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byfaithmedia · 8 months ago
The cherubim were a mystery but in the ancient world the cherubim were everywhere. Take a look at their legacy.
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librarycomic · 2 years ago
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Let There Be Light: The Real Story Of Her Creation by Liana Finck. Random House, 2022. 9781984801531. http://www.powells.com/book/-9781984801531?partnerid=34778&p_bt
In Part I: Past, God creates everything: the heavens and earth, night and day, everything on the Earth. She's a little more despondent and lonely than I'd have suspected, but she has a few wild, joyous moments too. Then she makes man (and Lilith, Monster of the Night). And man starts naming everything, including her. And when he names her "she [transforms] into a stern old man with a  beard." (That's true only in man's mind though. Ha.) When man is a little sad God has to tell him he's right about everything, and then makes him a friend, woman. Everything is great, but then all of that stuff with the tree of knowledge happens, followed by the story of exile and Cain and Abel and a brilliant comics adaptation of all of the begetting that follows, plus the story of Noah.
I loved the retelling of the Book of Genesis, and I'm specifically recommending the book for Part I.  Part II: Present lost me as it veered out of the story of Abraham and toward Isaac and Sarah and others. I know I lost something in skipping ahead to the Epilogue. I'm not a Bible reader, but if you are I'd love to know what you made of all of Part II and its modern setting. (And I may do a little reading to figure it out, who knows.)
Finck's pencils and inks feel playful most of the time, and then entirely serious. I love her style, including the book's simple layouts and how little text she needs. Her limited use of color is simply brilliant.
Worth noting: The book has illustrated, hand-lettered acknowledgments, and the funniest note about the type I've ever read.
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williej02124anewday · 9 months ago
What do you think when you hear the words Begin, Start, Commence, Opening? There should be a refreshing optimism about these words, whether they refer to the dawn of a new day, the birth of a child, or the beginning of a new career path. Free of problems and full of promises. The belief that new beginnings bring new starts, stirring up hope and imaginative visions of the future. The book of Genesis explains the beginning of many important realities: the universe, the Earth, people, sin, and God's plan of salvation.  Genesis, a word that signifies beginnings or origin, unravels the record of the world's inception, human history, family, civilization, and salvation. It is the narrative of God's purpose and plan for his creation. As the book of beginnings, Genesis sets the stage for the entire Bible, revealing the person and nature of God, the value and dignity of human beings, the tragedy and consequences of sin, and the promise and assurance of salvation. Genesis commences with God, a sight that immediately enlightens us as we witness Him fashioning the world in a majestic display of power and purpose, culminating with a man and woman made in His image. Genesis teaches us that the Earth is well-made and good. We are unique and special to God, and though, at times in this world, others and ourselves may treat us with disrespect, we can be confident of our dignity and worth because we are created in the image of God.  
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darkmaga-returns · 1 month ago
#bible #biblestudy #nimrod #Towerofbabel #bookofgenesis Josh Monday Christian and Conspiracy Podcast Ep. 227
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godsvision77 · 1 year ago
bookofgeneisis#ytshorts#shorts#ytshortsvideo#quotes #bookofgenesis #ytsh...
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bookofbiblestory · 2 years ago
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minkoffpictures · 3 years ago
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Joseph tells his brothers about a dream he had in which his brothers’ sheaves of wheat bowed to his sheaf. This makes them hate him more than they already do. Then he tells his brothers and father about a dream he had in which the sun, moon, and eleven stars bowed to him. This makes his brothers jealous and is of concern to his father. His brothers plot to kill him, then after they decide not to do that they throw him into a pit and he is sold to some Ishmaelite merchants on their way to Egypt, who transport him on the back of a camel along with their other goods. Later, Joseph’s brother Judah engages the services of a veiled prostitute sitting by the entrance to Enaim. He doesn’t know that the prostitute is his widowed daughter-in-law Tamar*. In Egypt, Joseph has been purchased by Potiphar, courtier of the Pharaoh. He has risen to a high position in the household due to his excellent service. While Potiphar is away, Potiphar’s wife tries to seduce Joseph. Joseph flees as Potiphar’s wife grabs at his garment.
*Context: Upon the deaths of her previous husbands Er and Onan (Judah's sons), Judah had not allowed Tamar to marry his son Shelah, which left Tamar with very limited options in life. Tamar knew Judah would be at Enaim and went there with her veil on, in order to initiate the carnal transaction, in protest of the impossible circumstance she found herself in. Later, Judah will learn about Tamar's engagement in prostitution (and subsequent pregnancy) and order her to be burned alive. As she's being taken out to receive this lethal punishment, she will reveal that she was the prostitute Judah went to bed with at Enaim, and that the children she is carrying are Judah's. On learning of this, he will acknowledge that he was more in the wrong than she was since he did not allow her to remarry. (You'd think that insight could already have occurred to him when all he knew was that Tamar had worked as a prostitute, but it seems that the ideas is, he understands that her act was intended to send him a message, she's not really a prostitute but a family member acting out in an unjust situation. Or maybe Judah realizes that, while the hypocrisy of punishing a relative for prostitution when you are a client of prostitutes is one thing, it's even more extreme when you were the client in the transaction for which you have now pronounced punishment.) We are not told that the execution order was rescinded but apparently it was since Tamar goes on to give birth to twins conceived in her union with Judah.
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Disclaimer: I do not own these photos.
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daily-bible-quotes · 5 years ago
Genesis 1:28 God blessed them. God said to them. “Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth and subdue it. Have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the sky, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”
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giftedbundle18 · 5 years ago
When Abel has his sacrifice accepted by God but Cain has his rejected, Cain cannot control his anger and murders his brother. 
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uzialie · 5 years ago
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《 nothing 》
1802 × 1802 mm
oilpainting on canvas
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byfaithmedia · 10 months ago
King Solomon had to flatten the Temple Mount Area to create the First Jewish Temple in Jerusalem, Israel.
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mahdimonsterm · 2 years ago
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1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth was formless and desolate, and there was darkness upon the surface of the watery deep, and God's active force was moving about over the surface of the waters. (Book of Genesis - New World Translation Of The Holy Scriptures - Revised 2013 -) وَهُوَ الَّذِي خَلَقَ السَّمَاوَا��ِ وَالْأَرْضَ فِي سِتَّةِ أَيَّامٍ وَكَانَ عَرْشُهُ عَلَى الْمَاءِ … (٧) سورة هود #bibleandquran #genesis1v1and2 #bookofgenesis #surathud #newworldtranslationoftheholyscriptures #bible #holybible #quran #holyquran #jehovahswitnesses #mahdimonsters #mahdikhalwachi #سورة_هود https://www.instagram.com/p/CnP-NGhr9rA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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christianandnerdy · 2 years ago
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Thanks Nimrod. #nimrod #bookofgenesis https://www.instagram.com/p/ClAnQ3xrOEc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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omanxl1 · 2 years ago
At The End Of The Day? We’re Just Trying To Maintain (Part Seven)
At The End Of The Day? We’re Just Trying To Maintain (Part Seven)
 It’s going down on this Thankful Thursday even though the science dropped is appropriate for any day; it’s a blessing to be here! Check us out, at the end of the day? we’re just trying to maintain our  momentum even though we deal with distractions / obstacles and even justice obstruction while we’re out here! Once again it’s on! local / national / international and intergalactic frontiers are…
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collagetry · 3 years ago
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The Forbidden Fruit as Enso x6 Japanese brush + ink #dailyart #enso #zenart #meditationart #bookofgenesis #genesis #forbiddenfruit #treeofknowledge #treeofknowledgeofgoodandevil #mythologyart #spiritualpainting #spiritualart #japanesebrushpainting https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg-s6L4rhyx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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