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yugiohcardsdaily · 2 years ago
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Morphtronic Boomboxen
“While in Attack Position: This card can attack twice during each Battle Phase.
While in Defense Position: Once per turn, when a face-up ‘Morphtronic’ monster you control is selected as an attack target, you can negate the attack.”
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deeps-repus · 2 years ago
Morphtronic Boomboxen
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ygoreviews · 8 years ago
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Morphtronic Boomboxen ———————————————— ● While in Attack Position, this card can attack twice during each Battle Phase. ● Once per turn, while in Defense Position, when a face-up "Morphtronic" monster you control is targeted for an attack: You can negate the attack. ———————————————— Can Be Found In: Crossroads of Chaos (CSOC-EN009), Duel Terminal 2 (DT02-EN052)
Morphtronic is an archetype with a variety of strategies to work with. Depending of their battle position Morphtronics will gain one of two effects to work with, usually aiming for a direct or conservative approach arround them. Then we have to apply one of the main goals they can work with as the archetype can go from setting up OTKs, managing Synchro Summons or their battle positions, or even work along "Power Tool Dragon" to prepare Equip Spells with. While the basic premise is to rearrange their positions to fit the proper scenarios, Morphtronics offer all kinds of strategies and playstyles to the user.
"Morphtronic Boomboxen" literally aims for an offensive or defensive purpose depending of its position on the board. If in Attack Position "Boomboxen" will be able to attack twice on each Battle Phase, while in Defense Position will be able to negate an attack aiming to a Morphtronic each turn. While the latter ability can become quite helpful in dangerous situations, it is its Attack Position effect that will make "Boomboxen" one of the biggest dangers in the archetype. With the assistance of other archetype tools and setups, "Boomboxen" easily becomes the lead card for a whole OTK strategy.
As a potential card able to win games with, "Boomboxen" carries plenty of assisting cards an effects to become available as soon as possible. The main method will come from the excavating effects of "Morphtronic Celfon" and "Morphtronic Smartfon", completely relying on luck as they also depend on rolling a die but a good start nonetheless. Later on we can depend on "Morphtronic Remoten" to obtain a searching or retrieval effect depending of its battle position as well location of our "Boomboxen". Obviously we can expand our options with further assistance outside the main theme, with cards like "Geargiauger" and "Gear Gigant X" providing their searching abilities to further increase of chances to start with "Boomboxen" as soon as possible. A "Boomboxen" in the Graveyard is far from useless thanks to the many revival effects arround the build, going from "Morphtronic Repair Unit" which becomes easily available with assistance of cards such as "Hidden Armory" and "Power Tool Dragon", "Junk Box" giving os a one turn revival, or cards like "Iron Call" giving it other purposes arround bigger summons.
Like many other monsters capable of multiple attacks, "Boomboxen" has a good chance to either deal severe damage against other monsters and/or achieve an OTK with the right support. In an archetype with sinergy arround Equip Spells, "Boomboxen" can simply equip cards such as "Mage Power" and "Moon Mirror Shield" to either have the upper hand against all sorts of threats or simply finish off the opponent before they have a chance to counter "Boomboxen". The possibilities of an OTK will increase with assistance of other archetype cards, with "Morphtronic Radion" increasing our Morphtronics' ATK and "Morphtronic Boarden" allowing them to direct attack. And even if we don't have the proper cards for its maximum potential, we can always rely on "Limiter Removal" to obtain a 2400 ATK creature able to deal 4800 damage on its own. But while the main goal of "Boomboxen" is to deal as much damage as possible don't ignore its alternative options, as can easily work as material for other monsters working along cards like "Morphtronic Scopen" or "Iron Call", or take advantage of its ability to negate attacks as works along cards like "Morphtronic Bind" and "No Entry!!" to stall the opponent as long as possible.
"Morphtronic Boomboxen" was one of the debutant monsters of its archetype, and still remains a menacing member thanks to the many options arround it. Although dependant of other cards to obtain its best results, "Boomboxen" has more than enough opportunities to increase its ATK and/or work arround effects such as "Morphtronic Boarden" to finish off the opponent right from early game. But aiming for OTKs is not all that is good for, as with the ability to negate attacks as well some other options to prepare our Extra Deck monsters makes "Boomboxen" a bit more flexible when we don't have the proper setup to deal massive damage with its multiple attacks. It is true that "Boomboxen" has lost a bit of prevalence in the archetype on recent years as options arround Synchro Summons improved for the build, but with the diverse number of strategies and support arround Morphtronics "Boomboxen" is far from losing efficiency in all sorts of roles against more current playstyles.
Personal Rating: A-
+ Able to attack twice each Battle Phase + Negates an attack against a Morphtronic if in Defense Position + Greatly supported for all kinds of roles including OTK results
- Completely relies on setups and other cards - Not necessary depending of the build's main goals
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musikblog · 2 years ago
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SOHN - Trust Musik hören ? Macht man das heutzutage eigentlich noch richtig ? Im Büro oder zuhause läuft sie als Hintergrundbeschallung aus quäkenden Lautsprechern oder noch schlimmer aus hoffnungslos überforderten Smartphonelautsprechern. In der Stadt wird man von irgendwelchen Boomboxen oder anders Basslastigem bedröhnt und auch sonst scheint Musikhören nicht mehr wirklich zelebriert zu werden. Da wundert es […] #SOHN https://www.musikblog.de/2022/09/sohn-trust/
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hickorywindnl · 5 years ago
Rhinestone Cowboy
Om 5.00 in de ochtend boekt Gerard tickets die ons maandagavond met British Airways van Nashville, via Londen naar Amsterdam moeten gaan brengen. Dat is goed nieuws maar betekent ook dat we nog vier hele dagen gaan doorbrengen in muziekstad nummer 1. 
Als je dat zo opschrijft klinkt dat aantrekkelijk. Of dat in werkelijkheid ook zo is moet nog blijken. Zeker omdat er om 15.00 weer een persconferentie gepland staat waarin Trump naar verwachting de noodtoestand gaat uitroepen. Wat daar de strekking van zal zijn valt niet te zeggen. Het lijkt er vooral voor te moeten zorgen dat de juiste hulp de juiste plaatsen kan bereiken en dat er voor ons geen verdere implicaties zijn. Alle evenementen zijn afgelast maar wij hebben in ieder geval onze hotelkamer.
We voelen ons als een Rhinestone Cowboy. Rhinestones zijn bergkristallen, ook wel ‘strass’ genoemd. Het glimt maar is niks waard. We zitten hier op onze hotelkamer in Nashville. Dat klinkt geweldig maar in deze situatie is het alleen maar rhinestone, niks waard.
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Well, I really don't mind the rain And a smile can hide all the pain But you're down when you're ridin' the train that's takin' the long way And I dream of the things I'll do With a subway token and a dollar tucked inside my shoe There'll be a load of compromisin' On the road to my horizon But I'm gonna be where the lights are shinin' on me
Like a rhinestone cowboy Riding out on a horse in a star-spangled rodeo Rhinestone cowboy Gettin' messages from people that we know And more worrisome reports over the phone  
(Laatste 2 zinnen zijn aangepast aan de huidige situatie HF)
(Glen Campbell)
We zijn gewend om in elke situatie waar we voor komen te staan te zoeken naar oplossingen en controle maar in deze situatie is er niet zo heel veel meer wat we kunnen dan afwachten en hopen dat er voor maandagavond niks groots meer verandert. Onze eigen reis eindigt hier uitgestrekt over de komende 4 dagen.
In de middag roept Trump inderdaad de noodtoestand uit. In Europa sluiten landen hun grenzen. In Noorwegen wordt Gerard’s zoon Guido met de hele groep wintersporters uit het hotel gezet en moet zo snel mogelijk het land verlaten. Dat is nog krap omdat de volgende dag ook Denemarken de grenzen sluit en ze daar doorheen moeten. Hij begint aan een helse tocht terwijl wij hier op bed liggen af te wachten. Doe je best Guido!
Toevallig is er in Nashville sinds januari een Glen Campbell museum. We besluiten erheen te gaan om de dag te breken. Als we vroeg in de middag vanuit de lift het museum binnenlopen valt de rust over ons heen. We zijn de enigen en worden persoonlijk rondgeleid.
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Glen was niet alleen een succesvol zanger maar vooral ook een fantastische gitarist die deel uitmaakte van The Wrecking Crew, een groep topmuzikanten die in de jaren ’60 de muziek inspeelde voor talloze bands. In die tijd waren bands nog niet in staat zelfstandig hun muziek uit te voeren. The Wrecking Crew trok van studio naar studio om aankomende hits in te spelen voor bijvoorbeeld The Beach Boys, Elvis, Sonny & Cher, Simon & Garfunkel, The Byrds en The Monkees. Ze spelen mee op meer dan honderd top tien hits! Glen’s solocarrière begon pas daarna. Als hij rond zijn 75ste de diagnose Alzheimer krijgt besluiten hij en zijn familie tot een afscheidstournee. De documentaire die daarvan is gemaakt (‘I’ll Be Me’) laat op indrukwekkende wijze zien hoe belangrijk muziek is als het geheugen het langzaam opgeeft. Op het toneel, gesteund door zijn muzikale kinderen, heeft hij nauwelijks de autocue nodig voor de teksten, alle woorden zitten in zijn systeem. Later in de tour wordt in de autocue aangegeven wanneer hij moet soleren. Er staat dan alleen maar ‘Solo’. Dat is voor Glen genoeg om bijna tot het einde alle bekende solo’s uit zijn gitaar te toveren.
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Als we weer buiten staan gaat het gewone Nashville leven gewoon door maar langs ons heen. Rijdende boomboxen met uitbundige Springbreakers gaan gewoon door met hun leven en de bars zijn allang weer open. Wij eten Italiaans en lopen toch weer met een box naar het hotel. Gelukkig hebben we een ijskast. De avond op Music Row is een stuk rustiger als het geweld Downtown.
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voicesofchaos · 8 years ago
What is your current cube list!?!?!?!>!
Sorry it took so long to reply. Had some updating to do.If yo uare talking about my Magic The Gathering Cube you can find it on CubeTutor, it is like 95% done. I need to cut some black cards and fill in a few more rarity spots. But I have nobody to play with so no rush.http://www.cubetutor.com/viewcube/46304;jsessionid=2C05A19EA661EB1A898107213FF381A4
Seeing how I never talk about that one I would guess you are more likely talking about my Yugioh Cube. I have cut it down to 240 cards to be drafted by 4 people. Deck size is 30 cards for the main decks. It is drafted with each player getting 4 packs of 15 cards. Further I seed it so the first pack everyone gets 2 Extra deck cards and then the next 3 packs after that all have 1 Extra deck card. Here is the current full list below.
Level 1
A/D Changer
Blackwing – Jinthe Rain Shadow
Chaos Necromaner
Flamvell Guard
Level Eater
Magician of Faith
Unknown Synchron
Sinister Serpent
Level 2
Bacon Saver
Blackwing - Fanethe Steel Chain
Blackwing –Mistral the Silver Shield
Fortress Warrior
Mask of Darkness
Quilbolt Hedgehog
Reese the IceMistress
Ryko, LightswornHunter
Shield Wing
Weeping Idol
X-Saber Pashuul
Level 3
Achacha Chanbara
Cloudian –Poison Cloud
Crane crane
Dark Resonator
Drill Barnacle
Elemental HERO IceEdge
Genex Ally Birdman
Giant Soldier OfStone
Inaba White Rabbit
Junk Forward
Junk Synchron
KarakuriStrategist MDL 248 “Nishipachi”
Level Warrior
Marauding Captain
Mataza the Zapper
Naturia Stinkbug
Needle Sunfish
Peropero Cerberus
Phantom KingHydride
Photon Cerberus
Princess ofTsurugi
Raging FlameSprite
Second Booster
Stealth Bird
Wind-up Dog
Zubaba Buster
Level 4
Alexandrite Dragon
Amazoness SwordsWoman
Aqua Spirit
Asura Priest
Aurora Wing
Bazoo TheSoul-Eater
Big Eye
Black Stego
Blade Bounzer
Blade Knight
Blast Sphere
Blizzard Falcon
Blue Thunder T-45
D.D. Warrior
Dark Jeroid
Dark Valkyria
Deep Sweeper
Destiny HERO -Defender
Don Zaloog
Evilswarm Ketos
Flame Tiger
Gagaga Gardna
Gagaga Magician
Gale Lizard
Garuda the WindSpirit
Gear Golem theMoving Fortress
Goblin AttackForce
Goblin EliteAttack Force
Gogogo Golem
Jain, LightswornPaladin
Lord British SpaceFighter
Lyla, LightswornSorceress
Mystery ShellDragon
Morpho Butterspy
Neo Flamvell Sabre
Performapal WhipSnake
Phantom Gryphon
Poison Mummy
Solar Flare Dragon
Tasuke Knight
Trident Warrior
Vampire Lady
Wind-Up Soldier
Winged Sage Falcos
Witch of the BlackForest
Slate Warrior
Angel Trumpeter
Level 5+ Non-Extra
Cyber Dragon
Dragon Ice
Oracle of the Sun
Power Invader
Solar Wind Jammer
Vampire Lord
Chaos CommandMagician
Dododo Warrior
Power Giant
Trance the MagicSwordsman
Lightray Daedalus
Photon Wyvern
Red Ogre
Dark Nephthys
Invader ofDarkness
Pyrotech Mech –Shiryu
Super ConductorTyranno
Zaborg the ThunderMonarch
The Blazing Mars
Extra Deck
Magical Android
Scarred Warrior
Flamvell Uruquizas
Iron Chain Dragon
Gaia Knight, TheForce Of Earth
Ancient FairyDragon
Lightning Warrior
Scrap Archfiend
X-Saber Urbellum
Crimson Blader
Red DragonArchfiend
Gachi GachiGantetsu
Number 20:Giga-Brilliant
Gagaga Cowboy
Gem-Knight Pearl
Number 39: Utopia
Number 61:Volcasaurus
Back-Up Rider
Bait Doll
Burden of theMighty
Burning Land
Creature Swap
Cost Down
Cursed Armaments
Darkworld Shackles
Double Summon
Ego Boost
Ekibyo Darkmord
Enemy Controller
Fiend’s Sanctuary
Full-Force Strike
Half Shut
Hammer Shot
Junk Barrage
Mausoleum of theEmperor
Mind Control
One Day of Peace
Pot of Avarice
Pot of Duality
Ribbon of Rebirth
Rush Recklessly
Shard of Greed
Soul Exchange
Swords ofConcealing Light
Swords ofRevealing Light
Synchro Boost
The Shallow Grave
Twin Swords ofFlashing Light – Tryce
Void Expansion(Blacked out everything after the first sentence)
Giant Trunade
Tsukumo Slash
Acid Trap Hole
Abyss stungray
Breakthrough Skill
Call of theHaunted
Chaos Burst
Curse of Anubis
Dark Bribe
Defense Draw
Draining Shield
Dust Tornado
Fiendish Chain
Half Counter
Hope For Escape
InterdimensionalMatter Transport
Inverse Universe
Just Desserts
Labyrinth ofNightmare
Magic Deflector
Magic Drain
Magic Jammer
Memory Loss
Metal ReflectSlime
Micro Ray
Negate Attack
Nightmare Wheel
No Entry!!
Reverse Glasses
Seven Tools of theBandit
Shadow Spell
The PhantomKnights Of Shadow Veil
Windstorm ofEtaqua
Zero Gravity
Zoma the Spirit
Skill Successor
Bad Aim
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airborn64 · 6 years ago
IFA 2018: Scharf, schärfer - 8K ist der TV-Trend
IFA 2018: Scharf, schärfer – 8K ist der TV-Trend
Susanne Schöne und Markus Tychsen stellen heute die Top-Trends der Internationalen Funkausstellung in Berlin vor. Im Fokus stehen heute die neuen 8K-Fernseher.
In eigener Sache: Wegen des hohen Kommentaraufkommens können wir zurzeit keine Kommentare mehr zulassen.
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yugiohcardsdaily · 6 months ago
Posted Cards Master List - 45.5
rest of March 2023
Staysailor Romarin
Steel Star Regulator
Stellar Wind Wolfrayet
Sunavalon Daphne
Sunavalon Melias
Sunvine Cross Breed
Sunvine Sowing
Supernatural Danger Zone
Synchro Overtake
Synchro Transmission
Terrors of the Underroot
The Breaking Ruin God
The Revived Sky God
The True Sun God
Threshold Borg
Thron the Disciplined Angel
Traptrix Cularia
Traptrix Vesiculo
Trickstar Festival
Ultimate Dragonic Utopia Ray
Ultra Beetrooper Absolute Hercules
Undaunted Bumpkin Beast
Underworld Goddess of the Closed World
Voloferniges, the Darkest Dragon Doomrider
War Rock Skyler
Windwitch - Blizzard Bell
Windwitch - Diamond Bell
Windwitch - Freeze Bell
Windwitch Chimes
You and A.I.
Zexal Alliance
Zexal Construction
Zexal Entrust
Zoroa, the Magistus Conflagrant Calamity
ZS - Armed Sage
ZS - Ascended Sage
ZW - Dragonic Halberd
ZW - Pegasus Twin Saber
Double Tool C&D
Factory of 100 Machines
Gadget Arms
Gadget Driver
Gadget Hauler
Junk Box
Morphtronic Accelerator
Morphtronic Bind
Morphtronic Boarden
Morphtronic Boomboxen
Morphtronic Cameran
Morphtronic Celfon
Morphtronic Clocken
Morphtronic Cord
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