#boop omens is forever
ladybracknellssherry · 6 months
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crowzirawho · 6 months
And the Lord booped unto the Angel that booped the eastern gate, saying Where is the flaming boop which was given unto thee?
And the Angel said, I had it here only a moment ago, I must have booped it down some where, boop my own head next.
And the Lord did not boop him again.
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collgeruledzebra · 10 months
beep beep!
64, 890, 235, 398, 107, 499, 21, 816
beep boop!
64: I Miss You by Blink-182. as i mentioned on 45 this one's also vaguely associated with good omens but these days more with one of my friends who will randomly sing WHERE ARE YOUUU which means everyone in the vicinity picks up the song
890: Songs I Can't Listen To by Neon Trees. feels like i havent listened to this one in forever... maybe it got kicked from the playlist that happens fairly regularly to random songs. i also think this one has a music video people say is good but i havent watched it yet
235: Let The Bodies Hit The Floor by Activator. one nothing wrong with me two nothing wr
398: Spiral of Ants by Lemon Demon. lemon demon what can i say. classic
107: Born For This by The Score. not much to say about this one, another i havent listened to in a while
499: Willow Tree March by The Paper Kites. very good song very distinct vibes... makes me think of books about woods adventures but like the more mature ones where the woodland creatures have politics. like wildwood. which i have never finished despite checking out from the library at least three times over ten or so years. where was i going with this oh yeah it's also the second to last song in the first segment of the playlist! i start a new playlist every 500 songs so it doesn't take so long to scroll through, first part got started probably spring 2019 and ended summer 2020
21: Birdhouse In Your Soul by They Might Be Giants. LOVE this song. been actively listening to tmbg for maybe a year now actually but been familiar with their music since i was old enough to comprehend a here come the abcs dvd. legendary
816: Long Gone by Mary Epworth. another night vale weather! a substantial proportion of this playlist is wtnv weather, 72 songs in fact according to my spreadsheet! great job team
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ourownsideimagines · 5 years
You Owe Me $666 for All the Sunglasses I’ve Bought (Crowley x Reader Soulmate AU)
Characters: Reader, Crowley
Requested: Yes
Requested by: Anon
Point of View: Second Person POV
Warnings: Slight angst, cursing, probably OOC Crowley
Words:  2459
A/N: For this, the reader is going to be American. And Ugh I feel like Crowley is OOC in this *cries in celestial* Also, this likely takes place after the events of Good Omens. Also did my best to keep in gender neutral, so let me know if I fucked up.
Golden. That was the color your right eye was. The eye that was meant to match your soulmates. It was a beautiful color you thought. Your family, not so much.
You’d been forced to wear sunglasses since the age of three. You didn’t understand why, no one would explain it to you. They simply expected you to do as you were told. For the most part, you did. But when you were alone in the restroom, or even in your own bedroom, you would take them off and admire your eyes in the mirror. One a lovely (color), and the other brilliant gold, slit down the middle like a snake’s.
When you started elementary school, your parents were hesitant. They made sure to explain to all the adults - the principal, the lunch lady, the teachers - that you were NOT allowed to remove the glasses. Ever. The other kids thought you were weird.
Some of them had already found their soulmate. Others had two different shades, some brown and green, others blue and hazel, some different shades of the same color. No one ever had a yellow snake eye.
It was the second grade that another kid finally convinced you to take off your glasses. You’d smiled brightly as you removed them, only to let it fall in utter confusion as he and his group of friends screamed.
The truth spread fast. They all called you freak, and you were a target of non-stop bullying. Even the little girl you’d managed to befriend stopped hanging out with you. The other kids would continuously try to steal your glasses, and when they did, they snapped them in half, leaving your eyes open to the world.
Within a month your parents pulled you from school and decided homeschooling was the next best idea. You were isolated. Alone. The human contact you had was short and dull. The only friends you had consisted of people you talked to online, which were few and far between. Slowly, you began to hate your eyes. Even when alone you tended to wear your glasses.
Both of your siblings found their soulmates by the age of 18. Their eyes were, as one would call then, ‘complete’. You prayed to whoever might be listening for you to finally meet your soulmate, so your eyes would be complete, so you wouldn’t be alone anymore. You would finally be able to safely see the world without a darkened filter. After a while you started to think, maybe your parents were right for making you wear the glasses, but damn, they were expensive.
By the age of 28, you still had not found your soulmate, and you’d spent more money than you could count on sunglasses. Your parents used to get upset at you when you lost your glasses or when they broke. And it wasn’t like you’d been trying to! You came to the conclusion that you had just been born unlucky.
Somehow, though, you caught a break. You’d just finished your second to last year of college when you managed to plan your first ever out-of-the-country trip to London over summer break. Your best friend, Sophie, lived there. Sophie was the only person you felt you could trust completely. You’d met her on a confession blog that she and her soulmate, Anna, ran. You knew them both well, but Sophie had been the first to see your eyes and not treat you like a freak of nature. Anna had only seen them once. Regardless, she was nice to you.
Sophie and Anna had met when they were children, and they had both recalled the moment they realized they the person across from them was the one person in their life they knew could do them no wrong. The one person they could trust completely. You wanted that. Despite everything that damn eye had done for you, you wanted that. You were just afraid of who the snake-eyed person might end up being. Lord, you hoped they were a good person.
Sophie was there to greet you when you arrived at the airport. She was in a light yellow sundress with black tights and black boots, and she held a half-assed sign with your name written on it.
When her eyes landed on you, her face split into a huge grin. She dropped her bag, and the sign and welcomed you with open arms. Despite wanting to keep your composure, you felt a few tears fall down your cheeks in happiness. You’d wanted to meet Sophie for years.
“Welcome to London,” She said as she pulled away. Without hesitation, she gently wiped away your tears. “I can’t believe you’re actually here.”
“Me neither.” You smiled widely for the first time in what felt like forever. “I’m just so relieved to get away, even if it’s only for the week.”
“Well I’m going to make sure this is the best week of your life, bitch, so you’ll have to come back.” She said with a wink.
“If I can afford it.” You laughed awkwardly.
“I’ll make sure you can afford it.” Sophie held up a hand and tapped your nose gently with a small ‘boop’ before pulling you out of the airport.
The first stop was the home she and Anna shared. It wasn’t anything huge - it had two rooms, a bathroom, a small living room, and a kitchenette. Anna wasn’t home - according to Sophie, Anna worked weekdays at her father’s furniture business, and did some custom clothing work on the side (in the corner of the living room you saw her sewing supplied all piled up in the corner). She wouldn’t be home till later.
“I took the week off,” Sophie admitted. “I want to spend as much time as I’ve got with you.”
“Oh Sophie,” You gushed quietly. “Oh, you didn’t have to.”
“Nonsense! Other than Anna, you are my best friend. I wasn’t gonna let you go around my hometown all alone, I’m not that cruel.” Sophie suddenly gets very serious. “You said you’re not allergic to cats, right?” You nodded slowly and she grinned. “Fantastic!” She skipped over to the door of her and Anna’s shared room and pushed it open.
Moments later, a large, fluffy, white cat bound out, covered from head to toe in dirt. Sophie let out a squeal of surprise.
“Shit!” She said. “Shit, shit, shit!” The cat bounced up at you, attempting to climb up your leg. You jumped back in surprise, but the cat was very determined. “I forgot to put Anna’s plants in the kitchen!” Sophie sighed. “Nina’s knocked them down!” Nina let out a loud pur as you scooped her up in your arms, and she immediately rubbed her head into the skin of your neck. You ran your fingers over her gently, dislodging some of the dirt.
Sophie stormed over, pouting as she looked at Nina.
“You little brat, you fuck up some perfectly good flowers and think you deserve a cuddle?” Nina peered up at her with bored blue eyes. You snorted as Sophie took Nina. “This is why we took away your TV privileges young lady.”
“She has TV privileges?” You asked, laughing.
“Anna and I figured out pretty quickly that Nina likes to watch Benedict Cumberbatch so we usually put on Sherlock or Doctor Strange on to keep her occupied. But recently she was being a little shit so we took away her privileges for two weeks.”
“I mean, I can’t blame her.” You giggled as Sophie avoided Nina’s playful swipes at her face with her paw.
“Ugh, you’re a bastard.” Sophie groaned, setting Nina back down. The cat bolted back towards the bedroom. “No- Gah!” Sophie sighed. “I haven’t… cleaned up yet.” She wiped her face with her hands, effectively smearing dirt on her cheeks.
“Want me to occupy her while you clean?” You offered, to which Sophie was grateful. She tore Nina away from the broken pots and over to you, and you held and played with her for a good twenty minutes while Nina cleaned up the mess. It was when Nina began bapping your face repeatedly that you quickly removed your sunglasses, knowing that if you got any kind of scratches on them you’d have to buy new ones.
“Alright!” Sophie announced, walking out of her room with a trash bag. “My beautiful fiancé’s plants are trashed,” she paused, noticing that you had taken off your shades. You guys met eyes for a long moment and then she smiled. “I was thinking you and I could go to the shop to get some more.”
You smiled, or at least tried to. You set Nina down, who scampered back into the bedroom, trailing dirt behind her.
“Yeah,” you put your glasses back on and stood. “I’m game.” Sophie grabbed her purse, fishing for a moment before pulling out her own pair of shades and putting them on.
“Let’s go then.”
The drive to the gardening shop took no more than ten minutes. The browsing on the other hand, that did seem like it was stopping anytime soon.
“What about these ones?” She picked up a pot of pink tulips, bringing them closer for inspection. It was the ninth plant she’d contemplated, of which she’d only decided on two.
“I thought Anna wasn’t fond of the color pink.” You frowned. Sophie purses her lips.
“Well, that’s mostly true. More pink clothing and accessories. Flowers are okay, I believe.” She held the pot close. “I’m going to hand this to the bloke up front, then we can keep looking.” You nodded, and she went off. You continued to wander, gazing at the different arrangement of flowers, and succulents, and some of the larger plants near the back. You held up a rather small spider plant, and decided that when you got home you were going to spruce up your place with some nice house plants. You’d been thinking about it for a while, but being in that shop just solidified the idea.
You begin making your way back towards the flower when a man rounds the corner and you crash into each other. You stumble back a bit, and take him in. He’s tall, with short, red hair, dressed in what you could consider semi-casual clothes. His eyes are covered by a pair of sunglasses, not much unlike your own - including the side shields you sometimes had to put in yourself. He looks a bit annoyed by being ran into, but neither of you say a word because they catch in your throat. 
There’s a sensation of almost burning behind your eye - nothing uncomfortable, to your surprise. But it’s enough that you have to gape, removing your glasses so you could press your hand into it. The man quickly does the same, turning away from you with a short curse.
It’s the moment you’re able to open your eyes again that it hits you. As you stare at this man, you can’t stop yourself from gently grabbing his wrist, something it seems he’s going to jerk away from until his head snaps in your direction, and a pair of brilliant snake eyes stare back at you. The same color as the eye that caused you so much trouble growing up.
You could have cried, and you probably were. The man swallowed thickly, glancing back and forth to make sure no one was around before his eyes settled on you again.
“You’re…” he paused, unsure what to say.
“I thought I was never going to find you.” You blurted out, flushing quickly. “I-I wasn’t sure there was really someone with… well, your eyes.” Hesitantly, you reach up to cup his cheeks, and he watches you closely.
“I didn’t think there was really someone out there for me.” He replied. His eyes searched your own for something, though you weren’t sure what.
“What’s your name?” You asked, pulling away slowly. You were a bit surprised when he caught your hands.
“Crowley.” He gave your hands a light squeeze.
“(Name).” You replied. “It’s nice to finally meet you, Crowley.” You saw the faintest smile on his lips as he let go of your hands, placing his sunglasses back on.
“Likewise, (name).” He looked around again, opening his mouth to speak again when suddenly he was interrupted.
“There you are!” Sophie said from behind you. “Should I keep a leash on you?” She joked. You turned around to face her, and she caught sight of your face for the first time. Her eyes widened. “Oh-” She looked at Crowley, realization truly hitting her. “Oh! Oh, shit.” She laughed, but slapped a hand over her mouth. “Holy shit.”
“Sophie,” You sighed.
“No, no! I’ll leave you be.” She came up to you, pulling you into a bone crushing hug before pulling away, her eyes going between yourself and a slightly amused Crowley. “You know how to get back to the house, right?”
“Yes?” You said, a bit puzzled by the question. Sophie smiled, turning on her heel before sauntering off. “Sophie? Sophie, what the hell.” You hissed, half tempted to follow her before remembering exactly who was standing behind you. You turned back to Crowley, an awkward smile on your face. “I’m… So sorry about her.”
“No, no, it’s fine.” Crowley shook his head gently. “I have a friend who may have reacted in the same way, except, well, without all the cursing.”
“Sophie’s been my friend forever now,” You laughed. “She’s the only thing keeping me sane sometimes.”
“Yeah, that sounds like Aziraphale.” He chuckled. There was a moment of silence, but it wasn’t awkward. It was comfortable. Seeing him smile made your heart feel warm and fuzzy. Was this what it felt like to be in love? To feel loved?
Lord, you’d only just met the man, but you knew there was nothing you wouldn’t do so see him smile like that forever.
“So, uh, (name),” He shoved his hands into his pockets. “I know we just met and all, but, uh… Well, I was wondering if you’d like to go get some lunch? There’s a bakery a couple blocks away, and I’m… I’m sure you have many questions about…” He ran a hand through his hair, still stumbling over his words, but you knew exactly what he meant.
His eyes.
“I’d love that.” You agreed with a smile. “Seeing as my tour guide’s basically abandoned me.” You sighed. “Though, you know, my parents taught me never to accept invitations from strangers.”
“Strange? Me? No.” He shook his head, chuckling. “I think you’ll find I’m absolutely normal.” You laughed in response. Then, he held out his arm. “C’mon. I think it’s time we got to know each other. Smiling, you looped your arm with his.
“I look forward to it.”
Let’s just say, you were going to be staying in London for longer than you’d planned.
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luminarygardens · 5 years
Good Omens Fic
It’s not Idlewild or anything original but yay! I have written something! 
Based off of @kedreeva‘s fic where Crowley tries to play a prank on Aziraphale with fake eggs... it backfires and they end up with five snake children. 
We’ll Gourd You Forever and Ever
Summary:  On a visit to the bookshop, Warlock mentions offhandedly how people would be making jack o'lanterns in America around this time of year. The children seize the idea and run off with it, and Crowley is coaxed (read: dragged) into bringing them out to choose their own pumpkin to carve. Title stems from a play on words, gourd=guard.
Father! Azirafather! the noodles call out, the day after the Them (including Warlock, now) have left, leaving the bookshop and the flat above thankfully quieter. It can never get quiet enough to the point that Aziraphale’s used to, with five little snakes roaming about, but their voices aren’t so loud like the Them’s are. Crowley doesn’t mind the loss of such complete silence so much; he prefers the noise, actually, to his former flat--where sound was even rarer than the bookshop. There, one could at least hear the rustling of pages.
He uncurls himself from Aziraphale’s side, where he’d been comfortably dozing as the angel read, nestled in the soft warmth, and pads upstairs. The angel glances over, questioning; Crowley smiles, and Aziraphale turns back to his books. Crowley knows how loathe he is to abandon a book he’s in the middle of reading, but he also knows he’ll drop the book in a heartbeat if the noodles were in serious trouble. This, however, is something Crowley is certain he can handle on his own.
Aziraphale had been loath to expand the bookshop (although Crowley was sure the building, when Aziraphale had first acquired it, hadn’t been nearly big enough to host the hoard of books it now held), but the floor above was a different matter, and so a spacious room had been added. It contained… well, a whole forest in a single room, miniaturized enough to fit, and adapted especially for the noodles. Or, to look at it from a different perspective, a terrarium expanded enough to fill an entire room. Either way, it’s a perfect home for the five snake children. Their original terrarium is even set on a table in one corner, in case any of them need the comfort of a smaller comforting space.
Crowley wanders in past the open doorway, his tongue flicking out instinctively to take in the rich earthy scents. He takes a deep breath, and settles down in a cozy nook shaped by tree roots, legs sprawled out in front of him. “Spawn? You wanted me?” Four tiny flickers of black, and one of white, race over, piling themselves eagerly into his lap.
Father! Hihihihihi! they chorus, just slightly offbeat with each other, making the greetings echo in his head.
“Hullo, spawn,” he says affectionately, running long fingers over all of them--and, when they stick their snouts high in the air, he grins, and gently boops each one. “Did you sleep well?”
Alessia boops him one last time, then slithers her way up his hand to wrap around his wrist. Seth kept creeping into my space, she huffs indignantly, twisting to glare at him. My space should be mine.
Read more on AO3 
This is only the beginning of Good Omens fic; if you want to read more of it feel free to ask to be on a taglist. ^_^ (If, however, you don’t want to see it, you’re welcome to block the tag #firefly omens.) 
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saucydryad · 3 years
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I posted 1,504 times in 2021
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#crowley - 41 posts
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#aziraphale - 24 posts
#ahsoka tano - 24 posts
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#ineffable husbands - 17 posts
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#and i love him a lot but i just hide in my 'office' when he's home unless i'm going out to shop or hike or run
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Kanan Jarrus the Jedi kitty would like to offer his snoot for booping, should you be so inclined. 
27 notes • Posted 2021-01-18 20:32:38 GMT
I’m a pretty good cook, but baking remains daunting. Am also stubborn and super hopeful that someday I’ll find my ease with it, so I press on. Today’s attempt: lavender Earl Grey cake with vanilla bean buttercream.
I’m a little bit in love.
Also excited that I got to use the cake stand I’ve had for seven years. Thanks, clearance rack at Home Goods! You finally paid off!
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49 notes • Posted 2021-03-07 00:41:40 GMT
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52 notes • Posted 2021-07-08 01:22:48 GMT
Behold, an adorable jerk. 
He knocked BB-8′s head clean off. It might have been an accident, but look at that face. Look at that posture. No remorse, only pride. 
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220 notes • Posted 2021-06-07 18:56:45 GMT
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One of three fuzzy reasons why laundry takes forever at my house.
1486 notes • Posted 2021-04-04 00:47:42 GMT
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