#bonking my head with the girlies
gambleputty · 5 months
See it’s not gay for 2 tgirls to be nuzzling each other, that’s just the magnets in their heads
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nonokoko13 · 1 year
My predictions for Project Voltage
or just Pokemon I wish Miku had in her team (may change my mind tbh). Watch me fail them all
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Fighting Miku
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Fairy Miku
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Ghost Miku
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Bug Miku
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Poison Miku
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Ground Miku
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Steel Miku (+ Klink or Togedemaru)
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Dark Miku
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crissiebaby · 8 months
Sissy's First Date: Chapter 5
DISCLAIMER: This POV story contains diaper usage, forced crossdressing, public humiliation, masturbation/diaper sex, and other ABDL themes. I hope you enjoy!
Commissioned By: Anon
The small, two-seater boat bobbed and buckled as Becca and I boarded the vessel. Planting both feet on the creaky, wooden floor, I extended a hand back to Becca. “Why thank you, my dear, Cherry,” she said, adding a bit of snootiness to her tone for comedic effect.
Playing along, I responded, “Of course, my lady,” as I helped to lower Becca into her seat. I was happy to have our happy-go-lucky energy back. My heart fluttered as I pressed my skirt to the rear of my diaper to sit, and I wasn’t certain if it was due to the overwhelming levels of girliness, the sheer amount of squishiness, or the fact that I was cozied up with Becca in a very compact space. Though, deep down, I was pretty sure it was a bit of all three.
“Please keep your hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times. The use of flash photography is not permitted at any time. Thank you and enjoy the tunnel of love,” said the woman operating the ride, doing her best to sound enthusiastic after repeating the same phrase for the past several hours.
The mechanism holding the boat in place unlatched, casting us off into open waters. It took no time at all for the boat to reach its gradual max speed as we were shoved along the slow-moving stream. Light receded from the mouth of the tunnel behind us whilst the growing darkness of the tunnel ahead and the slight breeze of air conditioning sprouted goosebumps up and down my forearms. The chilly air had me wanting to wrap an arm around Becca’s shoulder, both for warmth and romance. However, my plans were dashed as my date beat me to the punch, nestling me under her wing and squeezing me delicately into her torso.
A sense of fuzziness transcended upon me, overwhelming me with pure femininity. How such a simple action managed to make me feel so small and effeminate I will never understand.
Before long, the pitch-black tunnel began to illuminate as we entered the first room on our journey. Soft, ambient pop music from the 70s played overhead that paired well with the decor, which looked as though it hadn’t been updated since around the same era. Countless red and pink hearts were scattered about along the walls and strung up haphazardly, giving off the feeling that we’d been shrunken down and stuffed inside a box of conversation hearts. A minor disappointment, though I can’t say I was expecting much from a county fair attraction.
It’s not like the ride itself was where my focus was anyway. Right now, all of my attention was being dedicated to the padded beauty seated beside me. Not wanting to appear too eager, I kept my head forward, electing to use my peripheral vision to steal glances at Becca any chance I could. From her luscious lips to the way her wavy hair curled around her ear, every inch of her being was a masterpiece.
“Heh, ya know, you can do more than just look…if you want,” said Becca, drawing attention to the extended silence that had existed between us since our boat embarked. It took me a few seconds to process what she said, adding a smidge of extra blush to my face once her words finally clicked. This gave Becca even more of an opening to tease me at will. She leaned in closer, placing a hand on the top side of my thigh, “Aw, was my sweet baby hoping I’d make the first move? Hehe! You really are just a sissy baby gi-”
Suddenly, a blackness far darker than the tunnel’s entrance overtook my vision. All I could feel was a surge of electricity enveloping my lips, accompanied by a foreign, yet inexplicably pleasant plushness. It was as if my mouth was pressed against two soft, wet clouds. I let out a brief, sultry moan as I squinted my eyes open, only to be greeted by Becca’s eyes a mere inch from my own.
Pulling away, I raised my hand to my mouth, unable to shake the burning tingle that lingered from our first real kiss as a couple. I was practically in shock over my own boldness. What had I just done?! “O-Oh, my Goddess! I’m sorry! I d-don’t know what came over-” was all I got out before Becca ripped my hand away from my face and smashed her kisser into mine for a second time. The tip of her tongue stabbed at the crease of my mouth, demanding to be allowed in. I obediently parted my lips and let her have her way with me orally.
Unsurprisingly, this wasn’t the only way that Becca planned to have her way with me as the hand that she strategically positioned on my leg finally came into play. The tips of her fingers tickled my skin as she made her slow approach toward my soft, sensitive inner thigh. They pushed another moan out of me, this one much less restrained. I could feel my squelchy diaper molding around my ripening dick as it grew and made itself known.
“Uh oh, is that for me?” cooed Becca, her lips separating from mine as she explored the rest of my face and neck with her mouth. Meanwhile, her hands were continuing to forge their own expedition as her knuckles brushed against the underside of my nappy, taunting me with anticipation.
My entire body was radiating euphoria as we exited the floating hearts room and entered a more narrow corridor with blue-painted walls that had sparkly lights twinkling all around us. Paired alongside the slow-moving stream’s reflection, it was as if we were drifting through space together. Water rippled around the exterior of the boat with our passionate makeout session acting as an epicenter. “Mmmm! Do you hear all those yummy sloshing sounds? How’s about we make a few of those ourselves?” she said, her hand leaping off my lap and mashing itself into my pointed diaper. I would’ve screamed out in pleasure if her lips hadn’t sealed themselves to mine.
Weakened by her touch, I let my spine go lax and leaned back in my seat. Becca was now in complete control, a thought that served to multiply my arousal. This gave Becca the green light to shift herself onto my legs, causing the boat to rock tremendously. Once she got settled into place, she leaned in and whispered next to my ear, “I’d say I’ve teased you enough for today. Don’t want my baby getting all pent up, after all.”
“Mhmm,” I mumbled meekly, worried that I’d be too loud if I opened my mouth for even so much as a millisecond. Utilizing every ounce of strength I still possessed, I raised my arms around Becca and began caressing her hair. It was so incredibly soft. My fingers soon got lost in her locks, never wanting to leave such a silky oasis.
Becca, however, had bigger plans for my hands. Without warning, she grabbed onto my left wrist with her free hand and pulled my hand down to her chest. The instant my open palm made contact with her spongy tit flesh, all thoughts toward resisting vanished. “Ah! S-So soft!” I stuttered, my voice echoing around the star-filled landscape.
I was lucky to have Becca above me to press her hand to my mouth, suppressing my volume. “Shhhh! Don’t want the fun to end early, do we?” she asked, prompting me to shake my head back and forth in a flurry. This made her giggle but I didn’t care. I never wanted this to end and I didn’t care how much Becca knew that.
The starry corridor eventually came to an end, giving way to the Tunnel of Love’s final room. It was a brightly lit cityscape that was lined wall to wall with dolls that were matched up in couples. Some dolls were doing the kind of things people often do on dates such as dancing, ice skating, and eating at a fancy restaurant. But the majority of them were simply holding hands with each other. It was definitely weird and a little creepy to have so many eyes staring at us amid our heated embrace. Thankfully, it did nothing to derail the sexy fun Becca and I were having, especially now that we were in position to take our fun to the next level.
Bending her knees at my sides, Becca eased herself forward onto my lap and pressed her mooshy padding into mine with her hand coddling my cock in between. Unlike our first time humping diapers, I was only wearing two layers of padding. And while the added layers did make things a heck of a lot squishier, every diaper also dulled the external sensations considerably. This meant that I was defenseless as Becca’s soggy, mushy diaper butt mooshed into my lap while her delicate fingers diddled my nappy-swaddled dick. My reaction was nigh instantaneous.
“Ooh! Fuuuuuck!” I screamed with my tongue resting on my bottom lip as I shot hot semen into my cold water diaper. My feet shot upward and kicked the wooden plank in front of me, splashing water up between the boat and the wall of the river as we ebbed and weaved. I instinctively reached down and grabbed the side of the boat, only realizing that I’d let go of Becca a moment too late.
With one hand planted on my diaper and the other struggling to cling to the fabric of my dress, Becca had nothing to support her weight as the boat continued to bounce. She attempted to shuffle off my lap so that she could steady herself better but couldn’t manage to squeeze her arm out from between my diaper and her hips before her balance was completely lost. I attempted to save her at the last second by grabbing onto her as she fell but all she ended up doing was dragging me down with her.
In a single, swift motion, our boat capsized, sending us both tumbling into the bed of water below. The knee-high fluid quickly swarmed around us, pouring into our diapers until they were filled to their maximum capacities and soaking each of our dresses thoroughly. I scrambled to climb to my feet, aiming to help Becca do the same. Tragically, I did not account for the increased weight of my waterlogged diaper, sending me toppling over Becca and drenching us for a second time.
Laughing in bursts between surfacings, Becca was in complete hysterics over our damp predicament. She swung her arm at the water in front of me, splashing me with a faceful of murky liquid. “And here I thought today couldn’t get any better,” she joked as she staggered to her feet, revealing her supremely sodden pulp balloon to me. Seeing her lewd body in such a swollen nappy with her clothes hugging her form was the absolute definition of beauty.
“You like what you see?” said Becca, peeking over her shoulder and catching me gawking. It was as if she could sense my gaze. Giggling at me as I nodded yes with my eyes wide as dinner plates, she extended her hand down and yanked me to my feet, “Fear not, I’ll give you plenty of time to see all that you want soon enough.” She punctuated her sentence by booping me on the nose, something that I couldn’t help but notice was turning into a habit.
Leaning in close, I could already feel my body compelling me to kiss Becca again. Her lips were just too addictive. “I can’t wait,” I said tenderly, pressing my chest and sopping diapers into hers as I stared into her entrancing eyes, “But I already see everything I want to.”
A line of red emerged across Becca’s nose and cheeks as well. I loved the way she blushed. I wouldn’t get the chance to see it for long, sadly, as she immediately moved to cover up her romantic embarrassment with a fiery kiss.
“Hey! We’ve got a boat with no passengers over here!” shouted the woman working the Tunnel of Love, her booming voice perfectly audible from outside the dolly room.
Becca and I snickered through the end of our kiss. “I think we should probably go,” I said, knowing that it wouldn’t be long before an awkward encounter with the boat behind us.
“Eh, we’re getting banned for this anyway. So just kiss me, dummy,” stated Becca, ignoring the annoyance of the worker running the ride and continuing to pound her lips into mine. All the while, the only thought that kept repeating in my mind was that I couldn’t imagine anyone having a better first date than this.
SubscribeStar: subscribestar.adult/crissiebaby pixivFANBOX: crissiebaby.fanbox.cc All CB Links: linktr.ee/crissiebaby
Edited by AllySmolShork
Special Thanks to Our CrissBaby Diaper Company Investors: BlossomBitchDolly BlushyBen DD Exminister Gun1242 JFN LittlePissy PrincessKittenLizzi Strawberry Sweetsamantharebecca & One Anonymous Investor
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foxglves · 2 years
leon is the most boring girlie in the nhl and there's so many of them and yet
his absolute loserness is whats saving him. if he just went out there and scored goals and gave generic press answers I would not care about him at all!!! nobody would. but instead he goes out there and scores goals and also absolutely embarrasses himself bonking into the side of the penalty box, faceplanting trying to score an eng, missing every shootout attempt he takes, almost knocking himself out trying to check an opposing player, doing random petty shit for no reason (these are all off the top of my head things he has done just within this season). and on top of that he gives the most freak press statements imaginable constantly!!! he's trying and failing to be funny he's going off on the media he's accidentally starting beef with an opposing player that the press will talk about for weeks and the tumblr girlies will talk about forever (the consequences "I would probably get off the ice" has had on the hockeyblr ecosystem are vast and incalculable). Its truly impressive how despite being one of the most talented players in the nhl right now (and probably ever) he still manages to be one of the most awkward embarrassing uncool people I have ever seen. he has never handled anything with grace in his entire life. I could write essays about this. dissertations even. I'm just so incredibly abnormally obsessed with this random ass guy
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tobyfoxmademeascaly · 2 months
Dawntrail Part 24
Final zone part 2
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erenville's not the only one having a familial reunion it seems.
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the popotoes are having a heartfelt reunion
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there goes mr. kitty man. on his little kitty plan.
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my man literally HWORMPHed that down. fucking attacked it. slow down buddy you'll get a brain freeze.
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lalafell aliens^2???
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its downright hilarious just how much Protagonism krile has now. She has special powers that the government wanted to perform Evil Experiments on her for. She was sent into an alternate dimension in a science fantasy Moses In The Bulrushes. She was adopted by a famous Sharlayan researcher. She is a 3 foot tall 20-something college graduate with a cat eared hoodie and she is going to kill you with a cartoon mallet.
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you know what. Points for not making LITERALLY EVERYTHING out of electrope. at least the volcano is made out of actual rocks
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(sadly) get his ass
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it really is a shame we dont get the zipline-riding animation outside of cutscenes. I like it.
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wait did the dwarves ALSO come from the source. is every extradimensional lalafell descended from the millala
you know. I don't know what I was expecting from the description of "flying beasts."
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I know It wasn't this, though.
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what a video game this is
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ohhh bnuuys...
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the bunnies... theyre tugging on my heartstrings
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so, this begins the final phase of the expansion.
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and, with this, I will leave this post here. Don't want to bonk headfirst into image limits right at the finale.
To all single-digit number of you who've been keeping up with these posts. Thank you for your attendance.
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literarywhoard · 7 months
suegiku hcs
hiiii everyone !! it's time for the first headcanons post for this account <3 starting off with my favorite "popular" ship, bc honestly these two give me little heart bubbles over my head ajsndnfhjskse. i do have some rarepair ideas in mind as well, depending on how these posts perform, i might do those too - but expect a ton of suegiku gushing from me in general, actually.
rambling aside!! hcs under the cut <3 where my suegiku girlies (/gender neutral) at i hope yall have clear skin and good grades i LOV u. these are long because i think a lotsies
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their relationship begins bc tecchou, quite honestly, can NOT shut up about how pretty jouno is and how jouno is "out of his league"
tachihara was like. aight. i'm gonna be cupid
(teruko didn't believe in the cause)
tachihara explained to tecchou if it isn't raining yet, he shouldn't open his umbrella; (if jouno hasn't said no, why are you acting like he already did?)
little did the both of them know, jouno overheard basically all of this and pretended to be oblivious to their faces.
he was quite flattered, at least, and figured he could do worse.
the day after new year's day (january 2), however, jouno was starting to get bored of the whispering and waltzed right in on them.
tachihara made like a tree... (yknow? "make like a tree and leave"?)
"you've been hoping for a while." "...yes." "then say it, tecchou." "say what?" "ask your question." "will you go out with me, even if just one time?" "oh, shut up. the last part wasn't necessary."
tachihara was pretty proud of himself. jouno had to be talked out of strangling him. yay, tachihara managed to get away with just a bonk on the head! woohoo!!
tecchou loves jouno, for all his sass and being high maintenance and being so difficult. but, that's tecchou's spoiled brat!
as soon as tecchou hears about the "golden retriever x black cat" trope it has him in a chokehold. he calls jouno his fluffy black kitten.
especially since cuddles and smooches make jouno calm down but still pout.
(jouno can't beat the anti-tecchou OR the kitten allegations.)
adorably, jouno also adopts this trope and says through gritted teeth that tecchou really is a golden retriever.
he took a long time (like a month) to admit it, but he loves tecchou too.
jouno especially loves when tecchou showers him with "you're so pretty/smart/gorgeous/cute/etc."
he is a massive diva about it!
affection? eww. kisses? disgusting. cuddles? nasty. who told you to stop???
they are both very happy, and now tachihara is stuck third wheeling. the end :)
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cock-ainee · 5 months
Hello guys!
There's been a lot going on in my head, and in life too, and in advance i'm sorry if i'm taking a lot of time to reply to your requests.
But that's not really what i wanted to talk about. I wanted to tell you that i've lately been thinking about deleting my blog. My time here was supposed to be all fun and stuff and instead, things turned really bad and a lot of it hurt. Some of the things may be my own fault, but i also just am not as fond of writing as i've been before.
After consulting with a friend i changed my mind a little. I didn't fully like the idea of my blog completely disappearing, because i've put a bit if heart into it and am really proud of some things i achieved, even if it's not a lot.
So, in order to get a bit away from writing, i decided to create a new blog! A more personal one, where i won't write, but just interact with my friends from time to time!
The blog is @yourmentalbreakdownsblog !!
(yeah ik the name is very creative)
So, you can follow if you still want to keep in touch with me! I'll use this blog from time to time, maybe post something. I want to rest a little, get away from all the bad stuff related with this blog, so i can see if i still want to continue writing and i just need a break, or if this is over for me.
And i want to thank everyone who's been there by my side, and helped me trough my hardships, especially @petitelepus and @beeksana, of course, my lovely girlies!!
But also to all of the people i've been interacting with here, and who reblogged, commented or liked my posts. This support was A LOT and i'm very thankful for it.
I love ya!
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Ps. The dog i'm dogsitting just bonked my face with his and i'm officially offended
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queenlua · 11 months
swim strokes ranked from worst to best:
worst: breaststroke. sorry i'm just not coordinated enough to enjoy this one girlies
next-worst: freestyle. "basic bitch" personified as a swim stroke
getting better: butterfly. i'm absolute garbage at this one but i feel like a badass whenever i do it b/c i'm making BIG MOVES and throwing WATER EVERYWHERE and that's basically equivalent to goodness right
hell yeah: backstroke!!! only stroke i ever got a blue ribbon in at summer swim meets as a kid, and you can TELL, i am fucking MOTORING, i don't have to do JACK shit wrt timing my breaths or whatever, it's just ALL GAS NO BRAKES oh owie i bonked my head but hey i'm getting over it because it feels so MIGHTY—
S tier: the little "monkey airplane soldier" thing they teach you before you learn actual backstroke. why is it not its own event??? it's so chill, you're just vibing on your back and pushin along, absolute preferred form of water locomotion 11/10
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 8 months
(Yes I still got OrangeJuiceVerse Stan on the brain)
It is so important to me that OJV Stan is the most accident prone loser on the PLANET! Like other than Kenny, he’s cooonnnnstantly a disaster magnet also fucking South Park (Patrick Stump Voice: “STOP BY THIS DISASTER TOWN”) this man just forever is a victim of minor injuries. Ojverse Kyle may be the one with chronic pain, but Stan is out here getting hurt in the dumbest ways.
Like he’ll show up to school with one of those cvs finger splints and Kyle will go “dude how’d you break your finger, football?” And Stan is embarrassed as shit like “nah I uhhh opened the door wrong” “how the fuck do you open the door wrong” “idk I just did” smh loser dumbass.
Not to mention that he’s Tall and tall people are very at risk of hitting their heads on shit, he’s definitely *bonked* himself on cabinets and doorframes, also the amount of concussions this man sustained growing up it’s a wonder he has any brain cells left.
Thank GOD the fucker gets sober at 25 because he’s even clumsier when he’s drunk, there was this whole incident in college where he and Kenny, absolutely plastered, wandered over to a nearby park to do drunk parkour while dressed in their Halloween costumes (Kenny was dr frankenfurter and stan was eddie, they did Rocky Horror that year) (also this was referenced here) Kyle was PISSED bc Stan bruised the shit out of his back and yeah he and Ken were in Trouble for like two months.
This guy has totally burnt himself starting fires on camping trips, cut himself washing a knife, got too excited about the sword he bought for his wedding and fully put a hole in the wall slinging it around like stan you loser that thing is SHARP goddamn who let this man get a sword just so he could cut the cake with it (that thing (he definitely named it something stupid) was under Sharon’s protection right up until the ceremony bc my queen knows her fantasy dork son would probably slice his leg open if left unattended lmao)
Literally he’s also such a horrible patient when he gets hurt enough to actually affect his life, like he falls down the Widowmakers in the SP Survivor college house and totally should be wearing a neck brace for a little bit but he WONT bc “marj chill out the dr said it was just encouraged” bruh it literally took Cartman telling him he was a “goddamn hippie-hypocrite” bc everyone knows Stan’s overbearing as hell when anyone else is hurt or sick. When Stan broke his arm in high school he absolutely tried to get kenny to cut the cast off way too early bc it was itchy and stupid lmfao Kyle caught them with a pair of pliers down the plaster and almost lost his shit smh the Disaster Duo is the sole fuel to his high blood pressure hdasfjdhkl.
He really is such a hypocrite too, he’ll be out here running a high ass fever and ignoring it until he stands up and collapses and then he gets mad when someone else does the same shit. On god someone’ll trip and and skin their palms and Stan will be like “dude you gotta be CAREFUL when it’s icy outside” and then they’re just like “Stan I literally watched you eat shit in the parking lot racing Kenny to your truck like, yesterday.” Smh. Also this man does not remember to drink water ever he’s convinced any liquid counts and he SO fainted from dehydration at a student council blood drive in hs (Wendy was working the checkin station and got so mad at him lmfao he was like “wends pls don’t tell Kyle” and she told kyle and then the Red Cross worker is taping his stab hole closed while this boy she didn’t think would be a problem is getting chastised by both of them lmao. But of course he’s on Kenny’s ass to remember to hydrate. And lord during his stint as the school mascot for that one spring semester he’s out here at cheerleading practice reminding all the girlies to drink water and Bebe is like “pack it up Superman” (he totally looks like Superman) “did YOU drink water?” (This dumbass did not)
Anyway OJV Stan my sweet boy he’s well meaning but also accident prone and maybe a little adhd <3
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normiematsu · 11 months
akuma worker yuuchoro. folds hands and places them on table..... ur thoughts ur honor. we'd like to hear them
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in general for the akuma aus i think yuu would be an angel because its fulfilling my angsty middle school dream "i could be ur devil or ur angle" dynamic. yuu could be a demon sure but simply think about The Tension™ between belphegor and a divine being.....
i think yuu would be an angel in training. shes too nice and trusting of new people so i think god would be like girlie we have got to teach you the ways of the world. go find these freaks and stop their antics.
for akuma worker specifically i think it would be really funny if she didnt realize choro was a demon at first so she tries working with reason and he cant believe how stupidly cute this girl is. like "im literally in the middle of robbing an art museum and ur trying to distract me by chatting about the weather......" shes just flailing around and bonking him on the head lmfao. its kinda pathetic so he gives up and yay the day is saved ^_^
this kind of thing would happen often and eventually it would lead to their true forms being revealed to each other and it creates So Much Tension its sick. she really likes choro but when she realizes THIS is one of the guys god is telling her to banish back to hell she cant bring herself to do it. kinda angsty. like omggg now shes a fallen angel... what if he tries to convert her 2 the dark side... 😁
also i think its fun if theres devimega dynamics at play bc they need to get fucked up sloppy style. call that divine punishment. <- who said that
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startouched--blog · 11 months
OKAY if this is too much context for a request, I completely understand!! Girlie's got to try through ✨️✨️
So this is probably very out of character??? I am a hopeless Jakurai yumejo and at some point the line between headcanons and canon blurred you know?
Jakurai's kink is having sex in various places and knowing only the two of you will ever know about it. I.e. camping, discreet area near the lake on a fishing trip etc...
The request is Matenrou & Jakurai's fem!s/o rent out a cottage at the beach for a day, and at the end of the day once hifudo went back, Hakurai lead her to a little secluded area on this opd withered wooden landing that was seperated from the boardwalk in a storm or something years ago idk
There's trees hiding it now but it's still close to everything, he laid out blankets and towels earlier that day and there's lit candles, a view of the sunset, and Jakurai sheepishly trying to explain what he's doing here to s/o's surprise but interest
and then you know they donk the bonk. ✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️
THE WAY YOU PHRASED THIS WAS SO SILLY TO ME I LOVED IT/POS. LIKE, DONK THE BONK,, I'm rlly glad you like my writing and decided to ask for something,, I also wanna sadly say that I can see Jakurai being into something like this. . .
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SCENARIO - You and Matenro decide to book out a beach cottage, but Jakurai has a rather odd request for you, but who are you to not except a request from your lover
PAIRINGS - Jakurai x Fem!reader
GENRE - oneshot, NSFW at the ending portion
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The two of you, Jakurai and yourself of course, have been together for a long while now, and even now it's hard to find time together with the overlapping schedules and work hours. Though, this week was one of those times where you were both able to request work off and just spend a relaxing time together, able to just take work off and see each other's faces during a time that wasn't midnight when you both prepared for bed.
What a lucky coincidence that Doppo and Hifumi had their times off around this week as well, odd but it was quite a relief for the 4 of you.
In a somewhat celebratory manner that you all had some sort of break to be had, Jakurai decided to treat you 3 and himself to a small vacation near the beach, in a cute little cottage locationed near the said beach side.
"aaaaah the weather is so good out here today right Doppomin?" The happy bundle of joy called Hifumi bounced and wrapped his arm around Doppo's shoulder, gaining a weary and tired look from him, but he wasn't all the way annoyed, he was enjoying it as much as everyone else was.
Jakurai quietly chuckled to the two in front of you, poking at each other as they playfully bickered. You were just calming standing beside your lover, gently holding onto his hand with your left, and right holding tight to a small cooler that held snacks and drinks.
You were so caught up in watching the other two that you didn't realize the gentle tug on your hand, Jakurai offering a gentle smile to you as he took you down to the beach, lined with people relaxing or splashing in the vast ocean, although he took the 3 of you to a more relaxed and quieter place to set down a towel and peacefully enjoy your time on.
That afternoon was a peaceful one for the most part, besides the part where Hifumi wanted to drag everyone into the water, ending in Doppo getting completely soaked from the splashes that were targeted at him. You had only gently splashed him, but even then I don't think it was appreciated no matter how much you did it.
"Doppomine~! jeez you got so wet! how did you even manage??" "I didn't."
The time spent by the seaside was short spent as the sun was slowly setting and letting the pinkish red sky fade off into the blues. Doppo and Hifumi wanted to head inside since they both of them were soaked and needed a change of clothes, but Jakurai had a rather different plan set in place for the both of you.
"s/o, after we get changed, would you mind following me?" Jakurai's voice was soft, not that it ever wasn't, but it was a soothing feeling. You simply nodded and got changed into dryer clothes, pulling your long hair up to let it dry out.
After you were both done getting changed, your lover took your hand gently in his and took you out behind the cottage, blocking out the bright sun rays that were casting down from the lovely looking sunset. He lead you off to a small blanketed area, little lights were set up for when it became too dark to see your surroundings.
"Do you like it? I set this up earlier while you were getting dressed this afternoon" he gently smiled to you, gaining a soft smile back in approval "I love it! I dunno how you found time for this, but it's impressive!"
He lead you off into the already dark area, sitting down before pulling you gently and placing you directly into his lap, his legs crossed with yours overlapping, the skirt you had changed into draping down over your thighs. He rested his chin onto your shoulder, mouth gently grazing over your neck, hands wandering lightly as he tried to sit as still as you could for him.
"something wrong, my dear? you seem to be quite. .quiet~"
You whined under his touch, his hands continuing to wander and touch every part of you, one resting onto your shivering thigh.
"Are you cold? it can get rather cold out here at night,, how about I help you warm up, my dear?"
You didn't know how to respond to his requests, so all you did was nod sheepishly up at him. He softly smiled and slowly moved your legs so they were separated against his body, his knee's holding one up higher than the other one "just relax,, I will make sure you warm up nicely"
He moved his fingers past your body, hands trailing to your lower abdomen, moving aside any undergarments' you were wearing to move his fingers closer and closer.
You whined out as his fingers slowly entered you and moved your insides aside for him to work his heat into you, the cold and frail body you had only shivering from his warm hands covering your cold existence. He worked himself deeper into you, gaining piles of reactions from you, legs wobbling and shaking.
"is this warming you up dear? I wouldn't believe you if you said it wasn't"
It was minutes before he actually stopped, finally releasing his imprisoned fingers, holding you up and removing parts and pieces of his own clothing choices. He softly spoke unspoken words into your ears as he entered you, spending no time at all to be your personal heater, making sure to touch every part of your insides and speak his warmth with you.
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I hope you enjoyed! sorry if I cut it a little short.
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Thanks for the tag @bahbahhh :D
Rules: Give us the links to your fics with the most hits, second most kudos, third most comments, fourth most bookmarks, fifth most words, and your fic with the least amount of words.
Most hits: Shadows: an epistolary poem from Steve Rogers to Bucky Barnes Outing myself here as a former marvel girlie lol. Winter Soldier had a vice-like grip on my psyche as a 17yo. I'm still kinda proud of this one ngl.
Second most kudos: Is That A Yes? My first foray into writing NSFW! This was a lot of fun - Link and Zelda reminding each other of what it means to be human, not only the Goddesses chosen vessels. (porn with plot zelink oneshot)
Third most comments: A chance encounter at the blood clinic TBH I'm so proud of this modern au. It is so silly. (What if you meet your soulmate because you fainted at the blood clinic?) Gen Zelink one-shot (unless I finally write the second chapter that's still bonking around in my brain)
Fourth most bookmarks: Silk and Moonlight This was a collab with bahbahhh for Zelinktines 2023! B did the art, and I'm still not over how beautifully it turned out. Inspired by a vintage silk nightgown I own.
Fifth most words: Is that a yes, again, but I'm going to take the opportunity to shout out my Kass & Link being buddies fic, which has the 6th most words: Bright is the ring of words
Least amount of words: We only have each other Okay, look, I was really bored at work one night and the line "do you wanna punch a nazi?" just appeared in my head to the tune of "do you wanna build a snowman" and so I wrote a parody Stucky version of the whole song and it is just as ridiculous as it sounds.
Tagging @louwhose @pikayay213 and @drsteggy !
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turmoilcity · 1 year
I wanna talk about Bella and MTH for a bit. I wanna roast her.
I have absolutely no idea why I've become obsessed with a fic out of anything one could obsess with, but SBJ's More Than Human is like a drug to me.
I won't get into the awkward detailing, to save myself from embarrassment, but I've been following the fic since 2014. SBJ has no idea how much of an inspiration her work has been for me.
All of that's to preface, I know MTH is a ship fic, so adding my characters is messy and junky happies for myself. I respect and adore the fic for what it is originally, and adding my characters is just me being silly.
Onward, to Bella.
I have this running joke of Lillian calling Bella "A wannabes Buttercups" It's a poke at how similar I've made Bella to her.
Perhaps I've read sbj's essays on the greens way too many times because Buttercup's entire persona rubs off on Bella. From the "tough girl" trope, to the "only befriending guys" idea.
Can you tell, I think MTH Buttercup is super cool?
Well I thought it'd be totally wicked to up the antee. So "boom" add a shit load of Butch into a Buttercup 'stand in' and "bwam" there you go, Bella.
She smokes. She swears. She makes tasteless sex jokes and flirts with her friends.
I realized way too late that this could make her an unlikable brat. If there's one thing society don't like, it's girls with bad attitudes. And Bella... oh boy.
Because you see, like, Buttercup? She has a bad attitude, but it's not too much of a bad attitude. She's not going around talking weird shit like "Choke me, daddy," and then punching guys in their dicks for edge factor.
Bella is...
I'm not bragging here. It's like, a really horrible character trait I've tact unto her and i won't let it go because "bella go berserk. Bella Demon girl. She no girly girl."
Bella is a mess.
Like this "official" story I'm trying to write with her got me stressed tf out. She's just...
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And im trying so hard to search if there is anything more to her character.
Um. There is, I'm just bad at showcasing it. In terms of More Than Human, I like presenting this character to the greens, obviously, like "look at the little baby you've unintentionally birthed by being such a great dynamic."
Butch: lemme see...
Also Butch: *yeets baby*
For example. I like when Buttercup bonks Butch on the head. It's a Funny! But put that trope in my hands? Pft... ha. Shit gets real unfunny real quick.
And like, I mean no harm inserting Bella into the greens ship. I'm just trying to get my baby some action as well, but she is so broken. Like "don't girl, you bringing too much to the party!"
Buttercups rationally crying over her relationship with Mitch at her, age, meanwhile, I gotta have Bella fighting a whole damn lucifer just so that she can shed a tear.
I want her to be likeable, so I try not to make her too much of a brat? Like she's a definite "not like other girls" trope going around skating and only wearing baggy pants and hoodies and smoking weed and ISNT SHE SO COOL BUTCH? DATE HER. I DARE YOU.
I dare you to break Buttercups heart bitch 🔪
Maybe... I'm Bella.
So i like inserting my problem child into the fic but there's an issue. She's got bad communication skwills 🥺👉👈
And- and... like... she wants to tell Butch, she think he's hot but what if he doesn't reciprocate it? Because like, they've built this weird friendship where she'll literally say shit like, "ha, yeah, if I had a [REDACTED] I'd [REDACTED] with Butch😏" and he'd be like "LOLOLOL this chick is so funny, where did you find her Buttercup?" And Buttercup is like "😐❗️😬‼️🤨⁉️"
And then I always imagine Butch and Bella just go on and in with the sex jokes, but let's be for real, how many pervy jokes is a guy gonna take from a girl before he eventually goes
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The answer is 1.
Thats all it takes lads. Is 1 joke.
Especially if we're talking about Butch. Butch is so much of a meat head he'd immediately assume Bella has the hots for him and HE'D BE ABSOLUTELY CORRECT.
But since I like to pad shit out Butch is "none the wiser" and eventually he's like "wHaT!?!?! bElLa'S gOt a cRuSh oN mE!?!?!"
And then he'd go fuck around with Buttercup because that's just the way the story goes.
So high, and dry, Bella is basically this meme
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And then she starts avoiding her friends cause "I doNt wAnnA gEt betWeEn whAt theY'Ve GoT 👉👈"
And I imagine she tries one last time with Butch. She asks him to prom.
Because you see, Bella would try to ask Butch as like, a last time thing, and he'd be like "no, prom is lame. I hated going with amy." And she'd be like "haha you're right."
And then because I don't want to take out any parts of the story I'd definitely want to keep the greens going to prom but then Bella, oh boy. Bella would be cruuuuushed.
So long story short, Bella does not belong in mth even though I work passionately to shoehorn her in there. :D
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silentmoths · 2 years
Strange Arcade- Let me guess, you caused it?
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@the-travelling-witch is the fourth to make a wish upon the machine, the little moth nearly gets bonked on the head by the gacha ball as it clunks into the chute, what did they get??
Prompts: Let me guess, you caused it? - for the strange arcade event
Childe x Reader
sfw, 400+ words, Not proofread
“Ajax, Childe, Tartaglia, my beloved~” Your lilting call has the apparent ‘terrifying’ harbinger freezing in place as he glances over his shoulder with a coy smile.
“Yes, dear?” He tries to respond with as much of an even tone as he can muster, catching sight of your face, more accurately, your twitching eyebrow. 
“Care to explain…this?” you ask, motioning to the absolute chaos surrounding him. 
“No idea what you’re talking about honey!” yeah, that didn’t seem to be flying, especially not as he watches as you avoid a particularly enthusiastic baby goat attempting to headbutt your leg.
“So you have no possible clue as to how all these petting zoo animals somehow escaped from their pen and have now ended up herded into our front yard?” he could sense your anger slowly swirling, like a menacing aura emanating from your very being as you stoop to pick up the excited baby goat. 
“Now why would I know anything about that?” he laughs, turning to face you properly, watching a single eyebrow raise as you take in the handful of baby ducks tucked into his jacket. 
“So it was you!” 
“I never said that!” He rebukes, turning his nose up…and taking a step back as he hears your thunderous approach.
“Who else would find cute baby animals and just….decide…to take all of them!?”
“Ok, ok! I hear what you’re saying, girlie, but also…they had a baby alpaca…” 
Almost immediately the anger in your shoulders drops and childe grins.
He knew you so well.
“But it seemed like all the petting zoo animals are quite fond of the little guy…so who was I to upset them all?” He accentuates his point by motioning his head over towards the rosebush, the promised baby alpaca sitting quite comfortably in the grass, surrounded by all manner of petting-zoo fare.
You stare at the alpaca.
The alpaca stares back in all it’s stupidly fluffy glory.
You shouldn’t.
You should be scolding your boyfriend and having him take all these creatures back…
Perhaps after a cuddle…?
Slowly you approach the group of creatures and hold out your hand, the snout of the alpaca meeting you halfway and immediately you feel your soul ascend to celestia. 
“Ok…ok…we cuddle for a while..and then you’re taking them all home, childe.” You sigh, childe chuckles, but in that way, that guilty way and you sigh “what..?”
“I may have uh…debt collected the owner…this is their home now.”
Thanks for wishing on the strange arcade machine~ <3
Taglist: @stygianoir @meimeimeirin @ainescribe Want to be added to the list? shoot me an ask~
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bucksangel · 11 months
So hoii Ms Angel :D
Now thinking of one horny Bonky thot, I was thinking of something along the lines of Bucky and Reader in a fwb relationship (that later turns to a lovely relationship). But make it kinda angsty in between cause our precious reader sees the way bucky is talking with the new recruite for the past 2 weeks, flirting with her and what not. She loves him, has always and this is cliché yes but bear with me.
She's hurt but she doesn't want to show it cause our man Bucky was like "ew feelings" before he got to know reader in more than one way....he's falling fast and is now panicking cause he's in his "HOLY SHIT I THINK I LOVE HER" so our bonky decides hey, lemme sleep with the new recruite and maybe my feelings will actually go away...WRONG THOT BUCK.
So reader sees Bucky and new girl maybe kissing a few days before the Halloween party (she planned on asking him to be her date to that party) and now she's hurt....she doesn't want to be near him, just needs space to sort out her feelings.... Now enter the fool, Bucky Barnes.
He notices that his girl is ignoring him and his heart is aching and he's panicking cause what if she saw him kiss that recruite ( he realised early on that he hated kissing anyone that isn't his girl, he not just pussy whipped, he is WHIPPED like WHAPPAHH)
He's trailing behind her like a lost puppy and needs her affection....but she's distant, cordial but distant and he hates that. This is where I prove my case of him being a fool: he decides to give her a wide berth instead of talking it out with her. Reader now thinks that it's all truly over :((
Now on the day of the Halloween party we see our reader, hurt but still trying to stay strong, power through the day and party. HOLD YOUR HORSES CAUSE ENTER MAMA WANDA. she knows all (literally) and decides to push Bucky to get his girl back. She takes reader to the party as her date and both are dressed to the 9s in their Togas draped beautifully on them, making them look like Greek goddesses. Wanda and reader have a flirty and loving friendship so like chemistry is just 100.
The hands around the waist, the close proximity, the subtle grinding on the dance floor, they are having fun and just letting loose. Reader loves Wanda for being there for her today and they are just happy girlies in a corner sitting and giggling, slightly drunk after their dance. It's adorable.
But BONK MAN DON'T THINK SO. He's fuming. He's hurt and he's ready to get his girl. He loves Wanda but HEY READER IS MY GIRL BACK OFF (he's forgotten Wanda knows and sees all smh). So he decides to finally talk to reader but jealousy rears her ugly head and he's now just going cave man, demands to speak to reader ( after his lil stomp march to her, its cute honestly) and picks her up like a sack of potatoes. Takes her to his room (after the back thumping he got from reader to put her down) and asks her why has she been avoiding him. She huffs and asks him the same and then later spills she saw him kiss New Girl and now he's panicking real bad. His nightmare has come true. He can see her just pulling away more. He's desperate now trying to get her to see that she is the one for him and that he likes...no scratch that, he LOVES her and only her. She don't believe it cause man, your track record ain't that great and plus you broke her heart.
Bucky is now ready to show it to her. She won't believe his words but he'll fuck it into her. This is where smut galore begins. He kisses her, she eventually melts into it, thinking of this as a goodbye. Bucky's then on his knees, begging her, kissing her legs and things and appreciating and worshipping her, her body and loving on her....eating her out till she cums and making up for lost time. And then he's laying her on the bed and taking her apart with his mouth, fingers and cock and well he's really fucking her good, babbling how good she is to him, how much he loves her and all that smuty goodness I leave to your imagination.
He's filling her up good and they eventually fall asleep, him still inside of her and Reader just holding him close cause she thinks that this is a goodbye still and that his love declarations are just in the heat of the moment. Next morning she's trapped in his arms all cleaned up and now warm. She's hurt and confused and well ensue lovey dovey confessions and miscommunication clear ups and BOOM WE HAVE HAPPY BINKY AND READER IN A LOVING RELATIONSHIP WITH ALL THE LOVE AND BABIES IN THE WORLD.
End scene
-🦐 nonny
i’m looking at this like 👀😳
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i love this idea so so so much i’m a sucker for some miscommunication😭
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mebiselfandi · 1 year
hi my love 🫶
10, 16, 25, 45 for the ask game!
Hi angel💕
10. Cltr+f "blinks" on your WIP & copy paste the first sentence/paragraph that comes up
Can you believe I had to search through 4 wips before the word blink popped up. I simply don’t use it.
“While his mother thanked god for the safe journey and blessed the food along with the very ground they walked on Neymar blinked his eyes open and caught his sisters gaze.”
16. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?
Currently around 4. Uh well my kunessi nightmare fic I’m actually really looking forward to writing because I’m a hurt/comfort girlie. It’s basically about Kun helping Leo through his nightmares and kinda the progression of their friendship/relationship. It’s kinda angsty. Kinda funny(cause kun). No smut just vibes.
25. What fic do you wish you got more of a response on?
Hmmm probably ‘In My Heart I Know’. Never before has my writing ability been so stunted and for some reason I thought it would be a good idea to write something too complex in my head then when it fell flat (to me) I just couldn’t handle it. Of course, I don’t think I even gave people a room to say what they thought before I’d shot that fic out of the sky. And truly I do wanna finish it but I still don’t know if people liked it.
Also not to be bitchy but I miss when there were more people in the fandom and they’d leave long comments or even short ones but telling you exactly what they liked. Feedback always helps especially when even you’re not sure about your own work.
45. Do you want to break your reader’s heart or make them laugh?
I’m a heartbreaker. I feel I haven’t gotten sad enough yet cause I don’t wanna make people sad. But there’s something bonking around in my head which I feel like writing. Being funny is…complicated. I start writing a comedy and the idea of angst and heartbreak is just too enticing. Check my MSN fic. All the comedy tags got removed cause I went to the dark side
Ask Me Fic Writing Questions🫶
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