#borderlands anon
frenziedslashers · 2 years
OBSESSED with the thought of some idiot abducting Krieg's S/O and yeah, the abductors bragging about it, meanwhile S/O's just "yeah he's gonna kill you lol. Lmao."
Krieg barges in and starts beating the shit out the abductor meanwhile S/O's just "hellooo my beloved ☺️"
He would be pissed the moment he found out you were missing as well. Like the people who abducted you would be all "Oh boo hoo, he's a psycho, he doesn't care about you." And then BAM- flash grenade- he's smashing through the walls and killing everyone on sight.
The people that aren't dead yet and are simply teetering life and death on the ground are ASTOUNDED when they see how caring he is with you. He's blurting some of the most absurd shit at you, but it all in all is him asking if you are okay and that he's sorry for letting you get captured - in his own bandit talk.
He's checking you over. Large hands moving you side to side. He's quick and rough - yet at the same time, he's gentle and caring. He has to make sure you're safe and okay and he would never once hurt you. He promises you that.
No one is making it out of that room alive besides you and him, though. He's not letting anyone get away with taking his partner from him.
He'd feel all special when you greet him with such a warm and loving smile though. He'd giggle if he could. You truly own his heart, and he wouldn't have it any other way.
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realisticjupiter · 7 months
haihaii!! your profile has been like.... THERAPY to me bc the aib fixation is back AND ITS STRONG ESPECIALLY TOWARDS CHISHIYA 💔💔💔 i love the way u write as well !!
so with this could i request a touch starved chishiya... like a chishiya that needs readers attention so bad but is too embarrassed to downright tell them "I WANT CUDDLES" or smth... still he does everything in his power to get readers attention atp the only thing left is to just BEG
also could i be 🎶 anon ? i picture myself being very active here from now on... have a nice day!!
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Summary: Chishiya can't sleep without you.
Genre: Fluffy
Pairing: Chishiya x gn!reader
Warnings: None! :)
Word count: 784
a/n: Aghhhh i hope this is okay!!!!! That is actually so sweet of you, I'm so glad you've liked my account!!!<3 And ofc you can claim an emoji, hello 🎶!!
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Chishiya tried everything to get you into bed with him. He tried seducing you, gaslighting you, and of course his manipulation tactics didn't work either.
All you were focused on was trying to fix the phone from last night's game. It was still on, so you thought it would be easier to get into before it powered off.
Every time he'd call your name, you'd brush him off. Mostly because he always used a certain tone of voice you've become far too familiar with when he tries to get what he wants.
All he wanted to do was kneel at your feet to tell you exactly what he wanted. To tell you he just wanted you to hold him, to tell you all he needed was your attention.
But he couldn't. He never has been able to ask for help, or ask for anything without feeling vulnerable for that matter. He was closed off, that's what people knew about him; that he didn't show those types of emotions in fear of being belittled.
Chishiya could feel his eyelids getting heavy and his eyes burning from keeping them open, but he knew no matter how hard he would toss and turn; he wouldn't be able to sleep without you.
It was pathetic, he'd admit that. It was a loop he found himself getting stuck into, and found there was no way out of it. He hid it pretty well, though. Through late nights where you'd fall asleep alone and wake up to him beside you. You truly had no idea he struggled so much.
He was so tired. He'd do anything if you'd just stop and sleep already.
And he found his last option, the one thing he dreaded the most.
"Y/n?" Chishiya whispered, his voice husky as he climbed out of bed and walked towards you with slow steps.
"What?" You hummed in response, never peeling your eyes away from the task at hand.
"Please," He spoke underneath his breath in an almost incoherent whisper as he stopped to stand beside the chair you sat in.
"I don't know what you want, Chishiya. No one is keeping you awake." You sighed, watching from the corner of your eye as he stood by your side, rubbing his eyes with his palms.
"You're keeping me awake." He murmured, watching your hands as they played around with the device's motherboard.
"How?" You said in defeat, finally turning your attention to him. You looked up at him with your hands thrown in your lap, clearly waiting for his response.
He let out a huff as he looked around the room; avoiding eye contact. When he finally looked at you, his eyes were soft and glassed over.
His next sentence was incoherent.
"Chishiya. Speak up, please." Your words were soft as you stood up from your seat, placing your hands on his upper arms.
"I can't sleep without you." He finally spoke, his words finally registering in your mind.
When he realized you had finally heard him, he felt like he could say anything. And with his new found confidence he continued to speak.
"Why is it so hard to ask you to touch me?" He breathed, letting his head fall onto your shoulder.
You smiled at his soft demeanour. You knew how hard it must've been for him to admit something so close to himself, especially since it was about you. You've found a new side of Chishiya you haven't seen before.
You brought a hand to comb through his hair as the other scratched up and down his bare back, "I'm sorry, Chishiya. I should've just read your mind." You whispered against his shoulder as you held him close to your body.
Your words were an obvious tease, trying to humor the situation at hand. Which did make Chishiya snicker.
"You should have. You've always been able to." He muttered, wrapping his arms lazily around you.
You smiled warmly as he spoke, pulling away to drag his hand towards the bed. You climbed in with him closely behind you. He waited for you to get comfortable, before he joined you under the covers to tangle his limbs with yours.
"I'm proud of you, Chishiya." Your sultry breath hit his forehead as you mumbled against his skin.
He stared down at the way your bodies fit together, processing your words with a smile he knew you couldn't see.
"Now go to sleep, 'm here." You spoke once more into his skin, kissing his forehead and massaging your fingers into his scalp.
His cold fingers danced around your bare skin, trying to bring himself impossibly closer to you before his body fell limp into a night's sleep.
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reposts and comments are appreciated <3
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krotiation · 3 months
on my hands and knees begging for you to draw vaughn one more time
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You get fight for sanctuary vaughn cause he's my favorite 🫶
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mcckenny · 8 months
hjack request: him tired and sweaty after a workout (asking in the most down bad way possible)
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Does the mask sweat?? I think the mask sweats
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chishiyaisasnack · 1 year
Watch me
Here’s the small thingy I wrote for you anon! Sub! chishiya was really hard for me to imagine so it didn’t come out the way I wanted to, but I still want to post it. I hope you like it! (I’m working on a more detailed one for the Dare series but it’s taking forever).
Disclaimer! This is very nsfw and pure smut. Sub! Chishiya x dom! fem reader. It’s not very realistic either haha. As usual, be safe and use a condom irl.
It’s written and posted on mobile so I apologize for any errors or formatting issues.
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God, he was pretty like this. Laying on his back, arms tied together over his head, his hair a mess over the pillows below him. His skin was glistening with beads of sweat and every time you tasted it you just wanted more. His whole body was trembling as he tried so hard to be good for you, to get you to finally touch him.
His futile attemps to get out of the satin restraints tying his hands to the bed was getting fewer as the minutes went on. They looked good on him, red on pale skin, leaving marks for everyone to see tomorrow. His cheeks matched the red colour, exhaustion covering them as he panted.
”Ugh.. y/n, please..”
Your name sounded so good when it left his lips. His moans had turned into whimpers, his demands into begging. Begging for you to touch him, begging for you to let him come, begging for you to sink down on his cock and draw out every drop of cum in him. But you didn’t.
His cock was so hard, oozing with precum that pooled on his stomach as you neglected it. Your fingers were on yourself, circling your clit, pleasuring yourself while he watched. If he was good, if he whined for you in that lovely way that only he could, he got to feel how wet you were, grinding on his thigh, showing him what he was missing out on.
You never missed a chance to praise him, to tell him how good he was and how pretty he looked for you. You used your hands to stroke over his body, caressing every part of him except for where he wanted to be touched, thanking him for being so lovely. You couldn’t help but to move down and kiss and lick stripes up his torso, leaving him begging for you to do the same to his cock.
He was shivering below you as you moved up to hover over his mouth, and then attacked your pussy with his tounge, like he was dying of thirst and only you could save him. You rocked your hips, using his mouth for what it was the best at. His tounge went deep inside you, fucking you, curling to press on every good spot he could reach. Fuck, you couldn’t help but to push his face closer, to tangle your hands in his hair and grip it like it was the only thing holding you to the bed.
He was gasping for air when you got off him, face wet from you, lips tired and eyes hopeful that finally, finally you’d touch his cock as a reward. He should’ve known better.
When you slid your way back down you made sure to hover over his cock for just a second, to make him think that you would give in. The desperation in his eyes when you continued to move down his body made you chuckle. You watched as he once again tried to pull his hands free, and once again failing to do so.
”Hmm, do you really want me to fuck you that bad, Chishiya? Do you want to see your cum dripping out of me?” You watched as he shivered under you, his whole body begging for you.
”Or do you rather want me to suck you off? To let you cum in my mouth?” He let out a groan that sounded like he was on the verge of tears. You ignored his pleas and drew a line over his v-line with your finger.
”Maybe I’ll just leave you like this. You look so fucking good right now. So good for me.” Your words mixed with your touch made his cock twitch and you were so tempted to lean forward and place a kiss on it. Not yet.
”I even brought you a gift today” you told him and reached behind you and picked up your favourite bullet vibrator, one that had never failed to make you come. This time it wasn’t going to fail to drive Chishiya to the edge, you would make sure of that. His eyes turned wide open when you turned the vibrator on on the lowest setting, holding it in the air like you were inspecting it closely. His back arched when you dragged it along the middle of his chest, from the center of his collar bone and down just above his navel. A moan left his mouth when you moved it in circles over a nipple, suprised to see how sensitive he was there. You used the tip of your tounge to flick over the second one, pulling out another groan from him. Finishing with a bite that was going to leave a nice mark on him, you rose back up and let the vibrator continue its journey over his body. You layed it flat as you moved it to his hip, then using only its tip when moving down the v-line towards his cock. He rocked up into the sensation, instantly trying to get more, but you didn’t let him. You continued down his inner thigh, just to move back up and placing it right below his balls without touching anything but his thigh. You watched his eyes roll back in his head as the vibrations spread over him.
”Do you want it? Do you want to come with my favourite toy?” Teasingly you drew tiny circles on his skin with it. He was so on edge, not knowing if you were finally going to give him what he wished for or if you were going to take it away. You, however, knew exactly what was going to happen.
You removed the vibrator completely off him and was rewarded by a needy whimper and a barely audiable ’please’. He probably didn’t know what he wanted anymore, he just wanted to be touched and didn’t care how. Just as you liked it.
”I lied, this isn’t my favourite toy.” You said while looking at him fondly. ”You are. I love fucking myself on you. I love seeing how bad you want to drive into me, how bad you want to bend me over and fuck me into pieces. I love to see the look on your face when I use your cock as my own dildo. And I know that you love it too.”
Then you put the vibrator on the base of his cock and Chishiya sounded like he was going to explode.
”Y/n… fuck. It’s too much.” He whimpered while trying to both move away from the toy and to let you use it on him.
”I know you can take it. You’re doing so well.” You answered, letting your eyes move between his hips and his face - to make sure that he could in fact take it. You had a safeword and you trusted him to say it if he wanted to stop. No matter what the reason behind it was. You always told him how it would never disappoint you or make you angry if he said it. And you believed him when he promised that he would be honest with you. That trust made it so intimate, you felt closer to him that you ever thought that you could.
With a smile on your face you moved up and placed yourself on top of the vibrator, sandwiching it between your clit and Chishiyas cock. His breathing became heavier, probably from seeing you on top of him, desperately hoping that you’d sit down on him instead.
”Ahh, I could come like this. All over you, getting you all nice and wet.” You gave him an amused look. The despair on his face was always so nice to watch. You felt so desired, so wanted, and it felt incredible. It filled your body with warmth and affection, affection only for him.
”But it would feel much better coming on your cock.”
”Please, let me make you come.” Chishiya pleaded in a hurry, trying to move his upper body towards you.
”I can make you come so hard, so good. Please.” His voice was trembling with need, the need to be good. The need for you.
”You want to see me come?” You answered him, still grinding against the vibrator that felt so good against you both. Chishiya huffed out a ’yes’ and his whole face was painted with anticiption. You smiled and the hope in his eyes immediately left as he understood that he wasn’t going to be the one to do it.
”Okay, I’ll come for you. Since you are being so good to me.”
You raised your hips, making sure that the vibrator left Chishiyas body and only touched you from now on. He wasn’t happy to lose the only stimulation he had and you watched as he grieved the loss of the vibrations by rolling his hips up, chasing the touch he desperately wanted. You were prepared every time he tried to push up into you, knowing his body and moves so well that you could do it in your sleep. Instead of punishing him for it you let him get away with it this time, he had been so good so far so you decided to let it go. Only this time though.
You bent forward and placed a hand on his neck, putting your thumb on his throat. No pressure at all, just laying there as a reminder of who was in charge here.
”Then watch me.” You sat back up and closed your eyes, letting the wonderful feeling between your legs fill your body, while the pants from Chishiya filled
your ears. It didn’t take long for you to come, and you did so while moaning his name, hearing his breath hitch as a response.
You must have grown soft because when your breathing finally stabilized you leaned down and pressed your lips against his. You felt his arms yank the ropes in another attempt to touch you while your mouths opened to let your tounges intertwine. You kissed him deep, letting him carry you away with his soft movements that were coated with desire. He was inhaling every movement, pouring his all into your lips, relishing in the love you gave him. Then sighed when you moved your head back to hover right above his. You stayed there, breathing into his mouth and gazed into his brown eyes.
”You’re doing so well, Chishiya. Thank you.”
With a final kiss you rose up and moved back down his body. Without hesitating you lined up his cock under you and sank down onto it.
The groan Chishiya let out almost sounded painful, and if it wasn’t for the twitching of his cock, the way his back arched and the feeling of warmth filling your insides you might have thought he was hurt. He came hard, his cum filling you up as you clenched around him. You let him buck into you, pushing himself in as far as he could as he emptied himself.
”Did it feel that good?” You hummed, caressing his cheek with your hand when he was coming down from his high. He looked exhausted, his chest heaving while trying to find enough air to fill his lungs. Then you rolled your hips.
”I’m sorry.. Ugh.. I couldn’t.. you feel so good” Chishiya pleaded.
”Do you like being inside me that much?” You kept teasing him. ”Think you can come for me again?” You ground down on him with the next roll of your hips, his eyes rolling back into his head from the overstimulation. He was still really sensitive, but you didn’t care.
”Y/n.. please… too much..” he whined, but still not asking you to stop.
”Hmm, but I just started. I thought you wanted me to fuck you. That’s what you’ve been begging for all night.” You kept riding him, slow rolls of your hips, dragging his cock back and forth inside you. His legs were shaking and his fists clenched tight as he fought through the overstimulation.
He was panting, chest raising and falling in hurries movements, and tried his hardest to keep his hips from moving away from you.
”I know that you can handle it. Let me take care of you Chishiya.” You placed your hands on his chest, using it to steady yourself as you started to move up and down instead.
He groaned as he shut his eyes and rolled his head back into the pillows. Your hand was in his hair only a second later, pulling his head back up so that he was looking at you again.
”Watch me.” You told him while letting go of his hair, caressing his cheek, then placing the hand back on his chest as you picked up your pace. ”Watch me as I fuck myself on you.”
His moaning sounded like music to your ears, every bounce on his cock drew out a different sound.
”Shit, I’m coming again” Chishiya hissed. ”Please, come with me. Let me touch you y/n.” His stuttered under your as he tried his best to stop himself from thrusting up into you. He knew what would happen if he did.
”But I’m not ready yet.” You cooed, not slowing down. ”You can come, but I won’t stop until I come too.” Instead of giving him a chance to stop himself, you clenched hard around his cock, making him moan as he released himself inside you once more. You stopped your movements to give him a chance to breathe, while looking down and watched as your mixed liquids pooled at the base of his cock, making it so wet and slippery.
”Look what a mess you’ve made.” You ran a finger through it, collected the liquids, and then used it to easily run your finger over your clit as your hips went back to slowly rock back and forth on him.
”Y/n…. Please … fuck, please let me make you come.” Chishiya was visibly exhausted, but he didn’t tell you to stop so you kept going. You kept rolling your hips, kept making his cock slide deliciously inside you while you touched yourself, and kept loving the sounds coming
out of Chishiyas mouth. You were close too, feeling that warm feeling in your core heating up even more, tightening and waiting to break loose. Chishiya always felt amazing inside you, he fit so perfectly, reaching all the right spots, just as he did right now.
”Mmm.. Chishiya… Can you give me one more?” You closed your eyes and just listened to his groan, the perfect response. You clenched tighter around him and moved your hips a bit faster.
”I.. y/n… please.” He begged, barely able to form words anymore.
You could barely believe that he went through this much for you. He wanted you just as much as you wanted him. He was so gentle, so fragile and he only let you see that side of him. Only you, no one else. Feeling a surge of warm emotions you reached up over his head and swiftly untied his hands.
”Touch me Chishiya.” You whispered, taking one of his hands in yours, braiding your fingers together. His other hand went straight to your clit and you let him take over.
Two more rolls of your hips and one long groan from Chishiya was all it took for both of you to finally share an orgasm so strong that you couldn’t hold yourself upright. You leaned down over him, placing your forehead against his as you both weakly moved your hips in unison to try and bring out every ounce of pleasure as you could. Your breaths and moans mixed from how close your lips were, far too out of breath to kiss, but too captivated by eachother to not stay that close. His eyes were staring back into yours, tired and barely open, but still so dark and sparkling beneath his lashes that you never wanted to look away. He was so beautiful.
You stayed there for a while, just catching your breaths. Chishiyas hands were stroking your back while you used one to hold yourself up so he could breathe, and one to brush over his cheek and jaw.
”How are you feeling?” you finally asked him and lift your face up a bit to see his reaction.
”Great.” He smirked, showing you that he, thankfully, wasn’t passing out anytime soon.
You rolled off him and laid down on your side, facing him as he did the same and put his arms around your waist. You grabbed one of his hands and held it up in front of you.
”Do your wrists hurt?” You ran a finger over where the rope had been, a red line covering a small part of it. You couldn’t wait to stare at it all day tomorrow.
”They’re fine.” he answered as you placed a kiss on the redness before letting him put the arm back around you. You shuffled your way closer to him, burying your head under his, letting his breath tickle your hair. ”Next time I’m going to make you regret this.”
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orcateef · 6 days
you should totally draw handsome jack and negan They would kill eachother with rocks i think
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roturo · 2 years
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“With many words behind (I said I love you again)”
WARNINGS: SMUT. Jealous Chishiya.
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Chishiya Shuntaro is not a man you want to fuck with. He’s the smartest in The Beach executives, and can easily get you killed without anyone knowing that it was planned by him. But don’t get me wrong, he’s not that intense with everybody. Just to people who try to get close to what’s his.
You? Oh you were the new fucking annoying executive. He didn’t understand how a person can be so stupid, (because he prefers calling it like that rather than clumsy.) Most of the time you were talking with your “friends” who are his “friends” (More like Kuina’s friends) So both of you have come across and obviously “get along” 
Or that’s what Kuina tells him. He always had to be next to you so you wouldn’t get hurt or make a mess. And he hated that. 
Chishiya was waiting with other executives in the “reunion” room for you. You were late again.
“Oh my god Arisu! We finally found the room” You chuckled, you’ve been spending like 10 minutes looking for this “reunion” room. “Thank you for helping me finding it.”
They could hear you talking with Arisu behind the door, it’s not like he wanted to know what you were talking about, you were just too loud.
You entered the room a little embarrassed of your late entry. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t find the room, and I went with Arisu so he could-“
“This is an exclusive place for executives, leave the boyfriend in your room next time.” 
“I’m sorry.” You murmured.
You were now here for enough time to know where the executives usually have their reunions. He’s been knowing you for months now and he doesn’t know why he still hasn’t made you quit or leave.Maybe because he didn’t wanted.
It’s just something about you that annoyed him so much. He was so mean and cold towards you and you still didn’t have anything against him like the others. You always kept that smile and sweet modals towards everybody. If it wasn’t for him, you would’ve been eaten alive by the horny man’s of The Beach. He’s a man too, he knows what they try to do. It’s not like he threatened them to stay away from you. Now… thinking about that, maybe he should do the same with Arisu.
The next day you were at the pool, you were just swimming around and talking with some people, it was a day off.
You decided to get something to drink, so you got to the bar next to the pool and just asked for some water. While you were waiting for it, you felt a hand touching your shoulder and making your turn to them.
“Oh Niragi, hi!” You said to him smiling with your eyes. Oh poor you… you didn’t know with who you were talking with.  You had known him for a while now, even though you never talked to him, you just didn’t feel like it or he doesn’t get near you. I ask myself why..
“Oh hey doll, whatcha’ doing?” He said, now moving his hand on your shoulder lower until he got into grabbing your hand.
You followed his movement with your eyes, you were confused, why is he doing this? “I’m just here for some water” You continued talking with him.
Chishiya was clenching his fists, nails digging into his palms that he swears now they had blood on them. He was seeing how Niragi was touching you. It’s like pretty obvious the reputation Niragi had around here, why are you talking with him?!
Just at this moment, Chishiya realized everything has changed. His heart towards you had a whole different meaning now.
Secretly, secretly, secretly.
So he couldn’t even think about what he was doing right now, he went to where both of you were, and then he had his arm around your waist grabbing you almost possessively. He had a forced smile looking at Niragi. “Oh wow, I didn’t know that you had plans to come here with y/n Niragi.. I might as well join both of you, haha..” 
He slightly let go of your waist when he got closer to Niragi’s ear with a smirk. 
“I will fucking end you if you don’t get your hands off y/n now. I don’t want this to repeat okay? Let’s not repeat what happened last time yeah?”
Niragi had a smirk on his face, but he just clicked his tongue and left with no explanation. Leaving you very confused.
“What’s wrong with you Chishiya? Why did you did that?” You asked him, you were not upset but genuinely confused.
He stayed quiet just looking at you. Wait. She’s right.. why did I did that? Like, why do I care so much for her? Shit. For some reason, the closer I get to you, I realize we’re really living under the same sky and i’ll never stop seeing you. Only because you are you.
“Chishiya! Answer me! I hate when you’re like this! You do things without any explanation and just doing whatever you want!” You said taking his hand out of your waist.
He finally talked when he felt the lost of your warm touch. “You know what I hate? Seeing you laughing with Niragi like he doesn’t want to fuck you. But oh… c’mon, we both know what he was trying to do when he was right here.”
“W-what?” You chuckled, “You’re really funny, why should I ever want to fuck with Niragi? I mean like I was just-“ He interrupted you now grabbing you by your arm and pulling you closer to him.
“Oh. So you think it’s funny to tease me with that fucker over there, huh?”
“Te-tease?! What? What the hell are you talking about Chishiya? Why you’re acting this way towards me now?”
“Why i’m acting this way? oh, maybe it’s because-“ Because I like you. And don’t want you to get with someone else. Shit, what? He stopped talking for a moment, with a frown on his face. “Y’know what? Never mind.” He didn’t even gave you time to process and complain or ask anything because he left as fast as possible.
The next day, everything was blurry. Chishiya couldn’t understand what’s going on between his heart and mind. Everything now tasted sweet as candy. Not even Kuina could understand what’s going on with him.
When the day started, Chishiya woke up to the sun which was so dazzling as always. But actually, this morning he didn’t hate this. He was kinda of hyped? It’s not like he shows it up, but you can see (barely, need to pay attention) that he seems more relaxed and open. 
But, now you ruined his mood. He saw you talking to Arisu again, laughing with him, smiling with him, touching him. He doesn’t understand why he feels this way, it’s you have this power over him. For some reason, the closer he gets to you, he despises you more. But it’s not that he doesn’t love you, because it will change him. 
Oh. Fuck. Now he understands why he’s feeling this way towards you. 
Compared to other girls, you’re an illusion. You’re way too good to be in a plural of them “girls” You were prettier, more kind, funnier, and you were perfect. That’s what he hates about you. He seems himself shabbily trapped in the idea of having you by his side. He has hardened his heart for this not to happen, but someway you got through it.
And oh well… he was fucked.
He clenched his teeth at the sight of you being too close with Arisu for his liking. 
fuck it.
He quickly went to grab you by the arm, and got you far away from Arisu until both of you were at his room. 
“Ouch Chishiya! That hurts” You whined at the sudden action of him taking you away with no warning. “Let me go!” 
He let you go with a cold haze but he started caressing your arm.
“I’m sorry.” He broke the silence now looking at you.
“What’s wrong with you Chishiya? You’ve been acting weird for days now! It’s getting really annoying.” You crossed your arms.
“Because you could be in danger with the others, who knows what they want to do with you.” Shit. Just confess you asshole. 
“Why do you care so much?!” You raised your voice. “You’ve been treating me like a toy this days! Just doing whatever you want”
“I’m doing it so I can protect you.”
“It’s for your own good y/n-“
Oh shit. He was so damned. This wasn’t the way he planned this. Why should he still be behind you taking care of you when he can be by your side? He prepared so far to say this (just to leave behind the words he prepared)
“I’m in love with you Y/N” 
You got closer to him, maybe you’re going to slap him? No. Maybe punch him?
“Kiss me.” Oh well. That wasn’t expected.
“Huh? y/n what- mmh!” He left a small groan at the sudden kiss.
His lips tasted as sweet as candy. They were soft and they were like they’re made for you. 
Both of you let go for a moment to catch your breath “Kiss me again.”  He said. You let out a whine as he put an arm around your waist, squeezing almost too low. 
You leaned forward, dragging the wetness of your lips across his cheek. You felt his breath hitch as you smoothed your palms over his chest, hooking one of your fingers into his swim trunks. You kissed his earlobe soft, your tongue barely grazing the cartilage. You felt his heart beat a little quicker against your hand.
“You’re such a tease, aren’t you?”
You gave him large, doe eyes as he rubbed soft circles over your hipbones with the pads of his thumbs. You nodded your head in agreement, giving him a stupid smile as you moved to break away from his touch.
“Sorry, Chishiya” you said, feigning sadness and giving him dramatic fake tears. “Maybe I should stop before you kill someone.” You chuckled at the thought.
You turned away from him, trying to leave him , but he reached for your waist again. You let out huff of annoyance as he pulled you flush against his front, his hands crossing in front of your body.
You turned your head as he lifted his eyes, his lips pink and wet as he let his eyes wander over your face, searching for any sign of how you were feeling. You spun to face him, pushing him back with forceful hands so he hit the wall behind him.
“With many words behind, I finally said I love you.” he whispered, his hands coming up your sides. You ignored the tickling sensation it gave you, shaking your head.
He chuckled a little, lowering his body a little until he was on his knees. Your eyes widened a little. 
“I’m sometimes an asshole” he agreed, kissing your stomach as soon as he settled in front of you.
“If by a sometimes, you mean always, sure,” you struggled to breathe as his hands came down your bare legs, stroking the skin of your thighs as he kissed your stomach again. He watched as your eyes began to pool with a softness that hadn’t been there before, a relief he hadn’t seen yet.
You let out a gasp as he dipped his head, his lips wet against your inner thigh as he kissed. You were forced to lean forward, your palms flat against the wall as he continued to kiss your thighs from underneath you. You whimpered as he sat up on his knees, pulling your hips tight against him as he kissed the bare skin above the waistband of your underwear (bikini). A knot in the pit of your belly was growing rapidly now. 
“If that means I can be your asshole always, then let me be it.” He moved one of your hands to rest on his shoulder as he hooked on of your legs around his neck.
You let out a whine as he kissed your heat, although still clothed, with a wetness that made your head fall back.
“Shut up Chishiya..” 
You closed your leg around his head hard, forcing his lips onto your core. You let out a gasp as his tongue slowly emerged from between his lips, caressing your folds as he gathered your wetness into his mouth. His eyes fluttered shut just for a moment as he relished the taste of you.
Eyes rolled back in your head as you felt his tongue wrap around your sensitive bud. You were driven by adrenaline and that coil tightening in your stomach, the wet sounds that were produced by his skillful mouth had you crazy.
“Fuck, you’re so good,” he said huskily, his eyes wild as he quickened the darting of his tongue. “lemme hear you.”
You obliged, letting out soft whines of his name as he continued to suck on your bundle of nerves. You watched him through brown eyes as he let a few fingers slip into you, curling as soon as they bottomed out. You gripped his wrist, setting a quick pace as he lapped at your heat. Before long, your walls were clenching around his fingers as his wet muscle paid special attention to your aching, sensitive clit.
“That’s it, th’s my girl,” Mine. All mine now. he breathed, his fingers slowing their pace as you began to see stars. “Fuck, come for me, all over my fingers.”
Your senses on overdrive as you hit the most anticipated climax you had ever felt. He milked you through your moment of pleasure, collecting your excitement as he lapped at your folds. You panted a little, your cheeks flushed as he pulled away from you.
He got back on his feet. Licking your juices from his fingers looking straight at you. 
“I will always be by your side. You’re never alone again. I am by your side.” He said grabbing you from the waist. 
“I think you have a little problem there” You giggled at him, breaking his trance he had watching you.
“Huh? What?” You looked down to his crotch, and looked back at a flustered Chishiya looking at his ‘little’ problem. “Oh.”
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(A/N: Okay, so I wanted to explain how I used this song for my fic (CANDY-NCT DREAM), Basically the song speaks about a break up, and going to a new “phase” leaving your loved person behind even though you still love them. So I interpreted this as Chishiya hiding his love with “hate” towards reader, since he didn’t wanted to go to the other “phase” of now loving them. I hope you understand it! And I hope you like it too, since this one is my favorite so far ♡)
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sketchupnfries · 6 months
Dude, I’ve been following you since the days of the psych x tftb comics and I just gotta say how much I love seeing you enjoy life!
Even though our interests have changed over time, your art always puts a smile on my face and is a lovely surprise every time it pops up on my dash. It’s like bumping into an old friend on the street and feeling a warm sense of nostalgia.
I really wanted to say thank you for just being the kind and funny person you are! For making stuff that makes you happy and living a life that seems so full of joy. I hope this year keeps treating you well and I look forward to the next time you appear on my dash 💜
Oh my gosh! Thank you so much for the incredibly kind words!! :'D. I'm glad you've been enjoying my art for so long, and that it's brought you happiness over these many years! Thank you again so much for your thoughtful message, and I hope you have a wonderful year full of joy as well! Have a Rhys!
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deepslate · 9 months
can u draw timothy lawrence?
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saddest guy in the universe
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chishiyashoodie · 11 months
We all know that Chishiya is really good with stressful situations in the borderlands, but I was wondering what you think he would be like in some more everyday stressful situations that weren’t life or death? Like.. at the airport for example? Being in charge of not just himself but also the reader
I reckon he’d be overprotective of reader
In situations when they need to be in a crowded place like an airport, a shopping centre, a crowded bar or street… he’d probably not let go of her but if it’s less of a crowded place then he’d let her be on her own but he’d always be keeping an eye on her from afar
In not so stressful occasions when they are with friends, relatives… he wouldn’t want to disturb her and would just let her enjoy her time with them <3
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frenziedslashers · 2 years
I have this thought for borderlands 2 that is equally funny and stressful/angsty. Please hear my silly little though sharing
The plot goes on as it does. Angel is... defeated, lets put it that way, and not even a minute after the Vault Hunters, or Mordecai or Brick or whoever you prefer, gets an echo call from a long time friend (maybe more)
"Hey buuuddy :))), did you happen to do anything to piss off Jack? Like something really major becauSE THERE'S LIKE A DOZEN CONSTRUCTORS IN MY BACKYARD"
N like yeah their delivery of this would be kinda funny but like god damn if it doesn't stress out their friends (maybe more) 😭
Vault Hunters killed Angel so now Jack's gunning it for the other person, besides Roland, whose death would hurt bad
The friend survives by some miracle. Mostly because me thinks the Vault Hunters and everyone else needs a damn break
Hmmhmh Mordecai not only looses Bloodwing but for a while Y/N can't communicate with him so now he thinks they've died, too
He would be freaking out and Brick would have to hold him back from going head first into danger for you. He'd have to talk some sense into his friend and help him come up with a game plan. Because even if everything between you and Mordie is platonic - a friend of Mordecais is a friend of Bricks.
They would both think about leaving the fight with Jack to go and find you, to make sure that everything is all right. They wouldn't though. They know that if they did then everything would just be so much more worse.
Once everything is safe and at least one of them can slip away to go and find you, they will. They have to make sure you're okay. If they have to, they'd call someone to go in and check on you.
If you get hurt in the fiasco, Mordecai is worrying over you like a worrying mother. He's checking in on you every five minutes and not leaving your side. You'd have to get Brick to help you distract him so you can have some alone time.
Mordecai is definitely not letting you out of his sight for a while, though. If you need a place to crash, he's definitely offering up his base. "Mi casa, es su casa." He would tell you with a little smirk, and he means it, too. His home is your home. He loves you, platonic, romantic, or whatever you want Mordecai to be in this predicament.
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realisticjupiter · 7 months
hey! 😁 love your works for chishiya.
Can I request some fluff? Chishiya gets home late from work and reader (fem if it matters) has this weird thing where she sleeps better when Chishiya reads to her?? Like the first time it happened it wasn't on purpose he was just quoting something he liked in the book and suddenly reader's just dead asleep.
Also can I claim an emoji? I can see me requesting a lot more 🤭🤭
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Summary: Chishiya makes you sleepy.
Genre: Fluff !
Pairing: Chishiya x gn!reader
Warnings: None
Word count: 238
a/n: I'm so glad you enjoy my work!!! Ofc you can claim an emoji, hi 🥀!!!!
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You and Chishiya were spread out on the sofa, he was leaning back onto the arm of the couch as you sat between the crevice of his body and the back of the couch.
Your arm was laid on his stomach, fidgeting with the zipper of his jacket as you held your eyes closed; in an attempt to chase the sleep you had been yearning for all day.
"Have you read this before?" Chishiya's voice was soft, but still his harsh kind of tone as if he was trying to be more quiet in case you were fully asleep.
"Read what?" You muttered against his body, your fingertips tracing around his torso.
"Mm, you probably haven't." He whispered, looking down at your hand that almost tickled him as it moved around.
"There's a quote that reminds me of you," He whispered once more, but it was softer than the last; as if it was trying to hide away beneath his sultry breath.
You couldn't even process the words he spoke next, you had already fell into a deep sleep by the time he finished the quote.
Chishiya looked down when you didn't respond, noticing how your breathing changed and your hand had stopped moving. He raised a brow at your state, and when he realized you were truly asleep, he brought his free hand to the top of your head; fidgeting around with your hair with his fingers.
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reposts and comments are appreciated <3
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krotiation · 3 months
Rhys being flustered by Fiona’s flirting? That man tries to act suave but we know he can’t
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YES he's so awkward, he's embarrassing both of them atp
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mcckenny · 8 months
in response to the request post: handsome jack with a slutty outfit and piercings . do we see the vision here .
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Man’s a menace
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xoteajays · 11 months
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sanzosin · 1 year
I'm sorry things have been shitty for you, I've been in a similar place for quite a while. I just wanted to let you know that seeing your art has been helping me a ton since Handsome Jack has been my comfort character since I was a kid.
This might not be too helpful, but keep in mind that the ocean isn't deep forever. Right now, it may feel like you're in Mariana's trench, where no light can reach you. But if you keep moving forward, you'll escape that drop-off and be welcomed by the sun with open arms. It might take some time, but everything worth doing always does. Keep swimming, you've got this
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