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Everyone please take a sec to read this amazing response to a white supremacist attack on Drag Queen Storytime at a bookshop.
They respond with book recommendations and in the process give ZERO FUCKS.
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"It is only a novel... or, in short,only some work in which the greatest powers of the mind are displayed, in which the most thorough knowledge of human nature, the happiest delineation of its varieties, the liveliest effusions of wit and humour, are conveyed to the world in the best chosen language." - From 'Northanger Abbey,' (1817), by Jane Austen . #generallygothic #gothic #northangerabbey #austen #janeausten #gothicnovel #gothicliterature #englishliterature #novel #literature #books #bookshop #thebookbarn #bookbarn #bookshelf #bookstore #bookworm #booknerd #litlover #quote #literary #literaryquote #academic #bookbarninternational
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Out of all the audiences I read to over the years, this is the best one yet. #bookbarn #niantic #connecticut #thebookbarn #imissopenmics #poet #reading #cats (at The Book Barn 4 3/4) https://www.instagram.com/p/CF5JwcehJE7/?igshid=zg24tkaftkga
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Early birthday present from my husband @sccard1 these three volumes of the #memoirs of the #jacobites which we found at #bookbarn #nianticct they are first editions from 1845/46. And all three were $20. 😍😍😍 #bookstagram #bookaholic #bookaddict #oldbooks #scottishhistory (at The Book Barn) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6uEqJPFHV6/?igshid=1uudjcm3o9z2m
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@shannon_gearing (a.k.a one of the best people ever) took me to the book barn and I haven’t been since I was little and my appreciation for it is now tenfold . . . #bookbarn #penguin #pelican #books #blue #orange #nerd #reading #shesleavingbristoltomorrowandimgonnamisshersomuch (at Bookbarn International) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1beZBLBlOR/?igshid=jb4byhacocfq
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Ha a wonderful time up in Niantic, CT on Friday. Stopped by utterly amazing Book Barn to trade in a plethora of my father’s cookbooks (photo 2). I also ended up buying a few treats of my own (photo 10). After that I had lunch with the wonder @carolinecouig. So glad I got to catch up with her before I leave for Rochester. She is such helpful, inspiring and supportive mentor! . . . . . . . . . . #bookbarn #niantic #nianticct #books #usedbooks #usedbookstore #usedbookstorefinds #usedbookstorelife #cats #catsofinstagram #booksandcats #catsandbooks #bookstorecats #bookstorecat #reading #bookstore #books #booksforlife #booksfordays #cats #bookbuying #bookbuyingproblem #photobooks #photobookfinds #secondhand #used #photography #photo #photojournalism #friday (at The Book Barn) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0urbTAluGC/?igshid=1lf2n54ug8sok
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Come out to Blackberry Creek on Saturday, May 18th for @consciouscreamery gelato, awesome storytellers, colorful face painting, and of course all your favorite animal friends! Ticket link in bio. Proceeds go to support the care of our rescued animals! #bookbarn #read #familyfun #dayonthefarm #vegangelato #loveoneanother #sanctuary #sacramento #sacvegan #consciouscreamery #gelatotacos #meetpo #hugachicken #blackberrycreek #familytime #kidsevent #sacramentovegan #rescuedanimals #bertsbookbarn #grandopening #outdoorfun https://www.instagram.com/p/BxLeuQpnwkA/?igshid=x6b9dq0hfae8
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#sternfoto #rogersbookbarn #bookbarn #iphonex (at Rodgers Book Barn) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bsiuu-8A6wd/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1jqaj18sk6dhw
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I went to the most beautiful and amazing place today! #bookbarn #chertsey #chertseybookbarn #books #jodipicoult #paulfinch #stephenking #brianfreeman #cjbox #secondhandbooks #nz
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#flowers #nofilter #purple #bookbarn #niantic
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Nick, bøker og katter, Bookbarn, Connecticut, desember 2018
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Rodgers BookBarn in Hillsdale
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I removed some books today.
I think of myself as a minimalist, but that doesn’t happen to be true. I have acquired more books than I will ever read. They still sit, stacked and unreachable, in piles by the walls, two dozen books tall and sometimes two books deep.
I don’t think I know where they all came from. I think more came from online than from any physical store. I bought them from Abebooks, the sales search platform that Amazon owns now. Abebooks tell you the names of the sellers, but they seem unconnected to any real place.
From Better World Books. From Thrift Books and Bookbarn. From Silver Arch Books, Motor City Books, Free State Books, Sierra Nevada Books, Yankee Clipper Books, and the Atlanta Book Company. From Green Earth Books and Housing Works Books. From Goldstone Books and Powell’s Books and Kennys Bookshop and Art Galleries. From Satellite Books and the Orchard Bookshop. From Blue Cloud Books and Hippo Books and Wonder Book.
They’re from all over, from places you’ve never been, places you’ll never be. They’re names on a box. But then there are the books from more intimate places, intimately connected
From library’s old bookstore, which sold paperbacks for fifty cents, hardcovers for a dollar. From the basement of the old independent bookstore down on Front Street, where they sold remaindered and overstocked books marked down with red-orange tape. From the thrift store across the street, which charged too much.
From the Chapters at the mall in your hometown, or the Chapters and Indigo in the places you’ve been to, from the shelves of marked-down items where you looked for bargains, for the books you knew you should read, and all the books you never would. Places where you could drink sweet cream and coffee and pretend to read.
From the Borders in Syracuse, where you idled while the family went to the fair, where they always said they were going to build the largest mall in America, but never did. There was another Borders in South Florida, where they were stripping fixtures from the walls because the books had not sold, and so the Borders had to be. They still have bookstores. I’m not sure what they sell now. Postcards, I think.
The books still in my room had postcards from people I will never know, dedications to people I will never see, business cards from people who have moved on to other work. But their spines are unbroken, their pages unmarked. I guess I wanted them that way. I bought them like that.
I sometimes worried they would break through the floor. I would wake up to the collapse of everything I have ever owned as I plummeted a few short feet to my death. I guess it would probably take longer than that. I would have to wait for them to crush me. That mass of books would fall on me, blotting out the light. Crushed beneath nearly everything I have ever owned.
That’s what happened to the clerk Toshiko Sasaki in John Hershey’s Hiroshima, who was seated at her desk on August 6, 1945, in front of a couple of bookcases from the factor library:
Everything fell, and Miss Sasaki lost consciousness. The ceiling dropped suddenly and the wooden floor above collapsed in splinters and the people up there came down and the roof above them gave way; but principally and first of all, the bookcases right behind her swooped forward and the contents threw her down, with her left leg horribly twisted and breaking underneath her. There, in the tin factory, in the first moment of the atomic age, a human being was crushed by books.
Miss Sasaki made out alright, although not so well as to not ask the question “If your God is so good and kind, how can he let people suffer like this?” But then, I have more books than she did.
I removed some books today. I still have more I want to remove. I just don’t have the boxes for them. I took the boxes I did have in the back of my car to a mass-market thrift store, where they will end up on the shelves by the leather jackets.
Perhaps they will end on some other shelf, like a postcard from somewhere unknown, in someone else’s memory. But I don’t think they will. I don’t think they’ll sell. There aren’t enough people here who spend money pretending to read.
I don’t know what will happen to them. I suppose they will pulp them. Or perhaps they will end in a landfill, crushed beneath their own weight, suffocating beneath the earth we have made for them until life reclaims them.
I wrote out a partial list of the books I threw out. I don’t know what it says about me. There’s a double significance here: These are books I bought, for some amount of money, but these are also books I am throwing away, because I asked the question the woman told me to ask, which was whether they sparked joy, and I answered no.
Those books in the photo are the books that have not yet been thrown away. Here, below the fold, are the books that have:
Judith Fitzgerald’s Sarah McLachlan: Building a Mystery
Mordecai Richler’s Oh Canada! Oh Quebec!
Jonathan Coe’s The Rotter’s Club
Misha Glenny’s McMafia
Joinville and Villehardouin’s Chronicles of the Crusades
Michael Ignatieff’s The Lesser Evil
Russell Dalton’s Citizen Politics in Western Democracies: Public Opinion and Political Parties in the United States, Great Britain, West Germany, and France
Richard Finn’s Winners in Peace: MacArthur, Yoshida, and Postwar Japan
Ramachandra Guha’s India After Gandhi
Fox Butterfield’s China: Alive in the Bitter Sea
Anthony Sampson’s The Changing Anatomy of Britain
Masanori Hashimoto’s The Japanese Labor Market in a Comparative Perspective with the United States
Donald Keene’s Dawn to the West: Japanese Literature of the Modern Era: Poetry, Drama, Criticism
Andrei Shleifer’s Without a Map: Political Tactics and Economic Reform in Russia
Peter Newman’s The Secret Mulroney Tapes
Nicholas Negroponte’s Being Digital
Lesley Downer’s The Brothers: The Hidden World of Japan’s Richest Family
Harold Vogel’s Entertainment Industry Economics
Stephen Goldsmith and William D. Eggers’s Governing by Network: The New Shape of the Public Sector
Donald Harman Akenson, Saint Saul: A Skeleton Key to the Historical Jesus
Philip Ziegler’s King Edward VIII
David Wessel’s In FED We Trust
Robert Dallek’s Flawed Giant: Lyndon Johnson and His Times, 1961--1973
David Halberstam’s The Reckoning
David Bell’s The First Total War: Napoleon’s Europe and the Birth of Warfare as We Know It
Kevin Phillips’s The Cousins’ Wars
Yirmiyahu Yovel, Spinoza and Other Heretics: The Adventures of Immanence
Michael Oren’s Six Days of War: June 1967 and the Making of the Modern Middle East
Lawrence McDonald’s A Colossal Failure of Common Sense: The Inside Story of the Collapse of Lehman Brothers
Richard Posner’s The Crisis of Capitalist Democracy
William Chester Jordan’s Europe in the High Middle Ages
William Cohan’s House of Cards: A Tale of Hubris and Wretched Excess on Wall Street
Bryan Burrough and John Helyar’s Barbarians at the Gate: The Fall of RJR Nabisco
Linda Lear’s Beatrix Potter: A Life in Nature
Jane Mayer’s The Dark Side: The Inside Story of How the War on Terror Turned into a War on American Ideals
Allan Brandt’s The Cigarette Century: The Rise, Fall, and Deadly Persistence of the Product That Defined America
Garry Wills’s Head and Heart: American Christianities
Sarah Bradford’s Elizabeth: A Biography of Britain’s Queen
Andrew Gordon’s The Evolution of Labor Relations in Japan: Heavy Industry, 1853--1955
John Ardagh’s France in the New Century: Portrait of a Changing Society
Bob Woodward’s The Agenda: Inside the Clinton White House
John Julius Norwich’s Byzantium: The Early Centuries
Taylor Branch’s Pillar of Fire: America in the King Years, 1963--65
Michael Lewis’s Liar’s Poker
Tim Blanning’s The Pursuit of Glory: Europe, 1648--1815
Robert Fagles’s translation of Virgil’s The Aeneid
Karl Popper’s The Poverty of Historicism
P. D. Smith’s Doomsday Men: The Real Dr. Strangelove and the Dream of the Superweapon
Richard Rhodes’s Arsenals of Folly: The Making of the Nuclear Arms Race
Margaret Thatcher’s Downing Street Years
Alistair Horne’s Harold Macmillan, 1957--1986
Taylor Branch’s The Clinton Tapes: Wrestling History with the President
Ian Kershaw’s Hitler, 1936--1945: Nemesis
David Grossman’s To the End of the Land
Sean Wilentz’s The Rise of American Democracy: Jefferson to Lincoln
Philipp Blom’s The Vertigo Years: Europe, 1900--1914
Jacob M. Schlesinger’s Shadow Shoguns: The Rise and Fall of Japan’s Postwar Political Machine
Peter Jenkins’s Mrs. Thatcher’s Revolution: The Ending of the Socialist Era
Martin Lawrence’s Iron Man: The Defiant Reign of Jean Chrétien
Marin Lawrence’s Chrétien: The Will to Win
Alastair Campbell’s The Blair Years
Tony Blair’s A Journey
David Kennedy’s Don’t Shoot: One Man, a Street Fellowship, and the End of Violence in Inner-City America
Joshua Ferris’s Then We Came to the End
Kate McCafferty’s Testimony of an Irish Slave Girl
Martin Wolf’s Why Globalization Works
Charles Fishman’s The Wal-Mart Effect: How the World’s Most Powerful Company Really Works -- and How It’s Transforming the American Economy
William Easterly’s The White Man's Burden: Why the West's Efforts to Aid the Rest Have Done So Much Ill and So Little Good
Karel van Wolferen’s The Enigma of Japanese Power: People and Politics in a Stateless Nation
Jeffrey Sachs’s The End of Poverty: How We Can Make It Happen in Our Lifetime
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Soundtrack for a visit to the magical Book Barn with Harold and Diane ❤️@haroldbuchholz #dailybleeps #bookbarnniantic #books #lotsofbooks #amazingbookstore #sounds #minimal #ambient #experimental #electronic #synth #synthesizer #iosmusic #simple #quiet #lowfi #synthesis #nianticconnecticut #bookstore #bookbarn (at The Book Barn) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1DEPOrBlqP/?igshid=mqf06b2cj7ko
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Super Samstag
08.12.18 - Rakaia Gorge
Früh am Morgen haben wir uns auf eine kleine Wanderung an einer Schlucht entlang gewagt. In dieser Schlucht lag ein türkisblauer Fluss, was sehr schön war. Kurz vor dem Ziel der Wanderung (ein Lookout) wären wir fast umgedreht, weil "1.7km können doch nicht so lang sein?!?!". Gott sei Dank leben wir unter dem Motto "Umdrehen gilt nicht" (#Lebensweisheit)(Zusatz von Isi: beim Autofahren gilt Umdrehen schon), sonst hätten wir den schönen Ausblick verpasst. Es fehlte nur noch ein Greifvogel der vor unserem Gesicht her fliegt.

Book Barn, Nähe Rakaia

In diesem wortwörtlichen Schuppen konnten wir zwei unserer bereits gelesenen Bücher wieder loswerden und gegen andere eintauschen. Dazu haben wir Kekse bekommen, hehe. Diese Scheune hat uns leider etwas überfordert, die Auswahl war einfach zu groß, aaaaber so etwas sollte es in Deutschland auch geben. Lieben wir nämlich.
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