#borky bornes
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splutter00 · 21 days ago
Everyone compars Bucky Barnes to a sad, wet cat. And I'd like to 100% agree.
But I'd also like to add a second opinion,
A sad little rain-soaked dog, like:
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"I'm Borky Bornes. I'm cold and sad, pls love me."
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sharkbaitouhaha · 10 months ago
Do you have any stuffed animals? Or memories of some from when you were young, if you don't have any right now?
I have many a stuffed animal! My main stuffed friends are Pinky who is a pink bear my big sister got me the day I was born, Blu (or blueberry) a blue elephant, Borky whose a dog, Syrup a sloth, and Loafy who is the loaf version of Tubby Nugget (if you’ve ever seen those comics on Instagram)
The rest of the stuffed friends are somewhat scattered around my room but there’s a plague doctor and a bear alien from build a bear amongst those friends
Here are the two best friends while we were on a cruise
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bucksfucks · 4 years ago
would luv to do commissions on the side 😃 too bad i don’t want 😡d*sney😡 to sue me 😙✌🏻
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sebastian stan: id like to audition for the role of captain america
casting director: do you mind reading some lines as bucky???
seb: who the hell is bucky???
casting director: yOuRe HiReD!!1!!
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mxaether · 4 years ago
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Thank you so much to @afalsebravado who commissioned me for this awesome pic of Bucky :>
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trish-argh · 4 years ago
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Happy Halloween from your favorite Circus baes: Strong Man Stove and Ringmaster Borky Borns ❤️ their fake mustaches are being smooched all over their faces and they giggle when it tickles the other one. Not pictured: Show Lion Apline ;)
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imaginearyparties · 4 years ago
this is so cute. this is so cute. i’m screaming this is so cute.
get me an elijah harris/jack pendleton any day of the week
jack pendleton
summary: moving into an apartment to get away from your last relationship was fun all fun and games until you met your extremely attractive across-the-hall neighbor, who makes awesome cookies and even better novels.
author!bucky x reader
warnings: no legitimate warnings besides swearing, it kind of moves just a weensie bit fast but i think it’s cute, minimal angst, I WROTE THIS IN ONE DAY and that is a warning tbh so expect mistakes in this hunk a junk-
word count: 6.2k!
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Searching for your new apartment was a terribly long and boring process, but even you couldn’t deny that finally moving in was heavenly. 
It was the first thing that you did by yourself after having a mutual break up with your boyfriend, and you would be damned if it felt anything but good. He confessed to you that he had fallen in love with a man that he met online. Not only that, but an Italian man that he was teaching English to over a website. He was brave enough to tell you as soon as he realized that he loved the man, so the heartbreak was minimal. 
You never told him, but honestly, you sort of respected him for that. So, with your hidden respect and gratitude, you wished him well and knew that you were going to be the one to find a new place. 
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bookofmac · 8 years ago
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bucksfucks · 4 years ago
borky bornes of the 108th infantry regiment; the barking men
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imaginearyparties · 4 years ago
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hi yes, i have passed away and my cause of death was this fic.
OOF the way that you recontextualized all of his trigger words into moments of love and care??? the way his healing was a slow process and this was a slow burn???? the way i’m in love with this metal armed assassin???? brilliant work.
redefined, b.b. x reader
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summary: just because those ten words no longer wreak havoc on his mind does not mean they are gone. just redefined.
warnings: mentions of food, blood, gunshot wound
word count: 3.7k….whoops
author’s note: first standalone! i’m also itching to work on a sam story next. the last episode still lives in my mind rent free and this is a reworking of that which diverges from civil war and we get one big happy avenging family that aren’t dead :)
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An Avenger.
The concept was still so foreign to Bucky, despite dozens of successful missions under his belt and a permanent residence in the tower. Still, every morning he sprung up in bed expecting to still be in some run-down apartment halfway across the world, on the run.
Instead, he would awake on a plush mattress that offered little back support. He would shuck on the first shirt his bleary eyes could see and pad into the hallway, the smell of fresh coffee overtaking his superhuman sense of smell. You would be perched at the kitchen counter, pouring over mission files stained with coffee rings that Tony would later complain about.
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ask-thelittleheros · 7 years ago
steeb borgers and borky bornes
Tony: Guess who’s getting their codes names changed in the quinjet!
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boohooiamthefool · 7 years ago
borky borns the weepter soldwer
more like the wiener soldier 😂���Jk jk ily Bucky
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falconisms · 7 years ago
ur the only anti bucky person im following ksksksksk
mcu borky borns can c****, orphan, best friend of steve rogers, captain america’s sidekick, hes on thin fucking ice but can stay (comics bucky)
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a-romanov-tribute · 7 years ago
A brief history of the Romanov Dynasty Part 6
15. Alexander II (The Liberator) of Russia
He was the eldest son of Nicholas I of Russia. Alexander's most significant reform as emperor was emancipation of Russia's serfs, thats why  he is known as Alexander the Liberator. In foreign policy, Alexander sold Alaska to the United States in 1867, fearing the remote colony would fall into British hands if there were another war. He's elder son, Tsarevich Nicholas Alexandrovich died of meningitis and his second son took the title. The tsar, with the worsening of his wife's tuberculosis(Marie Alexandrovna), took upon a mistress (Princess Catherine Dolgorukya) with whom he had three children, who were, after the death of the tsarina, legitimized. Tsarevich Alexander disliked the behavior of his father, causing conflicts between the two of them. He was mortally wounded by bombs in a plot sponsored by People’s Will.
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16. Alexander III (The Peacemaker) of Russia
He was the second son of Alexander II of Russia, he inherited the throne because of his elder brother's death, Nicholas Alexandrovich. He not only inheritedthe throne but his fiancé too, Dagmar of Denmark, later Maria Feodorovna. Before meeting her he was madly in love with with his mother's lady-in-waiting, Princess Maria Elimovna Meshcherskaya; he told his parents that he was prepared to give up his rights of succession in order to marry his beloved "Dusenka", but realized he was not a free man and traveled to Denmark and proposed to Dagmar. The marriage was a very successful one. In he's reign, he was highly conservative and reversed some of the liberal reforms of his father. During Alexander's reign Russia fought no major wars, for which he was styled "The Peacemaker". It's known that the Imperial train derailed in an accident at Borki; at the moment of the crash, the imperial family was in the dining car. Its roof collapsed, and Alexander supposedly held its remains on his shoulders as the children fled outdoors. The onset of Alexander’s kidney failure was later attributed to the blunt trauma suffered in this incident, which lead to his death.
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17. Nicholas II of Russia
Son of Alexander III, he is as called The Last Tsar due to he's abdication and assassination during the Russian Revolution. He's reign was a succession of failures, the  Khodynka Tragedy, anti-Semitic pogroms, Bloody Sunday, the violent suppression of the 1905 Revolution,  the defeat during Russo-Japanese War and the massacre of Russians soldiers in WWI. But not all of it as Nicholas fault, though Nicholas was heir-apparent to the throne, his father failed to prepare him for his future role as tsar. In his reign the Trans-Siberian Railway was completed and Duma was created. Nicholas presided over the tercentenary celebrations for the Romanov Dynasty. With Alexandra Feodorovna he had 5 children, Alexei, the only boy, was born with hemophilia, but the couple keep it hidden from the people. In 1917, he abdicated the throne for he and Alexei, passing the title to his brother, Mikhail, but it was declined. The family, in 1918, was assassinated and their bodies hidden.
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rixwrites · 8 years ago
The Chaser gets chased (1/4) (Hogwarts!Noorhelm)
Author’s note: Hello everyone. I recently binge-watched SKAM and fell in love with Noorhelm. I’ve been trying to get back into writing for a while and this happened. Before you start reading, you should know that this story is very OOC. I played around with the idea of Noora chasing William and what that would be like and somehow it resulted into a fic that’s currently 6k+ words long and is still missing a chapter... 
This story was inspired by a Hogwarts prompt I found floating somewhere around the internet - I don’t take credit for it! If I find the source, I’ll link it.
Prompt that inspired this: I’m a Quidditch player and you’re the announcer, and I’m trying really hard not to notice that your comments about me are becoming less and less about how I’m playing, and more and more about how I look in my Quidditch uniform.
Now: onwards with the first chapter! Do let me know what you think and whether I should bother with continuing!
Noora jumps about a meter high when her Ancient Runes professor suddenly dismisses the class: she had been still terribly concentrated on the doodles she was drawing in the margin of her textbook. She stuffs the large volume in her already overflowing bag and scurries out of the room. 
She’s a little bummed that she hasn’t gotten around to animating the tiny figure but imagines she can do that during the next class. She rarely pays attention in there anyway.
Noora’s glad to have finished classes for the day and is already looking forward to the noisiness of the Gryffindor Common Room to unwind. But first: dinner. The blonde is starving! She runs into her best friend just outside of the Great Hall, the Hufflepuff looking freshly showered. Noora raises an eyebrow at the sight.
“A shower in the middle of the afternoon?” She asks.
“Herbology. Bubotubers.” Eva explains. “The guy next to me squeezed his a little too harshly and I ended up collecting the pus… with my face.”
Noora tries to stifle her laughter at her friend’s misfortune but doesn’t exactly succeed. Eva throws her a look of utter betrayal.
“Oh, sod off!” She cries out when she grabs the giggling blonde in a headlock. Noora tries to wrestle herself free from the tight grip and the duo stumbles into other students while roughhousing. When the victims of their antics shoot them annoyed looks, Noora turns on her very likeable Gryffindor-charm and is quickly forgiven. 
Ah, the joys of being extremely popular! 
“That stuff hurts and blisters like crazy! I was lucky Sprout Vanished it before it could do any real damage! You were almost in need of a new best friend: I could’ve been gravelly hurt!”
The two girls have reached the Ravenclaw table by now and Eva’s boyfriend Chris Schistad, one of Noora’s fellow Gryffindors, looks up from his plate. He points his fork at his girlfriend and squints his eyes.
“Who hurt you?” He mutters darkly. The boys surrounding him smother their synchronized coughs of ‘whipped’ in their food. “Sætre? Are we going to be down one Gryffindor in the morning?”
Noora’s mouth falls open when Chris’s neighbor, the male Sixth Year Ravenclaw Prefect intently reading a scrap of parchment, volunteers to help hide her body.
“Wilhelm,” Noora sounds gleeful when she addresses the brunette. “I should inform you that I’m much more fun to get your hands on when alive.”
She’s a little disappointed when he refuses to acknowledge her pick-up line. She continues trying to get his attention. “All you have to do, is ask, handsome. And I’m all yours.”
Chris and the rest of their friends chuckle at Noora’s flirting and Eva high-fives her best friend. William seems a whole lot less amused by her smug face.
“Don’t call me Wilhelm.” He grumbles and spreads the scroll out a little further, trying to occupy the entire spot beside him so as to keep her from having dinner next to him. He knows she won’t be as easily deterred, however.
“Halla, William,” Her voice sounds positively love-struck when she takes the seat beside him and straddles the bench, fully facing him. Her empty stomach entirely filled with butterflies – all thoughts of dinner completely forgotten. “Mitt livs kjærlighet.”
Noora has never given a single fuck about the obviousness of her heart eyes: her affection for William Magnusson never stowed away. Chris has delighted in the sexual tension surrounding the duo ever since the Norwegian transfer student got sorted into Gryffindor at the start of their Fifth Year and was later introduced to his best friend the Ravenclaw Prefect.
Noora Amalie Sætre became one of the school’s most popular students soon after she started attending Hogwarts: people were drawn in by her intellect, her bubbly personality and her sharp sense of humor. On top of all that, she easily established herself as a notorious party girl when she threw an epically memorable ‘first Quidditch victory of the season’-party which very few Gryffindors remember to this day.
Noora is the girl many girls want to be and plenty of the straight guys want to be with, but she’d give it all up without a second thought if William Magnusson asked her to. Unfortunately, William doesn’t want anything to do with her.
Chris has been (un)fortunate enough to witness several Noorhelm-interactions - Eva takes credit for that now infamous household name – and he still smirks every single time he watches his housemate turn into a puddle of goo whenever his best friend is within her sights.
“Go away, Sætre.” William doesn’t look away from the essay he’s reviewing. He pointedly ignores the Norwegian phrase she added for his ears only.
Sometime during her extensive research – Eva calls it stalking but Noora refuses to see it that way – the Gryffindor had learnt about William’s Norwegian ancestry. Despite the fact that he was born in England, it’s something she likes to use as an argument when she presents her case as to why they should be together. (Something about Norwegians sticking together in a castle full of Britons.)
When Noora later found out that William understood her native language, she became even more annoying. She began whispering all kinds of lovey-dovey stuff in his ears whenever she could get close enough. It drove him up the walls – and gave his friends way too much ammunition to use against him when they spotted his flustered state.
“But, elskling,” Noora pouts. “I need to tell you something extremely important.”
“I’m not interested.” William still won’t look at the pretty blonde. Said blonde sighs impatiently and Chris nervously draws Eva’s body a little closer to his. It wouldn’t be the first time objects started flying through the air with those two around.
Noora whips out her wand and Summons the essay that’s giving William an excuse not to pay attention to her. She spies Borkis’s name at the top and very nearly shoves the homework in the shy Hufflepuff’s plate of mashed potatoes. She smiles apologetically at him. Poor Borkis’s face turns scarlet.
“Will you listen to me now?” The persistenly irksome Gryffindor grins sweetly at William.
“Will it make you leave me alone?” The Ravenclaw sounds somewhat annoyed.
Chris often wonders what’s wrong with his best friend: a gorgeous, kind and funny girl is throwing herself at him and bloody William doesn’t want her. Not for the first time he contemplates physically knocking some sense into the guy.
“Probably not.” Noora shrugs. William sighs deeply.
“Out with it, then. Make it quick, though. I can only put up with you for so long.”
“Okay, okay. So,” Eva thinks her best friend resembles an excited puppy now that she holds William’s undivided attention. She imagines that if Noora had a tail, her whole body would’ve probably been wagging along with it.
“I just had Divination, yeah?” Noora starts. “And Trelawney –”
“Professor Trelawney.” William corrects her. She merely waves his good manners away and blows him a little kiss. He scowls at her in response.
“So, Trelawney gets out her tea cups, starts pouring tea and…” Suddenly Noora gasps. Her wide eyes make her look like she’s just been hit with a mean Stunning Spell.
“What’s your favorite tea, William?” Noora asks out of the blue.
William’s confused. What’s that got to do with her story?
“Why?” He asks warily.
“A good girlfriend should know her boyfriend’s favorite tea, right?” She explains it as if it really should be obvious. “Eva knows Chris’s favorite.”
The couple nods vehemently, showing their support for Noora’s case. William glares at his so-called friends - traitors.
“I’m not your boyfriend, Sætre.” William rolls his eyes at her. When would she get that little piece of reality through her thick skull?
“Yet.” The girl smirks. Her smirk is full of confidence. She’s convinced she’ll wear him down eventually. William bursts her bubble once again.
“Never.” He deadpans. “Out with the rest of the story. I’ve about reached my Noora Sætre-tolerance level for today.”
“Right, the story.” Noora winks. She clears her throat. “Where was I? Oh, Eva and I get our cup and while we drink we talk about how handsome you looked this morning during breakfast and…”
William’s friends start laughing once again and Noora is obviously pleased with herself. She coos when she spots the blush creeping from William’s neck to his cheeks.
“Aww, kjæreste,” She’s clearly enjoying this. William hates her. “No need to be embarrassed, you were fucking beautiful.”
William can’t deal with her anymore – he looks away. When he notices how his friends are still laughing and are thus encouraging the infuriating Gryffindor beside him, he weighs the pros and cons of throwing his cup of pumpkin juice at them. Unwilling to risk detention for the rest of the week, he opts for downing the entire cup in one go. He vehemently wishes it were Ogden Firewhiskey instead – and he doesn’t even drink, so that’s saying something.
Having had enough of this whole thing, William start gathering his stuff and whacks a still sniggering Erik over the head with his untouched copy of the Evening Prophet. Noora grabs his arm to stop him.
“Wait!” She cries out. “I haven’t yet told you what my tea leaves said.”
“I’m sure I’ll survive without knowing!”
“That’s not very Ravenclaw of you.” Noora sing-songs. “You’re a Prefect. Shouldn’t you be setting an example for the younger students?”
She’s got him – she knows how much pride he takes in the position he was awarded last year. William grunts to let her know he’s listening but he refuses to look at her again.
“They predicted a date with a handsome, dark-haired foreigner!” He hears her standing up from the table. The silverware rattles when she slams her knee into the tabletop. He almost scolds her for swearing in front of younger students but doesn’t want to attract any more attention to their quarreling. Though he’s pretty sure the entire Great Hall is paying attention to them by now.
“That’s you!” Noora sounds positively elated when she continues. He can hear her gloating. He despises her even more than he did five minutes ago. “So, how about it, William Magnusson? You, me, Hogsmeade?”
William hates how she keeps doing this. Asking him out in public, trying to gain sympathy from their audience. He likes to think he’s a nice person and nice people don’t reject others where the entire student body can witness it. Still, it’s Noora herself who keeps creating these situations.
“Once again, I was born in England which, by definition, means that I’m not a foreigner.” All he ever seems to do around her is roll his eyes. Part of him fears that one day he’ll roll them so hard they’ll fall out of his head.
“Also, you want to know a funny coincidence, Noora Amalie Sætre?” Despite the couple meters distance between them, William doesn’t need to raise his voice. The entire hall is dead quiet.
Noora shivers when William uses her full name. He’s the only one who ever does so. The only one she allows to do so.
She tilts her head a little. William definitely does not notice how her expressive blue eyes reflect the flickering candlelight. He doesn’t.
“The Boggart hiding in Slughorn’s closet showed me the exact same thing you saw in your tea leaves. Weird, right?” He shrugs. “Pity you don’t vanish with a simple ‘Riddikulus’…”
Noora blinks and for all her seemingly endless bravado, she can’t ignore the sting of his remark somewhere close to her heart. She tries to shake it off however, and attempts to keep an unaffected smile on her red-painted lips.
“You can try if you want.” She grins, but the amusement doesn’t reach her eyes. She hopes none of her peers notice something off about her voice. “But if it doesn’t work, you owe me that date.”
William can no longer stand to be in the same room as the aggravating blonde – even if said room is one as massive as Hogwarts’s majestic Great Hall. He stomps to the doors, trying to ignore the looks thrown at him.
Most of Noora’s romantic admirers wear an expression of either relief or anger on their faces: relief that he hadn’t taken her up on her offer, angered by the fact that he doesn’t want her. Noora’s many friends glare at him, no doubt pissed because of his harsh rejection. William feels even smaller when he sees the disappointed looks on some of his Professors’ faces.
Noora’s hand gets pulled – Eva offering her a consoling squeeze. She drags Noora down in the seat between her and Chris. The Hufflepuff wraps her best friend up in a comforting embrace and Chris squeezes his fellow Gryffindor’s hand, apologizing for his best friend’s actions.
Author’s note (2): That was it: the first chapter! Re-reading it here makes me wonder whether this story would sooner qualify as a crack!fic rather than a very OOC-story? *shrugs* Do let me know what you think! I already have two more chapters written and ready to be published if there’s an interest to this story! And I’m planning on starting the last chapter tonight...
Author’s note (3): I apologize profusely for possibly butchering the Norwegian language: I should know better than to trust Google Translate...
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avengersz-biotch · 3 years ago
bestie wallpapers 🦋🧚🏽‍♀️✨🪐💫
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