#wip | awoeai
sourrcandy · 3 years
🥡 hey harls, congrats on 500!! could i have a wip playlist for embers and infernos? the tag is /tagged/wip | awoeai thank you <33
HERE is your playlist faith!!
dystopian wip playlists are always fun to make,, especially spy stuff 👀🤝
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ninazeniks · 4 years
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— Set, Hadley
— Reyes, Ilyana 'Ilya’ Antonia
“You need a damn handler.”
Ilya grinned up at me, bloody mouth and all. “I thought that was your job.”
wip page | tag | taglist under the cut, ask to be added or removed !!
@noloumna @tarttisms @incipientdream @mahalii @adaparkwrites @perditism​
@wildswrites​ @herondalelucies​ @sautrns​ @aepreall​ @hekat-ie​
psd - @lubsofrph
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ninazeniks · 4 years
last lines tag
i was tagged by @bebewrites !! i haven’t written for eai in a while between uni and outlining for camp nano, but this is one of my favourite bits lately!
Dimitri curved a hand around my calf, smoothing up and down in a wordless comfort. I hated that it worked.
“I don’t want to talk about it,” I whispered into my knees again.
“I know,” he repeated, but tugged at me gently, until I curled up against his side.
“I miss him,” my voice cracked and I wiped my face against his shirt. “I hate that I do and I know I shouldn’t, but all I want to do is talk to him and cry in his office and steal his stupid leftover dinners from the office fridge.”
It was all I’d wanted since I left.
He hummed, prying the bottle from my fingers to take his own swig.
I was never going to be able to do that again. My head spun nauseatingly. Even if I ever did see Murphy again, I was most certainly under shoot on sight orders — I’d be getting no grand reunion, just a bullet in the brain. I’d refused to be a pawn in their game, a piece on a chessboard, but I sacrificed the only family I had left.
i tag @zmlorenz @chalkflint @perditism @akindofmagictoo and anyone else who wants to, no pressure!
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ninazeniks · 4 years
colour line tag
i was tagged by @writingbyjillian, and my colours are blue, white and cream! thank you!! i don’t use the word cream in any of my manuscripts ever apparently?? so i used longer excerpts haha, both from embers and infernos
— blue, chapter 32
“Ilya,” and the thinly veiled panic in his voice was a bucket of ice over the heat in my stomach. “What the hell?” His hand ghosted against my shoulder blade, and I flinched automatically, stepping away.
“Is it bad?” I almost twisted to try to see, before I thought better of it. I could see some of the bruise creeping around my side, a patchwork of faded brown and vicious new blue-black.
“Well, yeah, Ilya, you’re basically one big bruise from here,” his hand brushed the top of where my jeans met skin and I tried to hide my shiver — his hands were icy cold against my inflamed side, “to your shoulder. You’ve got some cuts, but they’re mostly scabbed over by now. It’s pretty nasty.”
— white, chapter 22
Ilya was right behind her, white as a ghost, even through the rain. I didn’t know whose coat Ilya filched, but it was huge on her, swallowing her narrow shoulders and falling past her hips. She’d rolled it up twice around her wrists where she had her arms crossed over her chest.
“I stole your jacket,” Ilya grinned at me weakly, an empty thing. “Sorry.”
“You’ve already got my shirt, I’ll add it to your tab.” I offered her a hand to get down, she didn’t even have shoes on and she looked wobbly. She stretched out beside me; my hood fell to cover her hair but she still grimaced at the wet roof under her.
“Head in, Luca, the grown ups are talking.” Hadley clapped him on the shoulder when she dropped down.
“Thank fuck,” he muttered, rolling up to stand and handing over the rifle.
i tag @violetwrites @ardawyn @unholieds @perditism and anyone else who wants to do it, seriously consider this an open tag!! your colours are ruby/red, emerald/green, and since i couldn’t find it, cream!
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ninazeniks · 3 years
Ilya: *Taps foot*
Murphy: *Taps foot in response*
Dimitri: Stop that
Murphy: Stop what?
Dimitri: You’re talking about me in morse code
Ilya: Yeah, that’s what we’re doing. In our very limited freetime, we took a class on a very outdated, very unnecessary form of communication just so we could talk about you in front of you.
Ilya, to Hadley: That’s...exactly what we did.
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ninazeniks · 3 years
Hello! For the ask game, 💔?
thank you ksheerja!!
“I know you’re proud of me. You’re always proud of me, even when I do stupid shit like a suicide trip into a war zone. And I know you’d love me if I didn’t, too, because that shit’s unconditional. Just…” Her voice was wet. His throat ached in sympathy. “Don’t worry about that, okay? I know. I always knew.”
She was trying to tell him she’d die knowing she was loved.
-- embers and infernos
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ninazeniks · 4 years
📖 Share the last line of any chapter.
“What do we do now?”
I pried my head out of my hands. “Now we die,” I confirmed grimly.
- awoeai chapter ten
send me an ask from the wip excerpt game
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ninazeniks · 4 years
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it’s been a hot minute since i’ve posted anything related to my wips, but my semester is almost over and artbreeder is addictive, so here’s the core four from embers and infernos plus some new ~ mystery love interests ~
ilya reyes | dimitri astin | hadley set
myeong krii | elliot farrier | laurel heath
general taglist
@noloumna @tarttisms @incipientdream @etoileemacabre @mahalii @adaparkwrites @neptunely
awoeai taglist
@wildswrites @weasleyvictoire @herondalelucies @sautrns @kilkrie @aepreall @inheriting @a-writing-cat
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ninazeniks · 4 years
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Heads Up, 7 Up
thanks for the tag, @writingamongtheroses-archive!
pov of one ilya reyes, angst child.
i tag @scarletphantom @violetwrites @tarttisms @marmaladewords @akoumi @emdrabbles @wordsofpaintandsmoke and anyone who wants to do it, no pressure!!
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ninazeniks · 4 years
first lines tag
rules: share the first line (or first few lines) of each chapter of your current manuscript! feel free to skip chapters to avoid spoilers, and you can do as many chapters as you want!
i was tagged by @alxdlast @vellichor-virgo @arkicts thank you!!
[redacted] is for spoilers/anything that just wouldn’t make sense without the spolier context! i’ve got a lot of chapters here, so i���ll put the rest under a read more!
i tag @perditism @chishiio @etoilesvp and anyone else, no pressure!!
1. I picked ash out from under my thumbnail.
2. Kovaj as a whole spread far beyond Kovaj Landing. The Landing was the political epicentre, the capital, the most glorious of all the cities, or the most shameful, depending on who you asked.
3. “Not that you aren’t always a sight for sore eyes, but you’ve certainly looked better.”
4. Ringing burst through both my pager and my tablet, nearly sending me careening to the floor.
5. I swung my legs back and forth over the edge of my hospital bed as the doctor waved her penlight in front of my eyes.
6. I absently wished I had a fireplace.
7. [redacted]
8. “Not to alarm anyone, but I’m pretty sure the girl walking towards the compound right now is Ilya Reyes. Uh, over?”
9. The walls of the rebel compounds were heavy, grey concrete and had to be closing in around me.
10. [redacted]
11. I was in the middle of the parking lot when Hadley’s message came across my tablet.
12. Hadley poked her head in a few doors along the hallway until she settled on one, giving it a nod of approval before ushering us in. She leaned against the door frame, not crossing the threshold.
13. I didn’t get much of a chance to sulk outside, leaning against the back wall of the compound, before I was interrupted.
14. [redacted]
15. Myeong stood up awkwardly, flicking back between Hadley and I like she was waiting for one of us to snap. “I’m gonna go… somewhere not here,” she said bluntly, and left the room like a bat out of hell.
16. [redacted]
17. [redacted]
18. [redacted]
19. I hadn’t done radio surveillance in years. It was intern work, sitting and taking notes. Myeong, however, took to it with her usual gusto.
20. Blood dripped on the floor.
21. “Ramsey, Hadley and Reyes are here asking for an update, is there anything I can tell them?”
22. The world was on fire and rain was coming down in sheets.
23. I did not, in fact, win my fight to bully Ramsey into giving me another update until well past the evening.
24. When I was jerked out of sleep by my radio, a blare of static jolting through the speaker, I jumped so hard I knocked the legs of my rickety plastic chair out from under me and ended up on my ass.
25. I didn’t puke in the hospital, but it was a near thing.
26. [redacted]
27. I wish I could say the gut-punch of attraction to Dimitri was my most pressing problem, but that didn’t last very long.
28. It took a moment to register who Julian Murphy was exactly, before I remembered where I’d seen him before. At Ilya’s shoulder through countless shootouts, carrying her limp body a month ago, his name overheard on hushed conversations between her and Myeong.
29. “Did something… happen with Ilya today?” Hadley asked, laying in her bed across the room. There was an edge of a laugh in her voice.
30. Patrol started out about as promising as I expected, with Hadley waking me up by beaming me in the face with a water bottle.
31. I vaulted through the window, weight shifting on my good shoulder, and immediately regretted my choices. It was all but pitch black, no power, like Ramsey said, and the debris particles swirling outside blocked any light coming in from the few windows that were visible.
32. “It’s my fault,” the words came out a whisper, but Hadley and Dimitri both snapped to look at me.
33. I was all too correct. It did hurt like a bitch in the morning.
34. “No,” I blurted out, half sliding off the stool. Hadley caught my elbow to steady me, but I ducked away, nerves alight. “No, no, that’s not what I’m trying to do here at all I swear —,”
35. [redacted]
36. Even Myeong was there, curled on the couch. She wouldn’t look at me. I wouldn’t push. She was alive, well enough to walk on her own now. That was good enough for me.
37. I had to give it to Ilya, she knew how to piss people off.
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ninazeniks · 4 years
- @akindofmagictoo
“She’s trying to do better, to right her own wrongs, but now that she finally realizes she can, she has no power left to do so.“
send me a rose 🌹  for a random sentence from a wip
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ninazeniks · 4 years
wip themes tag
i was tagged by @arkicts and @chazzawrites thank you!!
rules: bold themes that are very present in your wip, italicise ones that are more subtle!
embers and infernos
addiction | beauty | betrayal | change vs. tradition | chaos vs. order | circle of life | coming of age | communication | convention vs. rebellion | corruption | courage | crime and law | dangers of ignorance | darkness and light | death | desire to escape | dreams | displacement | empowerment | facing darkness | facing reality | faith vs. doubt | fall from grace | fame and fortune | family | fate | fear | fear of failure | free will | friendship | fulfilment | good vs. bad | government | greed | guilt and forgiveness | hard work | heroism | hierarchy | honesty | hope | identity crisis | immortality | independence | individual vs. society | inner vs. outer strength | innocence | injustice | isolation | knowledge vs. ignorance | life | loneliness | lost love | love | man vs. nature | manipulation | materialism | motherhood | nature | nature vs. nurture | oppression | optimism | peer pressure | poverty | power | power of words | prejudice | pride | progress | quest | racism | rebirth | relationships | religion | responsibility | revenge | sacrifice | secrets | self-awareness | self-preservation | self-reliance | sexuality | social class structure | survival | technology | temptation and destruction | time | totalitarianism | weakness | vanity | war | wealth | wisdom of experience | youth
i tag @agnosthesias @chuchoters @vellichor-virgo @alxdlast and anyone else who wants to!!
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ninazeniks · 4 years
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wtw event: day five - antagonists
→ a war of embers and infernos - kovaj intelligence
Kovaj Intelligence, or KovIn, as it was actually called by everyone but probably Willian, was an lovechild created at the intersection of politics and security. They went hand in hand; a magnificent, two-headed beast of an intelligence agency and a political party.
awoeai tag | awoeai page
taglists - ask to be +/-   (awoeai taglist: @wildswrites @weasleyvictoire @herondalelucies @sautrns @kilkrie @aepreall @inheriting @a-writing-cat)
(general taglist: @noloumna @tarttisms @incipientdream @etoileemacabre @mahalii @adaparkwrites)
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ninazeniks · 4 years
depending on how productive my brain is feeling today,, we could hit 50k on embers and infernos (!!)
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ninazeniks · 4 years
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a war of embers and infernos powerpoint
i am a little late with that and i’m not totally happy with it, but take it anyway!!
taglist below, ask to be +/-
awoeai taglist - @wildswrites @weasleyvictoire @herondalelucies @sautrns @kilkrie @aepreall
general - @noloumna @tarttisms @incipientdream @drakonblud
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ninazeniks · 4 years
so embers and infernos is officially a trilogy because i have Many Thoughts and No Self Control
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