#born to sneeze into someone’s neck while we cuddle in bed. forced to search for crappy minimum wage jobs because no one is hiring.
snzyspencer · 12 days
Kind of a sickie vent post? I don’t really know:
I was put on a medication a few months back that suppresses my immune system, and since then I’ve been getting sick every few weeks. How sick I get varies, last time I had a sore throat for nine days and it was horrendous (I tested negative for Covid, the flu, and strep so we have no clue what that was.)
Woke up this morning all stuffy and since then I’ve gotten a headache and my throat is sore. I’ve got to go see family tomorrow for my birthday and honestly I just want to sleep. I’m in denial about being sick but I was near someone sick on Thursday and I just need a week to curl up in bed and do nothing. So anyway. Give me strength to act fine tomorrow.
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