#boomerang br
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olaaa, aceitam alguns pensamentos sobre matias br core? ☕️🐓
matias bebado em uma festa que nem um furacão, rindo e quebrando horrores sem ficar com o copo vazio nem por alguns segundos, e ainda por cima tem a brilhante ideia de misturar cerveja e vodca e energético. quando você vê que ele já tá quase passando os limites de tão bebado (apesar de estar muito engraçado, mas você é a namorada responsável dele, já que escolheu namorar um homem que tem a energia de criança que precisa usar coleira de tão levada) vai dando copos de água na mão dele, mas mesmo assim vê ele indo sorrateiramente - ou tentando - pro bar, e quando você diz “🤬🤬😡😡 matias porra chega de beber” ele incorpora o tatá (que ele seria fã assíduo e citaria ele sempre que pudesse) no corpo de 1,40 dele e mete um “😛vo nadaaa”
matias que quando vocês estão deitados de conchinha - ele com a bundinha de pombo virada pra você - jogando conversa fora, quando vocês entram no assunto anal e ele diz todo pimposinho que “se você quiser me dar o cu, eu te como feliz da vida😌😌😌” e fica todo 🤣🤣🤣 quando você diz que só vai dar o seu se ele deixar você comer o dele também. e ele vai SIM imitar a sandy E☝🏻o júnior ao cantar “abre a porrrta mariquinha 😌 eu não aaaabro não☝🏻😙”
matias ficante que fodase vou apresentar ele pra minha família já 😛😛😛🌹🌹 pq ele é simplesmente o carisma em pessoa (e você tá emocionadinha nele) então você leva ele pra sua festa de aniversário com sua família mesmo sem terem nada sério ainda. e ele vira bff da sua vó e na hora do parabéns surpresa ela fala pra ele sair com o bolo e puxar o parabéns e ele fica TODO 😄😄😄 pq acha a função super importante e na hora sai da cozinha com o bolo em mãos e puxa “PAAAAAAAArabens” MAIS ALTO da história que assustou até seu priminho pequeno que simplesmente começou a CHORAR de susto e o matias tipo 😁…😳…😨 MEU DEUS DO CÉU e deixa o bolo na mesa rapidinho enquanto ainda canta parabéns junto com o pessoal e pega seu primo no colo, fazendo bobeirinha e cantando junto com ele só pra ele parar de rir 🕊🕊🕊 e funciona pq ele é um encantador de crianças tal qual um animador de festa infantil
matias que se não for mineiro (o que é canon aqui pra maioria das girlies já que ele seria paulista atentado MAS☝🏻eu camila também vejo muito ele morando em bh marcando ponto no barzinho toda quinta depois da faculdade e bebendo xeque mate) quando fosse passar o carnaval em bh, ia fazer o sotaque mineiro mais estereotipado de todos sempre que tivesse a oportunidade. tá num bloco maneiro? “uai zé mas esse trem aqui tá bão dimais uai 😛😛😌😌”. comeu um pão de queijo? “ô vey mas esse pãozin de queijo tá bão demais uai quentin 😄😄😄”. ofereceram um cafezinho preto pra ele? “uai fi mar é claro sô quando que eu vô fala não prum cafezin quentin😙😙😙”
mesma coisa quando for pro rio “qual foi lekkk 😛😛 ixqueci o ixqueiro na ixquina da ixcolahh” e☝🏻digo mais ainda ia fazer um boomerang fazendo pose de tipo 🤭🤫🤙🏻 com a legenda “sem escândalo fml 🤣🤫😈🍃” com a localização📍complexo do alemão e um funkzao carioca estralando no fundo
ah, e outra coisa de matias no rio de janeiro: ele NÃO VAI passar filtro solar. não vai mesmo, no máximo no rosto pq você teve que segurar ele pra passar, e ele ainda vai fazer a piadinha falando que não precisa e que você vai gastar o filtro solar todo só no nariz dele 🖕🏻sendo que ele é especialmente sujo por falar isso pq ele SABE o efeito que o nariz dele tem sobre você. e ainda fica fazendo piadinha nossa se foda meu irmão 🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻 e se você tentar passar nas costas ou no peito dele ele vai correr pra água
e mais um comentário sobre matias no rio, mas dessa vez com putaria kkk jah podi? apesar de você ser uma diva responsável com filtro solar (é bom vocês serem em galera vamos cuidar da pele) não tem como não pegar uma marquinha neahhh 😛😛 e se ele ja ficou maluco de ver você com a bunda pra cima pra pegar a marquinha… quando ele finalmente ver o resultado disso 💣esqueça💥tudo🧨🧨🧨depois de um dia na praia, quando vocês acabam de entrar pela porta do apartamento que vocês estão ficando ele já mete a mãozona por baixo do seu biquíni cortininha - com a desculpa de que seu peito tá geladinho - e começa a beijar seu pescoço, nem ligando pro resquício de água salgada que ficou na sua pele, já te arrastando para o chuveiro. lá dentro que você tira seu biquíni, e você até comenta 🤣🤣matias você tá igual um pimentão mas ele simplesmente cagou dez baldes pra o que você falou, pq a única preocupação dele agora é chupar seus peitos como nunca antes pq a marquinha mexeu MUITO com ele.
e nossa… a marquinha que ficou da sua calcinha então………💔💔💔 pelo BEM de vocês não pensem nele ajoelhado durante o banho te chupando que nem um homem faminto, deixando até chupoes na sua virilha mais clarinha do que o resto do seu corpo, metendo dois dedos na sua bucetinha enquanto uma das suas pernas tá em cima do ombro dele e de jeito nenhum vai quebrar o contato visual, só tira a mão que aperta sua bunda pra tirar cabelo molhado que tá na testa dele atrapalhando ele a te ver 💔💔 mas acaba nem voltando com a mão pra lá, aproveita a mão livre pra se aliviar um pouco, começa a bater uma e acaba gozando junto com você, e até limpa a porra dele que ele jogou na sua canela
e digo mais 😌☝🏻durante essa viagem vai te comer de quatro enquanto te fode bem devagarinho e te chamar de “piranha gostosa”, e vai fazer questão de gravar o pau dele entrando e saindo de você e a sua bunda empinadinha com a marquinha que agora tá com uma marca vermelha da mão dele, e ainda por cima vai puxar seu cabelo e gravar ele arqueando seu pescoço ao fazer isso pq ele tá 100% imerso no carioca state of mind aquariano nato quebrador de cama
e quando fosse pro sul também tá? “é os guri 😝” e quando comesse um churrasquinho gaúcho ou provasse um chimarrão ia falar “bah tchê mas isso é tri bom 😁😁😁” (desculpa minhas lobas do sul esses são os estereótipos mais batidos de todos mas são os únicos que eu conheço 💔💔
ia se PROIBIR (por um mês) de tomar skol beats pq em uma festa ele tomou SEIS unidades dessa bebida criada pelo demônio himself e o resultado disso foi uma figurinha animada com a velocidade acelerada dele dançando créu sem camisa que os amigos usam pra absolutamente TUDO e ele fica tipo 🤬🤬oporra
ia cantar horrores chiclete e banana no carnaval, ele todo sujo de gllitter depois de te beijar e com a camisa no ombro só assim “😝CHIIIIIII😝CLEEEEEE‼️‼️‼️TEEEEE😁😁😁 OBA👏🏻OBA👏🏻”
que TODA VEZ que toca chupar xoxota na maciota canta com toda a força que existe nos pulmões dele, e ainda aponta pra você pra terminar de te matar de vergonha. você toda tipo 😶🌫️😶🌫️pelo amor de deus matias cala a boca😶🌫️😶🌫️ e ele só 📢📢METER A LINGUA📢📢NA SUA VAGINA📢📢SÓ NÃO GOSTA QUEM NÃO FEZ AINDAAAA📢📢 e depois disso oldissimo que ele vai te arrastar pro carro e só levantar sua sainha e arredar a calcinha pro lado e cair de boca com direito a três dedos dentro, ficar com queixo brilhando e até molhar o banco de tanta saliva e da excitação que você tá soltando, tapinha na 🐱 e depois fala “é? tá gostoso? vai gozar mô?” sem desencostar a língua que tá pra lá e pra cá no seu pontinho enquanto te deda e você tá quase morrendo de tão bom tipo óbvio meu filho??!!!! e ainda te coloca pra sentar depois e dá tapa na sua bunda te chamando de safada e quando você beija ele consegue sentir o seu gostinho misturado com o gostinho de paiol e da bebida que ele tomou🕊🕊🕊
matias que não sabe cozinhar nem se fosse pra salvar crianças órfãs de um incêndio. infelizmente gente ele só sabe fazer miojo (e o favorito dele seria o de tomate da turma da mônica) e brigadeiro e ainda se orgulha falando como se não fossem as coisas MAIS FÁCEIS do mundo “meu miojo é pica né mô 😁😁” “matias. é miojo.” e quando você fizesse alguma coisa (fácil também) tipo um macarrão carbonara ele ia ficar 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻PUTA QUE PARIU VEY 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 (e tenho pra mim também que ele ia fazer um boomerang dando zoom no prato com o emoji 💯 tocando lets go 4 no fundo e a legenda deus eu te pedi uma refeição e você me deu um banquete e ainda por cima uma namorada gostosa 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻)
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Had a 💡 moment.
Currently traveling and I badly want a fighting game with vocaloid/megpoid/utauloid characters in my head. I’m eager to learn game dev/ coding for this specific idea. I’m madly in love with
I designed Catsune/Nyatsune Miku with hair paws/claws. I also just came up with
Nyatsune Miku- Hair paws/claws. Her basic attacks are ofc her hair punch, spam and you get a hair stand oraoraoraoraora! Her hair grab and 👋 slap. Popipo vegetable juice riding it and running across the screen, leek helicopter (levanpolka). World is mine, love is war, brs and other that i could think of as song finishers
Luka Megurine - Ofc, tentacle hair. Octopus Luka. Her attacks are giant baseball throw of tako luka with a giant tuna, giant tuna smash, fresh catch, & hair grab. Some ideas for her finishing songs are JBF, Night fever, World dance hall, enbizaka, Magnet
Meiko- fox, cus it just seem fitting and she ate. Basic attacks are her sake, swinging her microphone stand, maybe a drunken fist style? Top of my head for a song finisher is conchita, will do more research since I forgor the others
Kaito- Wolf? cus Im basic. His attacks are ice cream/popsicle related! Freezes the enemy. Slaps them with giant popsicle & basic attack with his long scarf. Id like to add stuff like if he wins against a gakupo enemy madness of duke plays lol bunch of song finishers in my head cant remember titles-
Rin and Len- still not sure if otter or fennec. But Lens design would focus on his banana hair, he takes it out like my nendoroid and he throws it like a boomerang, he spamms and regrows his banana hair and ofc rin on her ribbon, ofc theres a theme here and its gonna be a huge ribbon, thinking if she uses each as shureken to mirror len’s banana boomerang throw! Also thinking if she could fly like Tails with it- 🚁 Too tired to list the songs but ofc ill include the daughter of evil series on everyone
Gumi- Rabbit. I love love love LOVE gumi and I remember her being 🥕 so a rabbit/bunny seems fitting! Giant carrot ofc, carrot attacks, her harvesting and pulling out the carrot only to bonk the enemy with it. Some songs that have two voice banks singing it would appear in their song finishers like Matryoshka!
Gakupo- Tiger? Lion? Still not sure but one of the finisher songs is def gonna be Madness of Duke- where if you finish of the enemy *you win* signs appear and him and the “ladies” are all lined up in the bg? Cant explain it properly but ye. Dancing samurai, go google it are on top of my head
This idea is heavily inspired by Super Gem fighter 😭 I love that game so much I want something similar except in the consecutive acts where like you change “outfits/designs” in Super Gem fighter (SGF) in this game you do it also with Song references changing outfits/designs/ base on that songs mv and each phase of the attack is a different song reference where if you finish of an enemy in that phase of the attack you finish them of with the song and stay on that costume/outfit/design and have like a finishing move or moment i.e Len vs Rin Daughter of evil and Servant of evil, Rin(Player1) finishes off Len(enemy/player2) and winning the game, Rin crying after-
Ofc theres secret characters. Top of my head rn is BRS. Not sure if Teto should be a secret character. Maybe her old design and then her new one is included since you know her being official! Additional characters/content would be Kaii Yuki, Vflower, SeeU, Iroha, Lily, IA and more. Theres so much still on my head and I want to make it happen 😭😭😭😭
Just blabbering my thoughts if anyones gonna even read hahah! Its really cold from where i am rn 🦭 This sparks inspo when I get home
Also this is a pixel base! Gotta love them classics
#text post#im so talkative please hear out my messy thoughts#messy thoughts#idea i had#i want it to happen#undiagnosed adhd moments#vocaloid ideas#chubby miku#chubby miku replies#miku related tag#miku related post#miku related
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DC Multiverse The Flash Captain Boomerang Collector Edition - McFarlane Toys
Link para compra BR: *Possível importar pelo Link abaixo
Buy here: https://amzn.to/3TPq4i6
#dc#comics#McFarlane#action figure#dc multiverse#the flash#Collector Edition#Captain Boomerang#Capitao Bumerangue#George Harkness
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Prof. Green Oak's Playlist
I explained the reason for each song to be in the playlist under cut. Most are either because of vibes or lyrics that remind me of Green/His relationships, and some are assigned by friends :)
IDKHOW, Do It All the Time
Mostly about his teenage/young adult years. He's taking your girl and making her his, beware! Back when he was (surprising more) reckless. Also, by the ending when he says "I don't wanna do it but I'll do it 'cuz I do it all the time" can easily be about Green's "toxic" behaviors that he was aware to be bad but was his only way to cope...
2. IDKHOW, Social Climb
Same thing as above! Huge Green Vibes on "But if the lights don't stop me, no one's got control of what I do" as well.
3. ARCTIC MONKEYS, I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor
Oh you can bet Green's a flirt specially on parties and raves etc! Used to be even more when he was younger, on his 20s, before taking up the laboratory. I usually think of his ship with an Ethan where they met years after HGSS in a party...
4. DAFT PUNK, Robot Rock
Purely vibes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ He shares this music with Leo Mew. Do picture him vibing with his sunglasses on to this.
5. MAFUMAFU, いかないで
Assigned to Green by a friend! This music talks a lot about pursuing someone and asking them to not leave. Do I need to say it's Green about Red or Leaf?
Pure vibes as well. I like giving him music that you'd listen to in parties :)
Oh Dear now we're getting to Green's Anxiety Crisis music lol. This one is open but you could say some sections of it, like "I've waited so long, Forever counting down, Thinking of all the ways I could get you back around" could be about Red... Left on his own, he doesn't wanna sleep.
8. ROYAL BLOOD, Little Monster
Much like the first three songs in this playlist, Green being a flirt but more sensual this time. I love him and I love royal blood what do you want from me
9. ROYAL BLOOD, Careless
Another Anxiety Crisis Music!!! Everything in this song screams Green Oak. "I wish I cared less but I'm afraid I don't" ???? THAT'S HIM. That goes for all his ships because he needs to go through the "they don't give a single fuck about me/they absolutely hate my guts" phase every time. He's also very prone to thinking he's NOT a good partner and his loved should, like, run away.
10. LAZER BOOMERANG, Time to Pretend
Vibes only but specially the Reguri in Alola vibes. Green driving his convertible with Red and Pika by his side, sunset behind them, all in a synthwave fashion....
11. ROYAL BLOOD, Lights Out
Third Anxiety Crisis Music. I feel like this one is more about an specific Ex that certainly traumatized him back in Kalos. Oh if she could see him now, looking all manly and handsome. She's not so hard to forget with all the lights out, though...
12. NANO, All Eyes on Me
Vibes and some of the Lyrics. It feels like a younger, teenager Green feeling all powerful and smartass with his new life in Kalos.
13. Champion Blue Encounter Music
DO I NEED TO SAY ANYTHING? When I first played SuMo (I did it specifically to reach the battle tree and see them all grown up) and this started playing I felt so strongly I cried a little. oof.
14. YUNGLIXO, Sombra
This is a PT-BR Song. I feel like this one has some transgender subtones when he sings about not recognizing the person in older pictures or the person in the mirror, etc. It also speaks about not knowing yourself and feeling lost. I think this is about that phase in Green's transition in which he's in the middle of it. He's not like he used to be before it but he's still not like how he wants to be, yk.
It also speaks about not having a self-esteem and how it leads him to bad paths, because he feels like there's a void where he should be.
This song is really beautiful. Shoutout to the line "All the time I spent brooding I should've spent switching channels".
15. YEAH YEAH YEAHS, Heads will Roll
Another with the vibes and the party/rave mood. Also his head did roll once HAHAHAHAHA
16. THE YOUNG PROFESSIONALS, Video Games (Cover)
Assigned Reguri Song by Kyle. "It's you, it's you, Everything I do" and "He holds me in his big arms, drunk and I am seeing stars" .... oh I am mentally ill for them. Heaven is a place on Earth with Red yeah.
This one is about when Green decided he didn't want to be a Gym Leader. "My mind is made up, I'm willing to come down and wake up". That life isn't for him! He felt like staying there, a place offered to him because he lost to Red, because Giovanni wasn't there anymore, simply filling a hole, a consolation prize for failing on his efforts. He decided to pursue his (other) dream.
Also, for he "One more time, I need to see you one more time" as when he felt like maybe he should climb Mt. Silver to say goodbye to Red before spending a decade away. (He didn't)
There are some small transgender subtones on this music too. He's ready to be someone else, someone he wants to be and can feel proud of himself, no more letting others dictate his life. No need to feel like he used to, unhappy with himself, with his image...
18. CARPENTER BRUT, Hairspray Hurricane
Assigned by Cas. I like to think, when Cas Red and Green have that flying battle, THIS WILL BE THE BACKGROUND MUSIC. Also the name is just... Green. A hairspray hurricane every morning to get his hair like that!!
I will be adding more songs in the future, then updating this post :)
#;;ooc#;;leo talks#green vibes#green playlist#headcanons#green lore#big text#;;SORRY I SPEAK A LOT. I HAVE NO MANY THOUGHTS ABOUT HIM#;;I also love all these songs.
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há tanto mar revolto por aí, que escolhi o sossego dessa minha ilha 💭💭💭🦊 • • • • @vanessasince1992 @escritos.raposinha • • • #criançafeliz #almaleve #raposinha #pics #ginger #fotografia #portrait #clicks #ruivas_raposinhas #haha #BR #escritosraposinha #autoral #poesia #textos #notassobreela #boomerang #ItapecericaShopping #colors #vine #movimento #powergirl #poetisa #poetry #mensagens #_clubpoetico https://www.instagram.com/p/By-cfP6hcUA/?igshid=af2cwow615yf
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hii !! i hope youre having a great day/night.
can u do the prompts “Wow, i didn’t realize you were that…flexible.” and/or “Do you think they can hear us through the tent?” “Yes we can.” for zuko atla ? maybe hes the firelord and they go on a trip to the woods with the rest of the gang ? male reader please.
A/N: Yo…Leviathan wrote this with the help of a friend. Teddy was gonna write this and then said, nah. Not my ZuZu so I was tasked with editing our friends draft and I…may have gone overboard and just like rewritten it even though I have a distaste for smut.
Word Count: 2.4k
Warnings: Smut, +18, voyeurism, tons of subtle fire puns sue me
x Male Reader
Smut Prompt: 63
“Wow, I didn’t realize you were that…flexible”
Smut Prompt: 110-111
“Do you think they can hear us through the tent?”
“Yes we can.”
They had travelled for hours to make it to the Western Air Temple, their feet heavy and their heads warry, and yet as soon as they set their belongings down, Aang suggested a sparing match. For fun of course, to blow off steam, get everyone a little sleepy so that they could rest a little easier that night. Zuko agreed, partnering up with the air bender whilst Sokka turned to Y/N, the only other non-bender in their group.
Y/N let out a hefty sigh at the look of tired determination on his friends face, “don’t go easy on him, Y/N,” he heard Katara call from where she was setting up the fire to cook for the Gaang’s dinner. Toph walked over to the side and stomped her foot on the ground erecting a tent of rock just large enough for her to fit inside.
Sokka huffed before approaching Y/N for their fight, both landing blows with fist and weapon though the two seemed evenly matched as usual. That changed the moment Y/N’s gaze drifted towards the other men’s fight, his eyes watching as Zuko moved unaware of his stare. Sokka took the opportunity of Y/N’s distraction to land a particularly hard blow to his friends leg swiping it out from under him.
“Point to Sokka!” He exclaimed in excitement as he danced around Y/N’s prone being.
“Shut it, boomerang boy. I was distracted,” Y/N pouted not having noticed the other two had finished their sparring match. Aang laughed loudly at the nickname for Sokka causing him to blush a deep red.
“Stop laughing, Aang! And it was fair, doesn’t matter if you were distracted or not!”
“Oh yeah?”
With that, Y/N used his leg to swipe Sokka’s feet out from under him before clambering over and holding the blade of his knife to the other man’s throat.
“How ‘bout that for fair?”
Sokka huffed before pushing the knife away with his finger, pushing Y/N off gently and getting up.
“Yeah yeah, your win again…I’m starving!”
Y/N watched Sokka run over to the camp fire and start bothering Katara before he too made his way closer to the others, grabbing his tent supplies to set up his and Zuko’s shared tent. The two were forced to share a tent due to lack of space; Sokka, Aang, and Katara were sharing the larger tent and Toph made her own so the other two males were left with the smaller tent.
The non-bender tried to set up the shelter as quick as possible, but we all know that tents are stupid and never want to be easy. His ear perked up as he heard the others laughing with eachother, but he paid no mind, instead keeping his focus on the task at hand.
A hand on his shoulder a moment later startled him out of his trance like state of trying to put the pole into the fabric.
“Sorry…I didn’t mean to startle you, it just looked like you needed help with the tent?”
Y/N’s heart hammered in his chest as his eyes turned to meet the other’s.
“Oh, uh…yeah, that would be great,” he muttered. It’s not like he was nervous around Zuko because he was a fire bender, no he was nervous for a much different reason. Zuko had been so kind to him ever since Y/N joined the Gaang, like sure he was close to everyone but Zuko was especially sweet to Y/N and the non-bender didn’t know why.
“Hey, are you feeling okay…by the way? I uh…I noticed you took a pretty hard fall earlier when sparring with Sokka,” Zuko questioned, raising his head momentarily to glance at the smaller male.
“Oh…ha, you saw that huh? Yeah I’m fine, a little sore, but I’m fine.”
“I could stretch you out if you want?”
Y/N’s face grew bright red, his grip on one of the poles turning white as his head snapped in Zuko’s direction.
“Huh?” He managed to squeak out in shock as Zuko looked up in confusion.
“What? Did I say somethi- oh…oh no that’s not- I-…” Zuko quickly cut himself off, his face also a deep crimson color from realization.
“No, no you’re fine, I’m sorry that was on me,” Y/N awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck before standing up from the now pitched tent.
“But I do think I’ll take you up on that offer, I have some really bad kinks in my neck and back.”
Zuko’s face turned a deeper red as he heard Y/N’s words leave his mouth this time causing the smaller man to sputter and stumble over his words.
“Wait- I- no…I just…”
“This is so awkward to watch…” Sokka commented from the campfire, a spoon being held in front of his mouth. Y/N immediately flipped him off in response, his eyes cast downwards in embarrassment.
“Come on Y/N…let’s just get in the tent and stretch your muscles,” Zuko suggested, gently guiding Y/N into the tent before he zipped up the entrance, “So just uh…take off your shirt and lay on your stomach I guess.”
Y/N’s face stayed the crimson color as his hands reached for the hem of his shirt, pulling it over his head in a quick swipe. His hands shook as he tossed it to the side of the area before lowering himself onto one of the sleeping bags on the ground, shivering slightly as the cool material of the fabric.
After a few seconds of awkward silence, a pair of warm hands made contact with Y/N’s back.
“I’m gonna start now,” Zuko whispered as he slowly dug his fingers into the smaller males back. Y/N let out a soft gasp as he felt the man’s fingers press into the sore sports of his body.
“Tell me if it hurts okay?”
“Y-yeah, it feels nice so far.”
Zuko nodded in response though he realized a second later that Y/N could not see him and blushed in embarrassment. After working on his back for a few more minutes, he tapped on the boy’s side.
“Can you turn over, I’m gonna do your legs now.”
Y/N felt his face flush before he slowly nodded into the fabric of the sleeping bag rolling his body over to expose his bare chest to the older male. Zuko’s eyes immediately zeroed in on the pink nubs that stood erect on Y/N’s chest wanting nothing more than to reach out and grab them, play with them, and have them in his mouth, just to make the smaller boy squirm in pleasure.
He quickly shook the thought from his head as he let his gaze trail down towards the younger male’s legs, eyes pausing only momentarily to stare longingly at the bulge in Y/N’s pants.
“Can you uh…can you take your pants off too? So I can get to the skin! Not anything weird!”
Y/N let out a nervous giggle before sitting up slightly and tugging off his pants revealing his briefs.
“A-alright, thank you,” Zuko breathed, his eyes trailing along Y/N’s legs in awe of the color and how incredibly soft they looked. He gently placed his hand on one of the smaller boy’s legs, gently lifting it to get it into a position to stretch out the muscle. This particular stretch has Y/N’s leg up in the air with Zuko’s body directly pressed against it and situated between his legs. Zuko felt his heart start to hammer against his ribs as he began to push Y/N’s leg towards his torso causing a small whimper of pain to release from the smaller boy’s mouth.
“Was that too far?”
“N-no it felt good, keep going.”
Moving on, he continued to push Y/N’s leg all the way up to where the boy was almost doing the splits.
“Wow, I didn’t realize you were that…flexible,” Zuko gulped, his eyes staring directly into Y/N’s. Y/N blushed deeply as he raised his hands to hide his face from the other man.
“I was close friends with Ty Lee and her family growing up so…” the younger male stated, his body shaking in nervousness.
“You’re shaking,” Zuko observed, pulling back from the stretch but keeping the smaller boy’s leg propped over his shoulder, his finger’s slightly digging into the skin.
“A-am I? That-that’s strange, ahaha.” Y/N felt time stop as he watched the fire bender turn his head to look at the smaller boy’s leg before placing a gentle peck against the skin. Not to be cheesy, but the place where his lips touched felt like a flame had been placed and spread from there sending a heat to his stomach.
“Hm?” Zuko hummed in response, slowly leaving more burning kisses along the length of the smaller boy’s leg, “What is it, firefly?”
The was it, the straw that broke the camel’s back. Y/N was hard and obviously so especially since Zuko was still pressing his body against the non bender’s.
“Zuko…” Y/N breathed, an argument playing out within his head debating on whether or not to continue with the actions the two were about to partake in. There were so many possibilities that something could go wrong, but…he could be with Zuko finally. His head felt light as he weighed the options before he finally made up his mind.
Zuko watched slightly amused as Y/N dropped his hands from covering his crimson face and sat up so that their faces were centimeters apart.
“I want you.”
Zuko’s face flushed softly across his cheeks before he nodded slowly, using his free hand to cup the younger man’s face, bringing their lips together in a heated kiss. Y/N let his shaking hands slide into the silky hair of the Fire Lord. A grunt left Zuko’s throat as he adjusted his position, accidentally not so accidentally grinding his growing bulge into Y/N’s raging hard on.
Y/N’s lips parted in shock, a gasp escaping him before Zuko plunged his tongue into the younger man’s mouth. Their tongues seemed to wrestle for ages, but soon Zuko won out before he gently guided Y/n’s body back onto the sleeping bag.
They parted for a second to catch their breaths, Y/N’s entire being seemed disheveled, his hair was a mess, his clothes were missing, and his lips were glossy and swollen from their passionate kiss. All in all, Zuko was close to going feral over that sight alone.
Y/N’s hand reached out and gently stroked the scarred side of Zuko’s face before he pulled the older man back down to him to place a few soft kisses against the scar.
“You’re so handsome…” he whispered against Zuko’s skin causing the Fire Lord to shiver.
“I could say the same to you,” Zuko chuckled, his fingers gently tracing over the smaller mans face before he trailed his hand down towards Y/N’s exposed chest.
The non bender’s back arched into Zuko’s hand as soon as it made contact with the pink bud, a whimper leaving his lips, begging him to touch him properly. Zuko let a smirk cross his face as he took the bud between his fingers, gently tweaking it carefully and yet enough to make Y/N squirm, soft breathy moans escaping his lips.
“Zuko, take your clothes off too…” He whined, reaching up and tugging at the Fire Lord’s tunic. Zuko shook his head in amusement before he stopped his actions, letting Y/N’s leg fall beside him as he pulled his tunic over his head.
“You’re so cute, Firefly.”
Immediately, Zuko was back to attacking the smaller man’s nipples though this time he used his mouth, sucking and gently nipping at the hard buds. Small sounds of pleasure left Y/N’s mouth at the assault, his fingers gripping at Zuko’s hair. The taller man raised an eyebrow at the action, lifting his head slowly to gaze at his partner with a slight smirk.
“What is it now, hm Firefly?”
“I-I wanna touch you too…”
Zuko’s eyebrows raised higher in shock before his smirk grew exponentially.
“If you want to baby, I’m not gonna stop you,” he chuckled, sitting up slowly to allow the other man room to move if he so pleased. Y/N took the opportunity to sit up before switching up his position to be on his knees. He then crawled toward Zuko slowly before letting his hand rest just above the waistband of his pants.
Y/N looked up at the Fire Lord for any hesitation, seeing none, and then continuing to grab both the waistband of his pants and his boxers, slowly pulling them down to expose the older man’s length. The smaller boy felt his heart stop at the size. It wasn’t the longest he had seen but fuck, it was a girthy motherfucker. He swallowed harshly before taking it into his hands, slowly pumping the length of the shaft before leaning his head towards the tip.
His tongue slipped from between his lips, letting it kitten lick the very tip of Zuko’s cock before he slowly engulfed the head with his mouth. His head was spinning as he began to pump his head up and back down the shaft, though he couldn’t get very far seeing as his mouth was slightly small for the width of his cock. A few seconds into the endeavor, Y/N felt Zuko’s finger’s slide into his hair causing him to glance up at his partner.
Zuko’s eyes were glazed over in ecstasy as he stared down at the smaller man, his teeth harshly bit his lip as Y/N ran his tongue up the side of Zuko’s cock once more before traveling down to his balls. His mouth continued to roam the areas he knew were weak points, exploiting them and causing Zuko to groan a little too loudly.
Both males froze in sudden fear of their friends hearing them. They stayed frozen for a few seconds before Y/N looked up at Zuko with concern.
“Do you think they can hear us through the tent?
“Yes we can,” came Toph’s response causing both men’s faces to flush violently as they jumped away from each other.
“I-I’m so sorry!” Y/N squeaked out before sliding into his sleeping bag and hiding his face from Zuko. The taller male’s face was in no better shape than Y/N’s was but he let out a soft chuckle before crawling back over to Y/N.
“I didn’t get to finish,” he whispered in the smaller man’s ear causing him to tense, “What are you gonna do about it?”
The next morning, Zuko and Y/N woke to the bleary, dark circled eyes of their friends.
“Good morning everyone,” Y/N chirped happily, his face seemed to be glowing after the previous night. The four people sat around the camp fire sent exasperated looked back at both him and Zuko who had just ducked out of the tent.
“Yeah, morning guys,” He stated before slinging his arm over Y/N’s shoulder nonchalantly.
“I hate you guys,” Sokka stated before turning back to his food.
#atla#avatar#x male reader#x gn! reader#x gn!reader#x gn reader#x reader#zuko x male reader#zuko x reader#zuko x you#zuko x gn! reader#zuko#x zuko#avatar x male reader#avatar x reader#avatar x gn!reader#atla x reader#atla x gn! reader#atla x male reader#submission
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I posted 18,333 times in 2021
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17210 posts reblogged (94%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 15.3 posts.
I added 2,662 tags in 2021
#dora rambles - 548 posts
#zukka - 459 posts
#zuko - 342 posts
#asks - 290 posts
#sokka - 271 posts
#katara - 163 posts
#korrasami - 161 posts
#you're a queuetie - 147 posts
#aang - 141 posts
#atla - 140 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#remembering how my ex from the us actually ordered flowers and a teddy bear from a local flower shop and sent them to me with a letter in br
My Top Posts in 2021
fic writers, reblog this and put in the tags which is harder for you to come up with, the title for a fic or the summary?
460 notes • Posted 2021-07-06 20:16:12 GMT
toph: *has a darker skinned daughter*
atla fandom for some reason: omg guys remember toph had a crush on sokka at 12 years old, su is totally his daughter bc no other dark skinned characters exist in atla and that doesn't totally assassinate sokka's character by making him into a deadbeat dad what are you talking about
543 notes • Posted 2021-08-17 14:43:13 GMT
sokka teaches bumi ii how to use a boomerang from a young age, much to aang and katara's frustration, just to be able to call him bumirang. bumi loves it
984 notes • Posted 2021-08-22 14:04:03 GMT
one thing i really love about zukka fics is that suki and mai are rarely if ever turned into villains like it tends to happen to canon female partners that "get in the way" of an mlm ship. suki and sokka being disaster bi friends? zuko and mai being peak gay/lesbian solidarity? YES MORE PLEASE
1316 notes • Posted 2021-07-05 01:23:44 GMT
reblog this and put in the tags if the name you use on tumblr is also the name you use irl or not
7570 notes • Posted 2021-08-12 18:00:50 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
#my 2021 tumblr year in review#your tumblr year in review#finally it worked#yeah this checks out#sorry for talking so much yall shsfsjgshssg#long post
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Summary: Danny learns ghosts get drunk easily, and he learns that in a way very true to his luck.
Prompt by @phantomfana
“When Danny goes to his first ever real highschool party he realizes that ghosts can, contrary to common belief, become drunk by regular human alcohol. They are even more susceptible for it than humans which Danny has to learn the hard way.”
Wordcount: 1040
“Jeez,” Tuck laughs at Danny, half unsure of himself. “You’re a bit of a lightweight, huh?”
“It’s muh firs’ time,” Danny says, staring at the can of beer as he sways a bit.
“You know, I don’t go to these sorts of parties often,” Tucker frowns, “but I’m pretty sure taking literally one mouthful of alcohol isn’t enough to get you drunk. I drank some of that terrible stuff, and I don’t feel,” he pauses, looks at Danny’s tipsiness as the boy swings precariously between them, “like you clearly do.”
“It shouldn’t get him that drunk that fast,” Sam frowns, staring at her phone, looking at the preliminary google search of how fast does cheap beer get you drunk?
Danny wobbles, laughing at all of their inexperience and staring out at the sea of sweaty and similarly inexperienced teens that thump with the music and the lights. Or, well, maybe that’s his vision that thumps with the beat of the music; everything is slurring a bit, not just his words, and his core is audibly whirring in his chest.
“It’s fun,” Danny settles on lazily. His eyes gleam a little green, swirled in with the blue, and Sam and Tucker share a frown.
“I think we should be worried,” Tuck concludes.
“I needa’ break,” Danny huffs, “from the, the worryin’ an’ stuff.” All the air goes out of him in a sigh, leaving a deflated halfa. “Needa’ break,” he echoes.
Tuck nods acquiescing as Sam just stares at the clearly drunk halfa. “Why don’t we go back to your house, and you can sleep it off?” Tucker hums.
Danny shakes his head, and suddenly his form is perky again-- and before either friend can do anything, Danny downs the silver bullet in one large chug.
“Tastes awful,” he giggles as Sam and Tucker just stare at him, open mouthed. He takes one step, two, then braces himself on a nearby wall. “Everythin’s like a ride,” he hums, amazed.
Sam and Tucker recover enough to brace him. “You need to go home,” Sam instructs.
“N’aw,” Danny groans playfully. He then goes back to ignoring his two friends-- “I wonder what flyin’ would be like with this.”
“Danny, don’t you dare,” Sam instructs, voice tight, grip on his arm tighter.
He laughs. The first tug of his arm only gets him halfway out, and his intangibility feels much more solid through Sam’s hand, as though his arm were jello rather than not there at all. He frowns, and pulls again, freeing himself wholly, though the force sends him stumbling. Sam and Tucker swipe at his form, but their hands meet air as Danny chuckles and sticks his tongue out.
Thankfully, the music is too loud and the party goers too drunk to really hear the repeated orders and begs of Tucker and Sam as their friend begins a wobbly take off, still half braced against the wall.
Danny flies a curving and erratic path right through the roof, laughing all the while.
“Oh my god,” Sam groans, “we’re going to have to go catch him.”
She downs her awful beer just to deal with it. Tucker gives a look at his can, clearly contemplating doing the same, then frowns and tosses it away.
“Boomerang would be our best bet,” Tuck sighs as they stride away from the thumping noises and the sweat of teens at that rowdy drunken party they had planned to go to be maybe normal teens for once. Danny had even slipped them in there with intangibility, excitement thrumming, and the first part of the party went well; music thrummed too loud, people danced badly and crazily-- everything a high school party should be. Then someone brought out the beer, as was customary, and Danny took a swig, and, well--
The reaction was clearly something related to Danny’s inhumanity, if the instability at the party was anything to go by.
Sam and Tucker trudged out on the concrete, night humidity welcoming them, dark trees and houses surrounding them, quiet so different to the sensory overload of the party. In truth, that may have been a factor, too; Danny had never done well with his senses since the accident, and he’d said that there was a weird connection with him and strong, crowded emotions-- and the feeling of thick drunkenness certainly hung in the party.
The pair don’t even complete their silent walk to the Fentons-- instead, they are interrupted by a bright light show of green and blue from the forest.
“Hey!” Danny says from a forest, and his eyes gleam ghostily.
He’s a ghost, but Sam thinks he fits the air of playful forest fae much better right now, the way he clumsily flits amongst the trees. some of which are charred with acidic green, and others of which are partially frozen. Danny looks like Phantom even though he’s human; his black hair drifts, and his eyes glow like green spotlights, though blue still swirls in them as well. He floats above the ground, grinning way too broadly at them, and gesturing to the frozen and burnt trees as though proud of his creations. “Like what I’ve done with the place?”
“Danny,” Sam says carefully, “you need to come with us--”
“No, actually,” Tucker cuts off, “stay here.” <br> “Yeah,” Danny hums, nodding along, then repeats, “yeah,” as he freezes another tree, adding spirals of frost artistically and thoughtfully (even though his thoughts obviously aren’t… ordinary).
“Sam,” Tucker pulls her aside, “what do you think he’d do to his house,” with his parents listening is left unsaid but implied, and Tucker continues, “or our house?” On cue, a tree gives a loud snap as Danny fires a gooey green-blue blast on it, destroying it with cold and acid.
Sam sighs, releasing tension. “Fair point… so we’re just going to stay here and, what? Ghost-sit?”
“I guess,” Tucker shrugs.
Danny cackles as he flips clumsily over their heads.
“It’ll be a long night,” Tucker grunts, half wishing he too had gotten at least a little drunk at the party.
(...The forest is left with one extra clearing in the morning (with plenty of pools of ectoplasm and hunks of resilient ghost ice), and Danny leaves with the declaration of sobriety).
#dp#dp fanfiction#danny phantom#danny phantom fic#danny phantom fanfiction#phic#phic phight#phic phight 20#phic phight 2020#quill#my writing
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This blog is dedicated to the history of Low% All Dungeons, a speedrun of The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past for SNES.
Development of this category began in July 2018 when fsg hypothesized Low% All Dungeons as a No EG/DG/WW category. Today, this ruleset is known as Restricted Major Glitches (RMG), which allows basic out-of-bounds clips and overworld transition glitches.
Low% means that Link must obtain the lowest number of major items necessary to complete the game. For example, in Low% NMG, we skip all safety items, in particular Boomerang, Sanctuary Heart, and Tempered Sword. In LowAD, we need to skip these items and more.
To restrict the item list further, we can compare to All Dungeons RMG, in which we skip Flute and Quake Medallion. These are bypassed because of how quickly Link navigates the world using clips and screen wraps (and save + quit). In LowAD, we add these items to the ban list.
What more can we ban? That depends on how cleverly we can apply glitches in the RMG ruleset, and the list of allowed items has changed over time.
If any or all of this is confusing, maybe this diagram will help:
/\ / \ / \ / ALL \ / \ / DUNGEONS \ /____________\ \____________/ Defeat all bosses and get all pendants and crystals /\ /\ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / LOW% \ / RMG \ / \ / \ /____________\ /____________\ \____________/ \____________/ Pick up minimum Some major glitches number of items are required to win
Altogether, the goals and the ruleset combine to make LowAD a very difficult speedrun. It is meant for anyone looking to play through the full game with minimal equipment and do-or-die glitches. The intention of this blog is to chronicle all the findings that have led to new runs of this category. Feel free to inquire about anything that does not make sense, and any suggestions or corrections are welcome.
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MV (Legendado PT-BR)
Music Video do Wanna One
Energetic (07.08.2017)
Burn it Up (10.08.2017)
Beautiful (13.11.2017)
Beautiful MV Prologue (13.11.2017)
I Promise You (05.03.2018)
Boomerang (19.03.2018)
Light (04.06.2018)
Spring Breeze (19.11.2018)
Music Video Yoon Jisung
In the rain (20.02.2019)
I’ll be there (25.04.2019)
Run Run [Army Song] (06.11.2019)
Love Song (15.04.2021)
Music Video Ha Sungwoon
Bird (28.02.2019)
Thing of You [Her Private Live OST] (15.05.2019)
Blue (08.07.2019)
Because of You [Flower Crew OST] (15.10.2019)
I Fall In Love [The King: Eternal Monarch OST] (02.05.2020)
Get Ready (08.06.2020)
Paradise [RAVI feat. Ha Sungwoon] (28.07.2020)
Fall In You [True Beauty OST] (21.01.2021)
Sneakers (07.06.2021)
Strawberry Gum [Feat. Don Mills] (09.08.2021)
Music Video Hwang Minhyun
Universe (03.04.2019)
Bet Bet - NU’EST (29.04.2019)
Love Me - NU’EST (21.10.2019)
Let’s Love - NU’EST (14.02.2020)
I’m in trouble - NU’EST (11.05.2020)
Best Summer - NU’EST (20.06.2020)
Drive - NU’EST (05.10.2020)
Inside Out - NU’EST 19.04.2021
Music Video Ong Seongwu
Heart Sign (11.06.2019)
We Belong (09.01.2020)
Gravity (25.03.2020)
Didn’t Say Anything (12.05.2020) (com Baek Jiyoung)
Music Video Kim Jaehwan
Begin Again (20.05.2019)
Vacance in September (26.08.2019) (com Stella Jang)
The Time I Need (12.12.2019)
You're my and My Beginning [The King: Eternal Monarch OST] (Com Im Hanbyul) (06.06.2020)
I’m not okay (23.08.2020)
What if (29.09.2020) [Record of Youth OST]
I Wouldn’t Look For You (07.04.2021)
Music Video Kang Daniel
What are you up to (25.07.2019)
Touchin’ (25.11.2019)
2U (24.03.2020)
Refresh (23.04.2020) com Zico
Waves (27.07.2020) com Simon Dominic & Jamie
Who U Are (03.08.2020)
Movie (18.08.2020)
Paranoia (16.02.2021)
Antidote (13.04.2021)
Music Video Park Jihoon
L.O.V.E (26.03.2019)
360 (04.12.2019)
Wing (26.05.2020)
Hit It Off (Prod. & Feat. Penomeco) (29.10.2020)
Gotcha (04.11.2020)
Talk to me (At a Distance, Spring is Green OST) (22.06.2021)
Gallery (12.08.2021)
Music Video Park Woojin
Hollywood - AB6IX (25.04.2019)
Breathe - AB6IX (22.05.2019)
Blind For Love - AB6IX (07.10.2019)
Color Eye - AB6IX (12.03.2020)
The Answer - AB6IX (29.06.2020)
Salute - AB6IX (02.11.2020)
Stay Young - AB6IX (18.01.2021)
Close - AB6IX (26.04.2021)
Music Video Bae Jinyoung
Hard to say goodbye (26.04.2019)
Movie Star - CIX (23.07.2019)
My New World - CIX (22.10.2019)
Numb - CIX (19.11.2019)
Revival - CIX (01.04.2020)
I Believe (25.09.2020) com Kim Yohan
Jungle - CIX (27.10.2020)
Cinema - CIX (02.02.2021)
All For You - CIX (14.04.2021)
Wave - CIX (17.08.2021)
Music Video Lee Daehwi
Hollywood - AB6IX (25.04.2019)
Breathe - AB6IX (22.05.2019)
Blind For Love - AB6IX (07.10.2019)
Rose, Scent, Kiss - AB6IX (27.02.2020)
The Answer - AB6IX (29.06.2020)
Salute - AB6IX (02.11.2020)
Stay Young - AB6IX (18.01.2021)
Close - AB6IX (26.04.2021)
Music Video Lai Kuanlin
I’m a Star (11.03.2019) com Wooseok
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Olá galera! Tudo bem com vocês? As/Os integrantes do Stardoll mais antigos devem lembrar dos famosos itens grátis que conseguíamos em campanhas, clubes e competições, sendo que boa parte deles precisava do uso de proxy. Atualmente não é mais possível ganhar itens com proxy, como uma forma de segurança do site, então nós já retiramos a maioria das publicações desse tipo do blog. Entre essas matérias, a colaboradora Mandiinhafofa trouxe vários truques que ainda funcionavam, mas eram com e sem proxy, por isso não disponibilizamos mais. Eu não tinha pensado em atualizar essa publicação, até que assisti ao vídeo "Itens grátis escondidos para você pegar já no Stardoll!" (clique aqui), no canal do YouTube Caminhos da Flor (clique aqui), da Miss Stardoll World 2014, a brasileira Florgatalinda10 (Tássia Lauer) e gostaria de compartilhar aqui com vocês. Ela pegou diversos truques do blog Stardoll dos truques (clique aqui), e vamos conferir tanto os itens grátis de lá (que na verdade já foram também postados no TSH, clique aqui, e muitos outros blogs), quanto aqui, na antiga matéria da Mandiinhafofa e outras que eu encontrei durante a pesquisa que fiz. Antes, quero convidar vocês a conhecer o canal da Florgatalinda10 (Tássia Lauer), que é super legal e eu adoro. A Tássia cria um conteúdo informativo, divertido e ainda ganhamos presentes no Stardoll ao seguir algumas regras simples que ela descreve em vídeos específicos. Se vocês sentiram interesse no canal, clique aqui. ❤
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10. Asas "A origem dos guardiões" Clique no link: http://www.stardoll.com/br/campaigns/rise-of-the-guardians/index.php Espere a página da campanha do filme ""A origem dos guardiões" carregar no próprio Stardoll e vá para a suíte. ⃟ ⃟ ⃟ ⃟ ⃟ ⃟ ⃟ ⃟ ⃟ ⃟ 11. Laço "16 Days Campaign" Clique no link: http://www.stardoll.com/do/campaign/giveItem.php?id=41&hash=6c887a73c5b41fd1a7f01beb89e76100 Espere a fanpage do Facebook "The Official 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence Campaign" carregar e volte para a suíte. ⃟ ⃟ ⃟ ⃟ ⃟ ⃟ ⃟ ⃟ ⃟ ⃟ Agradecimento especial: blog Stardoll dos truques e canal Caminhos da Flor. ❤ Me contem se conseguiram todos os itens, se vocês já tinham algum, ou se sabem de outro truque para adicionarmos aqui. ^^ Beijos
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also i say high stakes mahjong half jokingly cause i dont think they wrote that game AS high stakes they wrote it as wouldnt it be cute cause theyre in china if we put mahjong in it. oh i know what would be fun what if we had fujiko promise shed marry lupin and then not follow through like our usual gag. and itd be cause she beat him at mahjong. but also isnt that plot played seriously in kakegurui (<- has not seen or read kakegurui) the "ill marry u if u beat me at mahjong" (maybe tehy play something else in it idk) do u seee what i mean. it feels like its playing into the tropes of the genre w a comedic tone but its from 79. same w the death game one theres this whole twist to it that feels like its making fun of those isekai-like death games but again. from 79 !!!!
no but for real lupin part 2 was surprisingly innovative w that stuff like episode like episode 67 has a whole bit thats straight up a death game and episode 93 has high stakes mahjong thats like. theyre both from 1979 thats like really early from what else ive seen of the genre though im obviously missing stuff due to i dont speak japanese. do u understand what i mean
#same thing as when in BR they joke about how useless a boomerang is in the hands of a hs and then 20 years later ull have#alice onborder road give its highschool girl a boomerang as a weapon completely seriously#when ure made fun of from the last century ure prolly doin something wrong. anyways. lupin !
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Super Mario Maker 2 Wishlist
With the recent announcement of Super Mario Maker 2 at the February Nintendo Direct, I was ecstatic. In just a couple short minutes, it showcased a bunch of hotly requested features: slopes, more backgrounds, and even hints of multiplayer. Considering that the absence of slopes and meaningful background variety are two of my biggest complaints with the first game, it's fairly obvious how much that interested me.
And yet we can still go further.
Following is a series of things I'd like Super Mario Maker 2 to add that haven't been announced already.
More backgrounds. Super Mario Maker's largest problem by far was how levels were pigeonholed into one of six fairly generic themes: ground, underground, underwater, castle, airship, and ghost house. We already have four new backgrounds announced (desert, jungle, ice, space), and that's a good start. Still, there are problems; any kind of lava level gets forced into the castle theme, and there's no good rocky terrain that isn't also underground. So to balance that out, and also to add even more variety, I feel volcano, mountain, cloud, and beach backgrounds would be good additions.
Longer/removable time limit. In Super Mario Maker, the longest (and default) time limit is 500 seconds, or 8m20s. This is already fairly long, but it still hampers the creation of exploration-based levels and creates unnecessary stress on players. Setting a larger time limit can better inform players they're about to go into a very long level, and removing it outright can convey the idea that time taken is irrelevant in the level they're about to play. This would also help metroidvania-style levels thrive, whereas the presence of a time limit makes them harder to create and harder still to play.
More sublevels. Super Mario Maker only offers two sublevels (separate areas of a level) per 'main' level, which translates to only having two themes and two canvases within which to build your level. While the two themes problem is, again, a variety issue (noticing a trend yet?), the two canvases problem is much more pressing. Creating, say, a level with multiple segments in the same sublevel requires either absurd amounts of padding, reducing your overall building space, or having unsightly views of both sides of the barrier. If any of you remember my Super Mario Maker creations, you probably most remember Infiltration, a giant level that I had to very hackily implement to get it to fit within SMM limitations. One such limitation was sacrificing any kind of meaningful vertical progression so I could squeeze two horizontal segments into a single sublevel. The result was far from perfect; it added fake difficulty in a few places, sometimes the camera would scroll low/high enough to reveal the other half, and most importantly, I couldn't have a kill plane on the upper half. Having more sublevels would more than resolve this problem, and allow room for more variety in stages at the same time. And on that note...
Camera restraints. The most obvious solution to the seeing-both-sides-of-a-barrier issue presented in the last point is...just not letting the camera scroll past that barrier. This could be implemented by an object that prevents the camera from scrolling past a given point. To prevent cheap deaths from objects beyond the camera's scope suddenly appearing, the camera barrier would have to be a solid wall from both sides. This, plus the above suggestions of more sublevels and removable time limits, would make nonlinear levels much more approachable for making and for playing.
More game-specific powerups. Having only one unique powerup per theme is a bunch of wasted potential for variety, and I honestly feel we have none other than Super Mario World to blame. Still, the Mario 1 theme has three unique powerups - Mystery Mushroom, Weird Mushroom, and Big Mushroom, so clearly there's room for other unique powerups in the other themes. Mario 3 would obviously go for one of the suits. Tanooki Suit is overly redundant with the Super Leaf, making its inclusion impractical. The Frog and Hammer Suits are better, and the Hammer Suit fits especially well with a below point. NSMBU could get either the Super Acorn or Ice Flower. The Propeller Mushroom was a heaping helping of wasted potential when it comes to that theme's powerup, and the Super Acorn delivers in the NSMBU aspect while the Ice Flower is a fairly definitively NSMB-series powerup. The new SM3DW theme could take the Boomerang Flower, under the logic that it's to the Super Mario 3D Whatever subseries what the Ice Flower is to New Super Mario Bros. Alternatively, powerups could just be shared across themes as much as possible, with some substitutions made whenever relevant (e.g. Super Bell Super Acorn, Super Leaf Cape Feather).
Actual campaign organization. SMM had a very limited form of organizing levels into campaigns: if you had an entire row on Coursebot filled with levels, you could play them like a SMB1-style world. Simple, cheap, and not very effective. Being able to organize levels into campaigns (and even share them with other players?) would retain the sense of progression while giving players much more agency in how said progression is done. Similarly...
Secret exits. SMM has only one exit, and it's always anchored to the far right of the first sublevel. Being able to place exit points wherever, possibly even as less conventional methods like the ? Ball in SMW's Sunken Ghost Ship, would segue into a new ability: the ability to place secret exits. As standalone levels, this means nothing; however, secret exits would obviously influence the previous point by allowing for more nonlinearity and robust campaign design.
More checkpoints. Of course, having sprawling levels means one thing becomes clearly necessary: more checkpoints! The setup already used in SMM would work fine when scaled to greater numbers of checkpoints, as it precludes both impossible-to-reach checkpoints and impossible-to-win-from checkpoints. The issue is just the amount you can use. Checkpoints in SMM are limited to one per sublevel, which as suggested by points 3 and 4 is a recipe for scarcity. And of course, a greater amount of checkpoints is necessary for the nonlinear levels I've been consistently bringing up.
Overall, Super Mario Maker 2 looks to be a vastly improved sequel to the first game, but it still has room for improvements in many ways that haven't been announced yet. These are just some of the ways I could think of for making it far above and beyond what the first entry was.
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Move on? than what?
Gue rasa move on bukan hanya tentang berpindah atau pergi dari sesuatu yang telah berakhir. Move on yang seperti itu sulit untuk difikirkan di awal, namun nyatanya itu sangat mudah bila kita sudah berdamai dengan waktu.
Sama seperti saat kalian SMA dan mau menghadapi Ujian Nasional, inti dari perjalanan SMA mu bukan hanya sekedar lulus Ujian Nasional, namun jauh dari itu kalian masih harus berhadapan dengan SMPTN, dengan tekad menembus SMPTN kalian otomatis bisa lulus Ujian Nasional.
Sama dengan analogi tentang SMA itu, Move on adalah step yang sebenarnya tidak perlu kita jadikan target untuk mencapainya. Yang sesungguhnya harus difikirkan dengan baik adalah, apa yang dilakukan selanjutnya setelah kita berhasil move on? punya pacar baru atau bahkan calon istri? mungkin.
Gue ga pernah suka dengan perpindahan, tapi sesungguhnya manusia itu berpindah. Gue ga pernah suka dengan hal baru, menakutkan, menyeramkan bahkan gue sudah mengutuknya. Tapi, bila tidak gue lakuin maka otomatis yang harusnya gue dapatkan tidak lagi menjadi otomatis.
Gue harus berkutat dengan para bangsat itu, sebut saja masa lalu. Kebencian gue dimasalalu telah mengalahkan kebencian gue terdahap kebencian dengan perpindahan. Secara ga langsung gue dipaksa suka dengan perpindahan. Meski rasa takut selalu membayangi, dan rasa sakit di hati gue yang secara terang-terangan menjadi tembok untuk gue maju ke masa depan.
Dalam hal mencari pengganti, bisa dibilang gue sudah salah langkah. Entah bisa diperbaiki atau tidak, tapi ini harus diperbaiki. Langkah awal gue untuk menutup mata menjadi boomerang untuk rasa jengah yang gue rasa sekarang.
Bisa dibilang cara gue move on itu adalah dengan berpegangan dengan sosok-sosok sempurna, tidak, sosok yang dibuat sempurnah tepatnya. Tai loh, gue mendambakanya sampai-sampai gue lupa dengan teori yang telah gue tulis diatas.
Sebenarnya, arah tulisan gue ini kemana sih? Percintaan? Pekerjaan? Teman? atau kehidupan materi?
Tulisan ini gue buat lebih ke campuran dari keseluruhan yang telah gua sebutkan. Namun gue terlalu lemah untuk ini. Gue terlalu jijik dengan ini.
Tapi berkali-kali gue telah membuatnya.
ayolah, bolehkan i feel like this?
Ok, gue anggap kalian telah menerimanya dan merubah sudut pandang kalian terhadap gue. Meski gue ga butuh penerimaan itu.
Back to the topic.
Gue sudah move on. Gampang, nanti gue bakal cerita cara gue mendapatkannya lebih spesifik di another post.
What i feel now is i want her. But, i don’t now who i called “her”. Sometimes, my heart don’t feel like my brain work. Always got the shit if think that. i don’t need somebody to help me. i just want to escape from the reality which is not me.
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