#boruto foreshadowing
rantahead · 9 months
Did You Know That Naruto/Boruto Openings/Endings Foreshadow The Future?
You can tell a lot from the opening and endings of the Naruto/Boruto anime.
Here, I'm going to show you some opening and endings that may foreshadow the future (I may have missed some).
First, we'll begin with endings.
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In ending 4, team 15 had their moments where Namida and Wasabi were at a train station, whereas Sumire was seen walking in the rain.
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Still in ending 4 (pretty sure it's straight afterwards), you see Boruto standing in front of Konoha, which shows before and after it's destroyed.
I was thinking, Sumire's the only character to be walking in the rain, and then the scene straight after is Konoha being destroyed. You can faintly see he's angry.
Could it be because something happens to Sumire?
Why would this scene be straight after?
Sumire is the only character that's connect to Boruto, except Kawaki. Not Sarada, not Mitsuki, not Shikadai. Kawaki's connected to Boruto through Karma, whereas Sumire is connected through Nue/Gozu Tenno.
Boruto means bolt, which is connected to Neji's name meaning (screw), but let's not forget that it's also connected to storms.
Why would Sumire be the only one out of all the endings (I think) in a storm, then the village being destroyed straight after?
Sumire's name means violet, but the surname she took on means family tree/lineage. This could connect us to the Otsutsuki or Divine Tree, just like Nue.
So I was thinking that either something happened to her (like her death) that results in the destruction of Konoha, or something related to her will trigger Konoha's destruction.
Now we're moving onto openings.
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In opening 6, we see Sumire next to Hinata and Naruto, which reminds me of the next point.
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I’m not sure where this was on, but I remember seeing it.
If foreshadowed NaruHina, Hinata being near Minato and Kushina, just like SUmire's near Naruto and Hinata.
So could it be foreshadowing BoruSumi?
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In opening 7, we see Boruto, the only other character to be in the middle of a storm. But red is the color for rage. I believe this is connected to Sumire's storm and Konoha's destruction.
Could something happen to Sumire that leads us back to Konoha's destruction theory?
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Also in opening 7 (I didn't get a very good pic of it), we see Kawaki actually rebuilding Konoha. Could that mean he actually wins the Boruto-Kawaki fight that was in the very first episode?
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Next in opening 9, we see Kawaki with some white doves. White doves mean peace, new beginnings, love etc. So could it mean that Kawaki finally finds peace?
Maybe after the battle between him and Boruto and if they both survive, he helps Boruto and lives a new life of peace, similar to Sasuke, but instead stay in the village.
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In opening 10, it shows Kawaki having red eyes.
Now, this is a wild theory, but could Kawaki have relations to the Uchiha clan?
Even in one of the manga covers, he has red eyes, just like Sarada's.
This could foreshadow KawaSara, or Kawaki just has relations to them.
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Finally, opening 10 shows Boruto in the rain alone. This could mean someone he cares about died.
Sumire, for example, especially after everything that we've already gone over.
Or Naruto and Hinata's "deaths". Or even Sasuke's (those are the people I think are most closest to him who have a bigger chance of dying).
I think I've missed some, I don't really watch the endings, so there's probably more, but for now, this is it. If I find out more foreshadowing, I'll make a new post.
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Shoutout to noxzyz on twitter - debate going on twitter of it being Sakura vs Boruto
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cecil2311413 · 1 year
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When every detail, both evident and sneaky, matters and everything connects>>>
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narutouzumakiarchive · 4 months
Do you think Naruto is gay or bi?
I think Naruto is gay.
The first interaction between two potential love interests is particularly crucial for setting expectations and establishing the connection between them.
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Naruto and Sasuke's first meeting established the tension and rivalry between them but also managed to hint at the romantic undertones in their dynamic with a ship tease moment so iconic that it was
Thought about during Sasuke's dying moments and included in a list of other positive moments as the reason why Sasuke's body moved on it own to protect Naruto
It's the face of the "Accidental Kiss" trope on TVTropes
It was replicated, and subverted, to help set up the potential romantic relationship between their own children, Boruto and Sarada
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Naruto and Sakura's first interaction is a completely different story. Naruto transforms to hear Sakura's opinion about him, and ends up hearing Sakura state that she dislikes Naruto and only desperately wants the acknowledgement of Sasuke because she likes him. And what does Naruto respond? He states that he finally understands why he likes her. HELLO? The hero of the manga states that he finally likes the heroine because she likes another boy, his rival to be exact, and wants his attention. It's almost like, Naruto too liked Sasuke and desperately wanted to receive Sasuke's acknowledgement and through this was able to relate to Sakura and project onto her.
Now in order to gain another perspective and try to lessen my bias, I took a look at the opinions of narusaku fans on one of the gayest scenes in the manga, and their belief was that this scene established that Naruto really and earnestly loved Sakura because he respected her dedication and hard work in terms of trying to attract Sasuke. And this explanation is particularly funny because not only is that still gay, but also, we never particularly see Naruto devote extreme attention to admiring Sakura's "dedication." In fact, we only sparsely see Naruto praise Sakura's hard work and it is never in a context that is related to Sasuke.
But you know what we do see? Naruto daydreaming about saving Sasuke. Naruto being extremely happy that Sasuke acknowledged in a text where the desire for acknowledgement is foregrounded as a romantic ideal. Naruto getting, and I'm not making this up, a tingling sensation in his lower parts when receiving acknowledgement from Sasuke.
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And there's something more curious. When Sakura begs Naruto to bring back Sasuke, he states that Sakura must really like Sasuke. And then he states, I know how much pain youre in because of Sasuke. I can understand.
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Now this is another big narusaku moment, and note that it happens because of Sasuke. This moment is celebrated because it's meant to prove the depths of Naruto's hetero love for Sakura and the lengths he's willing to go for her.
And yet, we have have the power of hindsight. We know that after this moment, Naruto will spend so long chasing Sasuke to the point that it will draw the ire of dudebros and become a meme. We know that Naruto will acknowledge that he is chasing Sasuke because he wants to, outside of any promise. We know that Sasuke will attempt to kill Sakura and threaten to kill every last person in the leaf (which again, includes Sakura) and Naruto will look Sasuke in the face after that, smile, and tell Sasuke that he was happy to have met Sasuke. And we know that when asked to explain the nature of his feelings he will say that ultimately, he feels pain for Sasuke, the same pain that's foregrounded as a romantic ideal in the manga.
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Do you see where I'm getting at? Naruto's first interaction with Sasuke was used to establish the unique nature of his dynamic with Sasuke, while Naruto's dynamic with Sakura, the person that were supposed to believe he had a serious and intense heterosexual crush on, was used to foreshadow a bond primarily sustained by the mutual desire for another person.
And Kishimoto is aware of this fact.
I mean look at this scene between Konan and Yahiko. It's a classic romantic set up for an intimate moment. Yahiko and Konan are alone in a room. Konan bandages Yahiko after he's injured. Their eyes lock and they lean in... and we'll you know what's implied.
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Now compare this moment to Naruto and Sakura sitting alone in a hospital during a moment that's a classic set up for a romantic scene. I mean things are going great. Naruto is being healed by Sakura and states that his new and dangerous jutsu is no big deal as long as he's got Sakura around to fix me. Naruto looks at Sakura and fondly smiles about how he likes the way things are now. And the moment is tense... why does Naruto like the way things are now? Is it because he's intimately close to Sakura? Let's see what happens on the next page?
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NOPE! Naruto is happy because it feels like he and Sakura are on the road to finding Sasuke together. This moment actually makes me guffaw everytime I read it. I mean it's actually comical how Naruto managed to divert the potential romantic nature of a moment that could have been used to build upon his bond with Sakura. But it's also.... very in character for him. Narusaku is always relegated to comedic moments lacking in heartfelt pathos. At its core, it's always been centered on Sasuke.
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I won't even bother addressing the Naruto and Hinata dynamic. There truly is nothing of note in their 40 pages and that's why SP had to cobble together scenes, some of which were stolen from Naruto and Sasuke's dynamic, for a genjutsu movie where Naruto was repeatedly insulted for the crime of not paying attention to Hinata.
But the main point is that none of the evidence that Naruto is supposed to be interested is women is meaningful in its own right. I mean if anything, there's a strong argument that it's a result of compulsory heterosexuality. If I dig deep I can think of maybe one scene where Naruto shows attraction to the woman that was used to trick Jiraiya. But is it enough to convince me of deep attraction when the main character's primary foible is acting in particular ways in front of other people to fulfill expectations of how he should act? Well, no.
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Especially with all the other host of evidence that points to his attraction to women being a farce. At one point his reaction of "attraction" to a sexy jutsu is deliberately juxtaposed with Sakura's reaction to the sexy boy jutsu in the same chapter and yet the nosebleed that is supposed to signify attraction, the same one that Sakura has, is very obviously missing. Again, this is the same Kishimoto that was able to show Naruto "tingling" when he received the acknowledgement that he desperately wanted from Sasuke.
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It simply doesn't add up. Even more so when you compare Naruto's indifference to Sakura's "attractiveness" with the fervor he uses to defend Sasuke's handsomeness.
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But anyway, this post is only the tip of the iceberg. The gay or bi Naruto question has been discussed at length in the fandom. The most comprehensive posts I've seen about this are here, here, and here. You'll see the way SP deliberately added narusaku scenes to compensate for Naruto's behavior in the manga. I also like this post about narusaku's "dates" in the manga.
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Ok serious topic to all suikarin shippers now that part 1 of the boruto series is almost over...
How. The. F###. Is. Suikarin. Not. CANON!!!!
I mean look at them!!!
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These are official arts!! When did they become like this?!! They couldn't even stand being in the same room with each other when they were younger now thier teasing each other and sharing ice cones?!
How?! How?!
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Look at how Karin looks at suigetsu in Boruto!!
Naruto Shippuden
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She looked so calm with him!! She's even touching his shoulder!!! She even calls him family in the jugo arc!!! Family!!!!
Ppl from what I know it's been atleast 20 years since Naruto Shippuden in the Boruto verse
I refuse to believe smth didn't happen to these two in that time to make them go from
This: to This:
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I don't care what ppl say about these two I have a feeling that this is foreshadowing that one day in the future possibly after or during the Boruto time skip these two will finally!
After 20 years! Will finally get together!!
Just a theory but still possible
.... But what if....
What if they are together!?!!
What if they are but they never say anything!! Come on these two have tension and it ain't hate it's the f###### opposite! Omg!!
Thank u for listening <3
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auroraborealisreylo · 2 years
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The foreshadowing in the opening of boruto anime!!
Take a close look at her eyes
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mayaketu · 1 month
Shinki will lead to the reawakening of the Jougan?
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So the chapter 13 spoilers of Two Blue Vortex dropped today. (Scroll away if you don’t want to be spoiled!) This appears that shinki, the adopted son of Gaara, has been turned into a shinju.
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This immediately posed the question to me, is Boruto going to be his target & if so- is fighting Boruto going to activate Boruto’s jougan?
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Fighting with shinki is when we found out the name of Boruto’s dojutsu in the anime. That may have been a big hint that shinki would be a catalyst to its reawakening & becoming manga canon. Shinki also acknowledged and knows an ability of the jougan. He is one of, if not the only person in Boruto’s life who knows this. Perhaps shinki’s shinju retains that memory and chooses Boruto as his target for a few reasons
1, maybe he remembers he saw it in his past life and wants to learn more about it
2, maybe the shinju version of shinki recognizes the jougan for its importance and wants it. (Hidari noticeably recognized the sharingan as the reason his chidori was not well executed and that he needed that eye)
3, perhaps he doesn’t even make the jougan connection but interestingly Gaara pointed out there was something for Shinki to learn from Boruto- & maybe that curiosity stays & he chooses Boruto as his target for that reasoning. & it’s possible the jougan gets triggered during their fight without it being apart of the shinju’s scheme
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This seems to set up Shinki’s shinju to want to understand what Gaara saw in Boruto. The anime also noticeably did not resolve Shinki’s confusion in that arc, Gaara just replies with a knowing smile and we’re left to assume Shinki will find his answers later.
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As well as potentially willing to do anything to protect the other shinju (a stand in for Shinki’s friends) from being destroyed. It would be amazing foreshadowing that after Hidari was nearly extinguished Shinki’s shinju seems to be coming into existence.
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It also seems like the jougan is activated by other dimensions being opened up around Boruto and that need is currently being met with the shinju going in & out of a dimension that holds a divine tree.
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So between dimensions being opened up around him and Shinki making a reappearance as a shinju and possibly targeting Boruto, it seems the conditions may be met for jougan to reawaken.
*we’ll see when the official chapter 13 and 14 drops if I’m on the right track, so take things with a grain of salt until more info releases!
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madelinemayfair · 7 months
I still have a feeling that changing the shinobi system should have been the result of the story... :/
No matter who we meet in this story, no matter how potentially evil they seem... They all have become that way BECAUSE of the system.
Chio made a point that Sasori became that way because of Sunagakures' customs. A lot of evil was done to "protect" the shinobi system, like the Uchiha-Genocide... Hell, even Madara and Pain wanted a better world, even if they were misguided about this.
The only truly villainous characters are those who directly profit from this corrupt system.
Naruto and Sasuke together should have brought times of peace. Times where fighting shouldn't have been necessary.
Instead, with Boruto and the random aliens everything just continues and gets more and more ridiculous.
They robbed us of a good ending in sooo many ways.
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Yeah... I would count this as foreshadowing to an ending we never got...
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saladsandbolts · 2 years
Been I while since I posted here but I wanna give my two cents with this whole Sarada going rouge with Boruto.
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There. There’s my two cents. 🥰 But really, this scene means so much now!
It’s crazy how much foreshadowing was done in Boruto, blows my mind fr! It’s often argued Sarada doesn’t even have much of a role in the series anymore and this past week taught us that she’s definitely a big part of it. Right now, she’s the only one Momoshiki confirmed to not be affected by the Eida’s Fate Rewrite. And it was mentioned those who are immune to omnipotence suffer the most, as expected of a Sharingan wielder. Her involvement is consistent from the start as the one who noticed “Boruto’s eyes”. “Bluer than Lord Seventh”. I think this has a much deeper meaning. Not to mention she grew up watching Boruto, even as kids! And now, she is living proof of the Boruto Uzumaki who existed. She’s been there since day one, nearly literally too since their birthdays are 4 days apart. How crazy is that? The only living proof of Boruto’s whole life.
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People also are arguing that she should stay in Konoha, she does want to become Hokage right? Yes and no. How can she stay when there’s a friend in need? She once said how can she try to be Hokage when she can’t even help a friend. I don’t think she can just stand by and let life happen when she’s aware that right in front of her is Kawaki who has stolen Borutos whole identity. She can act as a spy but I believe they have set up Sumire for that role mainly.
In terms of the romantic perspective, it would be nice to see a steady development if they were able to go rouge together. I don’t mind her staying in the village too, with Sasuke going with Boruto instead (if he’s immune)
Whether she stays or she goes, she will have Boruto in mind, the boy no one remembers… She will remember him when no one else does and that’s beautiful.
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madara-fate · 1 year
Hi, Maddie. As a Sasuke fan yourself, i would really like to hear your opinion on these topics. What do you think of Sasuke solo stans who think that Sasuke deserves better than Sakura? (They blame her for the fact that Sarada has bad eyesight, and well, other disgusting things that i can't even say anymore). They think she is really unworthy of him. Also, what do you think of Sasuke fans saying that he only end up with Sakura because Kishimoto was forced Boruto to happen and that he was better alone? (I just saw a person on Reddit say that Kishimoto never wanted Sasuke to have that ending, and saying something about how he wanted Sasuke to have a resolution with westerns artists? I did not understand that part). I really like your account. Have a nice day.
What do you think of Sasuke solo stans who think that Sasuke deserves better than Sakura?
I think they're every bit as ridiculous as the Sakura stans who claim that she deserves better than Sasuke.
Also, what do you think of Sasuke fans saying that he only end up with Sakura because Kishimoto was forced Boruto to happen and that he was better alone?
Kishimoto wouldn't have been "forced" to do something that he foreshadowed all the way from chapter 3. Whether or not Boruto happened wouldn't have made a difference, the couples were canonised in the main manga. I mean, SS had more ship teases than literally all of the other canon ships combined. If that much focus is placed on a ship, their canonisation isn't forced.
(I just saw a person on Reddit say that Kishimoto never wanted Sasuke to have that ending, and saying something about how he wanted Sasuke to have a resolution with westerns artists? I did not understand that part)
I don't understand that either, it doesn't really make any sense.
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christelightlavo · 5 months
Boruto spoilers (chapter 9 text free panels)
While everyone talks about baby kurama and Himawari. I would like to talk about something else that also grabbed my attention.
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Yeah the panel is showing kawaki realising that boruto still fears the karma or has regained his fear of letting Momoshiki out.
I think it is also showing or at least foreshadowing, kawaki knowing about kashin koji soon. I think kawaki saw the toad sitting on Boruto's neck.
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The resonance between boruto and kawaki pushes boruto to use karma against his will. So in the flash forward, it isn't necessary for boruto to activate his karma for strength.
It also shows that in the fast forward, boruto is either one of these.
1) Not scared of Momoshiki getting out, because the village is already destroyed. A nothing left to lose type situation.
2) Momoshiki isn't in boruto anymore, thus kawaki changing his plans and "sending boruto to where Lord 7th is" Instead of killing him.
3) Boruto and Momoshiki pulled Naruto and kurama. (Funny because Himawari has a little kurama now)
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Boruto looks handsome
I feel like shikadai is gonna be the one of the first people to understand about the swap between boruto and kawaki. Considering he was actively interrogating Jura and hidari.
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Also he is actively looking out for Himawari, something kawaki should do as he is boruto in his memories, we have for the past chapters seen shikadai take a big brother role for Himawari.
If he sees how boruto is acting towards Himawari. He will have a big brain moment. (Just like his dad did)
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Base boruto is stronger then base kawaki.
We still don't know who is stronger when the karma is activated as boruto ran off before his was activated.
But in base form, boruto wins against kawaki.
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anime97-99 · 5 months
It is probably a Kurama clone and not the real one but I personally think it could be him, but he “nerfed” himself and lost his memory or/and powers in the process?
I don’t know what a kid is going to do with him like he should have come back earlier for Himawari and him to train together because she is just going to become a target for the other Isshiki and Sasuke like, what is the point to give her this power now, how is she going to control her and the kyubi’s chakra and why Momoshiki didn’t notice the Kurama’s residual chakra in her? Is Boruto going to take her and bring her to Jiraya’s clone and she is going to train with Koji? Sage mode? Six paths? Or something more powerful? Maybe neither?
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I really love Himawari better for Kishimoto to start explaining himself… Although I have to say that it has being foreshadowed before but I wasn’t expecting it to be like this, it turned out quite messy but I will wait and I hope Kishimoto will give a good explanation of what happened and why…
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sueske · 1 year
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boruto foreshadowing
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shinoposting · 2 years
They didn't ruin Shino's character in Boruto.
You're so shocked that the guy who never talked, and when he did only talked about bugs, had chronic bitchy resting face, spoke bluntly to a point of being insulting, and didn't understand jokes, or metaphors, or why he made people uncomfortable, and dressed in trench coats in the 90 degree Japanese summer is acting autistic.
"But he's a loser now!" Did we watch the same show? Shino was never cool, you were just impressed by his tryhard techniques. He was barely tolerated by the friend group. Nobody wanted to date him. They all thought he was weird and gross.
"But being a teacher came out of nowhere!" Yeah, the aggressively didactic motherfucker who told his own mortal enemies what they were doing wrong, was demonstrated to be excellent with kids, was getting called 'sensei' by younger kids at 17 years old and was subsequently scouted onscreen by Iruka, definitely had no foreshadowing of becoming a teacher.
Stop getting offended on behalf of characters you weren't even paying attention to.
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kyriolex · 2 months
(I’m starting to wish Sumire had never been included in the manga. When she first showed up, I was excited, since an artificial jinchuuriki could have been an interesting foil to Boruto and Kawaki’s artificial Otsutsuki status. Instead Sumire’s been reduced to color commentary)
I am neutral about Sumire but I am very curious of what do you mean by Sumire being artificial jinchuriki? Could you explain more?
We know that Himawari is a biju aka kyubi herself since kurama is reborn inside her not sealed so it's not like Naruto's case.
While Sumire is owning Nue through Good Tenno seal as Mitsuki said the only way to stop Nue is killing the user himself which was Sumire in first arc.
Nue is like Anti Otsutsuki weapon since it eats chakra to live instead of being chakra battery pool then Nue is an interesting counter to Otsutsuki power akin to Kaguya's plan to battle against entire clan.
Either Sumire's jutsu including Nue on her profile back then are kept for later events or they already had another plans involving Akebi stuff given her being Amado's apprentice.
I meant it in the sense that her body is permanently linked to a giant, volatile creature to make her a living weapon. In the anime, she was basically supposed to be Rin 2.0, sneaking the beast into the village for it to then wreak havoc. The main difference is that Sumire was fully on board with the suicide bombing plan until she got talk-no-jutsued.
At the very least, she and Boruto should have had a chat about what it’s like to be a dormant human bomb, always having to be cautious so you don’t destroy everything you love. They both had to make sacrifices to keep themselves under control (Sumire retiring from field work, Boruto taking experimental meds and being constantly monitored). But other than a mention in the bio, there’s been no mention of Nue. I feel like if the creators were saving him for later, they would have dropped Nue’s name in dialogue pre-timeskip for the sake of foreshadowing.
It just seems like a waste to me.
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justthoughts1310 · 8 months
Boruto S1 E105 - (Dub) A Wound on the Heart foreshadows TBV Ch. 6 & Ch.7?
So, listen, I do not give the Boruto anime a lot of stock, because I know it's overwhelmingly filler and it even contradicts the manga.
For example, in the anime Sarada is a Chunin. In the manga, a 15 year old Sarada is still a Genin.
I digress.
However, I was bored and decided to watch episode 105 of the anime English dub. It's about how Mitsuki begins to feel sick, and he's having dreams because his hurt hearts.
However, Orochimaru says something very interesting in the first four and half minutes of the anime episode.
He says that Mitsuki is unsure of his will, he's beginning to question his own memories, and his questioning of his memories is now causing Mitsuki to question and potentially reject the options that Orochimaru and Log gave him from the beginning.
I think this is pretty mind blowing. Why? Because Mituski has both a striking resemblance to Toneri, and he has (canonical) feelings for Boruto according to Ch. 69.
However, a lot of anime experts use the fact that Mitsuki was affected by Omnipotence as counter arguments to these two points. How you might ask?
If Mitsuki is the son of Toneri. Then Mitsuki would be a partial Otsutsuki, and Otsutsuki are not impacted by Omnipotence.
Sarada and Sumire are not affected by Omnipotence. Sarada and Sumire have feelings for Boruto, therefore they are unaffected by Omnipotence. Mitsuki is affected by Omnipotence, therefore he doesn't have feelings for Boruto.
Yet, we know that all of Mitsuki's early life memories were carefully fabricated by Orochimaru, so that Orochimaru could steer Mitsuki to the Leaf village where Mitsuki would seek out Boruto Uzumaki. Orochimaru has erased Mitsuki's memories dozens of times, and he offered to do it all over again in this episode.
It makes sense that Mitsuki would be affected by Omnipotence when his memories were both malleable and fabricated in the first place.
This actually provides evidence that Mitsuki may be doubting his feelings for Kawaki, and he might be searching for answers in Boruto as he challenges Boruto to a fight in Ch.7. I don't know if I'd go as far to say that Mitsuki has some sort of master plan.
However, I think Mitsuki is going to overcame Omnipotence a lot sooner than any of us thought, and he's going to regain his humanity.
This is going to be his moment to learn how to be an individual outside of both Kawaki and Boruto.
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