poetunias · 10 months
hi, im cait!! i used to be pretty active on writeblr as booksnotbookies/emmie but went on hiatus when i started uni. I'll probably make a ~fancy~ intro post soon, but a lot of my old moots are no longer active and I'd love to meet more writeblrs! i love to read pretty much anything (but esp historical/science fiction) so interact with this post so I can find yalls blogs <33
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ninazeniks · 4 years
🌹, please - thanks!!
“I’m still not doing your stupid plan,” I warned before letting go.
send me a rose 🌹  for a random sentence from a wip
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teriwrites · 4 years
4 and 15 for the ask game, please? thanks!
Of course, thank you!
4. Are you including any tropes or narrative elements you’ve never tried before?
I’m going to be totally real with you here, not really. There is a little more focus on biological family, whereas I typically write more found-family relationships, but I already knew going into this November that it’s going to be an extra challenge for a number of reasons, so I’m mostly sticking with the things I know I enjoy!
15. If you’re a past participant or winner, do you have any advice to share?
I am! This is going to be year 10, which is intimidating to think about. As for advice, I definitely believe that different systems and set-ups work for everybody, but here are a few general things:
1. Find friends who are also participating! 
My first year, I was doing okay-ish, honestly slogging through it, but I ended up joining this little writing chat and met other people who were also doing NaNo. Having other people to write with and complain to and encourage was the thing that not only got me through the end of the month but also gave me the excitement and energy to come back to it the next year. You don’t have to be super active on the forums, or even have a huge group of people. But writing buddies, or even just one writing buddy, goes a long way, especially during the tougher parts of the month.
2. Making the challenge fun! 
Personally, I’m a big fan of writing games. Word wars, crawls, forum challenges, throwing in random prompts, sprints, tournaments. There are a million different ways to spin writing into mini challenges. It’s helpful towards reaching the wordcount, it’s often a solid social way of connecting with other people, it can be competitive or light-hearted, whatever you make of it. 
And obviously there are more ways. Having incentives is one thing I live by (usually, I’ll stock up on Halloween candy and bribe myself for completing the day’s wordcount goal).
3. Time management
Honestly, the time management might be the hardest part of NaNoWriMo for me, even over getting the words on the page. I’m not saying give up Netflix for the entire month or abandon your friends and hole up in your room. But sometimes, there are extra things that we can set aside for a little bit. Personally, my classes have slightly longer ‘passing’ times than most semesters right now. Usually, I’ll just be scrolling through social media or something. Next month, it’s a goal of mine to try to make use of those 20-30 minutes where I’m not really responsible for anything. 
4. Slumps will happen. This is okay. Acknowledge it, accept it, do what you can and don’t burn yourself out.
This is normal. Trying to write an entire novel (or a large chunk of one) in a month is a huge feat! There has never once been a year where I haven’t fallen behind at some point. Usually, in the 30,000 range, I crash. Sustaining the kind of energy that you have on the 1st of November throughout the entire month is impossible. But if you find yourself slipping behind a bit, don’t panic! Just write what you can and don’t give up! If you’re really feeling burnt out, you can take a day or two off. Catching up on 3,333 later is a lot easier than if you try to force yourself through and completely crash. 
4.5 - This is more for people who have participated before, but if you know where you are going to end up crashing, be aware of this! You’re super motivated at the start and end of the month, less so in the middle? Maybe set a higher goal for days during those times, and give yourself the leeway to accomplish less when you’re feeling burnt out.
5. Be kind to yourself.
ESPECIALLY this year. We’re still in a pandemic! Attempting to create anything at all is a feat that you should be proud of! This sort of relates to the last one, but if you’re feeling frustrated, if you’re ready to quit, let yourself take breaks! The plan was to write 1,000 words after dinner, but you ended up spending two hours on tumblr instead? It happens. Don’t beat yourself up over the little things (or really any of the things). Easier said than done, obviously, but if you’re starting to feel yourself get worked up, go watch a funny video. (It’s actually been shown that certain emotions have a difficult time coexisting. Two of these are anger and amusement. So seriously, if you feel super worked up and you’re getting mad, I highly recommend vine compilations, or something else that you know you’ll laugh at!)
6. Just write!
I hate myself for putting that down as if it’s that easy. But really, the whole point of NaNoWriMo is not to have a shiny new manuscript by the end of the month. That’s the titular challenge, sure, but at the end of the day, the real goal here is to write more than you otherwise would’ve. You end up with 35,000 on 1 December? Well, guess what? That could easily be 35,000 more than you would’ve! And it’s a lot easier to work with 35,000 written words than 50,000 in your head. So don’t give up!
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elycwinters · 4 years
🌹, please - thanks!
This line is from my newest novel project, a duology tentatively called ‘The Eternal Summer’:
I am not suggesting, Magdalena dear, that we sit in the park in broad daylight and feed.
for every “🌹” received in my inbox i’ll post one random sentence of a random WIP i’m currently writing
Thank you for asking!
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You are such a supportive and nice person and you are amazing at writing descriptions. Like, teach me your ways. Also, I know your current WIP is pretty new but from what I’ve heard about it I love it so much!
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honeyscript · 4 years
Gemini for the ask game please?
gemini: how often will your plot change throughout the course of writing?
asjdkfkf—like a lot! i rarely plot things out. even when i do, the story almost always takes another direction.
send me zodiac writing asks ♡
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suchatinyinfinity · 4 years
B and I for the ask game, please? thanks!
Thank you so much for asking!
B. What’s your writing kryptonite? 
Probably dialogue. It’s just daunting to write, and I’ve always felt that way. I can’t explain why, but give me an inner thoughts type thing and I’ll write it quickly and painlessly, no problem.
I. What’s your writing spirit animal?
I sort of answered that in the last part of your other question! It’s either what I mentioned there, or setting a scene. One of my main goals is for my readers to be able to envision themselves in the place I’m hopefully showing, not telling, or to at least be able to see, hear, etc everything that’s going on... like painting an interactive picture, if that makes sense. 
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bookandcranny · 4 years
Q and W for the ask game, please? thanks!
thank YOU
do you have a specific process for writing?
i dont know if this is like. a Process per se but i usually write a super super rough draft in my notes app and then rewrite everything/make any big changes in google docs for my second draft and then go back in and do some smaller edits for the final draft usually at least a day later so i have time to like sit and process and all.
i usually still dont feel super confident about it by the final version but like thats just the price i pay for not having a beta
are you a planner or a pantser? Or somewhere in between?
it kinda depends on the thing. sometimes i get an idea in my head that im like so fixated on and feels so complete already that i just fuckin GO and sometimes its like ok i know two scenes and the ending how do i uhhhh turn that it into an actual coherent sequence of events
the good thing about mostly writing shorter fiction these days is its easier to like not get super caught up in planning and just start
get to know the writer ask meme
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ashen-crest · 1 year
emry’s first guild concert
oh, we gettin’ there folks!! what does Emry have planned?? what dumb thing is he going to do now?? cal’s gonna find out soon!!
Emry jumped and whirled around. Cal stood behind him, hands clasped in front of her, nervously tossing a glance over her shoulder. “I’m sorry, I just—Damir said I could stop by, but only for a few seconds—”
“Hey.” He grabbed her hands without thinking, only realizing then how much his hands were shaking. He regained his breath, then looked down at her hands and tried to steady his own. “Thank you. I...” He regained his breath, then looked down at her hands and tried to steady his own. “I wouldn’t have gotten here without you. You know that, right?”
Cal gave him a wide, proud smile. “I think this was entirely on your own merit, sir.”
“Look around you. Look at this place,” Cal said, her eyes sparkling in the footlights beyond the curtain. “This is all yours tonight. Sir.”
A hundred emotions—love, guilt, fear—ripped through Emry’s chest, and he tucked a curl behind Cal’s ear with a hand that shook even harder than before. “No matter what happens tonight—will you trust me?”
Cal’s expression faltered. “What do you mean?”
Emry opened his mouth, but Damir appeared at the curtain. “It’s time.”
“One, two, three!” Sage squeezed Emry’s arm, then squared her shoulders and headed onto the stage. Emry took in a ragged breath and kissed Cal, the gesture warm and insistent and scared.
“Trust me,” he whispered. “Please.”
Then Damir was guiding Cal back into the shadows, and Aspen pulling Emry into the light.
Spirit Well taglist under the cut (ask to be +/-):
@crystallized-ink, @little-boats-on-a-lake, @semblanche, @theramwrites, @wordsbycreed, @pretend-im-normal-blog, @mel-writes-with-her-dragons, @wildswrites, @ladywithalamp, @ettawritesnstudies, @mj-is-writing, @cecilsstorycorner, @write-your-own-stories, @chayscribbles, @storytracks, @lightningmastertrilogy, @magic-is-something-we-create, @authortango, @thegoldenseries, @lunewell, @vellichor-virgo, @writeblrfantasy, @weaver-of-fantasies-and-fables, @bronwennjames, @akindofmagictoo, @pheita, @talesfromaurea, @starryeve88, @the-finch-address, @alexwritesfiction, @47crayons, @jadeywrites, @writing-with-l, @the-titular-bird, @sagasofazeria, @thelaughingstag, @dragon-swords-prophecies, @drabbleitout, @houndmouthed, @drowsy-quill, @jaimistoryteller, @zmwrites, @pe-ersona, @booksnotbookies, @the-orangeauthor, @extra-magichours, @athenswrites, @bebewrites, @thatonedreamer
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ace-malarky · 4 years
Hello!! (^-^*)/ List five things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you. Get to know your mutuals and followers 🌺 🌺💕💕💕🔥🔥
 Five things that make me happy, huh?
1. juggling (I’ve started practicing more every time I get distracted from work and it’s beginning to go well!)
2. DnD (my group are ridiculously hilarious and a beautiful train wreck)
3. cycling (I haven’t in m o n t h s but it’s so satisfying to get back out)
4. film nights (watching stuff while on call with Ems or my parents for that sweet faux company)
5. Twilight Princess (I picked up an old save file again and I’m just remembering how much I loved this game when it came out)
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ettawritesnstudies · 2 years
Friday Kiss Tag
Thanks @dontjudgemeimawriter for the tag! I think there was also some other people to tagged me but I don't remember who so I'm very sorry if I msised you. This is for Madelyn and Seth, I think.... maybe... this might be first kiss scene I've... ever written? I hope I'm doing this right sldkfjsdlkj.
Their notes and plans lay abandoned on the table as the night stretched late and Madelyn and Seth moved to the couch to continue their discussion. It'd been hours of debate and refining ideas, scheming about the future, circuitous tangents about everything and nothing, an excuse to drag the visit out just a little while longer.
It'd been a few months since their confession, and Madelyn still couldn't quite believe her fortune. After all their history, seeing the worst sides of each other, fighting with each other, fighting with each other... she realized she couldn't deny the fierce fondness she held for the witty, honorable, brave man who sat beside her now. Even more shocking was the realization that he loved her back, with all her stubbornness, despite her previous rejections, in his endless patience and quiet devotion from a respectful distance she had been so blind to notice for so long.
And now, there was no distance between them anymore. His arm was around her and rested gently on her waist as she leaned into his chest. Soft, steady, sturdy, secure. She couldn't make out his heartbeat, but could feel the rumble in his lungs as he spoke; slow and thoughtful responses to her theories whipping around like a whirlwind.
Eventually the conversation came to a lull as the deep-set exhaustion of a demanding week and the reality of the late hour sank in, and Seth gathered himself to leave the study and return to his own quarters. Madelyn sighed as his arm left her shoulders and they stood. It was so natural to be near him - not the giddy rush of a childish crush, or the sparks of passion flashing through her stomach, but a peace so fundamental that she noticed the cold void of its absence. He smiled at a joke she cracked, and she felt warm with the satisfaction of seeing his lips twitch upward into that fleeting, soft expression he guarded so closely but gave away freely to her.
"Thank you for keeping me company," she said, giving him a hug goodbye, "I'll see you in the morning but don't want to keep you from rest."
"You're never a burden, I want to spend time with you," Seth reassured her. Then, as she began to look up at him, she felt her chest tighten. Not the familiar anxiety of betrayal, the paranoia that wormed its way into every other interaction, but a new sensation of anticipation. They were so close, face to face, not for the first time but it was such a nice night and she didn't want it to end. Should she ask for more?
Before she could say anything else, she felt his lips brush against the top of her head. A shy test, a safe gamble. He was always so careful to respect her boundaries, knowing she would create the permission to let him in if she wanted, willing to wait for her cue. Now, she wanted take his.
"Aren't you going to give me a kiss goodnight?" she asked.
There was that beautiful, endearing smile again, and then she tiptoed as he leaned down to bring his lips to hers. First a soft brush, before leaning into the embrace, his hands gently cupping around her head, fingers weaving through her loose hair, pulling her close. She let herself melt in his warmth. No need anymore for worry or doubt. She could be happy, here and now, with him, and no gods or devils would take the beauty of this moment from them.
Tagging the Laoche list, you're all welcome to join if you want but here's some fluff for y'all. Ask if you want to be added or removed~
Laoche tag list reblog: @thescreamingtwenties @abalonetea @yearlyaquariace @inkwell-attitude @re-writing-h @andiwriteunderthemoon @viawrites-andacts @thescatteredscribbles @booksnotbookies @writeblrfantasy @siarven @talesfromaurea @avian-king @solennitawrites @thelaughingstag @violetcancerian @solangelo-is-my-otp @jacquesfindswritingandadvice
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ninazeniks · 4 years
hi, may i be added to the taglist for tuition, please? thank you so much
yes, thank you for the interest!
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teriwrites · 3 years
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a wip reintroduction
genre -> fantasy
status -> drafting (first draft)
pov -> 3rd person limited, past tense
setting -> fictional Welsh town of Bildenbey at the turn of the 20th century
themes -> trust, sacrifice, family, folklore, fae
When Winnie Pewitt’s younger brother is taken by the fair folk, the entire town of Bildenbey accepts his fate as irreversible. But Winnie, determined, headstrong, and a little bit reckless, has never been one to take things idly by. Investigating the creek by which her brother, Bran, disappeared, Winnie discovers a faerie ring along the other bank, and inside it, a strange man who may know more about Bran’s abduction than he lets on.
They were going to bury an empty casket at little Bran Pewitt’s funeral. There were few other options when a child was taken by the fair folk. Occasionally, something turned up by the faerie rings - a shoe, a handkerchief, a hat - but there wasn’t so much as a button to retrieve from where he’d disappeared. Whether or not those who left were actually dead was up for debate, but none had ever returned, and a funeral had to be arranged all the same.
It had been some time since any had been claimed by the fae, and the small, Welsh town of Bildenbey was abuzz with the news. The Pewitt family had done their best to contain the rumors spreading about their boy, so, of course, gossip had already reached even the least sociable of the area.
more excerpts, character intros, general tag
Tag List:
@booksnotbookies @cecilsstorycorner
Feel free to ask to be added/removed from the tag list!
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atelierwriting · 4 years
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THE DROWNED GIRL: quotes that i like.
the truth is a weapon that viv is unused to wielding, but she would wield it nonetheless.
don’t look at me, she says. don’t look at me like i’m someone i’m not.
missing, martyred, gone.
I AM HISTORY, the street lamps say. DON’T FORGET ME.
read a draft here
taglist (send an ask to be added, dm to be removed): @cheshawrites, @avtful, @sondials, @tarttisms, @themillionthdraft, @heartwarning, @bulletgirl, @fairnell, @sprigofbasil, @ezrathings, @septemberliterature, @booksnotbookies
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Happy Storyteller Saturday! If your characters could choose another instrument to learn, which would they choose and why? (Or are they just too loyal to their first loves to pick another?) Thanks!
Marta can play the piano and the violin a little but would really enjoy learning to play the mandolin because, let’s face it, mandolins are cool.
Andras would like to learn the cello because if his dumbass roommate Franz can play the cello it can’t really be that hard, can it?
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chuchoters · 4 years
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hi, everybody! i’m camille, she/her, a minor, and formerly @chuchoters-archive. i decided to move blogs because i felt my old one was a bit too cluttered for my liking. i’m an intj and a gryffindor primary/slytherin secondary. i’ve been writing since i was six and dabble in both poetry and fiction. 
some of my favorite novels are red white and royal blue, the gilded wolves, six of crows, autoboyography, gods of jade and shadow, mexican gothic, the song of achilles, a study in charlotte, and these violent delights. my favorite genres to write are poetry, romance, contemporary, and fantasy.
i don’t have exact details right now because i’m in the process of revamping a bunch of wips but i can say i’m working on a chapbook, a ya dark academia, and a ya high fantasy.
tagging a few mutuals from my old blog and my taglists:
@ortolon @vaelinor @arkicts @hiddenhistoria @tae-mv @stardustspiral @therecouldbecolorsandlove @cream-and-tea @tormentings @analogued @veiliza @etoilesvp @leevfrancis @booksnotbookies @beas-writeblr @write-gallagher 
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