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kaye-mac-reads · 3 years ago
Okay, a little story time...
When I was in my 4th year in high school, my English teacher used to move my chair in front of the class whenever we have a quiz about Greek myth. I remember my face was super close to the black board and no one can sit beside me. Why? Not to brag but it was because I knew the answers to all her Greek myth questions during discussion and I let my seatmates copy some of my answers during our 1st and 2nd quizzes.
And you might wonder how I knew a lot about Greek myth even back then... The truth is I already studied it when I was in the 5th grade AND it was my favorite subject. 😉
So yeah, I studied it twice in school. Fell in love with it the first time I read about it and never got over it since. Hence when I finally had the money, I bought my 2nd paperback (I lost my 1st one cos my family moved a lot) then the illustrated edition when it came out. 😊
Are you a Greek myth fan, too?
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hystericallylost · 3 years ago
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Mythology has always been a favourite genre and Patriarchy has always been in our system. But recently there have been many books saying how special the story feels from the eyes of the strong female characters we have. Be it Chitra to Amish they have done all justice to the female leads. I have read many of these books and also listed some books which have created a mark on the recitation of Mahabharata in a blog I posted recently. Link in my Bio. I'll be posting other books also soon. Also, Kindle has effortlessly keept me sane in the times when books are difficult to get 🖤 Book - ASHTAMAHISHI Author - Radha Viswanath @kindleindia - FREE (Kindle unlimited) #bookreviewindia #bookstoliveby #bookrecommendations #bookreels #bookwormsforlife #booklover #bookstagramindia #bookstagram #hystericallylost #ireadbooks #ireadeverywhere #mythology #krishna #krishnaholic #talesofkrishna #wivesofkrishna #readersofinstagram #readtogether #books #readersofinstagram #readerscommunity #readersofig #talesofmythology (at Raipur - Capital of Chhattisgarh) https://www.instagram.com/p/COSkSMtFRPo/?utm_medium=tumblr
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hanleighbradleyauthor · 4 years ago
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Another Silver Skates book you need to check out is NEVE by Helen Scott! Pre-order >> https://geni.us/SilverSkates4 * * * * * #bookworm #bookworms #littlebookworm #bookwormforlife #bookworm_insta #bookwormsunite #bookwormsfeature #ebookworm #bookwormboutique #bookworming #bookworm🐛 #bookwormsofinstagram #bookwormmode #bookwormforever #totalbookworm #thebookwormbox #bookwormbox #bookworm📚 #bookwormsforlife #bookwormlife📚🐛 #bookwormheaven #bookworm📚🐛 #bookwormcafe #bookwormgift #bookwormgirl #bookwormclub #bookwormproblem #bookwormstatus #bookwormgoals #lifeofabookworm https://www.instagram.com/p/CIOA1leAW6o/?igshid=166knkvxmr9x5
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heatherinhershell · 5 years ago
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My beautiful corner 🤓📚🕯🍁. #readings #readingaddict #readinglife #readingspot #readingcorner #readingbooks #instareading #bookstagram #reading #bookworm #readersofinstagram #inspirational #bookish #bookworm_insta #bookwormlife #bookwormsofinstagram #bookwormsforlife #aesthetic #aesthetics #aesthetic_photos #aestheticblog #aestheticphoto #aestheticpost #aestheticpic #photooftheday #photography📷 #cutecutedit #aestheticpictures #aesthetictextposts #aestheticphotos https://www.instagram.com/p/B2hubq1HYmo/?igshid=m24f74xynko3
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jasmineemilylife · 7 years ago
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Hey guess what guys I'm buying and reading books again I know it's been awhile but here's the latest one I have #iftheresnotomorrow By #JenniferLArmentrout If there's no tomorrow By Jennifer L. Armentrout #bookwormsforlife
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claudia-divora-libri · 5 years ago
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Buonasera lettori! Scusate l'orario, ma come al solito me ne sono dimenticata, e se non postavo ora non postavo mai più😂 In ogni caso, sul blog potete trovare l'articolo con il Wrap Up di giugno! Dato che il mese scorso ho sostenuto gli esami di maturità, le letture sono andate un po' a rilento, soprattutto riguardo il secondo libro che ho letto... Se volete saperne di più andate al LINK IN BIO! #qotd Voi che libri avete letto il mese scorso? #wrapup #tbrlist #toberead #tobereadlist #wrapupjune #bookstoread #booksread #libriletti #leggereovunque #letturatime #amoleggere #lovereading #lovereadings #lovereadingbooks #readinglove #readinglover #quandotutteledonnedelmondo #labanalitàdelmale #bookstagrammeritalia #bookstagrammers #bookstagramitalia #bookstagramitalia📚 #bookwormsunite #bookwormsofinstagram #bookwormsfeature #bookwormsph #bookwormsforlife #readingbooks #topodibiblioteca https://www.instagram.com/p/CCoupCLqnio/?igshid=57z2emlqoxrw
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theperpetual-writer · 5 years ago
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Featured on New Years Day. https://wnbnetworkwest.com/featured-author/Brian%20Huey ... ..... ... To purchase Perpetual, BrianHuey.com or wherever books are sold. Happy last days of 2019. 🎆 .. .. ... #adventurenovel #googlebooks #theauthorsshow #bntheknow #bnbookclub #theperpetualwriter #vwbusmagazine #novelsbybrianhuey #fictionwriters #fictionbooks #fictionalcharacters #fictionwriter #crimefiction #historicalfiction #fiction #parkroadbooks #charlottebooks #charlottebookclub #bookaddictknnbn #bookstagram #books #bookshelf #bookshelves #bookclub #bookworm #bookaholic #bookmark #booknerd #bookwormsforlife #novelistsofinstagram (at Darkhan, Darhan-Uul, Mongolia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6qefA6gSxO/?igshid=u87pqzs5m0bb
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kaye-mac-reads · 3 years ago
🥳 Book Mail! 🎉 Finally the first batch is here. I've ordered a few books from the US and UK and I'm super excited to see the rest of them. Can't wait! 😅😊
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hystericallylost · 3 years ago
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उर्दू में मोहब्बत उर्दू से मोहब्बत उर्दू हैं मोहब्बत उर्दू में हर शब्द मोहब्बत 🖤 I picked this book from the National Book Fair, Raipur 2021. I love book fairs for the variety it brings and for the exposure it gives. Ever wondered, amazon has a list of best reads but does that mean the other books are in anyway less. But human mind tends to run with the herd. not at all wrong but not fully right. I decide this year to read some not so famous books and I'm amazed at how beautiful this decision has turned out to be. And also, if you love short stories like I do, give this a try. Publication - @nbtindia Print rate - ₹125 (Although got good discounts cause I stacked so many books from this stall) . कहानी संकलन ख़ूबसूरत इसलिए भी होते है क्योंकि किसीने अपने दिल के टुकड़े किताब में पिरोए होते है। तुम अपने पसंद की सारी बातें जानते हो लेक़िन कभी किसी और कि पसंदीदा बातों ��ो सुनना कितना ही खूबसूरत हो सकता है। . नीचे comments में ज़रूर बताए अपने पसंदीदा संकलन। किताब के बारे में - नाम - उर्दू कहानियां संकलन - रज़िया सज्जाद ज़हीर अनुवाद - गुलवंत फ़ारिग़ . #hystericallylost #bookstoliveby #booklover #bookrecommendations #bookwormsforlife #bookstagramindia #bookstagram #bookreviewindia #kitaabsebaatein #kitaab #kitaabonkialmaarise #किताब #urdu #उर्दू (at Raipur) https://www.instagram.com/p/COCSU-ilpPS/?utm_medium=tumblr
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hystericallylost · 3 years ago
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Current read - The art of thinking clearly By @rolf.dobelli 🖤 Fickle-minded must read! Decision making is something very important and I always struggle so here I am. Will update as soon as I finish. . #hystericallylost #bookstoliveby #booklover #bookrecommendations #bookwormsforlife #bookstagramindia #bookstagram (at Raipur) https://www.instagram.com/p/CN717SSlLye/?utm_medium=tumblr
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hanleighbradleyauthor · 4 years ago
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I love the predictive text game! Type "Love sucks because" into your device and see what it suggests... * * * * * #bookworm #bookworms #littlebookworm #bookwormforlife #bookworm_insta #bookwormsunite #bookwormsfeature #ebookworm #bookwormboutique #bookworming #bookworm🐛 #bookwormsofinstagram #bookwormmode #bookwormforever #totalbookworm #thebookwormbox #bookwormbox #bookworm📚 #bookwormsforlife #bookwormlife📚🐛 #bookwormheaven #bookworm📚🐛 #bookwormcafe #bookwormgift #bookwormgirl #bookwormclub #bookwormproblem #bookwormstatus #bookwormgoals #lifeofabookworm https://www.instagram.com/p/CHaICTmg6ud/?igshid=s4886e29oq0x
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hanleighbradleyauthor · 4 years ago
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Pop into the exclusive area on my website to read this excerpt from one of my books... https://www.hanleighbradley.com/sneak-a-peek * * * * * #bookworm #bookworms #littlebookworm #bookwormforlife #bookworm_insta #bookwormsunite #bookwormsfeature #ebookworm #bookwormboutique #bookworming #bookworm🐛 #bookwormsofinstagram #bookwormmode #bookwormforever #totalbookworm #thebookwormbox #bookwormbox #bookworm📚 #bookwormsforlife #bookwormlife📚🐛 #bookwormheaven #bookworm📚🐛 #bookwormcafe #bookwormgift #bookwormgirl #bookwormclub #bookwormproblem #bookwormstatus #bookwormgoals #lifeofabookworm https://www.instagram.com/p/CGfl0rXgyzA/?igshid=1jzbb18x4x8ge
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hanleighbradleyauthor · 4 years ago
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GIVEAWAY TIME!⠀ Pick TRICK or TREAT for the chance to win an ebook of your choice.⠀ ⠀ *⠀ *⠀ *⠀ *⠀ *⠀ #bookworm #bookworms #littlebookworm #bookwormforlife #bookworm_insta #bookwormsunite #bookwormsfeature #ebookworm #bookwormboutique #bookworming #bookworm🐛 #bookwormsofinstagram #bookwormmode #bookwormforever #totalbookworm #thebookwormbox #bookwormbox #bookworm📚 #bookwormsforlife #bookwormlife📚🐛 #bookwormheaven #bookworm📚🐛 #bookwormcafe #bookwormgift #bookwormgirl #bookwormclub #bookwormproblem #bookwormstatus #bookwormgoals #lifeofabookworm https://www.instagram.com/p/CGLixebg8oh/?igshid=17bxi9mbgpxdc
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