry, who at last served the ball. She returned it easily, and they fell into a tense battle. Larry danced his heart out, but it distracted Ray more than it distracted her. She really should've told him to be quiet, because his cute laughter caused her to miss the ball. Twice. 
"Raymond, will you stop laughing?" She hissed at him as he giggled at the man's dancing. Henry and Schwoz knew that Ray wouldn't have been able to ignore a fat guy dancing and they knew that (y/n) wouldn't have been blue to ignore him being adorable. It was a very sneaky plan. 
"Aha! 19-20!" Henry and Schwoz celebrated, as (y/n) gulped. It was all to play, for now, no room for error. Larry grabbed a lime-green bikini top to up the ante, making Ray chuckle again. He even had a skipping rope to add to the laugh factor, which took (y/n)'s anxiety to the next level. Things were getting tense, Henry only needed a couple more points to win.
"Seriously, please stop laughing or I will kill you." She made Ray look her in the eye, her glowing skin stealing his breath away. He nodded dumbly, her radiant beauty making his tongue useless. 
"Okay, let's do this thing." She nodded at Henry, desperate to win the competition, not because she'd have to scrub the tube if she didn't, (she didn't care about that), she just wanted to make him proud.
After another intense round, with Henry scoring yet another two points, making to score 21- 20, everyone was on edge. Larry had a siren on his head and a space hopper in an attempt to make Ray laugh, but the man was biting down on his thumb to keep in his giggles. He chose to focus on her hips instead, loving the way her feminine curves moved and bounced as she dived for the ball.
"Henry, one more point and we won't have to wear the pyjamas," Schwoz told the boy excitedly. Larry decided to move on to the next stage of his plan, so he brought out a King Charles cavalier spaniel and started to eat spaghetti and meatballs with it, like in Lady and the Tramp. Okay, this was getting ridiculous.
"Okay, okay, that's it, I'll clean the damn tube. Stop feeding the dog." She snapped, slamming her paddle on the table. It was just easier for her to get on with it, rather than carry on this bloody charade.
"You forfeit?" Henry gasped at her, not believing that she'd give up so easily. Didn't she want to flaunt her assets at Ray anymore?
"(y/n/n), we're so close," Ray whined, as she walked past him so she could change into the stupid duck pyjamas.
"I know, but I can smell that thing from here and this is just...dumb! I'll clean it, you play the game. Loser cleans with me." She sighed, failure stung like a bitch.
She left them to finish the game, quickly returning when she had put on her PJ's. In all honesty, she often cleaned in pyjamas since she always got in a cleaning groove late at night when Captain Man was out fighting criminals. And they were pretty cute in her opinion, so she didn't mind too much. 
She walked down from the sprocket only to see Henry dancing around the room with Ray's belt. Oh shit, they won. Ray looked dumbfounded that he'd lost to a kid. Now he had to spend his night chiselling cheese off the tube.
"Let me guess? The dog got to you?" She gave Ray a sympathetic smile and he groaned in sadness. He hated losing, but at least he wouldn't have to scrub the tube alone. She patted his arm and he shuffled off to put his red duck pyjamas on. Schwoz, Larry and Henry laughed at his disappointed face, but little did they know that their victory came with a bonus for Ray...
~15 minutes later~ 
"You're doing great. Keep scrubbing that tube, guys!" Henry called to the friends who were now both in the tube. Whilst the three winners got to munch on Chinese takeout, Ray and (y/n) had to chip the hardened cheese off of the strong glass. It sounded like a pretty crappy job, but it did come with a small perk.
The confined space in the pipe meant they were pressed up against each other, and boy, were they secretly loving it. He felt like a giant behind her, his muscly arms wrapping around her so he could wipe the wall. Not to mention the fact that the thin pyjamas meant that every contour of his body was pressing into her from head to toe, and I mean, every contour. She blushed as she cleaned, trying to ignore his breath on her neck, his muscles rippling against her skin, his lower half pressing into her from behind. It was an overload of sensations for her, but she didn't want it to stop.
Ray was the same. His head was spinning from how small she felt next to him. He was her protector, so why did she feel like prey? He wanted to claim her, to mark her in a way that would tell other men she was his and only his, but he daren't, even when the curve of her neck was exposed to his lips. He just basked in her presence, glad that he could just take a moment to appreciate the way she pressed into him in a sinfully delicious way. God, this was torturous, but he liked it.
"Keep it up, guys!" Schwoz yelled as they kept scrubbing, his noodles and spring rolls distracting him and the others from the steamy moment in the tube. They weren't in a hurry. They had all the time in the world to savour their love, which was growing stronger by the day, giving them the strength to keep going like always. Ray Manchester and (y/n) (y/l/n) against the world.
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illcitaffrs · 2 years
did a.. less depressive, spicier and.. smuttier? version of Your Shirt! 
it actually reminds me of stay by gracie abrams sm!! 
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netershipper15 · 1 year
Bapa vs Bomika??
I watch danger force and I ship Bapa, but I also like Bose and Mika together, even though I don't SHIP them. But some of you Bapa stans have to stop being so toxic to people who do ship Bomika, even if you don't 100% agree with their opinions. Stop being so fucking toxic and disrespectful. Just respect that some people ship other things and that's okay. Even Havan said that the whole Bapa thing is not going to happen which shouldn't surprise yall.
I mean c'mon Bomika does have more chemistry, and it makes sense they just have more intimate scenes than Bapa does, now yeah you can be disappointed and a little upset but at the end of the day you all will need to get the hell over it and grow up. It's a kid's show. And it won't be the end of the world when Bapa doesn't kiss or hug, or be romantic like Bomika probably will. That's why fanfictions exist. If you want Bapa together that bad.. then write it. Besides some of you guys who are shitting on Bomika stans are just racist, really Calling a character the n-word, over a FICTIONAL- KIDS SHOW, and a stupid ship is CRAZY to me, but pop off babes. smh
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bomikalover · 4 months
Love the mackers headcanons, can i get some about how they'd be as a couple
I would love to, but I truly don’t think I can. We didn’t get much of the miles and buddy dynamic in season three or season one. We didn’t get much of Buddy’s character at all. I think that if I wanted to envision them as a couple I would need more of their dynamic, which I unfortunately cannot get, if they were given a full season three and we were able to see not only Buddy’s character flourish, but his character’s interactions with the other kids flourish. I truly think I would have a better grasp on how I would put them together as a couple, but as of right now, I don’t think I will ever make them like a couple in any of my fanfictions, like an official, lengthy relationship because I just don’t know how it would be because I have no idea what the relationship is like. I’m comfortable writing them as crushes and then like maybe a confession or a date or two, but as an official couple, I have no idea how they would be. you know like bomika it’s easy because we’ve had 3 to 4 years of seeing them together and interacting and their characters solo so it’s easier to see what they would be like as a couple but in comparison to Buddy who we’ve only gotten in like no more than 10 episodes it’s harder to write or imagine future concepts for him.
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boseobrien · 2 years
dissecting Bomika fanfiction into Taylor Swift lyrics is a hobbie
All Too Well- (Kate's version)
[And I can picture it after all these days, And I know it's long gone and that magic's not here no more, And I might be okay but I'm not fine at all ]  - Kate is excited to have Bose come back but it's not the same when she finds out he brought Mika and she knows that he's in love with Mika, but she's in love with him.
['Cause there we are again on that little town street, You almost ran the red 'cause you were lookin' over at me,Wind in my hair, I was there I remember it all too well] -  well yk just Bose and Kate just having a fun Summer montage <33
[And your mother's telling stories 'bout you on the tee-ball team] - I think Ceila and Kate got along really well, The way Ceila was talking about it her made it kind if seem like she was rooting for them
[And maybe we got lost in translation, Maybe I asked for too much, But maybe this thing was a masterpiece 'til you tore it all up  - Kate thought that Bose liked her back bc he was spending all his time with a random girl he just met (her) but he never saw her as anything more than just platonic.
[Running scared, I was there I remember it all too well] - Bose was really sad about Mika not liking him back but Kate was there to cheer him up and distract hom from it.
[And you call me up again just to break me like a promise, So casually cruel in the name of being honest I'm a crumpled up piece of paper lying here, 'Cause I remember it all, all, all, Too well] - On the beach when he kissed her again knowing damn well he didn't have feelings for her just to tell her he felt nothing for her ( He did her so wrong omg💀]
[Time won't fly, it's like I'm paralyzed by it, I'd like to be my old self again, But I'm still trying to find it] - Kate is still stuck on Bose obviously and isn't her usual confident , animated self who doesn't care what anyone thinks.
[And there we are again when nobody had to know, You kept me like a secret, but I kept you like an oath, Sacred prayer and we'd swear, To remember it all too well, yeah] - Bose went back home and didn't tell anyone about Kate and tried to pretend like nothing happened for Mika's sake and that hurt her feelings.
['Cause there we are again when I loved you so....It was rare, I was there, I remember it all too well]  - You get the gist
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notsogoodofawriter · 4 months
Hi guys!
So i have a few multiple chapter fics that I've started but never finished, and i was wondering if you guys would be interested in me posting them even though they aren't done. I was thinking about maybe just posting them and updating it along the way, but I've never been one to do that, i like posting my fics are finished. These fics have been in drafts for like a year and a half, and others have been there for months. These fics do deal with tough topics, i wanted to really perfect them before putting them out there, but i fear they are going to waste without anyone to enjoy them. Just let me know!!
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Henry Danger Reader Insert | Captain Man x Reader: SEASON 1
Episode 21: Kid Grounded
~Downtown Swellview~
Police and fire rescue sirens were wailing in the air, as the emergency services scrambled to the scene where Captain Man and Kid Danger were working. Ray walked over to the manhole where Henry was currently struggling with a sewer full of babies. 
"Hey! I got another one!" The boy yelled to his boss, lifting a newborn baby from the sewer and passing it into Ray's arms. 
"Aw! What a cute baby. Aw, aren't you a cute little guy?" Ray cooed at the crying infant, his heart swelling at the sight of its starfish hands and chubby legs. He was at the age where he was starting to get broody for his own family and he couldn't help but melt when the baby kicked in his arms.
"Here." He quickly passed the child to a paramedic, worried that his actions were making him seem soft. 
"Man, how many babies did she have down there?" Ray asked Henry, knowing that the kid had been there for a while.
"I'm not sure, I'll check for more. Hello, are there any more babies down here?" Kid Danger ducked into the sewer again, shouting to see if any would cry in response. Whilst he was searching, Ray glanced up and saw the mother of the babies sitting on a drum barrel and munching on a large block of cheese.
"Ma'am, can I talk with you?" The superhero asked the woman politely in his Captain Man voice.
"What?" The mother groaned in an agitated tone, clearly enjoying her cheese too much to like being interrupted.
"Could you stop eating the cheese for a minute?" Ray replied in an annoyed voice. This woman had endangered her newborn children and he wasn't going to let that slide.
"Did you really think it was a good idea to crawl down into a sewer to give birth?" He asked once she had stopped eating. 
"That how we do it where I come from." The woman snapped, wiping her cheesy, greasy fingers on her grubby shirt. 
"Well, where do you come from?" Ray asked confusedly, having not heard of that tradition anywhere.
"The sewer!" She shouted in his face, as Henry emerged from the manhole again.
"Okay, I think this is the last baby." He announced, lifting another bundle of joy in his arms. He passed the baby to another paramedic as Ray knelt down beside the hole.
"Hey, kid, why don't you knock off and go home?" Ray told him, thinking that his sidekick had down more than enough for one night.
"You sure?" Henry asked, not wanting to leave his boss to fight alone.
"Yeah, it's already past midnight and you got school in the morning." The large man acknowledged that Henry had responsibilities the next day as they both stood up and moved away from the sewer.
"Oh! I think I'm having me another baby!" The sewer woman groaned, bending over and panting. How many more kids could come out of her?
"Oh, no," Ray said, as the woman scrambled to the manhole.
"Another one?" Henry wasn't sure if he could handle another sewer birth.
"I got to get back in that sewer!" The mother cried, only for the superhero duo to hold her back. The other people on the scene looked on in confusion as Captain Man and Kid Danger wrestled with a pregnant lady trying to get in a sewer.
Henry climbed up the tree in his backyard up to his bedroom window. It had been a very long night, full of birthing and crying and sewage, and he was just looking forward to collapsing into bed. Stepping through the window, he looked around the darkness in his room before tiptoeing to his closet. He shrugged off his jacket and opened the door, only for him to be scared half to death by Piper.
"AHHH!" She yelled at him as he opened the closet, making the kid fall on the floor in fright and shock.
"Why would you do that!?" He shouted at his little sister, getting up from the floor when he realised it wasn't a closet monster.
"Where have you been and why are you sneaking into your room at...one in the morning?" Piper interrogated him, checking the late hour on her phone.
"Because...I was out...moon-bathing." Henry lied, not knowing what else to say. 
"Moon bathing?" Piper asked rhetorically, not buying the lie at all.
"Yeah...check out my moon tan." Henry rubbed his belly for extra effect, but his sister was too cunning to let something like this go.
"I'm telling mom and dad you snuck out." She smirked at him, knowing that if she did, her brother would be in serious trouble.
"Fine. Tell them." Henry looked away and pretended like Piper hadn't affected him.
"I will." The little girl nodded and headed for the door so she could go to her parent's room.
"No, please don't tell 'em! Come on, I'm a nice brother and you're so sweet and cute. You don't want to get me in trouble." The boy whined, hoping flattery would win her over. All he wanted to do was sleep, but the girl wouldn't give up that easily.
"Please? Promise me?" He begged her.
"All right, I promise." She said solemnly, inwardly smirking.
~The next morning at breakfast~
The Hart family were sat around the kitchen table, all tucking into and enjoying their breakfasts. It was all going well until...
"Henry snuck out of his room last night and didn't sneak back in until one in the morning." Piper snitched on her brother. Obviously, it was a massive mistake to trust that she'd keep her word. Mr and Mrs Hart gasped in disgust at their son's behaviour as Henry dropped his cutlery on his plate and stared at Piper. Oh boy, he was in trouble.
"Well, last Saturday night while you guys were out, Piper and her friend, Marla, watched French Basement," Henry revealed. Two could play at the grassing game. The little girl looked guiltily at her parents as they scowled at her.
"Piper. That movie is rated R." Mrs Hart said in a serious tone.
"You know you're not allowed to watch R-rated movies." Mr Hart scolded his daughter, who didn't see the big deal.
"Come on, I didn't hear anything I hadn't heard before." She sassed back, but her mom wasn't impressed with either of her children's actions.
"Well, guess what? You're both grounded for two weeks." Mrs Hart told them in a harsh tone, frowning at how they had let her and her husband down.
"Boom!" Mr Hart said as Henry and Piper groaned.
"Oh, come one." The children began to yell about how unfair the setup was, but Dad wasn't going to give up.
"I said, boom!" He reiterated, laying down the law. The siblings glared at each other, knowing that this was going to be a long two weeks.
~The Man Cave~
Ray and (y/n) were both reading on the couch, sprawled out comfortably as they lounged around. The woman was highly invested in one of her favourite cheesy romance novels, one where the guy and girl were so hopelessly in love that they were blind to how much they cared for one another. Go figure. 
"God, I wish these two would just kiss." (y/n) mumbled, drawing Ray's attention away from 'The Art of making moving pictures, by Dickie Poop'. 
"Why do you read them if they annoy you?" He chuckled, his heart fluttering at how cute she looked when she screwed up her nose.
"Because things like this never happen in real life. No one is this oblivious." She replied, leaning her head on his bicep and sticking her nose back in her book. Neither of them realised how ironic the situation was.
The secret door behind the supercomputer opened and Schwoz came out holding a flower pot.
"Hey, guys." He smirked, walking towards the two as they looked up from their books.
"What is it, Schwoz?" The young woman questioned, not liking it when someone interrupted her reading, especially when she was so close to the good bit.
"Sniff this flower." The genius smirked and put the pot on the back of the couch so his superhero boss could smell it.
"All right." Ray closed his book and shifted along the couch so he could do as he asked. (y/n) watched on in apprehension, something about the glint in Schwoz's eyes made her suspicious that he had a trick up his sleeve.
"Mmmm. Smells nice." Ray smiled as he sniffed the flower, enjoying how its scent reminded him of a certain girl's shampoo.
"What is that daffodil---" Ray was cut off as the yellow flower exploded in his face, the sudden noise causing him and (y/n) to recoil in shock. Schwoz laughed as the pair stood up from the couch in alarm, Ray making sure his best friend was safely behind his indestructible body.
"Dang dangit, Schwoz!" Ray yelled at his assistant, annoyed at how his face was covered in soot and how the young woman behind him was quivering with fear. Loud noises really didn't go well with her nervous personality. 
"You got problems!" He told him, cradling (y/n) in his arms as Schwoz laughed like a hyena. The woman breathed deeply as her racing heart slowed down. 
"Do that again, and I will kill you." She said in a dark tone, Ray pulling her down to sit on the couch. She snuggled into his side as the elevator opened and Charlotte came into the Man Cave.
"Smells like something blew up in here." She commented, the odour of explosives still have in the air. Ray opened his book and his best friend scanned the words on the page. It wasn't her kind of reading material, but she didn't want to risk him moving away from her, so she just stayed silent and let her eyes focus on Charlotte. Schwoz was cackling at how annoyed Ray looked; all he wanted to do was read his book with his favourite girl by his side.
"You're a sick person." The large man told the genius, not amused by the situation or how Schwoz was finding entertainment by scaring the living daylights out of people. 
"That's Henry, he wants to hologram chat," Charlotte noted, hearing a beeping coming from the supercomputer.
"And we're up again." (y/n) said, trudging to the computer with Ray. The large man pressed the button on the edge of the control panel and a little holographic Henry appeared in front of them.
"Hey, Henry, what's up?" Ray said, irritated that people kept disturbing his time with (y/n). It's not like he always had time to just be with her, so when he managed to find some, it endlessly annoyed him when it wasn't just the two of them.
"Bad news. I can't come to work for the next two weeks." The boy said, hoping his boss wouldn't be too mad.
"Okay," Ray said, his eerily calm voice confusing everyone else.
"I'm really sorry, but I got grounded and my parents are only letting me go to school. That's it." Henry told him, making (y/n) and Charlotte frown. Ray relied upon his sidekick extensively, who would help him if he couldn't be there?
"I volunteer to be your sidekick!" Schwoz offered excitedly. He'd always fancied being a superhero, now he had a chance.
"No," Ray replied firmly. 'Super Schwoz' was the last thing he needed by his side as he fought crime.
"Come on. We could be Captain Man and Schwozzam!" The little guy pleaded his silly hero name making (y/n) giggle.
"Gross." The actual superhero frowned even more. Having Schwoz by his side would definitely ruin his image and reputation. The genius growled in defeat, knowing that his attempts to convince Ray would always be fruitless.
"I'm sorry, kid, what were we talking about?" Ray focused on his sidekick again. His mind was swimming from the explosion and having Schwoz whine in his ear, not to mention how intoxicating (y/n)'s perfume was as they snuggled on the couch. 
"I was telling you that I'm grounded, so I can't be your sidekick for two weeks." Henry reiterated his story.
"Oh, yeah, bummer. I had an important job for you today." Ray told the boy, causing him to smile at the thought of being given an important responsibility.
"There's this new barbecue place downtown, I was going to get you to pick me up up a slab of ribs." The man admitted, making (y/n) slap his bicep in annoyance.
"Raymond! Ignore him Hen, you're very important and appreciated around here." The woman said, glaring at Ray and his inconsiderate attitude.
"I'll order some ribs and have them delivered." Charlotte offered. (y/n) groaned inwardly, knowing that by offering to get them for him, the girl was unknowingly contributing to his sometimes ignorant personality.
"Cool. Later, Henry." Ray went to end the call, but his sidekick wasn't finished.
"But...but who's going to help you fight crime while I'm grounded?" Henry asked, baffled and hurt that his boss was so dismissive of him. 
"I can handle things." The man told him, thinking that Captain Man could control the situation.
"Ray, you want beef ribs or pork ribs?" Charlotte piped up, showing him the different options that the restaurant had.
"Uh, pork. Henry, I got to go." Ray said, (y/n) folding her arms from how he was treating the poor kid. 
"Bye, Henry!" Charlotte said cheerfully and the hologram fizzled out when Ray pressed the button.
"You know, you got a sidekick in the first place because you couldn't handle it. I distinctly remembering you whining to me every night, in fact." (y/n) said to Ray, as the man sat down to wait for his ribs. He looked at her body language; folded arms, hard stare, mindlessly tapping fingers on her upper arm, yeah, she was annoyed with him.
"I don't whine." He said meekly, not enjoying how her bad mood was focused on him.
"You whine. And you contradict yourself." She stated, refusing to sit down with him as she felt she had a point to make. She saw how hurt Henry was as Ray left him out of eating ribs, and she knew what it felt like to be shoved aside by him for someone else.
"Come on, he's grounded," Ray replied, but his excuse didn't cut it.
"You didn't have to be all 'Oooo, ribs, ribs, I want ribs. Bye, Henry, I don't care about you, just ribs!'" She made her voice high-pitched and acted out how Ray turned down Henry's call in favour of getting some stupid ribs.
"Just come and eat with us." Ray sighed, wanting her to snuggle into his side as she did earlier before all this kicked off. Schwoz and Charlotte watched awkwardly, feeling like two kids in between their parents' argument.
"I'm not hungry." She replied, walking away from her friends to go to her bedroom. She felt a little silly like she had overreacted and cut off her nose to spite her face, but she knew she was in too deep now to turn around and admit that she wanted ribs too. Her stubbornness wouldn't let up until she had mulled over her words for an hour or two and then she'd crawl out from her bed and give Ray a teary-eyed apology. And he always accepted it graciously, because he felt just as remorseful as she did and he hated it when they fought, it meant he couldn't hug her or laugh with her.
"Shit..." Ray mumbled under his breath, rubbing his face with his hands. Schwoz could see that both of them were just highly strung from the last few nights of little to no sleep and the unspoken love between them. It was fiery and passionate, locked up and never acted upon, so occasionally their feelings would burst out in spurts of fleeting anger.
"She will calm down in an hour, she always does." He told Ray gently, having experienced their little arguments countless times before.
"Yeah..." The larger man said, hoping that this would be like all the other times, and everything would be just fine.
~2 days later, Henry's house~
Henry had been bored out of his mind all day. Being grounded was really tough, but his parents had offered him and Piper a deal that made it even harder. They had been fed up with the siblings' constant bickering and they knew that they couldn't put up with it for two whole weeks, so they offered them an alternative. If Piper and Henry could stop fighting for one day, they would be free to do anything they liked. Simple, right? 
Henry thought it would be, but Piper was just so infuriating at times, so the whole day had been an uphill battle. She had even cut his phone charger's cable to spite him, leaving them both with no means to power their devices.
"Just four more hours. Just four more hours." He chanted to himself, knowing that soon, all his pain would be over and he'd be allowed to see his friends and to work again. He was interrupted as Charlotte unexpectedly tapped on his window, making him jump from the sudden noise.
"Ahhh!" He looked at the unapologetic girl before climbing up his steps to open the window for her. 
"Hi." Charlotte smiled at him, scrambling into his room with a white paper sack in his hand.
"Hey, what's up?" He said as they went back down the steps. He hadn't been expecting company.
"Well, since you're grounded, I thought I'd bring you a little surprise." She grinned mischievously, ready to see his happy face when she showed him what she had brought.
"From Yotally Toghurt?" He smiled at her in thanks as he took the bag from her hand.
"Mmm-hmm." Charlotte took a seat on the stairs and looked on as he dug around for the dessert.
"Aw, yeah. Fudge Blast. Thanks, Char." He grinned, grateful that she remembered her favourite flavour.
"So, what's going on at work?" He asked, sitting on his bed so he could dig into his yoghurt.
"Oh, you know...I've been going through Ray's email, I did some research on a few criminals, I helped Schwoz fix some machines..." She thought back to what she had done over the past few days.
"Shouldn't (y/n) help him with that?" Henry said through a mouthful of yoghurt.
"Yeah, but they had a fight again a couple days ago." She told him, rolling her eyes at how sulky they had been yesterday.
"Again? All they ever do is cuddle and argue." Henry said, picking out a piece of fudge from his cup and popping it into his mouth.
"I know right. They apologised to each other this morning, crying and hugging and ugh..." Charlotte shivered as she recalled their lovey-dovey make-up. (y/n) had trudged out from her room with a pouty face and had hugged Ray's back, apologising for being mean. He was surprised at the sudden touch, but he soon relaxed when he felt the little body behind him. After about five minutes of tears and embraces, the two fell back into their normal routine; Ray Manchester and (y/n) (y/l/n) against the world.
"Good. They should just admit their feelings for each other." Henry said and his friend wholeheartedly agreed.
"Yeah, totally." She nodded, thinking that life would be so much better if her bosses could just be honest with each other.
"Anything else?" Henry asked, enjoying their little catchup. It had been a lonely couple of days for him.
"Oh, and I went on patrol with Ray," Charlotte said like it was no big deal, reaching for the empty bag.
"You went where?" The boy mumbled with his spoon still in his mouth.
"On patrol. You know how sometimes Ray just...cruises around in the man-copter making sure the city's okay." She explained, but it didn't make Henry feel any better. If anything, it made the whole thing worse.
"You went up with Ray in the man-copter?" He reiterated, getting the sense that he'd been betrayed for someone else.
"Yeah." Charlotte frowned, not understanding why he was getting so upset.
"That's my job." He told her, angry that she had gone in his place.
"I know--" She tried to say, but the other teen was too upset to be reasonable.
"I'm Kid Danger!" He gestured to himself.
"I realise that." The girl replied, trying to stay on his good side.
"Wow." Henry gasped to himself.
"I just never thought you'd try to steal my job." He sat down on his ottoman and pointed at her with an accusing tone.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa there, munchy. Ray asked me to go patrol since he wouldn't let (y/n) go. And come on, you really think I'd try and replace you as Kid Danger?" She looked at him intently, shocked that he'd think of her as some sort of job thief.
"Nah, you're right," Henry said, stirring his chocolatey yoghurt.
"Thank you." The girl went to sit back down, but Henry wasn't finished.
"I could never be replaced by a girl." He commented, infuriating Charlotte. She stood up and marched in front of him.
"What?" He said, not getting why she looked so mad.
"A girl?" She repeated, furious that her friend thought that girls weren't equal to boys.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I meant young woman." Henry apologised, but not for the right thing.
"Same thing!" Charlotte snapped. It was her turn to be mad.
"What's wrong? I was just saying that---" Henry's excuse was cut off by Charlotte unleashing her fury.
"Say bye-bye to your Fudge Blast." She said, grabbing the cup from his hands and chucking it out of the open window, much to Henry's sadness.
"Later." She added godly, not sticking around to talk with someone who limited her by her gender.
"Wait, don't just leave," Henry whined. He'd been alone for two days, he didn't want to be alone again. 
"You know, I wasn't trying to take your job before, but maybe now I will." She told him in a harsh voice, crawling back through the window.
"Charlotte! Aw, that squirrel's eating my Fudge Blast." Henry groaned, sad that he'd lost both his yoghurt and his friend. 
~The Man Cave~
Ray popped a gumball as he prepared to head out to an emergency. Schwoz and (y/n) pulled up the information on the supercomputer's monitor, showing that he was dealing with an illegal pig farm. It seemed like Captain Man got to do all the fun things the police couldn't be bothered to deal with. Charlotte stumbled out of the elevator, her argument with Henry still fresh in her mind and she felt ready to kick some ass.
"Okay, nobody say anything to upset me." She said, walking briskly into the Man Cave.
"I don't have time to upset you," Ray said, throwing a piece of gum into his mouth.
"Uh-oh, what's wrong?" Charlotte questioned, knowing that his serious voice meant that something was going down. 
"There's an illegal pig farm on the south side of town," Schwoz reported, glaring at the thought of whichever sicko was operating it.
"Illegal?" The teen repeated, could pig farms be illegal?
"Yep. There's a very bad pig farmer out there." (y/n) commented, tapping her screen.
"And I'm going to make sure he goes wee, wee, wee all the way to jail." Ray quipped, making (y/n) laugh. No one could say 'wee, wee, wee' without sounding hilarious, not even Captain Man.
"I'll go with you," Charlotte told him, ready to prove that she could be an equally good superhero as Henry, if not a better one.
"No, Charlotte, this is not just a routine patrol, this is a real crime situation and it could be dangerous," Ray said firmly.
"I get it. Let me fill in as your sidekick." She insisted, but Ray wasn't convinced.
"You can't be my sidekick. You're a---" His words caught the attention of (y/n), who frowned at him just as deeply as Charlotte.
"I'm a what?" The younger girl growled as the young woman strolled to her side, glaring at Ray.
"If you're about to say what I think you're about to say, I'm packing my bags and leaving." (y/n) said in an emotionless voice. Everyday sexism wasn't something she endorsed, especially in her friends and colleagues.
"You're...coming with me." Ray gulped, the notion of her leaving scaring him senseless. Schwoz looked at him with an annoyed face. What did Charlotte have that he didn't? 
"Good boy. Schwoz, give her Henry's backup gumball tube." (y/n) instructed the little guy, not seeing how her pet name made Ray blush. 'That's new...' He inwardly groaned.
"Oh, I don't know. Maybe I'm not qualified to give gum to people." Schwoz said petulantly and crossed his arms in a tantrum.
"Give her the gum!" Ray yelled, thinking that if Charlotte didn't go with him, he'd lose the thing he cherished the most.
"Doh." Schwoz stamped his foot and went to the cabinet where it was kept. Ray snatched it out of his hand and passed it to Charlotte. 
"Bubble time." He said to her, and they both blew the gum until they transformed into Captain Man and the temporary Kid Danger.
"Huh," Ray said, thinking that she looked pretty good as his sidekick.
"Let's go!" She said, not wasting any time in running to the tubes.
"Wait for me!" Ray was caught off guard by her swiftness but soon caught up to her. (y/n) and Schwoz watched with calculating eyes.
"Up the tube!" They both yelled, shooting off and out of the building.
"I would be a great sidekick," Schwoz muttered to himself.
"Yeah, yeah." (y/n) said, plonking herself down on the couch as Schwoz got them both a soda.
"What do you think of sidekick Charlotte?" He asked the young woman, putting her can in front of her. She looked thoughtful for a minute, taking her time to search for her own opinion.
"I don't know, I've got a funny feeling that Henry isn't going to like it." She replied, wondering how Henry would take it when he found out that Ray had taken his best friend instead of him.
~2 hours later~
Schwoz was spreading plastic sheets out all over the Man Cave, as per (y/n)'s instructions. About fifteen minutes beforehand, she had received a message from Ray saying that the pig farm was covered in mud and...you know what. So, using her inference that they'd be filthy, she had scrambled to cover as many surfaces as she could.
"I'm not having pig crap all over my floors! I spent all day cleaning in here the other day, I'm not having them ruin it!" She yelled at Schwoz, who complied obediently since he knew how she liked things clean and tidy. It was just easier this way. The two adults were interrupted as Henry came down in the elevator; he must have succeeded at being nice with Piper.
"I'm back! I'm not grounded anymore!" He announced happily, walking into the bright room.
"Hello, Henry." Schwoz greeted him, as (y/n) wheeled out her cleaning trolley. If so much as one speck of dirt landed on the floor or walls, she was going to be there with a cloth and a bottle of bleach.
"Where's Ray?" Henry asked her, not seeing the man anywhere. If he wasn't with her then he must have been out.
"He went to capture a bad pig farmer with Charlotte." Schwoz scoffed, making (y/n) smirk when the two males scowled.
"Oh, I knew it! Dang dangit!" Henry whined, pushing a box of her cleaning products on the floor, much to the woman's anger. 
"HENRY HART! HOW COULD YOU?" She screeched when he kicked some of the spare sheets on the floor. She was working hard to prevent the Man Cave from becoming filthy, and here he was throwing tantrums like a child.
"Do you know when they're going to be back?" Henry asked Schwoz as the woman dashed about to pick up her various brushes, rags and detergents.
"Yeah, any minute," Schwoz said, feeling on edge around the tetchy boy.
"Which is why we need to get this place covered!" (y/n) growled at them, annoyed at how much time they'd wasted.
"Why'd you put down a tarp?" Henry asked, not understanding why the young woman was in one of her cleaning frenzies.
"Ray called us and he told us to put down a tarp. Apparently, this is all I'm good for." The genius complained.
"You won't be good for anything if you don't help me." (y/n) sassed, as the tubes beeped and came down. 'Oh god, they're back already? This place isn't ready!' She groaned in her mind, getting ready to beat back the filthy heroes with a hosepipe and a bar of soap.
Ray came down the tube, perfectly clean, just like he had gone out, which really confused his best friend. Why did he warn her about the mess they were bringing home if he was clean?
"Henry! You're back!" Ray smiled at the kid when he noticed his presence, so he walked down the steps to speak with him.
"Where's your new sidekick?" The boy said in a mocking voice.
"Oh, you mean Charlotte? She'll be down in a sec, she was amazing today!" He giggled, making Henry's jealousy even worse.
"Oooh, I bet." He sneered, but (y/n) still had her cleaning products in hand and she wanted answers.
"Hey, doofus. You told me to be ready with soap and hot water. What gives?" She asked him, feeling like an idiot since there was no mess to clean.
"So get this, we're trying to capture this illegal pig farmer, but he sees us coming so he takes off running. I was going to zap him, but I was worried I might hit one of the pigs by mistake." Ray started his story, intriguing those listening.
"Yeah, we don't want anything and to happen to a pig," Schwoz commented as he ate one of the leftover ribs that had been put in the fridge.
"So, Charlotte, she jumps on the big pig and starts riding after the farmer." Ray laughed as he imitated how Charlotte galloped on the pig's back.
"And then?" (y/n) wanted to hear the big finale.
"Then she catches up to him, then she jumps off and tackles the guy right in the middle of a pigpen." He found the notion hilarious, so Henry and (y/n) turned around as the girl came down in the tube and boy, she had had a rough day. Now, (y/n) could see why they needed the tarp. Poor Charlotte was covered from head to toe, in a mixture of mud and pig poop.
"Ooooh." Everyone groaned at the smell and covered their noses.
"Now, I know why I know why you wanted the tarp." The young woman said to her best friend in a strained voice, her eyes watering from the stench. Charlotte came over to them, her shoes squishing and squelching with every step.
"No! Not on my floors!" (y/n) whined at her, but the younger girl just didn't have it in her to care. Henry took a tissue from the cleaning trolley and passed it to his friend.
"Here's a tissue." He said, wiping her shoulder bit, but it didn't make any difference.
"That's not helping!" She yelled, more than annoyed from how crappy her day had been. 
"Oooh, why are you so mad?" Schwoz teased her, even though it probably wasn't a good idea to poke the bear.
"It's just a little pig slop!" Ray chuckled, which died out as (y/n) turned around to glower at him.
"I mean, pigs are very...clean animals and you like clean." He tried to make her feel better about having to clean up the mess, but she wasn't amused.
"They live in a sty, hence the term, pigsty. And now I'm going to be cleaning up shit all night!" She groaned, letting her head dropped against his shoulder. Seeing she was tired, he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her into a side hug.
"I'm not mad about the pig sh--slop." Charlotte piped up, not letting the adults hear her swear. 
"I'm mad because a friend of mine called me a job stealer, and he said I couldn't be a sidekick because I'm a girl." She carried on, (y/n) feeling her annoyance at how Henry had been rude and unfair to her.
"I changed it to young woman." He said sheepishly.
"Same thing!" (y/n) interjected, not letting him get away with being offensive.
"Charlotte was not trying to steal your job," Ray told her, his warmth soothing his friend's temper.
"I was." Schwoz was afraid to confess that, he really wanted to be a cool crime fighter.
"Yeah, he was trying so hard." (y/n) added, enjoying how she could feel Ray's muscles tensing around her, even if it meant she had to put up with the gadgets on his utility belt digging into her hip a little.
"Well, I guess...since you rode a large pig and tackled a farmer...I guess you can do my job." Henry conceded, knowing that she had done a great job.
"Thanks. But I don't wanna do your job." Charlotte said, having had more than enough action for one day.
"You don't?" The boy asked, he thought being a superhero's sidekick was the best job in the world.
"No. I don't wanna be running around after bad guys and evil criminals, fighting, and getting all disgusting." She replied, feeling icky and achy in her costume. 
"I'll do it!" A foreign voice piped up.
"Schwoz!" Henry scolded him, wanting to hear Charlotte say her piece.
"Am I going to have to turn you over my knee?" Ray threatened, showing the back of his hand to Schwoz.
"No, no spanky!" The little guy squeaked, his hands covering his butt. (y/n) frowned at their interaction, both from Schwoz's reaction and the idea of Ray spanking someone. 'Filth, filth, filth.' She mentally slapped herself.
"So...forgive me?" Henry asked Charlotte tentatively.
"I will...after we hug." She said deviously, smirking when Henry's face paled at her request.
"Oh, no, no, no, please don't." He squealed as she wrapped her sticky and smelly arms around him.
"Yeah, that's my baby. That's nice." She joked, making sure to get a sufficient amount of sludge on him. (y/n) snapped a quick picture on her PearPhone as the adults smiled at the funnily cute moment. Henry pulled back and looked down at his shirt in disgust.
"I'll be in the shower," Charlotte said, waddling off to the sprocket, but (y/n) stopped her before she could leave.
"Put those clothes in here and I'll put them in the incinerator." She held out a garbage bag to the girl, who took it gratefully and squelched off to the showers. Henry turned around and noticed that she and Schwoz had their phones out.
"We're just texting." The little guy lied, but he gave the game away when his camera flashed.
"Please, spank him," Henry said to Ray, so the man started to chase the smaller man around the hideout.
"No, no, no!" Schwoz yelled as (y/n) and Henry giggled at how silly they looked. There was never a dull moment in the Man Cave.
"You should go shower too." The woman said to the kid, giving him a trash bag too.
"Yeah, but after we watch this." He said, laughing as Ray struggled to hit the agile Schwoz.
"Oh yeah, it would be a crime to miss this." She joked, glad that her life was filled with joy and mischief.
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illcitaffrs · 2 years
no one asked for but I'm here to rank my fanfictions!
20 - Down the Rabbit Hole (bomika): honestly it's no bad, i just sometimes forget it even exists, and just never complete it (should I tho?)
19 - Give Me Something To Dream About (bomika): also not bad but not good..? was one of my first ones so.. meh
18 - Lately You've Been On My Mind (bomika): not my fav, kinda bad even
17 - Should We Just Keep Driving? (bomika): SO CUTE AND ADORABLE, but not that rememberable tho
16 - Christmas Date (bomika): CUTE FLUFF AND ADORABLE BOMIKA!! honestly, obsessed with it
15 - It's a Cruel Summer With You (chenry): cute and fluffy love my chenry's so much
14 - Your Shirt (bomika): most recent one, and honestly pretty proud of it
13 - The Force is Back (bomika): that was me inspired by that 11 second clip of S3 <3
12 - The Only Way (bomika kinda): love it, it linda brings me joy
11 - Wisdom Teeth (chenry): SO PROUD OF IT, LOVE IT SM
And finally, the top ten!
10 - Let Me Kiss You (bomika): honestly just me thinking about all of the ways their first kiss could go, love it tho
9 - Lattes & Lavenders (bomika): least fav from the Coffee & Flowers series, but I love it!!
8 - Teas & Lillys (bomika): sick fic. have to say something else???
6 - I'd Marry You With Paper Rings (bomika): CUTE AND FLUFFY AND SO ADORABLE COME ON
5 - Coffees & Tulips (bomika): Coffee shop owner Bose and florist Mika, come on! is amazing!
4 - You Are So Gorgeous It Makes Me So Mad (chenry): first chenry fic I've ever written, but it's still amazing
3 - Only Bought This Dress So You Could Take It Off (bomika): LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT WE LOVE SOME GOOD TS + BOMIKA
2 - There's Glitter On The Floor After The Party (bomika): FAV SONG FROM REP AND OBVIOUSLY IS SO GOOD??? PROPOSAL MOMENT?????
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boseobrien · 2 years
I'm going feral rn- did someone say power couple?
Never thought I'd see the day that Bomika could be considered grump × sunshine and enemies to lovers😵‍💫
He read a book, did a math equation and she folded- STAND UP MIKA/J
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