#bonus points if you can tell which baby dragon is which
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buggbuzz · 3 months ago
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ninnurtu and his little ebebu dragonets :)
(personal hc is that there's four ebebu dragons instead of one and ninnurtu raised them. havent actually finished so i hooooope there's no plot twist that ruins this hc LMAO. the plot's really basic so its probably fine.)
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platinumrosetail · 6 months ago
If it's alright, can I ask for a Dragon Prince request? I only got into the show recently, having seen a few scenes from the newest season, making me fall in love with Aaravos.
So my request is... Pokemon trainer!Reader x Aaravos? Remember how I said I've seen a few scenes from the new season? Yeah... *Leola*. She deserves better, so, in doing so, I suggest that after her... execution, she ends up reforming in the Pokemon verse, particularly in an ultra worm hole where Reader ends up finding her unconscious while riding on Lunala.
Basically Reader adopts Leola, promising her that she will help her return to her world and help her find her dad, which she eventually succeeds, after maybe bully Arceus a little. Cue a happy reunion between Father and daughter, and Leola being all like 'lookie I found a mom'!
Bonus points will be given if Reader catches and gives Leola a Galarian Ponyta. A unicorn for a unicorn, no?
Hopefully this is an ok request?
Do you mind if I eat your request cause of how good it is? This is such an awesome and thought out request and I love it! 🥹😍 mwah! Chef kiss thanks you so much for this lovely request!
Warning: noob author, female reader, Aaravos being sexy lol, and others.
Character: Aaravos.
You were the champion of both alolan and galar having saved the two regions by pokemon that were long lost to the past from history. after becoming champion you decided to take a year vacation to alola to relax with your pokemon, what you didn't now was that a new journey would start there, this time in a different world.
it was a few months into year vacation that you found a little girl passed out at the summit in poni island; the little girl didn't look human what with her skin, ears, her four fingered hand, and the one horn on her head which reminds you of rapidash and ponyta in the galar region, you didn't care that she didn't look human as she was still a little girl passed out for whatever reason that you didn't know of yet.
you took the girl to the house that you had rented for your year vacation and did you best to help her recover, you gathered herbs, all sorts of potions and your pokemon that can use healing moves so that she could heal better and faster.
about three days later the little girl woke up, obviously confused on where she was and scared. you made sure to have her be at ease so as to not injure herself as you explain to her where she is and how you found her.
you asked what had happened to have her pass out and she explains to you the best she could but panicked a little, which had you bring in some baby pokemon to help come her down before she goes into a actual panic attack. the baby pokemon being a vulpix kit that is from your alolan nintales, the other is a eevee that is also a kit from your espeon.
once she calmed down and told you what she remembered with the help of the two baby pokemon help calming her down from getting a panic attack you were shocked to what had happened to her that brought her here. you decided then and there that you would help the little girl; who you came to know as leola, in finding a way to get back to her world so that she could reunite with her father.
you spent a few more months in alola to help her and teach her get used to this new world that she appeared in. and with the help of your zoroark leola looks like a human with zoroarks ability to make illusions and such.
whenever she had nightmares on what happened to her before she got her you'd sing her lullabies and have eevee and vulpix cuddle her to comfort her as you sung lullybies so that she could be at ease and sleep better. she tells you that she never had a mother before as her father said he created her with his magic and that she was glad to have you here with her as you were like the mother she never had and wanted, which warmed your heart on her thinking of you as her mother.
(that's my theory considering how powerful aaravos is and cause there was no reveal on who the other parent is yet if there is one lol)
you soon adopted her with her permission and now she was you daughter. you did all that you could to gather information on how you can reunite her to her father before your grandmother in galar sent you a message about you visiting after your year long vacation which is almost over, you let leola know that you'll be visiting your grandmother and if she wanted to meet her which she agreed to excitedly to meet someone new which you found adorbale and sweet that she hasn't changed after her traumatic experience she told you about.
after the end of your year long vacation you and leola packed up for galar to meet with your grandmother; you told your grandmother that you have someone for her to meet but first you'd like her to explore galar before you two finally meet with her. your grandmother agreed to that but said not to be late which you sweat dropped at and chuckled before telling her you'll try not to be late.
it was fun exploring galar again as it was like when you first started the gym challenges here but this time with your daughter, of course you two had a few hicuups as she got overstimulated a few times, to which you had help from headphones you got her just in case and by the help of vulpix and eevee. you also had zoroark stop the disguise as you both would be in the wild and there wasn't as much humans out there as some pokemon would attacked them if they didn't have any strong pokemon protecting them.
at some point through exploring you're met with a herd of galarian rapidash's and ponyta's, the two pokemon fascinated leola which you noticed, you manged coaxed one of the ponyta foals to come towards you and leola, thankfully from what you know by the pokedex the foal didn't mind coming closer to you two which made leola excited and happy which also made you happy she gets to experince this, right then and there you decided to catch the ponyta that came towards you two for leola since she seemed to have grown attached to the region variant pokemon already.
you showed her two pokeballs; a regular one and a love ball, you asked her to choose and she picked the love ball. after she chose the ball you gently held it out to theponyta, the ponyta seemed to have gotten the idea after looking back at it's future evolution who had been watching since you two came into the opening, the ponyta looked back to you both and gently tapped the love ball with it's snout and disappearing into the pastel ball, you gave the ball to leola and told her that it's her pokemon now which shocked her before she hugged you and thanked you over and over that you had to stop her from thanking you so much, you did so with a laugh and a smile before bringing her into a hug.
after exploring a bit more and catching another pokemon; a cutiefly to be specific, it was time for you and leola to meet up with your grandmother who seemed to also have someone for you to meet. you had zoroark put the illusion of leola's human disguise back on and went into the flying taxi you called to take you to ballonlea.
you two met up with your grandmother at her gym as she is the fairy type gym leader in the galar region; her name being opal. you greeted her and gave her kisses on her cheeks; making sure to be mindful of her makeup as to not ruin it and get it in your mouth, and gave her a hug. you introduced her to leola who was patiently waiting to greet your grandmother. your grandmother also introduced bede; apparently he became her succesor in the year you were in alola for your vacation, which you commented on how you guessed both of you had a eventful year then and she agreed.
you let leola and bede alone as you talked to your grandmother about how you came to adopting her as she had asked and after getting permission from leola to talk about it to her you told your grandmother. your grandmother reaction was like yours but unlike you who held that reaction in to not unsettle leola your grandmother freely displayed it in front of you as you both moved somewhere else to have some privacy talking about leola's past. she was happy to have you be in that girl's life and agreed with your decision to adopt leola, she joked that her father would definitely marry you after he reunites with his daughter, which you blush and tell her to stop joking around, but part of you wonder if that were to happen and you kinda hoped it would, what you didn't know was that your grandmother knew something that you didn't.
you decided to leave leola with your grandmother and bede as you wanted to do something that might help you find out how to get leola back to her world so that her and her father could reunite with each other.
what you were going to do is contact arceus so that it will make a portal or have one of it's mythical or legendary pokemon create one so that you can return leola where she belongs; with her father.
after many words back and forth between you and the god of pokemon and creator of pokemon and humans; you wouldn't necessarily say you bullied arceus but you indeed bullied arceus, you also told the alpha pokemon leola's backstory on how she got here, arceus was furious to say the least.
arceus told you that it would help all that it can to finding a way to return leola to her world and reunite her with her father. after you left he had hoopa and jirachi travel to that world if they can; thankfully arceus had previously asked what things are in that world to help identify it as the world leola came from.
hoopa and jirachi was able to find what they hope is the correct world as it had what was listed by you and given to them by arceus. they strangely enough appeared in what seems to be a room that is fit as a dungeon, but this dungeon had a mirror in it. jirachi told hoopa to try and teleport the two inside the mirror. once inside they were met with what seems to be a study room full of books and a desk with a chair to match in the room.
hoopa had flown around the room in curiosity and mischief, leaving jirahi be the responsible one in making sure hoopa doesn't break anything. a few minutes past by before a presence came in that wasn't theirs. the person; or rather elf, questioned on who they are, what they are and how they got here.
hoopa was the one to speak first and explained though jirachi gave the missing information that hoopa seemed to have forgotten. at first the elf didn't by it but what with the picture that the two borrowed from you that had you and leola in it which shocked the elf as last the elf knew leola had died. the elf introduced himself as aaravos; the father of leola, the girl in the picture they had. jirachi and hoopa was happy they got the right world as they were worried that they had gotten the wrong one when they teleported into that dungeon like room.
hoopa had opened up a ring connected to their world where leola and you are. aaravos can't go through the ring as it seems him being imprisoned in whatever his prison also kept him from going through the ring jirachi and hoopa decided to make the ring appear as liie a sort of video call that they seen the humans have in their technology.
back to you. you had just gotten back from visiting and bullying arceus when you see your grandmother had given leola a ralts which made you sigh with a smile as you knew your grandmother would try and spoiler her especially being told about her past trauma with this 'council' before you found her. you told leola that you also got a gift for her which got her excited, you mentioned it was two gifts actually and told her to close her eyes. when you told her to open them she sees vulpix and eevee sitting in front of her with bows around their neck like a gift, she was confused at first so you explained that you were giving the two to her. eevee and ralts would help by being service pokemon to her after they become trained and registered to do so and it'll help her with her trauma that she had before she got sent to this world.
when a ring had appeared in front of your face you were shocked and startled at first but realized soon after what's happening when jirachi and hoopa showed up through the ring on the other side of the ring. the two told me that they had found leola's dad which shocked me what with how fast they had worked as it's only been two hours since i talked to arceus about all of this.
they lead me to the man that claimed to be leola's father and i have to say he was quite the charming gentleman who was very handsome and have a deep voice that flusters you as they were slightly said in a seductive like tone that made you blush, you tried to carry on and get to the important matter at hand, that being leola and how she was doing.
you informed him of all that's happened in the year leola has been in your care since she arrived to your world, you explained what she had done while staying and how you had made sure to help her in any way that you could and doing your best to help reunite her with him after however long the two of them had been apart for.
you two talked more and he explained on what happened to what leola didn't know which helped you understand the story more and it made you dislike the council even more than before.
after some more talking jirachi and hoopa had stopped the interaction once they think it was time to leave; they were mostly bored and tired of you both talking to each other and hitting it off after two hours so they thought it was enough time to get what was said and left
this time instead of more talking between you and aaravos jirachi and hoopa had him only looking through the ring, he watched as leola had fun with the pokemon both you and your grandmother had given her and see how she learned new things especially since she's in another world and that world didn't have some of the things she learned and experienced.
it has been some time since jirachi and hoopa stopped visiting him, so in that time he had viren do many things to try and set himself free from his prison. though viren seemed to have had a change of heart after his first death but aaravos did his best to continue pushing viren to do what he needed to do to set aaravos free from his prison. after viren went back to katolis he had Claudia help in releasing him. she did so after finding out her father's death and how he too had a daughter that was wrongfully killed, he didn't mention on how he recently found out she's alive and well in another world as he thinks she wouldn't break him out if that was the case so he told her half the truth; a white lie really.
when he finally was released with the help of claudia he went to the same size that he was when he was still trap in that prison he was forced into.
the reason jirachi and hoopa stopped visiting aaravos was because you and leola was in that world, you had gotten a idea and had hoopa open a ring to that world for you and leola to go through so that you could reunite leola with her father without having jirachi and hoopa going back and forth to communicate between both worlds and so leola could finally reunite after confirming that the world leola was from can be traveled to.
you and leola met with some interesting people their names being ezran, callum, rayla, soren and corvus. you explained to them about finding leola's father and was wondering if they seen him; they all had skeptical faces as they can see how sweet leola was so they couldn't believe that she's aaravos's daughter. you explained them leol's past on how you adopted her and how lost her to the council decision to punish her for giving human magic which made them understood on why aaravos was doing all of this now, for revenge on the injustice that the council brought onto his daughter.
they decided to help you and leola as this could mean that they could possibly stop aaravos this way as he was doing all of this to get out and take revenge against his daughter death; though thankfully she's alive so reuniting the two could stop him from bring chaose to the human kingdoms and xadia.
after reuniting leola with her father and stopping him from doing anymore damage to the world it seemed that your and leola presences had disrupted startouch elf order or so the council says when they arrived to the mortal realm and theyu come to take care of it like they did before.
before they could do anything their attack was blocked by arceus who protected you and leola from being killed by the council. arceus had told them that they were in the wrong as you were of it's world and not theirs and that they have wrongfully accused both you and leola for just being caring people and now arceus would judge them for trying to kill one of it's creations along with your adopted daughter.
the council decided to put up a fight and so arceus brought some of the legendaries and mythicals to help out in defending you and leola. the legendaries and mythical's being; not including arceus, Xerneas, necrozma, your lunala, sogaleo, and mew, as they all heard about what happened to leola and what the council did to her. and so after arceus and the legendarias and mythicals ttook careof them and left it was now back to the group of human, elves, and dragons.
a few months later and after aaravos accepted and done his punishment (which i'll leave up to y'all to decide) for causing so much chaos everything returned to normal and for the better. the humans, elves, and dragons all came together and made a truce now learning from the mistake in the past and grew together into a better kingdom after reconnecting the kingdoms. you and aaravos became closer in that time and started sharing feelings for each other, soon becoming a couple and parents to leola.
aaravos had met your grandmother and lets just say it was a interesting meeting; she quizzed him on many things, whatever came to her mined she quizzed him on it whether it was about you, leola, pokemon, his intentions, everything. afterwards the three of you traveled back and forth through both worlds, though aaravos and leola both had to have a disguise but you hope that change in the future. you can say that you wouldn't change this for anything else though as it's more precious than any other thing you could think of.
(A/n: hope y'all liked it!! it's a long one, which makes me curious on how many words and paragraphs there are, so let's check shall we?...... so 41 paragraphs and...... many words, that's going to take forever if i copy and paste every paragraph into wattpad to see how many words that is ^^; anyway hope y'all have a wonderful day/evening/night!!!)
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danandphilchronology · 10 months ago
Phil the Viking + Tim’s Adventure +  Worst Day Ever. + The Rabit iz comin to get you
Video #1
Video #2
Video #3
Video #4
Hello besties! Another day of AmazingPhil circa 2008! We have quite a few I wanted to cover in a single sitting because I was inspired by their very in-depth and meticulous Met Gala review that you can see on Phil’s Instagram. Just looking at the titles, I can tell we are going to be in for an adventure!
Phil the Viking
I’m already nervous for what this could be. This past weekend I did a ton of independent research into Dip and Pip lore and I watched a video that was just Phil barking at the camera and let me tell y’all, that shit has scarred me. 
Wayback Machine (16 February 2008)
Muhammad Ali… Recipe for Life by loutyr
News In Color - College Edition by NewsInColor
Black History Month Presents- BLA… by agordon101
Ok, originally I was nervous because in these early youtube days, Phil doesn’t really have any rhyme or reason to his titling UNLESS he has made some kind of music lipsyncing video. I was pleasantly surprised to find that this was a vlog! Phil and some of his friend stared ina move called Faintheart which billed itself as “the first user generated movie”. Over 1400 myspace users auditioned for the movie and 11 non-professional actors were selected including our own Phil Lester who played Tim. I will link the imdb page here if you are interested in the plot of the film, but just to be warned, it sounds like it was as… good… and you think it is. 
It was presented at a film festival, received mixed reviews, and actually was nominated for a couple of awards. It’s crazy to think that Phil could have continued a career in actor. What a life that would have been. 
Total Watch Time 15m 30s
Tim’s Adventure
Wayback Machine (11 June 2008)
David Byrne: Playing the Building (BBTV) by boingboingtv
Ok yall, the last video spoiled me because Phil is back in business as the king (I assume) of the weird side of youtube. It is very interesting to think that this era of Phil is the one Dan was like, “Yeah, we need to be friends”. 
Tim is a little guy who lives in Faceland (Phil’s actual face). The story of Tim is sad and short. He wished to find live and had to fight many uphill battles to be with his beloved, just for them both to be consumed by a dragon. This is not animated. This is nearly a minute of drawings on Phil’s face that I assume took at least a couple hours. This was, honestly, peak creativity. Bonus points for Phil for washing his face, I guess. 
Total Watch Time 16m 27s
Worst Day Ever.
Wayback Machine (25 June 2008)
the Trons - self playing robot band by pieplateindustries
PiKAPiKA THE MOVIE ~ GO! GO! PiKAPiKA!!~ by pikata08
Sing A Long by checkyourself
This was a song for men about how to check yourself for testicular cancer. I did a bit of research on that one. (10/10 for prioritizing health)
We love a storytime youtuber! Apparently Phil has a fear of rollercoasters? Not really, but he dreamed that he had killed an entire cart of passengers on a rollecoaster because he forgot to engage the harnesses. He was actually killed in his dream by a group of theme park mascots. While wearing a full suit and tie, he just talks us through an awful day from beginning to end. The ending, however, is true 2008 Phil and I 100% recommend you watch it. 
Total Watch Time 19m 11s
The Rabit iz comin to get you
I promise that I did not decide to spell it like that. That title does not contain any mispellings by me, I promise. That is all our Philly’s doing. 
Wayback Machine (7 July 2008)
The Blood Arm featuring Anais “Do I Have Your Attention” by laundryLA
Dynamic Architecture by dynamicarchitecture
The Cheese Incident by hiddentracktv2
CHILDHOOD STORYTIME!! Yay! Did you know baby Phil wanted to be a vet because he liked animals and wanted to help them. I could cry. He has always just been a little bean. He also wrote a murder story though, so I guess the sweet and terrifying evens out. The title comes from a story her wrote with the same name. The rabbit killed everyone and he could only be defeated by an entire army. I feel like I understand Phil less than I did before actually? Like what is going on? Why didn’t he become a horror author or horror movie director? Why didn’t his parents put him in therapy? Maybe they did. Imagine being Phil’s primary teacher and you notice that he as a tendency to write stories about murder and death… I would have nightmares.
Total Watch Time 21m 41s
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Fixing Dragon Quest Monsters 3: The Dark Prince by adding more story part 1-
1. Psaro genuinely doesn't seem to remember Dolph or Ludo before they are mentioned to him and when Ludo asks if he remembers Dolph if you say "Yes" he doesn't really comment on it but if you choose the "No" option he replies with, "Well, it has been a long time" which makes me believe there's something being hinted.
Wouldn't it be interesting if just after kidnapping Psaro from the castle, his mother Miriam took him to a mage friend (her family were royals. They must have had SOME connections) and had Psaros memories removed and sealed away into books.
Psaro and his friends now must scour the human world in human guise to find and retrieve the books that contain Psaros lost memories for some reason. Maybe he has info on some of Aamons followers, maybe he needs info on an old project of his fathers, maybe he desires his memories of Ludo? Maybe all of these?
Bonus points if Psaro just gets a recolor and human shaped ears. Like, he now has brown hair and brown eyes like his mom and wears his hair in a similar way too.
More bonus points if someone who knew his mom tells him he looks just like her and he learns a bit about her past
2. Roses ruby tears shatter, and it's implied that this is not a normal thing, but this is never explained. Conclusion: Rose is half Elf and has Zenthian, and she's being used as a Zentian spy and is forcing her to do this by holding one or more of her loved ones hostage
Why? Idk I thought it would be an interesting twist.
3. Ludo has retreated into his "new world" with his mother and warned Psaro that once it is complete the world he's living in now will begin to erode. The battle is not over.
Psaro must find a way to defeat Ludo, his precious baby brother, once and for all...or does he?
After all, the multiple Secrets of Creation were said to have been used by the Goddess to create the universe. Perhaps if he can gather all of them, then this world wouldn't need to be sacrificed to create a new one. Psaro already has the Supreme Secret of Evolution, thanks to his father. He just needed the others.
He still refuses to steal, but like Toilen said, something won in a fair fight was okay. So he just needed to defeat the gods in combat and take the Secrets as his prize. Easier said than done.
He would also need to take the throne as Master of Monsterkind in order to have the manpower and influence needed to complete some of these tasks, which means earning the ire and attention of the heroes. Solo had warned him not to take his threats lightly, and Psaro entended to heed them.
But he needed to do this. The more he regained his memories from his childhood, the more he remembered Ludo. He couldn't bring himself to abandon him, nor could he bring himself to betray the world.
He needed to save both his baby brother and the people to relied on him as king.
Even if it killed him.
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chzdavmpr · 1 year ago
Delicious in Dungeon Reading Diary thing Volume 2
Spoilers, obviously
I think it's really smart to have Senshi basically be the handy man of the dungeon, the one keeping things running behind the scenes.
It's also really cool and smart how naturally Ryoko Kui managed to create a realistic feeling ecosystem. Like you read a panel like this
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And just go "yeah that makes sense. It's like removing wolves from a national park causing the whole ecosystem to enter a death spiral." It's similar, but still feels unique to the dungeon setting. I think it's a sign of strong worldbuilding.
Senshi selling crops and telling people to leave the payment is chests is a really funny explanation for respawning dungeon loot.
She looks so sad. It's ok Marcelle. I think the cabbage is cool.
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Is this guy 4 year old? Why is he THIS anti-vegetable?
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Kobolds are PUPPIES?!!!
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Senshi got that grindset
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I just think it's funny how each ingredient lists it as stolen. As if in order to properly make the recipe you have to steal the ingredients
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Just 2 floors to go! That's honestly a lot less then I would've guessed, at the current pace they will be back to the dragon by the 4th volume. It makes me very excited to see where the story goes.
Closing thought on chapter 9 since a lot happened: I think the bits of orc history we get is fascinating. It's left kinds unclear who started the conflict with them. Like they DO steal from others pretty regularly, but they do so only so that they can survive, and were basically banished underground. It makes them both more interesting and way less problematic then just a "naturally evil race," but they still feel like orcs instead of throwing out all the tropes that made them unique in classic fantasy fiction. Also very glad that unlike other chapters that are just named after the food they eat, the chapter called "orcs" does not have them eating orcs.
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Ooh. Another puppy! I wonder if they are a kobold, or some other dog-person species? Oh also I've seen art of that person on the right. I think they join the party at some point or something.
Oh. They're dead. So at the very least they won't be important yet.
Ah man. When I saw ghosts on the back cover I was excited to see how they would eat ghosts. Which I guess the sorbet had a bit of ghost in it maybe. But I guess that actual magic stuffs are still separate from the food chain.
Poor guy. The "accidentally use really poor phrasing that makes you sound like a jerk" struggle is real
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Mario 64 joke
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The paintings were a very interesting way of giving a few drips of lore. It gives just enough make you interested. Also I'm gonna call it now: that elf that noticed Laios is the evil wizard who buried the city.
I wonder if the paintings kinda act as a time portal. Since the efl recognised Laios that means that the paintings have connected consciousness and continuity, which one way that could work is if the painting continuity was the real continuity. If they're not time portals though, I wonder what would happen if you did something with major consequences. Like if Laios killed the baby prince what would happen to the paintings of the prince's wedding day and coronation?
These things are a one-off thing and unless that elf is met and recognizes Laios none of these questions will be answered, will they?
Anyways, 2 chapters later Marcelle is confirmed as a horse girl.
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Senshi trusted Anne. Thought of her as a friend. To have her betray him, forcing him to kill her for his own survival. This is heartbreaking.
Senshi with his beard washed, and subsequently poofy after it dries is really funny, but tumblr only allows 10 images per post on the app, so you'll have to read the manga or watch the anime yourself to see it. There's actually been quite a few funny panels I wanted to share but couldn't.
Polygamous orcs. Good for them.
Laios just... draws a little stick figure of himself onto a living painting in the bonus chapter. And it seems to be a copy of his consciousness at the time of drawing. And then they just... leave it there. That's pretty messed up. The entire time this manga goes on I'm gonna just know in the back of my head that a copy of Laios is trapped in a single room forever. This also raised SO MANY MORE QUESTIONS ABOUT LIVING PAINTINGS and I'm now even more convinced that I won't get answers.
For some closing thoughts on the volume: I thought it was really good. Now that they've established the premise and basic character dynamics it felt like they gave me a lot more to chew on. There's now a countdown to the goal that makes it feels very within reach. There was bits of lore about both orcs and the dungeon that leave me wondering more. And the art and character writing is still just as good as volume 1. I look forward to reading volume 3. Ps: I only realised after typing all of this that her name is spelled "Marcille." I'm not combing through this post to fix it.
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sparkles-and-galaxies · 2 years ago
do you perhaps have more hcs of your ghost grim reaper cole au? 🫣🫣honestly kinda obsessed with the idea
Thanks for asking!! I have a fuckton of ideas I just didn’t have much time this past week or so to think lol
First, some bonus angst for Cole’s character because I like my blorbos wet and pathetic
Since he’s just one guy for an entire realm, his job isn’t to guide all departed souls to the Departed Realm, only those who are either lost or reluctant to leave. This of course mostly includes those who died early or “have an unfinished business” as they say. Cole’s very first “client” was a ten-year-old girl whom he met at a children’s hospital (which definitely left a permanent mark on him)
Due to the previous point and the general nature of his job, he’s very reluctant to do what he has to do at first, but over time realizes that without him, a lot of these departed souls (already traumatized by their deaths) would be left to wander aimlessly on their own, with no help whatsoever. Thus over time he accepts his fate and focuses on trying to be as helpful as possible
He isn’t one to run from a fight but he knows how hard it can be to accept one’s mortality, and so his first and foremost tool is talking and persuasion, and he only uses force if absolutely necessary and/or others are threatened
His most needed skill therefore is to be able to gain the trust of others as fast as possible, thus he does his best big brother impression he can do with strangers (my headcanon is that he’s basically the mama dragon of the group, like how he was the closest to baby/kid Wu in Hunted). At the same time, he’s terrified of forming lasting bonds with anyone, leaving him in the awkward position where he doesn’t want to push people away by being an asshole in fear of hurting them, but doesn’t want to let people close either in fear of getting his own feelings hurt
When he got turned into a ghost, he was still on bad terms with his father, and so didn’t think to tell Lou what happened. He only realized later that to his father, he lost not one but two close family members in a very short timespan; Cole then immediately went home to explain, only to realize that his father now thinks he’s also dead. He decided the truth would hurt his father a lot more and so Cole never returned home
He spends whatever free time he has exploring Ninjago, especially the dangerous places he wouldn’t be able to reach as a mortal. Other times, he could be found sitting on rooftops, watching the people go on their days, and listening to music he thinks his mother would’ve listened to
Second, a bit about his powers (aside from the general ghost stuff)
I have this headcanon that deepstone sends ghosts specifically back to the Cursed Realm (mostly because there’s nothing to prove it otherwise), and therefore there’s an opposite material that sends ghosts specifically to the Departed Realm. (Water sends ghosts to the Realm they are normally supposed to be in.) In my version of Ninjago there’s a mountain range called the Misty Mountains, the name coming from the mist always covering its peaks and so thick that no ghost can penetrate it. The opposite of deepstone, a bright white mineral called skystone, is found within its caves, and it’s also what Cole’s scythe is made of
There’s a secret path where the mist is thin enough for ghosts to pass through leading to the highest peak, but only Cole knows where it is. The peak is also where he meets up with the embodiment of the Departed Realm to ask for direction/orders/advice/whatever he needs at the moment.
Cole also has a special piece of clothing called the Cloak of Disguises. Its primary function is that it can make Cole appear mortal, though for every minute he uses the disguise he has to let it cool down for twice as long, and he cannot use it for more than 24 hours straight. It also gives him some protection against water, making him more resilient than other ghosts, but he's still not fully immune.
He mostly uses the disguise when he needs to interact with mortals so as not to scare them, though after a particularly bad incident with a ghost hunter he tries to be upfront about his nature so that they can’t accuse him of tricking them (hence why the ninja immediately learn he’s a ghost when they first meet)
Thanks to his connection to the Departed Realm, he has an ability I like to call Fast Travel. This allows him to immediately appear near to a lost departed soul without the need for physical travelling, and he can even teleport on his own to whatever destination he desires, though the latter can be very unpredictable and so he usually doesn’t risk it
That’s all that came to mind for now. But dw I’m still very much rotating him in my microwave of a mind, so there’s always place for more ideas hehe >:D
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zacksfairest · 1 month ago
🥴📝🥳🙀💥 for the fanfic asks :)
Fanfiction Ask Game
🥴 - Your weirdest fanfiction
Oh, man. I really had to think about this. I don't really write anything weird, I don't think? I think the best contender I have for this is a little something called Desperate Dealings that I wrote for @soartfullydone an age ago. It basically features the Decepticons from Transformers as dark elves/drow. It's weird in that who else would think of that but us? lmao
But, yeah, I don't think I've written anything actually too weird. Everyone is welcome to correct me if I am wrong and point me in the direction of something that I've written that actually is weird.
📝 - The fanfiction you wish to rewrite
I can only pick ONE??? When there are so many I have shat out over the years??
I suppose this honor would go to Shall We Dance? I think it was only the second Lem/Addie fic I ever wrote like seven years back. I was young and worse at writing than I currently am, Addie was in her infancy as a character, and I had nothing on the brain RE: Lem except "him hot him charming."
I've been super tempted to delete the fic entirely in recent years, but there is some worth to its existence, I guess. Its my OC and that relationship in its infancy, and it has the beginnings of the rapport Addie and Lem currently have.
I doubt I'd ever rewrite it, but I think that fic would probably deserve it the most.
🥳 - The fanfiction you had the most fun writing
Honestly? Two immediately come to mind, and I will name both of them because usually writing is akin to shoving bamboo chutes under my nails.
I had so much fun writing Goading the Lion, if I'm being honest. I had never written for Bastion before, but he is SO much fun to write. I love smarmy, charming characters so much. Also, I think that Lem and Bastion should be locked in a room. Just to see what happens :)
The second one was probably Dōnum, for The Forgotten City. But this might have just been because I was so excited to write something for that game (and also Horatius). I love it so much. Everyone go play it.
🙀 - The fanfiction that would give your mom (or any parent figure) a heart attack if they read it
Cycling through fics that I've actually written, and not just the fucked up shit living in my head, probably The Mark of the Beast. It's easily the most violent fic I've ever written, and the underlying sensuality/implications of the attack would likely have my parents looking at me with immense concern. I wrote it purposely to be hot, even though the situation is horrifying.
I need to write more things like this. I need to write more things that'd make my parents raise their eyebrows and clutch their pearls.
OH, WAIT HOLD ON. I think the runner up is the fic I wrote about baby Zaresh being locked in a dark room with silence cast on him. That one is kind of fucked up. I don't think my mom would be fond of me writing about the torment of a child.
I have no smut to offer. I need to change that. I know that this is what the prompt was really hoping to receive in offering.
💥 - Bonus! Tell us all about one fanfiction of your choice!
Damn, this is probably where a WIP would go. But I'm not actively working on anything right now, so here I go.
I am still incredibly fond of The Howling for multiple reasons. It was borne of a single line of dialogue I dreamt up months before actually sitting down to write it. I love the dialogue, I love the imagery and the emotions. I love that it gave me a whole new level to Addie and Lem's relationship to work with, in which Lemuel's devotion to The Cause and his family outranks even whatever feelings he has for her.
And I love that it was entirely inspired by a certain scene in The Dragon Republic (my beloved) :3
I'm a sucker for doomed ships, what can I say?
This was also the first thing I wrote following the fanworks contest, and is basically its sequel. And Ashley read The Howling of her own volition and appeared to enjoy it and reaffirmed her fondness for my silly OC <3 It meant a lot to me, and reminded me that maybe I'm actually not a half bad writer after all.
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jones-friend · 2 years ago
I’ve played four new board games and I’m here to tell you about em!
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I’ll be talking about them in the order we played them. I recommend them all, and we had about 3 people for all four.
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Kanagawa is a more peaceful risk/reward game where you build your studio and paint a beautiful print depicting different scenery and seasons. Starting with the first player cards are flipped over to make columns equal to player number, some face up some face down. You may pass or take a column. The longer you wait the more cards you can get (max of 3), but the more you chance someone taking what you need. I really appreciated the set scoring system here as well, “Diplomas” can be scored but you only get one of each type so you’re weighing if its better to score now or try to beat your opponent by getting one more tree in before they do. The cards having studio/print sides also made it so you rarely feel stuck with a bad card. The art is great and the brush tokens very well made. The only word of caution I have is the game’s rule booklet explains the game’s flavor well but not the mechanics, it took a little to get what should be an easy game to teach.
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You’re right, Flamecraft’s pic takes up a lot of space on this post. That’s bc it takes up a lot of table space! I ordered this game off kickstarter bc of the art and I’m entirely delighted there’s a game backing that cute art. In Flamecraft you each are tasked with enriching the town with dragons and enchantments, visiting various shops and collecting enchant ingredients and placing dragons or enchanting shops and “firing” all the dragons there (not laying off, just making em happy). Flamecraft has fantastic presentation with the cutest art I’ve seen in any game. It also has delightful flavor to its mechanics and those mechanics have meaty depth. Essentially you’re trying to find the right route to produce resources to score points, and endgame Flamecraft has a lot going on where that won’t be immediately clear. In a good way. And the clutter ushers the game to its conclusion so it never feels like you’re lagging. Also incredible use of puns and one of the dragons is named Potato. Its a fantastic time.
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Parks is a game I had seen before but was unsure about. A bit skeptical. But honestly its presentation and vintage travel poster aesthetic mixed with its leisurely hike mechanic gave me warm memories of cabin nights and nature filled days. In Parks a row of chevron shaped tiles with various bonuses goes from left to right. If you played Onitama the rules are similar. You each have two hikers, and choose what forward tile to move to. Gain those resources: trees, mountains, water, wildlife tokens acting as “wilds” (which are all uniquely shaped). You spend these on visiting parks like buying golems in Century Golem Edition. There’s camping gear you can buy as well for smaller bonuses, a bonus card unique to each player a la Wingspan, and canteens with special mechanics that work when filled with water (token). The art is gorgeous and if I were going out camping or spending time in a cabin this would be on the list of things to bring. I’ve never had a game make me want to go out and see US National Parks.
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Last of the night: Twilight Inscription. Baby Twilight Imperium. I feel they made a lot of good choices that keep the feel of Twilight Imperium while condensing it into a 60-120hr game. In this game you have boards you mark with a dry erase marker. Each player has four boards: Navigation, Expansion, Warfare, and Industry. A card is flipped over showing die faces. Players pick a board to operate on this round and gain those die faces. Navigation lets you travel and settle, Expansion lets you better use plants from Navigation, Warfare lets you amass armies to launch on your neighbors, and Industry lets you amass goods. All of these are connected in their output. I appreciated how War worked more like 7 Wonders. You build units marking dots and lines in a starfield inventory management style, and you need more pips marked on the grid than the neighbor that field points at. There’s rounds of voting where having more delegates gives you more sway, and sometimes keeping votes is more important that spending. My only wish is that Trade was more interactive, I really enjoyed the trade politics of Twilight Imperium and player interaction only happens with voting, warfare, and goal scoring. Points are gained thru excelling in the four boards and through four goal cards players play towards through the game. After four war phases the game ends and points are tallied. Bc this is an inscription style game turns are taken simultaneously so adding 8 players doesn’t really make the game go longer, there’s just more people thinking. This game felt great to play, thrilling to balance the different strategies, and had excellent die unlock progression systems I thought worked very well. If you like Twilight Imperium check it out!
Four games, five rounds played, all good stuff! Kanagawa and Parks were the lighter fare, Parks I would put up as a monopoly buster. Kanagawa feels good in the mix, something to puzzle your brain differently. Flamecraft is lighter to medium weight, I could see newer players having decision paralysis but I do feel its hard to make a wrong move, value is value. Twilight Inscription is still weighty, even a small version of Twilight Imperium will take 1-2hrs to play, but it gives bits of the feeling of the game without the shuffle of hosting a 4-12hr game. I would run this with people who played Terraforming Mars and had a good grasp on that. Its a step up from there, and the board system looks intimidating until you realize you’re punching in die faces. That’s all. Four new games four GOOD games!
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noobtiedoo · 2 years ago
No but listen: There’s so much talk about how Steve would be a good dad. And how Eddie would be the fun dad. But Billy?  Billy would be amazing as a parent. Hear me out:
-Everyone knows Billy has anger issues and is this tough untouchable douche which only turns around after Starcourt. So imagine everyone’s surprise when Billy just melts when he holds that little bundle of joy in his arms. And he’s all soft with it. -He’s extremely careful and awkward at first because What if i drop my child, holy fuck she/he’s so tiny. -Everyone gets anxiety when the baby pulls on Billy’s hair but he just allows it to happen. -He’s anxious all the time because he swore on his life that he will never be like his old man and he’s constantly worried that he might be just like Neil. And he does everything he can to be nothing like Neil. -He refuses to get rid of the Camaro but with the baby on board he drives at a snail’s pace which makes even the elderly people honk behind him. -He’s extremely protective. -He awkwardly asks Joyce for help on parenting because he knows fuck all on how to care for an infant and no offence to Hopper but he’s just more comfortable asking Joyce. Though he and Susan get along better she’s not the kind he’d ask advice from. Has to be Joyce.  -He forgoes fixing the mess his hair is because he’s exhausted getting up 3 times a night to hush his crying kid. He’s got bags under his eyes by this point. -Going from a hot life guard to an exhausted young dad just makes him somehow 10 times more attractive. -He gets tears in his eyes when the baby says ‘dada’ for the first time. -More tears for the first few steps -He hoards the kid’s little gifts (drawings, rocks, sticks) like a dragon because -what do you mean throw it away? my kid gave me this- 
-He wants to teach his kid how to surf. (+Bonus points for vacation with the Harringtons because Steve was talking about his kids and learning how to surf. ++ bonus points if he teaches his own kid AND Steve’s kid(s) how to surf.)
-If the kid grows and it’s a girl, every time there’s a school dance or party he intimidates the fuck out of her dates and scares them into bringing her home on time. No funny business allowed. 
-Imagine his embarrassment if he has to buy sanitary products for his daughter.
-Trying to give his kid ‘the talk’ and Max tells them Billy was WAY worse at their age and giving him shit for it.
- If it’s a boy then Billy lets him pick his own sport. And if he doesn’t like it he can switch because he’s not Neil and he isn’t going to force his kid to play a sport that he doesn’t like.
-He is supportive of his kid’s hobbies because he never got to have that when he was young. 
-He teases Max with being ‘Auntie Maxine’
And i’m sure there’s plenty more reasons.
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frosted-night · 4 years ago
Toothiana Concept Design Review
As promised, I tried to hunt down every single design of her and I think i got them all. (Or at least most.) It’s the Queen’s turn lets go, starting with her book designs!
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According to Joyce, this is one of the earliest designs for Tooth. She started out as a suited human and not as a human-bird hybrid. If you squint you can see a widow’s peak/hairline on her head. She gives me more super hero-like vibes in this one and the peacock feathers are interesting! I can’t say I’m a fan of it. Below is another book design I found that is VERY similar to this one, so I grouped them together.
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Rating: 4/10 Glad he made her more bird like.
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As a bonus, here is the design for Tooth as a child. Her toy there looks almost like a tooth but I have no idea what it actually is. I like how u can see a tiny curl of her hair under the hat. Otherwise I don’t have a lot of thoughts on this one.
Rating: 4/10 Not a fan but this exists I guess. BUT SHE ALSO HAS A SWORD.
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A tooth that appears in the Man In The Moon Picture book. (Heh it almost looks like shes hanging onto Aster’s sleeve here.) I just noticed shes got an F symbol on her bag that she has on the belt of her childhood outfit. She looks kinda angelic here ngl. Very wintery colors. Rating: 6/10 Wish she was more colorful just a little bit
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THERE SHE IS. THE FINAL BOOK TOOTH. Her feathers are absolutely stunning and the feather-puffy pants combo is  A LOOK(A good one). The only things I got that bother me is how round her head is at the top. If it had longer feathers that stuck out it’d look a little less weird. And one other thing
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Ear Feathers?????? Don’t know why but this AINT A VIBE. Rating: 7/10 looks like a queen and the swords are badass
I cannot stress enough how many movie Tooth designs exist so buckle up.
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Starting with a mysterious human looking Tooth, this design surfaced from this post 8 years ago. The original poster claimed it wasn’t from the movie credits and I couldn’t find any other trace of this design so it’s dubious at best. However I included it just in case it was in the movies/plans at some point of production. (I’m a little skeptical but oh well.) I do like how her outfit does look similar to real life outfits of her home region and she just looks gorgeous here.
Rating: Dubiously Canon/10
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This one feels more stylistic but damb I gotta appreciate how intricate her feathers look. Looks like she’s right out of a storybook and it’s very appealing.
Rating: 6/10 Not many thoughts just love her
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A fascinating one I found in my search. This was one of three designs that had Tooth in a mask but if you squint you can see she has a knife/dagger. So she would have had that blade wielding quirk like her book counterpart. She looks a bit more human in this one(At least in my opinion) The little flared collar is a nice touch that I oddly like. She looks like a fairy queen here for sure. She almost reminds me of a fencer Rating: 5/10 Good but too human
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The other masked Tooth! There are, a lot of thoughts I have about this one. The colors are GREAT and so are her wings. Her body however reminds me of the suited Tooth design Joyce had drawn up. It looks almost like shes wearing a shirt with holes in it over a pink one and I just don’t know how to feel about it. Something is just off about this one.
Rating: 3/10 Wings r great throw the rest away
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Another rare Tooth. She looks very similar to the one above and still has that mask. Or it could just be her actual head and not a mask this whole time! What a twist. Anyway, given the lighting it’s hard to tell what her base colors were but I’ll work with what we got. She’s a little less colorful looking than the other Tooths so it’s a little disappointing. Her wings are still quite impressive in my opinion.
Rating: 5/10 It’s nice but very one note in this concept image color wise
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Now this Tooth is an interesting one. She ditched the bird theming all together and is more butterfly themed. She’s more humanoid here but something about this design just hits a sweet spot for me. It’s very simple but I can’t explain it. Also I’m weak for her head covering/hood(?)
Rating: 8/10 Ignore the very blue white haired Sasuke lookin guy in her arms
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Excuse the very poor image quality here. I could only find it in this resolution so we gotta squint on this one. This one.. Call me weak but its one of my favorites. Her puffy pants make a return and they look like actual clothes! Her feather-cloak is a nice touch. I *think* this Tooth has hair if you look close but it’s hard to tell. It works in this design oddly works! Rating: 8/10 No complaints! Just that its so JPEGY AAAAA
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Oh man Y’all I
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Her energy itself is powerful. This Tooth feels older than the final design and has a very seasoned look to her. Call me a simp I DONT CARE. She’s such a queen here and I can’t get over it
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She lives in my head rent free and I will never ask her to pay rent. I’ll PAY HER. If I was forced to pick a favorite Tooth, it’s this one. She has fantasy elements and traits that remind me of an Indian Queen.
Rating: 10/10 Y’all already know i simp for this one I dont need to put anything else here.
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The final Tooth having gold feathers to imitate jewelry is just as good so I have no complaints about her. Her eyes are absolutely stunning
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They sort of remind me of a mosaic with light shining on it or gemstones even. That and her eyelashes are so on point. I fuckin ADORE THEM. No lash glue needed those are all natural baby. Additionally, she’s very humming bird themed(which is excellent) but her wings actually look more like dragon fly wings
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Curious since they are one of(if not the) fastest flying insect. It makes sense when you see how fast Tooth can zip around. It never occurred to me until dragonflies came around this season and I watched them closely. Overall I adore this version of her all the same.
Rating: Macabre Queen of Teeth/10
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lovee-infected · 4 years ago
This idea just hit me like a train. How would twst boys react to WAP from Cardi B?? 😂😂😂
I'm trying to ignore the fact that I might've never discovered WAP without this request...🗿
Warning(s): What should I even tag as the warning idkk ckcjxjsjsjdjdjck- Mentions of WAP's lyrics, mentions of nsfw, Warning for Idia's part bc I think it went a bit too far-
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Riddle Rosehearts
Heard of this song named WAP being trending between students -> Searched it up -> Riddle:... Riddle: *Turns off his phone*
Bans WAP from the whole Heartslabyul afterwards, and every student found listening to it will have to face Riddle's: "NOOOOOOO- NO WAP IN THIS HOUSEHOLD - GO TO HORNY JAIL OFF WITH YOUR HEADS YOU UNWORTHY CREATURES- "
Trey Clover
Searches: "What does WAP mean?" before wards and after reading the search results he decides that he doesn't really need to listen to the song itself anymore.
He just clears his browsing history and returns to baking cakes. Nothing has happened, he knows nothing.
Cater Diamond
He is the guy making those "Night raven college react to WAP!!" videos on magicam. His reaction videos get over 100k views and people from all over the Twisted Wonderland start following this dork for them.
Who cares about the WAP itself? As long as he can gain followers over these videos he doesn't care how the song is supposed to be.
But at last Riddle discovers his videos by finding other dorms' students laughing over them and forces him to take them down💀 Man, Riddle really did ruin his once-in-a-life time chance for becoming popular.
Ace Trappola and Deuce Spade
Riddle has banned WAP Heartslabyul so they're going to illegally listen to it. It was Ace's fault though, Deuce is innocent.
Ace searchs up the music video, Deuce just sees the thumbnail and tells Ace that he doesn't think that this is going to be a good idea but Ace cuts him off by asking him not to be such a chicken-
Though they had to stop because Deuce was all shaky and embarrassed after just 20 seconds :"Stop this-STOP THIS- I CAN'T DO THIS- WE'RE STILL TOO YOUNG" and Ace had to stop to shut Deuce because they could've gotten caught at any second because of his unholy screams.
[a few minutes later...]
Deuce: It was saying DOORS in this house
Ace: Bruh what the- we both know it was saying Wh*res.
Deuce: Y-you dirty minded bastard!! It was clearly saying doors in this house!
Ace: Why the hell would they say doors in this house!??? It was wh*res!
Deuce: Doors!
Deuce: DOORS
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Leona Kingscholar
See he might be a jerk but he hasn't yet gotten to the level of appreciating this way of presenting women in songs-
He's just going to pretend that WAP doesn't exist,but most of the Savanaclaw on the other hand are going wild because with WAP, now he can't even take a peaceful nap without WAP being looped in his brain.
Ruggie Bucchi
WAP isn't beyond his power, he's handled stronger songs.✨ He'd regularly rap WAP in public when he's feeling like it.
Now he goes around to recommend WAP to naïve students and taint their virginity by making them listen to WAP without knowing what it is-
Jack Howl
Catches Ace and Deuce listening to WAP and ends up listening to it because of them. He doesn't knpw what to say...
He isn't mad, just disappointed. Disappointed parent noises. Out of all these students, why should he best buddies which these two?
Time to drag Ace and Deuce to a corner and give them a long speech on why young men their age need to be focusing on mastering skills and achieving success through these golden years instead of violating rules and tainting their pure minds.
"Trappola-kun, Spade-kun, you've greatly disappointed me. You need to be more mindful of your actions as fellow freshmen of night raven college. Is this how the future's great magicians are going to be? How do you think your parents would feel about this new habit of yours? Have you thought of how despicable women are being presented through such songs? Are you going to support such a taboo message toward ladies?"
And Ace and Deuce end up having to listen to him and think of their bad actions for the rest of the day...
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Azul Ashengrotto
[Before listening to WAP]: He hears of this WAP song being super trending between students. What might it secret be? What kind of magic would make a simple song so hecking popular? He has to find out.
Azul thinks that by learning WAP's ways, he might be able to produce songs that are even better for mostrolounge and even start his very own music company! But before that he needs to listen to wap itself...
[After listening to WAP]: ...He discovers what kind of magic is making it so popular, but decides that it'd be better for him take a step back from the world of music for now. Yes, he's traumatized
Floyd Leech
"Hey hey koooeeebiii chaaannnn have you seen my new dance~?" ah yes, he's got the WAP dance and he's proud of it. These are the time when he's genuinely thankful for getting to have human legs.
But the WAP dance isn't his only target, he realizes that Jamil doesn't seem to want Kalim to know anything about WAP, but thankfully, Floyd is going to be kind enough to bless the young Kalim with his wealthy knowledge on WAP. ✨
Jade Leech
"My...my...that was savage," Jade is amazed, it's quite wonderful how these fragile creatures can go from Micheal Jackson's smooth criminal to WAP in a matter of years.
He's still having trouble keeping up with latest human trends and popular songs but, he's slowly liking humans a lot more than before. These creatures have already reached the level to make put p*rn in music, impressive.
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Kalim Al Asim
He hears students whispering about an epic song named WAP during the classes, and of course he'd be intrigued!
He looks up the song but Jamil has already blocked his access to any sources that he might find WAP in, yet Floyd was kind enough to lend Kalim his phone to let him listen to this masterpiece. Later on, Floyd tells him about the WAP dance and bam, Kalim is addicted.
"Everyone watch me! I've got the WAP!"
Poor Jamil doesn't know which is worse, having Kalim signing it loudly in the dorm or watching him showing off his skills in that WAP dance in public. It's time for Jamil to go on a long, long trip and never come back until Kalim graduates from this school.
Jamil Viper
Listens to WAP once, is going to spend the rest of his life pretending that he has never heard or watched it. The most ironic part about it is how he watches the music video instead of just listening to the song and...the snakes. Good lord the snakes- He isn't sure if he likes snakes anymore.
The snakes part seriously traumatizes him but not like Kalim does when he asks Jamil to learn him the WAP dance. And heck no Jamil isn't going to learn him how to dance like a wh*re. At this point, he decides to deny WAP's whole existence.
Kalim: At least tell me what a WAP is!
Jamil: Worship and prayer.
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Vil Schoenheit
Hasn't listened to WAP and refuses to do so. He's got standards.
Rook Hunt
"Bravo!!! These Mademoiselles have taken the art of music to a whole nother level! Beaute! 100 points! 💯" (...what else did you expect him to say?)
Just as always, no one can really tell if Rook really liked it or not but from the way he acts he seems to be... intrigued. Apparently WAP starts to get too famous in school and Rook would always be the first one to find out if a student is secretly listening to WAP in public, so he doesn't mind popping up and reminding the students not to listen to such a potentially stimulating song so carelessly: "Monsieur (x), it's adorable to see you appreciating such a glorious piece of art in this lovely day, but I don't think that all of these students staring at us right now are yet prepared for such a beauty,"
Epel Felmier
He just asked Ace for some music that'll make him sound more badass and Ace gave him the WAP:
Epel listening to WAP be like:😳😶😨😕😭
His face is redder than a tomato after the first 30 seconds of WAP, but Ace tells him that he'd be the bravest human being ever if he takes the urge to listen to this in front of teachers.
Tries to dance to WAP and make a video with it to upload on magicam, but Vil catches him in the middle of process.💀💀💀 The video turned out pretty good though. It looks just like a mother (Ehm- Vil) getting into her child's room (Epel-) and finding them doing some crazy shit.
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Idia Shroud
He's the silent and seemingly shy dude who's listening to WAP in the highest volume under those head phones during classes.
Divus Crewel: CaF2(s) + Br2(ℓ) → CaBr2(s) + F2(g)...
Inside Idia's headphones: " ~ Wh*res in this house~ there some wh*res in this house~ there some wh*res in this house~ there some wh*res in this house~"
Bonus: He once forgets to connect his headphones to his tablet before playing WAP:
[Wap is being played at max volume inside Trein's class]
Idia: *Thinks that the sound is coming from his head phones*
The classroom: "Beat it up, n*gga, catch a charge
Extra large and extra hard
Put this p**sy right in your face
Swipe your nose like a credit card"
Trein: 😳
Students: 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳
Crowley about to jump down: 🤭
Idia still not realizing what the hell is going on: 'Lucy lucy baby~ hihihi- wait- why they all staring at me now...? Did they hear me internally flirt with Lucius?'
No need to say what happened to Idia after this...
Ortho Shroud
No WAP for him. You may find him reacting to "If you're happy and you know it clap your hands" if you're interested.🗿
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Malleus Draconia
Thank goodness he just finds the censored version of WAP... Listens to the whole song, but doesn't understand most of the lyrics. The "Put this cookie right in your face" part confuses him the most, he doesn't get it. Why would you put a cookie in your face? Is this something humans usually to do with their desserts? Like, would they put ice cream in their faces too?
Virgin dragon keeps on asking people, including Lilia, to tell him what it means to put a cookie in one's face, yet no one seems to give him any proper answers ):
Perhaps human music just isn't his thing, he's getting back to sad violin noises which he listens to when he isn't invited.
Lilia Vanrouge
WAP go brrrrrrr. Our sassy grandpa is legit in love with this piece of gold and all of the humans for achieving such a glory. The beat is superb and the lyrics are: Delicious, motivational and creatively written.
Even better, WAP has an unofficial but smexy dance too. Old man Lilia is never too old for performing a sexy physically challenging dance.
You can now hear savage rock sounds combined with WAP playing in the background coming from his room when he's vibing in the afternoon.
(I can totally see him wearing a neko maiden costume while dancing to WAP and you can't tell me otherwise)
Finds WAP in papa Lilia's playlist...
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Sebek Zigvolt
Sweet mother of love Sebek feels like listening to WAP has taken his virginity away-
He is a good boy, no, he once was a good boy. He's no longer the worthy man he used to be now that this unholy song has tainted his soul.
Legit feels guilty and and sinful after WAP, so you can find him praying for forgiveness to that Malleus portrait in his room every night.
"Oh young master forgive my thoughtless deeds, I beg for your mercy upon me now that I've sinned..."
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Dire Crowley
Not saying that a drag Queen Crowley dancing to WAP would be a thing, but a drag Queen Crowley dancing to WAP would be a thing- Everyone bow down to the Headmaster, the most gracious of them all 😩😩😩👌🏻
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Please, don't blame him. Birby is under too much of pressure after the very recent overblot cases and he needs a way to let go of the stress😔😔😔
Is illegally selling copies of the WAP because most of the dorms had blocked access to this song for the students...
"Helloooooo little demons I've got the WAP! In stuck now-"
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kylandara · 3 years ago
Quora Reshare: In the novel, did Mirri Maz Duur intentionally harm Khal Drogo and his unborn son in GOT?
Maybe or maybe not controversial take:
by Kelsey
I don’t believe so but I think it’s easy to see how people can be confused given that Mirri seems to take post hoc credit for it, and in Drogo’s case the show handles it a bit differently.
I think what we’re seeing is Mirri taking credit after the fact to bolster her own martyr-ish reputation — imagine taking down two warlords, one current and one future; she’s probably imagining that her people will see her as a hero — and inflicting maximum pain on Dany — Mirri has to know Dany’s going to kill her anyway, so she might as well go down swinging. Neither of those things mean that she set out to do it from the start, though.
Looking at the two individual cases:
Dany miscarried Rhaego after Jorah took her into the tent (and I think this is also what “quickened” Dany’s dragon eggs — the ritual latched onto the unborn baby and the eggs, killing the baby but giving the eggs life or at least, “waking them up”). What did Mirri tell Dany beforehand? “Once I begin to sing, no one must enter this tent. My song will wake powers old and dark. The dead will dance here this night. No living man must look on them.” If Mirri intended all along to kill Rhaego, why tell Dany not to come into the tent? She couldn’t have known beforehand that Jorah would enter the tent with her; what would she have done if he hadn’t? Dany wants to stay in the tent before Mirri tells her not to; if the plan was to kill Rhaego, why not simply tell Dany that she can stay?
In the books, Drogo’s condition worsens when he stops using Mirri’s poultice and instead plasters the wound in mud. The show obscures this somewhat by leaving that part out and going right from Mirri giving Drogo advice to Drogo falling off his horse, implying that one caused the other. But in the books it looks like Drogo disregarding Mirri’s advice is what undid him, whereas her poultice seemed to actually have been working (Drogo doesn’t like it because it itches, but the itching is what implies that it’s working).
It’s also a bit confusing because both Dany and Mirri seem to see the swap as being between the baby and Drogo — “show me what I bought with my son’s life” — and not between the horse and Drogo and then, separately, the baby and the dragon eggs (which is how I think it went down). That is to say, what Dany and even Mirri think was the “swap” (in Mirri’s case, she’d probably think of this as an inadvertent “bonus”) isn’t necessarily what the swap actually was. But if people take their perception as fact — even if it isn’t — then it looks like Rhaego was deliberately killed and Drogo was deliberately made comatose through Rhaego’s sacrifice.
Now, I do think Mirri knew damn well that Drogo’s horse would not be enough to make him normal again (and I think this is part of what she means when she references Dany’s self-deception; who would seriously think a horse equaled a human?). I think that was intentional — and Mirri probably just assumed that the baby also wasn’t enough to make Drogo normal again, not considering that the baby might have “latched onto” something else in the tent besides Drogo, namely the dragon eggs. But I don’t think Mirri was responsible for Drogo getting to that point, and she’d probably argue that alive but comatose is still a step up from being dead, which he would have been otherwise without her intervention.
(This is really a fascinating sequence of events once you get to the meat of it, for a few reasons. Both women have a “careful what you wish for” angle built in. In Dany’s case, she wanted Drogo to stay alive, and she got it, but not the way she wanted it to be. In Mirri’s case, even if she didn’t go in intending to do it, she would have died figuring hey, at least I stopped the Stallion That Mounts the World. The sick joke being that Mirri’s ritual and her later sacrifice is what enabled the dragons to hatch, which is what gave Dany the power to eventually become … the Stallion That Mounts the World. And Dany, in the course of losing her son, gained something she never could have conquered Westeros or anywhere else without.)
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br-disaster · 5 years ago
nie mingjue’s outfits appreciation post
This is way longer than I expected oh gods, please forgive me for it. 
 It’s a well known fact that Jiang Cheng has the best wardrobe of all CQL characters, I’m not here to argue with that, but I think it’s time for us to stop sleeping on Nie Mingjue’s absolutely fantastic fashion sense.
I mean have you seen him?? The man is out there serving looks even with the Nie sect limited color palette. Please let’s ignore the context here and just look at his robes
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I wasn't sure if I should rank them, so I’ll just ramble about them in order of appearance:
1. The gray “I’m the boss” one
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That’s the first time we ever see him and what can I say? He does leave an impression. We see him using these robes two times, in episodes 10-11 and on the beggining of Fatal Journey, as the first picture shows, which makes me wonder: Is this his stay-at-home set of robes? ‘Cause damn
I don’t know how I should comment on the particular details of his robes but I really appreciate how wide this extra fabric layer makes his shoulders look.
Really imposing and powerful look.
2. The Sunshot incredibly beautiful "this is how you win a war" one
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Look, this one might be my favorite, it has EVERYTHING
Shoulder game is strong here, and this bronze-like color goes really well with his belt. Now let's talk about his outer robe for a moment, just THE COLOR I mean it's the prettiest shade of gray I've ever seen.
Also Long Sleeves
And a CAPE. A f**king CAPE. I'll never get over this look and I'm really glad the costume department let this king wear a cape again in Fatal Journey, he was made for it.
Next comes the inner layer that's not really a robe, as you can see when he's standing, but the silver pattern is what really does it for me, guys. It's probably the first thing you see once you look down from his face, 'cause I know we all get lost on that beautiful mustache, and it's perfect.
You can’t lead a war campaign if you don’t look good, I see.
3. The "I didn't really want to be here but I’m looking good anyway" one
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It's so dark, it probably reflects how he was feeling during pretty much all the scenes he's in while wearing it.
Once again he accentuates his shoulders with an extra fabric except this time his sleeves are not long at all. I personally think he looks even more handsome like this, it makes his arms look bigger. What is it called? I don't know, but it matches his belt as well.
( Is it really a belt, guys? I don't wanna disrespect but I don't even know where to start looking for names nor I know other english names for belts)
The subtle golden/bronze details on the outer robe and on the inner robe's collar contrasts really well with the black and dark gray
Sad thing he looked really miserable wearing it :c
4. The "big event he seemed ok with attending" one
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Dark again. But he didn't look as depressed as in the previous one, he actually had fun that day, which is good. Enough of tears and betrayal for now.
May be the wider sleeves he ever wore, perfect for clapping his hands like a happy toddler. There's also a lovely flowery pattern on the darker robe that you can easily miss if you don't pay enough attention.
For the first time his shoulders are not accentuated by fabric or shoulder pads and it's really nice to see him like this. We all love a buff Mingjue, but CQL Mingjue is not that buff and I love him just as much.
Really elegant, not as imposing and he has every right to want to look civil for once. It may be the series' way of telling us that he's not dressed for real combat or war, who knows.
5. The "all this just for a flashback?" one
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Listen, this one right here is just AMAZING
I don't understand why they dressed him so beautifully for what? 10 minutes of a flashback. I wanted to see it for more than a couple os scenes!!
Everything here is different, so this will take time.
First: His inner robe, the first one, is not the usual black, it's light gray, it's lighter than his robes actually, and we don't see him wearing it like ever again since chronologically in the series this is the first robe he wears. Does it secretly mean that all went wrong from the moment he met MY? who knows
Second: The outer robe is fancy. There’s so many details to it and it may be the lighting of the scene, but it seems to be a warmer shade of gray, doesn’t it? The golden\bronze thin strip around the silver larger strip is perfect. It kinda has the opposite effect of his shoulder pads, since it makes his shoulders look a bit smaller but it’s so very elegant.
Third: The upper part of the inner robe. I mean who gave him the right to look that good ??? It’s dark but it has golden little shapes in it!! And it kinda looks like there’s a zipper in there because of that mid section. And oh to be a single jewel resting over Sect Leader Nie’s chest...
Fourth: The bottom part of the robe is also something new. We see pleats on Huaisang’s main robes, but never on Mingjue’s until now, that’s why I took the last screenshot, nothing to do with the bloody Baxia at all. I wish we could have seen them in pretty pleated robes together.
It probably contradicts what I said about his shoulder things being a code for battle, since the first thing we see him doing with this outfit is killing some guy/puppet; but for the rest of the time he wears it is peaceful
Honestly, imagine how Meng Yao felt. It was some fairy tale thing, wasn’t it? You’re a nobody eating bread and drinking water and then this king pops up out of nowhere and defends you from bullying and offers you a job and takes you home with him?? 
6.The “kick your local murderer down the stairs” one
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I don’t really know what to say about this one. The context kind of ruined it for me, but let’s try.
 It resembles the fourth outfit since it’s a really dark inner robe and a lighter and patterned outer robe. Except this one has this nice and shiny thin strips around the sleeves and the waist.
It’s pretty but not especially pretty in my opinion. If I were to rank the outfits, this one would rank last.
7. The “fighting qi deviation and needing emotional support” one
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Fatal Journey, baby.
I know what I said about the second one, but this might be my favorite.  It’s practical, no long sleeves or heavy outer robes. It’s also appropriate for horse riding, wich is great. The simple, sleeveless light gray outer robe is really nice.
There’s a cape again!! And I have to say the cape looks even better now that his sleeves are tighter, the way it falls gracefully on his back is perfect. I love the way it seems to be attached to the shoulder pad too. 
The robes are simple but the thing is: The accessories are not. 
His belt is now silver and if we ignore that the production team just painted it, we can assume he has two sets of identical waist belts, one is bronze and the other is silver. Now the final touch: The shoulder pads. This is what makes this outfit the most extra of them all. It’s silver and just so, so pretty I wanna cry everytime I look at them. I mean, the layers, the dragon\beast entire head makes him look so fierce and ready for the fight.
 I wonder how comfortable they are tho.
10/10 would rank first place.
bonus: Baby Mingjue
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We love a consistent king after all! Has he been wearing dark robes since he was a baby? We will never know. I love this dark yet translucent outer robe tho.
1000/10 the cutest and best dressed child out there.
Conclusion: Nie Mingjue is a fashion icon! 
* Do not take this too seriously, I did zero research and english is not my first language. If there’s any terrible grammar mistakes, point them to me and i’ll edit it. If I’m somehow disrespecting Chinese culture, please also point it to me and I’ll apologize, edit or even delete the post.
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sweetestpopcorn · 3 years ago
do you have any fancast of daemon and rhaenyra??
Sorry I took a while to answer this one but your question couldn't have come at a more opportune time XD because... a few days before you sent it, I commissioned this freaking amazing artist with a portrait of Daemon and Rhaenyra and actually I gave them two actors to use as references that are my fancast!
While no human in my opinion could be as otherworldly beautiful as a Targaryen, some can pass as them quite effectively - like gorgeous Emilia Clarke who played Dany!
For Rhaenyra I 100% see someone like Holliday Grainger. She's extremely beautiful with a total doll face to the point you can't even point out any defect (yes I hate her too). Holliday also has incredibly range as an actress, in the show "Borgias" she was fragile, innocent, feminine, charming, seductive, angry, proud, arrogant, powerful... perfect to play someone as complex as Rhaenyra Targaryen. She even has the small, petulant mouth, George once described Rhaenyra as having! Bonus Points: look at her braid!
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Also, I dare anyone to tell me this totally isn't Rhaenyra with our lord and saviour baby cheeks Aegon!
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As for Daemon Targaryen, over the years I have seen some suggestions, one of the most popular being Jason Isaacs, which while I can totally see it, I cannot help but think of Mr. Malfoy 😂 Still, like maybe a year ago I had an Anon suggesting someone who blew my freaking mind and made me go like OMFG YES! That Anon if you are reading this, you are the MVP and you changed my life!
My fancast for Daemon Targaryen would be Christian Bale. Yep, you heard (lol read) that right! I especially imagine Daemon as Christian was in "American Psycho" - because Bale is such a chameleon he is like a different man every movie he makes. Someone of his category definitely has what it takes to play someone as complex as Daemon!
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Do you see the smirk? 😂 Yep me too! Dashing, dangerous, arrogant, otherworldly-good looks... need I say more? And I totally bet that if he played Daemon this man wouldn't allow that godawful wig to be used! Bale would probably grow his hair out and dye it silver and buy some purple contacts himself XD Hells, he would learn Valyrian too and probably buy himself a komodo dragon!
Bonus for all of you Daemon/Rhea shippers, here you have first hand, Daemon speaking with Rhea:
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Anyway, this is just my personal fancast and opinions. Attributes like beauty are very subjective so people can disagree, but these are my choices for the Rogue Prince and the Realm's Delight, Christian Bale and Holliday Grainger.
Holliday Grainger and Christian Bale were used as references for this AMAZING illustrations done by lupotterdraws which is just so freaking perfect! Exactly as I see Daemon and Rhaenyra Targaryen 😌
Thank you for your question and for coming to my TedTalk!
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husky-twst-and-obeyme · 4 years ago
I really liked you TWST with Obey me! S/O hc's so... can I request for the same Obey Me S/O but their introducing Simeon and Luke as their actual guardian angels? (Maybe Solomon is their partner-in-crime or something) oh and its for the dorm leaders! (And maybe can we see a tiny bit of cheka's and luke's reaction to each other? You can decline this ask if you want to of course^^)
SO sorry this was late!
He was surprised guardian angels exist , a little jealous and wish he had some when he was younger
he was curious about them and they’re what he expected, well behaved
He loved how well they followed rules, he was more fond of Simeon but it didn’t mean he didn’t like Luke
He’d listen to Simeon go on bizarre stories about you , you were good but being influenced by demons was another story
on the other hand , luke was getting pestered by Ace. Riddle didn’t notice until Luke kicked Ace in the sheen
Riddle was shocked and was about to scold but Simeon took care of that , lowkey he thought Ace deserved it
When they leave , he would ask if they’d be back , he really loved their prescenese
Guardian angels? the fuck?
He didn’t believe it much until he met them , all he saw was a bite size shrimp that’s like Cheka and a skin bean
He’s not too much of a fan and just straight up ignores them
you tried your best to get him to interact but he purposely sleeps on you
lowkey , he’s jealous because he’s supposed to be your guard, not these bright pansies
Simeon seemed fine but luke did not like Leona at all because of the cold attitude
Let’s just say if they ever come back , it would be a awkward silence for the most part  
We already know Azul wants to make a business with them
He was quite friendly with them at first , but luke already got bad vibes from him , the twins didn’t help with that XD
Azul tried to relax luke but he was stubborn as  hell (heh)
you knew Azul was going to try to do business with so you in a way cock blocked his chances but changing the subjects completely
“so Mr Simeon~ would yo like to - “ “y’all like jazz? “
After Simeon and Luke left, all you did was scold Azul
He was so excited to meet them , Jamil had to try to calm him down
Kalim really adored how beautiful and majestic they were
Simeon told him stories about you that you never mentioned before, it makes him excited
He also gets to try recipes that Simeon cooks with the help of Jamil , they exchanged recipes with each other
Luke even went in with his special desserts which were the best ever to Kalim
he was sad that they had to leave at some point but he had fun while it lasted
He was quite interested when you brought of Simeon and luke
guardian angels? intriguing...
Vil actually got the opportunity to meet them , you entered to Pomefoire with them because you thought it’d catch the angels interest
Luke was amazed by Vil because of how stunning he looked, he almost mistaken him for an angel himself
While Luke was admiring from behind you , Simeon had a wonderful time with Vil , he somewhat reminded him of Asmo with all the beauty treatments he does
Simeon and Vil go into their own little world while you and luke just waited for them  , it was a long while
Vil enjoys his time with them but can see a few flaws that need to worked on but he’ll get to those in due time
not really into meeting angels but Ortho was so he was like “ ok, i guess.- “
When they arrived Ortho was so fascinated by them while Idia just hid behind you the whole time
Luke tried to talk to Idia but he was stone cold shut the entire time
Simeon didn’t mind, he understood that it can be intimidating for some people to meet Angels , which earned him some respect from idia but just by a little
Ortho and Luke got along really well , which made idia really happy but not enough to express it to them
After Luke and Simeon left, Ortho asked you if they’d be back anytime  soon while Idia is still trying to process all if it happening , so who knows?
Angels huh? Interesting
He was aware of their existence but never really interacted with angels before
when Simeon and luke came along, luke was imately scared by him because he automatically assumed Malleus was a demon
which luckily you explained he wasn’t and was just a dragon fae, Luke only felt a little less intimated
Simeon tried to settle things with telling stories of the celestial realm to Malleus which did catch his attention more
at some point Lilia joined and Luke assumed he was a child , thinking he was malleus’ son for some reason until he learned that he’s much older “HOW- “
-”fufufu , we fae change alter ourselves to our liking “ Lilia smiled
Luke hid behind you because now he doesn’t trust the old man  baby 
he was on one of his visits to Leona until he noticed you and two others with you 
he saw a little boy over there and got super excited ! someone his age! 
he rushed over , leaving his bodyguards , again- 
he ran up to you guys all excited, you were used to this behavior of Cheka whenever you visit here while Simeon and Luke were caught by surprise
Cheka showed more interest in Luke which made him feel special 
Luke got along pretty well to the point where no one could separate them 
You and Leona used it as an opportunity to not worry (too much ) about them since they had each other, at least leona could rest easy with Cheka around that angel 
it was so heartbreaking when the two of them had to leave each other behind 
but you made sure that you knew Cheka was coming you’d let Luke know right away! 
Hope you like it! 
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tartagliadevotee · 4 years ago
heres the good old crack friend <3
if kidnapped by zhongli make use of his bad money management, every time you get left alone even for a couple minutes become the human ferret. anything not nailed to the floors and walls, move ever so slightly. anything small hide in the floors, ceilings, pots, bury them if given enough time. but do this within a span of a month and if asked just shrug since chances are you'll forget where things where hidden and tell him to ask childe to buy more stuff to annoy childe too. always eat seafood and only seafood, and when hes talking nonstop just stare with a dazed look. if asked wtf are you listening say yes then repeat what you thought you heard which is not even close to what was said. 0 skills in direction following/listening <3
if childe happens to take you, i hope you enjoy paper. just take a small nibble out of anything that looks important but not all of the paperwork. pick a page at random nibble then put it back. now he might find out soon so we must up the madness! pick a small closed off area that you know he won't check often. dresser drawers or part of a closest is the best spots in mind, start a spider farm. feed them when hes not around and by the time the suckers have babies hatching in the 1000s interduce him. "childe meet OUR new children :D" chances are you'll be yeeted to someone else.
diluc should be easy to annoy! just become like razor but worse! dig holes/pit traps all around the yard. once in timeout or trouble wait till left alone to attempt at being spiderman, climb out that window and onto the roof. bonus points if you can go up but cant climb back down. during any chance you get snacks like cookies or sweets or cheese, hide it away under the pillows. if asked why just explain it tastes better after a few days under the pillows. once food poisoned ask why he didnt stop you only to forget that ever happened the next day and do it again.
once you get passed off to kayea make a nest in his room, and start laying around in the middle of the halls, in front doors, on the stairs. trip people or jam doors and just look at them as if they are the problem. if asked for affection proceed to excitedly look as if you are about to kiss only to duck under his chin and headbutt into him. bonus if you have sharp nails to happily grip onto him and refuse to left go. paperwork needing to be done? offer to do it only to turn it all into cute little origami. if hes still trying to tolerate your insanity i suggest you start pretending you see ghosts. oh and use that library to climb around in and sleep on the top shelves.
once kicked outta there you now have venti to worry about. but dont worry that'll be easy enough. channel your inner feline, if you can get your hands on catnip roll in it. start feeding ALL the cats of that city, make a cat army. whenever he dare approach you and cats all must stare at him then all at once pounce the bard. if the allergies and weirdness dont chase him away or the cats that will not take kindly to their leader being taken go to the next step. this is assuming he takes you away to be babysat by dvalin while he does whatever. proceed to randomly try to yank off his scales. they look so pretty so now they yours. if told off by venti for being a jerk to the dragon bring him a gift. apples but make sure he eats the cores then happily ask if hes enjoying the cyanide. if asked why you dont love them tell him "i do love you, I love you so much I want to cut your body open and wear it like a blanket and eat your insides so we can become one." pretty sure that'll scare anyone away.
if topic of kids every come up just act excited and proceed to say how you'll teach them to set fires, make poisons, basically be the fun worst parent ever. :'D enjoy your freedom once they have had enough of your crap, oh and as for albedo just blow his lab up and mess his experiments up
this is so absolutely chaotic and i love it
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