#borderlands weapons
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handsome-jacks-bottom-bitch · 7 months ago
So I ranked vault monsters and my personal take on how difficult they were to fight on a first run through. So now, I'm gonna rank weapons. Not just weapons, but the weapon manufacturers specifically, based on how useful they are, and just how fun they are to use. I'll be including all brands, including brands that only show up in one game, like S&S Muntions. As per usual, these are purely my own opinions, and based more so on my personal playstyle. I will also be taking into account the manufacturers playstyles across all games, as some change, like Tediore or Maliwan weapons.
I'll also include some fun little tidbits about each manufacturer for anyone obsessed with Borderlands lore like I am. Buckle in, cause this is gonna be a long one.
12. S&S Muntions
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So S&S Muntions isn't a super interesting manufacturer. These weapons provide larger magazines and long reload times. Featuring about 5 or so legendaries in the game, one of which to this day is still bugged, these weapons don't offer much, aside from a small damage boost compared to other weapons. They didn't add anything that made their use fun.
I also rank this one so low due to the fact that it's only in one game, and was never really expanded on, like say Tediore or Torgue was. According to the games lore, S&S munitions was run out of business by BANDIT weapons on Pandora, and SCAV weapons on Elpis, hence why it was never seen again.
As a fun little extra lore drop, S&S Munitions still technically exists in the games, as the radios in Borderlands 3 can play an add for the newly rebranded "S&S Accessories", which are responsible for the little lines of light that come out of the weapons on the ground, that are deactivated when the weapon is picked up, and reactivated when the weapons dropped.
At the end of the day, S&S weapons just don't impress me all that much, but that doesn't mean they still aren't useful. The Orion sniper rifle will always hold a special place in my loadout, regardless of the character I'm playing.
11. Eridian
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So I was originally going to put Eridian last, but the weapons themselves are just so fascinating that I couldn't quite place it there. Now I know I'm putting both Borderlands 1 exclusive manufacturers at the bottom two, but unfortunately neither of them were really ever expanded upon to warrant higher placements.
Now the reason I put them above S&S is because of the way that these weapons work. While I personally rarely use them unless as a last resort, Eridian weapons have saved me once or twice, and that's because they have unlimited ammo. You never have to worry about running low should you find yourself depleted. Now the downside to them is the reload, or more accurately, the recharge. Eridian weapons have a recharge on them, that can still go even if you aren't actively holding one. Therefore, if you equip four, you can just keep swapping and essentially never have to wait for a recharge.
Now what's even more interesting about them is their rarity. While nearly all Eridian weapons come in a green rarity, they're technically rarer that normal green weapons. Even rarer, is the legendary Eridian weapons, which are rarer than some pearlescents. In all my time playing Borderlands 1, I've only ever managed to get my hands on one Eridian legendary, which was thr Eridian Mega Cannon. While it's not exactly an impressive weapon by any means, it can still have it's uses in a pinch.
Now I'm not entirely sure why Eridian weapons were discontinued after Borderlands 1, though one could easily assume that it was because they, well.. sucked. Most people did not like them, and I don't blame them. Their shots are slow, and they don't really do all that much. Come Borderlands 2, these weapons were essentially replaced by E-Tech weapons, much like S&S being replaced by BANDIT and SCAV, though no lore or dev comments state that E-Tech was made as a replacement for the missing manufacturer, it's just an assumption.
The only time we ever get to see Eridian weapons come back to the Borderlands games is in Borderlands 3, with the Eridian Fabricator or, as the fan base has taken to calling it, the "Gun Gun". It's cool in concept, but it's only real use is a quick cash grab. In late 2020, it was given an alternate firing mode that allowed you to pay it 250 eridium and have it shoot a legendary or unique weapon, and it's drop pool only excluded 4 legendaries and 2 unique, so while it could be used to try and spawn that legendary you've been looking for, it gets expensive real fast.
10. Dahl
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So this one is where my own playstyle really affects this placement. Dahl weapons have a high recoil reduction, but terrible accuracy. In earlier games, they has special firing modes. When you aimed down the sights, these weapons would have burst fire, as compared to the full auto when you free fired. A pretty simple concept.. unless your a sniper like I am.
I love sniping in Borderlands. I love keeping my distance and one shotting most enemies with the most overpowered rifle I can find.. but Dahl is where that falls flat, as when you aim down the sights, it burst fires. Sniper ammo is already a small pool as it is, being the weapon with the lowest possible ammo count that you can carry, so when it burst fires, couple with the weapons low accuracy.. well, sniping doesn't become fun anymore, and leads to way more missed shots and wasted ammo.
However the one weapon I will give this manufacturer that I include in EVERY build I've ever used, is the Toothpick. An Effervescent assault rifle added into Borderlands 2 with the Commander Lilith DLC. This weapon especially holds a place in my Axton build, coupled with the Mouthwash artifact. This weapon is glorious, and I will forever defend it until my dying day. Unfortunately, that one blessing of a weapon alone isn't enough to change my opinion on this manufacturer.
While their weapons are pretty decent, when you delve into the lore.. Dahl is a messed up company. From it being responsible to a lot of the bandit population on Pandora, to the fact that it nearly destroyed Elpis with its mining operations leading to the crackening.. they've got quite a bit to answer for.
9. Vladof
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So Vladof is on a similar level as Dahl. High fire rate, reduced recoil, and low accuracy. The only thing that puts it a step above Dahl for me is the sniper rifles, and the Infinity pistol.
Vladof sniper rifles have potential to do loads of damage, and pretty decent stability, meaning less sway. Now in Borderlands 1, this doesn't have much effect cause most of the sniper rifles honestly suck, especially in the early game. Most sniper rifles in the early game, at least in my experience, always have very low rates of fire, which isn't ideal when you have 20 enemies on you, and they deplete all your shields and half you health while you load another round. That being said, sniper rifles were greatly improved come Borderlands 2, including Vladof.
Now the reason Vladof isn't higher on my list is because I don't use them very often. The rifles and weapons are good, but I just don't find myself choosing a Vladof over others. The stability is good, and rate of fire and increased ammo capacity is a nice touch, but it just doesn't quite meet my needs.
That being said, the Inifinity is always a good gun should you find yourself low on ammo. As long as you have at least one pistol bullet, this gun will fire endlessly, with no reload. On top of this, it can come in elemental variants, which makes it good for endless elemental damage. I always keep one on me just in case I find myself somehow out of ammo.
A fun little fact about Vladof, is that thr company is run and owned by a man named Ivan Vladof. If you play Borderlands: The Pre-Sequels DLC, and go through the challenge "A Bubble for Your Thoughts", you can actually find out that Nurse Nina is Ivan Vladofs long lost sister, which makes her conversation with her mother in the quest "Systems Jammed" all the more interesting, but we'll get into all that in another post.
8. Hyperion
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Oh Hyperion, how you've screwed everything. Now as a concept, I adore Hyperion. I love it's backstory, I LOVE Handsome Jack.. but let's be honest, they aren't the best for weapons. Notably, the TERRIBLE stability. Sure, it becomes more steady the more the shoot, but GOD those first few seconds are hell.
Now don't get me wrong, Hyperion has some decent weapons. From the Bitch, to the Butcher, and the beauty that is the Morningstar berating you with every shot. However this company is also responsible for the Bane. That alone should put thos company at the bottom of the list, but alas, I'm merciful.. and biased.
Come Borderlands 3, these weapons got and added specialty, being the shields that they pop up when aiming down the sights, which are honestly.. useless. Especially if you've got enemies in all directions. While the terrible accuracy is a tad better in 3, it's still no great. Often times, Hyperion weapons rarely find themselves in my arsenal, and more than often find themselves right back in Marcus' hands for some quick cash.
Now while I've got plenty of fun facts about Hyperion, I'm going to save this particular manufacturer for its own post, as there's quote a bit of lore to delve into with this one. What I can leave you with though, is this. Did you know Handsome Jack makes an appearance in the Witcher 3?
In Witcher 3: Blood and Wine, if you take the story route that lands Geralt in prison, there's an inmate you can speak with by the name of Handsome Jacques, who will subsequently leave you to fight yourself when you're later attacked by other inmates.
7. Bandit/Scav
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So I'm lumping Bandit and Scav together in the same spot, because they are exactly the same, just different names and weapon textures. So there's nothing exactly special about these weapons. While these are the direct counterpart to what was S&S Munitions, they do have some differences. These weapons have large ammo capacity, but suffer from long reload times, and exceptionally low stats all around.
Now based on that alone, these weapons sound like they suck, huh? Well.. yeah. They do. However, they're fun. They're chaotic, the legendaries special abilities can either turn the tide of battle if used correctly, or just make everything even more hectic, and I love it. From the crazy, grammatically incorrect names, to just the simple face that they're all made of spare parts, they're just fun, and because they suck, they offer challenge. That really make you fight for that win, and I adore them. Now will you find me using them very often? No, you won't. But I always keep a couple on me just in case I want to go buck wild and see what happens.
According to the games lore, Bandit and Scav weapons are what put S&S Munitions out of business, forcing thr company to change to S&S Accessories. Now one could assume, that since most bandits and scavs don't seem to have 2 braincells between the lot of them, that these weapons are being made by the ex DAHL workers left behind who turned to banditry to survive after being abandoned. This isn't confirmed or Canon in anyway, it's just a nice little assumption I like to have.
6. Atlas
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So, Atlas didn't really become a good weapon brand until Borderlands 3. Why? Tracking bullets. That's also because aside from Borderlands 1 and 3.. Atlas weapons didn't exist. After Borderlands 1, Atlas fell into complete ruin, was bought out and dismantled by Handsome Jack, and revived by Rhys after the fall of Helios. Hence, why this brand didn't exist in BL2 and BL:PS.
Atlas weapons were decent in Borderlands 1, but I didn't often find myself using them. Come Borderlands 3, however, I adore them. Slapping down a tracker bullet and being able to fire with reckless abandon, knowing each of my shots will hit is always a wonderful feeling.
When it comes to their legendaries, the Rebel Yell is exceptionally handy is tracking a target, and depleting their shields like it's nothing. Now, I still don't ever really find myself using these weapons late game in Mayhem mode, but early game? These weapons were a god send, especially when I first made the transfer to PC, and had to relearn how to aim.
Not only all that, but these weapons have increased damage AND mag capacity, which just adds to their usefulness early game.
Now apparently, Professor Nakayama claims that he poisoned the original CEO of Atlas. Whether or not this was true is left to speculation, though if it was true, one could only assume it was done in an attempt to gain Handsome Jack's favor.. a lot of good that seemed to do.
5. Maliwan
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Oh Maliwan.. how the mighty fall. I love Maliwan. I love elemental damage. I also love weapons with good accuracy. However what I don't love, is having to CHARGE MY WEAPONS in a FAST PACED GAME. Prior to Borderlands 3, Maliwan was a staple in my loadoutd, especially with my Maya builds, which all revolved around elemental damage and making the most of it. These weapons are a god send, even in Borderlands 1.
Then came Borderlands 3.. and they ruined it. Yes, these weapons can deal massive elemental damage, and I personally love using legendaries like the Quasar.. but the charge time. I despise the charge time. Especially when it comes to their sniper rifles. Sniper rifles should not have a charge time.
Now what I love about Maliwan, is they only produce elemental weapons, minus explosive. You will never find a plain weapon by them. Now unfortunately, there's only a few choice Maliwan weapons I'll ever use in Borderlands 3, but when it comes to Borderlands 2? I can't get enough of them.
Now weapons aren't the only thing that Maliwan produces apparently. If look closely at the beer bottles scattered across Pandora and Elpis, you'll find that some will have labels marked "Maliwan Black Label", a line of alcohol that the company seems to produce.
4. CoV
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So CoV are the bandit weapons of Borderlands 3, with a major difference.. no reloads. All these weapons work essentially the same way Vladofs Infinity works, with own downside. Overhearing.
These weapons can overheat and break, causing you to have to cool it off and smack it back to working order. Now these weapons are great because if you play ot carefully, you can demolish groups of enemies in seconds with these weapons. You can also run out of ammo entirely without noticing. These weapons have plenty of pros and cons.
I love CoV weapons purely because I can just fire with near reckless abandon, and the damage on them is decent enough. They have essentially the same stats as Bandit made weapons, since.. they are. Just tweaked with engines and infinite firing power.
The vast upgrade in these Bandit weapons could be due to a few things. The CoV having access to a lot more, the merger with Maliwan, or maybe the bandits just got smarter. We'll never really know.
3. Tediore
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Tediore how I love you. Sure, Tediore weapons have the potential to eat through your ammo if you aren't careful, but oh if it isn't fun. Throwing your weapon as a grenade that does increased damage the more ammo in the? Who wouldn't love that!
Tediore weapons gave fast reload speeds, being that they just digistruct back into your hands after you chuck them. Now, throwing guns as grenades is fun.. but what about turning it sentient?
Come Borderlands 3, these weapons dont just get thrown to explode, they get thrown and become temporary allies. They will float or run around, firing a few rounds.. THEN explode, and it's glorious. I adore Tediore weapons, purely because of how chaotic they can be, and how high damage they can be if you're willing to spare some ammo.
Now they didn't do any of this is Borderlands 1, and what made them special is that their legendary weapons would regenerate ammo, which was about the only special thing about them.
Because of they way their weapons are made, which is typically out of plastic and fiberglass, Tediores weapons are cheap and disposable. Due to this, Tediore is often looked at as the laughing stock of all the corporations, and often overlooked and ignored. At least until New Tales, when they showed just how much of a threat they could actually be. Not such a stupid company now, huh Katagawa?
2. Torgue
(I ran out of photo spots for one post.)
I just have one question for you. EXSPLOSIONS?! Not only is Torgue just an amazing brand, it's also the company with a CEO that has the most involvement with the player. From Torgues battle arenas in Borderlands 3, to his head hunter DLC and actual full length DLC in Borderlands 2, Torgue is just sort of always there.
Now Torgue, much like all weapons in Borderlands 1 compared to the other games, didn't have much going to for them other than high explosive damage. Yet come the later games, these weapons did a full 180 and became quickly my top three favorite brands to use.
High damage output, good fire rate, at the cost of accuracy and recoil. At the end of thr day though, it doesn't matter, because since the bullets are explosive, even if they miss and hit the ground by the target, they can still do damage. It's great for firing with reckless abandon. Like playing Junkrat in Overwatch. Shoot and pray.
Plus, who doesn't love Torgue? He's loud, he's eccentric, he's respectful.. what isn't there to love? Now, is Torgue still CEO of his own company? No, he's not. He sold it for $12 and a high five.. but he still owns it in my heart. We love him, and he loves all of us. That's what truly matters.
1. Jakobs
Ok. Hear me out. I know this probably isn't what you were expecting to placed at number one, but I have my reasons.
So Jakobs weapons have always had low magazines, reloads and fire rate, but their damage makes up for that. Jakobs weapons deal high damage and have great accuracy. On top of this, their "fire as fast as you can pull the trigger" trait is perfect for saving ammo. You can easily control just how many bullets you fire at once.
Then come Borderlands 3, these weapons got an even better trait. Ricochet bullets. For every critical hit you land will cause 1 or 2 bullets to ricochet to nearby enemies, making sniping even more dangerous.
One downside, is that Jakobs doesn't make any elemental weapons, save for about 5 unique/legendary exceptions.
But when it comes to my ideal, keep my distance and snipe playstyle with most of my characters, this brand is perfect for me. Stability to aim, ricocheting bullets, impressive damage.. it's the perfect brand.
Plus, the corporation is run by an absolute gift of a man, Wainwright Jakobs. Sure, the company was overrun for a bit, but what corporation hasn't been overrun and nearly destroyed at this point. Very few can say they haven't. In the world of Borderlands, Jakobs is considered the least aggressive and problematic company of them all, and it's held that appearance for 300 years, and continues to.
I know this post was a lengthy one, and if you read it all the way to the end, thank you! I know my rankings probably aren't even close to what popular professionals would rank them at, but while I try to take into account mechanics, I also take fun into account, and just my playstyle preferences.
So, as always, let me know your opinions. Tell me if you agree with my rankings, or what you'd change. I'd love to know what your favorite manufacturer is.
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wittness · 2 months ago
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kaidanalenkosprmanager · 2 months ago
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Overseen by Admiral Steven Hackett, the undercover operations undertaken by the Normandy crew in 2185 are sponsored by the Alliance Shade program following Sophie Oliveira-Shepard's coup from Cerberus after her resurrection. The mission? Traverse the Terminus Systems. Collect intelligence on the thing that killed her in 2184. Save the galaxy by any means necessary. The only issue? The darker secrets lurking under the surface. Like the machinations and strings being pulled by someone behind the scenes that seem to keep dragging old crew members into new dangers. And the old enemies... wearing familiar faces. MIRA'S MORE CANON MASS EFFECT 2 AKA: The actual, canon crew of the Normandy SR-2. ;) Mass Effect 2: Legendary Edition (2021) Rendered: Blender Eevee
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chaoticandsleepdeprived · 26 days ago
Usagi as a militant AU
In this AU Niragi doesnt SA anyone
• Instead of approaching Usagi at the pool in front of everyone. Aguni is present when Arisu and Usagi finds the Beach
• He offers her a place on the militants and Usagi accepts.
Aguni to the other militants: This is your new sister
• They don’t accept her until they see her climbing the Beach building to get to the Breakfast first
• She would teach the other members survival skills
• Also Usagi and Last Boss friendship, she’s a mountain climber and Last Boss in the manga is obsessed with famous explorers, I think they would find common ground
• I think they would bond first and Niragi would start crashing their conversations about survival.
• Niragi would take his role as an older brother very seriously. He would threaten Arisu until both of them reassured him that they only were friends
• We see that Usagi clearly knows some fighting during the Queen of Spades game.
• Usagi could have a bigger role during the plan to steal the cards. She could probably keep them away long enough that Arisu has time to fully look over the room, so Chishiya doesn’t have to betray them in order to find the hiding spot.
• Just the parallels of Hatter taking Arisu under his wing while Usagi becomes Aguni’s prodigy
• Instead of Arisu joining Heiya and Aguni it’s Usagi
Usagi: So he adopted you too?
Heiya: Yes, he told me about the militants. You were definitely his favorite.
• They succeed in killing the King of Spades in the woods in this AU
• So the Queen of Hearts probably happen the same way as in the manga. Where they play Rock Paper Scissors of which two should go into the arena.
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(Because I strongly believe the reason why Aguni asked for Usagi at the pool was because he remembered her from the Tag game. And knew she was a capable player that would make a good militant.)
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mad3lyncline · 6 months ago
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𝑭𝑳𝑶𝑹𝑰𝑨𝑵 𝑴𝑼𝑵𝑻𝑬𝑨𝑵𝑼 . as Krieg in Borderlands ( 2024 ) .
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ifitmovesitdies · 3 months ago
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Nirvana - Borderlands 2
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citrine-elephant · 5 months ago
lord i had a dream about leon except it was a fucking job interview and i couldnt stop staring-
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kitsumidori · 10 months ago
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I've mentioned before about a borderlands modern au idea and I want to show what I have.
Lilith Cashlin
Leader of The Firehawks (a biker gang in the city of Sanctuary which mostly consists of her friends)
Still trying to move on after her boyfriend was murdered by the Hyperion president.
Works at the city museum along with her socially reclusive friend Tannis.
In place of Lilith's siren tattoos, she has a full arm and leg sleeve tattoo which consists of dragons, phoenix's, unicorns and other fantasy elements.
Took in Angel after her father was arrested.
Is pretty close with the city's local con artist.
Angel Coldwell
Daughter of Jack Coldwell, President of the Hyperion corporation.
Was homeschooled most of her life and because of that, she's a bit naive, socially awkward and has developed social anxiety.
Would have recurring nightmares about Jack coming back to get her.
It was revealed that not only was Jack connected to a series of murders (one of the victims being his own wife), but he was also conducting inhumane experiments on people who he'd bribe/threat/kidnapped.
While incarcerated, Jack pleaded to anyone that would listen that he would never hurt his daughter and was very protective of her, the bruises and bone fractures said otherwise.
Along with that, it was also revealed during the trial that Jack was about to do said experiments on Angel shortly before he was incarcerated.
Jack has since been sentenced to death row.
Harley and Tiffany Williams
Parents of child prodigy, Gaige Williams.
Harley is a retired engineer and part-time boxer who owns his own gym in Sanctuary.
Tiffany is the owner of the Sanctuary Science and History Museum and is an elementary teacher at the local school.
Gaige Williams
Child prodigy and honor student.
Doesn't have many friends due to them sending her as weird and nerdy.
Was the only one that offered friendship Angel since she's an outcast as well.
Lost her arm at a young age, but she now has this really cool robotic arm (with help from her dad) that can crush concrete so that fine.
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Some datamined high quality Bounty of Blood diagrams
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handsomeejack · 11 months ago
the gaykobs family.
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delta-dean · 6 months ago
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Hot damn, I've gotten out of my art block and decided to post some Borderlands OCs. With how disgraceful I've heard the movie is and how bad the plot and characters arcs of Borderlands 3 was, I wanted to revive my nostalgia and fix what has been broken. So, here's my own little group of Vault Hunters from left right:
Deacon: A recently ex-marauder who joined the Vault Hunters after an incident where he set his boss, a Nomad named Seymour, on fire which forced him to be on the run. He joined Raoul's space ship to escape Seymour and his goonies, and he planned to leave as soon as possible. That changed, however, when he learned that they were looking for a vault. Realizing this could help him pay Seymour to leave him alone, as well as find himself a permanent way to get himself off of Pandora, agrees to join the Vault Hunters. Deacon is a sarcastic, harsh, brash man who tends to not get along with anyone. His motives seem selfish, but the others are starting to suspect that he might not be searching the universe just for the vault...
Raoul: An optimistic, friendly man turned lab rat. He had lived a relatively peaceful life with his mother on the planet Polites (a planet I made up for the setting), before Hyperion came and took them away to be tested on. In the process of the experimentation, he was transformed halfway into a lab rat, the process only being stopped when his mother had escaped and killed the scientists doing the tests. They soon escaped the Hyperion Hub through a space pod, and landed on Pandora with a crash. Raoul survived, his mother did not. Days turned into weeks with Raoul wondering the strange, hostile landscapes of Pandora, all while gaining the unnatural hunger for flesh that all rats have. He spent years on Pandora, scavenging, surviving, hating. But that all changed when he meant a certain Gunzerker who invited him to come eat REAL good food with his Abuela. Raoul found kindness on that harsh planet, and he cherished it. In fact, one of the quotes from the Crimson Raiders "You may have murder on your mind, but it costs nothing to be kind" became a motivational quote and lifestyle for him. Seven years later, he now wants to make Pandora a better place for everyone and he spends his saved up money for a decent ship to find a crew, go out and find a vault hidden within the galaxy, and use the riches he finds to help others. But his crew is not always on the same page as him, and he finds himself worrying about going back to some old, horrible habits.
Gary: A friendly, one of a kind goliath who can take off his helmet and still somehow be in control, not attack his allies, and can still put it back on. The reasonings for this is unknown, but people around him have made theories. Gary used to be part of a bandit group who he viewed as friends. The bandits took advantage of his control with his helmet and goliath rage, believing that, because he didn't attack them due to "friendship", that they could treat him as badly as they wanted to. They would throw darts at him, get him stuck fighting bullymongs, leave him getting bit and mauled by skags, and even beat him with sticks and the butts of their guns when he did or said something they didn't like. But, worse of all, they would sometimes do target practice on him with electric weapons. He hated this most of all. He hated how it hurt. He hated how they laughed. He hated how they never even apologized. And it made him angry. It made him so angry that he had enough one day, took off his helmet, and proceeded to beat every last one of them to death. Once he was finished, he placed his helmet back on and left to go on a journey to find new and better friends, ones that wouldn't shoot him and hit him. That is when he met Raoul, who found a spot in his heart for Gary and, although still a bit cautiously, allowed him to join. Despite being dim-witted, as nearly all goliaths are, Gary is friendly, cheerful, and loves to make sure his friends are happy. He has a hobby of collecting stickers, which he will put on his helmet.
Celeste: A laid-back former Lance Assassin and mercenary. She was an orphan forced into the Lance Assassins as a little girl and was trained to be ruthless and fierce. She found this lifestyle terrible, but she was a child who was desperate to survive. When she got older, however, she started to stray from her orders and became less scared of Atlas, despite the threats given to her. She hated killing innocent people, wanting to instead use her talents to take down bandits and scumbags (like Atlas!). Things came to a halt, however, when she had a secret affair with a Pandoran man and fell pregnant. After finding this out, her commanding officer killed Celeste's lover and planned to kill Celeste as well. Celeste killed her instead, escaped and left the Lance Assassins, but not before stealing one of the Lance Assassin swords. She planned to leave a somewhat normal life (as normal as one can get on Pandora) with her baby. Unfortunately, her old squadron found her and killed her baby. In a fit of rage, she slaughtered them all and left her home, planning to never look back. She took up mercenary work for a few years before hearing about a certain lab rat wanting to travel the cosmos for a vault. Deciding it was better than what she was doing currently, she decided to join the new Vault Hunters.
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hyperionshipping · 1 year ago
Think the twins don't even care about Tricks because bandits dying is not all that concerning and I think people assumed "that little dog of Jack's" died with him.
I think Tricks only becomes a hassle sometime later on. But no one can seem to find him... Lilith keeps dealing with vandalization and her already small crew getting picked off ("It's like a professional is hitting us. I... I think I know who it is") and, I think, just because he can he fucks with streams/the towers. He's got so much hate in his body.
Oh, and Jack's shield. Now you see him, now you don't, and now a corrosive bullets lodged in the worst spot it could be. Killing you agonizingly slow! If he doesn't shoot again and... oh. He did already
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wittness · 10 months ago
( wasn’t even looking for it, just knew i wanted it in the future ).
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kuinaoflight · 1 year ago
In case you’re still mad at me for stealing your newest lipstick and demanded I give you an explanation as to why I always steal your stuff.. here’s why:
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A weapon especially for you. Consider this your ‘thank you gift’.. swing by my room later and I may feel generous enough to hand it over.
~Chishiya ♦️
…I can’t even yell at you because this is such a thoughtful gesture… but what did you do with the lipstick product that was in it? As long as it didn’t end up carelessly tossed aside in the trash— never mind, it’s the thought that counts.
But I’m surprised you’re even trusting me with a knife! You’re the one that complains all the time about having to patch up my wounds. Or is this way if you trying to keep me safe, mm~?
Still wrapping my head around how oddly sweet this is… thank you! Or wait, a future thank you—? WHAT DO YOU MEAN IF YOU MAY FEEL GENEROUS?! You just said it’s especially for me!
I’m coming to get it now~
Someone might need to take this away from me when I’m drunk and try to reapply my lipstick…
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citrine-elephant · 1 year ago
simply because of the beginning of the word, what if the nether had nephrite ore? nether jade or something. the use? idk.
also nether snakes.
nether slitherer, nether jade + some material from the snake = additional poison damage to appropriate tools
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james-p-sullivan · 2 years ago
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Seaking for Jenn (@toads-little-shrimp)
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