alaraxdemir · 5 months
closed starter for @borawinters
It was sort of weird, staying in a house with someone who she felt like she didn't really know. But he was family, so it wasn't like she ever felt like she was in danger or anything like that. It was just... they were sort of strangers to each other, only ever having sent a few messages over social media until Alara had randomly reached out and asked to stay with him. Though honestly, she hadn't been expecting Bora to have such an impressive house. She would have been satisfied with crashing on his couch in some apartment or something, but his place was really nice.
Opening the front door, Alara juggled her bag and the pizza box, nudging the door closed with an elbow before heading for the kitchen, managing to put everything down safely. Bora was there, sitting at the counter, and she offered him a smile. "I brought pizza."
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sebitorres · 5 months
✉️ sebi ➝ bora.
sebi: kinda insulted you didn't ask me to be your bro-entine. sebi: i'm holding this whole damn bromance together bora
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cassidyxcooke · 4 months
# + bora
Send “#” for a RANDOM text.
cassidy: because i'm the go getter i am, i took the initiative to start a spotify playlist for oasis cassidy: i actually have a few cassidy: i'm thinking themed nights. eras mostly cassidy: like and picture it with me-- boogie nights
text meme || @borawinters
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valentinahq · 6 months
☎️ + bo
what my muse has for your muse’s contact info:
Boss😈 // @borawinters
what their ringtone is:
work - rihanna
the last text they sent your muse:
VAL: can i call in sick today? VAL: i'm not really sick. just sick of some patrons who can't keep their hands to themselves.
what image my muse has for your muse in their phone:
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Send ☎️ And I Will Tell You
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steviesharp · 29 days
👀 + top five most bang'able people in Aurora Bay
Oh I love this question. Obviously, there are more than five bangable, but since you are asking for my personal top five.
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cherryxkoch · 3 months
👀 + in your opinion, who are the top 3 hottest people in Aurora Bay?
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"Top three, oh god. I feel like I'm writing a Hot or Not list, you remember those? Obviously, all my friends are smokin' but I guess in terms of people I actually find physically attractive- um, the guy I met under that rainy gazebo, Esma who could hit me with her car and I'd say 'thank you' ... and because I'm obviously a masochist; Bo, unfortunately. He may be the devil incarnate but.. damn. Only someone that hot could get away with the shit he does."
(@quincyxkeats + @esmaxdemirci + @borawinters)
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joey-madani · 2 months
bo 🍻 + “ when did you choose to give up ?”
Joey steadfastly refuses to look into Bo's eyes, her teeth bite down hard on her bottom lip. "Don't." It's a warning, one given too late, because all of the rum in her system does nil to restrain any of her thoughts.
"I never gave up. Get it out of your cocky shit for brain that I ever did. But after that stunt you pulled, after you stabbed me in the back when we had a deal, I needed time realign my path because the one I had set out for me was destroyed by a selfish prick."
She is stupid, and stubborn, and it was all Bo's fault- but Joey's fingers ball into fists on her lap, trembling. All her adrenaline, all her fury has drained away, leaving nothing but fear and desperation, and somewhere, laced tightly between, something sickly and tenuous she starts to think of as heartbreak.
Not the romantic sort, no no no, but Bo had been a friend to her at one point, and through all of her life, he's the one who had ever done the worst.
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"Do you get off on trying to make me feel less than? It's entertaining for you, isn't it? You could just avoid me, but you just love looking me in the eye when you like to remind me about where I'm stuck because of you."
It's enough, she figures, and she excuses herself. With the scrape of the barstool against the ground (why did she even humor a drink with him?), and the strap of her purse thrown over her shoulder, she doesn't hesitate to grab the remnants of her cocktail and throw it in his face.
"Fuck you."
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cvrdelia · 18 days
text → cordelia & bora
Cordelia: So Cordelia: Are you thinking of making another appearance at Crystal anytime soon? Cordelia: Maybe you should pay your favorite Danvers a visit.
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emiradursun · 29 days
👀 + top five most bang'able people in Aurora Bay
"Top five, hm? Let's see... in no particular order, Axel, Nelson, Cassius, Nicholas, Warner, Bora."
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@axel-mathis @the-nelson-quinn @borawinters @cassius-banks @nick-keane @warnerstjames
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selindogn · 29 days
midnight: What keeps your OC up at night? Do they have nightmares? Fears? Anxieties? What do they do in the small hours of the morning when they should be sleeping?
"I live with a squatter who's a narcissist and pathological liar that made me go through with an entire wedding only to admit later on that it wasn't real rather than take the easy ( and rational ) route of asking for a divorce from his previous partner. It's hard to sleep when the nightmare is my reality and he sleeps down the hall." @borawinters
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delilahcarreno · 2 months
bora 🍻 + “ if you could do anything in world, what would it be ?”
Delilah's eyes narrowed as she slid an olive off it's toothpick with her teeth, chewing thoughtfully.
"If it's going to be one of these kind of nights, I'm going to need another one." She informed, manicured finger tapping the rim of her empty martini glass, but even then she was rolling the question around in her head.
It's the kind that didn't mean much at forty five, long past the days of naivete that would've once allowed her to believe that anything she wanted to achieve was truly possible if she just wanted it hard enough. Truthfully, Delilah doesn't know if she was ever actually allowed that kind of thinking at all. She'd simply always known better, and if she had somehow missed the memo, it was only reinforced with each sibling dropped in her lap, kept pinned by the weight of responsibility.
(She didn't regret them, even as they scattered off and left her behind too, one after another, save for one. It was exactly what she'd wanted for them, and three out of four wasn't half bad.)
"Anything?" She clarified, suspicious only on the grounds that this was far more whimsical than their conversations tended to veer.
She'd indulge him though; she (almost) always did.
"I think I'd disappear."
With a fresh dirty martini slid in front of her, Delilah turned on her stool to properly face him. "I would get out of this place, and I would just..." Her head shook, taking a sip from her glass. "I don't know. Start over? Keep starting over, wherever I pleased. Eat what I want. Wake up when I want. Fuck who I want. Answer to nobody, answer for nobody but myself...." She laughed, like just the idea of that alone was ridiculous. "I used to want to be a writer. Did you know that? But even then, I'd dream of telling other people's stories, like I just couldn't imagine ever having any of my own worth sharing...so I'd like to think I'd go out there and finally make some for myself."
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drunken confession.
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dancingdanvers · 21 days
Text :: Bora & Sloane
Sloane: hey darling step brother Sloane: when are you coming to bond with your niece and step sister again? @borawinters
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willxmeyers · 1 month
who: @borawinters where: country night at oasis, bo's office
Being back at Oasis after just gaining his first 'one year' chip seemed like a bigger temptation than Will was ready for. He hadn't even had a drink, just in case. It felt like a slippery slope. So instead, he went searching for the owner - who was likely not enjoying the fruits of his labor.
Rapping his knuckles on the office door, Will waited until Bo invited him in before entering. Although Bora did seem like the type to keep his business and his personal life separated to a fault, unlike some others. It was better to be safe than sorry.
Will made his way into the room, hands in his pockets after nudging the door closed with his booted foot. "Why the hell are you hiding out in here?" He asks his friend, before slumping in the seat in front of Bo's desk. "Wasn't this whole rootin' tootin' thing your idea?"
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tillycai · 10 months
RAVE W/ @borawinters
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A glass of gin in hand, Tilly whirled around and walked right into the actual devil. "Ugh," she muttered, steadying her glass and herself. "I was going to apologize, but now I'm just sorry my drink didn't spill all over you."
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valentinahq · 10 months
closed starter for @borawinters
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as valentina strolled through the town square, she couldn't resist stopping at a flower stall. the vibrant array of blossoms beckoned to her, and she plucked a fragrant bouquet of roses. inhaling their sweet scent, she snapped a picture to share with her followers before instructing the stall's staff to wrap them up. she could visit the local church later and offer them at the altar as a token of gratitude.
balancing the bouquet in her arms, val's eyes alighted on a familiar face. " you look quite different in the daylight. i almost thought you were a vampire, considering i'm pretty sure I've never seen you out in the sun, " she couldn't help but tease them, remarking with a mischievous grin playing on her lips.
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steviesharp · 3 months
👀 + Who are the hottest people in town?
I mean some people I haven't really met yet or had a chance to talk to... but I have a running list! Here it goes (and in no particular order):
@clarkxhale @borawinters @erickxng @is-it-gabriel @jacksbaker @santiagodeleons
@noah-atwood holds the grand title though. Just don't tell him I said so.
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