sebitorres · 5 hours
Sebi: Nah. Sebi: Too busy fathering half the population on the eastern seaboard along the way.
cass: did he ever return w the milk?
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sebitorres · 2 days
Sebi: The FBI coudn't get that info out of me. But I respect the transparency I guess. Sebi: Still don't know who you are, though. Guess I'll look out for an ankle bracelet this weekend?
cole: i mean all it would take is a quick google search so i may as well. cole: honesty is the best policy or whatever. @sebitorres
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sebitorres · 2 days
Sebi: You sound like my father.
cassius 📲 sebi.
cassius: u goin store today? cassius: we need milk.
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sebitorres · 2 days
Sebi: Sounds very complicated. Sebi: From the last time I ordered you Uber Eats. Sebi: Cleopatra queen of denial.
Lalita: proof of marriage to my parents. Don’t even know why I’m still bothering with any of that Lalita: what refund? Lalita: I’m not answering that @sebitorres
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sebitorres · 1 month
sebi: why did you need to get in? sebi: i'm still waiting on that refund. sebi: you don't actually despise me, you may actually be somewhat fond of me.
Lalita: it wasn’t active. I just didn’t have a key to his house that one time Lalita: is it cause you’d be stuck with uber eats instead and they suck? Lalita: okay then call me out? What am I doing? @sebitorres
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sebitorres · 1 month
sebi: to be fair i know a lot of fancy men, i won't insult you by guessing! sebi: oasis. sebi: devilishly handsome is bare minimum for entry.
ricardo: I appreciate that whole heartedly, despite also being offended you do not know who this number belongs to you. ricardo: which club? you may have potentially thrown me out. ricardo: unless you've turned me away before for looking too devilishly handsome. wouldn't have been fair on the other clubgoers.
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sebitorres · 1 month
sebi: are you both on the house deed? sebi: seems like a but of a pattern for you. sebi: i mean, she's right. but, of course, doesn't excuse any of her own bad behaviour. @borawinters
Bora: She never left despite several instances of me saying you should leave. Bora: She's headstrong like that, which I used to enjoy. Now I find it rather grating. Bora: In the same universe where she thinks I'm wrong for marrying her while technically already having a wife. Bora: I suppose she has a point of sorts, but she was no angel herself. @sebitorres
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sebitorres · 1 month
"i'm in chaps, lal, do you think i'm working?" sebi pulls the long white fringe dangling from his hat to shoot a wink over towards his company. "all the time in the world, you had something to drink yet?"
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Closed for @sebitorres
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“ Are you working tonight or do you have some time to keep me from being bored ?” Lalita asked as soon as she caught sight of the man she always found herself drawn to. If she examined that a little bit further maybe she’d realize that it meant she felt something for him, but Lalita was too sober for that kind of stuff
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sebitorres · 1 month
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COUNTRY NIGHT AT OASIS, outfit for Sebi — @aurorabayaesthetic
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sebitorres · 2 months
sebi: i have a lot of questions. sebi: one, how did she get back in? two, why was she allowed to freeload? and three, in what universe would you be in the wrong for wanting an estranged ex off your property?
Bora: Would I be the dick in the scenario if I throw my estranged wife out for freeloading in my house? @sebitorres
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sebitorres · 2 months
sebi: unlike you im not actively trying to get arrested. sebi: or a lifetime ban from doordash. sebi: lal, you're not as convincing of a liar as you think you are at times.
Lalita: must make getting door dash exciting Lalita: how do you know that I am? I’m gonna need the proof @sebitorres
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sebitorres · 2 months
sebi: my guy, i will happily do that for you. sebi: i am a bouncer for a club, that might explain it.
ricardo: I'd like to request I permanently have that name forever. ricardo: perhaps you met them at some gardens, or maybe thats were they work.
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sebitorres · 2 months
sebi: do you usually tell strangers this much personal information? @colexwalters
cole: i did. idk if its the same for everyone. cole: but i also robbed a liquor store so maybe that's why. @sebitorres
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sebitorres · 2 months
14. what traits does your muse want to avoid when it comes to choosing a romantic partner?
"anyone that takes life a little too seriously."
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sebitorres · 2 months
🍻+ “ what takes for you to fall in love, trust someone ?”
"there's so many different kinds of love, and i've experienced a lot of them. i have no issues with feeling those emotions. in regards to trust, i like to think that i have a relatively good gauge on whether people are legitimate, but i have been wrong in the past. you have to let people in at some point, you gotta try, otherwise you'll risk being very alone."
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sebitorres · 2 months
"my memory argues the contrary." a grin rests upon sebi's lips. samuel's right, it was his turn, but he wanted to see if he could get his way — just once. however notoriously impeccable samuel's memory had proved in the past, someday he'd win this dance. "but i'll let you have this one."
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CLOSED STARTER for @sebitorres at driftwood coffee
“Here.” Samuel holds out a ten dollar bill to Sebi. “I already beat you here, but if my memory serves me right, it’s my time to buy.” He had by a good fifteen minutes, but the lack of exchange of numbers always made it a guessing game to when they’d both be in Driftwood at the same time. This odd cyclic ritual has been one of Sam’s favorite fun little games. “Don’t argue, it is my turn.”
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sebitorres · 2 months
"you don't need to thank me, i'm more than happy to help out." this babysitting agreement started purely out of business, but sebi quickly learned how well he got along with theo. watching delilah, sebi can't help but see his own mother within her. solo on the upbringing of the kids in the house, but would rather gnaw her own arm of before she'd ever complain. "cinnamon twists?" an exacerbated look of surprise is directed down at the younger boy, "you've been holding out on me, since when did we eat those 'round here?" sebi can almost see the comedic dust outline in the shape of a nine year old as he darts away from the pair. "quick, bud, think of the cinnamon twists!" — oh the humanity!
stepping back from assisting with the clasp, sebi wonders back over to the counter to his bag of delights, corners of savoury biscuit packets poke through the flimsy plastic. "fine. but some day i will win this battle, del." probably not, but sebi would at least try, she was already paying him for the service of being here. "i'll take care of it — just focus on having a good night, okay? what are you getting up to?"
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The compliment is enough to have her taking pause, serving as a reminder to breathe.
"Thank you, Sebi." Her smile was genuine, only growing as she watched the exchange between him and Theo. He wasn't hard pressed for male figures in his life, between his father and his uncles, but he'd taken the death of his grandfather and usual babysitter hard, and something in Delilah eased at seeing him light up at Sebi's antics.
$20 an hour and a pepperoni pizza was a small price to pay for that.
"Because it very much was a threat. Tread carefully, or I'm going to demand that you order crazy bread too." Her eyes widened as she looked at Theo, "maybe even those...cinnamon twists?"
A personal favorite of the nine year old.
"But only if someone finished cleaning their room like I asked..." Before she'd even finished the sentence, Theo ran past her and down the hall, presumably to finish the clean up job she'd had a sneaking suspicion he hadn't finished as quickly as he'd claimed earlier. "And not just shoving everything under your bed!"
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"Story of my life." She laughed, turning around and moving to hold her hair up and off of her neck. "Except it was tying shoes, mostly. Still have that damn song in my head." Bunny ears, bunny ears, playing by a tree...
Letting her hair fall back into place as the necklace was secured, she offered Sebi another thanks, before trying to locate her purse. "Let me get you that pizza money. And I mean it about the cinnamon twists, too...but please just make sure he brushes his teeth. The kid had two cavities last dentist visit and they looked at me like I was actively trying for his teeth to be rotting out of his head."
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