#boruto x Mitsuki
yuenai · 1 year
If there's no sun to light up the moon, then the moon will not shine, and it would be a dark night
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mitsukisnekson · 4 months
Thinking about how (probably) accidentally romantic the whole thing between Boruto and Mitsuki is right now LOL
I've induldged myself in a few romance stories here and there, but not enough to consider myself an expert, however the thing between them feels like a cliche romance trope.
Think about it: Mitsuki loves and admires Boruto a ton. And it's not just a superficial admiration, he really does take the time to understand Boruto and why he likes him. Boruto is the entire reason why Mitsuki is able to develop as a person, he's super important to him (whether or not you see it as platonic or romantic). And Mitsuki is just as important to Boruto as he is to him, as he learned in the Mitsuki Disappearance arc.
Then when the memory switch happened, Kawaki took Boruto's place in his memories, Mitsuki continued to show that same devotion. But unlike Boruto, who always just accepted how much Mitsuki likes him and reciporcates what he thinks is a strange friendship, Kawaki doesn't reciprocate Mitsuki's loyalty and devotion, leaving Mitsuki feeling unhappy and unfufilled.
Then he re-encounters Boruto again and Mitsuki wondering or not Kawaki really is the person who illuminated his life. And Boruto, also, takes the time to talk to Mitsuki, reminding him that HE is his 'Sun' and invites him to follow him again (omg this scene tho). And it seems that Mitsuki wants to despite his memories stating otherwise.
What I'm saying is that Mitsuki's heart senses who his real "Sun" is despite everything stating otherwise, which feels like a trope in a romantic story where one part of the couple forgets the other and re-encounters them and falls in love with them again. And if Mitsuki ends up betraying Kawaki for Boruto in spite of his memories... I feel like if Boruto the series was not a Shounen, I'd see some crazy declaration of love and a kissy scene down the line.
Despite being a MitsuBoru enjoyer, I'd genuienly be surprised if Boruto and Mitsuki end up as a proper canon pairing. As much as I would like it to be canon, I feel like the author has different intentions and it was a complete accident how romantic this ended up being.
That being said, I think it would make perfect sense if MitsuBoru became canon, I'd probably cry if it actually did LOL
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caelumforge · 1 year
Macaroni and cheese :)
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keijidraws · 5 months
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Last night I couldn’t fall asleep so I did these
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justthoughts1310 · 6 months
Mitsuki loves Boruto: Confirmed
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Okay, folks, if you haven't seen it, the official translation is out, and it has officially (canonically) been confirmed that Mitsuki loves Boruto.
He says, "I don't know why I love Kawaki." We all know that in Mitsuki's mind, Kawaki is actually Boruto.
It then goes on to Eida saying, "Are you saying that I'm in love with the ideal of love?"
This refers to Eida and Mitsuki not having a real reason to love someone as cruel as Kawaki. However, if you have ever romantically loved someone before, you know that there is an aspect of that love that is centered around being in love with the ideal of being in love.
I think this is pretty damning proof, but what do you all think. I know plenty of Naruto Youtube Commenters are probably going to write this off completely, and say "See Eida is in love with Boruto", and just ignore everything Mitsuki said, or they're going to say some dumbshit like it's brotherly love.
No, it's not brotherly love. Eida loves Kawaki romantically. This panel is mirroring Eida and Mitsuki's feelings for the same person and their predicament. Without beating you over the head with it, Kishimoto is confirming in black and white ink that Mitsuki is in love with Boruto. Period.
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celticcatgirl2 · 9 months
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“Hmmm…wouldn’t it be funny if I bumped into one of them from the back and made them kiss…”
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boybolt · 7 months
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anamiasan · 5 months
My HeadCanons
-Boruto absolutly loves when both Sarada and Mitsuki snuggles to him, but he wont admit it
-Sarada sometimes feels like she is just third wheel. But both of the boys assures her that shes not
-Mitsuki absolutly loves cuddles, even when he firstly didnt know on what thats good
-Sarada loves to cook and bake, Mitsuki loves to makes any type of drinks. And Boruto tasets/eats and drink anythig
-Though both Sarada and Mitsuki are vegetarians, they sometimes do burgers for Boruto
-Sarada steals Mitsukis and Borutos clothes
-Boruto loves to hugs Mitsuki and Sarada from behind
-Borutos love language is physical touch. Any type of it
-Mituski loves to sleep in middle of hug from both
-Mituski is bottom, Boruto top and Sarada Swich (ifykyk)
-Sarada sometimes does boys make-up
-They moved together so they can spend time more time cuddeling
-Sarada and Mitsuki have their own little garden with vegetables and herbs. Boruto has strict ban to go there
-Boruto loves to gym. Ussualy they all practice together
-Sarada keeps her hair log for them, Mitsuki loves to braid her hair
-Mituski and Boruto often plays videogames together, they offers Sarada to join, but it is not her cup of tea, so she ussually reads
-All of them loves to dance
-Sarada loves dresses and high heels, they love it on her
-Boruto gives both of them princess treatment
-Mitsuki loves plushies
-They are one of two poly couple of Konoha. Second one is ShikaJinSumi. When all of them founded out this, they just laughed, bcs they all were scared of others reaction
/fanarts are from pinterest, i dont know author, sorry
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tribal-chief-reigns · 2 years
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My son can't stay on his feet :( someone call his boyfriend and girlfriend in here!
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rudtndudwo · 8 months
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Welcome my new baby son! 🥰
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palatteflags · 8 months
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Boruto and Mitsuki, Sun and Moon based moodboard~ ^^ For an anon! Hope you like the look~!
Want one? Send an ask! -mod Jay
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yuenai · 6 months
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kakeimygirl · 2 months
Voltei para o tumblr para editar sobre boruto.
Se você usar e salvar, por favor, curta e reposte.
Espero que gostem. 🖤
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caelumforge · 7 months
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Happy valentines everyone!
Sorry if this looks a bit rushed, I sacrificed my whole evening to line art 9/10 pages so I could post this today. 😭
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keijidraws · 5 months
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Boruto Training with Log
-Reposting without all the text :)
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justthoughts1310 · 6 months
Did Ch.8 Just Confirm that Mitsuki is in love with Boruto (Warning Major Spoilers)????
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Okay, this is getting really confusing, and I might be wrong.
I am saying that I might be wrong, because these are raw translations, and we all know raw translations and scans leave much to be desired. Also, the website I'm using has truncated some important pages, so the flow of Ch. 8 is really weird.
However, chapter 8 may have just confirmed that Mistuki is in fact in love with Bortuo.
Similar to the pre-time skip, Mitsuki does not come out right and state his feelings for Boruto. Someone else (a woman) declares that Mitsuki has romantic feelings for Boruto.
This chapter begins with Eida watchining Boruto and Mitsuki's altercation, and Mitsuki learning that Boruto is actually his Sun.
Delta and Kawaki angerly fly off to find the elusive Boruto, and while they are gone, Mituski returns to the estate.
Mitsuki expresses immediate concerns with regard to Eida's feelings about him temporarily poisoning Kawaki.
Mitsuki then admits to Eida that he is basically in love with her. To, which she tells him that his feelings really are null and void, and she's not here to listen to his declarations of love for her, because of course he loves her. He's under the influence of Omnipotence.
Mitsuki then asks Eida why she loves Kawaki. He actually does one better than that, he questions her on why she even likes Kawaki. He's probably asking Eida this, because Kawaki is an asshole who has never been particularly nice to Eida, and has only ever used her as a tool.
Eida says that she knows that it's love, because of the feeling she gets in her chest when she sees Kawaki. Now, I personally have a theory about this:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To Eida's knowledge, there are only 3 people in the entire world who can genuinely love Eida. Those people being Boruto, Kawaki, and Daeman.
Now, Daeman is Eida's brother, and Eida sees Boruto as being too young to be considered romantically. I wonder how she feels now that Boruto is a whole smexy ass man (teenager, but you know what I mean).
Now, we the audience know something that Eida does not know. Neither Sarada nor Sumire are affected by Omnipotence. It is actually for this reason, that I believe Eida to have three potential end game pairings: Boruto, Sarada, or Sumire.
Basically, what I am saying is that I don't believe that Eida loves Kawaki, as much as I believe that she loves the possibility of being authentically loved, even if that love is coming from a toxic asshole who treats her poorly and only keeps her around to further his own means.
I digress, back to the chapter.
So, Mitsuki (who usually isn't excessively talkative) begins to share all of his thoughts, feelings and confusions with Eida. He is basically talking about how he thought Kawaki was his Sun, but Kawaki was not who Mitsuki expected him to be. However, he desperately held on to the notion of Kawaki being his Sun even though it didn't match his reality.
After talking to Boruto, he's starting to entertain this idea that he can illuminate himself. He then does a Mitsuki-ism, where he says that he guesses that it doesn't matter, but Eida cuts him off.
Eida says "We are both in love, huh?"
Now, at first glance, you might be thinking that Eida is saying that she is in love with Kawaki, and that Mitsuki is in love with her, but she's not saying that! We know she's not saying that, because she firmly declared Mitsuki's feelings for her to be invalid and manufactured twice in the last few pages. However, at the same time, she very firmly and unwaveringly declared her love for Kawaki, so when she rhetorical asks Mitsuk, "We are both in love, huh?" She is referring to Boruto.
She is observing, deciphering, and informing Mitsuki that he is in love with Boruto.
Now, you might be saying that Mitsuki didn't know what love felt like until he met Eida, he even said that a few pages prior. I think he says this:
Because his memories are all messed up because of Omnipotence.
Because he has never trusted his only feelings because he is an artificial human.
Eida is quite frankly unconcerned about both of these concerns of Mitsuki. Eida does not see Mitsuki as incapable of love, because she does not see herself as incapable of love. In this chapter, Mitsuki already established that Eida and he are the same. The same in terms of what is not clear. However, he could be referring to the fact that they are both not 100% human: Eida is a cyborg and Mitsuki is an artificial human. Knowing all of this, Eida points out to Mitsuki very clearly that what he thinks love is (his manufactured infatuation for Eida) is not love. What Mitsuki feels for Boruto with Boruto actually being Mitsuki's sun is real love, and that Mitsuki is in fact IN LOVE with Boruto.
Mind blowing Chapter!!! I'm sure some people will miss it, but this is the second time that Kishimoto has canonically confirmed within the span of 20 chapters that Mitsuki has romantic feelings for Boruto.
At first, I thought it was just a crush, but Kishimoto has now taken it a step further to establish that Mitsuki is in love. To anyone who thinks that BorutoxSarada is a slam dunk endgame. You may need to rethink that stance, because this chapter just confirmed that Boruto's final love interest really is not all that cut and dry. Also, here's the thing that I will cover in more detail in another post, based on evidence from Ch.7 and Ch.8, I think Boruto is receptive to being Mitsuki's love interest and (dare I say) potentially even his romantic partner.
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