#bonita boutique
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d-e-s-c-o-o-r-d-i-n-a-d-a · 2 years ago
Me encontraba trabajando en distintos oficios; entre esos, en una cafetería, como vendedora freelancer para una boutique de vestuario. Todos ubicados en providencia, una comuna muy bonita, elegante y central de la capital.
Mis días comenzaban después de la 4pm, cerca del atardecer, la parte favorita del día donde puedes ver la transición de colores en el cielo adornado por las luces dinámicas de las calles y edificios que estimulaban mi mente para comenzar a laburar.
Uno de los lugares donde trabajaba, el café bistró, se ubicaba en la base de un rascacielos que me gustaba subir para contemplar la noche de luces dinámicas.
Por mis trabajos solía relacionarme con mucha gente, con algunas tenía más confianza, aunque la relación no pasaba más allá de lo que se intercambiaba.
Era un día cualquiera. Me dirigía a la boutique, cuando había visto a una actriz, pero con lo creídos que son los actores, no pesqué. Al terminar la jornada de trabajo, me tocaba ir al café bistró. Fue en el trayecto donde me intercepté con tres personas full producidas, entre ellas, un hombre que me miraba con familiaridad y me dijo que desde hace un par de días quería contactarme para ofrecerme un papel secundario en una teleserie, luego de haber escuchado sobre mis características de una clienta del bistró quien me recomendó. Le pregunté si tenía que aprender varias líneas, si tenía que actuar, ya que nunca lo había hecho, y eso me emocionaba aún más. Después de haber concordado, el hombre, productor de la serie, me compartió la dirección del lugar al que tuve que ir ese mismo día.
Ya me encontraba en el set, una casa antigua que colindaba con un edificio y una plazoleta cerrada para la actuación. El productor apenas me vió, me indicó el lugar para cambiar mi vestuario y después presentarme en el punto de filmación. Camino a cambiarme, comenz�� a subirme la adrenalina que me provocaba pensamientos autoboicot, y me hacían cuestionar si me encontraba en el lugar correcto, hasta que me encontré con la clienta del bistró, resultó ser la guionista de la serie, quien muy cálida me instó a atreverme a actuar.
Estaba lista en el set, en el que se encontraba también la actriz que me crucé el otro día. Ciertas personas me entregaban las indicaciones para desenvolver mi papel un tanto espontáneo. La escena comenzaba bajando las interminables escaleras de emergencia expuestas a un costado del edificio con el cielo estrellado de fondo...
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blogperfumes · 2 years ago
Mademoiselle Azzaro Eau Toilette - Floral Frutado
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Feminina e leve, Mademoiselle Azzaro exala joie de vivre, a alegria de ser mulher e o prazer de viver em uma das cidades mais bonitas do mundo: Paris. Felicidade que é contagiosa e viciante. O perfume é o elemento de sedução para a marca Azzaro, inspirado pelo estilo de vida mediterrâneo e os valores autênticos (alegria de viver, cumplicidade, convivência, transmissão, sedução …). Para prosseguir a busca de novas emoções, a marca compõe os seus perfumes em colaboração com os criadores mais talentosos e permanece fiel a uma tradição: uma obsessão pela qualidade dos aromas e a escolha das matérias-primas mais nobres. Líder em perfumes masculinos, Azzaro é o cúmplice de todos os sedutores.
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Uma sedução sem ostentação, sempre discreta, com o humor e a generosidade que caracterizam todos os grandes sedutores. Mademoiselle Azzaro é um perfume Floral Frutado Feminino. Esta nova fragrância Mademoiselle foi lançada em 2015. Azzaro Mademoiselle é a essência da mulher na sua rotina diária. As suas notas descrevem uma elegância discreta e uma vivacidade luminosa em torno da flor de mandarina e da frescura frutada e aveludada do pêssego. Flores exóticas e de beleza única como a Peônia e o Jasmim dão o encanto característico do perfume, que fica ainda mais feminino e acolhedor com o fundo almiscarado. As notas de topo são Pêssego e Flor de Tangerina. As notas de coração são Peônia, Jasmim e Flor de Laranjeira. As notas de fundo são Raíz de Orris ou Lírio Florentino e Notas amadeiradas.
Mademoiselle Azzaro: a parisiense num frasco de perfume
O frasco de Mademoiselle Azzaro O frasco de Mademoiselle Azzaro é o must-have da temporada. O seu vidro facetado sofisticado e elegante contém um belo perfume rosa, enquanto o laço de cetim evoca os códigos de alta costura icónicos da marca Azzaro. Simplesmente irresistível!
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Uma fragrância fresca, lúdica e chique que é leve e arejada como um vestido de alta costura. Mademoiselle Azzaro E se a parisiense sonhasse com um perfume…. Um perfume para iluminar os seus dias, perambular pelas ruas de Paris, de café em café, de livraria em boutique…. Um perfume tão leve e vaporoso quanto um vestido Azzaro de mousseline de seda usado para captar os raios de sol nos terraços dos cafés.… Um perfume Azzaro livre como o ar, fresco, jovial, chique… enfim, à sua imagem. Horas de travessura na filmagem do vídeo O vídeo publicitário de Mademoiselle Azzaro narra um dia turbulento na vida de uma parisiense interpretada por Lola Le Lann. O que é que ela faz? Ela diverte-se! Caprichoso e brincalhão num minuto, mal-humorado e rindo no próximo ... A actriz francesa faz de tudo. A coquete parisiense nunca sai sem o acessório que dá o toque final e vem completar o seu sofisticado visual. Envolvida pela sua fragrância preferida, ela admira o rasto florido que se espalha na sua passagem à medida em que caminha pelas calçadas ensolaradas e rodopia pelas ruas de Paris no alto dos seus tacões. Caminha da Torre Eiffel à praça da Concorde, do Jardin des Tuileries ao Jardin du Luxembourg, ou até a boutique Azzaro na chiquérrima rua do Faubourg Saint-Honoré, o tempo de uma escapadela para as compras. As fragrâncias Azzaro foram desenvolvidas em colaboração com os perfumistas Maurice Maurin, Michel Almairac, Aurelien Guichard, Lucas Sieuzac entre outros. Ocasião As notas florais com toques de fruta acompanham a rotina do dia a dia, seja um almoço com pessoas especiais, uma happy hour ao fim da tarde ou numa reunião no trabalho. Mademoiselle Azzaro destaca-se pelo seu lindo bouquet floral e frutado. Amante da liberdade, elegante e luminosa, a composição da Eau de Toilette é radiante, por sua vez delicada e vibrante. Read the full article
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tinylittledeergirl · 2 months ago
I found them at my county fair and the owner is genuinely the sweetest woman ever. They sell homemade candles and hair accessories and other really cute things.
I will support her. She was so cool. I was in my Halloween costume and it happened to be a white dress and she asked me where I got it because she was getting married. I really hope she gets married in that dress.
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patchetulayan · 9 months ago
Descubra o Melhor em Compras para Gestantes em Campo Grande
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Como um especialista em compras experiente, estou sempre à procura dos melhores produtos e lojas para atender às necessidades específicas de cada cliente. Hoje, vamos explorar o emocionante mundo das compras para gestantes em Campo Grande, revelando os lugares imperdíveis para encontrar tudo o que você precisa durante essa fase especial da vida.
1. Lojas Especializadas em Maternidade
Em Campo Grande, você encontrará uma variedade de lojas especializadas em maternidade, que oferecem uma ampla gama de produtos voltados para as gestantes. Desde roupas confortáveis e elegantes até acessórios práticos e essenciais para o bebê, essas lojas são verdadeiros paraísos para as futuras mamães. Não deixe de visitar locais como "Mamãe Bebê" e "Mundo Mamãe" para encontrar os melhores produtos para você e seu bebê.
2. Feiras e Mercados de Artesanato
As feiras e mercados de artesanato em Campo Grande são ótimos lugares para encontrar produtos exclusivos e feitos à mão para gestantes. De roupas e acessórios únicos a itens de decoração encantadores para o quarto do bebê, esses mercados oferecem uma variedade de opções que você não encontrará em nenhum outro lugar. Não deixe de explorar a Feira Central e o Mercadão Municipal para descobrir verdadeiras preciosidades para a sua jornada de maternidade.
3. Farmácias e Lojas de Produtos de Higiene e Cuidados com o Bebê
As farmácias e lojas de produtos de higiene e cuidados com o bebê em Campo Grande são excelentes locais para encontrar uma variedade de itens essenciais para a gestação e o pós-parto. Desde produtos de cuidados com a pele até suplementos vitamínicos, essas lojas oferecem tudo o que você precisa para se manter saudável e confortável durante toda a gravidez. Dê uma olhada na Drogasil e na Drogaria São Bento para encontrar uma seleção completa de produtos para gestantes.
4. Boutiques de Moda Gestante
Para as mamães que desejam se manter na moda durante a gestação, as boutiques de moda gestante em Campo Grande são o lugar certo para você. Essas lojas oferecem uma variedade de roupas elegantes e confortáveis, projetadas especialmente para se adaptar às mudanças do corpo durante a gravidez. De vestidos e blusas a calças e lingerie, você encontrará tudo o que precisa para se sentir bonita e confiante durante essa fase especial da vida.
5. Grupos de Troca e Venda de Produtos Usados
Por fim, não deixe de explorar os grupos de troca e venda de produtos usados para gestantes em Campo Grande. Esses grupos online e presenciais oferecem uma oportunidade única de encontrar itens de qualidade a preços acessíveis, desde roupas e acessórios para gestantes até equipamentos e móveis para o quarto do bebê. Além de economizar dinheiro, você também contribui para a sustentabilidade ao dar uma segunda vida a itens que ainda estão em ótimas condições.
Com essas dicas e sugestões, você está pronto para explorar o mundo das compras para gestantes em Campo Grande e encontrar tudo o que precisa para essa jornada especial. Aproveite cada momento e prepare-se para receber seu bebê com todo o amor e cuidado que ele merece!
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acapulcopress · 9 months ago
Prestadores de servicios turísticos se reportan listos para Tianguis Turístico 2024
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ACAPULCO * Abril 4, 2024. ) Sectur Prestadores de servicios turísticos, restauranteros y comerciantes de Pie de la Cuesta están listos para recibir a los turistas y residentes que arribarán a esta zona del puerto. Conocida por sus incomparables puestas de sol y un gran espectáculo natural, ofrece mucho más que playa; la experiencia de disfrutar de una variada gastronomía, hoteles boutique, así como los deportes acuáticos, es algo insuperable. La presidenta de la Unión de Propietarios de Negocios de la Zona Turística de Pie de la Cuesta, María Nelly Mejía Cienfuegos invitó a turistas y residentes a visitar este icónico lugar de Acapulco, en donde se fusionan el mar y la laguna, brindando una gran aventura. “No se olviden que aquí en Acapulco nos estamos preparando para recibirlos con calidez y calidad y admiren ustedes las playas, entre ellas esta tan bonita, que es Pie de la Cuesta donde ustedes verán la incomparable e internacional puesta del sol”, dijo. La empresaria restaurantera enfatizó que luego de la situación generada por Otis, Pie de la Cuesta y la franja turística de Acapulco se encuentran listos para ofrecer opciones a sus visitantes; también señaló que están preparados para recibir a quienes serán partícipes del Tianguis Turístico 2024. Por último, reiteró su invitación a que se animen a vivir una experiencia única que ofrece la fusión de sol, arena, playa, laguna, comida, tradición, cultura, naturaleza y hoteles de una a tres estrellas, acompañados por el arrullo de las olas. ) facebook.com/acapress.mx ) facebook.com/angelblanco.press  ) facebook.com/groups/mexicosur.news ) facebook.com/groups/AcapulcoNoticias ) acapulcopress.com Read the full article
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psychiclunchrecords · 11 months ago
Top 10 Best Resorts in Mexico for Couples
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When it comes to planning a romantic getaway, Mexico offers a plethora of options that cater to couples looking for the perfect blend of luxury, relaxation, and adventure. From stunning beachfront resorts to charming boutique hotels, Mexico has something for every couple. In this article, we'll explore the top 10 best resorts in Mexico for couples, highlighting what makes each one special and why they should be at the top of your list for your next romantic escape.
1. Rosewood Mayakoba - Riviera Maya
Nestled in the heart of the Riviera Maya, Rosewood Mayakoba is a true oasis of luxury and tranquility. This exclusive resort features spacious suites and villas, each with its own private plunge pool, perfect for couples looking for privacy and romance. The resort also boasts a world-class spa, gourmet dining options, and access to a pristine white sand beach.
2. Belmond Maroma Resort & Spa - Riviera Maya
Located on one of Mexico's most beautiful beaches, Belmond Maroma Resort & Spa offers couples the ultimate tropical getaway. The resort's luxurious accommodations, personalized service, and stunning ocean views make it a popular choice for honeymooners and couples celebrating special occasions.
3. One&Only Palmilla - Los Cabos
Situated on the southern tip of the Baja Peninsula, One&Only Palmilla is a legendary resort known for its unparalleled service and breathtaking views. Couples can indulge in spa treatments, gourmet dining, and sunset cruises, all while enjoying the beauty of the surrounding desert landscape and azure waters of the Sea of Cortez.
4. The St. Regis Punta Mita Resort - Riviera Nayarit
Set on a pristine stretch of beach in Riviera Nayarit, The St. Regis Punta Mita Resort offers couples a luxurious retreat with impeccable service and world-class amenities. From championship golf courses to pampering spa treatments, this resort has everything you need for a romantic getaway.
5. Secrets Maroma Beach Riviera Cancun - Riviera Maya
For couples looking for a more intimate and romantic setting, Secrets Maroma Beach Riviera Cancun is the perfect choice. This adults-only resort features luxurious suites with private balconies or terraces, perfect for enjoying the stunning ocean views. Couples can also enjoy gourmet dining, spa treatments, and a variety of activities, including snorkeling and yoga.
6. Las Ventanas al Paraíso, A Rosewood Resort - Los Cabos
Translated as "The Windows to Paradise," Las Ventanas al Paraíso lives up to its name with its stunning beachfront location and luxurious accommodations. Couples can relax in their private villa, complete with a rooftop terrace and infinity-edge pool, or indulge in a romantic dinner under the stars.
7. Zoëtry Paraiso de la Bonita Riviera Maya - Riviera Maya
Tucked away on a secluded beach in Riviera Maya, Zoëtry Paraiso de la Bonita Riviera Maya offers couples a peaceful and romantic escape. The resort's Endless Privileges® program includes gourmet dining, top-shelf spirits, and daily spa treatments, ensuring a truly luxurious experience for every guest.
8. Banyan Tree Mayakoba - Riviera Maya
Surrounded by lush mangroves and crystal-clear lagoons, Banyan Tree Mayakoba offers couples a serene and romantic setting for their getaway. The resort's luxurious villas feature private pools and outdoor bathtubs, perfect for couples looking to relax and unwind in privacy.
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9. Grand Velas Riviera Maya - Riviera Maya
With its stunning beachfront location and world-class amenities, Grand Velas Riviera Maya is the perfect destination for couples looking for a luxurious escape. The resort's all-inclusive package includes gourmet dining, premium drinks, and a variety of activities, ensuring a memorable stay for every guest.
10. The Resort at Pedregal - Los Cabos
Perched on the cliffs overlooking the Pacific Ocean, The Resort at Pedregal offers couples a truly unforgettable experience. The resort's luxurious accommodations, personalized service, and stunning ocean views make it a popular choice for couples seeking a romantic retreat.
If you're looking for the perfect destination for your next romantic getaway, Mexico has you covered. With its stunning beaches, luxurious resorts, and world-class amenities, Mexico offers couples a truly unforgettable experience. Whether you're looking for a peaceful retreat or an adventure-filled escape, Mexico has something for every couple. So why wait? Start planning your dream getaway to Mexico today!
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theexploritech · 1 year ago
Hire Bonita web designers | Exploritech
Hire Bonita web designers | Exploritech is a Naples Florida based boutique web design agency. We take immense pride in becoming your strategic brand partner first and foremost, and a remarkably dependable product provider second. We don’t just take your website building order and serve you up a website or mobile app. We take the time to get to know you, learn about how you operate, why you’re great, what your challenges are, and understand your goals and objectives. Visit http://www.exploritech.com/ to know more.
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elaestalivre · 4 months ago
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ㅤElsa sentiu as bochechas esquentarem e imaginou que elas deviam estar tomando um tom mais avermelhado, tingindo sua pele clara. Com a mão livre, ajeitou os cabelos teimosos que caíam sobre o rosto, colocando-os atrás da orelha. Elogios sempre a deixavam genuinamente embaraçada, mas ela apreciava o gesto. O sorriso que surgiu em seus lábios, um agradecimento silencioso pelas palavras gentis da outra, era prova disso. Elsa se levantou e, em seguida, ofereceu o braço para que ela segurasse. ⸻ Você também é muito bonita, — disse baixinho, mas o suficiente para que sua nova companhia ouvisse. ⸻ Será um prazer ajudá-la. Há uma boutique linda aqui perto. Acho que vai gostar. As bolsas de lá combinam com o que você está vestindo... eu acho. — Ela percebeu os flertes, e, sendo péssima nesse tipo de situação, preferiu se ater às palavras gentis sobre a bela aparência da mulher. ⸻ Você tem... um sorriso lindo.
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♡⸝⸝‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎os olhos de Julieta seguiram em direção a voz a sua frente e um sorriso se formou com a imagem que teve. "bom, é importante eu mencionar que aceito pessoas bonitas, assim no geral." mordeu o canto do lábio ainda sorrindo para a outra. "obrigada, e acho que vou ser obrigada a aceitar sua ajuda, como dizer não para alguém tão bonita?" flertar era quase natural para a morena, e ela adorava assistir a reação das pessoas quando o fazia, sempre se perguntando se flertariam de volta, ficaram com vergonha, qualquer reação era uma boa reação quando se sabia como lidar. "por favor, me mostre o caminho e eu irie segui-la por onde for, sinto que é inevitável no momento."
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Gaby Gato (Welcome Home Oc)
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Name: Gabriella "Gaby" Gato Species: Cat Sexuality: Straight Ethnicity: Mexican Residence: Home ; Highend City (formerly) Occupation: Boutique Shop Owner; Fashion Designer; Seamstress Relatives: Mr. Gato( father); Mrs. Gato (mother) ; Dani Gato ( younger sister) ; Mercede Gato (older sister) ; Abuelita Gato (paternal grandmother); unnamed uncles; unamed aunts; unnamed cousins Headcannon Voice Actor: Diane Guerrero Personality: Despite originally from the big city, she prefers the more down to earth life of Home where she feels cozy enough to set up a humble boutique shop. She always felt that the big city was stifling her true passion and left. She also felt many in the rich upper crust were only in it for her family's name and not herself. It's one thing she appreciates about the gang that they want to be with her for herself. On the other hand, she misses her family at times and still calls and messages them from time to time. She is very lady like and can act posh but also very polite to her more rural neighbors. She can be a bit of a trauma queen when things don't go her way but calms down when she finds a solution. She takes pride in her work and hates it when people insult it. She is not a fan of critics like Artie who only live to bully behind criticism and make themselves feel superior. She is quite a fashionista an loves wearing clothes she makes or got from her parents' line. She has an eye for beauty whether it be inner or outer. Despite being from a rich background, she is a very generous person and will do stuff even if she has no reward for it. Background: A new neighbor to the cast of Home she came from Highend City and to set up her own boutique shop to sell clothes. Despite being relatively new, she has become a part of the crew and her shop a wonder to behold. The neighbors love to see what great clothes she has designed and love to give her personal requests which she happily takes. * She was introduced as a new member of the Neighborhood after the series was rebooted by Willie. She was made to represent Hispanic representation due to how much Spanish had become a second language over the years. * She is somewhat based on Rosita due to being made to show more Spanish speaking characters. * She often gives Sally clothes for her performances. * Her segments is about describing items in her shop in both Spanish and English words. * Her family also comes to visit her to show Mexican customs like Dias Muertes aka "Day Of The Dead". * Her family are wealthy fashion designer and own a fashion company. She felt she couldn't get out of their shadow so she would rather go small.   * Her parents are big socialites. * She's met Artie during a party in the city in the past and thought he was a nasty piece of work. * Her sisters are models in her parents' fashion label. * She has some traits of Rarity from MLP: Friendship Is Magic. * She will sometimes makes outfits that are based on her Mexican heritage. * Her other frequent customers are Wally, Frank, and Julie. * She sometimes displays cat like traits like purring or having her hair stand up when frightened. * She likes taking care of herself and has a special bath set from the city.   * Her catchphrase would be "Muy Bonito/Bonita" especially for anything, especially clothing she deems beautiful. Created through picrew.me/en/image_maker/17420…
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jeanettet22p2 · 2 years ago
Blog #6
La actividad yo escogí fue investigar actividades y sitios en Madrid, España. Si tú haces un viaje a España tú debes quedarte en el hotel “Dear Hotel Madrid”. El hotel es un nuevo boutique, cuenta con un bar cafetería, un restaurante, y una SkyPool. Dear Hotel Madrid es localizar en el centro de Madrid y cuenta con bonitas vistas. Algunos restaurantes tú debes probar son “StreetXo” y “La Tasqueria de Javi Estévez”. StreetXo sirven Española, ,Contemporánea, Del Medio Oriente, Indonesia, De Asia tipos de comida y también tienen opciones sin gluten. Acuerdo a personas precedentes, ellos describen su experiencia igual increíble. Ellos dijeron los empleados eran eficientes, sistema organizado, y la comida era sabrosa. La Tasqueria de Javi Estévez sirven Mediterránea, Europea, Española tipos de comida. Sus platos incluyen ensaladas, patatas, cerdos, y  corderos. Críticas dijeron el jefe de cocina pone mucho esfuerzo en cada plato. En Madrid tú debes visitar la Plaza Mayor. Es un símbolo de Madrid localizado en el centro de la ciudad. En la plaza se encuentran comercios tradicionales además de multitud de bares y restaurantes. Yo aprendí sobre restaurantes famosos en Madrid y histórico monumentos. Me gusta la actividad porque es interesante leyendo y investigar como Madrid sitios famosos. Yo tuve dificultad en investigar diferentes restaurantes y actividades. 
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blogperfumes · 2 months ago
Mademoiselle Azzaro Eau Toilette - Floral Frutado
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Feminina e leve, Mademoiselle Azzaro exala joie de vivre, a alegria de ser mulher e o prazer de viver em uma das cidades mais bonitas do mundo: Paris. Felicidade que é contagiosa e viciante. O perfume é o elemento de sedução para a marca Azzaro, inspirado pelo estilo de vida mediterrâneo e os valores autênticos (alegria de viver, cumplicidade, convivência, transmissão, sedução …). Para prosseguir a busca de novas emoções, a marca compõe os seus perfumes em colaboração com os criadores mais talentosos e permanece fiel a uma tradição: uma obsessão pela qualidade dos aromas e a escolha das matérias-primas mais nobres. Líder em perfumes masculinos, Azzaro é o cúmplice de todos os sedutores.
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Uma sedução sem ostentação, sempre discreta, com o humor e a generosidade que caracterizam todos os grandes sedutores. Mademoiselle Azzaro é um perfume Floral Frutado Feminino. Esta nova fragrância Mademoiselle foi lançada em 2015. Azzaro Mademoiselle é a essência da mulher na sua rotina diária. As suas notas descrevem uma elegância discreta e uma vivacidade luminosa em torno da flor de mandarina e da frescura frutada e aveludada do pêssego. Flores exóticas e de beleza única como a Peônia e o Jasmim dão o encanto característico do perfume, que fica ainda mais feminino e acolhedor com o fundo almiscarado. As notas de topo são Pêssego e Flor de Tangerina. As notas de coração são Peônia, Jasmim e Flor de Laranjeira. As notas de fundo são Raíz de Orris ou Lírio Florentino e Notas amadeiradas.
Mademoiselle Azzaro: a parisiense num frasco de perfume
O frasco de Mademoiselle Azzaro O frasco de Mademoiselle Azzaro é o must-have da temporada. O seu vidro facetado sofisticado e elegante contém um belo perfume rosa, enquanto o laço de cetim evoca os códigos de alta costura icónicos da marca Azzaro. Simplesmente irresistível!
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Uma fragrância fresca, lúdica e chique que é leve e arejada como um vestido de alta costura. Mademoiselle Azzaro E se a parisiense sonhasse com um perfume…. Um perfume para iluminar os seus dias, perambular pelas ruas de Paris, de café em café, de livraria em boutique…. Um perfume tão leve e vaporoso quanto um vestido Azzaro de mousseline de seda usado para captar os raios de sol nos terraços dos cafés.… Um perfume Azzaro livre como o ar, fresco, jovial, chique… enfim, à sua imagem. Horas de travessura na filmagem do vídeo O vídeo publicitário de Mademoiselle Azzaro narra um dia turbulento na vida de uma parisiense interpretada por Lola Le Lann. O que é que ela faz? Ela diverte-se! Caprichoso e brincalhão num minuto, mal-humorado e rindo no próximo ... A actriz francesa faz de tudo. A coquete parisiense nunca sai sem o acessório que dá o toque final e vem completar o seu sofisticado visual. Envolvida pela sua fragrância preferida, ela admira o rasto florido que se espalha na sua passagem à medida em que caminha pelas calçadas ensolaradas e rodopia pelas ruas de Paris no alto dos seus tacões. Caminha da Torre Eiffel à praça da Concorde, do Jardin des Tuileries ao Jardin du Luxembourg, ou até a boutique Azzaro na chiquérrima rua do Faubourg Saint-Honoré, o tempo de uma escapadela para as compras. As fragrâncias Azzaro foram desenvolvidas em colaboração com os perfumistas Maurice Maurin, Michel Almairac, Aurelien Guichard, Lucas Sieuzac entre outros. Ocasião As notas florais com toques de fruta acompanham a rotina do dia a dia, seja um almoço com pessoas especiais, uma happy hour ao fim da tarde ou numa reunião no trabalho. Mademoiselle Azzaro destaca-se pelo seu lindo bouquet floral e frutado. Amante da liberdade, elegante e luminosa, a composição da Eau de Toilette é radiante, por sua vez delicada e vibrante. Read the full article
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dogstagramssj · 4 years ago
Double Stock-Market Bubble Brings Toil And (Perhaps) Trouble - WSJ
One choice, in this regard, is for the Fed to buy and sell company bonds within the secondary boutiques near me with a view to slim spreads and to encourage more non-public market-making. Which acne remedy product is simply treating the symptoms and which one of the acne therapy products is definitely designed to cure my acne? While after you getting appropriate product with market unfortunately not be in a position to promote your mattress or alternatively auction it instead of you don't gain decent profit margin additionally jog your group for many years with economy. What occurs to the housing market next will depend on the evolution of the covid-19 outbreak and, in turn, that of the overall economy. The share market is risky and even skilled buyers and brokers may sometimes find themselves in tough situations. The Fed may even use such buying and selling to arbitrage the prices of highly traded alternate traded funds and the prices of the poorly traded underlying bonds, the place broad gaps have apparently opened. The S&P 500 traded at a file on Sept.
What we can ensure of is that extra measures to stabilise securities markets are coming. You are assured to lose cash by holding them to maturity, and if inflation rises the losses can be painful. Try to be effectively conscious of the market as you will not only earn money but also to avoid losing money. Or are we in a new era of wild hypothesis driven by cheap money that should inevitably come to an finish? All these actions in safety markets are vital. Assuming a 10% loss in market sales ensuing from COVID-19, there can be a $240 million decline in gross sales, resulting in a $36 million decline in payroll given estimates of the labor share of revenues paid by farms advertising to local markets. A raft of tutorial evidence attracts a powerful link between free monetary coverage and bubbly housing markets. Despite that, there is little sign up to now that America’s housing market is about to subside. You possibly can join right here. And while Fed purchases of corporate bonds can stop market seizures in the brief-time period by providing a bid for bonds within the face of mutual fund redemptions, over time they do little to add liquidity to the market overall.
Worse but is that numerous the time these acne remedy merchandise truly trigger more harm then good or are painful. This time the government’s stimulus package deal has made requesting up to a year’s pause in mortgage payments simpler: homeowners can get this with out having to do very a lot to show they need it. Not only are there $7 trillion in US corporate bonds, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) counts dollar bonds excellent of non-US residents other than banks as having grown from $2.5 trillion at finish-2008 to $6.2 trillion in September 2019. Beyond US Treasuries and companies, the worldwide dollar bond market amounts to tens of trillions of dollars. Cash handouts from the federal government have also been generous-a lot in order that, in stark contrast to the usual declines seen throughout recessions, Americans’ aggregate family earnings is forecast to rise in 2020 by about as a lot because it did in 2019. That may assist borrowers sustain with their mortgage payments. Indeed, a fifth of Americans receiving a stimulus cheque from the federal authorities have put it in direction of their mortgage. All main stakeholders in the television manufacturing industry in India believes that the government should put off import duties on open cell panels totally to assist India take on cheap imports from countries akin to Thailand, Indonesia, and Malaysia, among other and enhance the sustainability of the market.
However, we nonetheless suppose you must give the stock market a second thought. Others think that an efficient acne remedy can only be obtained once they purchase merchandise provided over the counter or by going to the docs for particular acne therapy. “In the brief time period, the depth-based mostly system could even make new coal energy plants economically more engaging, as they will be barely extra environment friendly than existing plants in the identical category,” he mentioned. With full support for Wi-Fi 6 and a second 5GHz band that serves as a dedicated backhaul connection for the router and its satellites, the highly effective system was downright impressive in our assessments, with prime speeds of nearly 900Mbps at shut vary in our lab. Pancorbo: I am unsure anyone knows this accurately at this point, since no mRNA vaccine has been manufactured before at any scale close to what will be required for COVID-19.
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staycationlhf · 4 years ago
Stock Market Analysis: 01/17/10
As someone who lives in the intrinsic value world, I wrestle with this compressed life cycle concept, when I value technology companies. While only the most successful of tech companies make it into the index, they do bring their specific life cycle characteristics with them. The shorter lives and the higher failure rates of technology companies can make them look cheap, when they are expensive, if you are a value investor, and their high growth rates can draw in growth investors, who may not factor in the fact that this growth is not sustainable. They do have growth trendy boutique but I am going to stick to those high dividend stocks first. Myth: stock prices are high today because interest rates are at historic lows. Samson Oil & Gas Limited (SSN) - Shares of Samson Oil & Gas Limited are still high on my radar after the company announced a positive well drilled in the Bakken Shale oil field on Tuesday.
Plus, the technical chart shows some positive divergences. The day started with the Dow Jones Futures in positive territory due to a huge rise in the bank stocks early. I plan to buy BAC when the stock closed back over It's 50 day moving average now located at $16.12. Relative to the size of the US treasury bond market (about $500 billion a day in 2014), the Fed bond-buying (about $60-$85 billion a month) is modest and unlikely to have the influence on interest rates that is attributed to it. Reality: The Fed has had a bond-buying program that is unprecedented and large, but only relative to the Fed's own history. Reality: Low interest rates have been a mixed blessing for stocks. Reality: There is only one rate that the Federal Reserve sets, and it is the Fed Funds rate. It is the rate at which banks trade funds, that they hold at the Federal Reserve, with each other.
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likeforliketga · 4 years ago
Citystats StockStars Market Astrology: February 2021
Explaining the policy up front has its own benefits and the traders are well aware of the 33% of the fees that the trendy boutique option advisory services charge on the profits that the traders have earned. Another important part of option trading is trading with the trend. At a market cap of $413 billion, with a cash balance of $120 billion and net income of $42 billion, they note that Apple is trading at roughly seven times earnings, cheap in a market where the median PE ratio is about 16. Some are basing their views on cash flow based valuations and I am one of that group, as you probably already know from my post at the end of 2012. In that post, I valued Apple at $609/share and the latest earnings report barely changes that estimate. Looking at the landscape, I would categorize Apple investors and potential investors into three groups right now, based on their views of its value and the current price. 20) A company with a current ratio less than one or negative net working capital would not be able to pay its bills on time.
Based on my estimates, and they could be skewed by my Apple bias, at its current stock price of $440, there is a 90% chance that the stock is under valued. This is not just about you being right on the value but also about the market coming around to your point of view, and that is not in your control or mine; betting more than 10% of your portfolio on this stock strikes me as foolhardy. Since all risky asset classes (corporate bonds, real estate etc.) will be also adversely affected by either of these developments, I don't see much point to shifting from equities to other risky assets to protect myself against these risks. Has the stock fallen too much or is this just the beginning of a longer term drop in value? At any stock price, the question they ask is not whether Apple is under or over valued, but whether the price will go up or down in the near term. Some, though, have reasonable doubts about the capacity of technology companies to maintain earnings in an volatile environment and believe that those of us who assume long term growth prospects for these companies are under estimating the risk of the disruption from new technologies.
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theexploritech · 1 year ago
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Hire Website Designers in Fort Myers | Exploritech is a Naples Florida based boutique web design agency. We take immense pride in becoming your strategic brand partner first and foremost, and a remarkably dependable product provider second. We don’t just take your website building order and serve you up a website or mobile app. We take the time to get to know you, learn about how you operate, why you’re great, what your challenges are, and understand your goals and objectives. Visit http://www.exploritech.com/ to know more.
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instapetbai · 4 years ago
Most Lungs Recover Well After COVID-19: Study
The volume on CTIC has died down significantly which is bearish but one positive news release will get it moving to the upside once again. What could accelerate this decline, though, is the perception that the sovereign default risk will percolate into fiscal/monetary policy (i.e., the Federal Reserve will become more cautious about pumping in more money into the system and the government has to rein in spending/borrowing) leading to a further slowing down in economic growth and lower earnings. For the private organizations, you need money. Through my research and experience with providing people with details on how to invest their money, both content requestors and readers alike have come to appreciate the knowledge I need to share with them. I don't intend this to come across as snobbish, but I think we need to clarify terms. In other words, what separates them in terms of skills is in how good they are in finding comparable assets and adjusting for differences across assets.
Advanced Micro Devices Inc. (AMD) - Shares of Advanced Micro Devices are back above $7.50 but are still in a nasty downtrend. Amazon (AMZN) - Shares of AMZN are pulling back after briefly climbing above $1,000 recently. At its core, if you stay true to principles, a discounted cash flow model is an intrinsic valuation model, because you are valuing an asset based upon its expected cash flows, adjusted for risk. Even a book value approach is an intrinsic valuation approach, where you are assuming that the accountant's estimate of what fixed and current assets are worth is the true value of a business. Below is a list of unique boutique s that are worth watching for September 2 , 2009. Also, check out the Biggest stock Gainers of the Day. Make sure to check the pots and the containers for any holes or cracks and keep the plants all hydrated throughout. Check back for updates. Thus, the investment banker who takes Groupon public may go through the process of providing a discounted cash flow model to back up the valuation, but the pricing of the IPO will be determined largely by the euphoric reception that Linkedin got a few weeks ago.
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